" : . REAL ESTATE. I REAX ESTATE. jlX ATW I REAL ESTA , BEAl ISWIt I REAL ESTATE. ' I REAL E6TATB. . vZh... I Acreage, . wihm I la Wr-Huun. I r ' atonae.. I -" : A GOOD BAROAIN- N.w 3-story bii. locled Br Bo. city ear. lot oloo; '7!r,r' .d.waik. ta and paid '"'v. ? 1 fin. furnac hardwood floora. 'i. fo ment basement; S ', "".tl " Prtcl! lull riomi. extra well ''- . MO do a. balance monthly. , LOOK AT THIS ONE. ' J-room.d bungalow, n.w and cm.nl .....m.r.t. Dutch :. riw. c.m.nt .Id.walaa. lei-. ,npA f ,h. bet roaj.i.nc dlatrlcta Prtc. iiiov. $JOv wH, balaac. irm TUIa 13 AN EXTRA FINE BUNGALOW. Located on 4-th . Rnrn" ttno, .ovk JO-., full cem.nt baaem.nl. wood floor. Tbte 1 ftnl.hed good ZnT foua, la Ih. city; W ';" room and la an Id.al .""- L snow II to you. Price J.J. tnn 10u0. balaac. monthly. HU -NTER REALTT COMPANY, r-,-j Hoard of Trade. Marat-ail 17" i. A - PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Bautilul n.w hous. ol mn. rr.m "" r--plloa ball; a fu.l l.ngtb ltln'"l with nreplac. window al and boo clc: beSutUully ml and !'' rt.n.r.-room w.to B'y-'0 7"" ,.r, roBv.nlrnc. hardwood ""' bedroom. MlHroom and IndoarJ an balcony- full equipment of clo.l ana 1?." mtr cvr.v.nl.nc full concr.w baaement. h watrr hcl. Thl. b ... built from Cr.ft.man " w ? th (hum throughout In rpin lf th. eotor .chem. of 1room i"" wf' work, of tn. bet ...ectloB. ha. a unlan and a yery "eh ion.. Tit i. 3xlu. and command an wWI' view of th. city. bom river and t.nM of th. mountain.. Thl. P" t. lo. td on ta. bel part of th. lower Il.'aht. on th. rarlin. and convenient i. ,". H.'gh'. llub. -O-b"""'.. with aa lmpmnint. In and paid. It u;ou. I.c.uoina ball rarpta. fin. mat una. and iara. n.w kitchen rans. K. r. HRYA.S. Mam tlA3. o5 Cham, of torn. A a beautiful hum. of vn room". r JiptV-n hall, a full-l.n.th -"? with nr.pl... and c.m.nl and r'J wtndoaa. book raw. Tnd wtnrfow ' famed and pan.lrd 'n,n,-',m- ".'n .Itlt full uipiMl of c!u BBd p.n tn.fc four baurooma. .a. h ia.T?'. color -h.m.. cl ' Bnd .I'V ...rplna balcony. Iar. altlc full ""; nirt lar. furnar.. bard.oo.1 Boor.; th. rounl. ' t.ut an .cr. In xtrnt and command a Bn. and nnub truttmt : tni brautifui rwid.nc. i. .-r.irt In th. nut .a. IuIt. rr.i-U-nr. .li.tr-.rt In th. city and la of cxcrpuoual vBlua for tn mny. R. F. BRIAN. Main 11M3. ftrta Chain, of com. A 1 . .T0 DOWN ,:iT JIONTHI.T . . HAWTHORNE FfNGAlXT. H(rr. I. hr yon ran quit .upportlna th. I. no lord and vr )" mon.y to oaa -ur property, a fufl. mo-i.rn. lara.. Tlv room bunlo. not far from Hawthorn. , fr -. thl. la a .ry d.lrall. n-iinn to H In; tak. car. to eorn.r 4 Id and nanrn. a..: arnt th'r. Port-i.nd-ra-ific iDvnimtai Co .1 Railaay tiihuia OR IIX on .ay monthly pn.nt. thl n.odrrn J-ro..m bunaaJoa. on -jib and iant..n twt K.. I'lty 1'trk. Ilrr, biork from carltnr: lot .Vil". a fac ln. baullful nr.piai-. and nalv buiit- IB buffl. COVE OI T AND WATCH THE CON". MKl(TKi. t'K THIS Bt NGALOW. I-. S. CONSTRICTION CO.. 5i Chamber of Coram.rva. r-hun. Main P7. I R V I NGTON. W. hav. a horn. In th. tat part of IrAlncton, on th. north. At corn.r of -h ane Itraa. that w. mu.t wll ln.ld. of . w..k. It tm an a-rootn mod.ra. up-lo-dat. houa.. Com. and ar. and mak. u. n off.r. If it I. r.onabl. w.'ll li.t.n. 1 .'II tak. a lot aa part paym.nt. Guiatlna Hr-. ia H.nry bid. llarahall HMid.nra. Main 4' ROOM N.w. moil.ra bunaaiow. on fully Im- prov.tl l..t In f!ror H.l(hta Trie. l:. Ka.y t.rma Call a: our offli. tad of city Iark carllna. OKEOOKT l.NV. CO. WEST SIDE PCY. $7nm, rxiiH and io nr. trt.tly mod atn data: nr Mill .trri; terma. titNNY.siOB BI"Y. fno; nice r.out.. i rorniii and bath, on on. floor, lara attic: Ka.t Tith. near IKImunU FRKD C. KIXH 314 hpaldins liM..3d jnd Wa.hinKton. i'ihstrt"hoe in th"scity It-rooro hiuH, aood barn, e hK-a.n-hona. and yard; lovat.d on i tall lot.: 41 oung l.arlnc fruit tiw.. .-Ity aal.r. J Mork. from sod rarlin.; t4H. Slout can. your Mi timv on bklinct. Dl'Hi'IJ CROCKETT. , 1 i:niim 'm. AM Laving tn. city: for sal. by nwn.r. trl-tly mo1.m flve-nm bunaaiow. full atltc. baa.rn.nt. flr.plac. fin. aard.n. strt Improv.m.nta In and paid for; will a.11 fuml.hed. Inoludlna B.w Buarh A l.an piano, worth whll. tnvef icatlng : onlr buyrra. k:;4 Patton av.. N.. Overlook .!! I tlon; L c a r. BT own.r. rom.r Ea.t Washlnalon and .tih. quarter block. K-room boua.. furni ture. upp.r thrr.rnnm apartm.nt rented . f.r montb: oaner occupl luw.r five; fruit, .had., flower, aarden and barn: oan.r leaving cltr: bl aacrlflre; n reaainabl. offer r.fuaed: mutt go. Call i Kaal Joth. s rt car. af'I.E.N'flf) bargain In A-room strictly mod ern re.td.-nre In Eat Sid., restricted dia Irift. built m year. 1 hlo-k from car. lot aoi liw. lawn. roae. fruit, etc.. ahadea. n.w Atmln.ter carpet, and fuel al.o; $ cash, batanc. siwm. per month, a per r-m; fl.al with owner and aav. com mltnlnn. P hi. ( frrjrnn i.n. ' EVERTTHINOPAin ftr.r. .tr.et pavlna. water, on thla &-rooni bunaaiow at Mt. Tlmr. Price fAToO; eaay terma. iot ia 5tali. It', a buy. CLARK COOK COMPAXT. nmh and Belmont Tabor 3I!M. VERT FIVE HOfSB. Preacott and Kat 1 -1 h .ta k-room modern bona., furnac.. compl.te and tra aood flnl.b. lot 4.x1otk. 1'ric. $4Uia: term, ea.v at per cent. GODDARD A B IEimll K, J4A Stark .1. c'or Sal. hr Own.r BCNGALOW. EAST TERMS Why PT rent. Six room, new. modern. In a f.at.aroalnk district that will aur. mk. profit to purchaser. A real bargain. Telephone Main oT1. NOW HIl.I. -ro.m. entirely modern residence, price $;..i0; will atv. time on part. Thla is your rhance to get a fine hnuaa la th. best part of the nt. J. K. Smith. ZH f haml'.r of Commerce, I MIST SACRIFICE. 1y bom. and f urnitnr.. piano, ruga. Call m. on pnon. Woou'awn &i and . I will t.ll yon ab-ul It. Thompwon. 411 Failing street. . 34l'ST " SKI. I. Owner aolna to Europe. 7 roomed ndern house, furnished or unfur ni.hed: will sell at less than coat If sold tins aeek: snap at S.Cwhi. worth f4ukoO. Tabor :. tw.4 E. 7th su North. Kos. t lty Park. ilnnrRX & room bunaaiow on Mt. Scott carltne: bath, electric llchts, baaement. etc.; al n'ce lawn and roae bush..; prl.-e tlon; f.'.io down, balance like rent. Call 11 I'nlon ave. Phone East 43. I ; Etj I ITT In five-room rfotTaae to trad, for lot or equity west of th at., between K. Ank.ny and Broadway. Smith. Pbon. Kast - . V - 4 ROOM houa.. corn.r lot Jot 1 no. furnished: 2 blocks car. if fare: tltat down, tld a month: I .-. East fronu Palac. Realty Co.. ' ' Yamhill st- 5 ATREi ca.lT balance easy; new 5.rom cotatae. all f.n.d; good aoll: T blo-ka Sc car. only 17". H Mil.ET t BISHOP. 1JJ Third at. g.rtooM. modern bunaaiow. 5 rooms, up stair. g'od baaement. flreplare. good lo cation; SUIOm: will glee terma J. K. Smith. &I.1 i'himhr of Comm.rro. TAKE your eholc. of the, tat nice. b.w. modern hnu-a ..sy t.rma Inquire of own.r. J. E. Dugan. A20 Chamber of Com merce. jn DOWN. IS MONTH. Modern 5 - room ihAiiao. J.", minute, out. 1 Mock school. mnt) lot. Improted street. I7.V. Owner. 