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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1911)
13 fllE SUNDAY OKEGOXTAN, PORTLAND, AFRIL 30, 1911 , : FVL ESTATE - REAL ESTATE. - - -jl, 1 rr - - rsro r huntress. St3 M'K.y HM. 3-1 od Stark ItMI'I'lC !.. HARD TKAi'T . 4 MIMIK KrfM IVKTLANU ON A 0-D a'tSTT KOAlv Horn tra.-t t out to Ho.a.iay ram Ma Nonluia jipir arpi ir: y na.f anu from an u-poi . ear a.s tract. Sroail CUB payment, Mir term 10 ACRES. VWV 1 1 oo cash $1 per monin. Mil and at aVaif tnru th depot 2 ACRE. " f 1 rash, 91 pr month; mil and m half from th depot. 14 A ORES. II.-O0L $24' rash. $ l-r month. ml from th atepoc. &"V coris woq1 4--J cedar pwt 4o- ACRE.. $.'.V $.1i ruV I jo per muatti: intla and half froaa th d-pol . It cor J i of wwhL 4- act.e. f ;."" cVppo.e I'iMk running through It; 13 acre bottom land; t.orda wood. fp.ti r huntress. 113 McKay Bl Ig . 3d and Stark. NEWHEK., SNAP. Acres. H:Uiy Improved. Aljol: Town. I Tin Tak ll. Do you want a mc suburban hom and a p. ace wher )j caa ra.a poultry. I l and garden? Vhr yu haa a:l the d. antes' of th city. churche. puboe e-'hoo.. . tool and collet;, a good market and Ida ry beat of transporta tion fan;. tie? l!era la your oprvortunlt y. aiood room houn. sniall barn. chicken, oor and yard, all fenced with mire, all t-M land la tbo eery neat nf a p. rich l-.a-n ii: 1 S acre la uort-r cultivation and tba balance la used for pasture and clilrkeo runs; there la plenty of shad Ireea and a email crefc on thl part of tne place, to.s alone la of ry rt vaiu to the property; thora i Wil one acre of chol. fruit trees Just a-e-:nelrg to bear; plenty of berrlee. f.ow ara atMl shrubbery of all h:nia; Spring garden In; th location of thl plac i.ianig'l be batter: good aid-walk Into town, a more rlealrauie ubu ban home cwn t be fouud and It 111 mora than pay for Iteeif In a ery ahort time. Tne oerner do-en'l need the money ana mill give. ei.--ptionally y tarma; want ITi ca! an. aa will let yu ar raiia'a lour oaa terma on tha balanca. A. K. 11IUU 1 Henry tl l J . ; or tin n d. Or; altiVT VEV of woaith data th'lr aurcena from th-lr nret ma:l r-al aetata mveei n.ent. not only do aaluea rapldiy. It in. una In on. thw aternna qualiti'J of thrift, economic! aal" hahira mat erab.ea one to ohtajn aucceaa and pruni from eeery on lerta ain. An IWEsrWKNr IN f't R Cl.OSE-IM A'KK"iK will do an mu.h for you. They will double and treble In alu be fore "U complete pavmenta. for lntaJlc. 1 or la a;ree. nr eietrlc carlme. all cleared and cultivated. leel. beet at.II. no r- k or r"l o'y - Ir-r acre; land a.ljolnlna- wltn .me bruah and tlm-b- only IIJl per acre; the,, are mon'V makere; Inseet In I.A.ND that haa a fu-tu-a ! It; we hatulle our own troprtiea and anow It week.iaa r Sun.!a. in anl let u t 1 1 you mora ab..ut : rt. J W. lIKKItKUV KtL,TV Lai.l 01 torOett Blu. Mareliail :. A S- it can be ezr.x niOM coi-ncil crest. t AND 10-ACRB TRACTS. Wa hava S and 10-ore Iracta In Tuata tin Valley, the rlhe.t aller in the etata at Orn- aultable fo fruit and all ""' of farmma; l Pr cent down, email mon.h.y or yearly ("';' bl?'','; will bulid house and outtuil!inc and put you In no t ion t.i mil morie ,'h'" Jr- (VUPANI. INO. 4od Couh blrtc . " th at., nr. T aah. at. Vll-L PCT TOU IS POS3ES3IOS Of TEN ACRES Of beautiful fruit land, recommended hy eaperta as the Lest there t In tha etate; ba ama payai.!' a few dollar a month. 401 Coach blue. Ilea. titwq (erme. It tMi-KKAD CO.. Sid Hoard of "(rade PLEASE TAKK NOTICE. We have eime ery choice plecea of arrxn, improved or unimproved, rloaa to Portland and carllnca. tnaf wa can aell at tarialn prtcea. It will pay yoa to rail on ua and l'"k orer our emienelra llt h f' re you buy. Cut thua out and aav It for futura reference- c. r i 'i.liicr co.. Sulta 12-14 Vulkey M.!r. Jd and Mnrrlaon. KSTAl.t-IMlFa 1WI COfNTRT HOUS. I4". Fruit, chlckena and berrlea. 13 mllea ta Portland, on electric Una. near etorea, church and hlh achool. 5 acrce Spltaen bets applea. aleo prune orchard and far den ciinall houaa and ahed. All for .m terma sea th'a tolay. C. I. Pambecaer. room 3 Lumbermen bids. Mrahall TH. 10 ACRES nlna mllea from Tha Dallea In th aloeler district, all tlica level land. acrea cleared, balanca eaally cleared On main cunty road, partly fenced, aood well on placa. rrftt- 4.1u per acre, or will trade for lortland vacant or Improved property. lnulr of liOWAX IDB TRTPT CO.. Oround Kloor l.umbermana Kldir. irAl. ten-acre tract. SO mlnule aoath of Portland, fine aoll. half cleared, faclnc two main roade and on two rallroada; 4uoO. aaay terra. T 40. Oreaomaa. A PARIAIN. 4rla acrea of choice fruit and farm land to be had In Oreion. altuated In Yamhill Oovjntr. mtla from a arowln town and railroad; acrea under cultivation. tW acrea of fineac fir timber, balance eaally cleared; TJ an Irra will han.lla thla. with a email payment down. AH 77. Prcyonlan. WASHIXUTOS AfRKS. In 4 and o-acre tract. Una cleared land, ready fcr lntln. rmht on the Oreaon Electric line, at $ l pt acre; eaey terma. There are Jual 12 tract left; Ort come. (-1 the choice- Wcatera bac Co 414 rtp.dln bldff. OWNER Ml'MT fSI.U 1 acre of the beet orchard land. 1 mllea from Herm:ton. or.; Irrlarated by l. S. canal, land can ba planted and cared for by reliable pereon If buyer da atrea; prlt-e. flotvi. T 37. Oreeonlan. OHltE 1J acrea, cloa to electrlo earllne; all clear, deep rich eo'l: haa i-r.x.m house, barn, orchard. berMe. etc.; also h-rae. row. chicken, tools, etc; prue 9 ''L"o: food buy. , WESTEKS UAND CO..'tHj 8larfc at. CLOSE-IN ACRF.AIiE. W have a number of and 10-acr tract cloa to city on carllnca at very rraaonabie prtcea. come la and lat ua tail you whnt we have. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 2Qd AlderJiL lACREcomfortatla house, amall fruit and berriea. crour.d plowed for crop; clue to stnrea. In view of alam electric: only IvM, $o down, baianv asy terma. at p-r cent Intereat. V F. T E RNLAX PTO --j 3 S?arht TtjO ACRES Willamette Valley land, nearly all cleared, close to railroad on river: Just the place to rut up In 10 and a.-r trarta; would make handeorae protlt on money Invested. 40io will handle, balance long time. O od. Oreaonlan. -IDEAL for- horn; choice 8. I". :S and Id acre tracta of rich land, partially cleared, on gKi county r'ad. at railway tatHn. ai mllea from Vancouver; location per fect, prlcee low. t-nr liberal. J. A. Mm da y. 4 1 o "i M aln t-. Vancouver. .X aX H ACRE. IV cash, balance easy: new 3-room cottaara. all fenced. ood oll: T Mocks 5- car. only $-"TV. or ,wlU sell acre with house fir IITOO. HI'C.ET A BISHOP. I.H Third t. NEAR Vancouver. v'ash!nton. f" acre fin eat fruit land kt .s per arre: lane creek. lmproemnta and njt far from electric line; w!' sell part. 8e owner ver.lnaT. L. Rlveare, Imparla! Hotel. FIVE arree of fine, alahl'.y arountt near lultnomah sta'lon. on the Orecon Elec tric Ry.. at .l'ak Th! Is a rt buy and era be kourht for (loon rash. Wt ito rr. ajv..414cipa.din;bMa. ltx rAtH and tin per month buva a -room cottace. lot n-ar Mount tlcutt car; thla la a soap at l'Vo. HIP LET a IHH'if. 131 Third at. 4 ACRE, beautiful Tualatin Valley; run nln water; a cleared: old houaa and tarn: trap for eome on: 17S per acre, pttona Kaat IJ-1T. fl ACRES, cl.e to Portland, highly Im proved bever.lam aoll. rloaa to depot on elertrie line, win aacrl'lca for IIJI an acre: worth l? K 74. Oreaontan. Ijf tot ara lookln for Irrlrated landa la trat or any viae ard tern. to eult. see H Oreenaide. 