Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
'5 THIS SUT)AY OKEGOyiAX rOBTLAm 3IAY7, 1911. . in '. - ! . i See Full Page ot Other More news, ias rac, jbwwi - . . SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK CONTINUED FORM PACE 3 Tork poo pi either visitors or residents are inn ted. Tha New Tork State Society of Ore iron will hold a meeting next Tuesday evening; at Chrlstensen's Hall. Eleventh and Tamhlll street. An entertaining programme will be given and arrange ments made (or the Summer meetings. All New York people, either visitors or residents, are cordially Invited. The Enna Amateurs have issued In vitations (or a musical to be given In connection with a la rue chorus and sev eral local artists at the dedication of Kllers Hall next Thursday evening-. The Willamette Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph C.eer. 117J East Twenty-second street North, on Wednesday. May 1. at half past two o'clock. Mrs. Frances Sher man will address the meeting on "Ma nila. see The reirular monthly sewing meet Ins; of the Georir Wright Women1! Relief Corps will be entertained by Mrs. Melvlna Worlck Wednesday, at her home In Montavllla. near East ftllsan and East Seventy-second street. Visitors are cordially Invited. The younir women of the Pt. Law rence Church will (five a whist and five hundred party, to be followed bv dancing, at St. Lawrence Hall. Third and Sherman streets, next Wednesday night. The regular meeting of the St. Anne charitable society will take place at the home of Mrs. W. A. Elvers Thurs day afternoon at S:SO o'clock. 11 North Twenty-third street. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Thursday. May 11. at S:30 (clock, with Mrs. V. M. C. Sllva. at the Rose Friend Apartment. A full at tendance Is requested. The first and second divisions of the Portland Shakespeare Club will meet together at the home of Mrs. C. C. New castle, loo Weldler street, tomorrow afternoon at S o'clock. WEDDINGS. Seaton-Jones. The wedding of Fred O. Seaton. of Portland, and Miss Charlotte J. Jones, of Chicago, took place Tuesday at 8 P. M. at the attractive home of the bride's cousin. James Johnson. 223 East Fifteenth street. The service was read by Rev. D. McPhall before the members of the family. Several of Miss Jones' friends, who have been members of her art classes, were Invited by her cousin. Irs. Johnson, to the house after the wedding. The party thns formed waa a surprise to the bride and former teacher. . The house decorations were dainty, formed of white lilies and pink carnations, as well as trailing chains of Oregon grape and clusters of maiden hair fern. Miss Jones was gowned In pearl gray crepe de chine with Venetian lace. Orange blossoms adorned her hair and she carried white carnations. Supper was served, with baskets of pink car nations placed artistically about the room and on the table. Both the young folk have many friends In Portland. Miss Jones having conducted her art piuuio ana classes ana jar. oeaiua nav ing been prominent In the Northwest School Furniture Company. They will reside at 47S East Forty-elxth street. North, where they will be at home after May IS. McXeff-Cahalan. The marriage of Miss Margaret E. McNeff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. McNeff. and Harry L. Cahalan, both of North Yakima. Wash., waa solemn ized Wednesday noon In St. Mary's Cathedral. The ceremony waa per formed by Archbishop Christie in the presence of Immediate relatlvea. The bride waa attended by her sister. Miss Katharine McNeff. and the bridegroom by J. J. Callahan. The bride was at tired In an Imported three-piece gown of cream broadcloth, empire style, with yoke and bolero of Irish crochet and Cluny lace. The gift of the bridegroom waa a diamond cluster ting. Later a wedding breakfast was served In the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McNeff. Mr. and Mrs. Cahalan then departed on