13 K V I L. .. iii iTrn Tim, 1 , HELP TTA.NTEP-MALE. ) HEU WAJTTEP-MAIJ. ' I 1 ..... for 8ALB. ' I :rOR BALE. I HELP WANTED MAU. . j REA EgxATE SALESMEN and other X WILL SELL UR TRADE 40 acres of flat liiipruvt-d iiulJ at city limit of HcVuiavuic; isj p.a.- i ail la cultivation: about 20 a.-.-ea set lo com mercial apple or.auJ 1 je-ir e.d. good uaw houa and a fair oarn; oa soil. w:lO no rjck or gravel. ij eachon fr lota, houses cd lola or o-.t.vr iuloiu prop erty iron. Blu.oOO to $-v.oo a.j. pric 8jo0 per acre. Bo ma at S.O Clark u 0 OR lo acres ot Iron ai.J grain land. . nine west o ill famous 1 l.-ca Ir.l 1 at the Dailea, or.. V -J Pr, atra. wu trad o acres for a near modern .. or -rm bung-iow near lortUnu. . caan on l no oilier m a length or time to su.l purchaser ut 10 per cent Interest: a. most auvuka limuer. v.od to pay for tiio laud, timuer not Iblc. easy to clear, a few acres mejred; Ui rucet anyone at TUe liaile. V. rile N. Car, box 2o TO TRADE. , A flna paying grocery in good part ot the City, vvner can't handle; want good clear lot In ex.ua.ie-e f"r all or jaxt. Tnls will make ou a bai.dsoiu income; to Attention p.ild i-liune calia. SHAW ic LOCKr). 42.1 l.jiniKTXriii old(.. ilh and Stark; I WILL exchange a sjxloo lot and a 6-room house, rented by m '. paying per cent on Juw; H block lrom tbe carliue. fine locau.in. ir.U 1 will exchange sub wt to mortgage for 8HKJO due in 6 years it K per cent 1 r a lull up-to-date auto mobile, must be la floe condition. X loo. Oregonian. 1-OB SLR Hoe. Vehicle and Uwrueee. I HAVE a very fine speeding buggy, n 1 .-I'.iir.r. n.aira K-!:..! HTCh at. 1 new. sna:t. full s.x. low wneel. ,: leatner Ilnlan. Tbi buggy coal 8-lo0; win ae.l fo Pol and suafta Aiso a of Kay collar, gold-niouuteu. ouui Har ness, cost wl.l sell tor $.0. One set of pigskin harness, s.ug. open and blind brld.e. cost lio. will sell lor 84 If ou are looking for a uigu-clua ved outfit comp.ate. ca.1 BO. Aider et. Also '-ngiisn addle and bnd.a. tour-reins, doubi biu Horses Heavy druugblors. 80 bead of the best big horses tha,t stand 10 any on man barn la fortland at price to uit the times, eacb and eiery horse will hitched and pulled and tasted to cus tomer utir satistai lion, allowing ti tai on all horse Call and bo convinced, ill bavaxrfaat advertise. Amongst the lot are a pair of 6-year-olds, wmht -o Iba. sound, kind and true, witu a 11110 new custom-bui.t set of h.avy hamr. Now bora is a team mat will suit a" contractor and any business man tnats In need of a siricily lirat-eiass team and are fuily warranted In evary way to La absolutely sound and irua. aiiowme tria. 606 "i'oHHAT BARGAIN.. . BelnC Compelled to luo lo .-e City. 1 an obliged to napo of my onl ine outfit at a great s i. rinrc. consisting of my beautiful thoroughbred last road Rains? Cofuoeiied to luoe to MS Tone and latniiy h..rse. A mom mbi; coming a years old and weiKii H-- 'bs. Is perfectly ouni and g.nt-.e, wul road saturally 10 to li: nines per hour on turn courage and la thoroughly fearless of all city sights and noises, niahl or day; can trot a full mile in i'o and wl.l pull a larga load to a wagon; also new tinum meda harnes and alir.ost hew iub;r ured open buggy, together with w.np. laprob and banket: a.lowed two trial. loi. as for Col. Gilpatrick a outfit- ooi Alder at- p. b. Also he Is a gentle saddl horse. Closely mated pair of chunsa uot'' ' years, with harness, weight iJoi iba J1 U the bast-utaue pair of horse that e-ar.ds In Portland lojay: short Back-id. well ribbed up with good houlders and sound feel an 1 irgs; kind and true In all places and und.T ail circumstance and ar fuily warranted In every way and trti'l allowed by caning boj Alder st- ISi TEAM A.NU UAKStMi J..o-ib. team, sound and true, fat snd handsome, true and rsilabi. s.ng.s or liou bi. A bargain. f.uo Aider st. PA1K HEAVY DHAlTTk-itS. SI 00 lb. team, ages both 5. sound rd true, fat and handora. no better team In th tsts; owner going to Alaska only rea son for salting: CO ressonab.e ofler re fused. Can ba een at if! Alder t KINO AND PK1NCE. SOOO-lb. teamv. full brother, bloc ley bnllt and closely msted: they look alike, ait a..k and work a. ike. and If you drove ih.m oo would think they thought a. Ike; cost a brewery 'o less thaa 1 year ago and have been rep-aceu oy auto, ptio -harnesa lioo. ft"i Alder st. tiny 01.TFIT. $?SO will part hss pair horsea 6 and years, welgul Jw ids; aina ana no work; new set heavy bruchen harne and almost new frm wgon. ail complete. Ask lor air. llackus' team. o05 Aider st. S.touo eomplet outfit, l.ay Vliier. full later to Krosno Cl.-l. 2:10;, Lady Alllker la years; weight about luiS; very hand some and attractlva looking, can paea a quarter la :31 lit If trained can pace a mil right to 2:11 Fin new traek harness and new robber-ilrad open runabou 000 Alder at. A a opportunity to gt th greatest bar raia tvr otrere.t la this state. Wentjd a good borne and kind treatment, mor thnu a large price, for my iandarj and ragia tered mar, ilay Ileauty and tak bir teg Istry pa para lietng compelled to gtv v.p driving I will dlspoae of her at a frteat acrlfica. at th low prlc of ll.VX Sri 'a young and a natural roadster of 10 miles per hour and can trot very fast, and I think, with her grand breeding combined with hr god wy of g -lug. should go a mil In i ll- A a fan.lly and road mars ha no superior and few euuala. Can b en by calling &00 Aider t. sVC have 00 hand at all time ftna com bination addl and harness horse that ar fit and ready tr Immeoiate use. Ton com and try our horses at our expense; have them examined bv your own vel emin and when rvtlsf.ed buy them. tp. w hana.e oniy 10 dlsg Uchool. liitn end best. Kramer Jefferaoa sta Kli DEATH In fxmlly cause ma to dlspcwa ot fin lt-lb. team. harns and 8V wann a rood as new. I :l - i. Also hand- om loO-lb. mare, g yeais old. 114. On 10.-1U horse. US. Trial an.l guarantee given. Mrs. Burns. 312 Russell St. OTTCE 1 head left. Horse gusranteed: on of best mare for Quality. we:ght liO, in city; bloky roan. 1 black. 14114; 1 pair cappis gray. Saw: oth.