T11H StTNDAT OHECOXIAN, TOItTLAyP. APRIL 1C. 1911. ORCHARD HEATING IN OREGON GIVEN AID BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Weather Station Established at Medford to Warn Orchartts of Theratenin Indlcations- Thromh Telephone Exchange Wood and Coal Best Fuel. -Information Distributed DOC V, ... -. T' r ; . - V ' T : Vf t "TST?Cw Trr . - 0 .1 M HV VltS. IIAI. I'dNRAli KtKii:i. "r. Afril IS. . -Special.) Tntl! a fr yfr o th pro- ,.., of orrhnrU JieaVln fr pre- m almoin an i.f th l nit1 Statrii. now 11 rfyrm:ne MprlmwiU of thr uniry wn ,, ir-.l i,,rrliiu.I. I" no .'- hail tl.-J r.TtmTl h n iwr wir- .--.fTl ilin In S..uthrn i'r'on. ...... .n- of Id- ;. crmn-nt a rhlef aalt ani.. IT. fr I". J. 'Sara, to rarrr tr., w..rK rmi In trw Jxitlom of KJ- Uivr Va.l.y In Jark n Count v - !- .avl wv'jI t!tn-a from L.t fr..t' T ra ,h .irtmwt ar, rlr("l ui"n lliat "oi-alliy nw. wut. Mn ri-f-ly bn l provln a r-r-l'l"n In If"- pru ' -r liard hrat IfiC . It ' it l.-n larl rnii-ti.i".l tliat It Is th. low luniwrlurr an.l not h" K..;i.lifl.'aii.Mi of t(.w as-T or mol.turo In ih air atii-h !! h ilinwe. I t,r.- u UUI' -u:or In th air. tt.-rr wilt 1 but lilMr fr.-t ap!rnt. an.l rl fmi'T-itu''" my l . .uu- Injurv. Itnl'wr "'!' .. thai on of tr- most r-ntlnl fa" lur, in 11. r prrvrntiun ' froat Injury I. .-f rtmnr. I. tx- aW In ttl acuratly wrn IPirr- la c1..na.r of a froat. To tM rnj th .vrrnmrnt ha recently In-Btal'-I a fu!ly-"t"lrp"t mthr nation In M.lf.ir.l. wttl l..fror OC.ara In rrars-. H fi un.lrr M uiH-rvmlnn a romn'.'t outfit of wthr lntnj mrnt from whi.-n a.-. urato f .rrcaata -an hr ma.l f"r tt tioura In advani-e. Th Imtn.nirTiK ar plm-l on a l-l wli!i thr or.'har4 on th "valtry r.oor. an.l Uu k'rj. In il.v. toi.-h with the trm ralurr of thr onhanU. hirm.K Arr TrlclMn-d. In n Intrrvlrar Profraaor O'Gara. aal.l: -In a aUoy ultuat'.l la th R1 Rivr V-iUv. I.M-al condition anj aur r'in.ltiKS Inft'i'n.r In a ronllrrale Mimi h lrtitralurr. air current, relative humlllly. rt: It '"ind I it ti inol Important thine to ihc arowrr t the linmfillate forecaat irado rry urntnK about un-down. The forrraats are thrn itlvrn to the tele phone company at il'dfor.l. a e-parate rhr brlna; a"lirn to earh operator. Tentative furrraata are lren each morning about o'clock, but the final forecast la made at :! f. M. Theae foreraata are tetrphnned to the differ ent town and atatlona In the valley wtienre ther are distributed locally. In tea. of railing up the llnea the aub a.rlbr rail In for the fore.aata and u.ually bv 7 o'clock M. every rromer knowa the probable weather condition which are to be expected before niorn Inir." if rure weather condltlona previ ous to a freec determine to mime ex tent the ability of plant to wlthntand low temperatures. A few day of warm Vfalhrr together with an ample aupply of soil moisture tend to fill the newly-form-.l plant cell with aap which 111.1 k. the bloma and frulta much norc susceptible to a certain low tem perature than would affect the aame blossom If the prevlou few day had b.-n aw. h a to make the bud lie virtu ally dormant, or the growth and de vriopnirr.t very slow. Wood wa the firat material used by fie Roicne River Valley arrowera and was tisf-d aticceMfuIly. It wa plied alona- the aide of the orchard at odd time durtnar the Winter month, when little Ue could be done In the orchard. o t mt expense of labor wa compara tively nothing? for K"i,'rln ,he wood, and If necessary It covered to keep dry. Oil Isod for Hits. Some fir anj even oak cordwood used and In one particular case J. U. Uore aavrd aeven acre of Bartlett pears two consecutive aedsons by use of old fence rails. There are usually not enough prunlnic In any one or chard to be worth much except to start tue fire, for which they serve excep tionally well if kept dry. The South ern I'aciflc Railroad Company very liberally donated a considerable quan tity f crade oil to the orchardlsts of the valley tor experimental use. out It was found that Since the. oil con tains a considerable quantity of water, due to the fact that It la pumped from Hie oil field throush pipe having a arater packet. It la har.l to lrnlte and even after lcnltlna; falla to burn well. Hut. although It could not be used a a fuel. It was found very valuable tor saturating; stvavtnxs or other fine