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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1911)
13 TITE SUNDAY OTtEGON'IAy, PORTLA-TP, APRIL 30, 1911. REAL EST4TE. f RE .AX ESTATE. . -Ef ) I I r?. 1 -- , CAtiU! An4 9 P" month tkt an axctlnt buy o Itrmd -ay. tan room, tar racaptton fcall. acrnad din ta porch. lr -ioaata Vary larta front P-ir-rh. full camant btmmfnt. furna-a. laundry trtn. Moum is wall finlhi and a?oippc4 wi- f taturaa. flraplaca. pan!, dininc-rnom. Dtrh ktttnn. ant ra aa a-. - atraata UnprotttucQia all la. 11 tea aO0 CUA Rtvnr.CR CO.. 11 lala Bid. S J!-. CuPKRTlTK URALTT COMPANY. RaUwajr j.chana. COMMAND! Vl VIFW, ON RIVER BAMC BE Al'TIFl I HOME. $7000 4 larva rooma. K ranch alldlnc dwtra !( Itvtrg and d i nine-row ra, 'aplng-porea. racaptioa hall, larga bath. Enc..ab porcelain tub. built In. ahoaar. ate.. bat af plumMni. opn flrwplac. hot (r irivm. Tiffany futurva. gu. t lavatortaa. flna camant baaamrnt. rrjr miTtokDrf hlf;h-rlan rd finish, f ina lia and roaa. on a of th auprt ! round Portland. 11 minutes from 3d and Mtrr ion. f .. rash ratjuircd; no acania. UBr, AT. St, Qrgonian. Brand n. t-rv. i hAua. bath and Upin prrh. bamnl. 2 l.raplaa, fur m. hard wood ftorm. dmtn room pan cid and batn rllin(. Hath fnum til ln. Ravcloih floor. Corner lot. &Btv. $.a doan. $4 pr month. CO-OPKHATIVK RfcAUTT COM PA T. 1 1 -? a- 1 Hallway Kxfhanc. oiTtca opaa today unua). IRV1NOTON H A RtiAIV Flna 9-room hnm. on corner H 1UO. TH amtlc and Kant ?4rh. on cartlna In bat I rr In ton dttrU-t; lara-a rpii"n hall. Mrifit-room, dintna-ro-im. dn. ktrcbca and p-aa pntr1a. nva i-p.a rooma. two flrplaca. rrmni " baa .ml and furnace. rrt, beautiful Uoa and fO roa bnah-a. ail atrct lf-prov.-mnt in and paid : prV-a hi h la unnr value; muet be a-1 1 om-t. MrAlluucr A luaddn-ann. -J E'er trie bide FU W-i LOW R AltO A INS. Weatmoreiand. fit a rom. hardwood fWwtra. thr room nflntahl In attic; raul in; In dm in and 11 vine room. Areolar, a o built-in bookraae: built fr a home. $.Uo. $ raah. haianro montn I v oavmenta. Alao on- of eiaht rom, a swell pUca In Almeda: flrp;rt, beam rfl!n;. lar; p-rchea ftne baa men t ; pr.-e half raah; nothing la tha city Uk tft;a for pritro ahed JACOB HAA. Taoa RM. mtxrivr. raRiuiv. WTtl aeil my horn a on East Jld rmr ram and hth arhool. with fU x I oo of land, ftr IWrt, House cannot b built t1sy for ,-w. lwiand hr flrt -! art-hi-t-fa beauttf ullv finished. het hard a ar. if hnng and plumlna; flvturs: rt wster heat. a;ord nlchtwtrhoitd. Tna het but la cil. Investigate. B 4. Cr on -Is a. riltfKCX RANCH. ACRE. rond 'mm house, chlrkert houaa. gmr dn. noivh ifotn fr famT'v; in minute walk froin car. 3-e rare. rash, haian'- HO p-r month. 4 per rent fntrrst. U-VPER TI VE REALTT 'OMPA.N T. l-:-:i Railway Exchange, E T SALMON KTREET. Terr Bat l-rnoa huea on Salmon. Just WMf of l-th. modern tfl avery reeper-t. In r i no in ail hinds of buiH-ln cnventea-ea. bh'-asoa. clothea and duat chutes, Lut-h h itrhen. etc.. fuil rmni baavnt w it h tuho. wood lift, food plumbing, piped fr furnace, aaa and atertrlcHv. ae owner. nt door. Phono Main 2 or avaainpra at Tabor llfti. irNrfME Holladay home on ciarfcama atret; aeven rooma, modern throughout and very attract!-; large living room wtr b be t If ul ArepEaf. mttatr-rom. din-luc-rootn, hitrhen. three a -ping rooma. hardwood floor. rem-nf hojmftient and ftjrna. oa corner: f " J-V. .-say terms. M.-A!.Uter 4 Uiecddamana. 7 EUctrlc bldg. m BEAl'TirVI. homo aarriflrrd A nina-room strtrtly modem hnuM on lOitl W corner In tha moat delraio prt of piedmont ; floini 1-ea than cash lue If taken at n.-e. ta.'xM In rash or g.od pron'tv will handle tht home. Cor. E. H'lmin st. and llalght ae. ifre owner today from 11 V M to p. M. Phone fVoodlawa IV J 7. Monday call Wondlawa loJ. WOOrSTfW'K. inoioo. with heoutlful A-room bun a tow. arttsr U-alt v arrarsr-d thruri'. rl-'so to raritre. prica $0O, caah 1'K0, balance 7 pr crnL v.r;cHANT RAVVS TRL'rT COM PANT. I7VI CASH. New a -room bouse. hot-watr heat, hardwood fi-.r. ftrrplare. weil-lmproveil lot. prira $.t?M TM property la reached hr five street car lines. The house ta FXCEITIonaI.LT well built and a POS ITIVE BARGAIN. S. R- Norton. 7 Cham ber of Commerce. WII.UAMETTE HF.1;HT HON EH Wa have & hautlful hom-a for tele la thi r hotca di:rlt at price ranging from 9Vi) to $:kM: all new and modern; mag nificent view property. For parriru'ara a-o McAUtater A LucUilenuun, 22 Kir $ rlc btdg. A rANlT CORNER. t2-V HftWX. Raln-e Ilka rent ; perf4't near i-room bungalow, never beOI occupied: everything modern, ftreploi-e; alto basement, wasti trvs. 1 b lor k from Kooo "i i y car ; east fr.tot. Call, wltl take yoi to It H. E, JAUKS CO., H loth at., near Stark. f;mFORonnf tha fineat'bullt and mat modern bungalows In tha rltv. avervthlng In It to make It convenient; only I - bioa-ks from Alterta car. facing asst. Will Siva good term, a snap. BU.VJHARn C1.EMSON, Ho tuxth at. UEM TIFCU home In R City Park; wa have aeveraj new and very attractive hooa nd bungalow a In this f)n dla irirt ; prtt-eg from 9-'doA to $.V00. very erjr terma e u (or particulars If you are looking for a home. McAllister A l.oddma nn. -2 Eet trir bldg. NEW Ijt EEX AVNB FOR 1,'im r..h. room., with den. toilet. w..h b.atn: full cement tumrni. polish ed floor, built -la bwkrui .nd ward robe. bio. k rrom c.r n rUst J' h .1.. f.cina cat. foe a b ra.m aad term. .4 lllh at. NEW I-ROOJI W'NCAIIH-. Well finished. modern convenience.: l.r.e cellar .nd attic, .hade trees. ood nej.hborhood. near carllne. terms reason able, suv of owner T73- Mth avsj. 14. K.. Woodmer. Htatlon. Ml- icott car. 1.-03 K. TATIlR T-roen bouse, on lot 4 I ' -ct. gw toc.l. tty. ac.r c.r: pne $ I vu. easy tcrmsv Hr.Ri'HAXTS AVIX'H TRUST COMPANY. r.lVEH VIEW iKIME. Tte..tlftj lvtch colonl.l homo, finished eo rftran line.; two sleeptnc r-r-h.s; kalf .ce. wttt n.llve trse.. t.ttnl. murl and aarac. $TTK Phono TIJ. jR ! LE i b.MjseiT Port land Hclahta. on. .?.'... lot alls. and on. lot lio. pm. II p.vm.nt on latter. baWnc. .a r'.t: Jrult Irsje. OB Dot b lots. Marshait tt.. JtiA KOR ffAI.E. ease terma. ft. morn bun t .In. aew. .oow basement, double floor, flreplac.. fixture., concrete wall. step, .nd walWsx on p.ved llrtfl, 1 block to car. '.!! 104 iMvlsloa SI. X o W "a POt TT H I I -room modern houw. Ucted lT7 Mo Kenna ..... ft. John. car. prtco f?u.: will fol aa Itrst payment. balaJic. Ilk rent. Phon. Columbia i. A SNAP. J.-teJ raih. b a.y. put. you I. posa'sstoo of a w-room modern houeo. waihin. durt.nxa. 1-ot .low. worth lo. prlco .f.'- r. L'l'rP. 531 S Morrlw St. A N A P. N (- room modern hnua. ha rd sur-f..- .trt Im PTOv.m.nt l.cludod. on Km Plsnderw. s-l-'ne term. lubo4. 