-i g.neral pur pose horses. Ith and Montgomery a:a. Phil Buetter. V"OH 6A1.E Sin of horses, sues 8 and T. bay. high HI, gentle. gool coudltton, with harnesa worth $7 0: selling prlt 4Jo. Addrese B. F. WeyncK. J.ortn J unius, ura- gon ihor.eI,; vnr Gilt- TTiean rood driving bors and almost new ruNber-tlred ninatHiiu and harnesa ;15 5ih St. rt. E. end of Haw thorn carliae: walk on block west and two blocks south. OWNER leaving cltv. must sell at one h..,i.nm. 1 1 Ui. a-vear-old mare. glJit: also luoO-lb. work horse, cheap. ol3 K assail st. FOR HIR& Horses, wagons and business rigs, by day. w-ea or niooio. w.u ew N. r-.h. Phor. Main l-'O. Ldiw.er' barn. Ask for Mr. Evan. TEAM. 24o pounds, good tru worker and aunJ wl'h hartes completa lsi Cail and try this turn USUI wUiieu. gol d near Mill. ft-YEAK-Ot.L team, weigh l0O. prlc JrlOO. fn trade for mortgage or real estate. Sec ond house cast of Luther btal.oo. Oreah- am car. CORNER East Madison and 7th t.. som very nice mares and horses ranging In we: grit from lovO to louo, all thoroughly broa.. 100A-LB. mar to tra.l for on about 1;X0 or ll'XVlbs. ; will pay differonce. Call at S. v. cor. 14th and aiarshall. Sunday betweaa 11 and . $5 BL'TS 110-nound mare, harness and w .n IS b'lva Dour barne and buggy: 140 buys IsoO-pound bora, .i'aon bell- wood l.ea. l L 1 1 . , haeneaa. heaW. With lVa-Inc' trace, lis. with lV-mrh tracee. Kei.er Harness Co., Oth and pav.a ONE good farm team, weight S4o0. and several other very cheap: ais-v on good Jia wagon. Co. umula staoiea. jv. rroou GENTLE. l-yer-oM ' mare, weigh 1S00, work single or dojK G. Grufx. ill. Z:oo- Coan-ll Creet Var. SMALL, bay mare, lour.rl and gentle, about a year old. 415 1 ::rtn. P.ion.s A SToJ. Main MSt. JrriHT isprlr.g sum, used f-w time, blaiiksmlh auop. Oieawood Station, lil. John car. FOR SALE Team, weight Saoo rounds. year oio. Jwm-u " a uomw .. !wn J'"v aiLL xchange 1 rot or dlamonA for bors or driving r.. eo fcaat a:h t. WW car to Gladstor.e ve. riRmxa mr. good roarlster. speedy mar. would make a good saddl au.miU; pr.c I4JU. AU 101. t-'regoulin, wI-.K isLE One double set Botoa Backer harnesa . ell East Main St. fiOOD work mules fir sal. 11 hesJ. call on or qreas A. r.. ji-'i -. - . ' 6PE UAL harness bargain: heavy xpreai and Id-hand doubl harness. 4J N. 0:0. timiSB for sale, good pullr. l'OO-lb, T Laxoff. 50J Al'Jlna av; PA5TUKK for horse, near Portland. Apply gi aaerloca o.ug. -- LIGHT d!!very expres wagon tor sale, m- Talre r- i St. .- POI.E red wacon. wl month l ov Eaat S'oi. 51-t-riurcili. TEAM, harness and I-fn xpress wsgoa. a.l la A-l condition, phon East IJo I jron-6AXronesecV.nd-h.tni buggy. CllMn. ' a h ana UimaiiL I - I . r . . I Miscellaneous. plana. Organs ano Ml 610 teachar with Bw TTS piano, won by lady In cont-st, will sell xtremeiy cheap. lo0 B. 7th corner Alberta. n oouiawa tb ftR SALE Upright piano In perfect con- union, lau ti bill. Aa o fl a 1 i . mornings or evenings. A BARGAIN, new 4"6 Kimball for 3'i0 cns.l. or will tak lloo aowa. ..---- lnstallmenta Phone Tabor 33. 1'IANO repoeressed by factory, will sen for unpaid1 balance. A np. Pnon avaai :i3i piano at VI l"th st-. N. NEW piano, cheap for cash: will trad for diamond. A 10s. i'irhun.-... OLD violin and mandolin for sale or trade. Want koJa Phone r.asl 4410. o""" ' UTZ A.Ini.t.V and cas for sale, 17. Phon Woodlawn lt- BEST care riven for us of piano; no chil dren. T ion. urca"an.au. I'lSOHEK uprlKht piano, cheap ct'tt or terms. J" AIIM7 oiog. .1 - . Automobile, MAXWELL Jr., ftillr equipped. 1375. ..... ..1 I .. maarae 1 11 1 1 V l.'ll riBi:cia . , - - equipped. lo5. , ' M lino Reo tourlns; car. fully equipped, motor 4-cylln.lem o'-h.-p.. cannot be told from new. cost $10iO; price Hi3. X1.m1.-1 10 Unlck roadster. $4i5. lltto Knox touring car. 7-paa-eneor. fu"y quipped. practically new, cost Io0U, pne tllkiO Urusn runabout. I.IHo. . 1:110 E. M. K. a.) touring- car. fully quipped, like new. o0. ivln ntudebaker. 7-pasenger tourlns; ear 40-h.-p., 4 speed ahead transmission. ve'rvthlne In first-clas condluon, cost $4tto0: price 111.10. lit) alaxwell touring car. fully quipped, motor 4-cyilnder, 80-h.-p-. cost lli"J: price 7i0. Thi car Is Uke new. mil Whit touring oar. fully equipped. JITrVtl l"fi Reo touting ear. -cyllndr. 20-h.-p.. 1350. , . 1j10 Hudson roadster, fully equipped; 870O. 1U10 Palmer Singer toy tonneau, mo tor 6-cylinder. Bo-h.-p, like new. oot 14000; price :;oo. ' l'.HO Pierce Racine touring ear. fully equipped and month, cost (2200; prlc IjjO for days. CUSTOM-HOUSE ATJTO CO 8il Everett. Main 1449. WESTERN AUTOMOBILE CLEARING HoUE . Kat Auto Garage. 7tn and Burn aid. JACK L. V. EI.-T. Mgr. We are real 1! dealers In ued auto mobile an.l don't you think that they axe not harg-lns. l'lo 1'lerce Arrow, pony tonneau. ItmH pierce Arrow. 7-passenger. 1'.hi lv.pe Toledo. 4-passenger. ItsiU Pope Toledo, roadster. Ill 10 liuick "17." B-passenger. Jyl'l Btilck 40." 4-paasegor. , l:Hia Bnlck roadster. lnio Buick runabout, thalmer "4D.-' T-pasenger. Itkiu Chilmer 40," 5-passenger. Chalmer O." S-paienger. l'.H.I Pope Hertford. T-passenger. l'.MO Pop Hartford. 4-paseni;er. l'.e. p.p Hartford. R-pasaenger. lli.it Thomas. 7-paesencer. ll.oi Thomaa 5-pursenger. - llIO White bteainer. r.-paaengr. la m Franklin, 6-pasenger. lli u Krnklln runabouu ivo'j Iteo. B-pasenger. v Main Mlt'.S PllO 1170 PECOND-HANO CAR3. CHALMERS IV 1 li 30. (V pas., 80 H. fully equipped. $1. 150. PFEItLt3 10OJ. T paaa, fully qulpp d: good buy. IISO. MAXWELL 2 cyL. A pas. tar quick ""cadillaC 1910. paw. fully equipped, a real i.srgaln. Jisixi. ItEO 2 r)L. B pass.; top. CAI1ILLAC Itxin. 5 paaa. SO H. r fully eoulpped: retalnted. glOoO. ULICK a cyL. i pasa. fully equipped. 14? o PIERCE 1S10. cyL. 88 1L P- B pas.; Al condition. IJ0OO. BUI 'K Model lit. 4 cyL runabout with ,0Th owner of the ear have left them with us for sale, they having purchased I'lll Pierre-Arrow or Cadillac cara Our list of used cars I continuity changing. Jt will ray you to Investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 8470. A 4.'.s7. list and Washington. fl- aeoount of UOrNO EAST by next w. tn..4. i win e'U at a (.HEAT HE tiUCTIoN my 6-passanger Chalmer Iie troit 40-horsepowsr. Thi car Is fully equipped; good as new; cost me S3.u0: will sll at a aacrlflc for cash only. Phon Main 7044. between 1 and A. at. said s r. d g P. it. HERE I a Vargaln: 8vn-paaengr, lg- cyllnder Franklin car, tnorougniy hauled newly painted, fully equipped and in l'.rst-clsss condition; prle Just rlgliC Msngies-DuBol Auto Co, 890 iMTls, cor. fcev-entn. , Trtirn.T a-l Chalmers-Detroit. 4-psssen gr detachable tonneau; speedometer slileld. top. etc. Newly paiuted. good iiraa and avervtlilng la flu cot.ndltlon. Price '; $ '' down. $id monthly; bo trndea ojp Alder St. I OWN" six lots in Newport. Or., worth 2A0 .-k frM a Incumbrance: will exchange part or all of them for a good roadster or touring car; must b 1st uioaei anu goou condition. Lock box 133. Pasco. Wash. 4-CVLINDER light us-d rjadster or light touring car. 1U10 or 111 mode;. Must be In good hspa. Will meet demonstrator i7o E 2": h st. Monday evening. f to 1 P. M. T. W. U. TIN EST lot In Laurelhurst. cost liiOOO; also lot In Eugene, cost ll'. for high-class automolile. torpedo body, extra seat, or B-passencer. No InSaled valuea Lot un- lacurfloerei. a 1 w. v " b v.al.f'tn VTOIt VAl.rE. 860 crea good timber land, J. 000.000 feet good limber, to trd for utomobil with cash difference, f or particulars au dress T IP-".. Ore S on lan ; J3BV1AT HUT FOR 8 -'200. Beautiful e-cylinder. 1:U0 auto, run 4O00 mliea. Colt the lady who own It f.l'.mo contpleta Oavld Lew la, room X. umoer- meua bl.lg. r.BF.lt HIT FOR 8140a 1910 Chalmer 40 H.-P-. cust ' complete 3oa I am leaving the city. Main 704.1, betw een 7 and 0 A. M.. and 6 and 8 P. M. W ANTED Second-hand automobile; must be atandard make aud lal model; Stat best cash price, also make, modal and lse. A 10'.. oregonian. 