K FIE SUNDAY OKECrONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 16, 1911. - ' . ' .... nrru-i-ntr-T -rni'Ti --m!mn wAgTCT-notAus. wantkt-to rest. - - 1 .r - : . . --I . . . u.... mini T SITUATIONS WAXTF.S MALE. I . cU 1 LATIO.l w A.-v 1 r,i r i.-.-.. Hdihh. ir-I)t) . , a. DPA)Y. TlCeS gi-f" g kUnplnvniviil Ages ta Hevw opened an Lxr.plo loent and Labor Offlo) , NORTH kKCi'rt ST.. POBTt-ANTK MAi-S -- MoMk A -XL Tits and Pruinr '. Oakland. Cml. 31 and Mem at... L Angel-a. tel. tatio Ollice- f-S d Wo Jacasoa -, " M.ul afacav 131 Marehee-tjit at, Low A "--''"-, ee.. Office. Sd aad H sta, Pac- T7,;i!"l Howard st-, Saa Franc lace, C1TT. 3 e.-r.ee'-r Holders. l-." 4 Ta -n .t-ra. 1 2-.' j, a L r-r 1 I-.iTnr B-r. .' . 1 Ntirt-rv I'orernan. $:vni, w.-ds vu mill wor.K. 4 Pu wrs. -. 5 1. ia--. - T.V 1 li.adleller K IV 4 F. (ln txiea, i--7 . 1 t;trrr n. $ i c- J Woodcutter 1 1-5 T cord. JIlK'KLLAXIi'l'A Trtakar. rouairv .tea. 1 OO. i hocrran. today. $23.n. .:iie opera from A. M. on til Boon, a.mpioyere nn r!v upon us la furnish eny in bet of heip. -p'ayea ran be. aura that all work la a repreeeated. . . Honesty aad fair play for all la aur Sn. XI RAT RE1DT. The X-eaui,,,.; Fmploymaeit Asenfa, 41 t NKTII t:.'M tfTKLur. "1 IAN LET M HiOI M ENT CX 2 . neconi Birwu Tr Mem 727. A 2JtrtV WANT TODAY I 1 drormtB. I--iX 1 ratchet setter. I2.V. 1 turndoWB man. I - S nmwIU laborer IJ. . , 15 R. R- Utnnni bal.' inc. Oei 3 rtsbt-of-wav laborer. I 0t. teaneter IAw to I.' : flaa aad a-iia, no iMidrto. (40 and Dli'Lwhaalar teams, with harases- and nlrt . 4 rraan taama. with harness) ana fr ar. , F .rtl.nd labor headquarters for: J W. aiweer.ey ronM rvt t Ion ". TV-mtoa lir Co. McIxwi.aU. N : o q. linaoa A Ca Oram fmlth Co. I'ynton. Chorclk d JcC(ry. Crtr liroa. . All ordara firm prompt and praeaai Mfc 1 nut f- Joat arrived, aa anllr.iy na Una or panta Bar from ma and kp tha tra proot tnat voaid oth-rwlaa o to , tha l.ndior.l. 4 SO P.nt for 13 W-J rnta for My ayaora of buylnk and I i a month rant doaa H. JUnmla Dunn. irTsTED A boy lb a whaet Rowa A Marrln. 3.M Wqghinrtn. , help ffiyTtn mm. BTENOORAl-HER. abatract work. tonrh mrtt'ia and aipartncad paraon pr-f.rrad. airy !i pr wk. Cail bat. aad 1 mJay rrMrn:nK.JCgrbattblat. AS ir-tr1nred lrl for eookln and n aral boaw-rk In family of X G?rj aa. fbou Eaat 115J; raaldanea 1.4 f.mal Halmon. BRIGHT hut in rirla. bora la yoor cban-a tt maka jod money tlurtna yoor apara lima, t ali at oara. room IV til i aaB tn(Ua it. fttm Main V-'ttJ. HAITER. country boar.lln-houaa; f-r f..ra r:ta or call Snnaay between 10 A. l. and '. i E. BurnalJa. aak for J. UfBdrirto. A V . it rlr7,-J ntirrarnaiJ to car for two rhll.lrrt ant alt m wmrd work; aood .a Apply at ilai ii, ctw oar of rjr!rr. . THAftOTMULT tprrlncd arrond IH prrti al r.araa to ear f.w chMdre. otbar wacaa. Mala lia and EXPERT a!tratl"n alrl wantr-d la tha Till A Cibba coraat aactloa. Apply aarly Monday. VANTKD aa ripartrnerd aerrl ofoca tirl not ar.lar ii jfar of a.. JJ Abmctoa buil'l.n. EJCPERIENCE aarntrana tnr ladlea work. I. Kai in. Lad:w' Tailor. Ballln bldtu. Slh A rte- TYO . : N BiVa l.'O par . attrartira work, partltnlara fraa. Uo 94i. Mad ford. Or. CAlT family cook. t0. axond, Vil hovkMiwr, country. JJ. bU lula -. ;u'.i, WN. Main J':p. WASTr.1 EUpoe"B-d gtr flP aaneral ouioork. threa adulta. Phona al b'VJ. it N. i-tri at. CIRL "uTt let-La "lliht aocood work: mt :Mp at b.mo; apt y mornina. ICa N. id i. Telephone Main yJU. wVnTI.'D- nraHcUea-altxratloa handa for la.l ea" a!leabMi drperitirM Apply New Vork Oatflttlr to 17 Klrat at. fXsfy. tirTt - m p.-1 e n i cirl for nerl kouaewirk: in family; ood m; fina r-iew. H I "J-l W1TKl J""' "" wv,o wanta a (ood h'm. No eranka need apply. AJ It. ore. ClKLn wanted ta wark In paperboa factory. t-teadr position Apply et F. C btattlcn. corner Itl and r.lieaa at. CTkC to aaaiat Itirit-noueekeepina. fam'Iy of three eaar piae. Inquire - Laet A!1er Phone E FIKriT CT.A.J cook ann thorookhle experi enced aacond kirL HICh'at aea. Zli . . . XI . ' T lord at. tv-,.--frr trprl'"'il kirtmS.ta. a:J f.i.ehcra. A. Waiaa. Udiea tailor. 147 lutb :. VS'Tr.D rirat marker and Ta- t.-ibtit.r. a;io iron'ra International Laustirr. E 6' 1 aodQk COsPEIKXT grl lor general bous-wwrk: ml.i pe .o.i co-dt. Apply aSiar 1 a nock. I V -. 