The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 30, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 48

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r rr-f nwrr.nvTAV TnT?TT, ANT). APRIL 30,
ktlj DU.ll'Al " - . J
71TliSIaMCttTOfMilliail.(otHUHin., Imjn.dittdj AIHn Sell Witt Ana-CouoUdatlontoU.
rofrf Sr, JUn- Loi JU,d Burin." M.O. r.if of Aflmon.
LOS ASOELES. April :. fpelal.
Th arrival In Pasadena of A. M.
frrak. of Portland, and 'th an
nouncement that h Intended to mak
futiliM t' permanent horn. cratd
a stir In that city of millionaires, and
political faction at one mad far-rvachlna-
plana to captnra th caw ar
rival for their various sides. Jr.
In-ak Lad not bn resident of P
drna l hours before an Interview with
him waa published which clearly
allsned biro politically.
Pasadena 1 city of unlqu politic.
Tha city haa recently elected a So
rlalist and a millionaire. Pemocrata
acd Kpubllcana la Pasadena pay lit
tle attenilon to th'tr own party lines
ei'-epl when th time comes to cast
their rotes for Presidential electors.
National and stata affairs rut little
lure at any time but the . water
question, and consolidation with Los
Arceles are subjects that as dis
eased In drawlnK-rooms. hotel lobbies
aJ political meetlnn S hours a day.
even days a week and S weeks a
"prearhers varr their relUlous teach
tnss with expositions on the wer
ouestlon or consolidation. Tha lines
are cloeely drawn and the sides are
about even. So. when Mr. Prak an
nounced his Intention of becoming a
permanent resident of the rrown City,
he was looked upon by both sides aa
a Tery dslrabl addition to tha city
political armies. ....
Pasadena has rrown rapidly from a
little Tills to a real city, and tha
water supply is Inadequate for a city.
l a.adena requires a Kreat deal of
water, for If Its trees and grass and
shrubbery ara not watered regularly
and bountifully they will wither, and
Iaa.!na will no longer bo a city
"An negation" Mean light.
Soma factions favor plans of water
development that engineers declara
entirely Impossible. Others hav en
gineers who swear that other schemea
ara feasible: others have theories that
work out well on paper, but no ona
will undertake to carry thera out; ona
faction favors any plan that will per
mit the city to develop its own water,
and another declares tha only way In
which to yet sufficient water Is to con
solidate with Los Angeles and take ad
vantage of Los Angeles' coming supply
from the Owens Klver aqueduct proj
ect. Hut tha minute the word con
solidation Is mentioned there starts a
t rtraka ! known as a man of ae-
rAt,A minions on many Important pub-
n n.ti.n lie has written extensive
ly on the alleged land frauds of tha
Northwest for leading magaslnea of the
i m wa for a time one of
.... innoriint timber-owners of
rUion and was one of the foremost
workers In inducing the Hill and Har-
iin to build new roads now
I., .n.ornrtlnii In Oregon.
Mr Prske first came to California
:o years ago. when he had to drive to
Pasadena from Los Angeles by stage.
He returned from time to time and naa
witnessed the growth of the stage Una
station to a thriving city. Some years
he bought some lots in u ivnu.i,
sightly resiueni
eotldatlon. said Mr. Irake. "as I have
not lived here. But Pasadena has her
own name, i nere is nu -
dena in the world. I have traveled In
Kurope and over this country, ana no
where Is there anything to eo,ual this
city. Why should she nave nor indi
viduality merged Into tnni oi anomrr
larger town, which, though It number
aa many more In population, yet haa
not tha name that Pasadena hasT "
assisting hla brother ever since. Otto
Treks, using his training as a defect
ive has uncovered numerous details.
which he says will come out at-the
trial. Among them, he ssys. are the I
name of seven husbands of Mrs. Her- I
sey and numerous affinities. Mrs.
Heraey Is a woman of some means and
young- Trcka asks 113.000 damages.
Dr. Brougher for Suffrage,
nr J. Whlteorab Brougher. pastor of i
ArreMs Alarm City. I Tempie Baptist Church, and for- I
The arrest of the alleged i imes marly of Portlano, came ...-
building dynamiters by Detective Burns contaot with the suffrage question
and his men created a strange feeling .arlv this week, when the Sne"1
In Lo. Angeles. The labor union p.o- Callforni. Afoclatlo Oppo.-d to Woj
pie were considerably aiarmea 07 w men- j.VW .auntlet 1
news, for they had been protesting the "antls'-threw down the gauntlet
loudly ever alnre the explosion that before the votes for women party. wlth
wined out an even score of lives that a request to the members of the Los
bunion, had hid nothing to do with Angeles Ministerial Union not to
the dl.s.ter and that It had been caused the pulpit a- a P'r or h l1' .
