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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1911)
11 ) BUSINESS Property tOT nnn Threw - atorr brick nd lUUU three home. .0x12 feet. Fay 10 per cent. Q ffff Northwest for. Fland- jOlDUU and Knot Eleventh Pts. Th'ii 1 choir location for light manu facturing plant. Chas. Ringler & Co. 311 Lewla Bids. OWNER NEEDS MONEY 4 LOTS, S950 Lots 21, 22. 2.1 and 24. Mock 176, University Park. B. S. COOK & CO 503 Corbtt BuiMinz. Vancouver, Wash. BllF.. PROPEMTT -nxtOa-ft. lot on main atreet. perfect location for offl.-e and .tore building, or apartment. f 12,360 90w cash, bal ance term. H, RKCltlR fO, 11 Bld. UN.ON AVENUE 8J50O I OH S32SO Ifa up for few dara ioxlOi In tha heart of bunlntti. .1jom two pre.aed bncit business hlorki. Never find bar. train like tiil again In thl fi'" vom In buslnea atreet: $l,i t-"l r quired, bnlance per cent. Hurry. J. U. KF.:iV. PC! talra Ave, X. AX 1IOHK. Mmt tiara ah. $: will handle, ele- r'ant Irvlncton home, eight rooma, verr ateat linih. A np at !"!. East th. near Hraiee. I'tiune Kail 11H. For Lease Corner lnxlO on fcUt 3-1 M, 1 block aouth rf Ham thorite. H per month. I'nona rIlwood lStfi. HEAL K.T,T prAUK-l Beck. William G-. 113 Falling bid. Braoaaar Benedict. u Me-? bide m Ma. mala Herlow. $J Chamber rom ifx Coea. B- 8- 4 Col. SO. Ca.beM bide Jacnine A Co.. Mala Is. SO Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES COl. - P, 213 Commer cial ub boi. In. Oresroa Baal Kstat ,. orand are. aad Mlllsorcah tHo.Iady Additions M. K- THuJlr'foN CO , cor. 4th and oak ta BE VL ESTATE. 1 or Mur Uuaaea. NOW OR NEVER. FINK LOIS FKuXI ;3 DOWN AND $W MO.VTIII.T. Tneaa- are in the vi.-inlty of Hawthorne ave . initio luta. many hove fine bearing fruit treea on flu. h price: fmB term.: ric one now for name price aa you pay ..vera; mtica out. Take caxa to 43.1 and Hawthorn. A-nl there. Portland-i"a-eifie Inv. Co.. 41 Hallway Lutui. o')IS lota away i" !t value. Westmore land, en earlin., InAO; Miuway annex. 1 block to car. :. Laureluunt. Imp. all In. nioo: North 1'.I'X. Ill; krn l-arli. luuxluu. fialy ot otn- er lo' llerl. H. E. JAMti CO.. Uh at., near Fiark. M"tVTORXE AVE. CORNER LOT. Here la ne of the beet cornra lr the moner ori Hawthorne ave. Frle tm: terme $H.v down- t'ornera are ecarce at thte price. vee ac.nt. comff 4.M ana HaWfiorne ave. p..rt,and-l'acl(lc Jav. Co., 4la Hal. ay tirainta"rst. 1 have a l.a aura cod b'lva In thli beautiful a'1li'ton. one for la and an orn.r f'r llllw. Improvem.nia In. two block to ear and t-r a euy !'. Take t4niavuia car to Syth et.. aaa ior Mr. I-.Uhutir or plana Ea.t Vrf. ATTENTION. BVIT-T FUS AND SPEf-fLA- Ti'K.'t. 13 fin lot la RUSK CITY PARK, eon afd.rabie Ie than market price; all cleared anl etret Improvement m and paid lor. Hloen R'aiiy r, i;od Alder t- IXOSlf TO I'M oXA V EM t And Alberta atreet. Nat building lot. It'lh an 1 aif htly. Cemral walk la. l eToUL Kaay t.rma UulDMU a W1EDRICK. 3J ftark ft reel. MUIITLT CORNER. r.aat Slat and Pro..k.yn treeta 0v 1'e B"th lreet Improved aad londed. Ketrlctr4 dlatrlcc. I'rl- e S Term. Cul)tKI a WIKIHIKIC. 2S ftara Slreel. IBVIV.ITOV Wjt rvcrlflce l SOvtrtO lot en Irttb aear fr'anton. axuh all Improve ment, face eat and a ljolna aa " home, turn aail for lln. teb or will eoaalder term, woria Joul AU o. Ore- f JBlaa. RoeE CITT PARK. Eirra fine. N. E. cornr lot. Eaet SOth and Ttiiamook . . for aai by . rETi.R AHrr, pa l moo aL. vv pf.R CENT ea.h. I v.V for a nne lot In a reetrlcted n'.rrl.-l. Lot S. l,o.-a i. llan tcm tre addition, ea Han. a t.. of Jih- Chaa. Nun an, Mlberma tfavtnc 1 1 an k. , LOT l. with fra!t tr.- Bn vi.w mn.t rloe lii. on Et I-tt 'or 44 raaa aad balance at l per month: water and kmprovvm.nta In and vld f .r. gee owner. 414 paldln b:d. tlARciAlX CAt'.-FTO TIT CMSCAL CtR ' lisri.V'fl. ta bu an tw o In R City Park; mifht a leaer caa pay ment. O 11. Oret'iima. ;rwiaii; HTLTUur;iiurvt bt. T"0: If aeaired. an p-r c.nt bull. line Itufl no commtMliin . Total cah) reMutre.1 on aoaae and lot 'o. balance oa mortaac. AO TT. oreaontan. . SaCRIFlCE TOR CASH. Wl!l a.. I my choice II.T" Laurelburat lot for tll raah. located la Arat uar- l.r. AD7t,Or..n!an. I MtVt a choice lot In Roae City for ! and "HI loan Kvw to buy.r for b-tlidinc purpo.a Kma aaewer. Eaat 4vJl. t O t. oregonlaa. WaVDRLCIOU HCl'JHTS lot. near 14th and Frank. 'n, at . nic .htly lot. chras ttr caah er would make term oa part. O 44. oretgntan. FX'R CAI.E n lot. Eaat Side. IJ. minute rtd. from bum.a pact of city, near two rarllaee: ron.tderatloa 11'K). DO acenta. T m. oretor.;an. JfOCNT TAB"K Et STth. ar Haw thorn; I or I choice lot, beat niht.or-hvd- C. Ilow, :U Sia.-k at. R.aidenc p int P - TAHi'iR view lot. IWBlaX abun daiicw of roae and fm.t: bran A rovme. hati kitchenette, full Maemaat aad caa. ::u. Ownr.3 Eaat 41d t. NAP fo ca. o H'lli; 1 'Hv I OO In Irv Inetoa. oa vVeldler at . tetween IM.t and I'.l atrete; improvemeata ail laid. W 4.. Or.ontaa. f.ll LAlRfcLIURT LOT t'2X Let u how ou thl np: !- caah band.; w have othr tract l:i and u p. jos Lumtermer J:! ( .Marh a : I 1 i liort 1-D building lot near Stuart Station en kt. fi.-vtt line, lo'e all around are acll Ing at " each: (io caab. 110 month ly. At. IT. Or.aoman. TWO reeldence lota, block from Mount viCott line. $.'K cavh. ba.ance term, ii. H. Koaa. route X. M' Mir.r.vUle yOH KALF. S lot In A-1 Park, near Saodv road. terma. A rarvalo. E. 'hmu-kr. R. T I. Aurora, tr. J74VV dl.lHTt.T lot on Eaat llth near Bra fine view: reclal baraaln. CELLARst-Ml RTUN I O.M eon b!dr. fX.NT't'ivl alnIrvlntoo ParkT Jlth in4 K'lHrraworlh on term: owner an ewer, ir o. Oreaontan. 7T hTme and acrea In Rlv.rd:. Thomaa Vlfgtr. R. F. IX No. 1. Oreaoo. V f IT O om caah. will e! my equlte la two t'irlhurt l"ta at orlilnal price; f ne ocatlorrw. t'reaoniaa. fS CAaH and II monthly, full lot on Ken llwo-tn and Francia price Howard Land Company. 401 gwet.and bidg. DrREtKrMT equity at'eoat; bought at flrwt prurea: lot l. block 7. eat front. location perfct. a.:'wood 1'2I. SACRIFICE 'hotce VVeet Hide lot. Clowe In. en Waahiogtoo t.: all Improvemeata; anl tlSOML owner. B TO. Preonlen. fc, ji SAL T-Corat r lot In Lenox Addition. I-.: i.oo caah; rnual a 11. W . Orega- . , -ct, I HEAL ESTATE. Z " " I ,.,-., 1 BEAL ESTATE- REAL ESTATE. t MASTATE. SsHo . . uril. I .