1 . ptRT.NT.H in spieo.lld buslneae. with IIS". .e k red KauUsen. - E- Bur .aide, id t.oor. . , W V.VTtn A woman to lle with an elderly le.ly aud d lient !" fal.ry of 1 a nior.th I'hone oo.'awn IS-.. eVAVTrrt R Terta. April -'V girl for bmvn;i. .mail family, ex. client home. j.-nd Summer at b-a. h. V I L Oregosun. W. STEP a. ebitmaker and aklrt help. :) 1'i.lumMa M-l v7: H l. for r-n'ral houeework. Call bOM E. Mi-rrwiwl iAtr piano player to travel. L 1. Ora- tunlsn. A N r 1 1 A oel att' kermaa for cuat n mtli AH tt. ttrrtBaUn. vTaN rED Jloo.1 girl or Jsptneee boy lo h-lp in il'hti. aa EMa street. tflR:. for-c.-ncral bouaework: wage 110. Applv E. -d. cor. Market B -tll. WANTKD : tprirrel wraprera: ate.dy position. li-n .-.l.i riff. lerting Clothier. W1NTI.P :'-! for gneral bouaework. bo cooking 7SJ Mrti-t!l- Tamhill at. WtVTfP rVrl t"T sbooflng gallery- good Ms l ail lTs Bumaida. tVANTEri tVlrl sr.ull tarn 111. 4 7. r.. ill i lo- OlPt. for general kmteeirork. good wage email familr. 7S V. '-Idler. CI Rl. wanted lo asaist la general houaawork. Ol"!. for aecond work In boarding nouse. ... .... a-t e. w n .WTl'P .ieemstr-eec at M- A A. aho- Ht -oi-iil'ir. oeeinng a borne call at or tltrtu llfl East Tavlorj tt. Two etenogrehp-re want-.! at one. J. H. ?otl. M Ufti.-r.'rr hMg. FT E.r. K wan'-d. IJ I'nloo ra K. H'oe.: j I're orea 1.1HL, lor general ho.ierwork. Scotch tie-min preferred 7'-J Lovejoy at. WANTEls rirat-claee helper for draa maker. a:so apprentice fcol ashlnaton- OIKL to a.-t In housework In small fam tiv. Oertoo st. W.lMi:l oman cooki'aao g-nera! work to go lo couairy. fail atofHNL2Itot. CIRt-i for carr.tv.l shoes, alsa eaehlr: lot) e u-t: rr-t i'r-1. AL Or-gonlan. AV apprea'Ue for dreasnsaklBg. 3 T T Va-eourer ,. East --4. HtVyORAf HER. esperlencwd In circular o-k. A R n. Cr-g-nlan. OIRL lor general houeework. good cook, fame Ea-t TA ANTEO Wr lo aselet ?.l Marah.il. near 21-1. with howaawork. WANTEt irf foe general housework. Call T4 I.orefo rlI.'Hl'R. o pants and vewi; are-b good par. tt Kuaael bMg. ANT K -4 plata cooa. pnone A l"l.i. tv A . T r.P -r'lr.t -claee ! finisher. Mrs. r W Yn.'-f. 11 I't't Ift!. or. Belmont. M IDlLK-AiEl woman to car for Invalid eamaa. K. Caratbera. OUVi. fag gets ceral bouaework. :a Bajt, WANTITD TOtJNO ULDIE9 FOR TBXB TUOSM OPKRATIVO. WITH OS WITH OCT XXPERIKNCK. APP1T PACITIC TEUKPHONM TELEGRAPH CO AT TH AXO ANECNT STR R1ANTED TOCNO LADY TO SOLICIT. OCARAXTEED 8ALART. EXPERIENCE VNNECES9ART. AFTER A. K. TJ4 TEOX EL DO. HOTEL cook. 140. rook, board) ng hooa. $4n. Man and wtfa franrhi. fhmbortn!d. 134 and l-V Tvo araltroaa I out of rliy. I-' llnunnnt waltraaa. I waak. Family cook. Mi and H. s--on.l alrla. IJS and 130. HouMkoapw. 1 1 1 and c;irla .r ncl houork, f.n ! HANSEN" tMPIITJIEST AC.ECT. lOl'Vi won KS for eopylnc: moat bo irood In penn.anehip. Permanent poeltlona, a nionlh to atari, preference alven who ran rent modern apartmente wltn bulit-ln bade, bulll-ln buff'ta. Jrvnllor "" I. e. and all nolera convenleocee. In walk ing diet. ore. and at a raaaonabla rental. TV 2 tVeaonlan- WAITED For-the Summer rnontha. at tha c.iat. by an alderle couple, a competent woman to do cooklnc (plain! and gen eral hnaeework In a cottage that ha eerr ronvantenre: will pay good tll': referanoaa required. Addrraa N 17. Ora rnlan OuOT wage for girl or woman for hooae work and oooklng In country near Ore gon CIit. cloae to enrllne; eipnrlence un nereeeary: Bo objection ona aleeping home, waahing aent out. Phona Vain a"44. Ore g"n City lino, or wrlta P. O. boa aoft. tj ladetona. or. . WANTED Flea reflned. wall-dreaeed boal Beaa women for our local advertising atall. to adyertiaa rJplrella coraeta. our own pa clal plan; permanent. Fhooe Maraball aula. For appointment. Un. L. oua tain. TOd lloytaL ClRL for general houeework In family oi thraa. muat ba good plain cook, neat and Udy and willing to do part of wean ing. Vagea tiitW. Call e-:3 Hancock treet. oor. Wtb. Taaa Broadway car to Hancock. VI' V!tPAL Departraant of Public Safety for Toung Women. Adeioa or aaalatanca gladly gH-en to all yonng women. Lola O. Baldwin. fupt.. room 37 T. w. t- A. r'oc.. 7ti and Taylor mi. FlK.