The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 14, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Federal Garrison Surrenders
Town and Marches,Out
Hais T Hats Sckhss Baltimore Clothes Schloss Baltimore Clothes I 1 "a'
'S ,
' All Weol Mam
Cllj fatts Cabral's Army Vr-n it
Takes Possession Chiapas'
Army Takes Artrs and Will
March to Nogales.
CANANEA. Sonori. Mexico.. May IS.
All Cananea la tonight noisily cele
brating the occupation br the Indi
rect o army, and cries of "Viva Cabral"
and "Viva Madera" fill the air.
Cabral'a men. having eaten their fill
at spreads set In every restaurant In
the rl:y at 4 o'clock this afternoon,
fraternize! with tne popular tonlaht.
and every Indication In that business
will proceed Trlthout Interruption or
loss, or possession of the town wss
gained ry the Insurgent force without
loss of life to either side.
The ararrtsoa of 50o men
under command of Colonel Chiapas,
harm surrendered with all the honors
of war. fllrd out as the triumphant tn
urrectos marched Into the town at
J' this afternoon. Jlayor Arnold and
all cther lucal. as well as federal, offi
cials accompanied the federal troops,
who. a the agrr. mrnt allowed, took
with them their arms .and ammunition.
Immediately on leaving the town,
the federals embarked on a train, and
a I o'clock lert for Noc-alea.
Cabral's Entrance Is Triumph.
-abral s entrance Into Cananea was
triumphant. The entire population
wwprn obi 10 meet him. moat of them
on loot, while every available vehicle
was pressed Into commission and
unren out to escort the rebel rhlef-
" 10 me old home. Among- the car-
ria-e. gaily decorated with liars and
"" w on in which rod Juan
v..ri. sr.. to Utsurrecto leader's anu otnrr members of his fam-
w nen lh. r:umn reached the ball
pa.-k. on the es of the town, where
the greater part of the DOoulatlon h.rt
gathered. Cabral was almost dragged
from his horse by enthusiastic ad
mirers and covered with wreaths of
..wrnr. as were the officers of his
command. The procession entered the
n ana marched to a
Tents were stretchI
Resignation of Cabinet De
manded by General.
Itebel Mob at Jaarcs Shoots for Ills
Life and Madrro Takes Him to
Safety Madero aad Oroaco
Join Hand as lYIcnds.
fConllnurJ rrom Fhst Pays.)
was captured, and.- after a brief ex
planation, conveyed Navarro to the
vacant lot.
ind Cihral -
Honsned cis headquarters there.
Ornoral Prevents Disorder.
Ilshed br the rebel commander, guards
postrd In front of all the itnr.. . n.i
at o'clock the troop dispersed th
crown, to prevent jthelr enthusiasm
leading- to disorder. At i:S Cabnl
river front, where th lutterwaded th
river and soon was ssfe on American
American troop were ready to pro
tect him. If necessary, but th Insur
rectos were completely Ignorant of
Madero's move until It was accom
plished. General Navarro ' a-ave bla
word of honor mat he would return
to Mexican soli when required to do so
by Madero.
Danger to Navarro .voided.
"As I feared that some Ill-advised sol
diers mlrht commit an outrax against
Qeneral Navarro. I took him from tho
gave orders that all slootlg of guns I beginning to my bouse, but I could not
in celebration of the capture be I ' lde constantly and with what
stopped and that all persons ehould be
witnm their homes In an hour.
town immediately Quieted dawn
A civilian chief of police and force
win o put into service
Cahral announced.
lahral la .only !S years old and lived
In Cananea until the federal govern
ment took coa-nizance of M.
passed I began to fesr that he would be
Injured -In my absence. In order to
avoid It. I took him personally to th
bank of th river, so that ha might pas
over to Amsrtoaa territory, wner n
continues as my prisoner of war under
his word of honor. I
In honor of Oroxeo I should say that .
bo simply proposed to in that we should
act In this manner from th beginning
. A -
- i
' ' s 111
nSs I . i
At $5.00 to $6.00
"We place on sale tomorrow a
large line of Boys' Knicker
Suits at $3.75. (They are' of the
quality that sells generally at
$5.00 to '$6.00.