-... . I - - I r, Kl.I.ota- tor Bie I I.r lLoi.. Tor Sale Lota. ! FIN'E lot In choice realdence dlatrlct. ur- rounded by fine hnm. ann on nri c ervice In city. Eaat Yamhill, bet. E. .nth and E. COth. 1 hlrk from carllne. Ilea nicely, ai: improvement In. lot 1 50xloo and can be purchaeed for .'4"; look at the lot. then ea owner at 1 E. StMh. or pnoo B 11 lex 1RVINOTO.V. B.t and cheapest quarter block In Ir v:ricn: on carlir.e and cloae In: beat car aeivice; In bet reildenc part of Irving ton and eurrounded by One borne. IT vou are o..kln fur a choice quarter In the beat reaidence dltrlrt In the city you wnula he making .a mtatake not to ft price and term from R. F. BRYAN. Main 1J. 5nS Cham, of com. A II. T ACRE I.OTtt NEAR C1TT. .-.. AND I P $2.1 DOWN. lO AloNTlfLY. I.el no man ay ho can't afford to buy a beautiful acr here on magnificent Pow e I Valley road, near Oatea station: acrea at lot price, and on terma that any man can handle Cultivated land. -oO under anything elae offered: not many of them: act now. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co.. 41 Hallway Exchange. jlarahnll tl LOTS FOR ln.x1. ir.ii CASH. HO MONTH l.T. Improvement In and paid for: eeveral fine hom-a built and undr conalructlon In thl tract; apectal Inducementa oflerea Cootractora and build. r. JA A. CLOCK. '..2 AMr at. R.a. pbon. Tabor bi. office. Main el". TIIK-beet-buy artfTe price on the J't st.le. the carline. and cloae In. Fuii- d lot a" on of the fineat diatrlct In Portland. All Improvement included In t purrha5 price. Thl I a plen.lld Investment for lot In thte locality ar. bound to Increaae In value Price only ilttoO: iMv caah. R ". Oregonlan. A Ft'LTON PARK SNAP Two beautif il full eila Ir. Ftltnn Park. It rl.arc! and level. TJ f-et fro-n Ilia f. P. R. R. and only 2 block from the .ration on the t-alrm Electric; eaat front: trice lloiaj" lerma: bet'er huy iheee now before the H. P. la electrified. For further prt.rular rail ate?Tt -e FINK epecutatlve buy for the mm who In t.nia to billd a home. F.IOHT LOTS AMII BEST SCRROCNDINi; ON Port land Heiehta Riaht on the carllne. fiend view. Kvery l-t lie b -aut If ull y. Parte who will build will cl.r h: lot and hum en the l2 0v. th bet of tirm& V To. lir-finl-n. EAST FRONT CORNER. t??o in d!trlct whrr you would UV y.ur home. I building rotrlctlon and nice home completed and being built. II atreet Improv.ment Installed. I can n.llv.r for a ahort time for fl"7n. E.v.y term. F. F. rimnt. Main l.Hi.1. A IMS. IN a locality of fine home. Within a three mmu'e walk of ;3d and Wahlngon. and one Mock of the carllne. A beautiful lot. bavlna on It many fine fir tree and folia.. vul.t. rutlc and nature-like, v.t cloee In nd in a fine nelgh-b.vrho-v.1. I.l'.ix V :. Oregonail CHEAP CORNER LOT. 1473 whl buy corner ftovloo feet on Ft STth atreet. outh of Olad.ton avenu- VO down, be'ance at 7 per cent. OODDIRD WIEliRlCK. .43 ftark rltreet. Bt.'Il.riERS. ATTENTION. I have five lot that I can ell at n pe cent dtacount In 1h beat cloee-ln dlatrlct of the Eaat Fide: lmpmvemnt all in. will help ou build. Phone East v Mr. Delahunty. riCSINESS rROPERTT. Comer Eaat '.lth and Frankfort treeta. Triangular piece. R3 feet frontage. I'rlca 9 1 JHK C.o.vd terma COP DA Rl WIEDRICK. Strk Street. t-'VI EA-H 9 nice lota, ftitiki. to block Mount tfeott carllne. a bargain. T.rma aoout caau. J. J. OKI'KR. Cor Orand ave. and E. Ankeny. 1RVINC.TON LOT. -1 .t is.t Knott and Braee. Inno; Improvement In original price. Jl.'.On; one b,ock to Broadway car; term; ami AT 74. Or.gonlan. .NEAR LNION AVENL'E. Monro, atreet lot ..ovl.. f-et. faclrg north, fine for flat Price $l". uounmn -wiedrick. 213 Stark Street. I riTi luv.iaa In a new addition: two block from Mt. Tabor carllne; f l.m. !!" down. Ill a month. Nothing tiner in in. cltv. fj. I. Webb. Real Eatale Co.. 414 Eavt Stark pt.. corner 1th. WILD WOOD. At Multnomah nation, on the Oregon TV., trie, lot 117.1 and up. on eaay tertn; W ater main laid to all tola. Sea owner. 414 Spalding bidg. lo t. CITT PARK. lt viilixi. en E. 4tn at., near car line. $noa easy term. J. J. OKDEK, Cor C.rand ave. aad E. Ankeny. rnkran to h ave on" e y7" The beat lot In Weatmoreland on Mll waukte ave.. price of adjoinlrg lota llie. f,,r : data will ell for l7i. Inquire b loth, stark. C.HAND AVE. Comer lot on Orand ava. and E. Ash. For pellicular -e J. J. OEDER. Cor Orand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR SALE Lot JoiIini. Improved aectlon of Piedmont. I block from carllne; all Im provement paid for. Writ Elation F. boa 40.. VFT Sll'E hnmll within three block of I.Td and Washington, for $J-evn. On car line. Thte p .p.-ty has a big future. Terma IU..O caen. V ,-. (irrioniin. 110 CAKH. 11 per month, beautiful lot. SOx H Mount Sett. fare, city waiar, ireet gra.led and paid: g.iod ol: I tint. HI'.I.KV a BISHOP. I :2 Third !; t-7 to liMirloO, N. E. corner llth and Ini.inr era: term. Thl I exception ei.y choice properly. I'bon owner. Main Ho-l-: City Park Ir.alde lot. .Vx !. on Mock from B-aumont tract. graUed :r. -t r.rr..nt . walks, water ant a-aa In: loOO. Owner. .13 Monroe at. Phone 3. Mi. lovTt NEAR two rarlln. at E. Stth and Tibb.lta at, a., t, caah. with cement era Jed street and awr. Phon Eaat 4vv. . 7 TAKES mv fine corner lot close In. S block from car: Haw re.lrlctlona: excel l.nt n.lehborhood. term to aulu AM To. tirrgonian. CORNER IXT. FIRLANO. 4il ! doen ti monthly buy thl beauty. PoxloO Fr.d W. German. Burnsld. Main or A 277l FO'! A l.E Paj ment If destre.1; Cne lot. Kxat 11th t.. woouiawn; a''u. uwntr, l-hon. C 174. " BY owner, two choice lot In Piedmont, two block rrom fVlll.naaworrn . aioov vwca t.rma Phona Woodlawn 1 1 wiwxima- -aat front. aOxlv. on 44th t. 1 block from Sandy road, cheap for cash. W 74. Orrgonlan. FOR 8AJ.E Four lot, fin ly located. Port, w aanuiaioo. v .. c .... 2o7 14tb t.. Portland. Main 1 1-nTv.-ir v'..w lot on-1'nlted RallwayTl6 mm ut.a from cent.r of Iowa, 10. Addreaa N Oregon! Phone Mam MOO. FLAT SITE tuxl"0. Bodney ave.. bet. flo ln nd Mr:y: easy terms. Answer. 73 tautmby a:. HomephonA -u t lone hit-.irte lot en Ford-st. drive, close in. from owned, cheap at 11VJ0. H HO. Orcgo&ian. TWO cholc lots In Waverlelgh Hetchta and 1 In Urenway. below markal value. O 4. Or.gonlan. FOR SXLG by own.r. fin butlnea lot tOx l.. Mrtle Park Stailon. Mt. Scott line; a anap. Addreaa ii lh or A lL iiioo CASH Pine lot oa Broadway, balance lc en eaav t.rma. near Broadway car. Kl.LARS-Mf RTON CO.. Yeon bldg. TAVO Irvlngton-lota nicely located, cheap for caah. Improvement In and bonded. Owner. B'gelow. Main 111, or A 4041. BARGAIN. Lot on Brooklyn t.. 1J minute out. reaaonable. owner. X Oregonhxn. Fort sXCe Bv-owner, S tlrabla lots at 1 r.lverauy lark. 1 block from carllne. Bargain. Call :-3 Broadway. jiSaTII REE-lota on STth si. Northeast. nap. Cad to Swetland bldg. LC)T omTaborHlght. SoxlOO, eaat front and tin location. B l-u-t iT; EAST front corner lot. Irvlngton Park. nap: act quick. DU. Oregonian a-milFu'i-iot, i r.m.nt w:k. water In. Jn- uulre loos Maryland ave. Terma lanrvS APlrN, bargain, car ona blot I-7V terms, sellwood Ml, Mia Oraha block. m. siTVEVTS If deelred: Bn corner lot, port.rnoxcb Villa. 