20 TITi: SUNDAY OHEGOXTAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 23, 1911. HAWLEY BUTTLES FOR IDAHO LID Governor Goes to Washington to Assert Right to Re served Sections. SCHOOL FUND IS AFFECTED aimmt Half or Slate uw Cnd.-t Jurisdiction of iH-partnK-nl of. Interior Siwt Candi dal for l'lac. BOfcE. Idaho. April II. (Special.; Oovernor llawlev ha carried Idaho's flebt for Its blrthrlsrht. sections 1 and 34. belonclna to and to be used for the support and maintenance of the public school to President Taft and Attornev-Ueneral Wlckersham. In per son and ts now In Washington In com pany with Attorney-General McDouirall. either to secure the lrmi of the act or as a compromise to hare lieu land se lections permitted for those school sections Included In 1 and 3 no' within forest reserves. Lleutenant-Gov- ernor Sweetser Is now actinic Governor of the state. The serious question that faces Idaho with respect to these lands Is simple but vitally Important. Kor two years It has served as a football that has been carried Into the legislature. to the Supreme Court of the state, to the Secretary of the Interior, the At' tnrnv-,neral and to the President of the I'nited States. .rnt Made to Slate. I'nder tfce art admlttlnar Idsha Into the L'nlon. sections 1 and 3 In every township In the state were a: ran ted. to be known as school sections for the support of the schools of the state In their sale, the money irolnsr Into the school fund. In later years the conser vation policy was put Into effect, with the result that many forest reserves were created In this state, until al most half of Mabo comes under the di rect Jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior Instead of the state. A greater part of the various forest reserves are unsurvered. The Govern ment claimed title to all unsurvered land until It Is surveyed, when under the terms of the admission act It passes to the state. Millions of acres are In the unreserved class. Included In these re sections 14 and 3. By lertslatlve enactment power was given the State land Board to release the unreserveu sections 1 and J and sel.-ct lieu lan. Is In their place and which were sur veyed. Salt Won In Court. payments from settlers. If the settlers will. In addition to the payments due. turn over to the aa-ent the price of a money order. The fiscal agents. In turn. convert the settlers cash Into money orders, and transmit the orders to the land office. This transfer Is made at the risk of the settler. The liawley bill would make the fis cal agents responsible for the funds, and would authorize them to Issue re ceipts, which must now come from the land office. The bill Is strongly fa vored by the Reclamation Service, and Is generally advocated by Western men In Congress, and there Is good prospect for Its passage. Mount Jeffer-on to Be Park. The creation of the Mount Jefferson National Park In Oregon Is provided for In another bill, which converts Into a public park all of township 19 south. range I east, township 10 south, range east, township II south, range 8 east and township 11 south, range east, all of which townships are now embraced In the Cascade forest reserve. The park, when created. Is to be placed under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior and to have the same rare and protection that Is thrown irotind other National parks In the West. Settlement within the park Is prohibited, and lumbering and other business enterprises are barred. The park. In a word, will be under the same sort of administration as the Crater Lake National Park. Mount Jefferson Is the central objectof Interest In the proposed park. Soldiers and sailors who served n days or longer in the Civil War. the war with Spain and the Philippine In surrection are given a 0-day prefer ence right to enter all lands hereafter opened up to entry under the public land laws, according to the terms of another bill by liawley. This prefer ence right extends not only to land newly opened, such as land eliminated from forest reserves, but also to land on Indian reservations, etc. LUMBER RATE TO ORIENT GOES UP High Tariff, Levied by Tramps, Gives Regular Liners Op portunity to Do So. PACIFIC BUREAU ACTS Individual Companies Permitted to Fix Rate as They Please on Cargoes of More Than 200,-000- Feet of Boards. High freight rates demanded by own ers of tramp steamers for lumber en gagements may stiffen the market to an extent that will warrant vessels plying regularly between Pacific Coast and Far Eastern ports in raising the tariff of 17 a thousand feet. It is esti mated that a tramp taken on a time charter basis means that the exporter can deliver lumber in the Orient for untfl the State Supreme Court has