The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 07, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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Tor Bate
Clos) ts '. trie station, rood "house,
barn, outbuild. nga. rurnfng stream,
springs and good wll; family orchard la
bearir.a cioM to school. atora and price 84000. cut. balaac
year at s per cuu
430 Lumbermen
40-acke iimirirt
1 mlUa from Portland. I'm nllM from
lectric Una. i mile to boat-landing
and prosperous town; fin, dorp, run
1L soil that will grow anything, baa
wir au year round. 2 gooa
wells and 2 food springs, not a foot of
waata land, no rocks. Uos nlcIr Tou
can run a dairy, ralaa chlckona hoes
berries, fruit or anything you with. 38
acroa la crop, potato, oata vetch, cover.
timo:hy. ka.e. etc 2 acre fruit, aome
eiaomng umoer and aome slashed and
burned. 7-room houa. 3-roora cabin,
large barn and other outbuildings, young
team. cow. boa, chickens, cream sepa
re tor. buggy, wagons and all Implement
necessary to farm. Enough grain for
stock until harvest. R. F. LK. telephone,
a mala county road. H mils to school,
cnurcb aero road. This la a sacrifice,
aa the mta owning this farm bae left
for hla old poeltloa on Che Sound, leav
ing his wife, an ex-echoolteacbar. to take
cara of the place. She la now ready to
give up. tor a quick sale thla piece can
be had for 8150 per acre. Much lees than
adjoining land Is selling for. Buy this
and bw Independent.
832-83S Chamber of Commere.
Good Terma
33.000 acrea 8 1 J ." per e re.
7.30 acrea. 915.0O per acre.
40O acrea. 9 0.0O per acre.
2. T'ni acrea, I 25.00 per acre.
- acres. 950. oo per acr.
l:-4 acrea orchard. 423 o0.
2-o acrea flna dairy. 810O per acr.
275 acre, flna stock and dairy farm.
4eo acree. 1 mite water front. $33,000.
lu acree. near Poi'and. Jl.VXX
tJ acrea. 1J miles cut. 1 par acra,
l acrea, wall Improved. 85O00.
. 5 acres, fine land. 82500.
SI acres, well ImproTed. $2250.
Above Just a few of tracta we have for
sal, fa. I at office for full particulars;
you will find them as represented.
ZIMMERMAN'. 310 Board of Trade BUf, .
VI acre, well lmprove.1 best of soil,
nod well and spline, well stocked, and
thoroughly equipped In every way; good
crop now -trowing, everything Included for
8jtt0. Time on part.
10 acres, part improved, fair buildings,
good land, prl.-o $4500; half cash and
time on the balance.
.1 acres, h'.gnly improved, light close to
earltne. just out of city limits, excellent
buildings. ;.
S) acres, well Improved, good buildings,
8 acrea of orchard and berries, well
stocked snd fully equipped with vehicles
snd implements. located right close ta
"Portland. This Is one of the flneet sub-u.-ten
farms to ba had. Prlcs li.0u0.
If you want a farm of any kind, f can
Interest you. J. E. Smith. SI Chamber
of Commerce. Portland. Oregon.
S stss. all In cultivation, fenced and
crnea-fenced. land Is level and we'.l wa
frl no rock, located la the best fruit
district in Oregon, being part of the
W !.! Hills farm, which Is now being
pletrod in 5 snd Irt-arre tracta. and
selling st $4in an acre. This piece is on
the P. R. R-. rlsnl st the station. ld"0
sesorted fruit trees planted last Fell.
I . rerhrra set last Fall. 2' straw
berry plants set this t'prlng. There goes
w'th t ". place 1 team horses, new wagon
snd harness, all the Implements to farm
the p.ce. one regietered cow. one sow.
I', cht.-kens. four hives of bees: one acre
ptaate-l to potatoes, gardea planted: 1
s-re In carrots: also barley, clover, peas,
etc. All household goods. For price and
te.-rrs see w. G. Espey. 817 Chamber ol
Fell the wood and then the land will
coet you nothing. Located 1 mllee from
Portland. IV mllee to electric line. 1 - to boat-landing and prosperous
town: a larger town with both aiactrio
and steam rosd. .t-j miles. High and
aightly. slope toward south, almost level.
Leep rich, dark loam soil, will grow any
thing. 8 acrea In cultivation. acres wood,
cit J cords: shout a-to cords standing.
This wood Is worth --o; on 3 mem
county roads. H mil to school, church
across road. R F. D. and telephone. For
a quick sal 925-, flx cash, balance
S12-SH Chamber of Commerce-
$11 to .. an acre. Mos'tv alt clear
prairie land, ready for the plow. Soil a
deep black loam with clay a-ibeolL. ov.
ered with heavy growth of native grass.
Alberta len 1 are attracting atnctiy
hlgh-claas Immigration. Prlc and oppor
tunitlee considered, these landa are the
cneapeet In the world. Call or writ for
fre Illustrated booklet, fully describing
thee lends
Lum bermens biig.
Colonisation ac-n:e Canadian raclfle
BEACTirrr. cot-vtrt home:
T ar-es. all In high state ef cultiva
tion : s acres In full bearing trees: 1
acrea tn berrtea and garden : new a-room
bouse: good barn: good well. This prop,
srty la all level and the very beat of soil;
enlv 2 blocks from electric line. 4 blocks
from high school snd -mlle from coun
try ton. Only 12 miles from Portlarel.
J'jst think of this for oc!y liVj); (luuO
will handle It. balance on esev terma
SlZO-Il Railway Bldg.
15 acres, ail lich land: 13 acres nnder
cultivation, balance In pasture ; young
orchard of Besotted fruits: new a-room.
stnry and hslf house, new barn. lOlSA
and all necessary O'ltbulMtngs. good well
and fin eprtng Place fenced and croee
fenced: IS miles from country toern. and
driving distance of city. For quick aal
only -.K: U'V caeh. Ba.anc can run
at par cent interest.
arh and Meia Fta, Vancouver. tVaah.
a.-res. un.ler plow. 2 acrea In pota
toee. all kinds of berries, ftO young fruit
tree. a10 corrts of wood on place, land
mostly level, fin a-room house with fin
ton basement, flna barn. Improvementa
worth flou!. Place one mile from Kaiama
on main county road: party must seiu
Price f-lOOb fl3O0 cash. Writ US (or
TAYLOR SMUZ. Kaiama. W-h-
eFioiE 1 l miles from slectirle carllne.
g acrea under cultivation. 13 acree mor
easy to clear, balance good timber: haa
fair fc-ronm bouse, harn. orchard, berrlee.
rhu-ken-houje. boghousa. etc.. all for
Ji.0. V down, taisnc year. 6 per
cent. vA stera Land Co-. 341 S Stark st.
ACRES." H mile from R. R. and elec
tric carllne. convenient to Portland: new
T-room huse. large barn, hophousa. T
a-ree in hops. Si acres In mee-iow, TS
acre clear and In crop: -inly $131 rer
a.-re. easy terma Western Land Cc-.
34 S tark at.
ao ACRES. 13 In cuIUvatlon. 1 acr of or
chard, good house with "replace, barn
1 e acres of beaverdazn. 3 horses. 3 corns.
cMchssa asw wsgon. plow, moker and
rake, etc.; 3 milea frora toen; 2u.
t'Kx rath, balance terms. Western IAnd
Co. 3-li4 Btark st.
AO ACRES of splendid land, good house,
barn, a.l fenced, on county road. 13 acres
tn cultivation, balanc rotten stumps, easy
to clear; good water. S miles frora lia
en R. R-: prlr 13000. 1 down, bal
snc 8 pears 0 per ctau Western Land
Co.. 318 S Stark St.
FARM of TO acre near Ore eon City. 15 tn
cuIUvatlon .300 younr appl trees, f U)
per acre, good terms: with what goea with
the p.ece this Is a soap. Phone East SoO
and call for Pay.
