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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1911)
TUB SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MAY 14, 1911. SHERIFF ORDERED haa no authority to change specifica tions in any way. unless by readvertis tng. The Board ordered the elimina tion of a concrete wall, necessary to hold the work In place, out of the specifications. This made the bid of the Carbolineum Company lowest by TO SEIZE When You See It in Our Ad, It's So $200. The wall had been put In by private persona lor tneir own protec tion before the contract was awarded. Mr. Dunlway fought the Carbolineum Company on its work on Alblna ave nue aeveral yeara ago. He says that he won the case, forcing the city to pay for the work out of the general fund. He did not attack the proceed ings for wood block on Fourth street or on Washington street. What's Always in a. Moyer Suit Fine Fabrics Fashionable Designs Splendid Tailoring Shape That Stays Supreme Court Issues Man date to Imprison W. Cooper Morris for Six Years. GERMANS TO CELEBRATE All Parts of State) to Be Represent ed at Helllg Entertainment. WARRANT DUE TOMORROW Twtsty Years' Experience at Joir Service. 20 BANKER " - :..:' V siT - I ai n s ii ' i nr iri i Oregon Trn.t 1 Company Financier Convicted of Embezzlement, tat Serve Sentence Ho 1 Fre Iler Under Big" Bond. Mandate from the State Supreme Court for the deUrery of W. Cooper Mania at the State Penitentiary is now la Portland and warrant will be served on the ex-banker by Sheriff Ftevens tomorrow morning-. Having exhausted his legal resources, no bar remains between Morris and the sen tence of slz years which was Imposed tipon bun one year ago tomorrow, lack 4 J aH UU7 USJ. Embezzlement of the funds of the Oregon Trust Saving Company is me charge upon which Morris was convicted. The trial followed an expos vrt developing from the panic of 190" - when the institution went to the wall when depleted by reckless investments on worthless security. A principal factor in the insolvency was the carrying of bonds of Omaha and Tacoma telephone companies, sold to the bank by Louis J. Wilde, a finan cler of Los Angeles. Upon liquidation by Thomas 'C. Devlin, receiver, these bonds, having- fallen below par, were distributed to the creditors of the bank pro rata. Bank President Escapes. Morris was Indicted Jointly with Walter C. Moore, the bank's president, and Cus Lowlt. a dry goods merchant, who drew large sums upon worthless security, thus hastening the fall of the bank. Lowlt committed suicide recent ly in Denver and his bondsmen were exonerated. Moore, after turning over Ms personal fortune to the credit of the bank, escaped punishment. Civil suit axalnst Moore, Morris and the directors of the bank was Insti tuted by Receiver Devlin over a year ago. to compel the return of the funda alleged to have been dissipated by them. After a lengthy trial the case waa taken under advisement by Judge Uatens. and it continues in that status. n May IS. 1910. Morris waa aen fenced to acrve six years' imprison ment. An appeal waa taken to the Su 1'reme Court, where the lower court us sustained March 19. A prlnclpa l'int raised In the appeal was that Jmlge Gantenbeln had erred In hi method of handling an alleged attempt to bribe one of the Jurors, which was confessed by Howard Uuilford. Appeal and Itevlew Denied. Appeal waa made to Governor West April : 1 for a pardon, but It waa de nied. Then a writ of review was sued for In the Supremo Court, but waa denied. Mandate for the imprisonment of Morris is slightly overdue, and for a time mystery existed as to the reason for the delay. Rumors have been in circulation that friends of the accused banker had entered Into negotiations with the prosecution looking toward the giving of evidence which would re. ault In the taking up of th depre ciated bonds by persona not as yet ao cused. and who. It Is said, could he d'eply Involved If Morris would tell all that he know. It appears ' that this proposal was consider'! for a time, but has been practically abandoned. Prom excellent sources comes the Information that Morris, at the time of the trial, was offered an opportunity to take a year's Imprisonment and a fine of $1000 If he would turn state's evidence, but he refused. Bonds aggregating $57,000 and given bv half a dozen Individuals will be exonerated when Morris is delivered to the