the Shasta Limited for San Francisco and after a short so journ there will make an autobomlle trip of Southern California, and later will visit New York and Eastern points. They Intend to spend two years traveling abroad. lggeHolmbrf. One of the prettiest weddings of the week waa that of Miss Elsie Legge to George E. Holmberg, Father Walte of ficiating. The bride wore a gown of white nuns-veiling trimmed with white aatln and lae and carrying an arm bouquet of sweet peas. The brides maid. Miss Fearl Legge. sister of the bride, wore gown of white embroid ery over pink, her bouquet being pink sweet peas. The bridegroom was attend ed by his cousin. James McKay, of Maple Lake. Minn. The bouse waa decorated with a color scheme carried out in the reception hall and parlors In green and yellow, while In the dining-room It waa lavender and white. Here refreshmenta were served. Mr. Holmberg Is the nephew of Mrs. J. A. Herschler. Mr. and Mrs. Holmberg will be at home to their friends after May IS at East Twenty-eighth street north. Go staf Kn-TI Icks. Levi Oustafson and Miss Clara E. Hicks were married on Tuesday, May . at 1140 Gay street by the Rev. J. Bowersox. The bride Is the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Oustafson have many friends In Portland. They wlU live at 10 West Willamette boulevard. lUcks-Gnatafaon. Mlas Clara E. Hicks and Levi Oustaf on were married Tuesday. Rev. J. (lowersox performing the ceremony, at 1140 Gay street. The bride la the only laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Uustafson are at home to :helr friends at 10 West Willamette boulevard. MeCullooh-KTceman. The msrrlage of William C McCul toch. of this city, and Miss Florence Freeman, of Rock Island. TIL, took place in that city on April 2. After lune L Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch will be it home In Portland. Harding-Lindner. Miss Grace Harding waa married to 9. A. Llndsey, of North Yakima, at the iome of her mother. Mrs. E. F. Elch tiann. SSI Karl street, Wednesday. May L Rev. A. B. Walts performed the leremony. Cox-Gaant- Lester W. Cox and Miss Dollle Gaunt irere married at 14 Eleventh street Tuesday afternoon. May 1. by Rev. J. f. Staub. of the Sunnyslde Congrega tional Church. Cox-Gaunt, Lester W. Cox and Miss Pollls Gaunt rere married at 140 Eleventh street, hiesday afternoon by Rev. J. J. Staub. If Sunnyslde Congregational Church. Weatrook-Hasklng. William A. Wstrook and Hattis Basking were united In marriage at "WINSOME LASSIE, ONE OF THE "BUSY BEES" IN THE MAT FETE TO BE GIVEN MAY 10. SV-. 1 . '. er - - ' J ' , . - , : . 7 . ; .... : MAHGl'ERITR WOODBITF. Marguerite Woodruff, daughter of Mrs. I E. Woodruff. Seventh and Jefferson. Sheffield Apartments, will take part In the May day fete to be given In the Helllg Theater on the night May 10 by the Sisters of St. Mary's Academy. Marguerite and a bevy of young girls form what are termed the "Busy Bees." She possesses considerable latent talent for one so young, and Is a handsome and winsome lassie. the White Temple Sunday afternoon. April 30 by Rev. W. B. Hlnson. Westrook-IIaeklns. William A. Westrook and Miss Hattie Hasklns were united In marriage Sun day afternoon. April 30. at the White Temple, by Rev. W. B. Hlnson. Fhllllps-Hllary. George A. Phillips, of McMlnnvtlle, and Miss Kate H-'-iry. of Portland, were married April 18 by Justice of the Peace Fred L. Olsen. AXXOtTXCEMEXTS. Engagements are being announced In rapid succession for June marriages. One of the latest of these Is that of Miss Grace Maglady, of Eugene, to Dr. R. M. Emerson, of this city. Both young persons have been atudents of the University of Oregon, Dr. Emerson of the dental department and Mlas Maglady a resident student at Eugene. This wedding will take place early In June. Mra. Joseph Stuart, of Albany, an nounces the engagement of her daugh ter, Vira, to Andre J. Wolff, of Port land. The wedding will take place early In June. Mra. Anna Anson announces the en gagement of her daughter, Eva Fort mlller, to Henry E. Jagger. of this city. The wedding will take place in June. Colonel and Mra. E. D. Evana an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Inex, to William Ronald Scott, the marriage to be May 81. Mr. and Mra. James N. Sutton, of 781 Hoyt street, announce the marriage of SCOTCH SINGER IS TO APPEAR AT BUNGALOW Prima Donna Who Hu Pleased Audiences in European and Eastern Cities Joins Lyric Musical Comedy Company. v; ; '7 4 t ) rS" VV J' V .