THE beet 1 y OCwVacre improved cattle ranch
In Montaaa for sale: pqrt eschange port,
land real estate. Infarmailoa writ aftl
tiltsan st.
ti ACRES 3H mile Oregon City, oa mala
road: 3-3 In euitivxatloa: good eon. nous
and hern, family oreflajd: 1 1 V per acre.
HluLET BISHOP. 133 Third 8c
eVEi.L-1 V PROVED. 't acres, worth JM..
. will sell for short tim: I13.0ov; fin
fr fruit, grain or dairy. B T. Murphy
block. Salem. Oregon.
BAN C HM acrea.- w It a bulldinga 15 miles
from Portland, near electric line; bargain
for a II cash, by owner. -3 Morrison st.
TO ft SALE On Sandy Road. S3 acre fin
las 4. 11 aaiiea out. Owner. AJC 76. Ore-
For Kale
1 mil from Salem.
1 mile from streetcars.
Located oa Turner road.
144 acres of ons Isnd.
Fin house, bara. etc
Family orchard.
Price only 15u per acra.
Terms 1- cash. .
No dLsappolntmenta connected wltn thla
offering. A .
Real Estate LKpt..
Chamber of Commerca.
Ask for ilr. Dodga.
FOR H AI.C li acrea: 40 acrea In hops;
tti acres In cultivation: hophouse and oth
er buildings: -all andy bottom loam, lln
for bop, alfalfa and peaches; $-5 per
acr If taken soon. H cash.
AO acrea near the O. E. R. R-. fin
black 4u acrea In hope: new hopbous
cost I-'UOO. for J125 per acre.
40 acres. miles 6. W. of Salem, near
O. E. survsy; 30 acres In cultivation, re
mainder In timber: no buildings; 1100 per
acre: will take some Portland property
la exchange.
30 acres; 15 In cultivation, near th o.
E. survey. 4 1 miles from Salem on Im
proved county road; f:::uo.
All of the above are very cheap for
the prlc asked, which will only be for
a few day. John H. Scott Co.. Salem. Or.
SO-acre fruit farm, near Gaston; should
pay for itself U lla years; terms. Let us
lu acrea In Linn County; best Improve
ments: electric line thla Bummer; fin
fertile soil: offered at 1-5 per acre cheap
er than adjoining land sold at; farm ma
chinery thrown In. Talk It over with us.
4-w seres In Ysmhlil County: In high
state of cultivation and one of th best;
orfered cheap and on easy terma
Room 3 Healy building, comer Grand
ave and East Morrison st. Phon East
2oJ or B 1944.
87 acres fich lsnd. about one-bnlf un
der cultivation, balanc In oak and fir
trees. Haa nice creek, and over half of
thia land Is a black rich loam soil. All
lays beautlfuL It la located 14 miles S. E.
or Portland and 3 miles east of Oregon
City. We quota this property below sur
rounding lande and la priced to HELL
It is eaally worth 1125 per acre, but we
offer thla land to any buyer thst will
FARM It for 8 psr acre, on vsry lib
eral terms.
This farm must be sold. 53.75 acres, H
mile from electric line, at Orchards; S
cultivation. 15 acre paature, 12 acrea
timber. i200 cords wood. 0-room house,
large barn, granary, etc ; $40l team. cw,
chickens, and It Kts for i:iS per acre.
About Uj cash. Prlc reduced from li'H)
(or quick aala. All fine - level, tillable
land. 10 minutes' walk to car. Bring thla
adv. with you. buy th place and wa will
allow 100 for It. IT IS A SNAP.
CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg.
14 acrea. all In cultivation; alt fenced
and croee fenced. l' bearing fruit treea
old house, good well: this property faces
on main county road, mile and a half
from steam line and boat landing. Mil
and a half from electric line. This Is a
snap; 12 acrea across th road from this
property sold for l"t0. This must be
sold within th next few days. Cau make
good terma
81-20--l Railway Exchange Bldg.
120 acres of flrst-clsss rich, deep soli.
SO acrea In cultivation. 20 acres nearly
cleared, best of farm and fruit land;
bouse and barn, 100 bearing f.-ult trees,
St."i young trees. lO seres timber. 4 springs,
water piped to bouse. 2 miles from Port
land; only 140 per a--rs ;ood terms.
Room 3. Washington Bltlg.
MIST 11 my 40-acr farm at once, as
on account of alrlmees in family will
hsve to mov out of th state: 2o acre
cleared. Ave alashed and 15 timber; lo
cated cioee to Portland and 3 miles from
statmn on electric line: good 4-rootn
house and barn; good soil, no waste land:
only need fl.'oO cash down and wa III let
buyer bava terms to suit oa bslanc. &--
my agent. N. H. Atchison. 214 Gerllnger
bidg.. 2d an d A.d er.
20 acrea on rural mall rout. Si-mil
from town: th new electric road to reach
there In July; 1 mile from Portland.
Get tn before prices go up; chnnca to dou
ble your money In S months; to clear
mortgage on other land, will take 9175
per acre; flov down and easy payments
on bslanc. Inqulr room 4S Chamber
of Commerca
STOCK FARM Nothing better tn Oregon
at tn ncur: eve acres. acres in al
falfa, about 44 acrea in other crope: mod
ern I-room house, good barn and out
buildings; can ba mad to produce from
4H to 70o tons of hay annually; prlc
$15,090; terma Will accept Income prop-e-ty
la or near Portland In trade. Tba
Western Sec Co.. 414 Spalding bldg.
FOR SALE Best 2oo-acr stock ranch tn
lurry to., wen improveo, good house. S
be ma rich black soil, plenty fine water,
best of apple land, some good oak. white
cedar and fir timber, beet of hunting and
fishing. l'-o per acre; no Winter feeding.
Address MorTtli Broa. Hare. Curry Co
MS acres of nlc rolling Isnd. about 4
mllsa from Forest Grove. In Scoggen Val
ley, som under culttvetion and all plow,
sblsf flu fruit Isnd: good for all kinds
of grain: 945 pt acre, terms to suit.
T. 1. O. Realty Co.. Forest Grove.
40 acres, fin soil, house, bsra. orchard.
ereek. 1 arras cleared, soma timber. Prlc
S.iooo; 91000 cash. Ialacc mortgage or
other property. Rapid Keaity Co.. SIS
Hamilton bldg.
FOR SALE lo-acr Gilliam County
WHEAT FARM. fr.0 In cultivation. Good
house. Bsm snd water; only 4 miles to
railroad: 120 per acre, Faey terms from
th owner direct. T. H. Littlehalas. For
est Grovs. Or '
13 miles from Port lsnd. close to olsctrlo
11ns. good soil, spring on plsce; small
house and barn, all for 9:5 per acr.
433 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
FARM FOR SALE fo acree. partly In cul
tivation, fine buildings, good dairy, fruit
or nut land, near school: will sell with
or without stock or Implements; no agent.
Address Joha Horstmaan. Kout 2, Cor
nellua Or.
SNAP A fine farm It miles from depot,
tools. Improvsmenia, stock, crops. sto
Com quick.
Ml-32 Lmbr;Ex.l;dg
Morrow County. Fine level land, all In
Fall wheat. Only 4 miles to railroad. 125
per acre. Easy terma T. H. Littlehales.
Forest Grove. Or. .
FOR SALE by owner Go xl, we-i.-inpir-ved
720-acr wheat farm: no V'tr :n Sher
man County. 350 acrea In rii this csr,
remainder be-ng Summer t Allowed. H.
I. atone. Waaco. Or.
FOR SALE 20-acr farm near Ftlverton.
2t ml lea from town, rood land, nearly
all under-cultivation. F-r particular In
quire for E. A- Husby. 70 N. bth st.
