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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1911)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAT 14. 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF O RXGO LI.VTTLEFH O "T8. Matin tr-Twm Mala T7 A OM ritr c rcula-lon Wain 7"TO A S09J Vanaalns Editor Vain T70 A Findar Editor ......... .Mln 7070 A HJ romposlRa-rooin ........Mala 7O70 A eovj fcujU bm.dlsc Main T70 A COM AMT S KWTTXTS. and Mot feiKFR THEATER Wvenltl risen rlornr Roberts In Toclsht at 8:14. CRPHEL'M THEATER (Morrlixm. between Flxth sad S.vanlh) Vaudeville. ThU afternoon at 1:15 and tonlcbt at S:1S GRAND THEATER Park and Washlns- ton i Vudov!:;. This afternoon at 2:13; Snnlrht at I 30 and . r A.N T AUKS THEAT3R (Fourth and Stark) Vaud.ri;!.. Thla afternoon at 2:13: to- anht at 7 Ju and a. BlXJALOW THEATER Tw.tfth and Morrison) Lyric Musical Comedy Com- J any In "Old Seville." Thla aftarnoua at .13 and tnnlxht at 7:10 and s. CTAR. ARCADB. OH JOT. OETEOV. Tt VOLJ First rua picture. 11 A. 12 P. M. REfREATTOV PARK f Twenty-foorUi end taugbr. Vancouver ve. Port land. Thla afternoon at 2:tK Mi-src or Art Hold Ptcdk-vts Work. The galleries are now (I111 with the work of the students of tha art school In addition to the mono types, atenclla and block prlota and other designs bunt; upon the walls, the SLaa Uabt Baxzb Diza. Mrs. Mary Baker, a well-known resident of Clacka mas County. living near Mllwaukle. died Friday at her home at the age of 60 year. 8he was the widow of George Baker who died 11 years ago. Three sons and two daughters survive her: J. P.. O..T. and B. B. Baker and Mrs. H. Huber. of Clackamas County, and Mrs. M. Adams, of Spokane, Wash, survive her. The funeral will be con ducted tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the Mllwaukle Catholio Church, and the burial will be made in Mll waukle Cemetery. . Howard Cawbkus FVkkiull Hrux The funeral of the late Howard Camp bell was held yesterday afternoon from Westminister Presbyterian Church, at East Tenth and Wetdler streets. The Interment was made in Klverview Cemetery. The young man wa the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. He died at Pasadena. Cal.. May 7. Bacon aso Lard Arm Chkaper. Frank U Smith has again cut the price of bacon and lard and has put the price of the very choicest break fast bacon down to 10c per pound. Good medium-weight bacon Is 17 He; sliced bacon Is 20c and 2Sc: pure kettle rendered lard has been reduced to 65c per five-pound pail; a three-pound pall is 35c: a ten-pound pall Is $1.10; Smith's famous Oregon Norway creamery but ter la SOo per roll; your choice of a full ham or a half ham at 15c per pound; picnic hams are II He; Smith sells end cuts of shoulder roast pork for . : - w....-... . --- -- . . . ,. printed and stenciled articles made by lZVtC ana center cuts iur the design classes. The composition Prk chops are lc and loin pork chops class displays some very Interesting work in oils and oil and wateroolor still-life, flowers, portraits and out door sketches complete the first gal lery. In the smaller room are the life drawings, sketches and children's work. This exhibit will close on May Z3. The Museum hours are: Week days. to S o'clock; Sundays. 3 to 6 free, the afternoons of Tuesday. Thurs day. Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Rev. D. A. Thompson Kesuixs. A meeting of the congregation of the Sell- wood Presbyterian Church has been railed for next Tuesday night to con sider the resignation or Rev. D. A. Thompson, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Thomp son has been the pastor of this church for the past seven years, and during that time the church has made consid erable advancement. A manse has been erected and the church enlarged. He also has been active in local affairs. In the establishment of the Sell wood II . brary and the Sellwood Y. M. C. A- He is also permanent clerk of the Port land Presbytery. It Is considered prob able that