ma terial which were used In alartln; fires. The most valuable fuel yet found Is licrlte coal, and especially when used with. wood. The temperature of Uit raised several de- The real value, of orchard has been er.es with tills fuel. any fuel for frost prevention depend upon the amount of heat It Is capable of a-lvlna; off. The number of fires requisite to the acre also depends not only upon, the heat production of the fuel used, but somewhat, of course, upon the severity of the frost. A larKe number of practical tests lias been srlven the different fuel and kind of burners. The cost of flrlna- with the fuels is Klven as nearly as can be eatl mated a follows: With coal. Including labor and entire expense, about i an acre a niirht. With wood, from I to M n acre. Variation llc. The variation la between wido limits. An old orchard where the trees are larse and spread out over tho Kround need r- -r- fires In order to maintain a safo temperature than does a youna- orchard , with more ..pen space between tne trees, i l'nder ordinary conditions, an old or- chard with v. Ide-spreadln branches may be protected from Injury, even ( where the temperature R"es as low as , :o drsjree r'arhenhelt. with about 6t , coal fires, anil the same on-hard i'n be protected with 3u to 3i wood fires an acre. Youncer orchard under almllar condltlona of temperature will require about TO pols or coal heater to tho acre and about 60 wood fire. In case the temperature do not ranee below :& degress Karhenhelt. of course the number of fire can be proportionately less. There Is quite a much danger of heatlna: the buds too warm, thus causlna: a daniter of their eoollns; off too quickly, as there Is of not heatlna- them ennuKh. Temperature Inside the or chards are recorded by a man who has some 30 thertnomter which have been previously tested, and he has them hunar about three and on-half to four feet from the sjruund. There are found to be always some spots coklrr than oth ers In an orchard, and It is only by uslnc a sufficient number of Instrument that these spots can be round and properly treated. T.ie problem of heating the orchard ' In the Kast and Middle Vest, where they have not the protection of the hills and mountains. Is more serious and one that has not been much ex perimented upon. The avrraKe Kast ern man who hears or reads of the heatlna; process as carried on In the Western Mates, particularly In Orexon and somewhat In California, thinks the matter too difficult, the necessity of labor and watchfulness, previous prep aration of fuel, and the expense scarce ly worth while, but when the cost of spray material and other labor for the entire year is considered and then tho possibility of the wholo crop. If the orchard happens to lie below the frost belt, belns; wiped out by the work of a few hours, then the cos ts of 12 to ! per acre a nlnht. a atalnst the yield of several hundred dollar an ; acre In crop production, really has no j comparison at all. j Cost Coiiiparallvcly Small. j Thj necessity of flrins; Is seldom ever more than threo nlKbta durlnir the aea aon, hence the cost cannot ranee more than to 1 an acre. V. H- Brown, of the Ros;ue Klver Valley, say that during 10. with a cost of IS an acre. he saved 10 acres ot apples vuueu at ItiOOO. while the year previous to that one freexe which occurred May S de stroyed his entire crop. J. W. Meyers, of the same valley, saved his -apple crop at a cost of 1 15 an acre, which has yielded a hitch a 11000 an acre at harvest time. But with the srreat aid that the Government department Is able and triad to Klve to the f rultgrrower of the I'nlted States, taken from the various experiment - of their able assistants such as those which Professor O'Uara has performed In Oregon, there Is no reason why this phase of orcharding cannot go as far toward the produc tion of more perfect fruit as has the subject of spraylnjr and pest protec tion. The average Kastern apple-frrower shouts because the apples from the Northweat brins; hlicher prices and greater net returns man ao tne apples of the Middle West. The reasons for this are self-evident. First, the agri cultural scientist has been telling- the farmer of the Kast and Middle West for 40 year that weedy fence-corners and unkempt it r ass plots below the trees harbor buns and Insects that at tack the fruit, but bow many orchards In the Kast do we see where the sail beneath the trees Is kept smooth as a floor and clean of weeds? How many fruit unions are there In the Kast, with a high-salaried man, say i000 a year, to handle their fruit and eliminate the middleman? How many orchardlsts In i the Kast handle their fruit Willi the -a - V 5 i ..VA-j y m .'Li,a0." -!ra-3i.'M' sis. 3 I -A "Si 1 sgV v i v JL i . 