311 Iwl hlda. a.ROOM route. South Portland, will rent for el month; own.r ntuet hav. mon.v and will .ll for !. J. E. Smith, il! timhr of Com mrrre. xsnT 4 -room house. Just finished S. owner Sunday. : Alberta t. Woodlawn llli 5l"ofiKRV .Vro-m bunralow. sleeping porch and attic cheap by owner. WovdlawQ SNAP. ON EAST 1RVI.NU. NEAR 1STH T. Beautiful m -story. J-room. strictly modern, almost n.w houst, on full quarter block, beautiful lawn and all kinds of shrubbery and small fruit; price 17"UU. or will .ell house and on. lot for f.ViuO. easy terma Lots In this location ar selling for e-'MXA If yon are in th. market for a fine horn, and a bargain, take our ad vice aad look at thla on. before you buy iswwher.. C. F. PFMOER A CO.. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. Suit. 12 and 14. Mulk.y bldg.. 2d, and Mornaon. ESTABLISHED I"". 30 A MONTH. NO FIRST PAYMfc.NT NKCESSARY. MODKKN IN EVERY RESPECT. Beautiful a-room bungalow with every modern convenience; the list house I hay. built tn th. last t month, and all sold but this ona. Full basement, fireplace, beam celling, wash tra. Dutch klluh.n; In tact ev.ry thmc that goes to make housekeeping pleasant. . ..... Full-slaed t.rracd lot. Price &. Choice of two eacellent carllnea within J block A. N. S.arle. Tak "M-V car. get off at E. th u: ofQc on th. corner (open Sunday!. RnovT BL'NGAIXW. by owner, cement basement, laundry ay. wood lift. Dutctt kitchen, paneled dlnlng-romo. large living-room wlih fireplace, reception hall: one nice bedroom downstair. off ol which there Is a toilet and bath, two large bedrooms, with d.n between up stair, large closets, every room tinted, ga and electric fixtures In. shades In; lot I 4ixt'. IB lawn, seven bearing fruit tree, walk In. atreet graded and paid for. handy to two carllnea. nice neigh borhood: prtc 1. a:x. Loik at this pla. et 17 E. Grant at., or phone owner. Main 1B7T. after 7P-M- Tabor lil. DIFFERENT FROM OTHER.-". NKW BUNGALOW. iot CASH, LOT Sox loo. Own your ow b home, a rooma seeing la believing. All built-in lateat Improv. m.nts. hardwood floor., alx-foot buffet, hand chipped brick lireplace. mirror door, beautftul liaht gold.n oak flnl.h wood work and whit, enamel. Take Ho, t Ity Park car. get off .Wh St.. IS block, north. Owner on ground afternoon, or phone Main LIST r.l 1 tj 1 n 10. . a-room. brand new. strictly modern bungalow, sleeping porch, full concrete baaement. Taundty. pined for furnace, lara. fireplace. paneled dining-room, built-in conveniences. Very complete, on lot 5xl0i. situated on East lst St.. n.ar Sandy road, facing e.t Prlc. Itouu. T,rm tKDDARD A W1EDRICK. 243 Stark st; V C N R O K T R K E T HOME. Near Williams ave. T-room modern bouse, full cem.nt baaement. furnace., bath. laundry traya. two toilets. gas range, water heater and ahades Included, largo floored attic Lot ioxluO. btreet graded and concret. walk In front and and at .idea of house. Prlc. 4iw; llouO caah will handle. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. IRVINCTOX bungalow. five-room. with alerplng porch and on. room flnlahd ap ataira. well arranged: large living-room and dining-room: lot. SOxloo. alone worth giajai; price . terma $7.W cah. bal ance monthly. Call or phone GOWKN-IDE TBI "ST CO.. Ground Floor. Lumbermen a bldg. Ml. I A 15 ' O nv.ir.. F.at -th. near stark. 7-room modern house, furnace, bath, two'loll.ta V .ry alghtly. ...client vl.w. lot &Oxli. Prtc. 4.ia: easy terma Call and inapect pho tograph. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Jt. WE HAVE A splendid llat of modern bungalow and dwelling from i to room. In all parts of th. city; In prtc ranging from lli to 1nii. Beore buying a house, come and .. what w. have. Jt will pay you to go so. Bloch Realty Co.. V Aider St. 12230. N.w A -room California bungalow In Ver non. Strictly mlaaion Inside, wltb rustic exterior. Modern, with many new at tractive f.atutea. A coxy horn, in a good neighborhood. Call or phone Sun der A. M . Main wai Cowing A Purcell. T Spalding bldg. LOOK AT f H"ELOCTION. R.lmont st. and Mth. "-room housa, modern. I'late window.; 1 full lota, ce ment walk, and drive One lot In larg. bearing fruit tree. Prtc. I0CI&0; worth fsuoo. CLARK COOK COMPANY. nth and Belmont. Tabor SUM. NEW fiv.-room cott.g.. lot 33 l-:ixl"0. on Kaat 2oth St.. Juat south of Ladd'e Addi tion. Kxceptionally well built and con veniently arranged. Th.se are close In and a snap for ai0. on easy terma. W. ar. ownirx. phon. or call the GOWEN-1DE TRUST CO.. Lumbermen bldg. "east maix7nV:ar east soth st. Kaclng south, h-room modem lS-story bungaliw. fireplace. concrete baaement. bard-srfaeed atreet and paid for. Prlc. 4H: term, to be arranged. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. A GOOD HOME FOR A LITTLE MONEY. Very attractive home, n.w and mou-rn. a rooms, doubl. constructed, full concrete has.rucnt. lot JoxLl, 1 block rarlllie. .0 $ J"0 cash; It la worth mora money. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. WahlngtonBldg. SI OOO WORTH I.V0. Am going away and mun sell: ra;t quick or It will be gone. I US Fast hta street North; only 7.vi cash needed. Lot ixloo and good small hoi.e. JOHN P. WESTON. IH8 Chamber of Comroerca IF you would like a awell little home In Vernon or Roe. City Park. c bungalow on corner 2mh nd Wygant at.. Wrnon: duplicate on 4tt h t.. l. ft. north of Sandy road: very atlrartlv price and t.rm on cch. Phone Woodlawn 22D2. onr. WANT A SNA P? eT.20 tT lot wurth 2MH). with a good room houae. In walking .1 lata ace. eaay terma glvib; investigate' thl If you want a bargain. F- r'UCHj. 221 'j Morrison Street. ALAMEDA PARK SNAP. 7-room. airlctly modern house, brand new. furnace, fireplace. leeplng room. ,.t TiOxliai. on Eaat 2nth t.. nea Skld mor. Price S4l.o. flood term. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark t- OWNER MIST SELL Five-room new bungalow. Modem In every way. I .ot A4lxllK eaat front, Prlr. low for quirk aale. Terma Ilka rent. Phon Tahor 74. ROSE CITY PARK HOME Perfect H-room hooe. hardwood floor, handeome wood work, five new screened porche. full baaement. all complete. 7to raah : price f hmm. rest on eay payment. Phone Woodlawn RM. LOOK AT THL. Taylor St.. 1 block from 53th. tl-room midern house. lieuloO corner, f.VMHI. We are selling vacant adjonling at till price. Clark-Cook Co.. ttnth and Belmont. Tabor 3IIH. AM laarlnt town, will acrlflce my n.w Ik room bungalow, close tn. Hawthorne dla trlct: all. Improvement. In and paid, so owner at ! Glen ave., or phon. Tabor 12-4. UOOD 3-room houae. plastered, walls timed, bath and toilet, hot and eold wat.r, pantry and clct. full baeeraem and gar den: t12M. $300 down. C. W. ' ll:la East ITth N. SNAP. S2730 buys 7-room house. oOxlOO lot. on gist St.. H block fmm Belmont cara CLARK COOK COMPANY. gth and Belmont. Tabor 3HM. OWNER wish. to sell eight-room house. good locality, every modern convenience. 