11 B-vard of Trad. Varn J77: IrlD you aak for acreara rndcr Irriga tion that will rrow anvthln crown In Ora-en? H. Oraensld. 3tft Board of Trade. HaVt;3 l'V-jTcre"ira--a nrar nillaboro: and reepectiveij, term. U 47. 12 10 mla out. on Toreet tirova Electric, a'l In cultivation anu penirn ig cropa. family orr-hard. Hood houae. bam. new chicken and hochouae. all furniture, I horee. 2 harneaeea. w p " n . hug JTY. all farmtns to-ila. Jereey cow. 1 cbp-kan. 1 MM thla little n : e.'e and be aatia- ACREAOB. Tract of or.-ha:f to SO acre each. 1" th aalley lust west of Council; th very beet of aoll. no rock. ravl or nil. and ap.endid water at 21 fceu We have S people on thl tr-t tha bar from two to four time a. n of ii.x un.l- let u refer you to thm for recommendation, both a to qua.lty ot roll and our treatment of buyer. ara the oldest and laraeat ai reee Brra in rort.and. Tou ar l when dealing with u. A very mll tract of thl hljhly fertlt ll. at'd where you get consumers price for evervthin you produca. h'n cultivated In fruit, berrlea. onions, horse radish, rhubarb, asparaaua or p-'Ultry will beat any se.ary you ever had ard al and ure and you are your o n maeir. Independenra and health for th entire famuy. Both team and electric car, only 4d minute" rl.le from center of city; th tun nel will reduce thla to o mlnule. pncea ran from l-oO per a-r up and upoa eaay montliiy pamenta; let u show thi witnout expense to you. - THK SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 1 - Fourth ril Main SA. A U0. I ACKE.4. adjoining Newberg. level and very rich laud, all In commercial apples 2 ears old. II acre, near Newbe-s. 'l ln cultiva tion, good houe and barn. & acre young Commercial apple orchard, Una water. 4 acre. 33 In meadow and grain, good hous and barn. Una bearing orchard and mail fruit, rich level land. 4 mile from or-ton Oily. It acre on Baa Line, houaa and bam. good orchard, level and In huh ta:a of ruitiratioo, near city and Mount Hood Hoad. , acre level rich land, with elegant large hom on flaee Lin, near city. All can be had at reasonable prices and eaey terms, or will t. hanae for Port land Income property. Se th owner at J Ohaniht-r of Commerce Bidg. 3d and olark Hta.. Portland, or. AC'SbAOR OS CARLINr:.-!. ESS THAN' ii MILES F!fM IHRTI.ASD. lit arrra. 1 acre young orchard. acrea cnlon land. 4 acrea In grain and potatoes, fair buildings, near achool. church ana store. Including S cows. I hnr. I buggy. 1 wagon. 3 chicken, all household goods 7V cash, balance a year at 7 per cent. Se mr fen ard 20-arre tract, all in crop, less than IT mllea from Portland, for only tM per acre, easy terma J. Jl ATKINSON. 4ol Washington bt Vancouver. Wash. Phono 611 CI.ARN1E HEICHTH. THE FA-HIKNA r" PDKTI.AND. I have the most sightly suburban nor Ira-i to b found around P"rtln.t: Ihl tract commanda a auperb view of th Columbia River and the rrrountatna; each tract la cleared, fre from g-avel. with water piped to each tract: the location la iw mllea east of city limit, near Co-lun-Ma boulevard, on Buckley ave. and il W. Ry . with good suburban aerrlcc; tne roade are perfect th ear round; price per tract; S and IU-acre tract ri.eaper. call or .ption C F. flahar. 62a- fcIiami;ton Mlg. 40 ACRES of beautiful land, with very fin bulluinga and only V mllea from Portland O..uthouae; bull.llnga alon over $lo. and nlc young orchard on the plac Thl caa bo bought now at SM.OOO and urn good trrraa. Se ua About thla at one. THE 6HAW-FEAU COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 32. A 3HX WitTHEllX OIIEUON. Flrat-clasa subdivision proposftion. well Wated in Jackaon County. IjOt) acre. 0" acre under ditch, eiorllent water right. acre 1-year-old orchard, large creek runa through land; nrsl-clns red and 4!a-k all; two aeta of bulkllnrs; aom alfalfa: a moat attractive propoattlon tor auJdlvidlng Into small tracts, tiu.t Lumbermen Hldg. EKiHT acre. 1 mile wet of Hcavertnn. fight out rlt. Mary's station, low bla-k avaie with atream through center; tha ftneet gartlen land In Oregon: moat agenta would call thla beaverdam; your nt $4"i per acre, with amall cash payment, bal ance monthly Installment. THE SHAW-KKAK COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 3.V. A S.VvO. A SPLENDID ACRE TRACT. Oa acre of ground near Flrland sta tion, cleared and In cultivation, corners on Turk street and 4.1th avenue (Lincoln avenue!, a block from car. Prlc 11400. $uth down, balanc to ult purchaaor. IlL'V NOW F CHAP1N A HEKLuW. R. S-12-3A Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and fruit ranche near Portland: walking dtatanca to good town; runnnlng water, Deat aoll. free wood, aplendld fruit diatrtct: view of Columbia River and now peaka; 2 acre ti:i; B acre g.100, 10 acrea t. 20 acre eaOO; 1U par Oent cash, easy payment 1'UANK MTARI.A.ND REALTY CO Io Teon Bldg., Portland. ACRE TRACT. Ona acr of land, high state of moti vation. block from Flrland etattnrf; splendid oll; he well; can be had at a bargain: prlc H5d. .XU Cash handles this tract. T1CT NOW OP CHAP1N A HERLOW. R) Xo' Chamber of Commerce. A BAROAIN lnvetlga7te"T 2 "acrea," In ber rlea and fruit, with nice 4 -room cottage, chicken house and a barn; nrar Kendall tatlun, on Eatacada line, thl aide of Lent; real value $.WM0; will sell for S2000 cash within 10 daya. McFAKLAND INVESTMENT CO 410 Corbett Bldg. FINE HE NTLEM AN'S HOME, or for Hospital or old people' hom. B acre with beaverdam land, fine spring for irrigation, lo-room houae with beautiful view, right on station. 2.1 minute' rl.le to tha buslneaa; an legant homo and good revenue producer. F. FUCHS. 221 S Morrlaon street. A BARGAIN. Rainier. Or.. 4 acrea. all fenced. I cleared, soli th beat. 2-2 creek bottom. 1-3 hillside. 2-story nw house, barn, hen house, etc.: price g.'a'Jfi without atock. or ISTOe with It. Call early for thla I a bargain. lot Selling bldg. Til E MA K IN' 06f A F IN K HOME. 2 acrea. mostly clear, on earllne. 2 blorka to atatlon.nneat of aoll. running water. ii minute out, only 110.1. Un0 down, balanc on or befut 3 year. 9 per rent. Dubois A Crockett, Washing ton hldg.. room 3. A Ll'CRATrVE BUT. Ido acrea over u cleared, balanc easily cleared. T miles from center of city by bird's flight: on Llnnton road: 1123 per at-re- no trtrlers. negotiate with R. E. P. Kullsch, room 1. Alnsworth bldg.. 3d and Oak t. ib AcTtEA. two miles from Eatacada and In frultralslng section; on main county road; some bearing orchard on piece. Prlc $140 per acre, with terma STANl'ISH BROS.. Estacada. or. 12 ACRES half land cleared, ready for fruit planting, l'ric for early aale. 10uo. with term. 8TAND1SH BROTHERS. Eatacada. Or. FOR SALE All or part of 2'1-acre tract, half mile north of Kusa station, on Ore gon Electric Railway and n mile from bouthern Pacific, near Mhattuck. Inqulr of Fred Strelff. Phon Marshall 8021. FOR SALE By owger. S acre of apple or chard art to commercial tree: -orchard to be cared for S yrara free of charge; price el7"; term e'-'oO caah. balanca 6 year time. C .19. Oregonlan. JCST THE THING FOR OLD UEOPLB. loi0 for a nlc 2H-acr place, handy to electric cere, fair houae. good well; -all In cultivation: good term if wanted. F. Fl'CHS. 221 S Morrlaon street. DIRECT from owner. 