12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AFRIT; 23, 1011. ' ' -. , . . T . . -T TF REAL ESTATE. KEAI RF.AL FTATE. , KM I : I ca.f Acreage. " "rr . 1 -A I I I HAVK BI'IJ-T f'tl h-njiw. rf-fttn halu Urawtnat -rooMi l'h htn.-WnrMir4 wa.Ib. b Hilar. - r m h- (til'fu'iv pmrU.t. t- n. I ir- rvril1 I't'mc room irh ftroplar- iml b'hr4'. m4 o:1nin-ro.rn with ham-ta;ni4 fia. br4aatfat-rooni. kf'hrn .th tar an tr$ an.l rloa-vt-i-a: hr.lniwxl flo-of. ft b--l ro-m rnofnUm ly ronnwlH Two bth rn-orr. tn1 full o ut prn-nl of rf.x. on hai flr-plr r-l d r.lna; -r-om tlh -ariitiC homj-pmnt! pnl: ( in a; biftni : largo at'.o Ith coay r"ra ami rrlltr Trnnnl for danc .; full fnrrt hnmnt. aleam hrat ; arripl rrTinla' -numr lra . ftn lara v rarla. unobatrut-tr-rf rtw ; thia la th a;ratt h n buy In th clt: th bona la art tat trail- dicn1 and v1l roi;atru-t-i . I h prira t wry r'oniM an1 I h t-'ms will bo matt to nit. Th hu ta Ur nnirt f-ir a fmH in1 t h nr mlcht laka mol4-ral priced houao a part pajmnt b v. nrtr.w. Van fwr:. rm ..f vm. A 1T. ARTIMTIO 1IOMK. LOCATED IN TUB IKT DISTRICT , IN THE CITT. PEAfTtFt'I.I.T ARRANT.KD -rom 1 S-itnrr KunIar. Jual romplelH; thia botuw la lol only .2 him ks from th Hrii4r car. comrumti a mar irtrnt -.l o. th rntlrt city; Bi.rrmin'l.nT bom-a ir alt rr faa r -.aI an.f in-: im lh vtt n-at raai'ln--a to lortIan1 ; otnr wfl pgr In al'ttrtc P Hurra anI ahl-a and i'l ttnt (h" hnu in ami purrhitrr. If .h art lkinc fr a bouae. Uoo t fall to ua b-f-.r- ntt ntijr. 0-0f KKAT1VK RE Al.TT 0.. Jl.--v-..l Rail a a jr tx flan-. rUauttfnl T-mom frunniow, aitua1 a b..- ka atu:h of Hthin a . in tha arT barl f ft hih-r r srictl rtia lit (Arft I U l n - room w I b f i r i ro : dminff-mnm pnil. rmc4 rri:tn. rtitna rovl. Kifhrn that l prfrt l rrnfm)l In lf'h at : 1 I-l-rwma dwnTtm th l!r a. Ir'aa ba'ftrom. Two larva hjr.om i.arir. w lr n ara room Full rmrni laa mnt wuk wth traja Ha k h ail rnd Full frnt prrh. with "trr.l a. lawn irra.t! and rmnl wik all In. pivmrnti lu'in liW rrti lU-OCKK Jl K RK VLTV tiVTANT. i I -II Railway Kchan. n h;a r x list. $ i h I with -rm h'iM on K. rt--ar 'JJ-I : np: ormi 5 rro!rn fUnm hu, K lih. rar Ankrny; w rcn. t.l. $."., .i1M. T-ro-'in rnnlrri - 'rt h-m tt I mi via. rr F.. ""tb t. 1pUm t-riMim. j-trtry miwin h"Ur. r. ... tv in .H-tin. K- Tav'or J ". K-ro-m hujM. full lot. ni! ".i an t up-i-it. In Iaiil a Allttton. 1 T?. ir.w A.Tlio. n IMviin atrct and tt ri. rhr. .t. xlM. on Utvialou L. Brtr K. .Ith. LAPD'S APTMTIOV .avaal rr atrabi l-.t and r)ou- nr lhhrn v.. w hi h arn ra m. a. fc for full r r u-ulara. f w Tii;i y.n. Sb-rlk PI'e tKiA POW.V- ?0 PER MONTH. f.an nw alx-room bur.-nUw. onTy ba f block from car In a h iah-)aaa rr wrt9X la: ru-t. Ftill baanrnt. f ;r piaa. rHitch kilchen. bulM-ln -k(aa and chin rltat. Nkt lars bat"n and attlv. i'ornr ! ? ('rnent wjihia in front and around tha buM. ri'ittfui rt-w and lilrt) .atlon. Trrrt to auil vjrrrtar. 0-urFKr?VK I'KALTT OMI'A.NV. il-J-21 Railway Kxcbaujc. StrltlT modrn f I v-room bonsalow in th h-art of a rtrctd d utrin. Iirc tttni-room. rtinln;-room. kH ht-n and two bd ooin with bath. H.irmn VI tin rhd. TMi h 1 1 la wll bnl! and r i r k a. On I y F- n. w I : h a m n 1 1 p.v mm la. I ftri'H In M'ithom ditrl t 1'U-Uf FR T1VK RKALTY niMPAXT, i 21 Railway Kihanic. AMKHSiV AMKRMN Ruitda a houa that ta a bon: on of tha b-t built ho ua-a in Rnw " it jr I'jrk; 1 biirk from tba car; 7 roomi. ry y trma. Cornrr and Tuotnp on '.. TONT G. AVDFRSON. 4'H t.wtp bid.. CommlMion f r aala. OW N FRS nf a flva or att-roorn buncaloir kindly drop me location with fnll rtrai-rlp-tion of aame: alao tarma : mut b nnxi- rt prl a and In a a-ond tm-arton : rul r:ta mm ad not inmrr. aa no attrn n.n a t'l ba paiO. to their inter AK .7. T rooma. oo nthtMrhool : Ihrea fruit tra. nir yard fr fnnln. two btocaa from St. s. car; $.;ita; $Zto caan. balanco pr month. MFROIANT MVIN;.4 A TRfJT Co M P A N T. A OloD HOME CHKAT. l roorra, mlrn. nrnw lot. ona blo- from Albmrta at., on Kth. ownn In Kaat arn Or r yon and muat aell; sea ma If oti want a barxaln. A. MKIRATII. T".t fimbr of Commerce blda;. HOLLADAT PARK ADDITION. For . attractive modern home. 7 too ma, 1 j 1 1 rmnt baamnt. laundry trarm. s toilet a. hot watrr from both fur na and k btr. rgulptM-d with aaa mn.l ai'tr:rlty. trrni4 If drtr-d. fht.no Sun lay. C 111, rr call iWmco. SWK UU f'Ot'sK IN IRVINOTON". T rooma. liI' lot; h;ird-urfa.''d ; nai" ctrl In ad In moat uaive dtvtrh t of 1-- irij-ton; houa coat aa much aa I ak for 1 md and haute, toIii to U-ar town; $'. tMMt. trrma. ddrras K 37, Ore r intan: WIST M K Iv!t modern B-room boma on trv-rton t.. lot la trt with all atrM lnpn mn t In and pld. Tbia mut bo a.4d for a!! Ca.h. Vrirm fwairt. A. H. B1RPFI.I. C. -n U Kay bide Third and Ptrk. K W m-lTfi 5-room bum Uw with lure ii'K -ati on fin virw lot. with .1 laiy hrrv tra. Thta pnprty mitt aan to b appra-tatl. It CI ahow tt to ou. WMtern Sc. Co.. 414 pald- n b!d. S-RXM modern horn, bath, cabinet kit.'h rn double floors, full rmnt haaamnt : m and a!r-trl'lt v : prl.-a I33SA or t - down. Or on Investment Cx. 414 Bord of Trad. ttVAP- I.t"K THIS I" P. S-rcarn h'ua. lot Vt 1-": barlnr fruit tr-a and arubhry; ."- rMrf.tr. .1i mln tfa out; only 1 1 T5. Owner. Phone Tabor :. RCTLT FOR A HOME. Flno Vriom modem reaiilenrw. In bt part of Irrlnrton at a bargain Half rath. Vanduya A Walton, 313 Chamber of I ommere. f0fi FINK new modem. !-atorr bnn tilo. 190ml a. ona btovk from carl lie; 'fvdtock : 1 1 Jh. balanr monlM. J no. p. Sharkey Cow. H Railway Kv- r h 4 n k bl'lc. t;ooo WtT. t t'J for Tit.- new hnnealow. 1 bolc f rrr Hawthorne a a.; cash, balance eae. ! T"T "CH T2 1 U. y or-'won Street. MODERN 6 -room houae $Jnv flirt raab: N-:. .' r r mont h and in terra: ; bi treat atiap In cit-. F MrORATH. OiamNr itf fomintr-a bldr. HKRlTin W HKRK MONKV TALK A. lra"ttve. i romt. chote ili'Ht. $!. h' canh; all raab. cheaper, priori i kwner. Marahall llo. 413Fanlon hldar. KV. mHln. T-room boua. vary eonren intlv M-ttM; bound to Incroaae In mlii, pri- e-t'-'" Inil,lr F Dufan, o ita ar. - Cb a m ber of Com mere a. f RiM hnnralow with aleeplnc porrh. nar Hawthorna ava.. new. modern; yotr own trm: ciip from owner; alao hay thro other, phone B 2 A OOOD RCT Fmrtlonal corner lot with - houaea. rSa in on l-n at. ! - lai. anrtuyn Walton. hamrer of t'ommerce. 1 1 vwv . k . t V monthly ravmenta, pa at ered houe Ber V-V car; a anap; rn a ke your own trm. t CuL.RS-Ml RTON CO.. Ri Taon bide ROOM modem boma. ona btoffc from Co lumn) lark : a fine buy for -n. 414 s p a 1 d i n r bld f IRVINOTON Fma near 5-atory. modern. 