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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1911)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, APRIL 30, 1911. In Commemoration of Meier & Frank's 55th Anniversary in Portland, Mammoth Sales Are Announced F eaturing An Unprecedented European Travel Contest for Teachers See Pages 8 and 9 of This Section - 10 life PmPu . . .-, Tesstjamm A&MU&A Hundreds nr I remendous Bar earns in Well" i X 77Z7ii.mmTMS f i ' r r r , r x ' if v . Riii i ' k. a a miry s s ' ' , -;n. ji ini ''tt sm ui i i I 'ifl v ' i '1 Vi0- 'Z l i ma ww urnan 50c Pozzoni's Powder at 29c FOB years, Pozzoni'a his held the lead with women who want a delicate, harmless fare Powder. It impart a dainty transparency to the skin, acting as a remedy to pim ples, freckles and skin di eolorations. - " Pozzoni's Face Powder is a valuable cosmetic, the in gredients of which are run ran teed absolutely harm less. , Comes in white and exquisite tints of flesh, cream and brunette. 50c BOXES AT 29c Oriental Perfume SA M U 11 A I ' Oriental Per fumes 'and Toilet Articles bring to you all the exquisite odors of the Orient, the dainty Geisha IounnVt, Sandalwood, t Corylopsis of Japan, Japanese Violet and Lotus Blossom. Visit the beautiful booth on our main aisle. Samurai Oriental Per fumes and " Toilet Articles are sold here only in Portland. They come in all aies. ranging from J.V up as high as $1.50 m Of JAftV 1 faXiiiifcw iiiiM k i a i i ii(ih , I. f Oriental Cream EVERY woman-can have a pood complexion o n that is sweet, pore and whole some by using Gourand 's Oriental Cream. This well-known prepara tion has been, highly recom mended by physicians, act resses, singers and women of fashion for over half a cen tury. It., is claimed to cure itkin diseases, relieve irrita tion, soothe and invigorate the skin. Positively non-greaseless. and will not cause or encour age the growth of hair. $1.50 Bottles Oriental Cream 98c Kerolene Inhalers kIIE Kerolene Inhaler is a scientific com- ponnd of tbe moat pleasant na ture, with the healing proper ties -which brinsr relief to suf ferers with catarrh, hay fever, sore throat, colds, asthma and bronchitis. It is indorsed by the medical profession and hundreds of un solicited testimonial.' Special demonstration durinfir the Great Anniversary Sales on 1st floor. Kerolene" Inhalers, Complete on J 1 ft Sale in Our Drug : Section, Only V 1VU Beecham's Medicated Olive Shampoo, Special 35c Per Jar B EECIIAM'S Medi cated Shampoo is a all splendid remedy for scalp diseases. . It is an . English preparation for preserving, cleansing and beautifying the hair. Fall size jars daring OC Anniversary Sales''' Beecham's Famous Ala bastrine A perfect prep . aration for use in mani curing the nails and keep ing the hands soft f?C and white. The iar 03C Beecham's Vere de Vere Complexion Cream For CEJ relaxed tissues and muscles of tbe face and neck. Jar OOC VLV I OLIVESHAtJ " supc dcmldy row scii -PISICTV" ESTADU5HED Hundreds of Tremendous Bargains in Well Known Toilet Articles Visit the Many Booths $?( NE of the biggest features of Meier & Frank's Monster 55th Anniversary Sales tomorrow i? V is this extraordinary event in Toilet Goods and Drugs, the second of a series which we plan to hold each month! . ' Hundreds of the best known articles at prices about what smaller dealers have to pay whole sale. Our co-operation direct with the makers has brought about these amazing savings. We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities Thousands of Free Samples Rbuhig Specials for theGr Rousing Specials for the Great Anniversary Sale of Fine Toilet Soaps 5c Flotilla Soap, pure white, for toilet and bath. During Anniversary- Toilet Goods Sale ; now m ty on safe at, per box nr2C 25c Boxes "Cupid Garden Boquet" Soap, 3 cakes in a box, for Anniversary Toilet Goods Sale; per f box, now on sale at X vIC 25c Cuticura Soap, per cake at 11 5c Lifebuoy Antiseptic Soap, only 4 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, at 10 10c Jap Eose Glycerine Soap, at 7 10c Portland Eose Glycerine, at 7 10c Old-Fashion Oatmeal Soap, at 7 Bargains in Face & Talcum Powders 50c Pozxoni'i race Powder, sp'L, 29 Wild Rose Talcum, priced special at 5 Graves' Talcum, ' special at only 19 1-pound can Coryfopsis, special at 19f 25c Sanitol Talcum Powder, special 13 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder only 15? 