scru tinised the new Port of Portland act and passed on Its constitutionality. M. G. Munly, counsel for the new Commission, said yesterday that he had been told that several namea had been submitted to Governor West ae re pre sentlng men eligible for the appoint ment but so far as he knew no steps bad been taken toward selections. It is the understanding that the Supreme Court will conclude lta sessions at Pen dleton Hay 15 and the Port of Portland test case lias been set for hearing first of all matters) pending. C. K. S. Wood counsel for the old board, has not filed his brief, but as soon as that la acted on Judge Munly will prepare his brief snd it le hoped all preliminaries will be carried out in advance of the return of the tribunal from Eastern Oregon. about IS. 73. On an understanding bo tween lines forming the Trans-Pacific Mr. Barbour attributes that to Freight Bureau the $7 tariff applies , activity of railroad agents of the Direct Kh-ctlon Plan Proposed. Itawley ts one of about 10 men In Congress to propose a resolution look- ng to a constitutional smendment call ing for popular election of I'nited States Senators. He would amend par agraph one. section three, article one of the constitution, to read as follows: The Senate of the I'nited States .hall be rtmpoeed of two fenatora from each state. elected from the state at larre by the people thereof, for six years, and each Senator shall hare one voir. The electors In earn state shall bare the qualifications requisite for .Ire tors ef the most numerous branch of the Male legislature. The times, places an-1 manner of holding elections for Senators shall be as prescribed In rich state by the Legislature thereof. w hen vacancies happen In the representa tion of snr state In the Henste. the execu- tlre authority ef such state shall Issue writs of election to Oil such vacancies: Pro vided, that the L-eglslsture of any state mav empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people nil the vacancies by election, as the Legisla ture mar direct. The amendment shall not be so construed ss to alTect the election or term of any Sen ator chosen before It becomes vslld ss part or ine lonetitotion. LEWIS COUNTY IS BOOMING Iloads to lie Built and Power Plant Planned. Big When the Land Board attempted to do this, suit was Instituted In the Su preme Court by William Balderston. former editor of the Statesman, and now Register of the I'nited States land Office, to prevent the selection by testing the constitutionality of the legislation permitting the .lieu land selections. The suit was woa. Kver since that time the section X and 3 question haa been a moot one In Idaho. The recent Legislature de termined to art to save the lands, be lieving the state was In danger of los ing them. The Secretary of the Interior Issued a warning that some action must be taken by the Legislature or this would happen. Accordingly a bill drawn by Senator Kerns, of Shoshone County, was passed. It permitted the Land Board to make the lieu land se lections. But a Supreme Court deci sion appeared to stand in the way. Finally the Legislature sent a special committee to Washington to confer with the Secretary and the Presldent The personnel Included Senator Kerns. Representative Crow and Assistant Attorney-General Peterson. After spend ing a week In Washington the commit tee returned with the personal assur ance. It Is said, of President Taft that he would not stand by and see the state lose Its birthrUht. Since then the Issue has remained Inactive and Gov ernor Brady, donning his war paint, left for the seat of the National Gov ernment. Sweet-er Becomes Governor. Prior to going to Washington. Gov ernor liawley suggested to the Land Board that Lieutenant-Governor Sweetser be called to the capital to be come active Governor during his ab sence. The question of salary arose. It was admitted that with the ab sence of the Governor the Lieutenant Governor would become acting Gov ernor. There was some doubt whether Mr. Sweetsrr would make the trip from Burlev. his home, to Boise. Just to be acting Governor for 10 days. State Anditor Taylor said that unless Gov ernor liawley consented to gtve his sal ary to the Lieutenant-Governor during his absence, there was no fund avail able upon which he. as Auditor could draw to pay Lieutenant-Governor Sweetser. Governor liawley objected to being "docked" for salary Just be cause he happened to be absent from the state on state business. The sub ject was left with the Attorney-General for a decision. Lieutenant-Governor Sweetser Is not expected to pass by the opportunity of becoming Governor of Idaho If only for 10 days. His friends have heard from him to the effect he will arrive