SECTION THREE Pages 1 to lO EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY VOL. XXX. SUNDAY 9IORXIXG, PORTLAND, OREGON, APRIL 23, 1911, NO. 17. Agents for Nemo Corsets, Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Mariette, Marquise, Mme. Helene-Reno B elt Corsets Sahlin Waists "Vtidor" Porch (Shades and Hammocks See Pure Food Grocery Ad on Page 5 This Section Rental Department, 3d Floor $42 Gowns $2-25 Reg.$7.5Q Italian SilK Combinations $5.49 Fashionable women will appreciate this sale of high-grade Italian Silk Combinations, made IYineess style, with deep hemstitched flounce, trimmed in reading and dainty rib bon: a desirable garment over which the new Spring gar ments will fit perfectly. Regular values np to V C A Q $". offered special during this sale at only PJmJ GOWNS French hand-made, slipover styles, high neck, handsomely embroidered in floral and eonven- LJ QC tional designs; regular iH-50 values, special at H 75c Ribbon 37c 20c Ribbon 12c Iligh-grade luster Taffeta Ribbon, 8 inches wide, in all the special new shades for millinery; our 75c quality, yard Thousands of yards of all pure Silk Taffeta Ribbons. 4 inches wide; every want- 1H ed shade; mrular 20c quality, onlv AfcC Cord Edge taffeta Ribbon, in OtZn shades, 5 inches wide, 35c values JC MONO GRAMS OS INITIALS Woven in men 's Shir t s sold at $2.50 ea., or over. $3FancyNeckwe'r $1.37 $2.25 Fancy NecKwr 98c LOT 1 A big shipment of women's faney Neckwear, in Vexise and Irish effects, in yokes, chemi settes, Dnteh and sailor collars, in white and ecru. Many new patterns will be shown "1 07 for the first time tomorrow. Values to $3.00, priced special for your choice of the lot LOT 2 The most exceptional offering of the season. - Thousands of dainty new ideas in women's neckwear; every new effect, in cascades, jabots, stocks and Dutch styles. .Made of dainty QQ lawn. Vetiise lace, linen, net and lawn materials. Worth to $2.25 each, special tomorrow OC Style Lecture On Tuesday at 3 P. M. By Linda Ross Wade Sensation of Fashion" In this lecture Mrs. Wade will discuss the Hobble Skirt, the Harem Suit and other freaks of fashion. She will ap pear in a beautiful Parisian Panta loon Costume. All women are invited. Auditorium, 4th floor. Take elevator. New Hand Bags $10 Values for $4-98 $3.50 Values at $1.89 350 of the newest shapes in women's Handbags; suede, real seal, goat seal and Morocco leathers n black, brown, tan, green or navy; good, strong gilt, gunmetal and silver frames, leather strap or cordelier handles; our $ZA QQ best regular $10 values, on special sale at only Pt".0 300 SEAL BAGS Splendid gfade, leather-lined, single or double-strap handles, gilt or gunmetal frames; good, sub stantial bags, worth $3.50; offered special for QQ tomorrow's sale at the low price of onlj-, each $a.5Q AH overs $1.78 5000 yards of Venise and Oriental Trimming Bands will go on sale to morrow. Cream and ecru, widths 2 to 4 inches; just what you a q will need for trimming the Summer dress; values to $1.2.3, yd. "O ALLOVERS 1000 yards of white, cream and ecru, Venise ? 1 70 V a. j eaitifai New Waists 16.50 Values $8.95 And now comes an opportunity to buy Waists which will make you look attractive, keep ypu cool and wear to your complete satisfaction. They are made of sheer lin gerie and marquisette materials. Hand-embroidered or trimmed in Irish crochet laces, styled with high necks, long or kimono style sleeves. Many have rows of pin tucks down the front and crochet buttons. These are excellent values up CQ Q EL to $16.50 each, offered special during this sale at low price of only, each vO. Women's Tailored Suits $45.00 Values for $28,50 fit . ryhfh , jU Ket l u' hi t if fix m 1 mi m. mm' Iff t An assemblage of Tailored Saits that will appeal to all women of refined 1 . i I r i TV. 1 - 1 - , utaic wnu are juuges ui materials ana 5iyies. inia ut mmuicj a guuu portion or the lloor display of one of New iorn s leading manmaciur- ers