'i mf. P. J. O'tiara, Assistant (iove l-atboloarlst. la t hanre of Pacllle Work, lotcatfed at Medford. care that they would handle eggs, and pack It In boxes, each piece carefully wrapped with paper? And, before the season's crop Is ever set. how many growers prevent crop failures by smudging and firing their orchards? They have some advantages over the Northwest. While they have not the protection of the mountains, they have the advantage of being farther Inland, of ran ire of the JaDan current di rect, and are able to forecast the weath er for two or three days aneau. nisicnu of 24 hours. First Tots Suoccfit.fuI. The first work done along this line was published In a bulletin No. 8S. written by Professor W. H. Hammon, of the I nited States Weather Bureau. In 1896. based upon work which he had done among the citrus fruits of Cali fornia In regard to the method of pro tection from frosts. Following this, the State Board of Horticulture of Califor nia took, up the work and kept along the same line sugtrerted b -fessor Hammon. and In 1X9 published another bulletin, known as Farmers' Bulletin No. 13. with practically no new devel opments, however, other than those of fered In Bulletin 86. above referred to. Professor K. B. Garrlott, of the United State Weather Bureau, then followed In two yeara with a bulletin. No. 104. which treated of the method of frost protection more generally, and made applicable to other sections than the California orange and lemon grove. Up to this time no distinct work along that line had been done by the Iiepartment of Plant Industry, and virtually no work developed In this line until Professor O'Oara took up the work In Rogue River Valley In 1907 and 1908. In 1908 Professor O'Gara reallxed the great possibilities of the work, and by affiliation and co-operation with the Department of the Weather Bureau, he has bean able to accomplish more In the past four years toward the furthering of tho science than any other nrtxn. His work for 1908 and 1909 was recorded In Farmers' Bulletin No. 401. and that of 1910 In the monthly review of the Weather Bureau. He has studied, not only the kinds of fuel for best result's, the kinds of pots and burners, the number of Hres to the acre, the requisite temperatures to be ob tained, but also the methods of most accurately forecasting the weather con ditions, the mlnumum of cost to or chardlsts, the method of distributing the forecast to the growers and the possibilities of the research for the or chardlst himself In regard to the use of thermometers, psychrometers and other meteorological Instruments, some of which are easily made In a crude way, but which fully answer the purpose. Elaborate Scheme Planned. Based upon the result of Professor O'Gara' s work the Department of Agri culture, during the last year, through Its co-operation with the Weather Bureau and the Bureau of riant In dustry, lias worked out an elaborate system of general application, which will be prosecuted and made available to all section of fruitgrowing through out the United States In the course of the next year or two, or as soon as sufficient funds are available. The results of Mr. O'Gara's work are the basl of frost protection methods employed .this year In Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho, and some work along that line Is being prosecuted In Mis souri, and to some extent in Ohio. In the course of the next few years the methods of orchard heating will be more generally known, and hundreds of thousands of dollars will be added yearly to the United Mtates as a re sult. M A few of the conclusions arrived at by the Bureau of Plant industry are: That there Is no doubt frost Injury may be prevented by the use of fires and smudges. That wood anil coal have proved to be the best fuels. That where the temperature drops to. -0 degrees Fahrenheit It would seem that 50 