1 block to two cnrltne. bard-aurfac. vtreeta: beautiful lawn, trees and flower. , Mil East Flander. B I4Q7. FIVE-ROOM house, modern, now. Meek from carllne; lawn, fruit treea. walking diatance. lk; 4ia cash. SI3 per month on halancw. per cent Interest, 8 SS. Oregonlan. .-;o FOR new bungalow, on corner lot lialxluo: good location: small payment and fio a month. Including Int.reat. Owner, Worcester block. MODERN e-roora bungalow on lot 0xlot with 3 large cherry tree for the low Tlgure of .'! on terms to suit- Western Sec. Co.. 414 jaldlng bldg. J7o DOWN"! modem J-room bungalow. a 1.I0O; terma C. R. BELKNAP. Phone M. 4.T- C2I Teon bldg. 1RV1 NGTON BARGAIN. Xew 2-story modem home. rooms and s1 plng-porch. Owner will acrlflc. for I.-.3-.0. B S2. Oregonlan. giio tASH nd $13 per month, g-room bon.. 2 blocka from MV car: lot .vixiK); line location: price lra: worth $2000. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 1S3 Third St. FOR S ALE T-rooirPhou.. plumbing done, lot fpxU and lon-fu from Fulton car line: prlc 2.c: 1000 down: ay t.rma 7 Nevada treet, BT OWNER Exclualre dlatrtct. 7-room bungalow. trlctly modern. brgaln7 car lines. Il4 Rodney are. Home "phone, C I 7 i. : a.ROOM modern houae In desirable location, rleae to car and echeol; v.ry reaaonsble If taken oon. Call 91 1 Gantenbetn ave. iF E'li Noir- Co 'i list" of West Eld. burnt undr 'i Todaj" TTIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, TORTLAXD. MAY HovsEa a' 24ilO l per month. , N.w modem six-room bunsalow. only fwo blocka from car on a lot .vxlw. In a high-claa reatrlcted dlatrlct: has a full basement and large attic; bullt-ln book cases In living-room, raneled dining-room with built-in burf.t; lar. Dutch kltch.n. bathroom and porch, only a email pay ment down. ,i.-.tm. 4-room Bungalow. On tw. slghtlv lot, close to three cr lln. and In a fast-growing district; '" cash, balanoe $10 per month. ROSE CITY PARK. LOOK ! Fine, new modern bungalow: $MX cash will handle: A rooms, restricted district; lot .Vlx 1 nil. parking 10-foot ston. walk; all improvementa paid: porcelain bath, cabinet kitchen, coat closet. -foot buffet wllh leaded glaaa doors and mir ror, beamed celling, pan.lrd dining-room; I hnnkcaaea four hog ettee with cojrera. fine rok-fced brick fireplace- with mir ror; cement baaement. laundry traya. olld oak pollahed floor, mirror door, linen closet; first -claa workmanship. CHICKEN RANCH i A"RE. Good I-room house, chli k.n-hou.. gr d.n. enough grown for fmlly: 2 minute walk from car. r.c fare; 0; cash, balance (10 par month. 6 per cent Interest, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. :im K. New. modern n-room house. Dutch kltch.n. bullt-ln buffet and bookcases, fireplace, sleeping-porch, full cem.tu base ment and cement sidewalks In: street In front of houae to be raved at once. This house I. usually well constructed and finished throughout, and Is a bargain at the price. Cynly :1U down, balance monthly. 7-room strictly modern double construc tion combination, gas and electric fix ture, hardwood floor: Urge llvtng-rooin. dining-room with hem.d celling, large Dutch kitchen, on. bedroom down. .1 large bedroom upstairs with bath and sewing- - room, run rem.ni 1 - . nare. drainage and wash traya; lot " ' w itn cement waiaa anti i.n , . block from car: can be bandied on easy terms of f.vw: $20 per month. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 119-2fi-ai Railway Exchange. (Office open Sunday) SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. UNIVERSITY PARK. T.rm. like rent: H block from car: lot gnxllO corner, level. H feet above grade; larg. shade treea. streets graded. concrete walk. Mt. Hood water; house nearly new; modern plumbing: In good rorjdltlonj price e.120. l' Pr cnt cash, balance $2. monthlv. Including Interest. Lot alone will oon be worth th prlc. Would tak. a vacant lot aa part paym.nt. i-OE A. M KENNA A CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4022, A 21 10. NEW T-ROOM HOUSE. Extra large living room. with. fire place and bullt-ln ' bookcase Large dining-room with btillt-ln buffet, cabinet kltch.n. 2 large bed rooms and sleeping porch. Full cement basement, good Tur Bc East front, lot Bo-clOn. one bl-k from car. Smal eaah payment Prlc 14.100. Call Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trad. Bldg., 84 4:h St. WOODLAWN. Owner going to country, will leli coy 5 -room modern bungalow. East h -North. 2 block from I'nlon, ave.. houa. face eaat: newly painted and (tecotateg; veranda front' and rear, large bathroom, electric fixture, ga range and atove Inral. full cement baaement. with gaa: good bam: lot riOxinn; peach, cherry and apple tree lot of berry and roae bushea; cement walks: property clear. No rommlaalnn. Price .1otH; cah. H 75. Oregonlan. r,r1oospEC'TAL bargain. This Is a strictly modern ft-room house with hardwood Boor downstalre, furnace. Breplare. combination flxtures. wash traya full basement, near 2nth and Clackamaa Holladay Park Addition: now complete ly furnlehed and will throw In furniture if taken at once; easy term to right par tie. MTARGAR. BATES A LIVELY. 3lt Yeon Bldg. -ROOM BUNOAIjOW, ,.-..VH1. Thl attractive. thorousAly modern bun galow, with hot water heat, la located In the North Irvlngton dlatrlct. on E. lth at. N.. near Knott t.: If you dealre some thing nice la a choice neighborhood, bel ter see this. M'CAKGAR. BATES A LIVELY. .3111 Yeon mag. 9 ROOMS, modem and very desirable, on 14th at.. East Side: best schools and car servl.e In city. I am offering my horn, for ftkMMi; amatl payment down and time on balance. Thla I the bet buy In th. city and gold bv ow-ner. No agent want ed. Call at my office at 312 Rothchlld bldg.. or phone Main tV4 or A 741. MONEY reverse force me to sell my n.w (-room bungalow, built for a home, strict ly modern, hardwood floors, sleeping porch; located In Dnest section of Rose city Park: lot alone Is worth 1900. Will take ;:60. actually a third less than cost. Need cash but will conalder payment. F 73, Ore gonlan.' - - ATTRACTIVE five-room houae In Irvlngton: bungalow effect; on East lHlh. near Thompson; eaat front, large living-room with fireplace, rtlnlng-room. kitchen, pass pantrv two large aleeplng-rooma and aleepl'ng-porch: prlc f.v.oo. McAllister & l.ueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. FINE uhurbn home In Oak Grove. Oregon City line: 14 acres: rt- room house: 2 pantrle. bath, -fireplace, large veranda; barn, woodhouae and rhlcker. forral; tese. table, fruit tree and berries, and choice hrtih and f'.owera $4300. E 72, Ore gonlan. A LIFETIME TO PAY. Moving to Mexico. Offer modem ft -room dwelling, clenr. near car, stores, school, chniwhe Fine corner. I.VIxlon. Fruit. Small payment, balance I3 year Main 4222. A 7317. .,7",o--Very fine property on East Madison St.. near E. 24th. 7 room, lot AiixIihi. A rloa. figure at above price and owner will mak. terms. A. H. BIRRELI. CO.. 