1 i.rvL &-tassenear Steven Durv'ea la flrst-claa condition, iust overhauled, near tires, a snap for 8SO0. Puone C iii J ts Qregonlan. FilR sale or trade, a dandy little runabout. room for 4 passengers, tak medium size horse as part payment. Pbou Eaat 110 METZ runabout: fin condition; opera tion cotu 2.'o day; Just the thing for salesman, contractor or collector; chap for cash. AO Ml. 'rg WANT modern roadster or 3-paencer car for I lood mahogany case player piano and S.'. roll at music: wl.l pay som cash difference, AN 104. Orcgonlan. vf.vT.Sur-vn.K foe aale at a bargain, t k .in n. . : f1rt-e1aas condition. CaU "or phone City Blcycl Hospital. li 7:h st- M am lv A1 HI wivt a Kii-e a-rv'lrder auti-mobll In flr'at-i-lass order. M. E. I.-tSaw. 441 3d and Wl.son. Phon Mill 211 B-PA8SENOER Cadillac automobll to trad for real estal or diamonds of equal values prlc JtloO. Halbro..g.ojyouciioius HIGrt-tiKAla. o-pawsenger ear, i.-wv '"""i i;l take" small car In trade, reason. nd . . eearwv. money. PhouA 5111,471 Tamhlll St. nivnT 4-OTL1NDER FORD. 8450. Nearly new. David Lewis, room V Lum bermen DlUg. cour new and allchtlr used cars for aale. Ca l at the Auto Painting at Exchang Co-, Union ava and East Davis St. . . . c , t c -..... 1 a-oaasenger Overland. as good a new; 40-borscpower: must tave the cash. Call Main 7741. A 7451. EQUITY la close-In acreag and soma cash to trade I"' a g""w - Phone Marshall Z4'. FOR SALE very reasonable or will exchange . for bors and rig., practically new 6 11.- P. Indian moiwrjcia " AL TuMoiilLta pougnt and so.d. Call ot writ for bargain list, runom-Hous Aula Co.. 3.M Everett t. joaiu rd'AStSENGER Pierre machine In fine order, will take small psyment down, baiaoo monthly, pnon atam j-ivj. TSxIOO. 8WINTON. to exchang for o-p- ongeT Utomooiie. em awwii.Ma " - price. AU UH, Oregonlan- a'Yi.iN-DER. 4-pasnger, I3-horepower new car. lady ran t run It. KU cheap. Owner. Tabor 13T4. CONTRACTING painter will exchang work as payment for ueed automobU trua- abOUl). VV IPS. UieavmaM. AUTCMOPILES wanted for city and farm. landa SI. iriey tne i.tm aoa, aow s:.. near William lit COIl'lIHl'8 electrlo Ftanhopa 3 passen ger used turee month, good as aw. Half cost. K a. uregonlan, SPLENDIO Mosler orchard tract to trad . . . i . i - for gOOt tUIJlIi.'iiia aia.i, --'. WANTED Automobile In exchange for acre ag on Oregon Electric E . Oregonlan. WILL trade qulty In 3 lot for a motor cycle. All IV i, yregonian. FOR SALE cheap. Caflllao SO touring car. 'tV4 4rh .t. A l.iio. Jinin e.o. WIf-I. trad f'n" worth diamond fur horse . . . i Amomooueav. r auio. Av ud. urcfiaman. THE SUXDAT OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. MAY LM.U AUlUXUniMiD, S Pop-Hartford. 4 Bulok. 3 Franklin 4 Chalmer -40," Plerc-Arrowa a Pop-Toledos. 2 Thomas Flyers, 1 White steamer. 1 Rso. 1 Mltohell. 1 Peerless and 2 iiramm trucka All of these cara are guaranteed In good condition. SEE MR. WE1ST. Keats Auto Co.. Cor. llurnalde and Tt h. MARION 40 roadatee, 1910, oot 82760. our price .cv liuick Id. fi-pasaenger. cheap. 1850. 'I'lerc Knciue. B-passenger, 1B10, snap, Sl0. Will niak term or trado. Twltcholl Motor Car Co.. :75 tnlon ave., cor. Wasco st. East 822. Distributor i. oie ou. REO runsbout, $175. ottel Drug Co. Birds, boas end Pet Btoea. GET IBB LICE OR THEY'LL. GET YOUR Head lice fasten on top of head unfler neck or wlnustand suck th llfeblood. Conkoy-s Had Lie Ointment pu.i them out of business quick, price 25c. rt" lire crawH over the bpdy day and causing Intense Irritation. Cor.key L'CJ Powder 25c. kills them. Mites those little tiny fellows hid In the cracks ot houses or roosts in the daytime, and on the fowl at night. Conkey Liquid Kiulrted In hiding places t"1"" l.ort work of themj price 35c quart. l gallon. Remember. Conkey makes one remedy for each disease, and we guaran tee lliem to vou. Cull today for Conke) lug Poultry Book Free. HOUTLEDGE SEED FLORA. CO., 100 2d St. AN AMERICAN TRAVELER. !"'?ln qdlpmont. cost 84400. win nine e;"- A iut model ' 30-horsepower Maxwell, slightly used, cost (ltX.0; price. Including full equipment. 81100. For Plcu!" write Hoflman Parker. 10th and Last Burnsld ta. Phon East 4o0- FOR SALE or trade, fin shepherd collie. . , . . . . n,nlh. Old TOT xemaie, witu iieeuae. ... . . - - - - 10, or will tuke bull or bull terrier In exchange. 453 Skldmore t.. cor. 8tn. tak Union -ave. car; home Sunday. FOR SALE Four Boston terrier nroou bitches, two In wheip, to -t'ynamo ... Demon: two grand tud dor; n iTe,nt,;', bitch and ma.e pup; all registered. 14th and K. Morrison. POO wanted for farm. If you have one you don't want win giv mm ; Fiat age, bread and six. AT ioo. Orego- SuOROUGHBRED White Leshorn hens. 1; rooster, s-i.oo; amo v. w . " chicks; eggs for setting. 81. 810 East BOtn two blocks south of Hawthorne ave. ANGORA cats and kitten, pedigreed. v'Tit lor aeacnpiioii anu j. . -. - loe-s vv. aamni, oa Aun't. FOR SALE Fine Scotch colli pedigreed. a. a V- 1 . nH aias nttl Ttl It 1 M A.l sani anu wmw, who i - 110. Oregor.ian. PORTABLE! poultry-houses, various tylo and size, oau sizes to ' . ' nnrtiMi: Tirlees reasonable. Tabor -. FOR SALE A pedigreed Persian .prizewin ner cat and fullblooded Sv'tg dog; rcason a Ki-jrl.-e must sell. W 1"7. Oregonlan. 18-.MONTHS-OLD Airedale dog nnthr; 11-werka-old pups; pedigreed stock. 4oa r antn su 60 PAIRS Pl-mouth Rock Homer pigeons. Big quab breeders. 10" per pair for quick aoS.AC liOOreBonlai BE AUTIFUL-collie shepherd Puppy for sale. on Cornell road. J. B. Hcaley. R. R. No. a. XwoJaraneo bantam rooater for sale Phot. Woodlawn 1.138. BABY chick for sale by doren or 100. K. u ftav 4Z84 42d ave. S. E. SILVER Spangled Hamburg to exchange for K. L rl'ica Olj f. veoj. Airedale Terriers Imported stud Laddlx u.rfh" Laddlx Kennels. Estacsda. Or. SCOTCH COLLIE, will sell or trade; chick ens prexerreu. r m. SCOTCH COL1JE ptrppy for sale; nne pedl- gree. riifiie ijuwijw-- , riTTNTING dogs for ale, cheap. abor 44i. FOR SALK English bull terrier dog. Call T.gior ot M tcellaneous. utttst. rnnre with water coll. $1S; 13.1 Jwel ga range, ei'. v.n with vTa;er oil. U: 112.60 snowball washing; machine. 7..',0; Mantel folding bed. 5; box (wardrobel couch 4.bO, . . .... V. .. . , rinlr attvve an klt.'lten capinev, ti-w, v. .. . la j .i weauiereu wa - t: r.n- .is weathered oak chair (good one). 10; 118 baby buggy. J; 810 fold ing go-cart. 4; una nn Uruasels ruga PxlX tll; af"11""1?", 2re. sera 87 BO to -': chirfofllers. tu.50 to 810- Iron beds, 81. SO. Western Salvage Co.. Dl.t-OSI VVUisniiigvoii. " ' " ' " .. ." . 17th eta. Both phones. Main 1108 or A 87V3. ELECTRIC motor; construction machinery for &! or rent: sacrificing our entlr Seattle rental equipment. 8. motora all izes: B conorele-mlxer, 20 steam and electrlo hoisting engines, engines, boilers, derrick, compressors, rock-crushers, corn plot equipment. wheelbarrows. tools, etc. Get our price. W ell on trial: snl- . . ... . a .1 , X ( i o V. I latactlon guaraniww. ............ ry to., mmoermeos om.. ay..""". NEW Toomey rubber-tire gpeeding cart, cost 0 brsnd new; will ell cnap or traue for'road wagon or business buggy. Inquire . . . .- i .. t i - v.,. Huh and I x: a v av niiiiujuu, . . , a.w. - Yamhill sta ONE black Persian cat aud two kitten for aale at reasonable prices; will con sider a trad for ohlckena. Phone 8070. FINE 80-foot launch with top, 20-H. P.. 4-cyllnder engine, nrst-ciass cononion, bsrgaln to right party. Phone Marshall lO-.'t. A 2871. V 10L Oregnnlao- Indian In good condition, cheap for rash. vn Sunday axtr as o-cioca, -aa MadUon. L . . . ," ...... T i.lin.h lO faal Innff. by 4 feet; speed 7 miles. 2H-H. P. Seal Q people, u tel. f-iregoaian. WILL exchange 3 lot or diamonds fcr hors or driving ng. eo r.ai aovi aw v w car IP UUim" ae vrvirvw Ko. S nlcture machine, complete. .h aa new: bargain. P. Sabo, 32 Gll- S3Q St. FOR SALE 2 shares Oregon Gold Hill mining stock. 803 Railway .Exchange bldg. Oall axternooiie a ,o v , . . . , , . Oak . . .. . aeft ta snap. Don't mis It. Call 44 E. 20th. near L'lriBiim. tun r- n i.u , -. . ' - - suitable for restaurant. Inquire 218 beo- ... i - . in Ana Xannaaaaa eamn ran ea. ona sv. ,. a . r c chn., watleasea anuntara run e .. . . .. . . Oeneral natures in order at lowest prlcsa 313. Grand av. a. fOR SALE or rent logging and hoisting engines. Rallwsy Equipment Co., 74 lt C Phone A WW, Slain -ooa. . . e,. Z ... via AT Tlit; O. R.. raivage oioie.. ao.. - . ... FTont t.. roll-top desk. flat, slngl and . . . .....-... I, .- HaaL a ehean. oou 1)1 anu ijy.-i .. " -: GENTLEMAN'S wheel. cheap; flrst-olas condition, now tires. Phone Sellwood 18. Address 625 LexlnKton ave. FORSALE Smith-Premier No. 8. 8-oolor tvpewrltor In good condition; prlc rea sonable. M Graham in. iTFOOT Indian girl canoe complete with sail. Oood condition. 2B4 Page sL Main 807, A 814L Monday. " STAMP COLLECTION. Twelve hundred fifty varieties, foreign and li.a.,for ten dollar. East 8118. MATLIXG list, over CXiO cam, no dead name refund on all Postofflc returns; llstrevlsed- J0:Haniel.De dijto.lo. TTPEWRITER. Remington No. 7. almost new; with (tool; a bargain. T 107, Ore gonlan. v FOR 8AL13 Electrical books, raechasios' tools and draughting lnstrumenta KALVELAQE. 422-H Jefferson st. FOR SALE S0-H. P.. return tubular boiler, first-eias And cheap IX old at once. 4S Stark st. FOR SALE One dining-room table, one-center table, two chair and lounge cheap. Apply 41" Webster st. SPECIAL 8 ALE Beginning Monday morn ing ladles' suits, coats, dress, -waist. etc 140 oth St. M. H. Becker, FOR SALE Underwood typewriter No, B, In Arst-class condition; used very little; prlo (7.1. Address AN 100. Oregonlan. YaLE motorcycle; also gent's bicycle, coaster, new tires; bargains. 2061 4tb. GOOD gasoiln launch for al cheap. N 7S Oregonlan. FOR SAIJ3 Mahogany ette tble: 8-'J. o'O Pettygrov. and center NEW. fst motorboat. cheap, cash or terms. 18 h. p.. tl-foot, D 98. Oregonlan. LAfilEf suits and gowns, size 84 to 86. 817 Tllford bldg.. loth and Morrison. ANTIQUE mahogany bureau. Phone Main 40. CpAR postg for sale In Carload lota. In quire J. W. Root. Boring. Or. sale cheap. 35 horsupower aeroplane m ot or and propeller. AO 106. Oregonlan. SAFES. 1 large. 1 medium, AP 7S. Oregimlan. at a bargain. jOYAL typewriter, pood aa new, metal case, . $3fi. Call Till wnliamo ave. fTlREB good, fresh cows. 1427 Commercial t corner Dkum. Phone Woodlawn 272. BT'FF-Orpington eggs f Jf settings. 1 for IB. B40 Rosclnwn ave, FOR SALE rs.Tr diamond tarriuEa; carat. Addraa N lol. Oresouiaa, FOR SALE. Cabin launch with boathouse complete. lB-h.-p. 4o, 4c engine: fine repair. 81000 TERMS. Address P. O. Box 42, city. , CONTRACT TS OPEN TO I BUT SLOPS FHOJ1 1-umia.vus uanuasi v-w-RANT. b 109, Oregonlan. FIN HOUSEBOAT. All furnished. 4 room; strictly modern, cheap. Owner leaving town. Last Jl0' outh on board walk at Motor Boat Club. Tl-n..trlvn ave. ear to Ellsworth St. OwaeT 610 Lumbermen' bldg.Mln87j8. FOR SALE PECO.ND-HANB DOORS. WIN- . v v- I.-.T' I ITMUffU DOWN. ' GLA.-S. i-.IVlv.. i..... ..... PLUMBING SUPPLIES. IRON PIPE, 6TEKL ANUCAST IRON. AT THE VLftr LOWEST 1.ICES. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. WRECKING COMPANY. 807-311 4TH ST. MARSHAL t 1S34. I MEET AND BEAT STRONGEST COJIPB- 7 IT1U.V l.N ilia, till ac.v ooiio, JIMMr DUNN, BOOM 818 OREGONLAN BLDli. THE PORTLAND pipe hop will ell new and econd-hand. all sizes from U Inch up: all kinds of fittings; hav SO-ton boiler tubing from 2 Inchn up: could be used for water; 2G-ton cable; make all kind of railing. Phon Main 6325. 227 Front, near Salmon. FOR SALE. At a reasonable price If taken at once, two 100-horsepower return tubular boilers. In first-class condition; Just the equipment for mill work; complete with fitting and all equipment to Install lnv your plant. Par ticulars at 201 Oregonlan bldg. FORSALE Launch"oneof the prettiest boat on the river, with well-built launch house. Speed about 0 miles. Auto con trol, electric navigation lights, reverse, electrlo whistle, etc A splendid propo sition at SOoO, terms. Address M 101, Oregonlan - CHEAP 1 No. 0 Bttirdevant blower: 1 20 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine; 1 11 h. p. foos gaaoline engine; 1 2W-h. p. Weber gasoline engine: 1 Barcus horse shoeing stocks; 1 Silver' hub boxing ma chine. Addres Peter Machine Work. Kelso, Wash. FOR SALE or trade, complete threshing out fit,' 16 h. traction englna, 8J-5S separator In good repair; vui sou or iraue iiiio. What have you to trade? Addres A. Gof On. Gorvals. or. en pnfiT ianni.ti and boathouse for sale. 8o."i; good engine, canopy top. folding cualra. complote equipment of bell, whis tle. 4 llirhts. 2 flags, etc, etc In llist- class condition. P. O. Box Bi. city. a i?iltTln of Morris canoes, sailing out- era nu.iiea. ei.-. lust arrived: can be eei all day Sunday at the Oaks (Ore gon Yacht Club) balance of week at nuu son Arms Co.. 110 8d St. 17 FitESH milk cows for gale, 3 to 6 e" ions of milk per day: grade Jersey irol stein and Durham. T. It. Howltt. Gresh- am. Oregon. , fcx't New and 2d-handl low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PL'KCELL SAKE CO. nd PORTLAND SAFE CO.. fc." Sth St. Main 6309. A 411t DAVENPORT Japanese inlaid marble ta- .1d ennll eonl heater. hullrack. Uphol- stered chairs, also mahogany chnlrs nnd numerous other articles, phone East llltlL 10 HORSEPOWER Weber stationary gaso line engine In first-class condition, been used bug a short time, cost I2."i0; for sale at big bargain. Apply 305 Gillian st. BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No. 7. t-'.l; Fox. No. 3. 834; Bllck. No. B. 817.B0; Itllck. No. 7. 825. The Northwest T pe vr!lerCo..H0 Dth at- FOR SALE Cheap. Healy lc machln In Orat-class condition, -ton - refrigerator; machine now In operation and will demon strate at any time. D 95. Oregonlan. je rSe y cow-for sale. 123 CASiL Worth more, but have no plac to keep her. Phone East 1511. PRACTICALLY new golden oa roll top desk, for sale. Call 8-10 A. M-. Monday. B17 B oard of Trada . ROCK crusher and screen outfit; want lo cation for furnishing crushed rock- T &9. Oregonlan. ENGINEERS TRANSIT, vertical circle, level, perfect order. Thomson, 815 Cus tomhouse. . . FOR SALE? Solid leather osteopathic table, leather rocker and rugs. S9 Trinity Place, Angela. Apply Janitor. FOR RENT 3-room flat, newly tinted. 