1"d. Owner. C H74. BY owner, one of beet lot In Lauralhurat ihep. AO 7. Ore.onun. IRVIN-TOV lot lir.-5. on 12th and fttan- ..I.a.irlj ale only. O TV. Oregonlan. rrm SALE Cheep, lot and bungalow, eaay tjrr, aVa I lt3 . M arguerlle ave. 11V) BI TS "my 7tk equity In Laurlhurt lot Phone Main 30T l:.o Bl'YS lCOxluO. Irvlngton rack, aorsar, real bargain. A J:7. aFo"oTlot on Jefferaon. near Park; tcrma. ' W 79. Oregonlan . IootIca. on Killlngsworth ave.. near Dela xtax ava. i'boc owner, Eaat ;du. I1E SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTXAXp. - i i I 1 SNAP. BLOCK OF LOTS, with modern a -room bouse. E. 24th and Ellsworth is., near Lad d a Add. J11.000. Easy terma. IV1S SALOMON A VO., 233 Stark ata near 2 ISJ00 PROFIT IN 8 DATS. W hav a bunch of IS lota which can be had for I.V.00 caah If taken at onc Lot In thl addition bava been aaUlnt and selling fa.t at 1275 to l2S Pr lot. and prlcea will be raised soon. A chance to mak 10 per cent profit In 0 .day. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. il-:-;i Railway Exchange. Oftlc open today tSunda . BROADWAY BRIDOB Ta atlmulatlng to thl thoroughfare ana you will see a sharp advance In valuea or property on thl street running tr" east to tha city limit. Now I the tlma to buy. I have two blocks fronting on thl. .treat. I will .ell hra In ln:' lot. or qu.rter-block at price tht will aery comparison. Call nd ea me and get full Information. Bounded by Broadway, Schuyler, 24th and 2Hh. JACOB HAAS. 4"! Yeon Bldg. Phone Main 7. BARGAINS IN LOTS. ROxloO. Irvlngton eixon l.K.xifO. Irvlnrton. corner li.iiioo. William ave. I'i.ul ji-ixioo. Schuyler ;;:.o.. 33 l-3xlc. East Madison V-.vZ -jexK.V patton Road 1','. 10iKM, Portland Heights ...... JiOO The lot can b bouiiht right, Maka m a rca-nnabl offer MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST rnuPAXT. T5. Two full lota, all cleared, with bck bouse, about "five block, from car. Owner muet aell tbla becaua of death of wlfa. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, H-20-21 Railway Kachanga. STILL THEY COVE. We.tmoreiand lota, no finer anywhere in Portland: plendld cla. of new building (no .hacks l going up all around the b.ts- a restricted residence dlatrlct; what hetter could you ask? We can sell you thee lot on easy term ard the prlcea are right and our client reed the money. e.VlO ami up. Buy now r.f C11APIN HKRLOW. R 832-3iS Chamber of Commerce. IRVINOTON LOTS. We offer a few extra ehotc lot for 12o0 nd; beautiful corner, tlsoo and I1RS0: very eaay trrmi. or dl.count for all caah; Improvement bonded: the. Iota ar cloaa to Irvlngton carllne. A. R. DIAMOND A CO.. JOT Railway Exchange Bldg.. or Fast 13th and Knott ata Phon Main 1329. Ea.t 1.3 CORNER LOTS. flnxM FT.. FOR '-s2'i, INSIDE un. 0"xoj ri, r - " CORNER LOTS. RoxluO FT., F(-R '. ....... r. j ..., e. t cn i, sta-v ON EVERETT ST.. BETWEEN EAST ItST AND 21D STREETS- IN I'AKi l . . -. . . - n . . . iitf AtCVfO O I" AI'lHIU'.v. run oai.e. n i v - - - FICE CORNER E. 22 D AND FLANDERS STS. Wit. T. DARCH. OWNER. FOR SALE fronwivncrT8iot.ln Rlverdale district, for 12100. easy terms: hss .ewer and wat.r paid: one block to public land ing on river. Native trees and very pretty view of the Willamette. Elul'teen mlnut.a out on We.t Sid line of Southern Pacific By. Fine home surrounding this. Call own.-r, r.a.i ,"i.v. TENT BCNOALOW. T bava a modern 24x80 tent bungalow which would be Just the thing to put up on your vacant lot and stop paying rent; large room and a healthy way to live. Eea thla and max me an oner. CHAS. RINGLER. Sl San Rafael St. A BARGAIN. Tta T anil block S3. In Berkeley Addl tlon. graded street, good water. Price only (373: -0 down, balance to suit pur chaaer, T per cent. BUY SO?V OF CHAPIN A HRI.OW. (R). 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. COT TO SELL a tot in Hancock Addition: must hav money: make me a price; cash only: no agenia. j-ourese owuvc, - - . o..v-.--. TV- ivrDl rORNEU CHEAP. TOvlOO on Raat fit h and Tltrbette. Both .treeta Improved and vald for. Prlco $2000. Kasv terms. OODDARD -WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. TO genuine caah buyer will .acrlfleo my beautiful IWxloO-ft. lot. 3o: Improve ment. In and bonded: two canine.: Duiia- tna reetrlctlons: 13 minute, to bridge; thl. price Is half what lot are selling for In the same tract. T r3. oregonlan Owe of tha heat located lot. In the ex- clualv reeldence district of Hawthorn avenue, at a clos Bgure for cash: no agenia. Addresa owner, P 4a, oregonian. inno AND up for a few lota one block from car- level, water in anu iiiei-o "'-" not far from Union ave. and In a most de Irable district BLANCHARD Ct.EMSON. 04 Sixth SL xxtl.t.I AMS AVENUE Near Sumner .treat. BOxlOO feet. Price S-OOd. Terma GODDARD A tVTEPRICK. 243 Stark Street. FOR SALE Fine lot In Overlook, ftlnd; terma: alo beautiful corner quarter block, cheap; from owner; terma also. Main yoiims STREET. 1IO feet west of Union avenue. &0x ll1-. Rlpa for nats rrtre j.uw. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. SO FEET front on Killlngsworth, opposite w llrnr t.. Tiir BMAW-P PAR POVPAVT Main 3.V l2 Fourth st. A .'O0. LOTS for gala, ea.y termfc In beentlful Cedarvllte. Ltnnem.n Junction, ft. W. P. railway, by H. W. bnaahall. Greaham ave. Phone T4. ttenn CORNER lot. E. Idtb St.. lust South of Ldd tract. Ftn for bom or fist.. Also South Portland business corner, 70g 1 1 - , , . . " n . . , 1 1 v ' , i . , ...... ..... IRVINOTON. -. .fmnt lot. 17th St.. .11 Imnrova mnts pld: excptlonal location: prlca I j ji iinui. u.t'". oi. v .a""."- "Vt.vliritilT SACRIFICE .,.t have a tittle money Quick, lo will sell for 1430. halt caah. Main 1802. Tabor :o:. FOR SALE By owner, corner E. SOth end Washington. ToxTS. Maka offer. Phona East S..03. HAWTHORNE CARLINE A sightly S block, overlooking tha .ttv- price 127 f.0. by owner. Tabor 1580. lavy Good lot. Mt. Scott carllne at Gray. " -roaa Ing: aay trm. Frank MrFarland Kealty CO.. ro. i.aau. ,. , c vi T XT ouarter block. On Kaleleh at.. near 2th at.: high and .Ightly; for pnea and term, addree. owner. 