-iT-claea ooUcltora who are liking for a permanent poeltlon with old reliable firm. Hlg money to worker. Apply Mr. Ake. 41 Mouawk Bldg-. d and Morrlaon. after w a- ja- TRALVED nuraa wlehea to Irrterrlew tnld-dio-aKed lady who would earn for home occaeionally while aba waa on eaaeo; muat furnieh good refereneee; grra pbona num br. AT 11. Oregonlan. OntV WASTXTA ApT'y Standard Factory Mo. X Orand bto. aad Uaat Tajlar U WANTED A girl to do bouaework In a t'hrletian family with ona girl. oazra eipoctrd. etperienca and full par- ttrular. P I. iwegonian. WANTED Girl or woman for general houeework on nice auburbaa fro.lt farm: poeiilon parmaooaU 1'nona Mllwaukia Red 4-1. VaXTED- f'rl for aeelalant office work inhone: no ezperiance: tei. uim: aiva telepboaa number. 1 Jd. Oregon!. lDT To demonstrate a high-grade arti cle houeo-to-hnuee; permanent: good prop oeitton to right peraoa. Call 60S Kali way Kvehange bltlg. ART PTUUENTSt for outdoor and Indoor rlaesea In llluat rating and painting. Pbore Mala 30. Oeo. k- Kirghaia'a astern brhool of Art. 40 Corbett at. LAOlErl. make aupportera; 13 hundred: BO ranvaaalng: material lurni.neo; eiaue envelope partlculara. Wabaab Supply Co., Ix-pt. V :i7. Chlee-fO. LADIEt. make ablelda. tl.44 pr doaeni ma terlel f urnlehed . reeponalbla women; atampad envelope fnr partlculara. K.mplra luppy Co.. dept. an. atiiwau.ee. r rAsniER and offwe aaelVtant; muat be well educated and a lady: experience not necaa ry but must be able to :a eaaa bond. w 13. uregonian. ) pat paid Ia1 In aach town to dta- tnhute free rlrculara for concentrated fla voring la tubea; permanent poeiilon. F. K. H.rr Compaay. "hl--ago. LAIT to aaslat In grocery and confectionery atore; refereoeee rasiuired: young glrle vd not apply. For particular, pbooe flellwood ST4. ITEACT OIRL or woman wanted for house work, antall family: no waenioa , Hh North, near Tillamook. Call attar I o clock Sunday or any time Monday. wivTtn ladr cook for small boarding' house; HM 3t per month, nod Main sf . Vancouver. Wash. WANTED A young lady 1 yeara old fnr office work- Apply Moao uij .ua u r p ly Co.. 43d ar.q eniy tt"atu WANTED Aa experienced girl for cooking and crneral housework; good wages. T70 Overton, n-ar I3d ST. BI'HINEitS FIRM needs a competent, trail- worthv wonien. over -o. w no is anaomous. Experience not reoalre-L AF 17. Oreaonlan Tirni'E-Ar;F:n worn in for grneral house. work In small family lnoulre Jacob ehlrt Co.. I'hoenix biiig.. i rirtn at. WANTED A-l millinery trimmer for out- of-town position; gooa wage to signs. party. Ixiwengart A Co MIDnLE-AOED woman for general houee work In small family. Phonl Woodlawa S"'l 1''.13 E. lath at. rtorm. WANTED Renned. capahla woman for re sponsible poeltlon. viavt Co.. nua Kotb- chlld bldg.. 4'n and wsshlngton. HANSEN'S LADIES A0ENCT. I41V Wasbmgton St.. cor 7tb. upstair. Phone Main ItMri GIRL, who la a good penman, to look up n.mea ta directory. Aaareea as i. ura- gon Ian. VANTEI la1r planter, orchealra; one who sings preferred: steaoy wora. At. iu, utf goman. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AOENCT. tilii, Washlnglon St.. Room 114. Mala bo3 or A JCnd. WANTED A woman to aasist with cook Ing and general bouaework. 70tk Flaa' ders st. OOOD girl for general housework. Call after 11 o'clock. G1 North rup St., Bear Inth. Sum VI eood woman can have a good homo for helping with a little work morales;. and evenings. 571 tiiiaan at. atein s.sv WANTED A good conk In a small country hotel by May 1. Address Box 67. b'tella. T ash. WANTED Cook for small country hotel la Waahlnaton: good wages; steady position. Aarlrees A3 4. uregontan. VANTEIV A good salesla.ly for a Una con-f-ction-ry slur. Apply at oifce. 731 Wil liams art HCHuDL girl to help cook for baby aad do some work. ttoara ana amall wage. rrone. Sellwoo . o4 IlP.r W A XTCTM.IU5 OR rT-MALE. loono rOSITIONi for graduates last year men and women learn barber trade la I weeks, help to secure position: gradu atea earn from 113 to US weekly; expert Instructors; too. a free: write for cata logues. Mohler eve i era of Collages, M North 4th t Portland. Or. WANTED at once, a man and wtfa on fruit ranch, loo ml lee from Portland; wife to cook for to I pereone. man to aealat write other work. Apnlv Monday or Tues day. to II o'clock. Columbia Hardware Co 104 4th L Mi:HIAN. Trombone, elanonet. flat. VellA and baee violin nlayers: men or ladlea: to play In ft'in lay achoo! orchestra. Apply to Ed Wet more at traca sinsic rtnuse. WANTED Capable people to handle two Mid vaudeville la'itnw, ireq lime as sured. be Prof. Whelaa. 