the congregation may not ac cept the resignation. if Ilev. Mr. Thompson consents to withdraw it. Prixcs Given itor Bread Bakino. At the recent bread-baking contest held by Evening Star Grange in the hall on the Section Line road Mrs. Kdith Rupach won first prise. Miss Kmma Larsen second and Mrs. O. "s;leber third prlxe. for excellency. Mrs. J. H. Richmond. of Portland; Mrs. B. F. Judy, of California, and A. F. Miller, of Portland, were the judges. In connection with the contest. Dr. Hamilton Jlrade. of Portland, delivered an address on "Tuberculosis. and how to prevent it. Mrs. Julia Stephens also read a paper on bread making. Thb first un bath to be located in Portland will be opened May IS. at 966 Kast Flanders street, near Thirty-first on the Montavllla carllne. Here will be afforded an opportunity to try the life and strength giving sun bath in connection with the most approved ap plication of hydropathy, massage, medi cal gymnastics and a corresponding diet. Expertly managed Institutions of this character are highly regarded In Europe by the leading scientists and In Germany and Austria almost every city of 100.000 Inhabitants or more maintains such an institution, often municipally operated. Our local in stltutlon should meet with the ap proval and support that It deserve a the owner and manager was for a number of years masseur and Instruc tor of medical gymnastics at the Classic Sun and Hydropathlo Institute of Vien na. Phone East 81. To save the cost of storage on two 100-horsepower return tubular boilers which we are now taking out. we will sell them at a bargain If taken at once. These boilers are of the Kewanee type and In good condition. Complete with all fittings and feed vater equipment. ready for Immediate Installation. For further particular call at room 101 Oregonlan bldg. Ok and after May 21. 1911. the Port land Heights and Council Crest cars will operate south on Nineteenth from Washington to Morrison, east on Mor rison to Fifth, north on Fifth to Wash ington and west on Washington as heretofore. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. Thb examinations of the law depart menu University of Oregon, are to be gin Monday night. May IS. and will be held in the rooms of the Behnke Walker Business College, owing to the fact that the rooms In the Courthouse are not large enough to accommodate the classes. National. Colorbearer Xamed. A. C Edmunds received official notice yesterday that he had been appointed National colorbearer of the G. A. R. by E. B. sailings. National adjutant, to officiate at the National encampment to be held at Rochester, N. Y-, August :i to :s. W Selx. hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 20-pound bed from 27. SO and up. We renovate mat tresses and return them the same day. We also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. It Metxger. pro prletor. lis Front St.. Main 474. A 1374. "Tub Awsjcenino or Twdia" will bo the subject of an address bv Mr. 8. Rose, of Calcutta and Stanford uni versifies, at the Church of Our Father Unitarian). Seventh and Yamhill, this evening at 7:45 o'clock. Stereoptlcon Illustrations. Morning service at lL Retired Mikutkk Bum Ho a Tier. W. T. Kerr, who has been a real dent of Portland for tha last It year and formerly an active member of the Methodist Oregon Conference, has com pleted a new 24000 home at 1292 Mis sissippi avenue. Dr. Cbaj-ma to Taut Dr. C H. Chapman will speak In Western Academy hall. Second and Morrison streets, tonight at 2 o'clock, on tha subject. "What Socialists Would Do With Portland If They Controlled If Children's Room to Closs Saturday. After June 1 the children room at the Main Library, Seventh and Stark streets, will close at C o'clock on Sat tardaya. are 12c; dry salt pork Is 12 Wo and 15c Every one of Smith s 24 mantels sens the above good things at those prices. r thr Columbia. Steamer Bailey Batsert now making regular Columbia River excursions. Pally round trip to The Dalles. Lyle. Hood River. White Salmon, leaving? Portland at 7 A. M., returning 6:20 P. M-. except Friday and Sunday. Low rates, fast time, best of service. Office and wharf, foot Alder St. Phones: Main 814. A 6112. Everybody Invited to benefit fair for Holy Cross Church. University Park hall. May 17, 18 and is. For Rent. June IS to Reptem ber IS. nine-room house on King st AB 103, Oregonlan. Texpu Barber Shop. 452H East Burn side, sold to J. B. Von Schremer. Dr. 8. E. Rosknthau physician and surgeon, lilt Selling building. Finest three for 60c Havana cigars, 1 for 25c- Wooster". 