2 acres at Garden Home, ready to plant: price lltcO: terma. B.2VA down, balanc easy. F iO. Or gonlan. ' BAROAIN BY OWNER. Id Acre White Salmon cheap. Mutt U thl w-ck. Partly Improved. H 6a. Ore go n la n:M ACRE TRACT. ' Multnomah station. Oregon Electric, cleared aigntlv. IT mtnutca out. a.ii-4 down, balanc term. F. H. Lewis, g Lewis bldg. 3e'v ACREA of land 4 mllea from Mountain dale Station, well watered, fine variety of fruit t-ees. I acre clear, price .200. ' (m S07 let t. see owner today. 10 ACRES rich. andy loam. 24 mllea from Troutriale. for 11400. 1-3 can. balance to auit purchaser at per cent. Phon Wood. :awntSl. FOR SALE "110 acrea logged-off land. 10 ml'e from Foreat Orove; good fruit land, a 1 3 per acr. Addre Box 431. Foreat Grove. Or. . ACRSAC.E HOME. F'n acreage boma for ! la Oak drove: 4.Vw. W 41. Oregon laa. r aTIOT2 lota and n'W cottage on E. Sth. aa lll"- Phon C 2vS. Near good car; lot worth th money. 1'jOO ACRE, all In fruit. T-room house. K. 62d St.. 1 block to car Leonard Bra.. JIT Chamber of Commerce. XcRaTAOB and farma. from $12.30 par acr up laria and small tracta Call Klansy a Stampher. $31-2 Lumber Kachange blclg- FiVE a.-re Garden Home. H In cultlva Uoa; high gruuad. $-iuJ. Tabor W7d. LOOK THESB OVER. no acre at Wlllamlna. Polk County. S mile from rdlrcad. 2 acre In cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture; 2 houses, a bartta, fine running water; one acre or chard. S ml! to a. hoot, i mil to posi otllc. Thla property Is eneptlonally rhole and wl.l cut nicely for 10 lam lllea; prlc only f'k per acr. '.4 cash. 4 acre, all In cultivation, excellent water, one acr bcarimc orchard. M-room piasiered houae. chicken-hous and flv i ll sr outbuildings; good barn; on county road and rlalcm Ele.lrlr line, at Tlgard atatlon. price gOtU, naif ciaa, balance a years at d per cent. a acre. 3 In cultivation. balanc sfurr.p. pasture and tlml-er; sima beaver dam land; good 3-rooni h.mse. storehoi'so. 'etc.: bearing orchard, timber for barn on piace: one-fourth mil from Tlgard sta tion; prtoe $4juu. 1-4 cash. 4l 2-5 acre, all In crop, old hldgs.. well, family orchard, rich black loam oll. mil from West Woodburo. on Silem Elec tric canine: 2 mile to Woodhurn: prlc el-lu per acre. $2utu cash, balance 3 to ft year. $4 acre. 30 In cultivation, rich black loam. 2 mlllea to St. Paul. Marlon Co., 1 i mllea to boat landing. Wlllamatt rlvai ; prlc $4000. terma $0 acre choir land, only nine mile from Portland, aouth of and overlooking the sandy Hlver; excellent fishing and giving a mavnlflrent view of the moun tain; soil rich and deep, close to railroad and the Mount Hood automobile road. An Meal farm homeeita that will meet th demanua of the critical. Will sell In ten acre tract If aqulred; ptico and tern J right, KIRK-WHITE REALTY ,CO 210 twta Pldg. 1'hon A 1213. THE FARMER TS THE ONLY INDEPENDENT MAN. H gets 100 cnts of every dollar h earn Wake up and get In his class. Get away from the grind that I keeping you down. Ten acrea at Rochester will make you independent. $.-.0 PER ACRE. LEVEL CLEARED. 'FKHT1LR LAND. ADJolNI.NU TH K NKlf TOWN OK ROOM ESTER. This Is the land that pay Its way. Thla land Is all ready to plant right now. Ymi don't hava to apend $130 an acre clearing up brush and atumpa. nor work for year ettlng a little patch ready for the plow. V ou can grow anything on tnia una mat ran be grown In thl at-ctton and get a good price for everything you raiae. . KEMEMUER THESE TRICES WON'T LAST. Wa have only a small amount of this land and when It la gone we won't b ahle lo buy anothur acr thftt we can sell i.s low a $''). Term that anybody can handle. Call or write for Illustrated folder. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO.. ltrld Chamber of Commerce bldg., on Slark, between id and 4th sis. $0 ACRES. mile from Troutdale. BO acres improved, rum lng water, springs and fin orchrd. school t mile, R. K. D.. anil tele phene; fine macadam road; can be divided, $21'1 per acre, terms. 70 acre. 2t, miles from Oregon City; 2S acres In cultivation, balance good timber; wood will pay one-half of purchase prlcej g-vod aprlng water and well: I'amlly or chard; aoll black loam and up-land. with good drainage; tjnuu will handlo; owner will consider part trad for good city property. iu acres. Boring orchard tracts and gar den homes, large or small tracta $173 to $:t(M per acre, easy terms. C. acrea on Powell Valley road, IS mllea from city; all clear; $ti23 per acr; will trade for city property. The are all good buys. Full valua and aur Increase on Investment. INDI STKIAL CO.. 4J4 Hamilton Bldg.. 181 Third St.. Portland, Or. G HOV ELAND TRACTS. IMPROVED ACREAGE. THAT CAN HE ItOlllHT FOR $1X POU'N AND BALANCE IN 5 TEAKS AT PER CENT ON EASY TERMA FINEST Of soil, no rock or gravel. c.ini WATER. GOOD LOCALITY. H MILE TO GOOD CARLINE. C FARE TO CENTER OF PORTLAND. BL'Y ONE OF1 THESB TRACT. 11U1LD A HOME. HE INDE PENDENT. CHAPIN HER LOW. R 3.12-Sod Chamber of Commerce. ACRE AGK $23 to $70 per acre, 24110 acrea. subdivided into lao tracta of 2, 3. 10, 20. 20 to loo acres each: best fruit and gar den land, deep soil, fln water, no rockt on hour's rid from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school In center of tract; good roads In front of very tract. Your cbanc to get an Ideal money-making home. The tracta sell oa sight to practical people. Call and mak an early selection. McFAKLAND INVESTMENT CO, 410 Corbett Bldg. SOMETHING OOOD. $ acre garden, berry and orchard land with deep rich black loam soil: th best In the valley; located on th Oregon Elec tric line, about 40 minutes from th city limits: Is fenced with woven wire; haa young orchard and over an acre of straw berrle; lies on a fin county road, within a few steps of the railroad; thl I aura to grow Into mor money; prlc $1090, $:00 down and $5 a month. RALPH ACK LEY, fos Corbett Bldg. MONTANA-LAND-FOR-SALE. Situated In the lug Hole Busln. The following land Is under Irrigation, la all fenced and Improved In first claa ahap. It la th uncst hay land In the West. 2.VX1 acres at $20.00 per acre. 4-Mio acrea at $2.1.00 per acre. 82v acres at $1.1.00 per acre. 440 acres at $12.50 per acre Address T. J. MURRAY. Wisdom, MonL A RARE BARGAIN. tH acres. mile from city limits and electric line, entire place In assorted fruits. In good condition, a -room house, barna, tank, otc. Improvements worth tha price of th property, ssooo; 20 per cant cash and balance eaay; also 214 acres adjoin ing above with same amount of fruit but no bulldlnc at filOO. TKOWRRIDUU A STEPHENS. U7 Board of Trad. 2 ACRES. ALL IN MEADOW. 