In the capital city Wednesday to occupy the comfortable chair of Governor Hawley. When Governor Hawtey- rrossea ins eastern border. Lieutenant Governor Sweetser became Governor. vr Official in Training. There are several reasons why Lieutenant-Governor Sweetser Is expected to take tip the reins of state govern ment. The principal one is that it is now conceded In political circles In Idaho that Lieutenant-Governor Sweet ser will be a Republican candidate for the nomination of Governor at the next general election primaries. He has been a member of the House of Represen tatives and for two terms as Lieutenant-Governor wielded the gavel In the Senate as Presl-lent or during the 10th and 11th sessions. No man has a wider reputation for fairness in the state and few men in public life In Idaho has fewer enemies. Mr. Sweetser Is trimmed for the race two years hence and his enthuatastlc friends now are arranging his political fences. He announced to the Senste when the last session-closed he would not be a candidate for re election as Lieutenant-Governor and dropped the broad hint that he would be a candidate for Governor. Labor Saved Irrigator. Another bill of general Interest throughout the West provides that set tlers on Government Irrigation projects may make their payments to fiscal agents of the Reclamation Service on t:ie project. Instead of at the nearest lan'd office, as is now required, L'nder a departmental regulation, fiscal agents ef the Reclamation Service can take , CHEHALIS. Wash.. April S3. (Spe cial.) Interesting Industrial develop ments are reported from eastern I-e w- Is County In various parts. The Stln- son sawmill is being removed from Riffe to Morton at the terminus of the Tacoma tc Eastern Railroad. From Morton eastward the Rotary Club of Tacoma will expend $1600 to help build wagon road that will aid the farm ers of the Big Bottom section in reach ing the present railroad terminus. Men. rho have Just returned from the Cas cade Mountains In Edstern Lewis Coun ty, report that about 75 men are en camped at the new town of Lewis, which was formerly known as Sulphur Springs, and that Just as soon as the snows melt sufficiently at Packwood Lake, seven miles away, these men and others will begin active work on the gigantic power project that Is to be developed there. The outlet of Packwood Lake will be dammed and other mountain streams diverted Into this natural reservoir. From the lake to Lewis, a distance of seven miles the water will be flumed to the power plant that is to be con structed by the Valley Development Company. It is expected to generate loo.woo-horsepower. It Is generally un derstood that the project la backed by the North Coast Company. only on lots of lumber In quantities of 200.000 feet and less. On contracts for greater shipments Individual lines may follow their own dictation, but usually the charge Is 36 If more than J00.O00 feet moves on one steamer. At that rate It Is contended that profits are small, but on the other hand lumber exporters calculate that when they have sufficient orders to fill a vessel It Is profitable for them to take tonnage on time charter and save at least 15 rents on each thousand. Stiff trans-Pacific rates for tramp tonnage will tend to divert more ship ments of less than cargo slxe to the regular lines, but as yet no large con tracts for the present season have been closed for shipment after July. The Portland Asiatic Interests have booked lumber for their July steamer but not beyond that period, on the June space Is being filled with th same material, there being a dearth In offerings of flour and wheat. About 4.000.0UO feet sold by the L. P. Lee Lumber Company for May and Jun shipment goes forward via the Ban Line because the May delivery could not be handled by the Portland Asiatic, next months -steamer space being taken In advance, mostly with grsln and flonr. As the Oriental liner Menrik Ibse did not report in the river yesterda she Is expected todsy. The voyage from Otaru. which port she left astern April 5. ts two days shorter than from Yokohama, which Is made In 20 days, though on one passage the Ibsen wa 27 days crossing the Pacific A full outward cargo awaits the vessel but she will not be discharged with speed. as she has 1.350.000 feet of oak In the form of logs. 2 CHAKTEns OUT YESTERDAY PORT SENDS -MOST CHIXES2 Bank Line's Steerage Prospects Are Thought fo Be Good. In the opinion of Immigration Inspec tor Barbour the Bonk Line faces excel lent prospecu of creating a passenger trade out of Portland through patronage of Chinese, the deduction being based on the fact that this city has the largest Chinese population north of San Fran Cisco. The move of the Bank Line