408Wash. Da. w. a. Cols, S12 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Marshall 1609. K. Stepran, now locate 1 at 293 i Stark street, second floor. German Celebration at the Helllg tonlaht at 7:30 sharp. Pittmon' Red Guide-Boos tf Port land Is now ready. ' Seb exhibit. Aune's studio. Columbia. ROSE SHOW TO BE FINE COMMITTEES PREPARING FOR AVNTJAIj EXHIBITION. Beautiful Cups Are to Be Awarded to Persons Having; Best Display In Several Classes. The Portland Rose Society will hold It annual rose show on Tuesday and Wednesday, June t and 7, In tha Arm ory. The various committees, under Ue direction of the president. Mrs. A. C. Panton. are perfecting plans for a great display. Many beautiful cups have been donated by rose lover. The cup wUl be exhibited for the benefit of the public a abort time before the show. The florist will add to the beauty of the exhibit with their fine displays. The expenses of the show are so great that It baa been decided to charge an admission of 25 cents for the first day and 10 cent for the second day. This plan wllL It Is thought, scatter the crowds over the two day and do away with the crush of the first day, which has formerly prevented many from seeing the rosea The oclety wlshe to urge upon an grower the Importance of removing rose buds at' once, except the central one from which a bloom 1 deslred. The Portland Rose Society rule lor amateurs follow: 1. Nona but members of the society shall compete at any of the eocietye anows. ana Wanted. A furnished residence, choice location; West Side; June 1 to October ji; will pay 2100 a month. Mrs. Frohman, Waldorf Astoria, New York. Get Tocr Screexs Now. We make them to order at reasonable prices. Both phones. Ward Brosu, 883 Union avenue North. Excursion. Cascade Locks and re turn. Sunday. May 14. steamer Monarch: Waablngton-st. dock, t A. M. Fare. SI. Dr. Kitti Plummer Gray returned from Europe. Office 617 Medical bldg., Park and Alder. East 1102. B 1102. Somb new trophy cups for the Rose Show, solid silver from 25 up. Jaeger Bros.. IS Morrison street. For Sals. Corner lot. Fourth and Taylor streets, below market price. In quire. 405 Teon biag. Rosa Show Trophy Cera soma spe cial design at Jaeger Bros, 2tt Mor rison street. 25 Shoe for 1150. principally nar row widths, at 291 Morrison street. Good, old-f sshloned strawberry ahort cake. The Haselwood. 232 Wash. sL K. W. Moorts. the artist, for oil por trait or photograph. Seventh and Stark. Narrow Width In 14 and 6 shoe for 2 L. 173 Third street. Window ScaxxNa WoodL 2122. no prizes shall he awaraea u maj - blbitor until all dues nave oeen paia. rtr- aons dealrln to Become mamir by reclstarln with the ewretary at ma time of entering tnair axniDiia ana miui the annual duaa of & oaata. x. Rosea entered in section a must m exhibited In boxes of regulation size, viz.: For six roars. 1 foot 3 Inches long or I loot inches wide, back T lnchea, front incnes hlsh: for 11 roars. I feat Ion or a root Inches wide, back T inches, front t inches hlh: for II rosea, t fret Inches long by 1 foot ( inches wide, back 7 lnchea. front t inches hlb; for 14 rosea, 3 feet inches loss br 1 foot Inches wide, back T inches. front & Inches hlsh. A. Each exhibit must constat or aiatlncc varieties without buds or added lollase, and the name of each rose must appear on neat cards about 3 Inches long by 1 inch wide. Duplicates of any variety la any box will disqualify, but exhibits In class No. S of section A may be or all roses ex hibited in claaaea 1. 