100 feet to electric station: level nough to cut with a lawn mowar; soil cannot b excelled; no rock, no gravel; purchaser Can make a small payment and have four yeara on balance, payable In monthly or quarterly Installments; taka car on United R. R. at 2d and stark at 10:13 Sunday. gt off at Groveland sta tlon; you can't miss m. Bualnewa lToperty. A SPLENDID BCY. $7300 buys a fine apartment site 60x loo. on Gllean L. near 2:td. Improve ments all In and paid, this Is th beat bargain offered in that locality. For terms se E. J. C.E1SER. 221H Morrlton st. A SNAP, by owner; a fine, modern 2-story building: 3 stores and fins S-room flat: bringing In $220 a month; will sell or trsde. Write for partlculara and Infor mation. Y 41, Oregonlan. READThI SCAR EFf.Ti.LT' ' . EAST PINE. ONLY 3 BLOCKS FROM: GRAND AVE.. BSxluO. CORNER. WELL IMPROVED. I wlah to engage In manu facturing business and WILL SELL AT llotio BELOW VALUE: FAVORABLE TERMS. OWNER. D 60, Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING FITR. 13 H acrea, on Columbia Slough and O. W. Rv. line. R blocka from streetcars, near Kenton. LIES FINE. Price $2000 per acre. Might consider leaae. S. K. Norton, 7 Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENT CORNER. $i:i.30u Corner, clos In 00 Hall street; splendid building site, now occupied by three cottsges: $tto0 cash, balance five years .4 per cent; price le considerably un der value. D o9. Oregonlan. 10 PER CENT NET. OR BETTER. RENTAL INCOME. Monthly, $73: Hnnually. $s7. Price nf flats and lot $72.1o; would be snap at $.-,(l0. See J. Frank Porter. 9u4 Cham ber of Commerce. $32.oo QUARTER BLOCK BARGAIN, cesr 14th and Washington. This is easily 2730O under value. Inquire oud Lumbar- mens bldg. FIRST-CLASS apartment site, 5 minute walk from P. O.: 60x100; unobatructed View: no phone; full Information. H. E. James Co.. SM 10th St. (near Stark). WEST"siDE apartment-house, secured leas $1.10 month. Price $1.1. CUM; $ii.10O cash, bal ance 0 per cent; no trade considered; can have thla for quick sale. AM o0 Ore gonlan. OLISANtflT.. NEAR 2.1D ST. 12-rooin modern house, full lot. fin apartment site; $42.10 cash will handle. 11. E. JAMES CO.. Sri 10th at- near Stark. ijOOD location for a barber, railroad termi nal lot: water furnished; rent reasonable; building new. D SS. Oregonlan. 10TH ST. COR.. 10 PER CENT NET. 3 minute' walk south of Morrison. Full Information S loth St.. near Stark. gv a,p $22.10 Iff lot on Graham stT 100 'fet from Mli-'ppl ave.. casta. Own er. 310 Lumbar Kxxhanc bldg. a tcirw nnnn investments. Corn-r lot 60x120, UNION AVE.; rented for $1440 a year, for $17,000. H caah. Corner lot near West Park, rented for $lso a year, for $21,500. hi cash. Corner lot, UNIuN AVE., rented for $lio a year, for $11,000, M cash. We have others. BLOCH REALTY CO., 206 Alder St, 14TH. NEAR YAMHILL Corner. $20,500. GOLDSCHMIDT'S agency, ;53'. Washington. Cor. 3d. Ho ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land opea t homestead. In each county In the Statea of Oregon and Washington, and dascrlptloa f ame; give homestead, desert. Umber, stone, coai and mineral law; two maps of Oregon In color. 21x23. showing R. R. In operation, on showing all proposed R. R. and electrlo line. Including" Eaetern and Central Oregon. 20 each, or three 30c Map of Washington la colore. 21x2a. 24M. Kimmo, Runey at Co.. Hamilton bldg. HAVE you used your homestead or timber right yet? I can show you a good list of relinquishments and locations at all prices, and sure I can ault you. Some of These lie within five miles of good town. Call or write at once. R. H. NELSON. o27 Corbett Bldg.. M. 44HT. RELINQUISHMENT for sale If you mean business and want a good homestead. I will tellnquiah my 1H0 acres in Hood River Valley, three-quarter mile to railroad. 2 ' to Postoffjce. achool and store: has cabin, wagon several aprlngs. good soil and timber: $7.10. Box 32. Dee. Or. CAN locate several peiaons In Eastern Ore gon on homestead or desert claims; the latter do not require residence and water oan be had for Irrigation: excellent land, not far from new line of railroad. War ren. 822 Chamber of Com, t IdoTaCRE RELINQUISHMENT ; 40 acrea beaverdam and;i creeks and springs on place; abundance of outalde pasture for stock. Investigate this. 232 (i Washington st., room la. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, M ares. new buildings, good well, fruit trees, all fn.-ed. in Southern Oregon. 1 mil to 11. R. station, near school and Post office. Room 4, Beaver Apartments, 12th and Marshall ts., after 9:30 P. M. WE have 4 very choice homeateada In Til lamook county; fine fruit and dairy land: will be In Sunday from 10 A- M. to 3 P. M. Inquire-31 1 Henry Diog. 1K0-ACRE homestead relinquishment, good lantl and more than 4.O00.000 ft. of fine timber on It: will sell for $100. J. E. Smlth,M3 ChamborofCommerce. WE have a few timber claims In Southern Oregon and some good farming claims In milium County. CIIAS F. PAH rtERg?3 Cham, of Com. AMADON A CORBIN. 210 Lewis bldg. Homestead and relinquishment. . GOOD homesteads In the coast country. In quire at New York bldg., Siillt and Nlcolal sts. J. M. Thompson. AMADON A CORBIN, 21d Lewis bldg. Homesteads and relinquishments I WILL locate you a good homestead on orchard or dairy land. Itrmi easy. Room 30. JMa S t ar k. AMADON CORBIN. 2l Lewis bldg. Homesteads and relinquishments. Hiel liSTEAD Can locate two parties, ex cellent. Phone Woodlawn K94L For Sale. Fruit Lands. YOU HAVE HBARD OF ESTACADA. BUT HAVE YOU EVER BEEN THERE? ESTACADA is the famous fruit-raising section within 30 miles of Portland. ESTACADA is the home of th Oregon AVrleulturul College's orchards. ESTACADA has hundreds of acrea of bearing and young orchnrds. ESTACADA is noted for Its strawberries and other small fruit ESTAJADA is above the frost line, aver ago altitude of BOO feet. ESTACADA ha a hustling fruitgrower association. ESTACADA is full of enterprising, up-to-iiale fruit ranchers. Let us show you this country. We ar not only In the real estate business, but we own. operate and live on fruit ranches here and we want more good, live nelgh bora. Lund 5 to 320-acre plecea at from $20 to l-l'iy per acre. S'iANDISK BROTHERS, Office near depot at Etacada. FOR HALE Prune, walnut and apple or chard, mostly bearing; 100 acres in heart of Dundee Orchards,. Yamhill county. 29 miles from Portland, exactly 2 mile from depot; large nsh pond, running spring: 8 room house, ail modern conveniences, bathroom, hot and cold water, septic tank: men's houe and many outbuildings; 300 chickens, turkeys, Incubators. plg, cows, horses, wagons, implements: everything goes with place: $2i.0l0 for Immediate sale; caah. One of the world'a flneat views "and a dividend-payer. Address owner, Sanderson, Dundee, Or. 10 ACRES IN FRUIT. 5 acrea Royal Italian prunes. r. acrea Spttxenberg apples. Some berrlea and garden truck. Smnll house, good fences. Near Portland, on electric lino. In beau tiful, thickly settled district, and only & minutes to small town and high school. For the exceptionally low figure of $4000, term. If sold before May S. C. U BAMBERGER. Room 2 Lumbermen bldg. Marshall 712. 