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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1911)
14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAT 14, 1911. Select a New Eastman Kodak From Our Splendidly Complete StocksFree Use of Our Dark Room Women's Shoes Shined, Basement Read of Extraordinary Savings on Pure Food Groceries, Page 5, Section 3 For Additional Sales Tomorrow, See Monday Oregonian THE t MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. MEIER & FRANK'S - ' METER & FRANK'S THE METER & FRANK CO. 5TH, 6TH, MORRISON AND ALDER STS. up Mmsmth May venatt EE Mrasistwear! The Feature of the Third Week of Great 55th Anniversary Sales! Entire Center Aisle, Main Building and Regular Dept., Given Up to Mountains, of Snowy Undergarments at Big Savings r fl i special purchases, timed specially -for 'this event, have beenarriving. ' 1 I ii nr vOy v When you come tomorrow, a world of snowy, crisp, new Underrtmslins will I I $tS:'iZ$k fV'MM) you. Besides our regular department on the second floor, the entire center Uf'Mf ril ""Fp" " aisle in the main building has been given up to the display and sale. Every woman -u? -'-Jf?$fW&'' --M planned this May Sale of Un- dermuslins on such immense proportions! For.days the huge r special purchases, timed specially for this event, have been arriving. "When you come tomorrow, a world of snowy, crisp, new Underrtmslins will greet you. Besides our regular department on the second floor, the entire center aisle in the main building has been given up to the display and sale. Every woman should look to her Muslinwear needs. See 5th-street window display today. May Sale of MusLn Gowns Yeomen's Night Gowns made of very fine nainsook, cambric and Masonville muslin, charm ingly trimmed with laces and tucks. Pretty slip-over, bishop and Empire styles with high or low neck and long or dainty puffed sleeves. $1.00 Night Gowns at 73 $1.35-$1.50 Gowns at 93 $1.85 Night Gowns $1.23 $255 Night Gowns $1.39 $2.75 Night Gowns $1.73 $&25 Night Gowns $2.19 $3.75-$4.25 Gowns $2.43 $5.50 - $6.50 Gowns $3.57 $7.50 -$3.50 Gowns $5.18 Specials on Princess Slips Exquisitely dainty long Princess Slips of best quality lawn, trimmed in fine Val. or linen laces, embroideries and ribbons. $3.75-$4 Princess Slips S2.73 $5.00-56 Princess Slips $3.59 $7.50 Princess Slips at S4.98 $10, $12, $13.50 Slips $6.95 Dainty Chemise Dainty nainsook and lawn Chemise, in plain or pretty trimmed styles. $1.00 Chemise, special at 79 $1.25 Chemise, special at 89 $1.50-$1.75 Chemise at SI. 22 $2.00-$2.25 Chemise at S1.49 $2.50-52.75 Chemise at $1.79 $3.00-53.25 Chemise at S2.29 $3.5O-$4.00 Chemise at $2.87 The White Underskirts New stocks of pretty cam bric and lawn Underskirts with deep ' flounces, some of embroidery, others of self ma terial, heavily trimmed. Sepa rate dust ruffles. $1.50 White Underskirts 93 $2-52.25 Underskirts at S1.47 $3 White Underskirts SI. 97 $4.00-$5 Underskirts at $2.93 $6.00-59 Underskirts at $3.95 Short Skirts Made of very fine lawn and cambric, trimmed in dainty em broideries, rucks and insertion. 85c Short Underskirts at 69 $1.00 Short Underskirts 73 $125 Short Underskirts 83 $1.50 Short Underskirts 93 Sample French Undermuslins Half Price June Brides would do well to in clude these exquisite French gar ments in their trousseaus! Sam ple lines of Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise, Skirts and Combinations, beautifully hand - embroidered. Prettiest of new styles in $5 to $75 grades. Special for great May Mus- yl linwear sales, reduced just '2 Entire stock of French Under muslins at splendid savings. Sav ings on genuine Kayser's Silk Underwear. . Save on the Corset Cover Wide choice in wom en's dainty Corset Covers, made of sheerest nain sook, lawns and cambric. Pretty blouse or fitted styles, daintily trimmed in fine linen and Val. lace edgings, embroideries, clusters of tucks, head ings and insertions. 