. a. . trotter of fact. It Is rusalon of political equality. TH
doubtful if any one In Los Angeles union, representing ISO ministers of all
ever for a minute suspected that tha protestant denominations, met in con
rack and file of the union men of thrt clave at tha Young Men s Christian Ai
city had anything to do with the ex- .oclatlon building for tha first public
. 1 ui.k.. ! been blamed ennaiHeratlnn ' which, en masse, they
from the first. have accorded the suffrage issue. That .
Tha business men and peace offl- ta outcome la looked upon as of vai 1
cars were surprised and shocked by ,.,rnificance to the future of feminine .
the arrest of the three men In the franchise was evinced by the atten-
East, snd the fact that Detective Bums Bance, the hall being packed to Its ca-
had turned the trick gave them confl- pactty. The meeting had all been for
dence that the right men were In urfr,re. and the periods of the speak- l
durance. Their alarm came from tha ers haa been greeted with applause.
foar that agitators would come to Los At tne conclusion of the programme.
Angeles to remain during the trial of Mrfc G0ors;e A. Caswell, leader of the
the men. This Influx Is feared by bust- anti.,uffraglsta, was granted five mln-
nesa men and the police because they utee ln wnich to express her senti-
fear It will develop Into a reign of ment- Mrs. Caswell remarked that
ferror. with street fights, and mayba he neeaed oniy two. After reading a
battles. resolution to bo offered to another
The police force was increased to DO)lr opposing Indorsement of woman
Us maximum tha day after the newa ,uf jrate sne took up the remaining 0
of the arrests In the East was made KOJd, wlth a request to the ministers
public. But a tense feeling was ob- n)t tQ preach on th, question.
servable throughout tha city: In stores, Dr Broug;her. who Is not famed for
ln offices. In clubs and on the street kepir,s; silent when he has anything
the arrests and the question aa to tht ne belleve, ought to be said, lm-
whether a conviction were posslbla medlately took tha floor to say that he
were tha sole topics of conversation. nB(1 lntendea to offer a resolution
xridnanlns- Case) Most Odd. which would set aside one Sunday
Kidnaping case, .iiom whpn th m,n,,ter, of lo8 Angeles
One of the queerest cases brought ,nouia 8peak on suffrage. He regret-
before the courts of Southern Callfor- te1 to ,ako a stand against a woman,
nia Is th suit filed a few days ago by h. 8al(J but he feIt compelled to discuss
Ladda Trcka, of Redondo. against his thl qUMtion fron his pulpit very soon,
alleged kidnaper. Mrs. Nellie Ilersey. j-, Brougher"s statement waa greeted
for damages for 11 years of alleged wUh enthuslastic applause, and there
slavery. This suit will be followed by were crtea from the audience for tha
a felony complaint, charging tha worn- reaoUtion he suggested,
an with abduction. New and remark- ,.j wou)d not force anyone to vote."
able detalla are being unearthed dally. Bm,d Brougher. "but I would like to
In the complaint filed originally young BetJ a Iaw paB,ed that would permit all
Trcka alleges that after he was kid- women to vote who desire to do so. If
naped from his home ln Cleveland he n ROod mPn wouid make an Intelligent
wss taken by the woman to various ue of tRe balIotj u would not be neces-
cltles of the country, notably Bt. for women to vote. Many of the
Louis. Denver. Salt Lake and ni,n ara ,lk. the nrtcro who said he
land. He fixes the length of time they wouM ,eave hla caBO to the Ignorance
were residents of Portlsnd at about court. We leave the ballot to
II months." but he k,nW-. of .hi the Ignorance of the average voter, and
Mrs. Heraey s doings In any of th take )ntt.reBt n these questions our-
clt.'"" 1. . , . selvea There are some who say that
When young TrcJ.a .ccld-ntally met ,n t tn. ,)hvsIca, power to
hi. affinity of hi. own tj, enforce the law. which they might as-
a few hour, lapse on' the part or Mrs. maklna-
H.rsey. be determined to break away mak.r,n for a government
iLTbe lo-d1" Hi. sweetheart helped that 1. to be ruled by physical force?
girl he loved. Hi. sweetheart he' No, wa are working and praying and
. hlm-bought him elothM and gm hlra government that will be
""ney with which to get a h"ut-toT ,aAy wisdom and Justice and love.