4k Crockett. We.h1n.ton bids., room X f RnOM rnodersi-cottasiTcorner lo bear Ins fruit I roes. .1 a great sacrifice, br owner. lln tb. city. Phon. Woodlawa znu. MuVTE- beat part of IrTlnston. C' l.ta. mo.i era houM. 11 built by d"e lab-r. eccspl.d by .wner: prlc. flJ.iK-O; as asents. T M. Olnrlln. FvR l-E br owner, new hnncalow-. Inqnlr. T4 Eaat lh N- Phone T.bor LIS. Mont.vtlla c.r. Al tlOl N O away, must aetl -room bubs a -10W. Apply owner. roR SALE -c. two flat houMS. Ill K' lawacth st. PB" T.bor Ha. Xia-nrTi bouso and lot. adjoining lots aeld. tiOU: t.rtns. L it. orcsooUa. ritipt morr. vail oratf. S-atnrr. T- roim bua with living rKm. dining room. Dutch kitcha and four larva bad room; fall fmnt baa--tan t with fur- a ad wash i-aya. full attic; lawn all Brad ad and crant walk in; lot Jl. an ha had m am 11 MymMU. ia thia PORTUAND HEIOHT8. Beautiful near house of nine room and reception hall; a full length alttlng-room with 0 rep tare, window aeata and book cases; beautifully beamed and paneled dining-room with buffet ; kitrhan with every convenience, hardwood floor, four bedroom; bathroom and kacloaed sl-aping-balcon ; full equipment of cWiaota and oery modern convenience, full concrete basement ; hot water heat. This house wa built from Craftsman design with tha flu urea throughout In keeping wl:h tha color soheme of each room: tha wood work, of tha beat selection, ha a satin finish and a vary rich tone. Tha ground Is txl and command an unobstructed view of tha city, both rivers and m wlda expanse of tha mountain. This property Is I orated on tha best part of tha lower Heights, oa tha carllne and convenient to the Heights Club, On bltullthlc treet with all Improvements In and paid. Prl.-a ft! 2.. Imludlug hall carpets. Una mat tings and large new kitchen rang. H. V. RHTAN. Main 1M3. sS Cham, of Com. A lt-7 ROSE CITT PARK. Look! Fine aaw modem bungalow. Si caah will handle; t room. retrtctd dis trict; lot. oil. parking 10 feat. tona walk;- all Imprortmtnii paid; porcelain bath, cabinet kitchen, coat eloaet. ix-foot buffet with leaded glass doors and mirror, beamed celling, paneled dining-room, two bookcase, four box settees with covers, Ane rock-faced brick fireplace with mirror; cement basement, laundry trays, solid mk polished floor, mirror door, linen eloaet; nr-t-clas workmanship. ...v--CO-OPKKATIVE REALTT COMPA-ST. 1 1 1 Katly Exchange. Office opaa today (Sunday IRV1NGTON. SEVEN-ROOM BLNUALOW. ML'a'T 8E1U IJ.V cash, batanr arranged. lrga rerrption hall. Hlng-room. and dlnlng room. hardwood floor, boomed celling, flna buffet and fireplace. whlta enamaled imt. h kitchen, toilet and lavatory on ba-k porrh. largo bath room upstairs; 4 nwniy bedrooms; street Improvements all In. Katesman on ground from 13 M. to P M Property located on east slri ;7th let ween lirasea and Thompevo ta, near ilraxco St. CHA. RINtSKKR CO.. 211 Iwls Bldg HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. I.eOt. New. modem, six -room house. Dutch kitchen, built -In buffet and book-cases, fireplace. sleeping porrh. full cement basement and cement sidewalks In; street In front of house to b paed at once. This house I unusually well const nut ed and Anished throughout and is a bargain at the price. Only ftJOO down, balance nionthtc. . . CO-OHERATIVK RFbTT COVPAM, JI-I.-T1 Rllr Klrhn. URic. open IvU.y Sund. HAWTHORNR PISTRHT. T-rnom hnu. i r"m nnihrf; built ry th -n.r. douhl. construction lhnuhom. rn.Ml.rn mr4 t)rt cU In rr p.rtlrul.r. I rKt Ji. lth " lmprov.miin p.m. tr hnu. t K l.lni-oln trt. BRI BAKKR HEXKI'liT. Anl. : McK.r BMC. PORTLAND HFIOHTS- REAL BAROAI.SS. VACANT. rtn. -nrti.r. ..rl S lot. "'. , Two run lo. Half .cr. .0m:0 . . 3'n0 Tbr-fourth. .-r Vprr Drtv..... 30OO REAL HOMES. ... (.room bnnc.lo.. furnih4 -JIS . room bung.low. 11 frool.I. V. 5-room htuw, J lot. T?. room hon V. rr '" 7-room kotlM. a good bv 'HED W. (ltRMAN. Buro.tdfc M or A STT. titlt (t DOWN 111 PER MONTH. riv.-room burnt. low. onlr two block, from c.r In ttr.t-clM. rtl.trKTt: Dut.n kltrb.n. built-in chin, clowt. Ir and rmnt b.m.nt. lot 4ili. Thl. I. a chanr. to .t . chuar lioin. on unu.u a'.ljr c.pc lmt CO-OIKRATIVE RKAI.TT fOMPA.NT. H-Zt-ll Ballw.y Eich.n.. KBXTOV. BRAND NEW. fOUT 4-ROOM BlXrtALOtt'. Two block, from c.r in Knton. Portl.nd a m.nur.cturin dl.trlct. h.. water, M..r and Uclrlclt. Prlc. only lliuo IJ down. b.lanc r parm.nta. B. s. roOK ''O.. itl Corbu Bld. JJEAt'TIPfl. It -room tioua. In bl l-.ur.l-hunt district: new ind modern In .very; t.r.. Ilvtna-room. dlnlnK-room nd kitchen, den. .lecplnic room, and l-ep-Ing porch: hardwood floora. two HrepUcca, m.njr bullt-ln featurca; lace. .t. with lew of mountain.: a be.utlful horn, and a b.m.ln t T'. .y frm. McAllbl tee 4, L.ueddcmann. 123 Klctrle bld! BROADWAY. InArtnO on corner Broadway and B. 1ih ala.. facln e.t and north: nine-room houH; thla property la In th bu.lneaa p.rt of Hilladay-lrTlncton and baa no rr.trtrtlon. on It. I'rlc. 10.0t. H. P. FALNER-JONEll I'O.. tr.' l'lS Commercial Club Hld. Phones Mala KOln). A I'tL'-O. MT. TABOR, Why pay I") for a amall horn, whea you can set for th aam. prtc a good .-room house with Hull Run water, lara. barn, chicken house, tool boon. MM beau tiful Royal Ann. cherry tree. In full bear Ins. pears. prunes, apple, .nd oilier fruits? bhechy llrosv. 130 Utb. ne.r Wah Ington. WEST-flIKE home. Nob Hill. new. nlc rooms, two bains. .por-hetlng system. Ruud w.ter be.ler4. sleeping porch, flre lee. ccoker. h.rdwood fliora and EVERT unliKRN CONVE.MENCK MONEY CAN IVSTAI.l Mr house I. one of til. beet planned and most arf.stlcally finished In Portland. Will sell icHIDO or lOAllOO lot. Owner. E &. OregonLn. ATTRACTIVE fire-room housa In Irvlngton: btina-alow efTect; on KJst IHih. near Thompson: east front: large llvlng-ronin with fireplace, dining-room, kitchen, pass pantry, two largo sl-eping rooma and a.e.plng porch: Prlc- .Vj"J. McAllister A l.ue.ldem.nn. ""J Electric bldg. fcUPERN. up-to-date, ft-room eotta... for some on. who will aoprectat. a rlc. little home; 2 block, from Ankery c.r. ne.r school aad efor: plenty of fruit and good garden, abundanc. of rosea: easy terms: will sell furnished If desired, phon. Eaat It'll. SCNNT8IPE. Splendid aeren-room housa. modem, s'l improvements In and pal.1 for: nlc. l.wn. roors and fruit trees: f t'.in. terma. MERCHANT" AVISOS 4k TRUST COMPANY. $4os -WALKING distance, new modern - room bunsalow on corner. UK eiae, nic. location, hardwood no ra. f - 9 iHtmly s -rom modern bung. tow. block to Ho. City Park car. easr terma on both. Jas C Logan. IIS (ipaldlng bids. ii.'e FOR a new i-rootn bungalow, t. blor-k from car. t.d cash, balance ternia. $ uawl for an g-room bungalow. 