800 ACRES FRUIT LAND. For sale cheap by owner, S00 acres of fruit land or a good ranch proposition that will pay a good Income at once, without great exp-mse; nine miles from Lyle, Wash.; will sell smaller tracts IX wanted. For particulars address L. F. BRUNE, Grand Dallvs. Wash. ; N "OPPORTUNITY "TO-GO TO CALI FORNIA. S acres." 400 orange trees, 100 assorted fruit all bearing, new house, electric light and all modern convenience, 18 cars dally, good income properly and good reasons for selling; $4500 will buy it now. b or further Information, addre owner direct, J. E. OverholsetOrovllle,CaL A NEW OPPORTUNITY. Acreage In heart of HOOD RIVER Val lcv on five-year payment plan for first time; $300 below market price: surround ed by biggest paying orchards and on county road; schooltaouse opposite, K J7. Oregonlan. REGAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing apple In th famou - Hood Rlver-Moaier district, on our new .plan. A small caah payment will start vou right. Call or write for beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHAIiB LAND COMPANY lrOTYoa bldaT WALNUTS AND APPLES. B and 10-acr tracta planted to walnut and applea: terma Also 1122 14 acres cheap all near Sheridan. Yamhill County. N W LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO.. Lon Williams. Mgr.. 432 CHAMBER Of COMMERCE BLDQ. having my Estacada farm sub-divided Into S and 10-acro lets: all set to choice Spltxenberg and Newtown apples, 2 years old; only one mile from electrlo line and In midst of the appl district. For pacarscall me. C 2245. JOINING Mosier View Orchards, 2-3 less money: 80 level acres, 2 North, 13 East; home. well. S acre 2-year tree; $.15 acre; $2.VN cah; need money; agenta, you can list snd get $100 acre for this. Atty., lol4 Chamber Commerce. BEET RANCH 330 acres. Billings. Mont., will produce 18 tons beets per aore, under cultivation: will .ell In 20 -acre tracta 1 or more: $100 per acre, long time. This beats any fruit ranch and la a snap; will trade for Portland property. T 41. Oregonlan. SO ACRES, 30 in crop, balance logged off; good houae and burn, good bearing or chard, no rock; "red ahot" soil, on county road in Columbia County. Oregon; prlc $03 per acre. PALMER. B12 Couch Bldg. BIG BARGAIN 13,000 acres, near railroad and ateamboat. Northern Cal'fornia. grain and atock; Improved; $12.90 an acre, term. Write C. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market St.. Ban Francisco. ONX.Y $730. Handles beautiful 10-acr commercial orchard, part bearing, in the heart of the famous Hood River Valley; near school. tore and station. R 78. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10 acre, best apple orchard 3-year-old. In Yakima Valley: will sell cheap, good term or will trade for Port land property; prlc $000 per acre. A 67. Oregonlan. . CNAP A fin farm 1H mile from depot, tool. Improvements, stock, cropa etc Com quick. KINNEY A 8TAMFHFR. 331-32 Lmbr. Ex. Pldg. REAL MOSIER BARGAINS. Will eil tracts of 5 acres up and car for until 4 year old at $oo acre; Port land firm I selling same land adjoining at $.K0 acr. R SO. Oregonlan. IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Good homes at reasonable prlcea; for In formation, write the Farmers' Union, Amity, Yamhill County. Oregon; R. 1. Box 100. AO ACRES best Mosier spple laid, B acres clear, fine small house, furnished com plete; ail fenced and cross-fenced. Apply owner, C. Q. Dwlghu 170 North 18th st, EN acres bst. Income-beating Hood River orchard; close In; reasonable terma. See E. Barker. 150 Front at. TEN acre best, income-bearing Hood River orchard; close in, reasonabl terms. See E. Barker, 1.10 Front St. 20 ACRES of walnuts, partly in bearing, at Tiundet-. Or., a bargain, inquire of owner. 122i l'oo bid:. A FORTUNE AWAITS YOU. IF TOli ARE IN POSITION TO INVEST $15,0O0CASH THEN YOU ARE FULLY EQUIPPED TO START ON THE ROAD TO CER TAIN SUCCESS. SHOW US. YOU SAY; WELL, WB ARE PREPARED TO DO SO OR WE WOULD NOT MAKE THE ABOVH STATEMENT. IF YOU HAVE ONLY $jOO0 CASH. GET TWO GOOD RELIABLE PAR. TIriS TO GO IN WITH YOU. MAKE UP THE $11,800 CASH AND HELP MAKE THREE PEOPLE HAPPY. NOW HERE IS THE STATEMENT AND OPPORTUN ITY. WE HAVE BEEN AUTHOR IZED BY AN EASTERN PARTY WHO HAS TOO MUCH BUSINESS IN THE EAST TO GIVE PROPER ATTENTION TO HIS OREGON PROPERTY TO OFFER FOR SALE HIS FINE FRUIT FARM LOCATED IN THE FAMOUS FRUIT DIS TRICT OF THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. NEAR THE CITY OP MEDFORD, OREGON. WHERE MEN OF MODERATE MEANS HAVE MADE INVESTMENTS IN FRUIT FARMS AND BY CLOSE ATTENTION HAVE BECOME IN DEPENDENT, AND ENJOYING AN EASY LIFE OF COMFORT AND PLENTY". SO CAN YOU IF YOU WILL AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. Sd ACRES PRAC TICALLY ALL SET TO ORCHARD. AS FOLLOWS: 20 acrea of 2-year-oIa Bartlett pear tree. 10 acres of 1-year-old Cornice pear trees. 10 acrea of. 2-year-old Bosc pear trees. 25 acres. H apples, pears, trees 18 yeara old. acres 2-year-old pear trees. 5 acres family orchard, bearing. 4 acres In assorted berries, yarda and truck garden. 6 acres of pasture. COUNT IT UP Just 81 acres of NICELY ARRANGED AND PROP ERLY KEPT ORCHARD WITH A FINK PROSPECT OF AN EXCEL LENT YIELD THIS YEAR. WHICH WILL BRING IN A LARGE REV ENUE BEFORE ANY ADDITION AL MONEY ABOVE THE $1.1.000 HAS TO BE PAID. GOOD COUNTY ROAD ON THREE SIDES OF PROPERTY, "A MILE TO eCHOOU H R . AND SHIPPING POINT. GOOD MOTOR CAR SERVICE. TRIPS DAILY TO MEDFORD. FARE $0.10. FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE. WATER WORKS. BATH ROOM AND WATER TOWEIt 3 KOOM COTTAGE NEAR Bl, 2 COOD LARGE BARNS. PACKING HOUSE FOR FRUIT. BLACK SMITH SHOP AND OTHER OUT BUILDINGS. S HORSES, 1 COW AND ALL TUB NECESSARY MA CHINERY AND TOOLS FOR THE RANCH. PRICE $.1.1.000. TERMS $1.1.0110 CASH. BALANCE 5 TO 10 Y EARS AT 6 PER CENT INTER EST. HUNTER REALTY CO., 223-22.1 BOARD OF TRADE. PHONES MARSHALL 1777-A 3307. HOOD RIVER SNAP. . , 4S0 per acre will buy one of the best SO-acre orchards In the well-known Hood Hlver Valley If taken AT ONCE. NEARLY ALL in standard varieties of aPPlf3- a good' part in full beavring: also small fam ily orchard; good house, barn, outbulld team. Implements and tools, una spring water In house; biggest bargain ever offered. Produced almost 1800 boxes of apples season 1U10. and more In sight this year. . , . If you really want a place in the Hood River Valley, where you can have a beau tiful home and become Independent rais ing apples, investigate this without de lay: ISMH) cash, balance easy terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 607 Yeon Blds , For gall! ynrms. 84 '4 ACRES. 2V4 mi'.es from Sheridan, Or.; five-room house, nearly new. new barn, five chicken houses, granary and woodhouse, all fenced! creek running through place, water year round; three acres gravel soil, the rest the best garden or small fruit land In Oregon; good well, lota of wood for fuel; 1 horse. 2 cows, 2 pure-bred hens, farm. Including stock and tools, for $'00, long time on $2000 at 8 per cenL Inquire 1ST Itandall at- . BIG SACRIFICE. 