8th floor Mar j'lim b'd jf Main - I WANT a al- girl or boy. 14 jearg old to come in mv home la ona of tha fam. Ily: will clothe and send to school; must be of good family, rnono ti ;i. MAX B money writing short stories or for paper: Mg pay; free booklet telle bow. laitad t'xvaa cpuuaua ias y i-m HROWNH-. Puc-eeaor to PCLPIFEHS THEATRICAL EXCHANOE. New Office Everything New. 4 on and 40. Buchanan hldg. Just arrived. Profeaeor Mllhaml and Madam Luaalte. direct from New Tork. teachers of dramatic art and tha real vaudeville sketrhea written and rehearsed, under direction of most competent In structor Wo have at all ttm-e artists In every line on our book We furnish everything for tha stage; control special attrartiona lor club entertainment Tell us what you want, wa complete your programme; professionals and amateurs wanted In all lines. Have Coast rights for all royalty plays. Two new Eaatern productions lust In. want dramatic people for the road, want la chorus women. Hook independ-nt time on the Coaat. Fee ma for everything In tha theatrical Una MAKE suae writing stories for newspa pers; big pay; send for fraa booklet: tell how. Lnlted Press Bynd-. Saa Franclaco, fish teachers-association, auswat- land bldg. MI I LAN r:.n H MEN and boy learn automohlle repairing and drlvli... plumbing, oricmaying. eieo trical trade, civil engineering, aurveylng In moot praotlcal way. Our atudenta earn e-l-o day. I'oeltlona aecured. batlef.ictlon guaranteed: catalogue free. National school of Trades. 9110 W. 7th. Lo Ange la . A TOL'N'J EASTERN MAN will give $it to any one obtaining tor mm a eive lion. Not particular regarding work. If steadv. Am at present employed an night watchman. Audrees George T. Oordon. A.1 Vettj grove St. GOOD, reliable person to take an aged In valid lady In their own home to care tor. Not nec-eanrlly a nurae. Stat term I'hone afternoons. East S12Z. TOL"NO lady hairdresser. 7 years' experi ence, wishes residential work. scaip ana facial maasage. A 7 1 -7. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION in shorthsnd. typewriting and bookkeeping: nay or nigin. Phone Bast I4H4. oill Urlinunl. cor. l:h. LA E Ct'RTAINS laundsred. called for. de livered; "c pair: all work guarantreu. I'hone Maraball 2117. EXPERIENCED teacher' of piano and har mony d-alrea pupils: 4 per montn. ooc pvr 1 use on. A K 1. Orvgonln. TAIIeOllED skirts and wale: alterations neatly done. li!.MI Oar. AT I. t 're gotilnn. PRIvVtE School SHORTHANI and TYPE WRIT INO. .' mo. Jo 14th St. Main 3MiS. SITTJATION WANTED MA I J. Bookkeeve- aadClerka. ANYONE desiring th service of a young man : year oel. I years general office experience. 3 year as bookkeeper and cashier. 1 past yeara aa advertising man. In charge of mail order department of large Coaat horee; bank and K. and A. M. referenrea; also lubmlt letter of recom mendation from president of company with whom I tilled the shove position In terview requested. Harry H. Laws. 127 West Park st- Phona Main 70. Al. FIRST-CLASS experienced young dress goods man: 12 years' experience in urj goods, furnishing, fancy goods, under wear, hosiery, embroideries, laces, trim mings, notion shoes, etc; experienced as buyer: compet-nt as manager of large de partment or store. Only first-class PoM tlon considered. Salarr not leas than 1123 per month. AV 4. Oregon. WANTED By a young man of do. with ax-c-Il-nt recommendation and nu.ln-ss ability. Industrious and a gentleman In every respect, a position with a reliable firm as aaiaamaa In city or on tha road; At would take partnership In soma busi ness: hsva a few hundred dollars to Invest; roust be a reliable, paying proposition. Y 14, Oregopiao, SALESMAN". Collar graduate, 11 year, I years busi ness experience, at present selling dry goode for Eastern ooncern. wants position In tba West: speaka English and German; wllliug to work bie way up; A-l banking and mercantile reference AH la, Ore g on tacu A TT F N T I O N. Mr. Morchant What have you to offer youtu- man. age 2.. single, seven yeara experience, all around atora man. advertiser, cardwrlter and window-trimmer; at present employed: will furnish sample of work and best references; only first-class position considered. Address AV 7. Oregon Ian. aTrTKl'TT.T reliable, sober man. 43 year of age. desires position; 10 years' exper ience as timekeeper, bookkeeper, payroll and general clerk for contractors and rail road and lumber camps; beat of references and aurety compaay bond it necessary. V 13. Or-gonlan. WANTED Young man. :i. university graduate, alx month In Portland, office experience, admitted to the b.r: waaea Bo oblect until worth eatahllshed. West of reference. I ask a foothold. Con sclentlous. painstaking effort will do tba rest. L 24. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position, 12 years' experience In followlne lines: Insurance, brokerage, bankirg. wholesale grocery and packing house; willing to ac cept poeltlon out of .th city. V 14. Ore gonian. WANTED Poeltlon by married man: 13 years' experience with railroad, packing house and corporation accounting: rapid and accurate at figure Addroas J Hi. irrron l.n. TOl'Nfl man. attending business college, wants work afternoons and evenings; pre fers office work. Would run elevstor. A hustler with no bad habit K So. Ore son la n. TOL'Nte man desires poeltlon aa collector and solicitor; experienced In Insurance work: moderate salary lo start. C 13, Oregonian. DRUOOIST. registered In Oregon, wanta po sition, elty or country. B SJ1. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office man, timekeeper and material clerk. 23 yeara old and mar ried, would consider position of any kind. X If. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and all-round clerk; any line; open for immediate acrvirea; hlgh eet reference Barbrey. Phone East 11 3d. B MX PCS IT I ON' la country atora bv married man from East. A year' experience In general merchandise and 10 years' prevlou In hardware. S. poulsen. gen, del- city. CREDIT MAN, arcountant. thoroughly fa miliar with trada rondttlone on Coast: will consider a change. Reference. AN vs. Or-gotilsn. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CI-OCK OR WRITE up book prapar balances and statement Inatall evsterr tiilllnghain, auditor. 411 Lewie bldg.. Marshall 717. SALESMAN, experienced In wholesale gro cerr and packlng-houaa business, wanta position; In shape to go any point. Address W 11. Or-suiilaa. BOOKKEEPER and accountant. 12 years va ried t-ip rience, desire temporary or per manent position; bond; references, Gregory. East JOOd. VOL' NO man wanta position as bookkeeper: operata typewriter; two yeara experience; if 1.1 Dr.mn I u n TOCNO man. well educated, desires clerical work of any kind: best of references from previous employer C 13, Ore gon Ian. TOI'Nil man. rough carpenter, d-slrcs po sition where ha can leara finishing. AO 11. or-gonlan. AN experienced grocery clerk desires posi tion In or out of city. F a. Oregonian. Mlscellaaeona. WANTED By foretgner. 26. work on farm tfrult ranch), will work for small waves If allowed to learn English, ripeak soma English sow. Apply C 73 N. 8d su WANTED Rltuatlon as Janitor, porter or care private place by reliable man. 4S. Moderate wage H 21. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by experienced marker and packer for shipping-room. AM IS. Oregon la n. COMPETENT coupl with daughter, want work on stock or dairy ranch, or would clear land. D 19, Oregonian. WANTED Poeltlon aa sulesman by married man In city. Address H IS. Oregonian. PAINTER helper. German, strapger. wanta work. AP 14. Or-gonlan. JANITOR, experienced, wants work, day preferred; reference M 18. Oregonian. WAITED By Chines to cook In family or boarding -house- Phone M aln 6764. A 39iL MAN wants dishwashing day or Bight. H. 2X Oregonian. HOUSE cleaning Job or hour. Main 7315. Mln n.)T.1 evnlng. Thomas Green, SITUATION wanted by experienced hotel clerk; good worker. AM 17. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work; a first-class flo Isher and stalrbulldec. AF 18. Oregonian. CH AI'FFEl'R wants position in private fam. . Ilv will fQ out of town. F 12. Oregonian. MACHINISTS wants position; Sals C 1L Oregonisn. EVENING work wanted by Japanese boy. AP II. oregonian. JAPANESE wants position any place from 10 A. M. O IS. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants any kind of work fore- noon or afternoon. At- n. vrrvgoinan. TWO good cooks want large camp together. R It. Oregonian. MAN wlahes work of any kind; rood e.i u'catlon. AR In. Oregonian. SOBER reliable chauffeur wsnts position; can do repairing. Phone Woodlawa 2-S7S. TOI'NO man wants few hours' work dav or eUAkt oo4. la, '"h"i M. iS, a-rTirilrt COLLEOB GRADUATE. TEARS. TEARS' BUSINESS EXPERIENCE TS THE EAST. LAST POSITION AS MAN AGER'S ASSISTANT. CAPABLB OF HANDLING HELP AND TAhJNO LP BUSINESS PROPOSITION OF SALES MAN'S ABILITY'. WANTS POS-TION. SPEAK AND WRITE ENGL1SIL GER MAN AND FRENCH; SALARY LESS