fires an acre are necessary. Only half as tnany are needed when the temperature reaches say 23 to 28 degrees Fahren heit. That shavings, chips or other fine NURSE TELLS OF CURES BY CUTICURA Soap and Ointment in Past 20 Years, Always Recommends Them. "I have seen the Cutlcura Remedies used with best results during the past twenty years. In my work as a nurse, many skin disease cases came under my observation, 'and In every Instance, I always recommended the Cuticura Remedies as they always gave entire satisfaction. One esse In particular was that of a Udy friend of mine who. when a child, was afflicted with ecxema which cov ered her lace and hands entirely, breaklof out at Intervals with severer torture, one could not ro to school as the diencwrement looked terrible. I told her to get at one a set of the Cuticura Remedies. After the use of only one set she was perfectly B. . "A grown lady friend was afflicted with salt rheum to one of her thumbs, and the was cured by the Cuticura Remedies. Still another ltdy hsd dry salt rheujn In both palms of her hands every fall of the year. They uted to be so painful the could scarcely wet her hand until the began to use the Cuticura Remedies which cured her. I have also seen them cure children of rtJurworm. The children'! faces would be all elreles and ririKi around the cheeks, and tha neck, and after treatment with the Outleura floep and Ointment, they were completely eared. My husband had rteumatlsan oa hi arm and I used the Cutieura Ointment. It mad his arm as lbnber and ntee, whereas H was quite stiff before T began to apply the Ointment. . "Last May I had an torrowtaf toe at which H very pamful, at the tide of the nail was edrtag rfeht down In the ttd of any to. I cut the nail out of the cavUytt made, and of course applied the Cutiouxa Ototment to the part affected. It sppthed ft and la less than ten aichts It was aU healed through constant us of the ointment. Ten dyt aro. I had my Mt hand and wrist burned with boiling lard, and Cuticura Omtmtn hat completely cured them I l" recommended the Cutieura KemHm to an other friend. andshe I recovering aleea-. I wiU f ladly furnish the Barest of th people referred o ahov If anybody doubt what I nrV (Signed) Mr. Margaret Hederton, 77 High land Ave., Maiden. Mm.. Oct. 1. 1910. Sold everywhere. Potter Drug Cham. Corp.. sole prop., 139 Columbus Av Boston. r Mailed free, samples ot Cuticura Soap and Ointment, with a-p. book on akin treatment. material In paper sacks saturated with crude oil or kerosense have been found best for starting fires quickly. Kero sene torches for Ughtlng the fires have also proved very serviceable as com pared with matches. That damp straw and manure are valuable for producing dense smudges, but are not effective In raising the temperature In the orohards. The value of the smudge or dense smoke Is more to protect the trees from the early morning sun where some slight freez ing of the blossoms or the fruit has oc curred during the night. That the cost of firing with wood and coal. Including labor, should not average more than $3 a night an acre even where It may be necessary to keep the fires burning five dr Blx hours. In some localities where wood can be had with no expense except the hauling even this expense can be reduced somewhat- m somewhat. . That the results of the work of 1910 In the Rogue River Valley have shown that many acres valued at from 1500 to $1000 an acre have been saved at a total expenditure of not more than 115 to 20 an acre for flring. Very striking examples have been seen where un smudged orchards adjoining those that had been smudged have borne no fruit- "ot a Virtue. "Tou won't make any mistake in buy ing this car, Mr. Juggins." said the agent "It is the best In the market. There isn't any come-back to our out put." "Then I don't want It," retorted Jug gins. "There wasn't any come-back to the last car I had, and I had to walk back. Haven't you anything you can show me with a few return attachments?" Gure WE CURE d in 5 Days I Am for Men PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE! I will gflve the poorest man II chance, as wall as the rich, to receive a cure from me at k ttmall eo-t. TrTERF, is NO MAN TOO POOR TO GET MT PK6T OPINION FREE. Call It In trouble. QUICKLY, SAFELY FOREVER Varicose Veins, Piles, Fistula and Obstructions Most Tlx -Savim. w r- r. ...n- roeel la Owe TREATMENT. M. N.t.r.1. Meat Safe. No Deve.tlo. From Oecwpatlo.. Family or Home. A Radar. I ... terw...e.t ftn. I Will Give tWOO to Ay Ca-rlty as &-aJ.