40c White Corset Covers 25 50c White Corset Covers 33 75c White Corset Covers 43J 85c to $1.00 Corset Covers 63 $155 to $1.35 Covers at 83 $1.75 White Corset Covers 93 $2-$2.25 Corset Covers, $1.27 $2.50 Corset Covers at $1.39 The Combi nation Suits Charming Corset Cover and Drawer Combinations, also Cor set Covers and Short Skirt styles, of fine cambric, nainsook and lawn trimmed in dainty val. and linen laces, etc. Prin cess style or drawn at waist line with beading and ribbons. $1.75 Combination Suits, special May Sale at 9S $2.00-$2.50 Combination Suits, tomorrow at $1.43 $2.50-$3.50 Combination Suits, special price $1.98 $4.00-$4.50 Combination Suits, special price $2.98 $6.00-$6.50 Combination Suits, special price $3.75 Six Specials On Drawers Splendid savings on "Women's Drawers, made of very fine nainsook, cambric and muslin, pret tily trimmed in dainty embroideries and wide tucked ruffles finished with dainty lace edgings, insertions, beading and ribbons. Wide circular or umbrella styles, open or closed. 75c White Drawers 53 $1 White Drawers at 69 $1.25 White Drawers 89 $1.65-$1.75 Dr'wers S1.29 $2.50-$2.75 Dr'wers $1.73 $3-$3.75 Drawers $2.29 A See Details and List of Contestants in the Great K Teachers9 Travel Contest Q on Back Page, Section 2 . Air Ferns and Basket 90c Values 59c MEIER FRA5K, BASEMETT FOR tomorrow's sale, 2000 of these . artistic Air Ferns in Oriental Hanging Baskets. Fila greed assorted SECOND FLOOR 59 with 5-inch beaded .fringe in colors, exactly as illustrated. Air Fern and Basket com plete, regularly 90c, tomor row onlr. offered at, each 6000 Air Ferns a big shipment Q ""ffci" just received. Tomorrow, per bunch J' f : U 3.75 Sflver Tern Dishes 7-icch foot- tV nnadrnnle silver t)late. TX Handled pottery lining.' Of- CO 1Q fcred special , tomorrow for A' n n E5" Brass . 59c mi 4mr- $6to$ 10 Waists $3.95 25 Lovely Models TWO HUNDRED beautiful Dress "Waists, just tut of their express wrappings I They're a purchase made by our buyer in New York two, weeks ago. White Voile and Marquisette Waists some exquisitely hand-embroidered . and braided ; others ' trimmed in fine tucks, embroidery and cluny. laces. High and Dutch necks; kimono sleeves, ft " r Priced . tomorrow at tj)Oa White Crepe Waists Yokes and collars of narrow Cluny lace and net. Kimono sleeves ; fronts braided and embroi- flJO QC derod. On sale for PJiJ Chiffon Waists, - all colors, with charming embroidery, and bead trimmings. . Made over col ored linings; laces, yokes and nndersieeves, also JJutcn neck i 1 and kimono sleeves. iO QC I1 On sale at only, ea. Wii7i) wa&iUDie dux warns, smart Iv tailored, blue or gray stripes. Soft collars and cuffs, $3.95 WINDOW S7.50 New Silk Mous quetaire Bags S3.49 THESE beau tiful new Silk Mousquetaire Bags are the fad of the moment! A spe cial purchase just received by express regular $6.50 and $7.50 grades at $3.49 4 A half dozen dif- vAt'i made in the shape il U ri2SUM?;;yi lnstrated of a i 1 k moire .satin and tap estry, fastening with loop and finished with the modish new cordelier handles. See window dis play at 6th and Al- T A f der street. On sale f tomorrow for only A Half Price Hat Sale! . MEIER A rRiXK SECOND FXOOR,1 ORDER BT MAIL. . JUST for Monday only, we've selected nearly 200 