242 H N. 2.1d; 820 per month. Key at 200. S,lv, ODAi takes fine pictures; will sell for 87.50. Address AO100. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Pool tab le, et cue, cue rack ana oail ivr viaau, la va, v .. . ... TWO bedroom sets and fin oak. table for sale, cheap. 81'3 Rose t. WANTED nSCFLLANEOC9. WANTED Second-hand power lathe, drlll pres, shaper, emery wheel, pipe and bolt die, small portable forge. B-H. P. motor; also other small tools to equip small ma chine shop. Address 803 Eaat Gllsan. F. S. Alloiu WANTED A clean stock of groceries In City and one In country town, with es tablished trade. Invoice about 85000 and UP, cash customer. Owners only. GKUSSI A ZADOW. . 81T Board of Trad bldg. WE BUY CIOT HFn G, EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men' cast-oft clothing shoes: we also buv ladles' cloth Ids. Call up th Glob. Main 208a 2V0 pirst. r.eir Columbia. WANTED Second-hand planing mm. ma chinery; resaw, planer, turning lath and other pieces. Must be reasonable; in good hap. Address C. Box 122. Yreka. Cat. MONET LOST antes you cail th Ford Auction Co. and get their prices on what you hav t sell. Main 8951. A 2-445. OASOLJNB launch wanted. State size, speed, price and beat terms. AT 104, Oregonlan. TVi NTED Motor pleasure boat, must bo pedy and a bargain for spot cash; state particulars of nglne and boat; no tubs considered. tid, Oregonlan. WIRSINGER, the painter. gives, r able prices on lnd and outsld Phone A 1873. ison sork. WE pay the highest cash prlc for eoond hand furniture. Eeater lc Martin. Phon East S134. 348 Hawthorne ave. ALL kinds of leetrlo machinery bought, sold and ex. charged. Robert Skeen Eleo trio Works. 400-40r Gllsan at. IF YOU have household furniture to selL call up George- Baker A Co.. ii Park u. Sale at residence a specialty. WANTED About 80 H. P. traction boiler and engine; will pay cash. Writ 731. Union ava. north. . SET of tinner bench tools, 80-tn, square shears, 80-la. rolls. Tabor 1178 or F d. Oregonlan. BLACKSMITH shop wanted. New townslte of West Stay ton. See Mr. Hartog. of HarUnan as Thompson. Ch. of Com. bldg. Rock-crusher, engine, boiler, dump-wagons' whol outfit Immediately. AO 115, Orego nlan. WANTED To buy a Kodak, postal card lze preferred. Gtv prlc and condition. AF 98. Oregonlan. WANT som parlor and bedroom furnltur and 9x12 rug. AP 114, Oregonlan. WANTED A second-hand bicycle, ohaap. State price. AH no. oregonian. WANTED To rent a 80x50 tent or fir. AR 113. Oregonlan. WANTED To purchase a wheel chair; must be a bargain. Address 6219 72d St. 8. E. WANTED Second-hand boilers, electrlo generators, motors. B 100, oregonlan. OOOD 1910 runabout, or 5-passenger auto mobllei no agents. AM 108. Oregonlan. ' BEST care given for use of piano; no chil dren. T 103. Oregonlan. WANT 1 or 2 diamonds for 7 lots In good Oregon town. T 106. Oregonlan. LADY wishes to adopt baby girl from 10 to IS months' old. Phone Sellwood ItKlS. HFI.P WAXTEP MALI. FREE 8100 AND A OOT.D WATCH. See our offer under NEW TODAY. WANTED The address cbestr musicians. A of non-union 73, Oregonjan. WANTED First-class eoatmaker. Apply 203 vine st.. room 15. after 10 A. M. today. WANTED Elevator boy. Lenox. 3d and Main at. Apply Hotel BOY wanted. Apply Public Library, 7U and buua ' INCIDENT. Office Pecretarr Employment Depart ment. Y. M. C. A. , . Young man, stranger, out of wora ta hi total cash assets) If I pay you 85 tor special employment membership I only have (IS left between me and giavrvsv tlon. , , Scetary If yon pay 85 r ?peelAl ploy.nent membership you -will have tne Y. M. C. A., with all Its resource between you and starvation. What happened? . . Young man took membership. Ind two hour ba foand satisfactory emcloy xu en t- Uuring April. Iflll, 198 calls tor xnen. 1.".2 position filled. 1SS new members. . .-v.ia. Employment or refund of msmbersnip fee guaranteed. . See secretary employment ucparimeaw Y. M. C. A. IF YOU'RE A STOCK SALESMAN hang Up. alive, hustler don't worry along -with losing game. Life Insurance security Eeld offers you larger money Insures greater satisfaction among Investors. Southern Central Life stock Is only 2.50 share now on principle as good as any of the old line propositions. Write for book and de tails; tell who you are, what you ve done. We want wou In your present territory. Address. Secretary Swain. James bldg.. Chattanooga, lenn. CAN YOU sell B per cent bonds with stock bonus In a paper-shell peoan land co" pany with 10.500 acres back of It I II you're Interested, end 40 tamps and give reference; your present manager's name and address; who you are; what you ve done. Only conscientious bustlers reply. SOUTHERN PECAN LAND COMPANY. Chattanooga, Tenn. SUCCESSFUL acetylene generator salesmen t New. absolutely safe generator, only one on market that doe not have to be passed upon by lire underwriters; a world beater. Sells for H price of other; a big and quick money-maker; exclusive territory to men who have made good. Writ at once for exclusive proposition. The Wwight Co.. 305 Teon hldgPortiand. Oregon. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Wholesale house, established trade, wants an experienced traveling salesman, for Eastern Oregon and Washington, by June L WJIl consider none except those who can furnish A 1 -reference and Invest at least S2o00. In answering, glv age. experience and reference.-- Address T 07, Oregonlan. WANTED Corking good salesman, famil iar with the saloon trade, enentetlc com petent man can make at least -u a weeat prorlta are big, price Is low; quick seller, thousands In use; some fine territory still nii.n: aeaaon now on and SalCS boomillgl answer quick, stating experience and qual- llicatlons. ticonomy cpeciaiigr i.wmiriii Rock Island. 111. WANTED for U. S.. Aroiy. able-bodied un- s married men between ages ot li ana oo. rttlvena of United state, of good charac- ' tar idh temoerat habits, who can speak. read and write- tae English language. For Information apply to Kecruning uuicor, Alnsworih block. 8d and Oak sta., Port land, or. . l.T T I I i T DOT lO-f V,.. 1 n A a h. Tl 11 I.C1A mi . v 1 . . j t.JiA.u - - j great possibilities as side line; small cost of course Is covered by absolute guaran tee of satisfaction; we will help you Ret startou. Write for Ire particulars. Na tional oo-operative xveaiiy v.ouiiau?f " 7l2 Marden building. Washington. D. C A. Drignt, eiiergetio ain-i inuuo.., wbo Is capable of securing and handling a sales force Is wanted; to such a man a permanent and lucrative position Is of fered. Apply by letter only. P. W. Custer m. Co nir. 019 Board of Trade bldg. It: salesmen to S"ll profit-sharing or chard bonds, gilt-edse Investment, highly proritable to investor, puaisui wo...