officials Friday, In Inviting Portland Chinese to Inspect steerage accommodations for S00 travelers aboard the new erteamer Luceric, is generally thought to be the forerunner of regular traffic which this harbor has not had for several years, following the action of the Harriman officials (in discontinuing all passenger service on vessels of the Portland A Asiatic fleet- Seattle and Tacoma are credited with handling the greatest number of pas sengers from Northwest territory, but the HIU lines, who route the returning Orientals from Kn6tern cities, and the fact that local Chinese go there to embark. While outward passenger Dustiness is invited, the Government officers do not relish prospects of keeping check on hordes of immigrants from across the "pond" and they are hoping that newcomers will continue to disembark on Puget Sound, even though many of them find their way by rail to Portland. METOLIUS SHIPS WHEAT First Consignment Received Warehouse of 2135 Bushels. 7 METOLIUS. Or.. April 22. (Special.) The first wheat received by the Me tolius Warehouse Company was brought In yesterday. There was 213a bushels In the consignment, the shipper being William Belknap. It is the club va riety and Manager Boone reports the quality as fine as ever seen by him. The wheat was grown a few miles south of Metollus and the yield was 27 bushels to the acre. Many thou sands of bushels of wheat are held by farmers In this neighborhood and will be shipped out during the next few weeks. Over 3500 feet of ditches are dug for the city water mains and the work Is progressing rapidly. As soon as the excavating is completed, pipes will be laid and Metollus will be the first town on the Oregon Trunk Railway to pos sess a water works system. The construction of the hotel build ing is well under way. The building will cost $20,000 and Is to be completed within CO days. Barm be k to Load New Crop Wheat and St. Ronald Lumber. Yesterday's cable advices from abroad conveyed Intelligence of two fixtures for Portland loading, the German bark Barmbek having been taken for. new crop wheat to the United Kingdom, and the British tramp-St. Ronald for lumber to Shanghai, under engagement to the China Import & Fxport Lumber Company. The Barmbek sailed from Hamburg March 3 for Santa Rosalia, while the St. Ronald i Is on the way from San Francisco, which port she left March 25, for Mazatlan and Sallna Crux. The engagement of the Barmbek brings the number of new crop ships to over half a dozen and by the time the season opens July 1 there probably will be as many more listed. The charter of the St. Ronald means the exportation of another lot of 3.500.000 feet of lumber which the China Import at Export Lumber Company will float as part of a movement that is to equal the Arm's business last year which reached 50.000.000 feet. May should prove a more active month In offshore lumber than April and there are en couraglng prospects for the coastwise trade, more sailing vessels being list' edMo load than for any period since January 1. FORTLAXDERS RC.V VESSELS Local Funds to Back Steamboat Service on Paget Sound. Commercial Club Favors Angora Association Exhibition Through the Incorporation locally yesterday of the Taeoma-Seattle-Ever-ett Route, principally by Portlanders and a provision In the articles that headquarters were to be maintained here, it was inferred that the ground work was being formed for the launch lng of a marine venture that would connect this city with the northern harbor, but it Is given out that the field of operation will be confined to Puget Sound waters. The organisation will foster a service In competition with the speedy steamer Flyer, which piled here for a time and is widely known for speed attainments. R. Lea Barnes. W. A. Holt and J. D. Leonard, all connected with the United States National Bank, are named as Incorporators together with Ira Bron son. of Seattle, who also appears as at torney. While the principal office will be here, another will be maintained at 000. each. It Is also provided that the company Having I may care for business as far north as Alaska and include in its responsibili ties coal mining and other pursuits. . . , . . . ......te here, another will be maintained DALLAS AFTER GOAT SHOW ff"1-, The fccaplt""tlon .".o00-' , I divided Into shares valued at $100 et DALLAS. Or., April 22. (Special.) The Commercial Club at Its meeting this week adopted a resolution Instruct ing the secretary. Walter L. Tooie. Jr to send printed notices to all the Com mercial Clubs on the Pacific Coast notifying them of the organisation of the Iallas Commercial Club. A letter from the Northwest Angora Goat Association was read. In which the association asked what Inducements Dallas would offer to It to hold its annual exhibition In Dallas In Janu ary. 1M2. Mr. Tooxe. as captain of the local company of militia, offered the use of the Armory soon to be con structed free to the association for the exhibition. Pallas Is the center of the mohair Industry In the North west and residents here desire the show. Alaska Rate Hearing Ordered. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash- Ington. April 22. Governor Clark of Alaska has been authorized by the Interior Department to hear complaints from shippers In Alaska who feel that freight rates over Alaskan railways are excessive. Under a recent decis ion of the Supreme Court, regulation of railroads in Alaska rests with the Secretary of the Interior, and all com plaints and evidence submitted to the Governor will be transmitted by him to us secretary ior decision. NORTH STAR OFF TO ALASKA Ship Takes Diver to Salve Cargo of Wrecked Jabes Hsues. ASTORIA. Or.. April 2i. (Special.) The Alaska Fishermen's Packing Com pany's steamer North Star sailed this morning for Nuahagak River. Alaska. She will stop at Chlgntk Bay and among her passengers are Captain E. C. Gen craux. of the Seattle office of the San Francisco Board of Marine Under writers, and Captain Finch, a diver, who will go to salve the cargo of the wrecked ship Jabes Howes. The North Star also carries a quan tity of supplies for the Columbia River Packers' Association so that the can nery crew can proceed with the manu facture of cans from the tin plate which the association had stored at its Chlg ntk plant. . GOVERNOR AWAITS OUTCOME Carpenter AVI11 Keep Busy. On the voyage from Portland to Lon don more than usual diversion will be furnished the carpenter of the German ship Wllhelmine, for Captain Thomp son yesterday placed orders for timbers to be fashioned Into spars and topgal lant masts for emergencies. The lar gest has a diameter of 19 inches and Is 52 feet long, while another Is 14 Inches In diameter and 60 feet In length. The vessel Is finishing her lumber cargo at Llnnton, and will clear Wednesday. Kel&o Has Heavy Frost. Captain Whltcomb, master of the Steamer Joseph Kellogg, passed through two extremes of Spring yesterday, for he reported on arrival at noon that there was a heavy white frost at Kelso yesterday morning, which was pre- J ceaea oy a sun winu irora ine norm Friday night, but on entering the Wil lamette balmy weather was found with no tinge of frost. Marine Notes. When the steamer Rose City sails for the south today she will have a pas senger list of at leaf 2ti) persons. To work on Lewis River, where dangerous snag have been located, the Government dredge Mathloma will leave for there tomorrow. Having finished discharging inward cargo yesterday the steamer Shoshone left the harbor last night for Stella to load lumber for the south. It has been learned that the British ship Rivereiide has been sold to Argen tine interests who have changed her name to Domlngos Joaquin De Silva. Harry Campion, superintendent of the Port of Portland pilotage and towage de partment, returned yesterday from Aetoria after having spent a day aboard one of the tugs at the entrance to the river. Printed schedules are being distributed covering the Summer movements of the steamer Breakwater, which will sail for Coos Bay every five days beginning May and will continue on that card until August 3L Arrangements were yesterday made for two launches to leave the Kellogg boat- house today for St. Helens, carrying ballplayers and their retinue to engage in combat on the St. Helens diamond with local players. Having been floated after getting on the rocks on the Weet Coast of Ireland, the British ship Port Stanley, wheat laden from Portland, arrived yesterday at Limerick. She le not thought to have been seriously damaged. Major Morrow, Corps of Engineers, U. 9. A., who returned yesterday from an nepectlon strip over the Celilo Canal project, says that the work can be completed In three yearei if sufficient ap propriations are granted by Congress. Captain C. Madcson yesterday entered the steamer W. 9, Porter, as master. Why Should I Use Cuticura Soap? "There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap was only for skJ troubles." True, it is for skin troubles, but its .great mission is to prtvent skin troubles. For more than a generation its deli cate emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extremepurity and refreshing fragrance give to it all the advan tages of the best of toilet soaps, It is also invaluable in keeping the hands soft and white, the hair live and glossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents more than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with such care and of such materials, that it wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making its use, in practice, most econom ical. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may be demonstrated without cost by sending to "Cuticura," Dept. G , Boston, for a liberal sample cake, together with a thirty-two- page book on the skin and hair, Is planned to have sailings every 0 days to Pacific Coast ports from European harbors. Yesterday's entries at the Custom- House were the steamer W. 9. Porter, from San Francisco: gasoline schooner Anvil, from Bandon and way ports; oteamer Shoshone, from San Francisco; gasoline schooner Wilhelmlne, from Newport. The Porter, Anvil and Wil helmlne cleared for the return, the Shoshone In ballast to load on the lower river for San Pedro, the Shasta with 820,000 feet of lumber for San Pedro and the steamer Rose City in general cargo for San Pedro via San Francisco. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Aorll 22. Arrived Steamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Coaster, for San Francisco; steamer Temple E. Door, for San Pedro: gasoline schooner Anvil, for Bandon. Astoria. April 22. Condition at the mouth of the river at P. M.. smooth; wind. northwest. 84 miles: weather, clear. Sailed at S A. M.. steamer Klamath, for San Fran Cisco. Sailed at 7 A. M., Russian bark Ocean, for Queenstown or Falmouth. Arrived an 7 and left up at 8 A. JI.. steamer Asun cion, from San Francisco. Sailed at 6 A. M. steamer .North Star, for Nuahag-ak. Sailed at 11 A. M., steamer Riverside, for Grays Har bor. San Francisco. April 22. Arrived at 1 A. M., steamer Roanoke. from Portland. Sailed at 7 A. M., barge Carondelet, in tow of tug" Tstoosh, for Portland; later re turned. Sailed at 12 noon, steamer Bear, for San Pedro. Sailed at 3 P. M.. steamer Ta hoe. for Portland. Arrived Barge Gerard C. Tobcy. from Portland. Cleared Steamer Falcon, for Portland. Limerick, April 22. Arrived British ship Port Stanley, from Portland. Coos Bay. April 22. Arrived Steamer Al liance, from Portland. Hongkong. April 22. Arrived previously Steamship Bellerophon. from Tacoma; Mon golia, fmm San Francisco. j San Francisco. April 22. Arrived Steam er Roanoke, from Astoria; bark Gerard C. Tobey, from Astoria. Sailed Steamers Georgo K. Halter, for Bristol Bay: Governor, for Seattle: Tahoe, for Astoria: bark Paramita, for Bristol Bay: ship Santa Clara, for Ali tak; steamer Norwood, for Grays Harbor. I Los Angeles. April 22. Sailed Roma, for I Portland; Claremont, for Grays Harbor; I Daisy Mitchell, for Grays Harbor; Carlos, for Willapa Harbor. Tacoma. Wash., April 22. Arrived Steamer Watson. from San Francisco; steamer City of Puebla. from San Francis co: steamer Northland, from Portland. Sailed British steamer Crcwn of Galicia, for Eureka and Santa Rosalia. Seattle. April 21. Arrived United States revenue cutter Manning. from Astoria; steamer Jefferson, from Skagway; steamer Watson, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer City of Seattle, for Skagway; steamer Kamakura Ham, for Yokohama. 7:52 A. M. 9:19 P. M. Tides at Astoria Sunday. High. Low. .6.8 feet!2:23 A. M ,4.1 feet ...1.1 feetiZ.-KI P. M 1.4 feet Man Found Hanging to Tree. SALEM. Or., April 2Z. (Special.) Hanging on a tree on the Savage ranch 1 north of the city, the body of a man supposed to be H. Jenklnson was found by Mrs. H. Pendleton this morning. Cored A. G. Smith, M. D. I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publiah my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats patients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It Is impossible for a . medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or un businesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly inde pendent, and I would like to have you for a patient.. If you will come to me on a strictly profes sional basis, and the inducements that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' successful expe rience, time-eavlng treatment and guarantee of cure of certain ail ments. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence In their doctor because he demands pay before a cure has been effect ed, and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition, or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat such cases. It makes no dif ference about the financial part, a I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived, when I am satisfied the patient is reliable. Health is capital at Interest. I will prove my ability to cure you before asking pay for my profes sional services. in Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME SAVING, MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST, EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT I S TRUE. I invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Bladder. Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Aliments and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to deter m 1 n e pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true condi tion. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSK VEIXS impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strength ened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. HERMA (RIITIREI Disregard of existing hernia has cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the increased j liability to strangulation. I cure rupiure in seiecien cases wnn per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured in one treatment. PILES AND FISTITA. The sequelae of these afflictions are distressing, nervous reflexes and painful conditions. My treat ment and success are the result of years of experience. I cure you without pain or detention from oc cupation. I give a written guar antee to cure piles and fistula. KIDXEY AXn BLADDER AILMEXTS. With these aliments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or gans. By my searching illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by microscopical examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus lay ing foundations for scientific treat ment. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Cerebro, where the mental forces are Impaired. Spinal, where the spinal centers are involved. Vital, where the sympathetic nervous system and forces that govern the organs are deranged by reflex ef fects of ailments. I treat these conditions and all weakness in duced by nervous complications and excesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the conditions essential to your future life and happiness. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. I use a famous new German specific for Blood Poison which cures completely in ONE TREAT MENT. This wonderful remedy is far ahead of old style mineral treatments. Call and let me ex plain it to you. WRITTEN GUARANTEE: Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia, Piles, Fistula. Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours 9 A- M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 2344 MORRISON ST., Corner Second, PORTLAND,- OREGON. DR. A. G. SMITH The identity and the residence of the dead man are uncertain. Coroner Clough took charge of the body and brought It to Salem. ITEAMEB INTELLIGENCE. Doe to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Breakwater. .. .Coos Pay. ....In purt Ross City Ban Pedro. .. .In port Sue H. Elmore TMlamook. . . . In port Henrlk Ibsen. . .Hongkong. .. . Apr. 23 Oeo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. ... Apr. -3 Beaver S-n Pedro Air. 2: Uolden Gate... Tlllamijok. . . . Apr. 24 F&tcon an Francisco Apr. 24 Alliunce Eureka Apr. 27 Hear San Ptdro....Apr. 21 Koanoks San Pedro. ... Apr. :io Anvli Bandon Apr. 30 Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Data Rose City Ssn Pedro. ...Apr. 23 Sue H. Elmorsl lllamook... Apr. 25 Golden Gate.. .Tillamook. ...Apr. 25 Break water. ...Coos Bay Apr. 2)1 Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro.... Apr. 2ft Beaver. ....... San Pedro. ...Apr. 29 Arian.-e Eureka Apr. 21) Falcon San Francisco Apr. 2s Henrik Ibsen. . Hongkong. ...Apr. 3 Anvil Bandon ilay 2 Roanoke San Pedro. ... May 3 Bear San Pedro.... May t RHEUMATISM aving succeeded Captain )V. H. Moore. ho left the vessel at Astoria on her previous voy.tge because of Illness and as since returned to San Francisco by rail. As the Insurance Inspection was com pleted the damaged steamer Shaver, Remarkable Michigan External Rem edy Which Is Curing Thou sands Sent TO TRY TREE. Just Mail My Coupon Don't take medicine to draw out 1m pu title, but help Nature expel Mi cm tnrough the pores in her own simple way. FREDERICK DYER, Corresponding Sec'y. Send my coupon today. Return mall will brlnit you a regular $1.00 pair of Mngic Foot Drafts, the rreat Michigan remedy u.ilch is curing thousands, TO TRY FRKK. Then If you are satisned with the benelit rerelvea send us One Dollar. If not, send nothing. board which a tire broke out Thursday j yna decide and we take your word. Magic Tort of Portland Case to Be Taken I'p About May 13. To those who have watched the moveri featuring the formation of the new port of Portland Commission the failure of Governor West to fill the two vacant Pisces is assumed to indicate that he will chance no additional declinations J Howard Houldcr &. Partners Una and it morning, was yesterday towed to the East Side yardn of the Shaver Transpor tation Company to remain until the In surance details are adjusted. In the run from the Columbia River to Falmouth the French ship Thiers over came the lead of the French bark Babln Cheyaye. the former having arrived there yesterday and the Chevaye Friday. The Chevaye cleared with wheat November 23 and the Thiers December 7. 