-tee That Every Stateasewt la Tula Aaao.aermtat lM True. I cur. rapidly, palnles.ly and at a .mall expense. I will demonstrate actual result In your caae. I will give conclusive evidence of my merit which s obtained and maintained by ability. I Invite you to come to m ","e- W,U explain my treatment for Herat.. Pile, Vartcoae Vela. Kerrou,, Blood, KMaey, Bladder ... Reet.I Atlaweata. I will give you free a physical examination. If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine exiting pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of thl opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure ts what you want. A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing person as to the .peclair.t h2 consults. 5uty and destiny to self and those who depend upon tou demand the best medical attentlon.I have the ability and can give you this service, I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may "e obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured I make no mislead ing statements or unbusinesslike prnposlttones; neither do I desire to be par ticularly Independent, and I would like to have you for a Pa"e"Hh,y?UfT.e com to me on a strictly professional ba-ls. and the Inducements that : I .offer, which ar my ability, and thirty years' successful .experience, Tlme-Savlng Treatment and Guarantee of Cure of certain Ailments. One-Half the Fee Charged by Other Specialists SEVENTEEN YEARS OF SUCCESS IN TREATING MEN We Cure Contracted Ailments We Cure Nervous Exhaustion i known a Nervous Debility. Servo-Vital Debility, Neurasthenia, etc If you have any symptoms of ailment, auch as loss or energy or easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, other svmDtom. 1 want ynu io v thl mbltlon. vitality. nervousness and sura and call. I Ulnar r iiitiiiui, a -'- - - , . . - i .v.1. ..piH.m rf men soeclal atudy and 1 unhesitatingly say that mv treatment V not excelled by any other specialist, regardless of what they may claim. I know what I have accomplished In even the most sever cases letters of indorsement are on file, and there Is no reason to believe that 1 cannot cur. TOU also. REMEM BER, by calling- you do not obligate yourself to take treatment. We Cure Specific Blood Poison This, as-you doubtless know, I th worst aliment that afflicts mankind, having not only wrecked the lives of thousands of men. but women and children as well. If you have any of its symptom, you cannot afford to neglect them for a moment. Rash or copper - colored spot, running sores, pimples, ulcers In the mouth and throat, or face, hands and other parts of the body, failing out of hair and eyebrows, are all unmistakable signs of thl. dreaded ailment. I have cured cases of Blood Poison after Hot Springs had failed, and if you call I will make a careful expert examination of your case and tell you Fosltlvely whether or not the ailment la present, and If ao am prepared to give you the beat treatment In existence. Otrr Motto Is: Reasonable Prices. Quick, Lasting- Cares, Honest Dealing We Chargo Nothing to Prove Our Methods Will Cure You Dont Let Money or False Pride Prevent You Prom Being Cured EXPEET MEDICAL EXAMINATION FREE, WHETHER YOU TAKE TREATMENT OR NOT YOU CAN PAY FEE TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE CO 1717 MUSEUM FOR MEN ONLY IT SHOWS PLAINLY MT AX. Is P. HEALTH AND DISEASE NO MINORS ALLOWED WE TREAT ALL DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Tf o cannot call, write for onr FREES SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. rm v Evenings. 7 to . Sundays. 