4) rnoT'i and a eopinc porrh ; bargain at jT.e. " Railway F.i-himr. CLO E-I V bar a In. T-room houa. Fi l S. 1 m"ut' walk , anap at 4i) . part rai Z4 RaiTway F.n hange. Ft R S AI.F. -i-rtm hu bnd lot ; fruit rrea and berrka: coat $1"Vni. will all for $ -. : f . , nt at I It a. Own -r. R. S. Ciae f.JliT. FOR LK Hoiao and arrounda. Vob HH rTtri.-t. aiji-ahi- f'r fiata a par im ant a. Oifttf A V wesniaa. Brand new. only of block from Hi thorn, on nlrr. hlsrh. pihH lot with o-d lw. It a doubla conat ruction through -oiat arv.1 -all material la beat eclccted; tn ato1 nnlah hand rubbed. Thta home la built with the same rare and detl you would take If ou were buildlna; It youraeif. The arrarifment of rooriia annii be Improved upon. Juat noia ihit du'ripton and you will have eome idea of the 'beauty of this bunaa lo : Snlendld flrepla'-e. tHpla-dwp art rwtokcaaea on each able of fireplace, nice wide buffet i vu muat aee It lo appre ciate. It 34-lm-h veneer paneled d.ninr ro.m. hardwood floor, nlreiy tinted wail. Duifh kt.-h-D. fuil baamnt ltb cement fIo..r. laundry tra. No. 1 furnace. The prtre la 4100; caah. balance monthly pavmenta. Thta pjaa la Juat aa advertlaed, and apeaka for ItaWf III HHKI.I. A RICHARlw. S4 Hawthorne ve . Cor. illenn. Tabor B I- uTnD MOM EsTANtT"! VVKSTM ENTS. .--- -!.". Kood huuae. !ower Alhlna. 9 Mh N i e rtHm h on a and ba t h. laraja attlr. 37tb near Belmont. $4Ha Strictly modern n-room ntiae, aonia furniture; .Vn i-f.wt lot. with allay, on Clukamai eire-t. vary eaay term a. 4J." oolo. modern 6 -room houae, jier .M til at reet. $ho M dcrn a-room bouae and lot, Aaar U'tthincton. " $IOnn-Fractional corner loth, and two fln flnta. 9 1 &o inoiltkft. S good houaea. ww Albina. FRF.n C. KINO. 314 Spaldlnc bldr. 3d and Waahlnirtnn. irvin;ton. 7-room houe- n-w. livln-room with flr.-p.ace. dinlnc-room. paaa ptniry. kitch en, rfwmber and bathrotm fliat floor: up BT.ir 3 rhamtN ra with 'arse loata; one eh anther baa aide windows that opan out. maklna; alr-pin porch; aool -aid trunk -room; ha m- n i with fut nace and waah tra a; n e combination fllutr; all rr pra. trrv b-at duplex shade. Baa ranar and hot-nat-r heater. Inlaid linoicum In- hid -d In prlcf of ZIMMERMAN. 310 lioard of Trade bids:. FIN K Ill'.V'JA LOW 100 CASH. Rady to mm Into without another pnnv .f expanse, furnace, fireplace, pol floor. ahdea and flmturea. bulit-in aata. fine buffrt. dandy cooler. linen cioet. fruit cabinot. !. Without an equal for Uaa than l:Caj. but for nulck sale, f .-.mni is the price. A anap and n easy t-rma at that. See Aakwtth at Utl7 "lin ton at- Take Richmond V- R car to Maruerte ae. phone Tabor '& R- mrmkr. 7 nili of bard-urface la beina; laid lnthldiatrlct. . . -ROM STRICTLY MODERN' COTTA'JE. I'aa a beautiful dlnin roim with pan ell walla, built-in china cloa-t and nne window aeat. Llv Itfa: room la of arood n and aa bul.t-ln b-Mkcases. This pi.ica has the Hneat Dutch bifhen In Portland; fine haemnt. with waah trava. Thia houae la equtppad with both aiaa and elc-tri-lty and I" withto three hlm-ks "f tan car.ln-a. Allen A Son. lSlS Bel mont. A HOME FOR SALE, a rooms. Colonial houa modern, eaat front, ft 114 lot. larare fruit trea : irood surroundinjr. half blotk from car. Uu k;iow tha Hawthorne district. Owner of this wia compelled by bis busln-as to m v K.st. I am authorised to all for $ ;m. Sniall payment doa n. $--" month. It wilt rent for t hat. J. K STIPE. 72" Cham y r of Com rc-. -ROM MODERN HOCSE. $4p InV.V. HALAM'E LIKE RENT; LOT TS xlS: FRI IT TREES. HKRRIES OF ALL KINDS. HVRN. CH ICR E N'-HOCSE : Tit CAN ALMOST MA.KE VOI R L1VIVO ON THIS PLACE: LET l"S SHOW YO' THIS I'LA'F. YOf LL LIKE IT. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 417 HOARD OF TRADE. HOME IN IRVINOTON. If quick aale can be made I will aell rnr jt-room strictly molem home. Ml Rr l:th N.. for lMNt below preacnt value. Hardwood (ioora. beautiful lawn and trees. M mwt; faclna; eaat. Thia homo was not built to aoll : no contract work. Do-lan-Bckley Co.. East fciM. C 1WW. WEPT FIDE HOMES. $7iV za) ih 7-room bouae. $ l Corner .V'mltH). ii-room house. lo.ntMk 7 -room houaa. rornrr. n-w 9-room houae. Many hnmi all over city; some for 500 roa n and 4-M per mont h. XIMMERIAN. olW Board of Trade bldg.- " KUNNTSTDE. Two modern. 4-roo: cottacee. 1 ho-k .from carllne; ntc iargte veranda, din In c nwirni paneled, buffet and window aeat built In; Dutch kitchen -with raa ranae and heater; plumblnjr A 1: Halntna; fix tures. Terma to suit purchaser. Call Allen A Son. HUH Belmont. IRVINOTON. New 7 -room strictly modern houo on S'.'d at.: a ery pretty home, with hard wood flmro. 3 fireplaces, furnace and all other modra conveniences; mu-t be aen to be appreciated: O0: $.ii0 caah. KA1TFMA.W A MOORE. iZm Lumber Exchance. A DANDY CORNER. 1'.0 DOWN, pjlsm-f like rent; perfect new 3-room buncalow. never been occupied : eyerythtna; nitxl.rn. fireplace: alao ua-ment. waah trava; 1 block from Rose City car; eaat front. Call, will take you to It. H. E. JAMES CO.. M 10th. near Stark. $ 1 UoOC. R EAT- A C R 1 F H "E 1830. COME EARLY MONDAY. 4 -room new modem bungalow, little down, balance like rnt: - block from car. short distance from Sunnyslde. No Phone cj'Is. H . K. JAMES CO.. lOth St.. near S t ark. SNAP -Fine chance to clear up a few thou sand, man with money. Beotiful new modem l-rooro swell residence, yalue fltooo- cun oe bought b.-for Thursday for eT"". cash 4'ni. balance terms, at 5 per cent. owner. T 3. Oreyonlao. $ 2a "pOWN. $: A MONTH. New modern t-room bunsalow. sleep Ins: porch, close In. convenient, pay same aa rent. For thia snap, aea WESTERN INVESTMENT CO- 417 Board of Trade. A SNAP F. inn t-room houae for sale: ""Jf modern convenience; two car lines and bard-surfaced ei re la: beautiful lawn, tree and flower. I4.VW; terms. See owner. Ihi! Eaat Flanders at. Phone East 3. Take E. Ankeny car. BEAUTIFUL IRVINOTON. rylo comer, lovely 7-room bunjralow. hardwood floor. Orep'.ac and all con-vrl-ncr; largo porches, garage. Price )iWoo '. I M MERMAN. 310 Board of JTradbldg. SUK LL 7-room house. Eaat Yamhill. 10 ml' fruit tres; terms. Five rooma. Eaat Yamhill. ."! 3 4. Five rooms. Eaat Twelfth North, block and half car. I-ot on Ooina; st "x V cheap. 