They are made of All-Wool ma
terial;; the sewing is of the sort
that won't rip. .
Many of them have an extra pair
of pants. If your boy needs a
Suit you can't afford to miss this
eT-23 -was
Fourfh anrf Ader Sfrtefs ClOthinQ CO.
Grant Phegley, Manager
r rfabvcl
Chftcc Rilfimnra rinihoe I -hncc Hzliimnre Clntht 1 nats I Hafs
Itouneed revolutionary ivmnnhi- .1 I ln" mnn" ,n" oeinnin . -i Dav t
th beginning of the outbre and h. M iUta. "h ?W Wm ' ln, ,hi. tl
was forced to leave Utb"a,t- nd b my intention to grant Nvarro hla life.' of th,
Among th federal offlctala of Cans.
" wer tore men. sympathisers of
v wno remained behind when th
federal troops evacuated today. They
-' " ""rruso, cny pnysiclan: Leo-
poiao Adiua. mineral agent, and Jos
wnn, janer.
Among" Cabral's bodyguard of 34
rnen are three Americana. ll.rn,..
Mihlow. fonnerlr of Bisbee. Ariz, Is
ixuicniui on nis starr.
jos larmclo and Tomas Lopes
Una res. th Peace commissioner sent
u town, returned at 10 JO
O'clock With th innn.m.n,... .k-.
- ...... i, kU.h
cabrml had consented to their terms for
-maiier. Lader these terms th
g-arrtaon was permitted to march out
told me with all submission that what
I did was wen don. Consequently, It
la not true that any of th officers har
demanded bla life of me, a not even
th aoidlers har attempted to do it. al
though I hav beard that here and ther
some on expressed that opinion, but It
Is not th general desire of my soldiers,
who are brave In battl and magnanU
moot ln victory
Th provisional cabinet met several
times todsy In the large east room of
th Cuetom-Hmies, where President Taft
and President Diss once mat. On the
green burlap bangs a portrait of Taft. A
few days ag1 painting of Diss hung
beside It. Now th gllt-eda-ed frame
stands on th floor, with head down, un
derneath a painting of Benito Juares.
stats In what terms they wished the
Dlas announcement to be made.
Kebel leaders declared that, had such
a message reachel their ears, peace ne
eotlrftlons probably would long ago have
been resumed.
In El Paso, Francisco Madero, Sr., and
Rafael Hernandes, one of the go-betweens,
were conferring with Judge Car
bajal. th federal envoy.
"I bav th greatest hopes of succeed-
me. ' said Benor Bran Iff. on
go-betweens for peace In Mexico
at noon today, after a conference about
peaco - with Francisco I. Madero, Jr.
"I- can state that negotiations bav been
unofficially resumed."
Rebel Attack and
lUota Feared
Acapulco Taken by Rebels.
llEXICO C1TT. May IS. With a Urge
part of the capital's garrison patrol
ling tha outskirts of the city to ward
off possible attack by rebels, and th
remainder ready to assist the polio
In quelling a riot ln the downtown dis
trict, residents her had their thrills
of the revolution today. '
'I! rra" and """unltlon ,n1 tn af tr whom thla town was named and lutlonista wer planning an attack on
civil official wr conducted safely b- wh. In 1M7 defended tha constitution th suburbs, presumably Tlalpam or
Tond tb lasurreoto line. Th insur- for nforcement of whose provisions th gan Angel, and that the lonir-talked of
rvueis proiess to o ugnung.
If tha feeling against Navarro among
th Insurrectos. because of alleged acts
of cruelty In previous battles, beoome
stronger. It may be that a court martial
will be ordered. Some of th rebels
want a oourt martial, but tb disposi
tion of Madero and his supporters is to
rectos will at one organise a nrovl
atonal government.