1 blocks from car. large rooms, all rnodern. $0iu cash, b.lanre terms. UUNCHAKIl CIXMSON. M Klmtb St. ArTe you looking for a horn on the Eaat rii.le? Pee us. W. some fin. br galn. In bouse. In Irvlngton. poee city I'.rk. laurel hurst an-1 other attractive Eaat ftlde districts. McA:ilstr at Uuedde- m.nn. 7 -'- Electric blug. IRV1XOTOV"HOME."7M . . new. modern, room house. east front, good raised lot. all conveniences, oak floor., etc. Alto new 7-room housa on Irvlngton carllne. Will rent better than a rr cent net. 7ov. terma. Owner. C V.X MOPERS and attractive house In Holla bay. on Clack. maa St.; a rooma. full base ment and furnare. fireplace. alecplng porch splendid neighborhood: large lot; fine value at 4o. terms easy. McAllis ter A Lu.dlemana. 72JElcctrlc bldg. g-ROtM house In Irvlngton. on East 17th: large living-room, dining-room. Dutrh kitchen, 'hree sleeping - Tooma. two flre-pla-ea. full basement .nd furnace: prlc s.4mmi, easy terma. McAlllater 4k Luedde roann. 7JJ Electric bl d g. BCT 3-AC RE HOME. JiOO cash, balanc. IJO month, burs S sere, of rich eoll. near lnta; 4-room housa. small fruit treea. garden, berries, a On place to keep chickens. Prlco .0. K. J. tiElsER. 2"- H Morrison st- " near"wai.xit"park. Stno for a .-room house on Cleveland eve., lot Mvlno, all modern, nns surroundings. Ino rash, balanc terms. BLANCH A RD A CLEM80N. Htlh St. I7 MmiERN 5. room bungalow. near SI I ungswen n ana i nivo. i.v eled dlnlng-routn. tle-trl lights, c.r service In city. Terms. B 57, gaal.o. " Heat urs- REAL. ESTATE. 70no g-rnom residence .nd practlc.lty 2 lot. on "tb .nd B-lmont streets: streets all Improved and cement walka In. $1200 strictly modern 7-room house with x 1 m lot. on East .th .nd Tay lor streets. faKK) buys sn Ideal suburban home, all modern, with own water eyetem and H blo.k of ground, with bear ing fruit, etc.. In Woodstock, only 3 blocka of car. $3.VM T-room modern bungalow, doubl. construction: bullt-ln .nd buffet, beamed celling .nd fire place, full buctneoi: one of finest views of elty. $32.V) 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, close In and convenient to 2 car lines, on Kcrhy street; has cola storsga In basement. $3"."00 J-rrwm bungalow: modern: gas and electricity: full cement base ment: $iu0 cash; between Pine and Ash streets. 12000 a-room bungalow; modern, newly tinted, well finished: good carllne, lot aoxluo; cash .300. tOOO 5-room house, modern: wired for electricity: lot iuiluo. 1."HJ down. $1500 41-room house; lot ROmlrtO: $200 cash, balance easy payments. THE LAWRENCE CO.. (.Successors to the Dunn-Ijtwrc nc. Co.l 24 Alder Street. FOR TRADE FOR ACREAGE. CLOSE IN. BY WARO INVESTMENT COMPANY. FENTON BI.IXJ. lUW, .-room bvng.iow, E. Tth. $s:i4Mt. h-room house, W. 14th. $.ivo. o-ruom house. 2tth at. $:l.".. 7-room house. E. Yamhill. 5-room house. E. 4 -'1. a 4 J ", tj room house. E. 7th. I47.MI. 7 -room house. 3r)th t. $4.mmi, 7-room house.- Leo ava. $-jvo4). 5-room house. 41tth St. $:il.. 5-room hnuie. 4i'd St. $:toiN. S room house. Decker ave. $:ltloo, w-room house, "7th ave. $:i2o,b ft. room house, bellwood. .l:tH). 5-room house. Laurelhurst ad dltiun. f:-Ho. 7-room house. E. oOth. $:;ooi, 6-rootn houe. t'lltTnrd addition. $4'ite. C-rooni house. E. Madison. Slit.uOO, e-rHm house. Missouri ave. II.Vhi, S-room house. Lovelclgh Ad dition. l.-..",uo. 7-room house. Moniavllla. We have many more attractive homes In the city and wruld be glad to show them. If you are looking for a trad, her. la vour chance. Particular. Ward In vestment Co.. 4ld-4l7-4lit Kenton bldg.. ftt s-ith at. Thone Main S3M. $". IRVINUTON HOME. Brand new. nine-room house, hath and sleeping porch, basement. 2 flreplacea. fur nace, hardwood fl'Mirs. dining room pan eled and beam celling: bath genuine lll'ng. Ravcloth Itoora. Corner lot. 10x100. $.00 down. $S0 per month. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT COMPANY. H-:0-II Rallasy Eirhatig. Olllcs open today (Sunday). RI V TH IP PAY $- A MONTH. NO FIRST PAYMENT NECKS ART. A very comfortable four-room house with big veranda, bath, electric Hghta, etc. A beautiful full-slsed lot three feet above street; convenient to streetcars snd In excellent neighborhood. Ow ner la In the Ea.t and wants to have house sold at once; his price Is a bar gain and terms like rent; $Iiko and $-'0 a month. See It today fSundayl. A. N. ttearl. Take M-V car; get oft E. Tth at. Office on th. corner (open Sun days). ltno. Tlrnnd new. i-room bouse; bath and sleeping porch. basement. 2 nreplacea. furnace, hardwood fl.Kra. dining room pan eled and beam celling. Bath genuine til ing. Ravcloth floors. Corner lut. 60x100; i.'.oo down, and $40 per month. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT COMPANY. H-30-21 Railway Evchans. office open today tbund.y). ELEGANT HOME. Owner leaving city ha. Instructed m. to sell his elegant home on Nob Hill, con elating of a rooms, with full finished at tic sultsbl. for billiard-room or cham bers: first and second floors solid oak: thla waa built by a famoua architect for his own homo and contalna many advan tages not found In ordinary houses: largo . closets, tiled batha and all convenlencea. call at office for price and terms. ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade Bldg. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. W have some very fin modern hotirea to offer to prospective buyers In desirable locations at rock-bottom prices: better call on us and go over our list before you buy. for we can eavs you both t m and movy. Cut this out and save It nr future reference. C. F. PFLfflER CO.. Full. 12-14 Mulkey Hide.. 2d and Morrison. EST A B 1.1SH F D ISM). A HOLLADAY SNAP. Beautiful 2 -story. 7-room. strictly modern house on East Irving St.. near IKth; lot 5"xU0. 2 blocka from R. C. car llne. has furnace, fireplace, book rasee, fine cement basement, with side entrance. Vhls plsce will have to be seen to he ap pteclated: price $.-.0O. ternia. For fur - ther p.rtlcul.r. c.ll on C. K. Pflugcr at Co.. realty dept.. suite 12 Mulkcy bldB-. 2d and Morrison. TWO "-room houses on East 10th St. North, two blocks south of Alberta carllne: built two years. In flrat-claaa condition; cement basement, pantry, nice bath, all rooms large and light. Hood residence neigh borhood. 2 blocka to school. Price tJ.VK); $254) cash, balance easy monthly payments. 