1-ot on Council rra.. turn I'. IVn viw. 43 FIrat, near Curry st. v c K "subVr ban bom with H aero of ground, lawn, barrlea. cblcken-yard. ft room houM with baaement. bnth and largo aftic floored: 1 block from Arleta school; a borrnln. good terms. Call A 4."6. or ' MalnTiJ. SAVE COMMISSION. Portland Heighta. small payment buy from owner attractive new home, close to tare every convenience: fine lawn, beau tiful" trees. Phone A -MIX bunday or week dy mornings. m m MODERN up-to-date, well-built and ar ranged 7-room bouaa In Piedmont at $6300; w ill take lot or bungalow aa first pav ment. Phono C or address B 44. Oregon lan. AlOO CSH and flo par month buys J -room, cottage, lot SOmJiO. near Mount Scott car; thia ta a snap at tn0. H I "l.E T msHOP.lltThlra8t. Tii-wlLT. bur -room hou. bath and toilet 1 blo.k from atatloa. n.ar Arloia; tut tAvlA $o ra.h. baianc. .ay. HKiLtr MI.KluP, I'l Third St. &.I-OOM in.tm houaa n rilntoo atrrrt: .n f.r ::" and iv very rmy t.rma. y7,ji wxl E Kumt.h.d 5-rom rottaae lh 3 loia. brlri fnilt tr and nli- itar ,i.n. ti.-.oo half caah. balanca to ault. K Z . 4rrrnlan . KtR !UE My l. . tndrn. hnus. .1 i..s than coat to build: ri matri monial lllir: ood irrma: mut aril; tir.i rtm dlatrlct. T 11. Orraoniaru fMROOV houw1" 2 Iota. clo t caHtn. n.ar Vortamourh atatlon. Prlc. lo(l. half ca.U. J. M. lr. litl J'ortamouth .vrnw. .""j - 0 i - fVoo M cotta.. lot M!a. $ort. '-ah; baianc. mottfas. C Wood- U.n :.- f-i'Tulty In ona of th b-t rralrt.nca lota In Kt f. Johna. Kor Information phona At. In STI. lina rPH. 1 month, .-room houaa. ji. bir-ka atatlon: prlca IJ.".o. HinLEY BISHOP. 13: Third St. WHAT" hav. tou to trada for 1orioo. .lth I '-room hoiiw and lota of fruit. In tlu4 Klvrr? Mitchell Co.. yS Rothchlld bid. jjoiiKRN 4-rooro-houa. fumi.had: walking dtanct. n-ar i rarllnaa; terma. I'bona ownrr. Sellwood ! EWI''IY In four-room bMAJtalow. ona block from carllne; trade f.-r furniture or diamond. AT 0. Orcaonlan. fTvr'KP T ae;lnlc home on Weal Side. j. t;ulld '. near ;3d and Thurman at, before l.t of June; terma By owner. fsI V rooma and bath, modern, nearly new; . he. p Apply owner. 31 S Hawtborn ave tii'.'alra. KH r'AI.K by owner, nice 4-room cottmia at the bearn a R1 ' M houea. 2 Iota, irard.n. near Wood Un. !; urma. Apply t . Stark. MCST PKLL TU WKtin- 140. EASY TEKilrf. To met other obMaratlona am fere--' riflt-e thia new 7 -room. U-atory home. S tMi under actual coat : hardwood floor, beamed cellinaa. paneled walnacotlnc butlt-tn bufYet. book raaea. flrepUw. lc p Ina; pofrh. open balmny. full cement base, ntent with ath traa nnd furnuce. three l.i rice rhamhera at.d k Itrlien. tinlahed in while enatnrl; lot .'mxloo feet, all ar.ided ancl aedd to lawn. Ahaolutelv muat be aold thta week; anve ctmimlaaion and buy from oaner. K. H. Spenrer. 4J Lumber man a bSlic. phone M.iin tHHi. Houae open Sunday 2 lo .', Roa City park enr to 30th. aalk 1 block aouth to snate at. . BKAI'TIFTT, I'OTTAGK. ON Fl NK.ST KTRKET IN CITY. .! A MONTH. NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NEtKSSARY. 4 A full aix d lot In ratrlrtefl dlatrlrt. fattoa; K. t;iiaan at. Thia la the 3mii molrn houae I have built Jn the In at alx month, and all sold but this one. If you want It. se It today. For convenient houeokoeplns; there l not a thina; mlealnir. Prtrw JiMNr; pay ;;( a month (which tn rludoa Interval); no other first payment necessary. A. N. SKA RLE. Take M-V car. rot off E. 7tith at. Otfk-e on the corner (open Sunday a 1.110 CASH Take thia mttdern T-room houea on lot lnoxiflo. only on. block from car. on K. IMh at.; aewer In and paid; atreet aaacaa menta all paiil. aeveral nne ahade treea. The houae haa only been built about : year, and la In nr.t-cta.a rondltlon; wide colonial veranda acroea front and un altles, coay den. combination llithtlnr- fixtures, tine bath. I large bed roomi, full baaement with cement floor. The Iota alone are worth very nearly what I am a.klna for the place: there la plenty of around on which to build another lioone If de.lred. Take "tv-H "car. et off at Jth t.. walk 101) feet north. No. 1HI Ivon at. phone owner. Tabor 1. IRVIXCTON For a abort tlm. omc I am onVrlna" my aplendld Irvinicion home at a price thut la fur lelow anvthlnlt hetna: offered for le In thia ei.-lii.ivc aectlnn: houre la.lo rmed on the norlheaat rorn- r of Ilith antl Wj.ro ara.. and will be pleancd to ahow 'It to anyone really looking: for a home; bouae haa full .even rooma. double con atructlon throughout, mcnitrn In every re aped, on a full .uxloo lot (corner!. Call today and ae. H. l-::thc.- Irvlngtnn or Ilro.id.ay car. or for further lnfrmntlon call Monday at 1"-'-' Mo.r.l of Trade hide. tno poW.V f'.'O PER MONTH. $VIim New alx-room bunaalow. two blorka from car. In a rent rh ted d'.trlrt. Ki:ll baaement. Tojtch kitchen, b'.illt-ln bookcaeea and buffet. Larite bathroom and attic. I,nt AOsIimi. In one of the moat sirhVv vlclnllie. In Portland. CO-UI'RKATIVK R K A LTV COMPA.NT, ol9-u-:l Itailway txebauge. PRAXO XEW-IMW; I.1O0 CASH. Kin. 2-.tory. ft-room houae. loc-ited ti block to car on fTl0O. ea.t face lot. and commanding flue view. Exceptionally well built antl finished; every built-in feature, be.ide. hardwood flora. .leeplng porch and full ba.ement with cement floor and laundry trava: acwer. water, sal. aide Walk and flnlehed atreet all In. A chance to get a fine home on the enaient kind of terma Pee Aekirlth at loHT Clinton at. Tnke Richmond W-n car to Marguerite ve. Phone Tabor :..2. KI.EGANT HOMK. Owner leaving city haa instructed me to ee'l hla elegant home on Nob Hill, con sletlng of O rooms, with full finished at tl". suitable for bllllard-room or (ham bers; first and aecond fioora alld oak: thia waa built by a famous architect for his own home and rontnlna mnny.advan tukea not found In ordinary hous-a: large rloeeta. tiled hatha and all conveniences; lieixlort. f.M.nno. or K.xlOO, 17.iH)ii. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Hoard nfTradeb!dr. -ROOM Bl'NOALOW. rilSE TO HAW. THOR.VR CR. A MOHERV lP-TO-TATK HOMK. FIREPr.ACK. SI.KKPINQ PORCH. PANKl.KD PIMSn-ROOM. CKMKVT BtSKMENT. CKME.VT KI.OOR LAt'XPRT TRAYS. CFMKXT WALKS ALL AROI'ND THE HOfSE: ALL KllR $.TX0; jr.O POX. MALANCE LIKE RENT. FVLL PARTICfl.ARf. WESTERN TNVFSTMRXT CO.. 4tT BOARD OP TRADE. 27H1. $tt.n casn. $13 monthly, fi per cent Int. Neates n.w .