BARQ AIN JTO-acre fsncb near Redding.
CaU Write F. A. Batrd. P.eddlng. Cal.
3 .acres at Hose jvood. $2'.'t0.
Lot and new bungalow, SIS'").
5 acrea. Ideal for platting. 9720O.
13 lota overlooking th Wlllamelt and
Portland. t'.iO and up. -
S an acre withia 4 blocks of th Mll
wauki pos!ifTtc at a big sacrifice.
Mllwaukle. Or.
Phone Red 11.
DO you want a lot near the new Reed
Institute? Today is your opportunity to
buy one for 960 In Institute Piece; Esst
3th and Holgste sts. ; lust a few left:
streets graded and water mams In and
everything paid for. Taks W-W car.
Acenta on the ground. Western Sec Co.,
owners. 414 Spalding bldg.
Best horns city of state. Population
10.0OO. Good schools, good society, pur we
ter. no saloons, no poverty. I sell all kinds
of Eugene real aetata Establlahsd l-x
Ask for whst you wane George Msivla
Vli.ler. Eugene. Or.
THE chance of a lifetime for a live man
to get Into A-l real estate ground floor
office: centrally located, fully equipped
and doing a large business; cannot handle
It, so want energetic man who la a rusl
ler. Apply M ST. Oregonlan.
4 AND 10-acr tracts In Parkdate district.
Hood River, very easy terms; cleared and
uncleared. C hi. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Farm tn Douglas Co.. 8 VI
acres, stock and crop for sale. 8 miles to
Roeeburg. Address W. la. Brlsbln. Melrose,
WANTED To ro. H or V acr srtth small
house, outaid city limits. AG 61, Orego
nlan. I WANT tan acres of good soll under cul
tlvstlon. W 43. Oregonlan.
TIMBER lands wantsd. C J. alcCrackea.
304 McKay bldg.
I WANT a largo traot of land In Willam
ette Valley, suitable for platting; 1004 to
tooo acres; prlc not to exceed 410 per
Suit 417. Board of Trad.
WANT to buy land In large tracts, good
fsrra: Irrigation or timber propositions
considered. Send full description and
terms to B. F. Graham. 838 First Nation-
al Bank bldg.. Chicago.
CLIENTS ready to pay cash for: 190-A-farm:
20-A. farm; exceptionally cholcs un
incumbered property to exchsnge for
farms or Income. Wallace E. Thrashsr.
suit 487, C of C. .
WANTED A 40-acr farm in Wlllamett
Valley with running water, buildings, etc..
not to cost over 45O0O; can pay haif cash.
Writs st once, full particulars and address
L 78. oregonlan.
WANTED 3 or S acres. 6 cents car rare,
nesr csr. Writ to 4&4 Nofthrup st- Port
land Cordage Co. K. Missorc
WANTED Hsve customers for several sec
tions of unimproved land In Central Ore
gon. L A. Bradway, Avery, Idaho.
FOR RENT 180-acre term: 80 acres grain,
the rest In bay and pasture; 3 miles "om
electric car atatlon and market; good
milking coal, S heifers. 17 bogs. S horses.
60 chl.kens. good orchard, mlik separator
and all necessary lisld machinery; prie
for lease and stock 31500. Slugenthaler.
2rtfl Tth St.. Portland. Phon Marahail
2474. j ..
FARM, near Boring. 35 A. cultivated. 15 A
pasture, fair Improvements, orchard. i"
rent year or more, cash or grain rent, ana
' allow cash for Improvement v.-ork: want
party with som experience In f rtUt-raising,
stste experience and references. Ah.
l"eo"XcRES In Tualatin Valley. 20 mile
from Portland, 30 acres in cultivation. 8
room house, larg new barn: plenty or
water: a good dairy proposition; rent IloO
per year. Addrsss E. J. Uufford. 8c Johns,
40 acres. 20 clsered. old house, isir
barn, soma good fruit; running wair. 10
miles from Portland: good road.
A- W. LAMBERT CO.. 4(14 E. Aider St.
Phones: East 640. B 1B10-
HAVE "10 acrea. retdy for breaking. I1
aat Beaverton; will give the us of It for
breaking up. AE 74. Oregonlan.
On million, 4 mllo frora railway. J1.-4
per thousand, amall payment down, win
take part In lumber.
On million on railway at 4LS0 par thou
aand: smsll payment down. .
Two million, I St miles railway. 91.80 per
thousand; small payment down.
Forest Grove. Or.
SAWMILLr" 4.000-capaclty. ,8.000 ooo'tlmj
ber onriver. near Portland: liotxrjl
dynamo. 120 cap.). Sn,i P?nd;
tie contract, all for Ill.OuO: 930OO cash
If sold this wk- 813 Marquam bldg.
( Main 094,
L8O00O TIMBER with complete planer,
shlngl. sawmill: 15 miles Portland; ex
cellent market; 82700. Also 1.500.000 yel
low pins near Bend; bargain. Ownsr. 1030
Grand. North.
gOi ACREC 000,000 fir. 4.000.000 yellow
pine, clos to railroad, warranty deed
with abstract of title if sold quick; SS0O.
313 Msjquam bldg.Main6M.
818 000 CASH buys 21.000.000 plno in 87
8. 10 E.. Lake County. Oregon. B. Hag-
minn. aiii ui) v.
C J. M-CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg.
WANTED 1000 acres of land, hav client
watting with I50OO eaah to pay as flrst
payment on 1000 acres of land in 'Willam
ette Valley, fit for goat and cattte ranch,
at 410 to 415 Par acra. What
Must, call quick. L. Amadon. 216 LU
bldg. .
HAVE buyers for farms of 30 to 80 acres
that can be bought on payments of 91 000
to 92uu0 cash down, terms oa balance.
. If you want to sell, write m or phono
Marshall 2378. N. H. Atchison. 218 Ger-
llnger PiQg.. --a sou Aiuri
112 ACRES near Llnnton: fin soil, sultsbl
for subdivision: valu IUSO per acrei wiu
sell on easy terms or exchange ail or part
for city property. Land In adjoining
addition selling up to 8700 aa acra. Be
owner, oov j.uuiur k.av..u.
I wai itn.cE.-5i.
WANTED Full lot and new. modem. 7
or b-room house, clos In r-n East Side;
client does not wish to pay oer 95uoO
cash; writ full particulars,
814 Spalding B Idg.. 8d and Washington.
I WILL, buy a flrst-class Improved property
with sn tncOTi and pay for tha same
with S.'O.OOO In gilt-edge bonds bearing 4
' per cent and some cash; no dealers. Ad
dress AT L Oregonlan.
WANTED from-owner, two or mor acraii
good soil, with 4-room house, in or near
country town, for elderly couple; s:ate
lowest price and full description. L o7.
TH EN don't fsll to go to E. 18th and Hot
gate this afternoon. Th chano of a life
time to buy a beautiful lot with fruit tree
. for S640 with all improvementa paid.
"W-W" csr.
I WANT a fiv-acr tract, will pay 4.VI
cash and 915 per month, prefer place
with soma young fruit trees. AN T5.
W As." TED from owner. 6 or T-roora modern
house, on large lot, hear car and school.
Csn psy 82m cash and 920 a month, in
cluding interest. AF 71. Orsgonlan.
I WANT to apply my equity of 9S5T in a
well-located lot as flrst psyment on a ft
room bungslow. Will giv liberal dls
counL AS Oregonlan.
WANT to buy alx or seven-room modem
house, full lot. East Side; must b good
neighborhood, close to car; state terms
and location. AT 80. Oregonlan.
WANT to bay a horn, value about 93000
or lisno, and give a lot valued at IHJOO
ss first payment and som cash. G 74.
WANTED 1000 acres of cheap land for
fruit. eloe to transportation. Giv full
deacrlptlon and price. Owners only. AH
8 3. Ore gonls n.