I he had never been allowed a single ru a y cltlsena. In
Mersey, ne says. in 1 --- .i,
. ! escaped and then began his suit. Ml 7. -rr" . k... Th.. ..
- 1 , , , . . . 1 1 i . nv.. 1 pi.... : ftpiwini iuvii w w . l 1 " .
,h. ri,r. Now he Is superln- penny by Mf
tenillng the construction of
n.ficent home " j UnJ know wha, had befcome of him
consolidation Vlr. fter j -voting dl,apPearance more than 11
much space to his house plans, printed .inc. m PP bro,h 0ft0- a ra.
Ih I h ","to say anything of con- I road detective, came here, and ha. been
point gooti men. and I want to ten you
that the fact that our women vote ln
the church Is not tearing up any1
McCarthy and Seymour Said to Have. Come to End of A rjument When Latter Eef uses to Stand for Reopening of
Soif Housea-Pacific Liner Siberia Ha Queer Stowaway. Who Is Sent Back to Asia.
SAX FKANC1."0. CaL. April .
peclal. There have been persls.
tent rumors ln the air for the past
two weeks to the effect that there 1 a
split between Mayor McCarthy and
Chief of Police Seymour that may
eventually result ln the Chief being
forced out of th department. In fact. I
one recent story had It that the Chief
cf Police, dissatisfied with present con
ditions, had tendered his resignation
and later had decided that If there was
to be an open clash, he would force the
Jlntor to oust him.
The story goes that the punishment
meted out to the Mission saloon and res
taurant owners for setting liquor with
out meals and to women caused the
Mayor to make a personal visit to Po
lice Commissioner Walter O'Connell a
few days ago for th purpose of pro
testing the action of the board.
The trial of Captain Harry Gleason
for allowing such conditions Is said to
have aroused the Ire of the Mayor, and
the affair Is said to hav culminated In
a suggestion that more attention to
strict police duty and less hectoring of
the men under him would be better for
the discipline of th department.
X Winking at Law Violation Now.
Another matter which Is said to hav
occasioned trouble Is th alleged re
fusal of th Chief to countenance vio
lations of th ordinance prohibiting
music ln th beach resorts after 1
o'clock In th morning. The Chief Is re.
ported to have refused to allow his men
to wink at th violations of th law.
unless he Is given a written order from
the Mayor or Chief of Police.
Th final straw Is said to hav been
Thief Seymour's refusal to stand for
the reopening of the Chinese gambllns?
houses. This project has been under
wsy for some time, and It was thought
that everything was settled when ttoe
Chief balked.
Chief Seymour has since Issued a gen
eral denial that he has had any trouble
with the powers that be. but the gen
eral outlines of the affair are known to
be quite correct. When McCarthy was
running for the Mayoralty, the Royal
Arch gathered a Large campaign fund.
It being generally understood that the
beach cafes and those In the section
known as the fiarbary Coast would en
joy special privileges In the Una of mu-
i dmr'ii and th like.
And now these privileges have
been shut off. there Is a sore lot of
r-eoDle! Mayor McCarthy has been try
ing to placate them, but ha. not .uc
reeded very well.
California lion hunter, did a pretty
good business lsst month according to
a rerort that has been Issued by Stat
Controller Nye. It shows that 3 Hons
were killed In 33 counties and the state a total of IT0 for the scalps.
Mendocino leads the other counties, flv
lions having been brought to eartn oj
the huntera In that northern section.
' Stowaway Queer Chap.
Th. Pacific Mall liner Siberia had
atowawav on Its last trip. Peter
C'tfton was his name, and h stalked
Into th dining hall of th Siberia with
an air of dignity that was far beyond
his IS years. Th Siberia had Just left
Shanghai bound for home.
With neatly bruihed hair and tmmae
elothes. the youthful Clifton seat.
.a at the table near the cap
tain. U aald h was lacking his table
number, a. he left It In his stateroom,
and the steward gave way courteously.
Later the purser wanted to know
about his ticket. '
"That's all right." answered th lad.
"It's In my trunk down In th baggage
It was not for two days that th
officer, discovered young Clifton was
nothing mor nor less than a stowaway. 1
but they acknowledged him to d 01 a
new type. At ToKonama a caoie irau
two anxious parents intercepiea in
steamer asking for th return of their
boy and Captain Zeeder had th lad
shipped back on the Asia. Clifton said
he wanted to visit nis auni in ie.uu.
IUpe Ch-rrles Bring 25 Per Box.