Sheriff. The ex-banker has been living quietly in thia city, since the .trial. MISSING GIRL IS FOUND Elsie May Witters, III In Portland, Once. Thought Murdered. While search has been going on all over the Pacific Northwest for Elsie May Witters, IS years old. who left? I! rants. Pass for Corvallis last Decem ber and never arrived at the latter city, the girl has been all the time in the custody of the women's department of the City Police in Portland. The ill'coverjr was made - yesterday when Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, head of the de partment, chanced to see a dispatch in The Oregonian telling of the search Telegrams have been sent to the girl's grandparents in Grants Pass and to her parents in Gibbon. Neb, setting their fears at rest. From a comparison of dates, it ap pears that the girl, instead of going to Corvallis last December, continued on to Portland. She was 111 and be wlldered when she arrived here, and wandered about the Union Station un til one of the women offlcera on duty there took her In charge. She was reticent about her affairs and desti tute, so a homo waa provided for her. where she haa remained ever since. She la now in much better health. Elate told her grandparents that she waa going to work for a family living IS mile out from Corvallis, and for a time her disappearance waa not dis covered. When ahe tailed to write, the relatlvea made Inquiries and learned that she had never arrived at her des tination. Then a search began which took a wide range, without producing results. Her frlenda had become con vinced that the gtrl had been murdered or abducted. The officials here will retain custody of the girl until her relatlvea send for her. Dr. F. H. Pammaach. president of the Consolidated German Speaking Socle ties of Oregon, said yesterday that every reserved seat in the Helllg Thea ter had been aold for the entertainment to be given there tonight under the aus pices of the societies. Among those who will attend are Governor and Mrs. West. The entertainment Is being given In honor of the annlveraary of the close of the Franco-Prussian war. the anni versary of the birth of Schiller, ths great German poet, and the one hun- dreth anniversary of the introduction of the Jahn system of physical train ing Into the schools of Germany. The programme will be entirely In German with the exception of a speech GERMAVREFORKKD CHIRCB OF POHTLA.ND TO HAVE SEW PASTOR. r- A ! Rev. T. Schlldkaecbt. Rev. T. Seblldknecht of New Hol steJn. Wis., has been assigned to the German Reformed Church of Portland. He served the church at New Holsteln for 18 years. He . A K . Ka.mI .iliixatlAH nt Mlh. llcatlon of the German Feform Church and also editor of a relig ious publication conducted In the Interests of youths of the church. He conducts wnC-es at the church in Sunnyslde. corner of East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill streets, at daya of each month. Junction every Sunda nhlll street, at and third Sun- I, and at Lenta f lay st 11 A. M. f be delivered by William C. Bristol. The first part will consist of the over ture by Rosebrook a orchestra, the ad dress of welcome by Dr. Dammasch. i cantata In which 100 singers will take art. several tableaus. an address In lerman by Professor Kdwin Tausch and Mr. Bristol's speech. Part two will be a three-act comedy entitled. "Ira Welssen Roessl. The rast Includes 72 persons. The perform ance Is scheduled to start promptly at :S0. There will be large delegations from Salmi, Kugene. Astoria. The Dalles, Sandy. Marksburg and other places. CHILD CLINGS TO FENDER I.lfe of Girl of Five) Saved bj Pres ence of Milnd. DUNIWAY DEEMED WRONG Mayor to DisregarI Attorney's Fight Against Wood Paring. Mayor Simon declared yesterday that .Attorney R. R Dunlwaya contention that the Executive Board haa no au thority to eliminate the concrete wall on East Morrison street in connection .with a bid for wood block pavement, Ih unsound. The Mayor says the Board has the authority and that no attention will be paid to the efforts of Mr. Dunl ilay to obstruct the proposed Improve ment. The contract for the work waa let to the Carbolineum Wood Preaerv Ing Company Friday afternoon and that company wiU endeavor to make a record job of It. Attorney Duntway contends that the contract was awarded to the highest - Aac and lhaX Lha xacutlva Board Though only five years old. little Helen Beckett