(: ;?,!'.;; ,,:"'. ' a '. : -j f - , v.-"- i tf". t I. ;.- - - t' t. ' ... ' i . .. . JEtKtE rtETTHER, NEW PRIMA DOXS.l WITH I.TRIC MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY AT THE BCNGALOW. MANAGERS Keating k. Flood, of the Ljrle Musical Comedy Company, which opens Its Summer season at the Bungalow this afternoon. Intro duce to their patrons a new prima don na. Miss Jeanle Fletcher. late of the Kolb and Dill Company. Mlsa Fletch er"a auccess haa been remarkable and she has. in her book of clippings, flat tering notices from London, Dublin. Melbourne. British Columbia and the large Eastern cities. The Chicago Pally News of February, 5. 1908, in speaking of her appearance In that city, aaya: "Miss Fletcher, an attractive canta trlce of personality, was easily the star of the evening and gave the occasion its artistio value. In addition to good looks snd a fine bearing, she has a voice of wide range (surpassing two octaves) that is singularly warm and winsome." Miss Fletcher Is of pure Scotch blood and Is especially happy in tbe songs so dear to her own countrymen, and will doubtless be heard in many of these. DEVELOPING BUSTi Aiwn rHRST : Wile. Merlyn. America's great authority on Health and Beauty Culture, advise, deep braathlns each morning and night, massag ing the part with Meloros Beauty Cream each night and each morning parts with cold salt water. Take Whites Vaucalre Galega Tablets tour times a day. drink water treely. and within a very rea sonable time excelont result will be no ticed. It is essential that you take the Vaucalre remedy that contain the CINE IMPORTED GALEGA. uch as W lard White Company's does, and to M on the safe side ask for this brand, take no substitutes, as they are worthies and a want of time. . . The tablets are more of a food tm medicine, and are perfectly harmless. Easy ( t0Notkonly does Mile. Merlyn indorse this ' method, but also all high authorities on . beauty culture and beauty writers and thou sands of women who have successfully used them. White's Vaucalre Galega Tablets are no .ITw , to auk for Wlltlard White Co. s ! VAUCAIRE GaUegsi Tablets) The FAMOUS BUSr DEVELOPER FLEiH BUILDER TONIC $1.00 BOX. 7Qr This Is the preparation so highly recom mended by MME. DB LA VIE and all high authorities on health and beauty culture. White's Vsuralre Galega Tablets contain the genuine Imported Galega. They round out shrunken, sallow part, develop ana make the bu.l firm. If you are undeveloped. THIN, careworn, nervous or run down, taK. a bos of these tablet and note their won derful effects, f 1 bor (three weeks' treat ment) only 7c. One box of the tablets equals two bottles of the II else liquid, and very superior. CAUTION Imitations and worthless nos trums in being offered. Get only the origi nal, genuine, distributed by Wllllard White Co.. Chicago. Bewar of substitutes, look for t. 8. reg. trade msrk on each box. (lend 2c stamp for sample of Melorose Cream, Meloros. Fac. Powder, also booklet. . Mall orders filled: add So extra. Write to t ream Powder Kongo, Sua blxe. Tbe Mont Perfect Toilet Dainties In the World, noia or "w MELOROSE 39c their daughter, Daysle Mae, to Dick Wick Hall, of Salome, Arlx. Mr. and Mra Hall will be at home for the Sum mer at 39 Horlson avenue, Venice, Cat No cards. SOCIETY PERSONATES. Mrs. J. B. Holbrook has returned from a trip to Seattle. Mrs. Anna B. Thompson has moved from the Hobart-Curtis to Alexandra Court. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moores expect to go aoon to their alfalfa farm near Pasco. Bishop and Mrs. Scadding are enter taining Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lyon, of Chicago. Miss Helen W. Clark, of Pacific Heights, Tacoma, waa recently a guest In this city. Mra W. II. Dolman went to Salem yesterday to visit her son. Dr. Willis B. Morse, for ten daya. . Mra. Arthur Rlgga waa a guest last week at the Astoria home of Mrs. Thomas Morris. Mrs. Charles W. Fulton Is In Astoria, where she Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. a. C Fulton. Miss Delberta Stuart is at Hood River, where she la convalescing from a serious Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mauss (Miss Katherine O'Hara) are here for a few daya from Seattle. On bla way to California, B. Gltler, a buslneaa man of Spokane, stopped here for a day last week. Miss Hattie Spurrier, who has passed the last seven months in California, has returned to her home. Mrs. Frank Rigler, who recently visited friends in Seattle, returned to her home In Portland Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Putman, a former Portland girl, visited In Portland last week from her home in Medford. Mrs. Arthur Sprague has returned from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mra E. J. Sommervllle, In Pendleton. Mra H. Salmonson and Miss Ruth Sal monson, formerly of Portland, are reg istered at the Hill House on Washington street. Mlsa Mabel Riggs and her father, Frank C Rlggs. are back at their home in thla city, after several months In the East. Mrs. Edward French, of The Dalles, returned to her home last Sunday after passing the week-end of the Klrmess in this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barnes, formerly of Tacoma, are now living in Portland, having moved to this city about two weeks ago. Mrs. H. Salmonson and Miss Ruth Sslmonson, formerly of Portland, are registered at the Hill House on Wash ington street. iilss Ethel Lesley Thompson has gone to California for a visit, leaving here Tuesday night, and expecting to re main indefinitely. Mrs. Charles H. Fox. of 15 East Six teenth street, has returned from a five weeks' trip to San Jose, Cal., accom panied by her young son, Charles. Mrs. B. Van Voorhis and Miss Har riett L. Waterhouse returned to Port land last Sunday after a few days' visit at Lakevtew, Clatsop, Oregon. Mrs. E. M. Love, who visited her cousin. Mra Oswald Taylor, In Irving ton for the fortnight just past has re turned to her home in Victoria, B. C Mlsa Anna Henderschott returned to her home last week after a four months' visit In Los Angeles. She stayed one week In San Francisco on her way home. Varnel Beach left Portland last week for the East to resume his studies at Harvard University, having recovered from a brief Illness contracted there last Winter. Mrs. Edwin Anthony and Miss Helen Anthony, mother and sister of Gerald Anthony, left Portland yesterday for their home in Alameda, after spending several days here. Professor and Mrs. Charles Marchand and their niece. Miss Coyer, have given up their apartments at the Everett and returned to their attractive home near Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Welch have re turned from Los Angeles, where they passed the Winter. They were accom panied home by the niece. Miss Anna Henderschott. Mra E. C Wegman, who has been in California for two months with her daughter. Miss Helen Wehman, re turned home last week, leaving her daughter in the southern state for the Summer. Rev. and Mrs. Tyler J. Coburn, for merly of Spokane, are in Portland this week. They left that place last Wed nesday, Reverend Tyler having resigned from the pastorate of the Methodist Church South. ' Mr. and Mra B. Buck, nee Stein, have' returned and are now at home