Cabral a first demand for surrender was
met with a refusal. He then sent a cour
ier to American Consul Geora Wlnsall
advising that tha large number of a.m!
ears ln the camp be removed ta a r.
safety. The rebel Wrf.r ... tlon Of
solicitous for the aafetr of th. I Navarro trom any harm.
a cuuaren. ana said that h would
a-rant time for their safe removal. An
appeal was at once sent to the Ameri
can border towns for automobiles, th
'""" navma- oeea destroyed between
cananea and Naeo as well as th line
from Delrlo to Noaales. Th first of
thsse automobilss reached Cananea at
o ciuca. ana oerore midnight more
than a scor had come, most of them
beginning th return Journey at one.
Madero Ezplaina iacaa.
Surrender of Border Town Demand.
ed People Flee Ac-roes Line.
"KJAua, Aria, May li Juan Ca
bral. wbo today captured Cananea
rrom colonel Chiapas, the federal com
mander, has made a demand for th
surrender of Noaales, Sonora, and hla
demand was refused. Cabral at one
eent word he would attack Nogalea
nj m me morninit.
It la said that Cabral has seised a
train on tne jsaco division of tb South
ern Pacific and will hav hla men be
fore Noaales early tomorrow.
The streets of Novates. Sonora. are
aeserted. Tonight 129 families moved
to the American aide, as did also all
aovernment ana municipal officials.
The Mexican federals are stationed In
the hills outside of Noirales. Their
number Is not known. United F tales
troops tonight are patrolling th bor
der street between Nogalea, Aria, aad
nogalea, Honors-
Madero tonight gav out th follow.
Ing explanation of th day's events:
"Oroseo, excited bv th victory, prob
ably from tb adulation and bad ad vie
of persons Interested ln causing- dissen
sion among us, committed a fault which
fortunately had no consequenoes. .
U complained that th troop did
not hav sufficient provisions and
wanted to lay th fault upon th per
sons designated by me to provision tb
army; but th truth I that In the store
houses w bav more than enough pro
visions, so th fault Is with th pro
vider of his corps, who ha not attended
to hi duty.
He told ma alao that he did not Ilka
the peraons whom I had designated as
oabinet officers, but I answered that It
was not he who should tall m whom
I should appoint.
here being present a considerable
number -or soldiers at th place where
w met. it appeared to m opportune
to address them and explain to them
what was transpiring. They all showed
that they wer well disposed to con
ourd, and In ordsr to terminate tha
small and disagreeable Incident before
there. Orosco and I clasped hands and
forgot everything, as I took Into ac
count that, although It was tru that
he had lust committed a fault, on th
other band, he had given good service
to th country.
"Thla Incident, in Itself disagreeable.
baa furnished me with more data to
assure me that I can count on my sol
diers In any cass whatever and that tire
officers, although they may a-o astray
for a moment, never attempt to dls-
First Draft of BritlanAinerlcan
Treaty Slmplo In Outline,
WASHINGTON. May li-Th first
draft of th propoeed arbitration treaty
between America and Great Britain prac
tically is complete.
Th principal difficulty encountered
was In the consideration of matters ex
cepted from the scheme for general ar
bitration, but It was found that the de
sired object could be attained sstlsfsc
toriiy by th exchange of notes between
the two governments, explanatory of the
plan and scope of th treaty, leaving
th eoovaauaQ luaif vry suusls in out-
I.lmantoor' Statement Give Hope of
Sacoaw at Last.
JUAREZ, May 11 Prospects for re
storing peace in Mexico became brighter
today, when th explanation given by
Mr. Llmtntour In an Associated Press
dispatch from Mexico City last night.
concerning President Max" real Intention
about continuing In powei, was read by
officials of th provisional government.
Most of the leader were surprised to
read that Judge Carbajal. th federal
envoy, bad been sent a message by
Minister Limantour after th Dlas manl-
Xtesto was Issued, asking tbt rebels to
. students' demonstration was to occur
I this afternoon, every precautionary
j measure waa taken.
Hot only were troops detailed to
I watch the suburban district but an
order was Issusd by th police depart
ment for th saloons to close at 1
o'clock. Th attack by th rebels did
not take place and the students' dem
onstration was postponed. The rebels
are encamped near AJusco mountain
and tb students will not admit they
are ' contemplating a demonstration.
Nevertheless th government will not
relax its vigilance.