VERY nlc furnished front room, overy cor
ner clean, with bath, phone snd heat; light
housekeeping If desired. Phoae Main 64K7.
549 Johnson st.
WANT loO-scre stock ranch In Wlllamett
Valley; prefer stream; close to thriving
town: will give In exchsnge several pieces
real estate. H 81. Oregonlan.
WANT about 7-roora house, district north
of Irvingtbn. near Fremont St., between
12:h and 27th. not over 94000; owners
only. G 85. Oregonlan.
I WISH to buy 5 or 10 acres on Patton.
Fsrn.s or Corne'l roe da wtthln 5 or K
miles of Portland. Adure-e John P Wes
ton. !"! Chamber of Commerce bldg.
I WANT to buy down town or closs-ln in
come property direct from owner: give lo
cation, rentals and expensea AS 84, Ore
gon lan.
WILL pay 1n cash difference between valu
of my 412.0 lot and your 93SOO bungalow
In Rose City Park, Phon Marshall 1948
or A 2113.
SMALL furnished or unfurnished house,
near csr. Smalt payment down. rest
Ilk renc Owner only. AC 78. Oregonlsn.
I WANT a reasonsbly priced lot In th Nob
Hill district for a home. AM 89. Ora-
gon lan.
HAVE several live buyers for houses and
lots: list your property with roe for best
results. S. Peterson. 21 Board of Trade.
I WANT a lot In Irvlngton Park, vicinity
of 27th and Jsrrett; prlco must be right.
D S5. Oregonlsn.
RESPONSIBLE real estate dealers wishing
rellsble connections throughout Central and
Western states, writ J 73. Oregonlan.
WEhav purchaser for lot, vicinity Evan
tfron Addition; must be easy payments.
Howard Land Co., 403 Swetland bldg.
WANT a house at Anabel Station: 5 or 6
rooms, for 4-room house In Sunnysid In
gooddlstrtct. AC 90. Oregonlan.
HAVE client with 9X.0o0 to Invest In West
Slcle Income property; must act quick.
HIGLEY A BISHOP, 182 Third St.
MODERN home In Hnlladay Addition. 13500
or 94ioO; 1800 cash, with terma 8 85.
Oregonlsn. t
WANT some cheap Clackamas County acre
age In exohang for city property. 73.
I WANT to buy acreage for platting pur
poses; give legal description, terms and
price. AS 83. Oregonlsn.
HOMESTEAD wsnted: give particulars in
first letter. T 84. Oregonlan.
BUILDER wants lots with second mortgage.
D 71. Oregonlan. s
WANTED To buy L f or 3 lots la Alberta
district. K SS. Oregonlan..
I WANT a house and lot. unincumbered,
costing frora 32500 to 4400O; I will pay
35in in cash and trade valuable acreage
within m miles of P. O. at Klamath
Falls, the Spokane of Oregon. I will give
a written guarantee and allow full in
vestigation. I mean business. Investl
gats. K S3. Oregonlan.
WANT S-room bungalow; have paid 3.".0
on 412.10 lot: wiu give my equity as nrst
paymenc V 71. Oregonlan.
88000 GARAGE in 11 va town for city prop
erty. 35600 Contract on 87500 property, pay
able in S4 years, for a home.
916.000 General stor for a farm.
3-'5.0uO General store for city property.
lo.0ot City property for a store.
430.00O Feed. bldg. .material, wood
business fcr city property.
3150.000 Old Mexico land for a depart
ment store.
ellLewlsb!ds..4thai.d Oak.
MY 160-acre irrigated farm. 60 cleared,
fenced, north side segregation Twin Fulls
tract. R- R. through place, one mile from
new townslte, well-settled community;
will trade for good Portland property or
sell easy terms; price 875 per aero; my
equity 8500, balance of 421 per acre due
6 years, 6 per cent; would also divide
Into bo-acre tracts. C 2245, 850 E. 47lh
50-ROOM hotel, with bar and own license,
S30O0. for good Portland property; old
widow will aacrlflce; right here in Port
land. We have all kinds of city property,
business chances and good farms to ex
change one for the other; let us know
what you have.
F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison St.
BEAUTIFUL 8-room residence In best sec
tion of Walnut Park; paved streets; 50X
loo lot to exchang for acreage or good
Xarj-o, See
Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg.
Marshall J 12.
MY COUNTRY home of 2-year-old appl
orchard, in Eetacada fruit district, to ba
cut up Into & and IO acres to suit pur-
. chaser and cared for; easy payments to
the right kind of a young man who wants
to help develop an orchard, or business
man to retire on. C 2245. 8S0 E. 47th N.
810 ACRES flna stock ranch tn Yamhill
County: good soil and well-watered; also
land adapted for the best kind of apples
and other fruit; will exchange for Port
land property and either take or give dif
ference. F. FUCHS. .221 ft Morrison St.
TO EXCHANGE by 'owaft, fine improved
farm in Minnesota; good 6-room house,
big barn, well and pasture; is on telephone
line; Joins townslte; best of soil; would
consider house and lot or stock of goods;
want quick deal. X 81. Oregonlan.
AT a sacrifice, modern 9-roora house on fin
corner In Piedmont, near high school,
grammar school. Catholic school and City
Park. Call on owner today. 211 E. Hol
man st, and Haight ave. Phone Woodlawn
New 4-room modern bungalow, close In.
half block from car. for & to ID acres
within 10 miles Portland and, 1 mile car
line. This Is a fine proposition.
H. E. JAMES. 88 10th sc (neaa Stark).
Will trade lots In heart of promising
Yamhill Co. town for good auto of stand
ard make: 5-paesenger wanted.
810 Abington Bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange 10 shares United
State Cash Register, 8.100 In Tacoma
Home Telephone bonds. 14-passenger
launch 20 H. P. new engine. Am leaving
city. For sale cheap. G 90. Oregonlan.
TWO fin building lots In highly restricted
residence park; equity of about 12X: will
exchange same for cheaper unimproved
lots or small piece close-in acreage, phon
Main 150.3. Ask for Mr. Burllngame.
A NICE residence In the center of the best
residence district In Salem, value l.MMXl.
to exchange for Portland property or farm
land. Call 532 Hamilton bldg.. Monday.
B 84, Oregonlan.
TO EXCHANGE 8 acres of choice fruit
land. all In orchard, 26 miles from
Portland, by electric or steam R. R. ; will
trade for equity In house and lot or lots
In Portland. AE 83. Oregonlan.
WILL exchange 910.1)00 of valuable Massa
chusetts real estate, near Boston, good,
clean, deslrabls business property, for
Portland real estate up to 920.000. Address
for Interview, AJ 61, Oregonlan.
SIXTEEN million feet of choice timber to
exchang for Portland real estate up to
412.0UO. Thl timber ia increasing rap
Idly In value. Western Sec Co.. 414
Spalding bldg.
25 LOTS east Mt Tabor, also 65 acres near
Vancouver; total 921.000: will take Income
or close-In city property up to 920,000.
i,namDer 01 commerce.
GROCERY store; good proposition and ioca-
son for selling by owner. Address J 68,
FINE apartment site, adjoining business
district. East Side; 815.000; will tske part
suburban property; some cash, mortgage
or contracts for balance. A 83. Oregonlan.
I WANT to buy small fasm-with-some-improvements,
near town or Interurban; and
full partlculara and best cash price. Mr.
Mercer, 8051 68th sc. West Seattle.
IF YOUR stove don't bake, trsde It; bargain
for the kind that does bake; cash back
Guarantee. W want your trade. 863 E.
lorrison st.
10 TO 40 acrea close to station on Salem
Electric to trade: this Is all cultivated
land, clear of Incumbrance; will accept
only good property. D 7. Oregonlan.