to their friends. They recently entertained several guests Including, Miss Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearson. Byron Toombs, Roy McFadden, Ernest Stein and Miss Kate Crank. Mra David Williams and small daughter, Ionemary, have returned from California, where they passed about 10 weeks in Los Angeles, Pasa dena and Whlttler. At present the Williams are moving Into their new home on Harold avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy have re turned to The Dalles after spending IFe Meier (1? Frank Store's lie Anniversary Grocery Sale & - ras,vu- w . crvrvT ORDER BY MAII. NOT only is The Big Store's Pure Food Grocery, section never undersold, but ' here you are often able to obtain at splendid savings, lines which other stores hold at restricted prices! Read over the list of compelling bargains below most ever3i;hing you need is at a cut-price 1 Also visit our demonstration booths and sample the new things shown there. You may secure many a valued recipe in that way. Among the booths are: Tryphosa, 10c the package. Imperial Wine Jellies, etc. Red Eibbon Brand Good3. Crescent Mfg. Company. Pacific Biscuit Co. German American Coffee. Tetley's Teas. St. James' Importing Co. Monopole Brand Goods. Anker's Buillion Capsules. Otter Clams. Mrs. Porter's Salad Dressing. M. J. B. Coffee. Dependable Coffee. Quaker Oats and Cereals. 1 ! Wisconsin Cream Brick Cheese, Special Pound at 17c Fancy Maine Succotash Fancy Maine Corn, spe- Fancy Indiana Corn, De Monte Tomatoes, special doz. $1.35, can cial dozen $1.35, can special dozen 08c, can special dozen $1.25, can 12c 1 12c 9c 1 11c Royal Banquet Butter, the Two-Pound Square at 54c "Patriot" Salmon, doz. Shrimps, small cans, a Salmon Pudding, very Waw Waw Sauce, deli-$115- special, the can dozen at $1.35; the can appetizing; special, can cious on meats, fish, etc 10c 13c 10c 25c Beechnut and Butternut Butter, Two-Pounds for 50c Victor Pickles, regular- Victor . Pickles, excel- Victor Catsup, from Victor Catsup, tasteful ly sold at 15c; special lently flavored, 25c size vine ripened tomatoes, ly seasoned, 10c size at 12c 22c 18c 1 9c Genuine Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams, 14V4c a Pound Paper Shell Almonds, English Walnuts, large, Japanese Brooms, light Campbell's Pork and selected grade, pound meaty, special, pound to handle, and strong Beans, 15c size 12c; 10c 18c 1 20c 1 15c 8c 25c Cake Bakers9 Premium Chocolate, Special at 20c Baker's Cocoa, rich and Huyler's Cocoa, special Lowney's Cocoa, whole- Lowney's Chocolate, V2 pure i2-P0d box at nalf Porad box at only some and pure, V2 lb. pound cakes special at 21c 1 22c 1 22c 1 20c Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, Special at 23c Ivory Salt, dry, fine- Shaker Salt, guaran- R. S. V. P. grade of Ta- Dairy Salt in bushel grained kind, special teed pure, tomorrow at ble Soap, special only bags, special tomorrow 8c 8c Sc 47c Cottolene, 2 lbs. 35c; 4 lbs. 69c, and 10 lbs, at $1.63 , 1 Holly Milk, in conveni- Yeloban Condensed Pioneer Milk, sweet Carnation Milk, guar ent .tins, special, tin Milk, always ready, at and wholesome, tin at anteed pure, special at 8c - I 8c 1 8c 1 8c Kaola, 3 lb. Can 49c; 5 lb. Can 83c; 10 lb. Can $1.63 Snider's Catsup, splen-1 Blue Label Catsup, of Oyster Cocktail Sauce, Sylmar Olive Oil, regu didly seasoned, special red, ripe tomatoes, at special tomorrow only lar $1 size, tomorrow at 23 c 19c 22c 92c Tillamook Full Cream Cheese, Special the Pound 16c Pimento Cheese, for I Neufchoter Cheese, of Elkhorn Club Cheese, Elkhorn Club Cheese, sandwiches, etc, a jar excellent flavor, pkg. regular 10c size at only 15c jars, special at only 15c 1 4c I - 8c 12c Phone Your Orders If it is not possible for you to personally do your marketing, phone us your orders, Private Ex change 4 or A 6101 ten expert telephone Grocery clerks to take vour orders. aeveral weeks at the