It Is feared a student demonstration
might precipitate a general disturbance.
A ruffian element would be sure to Join
In and this, coming at the moment of
an attack by rebels, even though few
in number, would present stirlou dif
ficulties. Throughout the city tb Idea of self
defense Is growing. Preliminary steps
looking to an organisation bav been
taken by th committee representing
the American colony, although th ac
tion has not found unanimous approval.
Th Chamber of Commerce decided not
to take any concerted action at pres
ent, but leave the protection of busi
ness houses to Individual owners. Sim
ilar action, has been taken in Oaudala
jara. This afternoon ther was circulated
an appeal to Mexicans to Inscribe their
names In the roster of those who would
defend their homes and business houses.
The revolutionists, and especially Ma
dero, are bitterly arraigned ln tiie cir
cular. ,
Something of a sensation waa oc
casioned by th publication In 1 Her
aldo of a atatement aigned by four
young men high in Mexican society,
who announced they have espoused the
cause of Madero and have placed them
selves at th head of a fighting force.
Th letter is sent from a hacienda ln
the State of Jalisco.
Brief advices received at th war de
partment say the federals garrisoning
Torreon have not been forced to meet
a general attack of the revolutionists
ther. Occasional skirmishes between
outposts wer followed early this
morning by a brisk engagement. In
which, according to the reports, the
federala wer victorious. Th machine
guns of .the federals are said to hav
don considerable execution. It ap
pears this engagement served only to
delay th advance of the enemy, as.
there Is a later message saying a heavy
fire Is being sustained by both sides.
From Acapulco the government re
ceived newa of the capture of that
port on May I. An army of more than
Soon rebels engaged the garrison of
200 soldiers and, although it was sup- 1
ported by the guns of the cruiser De iti
nerate, tb taking of th place was
aaUjc aooompUahad, j
Lumberman Says Reciprocity
Donates Coast Market.
Manager of Lumber Association Pre
dicts Transfer of Oregon and
Washington Trade When
Panama Canal Opened.
May 13. Leon Bronson. of Chi
cago, manager of the National Lumber
Manufacturers' Association, ln testi
mony before the Senate finance commit
tee today declared that if the Canadian
reciprocity agreement Is ratified and
goes Into effect, Brltlch Columbia lum
bermen will wrest control of tha Cali
fornia markets from Washington and
Oregon lumber Interests, and. upon
completion of Us Panama Canal, will
cut deeply Into the Eastern market.
which these two states now dominate.
He said thla would follow because
British Columbia mills can ship ln for
eign bottoms at less rates than are
charged by American coastwise Vessels.
He said the bill did not give Americans
access to the forests of Canada, but
merely to the sawmills.
Th North Dakota delegation argued
that free lumber would be no compen
sation to the farmer on his products.
because Tie does not use 1060 feet of
lumber a year."
U. S. Straasburger, representing the
Pittsburg manufacturers, said the plate,
glass industry in the United States was
dependent on protection.
"W cannot compete with the foreign
manufacturers," said Mr. Strassburger.
the runaway of his team down Hayes
Hill last Thursday, died today, never
having recovered from his semi-con
scious condition. He Is survived by a
wife and several children. The wrecked
stae-e has been hauled from its landing
place and brought to town, wner n is
being viewed oy many.
Peabody Fund to Be Divided.
v-r-Trr vnpr T IS. After 44 rears
the trustees of tne reaooay Mucauunm
Fund Association are aoout to distri
bute S2.S00.0O0 balance and close tha
t....hin Tho 'fund originated tw
years after the close of the Civil war.
wh-n n.nm A Peabodv. a Massachu
setts Dhllanthroplst. gave 13,500,000 "to
advance education," at least three
n .- r t V mnnev rn he nent l:
the South. Of this fund Sl.500,000 was
i- ,nnm rit tha etatee Of MIssIssIddI
and Florida, afterward repucuaieo, uno
IIIIa- Jnllara tT Ih. m IinPV In DBIia
will go to the feaDoay normal ocnooi
at Nashville, Tenn., and the rest will be
n..nnn ,mnnir 1 n tl t lit Ions in the
South devoting themselves to training
teachers, white and coiorea.