-,-room bungnlnw, in city. In choice dlatrlct. built for Ideal home, one block from car, cement basement, ata tiot.ary washtils. fireplace, paneled ceil ing, built-in bookcase and buffet; elegnnt shadetrees: lot xl: I Inrtte closet in soection. See this befor. buying. Owner. AT 3f. Orcconlan. IRVINOTON HOME. BARGAIN PRICE l-VJOO. Modern alx-room house. Just enst of 13th at., surrounded by fine homes, for sale nt an Inside figure: right up In the swell part of the city: a good houae cheap. Call at 320 East Morrison at. FRYING TO N-e-7-room house, hullt and oc cupied by "owner; strictly modern: large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, paneled reception hall and dining-room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, cooling closet, two hrenlacea. full cement basement. Prlc reasonable. Must sell. No agents. AD Id. Oregonlan. IN WALNUT PARK Modern S riMtn house, by owner: $(Whi0; easy terms. 1133 RODNEY AVE. BlX-room. modern, new bungalow, fire place, full basement, laundry trays, lot f.OxlOO. near Ockk-y Green A Jefferson High School, exceltent buy and a dandy home for snmenodv. upon good terms. THE SHAW.FEAK COMPANY, 1U2 Fourth St. Main 3.V A 3-"-00. FORCED TO 8KLI On account of III health I am forced to soil a good 4-roosn postered rottace: good comer lot on niacadamlxed street. 5 Mocks from car In splendid neighborhood: 2 blocks from good school; price S7.V: $37.1 cash, balance on monthly payments. L 3t, Oregonlan. C-ROOM HOUSE, located on good atreet: houa. Is modern with hith and patent toilet; fina yard with plenty of roses, berriea and fruit trees. AI.I.EN a SON. 13121. He 1 mont street. BY OWNER, new modern 5 -room bunga low, fireplace. bokcnaes. linen cloact. K-itch kitchen, laundrr trava. woodllft. shades, gaa and electric fixtures, large attic, flna location, bargain, terms. Call on premles. 2-' Weidler at., two blocks south of Roa. City car, on 42d st- FOR SALEBy owner, 22.h Full corner lot. modern five-room cottage, furnished: waxed oak furniture and HI glow Axmln ster rugs, range: all new. Adjoining Weatmoreland: terms. 1M mdwell ae cor. E. ltth st. Sellwood car. NOB HILL. I hav. a modem R-room hous. In Nob Hill, apa lo-atlon. that I wll! aell for 7Mi: owner Intends moving to Franc and la offering this at a bargain. J. K. Smith. 613 Chamber of Commerce. $ T2.-.0 S -"ROOM Bl"NOALOW 1.12-.0. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceilings, paneled walla. fireplace. stationary wanhtuha; atrlctly modem In every detail. 503 Lum bermen'a bldg. A 34.1. 1RVINGTON HOME. New. modern. 7 rooma and ateeping- rrch. dandy fireplace, larg. Ilvlng-room: blok from car: for sale bv owner; terms tf wanted. AF . Oregonlan. ACRE. s0o ca.h. balance easy: new Ii-room cottage, all fenced: good soil; 7 blocks c car; only or will aell S acre with hituve for $1700. IIIOl.EY BISHOP. 133 Third St. BY OWNER. 4 lot. with all kinds o( shrubbery, pearlv half Imptirted: amalt house In good condition: well located. 'f Going at., cor. -''h at. $a CASH, balance easy, new t-room mod ern bungalow. Hawthorne carllne; full basement, fireplace, av.rythlng first-class; only $3on. HIOLET BISHOP. HI Third St. $0 0 tASHT"bal. easy, buvs A fine new 3-room modern bungalow. 2 blocks car. full baae ment. evervlhlng first-clas. g.'OOfl. HIOLET 1HSHOP. 133 Third St. lOcvnTo" THRRiE good houses, on corner. Went Side, close in. a bargain; 110 000 down, balance easy terms: Incom. $100 per month. Call J. H. T I pt onCo. HOI "SE BO AT for sal. FURNISHED: 4 rooms: toilet pantrv. floating shed, gang planks, etc. Something nice, cheap. Owner Main 7. BY owner, 7-room modern house In Ladd Addition, at a anap: two flreplacrs. sleep ing porches, hardwood floors, complet. In every device, K 43. Oregonlan. CHEAP On. It-room bungalow, all modern, built warm, full basement. 3 S blocks from c rllne. 1 West ave. North. NICE 4-eoomv cottage, bungalow style, lot 75xlno. fruit trees and berries; $1230; ter ms. Call o w ner. Sellwood 227. $Sn CASH and $40 per month. I rooms; lot J.M4V In South Tortland: price Js.'.O. HIGLET A BISHOP. H2 Third St. SIX-R"OXt hoii.e lot .Vxtnn. near Stel bridge; bargain.' Address Box 37, city. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AMI . ELEGANTLY FINISHED BUNGALOW I.N EXCLUSIVE HAWTHORNE. JIT. TABOR DISTRICT. Everv artistic touch given that one could d'-ene. Handsome six-foot leaded glass buffet, colored. Icaded-glasa book case, nik floors, veneer panels, fireplace, laundry trays, cooler, floored attic, ce ment cellar; Craftsman i.ak front door. ' 6 Irgo Rooms and Bath East Front. 1 will finish and stain to ault- mki CASH. I32O0 PP.ICE. I will be on ground today to sell this property. Cell at 245 East OOtll St. or phone Main 212. I HAVE BUILT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL A N D ' ' ELEGANTLY FINISHED BUNGALOW IN EXCLUSIVE HAWTHORNE. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. Everv artistic touch given that one could desire. Handsome six-foot leaded- Ihss buffet, colored, leaded-glass book cases, oak floors, veneer panels, fireplace, laundry trava. cooler, floored attic, ce ment cellar; Craftsman oak front door. 5 Large Rooma and Bath Eaat Front. - I w 111 finish and stain to suit.' I.MM CASH. . $3200 PRICE. I will be on ground today to sell thia propertv. C.ll at 245 Eaat With at. or phone Main 2IK2. i have built the most Beautiful a" f.i.kfi a nti.v fivisheo bunoa.low in exclusive hawthorne. mt. tabor district. Every artistic touch given that one could desire. Hnndanm six-foot leaded glua buffet, colored, leaded-das book cases, oak floors, veneer panels, fireplace, laundry trays, cooler, floored attic. Ce ment cellar; Craftsman cak front door. S I-arge Rooma and Bath East Front. I will finish and stain to suit. t.-.oo CASH. 13200 PRICE. I will be on ground today to sell this property. Call at 245 East Cnth st. or phono Slain 212. VERY FINE NEW HOME Of rooms, attic large enough for two mote fine, large rooms, double oonstructed throughout, fireplace, paneled dining-room, china closet. Dutch kitchen, large closets with wardrobes, tiled bath, medicine cab inet with mirror, gaa and electric, full basement, cement floor, wash trsya, wood llfl. full-slied lot. bearlntf fruit trees; street Improvements paid, near Russell Shaver ami Mississippi ave. cars: terms. Call or write owner. K3S Minnesota ava. BARGAIN $5u down. balance like rent. New. modern. H-room houae. Between 2 carltnes. High and alghtly. iiuv direct of owner and save agents commission. Phone Tabor 2K42. GOOD HOUSE FOR NOTHING It you buy thia rcasonaLly-prlced 80x115 on best part Portland Heights: hard sur face streets: fine city view forever. Brooke. Main :t.wl. A :is:i. Business rropertj . APARTMENT SITE. On East Couch at., for only $2400. Con venient to 2 carllnes. Better investigate tU'" HARTMAX THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Comerce bldg. WEST SIDE SNAP. $7500 buvs a fine apartment site. SO lo.. on Gllsan St.. near 23d: Income pays expenses, best Improvements all in and paid. This Is the cheapest property of fered In that locality. For terms aee GE1SER & STRACHAX. 