4JOW AN-IDE TRI 'ST CO. Ground Floor Lumbermena Bldg. 5th and Stark sis. $13 PER MONTH. Buys a new. well-built, modern 4-room bungalow and a fine Improved lot In ;reory Heights. Call at our office, end of Itos.. Cltv Park rnrllne. UREOORT INVESTMENT CO. HPECI AT- $. rmw.v. :oo now.v. 4 IRVINGTOX RESIDENCES. Two beautiful residences In Irvlngton that ar. bargains: these houses are all new modern up-to-date and In the cream of Irvlngton. Don't fall to see these. M'KEN.IE. 101$ Board of Trade Ktilg. TlTKiMstory and a half cottage, built on bungalow style. In Irvlngton district, lias sleeping porvh. fireplace, double construc tion throughout, fin. basement- l.ot .".tlx loo eaat front, choice locality. Prlc. only $4500. $Mo caah. balance to suit. OOWAN-IDE TKIST CO. C.round Floor Lumbermena Bldg. ONE of-the finest-S-room new bungalows In Irvlngton: nothing larking: modern In everr way; will sell thla aa low as tlOOO down. bal. par some every threw months; one block from car. near 21st st.; no fhone c.Hs. . I. E. James roMJ0thst.narbtarit; ' BEAI'TIFL'L IRVINtiTON. ftnslDD corner, lovely 7-room bungalow, heid wood floor., fireplace and all con venience: larg. porches, garage. Prlc. $o.-.4o. Many flna home. In thla fin. ad dition. Z I M M E RM A N. S1 Board of Trade Bid g. MODERN B-room bungalow. Just completed, on lot 6"xli). with $ large cherry trees; this Is beautiful homt. .nd a bargain at $2.hmi, terma to suit. Call 414 Spalding bldg. J17.-0 NEW ft-room moo. cm ottage. Mt. Scott car: $lo down. Inquire owners. Christopher at Young. Grays crossing. Sl'.O tUd aven ue S- E. . IRVINtiTON BARGAIN. . Owner will sacrifice fine. new. modern home for $.".o.V; two-story. rooms and sleeping porch. Phone Msrshall 71X BT OWNER Modern "-room house, on Couch St.. between E. 15lh .nd E. Ililh ; two carllnes. lot ftOxintl: terms. Call Hit E. Couch St. I'hone East 4705. FOR SALE By owner, ft-room house with gas. lot 75x.v ft.. 3 blocka from Alberta rare. S blocka from Pnlon ave. carllne; a bargain at 2000 cash. Phon. C 242. WEST SIDE SNAP Lot 2"xon, good ft.roort, house. Thurm.n at.. $:l2i"i. income $-1 per month, terms part cash. Addtesa KM .VllaonBt. LARGE 4-room house, modern In every way. to minute.' ride on East Side, two blocks from car and school; rent $20. A. K. Mil. 41 1 Henry bldg. . $2oo CASH, balance easy: 4-room cottage; lots 55x117. near Flrland. Price. 10ou. H IGLET BISHOP. 132 3d Bt. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, with on. or three iota Inquire at Oil Carlton ave. Take Sellwood car. A SNAP 1000 equity In new. modern. 7 room house. $.VK) cash, balance easy terma. V Ml. prcgonlatl FOR Ss-t.E Nob Hill home, on carllne. cash or terma Phone Main 4K. after 1 P. M. Owner. HOI'SR for sale, account of sickness. 1199 East Kith st. North. 7-KOOM modern house, walking distance, c.ll at 3Jd Eugene sL HOLLADAY ADDITION RESIDENCE, 100x100 on corner of Weidler snd Esst 13th. Improved with fins lawn and bearing apples and cherry treea: P-room house, very attractive appearing and In excellent condition. Full cement basement with hot-sir fur nace, wash tubs and fruit closet. First floor has l.rg. reception hell, with wide Ilvlng-room, dining-room with bullt-ln buffet, kitchen and paaa pantry complete In every way; large, light breakfast room. Second floor has four large bedrooms with ample closet room, and cedar linen closet In hall. Attic Is floored and celled, with space for two rooms. Street Is hsrd-surfaced. 2 blocks from Irvlngton car and 1 block from Broadway car. Price $10,500 for a few day. KEASEY. HCMASON JEFFERY. 232 Chamber of Commerce. $5259. Brand new. t-room and sleeping porch, story and a half bungalow. 2 blocks from Broadway carllne. In a high-class restrict ed district. This housa Is very artistically arranged and of the very latest design and nnlsh. Can be handled on very easy terms. We recommend this bouse as on. of our very best buys. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT COMPANY. S19-20-J1 Railway Exchange, offics open today (Sunday). $30 A MONTH AND YOU OWN IT. Don't let today pass without seeing rny latest five-room house (planned for two large rooma upstalra If required); every convenience and soma especially attrac tive features. Full-sixed lot facing E. Glisan (the new SO -foot boulevard). Convenient to both M-V and Mt. Hood carllnes. Price $200. $30 a month; no first pay ment necessary. A. N. Seorle. Take M-V car; ret off K. 7th st. Office on the corner (open Sun days). ; IRVINGTON HOME. By owner nd builder. Jrttli and Juft being completed; $"2."Q. ,2730 cash, balance on easy terms: 8 -room house, full basement and large attic, can be used for bllllard-room. furuace and flrepluce. dining-room, Irving-room and library, paneled and beamed ceiling, hardwood Hours, new designs; Just the thing for a rosy home; worth your while to look at it. Gluatlna Bros.. 213 Hnry bidg. MsrshsU 4"o; resldsncs Msin 4032. llllt IRVINOTO.N HOME. Brand new. 7-room bungalow of the very latest type and design an be handled on erv easy terms. Make ua an offer. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. $19-20-21 Rallnav Exchange. Office open today (Sunday). W. II. HERDMAN. J47 E. 15TH N. Eaat !73. C 1. has a $2.00 home for much less, large rooms, living, dining, music and reception hall, all nnlshed In choice Eastern oak. tine stairs. & large bedrooms, both floors splendid work In oak. upstairs doors sll oak. woodwork In imported enamel, kitchen large, gaa and wood rangea. every equipment, both most modern throughout: no detailed informa tion over the phone. No Agents AM LEAVING PORTLAND. $1&0 ON EASY TERMS. Buys my new hous. of six rooms and bath, on 50x100 lot. Electric, lights, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, one block from car. Will also sell furniture with or without piano. It is a bargain for. someone. Mount Scott car to Whitman Station. Call 7425 R4th sv.. or phon. daytlm. Mar. 273 or A 4317. SCBPRBAN HOME. 1 Ft'I.I. ACRE, 7-room house, modern, nesr ststlon on electric, only 25 minutes from Washington St.; two bearing fruit trees, some forest trees on bsnk of liv ing stream: spring water; desirable nei ghbors; $:i0OO. - $I2.M cash. THE SPANTON CO., Oak St- . THREE attractive new 5-room modern cot tage, on East 20th St.. H block to car. 10 minutes to town. Improvements all In and paffl. Houses now being piasterea. and can be finished to suit buyer. These ar unusually swell cottages. Prli-e $3200. small cash payment, balance monthly. GO WAN-IDE TRCST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bids'. 5th and Stark St. SIX acres, close to Portland, the best of soil, about 2 acre, ciearea. smau nou.o. In thickly settled community, now offered at $2500 with $250 cash and $25 and ac crued interest each month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Si. Main 33. A S500. KNAP HITNTEHS. ATTENTION, yew. strictly modern 6-room house, fine location and every convenience, near 5 cent car, building restrictions, 5(1x100. bearing fruit tree. Owner must sell. No ressonsble offer refused. No commission. $.".