and was bought by our Miss Bernard who just returned from mar- t a very advantageous price. Materials are French Serges, Scotch Cheviots, Mannish Worsteds, Novelty Stripes and ChecKs. Colors are navy, tan, white, light blue, English mixtures, etc JacKets are semi fitting short styles, sKirts are the very new panel bacKs or inverted plaited effects. If bought in the regular way we could not tQO CA price them less than $45.. Tomorrow. you may-choose at PO.OU $40.00 Suits for $18.25 The most sensational sale of the day-a splendid lot of Suits from our regular stocK will be added to those left from Fri day's Sale, which gives a broader and better range for choosing than before. The materials are Serges, Cheviots, Diagonals, ChecKed and Striped Novelties, Homespuns, Etc The very latest styles. Every one this season's g 1 Q O C arrivals. Unusual values to $40. Tomorrow 9 1 O J Tailored Coats $25 A new shipment of fine Tailored Coats just reached us Saturday. The semi-fitting and loose styles and empire effects, trimmed in braids, satin piping, embroidered col lars and cuffs, etcMaterials are Mannish Mixtures, French Serges, Cheviots, Tweeds, BlacK and White Check Novelties, etc. Specially priced at , V $25.00 $5.5Q Wash Dresses at $2.89 Women's Wash Dresses of Gingham and Chambray in darK and light colors neatly trimmed with braids, crochet, buttons, etc Styled with high or Dutch necKs, long or short sleeves, plaited shirts, fasten in back. For house or street wear. Values to $5.50 $2.89 $57,5Q Pattern Hats Now $29.95 $67.5Q Pattern fiats Now" $39:95 $187.5Q Pattern Hats for $99.95 ( 1 Wl Hl A , .b 1 $ 97.50 Ag'entsforvV l $100.00 $125.00 unox flats $i 87.50 Tomorrow's visitors to the Millinery Salon, 2d floor, will be delighted with the splendid showing of rich pattern Hats. Despite their prettiness and freshness the whole charming array will be handed over to their admirers at a mere trifle of their real value. Foundations of the finest imported braids, etc. Shaped in hundreds tof different ways and trimmed in the richest Paradise, Plumes, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks, Laces, Braids, etc Marvelous productions of the modistes' art and handiwork at reduced prices Actual val- Actual val u e s up to $67.50 for $39-95 sf:$29.95 Paris Fictuire Oats All those in our exclusive French Room, including the rarest Picture Hats, are now-priced as follows; Hats priced at only $49.95 $77.50 Hats special at $54.95 Hats now only $54.95 $90.00 Hats special at $59.95 Paris Pattern Hats specially reduced to - only $59.95 Paris Pattern Hats specially reduced to only $64.95 Paris Pattern Hats specially reduced to only $79.95 Paris Pattern Hats specially reduced to only $99.95 Redfern Corsetj $6 Vals. $3,46 Models irv the famous Redfern Corset, designed for tall, medium and average figures; long, waist and medium high bust: shaped to give extra length in the hips and back. Materials are coutil and batiste, nicely tnmmed; o q A O and $6 values, special, only Sale Auto Veils S1.50 Values 89c 500 Chiffon Auto Veils, hemstitched all around ; every wanted shade is shown in this lot. Extra full-length Veils, worth OQ $1.50 each, special tomorrow only at-'"w COLLAR SUPPORTS, the "Fitwell," best made, pearl and rhinestone settings, 1 '7 various lengths 25c values at, each " 25c Embroidery 12c $1.50 Emb'dery 59c Three good lines of fine Embroideries, many of which are taken from our regular stock. Some are slightly ' mussed . from handling. Edges, corset cover embroideries, galloons, bands, 27-inch flouncings; 25c values. for 12c; regular $1.00 values for 37c, CQ. and our regular $1.50 values only''' Sale Table Linens Fancy Cloths Vz Off $6 NapKins Dozen $3.75 A great clean-un sale of fancy embroidered, lace-trimmed and drawnwork Te Cloths, Table Cloths, t?carf.. Centerpieces, etc. Round and square A 4 shapes, ranging in price from $.1.75 np to $S5.00, offered upecial at VII Ml hand-made Madeira Lmbroidered Poilies, Napkins tenter- f )- pieces, ica t loins, ccris, eic, nuered special during this sale at Napkins, of gixvd quality linen. 