-- , . , 1 . 1, hi, rnnoav. Bion oaaia;- goou ineii l -1 . I....ril..in AnnW with Will pear ciotieav uic,ii8i'-'"- " ' - reference. Sales manager, 62I1-02J Andrus v ii'i.... ... - -- - - i.A .. Awm--j n.1 m D-,nnrunhV and typewriting and who also has a knowledge of bookkeeping; good opportunities for ad vancement; must we ui uuu iiAw.va. e e j . stating wages desired, AJ 10V, Oregonlan. r . . r AM ...I ofnra em with local acquaintance to handle our alfalfa and orchard traota and raw lands In this terrttorv; . 11 or rui comiuiaeiou ij'"- ; )- oS Learr bldg.. Feattle, Wash MOSES LAKE LAND i IRRIGATION CO. ,V. i .. ita.lr, n,n,nM?llne. A V KI kimhi ineii " " ' - i - avKun..- T hnvn venra M. iicrlence In that country. Made fortune -nt ....nt li T must make another. This is the only way tc make It. I have secret of rich location. Call anytime, 84 14th st, ATTENTION Ex-lndustrial and ex-hospltal association agents: An old-line company, selling industrial policies that give cash Indemnities, doctor, medicine and hospital services: want a manager who Is also a producer; R 93, Oregoulan. WANTED Salesmen for exclusive territory, bin opportunities, steady position, com plete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock; cash weekly; outllt free. Toppenish Nursery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. BALESMAN. successful In selling standard specialty propositions, such as computing scales. Jewelry, cash restate, 'tc. to cover Paclllc Coast; staple line on new and exceptional terms. Mile F. Bixler Co.. Cleveland, onio. PHYSICIAN WANTED. at once for legitimate proposition, for hospital work. On a salary. On with California certificate. Apply J. E, Page, 821 Yeon Jdg; SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell general trade in Paclflo Coast; unexcelled specialty proposition with brand new feature- commission with 8H5 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., Cleve- land. Ohio. 1 LINOTYPE OPERATOR For position In country shop; no boozers nor cigarette smoker need spply; printer preferred; good chance for a man who has speed ind wauts to increase It. Addres AV 103, Oregoaian EALESMAN on Osmaco Turp and Mexican Llnsee DoL Only positive satisfactory substitutes on the market. SOc and 0o Tier gallon. Liberal commission. Oscar Echlegel Mfg. Co. Ill East 12th St.. N. Y. WANTED A trap drummer with full line of traps, who can play for pictures, short hours- salary must be reasonable. Inquire of Lew F. Culllu. care Casino Theater, he1anes;lOr; , HIGH-GRADE salesmen; permanent po sition 82O0 to 8.-.0O monthly. Call only on business men; 828 expenses advanced weekly; no samples to carry. International Co.. 857 Mclntlre bldg.. Dayton. O. SIDrnrne. quick sellers, spare time used profitably by reliable salesmen; tell fully first letter your line and territory; confidential- Sales manager. 22S South Camp bell ave.. Chicago. WANTED Two tatlonary engineers; must be experienced with Cook's deep well pump. Call or phone George Austin. Al der Hotel, until Monday noon. glOO MONTHLY and expenses, travel, dls tribute samples for big manufacturer: steadv work. 8. Bcheffer, treasurer. A 115. Chicago. . SENIOR and Junior accountants, experienced in corporation aulltlng and publio serv ice accounting; give references and salary einected. a P. A., fiox H 92, Oregonlan. WANTED Good all around harnessmaker and salesman, lots of repair work mar ried man preferred; good steady Job for right artyFB. 6kafer. Salem.Or. CAPABLE) salesman to cover Oregon; staple line, high commissions. 8100 monthly ad vance" permanent position to right man. .1,,. H. Smith Company. Detroit. Mich. WANTED A good registered druggist for a town near Portland; must be willing to work and have A-l references. Address AV 02. Oregonlan. WANTED Organizers. The Knights of the RoBe; splendid opportunity for men of Tharacter and ability. 204 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or. ; , WANTED Plasterers and plaster-rs' lab orers; highest wage raid. Apply office 201 Loo bldg.. 401 Abbott t-. Vancouver, b . c- - : rat EqMEN Profitable, high-grade spedal tv side or exclusive line: sells to all re tailers: liberal terms. C. H. Luscombe, 600 LaSa.Ho bldg.. St- Louis, Mo. . SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa eifte Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly. Paclflo Nursery Co, 308 Corbett bldg. WANTED Competent motion-picture op erator; salary 825 weekly; have reference. C 8i. Oregonlan. . xeTvTKU Best proposition , In the city fot good family liquor solicitors. Gold Seal Liquor Co.. 166 2d St. rS WEEKLY, expenses, trustworthy peorle, travel distribute samples hlg wholesale house. C. H. Emery. B 225. Chicago. MALE stenographer for wholesale house; state sge. experience and salary expected. r 9a, Oregonlan. WANTED A good bench molder, also a .t'ove mounter. Apply to Albion Stove Works. Ltd.. Victoria. B. C. WANTED An all-around man Ln meat market. Address Broder Broa; Eugene, Or. . WANTED All-around flrst-clas baker; no nt'herneedapply. 10 B. 28th st. 'orth. PHOTOGRAPH coupon nd portrait agents, -new ofler. Cutberth studio. Dekum blug. j7TohGRAD5 salesmen have an assured Uiur wi us. ILLS Yvon UU- & R. HANSEN A CO.. 26 North 2d St. Largest and most fully equipped em ployment agencies on the Pacific Coast- HELP SUPPLIED FREE TO EMPLOYERS REGISTRATION FREE. EMPLOYMENT SECURED OR NO CHARGE. Easterners, mechanics and laborers re quested to call and list- v Large, list of New Orders Dally. ( Employing- agents for many of the principal contracting and railroad com panies, sawmills, lodging camps and local and country employers In various branches of Industry. - , - , WE WANT THE FOLLOWING HELP . TODAY: BlacVsmith for eteel structure. 84 day. Bridge carpenter, same, 4oc per hour. One donkey engineer, $'. per month. One cut-off man, 7B per month. Two rough carpenters, country, J2.G0 and board. Two helpers, 82 and hoard. 200 Tt RY. LABORERS. 1 Utah Construction Co., on the Klamath Falls extension. Ml teamsters, S60 month, same Job. 25 teamsters for a new Job Just start ing. Wagon and Fresno work; this 1 a two years' Job. 20 laborers for a new fence gang on the a P. R. Ry. This Is Just starting up and will be a long Job. This Is all free fare; nothing deducted from your pay. Wre want 10 dlshwashers for th city hotels and restaurants. We are headquarter for cooks and waiter, city and country. One pantry man, 40 per month, city. Com down If you want worlt and see Hansen. . ... C K. HANSEN CO., Employment Agts. Established lbio. Of flee at HI Vn-ft, glaennd er Portland. R4.r)"4 Washington t-, Portland (Ladles). 22 u Washington St., North, Spokane, Wash. , ce.n QMn at Bar vmento. Cal. 805-807 Howard St., San Francisco. CaL Si!3 Montgomery av.. (Foreign ornce) San Francisco. 