1. I and 4 of section A. 4. All other roars entered for competition tnar be displayed in eoxre. vaeea. or omer receptacles, a number of which later will be prorhled by the society. All roars must have beea arown In the opea around, and must be from plants which have been grown by and have been the exclusive property of the exhibitor for at leas three months im mediately preceding such com petition. Two or more persons msy not exhibit from the same garden. Bursary or plant boose. Any one violating the provtslona of this seo tloa shall be disqualified from making any exhibition both at this and the suooeeding Rose Shows. The same rose or rosea can not be entered for more than one prise, except roeee entered in claaaea TU X, 3 and 4 of aeetloa A may also Be entered, la class 3 cf section A. I. Any person may bare twe or more ex hibits in any class, but no one person may take more than one prlxe In any one claaa. 4. Exhibits must be entered with the secretary not later than 1 o'clock A. M. and be In place oa the tables not later than 10:30 o'clock oa the day designated tor the Rose Show. 7. Exhibits as received will be numbered by the secretary according to the reapeotlve section and class for wblch they are en tered, and the prise will be awarded by number accordingly. xne executive DIAMONDS 150O DIAMONDS flOOO DIAMONDS $ 750 DIAMONDS $500 DIAMONDS $250 DIAMONDS $125 DIAMONDS $ioo DIAMONDS $75 DIAMONDS 50 DIAMONDS $25 DIAMONDS $10 From the largest to the smallest gem of the very finest, set In any style of mounting you wish. Our prices will coajvlnre you that we underotand the diamond business. elal Rose Show Trophy Cape. Solid silver from fS.OO up to 3150. expert engraving. THE LARGE JEWELRT STORE, JAEGER BROS. 2 Morrlaoa SI, Bet. 3d and 4th. ter roses for competition do thereby signify their approval and assent to the foregoing rules and regulations. Claaatfllcatlon. Section A (To be exhibited In boxea only) 1 4 rosea, separate named varieties. 3 11 rosea, separate named varieties. 13 18 rosea, aeparate named varieties. (4) 24 roses, separata named varieties. All rosrs In following section msy bs exhibited in boxes. Jars or vases. Section B 1 12 Caroline Testout. (2) 24 Carolina Testout. (I) 48 Caroline Testout, (4) Frau Karl DruachkL (6) 14 Prau Karl DmsohkL () 4 La France, (7) S4 Le. France. Section C (1) 3 llrlch Brunner, (2) I Joseph Hill. (3) 4 Maman Cochet (white), (4 Maman Cornet (Dink). (3) 8 Mme. Melalne Supert, () 4 Lyon Rose. (7) Richmond, (t) 4 Kaiserln Augusta Victoria, ( Marechal Nlel. Section D 41) 3 red roses, any one va riety; (J) 3 white roses, any one variety; (I) I pins roars, any one variety. Section E 1 1 hybrid perpetual,' any named variety; (2) g hybrid perpetual, any one named variety; (S 1 hybrid tea. any named variety; (4) 3 hybrid tea. any one named variety; (&) 1 tea, any named va riety; (4) I tea, any one named variety. Section F (1) 1 yellow hybrid tea, any named variety; (!) 3 yellow hybrid tea. any one named variety; ( yellow tea, any named variety; (4 3 yellow tea, any one named variety. Section Q (1) Any ( varieties. 3 blooms each; (2) any 12 varieties, 3 blooms each; (1) any 3 varieties, (hvbrid Dernetual). 2 blooms each: (4) any varletlea (hybrid perpetual). 1 blooms each; (5) any 3 va rletlea (hybrid tea), 3 blooms each; (4) any varletlea (hybrid tea), 3 blooms each; (7) any 3 varieties (tea). 