beautiful Semi-Dress and Tailored Hats from our $7.50 to $20 lines, to sell at exactly. half price! Jaunty little Turbans galore, charming picture shapes, trimmed in wings,- quills, fine flowers, silk and " velvet rib-. bons. Absolutely Monday only, $7.50 to $20.00 Hats at exac S 12 Price Bordered Mar quisettes $1,29 NOTHING newer in silks than these beautiful Bordered Marquisettes and think of buy ing them at practically half All the season 's wanted shades. $20 quality, on sale C1 OQ tomorrow for only P $ 1 Silk Foulards for 69c For tomorrow, 2500 yards of the finest $1 Silk Foulards, in cluding the world-famous 'Che ney Showerproof Foulards. Scores of newest designs in every imaginable shade. CQ Offered special at, yard0 $30 to $75 Dresses, $18.65 An Exclusive Neiv York Maker's Samples an d Models MEIER dt FRANK'S, SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. IN ALL, not over 80 beautiful -Gowns and Dresses in this splendid purchase from one of New York's most exclusive makers! Sample and model Dresses of Pongees, Taffetas, Mar quisettes, Foulards, Etamines and Chiffons. Exquisite models in the Marquisettes, made over shimmering messa lines in lovely veiled effects. Other models have yokes of silk, veiled in chiffon and. trimmed in beads, included are a number of the famous new Duo Dresses, One-Pieee style with short Eton jacket to match. Not a Dress in the lot worth less than $30, many $40, $45, to $75 at $ 1 0 to $14 Dresses at $7.77 Special purchase of charming new One-Piece Foulard and r Batiste Dresses with yokes of lace and embroidery trimming. One particularly pretty ' model has tucked lace yoke, piped in black ; side fastening effect with black velvet buttons. Colors, navy, Copenhagen, white, light blue and C7 TT pink. Regular $10 to $14 Dresses, tomorrow 3) , $18.65 New Spring Suits $25 Just received, a splendid new. line of Tailored Suitsi you 11 call-them the best values in Portland at $25 1 Made with the short coats, semi or tight fitted. Charming satin sailor collars and the chic French side-fastening effects. Navy blue, tans, black, grays in fancy stripes and mixtures. Special price tomorrow $25.00 $5 Petticoats, $2.98 Extraordinary sale tomorrow of new Soft Taf feta Silk Petticoats that never sell regularly under $5. Made with deep tucks and plaited flounces. uome in DiacK, wmte, pinK, Drown, gray, green solid colors and exquisite change able shades." Special tomorrow at 7 o $2.98 Exquisite Lace Bands Greatly Underpriced MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. Women's $3.50-$6JJO Trimmed Hats $2.95 Special lot of "Women's and Misses' becoming Trimmed Hats for street wear. .All the season 's popu lar shapes. Regular $3.50 to $6.50 Hats, to- JO QC II morrow at, each V OPLENDID savings on a choice assortment of very pretty Lace Bands so much in demand for waists and gowns ! "VThite, cream or ecru, 2 to 7 inches wide. $1.00 to $1.25 Lace Bands priced at 79? $2.00 to $225 Lace Bands at only $1.69 $2.50 to $3.00 Lace Bands at only 1.98 $4.00 to $475 Lace Bands at only $3.19 Corset Cover Embrcid'y New Summer Waists make many prejty Corset Covers a necessity, and here are splen did savings in sheer swiss and nainsook Corset Cover Embroid eries in dainty eyelA and floral designs. 35c to 50c Embroideries at 25 50c to 85c Embroideries at 39 85c to $1.50 Embroideries, 69 $1.25 to $2.50 Embroid ered Flounces, 27 inches wide, in pretty English eye let designs. Special Q Q price, the yard only tOC 50c to 85c Embroideries, 18 inches vide, in very pretty patterns. Suitable for children's dresses, QQ special price, yardOiC