(mi will handle, balance $15 a month. J 51. Oregonlan. I AM Just completing a nice o-room house; has front and back porch, good plumbing, full cement basement, woodllft, etc.; lot 511x100: this place will be sold on easy terma and If sold Immediately will be stained snd palntd to suit purchaser, s.-e the owner. 414 Dekum bldg. Phon. Main 6rl46. BEAI'TIFl'lj RESIDENCE. $12,000 residence In the finest part of Irvlngton. lot 100x100. residence 10 rooms all the Infest and modern fcleas of a home that could be had on easy terms. M'KENZIE. 1018 Board of Trade. $ :i2.-"VVR OO M BI : N G A LO :W $3 2.V). Iiiil h kitchen, beamed ceilings, paneled walls. Orrplace. ststlonary wash trays, strletlv modern In every detail; $750 r ish. balance easv terms. 503 Lumbermens bid g. M a rshall 1x58. 2.VI N. IflTH. near Marshall: large house, three apartments, one each floor; tile bath on each floor, steam heat, etc.; all newly painted and tinted throughout: rent ti'et. Inqulr. Mr. Graves, Graves Music Co.. Ill 4th St.. city. OWNER will sacrifice strictly modern four room cottage, plastered, cement basement, gaa. electric lights, telephone, lawn, gar den, etc.: only $135; $300 cash. Phons Tabor 2733. ON account of leaving city will sell my new. modern 7-room house very cheap; little cash and balance on easy terms; furniture If wanted. 62 East 68th st.. Mount Tabor i-ar. Commission to agent- $io CASH, balance easy, new 5-room mod ern bungalow. Hawthorn, carllne; full basement, fireplace, everything first-class ; ontv i:iooo. HIGLEY aV BISHOP. 132 Third st. FOR SALE Irvlngton home, hsrdwood floors, furnace, fireplace, bullt-ln buffet and bookcases. paneled dining-room, beam celling, cooling closet, cement base ment . terma. Phone East 331Q. $2500 MODERN 7-room' house. bath, elec tric lights, cement basement, terms If de sired. Taggart. 41$ Chamber of Com merce. $16nrCZNew 5-room Ihingalow. finished ex cept plumbing, water In. large corner lot. cast front, near Ockley Green School; ' terma I nqulre 10D5 Maryland ave. $200 CASH. bal. easy. 3-room cottage, lot 4x104). near car. on Main st. Lents. Price $650. H1CI.ET 4 BISHOP. 132 Third st. $50 CASH. bal. easy, buys a fin. new 5 room modern bungalow. 2 blocks car. full basement, everything first-class. $2000. H IGLET BISHOP. 132 Third st. LARGE 6-room house, a fine modern build ing and an elegant home on Broadway at.; modern throughout at $4500. terms to sulL Call 414 Sp.ldlng bldg. $1150 If teken at one; modern cottage. 4 large rooms. 2 closets, full basement, cor ' ner lot. 2 blocks Mount Scott car. Phon. Tahor 23110 FOR SALE 6-room modern cottage 14th and Hall. West Side. $1000. AO 78, Ore go n 1 s n CHEAPER FOR CASH Attractive ft rooms, choice district. Al csr service. $2300; terma Phone owner. .Marshall 1364. IISOO HOCSE and full lot, 50 by 100; fruit: terma Montavilla car to 05th, 1 block south. No. 60. $2300 Hous. and cot i.r. 150x100. fruit, chicken house; term. Tske Mont.vllla car to 65th at.. 1 block south. No. 60. $37.V) N rV modern 6-room house, corner loL 39th and Halsey; terms; by owner. Y Bft. Oregonlan. DANDY 8 -room house near Joncsmore for only $165'. terms: lot worth $UO0; a sure sacrifice. MalnTl22. $100 CASH. $10 a month. 5-room house, 31 blocks station: price $1350. HIGLEY BISHOP. 132 Third St. DODTM vri H RIGHTS. Owner offers for sale splendid " Heights residence: strictly modern. 6 largo airy and well-lighted bedrooms, also - sleel ping porches witn areasing-rjoi .... doors, living-room 20x34. with larg ror. door. ge fireplace, dlnlng-rooin 20x2O, beautifully paneled,' large nreplace and buffet, iarea r . i K ..... ,ii.rl .ink cool cup board, etc.; paneled bllllard-room and den. ca-kbedral beamed and rustic roace. wine 'cellar and fruitroom; love.y t'?"fJ dining porch and large porct oil Horn living-room; 2 complete bathrooms. J toi lta 5 lavatories."1woJ floors -wood-lifts, wood, coal an 1 clothes chute, roomy closets. 2 lota .lrlvww.y. lovely native treea everything thai m for attractiveness and comfort. -v se eluded location, beautiful surroundings Price only $14,004). Can arrange terms. HENRY C. PRCDHOMME, Ov.-ner. 90 Spalding Bldg. a iwni.lTTEl.Y A BARGAIN. You will never again have the oppor . .... . i . .. ,-. mt.oo.1i home line I this at the price. Located on I"",'01! east face lot. " block to car " 'J . homes surrounding, contain """", floors, sleeping porch and full yem"J basement, besides every llt-t-les cieuatl " makes a cosy home. Remember. 7 mf" of hard surface are now being lam n this district, but improvements ar all in on this street. If you treat yourself fair, you must see this. If not sold In in ")' will be taken off the market, aa 1 am offered 35 per month rent. Price -''-make your own terma ou have never had your foot, Inside a house. See Askwlth at 1067 Cnl Take Richmond (W-R) car to Marguerite ave. Tabor 2852. RIVERSIDE HOME. A beautiful home of seven V1- " recentlon hall, a full-length lt"n-r"m with fireplace and cement and t r'nc" windows, bookcases and window eats. a beamed and paneled dining-room, kltcheu with full equipment of cloaets and pan tries, four bedrooms, each In separate color scheme, closets and bathrooms, sleep ing balcony, large attic, full cement ment. extra large furnace .hrd"X floors: the grounds cover about an acre in extent and command a fine and unob structed view: this beautiful home Is lo cated in the most exclusive residence dis trict In the city and Is of exceptional value for the money. R. F. BRYAN. Main Iftfvl. 005 Cham, of Com. A 1 L 3oon. , ... . New 5-room bungalow on nice hlgrt. sightly lot with good view. It is double construction throughout and all material best relected. This bungalow Is built with the same care and detail you would take if you were building It yourself. Just note this description and you will have some Idea of the beauty of this bungalow. Splendid fireplace. built-in bookcases, fancy buffet, paneled dining-room, jard wood floors, nicely tinted walls. Dutch kitchen, full basement with cement floor, laundry travs. One of the most pleasant features in connection with this bungalow ia a fine sleeping porch, making Ina" rooms: price 30UO: $500 cash. Hubbell AV Richards. 984 Hawthorn, ave. Tabor 4R0. B 1216. . $1O"0 CASH Balance $23 per month, the same as rent, one of the neatest little homes on Broad way street in Irvlngton today. This house Is only 6 months old and thoroughly mod em In everv respect. Has 8 fine rooms, reception room, living-room, dining-room. Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, sewing-room, den. sleeping porch. back and front porches: in fact, everything that you could possibly ask for. We are asking onlv $51104) for this house which Is at least $1000 below sctual value. Come In and let us prove our assertions and If this hous does not fill the bill we have more In the same locality. F. E. TAYLOR X.. 404-5 1-ewls Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts $100 CASH. WALKING DISTANCE. 