3 blooms each: (8) any 3 varieties (tea), 3 blooms each. Section H (1) General exhibit axoeDt section A: it exhibit of new rosea (not shown before 1909). Section I District exhibit. Section J Individual rose exhibited in anv claaa. (No entry necessary). Section K (Ladles only) Decoration of cut rosea for circular dinner table; floral decorations only: tables will be four feet In diameter, exhibitors to nnd table cloths. Trophies will be awarded for flrat and second prises in all the above sections. Anrarrrnro. Section L (1) Decorative dlsnlav of flow- era and shrubbery. First prise 1100. second prise 350. third prlxe 315. (3) Best exhibit of named roses grown in open field. Tro phies for first and second prlxes. BURDEN BEARING IS TOPIC 31 rs. Albert Ehrgott to Be Speaker at Y. W. C A. Today. Mr Albert Ehrgott will speak at the Toung Woman's Christian Association this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The sub ject of the address will be: "Burdens and How to Bear Them." Music for the afternoon will consist of solos and duets by Mra W. EL Phelps. Miss Ella Tlbbetts and Mra E. S. Miller. All girls are Invited to be present. Exclusive Agents Holeproof Hose Brook Hats Gordon Hats Youman Hats Rogers, Feet & Brokaw Clothes S. W. COR. MORRISON AT FOURTH Specializing Manhattan, Clnett and E. & W. Shirts ' Dent's and Fownes Gloves' Stetson Hats t I r HERE ARE THE HIGHEST QUALITY SUITS; and UVKKCJUAXS EVER OFFERE AT $1fv $20 flnH '$2 11 We're outdoing ourselves. The newest colorings, the newest weaves, the newest models, rich fabrics, hand-; some blue serges, an immense variety of fancy weaves,; maiviuai distinctive stvies. man tonea ciotnes. Our ambitioq knows no limit; we intend to put be fore vou Dre-eminentlv the best clothes for men and young men ever known at $15, $20 and $25. Suits -jn all models; overcoats raglans, button through slip-! ons; it's a pleaure to us to show them, a few minutes! of your time tomorrow will be well spent in lookingi at them. L WOMEX OF WOODCRAFT SECURE 500 XEW MEMBERS. was the mother of 12 children, 11 of whom are living. The surviving; chil dren are: George, 'William, .John, Mrs. Gilbert Vanderhoof, Mrs. Fred Beechel, Mra Frank Bacon, Minnie, Mamie, Katie, Daisy and Kmma. Her hus band, mother, a brother and four sis ters also survive. STORE R00MF0R RENT. Wa have a store room, size about 20 by CO feet, with modern front, for rent In Eugene. Oregon. Splendid location on main street. Vary low rent and at tractive lease for five years. Will rent for any reliable business except cloth Ins:. Apply to the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, at either Portland or .Eu gene, Oregon. CONSIDER THIS. Have you ever considered the con venience of ha vine; your baggage checked at your home or hotel T There la only one transfer company In tha city that can do thla Tha Baggage and Omnibus Transfer Company, Park and Davis streets. Phones Main 980, A-S322. INCOME PROPERTY. Wa have for sale soma of tha best paying flat propositions In Portland. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. OWNERS. B 22nd and Brasee sts. B SS Plans Completed for Monster Cele bration, to lie Held at Armory on May 31., The good fellowship campaign com' mlttee of the Women of Woodcraft Is nearly at the end of Its work. May 8 has been set aa the day for the final roundup of at heir 600 new members se cured during the campaign. The Armory has been engaged lor the 19 teams that are to do their fancy drill work under the direction of Miss M. Sumner, grand banker, assisted by Mrs. C. Stites. of Astra Circle. The Third Regiment Band has also been secured for the music of the even ing, and Professor Wllder's famous male chorus of T5 voices "Will also be on the programme for that evening, One hundred and seventy-one women. all In white, will be on the floor at once. Bach circle team will have Its name placed In a conspicuous place, so every one can see who they are. This Is not a competitive drill, only fancy floor work, and a special drill to Intro duce the BOO new members. Grand Guardian Van Orsdall will de liver the address of the evening. This Is free to all members of Woodcraft, their families and friends. Friday evening, June 2, a reception and banquet will be given at the Com merclal Club for all the members who secured candidates during the cam paign. This has been the most successful of all the campaigns conducted In this city. Mrs. J. Leach, city manager for the Women of Woodcraft, speaks very highly of her