COLORADO and Nebraska farm Isnds. Im
proved snd unimproved, to exchange for
Rogue River properties. Th Best-Fuller
Realty Co., Grants Pass, Or.
T LOTS In Berkeley, close to carllne. 81500,
10 exenange tor nouse ana lot up to 82jOO.
KaufTmann A Moore. 325 Lumber Ex
80 acres of White Salmon land, close In;
will trade for Portland property. Johnson
Mercantile Co., Vancouver. Wash.
WILL take automobile as flrst payment on
2 fine lots. West ide. Purse, 616 Cham
ber of Commerce.
20-ACRE fruit farm at Forest Grove for
acreage near Portland. Address AB 50,
8300 EQUITY In fine lot, balance 910 month
ly, to traae'ior piano or horse and buggy.
AE 89. Oregonlan.
EXCHANGE or sale, homestead or desert
relinquishment. Owner. Phone Woodlawn
SEATTLE bouse (8 rooms) to exchange for
Portlsnd property, screag or hotel; about
92500. H 84. Orrgonlan.
GOOD lot In Portland for exchange, as pay
ment on house, or what bava you. H S3.
10 ACRES at Hlllsboro. Or., to trade for
house and lot In Portland; 93000. Palace
Realty Co., 243- Yamhill sc
NEW modern 6-room bungalow; will take
light runaDout as part paymenc Main
21M2. -
WANT some cheap land UNINCUMBERED:
prefer cleared: will exchange good lota
or house for same. Q 84. Oregonlan.
GOOD lot In Oregon City and soma cash to
trade ror lurnllure or piano. AE 68,
WILL trad my 82000 equity In Improved
farm for flrst-class automobile- AG 85,
WILL exchange 8R00 equity In 3 lots on
Sandy road as first payment on bungalow.
AP 85, Oregoniatc
160 ACRES rich land in Alberta, Canada.
to exchange for house at.d loc Western
Land Co- 24SVj Stark St.
MY 33S0 equity In restricted lot to trade
for piano, furniture or similar valiie. V
72. Oregonlan.
18-FOOT launch, good family boat: want to
exchange for lot In Portland. 422 Cham-
bor of Commerce bldg.
FOR TRADE -Good land In Klickitat Co.
for a good automobile. For particulars
writ box 40. Grand Dalles, Wash.
CONFECTIONERY snd pool room for sale
for cash or win trade ror real estate up
to 33000. Address owner, R 61. Oregonlan.
120 ACRES, irrigated lsnd. near Bend. Or.,
for city property. Western Land Co..
248 1 Stark SC
UNIMPROVED land, timber or lot for good
4-passenger auto. E 65, Oregonlan.
NEW YORK lot. trad for Portland prop
erty or automobile. AN 66. Oregonlan.
TO EXCHANGE Painting, tinting or pa
pering for a plano. N 77. Oregonlan.
iSTpROVE D 63 acrea. Yamhill County. 84500.
Trad to value 4-500. Main 6740.
WILL buy or trade for good vlslbl type
writer. Room818 Hamilton bldg.
WILL give good trade for West Side resi
dence, close In. AN64, Oregonlan.
EXCHANGE 15 furnished rooms for bouse
and lot. Call 528 Morrison st.
RESTAURANT Cheap; will trade for any
thing of valu a 233 Worcester bldg.
WE have 16000 worth Portland and vicinity
income property, all clear, to trade for
acrea-te. - m
nuO worth of good paper to trade lor
auto or city property. .
Nine Iota In Baker City. Or.; to trad
for auto. . ,
One of the finest fruit ranches tn Oregon
to trade for g-ood acreage or city property.
SOS Rothchlld Bldg.
FOR SALE OR TRADE for city or country
property. Assignment of desert filing to
mo acres land. 4S miles from Beno, Or.,
114 miles to Oregon Trunk R. R.s. near
atatlon; 17 acres cleared, barn 10x12 on
place. Perpetual water right ail paid Tor.
All necessary Improvements done ana
proved up on until 1B12. Water very easy
to put on place and very short distance
to bring ic Ideal dairy farm. Address
AE 75. Oregonlan. .
FOR exchange for acreage or city property,
general merchandise, will Invoice 4-500,
2-story building, 4 lots 50x100; livery sta
ble. Fairbanks scales; this store building
has telephone exchange. Postofflce. rail
road ticket office, all to exchange for
80 acres improved farm or nice Improved
city property. The above place Is located
at junction where 3 railroads cross. In
quire Ward Investment Co., 417 ienton
bldg. Main 8334. ,
I WILL exchange my equity In on of th
most beautiful building sites on Port
land Heights, luoxlJu. near Portland
Helghta club. The view ts unexcelled. My
equity is 93500; price. 9750O, which Is 40OO
to 92300 cheaper than adjoining property.
Will tak unincumbered vacant and som
832 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
7-ROOM modem house, lot 60x100. 20 minutes-
ouc 1H blocks from carllne; house
all furnished; has 93 range, J500 Piano,
other furnishings complete. Price -;to
for everything. 4500 cash; will consider
some trade on balance.
L. AMADON, 214 Lewis bldg.,
PhonaMaIn 407L
CHOICE 3-acre tract on Oregon City ear
line. 20 minutes ride from city, all under
cultivation, fine well, 6-room house, lawn,
chicken-house and yard, new woodhouse.
soil A-l, excellent for small fruit ana
chickens: surrounded by beautifully Im
proved place; equity 930OO; take part cash
and some exchange. AK 61. .Pr8j'.1?:
FOR exchange at Invoice. $5000 of crockery,
teas, coffees and spices: only business of
this kind In the city: did 110.000 worth of
business In 1909; did 412.000 worth of
business In 1W0. Will exchange for Im
proved acreage or city property, near
equal value. Inquire Ward Investment
Co.. 417 Fenton bldg. Main 83S4.
EXCHANGE With owner or builder. Six
room, modem two story house, all modern
convenience, close In E. Yamhill, beauti
ful neighborhood, can now be rented lor
$35 per month, for small unincumbered
bungalow with one or more lots. Mot'nt
Taborllnopreferred,F 6LOregonlan
FOR SALE or exchange for good land,
hardware, furniture and Implement busi
ness In a fast growing town in the Wll
lamett Valley, doing a fine business;
stock and building about J30.000. For
partlculara address owner. Box 217, Port
land, Or.
WE have a client with an apartment
house, rent $60; good lease, good income,
will trade for acreage. Our client has
about 4SOO0 In cash to put into Improved
farm; you must act quick. Ward Invest
ment Co., Fenton bldg. Main 6384.
74 acres, all clear, new improvementa
20 bearing fruit trees, good water, near
S. P. R. R. Will trade for city improved
property of same value. 92500.
H. E. JAMES. 88 loth sC (near Stark).
Best business property In Forest Grove,
Or., bringing 10 per cent on 810.000; ex
change for residence in Portland: xnlsht
consider farm. Call at 003 Sherlock bldg.
TRADE OR SELL, If taken at once. Here
is a money maker. A harness and sad
dlery business in one of the best towns In
Oregon. Owner wants to retire from busi
ness. You can get a good deal here for
about 83000. Phon Main 1975, Cameron.
WANTED To- exchange 10 acres of com
mercial apple orchard In famous Hood
River district for unincumbered property
of equal value In Portland. Address
owner, AT 81, Oregonlan.
56 ACRES Beautiful location on North
Bank R. R., directly opposite Multnomah
Falls, 42500. or will trade for automobile
worth 9150O as part paymenc See owner,
750 Lovejoy sc Kine'jart. Main S0S6,
For Portland home or small Improved
farm. Denver modern T-room brick cot
tage, barn. 45 by 98 feet; North Side.
Clear. 2535 Caithness P).