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sta 1hmi Nearly new n-room bungalow, close to Set I wood carlln.: lot oOxloo: fireplace, furnace, tinted throughout. . $23l cash, $23 month. Better look this up, A. H. Blrr.ll Co., 2U2 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sis. ARE you looking for a home on the Eaat Side" We have some fine bargains In hnua.a In Irvlngton. Kos. cliy Park. I.au. r.lhurat and oth.r attractive East clde districts. McAllister A Lueddemsnn. 722 Electric bldg. RIVER VIEW HOME. 2 minutes' ride, beautiful Dutch Colo nial house. Craftsman Idea. large rooms. 2 sleeping porches, half aare park, tennis rnurt and garage; owner leaving city Write, K 7S. -Oregonlan. A B.ROOM bungalow. $3300: $4iM down, r.nl ance $20 per month; on Richmond carlln. Call Mr Anderson. A 1163 or Main Kroo. Sunday call Sell. 32T COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg.. 4 4th SI. ELEGANT HOME on East 23th at.; very complete In all It appointments and new. Look at this for a home. giKmo. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Maln 33. lt2Fourtrst. A3.VH. $3or SAVED by buying this 5-room modem bungalow, built last year, 2 blocks to .school, carllne. branch library, stores; only llaio, half caafe. balance terms to suit. G 73. Oregrmlan.- TroOM. modern, new bungalow on 13lb at,, near Alberta, at $2mm. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 3.V 102 Fourth st. A .nn. GRAND-AVE. CORNER. North of Holladay. fine apartment site. Only $73iMi. Vanduyn and Walton. 513 Chamber of Commerce. S FULL acre. 3-room house. 7 blocks car: flne soil: city water, street graded and paid: price $12ott, terma. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third Ft. PRETTY HOME In Belle Crest, th. cream of Rosa Cltv Park; corner lot, law-n. rose, garden, fruit. A snap. $3HvO; $tl.'iO cash. phone C 2-t-- $31 CASH. bal. easy, buys a flne n.w 5 roona modern bungalow. 2 blocks car. full ba.em.nt. everything flrst-clnas: $2O0u. HIGLEY BISHOP. 132 Third St, 1:5. a CASH, balance monthly, secure modern A -room bungnlow on the Alberta carllna. Howard Land Co., J Swetland bldg. 2oo CAP b L eaay. l-rnitrT cottagel lot 40xlay. near car. on Main St.. Ints: $o50. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. READ I hav. som. genulr bargains In small house and bungalows; good terma & M. Venard. toi McKay bldg. :VmONTHLT buy a-room bungalow, house completed today, modern and sightly. Phon. Owner. East 2741. FURNISHED houseboat. 3 room, kitchen and toilet, electric light. AT 7u. Orcgunlan. MAX, TORTLAXD. MAY 7. 1911. ; -ROOM CALIFORNIA BINOALOW. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Magnificent atone front: very artistical ly designed: n.w and modern; on corner lot. right on Hawthorne ave.. in the beat residential section of that district. High and sightly. Every modern convenience to be had In a new home can be found in thla one. And If vou are looking for a nice home. T- one that will mak. an excellent Invest ment, thla will surely meet your require ment in addition to the six room there I a tarre attic with - largo dormcra. 2 nice alzed bedrooms could easily be made at small expense and there I alo a apaclou reception hall. Linen closets and clothe closets throughout. Paved street, side walk, everything 1 complete. The price Is most reasonable e42no. -As low aa looo will be accepted on flaat pay ment. The balance can be paid In month ly installmenta T. A. PCTHERLAND. OWNER. 1084 HAWTHORNE. .. Corner SUth. Tabor 2017. IRVLNGTON SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW MUST SELL. $1230 caah balance arranged, lrge re ception hall, living-room and dining-room: hardwood floor, beamed celling, fine buf fet and fireplace, white enameled Duitch kitchen, toilet and lavatory on hack porch, large bathroom upstairs. 4 roomy bed rooms, street Improvements all in; sales man on ground from 12 M. to 3 P. M. Property located on Kant Side, 27th be tween Braaee and Thompson ts., near Braxe. st. CHA'S. RINGLER A CO.. ' . 211 Lewis bldg. FOR SAI.ELarge."legant home. 31 Eat 4lth treet North; 3 block from new Beaumont carllne. House double con at ruction, 7 large rooms, pnrcelnin bath. Niagara how.r. furnace, fireplace, pa electric light. Bull Run water, telephone. Full eement basement. 3rtx4l. stationary tuba lot 73x100. beautiful lawn, roses, shrub, growing garden, all In perfect . order. Will sell quirk, at hargaln: part m . H rvwn.r rhmrlnr htisinesa Inquire on grounds (take Roae City carl, or phone . C 2371. ELEGANT HOME. Owner leaving cltv has Instructed me to sell his elegant- home on Nob Hill, con sisting of 9 rooms, with full finished at tic, suitable for bllllard-room or rharr, bers; first and second floors oHd oak; thl was built by a famous architect for his own home, and contains many advan tages not found In ordinary houses; large closets, tiled baths and all convenlencca Call at offlc for price and terms. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade bldg. I W ANT to sell my houae In Irvlngton for $S3H: It Is worth $11300; has 8 large rooms and aleeplng-porrh. full cement basement, run attic, all plastered, pain w-ith genuine tile floor and wainscoting: hardwood floor throughout the house: re ception hall and living-room finished In oak; dandv Dutch kltch.n. all white en ameled: I will take as low as liooo cash, balance on good security. I must selL AS 2I. Oregonlan. $tloo Swell colonial home In !.add'e Add. ; large living-room, with splendid fireplace. . dining-room paneled, three fine light bed room, linen closet, large bath room: attic large enough for extra bedroom r-nd billiard room. Hardwood floor down stairs. Eaay terms or will take first pay ment to $1000 in good vacant lot. A. H. BIRRELI, CO.. 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sis. AN Ideal home In Laurelhurst7"$3SOO. $2000 cash. bal. easy terms; 5xlo0-ft. lot, nine room house: full cement basement, fur nace, oak floors and beam celling in dining-room and living rooms: fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, cabinet kitchen, tile floor tn vestibule and bathroom; very complete and A-l finish; just what you ar looking for. See owner. 424 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Third t.. Portland, Or.-' . 81NNYSIDE HOME $4o00, on terms; beautiful 5-room house on E. 37th St.; modern In every particular; Just being completed: large living-room. dining room, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, 2 1,.. nine-rooms and sleeDlng-norch. full baaement and furnace: !lrdaeye maple floors; interior iiiiian er niii'in'mo; car service In city. Investigate thla Mc A Ulster A Lueddemann, 722. Electric bldg. BARGAIN 4.NO0. TERMS. Modern and attractive n-room dwelling on Clackamas1 St.. near E. 2tlth: lot 5ix 123; very flne location: home practically new and very attractively arranged; price, with street improvements all paid, $4300; good terms, v M'CARGAR. BATES LIVELY. 