3oon after It was advised from San FrancWico yesterday that the barge Car ondelet. which Its laden with cement for Portland, had put to sea It was reported that she returned to the Golden Gate after getting about five miles offshore, but it was not Indicated what trouble she encountered. Brown A McCabe were yesterday ad vieed that they had been appointed agents for the rteamer St. George, which Is on the way from Antwerp with general will load outward, but Is also to proceed! to Puget Sound with merchandise from Antwerp. The vessel is sailing in the Foot Drafts arc rurlns Kbeuma- tim In every fnrin MoM-ular. Sciatic, Lumbago, (iotil, etc., no ma'ter In what stace of prorress or how many physicians have failed. The simple principles underlying this wonderful treatment are fully explained in our illus trated free book. Don't delay, but send tho courxm now today while you can. Send no money Just the coupon. This $1 Coupon FREE Good for a regular $1.00 pair of Magic Foot Drafts to be sent Free to try (as explained above) to Name Mail this coupon to Magic Foo Draft Company. GP16 Oliver bldg., Jackson, Mich. 1 Ll'nrrssSSSTi MEN CORED $5 Is Our Fee SPECIAL, AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, wr'te for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. 22-1 i WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First. Portland. Or. PROOF THAT HE HAS CURE FOR RHEUMATISM There are few discoverers of reme dies who can give absolute proof that they have found a permanent cure. One of these rare exceptions is Mr. S. T. ueiano. He is a living testimonial of the efficiency of his remedy. The photo graph truthfuliv siiows the terrible effects of the racking pains of Rheu matism, nut today ne is enjoying per fect health and is devoting his life to curing others. Rheumatism was hereditary in his family. When only a youth the disease became chronic with him. He suffered untold airony for 36 years, and after spending $'0,0(10 for medicines, doctors and experiments, iie finally discovered ne remedy wmcn completely cured him. He now offers to send any rheumatic ufferer a free package of the same remedy, and he has literally bushels of letters of gratitude as proof of his lberality. Address s. T. Delano. Dept. 190 Delano Building, Syracuse, N. Y. j,, , - .xyj C. Gee Wo The Chinjs; Doclir This great Chlness doctor Is rjU known thro u g "... out the Northwest because of bis wonder f ul and in a r velous curea and Is today her alded by all his patients as the ,.ciest ol ms kind. He treats any tsd ail diseases with powerful Chl uese roots, herbs and barks that art entirely unknown to the medical clence of this country. With thess t.srmless remedies he guarantees ta cure catarrh, asthma, lung trouble rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, ilver and kidney troubles, also pri vate ailments of men and women. CON SL LTATIOM Fit EE. Patients outsido of city write for blanks and circulars. Inciose t tamp. THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. X2Vi First St., Near Morrison, Portland, nr. Men and Women Cured The famous S. K. Chan Chi nese Medicine Company, with their remedies, of herbs and r-j,its cure won derfully. It hss cured many sufferers when other remedies have failed. Sure cure for chronic, private anmeins, Kinnri Doison. rheumatism. asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and luns troubles, consumption, stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. NO Or KRAI ION. Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. 6. K Chan. Call or write to The S. K. Chan, Chinese Medicine Co., . 22614 Morrison su, Portland. Oregon. . Don't Wear a Truss STUART'S PLflS-TR-PADS are diflerent from tbe painful Iti-ups, betug made self Adhesive purposely to liuM the rapture in plar without .ftLrana. buckle or springs cad not slip, bo Mnnot chafR or enm nrsua (against the pelvic bone. The montobsti natecafi cured in the priYacy of the home. Thousands hare successfully ll I 't- IIICUISCI'DB KIlllUUs ltllAL OF PLAPAQ hindrance from work. I IUML Wf runrW goft M velvet-easy to apply f nexpfatlre. Process of cure is natural, u no further use for trusses. Awarded Diploma ami Medal as merijorions invention. We prove what we shv by sending you Trial of Plapao absolutely FBEE. Write name on coupon and mail TODAY, address fUf 10 UB0UT0R1E9, Black 327, IT. LOUS, lo. address . Bstin. sail will fcrinc Frss Trial flapao