221 i Morrison St. Thon" Main S2.0. CiAJSE-IN BUSINESS PROPERTY. Two-siory brick on Union ave.. between East Morrison and Burnnde: 40x90. with alley; hard surface; will give someone good buy on this if you act quickly, terms. Address J 40. Or-'sonlan. i Four new five-room flats, within walk ing distnnc: rented to steady tenants at $120 pr month: Improvements all In, price $13 000. $rtooo down. CO-OPERATIV E REALTY COMPANY. 519-520-521 Railway Exchange. FOR LEASE. I.ong term of years, elegant apartment hoce site. Nob Hill, northeast corner. 19th nnd Kearney sta.. full lot. Apply Frank Hollam. 12S Id st. APARTMENT SITE $70011. For sale. oOxloo. Overton at.. 21st and 22d; Improvements all In; terms. V 41. Oregonlan. -S-Tfrffwnl-KF. in FACTORY SITE. Close In. about 2M: acres, on R. R.. near Willamette. Price 3o per cent less than adjoining prifterty; no agents. Mar shall 12!'8. A 37DU. INVESTMENT. You can buv business property In good locality, close in. on terms. Come in and let us show you. Butterworth-Stephenson Co.. 313 Wash. st. FINE APARTMENT SITE. 75x100. close In. East Side: will ex change for small house, some cash, mort gages, builders' equities or easy terms. Hatfield. 15 Fourth st- GLISAN ST.. NEAR 23D ST. ft!-room mdAHrn house, full lot, fine apartment site: half cash. BUSINESS corner lot. Alberta and 16th: choice location, cheap. Call 963 E. 14th su North. . 10THST COR.. 10 PER CENT NET. i minutes' walk south of Morrison. Full Information 8 HHjl near Stark. Acre.se. 3 ACRES cleared land. 2 llocks of car. 9 -.i. fMm uortlanil: m-vr house, fireplace. sleeping porch: will se'l n a sacrifice or will trade for good 3-paaangcr auto. 2i4 Stark St. . w i v .innt.tl to fruit and flowera with . ' ' ko,,. 1 blocks from large new , , h...,,. two good carllnes. ThU Is bargain: lisoo; good terms. Call on owner 414 j.palui ufn Ai'BEi close to Portland, about 2 acres cleared- small house: soil ot the best, at $22W. and upon terms. uii 1f2 Fourth st. Main 3.1. A 3500. -t ACRES at $176 an acre, within one block of electric railway station, but 45 minutes from Portland; muat aelL AL 48. Ore gonlan. 10 ACRES that lie nice and high, with good house, barn, chicken houses, lot. of oer- mill ah tii ,r .... o. verv reasonable. Terms. B 23H1. ft AND 10-acre tracta on eieciric nne. vm .i.tlon: cleared and In cultl- vat Ion wlll traotj iui i-ii ... wu, j v. 274 Stark st auto. iTcRES. near Lenta, only $1300; $20 cash, bal easy? 1 acre same locality $600; $10 dH IGLE Y BISHOP:" 132 Third St. "hARDKX HOME - Icr., adloinlng station that Is cheaper than any other 3-arre tract down there. tlall 1022 tioarq oi i rang 1 Til " acres, all cleared, good soil, close , l".,rlland: also 1 or more acre-tracts In city: price and terms right. 310 Ycon i.lilg. 10 TO li acres. Ralem Electric, cheap for oulck sale; vicinity Tigard; new buildings; I a.-rea beavenlam: oinr leaving Oregon; terms, C &4, Oregonlan. ZTTi p y in acres cultivated, 1 mile from " town fine fruit and vegetable land. 332 Washington at., room It. FTTn itFNT lVi acres, 4-ronm house, city water. 32 fruit trees. Inquire I012S, Bel mont st for SALE 12 acre, near Portland. Will sell cheap If sold at once All under cultivation. AO 37. Oregonlan. i. ACRE lots, good view of rLver. at station, fare 8c on Macadam road. 830, easy terma.JF3;.Or;g"nln. "0 ACRES, level, easily cleared stump land, " lo mllea from city. 1 !4 from Bevertou. Owner. Wl. Oregonian. .-"ovap 10 acres, edge of Vancouver, fin. soil 21i: $7.- cash, balance $200 year. AD 42. Oregonian. ACRE Gurden Home. 30 minutes out. .1$ trains dally: $".'.0. easy terms. Tabor ; or 14 Couch bldg. plYK acres on Mt. Hood road at Rockwood; good buy at $2250. Owner, 1546 E. 9th at.. 40 ACRES. 1 miles out. United Railways; 1 5 1) per acre. 14 Couch bid k. CITY acres, near Mt. Tabor, no agents. Owners., phone Eut 3S60 500 PER CENT PROFIT TO BE REALIZED Bf BUYING TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE. , Wo are acreage spc-iallMs In the Tuala tin Vallev. and in a position lo quote you some startling bargains. Acreage now Felt ing at from $200 to $250 will soon be worth at least lono. NOW IS THE TIME To get In on the ground floor AND KfcAi. IX.E A HANDSOME PROFIT. Any slxe tract on your own terms. PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT t O. 405 Couch bldg.. 100 4th St.. nr. Wash, sr. $1200 FOR 7 ACRES. Fertile soil, living mountain stream and Ice-cold springs, abundance of water at no cost for irrigating, market value of wood will nearly pav for tract; right ele vation roi1 fruit, few steps to automobile road, onlv about hour out on electric; will be 2 miles Mount Hood Electric; store, school, church. 's mile; If you are think ing of country life now or for future vou'll find no better chance. I own this and need inon?y. but If preferred could take half cash and balance to suit; no agents, if 1 can sell myself. S 45. Ore gonian. O.VIO.NS. ONIONS. ONIONS. I will sell 3 acres of genuine beaverdan off of mv place, as I have to raise some monev. This 5 acres Is all In high state of cultivation: raised 500 sacks lo acre last vear. 2 acres planted In unions now. balance ready to be seeded. This Is not mu. k soil, but Is the real beaverdam: 13 miles from Portland. S blocks from elec tric station: 2D00; $500 cash, balance 4 years. See CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. Railway Exchange Building. THE PLACE YOUJVE SOUGHT. You want a place with bearing fruit, but want to build your houae after your own ideas. Here It Is: 24 acres with slpples. pears, currants, grapes, raspber ries, ilackberrlcs. entire tract In fruit, all In-line condition; mile to city lim its and electric line adjoining land: 14U per acre without fruit: our price $li.so per acre, easy terms. See thia at once If you want a bargain. TROWBRIDGE STEPHENS, ' 27 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 2--acre fruit and chicken ranch. giKid house, water piped. 60 large hearing njiple. pear, plum and cherry trees, chicken vards and houses, black berries, red raspberries: hlKh. sightly; no gravel, best soil. Jnquire Lents Junction. Sundny: Stevens place: owner on ProP ertv Sundav; 10 minutes' walk: $3500 will take lot. some cash, terms. Also IS acres platted, same section, for sale at right price, inquire weekdays. 