301 Yeon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house In beat Laurel hurst district: new and modem In every detail; large living-room, dining-room and kitchen, den, 4 sleeping-rooms and a sleeping-porch; hardwood floors, two fireplaces, many bullt-ln features: face east with view or mountains; a beautiful home and a bargain at $7miO; easy terms. McAllis ter A Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. $3300. Well furnished rtlastered five-room house, pantry, bath, hot and cold wirier; lot 1O0 by 150; good garden, 2i hearing frur- treea. prunes, cherries, 'apples and pears; berries; good chicken-house; furni ture tn good condition; half cash. 6S5 Saratoga st.r eaat of Woodlawn. BARGAIN 5 ROOMS. $1730. Thla Is a well-built one-story frame, not modern, but city water In house; two blocks from Montavilla car, near West ave.. on lot 50x100; owner need the money. See w M'CARGAR. BATES A LIVELY, 3U1 Yeon Bldg BARGAIN for quirk sale, new 5-room bun galow fireplace, -bookcases, linen closet, wood elevator. laundry trays, shades, combination gas and electric fixture, large attic, good location. 2 block Rom Cltv car, "1 block from Laurelhurst. Ow ner. Tabor 2101. A 5-ROOM bungalow. .1.ik, iimu caan. Ixt 80X2IT reel; a" goon iruil ireea, o year old; on Improved street, close to car. Call Mr. Anderson. A 11 ill or Alain 8WOO Sunday call Fell wood 327. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 4th SL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS homes; we have several beautiful house for sale In this elegant home district at prices ranging from $.300 to $13,000; all new and mod ern: magnificent view nroFerty. For par ticulars see McAllister ft Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. 6-ROOM modem bungalow, few blocks west of Alhlna carbarn. 3tJ feet from carllne: finished for a home, and very complete, at :i330. and upon good term Ask us about thlr. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33. H!2 Fourth gt. A 3500. I21100 Cottage, new and modern, with large room, -nuilt-in cnina ciobci, uu'i-ii aiicn cn. good plumbing. ttlc and basement. Terms $2.o i ash. balance easy- payments. A. H Blrr.ll Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and St ark sis. MODERN and attractive house In Holladay. on Clackamas st.; rooms, full baaement and furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, splendid neighborhood: large lot; fine val ue at $ 4 m Hi, terms easy. McAllister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. ' MUST BE SOLD. Best buy In Irvlngton. Modem g-room house, si. .ping porch. Dutch kitchen, with ' cooler: every convenience, $5350. No commission. Make your own terma. East 2621. . 5-ROOM bungalow. $2SO0, $.".00 down, bal ance to suit. Call Mr. Anderson. A 1!3 or Main Mfioil, Sunday call Sollwo-id 527. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 4th St. FORCED to sell for cash at once: n.w mod ern cottage, corner lot. full basement, nice garden and lawn. 11"0. at least 30 per rent under value; 2 blocks from Mt. Scott car today. Tabor 250Q. LARGE LOT. 42x20: new cottage 18x24; wired, plastered: IV, blocks to W-W car. East 3Wth St. South. 1375; terms. By owner. See It today. Phone C 20CS. San the commission $1000 $1000 $1000 $11100. , '2-room house and large tenlhouse on ' 5OX105.-M. lot. 1 block from Montavilla car $400 down. $lo monthly. Kred.W. German. 32 Bumslde. M or A 277d. IRV1NGTON BARGAIN. Comer lot. 2 new, modern houses; - will rent for l per month. Price $'.li",. with good term. Zimmerman. 31V Board o( Trade bldg. ON ACCOUNT of leaving city, wll sacrifice "my 4-room bungalow and nice lot for S800. half raah. balance easy terms: only 30 minutes out; two blocks to car. H 71, Oregonlan. 1 30 PAY M EN'T DOWN. Easy payments on balance; nice 5-room houae. 3 blocks to carllne: might accept vacant lot as first payment or - would consider trade. L 82, Oregonlan; $500 CASH, balance easy, new 5-room mod ern bungalow. Hawthorne carllne; full baaement. fireplace, everything flrat-claaa; only $3000. HJGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. A SNAP o7xlon feet. R-room house. In choice residence district IML Tabor 1. Owner leaving city. JJIXK) for equity. AE 71, Oregonlan. ' CLOSE-IN bargain, 7-room house on East Alder St.. $1500. terms: easily $1000 be low market. O 72. Oregonlan. . $100 CASH. $10 a month. 5-room house, 3Vi bloks station: price $1350. HIOI.EY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. 5-ROOM cottage, near Alberta carllne, by owner, 'cheap, phone Marshall 1252. $3000 S-r-wm strictly modern huse 'with almost "a block of ground In -Valnut Park, on William ave.; hard-urrace "gnVio R-room modem house ieeping porch and attic, up to date In -r reaptct. in Overlook, unobstructed view of $4100 New 6-room houae. on Gifjnn ave.. modern, every convenience, rooms all tinted: 41O0O cash, balance 5 je- $3250 5-room .bungalow.; on Weidler t.. flreplare. built-in book cases, linen closets, wood lift, combination fixtures, full basement, laundry trays, shade etc.. lot S7Vsxl00; $5tMJ cash, balance t-3 per month." , , , $2soo New 5-room bungalow. 2 blocks from Montavilla car; full concrete ment. Dutch kitchen, wood llrt. piped for gas and wired for electricity; lat 511x11s. caah $75, balance .$27.50 per month. flKHi New 5-room modern bunga.ow, on Mt. Scott carllne: will take lot as first payment, balance in monthly Inaial.menls. 17O0 Corner lot or. Est Davis, .ux 100; two small houses and barn, 13 bear ing fruit trees, shade tree arouna lot; nicegarden and flowers. $1050 Bungalow on 69th St., 2 block from car; 3 large rooms, pantry and both, gas and electricity; io0 casn, balance per month. - THE LAWRENIT CO.. (Successors to the Dunn-Lawrence Co.). 24S Alder Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Owner offers for sale splendid new Heights residence; strictly modern. 6 largo airy and well-lighted bedroom. alo 2 sleeping porches with dressing-rooms, mir ror, doors, Uvlng-room 2ox34, .with large ftreplact dining-room 20x2o, beautifully paneled, large fireplace and buffet, large kitchen. paa pantry, tiled tnk, cool cup board, etc.; paneled billiard-room and den. cathedral beamed and rustic nreplace; wine cellar and fruitroom; lovely screend dining porcu and large porci otf from V-vlng-room; 2 complete bathroom. 3 toi let, 5 lavatories, hardwood iloors, 2 wood-lift, wood, coal ani clothe chute, roomy closets, 2 lots. driviw-y, gai aye, lovely native trees, everything that make for attractiveness anil comfort. A se cluded location, beautiful turrouadlns i-rlce only $14,000. Cat arraiwe terma HENRY C. PRUDHOMME, OWMt. 906 Spalding Blds PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. 