4-room beautiful, .modern bungalow, fruit trees and a fine large lot, rRICE $2200. PHONE TODAY. DETSCH WITWER. 518 Board of Trade. A 1559. Main 2182. . HANDSOME BCNOALOW IN HIGH-CLASS KESTRICTED DISTRICT. 5 extra large rooms, hardwood floors, per fort arrangement, every modern conve nience. Lot ioxloo. PRICE $3750. NEW. SMALL PAYMENTS. DETSCH Ar WITWER, 018 Board of Trade. A 1. .'.!. Main 2182. 5-ROOM BI'NGAI.OW, $2401) $300 CASH. Full cement basement, extra large attic, complete plumbing and tinted throughout, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen and con nected to sewer, water and gas. shades and fixtures all In. balance can all b paid at $15 per month; Improvements all paid. A snap. Call 10H7 Clinton st. Take Richmond car to Marguerite ave. Phono Tahor -2S52. ' BUNGALOW. $500 CASH. Own your own home. 6 rooms. Seeing Is believing. All built-in latest improve ments, hardwood floors, six-foot buffet, hand chipped brick fireplace. rnlrror door, beautiful light golden oak finish woodwork and white enamel. Take Rose City Park car. get off 5Sth St.. 1 blocks north. Owner on ground afternoons, or phon. Main 4144. FREE! TREE! FREE! BUILDING. Plans and specifications If w. build for vou. Money always on hand for construc tion work. You can pay for it as rent. 602 Beck bldg. 7th and Oak sts. 74TH AND E. BURNS1DE. 5-room cottage, all newly reflnished, tinted and painted; wired for electric light, has wash tray, bath and toilet r.nd fine high lot, 50x100; 3 blocks from car line, near Mount Tabor Heights. -reet improved, also cement sidewalks. Only $..0 cash and $15 per month. $1750. Smith Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldgj Ainl-ENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A NEW BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. About 2 blocks from Hawthorne avenue, with full lot: price $2500; $300 or $..00 cash and balance to suit the purchaser. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., 133',. First St. HANDSOME 8-room house on East lrtih street. In beet Irvlngton district; new and with every modern convenience: hardwood floors and very attractive arrangement: eaat front: a barguln at $7imio, good terms. McAllister & Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. FOR-SALE Bv owner, new 5-room bunga low bath, full basement, strictly modern, fine lawn, young fruit trees, garden: a nice home or good Investment: 240": $400 cash, balance like rent. See it today, o East 81st st. Take Montavllla cai. B-ROOM new bungalow. 2 blocks from Al berta car. near IRth st. Will take a $b..O lot and little money for first payment; fine home and ROxl 00 lot; price $2.VX. Call and go out to see 11. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10th St.. near Stark. CHOICE-Irvlngton residence lot. within 4 blocks of Union ave.. paved streets: $100 paid on street assessment, bslance bonded. Prie. $1300. easy terms, leaving city, must sell. Address M. E. T.. 634 E. 12th st. SMALL payment down, balance monthly, buys new home. Irvln-.on. reu ly for oc cupancy. Furnace, fixtures, window shad.s. full cement basement, I'hone owner. East 24'IH. Main 574. HOUSE and lot for $00; nice new 4-room bungalow on Mt. Scott carllne. plumbing. Dutch kitchen, rooma tinted, large wood shea) $300 cash, balance terms: -would take lot as part payment. Owner. 247 Vi 5th st. MODERN $-room house. 100x100. corner lot East Salmon St.. beautiful home or excellent apartment site. P 7, Ore gonlan l:,0 5-ROOM cottage with bath. 50x100 lot fenced, strawberries, fruit, very easy terms; near Mt. Scott car. CELLAJtS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. 4 -,n 3lod e rn 6-room house, finest part of Irvlngton. 1 block from Broadway car line Soma terms. Inquire owner, 415 E. 25th st., N. Phone C. 2378. FOR SALE Modern 8 -room house, 1029 Gar Held -nve.. 1 block from Union ave. This Is asnap. Phone Woodlawn 1009 or C 2429. Owner. iii'M IRVINGTON home. 6 rooms. East 'th. near Halsey. rented till Sept. 1 at $35 per .month. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. 5-ROOMED cottage in good condition, will easily rent for 16 per month: price only $1000. J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Com merce j-jivoii .ix-room bungalow, 500 down, bal ance to suit. Call E. L. And r,Rn, Sellwood 527. 1500 Modern 4-room house and lot at Kenton; small payment, balanc like renL Owner. M. 4279. F'OOO 5-ROOMbungalow. $300 down, bal ance to suit. Call E. L. Anderson Sun day, Sellwood 027. $4000 CORNER 11th and Hancock, new 6 room bungalowOwner. East 2227. HOUSE lot for sale. $700. $250 cash; lot la worth 1700 alone. Phone Woodlawn 304. 4-ROOM house near 3 carllnes. walking dis tance. Phone owner Sellwood 1278; terma. WAVER LEIGH Heights lot. 32d and Kelly stB.. 150. owner, r- utb". BARGAIN Good all-around horse, buggy, wagon, 2 harnesses, $100. Tabor 2624. -SOMETHING NEW. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3000. . 50( CASH. f DISAPPEARING BED. T-aree living-room, paneled dining-room, buffet, mirror door, single paneled doors. Dutch work kitchen, nlckle-f Inlshed bath room, solid brass hardware, clinker brick chimney, tiled fireplace, full cement base ment. STRICTLY MODERN. Lawn graded, street Improvements nil in and paid; by owner. 4Sth and E. Maul son, block north of Hawthorne. Phone Main 496: CLOSE IN, HIGH CLASS. $100 CAH. 5-room bungalow, cement floors. Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room. Property will rent for $30 a month. Corner lot. PRICE $3300. Balance $30 a month including interest. This Is just what you have been looking for as an investment and home and LET US SHOW YOU TODAY. DETSCH & WITWER, LIS Board of Trade. A 1559. Main 2182. $3200. $400 CASH. Brand new 6-room bungalow, one snort block from Hawthorne avenue In restrict ed residence district. This bungalow Is Just being completed and by buying it now you can select your own tinting and staining. The floor plans are excellent with nice, large living and dining-rooms; nice fireplace with bookcases on each side, paneled dining-room. builtHn buffet, com plete Dutch kitchen, full basement with cement floor. laundry trays, large airy at tic. The room! are all light and sunny and if you are looking for a pleasant and well constructed home you cannot beat this one. Hubbell & Richards. K.S4 Haw thorne ave.. corner Glenn. Tabor 4S0, B 121(J. A VERNON SNAP! 7-room 2-storv house, strictly modern, gas. electric lights. built-in buffet, double-wall construction, first-class ma terial throughout, full cement basement, furnace heat, laundry trays, one block from carllne, graded street, cement walks, nice lawn. This house was built for a home and Is a bargain at $3750; terms; will not last long. See Owner, 109. Ver non ave. Phone C 2763. RENT PAYERS. LOOK AT THIS. $100 CASH. Beautiful bungalow In VERNON district. 