136 V Los Angeles St., Lo Angeles. TRY US. HANSEN HIRES HELP. WANTED. MEN OF ABILITY We now hav ready tor tne maraei tne most signi.? ie ,i-i,-,a.i tthHlvlRlnn ever offered ln thii city; the West Side, within the 2vi-ml1e radius, 15-mlnute car-ride; over 1000 lots ln the one tract now ready and plenty more to plat. The people are now given an opportunity to own West Side prop erty, close ln. and the same can be boug-ht at right price. There Is absolute ly nothing ln Portland to compare with this subdivision. Now, !f you desire a tinaiiiAn wltlv a firm large enough to take care of you; will help to build up our organization, in wnicn more ia eie...-., eHnnea for advancement: are susceptible to Instruction, by which you will learn a svstem of selling property tnai is a yiu. a"n iiimi with nnsslbilltles unlimited. wo want you and will keep you busy. But do not call unless you ere open to a straightforward proposition and willing to work, l all not larer man n THE WEST SIDE COMPANY. Madison' Bldg.. Third and Madison. HUSTLING REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED AT ONCE. T want a limit ten good, sauare ale- tnan In aeal.t ma at Aberdeen. WStllDg ton; I am putting on a fine tract there fnr ha l.u.1 ,Amianv In th CltV. YOU won't hav to go outside Aberdeen to sell,, because the people there have con fidence in Aberdeen, l am carrying v" - ,rae i4-..l.lnc -amnaien and Salesmen there now are doing fine. Get out of Portland, got out of the rut I will pay your fare to Aberdeen If you can show me that vou have delivered the goods anywhere else. Call at room 424 Lumber- miin. U.nk hutlrtlnir norner Sth and Stark streets at nnrvs ask for Mr. Casey, he renreaenta ma here. Come Into a new- field wher th home people don't knock. $3000 to $10,000 yearly in the real estate business, without capital; we will teach you the business by mall, appoint you special representative ln your locality, of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate without and assist you to permanent suc cess; a thorough commercial law course free to representatives. If you are honest and ambitious, our free 62-page book wil surely interest you. Address International xveauy corp., uept. ii viiivaa". 4 TIT E- V,nj"-laf. man aintAl for tilt TJ. S. Ma. rlne Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay 815 to $09. Additional com pensation possible. Food, clothing. Quar ters and medical attention free. After SO -... . a-.. I ... -atlra with 75 Der cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Breedcn bldg., 3d ana washing ton sta. Portland. Or. SALESMEN WANTED. One of the best-known realty firms on the Pacific Coast Is orrering exceptional niinnriimfiv for gain and advancement, Our salesmen earn from $150 to $600 per month. This Is a splendid chance for men of intelligence who sre not afraid to work. We offer every assistance In the way of obtaining and closing prospects to our new men. Write us. stating previous occupation, etc AG 08, Oregonlan. w7St?k-ing MEN'S OPPORTUNITY. Actress of reputable reputation starting school of acting desires a few more am bitious ladles and gentlemen who are desirous of learning the art of acting nnd following the profession. Those Joining now will have the opportunity of Joining road show later on. Day and evening eiasse-a a limited number only. Address Y 101, Oregonlan. v-nTT'cn AVIATORS WANTED. Portland School of Aviation; demand for aviators exceeds tne supply; no umn v . nnat-e-rarttmta course In assembl ing and actual flight at our avlatloa field. We have our own exhibition depart ment. Also secure position ran v.-rite for particulars. Addres Y 104. Oregonlan. cm rciTivfl aalecman wanted by large cor poration; must have large acquaintance throneh club, church or former business. or willing to make systematic canvass on business men; a. most Interesting proposi tion; to the one having qualifications a lucrative proposition Is offered. For inter view aoareBS j in-, vyretjomj-i. WE will pay you salary of $100 month to Introduce latest patented blow-out rrotec tor to automobile supply houses and gar ages; exclusive territory to good man; absolutely novel, perfect, practical; con be aon art In minute. Aouress ai one-. .mi tnl Blow Out Protector Co., dept. Chicago, HL 234, Tjrwir.S'r earnest, energetlo man to take ebarira of and handle district sale of U. c na ..HnrnhhAr: no experience quired, but must be hustler and capable of taking care or large Business. -e-u-Ar... United Mfg. Co.. 1578 Mill t., Lelpslc O. FIVE stock, bond or Investment certificate salesmen. Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Head office Boise. Nothing tut experienced men who can show they have written business and not managers all over Coast need ap " ply. Good opiortunity for rustlers. Call or phone it- 1 - hhibhi. w -' ft "i. - - IF your time Is worth less than $1.50 per hour, you're probably long-eared certain ly not long-headed. Don't be satisfied with a small income. Why be the goat? Postal gets particulars. Agent, Box 805, San Francisco. SALESMEN WANTED REAL E STATE PROPOSITION THAT IS GETTING THE MONEY. ONE MAN'S SALES LAST MONTH AMOUNTED TO $4700. APPLY BETWEEN 8. AND 9 A. M. 404 YEON BLDG. WHY longer endure inside drudgery? Be our representative doing outside healthful work: own boss, making $5 dally upwards selling consumer: many making $25 dally. Experience unnecessary. Davis Soap & Toilet Co.. 1458 Carroll ave.. Chicago: SALESMEN between 25 and 85 years to rep resent leasing typewriter company In city . territory. Good salary and commission. Tltist furnish surety bond and references. State age, experience, previous employ ment, salary expected AH 97, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 or 8 men of neat appearance to solicit for a large corporation maga zine company: can make $3 per day. Call at 243 B..61st St., Portland. Hawthorne Ave. Co. . WANTED First-class agent to represent us in Albanv. Or., and vicinity. Best of ref erences. Grand Union Tea Co.. 448 Wash ington St.. Portland. Or. WANTEDActlveyoung man to learn win dow trimming here for the City of Spo kane. Call at United Cigar Stores Co.. 4th and Wash., Monday. wXNTED"'CpabYe bookkeeper, collector, ono who will assist at intervals on floor, steady position: commence work at once. Wire or write P. O. Box, 803, Eugene Or. WANTED Experienced driver; only those who know the city need apply, giving ere0ren?..rrhonc R 99. Oregonlan. SALESMEN, traveling: commission basis only- those sfr.tld of failure please do not apply. AD lOJJregonlan. Tv to"run rock crusher gang, load cars by ,-ard. understand drilling, blasting. 7 Murphy block. Salem WANTED Two salesmen to sell close-In acrei.ge on eleetrlc carllnes, good pron good terms. Call 203 Corbett oldg. good salesmen, attention. W experienced men to sell Beautiful Beau mont. If you are capable and can shov us you can make good we will pay yoi! as high a schedule of commissions as anil concern In Portland. Work going on ami all improvements completed on Novem-t ber 1, 11L BEAUMONT LAND CO.. 84 4th St. WANTED Man and -wife on dairy ranchj $.5. Separate house lo live in. Cook country hotel. $40.00. Itand resawyer. $3.00. Gang trimmerman, $2.75. Large list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Mala office. 