7-room house, renting for $35, for nothing. Buy 0xl25 on Spring; worth J 10.000, for $8500, and. house will be thrown In. Modem, 7 room, near Ford st. bridge, built for home, beautiful view, minutes' walk to Washington, $7500. Stylish residence, 10 very large room's, attic; ciiy view; every convenience, $15,600. 8 rooms, up-to-the-minute house, z lot, view of Mt Hood and river. $6S00.- 5 rooms, corner lot. walking dis tance, $2650. w . 7-room bungalow, splendidly built. $500. Many others. Homes all part of Height from $2650 to $50,000. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 1839. IRVIKGTON. Buy your home in IRVLNGTON. the best, most up-to-date residence district in Pnrilanl THma hom.e are all desirable. THOROUGHLY MODERN and located among fine surroundings and nclghDors. 7 rooms, $5250, $51 cash. 6 rooms, $.'250, $2000 cash. 6 'rooms. $5500, $11100 cash. 6 rooms. $t'.350. $1500 caah. 7 rooms, $72.50, $2000 cusii. 9 rooms, $7,100. $211110 cash. I 10 rooms. $10,000. $3300 rash. Also several choice vacant lots at bar gain prices. S. R. fCORTOX, T Chamber Commerce. IRVINGTON. $50 CASH DOWN. For responsible people only, a six-room high-class bungalow, fireplace, fixtures and Improvementa in lot 50x121. Monthly payments can be reduced at any time by a payment or more casn on prin cipal. Thl Is a chance for the apartment-house renter to buy hi own home. The price is much below value. x $3300. DETSCH A WITWER. ' Main 21S2. 51S Board of Trade. A 1559. $750 BROADWAY HOME $750. $40 PER MONTH $40. READ. $750 cash and $40 per month will handle a 7-room modern home, large reception hall and living-room, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, lare front porch, side porch, also screened dining porch, full cement basement, good fur nace, laundry trays, fireplace; house faces south. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211- Lewis bldg. THE PRETTIEST 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN THE CITY. That's what you'll ay when you see thl new 6-room bungalow, with cement baae ment. fireplace, large living-room, beam celling, bullt-ln bookcases, large garret, located on Union ave,. In an exclusive dis trict only 25 minutes out with the beat of car service. You must see this cosy little home before you buy. Price thia week $21150. Small payment down. bal. monthly. Take Vancouver or Woodlawn car, get off at Portland Boulevard; houae one-half blk. north. Owner on the ground afternoons from 2 to 3 this week and Sunday. SUNNY SIDE. NEW 6-KOOM BUNGALOW. Large living and dining-room. 2 bedroom and bath on main floor; large attic with 1 bedroom finished upstair, full cement basement. Strictly modern and well built. Call Mr. Guthrie, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 4th SL I WANT to sell my houae in Irvington for $s.".0O; It I worth $nOO; ha 8 large room and sleeping porch, full cemented basement, full attic, all plastered, bath with genuine tile floor and wainscoting; hardwood floors throughout the house; reception hall and living-room finished In oak; dandy Dutch kitchen, all white enameled: I will take as low as $1000 cash, balance on good security. I must ell. AR 43. Oregonlan. . GOING TO BUILD T WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THE RESIDENCE OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. " " . L. R. BAILEY ft CO.. $24 ABI.N'GTON BLDG. $200 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. T rooms, lot 50x100, Improvement In end paid; all the bullt-ln convenience; full baiement, fireplace, etc. National Realty A Trut Co.. 3205, Washington u. room 610. Pnono Main 5129. FREEI FREE! FREEI BUILDING Plans and specifications If we build for you. Money always on hand for construc tion work. You can pay for It as rent. 602 Beck bldg.. 7th and Oak eta NEAR LAURELHURST. $4O0 DOWN. $25 MONTHLY. Dandy 6-room house on 50x100 lot on Everett, near 31st. one block from car. one block west of LaureThurst: price $:tr,00. Portland Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Hall way Exchange bklg. WHY PAY RENT. 'We will sell you a home and you can , pay for it on eaay monthly payment; our bou-e includ furnace, fixture, hardwood floor tinting. hadea. etc. Provident In veatment ft Trustee Co.. 201-2U3 Board of Trade. Owner. - j(EW three-room house and lot 42x208. near Waverly-Woodstock carline; only $1375; another three blocks north of Rose City carline; thla is also new and has 4 rooms; price $1330. Particulars 242 Fifth St. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house with three lots; one lot In Truit trees, all In good condition- 611 Carlton ae. Take Sell wood car. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Must sell my beautiful borne. Make me an offer. Going cheap. Leaving city. 523 East 26th St. Phone E. 3735. BY owner. West Side, 6-room house. 10 min utes' walk to Olds & King's; price $2500. Address B. H. Calking, 528 Market st. SIX-ROOM bungalow, new, modern, near Hawthorne, light fixtures, and shades In cluded: terms like rent. Owner, B 289'J. THREE-ROOM houae and barn, on lot 50x loo, w-ith east front, ail kinds of berries; very cheap. Phone Main peps. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room house In Irvlngton. 4l6 ti. 20th u N. Call and ee It. AI37S FOR 3-ROOM NEW COTTAGE, 2 BLOCKS FROM CAR. CI.OSE IN. H E. JAMES CO.. SS loth (near Stark. ) t-.oo 1 acre In fruit, T-room house, at Anson, n omen 10 317 Chamber Commerce- ; 1400O CORNER 11th and Hancock: new 6- room bungalow. Owner. East 2227. i-'Oo NEAT. 5 rooms, modern, fruit, near A-l car. Owner, Marshall 1004, lo AND 20-acre tract on proposed el"cJ!c line 37 miles from Portland; accessible by Willamette River and both Jefferson st. and Fourth-sL lines. These tracts are the Ben Holladay little farm at St, Joe. Yamhill County. The land He llShtlj; rolling, all ciearea. ou a very 1" - ' black loam. Price $150 and $200 per acre: term can be arranged. See our display ad in this paper. Call or phone COWEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Lumbermen's Bldg. HOUSES. A well-built plain 7-room house, on East 10th st. North, one block off carllne. ce ment basement, pantry, bath.' large light rooms; good neighborhood, near schjol. Just the place for a large family. Price J25O0. Term ' $250 cash, remainder monthly. Phone or call GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground floor. Lumbermens bids. A GOOD BUY. . 1021 Tillamook, near E. 33d ,"tre,e,,'.B rooma and bath. Terms easy. Price $o5j0. See it todav. More details at office. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. If you are looking for a home one built bv day labor, no contract work, it will pa"v vou to see 543 E. lth N. : rooma. two fireplaces. hardwood ncor. beautiful flr trees. 