1) 18 Oregonlan. Kiixioo lot. S block from car; gas and ea rnest w" In nd for. Will aell for 77S easn. j ei. uic,uuu. II T3 EOU1TY In most beautiful lot In Errol li.iglits, for $75, balance $10 month; no Intereet. owner, vc ii, ormgnmn. i"7..0 FOR Una lot. on E. 18th. 1 l, block, from the car: fine home, built ail around It. owner, oo am -. "BY OWNER. xtnae city Park business lot, at a bar Z Phone Main 8232. ; vot'HY In Portland lot to exchange for anything of value. R. W. Wood, ,2dT Couch t. o v r'n tot BOxloO. In Montnvllla: l.'SO, !.ey term. W. J. Baker. 61 Board of Trade. OLEVN AVE. Fine corner. 80x100; one block from HAWTHORNE: now efferad at a bargain. Main 102. Tabor 2028. OWNER will H Elmhurst lot chef: nicely located, fin nlgnooroa. jnquine in vlted. AP .Oregonlan. BY owner Moet sightly residence lot. on port l ana neiii.. Enable. 0 3T. Oregonlan. 1 OT In Bandon. Oregon; centrally located: . JJLod lnv..tment- $200. 20ti Swetl.ud bldg rnrsriL CREST PARK lota, both city and v-a-ley view., from $S00 up- W. J. Baker. Dlv iioaro ui - (,0x100 COR. O " oeiomoi- vneep. agent, """ MUST .ll 2 lot on Peninaula. leaving town need the money. Owner. AC 6. Orrgonlan xron bale Lot In Schmeer'. . Addition, cheap. inquire v BY owner. KOxlOO, Koaa City Park. Inqulra 44 to JU w $T3S. If taken at once will sell a lot 52100 Leona Park addition for what was paid for It a year ago. Inside lots In this rant block sold for $S0 over four month, ago. Owner must raise money at once. -. will handle this. . r CO-OPERATIVE BEALTY COMPANY, S1.-20-J1 Railway Exchange. Office open Sunday. FINE CORNER I3M10 $300 cash, balance to be arranged, for the N. W. corner of 2th and fi, BOxlOO ft. Go aea thl. today, and then coma aeo CHAS. BTNOLER A CO., 211 Lewi. Bldg. LADD'S ADDITION. ,. Wa .everal choice P " Trt"i parts of the tract, which the ownera ara carrying on contract. One Piece 60x128 one 80x118. and one corner f'"- .Vnd are all choice locations, nnd the price, and term, are very reaaonable. STRONG CO. 60s Concord bldg. $ltV.O FOR a corner. IS feet frontage, two snort blocks irora c.r. i.L.oe east; lot Is level, street are graded and water In: considerable bui'.rtlng of good house, and bungalow. I. being don. In the neighborhood now. ..., BLANCH ARD A CLEMSOV. 64 Sixth Si. STOP! HERE'S A GOOD BUY. A tract Soxl2o. 3 blocks from carllne. atreet graded, good water, lot. lay fine In a .plendld neighborhood: price only $soo. Buy now of CHAPIN HERLOW. (R) S52-8..S Chamber of Commerce FIVE lots at Rivera station; good view of Mt. Hood and river; street j'ver ana r-uu Bun watermnln paid; orchard for family use planted and ground graded for build ing: among fine suburban home, of Port land business men: onlv 18 minuter ride on Southern Pacific Call East 4073. evenings- A SNAP. Tot- on STth and filadfltnne St.. 50x100. R0 feet f-om Waverly carllne. lot 2. block 2. In William Second Add. streets graneu, cement sldewlk. wate: and sewer, bonded. om. paid: lino cash, or 1400 down, bal ance In paytnenta. By owner, E 58, Ore gonlan. . beauttfuiTbesidence LOT. Corner Ea.t 2Uth and Jarrett .treeta, 73x100 feet to allov. Both street. Im proved. Only 100 feet to Alberta caj rllne. Prlca $.o Terms. GOOD A It D A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. ROSE CITY PARK lot for snle at a bar gain by the owner; a corner lot. tronimg on The Alameda. 8 minutes' Talk from rerllne; one of the most sightly building lots In the addition. I must sell thl. lot within the next few day. Call up Mr. lmlav. Main fiio; RODNEY AND GOING. Ideal building lot. corner IOOtIOO feet. Sewer, water, gn connection to lot. Both treet hard-.urfaccd. Price $3ooa Ea.y terma GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 213 Stark Street. ? ACRE NEAR FIRLAND. 1400 to $500; streets graded and water to each tract. KNAPP A MACKEY. 212-13 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINOTON LOTS BY OWNER. The non-resident owner of several choice unimproved lots in Irvlngton will sell at a barguln for the next 3d days, while he remain. In the city. Address AH 52. Ore gonlan. ST. JOHNS LOTS. 8 lots within 2 blocks of carllne; price $3200, terma H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-218 Club Bldg. Phone. Main SGaO, A 2633. QUARTER BLOCK. 100x100 FEET. Corner Eaat 7th street and WyganL Prlco $2oo. Term. GODDARD & "WIEDRICK. 43 Stark Street- AN elegant corner lot In best part of Pied mont for sale. IT you want a nice uuiue glta don't overlook thl. O'BRIEN REALTY CO. 400 Yeon Bldg. $7500.00. I.AUBELHURST. Nine SOxlOO lot. oulh of Sandy road near JSd at, Karnopp A Kopf, 326 Rail way Exchange bldg. EAST 17TH NEAR CLINTON. IimixIoO feet. Sewer tax paid- Prlca $3000. Might sell one lot. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 248 Stark Street; $50 FOR LOTS on B2d and W. Stark: la the beat buy In Portland: new carllne now building. Call and e us. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO- , 402 Yeon Bldg.. Marshall 849. IRVINOTON SNAF. Save agent", commlnlon; eaet front. 50 xioo. ona block from carllne. Owner. C! 1S1L A REAL SNAP. $ lota, each 23 by lo. corner East 33d and Morris, near Alameda Park, $2"0 each or $5.v for the three. Address owner, P. O. box 97. Seattle. PIEDMONT 100x100. $2500. Lot 15 nd Id. block 30. N. E. corner Mallory and Alnworth; $1200 rsb: nj assessments. Main 437U. room 2UL Ger- llnger bldg, $s0 fTr a corner lot. 30x100. In the Haw thor district, facing east; line lot at iho rlgb" Irlce. BLANCH A RI A CT.EMSON, till Sixth St SPL'.NDID south-front lot 3 ft. above 1? mln. to bridge; WORTH $2X: will sell for $1330 If all rash: WORTH $2000; NO AGENTS. AP 62, Oregonlan $t0 LAURELHURST $S40. BOxlOO. south of Sandy road near 33d st. Karnopp A Kopf. 125 Railway Ex change bldg. 7Sxl0O ON ATLANTIC ST., Just norlh of Killlngsworth. at $1000. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Ma!n 33. 12 Jfo.rthst. A 8500. CHEAP Some very cheap lot., clo.e to Rose City Park car. $40 down. $10 month ly: none over $500. See J.s. C. Logan, 1S Spalding bldg.. Sunday. Tabor 010. MISTER BarKainhunter. Investigate thla Good reason compel me to ell my high grade lot in Kenton t a great crince. dirt cheap for ch. A3 18, Oregonlan. LOT 60x100 In Irvlngton. between Stanton and Siskiyou, on carllne; faces east; a fine building alte; price $14o0. McAllister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. RODNEY AVENUE LOT. Kear Going. ROxloo. Price $1200. Terma. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. ALBERTA BUSINESS CORNER. 100 feet on Alberta street. Prlco $1800. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 213 Stark Street. EIGHT choice lota In Laurelhurst: high and sight'y; will aell lnly or together: prlcea rlcht. See McAllister A LueCdemann, 7- Electrlo bldg. DO YOU LIKE THE R TVER f Owner will sacrifice the flnet view lot on Grand ave. South: all Improvement In and paid. PhonMarhaH13, I WILL ell my m lot. on Portland Heights with grand view for $000; thl. 1 $1500 under price I year. go. Chas. Kupper, j 3; Chamber of Commerce. r PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homea, lot, quarter blocka. tracts and acreag all part of Height, all view, and price; "aume; A 88 UNION AVE. SNAP, ct.v agent' commission; business lot on Union ave. near Russell st. Owner, S 47, Oregonlan. LARGE iot" near Roe City Park, cement walk., graded atreet. Bull Run water, $330- no agents; no commissions. Owner, QQI-203 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Lot. 7 and 8. block 9, Lenox Add two block, to cars: must he sold for what I can get for them. 32S ar guerlie ave. ONE lot in Swlnton; alo lot In Falrport for sale. Apply owner, 52 N. 23d St.. north Washington. WFSTMORELAND, corner 17th and Knapp, louxHiO, $1700; this 1 east and south fac ing. W. J. Baker, 519 Board of Trade. FIN E Eat Side apartment .Ite, 30x100. on E 8th N.: Price $3500. term.. McAllU ter A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. HOW would a beautiful Mt Hood view lot In Ea.tmoreland appeal to you. If prlca was rlg.itT Owner. AJ (10. Oregonlan. TaoOBEAUTIFUX. corn er lot in Piedmont, 1 block from Killlngsworth. near Union: flne .hado tree.InQulro at 1 North 3d st. IRV1NGTON Park lot sacrificed, beat buy In the tract, 003 Swetland bldg. TWO choice lot. In Woodmere. one block from .tatlon. Owner. Tabor 1174. tiTr F E beautiful lots, east front, one or .... . ,(ti -v to;ner. -.w. $900 Corner. Eaat 17th and PreacotL Own er. A 223S. e $To" MONTHLY buy. full lot near A car. Owner, aj oa. vi .eo.,"". BEAUTIFUL $600 lot for $300, nil cash. A etf, uregonlao. 1911. A SNAP $2730. Lot 85x100. facing east, between Till amook and Hancock, on E., In a choice restricted district; price $2iu. eaay terms. See , M'CARGAR. BATES A LIVELY. 301 Yeon Bldg. INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Apartment-bouse site, on East lotn atreet, near carllne. 80x100 fct. Will be sold at great sacrifice If taken at once. I need the money end this 1. your op portunity. If you have $3000 cash to In vest, you hould Investigate thl. at once. Addresa owner. Y 77, Oregonlan For 8e House. GOOD CORNER CHEAP. 5.8x320. $760 on time. Front on 2 graded 0-ft.) streets. Wa ter under pressure. Light gravel oil. suited to all garden produce and mall fruit. Good for chick ens. Sightly. On Powell Valley road, between six and seven mile from Morrison .treet drawbridge. Main 140O. A 3213. Howard S. Amon Co., 625-8 Yeon bldg. 8UNNYS1DE BARGAIN. $2800. , . . Thl. beautiful S-room bungalow I. Ju.t completed. h double wall, and floors: a very beautiful fireplace. Dutch kitchen, beautiful lighting fixtures and window shade Tinted with most up-to-date col ors; cement basement and furnace. To any responsible party we will allow you to make your own terma Remember, rent day comes tomorrow; come out today and surprise the landlord. "There's a reason. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Corner 4th and Hawthorne Ave. BEFORE" YOU BUY A HOME Pee what Askwlth can show you In the Richmond district where sewer. 8-in. wa ter mains, gaa. sidewalks and curus are now In and hard-surface pavement Is now being laid. If you do not know the dis trict thoroughly you should see it at once. I have some buys in and 6-room bungalows that cannot be duplicated lor the money and can make terms to suit. Call MOT Clinton st. Take Richmond (W R car to Marguerite ave. and see what 1. going on. Phone Tabor g, ROSE CITY PARK Flneat home In Rose City Park: bunga low of six rooms and bath; beautiful elec trical fixtures, hardwood floors, large fire place, basement and furnace; corner lot: .bout 12 feet above sidewalk: terrace and retaining wall; about 100 finest rose bushes in parking and around house: lawn seeded; fine view; one block to car; must be seen to be appreciated. Phone C 2309. 804 E. 47th North., cor. Hancock. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. $7000 50x100 and 2 strictly modem, new flats, near Mill .treet, walking di tance; terms. SL'XNYSIDE HOME. 12300 Nice house. 8 rooms and bath, on one floor, large attic: East 37th, near Belmont. FRED C. KING. 814 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington. CHEAPEST HOUSE ON WEST SIDE. Well-built house of six rooms, modern, except heat, 55xl00-foot lot. on corner, three blocks from car and about 20 min utes' walk to Postoffice. The grqund alone Is worth the price; $1500 cash will handle, balance of $.1000 to suit. R. F. BRYAN. Main 1063. 605 Cham, of Com. A 1227. APARTMENT-HOUSE". welf-bullt. located close In on the East Side, rented and bringing $250 per month; price $27, 500. I will accept $10,000 In good real estate, either city or country. $"i000 In cash and long time on balance at 6 per cent. I guarantee to give a man the best deal to be found. J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER. K-eoom modern ratines, fenced, roses. lewn. cement walk., eleclrlc fixture., for $24o0. Part cash, balance terms. Home Sunday afternoon or phone Tabor 709 after 6 P. M. during week. Two block, north of Anabel station, Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Thoroughly modern 8-room house, full cement basement, wash trays and vegetable cellar, furnace, fireplace, dlnlng-roora and sleeping-porches; some small fruit trees and rose; all. Including fixtures, shades, range and linoleum; $1800. Rose City Park. Phone - a4a. A splendid list of modern bungalow and dwellings from 5 to 8 room in all parts of the city In price ranging from $1150 to c&Aiin ntnr huvlns- a house coma and see what we have. It will pay you to do SO. BlOCh Really CO.. itio Allier ai. "go-.n DOWN. $20 MONTHLY. New S-room and bath bungalow, near Hawthorne ave., for ;tO0O; might take a lot as first payment Instead of cash. Take cars to 43d and Hawthorne ave. Otflce on corner Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Railway Exchange. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $1600. -nn DOWN. $111 MONTHLY. A furnished bunaalow. Including piano In Laurewood. on Mt. Scott line; 4 rooms. 40x100 lot. big snap. See agent, corner 4;td and Hawthorne ave. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Railway Exchange. BARGAIN Now 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hnnltrfliu linen closet, wood elevator. laundry trays, shade, combination ga and electric fixture, large attic, fine view, two block from Rose City car, one block from LaurelhuraL Owner, Tabor 2101. YOU IT TT T S-roomed modern residence In fine loca tion, ha furnace, fireplace and all mod ern conveniences; price only $7.iOO. This Is the best buy that can be found on the West Side. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commorce. VTT T.TVrlSWORTH BUY. 2 lots, on corner, with 8-room modern borne, full basement, wash trays, fine fin ish Is worth $111,000, will take 19500 and $100 less each day Tin 1 sen me piace, $4700 cash, balance mortgage. 422 Cham ber or commerce. SWELL RUNGALOvV. 5 rooms, strictly modern. ttnly finished. Pantry, doubly constructed. A.01 i-ox-ii, on Improved streets. 30 fine fruit trees, M v..,-. old. Price 13500. 1000 Ciish. Call E. L. Anderson Sunday. Sellwood 527. OWNER bought five corner lot. In Waverly Height, for own home;- must sell now at a sacrifice; no reasonable offer refused; one block from carllne. one block from graded school, f none morning, nam oos-a. Address M o. ortiguinsn. sTio r.ann AVE., near corner 12th and Haw thorne: new 9-room house, five bedroom, with all modern finish snd convenience.: 200 feet to five carllnes: $6300 terms; owner on the premises., phone East 5178. R. M. Wldney. BEE LE NOIR ft W LISTS OF WEST SIDE HO r-s; L.MJr-n -w a uua 1 . 6-ROOM house, lot 70x110, 1 block from car- line; 13 bearing iron vi , , ou rose hushes: Improvement, all In; will tnke $500 down, balance easy term. G 77, Oregom.n. $5007PORTLAND HEIGHTS Roomy resl .ne. rood view. 8 room and attic: all niodsrn improvement; two blocks from car Price, $B5o0. Call for further par ticular, at 906 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE by owner, a pretty, place In North Irvlngton. 5-room house, gas. mod ern plumbing, large basement, Iot 50x100. small fruits, fine lawn and rosebushes. Phone Woodlawn 192 $250 CASH $i., per month. Including Interest, 5-room bungalow, new. modern, close In. only $"R00. Nelian ft Nolander. 609 Spalding lig- . tlrti.O EASY monthly payments. 5-room plastered house near W-W car; a snap; make your own terms. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE New, 217 E. 3t!th st, modern 5-room cottage. A real bargain. Owner, phone a mi. IOR.-.0 6-ROOM Collage, uto uown. uai.iuce terms. Call E. . Ander.on Sunday. Sllr wood 627; ' 5o"pER month. Including Interest, nice 4 ' room plastered bouse; $1450; cash $100. Owner, tioit vv u".r, tri'RVISHED cottage, adjoining the beach et Seaview, Wash.. 8 rooms, bath and run nlna water. Apply 225 Worcester bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow. East Side, close IV . . w nii-nor! terms p fia in Dantam, -, - -- Oregonlan. -.o CASH and $10 per month. 3 rooms; lot 35x45 In South Portland: price $S5CL vj tiT F. y & BISHOP, 132 Third st? ilAOO 5-ROOM bungalow. $500 down, bal ance $13 per month- Call E. I Ander .on. Sellwood 627. v-FTtr p,-rnom bungalow, W-W car, 5..,V!T;.. jooo down. bal. like not far rent. " j JAMES CO., 00 IVU1 B L. , oeai oisril. i290078-ROO Mbu n gTrowT" $ 500d o wnf bal ance to u!t. Call E. L. Andemon Sunaay, Sellwood 527J 7si0 BROOM bungalow, $400 down, hal Ul on easy payment.. Call E. L. Ander out. in" " - . . . . son Sunday. Sellwood 527. xat-v "from owner, modern up-to-date bunga low, can be had l.'.OO below value; part cash. Phone A 2222. kTroOM house, lot 50x100, terms. From owner, 737 Clackamas ava., Sellwood, A rIMfi A new, two-iory. 7-room house, local 1 close in on the East Side; lot 50x100. street Improved, city water, electric llgnt, furnace, hardwood floor, good basement. 1 block from Rose City car. Price .$4o00. $500 cash, balance good terms. The ap pointment. In thl. house are excellent, a. splendid bargain. Hero I. one GOOD ENOUGH for you, the most exacting, and I. undervalued. A two-.tory 8-roorn house, 4 room, on eacn floor and full cement basement. It 1. close In on the Ea.t Side, near Broadway, right on carllne, on lot 55x100. line lawn ana shrubbery. House has lights, gas. city water and sewer connections, and oak floors. In fact. It's an up-to-date and at tractive bouse and worth $S500, $-000 cash and good terms on balance. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS. 5- room, newly built bungalow, cement basement. Dutch kitchen. china closet, sidewalks In and paid; located south of .Hawthorne ave. Price $2500; cash pay ment of $300, balance easy terms. $150. 6- room house near Hawthorne ave., hardwood floors, piped for furnace, china closet, bookcases, house, modern In every respect: $150 down, balance $20 per month. - HUNTER REALTY' COMPANY, 223-5 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777, A 3307. HERE is an opportunity to acquire a modern 2-story residence with every city conven ience and one-half acre tract. This house was built by the owner for his own home, but on account of ill- health Is compelled to leave. It consists of 8 rooms, good-size. airy, and elegantly finished with the finest and best material; Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, all wired for electricity. 3 large, airy, well-lighted and ventilated bedrooms on second floor, large bathroom, enamel v.-.v. .....i ,niiAt h-omint hunt for furnace. and laundry. 7 feet In clear: hot and cold water and extra toilet in basement, large front veranda with exceptionally fine view of both Mt. Hood and Mt, St. Helen. This one-halt acre tract is well sltu- t.H no nwii la set to small fruit, crapes. berries, a large asparagus bed and has chicken park and chicken-house, also a, acratchlng shed. This property 1. only three blocka from carllne on graded street, corner lot. must be seen to be appreciated. Let us show you thl property, which can fce had on too most reasonable term, and at A price that wilt astonish you. BUY NOW. It won't be on the market long. CHAPIN A HERLOW. K) S32-3JS Chamber of Commerce. i?nft DOWN. New five-room bungalow only one block from car. Large attic wltn one amc oea room and full basement. Dutch kitchen, Orenlnee built-in bookcases and china closet and nice large bathroom. Lot 50x 100. Price $3000; JL'OO aown, Daiance 111 small monthly payments. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. VERY ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. H mile from trolley station, on couniy road and mall route; 10 acres magnificent land: about 5 acres plowed, balance open stump pasture; very neat 5-room bunga low with bath, pantry and two largo clothes closets, good well, woodshed, etc, all new; thl. place I suitable for apple orchard, poultry ranch, grape vineyard or any product grown In the Tualatin Valley; small payment down, balance can extend over a period of four year. In quire 338 Chamber of Commerce. GOING TO BUILD ? WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THE RESIDENCE OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILEY ft CO.. 124 ABIXGTON BLDG. $200 CASH, ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, lot 50x100, Improvement In and paid; all the bullt-ln convenience; full basement, fireplace, etc. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washington mu, room 516. Phone Main 5123. SEE MB BEFORE YOU BUILD. WHERE I BUILD I WILL LOAN MONEY AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST WITH NO BROKERAGE FEES AND NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I HAVE CLI ENT3 WHO WILL LEASE APARTMENTS AND WAREHOUSES. IF YOU HAVE A LOT SUITABLE I CAN MAKE YOU A GOOD PROPOSITION. 7 "glir.KRCj HENRY BLDO. FOR SALB: 8-room house on Mt. Tabor Heights, 1 block south of Hawthorne car, on 57th at.; connected with sewer, full basement, cement floor, furnace, electric lights, gas. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln buffet, f i?-place. back and front stairs, stairs to attic A complete house for $4000, $1000 cash. Inquire of owner acros. tho street or phone Tabor 881. FUTURE APARTMENT SITE. 100x100 corner Halght and Humboldt, fine lawn, fruit trees and old 5-room house, near Jefferson High School vacant 14 adjoining; no improvements, held at $3500. Our price $3000. . 4500 cash, bal- '"fEEdV GERMAN. 329 Burn.lde. M or A 2776. 5 ROOMS. $1750. This I. a well-built, one-story frame, not modern, but city water In house two blocks from Montavilla car. near West avenue, on lot 50x100; owner needs the Tnonov. M'CARGAR. BATES ft LIVELY, 301 Yeon Bldg. WAKE UP. DON'T pay rent the rest of your life: we can save you. money on plans and specifications, build you a house and let you pay for It as rent. 602 Beck bldg.. 7lh and Oak t. Phone Main 4S10. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. $6500 for strictly modern G-room bouse, 8-ft basement and 4 choice lots. barn, chicken-house, choicest roses, all kinds of berrle. and fruit trees; tine view; must be Veen to be appreciated. Will sell all or part; terms. Phone owner. Sellwood 400. . BEAUTIFUL suburban home, large 8-room bungalow, ground nearly 4 acres, fruit In abundant assortment, convenient to car. larne lawn, fine shrubbery and roses, a most attractive home: this Is a rare op portunity. Price $12,500, half cash. Apply AN 58, Oregonlan. NEED THE MONEY. K acre, beautiful Tualatin Valley land; cheap for cash; no agenia. Address own ers. O 60, Oregonlan. iltt-w modern 7-room house, full cement basement and all modern conveniences: well located aa to carllnes. etc.: price "3250: terms. Another with rooms for $100 less. See owner. J. E. Dugan, Cham ber of Commerce. unnFRJI 6-room bouse, Teceptlon hall, bathroom and pantry: every ocnvenlence. lil Snt basement: 100x100: hundreds of choTce fruit and fruit tree; fdeal bomeslte. Take W-R car. See owner today." 600 Kenllworth ave. Terms. " ASSESSMENTS ALL PAID. ..TOO 5-room bungalow with lot 50x100, neor ilt. Tabor Park and Belmont car fi"' other room, can be added In attic: a new- It', modern: the .oil rich for garde- or flower. Call Tabor 8194. xott cannot but be satisfied with the ar rangement of this beautiful home in Pled moJft and we never had a property with S?m. .0 eas?. Lot lOOxlOO. Look at It If vou want something nice. CaHock ft Muellhaupt. 1032 Cham. Com. LOOK AT THE LOCATION. 8-room house and double lot with large ernlt trees, lawn, cement drives and walks: near 55th on Belmont: must sell; will ?ke $0330: worth $8000: a chance for jorne one. Call Tabor819j. etv ROOM modern, new bungalow on 13th . near Alberta, can be had at $2800. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth t. A 8o00- modern, five-room bungalow. one N5Wctmrom Hawthorne. $2900; every con-oioience- full cement basement, sidewalks. -000 terms, built for a home. Main 1.232. 'oti-vfb must sell modern new 6-rooni ns. Tand lot; a bargain. $S00 cash, bal an terms. 37th and East Caruther. TeL Tabor 1932. .170n 8-room modern cottage, basement. modern plumbing, barn, bearing trees: t front, hard-paved street; lot valued .lgo; term. 159 Ea.t 82d st. N. -iitrp, tt IS Jut what you want. 7 room house, lot 100x100; garden, berries, etc : fine location. Easy terms. Address G 60!Oreotdan. ' ct'vvysiDE 5-room bungalow, hot and .old water, bath, full cement basement: i'-ISo $1700 down, balance on time. B 2793.Tabor 1778. East 35th and Morrison. sTtjoom cottage. In Sunnyside, gas. bath, hAaement; $2000. half down, balance to ult! See owner;994 East Yamhill. "LOOK AT THE LOCATION. 7-room house, full lot, only $2500: on 61st near Belmont cars. Call Tabor 3194. VOR 8ALE by owner, the handsomest 8- room house In Irvlngton. 4ut . 20tU sb N. Call and ee It. 125 MONTHLY buys 5-room bungalow: bath, attic, basement. Owner. East 2741. FOR SALE by owner, nice 4-room cottage at th beach. C 1368. FOR SALE A 4-room house and large lot, University Park; terms. 1554 Olln. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. Six-room house, two stories, all modern, east front, beautiful lot, many shade trees, block from car; street improvement paid; new. ready for ocupancy; $600 cash, bal ance monthly payments. BUNGALOW, S rooms, large attic, fire place, furnace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, east front; all street Improvements paid; half block rrom car; $500 down, balance on monthly pay w ments. The one that was In this space wa. sold on April 2S. Six rooms. two-story. square house. Just being completed: oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, all other modern conveniences: 2O0 feet from carllne; $1500 cash, balance monthly payment.. One of the uncompleted house, sold April 2uth. We have several other house, and bun galows which will be completed aoon; let us .how them to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT ft TRUSTEE COMPANY. 