NICE 4-room cottage, on good carllne. elec
tric light and Bull Run water In the
house: fine lot, 91000 equity; exchange for
something at Garden Horn. A K 61. Ora
gonian. :
WILL, trade 160 acres fruit land near Mosler
for good Improved Portland Income prop
erty: 85 acres in young commercial orchard-
going below market for quick turn.
AN 73. Oregonlai-u
76 LOTS or less in good commercial town
In Oregon for exchange for other prop
erty: good opening for party desiring to
engage in the real estate business. How
ard Land Co.. 603 Swetland bldg.
tn San Bernardino County; 640 acres,
close to the Santa Fe R. K, Owner is liv
ing In Portland and will trade. David
Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg.
WILL exchang choice fruit lands In rap
Idly developing district at Lyle, opposite
Hood River, for good auto or Portland
property. Howard. 905 Spalding bldg.
SNAP Three lota In Ferry Addition. Coun
cil Blutls, Iowa; will sell cheap for cash
or trade for Oregon land. Sadi Neep,
Z62 3. E. 67th sc, city.
HAVE 84400 mortgage and 84000 city prop
erty to trade for good farm. Must have
good bullulngs. orchard and soil; near
school snd railroad. AC 75. Oregonlan.
HOOD RIVER apple land. 160 acres. 5
acres orchard, good well, fine soil, for Im
proved city property. Owner. 254 N. 20th
St.. city.
VICTOR graphophon records, cabinet, ruga,
sewing machine, etc., lor equity In lots or
acreage: give location and value; will as
sume difference. J 65. Oregonlan.
FULL quarter block. West Side. 100-foot
track: will consider city property, acreage
or fruit lands up to 118,000, balanc 6 per
cenc Y 72. Oregonlan.
00 ACRES near St. Martin's Springs; fine
soil; 2 large springs, 40 acrea fine level
land for strawberries or apples. Will trade.
82200. 93200 cash. AB 74, Oregonlan.
40 ACRES Irrigated "land for a good 5 to 7
passenger automobile; will trade this land
at the rizht value.
to trade. This Is fine wheat land: will
trade for Portland or close-in farm. David
Lewis, room 2, Lumbermens bldg.
INCOME property, paying 7 per cent on
914.000; will trade for farm or timber
land up to 96000 or 4S0uu. H 72, Ore
gonlan. . .
11000 10 acres, near goq town: will take
good lot, 9200 cash. baL 150 semi-annually.
Phon Columbia 77 or AJ 64. Orego-
WILL EXCHANGE my 41n00 equity In two
choice lots tn piedmont Addition for
restaurant or rooming-house of equal
value. Phono Marshall 1237 Monday.
WILL trade 5-room house and large lot with
shed, near school and store, 3 blocks to
car; want cheap acreage for 9U0O equity.
LJ1, Oregonlan. .
HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 160 acres to
trade for vacant lot on first payment on
house. Call 906 Chamber of Commerce.
6 OR 7-room house, modem, close in. Call
Main 741U, A Monday 8-10:30 A. M.
13000 cash.
10 ACRES at lonquln to trade for rooming
house; will take or pay difference. Chll
ders, 319 Board of Trade.
WILL exchange my six-room modern house,
well located, for close-in acreage. Phone
Marshall 1237 Monday.
W'ILL tak 4-passenrer auto as part pay
ment for 5-acre orchard In best apple dis
trict in Oregon. AT 80, Oregonlan.
WILL exchange grocery stock and fixtures,
value 9750. for acreage near .Portland and
electrlo line. M 84, Oregonlan.
820,"fib0 WORTH of Portland Income prop
erty to trade for good Eastern land. Call
or address 407 Mildred ave., Portland, Or.
FRUIT land, near Estacada, Or., at 9100
nr acre, to exchange for cltv property.
Give price and location. N 74. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE or trade, lS-foot motorboat. fully
equipped: guarantee;d very cheap for cash.
AN 74. Oregonlan.
HAVE 160 acres in Clackamas County at
912.50 per acre to exchange for city prop
erty. N 75. Oregonlan.
W'ILL exchange clean Portland real estate
for water power roller mill. Address
Howard. 426 East YamhllL
OWNER will take good auto up to 81500
on 82500 West Side cottage (81500 mort
gage). Phone C 206S.
5 ACRES timber land, Washington Co.; rich
soil. 8400. Will trade, what have you?
Palace Realty Co.. 2454 Yamhill sC
ACREAGE to exchange for equity In subur
ban housa and loc 216 Lewis bldg.. Main
NEW 4-room bungalow, worth 91000: trade
for cheap lota, no agents. T 63, Orego-nlan-
IF you have anything to sell or trade bring
it to Mitchell A Co.. SOS Rothchlld bldg.
7-PAPSENGER Studebaker for 5-pass.. equal
value. Childera. 8t Board ot Zrade.
87 ACRES 2 miles from railroad, 4 mile
from Banks. ls Washington County, ex
cellent soli; 20 acres under cultivation, bal
ance timber, but timber sold; very good
7-room house with telephone, good barn
35x48, and other outbuildings; 2 acres
in orchard and berries: good spring, water
tank and gasoline engine; about 81000
worth of personal property goes with this
place; price 84500; will take Portland
house and lot up to 93000, balance cash
or mortgage; a very fine place.
45 acres. 17 miles southwest of Portland
in the Tualatin Valley: 30 acres under cul
tivation; excellent soil: very good build
ings, alone worth 95000: price 910.000;
win take Portland property up to 85000;
9 years at 6 per cent on balance.
61 acres 18 miles from Portland, two
miles to R. R. and boat landing Very
sightly place, good oil and good build
ings: 46 acres under cultivation; 3 horses.
3 cows and all Implements; price 811.00O,
will take Portland property for pare bal
ance 6 per cenc . ...
800 acres of wheat land, all under culti
vation. 2 miles from railroad in Mor
row County: house, barn and well; prjee
820 per acre. . -
80 acres 6 miles from Lyle. In the fa
mous Klickitat County fruit belt; 5 acres
Spltzenbcrgs, house, barn and outbuild
ings: 97000: will exchange either place
for Portland property.
325 Lumber Exchange.
VACANT lots for acreage, clos In.
House for vacant lots. ' . , , 1
Rooming-house for house and lot.
Apartment-house for land
80 acres choice land for city property.
Grocery store for property.
100 acres, all improved, for
income city property.
Restaurant for house and. loc
Cigar and corfectlonery
store for land. . t
GARLAND A CO.. 191 FourthSC
FOR SALE or exchange 20 acres on Oregon
Electrlo R. R., 12 acres In bearing orchard,
2 acres strawberries and gooseberries be
tween trees, 4 acres newly planted to
apples, balance beaverdam and swale land,
good 6-room house, barn and chicken
houses, $1000 in stock and machinery.
Price 99000. Will take desirable Port
land property for one-third value, balance
to suic Address owner, A. E. Peat, R. 4,
Hlllsboro. Or. ,
Have IO acres Set to berries and pota
toes and garden. 2 miles from city lim
its, place will yield 91200 this Summer;
house, barn, chickens, horse, cow. imple
ments, etc.. will trade 84300 equity for
cottage In city.
316 Abington Bldg.
Well-built house of six rooms. moJern,
except heat; 55xlOO-foot lot. on corn-,
three blocks from car and about 20 min
utes' walk to PostofTlce. The irrouad
alone Is worth the price, 81500 cash will
handle, balance of 93000 to suLC
r f Bryan
Main 1963. 505 Cham, ot Cora. A 1227.
10 acres, raw Irrigated land. St miles
from Kennewlck. Wash.. li from Flnley;
8-room house, well fenced, R, F. D. ; paid
up water right, free of enoumbrance:
trade for city property, lots or raw land
of equal value or under. Main 6570, B
1258. ElllotC
Owing to changed plans I will trade my
equity in the house I am buying on the In
stallment plan in Rose City Park for va
cant property. O 11. Oregonlan.