OB JECT THAN THE OPPORTUNITY OF ADVANCEMENT. FIRST-CLASS BANK AND TRADE REFERENCES. AL 15. OREOON1AN. . . TOUNG man. S3, married, having traveled with high-grade commercial line lor eight yeara. dcalrea a position of trust. In which he may demonstrate his ability, either aa buyer, seller or manaror of some particular line or entire bualn-ss: let me show you what can bo done; will either go into the country or city; remu neration dotermlned by ability or pro duet lvenj-ej27Oj!gor WANTED ry a young man who speak O-rman and English languages, a sit atlon aa nurae; has I) years' experience In nervous cases: desires position by an ei derlv gentleman or private family; Is "f1"- Ing to help with housework. gonlan. AN American all-around chef desires situ ation In nrst-class restaurant or hotel; thoroughly experienced In New England cooking; best of references: am temperate, married; will pay traveling expense C. T. Trengore, Arlington Heights. Boston, Mas WANTED A situation on a fruit ranch; thoroughly understand spraying, culti vating, etc.; wish a place where I can have a house to myself: have had 13 years' exper.ence In the apple orrharde in tllO Irrigated belt. H 20. Oregonian. WANTED Position as foreman blacksmith: fully up on the use of forging machine steam hammers and handwork; capable and can get results; salary must be com mensurate with ability offered. AF lo. Oregonlan, . WA.NTED Position as chauffeur, first-rises mechanic. 0 years' experience. French, Herman and Amerlcsn. steam. gassncl electric: truck and pleasure car AM 1-. Oregonian ATTENDANT or nurse, position wanted by msn of experience, graduate doctor used to travel: massage given: would take elderly or mildly Insane patient; best of reference G 24. Or-gonian. REG IS T E Re"d phaxmaclst with long suc cessful experience, competent to take com plete charge of any atore. good babita. beet reference, wants position. ti la, Oregon Ian. GENERAL work on gent's place or ranch by reliable man of 40; good man, strictly temperate, congenial: properly care for cow horses, poulti y. garden, etc; best ref. AT 12. Oregonian. IOL'XO man of excellent character would like a position In private family to do garden work and take cere of automobile; best references. AN 19. Oregonian. FOREIGNER, experienced garden-r, wanta work; speaks fairly good English; will work for wages or on a commission, Ad dress 4Si. N. 3d St.. City. SITUATION wanted as head gardener In private or commercial place; competent to take charge of greenhouses; landscape work and nursery, etc. J 13. Oregonian. WA NTED Man and wTf Germans, de sire positions as a Janitor In a store or private house; understand steam fitting. AR 13. Oregonian. WANTED Legitimate side line on com mission by bonded traveling man making towns In Western and Central Washing ton. K 12. Oregonian. A GENTLEMAN well acquainted with first class hotel and restaurant trade wishes position; can sell the good AN 14. Ore gonian. CARPE N'T Ell work solicited, either by day work or by contract: first-class work guaranteed; estimates furnished on appli cation. Call East 2T9. TOl'NQ man desires position of some kind with reliable firm; well educnted. strictly temperate and not afraid to work; best recommendation Phone B 12ll.'. LItENSED auto driver, capable of keeping up machine, desires position with private owner. In or out of city. AT IS, Orego nlan. ' TOI'NO man, good habits, experienced cigar salesman, either In store or on the road, wishes position wltb some reliable firm; give goof, references. B ft. Orogonlan. MAN of ability and experience desires po sition of responsibility; no matter whst you have, why not write mo? B 13, Ore gonian. BARTENDER. Germsn. 1.1 years" experience In New York; stronger In city; wishes po sition, city or country. H 13. Oregonian, FIRST-CLASS colored man wanta position as chauffeur; best of referencis. Phone Marshall g3. Address 6B2 Water st. MAN wishes Janitor work part of day, house work, lawnwork or to take car of gentle man place. Phone Main lsii. EXPERIENCED man In all branches of the grocery business desires position; good ref erence. A 15. Oregonian. TOUNG man of 2i. with experience In gro cery and provisions business, wants posi tlon. city or country. D 11. Oregonian. WANTED A small Job of clearing 6 or 10 acres or town lot Call A 4b 17 or 243 Vs Front St., room 3. TOI'NO, reliable, well educated man with mechanical ability wants position; best references. AO 1. Oregonian- OOOD Japanese man and wife desire any kind of work In botel or family; town or out- AM 14. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position In private family; can furnish good reference: salary no object. K 15. Oregonian. MAN and wife. German, desire position in family: understand cooking and general housework. 45 E. Morrison st. MACHINIST. 30. German, married, wishes poeltlon: also fireman or Janitor. AO, 14. Oregonian. BAKER, experienced bread and cake sober and steady, wish country or city position; can furnish reference 8 20. Oregonian. WOULD like outside position, collecting pre ferred; good references, experience. AB la. Oregonian. COLLECTOR with tO years' experience wanta steady position with firm: best of references and bond. M 15. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced cook, for family or boarding-house. l.'tSH First St.. Chinese Mlselon. room 14. Phone A 29W3. PRINTER wanta position on country week ly: all around man, sober and energetic AP 15. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants a position of house work or cook In family In city or coun try. AS 5. Oregonian. GARDENER, experienced, wants permanent position; sober and reliable. J 8, Oro g on I an. ENGINEER, all-round ga steam engine end pump man wishes position In or out of city. AH 39, Oregon i an. AS farm hand, reliable, experienced and no drinker. Write me at once as to work, and wage Moses Snavely. 13 V4 3d si. SAUSAGE-MAKER. German, 15 years' ex perience, wishes position, city or country. K 21. ' Oregonian, IOL'XO man wlahes to work as apprentice In barber shop; has had some experience in barberlng. M 13. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED timekeeper either railroad or logging camp; 10 years 'experience. AJ 22. Oregonian. JAPANESE, position as automobile and gar den boy; has rood reference U 9:42. Oregonian. TOI'NO Japanese wants position, any kind work, between S P. M. to 8 P. M. X la, Oregonian. FOREMAN CARPENTER, sober and relia ble, wants poaitlon. Good draftsman and estlmater. Rcierencc AJ 10. Oregonian CHAUFFEUR. experienced In repairing, wants position. Best references. R lo, Oregonian. SITUATION by reliable, temperate man. 33. at anything, would leave city; moderate wagea; reference R Iff. Oregonian. USEFUL man wants work of any kind, town or countrv; hnndy with tools and archi tectural drawing. AB 18, Oregonian. LAN and wife, first-class cook, wife would take chamber work In good boarding house. Joint salary. 150. abstainer AB SO. oregonian. CARPENTER, finisher and experienced fore man, wanta situation. Sellwood 1712. ETTTATTQW WVXTT.D FEMAIX Bookkeepers and Stenographers, STENOGRAPHER, experienced and compe tent, wants position or substitute work. loo 12th St. A 4H72. WANTED Position by an experienced book, keeper and general office assistant; can operatetvpe writer. N 13. Oregonian. LA DT STENOGRAPHER, with over 9 years axperlesee. wishes permanent poaitlon. F 11, Oregonian. POSITION First-class stenographer. 7 yr experience, any line, law work preferred. Miss Wright. A SJS3. 6TENOORAPH ER. experienced; have own machine; 112 a week to begin. Phone C. 2001 WANTED Position by experienced book keeper and stenographer; best of refer ences. K 23. Oregonian. BY thoroughly experienced bookkeeper, tern- Pirary or permanent; expert accountant hone. Sellwood f..i8. BOOKKEEPER with general office experi ence desires permanent position. Sellwood loXs, . a r , T.T .h. haa Wn for 15 V n&rs at head I of library of ao.oi") volumes in a college town in eastern Massachusetts would like position on Pacific coast; would organise a library; referencee and full particulars upon application. Address AV 5. Ore gonlan. TOUNG lady now employed wishes a per manent position as an assistant in orrice as bookkeeper, lumber preferred, experi enced, best of reference AK 2. Ore gon lam . STENOGRAPHER Six years' lumber expe rience, wants permanent, responsible city position thoroughly experienced In all clerical lumber work. AT 2. Oregonian. POSITION ov competent bookkeeper and cashier; 8 yeara' experience; best refer ences; would accept small salary If good hours. Phone Main 8528. FIRST-CLASS stenographer desires position at once: ten years' experience; railroad work preferred. T 15. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Experienced, with some knowledge of typewriter. Beiereuces. 