403 Morrison st. Phone Main 401S. T. ACRES. 1 mile from Beaverton. right at St. Mary s Station; low. black swale, with stream through center: planted to rhu barb, horseradish, asparagus, celery or onions, it will pay for Itself the first year: now offered at $400 per acre and upon terms: with one year's devr.lepment this cannot be had for double this amount. Call in and arrantre to go see this place. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35, A 3500. 11-ACRE TRACT. Beautiful, level, good soil, will grow anything. 1 Vj miles from the town of Hub bard. 30 miles south of Portland, on the Southern Pacific R. R.. price for quick sale $225 per acre; $1000 cash, balance 1. 2 and 8 years at 6 per cent. See The Colonist Land Co., 43S Chamber of Com merce. SEE THIS MONDAY. 10 acres, fair bufHings. young orchard, A-1 soli. 5 acres In cultivation, near school, church and store: walking distance car line; only 25-cent fare to Portland. If you have $600 in cash you can take pos session of this nice little home. J. B. ATKINSON. . 401 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 618. casn. muo easy terms, r per cent: a UIU "llj . t,i-l vtullll 111 '.I l.ill III.. TROWBRIDGE & STEPHENS, c 4 iiiai n ui i laui;. TEN BEAUTIFUL ACRES. 12 miles from Portland; five minutes' walk from the station in a well-settled community'; all seeded to clover; not a foot of waste; In the Tualatin Valley: if you want acreage, be sure and ace this; $500 cairn, balance easy. v GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Lumbermen Bldg. THINK THIS OVER. 7.1 acres, of which 20 acres are In apples. 22 in English walnuts. 4 and 5 yeara old, balance rich bottom land In crop. Abundance of water: house and burn, but 40 miles from Portland. Must sell. $175 an acre. AL 50, Oregonlan. - ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A 10-ACRE TRACT? 4 acres beaverdam, 6 acres black loam soil; all cleared. level land; ,rl minute from Portland, on two electric lines. PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT CO. 45 Couch bldg.. 109 4th St.. nr. Wash. St. BEAUTIFUL 10-acre tract, lying '-i mile from Orenco station on the Oregon Elec tric; all In fine cultivation and running stream: would make an Ideal little home. Price $2,100. terms. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. In 5. 10. 20 or more acre tracts; 100 acres highly cultivated: 9 miles from P. O. on electric line: first-class In every respect: magnificent view, ideal for Win ter home. Easy terms or cash. See thia property. Phone East 40.1.1. 160 ACRES. 44 miles north cf Stark st., 2H miles west of Willamette River, ready to subdivide and sell out In 5-acre tracts, can be had at $200 per acre, wllh good terma. This 1s a money-maker. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth st. Main 35. A 3-100- $1S PER ACRE. 240 acres unimproved land, ?4 mile, from R. R. and only IS miles from Port land, between Holbrook and Scappoose. some good tie and piling timber. See Al- bert Harala. 789 Mississippi ave. IDEAL suburban home. 4 acres best of soil: 6-room house, barn and storehouse: plant ed. In fruit, apples, cherries, pears and berries, at Lents. 5c car fare: city water; nothing; better to be found. Price $(1500. 0 ner,VM 48. Oregonian. ACRES, all in high cultivation, rich anndy loam, on county road, living stream through place, fruit trees In bearing. mile from school, but M mile from elec trlct railway station. H hour from Port land; $22.10. AL 47. Oregonlan. 84 ACRES, 3 miles west of St. Johns; enough cordwood to pay for land. You can get this now at $175 per acre, ard upon good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 1 02 Fourth st. Ma In 3.1. A 330O. THE big money made In the real estate business is In buying acreage at $40 an acre and selling it off In town lots at $100 each. Do you want to join me in a sure winner? 1100 or more. Particulars. AC 45. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES $1700. Within 4 block of station, only 45 min utes' ride; lies level and nice: 4 under cul tivation; on new county road. A. W. Smith Co.. 438 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5820. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Our client wants the interest; only $23 . cash and $l' per month buys a 5-acre tract at Valley Vista; only $10fto. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg. Do ACRES. 2H miles Oregon City, on main ' road. 3-3 In cultivation; good soil, house and barn, family orchard; only $150 per acre. HIOLET BISHOP. 132 Third St. ft ACRES, lot 16. DeLashmutt & Oatman'a Little Homes No. 2. Kendall Station. Es tacada carllne: easily cleared: fine for chicken ranch or fruit. $3000; $10o0 cash, balance 4 years. Main 33M. 20 ACRES of fine alghtly land near Mult nomah Station, covered with beautiful trees and wild shrubs. The finest platting proposition now on the market. Call for particulars. 414 Spalding bldg. I WANT a 4-cyllnder runabout In exchange, for 10 acres of the finest deep, black sell in Oregon with running creek. 2 acres swale land, balance slopes gently; 5 acres In cultivation. 4o3 Couch bldg. NEAR Courtney and Oregon City carline. 91 acres, 4-room house and barn. All under cultivation. Only $11,100. Inquire -of Mc.Woerndle. room 11. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison st. SNAP. $3400. Acre tract near Denver avenue and Port land Boulevard. Terms. , DOVE-THOMPSON COMPANY. 420-22 Board ot Trade. ONE acre of land and nice modern 7-room house near Courtney Station on Oregon City carllne. Plenty of sunshine, air and health. $.12.10. Owner, room 11 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrtson sfs. 16 ACRES, all cleared. 100 yards from sta tion on United Railways: county road on two side; fine for subdivision. Can make you very attractive terms on this. E. K. Brown. 313 Henry bldg. ; FOR an Investment I have 4 acre, the beat located piece of land on Barnes Heights. 3 block to carllne: will sell al! or part of It. Address P. Mlckelson, 02 Market t. Main 5S78. $8.10. One'arre at Oak Grove. J50 down. $10 month 6 per cent Interest. Apply owner any evening of thi week. 347 Grand ave.. North. A .NAP 3 acres outskirts of Vancouver, good soil. $i:ioo: $-':oii rish. balance $100 year. 6 per cent Interest. AF 41, Orego nian. 10 ACRES and house, cheap; on Saletu elec tric railroad. Call 837 Albina ave. SEE THIS. 5 peres rich black soil. Oregon Electric, at station and 1 mile from large town: large creek forms end boundary: $250 i epicu- OVERLOOK ACRES. S-acre tracts on O. W. P. Electric line, high, sightly ground. Al aoil "'table for fruit, berry or chicken ranches. $loo per acre. 20 per cent cash, balance easy in stallments. See A. W. LAMBERT. 