201, 208 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473, A 1022. , HEHE'E AN OPPORTUNITY. Fine 10-room modern house, double con struction throughout, full concrete base ment. A-l McPherson furnace, all new and strictly modern In every particular; lot 200x100, with nice lawn, garden, Iru 1 trees and roses; an well built chicken-house. House has 5 bert . rooms upstairs and 1 downstairs. itnin 15 mlnuies of city's center. A.1'?.?'' sirable home. Price only $b.i00. $lo00 cash, balance to suit. ,..-l. KIRK-WHITE REALTY COMPANY, 310 Lewis bids. Phone A 1213. BARGAIN. IRVINOTON HOME. At 324 East loth street North, on the Irvinston carllne. a block and a half from the ' Broadway line. modern six-room house, furnace, fireplace, bathroom, gis and electric fixtures, washtuhs. cement cellar floor, woodlift. double boarded house, fine residence location for Irvins ton Price below anything in that section. Phone East 02 or evening and Sunday East 72t. " , $2S50. $200 DOWN $20 PER MONTH. B-room. H4-tory modern bungalow, all large rooms, well arranged: full basement with furnace and wood lift, attic and sleeping porch with beautiful view. A CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. SmaU place In Cove by Itself; to find place like thl. usually one has to go back in mountains: this lacT!,'" r s town i:mlts and Columbia I-Jv -? miles from Portland, good auto road, best of spring water piped through house and over place: this place is Promabi. for chickens, etc. Excellent scenery, trout flahlng. idral for Summer borne tn-s can be bought direct from owner, who has other reasons than to sell for profit, av Id, . T ATC Tin o B-BUU.V1 Bi..Ni..-vc;.. . ,. This attractive thoroughly modern bun galow with hot water heat, is located in the North Irvington district, on East 10th street. North, near Knott street. It vou desire something nice In a cnoice neighborhood, better see this. M'CABGAR, BATES & LIV ELY, 3U1 leou diub. A HME, CLOSE IN. Situated on a nice, high lot. oflxl-O. .treet .railed, cement sidewalk, a house of 7 rooms, well finished bath and toilet basement, cot.crete foundation. bloi K from car; this house can be had at a bar gain. Buy now of , CJ. CHAPIN A HERLOW. R) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. J43UU. 1 cn.Yi. Modern and attractive 6-room dwelling on Clackamas St., near E. 26th; lit oox 103- very fine location; home practically new and very attractively arranged; pr ca with street Improvement, all paid, x-tscu. G0M'CARGAR. BATES ft LIVELY. $2750 $200 CASH. Large 7-room house on 40x120 corner tot Only 1 block to good car: cement walks, lawn, roses, trees, cement base ment with partition, paneled hallways and dining-room and electric- fixtures. Best buy in city. $13 a month. b41 Hamilton mag. WHY PAX tin..- 1. We will sell you a home and you can pay for It on easy monthly payments; our house. Include furnace, fixtures, hardwood floors tinting, shades, etc. Provident In vestment ft Trustee Co.. 201-203 Board of Trade. Owners. WALNUT PARK" HOM E Exclusive district, 7 rooms, sleeping porch. modern, new beautiful firs, near 7 carllnes, high school and grammar; furnished or unfurnished. SS00 nelow value. Owner. 1104 Rodney ave. Phone C 1678 ' ARARGAIN. Modern 5-room bungalow, corner lot .,1s 111 paneled dining-room, platerail. fruit trees berries, garden; Mt Scott car to Myrtle Park, south on oSth st. to olJU. some terms. See owner. SlU.iO. S-ROOM house, sleeping norch. fireplace, oak floors shower bath, full lot; ".1 minutes' rde"'gas furnace, beautiful lighting fix ture, lie etc Owner will sacrifice $1000 $1500 cash is paid. Worth $4500. N r, 5 . Pro gopj a .eie sequTpmt .new! 81 't'Sb'-HAWFEAR COMPANY. Main 33. , 102 Fourth st A 3-- . eo'ioo-For.ale by owner, improved lot 60x 100 with furnished 5-room tent-house, oath, hot and cold water basement, se-ver connected; easy terms. J..S Lamson ave.. near carllne. Portland Heights. V.,.,rn NEW, modern six-room house, large reception hall, attic and sleeping porch, lacfng on one o the beautiful parks in LaddFs Addition. Built for owners use, Fhone owner. East 5104. t AM going away and will sell my 4-room cottage for $1250 on terms of $50 cash and $15 per month: 50x100 lot: plenty of straw-berries and apple, on lot, C 60. Oregon 1 an. . "HEHAvT-TfTr COMPANY, Main 35. 1"2 F"h st. A 3500. ONE of tvie coziest 5-room homes, lot 73x 10-. For sale at a bargain. Owner nought from us. Must leave. $300 down, balance $2500 on very easy terms West .fn investment Co. 417 Board of Trade, JToDFRN 8-room house, on East Side, close in $1600: will take good 5-passenger auto first oavment, balance on easy terms. Write owner? P. O. Box 377. The Dalles, Or. - . . f tioof house. Sunnyside. between 35th and rivT its Morrison and Hawthorne ave.; a . 1-Sxloo; $2000. $1500 will handle, halarce to suit Inquire A. H. Dericksoii, Sajaion ve North. TelephonEastJoOg. SMALL house and lot, two blocks from Kern i.arlt station; $BOO. three-room house and lot Reservoir Park. Mt. Scott car $6.10. Owner on premises, 3904 69th St.. Arleta. Easy terma. OSWEGO HOMES Good 7-room cottage, with 3 6 or 9 lots: 6-room store. 2 lots: Itora I lot: prices right. Take S. P. IS Jeffcrson-st, depot. C. H. Elston. Oswego. Or. x'"tO DOWN, balance $2750 like rent will huv fine 5-room modern up-to-date bun galow, close to Hawthorne ave. Western Investment Co., 417 Board of Trade. ROSSMERE SNAP. T rooms fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors. ?wo blocks to car; $4,500; $500 cash. T Bvrnes.,425 Lumber Exchange. TZTi'na BY owner, 6 rooms, modern, full isllmeut. lawn. 12 bearing fruit trees; close in; will takeo good lots In part pay- ment. w ooum- ..r Modern 7-room house, beautiful view; low nrice of $6500: easy terms for quick sale. Owner. Maln4428. 1 1 V OWN ER A reasonable buy if taken at once. 4 lots, well located. Small house In good condition oqg umm tuvlNGTON- bargain by owner: must be .old- new 6-room home. $5630; terms: f.h talks. E. 2621. BEAD Have lEALI nave . e,. -..B.,,. bungalows and small houses. S. M. Venard, 601 McKay bldg. fnviVGrON S-room modern house, by owner; very reasonable. Call 4S3 E. 16th Bt jy. 'or phone East 852. alio 5-room cottage, lot 48x100; fruit. shado trees,walklngdistance.East5043. 7" 6160 FOR SALE, half acre with small house. $1000; easy terms. BARGAIN 8-room house, corner, close In, East Side: no agent. B 2301.