73 acres. 22 miles from Portland, 61 acres In high state of cultivation; all lies Just like a garden; new barn, house, chicken-houses, parks, etc.; new windmill, all crops, stock. Implements; this Is an absolute sacrifice and Just aa advertised; 4 mile from electric station, i mile to town, schools and churches. Price $8500; any kind of terma CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 810-20-21 Hallway Exchange bldg. HERE IT IS. o. acres, convenient to good town, on B, R., 40 acres In vetoh and oats, 20 acres In Spring grain, 10 acres of timothy and clover, balance open pasture, comfortable 8-room house, creek, water, fine orchard, berrlea, large barn, hold 80 tons of hay, 40 cows, large onion house; It will sup port a string of no cows; $7300 can run on this 8 years at it per cent WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 hi Stark SL $o0 PER ACRE. AT HILLSBOUO. 132 acres of line land, close to station; 80 acrts under cultivation, new d-roora house with basement, barn and outbuild ings. 1 acres in orchard. This is an elegant proposition to cut up Into smaller tracts and make a fortune. Come in and let us tell you more about it; easy terms. C. F. PFLUGER A CO.. Suite 12-14 Mulkey bldg.. "d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED 1880. FINE FARM. Over 140 acres, about 4 miles from good town on S. P. R. K.. on county road and proposed electric road from Salem to Eu gene (which Is assured): running watqr on place; about 80 acres in cultivation; old and young family orchard. 40 sheep. 7 fine horses, 1 Jersey cow, 4 dozen fine chickens, hogs and crop all Included in price of $100 per acre, with good terma ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. 20 ACRES. $2000. 20 acres. 12 acres under cultivation, 1 acre In orchard, balance in pasture. 4-room house, well. Thl property Is all level; facea on main county road; R. F. D. and telephone line; 2 miles from elec tric' station ; 15 miles from Portland; $1000 cash: balance on easy terms. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 510-20-21 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE IN TUALATIN VALLEY, on Oregon Electric line, near Beaverton, 62 acrea land with running stream through same, but no improvements, worth $250 per acre now, but will offer for short time at $1T per acre for quick sale. Address Mr. Redln, 405 Spalding bldg., Sd and Washington FOR SALE In the famous ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, near Grants Pass, on line of new railroad, under irrigation, four fine tracts of alfalfa and fruit land, contain ing 20, 40, 80 and 16 acres; price from $S0 to $1.10 per acre on easy terma Call or address, Mr. Mead, 405 Spalding bldg., 3d and Washington. . FOR SALE In the famous ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, near Grants Pas, on line of new railroad, under Irrigation, four fine tracts of alfalfa and fruit land, contain ing 20. 40. 80 and 160 acres. Price from $0 to $1.10 par acre, on easy terma Call or address Mr. Mead, 405 Spalding bldg., 3d and Washington. EXTRA CHEAP. 40 acres, 20 acres In high state of cultl vatlon; large new house and barn, 23 ml. from Portland, in fine farming section, on main county road, R. F- D. and telephone. Price $:!2O0: terms. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, M9-2Q-21 Railway r,xcnniise uma. rat ACRES Id" acres In cultivation and balance can easily b cleared. 25 bearing fruit trees, 400 strawberry. 200 feet of grapevines- a good 2-year-old house, barn, good water. 2 miles from R. R. town: certainly a good buy. Prlc $1000 for a few days only. WKSTERN LAND CO.. 243K Stark at. t HAVE 160 acres, two miles from Butler, Washington, on North Bank R, R.. which I will sell cheap on account of health: good house. 20x3rt. 60 apple trees 4 years old. some good saw timber, cjunty read being built through place. Address Vi. L. Richmond. Stevenson. Wash. 250 ACRES of rich land, 1 mile from store, church and postoffice; good road leads to land; some bottom, some rolling land, good water on place: R R. survey within 2 miles of place: thla snap can be picked up for a ahort time only at the price of $13 per acre: look this up. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248H Stark St. 60 ACRES of splendid soil, good house, barn all fenced, on county road. 15 acres in cultivation, balance rotten stumps, easy to clear- good water; 3 miles from town on R. R-; price $3500; $1500 down, bal. K vears. 6 per cent, W'ESTERN LAND CO.. 248H Stark St. 80 ACRES 12 acres clear, 1 acre in orchard, good house, with fireplace, barn, 1V4 acres of beaverdam. 2 horses, 2 cows. 4 dozen chickens new wagon, new plow, mower and rake, 2 miles from good town, price $2700 $2000 cash, balance terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248H Stark St. HOPYARD FOR SALE. 80 acres, all river bottom land; 20 acres In hops- 400 peach trees; price. Includ ing crop this year, $9o00. terms Vi cauh. Greenleaf Hurd. Springfield. Oregon. 25 ACRES ail cultivated; exceptional bar gain; close to Portland and station; $175 per acre, 614 Couch bid ON EASY TERMS. 4 ACRES. ' Ideal for poultry farm, 1'ACRES, 5 set to apple orchard. "521. 11 ACRES, partly In alfalfa, clover, etc. 25 ACRES,' Bearing prune orchard. 18 ACRES, With fine 10-room house, orchard, etc 7 ACRES. With nice 7-room house, fruit, etc - J ' 5 and 10-acre tracts, every Inch tillable. ALL under our IRRIGATION system at WEST STAYTON (Marlon County) . miles South of Portland. Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co. For prlcea, etc., see HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce bldg. (Ask for Mr. Hartog. ) HOW IS THIS. SO acres in the famous Garfield fruit dis trict, fi miles from Estacada, 1 mile from electric earllne, half mile to school: on well Improved county road; 4.1 acres in cultivation: balance easy to clear; nice large farmhouse, large barn: abundance of fruit, stone cellar, 2 springs, well, shop and good view of mountains. Price $100 par acre; terms. 62 acres, nearly all In cultivation, lo one of the best fruit sections in Oregon, on county road, 24 miles from Estacada, half mile from store, church and graded school; 1 mile from electric car, creek, spring and a Uttle timber, on one end of place, seeded to oats and clover; fine view of mountains. Price 100 per acre. Will give, terms. Our farm department can locate you on any 'size place you wish in Oregon or Washington on any terms you wish. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Suite 505 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phones Marshall 11'48. A 2.132. , J LCI A3 AW L. IW 35 acres, all excellent soil, 17 in culti vation, 3 acres more practically cleared, 5 acres timber. 1U0 assorted bearing fruit trees. 4-room house, barn. well. 3 sprlnits and all outbuildings. 2 line mares, t cows, 2 hogs, 2 plows. 2-seated hack, buggy, har rows, cultivators, chickens, crop and all tools, 7 miles from Vancouver, on good gravel road. mile from school; price $4500; $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent. 11 acres, all level, 44 cleared, good house, barn, well, chicken-house, wood shed, 8 cords of wood, fine cow, chickens, all tools and household goods, young or chard. 