Rip cherries reached San Francisco
this week ln th first consignment 01
th present season. They brought $3i
, -1. i .111
a box. in anotner weea. cmin
be cheaper, but th first shipment al
ways brings fancy price..
The, first .hlpment for 1911 came
from A. Gammon, of Courtiana. ana
was received by a local firm. In pre
vious seasons. New York has been fav
ored with th first California chrrle.
and there they have been auctioned
off. .ometlmes. It 1. saia. as nign aa
1100 a box. But this season when San
Francisco has got th exposition noth
ing Is too good for California.
SI Stop Xot for "Teddy."
From placid Centervllle come, an
Interesting story concerning Colonel
Roosevelt. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, of
th University of California and a Til
lage blacksmith.
Tha Colonel and prexy wer motoring
to Berkeley and their car brok down
lust aa they passed through the sleepy
hamlet. They wer told that th only
man In town who could tinker their
machine was SI. th village black
smith, so they repaired to the "smithy.
They found Si hard at work and
stated their demand.
I'm busy." said SI. "and I have no
time to fix you up."
The prexy bristled.
"But." be said. "I ara Benjamin Ide
Wheeler, of the University of Cali
fornia, and this Is Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt. ex-President of th United
SI shifted his cud of tobacco, spat
with deliberation and answered:,, "I
don't give a hang who you are: Do
Tnn ae. those nloughshares? Well I
promised Bill Hsrrlson to hav them
rsady tomorrow morning."
Acd SI went on with his work.
Keith Is California's Loss.
Th death recently of William Keith
m.rks tha nasstng of a famous Cali
fornia landscape painter. No other Call
f.mi. nslnter sold so many pictures
n..t.M the state or received auch
prices for them.
William Keith was thoroughly Iden
tlfled with California and unfortunately
there I. no art center on th Paclflo
Coast. Kslth's reputation as th legiti
mate successor of George Innes would
have been firmly established If th
Callforclan had cultivated th Eastern
Picture, market and given Eastern pic
ture dealer, an opportunity to handl
Ki. work Th famou. westerner,
kn.aver. had a natural aversion to
nietnre. dealers and preferred to b
. -
hie own salesman.
Vnr a few year, prior to 110. Keith'.
I, fe&m the sal of his palaUnJta
wa. about $60,000 a year. That wa.
a much larger Income than any other
Callfornlan ever earned by his brush,
Had he been a business man as well a.
an artist and exploited hi. work to
the fullest extent, he probably would
have made twice as much money.
The strenuousness of the old artist'.
work toldupon hi. strength and after
th fir, at th age of 61. n was never
tha sum man. A serious fall upon
Market street still further Impaired hi.
health. A. It was. he left for nis rarn-
lly, an estate estimated at szoo.uoo.
Egg Law Big Feature.
The first of the sumptuary laws
passed by the Legislature at It. last
session to be heard from is tnat relative
to th marketing of cold-storage eggs,
or rather the receptacles containing
them, so that they may be distinguished
aa auch. Sign, snowing com storage
products must also be given conspicuous
tosltion In th stores aeaung in mera
Already tne farmers ana pounry men
are complaining that the produce men
will not buy their eggs. Poultry s
aoclatlon. have been holding meetings
and appealing to Governor Johnson for
relief, even demanding tnat ne com
mand th prod,uce men to purohase their
Th croduoe men respona tnat iney
do not want the eggs because they hav
but a limited market for them; tha
cold storage concern, declining to take
them on the ground that they cannot
ell them If branded as the law now re
South Bend Bog Lands Are Found
Adapted for Business.
SOUTH BEND. Wash.. April 28.'
(Fpeelal.) On what Is known as the
"Peninsula." a long strip of land lying
between Wlllapa Bay and the Pacific
Ocean, there are thousands of acres
of probably th finest cranberry land
ln the country. About IB years ago a
ttisn from Cspe Cod purchased trsct
Certainly !
You can expect
strength from
proper food.
Velvet Rug' Sale
$1.50 Cash
and 75c
$25 Value $19.85
These rugs are 9x12 in size and are sold
as Wiltons in most stores, lhe
usual price is $25.0Q
We have purchased a stock, of about $20,000 of staple Fumi
rriture. Carpets, Ranges at 6Qc on the dollar and expect to put
sale by next Wednesday. Watch our aa next sunaay
if m m
Radical Reductions on Go-Carts
On account of overstock we are this week making a deep cut
in thCpnce oi all uo-uarts.
$ 8.00 Go-Carts .g
$10.00 Qo-Cats..... 5
$12.00 Go-Carts g
$ 4.00 Go-Cart3.