15-inch ize. neatlv embroideml and scallojed. Our regular -56 values, of- 4 0 7C fered serial, dozen, only Remnants of Table Linens, cnongh for a cloth, in several ; others may be rut up for nnpkins, etc. All are greatly reduced for this sale to close them out. $1.5Q Table Damask 98c Splendid quality, high-grade Table Damask, 72 inches wide, in a good ts-QO snrtinent of patterns; one of the best $1-50 values in stock, offered special 5OC LINEN SHEETING, full 90 inches wide, $1.00 quality, at this sale for only 79 40cTowels at 26c II 30c Towels at 18c A splendid assortment of full bleached Bath Towels of the finest quality Terry cloth, size 24x43; our best regu- 1 O lar 30c grade, special price only A OC Huckaback Towels, all li nen, and hem stitched. Size 22x40. Splendid guests towels. Regular 40e values, fered special for this sale, each "" Gijgamiti&c Sale of Fimiest Silfes SilKs for the June Bride $1 Values at 71c $2.5Q Values $1.69 In this sale we will feature the fab rics best suited for the bride-to-be in June. The fabrics represent values which make this the first and greatest opportunity of the season to secure the finest silks at the prices of ordinary materials. Dainty sheer erepe-de-chines, crys tal crepes, Princess crepes, chiffon failles, etc., in dainty eve g shades. 24-lnch $1.00 Silks, yard, 71 24-inch $1.25 Silks, yard, 89 36-inch $2.50 Silks, yard, $1.69 36-inch $3.00 Silks, yard, 2.19 36-tach $3.60 Silks, yard, 2.59 E$l Fancy SilKs 59c $2FouilrdsL.59 jmmm $2 Fancy SilKs $1.19 $1.75 Foulards 98c 25,000 yards, comprising practically our entire stock of fancy Silks, at prices never before offered in Portland. All this season's purchases, in stripes, checks, printed warps, plaids; beautiful fancy jac quards in all the new colorings. The sale begins at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Prices are as follows: $1.00 Silks, yard, 59 $1.50 Silks, yard, 89 $1.25 Silks, yard, G9 $2.00 Silks, yard, SI. 19 Our entire stock of bordered Foulards, the swellest silks shown tlus season. Patterns absolutely exclu sive with us; not more than two patterns i 1 of any kind; our regular $2.50 values at P A ' DOUBLE BORDERED FOULARDS, 36 ins. wide, very rich pattern effects. The reigning fabric for rear, hold right up to last night QQ nd $1.75 a yard; special tomorrow Oi bummer w at $1.50 and Specials io. tKe Basement "Underprice Store" Women's $25 Suits $15 S6 Trimmed Hats $2.98 $7.5Q Petticoats $5.39 $2.25 Kimonos at 89c Women's smart Tailored Suits, well made 200 very stylish trimmed Hats, foundation 250 new Silk Petticoats, of rich taffeta, in Women's Kimonos and House Dresses made and finished, lined with good satin; materi- of fine quality braids, tastily trimmed with plain colors and fancy stripes, styled in the of good quality lawns and dimity; full als are fine serge in navy, black, gray and ribbons, silks, flowers, etc. Small and me- deep flounce, trimmed with tucks; all col- length, fitted and loose, plain or trimmed tan and mixtures; best rcgu- J1 C (f dium shapes; regular $5.00 and P QQ ors and black; our regular $7.50 fiJO OQ with lace; light, medium and darkQQ-, lar $25.00 values, special at V J.W jfl.00 Talues, on special sale at PfcivO values, on special sale, garment Piv colors; $2.00 and $2.25 values forOC 9QQO Yards Foulards 1.25 "V allies for 69c In the silk store, tomorrow, a sale of 9000 yards of our best patterns in Foulards and fancy Silks, suitable for your good street or evening dresses, waists, trim ming, lining, etc. The silks that all women love, because they swing so grace fully, wear so well and do not go out of style. Notice whenever you are among swell-dressed women, foulards are in evidence. They are appropriate for CQ. all-year-round. Tomorrow we price $1.00 and $1.25 values at only, the yd. "'