14 mile from electric line and school. 5 miles from Vancouver, on good road; must have the cash at once. Price $1850. Our farms are all within 20 miles of Portland on good roads, near transporta tion. R. F. D.. cream routes and tele uhones. STEWARD & THOMPSON. 409 Main St., Vancouver, W ash. A Pri,r,..UU' urrvivo...... The greatest opportunity to the home se.oker unquestionably offers the Grays Harbor district, where land can be bought from $20 to $25 per acre, on very easy terms, within 8 to 12 miles from Ab erdeen and Hoquiam, two of the most promising cities in the world. The soil Is rich and free from gravel, never over flows; abundance of water during summer months. Thirty satisfied families are now located on the land. Still 35O0 acres to select from. The-smaller tracts consist of 20 acres. Buy now, while the price is low and the selection good. Local condi tions are very favorable to the homesecker in every respect, and exactly as repre sented Do not lie under the impression that the land is poor because It is cheap; convince yourself. For further informa- WAS HI N GT ON ItTECOLONIZATION rOMPANY. Aberdeen. WastL DAIRY AND ALFALFA FARM 20 acres finest deep rich river bottom soil, all in cultivation: has produced 5 to tons alfalfa per acre; 2 acres made a net profit of $1500 on tomatoes last year green grass all year round: not a foot of waste land; 6-room bungalow large barn, gasoline launch. team, chickens, tools, fropi. etc.; everything ready lor you to make money the day you buy it; cheap transportation; boat landing on place, one mile to town, with 7 trains each way dally: high-grade public school, churches Stores, bank and ""ainery ; teleihono In housu; 22 miles from Portland; this farm cannot be beat for Produ'lnf croPI you are looking for a money-making farm. Jail and make arrangement, to go either by boat or railroad to see it; price $3000. $2000 cash, balance easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW (C) , 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. CENTRAL OREGON BAROAIN, 3-0-acre wheat farm on "Juniper Flat, few miles from.Maupln. down grade haul to two railroads; 220 acres plow land. 120 acrea now In Fall grain. 10 acres in spring JraTn- 75 acres Summer fallow, balance Pasture and rough land; all fenced; good 4-room house, barn, granary and other buildings. Price for the whole thing, $a0 per acre for quick sale; don't waste time writing. Take train to Maupin and see for yourself. Maupin "On the Deschutes. TEN sections of raw land. 2 miles from a new railroad town, running water through part of it. Heavy volcanic ash soil; $10 oer acre, 4 cash. 640 acres All in wheat, crop goes. 7 miles from town. $22 per acre. 320 acrea All in cultivation except 13 acres, fair building. $15 per acre. 64u" acres All tillable, 7 miles from town, a snap at $12 per acre, 'erms. If you are looking for a good wheat farm that will produce come and look them over. . CONNELL. WASHINGTON. $40 GOOD FARM $40. BEST OF SOIL, $40 PER ACRE. 120 acres of llrst-class rich, deep soil; 30 acres in cultivation, 20 acres nearly cleared, best of farm and fruit land; house and barn, 100 bearing fruit trees,. 300 young trees, 10 acres timber, 4 springs, water piped to house. 2 miles from rail road station aouui -o .... land; only ' " per itro. . . . .T.r..lO B. cunflf t:TT IJUin'I'l oc . ..... . . - - . Room 3, WashlPgtonBldg, BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME AT HILL8BORO. OR. Within 80 nslnutes of Portland; 36 acres, cart beaverdam. over 15 acres In city lim its' 10-room house and 9 acres in bear ing orchard; this place is easily worth iiiiOOO but owner is going to Honolulu and will sell for less; R. R. station In front of house. Phone Marshall 2084. Owner at Apt. 5. Madison Park Apts cor. M.dimn and Park sts. SFRIOUS accident compels me to sell 20 acre fruit ranch, five mile, from Salem, on Oregon Electric extension and county Mad. Deep, rich soil, nearly 14 acres in two-year fruit trees. New 6-room bunga low completely furnished Including piano. Good well, barns, horse, etc Everything goes for $S00 on easy term. Take Hall s Ferry road to farm of J. W. Rogers, H, F. D. No. o. aaiem. A lill.M Lr.JiA- o . . , . . ...... 13 acres of rich land under high state of cultivation and well improved, on good county road and electric line; this prop erty should fully meet the requirements of anv prospective suburbanite; some stock and Implements go with property and the ririce is but $5500. P WHITMER-KELLY CO., 70 4th St, "PRUNES WALNUTS. ALFALFA, 30 acres, best sandy loam soil. 17 acres in walnuts, with prunes now bearing between- 9 in alfalfa, balance timbered; living water: three miles from Albany. mile to schoolhouse, mile to Oregon Electric survey; rural free delivery; $0000, ti caslu P. O- box 345, Albany. Oregon. S4U rcr. . . " - 100 acres of finest of fruit or dairy land, 4 miles of R. R.. tine 'ream wl" furnish power and Irrigate about 30 acres If desired; about 21 acres in crop, about 10 acres almost ready for plow; some fine tlmtter, good roads, fine view. Box 4o7, Newberg. Or. B..V 15-acre farm. 2 miles from Oregon City, on Macadam Road, near school, 200 bear ing fruit trees, and small fruits. 500 grape plants, 800 cords wood, good 6-room house, new barn, on new railroad. . CORBETT & CO.. Postoffice Bldg.. Oregon City. AUfifllBp l.iltsoniu. If you have a buyVr who wants one of the best farms in Oregon, investigate this: S'9 acres of the finest soil In Oregon, with efegant buildings. This farm had reve nues as high as $20,000 a year. Price $135 oer acre and good terms given. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison street. FOR SALE 1006-acre Gilliam County wheat farm' 850 In cultivation: good house, barn and water; only 4 miles to railroad; $20 per acre, on very easy terms from the owner direct. T. H. Littlehales, Forest Grove. Or. . . m. I.TT.'CTIC A T-C 15-ACRE farm. 2 miles from Oregon City, on macadam road, near school, all kinds hearing fruit, good house, new barn. Price $300; will take $1000 trade as part pay ment by owner. AJ 57, Oregonlan. RANCH. 60 acrea," with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain lor all cash, by owner, 132 Morrison sL $3000. 10 acres clear and in crop, living water, 8 miles from Portland, on good county road, $1000 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. $2000. 40 acres,- well timbered, 15 miles tjr Portland, in WashliiKton County. Will trade for house and loL ' 85 acres on Clackamas Elver, near elc trie line. $S0 per acr. $2000. ' CO acres near La Center. Wash.; 10 acres cleared; old house and bam; well watered; fine soiL A. W. LAMBERT & CO. . 404 East Alder sL Phones B 1010 and E. CIO. IDEAL FARM. 69 acres. 