50c Lesoard-Piver's Powder, only 23 60c La Blanche Face Powder, only 29 60c Java Rice Powder, special at 29 25c Satin Skin Powder, special at 1G? Sanitol Face Powder, extra special 16 . Swansdown Powder, very special at 9C Sale Specials on Rubber Goods $1.65 Premium Fountain Syringe $1.19 $1.50 Bed Eubber Fountain Syringe 98c Eagle Water Bottles, 2 quarts, for 69r $1.35 Bed Eubber Water Bottle,2-qt. 98c 65c Household Eubber Gloves, sp'l 39 Marvel Whirling Spray, special $2.69 Premium Spray Syringe, special '$1.49 Perfection Eubber Syringes, special 49c Save Now on Household Drugs M. & F. Special Soap, for hotels, etc. "Whitej pure and nicely, scented. Anniver sary Sale ; priced ry Q now for onlyOC Auditorium Soap, special cake 76 Pompeian Soap, special cake, at 16c Pears' unscented glycerine soap 12c 25c Packers' Tar Soap, special 14 10c Physicians & Surgeons' Soap 7c 10c La Primera Soap, the cake at 7 25c Sylvan Toilet Soap, in all wanted colors; 3 cakes in box. During the Anniversary Sale; Q priced at only , OC Satin Skin Soap, special, cake 12 Sanitol Violet Soap, special at 16c Piver's, Soger's and Gallets' Soaps in all odors, now selling at, cake 23c 5c Monster Oatmeal Soap, cake 4c California Medicatel Soap, now 7d VA MCNfVIC DCNTAU CRKAM arVtavv a? 5000 Free Samples of Tooth Paste KOLYXOS is a scientific Dental Cream which thoroughly cleanses the teeth, sterilizes the month, d e s t r o. ys- pernicious bac teria... 5000 .'camples given awav during the Great 55th Anniversary Sale. Ask for it J Anniversary Sale of Fine Facial Creams 25c Tetlow's Cold Cream, special at 19C 25c Satin Skin Cream, special, only 19C 50c De Miracle Cream, on sale for 33C 60c Sempre Giovine Cream, at only 33 C 50c Charles' Flesh Food,' special at 33C 60c Palmolive Cream, special, only 33C 50c Stillman's Freckle Cream, only 33C 75c Roger & Gallet's Perfumes at 59C 60c Camelline Liquid Powder, for 26C Espey Cream, very special at only 16C 25c Holmes' Frostilla, special, only 14 C $1.75 Amber Royal Powder, only $1.49 50c Hair Brushes, Special at 28c As illustrated, fine 50c Bristle Hair Brushes, special at 2SC 25c Tooth Brushes, sp'L, IOC 35c Hair Brushes, special 19C 75c 35c BUeanwell Brushes for 23 C 25c 35c Prophylactic Brushes 23C 35c $3 Ebony Hair Brush,'. $1.98 35c 15c Toilet Chamois, special 8 35c S5c Celluloid Combs,' only 23 25c 35c Bath Sponges, special 23 C 50c Hand Mirrors, at, ea Whisk Brooms, sp'l, Hand Scrub Brushes, Nail Brushes, special, Shaving Brushes, for Nail Files, special at Shears, all sizes, pair, 49C 16C 19C 19C 19C 16C 23C 50c Danderine at only 33 C 25c Danderine for only 17C $1.00 Eaa de Quinine at 73C $1 Pinkham Veg. Comp 73c 50c Lavois Germicide at 37C $1.00 Scott's Emulsion, 79C 35c Drake's Cough Cure, 23 C 35c bottles of Castoria, 19C Malt Nutrine, dozen, $2.19 j Malt Nutrine, each only 19C Tooth Powders and Dentrifices 25c Sanitol .Tooth Paste, 16C 15c Graves' Tooth Powder, 9C 25c Paste rine Tooth Pwdr. 16C 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 15C 25c Rubifoam Tooth Wash 16C 25c Graves Tooth Powder 12C 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste, 17C 25c Lesterald Tooth Pdr., 15C 25c Lyons' Tooth Powder, 11C Revelation Tooth Powder, 25C Revelat'hTooth Powder DltUCKER'S Revelation Tooth Powder is one of the' most practical dentrifices that's ever come to our notice. Different from most other kinds, containing neither acid, grit nor a corrosive compound. For daily use Revelation Tooth Powder cannot be excelled. It cleanses and whitens the teeth, pre serves and hardens the gums, leaving the mouth sweet and clean. Dentists recommend Revelation Tooth Powder for hypersensitive dentine ; also pyorrhea in early stages. Put up in convenient cans at jvi auoi LI i c 25c I KERtT I CHIKItTI I 50c