2 BEAUTIFUL houses on carllne, near
Courtney Station; highly improved; will
take most all in good city property.
An excellent farm of 54 acres, must be
sold soon or will exchange for good city
or close-In acreage; $150 per acre...
Few shares U. S. Cashier stock to trade.
414 Couch bldg. Main 806-i.
Wa have desirable property. Improved
and unimproved, to exchange; city prop
erty for farms and farms for city prop
erty. If you want to exchange on a cash
basis, seo us.
421-422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
We make a specialty of exchanging
Eastern property and have a customer for
Illinois or Minnesota property. If you
have any list It with us as we can get
you a quick deal. Rapid Realty Co., room
818 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st.
HOTEL Best deal In Oregon at the price:
the only hotel in a prosperous town of
1500 In the Willamette Valley: 41 well
furnished rooms. Valu 810,000. Will
exchange for good wheat land or a gen
eral farm. Exchange DepC, of 414 Spald
ing bldg.
ipirt-mtta-t-HOTTPE 0 rooms, new build-
lng and new swell furniture, very best
West Side location; price 812.000; will
exchange for a good 95000 farm and give
time on the balance. J. J- smun. oio
Chamber of Commerce.
Horse. Vehicles and Harness.
. . r tlTTVC 1 CO
One family horse, bay gelding, 10 years
old, sound and city broke, weighs 1130,
gentle for any lady to handle. Side-spring
concord buggy and good, new harness.
Mra Perry. Can be seen at 334 Front sC
BARGAIN I have a good, young, fat team,
weighs 2800 lbs., nice handsome chunks,
sound, true and flrst-class every way: good
color; also set good breeching harness all
complete. Call residence, 874 Savier sc
W car to 26th sC
WILL accept one or two good work horses
as part pavment for 10 acres fruit land:
balance very easy terma Call 432 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg., phone Marshall
273, A 4317.
BAY chunk. 5 years old. good style, extra
good hltcher. 4175; 6-year-old black horse.
1200. city broke; work any place, 9150.
334 Front sc
GOOD 6-year old horse, sound, broke, slncrle
and double: would take trade In vacant
lot and pay ' cash balance. Call at 223
East 7mn St. .iotin.
ONE 1000-lb. driving mare, T years old.
gentle for lady to drive; also 2 rubber
tire bugglea Call 1061 Concord sc. cor.
Webster, wooaiawn
NEARLY new driving single harness. $12;
nearly new hame-collar single harness.
$10. C. P. Harris. Meklrum, Oregon City
FOR HIRE Horses, wagons and business
rigs by day. week or month; 34 15th st.
North. Phone Main 120. Lawler barn.
Ask for Mr. Evans.
FOR SALE Well matched truck team. 6
years old: dark brown; perfectly sound;
weight 3300. See J. Seifer, Haas Stables.
284 Vi list sr. i
5-YEAR-OLD chestnut mare, weighs 1300.
sound and city broke. Must have money,
9150; gray farm horse, works any place,
850. 334 FrontSC
FOR " SALE lfine delivery or driving horse,
weight 1300. at 38S Burnsidu: also one
delivery wagon. Main 1232. A 3119
FOR SALE Seven-year-old horse. 900 lbs.,
suitable for polo pony. AV 59. Oregonlan.
HORSES Now you can see some good ones
cheap, at the Rose City Park Sales Staples,
62d and Sandy road. Adr-ms & Campbell.
40-ACRE dairy ranch, near Forest Grove,
8105 an acre; all clear. Address AV 05.
WANTED Work horse, about 1.150 pounds;
must bo sound and true. AV 51. Ore
gonlan. FULLBLOODED Percheron stallion, weight
lSj). dapple gray. 18S E. 12th S., Port
land. B 3050. ;
PAIR of low down chunks, 7 and 8, weigh
2900; perfectly sound and city broke.
Guaranteed every way. 334 Front sc
GOOD work stock for rent, horses and mules.
J. W. Sweeney Construction Co., 304 Wells
Fargo bldg.
FOR SALE One fine team of horses 5
years old. weighing 3000: sound and -true
and without blemishes. 226 Russell st.
FOR SALE Bay mare, 6 "years "oldT-1150
pounds. W. Kakritz. Llnnton road. Phone
' Main 611
PASTURE for horses, near Portland. Apply
339 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410.
BAY gelding. 6 years old. 1500 lbiT847 East
WANTED Covered, light delivery wagon.
F 72, Oregonlan.
BARGAIN Good all-around horse, buggy,
wagon. 2 harnesses. 8100. Tabor 2624.
NEW-S tudebaker spring waifon, llKhtrIeiTv
ery; will sell cheap. Phone East 1965.
1500-POUND white horse for sale. 605 Al
bina ave. Geo. Delmon.
6 HEAD of young draft horses from 172S
to 1S25. Inquire 16th and Savier ats.
GOOD pole road wagon. 2 months' use.
East 5601. 514 East Burnslde.
WANTED Horses to pasture. J. D. Pear
son. 3 miles on Barnes road.
A GOOD surrey, nearly new; oost'8235; price
9100. Call Tabor 1002.
GOOD delivery wagon and harness for sale.
1045 Williams ave.
FOR SALE or trade, stylish 2-seated trap.
996 Savier sC
ONE small horse, safe for woman or chil
dren. 322 North 17th.
WANTED Gentle horse for business buggy.
Edelfsen Fuel Co.
BARN for rent, room for 4 horses. E. 27th
L andBroadaay sc .
SPECIAL harness bargains: heavy express
and 2d-hand double harness. 40 -N". 6th.
A CARLOAD of well-bred horses, very-gen-tie.
Waxas and ilonigomexy.
Horse. Vehicle and Harness.
505 Alder sc, corner 15th.
These horses have been used by city con
tractors, teamsters and business houses:
there are horses of all kinds, suitable for
business, family or pleasure purposes. Give
us a call before buying. Bead a few of
the many bargains below. It will give
you an idea of what we have. All horses
warranted according to what they are and
trial allowed. 50.1 Alder sc
3LioO-lb. team, sound and true, fat and
handsome, true and reliable, single or dou
ble. A bargain. 5u5 Alder st.
3100-lb. team, ages both 5, sound and
true, fat and handsome, no better team la
the state; owner going to Alaska only rea
son for selling; no reasonagle offer re
fused. Can be seen at 505 Alder sc
2900-Ib. team, full brothers, blocky built
and closely mated; they look alike, act
alike and work alike, and if you drove
them you would think they thought alike;
cost a brewery 8600 less than 1 year ago
and have been replaced by auto; price
with harness 4300. 505 Alder sC
Pair heavy drafters. 3200 lbs.. 7 and 8
years; this is an exceptionally good team,
and I defy any man to duplicate it ror
8400; true as steel in any spot or place.
505 Alder St.
Mare In foal, due in six weeks, big,
handsome Norman mare, 1400 lbs., kind,
true and reliable; price 8100; about one
third her value. 505 Alder St.
Pair young free-working mules with new
heavy breeching harness; they are kind
and true to work In all places: extra,
fast walkers; prlcs 8285; trial allowed.
505 Alder st.
8285 will purchase 2600-lb. pair of
brown gelding, both 7 years old. fat and
handsome, with new set heavy breeching
harness. This team can pull a freight
car loaded; extra fast walkers; warranted;
trial allowed. 505 Alder sc
Shetland pony outfit, 885; handsome
black mare, eight years old. 34 Inches
high, weighs 350 lbs., sound and fearless
of city sights; great driver; nice two
. wheel cart and harness. In good shape.
Call 605 Alder St.
A great opportunity to get a great rac
ing prospect: Standard and registered un
der Rule 1. Vol. Vlll T. R. and under Vol.