50 acres in high slate of cult)- , vatlon; all fenced and cross-fenced; If! acres in good pasture, balance in timber. This farm lies beautifully, slightly roll ing, clear of rocks and of the very best of soil. In fact-one of the most ideal farm in the state. Two miles from railroad station, 2a miles from boat landing and county seat and 40 minutes' ride from. Portland; with good 5-room house, pan tries, clothes closets, etc. Two big hay; barns. 60x70 feet; 2-story. Good cellar, which will hold 1000 sacks of potatoes; chicken house, 14x20, woodshed adjoining; house 20x35. Good fruit cellar at door. Machinery shed, tool houBO and other out buildings. Good well of water. . Plenty of running stock water on place. 4 acres In orchard. All kinds of fruit, grape vine yard, etc. About 100 young Bartlett pear trees. 500 cords of wood standing. -':t ACRES IN OATS, 11 ACRES IN OAT3 AND VETCH: 10 ACRES IN WAY OF PLANTING POTATOES. ABOUT 10 ACRES IN MEADOW. On rural route, dally mall and dally milk route. Must sell at once, therefore the extremely low price of $200 per acre has been made. Other land all around it selling for $300 and $H30 .per acre. EASY TERMS WILL BH MADE. See me at once. This Is a good buy and will not remnln unsold long. ' O. W. ELLIOTT. ' 414 Harquam Building. IMPROVED FARMS. 50 acres, very best of soil and well Im proved, good crop now growing, good buildings, 3 horses. 5 cows, several hogs, more than 50 chickens, wagon, hack and busrgv, good Implements, everything in cluded ot $11000: time on parL This 1 close to Portland. H10 acres. 45 in cultivations fair build ings; price $4,100, half cash; close to a good county seat town. 40 aores, good buildings and highly im proved, just outside of the city limits of Portland; well equipped with stock and Implements and fine crop now growing. This is a fine suburban place; prlc $10. 000. Time on part. 80 acres, part cleared, some atock and tools with this; price $2000. 3 acres, almost in Portland, excellent residence and barn, land is clear and in fine condition; a most sightly place; price $42.10. If you want to purchase a farm I cart make It to your Interest to see me. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce, Port- land. Or. , ALL OREGON. Good Terms. 22.000 acres, $12.50 per acre. ' 7. .100 acres, $15.00 per acre. 8.400 acres, $ 6.00 per acre. 2.700 acres, $25.00 per acre. 040 acres, $.10.00 per acre. 1119 acres orchard. $23,000. 2S0 acres fine dairy. $100 per acre. 275 acres, fine stock and dairy farm SS.100. 460 acres, 1 mile water front, $32,000. 100 acres, near Portland, $1500. 5.1 acres. 12 miles out. $10 per acre. 90 acres, well improved, $.1000. 65 acres, fine land. $2500. 21 acres, well improved. $22,10. Above Just a few of tracts we have for1 sale. Call at office for full particulars; you will find them as represented. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. DANDY LITTLE CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH. Consisting of 5H acres, all under finest state of cultivation, all manner of fruit, fenced with woven wire fencing. Good. 6-room house, good barns and outbuild ings, spring water piped to house, barn, and lawn, and overflow from spring can be used for Irrigating tract. 2 blocks from electric car station, 6 blocks from school; telephone. TV F. D. mail, in thickly set tled, locality; good view of mountains and an fdeai little home, 8 miles from hears of Portland, and a bargain ayt $5000. Good terms to right party. THOMPSON & SWAN. 20.1-6 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash ington sts, Portland, Or. 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. . " WILL TAKE $.100 LESS ON MY 80-ACRE FARM. Owner called me up yesterday on' long distance phone and said: "Must sell my, place at once, need $1500 by next Sat urday, and you can sell my 80 acres for $35o0 If sold at once:" owner refused ta sell for less than $6000 last Fall and re cently advertised this at $1000; 20 acre cleared, over 5000 cords of good wood on place and Just 28 miles from Port land; It isn't often a snap like this is placed on the market and It won't last long: If you have $1200 or $1500 cash, balance can be arranged for. N, H. Atch ison. 213 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. MEXICO lands, richest soil In the world. NO IRRIGATION, close, cheap transporta tion. 1000 miles closer to the best mar kets of the Atlantic seaboard than Cal ifornia and a climate that skins Cali fornia's; at $5 to $20 per acre, depending; on the amount In cultivation. We sell only land that we have seen, and guarantee perfect title or no expense 1 to buyer. RABB & PATTON. 322 LumbermenB Bldg.. 5th and Stark. FINB SUMMER REPORT. Ranch. 120 acres, god 8-room house, large barn, henhouse, smokehouse and other houses, about 30 acre cleared, lit clover and cropa, fine trout and salmon, stream through the place; 6 miles north. Florence, 4 miles from Jetties, 1 mil from ocean: $:I0 an acre, half cash, bal ance time: might consider some trade. . ALFRED HAMPTON, Florence, Or. MUST SELL MY 40-ACRE FARM at once, as on account of sickness In fam ily will have to move out of the state: 2 acres cleared, 5 slashed and 15 timber: v located close to Portland and 3 miles from, station on electric line: good 4-room housf and barn, good soil, no waste land; need only $1200 cash down and will let buyer have terms to suit on balance. See my, agent, ii. H. Atchison, 213 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. VANCOUVER FARM. 50 acres 4S miles from Vancouver: 33 arrs In cultivation; good 7-room bouse, large barn, outbuildings, all fine soli; guarantee there Is no rock; 1 mile to R R station: the price of the place la $12 500 or will soil 30 acres with tha buildings for $00 or the 20 acres for $1,100. Glenart Realty Co., (Inc.), 421-423 C h amber of Commerce. ONLY $12.50 PER ACRE. 160 acres, including 4-room house, barn and chicken-house, good springs, part cleared; 2 miles from school, church and store; for only $2000, on terms to suit if taken this week. N. H. Atchison, 213 Gerlinger big.. 2d and Alder sts. A SNAP 1 acres, with three-room house: 14 bearing fruit trees, chicken pens: good well, fine soil, no gravel, handy to Ore gon Electric and S. P. cars; J8.10. terms. Will take cows or horse in part payment. Owner, J. H. Stephenson. Cornelius. Or. 11-ACRE TRACT. Of fine, good, level land, will grow any thing; lhi miles from the town of Hub bard, at $225 per acre. $750 down, bal ance 1, 2 and 8 years at 6 per cent. Call 4H8 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a farm, come and see us. We have a fine list to select from; prices from $12.5(1 to $1.10 an acre. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 206 Alder Bt. WRITE the "Old Reliable Realty Firm" fo$ their list of farms for sale D. 8. CAMERON REALTY CO. 510 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. 2 GOOD farms by owner: 156 acres well Improved all clear: 170 acres all cleal and good soil. 931 Chamber of Commerce, Ask for Huglll. FORSALE 330-acre wheat farm: fine, level, deep soil: all in Fall wheat: small house only 4 miles to railroad; $2S per. acre. T. H. Littlehales. Forest Grove, Or. TEN acres rich soil, on railroad; sell fo $300, $10 down. $10 monthly; bargain. Main 3271, Box 914, a