. $9.35
$ 6.00 Go-Carts.,
$ 8.50 Go-Carts .
$18.00 Go-Carts $13.75 $15.00 Go-Carts.
. 0a0o
Gasoline, Kerosene
and Alcohol Stoves
Special This
Two - burner gasoline
stove like illustration;
$4.00 value, at $2.95
Sale Libr ary Tables
$10 Fumed Oak Library
Table for
The size of these Tables is 24x36.
They are not exactly like the
.illustration, but we think they
are much better and more stylish
than the picture shows. You will
like them for the price. . .$7.90
,fi --"TV - -
4 p
r 1 LiJ
Famous 3-RoomuOotf it
Edward's Credit Plan
Enable you to furnish your home in much better
style than would be possible if yon were to pay
cash. By "our plan you can make your home
comfortable and attractive, and scarcely miss the
small amount .yon pay each week or month while
enjoyin- the use of your goods. In addition to
thp easy terms we save you from 10 to per
cent on the cost of your furnishings.
aicca THE-
Edward's Low Prices.
Here are reasons why Edwards' prices are so
much lower than others. We are located on First
street, where our rent is about one-third what
most stores pay. Our advertising is limited to a
few hundred dollars each month, where others
spend thousands. We do not ride around in an
automobile, but we do pay spot cash to the fac
tories for all our goods and get both the cash and
quantity discounts.
This is all you need to start in housekeeping. We
give you an outfit that not only looks good but gives
service as well. It's a great big money-saver for
you and a ten-dollar payment is all that is neces
sary. If you meet with misfortune, you are deal
ing with a firm that is able and willing to treat
you fairly. --
FTT" A Good PlaceToTjde
Try Us
of this land and planted about 50 acres
ln cranberries. Owing" to mismanage
ment the venture was a failure and his
holdings passed into the hands of the
Pacific Cranberry Company and since
then the plantation has paid handsome
H. M. Williams, who has had many
rears of experience ln cranberry cul
ture at Cape Cod. has recently pur
chased several hundred acres of thi
land and haa a large force of men,con
ertlng It into a cranberry bog. He
will probabfy have at least 50 acres
planted this season. Mr. Ruff, of Port
land, has also purchased several hun
dred acres and already has 60 acres
set n cranberry plants. Several resi
dents of the peninsula nave laxen nean
from the confidence shown by the Cape
to their present acreage and developing
new ground.
Washington County, Idaho, Rich.
WEISER, Idaho, April 29. (Special.)
Washington County enjoys the dis
tinction of being the only county ln the
state that does not owe a. cent and has
money in the treasury. At the time
the cdunty waa divided last Winter by
th Legislature and Adams County cre
ated, Washington County had ; mora
than $40,000 in Its treasury. A few
days sine the Washington County
treasurer paid over to the treasurer of
Adams County 12,500 cash as its pro
portion of the school fund3 due at the
tlTTio or division, ana nas unco
An Ideal resort delightfully situated on Lake
Michigan. 10 minutes' ride from Chicago
theatre, shopping and business district.
It combines the restful quiet of country and
seashore with the Attractions of a great city.
IT... ,nAA hv heatitlfulr lawns and
flower beds, you can obtain every hot
weather comfort; you can sleep la cool,
airy rooms; refresh yourself in the surf of
the smooth, sandy beach, and find best of
food temptingly served. The grounds of
This Finest Hotel on the Great Lakes
adjoin the great South Parks, famous for
their golf links, tennis courts, lagoons, lakes,
boulevards, horticultural displays, etc .
Those wishing quiet find the secluded nooks
they seek, while others enjoy all the Hum
mer gaieties. The tourist, transient or sum
mer guest finds always a hearty welcome.
Illustrated booklet rat f MuaVi
lt Btvd. mm Last Sbor. Cblcaga
MAY 12 AND 13
Are the Early Summer Convention Excursions.
And from May 16, certain days each month, all Sum-,
mer, tickets will be on sale to points in the Middle
"West, the Eastern States and Eastern Canada at
Stopovers Allowed.
Liberal Time Allowed for Trip.
Tickets First-Class.
June 15 to September 15.
Additional time allowed to make the side trip to and through the Park,
reached from Livingston, Mont., through Gardiner, the official
entrance to the Park. Ask for our Park litera
ture and Park fares.
Tickets Are Good on
North Coast Limited
The Train of Trains Between
Portland and the East
PORTLAND CITY OFFICE, Corner Morrison and Third Streets.
Phones Main 244, A 1244.
'"'all or write for full details.
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A. Portland, Oregon.