committee and the work It has done, also the different circles who have worked so hard to Increase their membership, thereby helping to make the good fellowship campaign a success. EXCURSjON EAST. On May 16th. 17th. 18th. 19th. 22nd. 2Srd, 24th, 26th. 27th, 28th. and 29th. we commence selling Eastern excur sion tickets to all points East at very low rates, we take pleasure In plan, nlng your trips and arranging con' nectlona Special advice about all points of Interest. Call or write R. V, Holder, General Agent, Northwestern Line. 102 Third street. mlttee shall hare authorltr to refuse entry to any exbibtt wmcn in tnair Jooament naa not sufficient merit to entitle It to be sub mitted to the Judees. Exhibitors will re reive on the morn Ins of tha exhibition, cards numbered, in order to distlnsuish their .x blblts. These csrds must be placed face downward on, or In front of the eteads previous to the exhibit being examined br tha Judaea The namea of tha exhibitors shall not appear on tha exhibits until after the prlsea have been awarded. Every ex hibitor shall leave the bulldlns at !:! o'clock A. M.. whan the Judges shall ex amine the exhibits, and award the prises, end at o'clock P. M. the show will be opened to the public a Amateur la intended to mean one who baa never sold and, who does not srow flow era or plants for sal. Sl Anv rosea Improperly classed, named or entered, or which have any buds or added follase. or which do not conform to the rules and insulations, will be disqual ified and ruled out of the contest. When a certain number of rosea la designated la any competition there must be neither more nor less than that number entered or ex hibited. ) la. The Judges shall decline to award a prlxe to any exhibit whioh they consider un worthy of reward, evaa where aald exhibit le the only one la Its clsas or section. ecaJe of points for Judalna ros as Cxh le tted in vases) fclxe. 10: color. 1; form. I; stem, iv; euDeiancs. ll; zoiias. It; total. loo. axniDiteo in ooxea fcise, to: color. 2t: form. 26; substance. IS; foliage. Is; total. 1. i 12. It Is understood that persons who ea- Sandy Woman Succumb. BANDY, Or.. May IS. (Special.) Mrs. Emma o Dell died at Dr. Lupton's Hospital in Bandy, May I. She was born October 11, lies, in Nimehaw, Neb. and crossed the plains to Oregon In 17. She was married to James O'Dell February 10, 1882. at McMlnnvllle, Or. They lived In Yamhill County until 1889, when they came to their home stead near Salmon postofTlce. She For Our Customers Nothing Is too Good Few Things Good Enough ' This 'Sale Is One of Them The best of everything in oar distinctive line, with all profit tshorn off many articles and a big dent in the cash price of others. We 're not going out of business and cannot afford to make a false state ment, did ve have the heart to delude the very public who have built our prosperity. We're in the last stages of our great Removal Sale but there's still much exquisite jowelry left, some of it hand-wrought and exclusively designed in our own work shop. Watches of accurate adjustment, sterling silver, with a true imprint; rich cut glass, and . clocks, both plain and ornate. These clocks will be sold away be low cost. PRESENT ADDRESS 286 Morrison St. FUTURE ADDRESS Yeon Building. SOLDIERS ON RIFLE RANGE Second Battalion, First Infantry, Is Practicing at Proebstel. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash., May 13. (Special.) Charles H. Martin, Major In the First Infantry, Is in com mand of the Second Battalion at the Government target range at Proebstel, 18 miles from this post. At the range are Companies E, F, O and H. and F Company, Engineers. The whole month will be devoted to target practloe. The men have just completed the marks manship course. Those making this standing will be given $2 mors per month in pay. The sharpshooter's course will be next In order and the soldiers making that mark will be al lowed S3 more per month. The rank of expert rifleman is obtained