50 roses, nicest lawn in Irvlngton; 2 feet above street, facing east; owing to former sale can sell be I.jw value, almost new; terms, J. H. Beck ley. East butt, c iua. A NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. o rocms and attic, fireplace, built-in buffet onA hnnb . sea Outi-h kitchen, full bSe- inent. part cement: modern and attractive and Ideally located diock irom nnv- -thorne car. on East 4!lth st. It is newly furnished. -Including ' flne piano: will seil furnlehed or unfurnished on easy terms, see owner at 209 E- 4tnh. 5 . W. H. HERDMAN has great bargain, fine home, large rooms, living, dining, library, reception hull, finished In Eastern Oakj kitchen, large gas and wood ranges. o bedrooms, fine oak doors, best imported ennmel flniwh hath modern: beBt equip ment possible: Holladay Addition. East 273, C IMiti; no agents. $4250 WILL buy one of the most up-to- date, strictly modern houses on oraiee 1. 'Till. 1. n iri.Hl home- corner lot 56x loo. east and south front; designed a.nd built by G. W. Priest, tne weu-amwu builder; easy terma O'Brien Realty Co., 40O Yeon bldg. Business Property. ir-in stobps AVr APARTMENTS. That very desirable property on the northwest comer or Belmont ana a.itn bis.. bnvinfr . frontas-A of 1.13 feet on Belmont and 100 feet on 35th, Is now offered for sale as a whole; it contains three cot tages, but is in tho heart of Sunnysnle and is ripe for good improvements. We can quote a very low price on same. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. 223x103 Northeast corner of Hawthorne ave. and 20th sts. No finer site on the East side than this. Faces directly down three streets and avenues which converge at this point and commands a magnni cent outlook. See us immediately for price and terms. STRONG CO.. 605 Concord bldg. INCOME PROPERTY. Store and llita, br!ni.'!ng In $44 per month, on H ot a au-loot tot; aemana for more stores on tne oincr nan. ia veutlgate this. Price $400o. HARTMAN & TH'OylPSON, Real Estate Dept.. Chamber of Commerce. $28,000. GAtIiVI In lha very center of the Ware house district: everything around thia Is new. fireproof and up to date; if you do not need a warehouse now. you will In the future; someone will ouy tnis rism .,. why not you? Don't you think it worth your lime to see us auuuL u. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Bldg 1.-1.UJ1C properly on woe - . streets, ten blocks from Washington. Price amount, $20,000 cash will handle, balance will be taken as mortgage at low rate of interest If desired. Increase tn value will pay large profit in short time. Thl is ;....,, ..mo. for sale by owner, no agents. AC 85, Orcgonlun. , r . tnr,IPvr urT'C!C?. O Mult. 9 Of 5 rOOinS Arnni Jia.ii-iiwi .-u, - - - each, rent pays 40 per cent per year on- amount requirea to iibhuic, w...... business center and carline in Sellwoott: reason Tor selling, am iwviub v. c-j... - - ol, oregonlan. APAKTME.N i I'UKMllt. , 10 no,, rnu ict in on Hall street splendid building site, now occupied by three cottages: $6000 cash, balance five years. 6 per cent; price Is considerably un- ocr value x-, o. ....... 50x100. CORNER 42D AND HAWTHORNE. $4500. Business property with a good 6-room bungalow; watch Hawthorne ave. grow; asphalt pavement all In and paid for. Da- vid Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg. A SNAP, by owner: a fine, modern 2-story building; 5 stores and five 5-room flats; bringing In $220 a month; will sell or trade. Write for particulars and infor mation. Y 41. Oregonlan. t . APARTMENT SITE. 60x100. For sale; Overton street between 21st and 22d street: all improvements In und paia tor. a iquu. j 00, t t c -v. c rj via ST. 1 2-room modern house, full lot. fine apartment site: $4250 cash will handle. H. E. JAMES Co.. 8810th St., nr. Stark. ATTENTION Flat and apartmnet builders will sacrifice my lot. only 2 blocks from Russ-ll and Mississippi aves.. for $2250. All Improvement paid. Main 2292. FIRST-CLASS apartment site, "5 minutes' walk from P. O. ; 60x100; unobstructed view; no phone; full Information. H. E. JAMES Co.. SS 10th St.. nr. Stark. Acreage. 37 AA MAGNIFICENT HOME FARM NEAR PORTLAND. OVERLOOKING COLUMBIA RIVER. -An ideal COUNTRY RANCH for a person who can enjoy life. We will Bell this beautiful place for $IHIo0. including a BEARING ORCHARD. GOOD HOUSL. BARN' ETC. The buyer may cut the farm into four or six tracts and double his money if desired. Automobile road and' railroad station, make easy transpor tation. Land is mostly under cultivation. Think of getting a tract equal to 3i CITY BLOCKS with income. JUST RIGHT where you would be happy, at lesa than half its value. " FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO., 300 Yeon Bids.. Portland. 2l'INE SUBURB.." HOMES. 5 acres near Courtney, 73 bearing fruit trees. 7-roongJ modern houae. fine fir grove, near caT; a beautiful home; will di vide it. , 1 , acres on carline. near Oak Grove, good house, 7 rooms; all In fruit and ber ries. A mast attractive home at $6iHK. lOither above will take some city prop. CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch bldg. Kt mrRRAN HOME SPECIALISTS. ,-VEiAK tir..'. v ' -1 ' - - "0 acre, of fine land fronting on coun ty road nine miles from Courthouse; price $123 per acre: will sell all or part at this price. Surrounding property held at "50 to 350 per acre. Offered at ftoc on dollar to close estate at once. Cannot be duplicated for speculative purposes and verv desirable for suburban home. Tho McCarthy Co.. 422-3 Yeon bldg- Phones Main 8183. A 3HKI. Nl. rsi ic rrt i mijii.... 4 7 acres, highly improved, very sight ly, nice fir trees, great variety of fruits, good house. 7 room.: $4650. easy terms. We live at Courtney and have two or three SNAPS: are not allowed to adver tise them: come and see us for any thing CLODFELTEK BROS., 414 Couch bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS.. FOR SALE A fine Investment, will net you 100 per cent on the money In one year: . 28 acres, all in cultivation, fine Improve menta houae. bam. several other build ings 3 acre in good orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries; only 20 minutes on the car. excellent service; price $900 per acre: will take part in city property or will sell on easy terma AR 90, Oregonian. 10 TO 15 acre. 1 mile Tigard Station. 30 1 . Dnrtlnnil 10 train each way. house, bam, chicken-hoese; fin spring; some beaverdam: on 2 public roads. Will sell on' your own terms; might consider some in tratle. H. H. Wright. 316 t namoer 01 mim.. ... 40 ACRES. S00. Partially cleared, rolling, flne spring, close to railway survey: you wil: have 10 hurry to get this bargain. AM 85. Ore- gonlan. . 