Wlckersham Will Speak at Tate.
torney-General Wlckersham will bo th'
---I--. r f V. a VdIa T .a tf
wilful r i r i k inra i l
clchool, June 19. He will probably
speak on a toplo Involving recent Na
tional Supreme Court cases. It is
understood he will receive an honorary
degree from the university.
Often Exhausted
French Consul Reports Battle
Which Rebels Are Bepulsed.
When SprlnaT Cam On, But .Nev
Since Taking Hood's 8 are a peril la.
Mrs. A. Hopkins, 225 East Ragle St.
East Boston. Mass.. writes: "Years ago
T learned what a srood medicine Hood s
Sarsaparllla is. When Spring came on
I was thoroughly exhausted and
obliged to take to my bed. I thought
I would rather die than be so tired. I
began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and
before long was perfectly well. Sine
then. SDrlna- has never come without
my having Hood's Sarsaparllla." . ,
Hood's Sarsarjarllla effects its won
derful cures, hot simply because It con
tains aarsanarllla. but because It com
bines the utmost remedial values of
twenty different Ingredients. There M
no "Just as good."
Get It today ln usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Saraatabs.
PARIS, May IS Jea.n Cruppl. Minis
ter of Foreign Affairs, laid before the
Cabinet Council today dispatches from
Heart Galllard, the French Consul at
Fes, under date of May 8, which said
10.000 rebels had attacked the city on
in ay 4 nut were repulsed.
Agents of the rebellious tribesmen
are ln Fez intriguing to undermine the
loyalty of the Sultan's - troops. Th
reports of French military intervention
spread among the natives in Fes are
proving a great menace.
Subcommittees to Be Named.
WASHINGTON, May 1J. The Senate
committee on privileges and elections
today authorised Chairman Dillingham
to appoint subcommittees on Senator
Root's bill which undertakes to prevent
legislative deadlocks by providing for
the election of the United States Sen
ator by a plurality vote, and on the
House campaign publicity bill. Many
amendments to the publicity bill have
been suggested.
Stage Driver Londen Dead.
GRANTS FA8S. Or., May 13. (Spe
cial. John Louden, driver of the
Crescent City stage, who was fatally
Jaju;e4 X ft enactor of. tb skull ij
Instantaneous Hollow Wire
Gasoline Lamps
1 to 1000 candle power,
adapted to any hollow
wire system. Sell at
sight. Write for special
r.0-:tsi Oak St-, Between
slxta and Seventh.
Grief Causes Athlete's Suicide.
PRINCETON, N. X. May 13. Hamil
ton Brown, the Princeton Junior who
committed suicide In his dormitory
room here yesterday, was a well
known athlete, and held the lnter-col-legiate
record ln the half-mile swim.
According to his classmates, Brown
had been much depressed since the
death of his father several months
ago.- His mental depression had been
followed by attacks of Illness and la
believed to explain his act.
Wedding Stationery
Have YOU made YOUR selection of Wedding Stationery,
Miss Bride t
If not, let us urge you to do so at 'once. With tho ap
proach of the popular Spring wedding season, our artists are
beginning to get crowded with work, and, like anything else
which requires special care, the less the rush the better the
workmanship. Therefore, it behooves you in your own inter
est to make your selection as early as possible. Dan Cupid
has attended to your love affairs, but you cannot expect the
dear little fellow to do your shopping, too I You, Miss Bride,
must select your Invitations, Announcements, etc.
Shall we send our representative to your home, or will
you call at our store 1 We have a special room in which you
may select your Engraving privately.
prices lowest; styles
a "o s o lutely correct are
the three predominating
features of our engraving.
jo rflL
' - ' y y&k BOOKS AND
Sixth and WasblnKtost St. Phone Mala 7022
Shorthand, bookkeeping and o ffice appliance courses. Day and night
sessions. Private Instruction If desired. Special work for stenographers
who need a little brushing up, a nd a position as soon as you are com
petent to hold It. We have an e mployment department. It will pay
you to come and see us.