3 Morgan Register: sired by Spokane 5273.
son of Stranger 100. by General Washing
ton 76 dam Goldylocks. by Comrade Bel
mont, son of Belmont 2d. dam Gold Leaf,
bred by Hornsbv Bros.. Emmlnence, Ky.,
got by Forest Goldust 530. son of Goldust
70, 3d dam Pauline Pe, by Red Tiger; Sal
Silla was foaled April 24. 1U0S. has been
a trial 2.12t. Here Is one that by her
breeding entitles her to head the harem
of mares In any gentleman's breeding es
tablishment, combined with her grand in
dividuality and good way of going she. IE
raced this coming season, should get a
mark of 2.10 or better; above all she is
perfectly sound and fearless, safe for a
lady with open bridle; wears no boots or
riggings of any description and as for
her manners, she never forgets them: she
should, if given an opportunity, be equally
as fast as her sensational brother. The
day you come to see her am prepared
to show her In a quarter tn 32 seconds,
and a half close to 1.05. I will sell for a
road-horse price, 8200, allowing 30 days'
trial to test her speed and good qualities,
breeding and soundness: also I have her
papers In both trotting R. and MorgiUl R.
Please call 505 Alder sc; ask for CoL
Gllpatrick's colt.
La.Jy Wilkes, own sister to Fresno Girl
2.10Vs. by Seamore Wilkes. 2.08Vi. son ot
Guy Wilkes, sire of 4 In 2.10, dam of 4 in
the 2.10 UsC by George Wilkes. 2.22. Lady
Wilkes Is a nice brown mare, very racy:
entered once last year and has a bar of
2.313: she can pace a mile right now in
2.12 and does not wear hopples, never
. did: Bhe goes light and without a bolt Is
sure to pace In 2.07 this yesr with a
chance; she has no faults and Is an own
sister to Fresno Girl, 2.10H ; the above 2
fast horses are owned by Col. Gilpatrlck,
whose business Interest calls him to Now
York City and he Is compelled to dispose
of his stock. No reasonable offer re
fused by calling boarding stable, 505 Ald-
er st. ,
FOR SALE Horses, fresh car Just arrived,
pair dapple grays, 7 and 8 years old.
200 lbs.; roan black. 1500 lbs.. 5 years
old; pair blocky blacks, 5 years old. 20OO
lbs.: 1 black and a gray mare, 2900 U..
7 and 8 years old: brown inare, 6 years,
1550 lbs.; steel gray and dapple gray, 4
and 6 years old, 3000 lbs. These horses
are all guaranteed. Corner 5th and Mont
gomery sts. Marshall 1412
WE have on hand at all times fine com
bination saddle and harness horses that
are fit and ready for immediate use. You
come and try our horses at our sxpense;
have them examined by your own vet
erinary and when satisfied buy them.
Prices from $125 up. We handle only the
best. Kramer Riding School. 16th find
Jefferson ste.
FOR SALE 22 head of young draft horses,
weight from 1200 to 1700 lbs.; 4 to 0
years old; all broke and gentle; will sell
from $300 up. per pair; also 8 pontes
well broke for children to ride and drive.
935 a head; take Salem Electrlo to Tl
gard. Enquire at Livery Stable. Must
sell at once.
PAIR mares, weight 2S50. sound and true,
price ?265. Black mare, weight lioo.
gentle single, $S5. Gray gelding, weight
3425, 8135. Pair heavy set mares, weight
400. both work single. 8215. Bay mare,
age 5, weight 1375, $150. All horses guar
anteed and 'trial allowed. . 351 2d, near
Have moved from 1040 Macadam st. to
corner 5th and Montgomery; will have
car fresh horses, weight from 1200 to
1600; will arrive Thursday. 4th; all
horses guaranteed as represented. Don't
forget. 6th and Montgomery. Phil Suetter.
BARGAIN on team, mares. 2200 lbs., true,
harness and wagon; a mare. 1100 lbs.. $05.
true single or double; a horse. 1400 lbs..
$45. Woodstock, 57th and 63d ave. Phone
Sellwood 178S.
FOR SALE Span of horses, ages 6 and 7.
bay. high life, gentle, good condition. wlt:i
harness, worth 9750; selling price 8ti2.i.
Address S. F. Weyrick, North Plains, Ore
gon. Phone 204.
IF you are Interested In good harness at
very low prices, see our large stocK of
harness and gall-cure collara Keller Har
ness Co.. 49 N 6th.
WANTED To buy. for cash, span of mares
or mules. 1150 to 1300 lbs.; harness and
farm wagon; must be good, young and
cheap. Morgan Adklns, SC Charles Hotel.
FOR SALE Sound, gentlo 2200-pound team,
fast travelers; 8100; also 1100-pound
sound work horse, 930. Owner leaving
city. 312 Russell St.
Pianos. Organ ana Mrtslcat Instruments.
OWING to business reverses I am forced to
sell my beautiful J 700 aeolian, self-playing
organ; I will accept 8-50 for it if
taken at once. Address AD 87, Ore
g onia n
FOR SALE A player-piano. used eight
months. I am in a tight place, and need
the money; cash or good terms, cash
preferred. M 63,Oregonian.
THOROUGH-BRED White Leghorn hens
and roosters, also young White Leghorn
and Plymouth Rock chicks. 310 East 50th,
near Hawthorne.
BRAND new, never used, beautiful ma
hogany 6S-note inner plaver. fa'pecial
reasons for selling; only $375. 30O Alder.
PIANO Cost $450, In use 6 months; am.
going East and cannot move; will sell
cheap. Address B "3, Oregonlan.
A GENUINE barsaln; a beautiful upright
piano, practlcaly new. Will sell very
cheap. Need the money. R 85, Oregonlan. .
FOR SALE Upright piano In perfect con
dition. Call C 6111. Ask for 4321. Call
mornings or evenings
WILL rent upright Knabe piano to respon
sible party for $3 per month and cartage
one way. Phone Monday A 32S4.
WILL, sell my almost new piano, cost year
ago 8525: 8250 takes It. half cash, bal.
cisy terms. Address AD 71. Oregonlan.
WANT ED Reed organ and piano; state -prlceanmake
AH 61. Oregonlan.
UPRIGHT piano for rent, 83. Phone Slain
2472, A 4530.
810 MANDOLIN for sale, T1; and also
violin. Phone Woodlawn 1025.
FOR SALE Set of low-pitch Boehm clari
nets; great bargain. i eo, tregonian.
SCOTCH collie pup, pedigreed. Phone Tabor
1036. A 1471.
PLYMOUTH Rock homers, big squab breed
ers; 81 per pair. K 74, Oregonlan.
iTEGfSTKED French bull bitch, 3 years
old. cheap; motner or winners, iiu.
GOLDEN pheaFants and esgs. T. Barr, 323
San Raraei, epper Aioina.
8500 FISCHER upright piano, sacrifice, 8200.
Phone Monday. Main 3753
WANTED Hubmoblle runabout; must be
cheap for cash: give lull description.
price, etc. Auuicaa fli ". mcinimnii.
ONE 5-Passenger Carter car; has been run
only 400 miles, ror saio or iruae. Aja au,
Oregonlan. ;
CARTERCAR, slightly used, demonstrator.
$1400 new. price $1150. Cartercar Sales
Co., Tth ar.d Oak. Phone A 7207. li. 2iii
TWIN-cylinder Indian motorcycle. Call at
694 Lovejoy st. or phone Main 70S5.
WILL take good car as part payment on
residence, v .-, wregronian.
LOTS In Marshfleld, to trade for automobile.
Purse. Ms unsmper ut commerce.
1910 RUNABOUT, good condition; must be
sold this week: oest oner. Phone c 1533.
REO runabouc carry 4 passengers. In good
running condition. Phone East 858.
REO runabout, 175. Cottel Drug Co.