Portland Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. William Eccles and their daughters. Marlon and Emma, of Ogden. Utah, were visitors In Portland a few days last week. Mr. and Mra Oscar Rittenbera; will leave Portland for the East next Sat urday, where they will remain until July, when they will be accompanied home by their son, Paul, who is attending- the Shattuck Military School tn Faribault, Minn. Mrs. A. H. ' Meyers has returned to her home in the Brown apartments after a three months' tour of the East. nlle away Mrs. Meyers visited her sltser. Miss Esther Spangrel, In New York City, and F. W. Spangel, a brother. In Phlla- ,ii . vlnltlnir at the for mer home of Mr. Meyer at Fort Wayne, Ind. i v SPECIAL. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mrs. John Cran. Old sliver, mahog any steamer rugs. 793 Johnson st. " Dr. Beatrice Grenler-Stejer, 405 Ellers building. Seventh and Alder streets. A. De Blanche, ladies' tailor, 845 Washington street, at 7th; 2d floor. Oregon Conservatory of Music. All branches taught by staff of teachera" Corsets. We sell ' Wade, Redfern. Goodwin front-laced. We will fit you at your home. Call up Mme. Zeitfuchs, room 31J Fliedner building. Main 6494. Ives, Famous Painter, Dead. LONDON, May 6. Halsey Cooley Ives, director of the City Art Museum of St. Louis, and widely known In the world of art. died during the night, following a stroke of apoplexy yesterday. Mr. Ives was a painter of note, and his landscape, "Waste Lands," brought him a sliver medal at the Portland Ex position. His educational services In art were recognized by decorations, medals and diplomas in this country, France, Australia. Japan, China. Portu gal. Belgium. Bulgaria, Sweden and Denmark. He was chief of the art de partments of the Chicago and St. Louis Expositions, and several times repre sented the United States Government as Commissioner abroad. He was a mem ber of the National Sculpture Society, the National Arts Club, the Academy of Science and other societies. He was born at Montour Falls, N. In 1846. Commission Barred in Montana. BUTTE. Mont, May . After several cities of the state have expressed them selves in its favor, discovery has been made that the constitution of Montana forbids the commission form of govern ment. City Attorney Maury today quoted, in a signed article, section 36, article 6, of the constitution, which reads: "The Legislative Assembly shall not delegate to any special commission, pri vate corporation or association, any pow er to make, supervise or interfere with any municipal Improvement, money, property or effects, whether held In trust or otherwise, or to levy taxes or to perform any municipal function what ever." The recent Legislature passed an act authorizing the commission form, but this. It Is now believed, would be held unconstitutional. ROSE FESTIVAL "Will Boon bo with us. Be prepared with a natty white serge suit made to your order by I. REUBIN ELITE LADIES' TAILOR, 301-2 Selling Bldg., Sixth and Alder. LADIES! Lend Me Your Faces For IS Minutes I will make you look like a new woman with the great KEO PIiAS TIQ.I K. Instantaneous results, fine wrinkles disappear, deep lines soft en, sagging lifts up, face becomes firm, skin tightens, complexion brightens, restores the natural bloom of youth, all in 15 minutes. A harmless vegetable preparation guaranteed under the pure food law. Not expensive, you use it In your home. SOI.n OX APPROVAL. Bring this advertisement to the office and we will give you a FREE DEMONSTRATION. You can be the judge of Its value. For gentlemen as well as ladies. Call or write KEO PLASTIQUE AGENCY, DEPT F 9 SelllnK-Hlrsch Bids Washing-ton St., Over flush & Lane Piano Store. Phone Main 3271. Agents Wanted. Baltimore Antique Furniture Co. Antique Specialties Makers of Artistic Cabinet Work and Fur niture 471 Washington St., Port land, Oregon R. Kugel Mgr. , Telephone Marshall 1997.