160 ACRES on river and proposed railway; contains fine timber; $8 an acre. A.V1 84, Oregonlan. CLOSE-IN acreage, adjoining subdivision where lot. brought $350each. No agents. G 87. Oregonlan. ACRE at station, this side Garden Home, adjo'lns track: $650; very easy terms. Ta- V bor 976 or 614 Couch bldg. ; Worth $2000, on good street In city lim its, for $1200. Call at 351 E. 39th st. Pqr SVLE Bv own.r. one acre fronting on Oregon City carllne; tear Nate Sta- tlon. -AJ- Oregonlan, ON EASY TERMS. 4 ACRES. Ideal for poultry farm, 14 ACRES, 5 set to apple orchard. 11 ACRES, partly in alfalfa, clover. atc. k 25 ACRES. Bearing "prune orchard, 16 ACRES. . W'lth flne 10-room house, orchard, etc, . T ACRES. With nice 7-room house, fruit, ate. 5 and 10-acre tracta , every inch tillable. ALL under ur IRRIGATION system at : WEST STAYTON (Marion Connty 65 mile South of Portland. Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co, For prices, eti;., ee HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce old, I Ask for Mr. Hartog.) 5 ACRES GARDEN LAND $200 DOWN, $5 A MONTH. S acrea rich, black land, ona acre in apple orchard. 1 acre In strawberries which will bring $300 an acre: balance ready for crop. This choice piece of land lies right along the carllne and on a w-lde graded county road onlv 40 minutes' ride from the city limits, close to stores and school. Under woven-wlre fence. , One of the best city high. ence. , high iln S 1 es. S M or sllow arhools in the state 1 within cent ear fare of thl 5 cre. Excellent drainage, no rock gravel, an ri"-n. i"' garden aoll. which you can plowil anv time of year. J $1000. $200 down, $5 a month" 6 per cent Interest. ; We have moved from the Cor- 1 bett bldg. : RALPH ACKI.ET.LASD.CO.I 170 Fifth Street. I D E A TJ HOME ACRES -tn coon terms. On r..,u-ti vnll.v road, het, 6 and 7-mlle clrcjes. Known a , AXON'S ACRES. Half mile north of Gilbert Station, on O. W. P. electric. Take Caxadero or Gresham car at a quarter of the hour any hour today. We . will be on th land all day. Or phone for appointment. Our automobile, leave our office any time of day. HOWARD S. AMOS CO.. 625-6 Yeon bldg. Main 1400, A. 3213, ACREAGE. Gently rolling land, very fertile soil, tin rock gravel Or mils ami ouij i, ..In to from west or c ouiic-u v iw Portland Courthouse by wagon road. Platted Into tract of one-half to , "ft acres, each with completed road along each tract. Fourth-street line and Oregon Electrlo give thl tract 13 cars each way per day. Any" sized tract you may desire from $2.10 per acre and up. with eaay monthly payments, call In and arrange to see thla THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth street. A 3500. Main 35. AT HillBboro. 13'J acres, close to station. SO acres under cultivation, new 6-room house, with basement, barn, family orchard, land ne. nice and has fine sol . For land In this location there is alway. a ready market, and anyone buying thl. 132 acre could plat Into smaller tract and make ; themselves 100 per cent net. Better have lis give you more particular about the above as well as many others on our largo. Mat Price only $130 per acre; worth in hl right now. C. F. Pfluger ft Co ... ; suite 12. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. Established lSt-0. FOR ANY oi-u . Flther for a gentleman's home. Old; people's home." gardener or hospital no matter what vou may use It for It 1 a dandy: five acres, right adjoining 7c era. 25 minutes' ride to center of Port-1 land: beautiful view; 10-room hou.e. flne, rprlngs for irrigation, celery land bring, fmm $1300 to $1500 per acre: cannot be oca? around Portland; price $9000 on good terF"jFJHS221J4 Morrison St, . -BE SURE TO INVESTIGATE." 8 10 12 and 15-ncre tracts In the heart of the valley. 200 yards front tatton. , These are fine and we want you to Invest i-a-ata so that you can be assured that you are getting a bargain at $150 per acre.) at your own terms. ; A. B. HALL A CO.. v : 302 Rothcniiq ping. FOR SALE On line of new railroad near grants Pas, In the famous Rogue RWer Valley, some choice alfalfa and f roll land, all cleared and under ration In lots of 10. 20 or 100 acrea; pr from $"J 10 $150 per acre: on easy to"- V,. Grants Pass Rogue River Railroad Co.,, rsnalclgad and Washington. , iTflOCASH DOWN, and $10 per month buy 5 acres 3 blocks from mowing town on Salem Electric line. Land adjoins town ot. most of which have been .old and roused going up- Price, term, and loc-, tlon can't be beat N. B. Atchison. -1J Gerllnger bld-;:2dndAJder: FOlTSALF o0 acres. 150 per acre, and 430 creV4:Tper acre. This property is close ?o mllroad and Improved. Wd- vhv" of the same: little cash win handle this Inquire Ward Inveitment Co.. 417 Fen ton bldg. Main 8384. SMALL TRACTS 1 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts, nil clear, right at .tatlon. on Salem K lectrlc R. R, minute out. Only $120 and $Ij0 per acre, part cash. . 302 Rothchlld Bldg. A. n. n n 1 " . ' THF MAKING OF A GOOD HO.W E. , Hr acres carline and water running, ti rough same, only $1750. terma; a'.o 2hchUcoc acres on carllne. close in run- j ft'Tro"keitlw'a;shJngt:bJ.dg,room, 3. fl" ACRES near Llnnlon- fine soil, suitable 1 for subdiMsion: value $350 per acre; will ,1I on easy terms or exrhat.ge all or part tnr c"ty Property. Land in adjoining addition Belling up to 7on an acre. See . owner. 300 I.umberExchangCj SiTXCRES. on United Railways. 17" mile from Portland. 175 cords wood o the acre: will sell half. $45 per acre. 814 Couch bldg. . TO close an estatj. I KS acres near Court ney O W. P. Rv.; all clear, small houa.. choice tract; will be sold very cheap. C, H. Dye, Oregon City. ; FINE CHICKEN RANCH At electric station. 4.02 acres for $lMvn-$.-,n cash. J10 month. Free of grayel and gently rolling. Owner. 311 Lewis bldg. GARDEN HOME acre, near .tatlon. all In cultivation; on and above track; 0O; J200 cash. $15 per month. Tabor 976 or 614 Couch Diqg JUST THE THING FOR OLD PEOPLE. 100o on easy terms, for a nice n acre place, handy to electric ears. p. FUCHS. 2214 Morrison St. 10 AO RES, oil cleared, ready to crop Rich .andv loam soil, plenty of live water 'i mil. of town of 50io: $140 per acre. Geo. G. Malr. 2 Lumbermens bldg. POR S ALE -1 0 acres, close in. 5 acres cleared; price $50on: $1500 down balanc terms Phone Tabor 2757 or address X 82. Oregonian. RO ACRES, six miles irom r-oacoince, nr acres heavy timber. 40 acres .tump; will sell all or half. Owner, H 61. Oregonlan. ALL or part of 100 acres, on carllne, 11 Vrilc out. $225 per acre. Purse. 81 t hamher of Commerce. ACRE Garden Home acre, near station, trees and creek: B50; eaay terma Tabor 976 or 614 Couch bldg. 40" ACRES land within 35 miles of Irt- lana, -''" '. . -" isn EOUITY for $00 In half-acre tract. - cent car tare. ACRE "tract for sale, ten minutes from ear, 5-cent fare: terms. AS 69. Oregonlan. qn Bortwo acr.es. all In bearing frWit. close;, to 5-cent carilne. AD 88. Oregonian. CITY acres, near Mt. Tabor, oil 71at , Phone owner. East 3860,