had presence of mind to hang tightly to the fender of a treetcar which had knocked her down nd thereby her life waa saved. The t'Hdent occurred Friday evening at ast Seventeenth and Alberta streets. The child dodged In front of the car hen It was close upon her. and the edge of the fender felled her to the ground. Her baby fingers closed tightly upon the fender rail and she was dragged In front of the wheels. The motorman shut off hla power and reversed, quick ly, and the car went only a few feet, but far enough to have crushed the child had she not held on. Helen is the daughter of W. R. Beck ett, a contractor, living at 974 East Nineteenth street. North. The carmen say that she has a fancy for playing tag with the streetcars. WAR AGAINST FLIES IS ON Subject to Be Discussed at Meeting of Consumers' League. Housewives and all Interested In questions of health and cleanliness are Invited to attend the open meeting of the Oregon Consumers' League, which will be held next Tuesday, May 16. at 8:15 P. M. In the auditorium of Raymond Duncan Lecture Tomorrow at the Greater Olds, Wortman & King Store. Subject, "A Search for the Ideal Environment'' See display of clothing, musical instruments, hand looms for weav ing, embroidery , work, books, pic tures, musical charts, etc, made and used by the Duncan family. The Auditorium of the Greater Olds, Wortman & King Store has been- transformed into a lecture hall, classroom and work shop, where a permanent exhibition of ancient arts and hand crafts, courses of lectures on philosophy, art and government, and classes in gymnastics, music and weaving will be held under the direction of Raymond Duncan. Watch the pa pers for further announcements. A GRIP That Won't Slip Thompson's Eye Glasses do not grip the nose like a vise, but hold on so gently you scarce know you are wearing glasses, and yet so firmly you cannot possibly shake them off. We Take Care of Yonr Eyes In the May of Leas .Changes for One Year Front Date of Pur chase. No bxtra Charge for ThU Service. THOMPSON gafil Second Floor, Corbett Eldg., Fifth and Morrison. the Medical building. Park and Alder streets. The pure food committee of the Consumers' League la taking an active part in the "Anti-Fly Campaign." Dr. Calvin S. White, secretary of the State Board of Health, will give an Illus trated lecture, showing not only the dangers resulting from the National pest, the house-fly, but also indicating practical methods for Its extermina tion, i Miss Lilian Tingle. supervisor of domestic science In the Portland High Schools, will also addresa the meeting, urging co-operation among housewives la combatting this domestic enemy. What's Never in a Moyer Suit Shoddy Materials Antiquated Styles Cheap Workmanship . Careless Construction When You See It in Our Ad, It's So Moyer's Price for a Moyer Suit High in Quality Low in Price O Y First and Morrison First and Yamhill Second and Morrison Third and Oak 89 Third See Oar Big Ad Back Page of Section One- "The Store That , Originates Our Unprecedented Travel Contest for Teachers Is Now oe Every: Tongue 9 Votes Given in 7th Floor Restaurant BEGINNING tomorrow, votes "will be iven in the Teachers' Travel Contest, to all patrons of our 7th Floor Restaurant and Tea Room, in the same proportion as pur chases in other sections of the store. Dreamed Chicken with Mushrooms, 40 Colonial Club Sandwich for only 25 Banana and Pineapple Salad for 25 New Eng. Strawberry Shortcake, 25 Prize 4 Is the Trip to New York City The next highest contestant in all districts taken as a whole, will receive a trip to New York City, with stopovers at' Chicago, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Ten days will be allowed in New York, where oiar representative will see that every point of interest is visited. Prlae B xt htKbrxt teacher In all dlatrlrta, month at Orrxoa Brarb. CLEAR from Alaska, from the farthest towns and cities in the Northwest, we Ve received letters asking the details of this extraordinary contest, the three chief prizes of which are trips to either London or Paris, all expenses paid! "We will send i One Teacher to Europe From West Portland. One Teacher to Europe From East Portland. One Teacher to Europe From Oregon, Outside City. In all probability many of the winners in the con test haven't started yet! Just think what it means to win one of the three grand prizes! A trip to either London or