10 A, M- to 12 M. only. THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 2!2& Mewlr ewatra ease quickly cured. All bnralna-. HehlnK. Iiflaanulloi and discharge cheeked In 24 honra. Ma ay ease cured la one week- W have a aeelfle treatment for thl allmeat. Bladder and Prostate Gland Ailments Burning Pains. Tortures. Misery. Straining. Crys tals, Stone In the Bladder, Gravel, Plood, Mucous and all Kidney and Bladder Ailments' which you do not care to trust to the family doctor. I am a specialist, and am prepared to give you quick relief and a speedy cure. "Old Chronic Cases" Cured If you have an old case that has been hanging on for weeks or months, and which medicine from doc tors and druggists can't seem to cure right, there is some reason. I have a scientific cure, and will cure you quickly and cheaply. Don't let any ailment drag you down and weaken you. I KEEP MT PROMISES WITH MY PATIENTS FREE Honrs, I A. If. to I P. K, Cured in Five Days ... -Mr-". Lnaaian mi iHi-- - - -'- A. U. Smith, M. 1). I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. ' I publish my true photograph, corrdct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, wf.o see and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a "medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. Jl portrait, whose personality and Identity are In definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. ... A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particu lars independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If yoa will come to me on a strictly pro fessional bails, and the induce ments that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' success ful experience, time-saving treat ment and guarantee of cure of cer tain ailments. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence In their doctor because he demands pay before a cure has been effect ed, and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition, or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there Is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat such cases. It makes no dif ference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived, when I am eatlsfled the patient is reliable. Health is capital at Interest.. I will prove my ability to cure you before asking pay for my profes sional services. Varicose Veins Hernia, Blood Poison No Detention From Occupation, - Family or Home NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, ,nv CASES PERMANENTLY rfSv. n TO ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, URAL. MOST SAKE. A ivnPF RM A N E N T CURE. I GivE MY WORD AND WILL. CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE pJnt.n TO CURE BY EXPERI FNCE ND f;QU1PMENT, WHICH AREETHED KEYSTONES TO SUC I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON toacharVt-V aVan? TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS Ttinvlte vou to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Polon, Piles, Fistula. Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men s Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to deter- -mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure la what you want. VARICOSE! VEINS impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. HERNIA RIPTVRE Disregard of existing hernia has cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the Increased liability to strangulation. I cure rupture In selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In one treatment. PILES AND FISTULA. The sequelae of these afflictions are distressing, nervous reflexes and painful conditions. My treat ment and success are the result of years of experience. I cure Piles without cutting. I cure you with out pain or detention from occu pation. I give a written guaran tee to cure piles and flstula. KIDNEY AND BLADDER AIL- MEvrs. With these ailments yea artfcy have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or gans. By my searching illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by micros coplcal examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus lay ing foundations for scientlllo treatment, NERVOUS DEBILITY Cerebro, where the mental forces are Impaired. Spinal, where the spinal centers are Involved. . Vital, where the eympathetlo nervous system and forces that govern the organs are deranged by reflex ef fects of ailments. I treat these conditions and all weakness In duced by nervous complications and excesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the conditions essential to your future life and happiness. eoe " FOR BLOOD POISON.. I use Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery, ', 606," In cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures In one treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new remedy . has been successfully used In thou sands of cases. Let me explain It to you. "WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia. Piles, Fistula. Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours 9 A. JL to S P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. DOCTOR A. G. SMITH ENTRANCE 234 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OR. Cures Without Drugs wr 1 C- 1 T a-:nn Dootniiaa VYOnucnui U1VCUUU1I a.v - Health, by Nature's Method There' no need of ruining your Ftomach by doping- it with drugs, trying to overcome pain or some chronic ailment. No need of doctor and drug bills, for here is a remedy that cures in Nature's way. Most of the ailments of mankind are due to the failure or brenklng down of the stomach, kidneys, liver, heart or digestive organs. When one of these organs fails to work properly, something happens; pain. a i s e ase or va rious chronic ailments result. The reason any organ breaks down or fails to work properly Is be cause it lacks motive power elect rlcity. Now to cure .pain or disease you must find the cauee and remove It. If it I s caused b y a lack of electric e n e rgy, restore t a force where It Is need- ed. and pain and disease will dis appear. That's our method. Thats Nature's method. Electricity builds up, supplies strength nourishment to the body. DriiKs destroy, tear down, because they contain poison InsTead of nourishment Of "urse they can cause an organ to act, but thlt organ is weaker after the effect of the drug has passed off. Drugs stop pain temporarily by stupefying the nervw, but the pain comes back and you have to take the drug again. Every dose weakens the "eKll"tra-Vita is an electric body battery. applied while you sleep. It nnmn a -tream of electric life into every nerve and tissue of the body, building - up vitality ,and strength ana removing the cause of disease Electra-Vita does not shock, lhe onfy .sensation is a soothing glow Electra-Vita never needs charg ing for it makes its own power con- tinETectra--Vita has proven . great success. It is curing people all over the West whom drugs failed to benefit. Mrs. M. Stowell. Eajrle Point, Ore gon, says: "Having suffered for a long time from the effects of ma laria, nnd from nervousness, I decid ed, after trying many other rema dles, to purchase one of your ap pliances. The result of my use thereof has been most satisfactory. After a few days' application I could see that it would do more for me than all the medicine I had taken, and so it has. The- malaria poison is leaving m y system, m y nerves are stronger, and I feel much brighter and better in every way. I shall be glad to recom mend E 1 e c tra Vita." This Is Free Cut out this coupon ana man It to lis. We'll give you a beautiful 90-page book whieh tells all about our treatment. This book is illus trated witli pictures of fully devel open men and women, showing how Electra-Vita is applied, and explains many things you want to know. We'll send the book, closely sealed and prepaid, free, if you will mall us this coupon. THE ELECTRA-YITA CO. 209 MAJESTIC BLDK SEATTLE, WASH. Please send me, prepaid, your free, 90-page, Illustrated book. 16-4-11. Name. . Address Men and Women Cured nil t?3V -.Jaa r2f v anv j7-ih when -eiji ; l 1 The famous S. K. Chan Chi nese - Medicine Company, with f-i .r-wvl their rcmeaica. .1 I of herbs and V ' r ruots cure won derfully. It has rured m Warm r other remedies have lallea. - chronic, private Biimwn Sure cure for enr J rheumatism. ?nL?I?. k-o OPERATION. Consultation ,rB.n,ltlon fo? ladies by Mrs. a K Chan. Call or write to The S. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co., ZiSik Alorriiua iW l'orUaau, Ortsoo, L. T. YEE & SONS The lid. Sellable Chin Doctor spent lifetime study t herb and research la China was cranted diploma by th Emperor; ruarantees euro all ailment of ma and wotnea when otnera Ian ji you sui ter, call or writ to VfiB KOX'B afKDIClNB CO.. ltV tint. Cor. Aider. fartlaBd, O. A study of the activities of the French! population based on the last census has Just been published. It shows that 20.720, 879 persons, including; the army, are en gaged In active pursuits. The figure repre sents 53.3 per cent of the population; it in cludes 13.027.000 men, 68 per cent of tb male population, and 7.633,000 women, S'J per. cent, of the females. i