by quit a number of soldiers. These are paid Si more per month than the ordinary pri vate. At the range the whole day Is spent firing, some of the men shooting as many as 120 rounds during the day. The Second Battalion will return to the post by June 1, and then the Third Battalion, composed of Companies I, K, L, and M, in command of Tredwell W. Moore, Major in the First Infantry, will go out for a month. YE OREGON GRILLE. Universal satisfaction Is expressed by the patrons of Ye Oregon Grille at the excellence of the musical programmes that have been presented during the past three months. Piatro Marino, the violinist par excellence, and his cele brated orchestra, Mr. Harry Glyn, comedian singer, and Miss Alicia Petit clere, mezzo soprano, still continue to delight music lovers. FOR JEASE. Entire 2nd and 3rd floors of Wemme bldg., at southeast corner 7th and Oak sts., 100x100 ft.; 3rd story has mapla dancing floor without post4. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., AGENTS, 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S699 A-2653 genuine: ivort. Mirrors, hair brushes, powder boxes. etc. The Ideal wedding present. Artis tically monogrammed without charge on orders exceeding is. irani Isau, Sixth and Alder. WHERE JTO DINE. All the delicacies of tha season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladle 30S Wash, near (th srt. Special chicken dinner and many deli cacies at the Peerless Cafeteria, 84 and 86 Fifth st. Open all day; music from 12 to 1 and 5 to 7 o'clock. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to extend my thanks and ap preciations to my many friends who assisted me with words and acts of kindness during the long Illness of my beloved wife. JAMES N. FISHER. Genuine Ivory Brushes, etc. Nau's prescription pharmacy. Corner Sixth and Alder. v k; ; - - : $ - 5k. "if : : i-.1 : C. HOLMSTIIOM, Swedish Graduate Scientific Masseur and Medical Gymnast. My method of treatment is a sura restorer to a dl ease-racked system. If you do not feel right do not hesitate to give me a trial. Office 302-3 Oregonlan Building. Phone Marshall 2826. tea Talking Machines At Less Than Factory Cost Slightly used instruments will be sold by us at prices never before offered to the public While they last you may have your choice of any used instrument in stock at great saving. Make a selection from the list: Regular $10.00 155.00 Regular $17.00 . . . . . . . . . .$12.50 Regular $25.00 ... .$17.00 Regular $30.00 .......,...$20.00 Regular $40.00 w .28.75 Regular $55.00 . . ... .-. $42.50 Regular $75.00 . . $50.00 Every machine is as good as new, and the opportunity to se cure the greatest home entertainer of the age at so great a saving will be welcomed by many, so come early and secure an outfit cash or easy payments. tsuGraves Music Co. cm 111 4th Street, Near Washington it t ' ' . - 1 1 i j ! t '. ' Hon'fBuyAnotherStifi Safe-Cabine will answer your pur pose as well or better at a fourth the cost. A fire proof cabinet with combi nation lock, that will pro tect your valuable papers. Interior equipment ad justable to the needs of any business. Immense capacity. Light weight. All sizes. We have it in stock ALSO OFFICE FURNITURE OF ALL FINDS K1LHAM Stationery & Printing Co. Commercial Stationers. Office Outfitters. Printers. Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. HEADQUARTERS FOR Architects' and engineers' Instru ments and Supplies. Fifth and Oak Sts. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up flew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Eyery comfort and con venience. On caxiines transferring: all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco TEACHERS' REVIEW Portland Teachers' Review School. Star 17 to June 27, 1011. LINCOtST HIGH SCHOOL BIILBI.VC, Ponrteenth and Morrison Sts. Reviews subjects for city cer u ttficates. Evening and day sessions. For further information address L A. WILEY, 9ecr, 1610 K. Stark St., City. Phone Tabor 554. ICE Main 62?- A31 I