12th N. 2d st. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT WATCH MAKER. APPLY AT b A. 41. U-NU--vi. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, MElh.lt & FRANK. WANTED Salesmen with experience to represent established fat. louis iirm iu. good territory outside Portland; reason able expenses advanced to men with prop er credentials and- capable of securing; good results; position highly remunera tive for good energetic man. Address B. E. Buckley, sales manager, 721 Olive St., 6t- Louis, Mo. , $5 PER day for man and team ln logging camp, or $2.25 ordinary labor in mill It he buys a u or lu-acre iract auj-Jiu-n . partly cleared, easy terms; only 8100 cash. , required. This is a first-class proposition, ln every way. Three hours from Portland, ln Willamette Valley. Owner. 208 McKay bldg. . WANTED Good steady, reliable man aa partner ln an old estannsnea ngni manu facturing business, this will pay you J.5 weekly. Experience not necessary, as owner will teach ySu the business. , Par ticulars S4 6th St., room 417. J.IFE insurance solicitors, with or without experlonce, our policies anu oui contracts are unexcelled. A-l chance to get In right with a new company. Apply H. T. Booth, city manager American Lit Accident Insurance Co.. 719 CorboU ble. WANTED 2 men to work country, exclusive territory, registered article. bh-u-jj hustlers. Call today between 11 and 4. Monday T-9 P. M. Apt. 2!. Welllnston Court Annex, 15th and Everett. WANTED Salesman to travel soiling new patented Inventions used by loggers and mill men; excellent opportunities for right party. Call Monday. Esmond Hotel, after S A. M. Inquire for Mr. T. Johnson WANTED Salesman to call on country mar- chants: mUSI Oe SUr-CBMIUl ill ue.."a business men; will muk attractive ar rangements as to pay with men of ability. National Importing Co.. St. Louis, Mo. MEN with references to solicit and collect: experienced man to go wura iw teach you Uio business, free. Can make money from the start. 402 Behnke Walker bldg., 107 Fourth. "SALESMEN. W' want two or three live salesmen for new townslte. Lots are cheap and eay to sell Prospectus furnished. Liberal commissions. Call 010 McKay bldg. industrious. YOUNG men wanted. sober. studious, to qualify for Government po sitions; common school education suf ficient. Bond lor ires duos. i- " ' gene Howard. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED 4 first-class salesmen for high class proposition; big money to right men. Call from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M-. Monday and Tuesday. Universal Contracting; School. r.l3-5SIlnI.u: WILL start you earning $ daily, home. .., .n..-eT-iii- mirrors: no capital; free instructive booklet, giving PJns of operation. G. F. Redmond, dept. &U, Bos ton. Mass. YOUNG man stenographer for office work and collecting; prefer man who has had som railroad experience; salary $80. R lull. Oregonlan. WANTED Energetlo man and family to take charge of my fruit farm at Hood River. Address owner, J 108, Orego nian. . SALESMAN, by maufacturers of embroid ery and lace, box lots; 10 per cent commis sion; samples 30 lbs.; expenses advanced. f-.roinan.44t Broome. New York. SALESMEN with real estate experience to call on prospective customers in Port land and near-by towns. C 104, Orego nlan. WANTED Good steady man as partner In small manufacturing business; bl Ig profit n.i minrv. Small amount of capital re quired. Inquire 218 Merchants Trust bldg GENTLEMAN that is ill want congenial traveling companion, not over 30 years; tate age, references, etc. W 102, Orego nlan. t RELIABLE man to take charge ot office for Eastern corporation; can make $-o0 per month; $000 required. AR 111, Ore- gonlan. WANTED By young man, congenial room mate to share room elegantly furnished, very reasonable, no car fare, references exchanged. D 100, Oregonian. WANTED A young man assistant; one fa miliar With developing pupeis preu-uou. Call Mon. P. M. at Cal Calvert's pnoto gallery. City Park entrance. SALESMAN WANTED We would bs pleased to talk to men who know some thing of orchard Innds and can appreciate an excellent opportunity. 712 Couch Dldg. NIGHT "janitor; must-be first-class, expe rienced and furnish references. Apply Olds. Wortman & King, 8 to 10 A. M., superintendent's office. 600 MEN wanted who sppreclate big bar- galns ln pants. Take elevator to Jimmy unn's Sample Suit Shop, room 315 Ore go nl a njclg WANTED Man of neat appearance to so licit for a large corporation, good salary if suited. Apply after 9 A. M., 721 Yeon bldg. WANTED A boy to herd a few cows: good home and small wages. Phone A . WANTED Boy to take care of sample room and act as office boy. Carman Mfg. Co.. lHth and Upshur. PRINTER wanted; one who understands work ln country office. Dispatch. Dufur, Oregon. WANTED First-class male stenographer with executive ability; rapid advancement. AP 11 1. Oregonian; WANTED 1 cabinetmaker apd 1 sash and door machine man. Phone Columbia 60, East St. Johns. ' DRAFTSMAN One who can handle real estate descriptions accurately and plat same neatly. AT 117. Oregonlan, SALESMAN wanted, exclusive contract. Proposition backed by Portland busines men. Inquire 410 Couch bldg.. city. PRINTER Have opening for young roan with some experience In setting type; $7 per week to start, al no. v-iresuuian. COLLECTOR, with bicycle: experienced, steadv work, liberal commissions. 424 Chamber of Commerce. WE WILL teach a couple of bright young men real estate saieamnu-iuip mm .vr them while learning. C 103. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED polisher on stove work. Pa clflo Stove&RangeCo.,Bt1J ohns. WAVTED A tenor or bass that plays man dolln or guitar. E 103. Oregonlan. GOOD ragtime plane player that can singl good tenor. E 102. Oregonlan. BOY wanted to learn plumbing trade. Call at 751 Northrup st- WE have openings for young men to .earn moving-picture operating. 833 Oak. WANTED Younp; men to learn moving nlcture operating. Laemmte. 333 Oak. PAINTER wanted, 734 to 4. ' 2d. Call Sunday a nrr.p wanttto ffmaijc WANTED Girl for general housework. 451 Weldler St. WANTED A girl for general housework. 63 North King. COMPETENT cirl for fi-""?! housework; must be good cook. 215 N. 2uth. WANTED A stenographer: state salary ex nected"and experience. R 108. Oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl for general house- work. Apply 2S5 1-ith st- STRONG woman wanted, general housework. 907 Broadway. East Sr.f.9. , GIRL for general housework, small family, 408 32d st.. N.. Willamette Heights. WANTED Girl general work, small fam ily. 5QQ Schuyler at. DRAPERY sewer wanted. Room 700, Dekun i bldg. WANTED Erperlenced waitress, 4S4 Wash ington St.. Polish Cafa FREE: $100 AND A GOTD WATCH. ...... .. , vrir enniv see our onei U..-.1-. - WANTED Artist model, girl, Monday morning. 512 Lewis bldg. ; NEAT girl to wait on table and assist with housework. 4.12 Morrison. , GIRL to do housework. 702 Northrup st,