404 East Alder St. Phono East 640, B 1910. $ ACRES GARDEN LAND, ALL RICH. BLACK, MELLOW LOAM. This is the finest piece of garden land near Portland, all In cultivation, all plowed ready for seeding. It has perfect drainage: It Is new land, anil is near some beaverdam land which is selling for J1000 an acre. Within sight of electric line, 10 minutes' walk to sta tion, with hourly trains; close to store, school and church, on main county road. If you want only 4 acres, we will spilt this. Price for 4 acres. $130 0. $100 down and $6 a month, S per cent interest. Office open Sunday until noon. Come in. RALPH ACKLEY, 605 Corbett bldg. CLOSE IN ACREAGE. 10 acres 1 mile east of SIONTAVILLA. cleared and In cultivation. $KMioo. 10 acres near RYAN PLACE, good 4 room house, barn. well, small orchard. ''o'acrcs'n'ear MULTNOMAH STATION, no stumps: cleared. $.1,100. 4 acres 1 mile east of LENTS, on car line. 5-room houee and outbuildings "; B acre mile BARNEDA STATION. - miles from MULTNOMAH STATION. J5"aere near TROUTDALE and MT. HOOD lines. 9 miles from PORTLANO, $2710. $15no cash. BLOCH REALTT CO.. 206 Alder St. TOs"UBDIVIDE INTO 5 AND 10-ACRB TRACTS. 347 ACRES. thi. in high state of cult! .l,ir. i. iook hlack loam free from i. t -.. i , i naii.av. now across It about 25 acres is bench" land and excellent for feult: old orchard on place: no better ...n i orecoo- ideji! for subdivision; 4 trains each way a day; $175 per acre some terms. rt , THE SPANTON CO.. 269 Oak St. MUST HAVE MONEY. Owner write he needs money and will cut the price for a quick sale n that beautiful four-acre tract on Portland Heights: It Is a natural park and Is un questionably the most beautiful tract in the cltv limits; is close in. near school and clubhouse and of easv access by car and automobile: will make from one to six unsurpassed villa sites. Unobstructed view of the city, rivers and mountains. It Is the best bargain in a home site ever of fered In the city. R. F. BRYAN. Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. GROVELAND TRACTS. IMPROVED ACREAGE THT CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $100 DOWN AND BALANCE IN f. YEARS AT 6 PER CENT ON EASY TERMS. FIN EST OF SOIL. NO ROCK OR GRAVEL. GOOD WATER. GOOD LOCALITY J4 -uit in TO noon CARLINE. 6c FARE TO CENTER OF PORTLAND. BUY ONE OF THESE TRACTS. BUILD A HOME. BE INDEPENDENT. CHAPIN & HERLOW (Rl. 332-3:18 Chamber of Commerce. A SUMMER PLACE ON THE CLACKAMAS. TV a have Tior ft 40-BCre Piece fronting on the Clackamas River, within about halt a mile of Estaeada. This can be sold in tracts to suit purchaser. While this piece lasts, the price is w. per acie. on the famous Clackamas River la almost a thing of the past. STAN DISH BROTHERS. Office at Depot. ESTACAPA. OREGON; t ook- TW1S OVER. imnroved 3-acre tract. of which 1 aet to prunes, grapes and berries; wil. make a fine country home. This tract Is 24 miles from Montavllla near Base Line road. Onlv 00 per acre; $1000 cash handles this splendid tract. Buy now of CHAPIN & HERLOW (P.). 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. 12 ACRES, 10 miles out, on Forest Grove Electric, all in cultivation and planted to crops, family orcnara. pooa nouae. u-i u, new chicken and hoshouse, all furniture , i -.. heroes. wsenn. bugtrv. all farming tools Jersey cony 100 chickens. 7 pigs. See thi little place and be satis fied. Good terms. RAND-READ & CO.. 310 Board of Trade. HALF-ACRE tracts, two of them on Sec tion Line Koan ana in ciij iuiiud. est garden soil, no gravel in this land. T3..H n.ir, water nined to both places. one I only two blocks from car: nothing better and the price is riRni. JACOB HAAS. 408 Yeon bldg. 15 ACRES all good soli, no rocks or gravel, email creek crosses the land: near church, school and railroad station: price only $900. half cash. ' R. L. STANWOOD. Houlton. .Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP 20 acres. 14 miles from Portland. 15 acres In cultivation and mo'ly In crop; about three acres onion gro-ind. 1 acre In strawberrle. For fur ther information address L 32. Oregonian. No agents.. 24 ACRES. 1 mile this side of Lent on the Inter iirbnn; all cleared and a bargain at $1100; k-HHI cash, balance monthly. THE SPANTON CO.. 269 Oak t. 10 ACRES planted to 2-year-old Spltzen berg and yellow Newtowns: choice loca tion 17 miles southwest of Portland on Southern Pacific; station ad loins property. Small cash payment, AB 34. Oregonian. .goo TEN acres, unimproved, smooth, till able land, best soil: wood on place will pay for clearing: -mlle from railroad station. 35 miles from Portland: part cash. Palmer. 512 Conch bldg., at loo 4th at. FOr'pLATTING OR FARV1NG. SO acres. S. W. of Courthouse; u mile to S. P- By, 1 4 mile to Oregon Electric, or would sell In smaller tracts; a bargain. Owner. 058 Halsey. East 4731. 80-ACRE SNAP. On carline. close in. running water, or chard, etc. VANDUYN WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. $1200 Two-acre tract cleared, 30 minutes from Oregon Electric depot, Ave minutes' walk from station: $3O0 cash, balance easy terms. Address 7 First St.. room. 9. . CHEAP LAND. fiSO acres logged-off land, ti mile to river. 1 Vs miles to railroad; $13 per acre. TLAS LAND CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange, 24 AtfRES. $600 per acre: Just outside of city limit and near Mount Hood Electric; fine soil; , Casn. AJ 3. mrsmiLU. TEN acres close to Porttand. 1 '4 miles from Oregon Electric. 3 acres cleared, balance lias about 400 cords wood. $175 per acre. ATLAS LAND CO., 42Q Lumber Exchange. 10-ACRE tracts near Coos Bay to sell or trade' amadon's CORBIN CO., 216 Lewis Bldg. win cxr e 20 acres of land, 5 miles eaat F?FGreVhtrrT. half mile from Mt Hood R. R. For information apply to Carl Anderson, route 2. box 139, Gresham. Or. XcREAGE and farms, from $12.30 per- acr. 'arge and small tracts. Call Kinney Stampher. 331-2Lumber Exchange bldg. c-otj' R T E SeVeVal small acreage tracts on electric lines: close in and very desirable. V Bunker, ill Chamber of Commerce. Vrps-ACK on all lines from 1 acre up; all .fies large colony tracts. Marahall A Rupert, r'om 7, 200 Aider. $10,000. 