50x100 lot. every modern convenience, fix tures, shades and tinting, furnace. You will not be without a home If you once see this. Phone today for full particu lars aud Investigation. Price $3000. DETSCH WITWER, 518 Board of Trade. A 1559. Main 2182. A COZT HOME. AT THE RIGHT PRICE ON THE RIGHT TERMS. these up-to-date bungalows. Just completed, and those under construction In Clock's Addition, overlooking Mt. Ta bor Park and the city; a beautiful loca tion: $2000 to $3O00 on easy terms. Take Mt. Scott car to Powell Valley road, walk east 3 blocks to 55th St., owner on prem ises. Office 252 Alder. Phone Main 8189. BEAUTIFUL HOME, n.-.llO. With wide porch running full length on two sides and SOxloo of ground. extra large rooms besides den. pantry and com- 'plete bath and extra toll. Thoroughly modern in every respect and full cement ' basement with large fruitroom and fur nace. 2 blocks to double track carllne. 25 minutes out: at least $1000 cash, as I need the money. X. Oregonlan. GREAT SACRIFICE. FEW DAYS ONLY NOW OR NEVER. 4-ROOM NEW. MODERN BUNGALOW. $l!.".n. Little down, balance like rent. Cement foundation, full basement. 2 blocks from Mt. Tabor car, short dis tance from Sunnyside. No phone an swers: call at office. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 IQIh st.. near Stark. 15 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. Never-falling stream $523 cash. This 15-acre ranch, right on electric line, with a never-falling stream for one boundary, is an especially good layout for a hog ranch, poultry farm or dnlry. It hiss 9 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation: soil s a rich dark loam Just tho kind for gardening; 05 acres, all In potatoes Just across the road: 1 acre beaverdam, balance first-class timber; lies on main county road, close to school and store, 3i miles to city of 3000. less than 1 -hour's ride from Portland, with many, trains daily. Adjoining land planted to iruit Go with us and see how it thrives drainage Is all right too much cannot be said for quality of land. Price $2625 Only $.25 cash. al.mce $15 a month, 6 per cent imere"RALPH ACKI.EY. 605 Corbett Bidg. COME OUT TO COURTNE1. 1 1-3 acres, 2 blocks to car: grand view, small, neat home: most beautiful spot and locality; every known fruit and berry, y70ac?e.t.eon',car: -I kinds fruit; 7-room home: a beauty and ch"ap. 5-acxe modern home; every convenience, fruit, berries, lawn; near car. We have several fine homes in this lo cality that cannot be advertised. The finest suburb around Portland. CLODFELTER BROS., 414 ;otl-h Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIAL1. vHI iTcRES with fine buildings, orchard, lorries. shrubbery! lowers ""ytl.t-j. verv coroplete; place ready to move Inio andyyo?sPfor $7500. This Is only f-J from Fourth street rarline and only 10 minutes- rid. from center of city; a for a nlc "" ahead of the rolvth the city at farm prices. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 35vK). MY FINE SUBURBAN HOME, lo' acres near Courtney; highly im proved; grand view; great variety fruit; S-room modern house. water- system, barn, greenhouse, one of the best subur ban homes; no mortgage; want some cash: take bal. good , property : 8c fare Oregon City line. Now get busy and hum. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. SUBURBAN Hour. " c"- ....o . I . rR pq 3 miles west of St. Johns. 84enouTh cordwood' to pay for .and: this 1 only mile from the now M. Helens Hall site ad will double in value in very short time? now offered at $175 per acre, good ,ermTHE8HAW-FBAR COMPANY, . 1110 rmirth St. Main 3i. A 3500 17M) Ten acres best soil, partly Improved; sightly location overlooking Columbia River- four snow mountains in plain view; 10 minutes' walk to A. & C Railroad sta tion, one hour to Portland; suitable for fruit, poultry or dairying; nothing better, easy t.rras. . PALMER. 512 Couch Bldg.. At 109 4th St. 157 ACRES, on north bank of Tualatin River with Salem Electric through center of farm- only 20 miles south of Portland i.i.1 must be sold to close a bankrupt estate: "on can get this for the apprais ment of $150 per acre. THE SH A W-FE A R .COMPANY, 100 troiirth St. Main 35. A 3500. IMPROVED ACREAGE. -Acre tracts near Lents, good soil, good water near good carllne; 7c fare to Portland; price $600; easy terms. Buy nW f CHAPIN & HERLOW. (P.) S32-33W Chamber of Commerce WEST SIDE 2o minutes out on Oregon Electric, block from Multnomah station. 4 beautiful, sightly acres; $1000 per acre, terms; lots 50x100 in tract across street selling at $600. Cai! at tent-house, seen from station, or address A. C. Currier, Hlllsdaic. ur., n. . citvi'D CPPTVfi ACRE. Acre tracts at silver spring station, j .,.., 1,.. ni.ntu of shade, a ties nue auu ..nonj. ..-.-. -- fine co3v cottage, within a stone s throw of station: a fine residence. Buy now of CHAPIN HERLOW. (R) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce LEAVING FOR EAST MUST SELL. My 20 acres, 3 miles N. W. Llnnton; level: no rocks or gravel and 20 ft. of fruit soli. See it. make offer and get It. Owner. XX 50. Oregonjan S0 ACRES of land 3 miles from Mount Hood Electric line. 65 acres level, in improve ments and orchard: well watered; price $1850. Call 307 1st Bt. . RIVER frontage. 410x170 feet, cheap. M. O Vroc.tor. Oak lirovc 125x320 ACRE LOTS. Within 2 miles of city limits. Near electric car. Good water piped to front of lot. Faces graded street. Excellent for chickens, berries, gar den truck. A snap at $.;.0: $100 down, balance J per cent a month. Main 1400. A 3213. (Persons buy ing now can get two or more lots together.) Howard S. Amon Co.. 625-6 Yeon bldg. THREE acres. 20 minutes' ride f rem . H aw thorne bridge, between 28th and -itn sta. Improved with good 7-room house, lur nace. good plumbing: faces 2.0 feet on. improved street, cement walk. Has 1.0 bearing fruit trees In first-class condition. 1 - acres of small berries, large garden planted for this season. Can be cut Into lots and sold at big profit. Halt mile north of Reed Institute, one block trom car. Price $20,000. will trade for farm in Willamette Valley. GOWAN'-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. AMON'S ACRES. Below market, close in. on Pow ell Vallev road, near electric car. Everv lot faces graded street and has water under pressure for house and garden uae: $750. on time. Main 14O0. A 3213. Howard S. Amon Co., owners, 625-6 Yeon bldg. A COUNTRY HOME. Within the 3-mile circle, 10 acres a" '--cultivation except small pasture witn spring and creek. Orchard and smalt fruits and berries: beautiful 9-room nilnB alow. porcelain bath. cemented lawn and flowers: $12,000 with reasonable cash payment or will accept first-class city property up to $40011. TROWBRIDGE A STEPHENS. 