Robertine for 29c 1 law land women haVe found an unusually effective lotion for beau tifying and preserving, the complex ion. Especially useful is it at this time of the year, for it removes tan, freckles, sunburn, blemishes and softens wind '.and. sun -roughened face and arms. - . Robertine is positively free from anything that cari-injure the skin and makes the . flesh soft and vel vety. During the Anniversary Toilet Goods Exposition and Sale we will Sell 50c Bottle of Wis- y f ' domV'Robertine" for V7C "7 Sutherland Sisters V IF TOU desire a superb hair-dressinp, if you wish for a preparation devoid of injurious chemicals, if you need a splendid article, . for the hair, use Seven Suther land's Sisters' Hair Grow er. - ; ' - This compound is backed by testimonials of the' .greatest physicians and by .thousands who have found relief in 'it frbm baldness, and other scalp diseases. See the demonstrator in our Toilet Goods section. $1 Bottle 7 . Sutherland Sisters' Hair qo Grower for onlyOOC 6Cc Bottles 7 Sutherland Sisters' Hairyto Grower for onlyrOC 50c Bottles 7 Sutherland Sisters' Shampoo for 43 C El Perfecto Veda Rouge TlILNAliNU women " have ceased to prefer a wan, colorless complexion to a delicate touch of El Perfect Veda Rose Roupe. A dainty,' harmless toilet prepara tion which gives to the cheeks, lips and finger nails the true color of nature. - El Perfecto Veda Rose Rouge is made of the finest, purest ingredients and abso lutely wjjll not injure the most delicate skin. Regular 50c Jars of 1 Perfecto Veda Rose Rouse, for Our Anniversary Sale 29 c i s ys ss . it im MM Ricksecker's Soap 25c a Bar IF YOU have a ssnsitivp nrifl: delicate skin which k Ricksecker's Soap will, bring you relief. Contains no perfume, no coloring matter, no adulteration made of healing vegetable oil. It is the Soap physicians use in their own families. Rickseck er's Soap does not exhaust the natural oils of the skin and unexcelled for chapped hands. Ricksecker's Soap, large size, in our Toilet Goods Section, at the low price OC Creme Elcaya at 40c Per Jar WITH the outdoor season at hand, every woman must look to her complexion. Creme Elcaya is a skin food of unusual merit a perfect ly non-greaseless, pure prep aration which can be iased without slightest injury to ing it soft as velvet. ' Creme Elcaya is unequaled for roughness and red ness of the skin. Does not promote the growth of hair, and its use leaves no trace of grease or A gloss. Full sized jars of Creme Elcaya, SJ f during the , Anniversary Sale, at only w ElCAYAtj Jwnani, .-.Si Lemon Quince Cream at 25c WOULD be chard to . find anything more delicate and soothing to' the skin than natural lemon juice, combined with pulp of quince seeds and hydrogen peroxide. These are the chief in-, gredients of new Lemon Quince Cream, which has attained widespread pop ularity in a short. time.. An absolutely greaseless skin preparation and per fect bleach. Leaves the skin soft as velvet. Full :ized jars, during Great Anniversary Toi- OCr let Goods Sale at III PON toff 50c Vanishing Cream, 33c 25c Pond's Antiseptic, 17C Pond's Extract, . 17c, 33C Pond's ; Extract Preparations YEARS before the Civil War, Pond's Extract ' was a household necessity the country over! Pond's Extract Prepara tions now are just as high in . quality and there is an arti cle to meet nearly every de mand - of the toilet table. These extra special prices . during-our Great 55th An niversary Sales: 25c Pond's Cold Cream, 33c '25c Pond's Dentrifice, 17c Pond's Talcum P'wdr, 17C ,LIkl MADAME-15 Mme. Ise'belFs Preparations NOT only such theatrical stars- as Maxine Elliot, Blanche Bates, Nordica and others, but women in every part of America use and in dorse Madame Ise 'bell's fa- t.'-j mous Toilet Preparations. r .They nourish and preserve the skin and positively will R; 3 r,io Tan ' bj bell's Preparations only in Portland. Special Demonstration of Madame Ise'bell's "Turkish Bath ........qt: Oil," "Skin Food and Wrinkle Paste," ." Flesh Worm Eradicator,' 'Exquisite Faee Powder," "Lilac Hand Whitener," "B. 0. Depilatory" at 25c 50C $1, $1.50