10 acres, on Mount Hood Electric line, 1 mile from city limits: all cleared, in berries and clover. Can double you money by subdividing into half-acre tracta. A. W. LAMBERT, 404 East Alder St. Phones East IHO. B 1910. S ACRES. 3 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. $300 DOWN $30 A YEAR. o acres rich hlack garden land, no rock or gravel, on county roatl. few rods from electric line, close to station, stores, etc.: bounded by a never-failing stream: 2 acres good timber. Every foot is culti vatable land. Price $1000. Office open Sunday until noon. Come in. RALPH .VKLEY, 60J Corbett bldg. .10 PER CENT PROFIT. Sti acres on Kil lingsworl h ave. all im proved the verv b-st of soil: tine view ol -Iouut Hood. Adams and Columbia Rtver The best bull. ling site on KilllnKSwortn ave This is the best buy in the city and will increase 50 per cent in the next six months; $1200 per acre: terms. BEAVERTON. 6 acres, 6 blocks from Beaverton; side walk to place; line S-room house, barn and outbuildings, small "rr'la"Lln,a1' L" cultivation; rich black soil. Price $jo0o. one third cash, balance .1 years, 0 per cent. OAK GROVE. 1 acre, good 5-room house, barn and chicken houses, bearing orchard and all kind, of small fruit; blocks ' "' This is a beautiful place and sold at a sacrin!,-. price $3,100; half cash, balance to suit'JORDAN & CAP.BADE, 232 Washington St. I AM MAKING MY REPUTATION BY HONEST DEALING." BUT LOOK! $2.10 WILL BUY to acres. Irrigated land, tuU water rlsht. and city lot thrown In, for $10 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH. Near fine towns, on main railroad. In vestigate this. 10 or 20 acres, finest proven f ruit land T .miles from rich town. sP'"""'' f , and water; $100 per acre. V, hy pay JloOu? 10 acres irrigated land near town of $21410. full water rlRht. fine soil; $j00. half cash, balaree monthly. Call today, you have time, on HARRY BEAUFORT. 546 Gllsan. near 16th. TWO ACREAGE BARGAINS. 10 acres, good house and barn. 9 acres cleared and in crop, good well and fruit trees. 2' acres potatoes: all level, faces on good road, 20 minutes walk to railroad station. 12 miles from Portland. . Price $2800 $1800 cash, balance to suit. We have another 10-acre farm., part in onions, hay. fruit and potatoes: nearlj' cleared: fair house and barn. 1- miles from Portland. Vs mile to Electric sta- "iKEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY, 232 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES bottom land, half mile from Sea side Depot: 40 acres of this land jxr-ep tionaily fine for cranberries; conditions good for flooding and drainage; one-third cleared, balance aider wood that will more than pay for clearing. Price very low, easy terms. Call on or write J. E. Oates. Seaside, Or. A CHOICE LITLE W-ACE. 8 u. acres. Nearly all under cultivation. 18.1 "bearing trees, mostly apple; about 100 small fruit trees; 3 acres in clover 1 acre in oats. , acre In pears, 2 acies planted in potatoes: also a nice paj ch of strawberries and other small fruit, a good 7-room plastered house: good well and pump on porch: also a spring on rear end of place: chicken houses an I tarn. The personal properly consists of l.,"' harness and spring wagon. 2 cows - P gs. about 6 dozen thickens: al necsar ltn plements. and all household B. ds. fill place Is about 12 miles trom PnJ'UnS. 2 miles from Oregon City carllne and Jan be bought olr $3500. Terms may be h"oTTO & II ARKSON REALTY CO., SOGUE RIVER ORCHARD 20 acres bearing commercial orchard 11 vears old 1 block city limits of Ash land In tie FAMOUS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY: on bouelvard. and only 1 block to artesian water; trees and ground In flrst-c as condition; good Peking-house and well: will take small cash pajmcnt or property ill or near Portland as part payment and mortgage alffer.ncei orchard is free from incumbrance. Phone C 2 -03 or call at 763 Commercial St.. Portland. or AO 33. Oregunian. . ACREAGE $25 to $70 per-acre; 2400 acres, subdivided into 130 tracts of 2 5. 10. .0. 30 to 100 acre, each; best fruit and gar den land, deep Boll, fine water, no rock, one" hour', ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school in center of tract; good roads in front ot verv tract. Your chance to get an ideal nionVmaking home. These tracts sell on sight to practical people, tall and mans an early selection. MCFARLAND INVESTMENT CO, 110 Corbett Bldg. 5 ACRES. POULTRY RANCH This is the bargain you h ive beer. look. Ing for It is located only a few rods from a station on the Oregon Electric line: a', under cultivation: good soil, the r"' from this place the first year will double your money. 419 Henry Bldg. I50O0 OWNER must sell qulc 21-8 acres. East 36th St. on VrtJ-fTrrTF Pfar".eed aTsa" Zo?s arePwor.h $800 each near by- District Is well built up. Land Is cleared. $2000 cash, long time 6 per cent. j(inno i acres with good buildings, a BlrV home, also other aeage near city. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 3iioreonBldg.. Portland. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town: runnnlng water, best soil, free wood splendid fruit rtiltricf view of Columbia River and n" w peaks; 2 acres $2.10: 3 acres $300. 10 acres $500, 20 acres $S00; 10 per cent rnh easy payments. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland HANDY COUNTRY HOME. Within 10 miles of Portland; best of car service can work in town; money makei from the start: CVi acres, all in cultiva tion nw 8-room plastered house, bath, etc ' bearing orchard. A snap at $4. WO. half cash. Deal direct with the owner. K 34. Oregonlan. Of best-quality, smooth, all tillable land that will produce anything grown in this climate, with pure running water, abund ant wood good roads and only two hours from Portland. PALMER, 012 Couch bldg., at low 4th st. IMPROVED acreage, near Portland. In fer tile Chehaltm Valley, only finest char acter land dealt in. price is right, terms. Look around thoroughly; . if you have already done so, see us today. E. N. Watt, 40.1-u Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark streets. . tlfilil) $400 cash. Brentwood iddition: H acre: an in garden, nuuw it v. aow .nu Copper sts. Take Mt. Scott car to Tre mont. A. B. Nutter. FORCED to sell 10 acres, 2 miles east city limits. J"-:. .00: terms. AQjoining acres ell at $800. AF 37, Oregonian. $400 1 acre at TlKard station; a bargain lor someone. nyuuiuu., v vuu-.u uiusi