827 Board of Trade. . $130 PER ACRE, AT HILLSBORO 132 acres of line land, close to station. SO acres under cultivation, new "-roo nouse with basement, barn and outliulld Ings. 1 !i aeres In orchard. This is an elegant proposition to cut up Into smaller tracts and make a fortune. Come in and let us tell vou more about it: easy terms. C. i PFLUGER & CO.. Suite 12-14 Mulkey hlds.. 2d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED 1S80. 3 ACRES FOR $12..0. 5 acres, all in full hearing fruit, that netted to the owner this Inst year $500. This property Is located 12 miles from Portland on main county road. 5 blocks from streetcar line. M mlle.from ntpli school and good country town; $500 casn, balance on easy terms. ,.-. -v CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 510-20-21 Railway Exchange bldg. BELOW MARKET Vine acre lot near car. 'x miles from business center of city. Good soil: water under pressure: adapted to chickens, garden, berries; $.-o on time. Main 1400. A 3213. Olfered by owner. A BARGA1. acres with 5-room house. barn, chi.ken-house. pigpen, smokehouse store-w house. 54 fruit trees, a garden. 2 ''" Soring oats, running stream, spring anrt well and IV. lots, with a good 5-room bouse8 just across' the MoTa 11 a ac uity all one block from the Molalla ar line for $3500: $2noo caah. . balance 1 year. AR 70. Oregonlan. TOoTa-CRES in Willamette Valley, on mile from good town and railroad This Is a small tract proposition. Hundreds or acres in immediate vicinity were recently sold out in small fruit tracts at 1o0 to $200 per acre. Our price only $40 per acie. SeS GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. MYF1NE SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres near Courtney Sta.. all highly Improved, grand view, great variety frui's. S-room house, niodernly "lU'I'Prd. AM GOING TO SELL. See and make orrer. any "reasonable terms. Some trade, CLODFELTER RROJ, 414 ouch Bldg. SUBURBAN H OMES PEC 1 A LISTS. 108 ACRES 85 in cultivation. 8 acres genu ine beaverdam. balance pasture and oak: timber, stream t hroturh place : land near ly level, black loam soil: plenty of y.atei new barn. 50x50: granary and other out buildings: mile ( R " miles to town and railway station. $110 per acre. A 70. Oregnnian. BUS! NESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. I have 100 acres, close to car and auto mobile' road and city; T want l men to co In with me and develop It Into i ?uhurhan"hornes. It is an Idea, h,catlon and 5100 per acre less than tho market. AM urFsuiiiBii. 3 acres 8 blocks from Bar ow station all cleared: lies nice and level; fine open country, close to schools and churchjs. price J.'OO: S1.-.0 cash, halance to suit Fo-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 519-20-21liwayExhaldg. ' TFV ACRES ON FOURTH ST. LINE. Twelve miles west of Portland: all level and seeded to clover. Not a foot of waste land. $.-.00 cash, balance easy. This is a sweli little farm. -. GOWAN-IDE TRUST CfY Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. K'per- ,3 if desired, balance easy terms. Wbb, 414 East Stark st. rToONE acre tracts, close In on West Side the verv best garden land, no rock or gravel, "wood enough to last a family 10 vearsl there is nothing on the market so desirable: i cash, balance $10 monthly. AJ 50. Orcgor.ian. vprv choice 10-acre orchard tract near Fills Cltv good soil, running water, near railroad and In fruit district: very easy iso 34-arrc tract near Dallas: 12 acres umvated? small house. 414 Dekum bldg. Phone Mnf . $225 PER ACRE. Choice 5-aire tracts. 35 minutes rid-i from Portland: fine soil. U mile from. Oregon Electric: ,I,,v'lerm.s' ., , COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade BldSj A SNAP. ,cno ...-., most beautiful logged- off land .lose to R. R. and river, at $15 per acre If sold quickly: terms: fine acre age proposition, would sell rapidly. JT 58. Oretronlall , FOR an investment I have 4 acres n. e y located on Barnes Heights, west of It Park 3 blocks to carllne: will sell all or part of It. r. Miekelson, 526 Market, Mam 5871V 6 ACRES All in clover: sandy loam: living stream, fruit trees In hearing: J" '" ' school, churches, stores and elect nr rail way station; V, hour to Portland. $ .iO. easy terms. B CO. Oregonlan. r.-, ACRES 2' miles Oregon City, tra main road 2-3 in cultivation; Rood soil house and 'barn, family orchard; only 1.0 per "rlV.I.ET & BISHOP. 132 Third st. CHOICE 10-acre tracts, rich deep soil, all In cultivation, convenient to ;rod town, choice orchard tracts, price JNW p-r acre, can pav SIOO down, long lime or. balance. WESTER N LAND CO.. 24S Stark st. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Our cllnet wants the Interest: only $ s cash and J10 per month buys a 5-arrsj Tract at Valley Vista: only $1000. Smlth lvr.erCo.. 311-312-LcwiabliS. . J-7 SALE 2 1, -acre fruit. berry and thicker , ranTh. near car. good house; $350.1. mortgage $1000. Will take lot some casli. good entity or mortgage. 4"s Phone Main 4910. ownet going ba kEnsL 40 "acri;s:Vo in cultivation: orchard bear ing: good fences: one mile torstore school and church. $45 per acre. L (.9. Ore gonian. 77. TTRES Partially cleared: rolling land: some plowed: fine spring; on road close to railroad surveys. $1j will buy it. 70. Oregonlan. . i acres all In crop and crops go with "place; fine deep soil, rolling land: house, well etc.: 'i mile from town and railway. $1S an acre: terms. A 69. OrcKonian. . r.roviX 10 acres. i mile east Clack amas station; fine soil, clear. 202 E. B 2S."2- ; acres, near Lents, only 51200: "n cash. " bal easv: 1 acre same locality $600; $10 down. bal. $10 per month. HIGLEY Ar BISHOP. 132 Third st. WILL sacrifice my acre tract, right at station, lo-cent fare, good soil, fine view. AB 79. Oregonlan. . BFAUTIFUL acre tracts, bearing fruit trees, at Garden Home; $700 to $S00; one snap at $.-.:.Q: terms. Phone East 2.1.'i.. . H GRKENSIDE. 319 Board of Trade, sal's irrigated land in tracts to suit pur chaser. on main line of railway. 160 ACRES on river and proposed railway (United): contains 3.000.000 feet of fine fir timber. $S per acre. E 80. Oregoniun. CULTIVATED acre at station near Garden Home; running creek: $330. Tal-or 97 1.. gTrDENTiOME Acre at station, $575. easy terms: no agents. Tabor 976. CITY acres, near Mount Tabor. Phone own er. East 3800. . EQUITY In 2 Westmorelanad lots, trade for auto. 07 4 Couch bldg. . 10 ACRES, full bearing prunes, near Port" bind. $ii00: terms. H 77, Orcguulan. (