Paris, as the winners may decide. You 11 cross the continent on fastest, most luxuriant trains. Ten days will be spent in New York City, where the teachers will have use of our offices and personal attention of our representative. You may choose from a dozen of the most famous, fastest, finest ocean greyhounds on which to cross the Atlantic. On arrival in London or Paris, the teachers will find all arrangements made for their accommodation at one of the best hotels. Guides will conduct them to all the points of interest. Side trips to surrounding places and famous spots will be planned. And all this is open to any teacher in Portland and Qregon, who will take a little time to interest her friends in her behalf. Prlae text hljfbent teacher In Went Portland, tvro weeks' vacation at Bayocean. Orearon, and ronnd-trlp paaaage on beautiful new boat Bayoeean." Prlae 7 Xext hlcbeat teacher In state, ontalde Port land, two wecka' Tacntion at Bayocean, Ore son and ronnd-trip paaaaice on beautiful new boat " Bayoeean.' Prise 8 Kext bla;heat teacher In Eaet Portland, two weeks' vacation at Gearbart Hotel. 1 Prise - xt blajheat teacher In Eaat Portland, two weeks' vacation nt Genrhart Hotel. Prlae lo Next highest teacher In Wnt Portland, two weeka' vacation at Seaaide, all eznenaea paid at Moore'e Hotel. x Prlae 11 Itext hiicheat teacher In atate, ontnlde Port land, two weeks' vacation at Seaaide, all ex penses paid at Moore's Hotel. Prlae IS Next blithest teacher In West Portland, two weeka' vacation at Lone Beach, Washington, all expenaea paid at Breakers' Hotel. prlae 13 Next hi Kb eat teacher In Kaat Portland, two? weeks' vacation nt Lonr Beach, WashlsLaTton. All expenses pnid at Breakera Hotel. Highest Contestants from Each District to 7 P. M. Saturday WE CANT attempt to print only the list of highest contestants in the Contest. However, a complete list of the contestants is on file at voting booth, 1st floor. Beid, Mrs. Anna. . . .Ockley Gr. 89,825 Bushnell, Jennie ... . Irvington . 88,150 Cheadle, Miss I. ...Thompson. 61,775 Dolan, Mary Glencoe .. 45,650 Mikle, Miss Vivian. Hawth'ne. 34,100 Hallingby, Miss 0. .Thompson. 24,150 Notes of the Contest WEST SIDE Dickinson, Miss N..Bhattnck .333,975 Porter, Miss T. G. .Failing ...289,350 Rogers, Miss Anna.. Lad d 201,225 De Graff, Grace... J,add -....119,900 Bingham, Mrs. D... Conch 79,825 Heggie, Miss Maud. Da vis . . . . 78,825 Thayer, Harriet. . . ..Mont a villa 48,200 Chance, Winifred. . .Failing ... 32,725 Barnes, Caroline. . . .Lincoln EL 28,225 Mnlkey, Miss Eva..Ladd ..... 11,625 EAST SIDE . . Murphy, Miss Cora.Highl'd ..520,075 Catlin, Blanche Hawth'ne .293,000 Black, Laura E Peninsula. 291,700 Tanbenheimer Mabl.Sellwood .182,450 OEEGON Carter, Miss Irene. .Milw'kie .137,700 Gist, Miss Freda. . .Yamhill ..128,725 Jennings, Bronte ...Harmony. 105,500 Webb, Nora W Union 35,575 Monks, Margaret .Portsm'th. 31,875 Cosper, "Miss M Salem .... 31,800 Thompson, Miss G. . Huntingtn 27,250 Blasen, Lillian .Lents .... 22,125 Badollett, Dora ....Astoria H. .20,825 Lilly, Miss Jennie. ..Or.C.High. 14,475 Again we repeat, that votes are given with all cash and credit purchases of 25c and above, in mul tiples of 25, that is 25c to 35c purchases, 25 votes. 36c to 65c purchases, 50 votes. 66c to 85c purchases, 75 votes. 86c to $1.10 purchases, 100 votes, and so on in larger purchases. Be sure that your ballot contains name of teacher and school. In some cases we find the name of school indistinctly written, and on account of heavy vote, it is hard to make the names out. The interest is increasing every minute! Only yesterday, one of the contestants interested a friend in her behalf who was furnishing up a home complete. Kesult was, the teacher jumped almost to the top of the list. If you ar.e one of the contestants, let your friends know of it. .Mail Order Customers should name the contest ant they wish to vote for and we will fill out the ballots. There's lots of time for new contestants to enter remember, besides the three trips to Europe, there 's the New York trip, the month's vacation at any Ore gon Beach, and eight other prizes of two weeks' vacation, with round-trip passage and all expenses paid at the Breakers Hotel, Long Beach; Moore's Hotel, Seaside; The Gearhart Hotel, Gearhart; The Bayocean Hotel, Bayocean, Oregon. The trip to Bayocean will be made on the beautiful, new pas senger boat "Bayocean." c