1H. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer and clerk: 5 years experience, desires position; rcim ences furnished. E 13. Oregonian. TOI'NO lady stenographer desires position. Several months' experience in innuniu office; reference L 23. Oregonlanv EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position; reterence Atv xi, ure gonian. STENOGRAPHER with two years' experi ence, desires position: win pegin sun small salary. Phone A 3728. TOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER desires position. References. AM 813, oregonian. CAPABLE bookkeeper and stenographer, ac. curate, wants poaitlon. Phone Main 2373. Dress m alters. PLAIN sewing, children's clothes, hand made quills for sale. Mr. E. A. Lursen, fi East 2ith at. North, Alberta car. Phono wooalawn kry. DRESSMAKING by expert dressmaker, all work tuny guarantee", "iwini " oo week. silk dress. 15: waists 1.2 up. Main Apt, o. Jllin anu ocueiaun. Dl'KFIELD sisters for ladles' tailoring, fan cy drties and evening gown Phone E. 4745. ti33 E. Main St. A TOUNG and capable woman wants posi tion aa worainK uipubtmcjjc. , . . given. (Room 28) 300ti Alder St. FASHIONABLE dressmaker from East will go out by the oay. leiepnone awuo. aar- inait: apl. o. LADY wishes sewing by day or at home; work guaranteed. Phone evenings. Tabor 710. SEWING All kinds shirtwaists a specialty. - . , T , 0- 1 ise oienn e- riwui . ...... - WANTED Plain sewing, shirtwaists and children's trarment .'t4 East 6th St. PRESSMAKER wanta engagement by day. 3. AK 18. Oregonian. WANTED Sewing by the day In private families. Address 246 X. 17th. Nurse PARTY wishing the services of a successful practical nurse of over 25 years' experi ence, may find help by calling phone East 6245 obstetrical or Invalid nursing spe cialty; or would care for motherless chil dren. WOULDN'T you like to leave your children in the care of a refined, reliable girl when you go out of an evening? Phone Main 7S32 after 5 P. M. WANTED Permanent place to care for In valid; would do light housework; wares 1110 a month. E 11. Oresonlan. WANTED Poaitlon as nurse and compan ion to Invalid; competent. X 13, Orego nian. ; A PRACTICAL nurse wants a few more en gagements, references, doctor former pa tient 15th and Aider. Phone A 4252. PYPFinfKNr"En nurse, any nursing, ma ternity, elderly. Invalid. A 4775, Main 20H9. MIDDLE-AGED, experienced. practical nurse; doctor s references. Main olMi. TOUNG lady wishes position as nurse girl. Phone Manshall 209. A-l PRACTICAL nurse wants more cases; best reference AK 11. Oregonian. PRA.CTICAL nurso. maternity, elderly, in valid. Phone Marshall 1470. room 225. Bonsekrepert. r-.criMiN ladv. with bny 7 years, desires position as housekeeper, widower's home or private family. Mr Pearson, the Belllngham, 0th and E. Morrlaon. Phone East 517U. POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged woman. In rooming-nouse or strictly moo. ern home: widower's preferred: no objec tion to children; good cook. AF 13. Ore gonlaii. POSITION bv nrst-class cook In private family preferably. Excellent referencee; I'hone or cull Monday at Catholic Wo- mens League, rtlearns .Buiming, room 311, or iiin 2451. A POSITION as housekeeper In widower's family where a smart, neat, capable worn an Is appreciated. Best of references. A good home desirea more loan niffa stuary. J 12. Oregonian. REFINED, middle-aged woman wishes po sition as housekeeper, speaks German and English; used to range or city. K, T, 328 nth st. HOUSEKEEPING by widow with child none but sober men need apply; In or out of city, a la. oregonian. CAPABLE woman aa housekeeper rooming h ouse. or bachelor East 275. WANTED Place to do goneral housework by Finnish girl. 2fl 17th st. NEAT ladv, housekeeper for widower with no children. In the city. O 21. Oregonian. A LADY to care for rooming-house or nouseaeeper lor wiuowoi. rnuue -o. poll lomesTtra. A FIRST-CLASS woman cook and helper want situation logemer. At- a. cire- gonlan. Miscellaneous. WANT cooking Job or a chambermaid Job, or three days a week; by colored woman. Phone Tabor 2074. GIRL wants general housework. Marshall 643. Phone GIRL wanta work by hour In aftcrnoona, near Broadway. May. East 4ffl5. 6TRONG, experienced woman wants day wurk. phone c lo.n. RELI VBLH woman would like a few days' work. Marshall I860. COMPETENT woman wants day work. Wednesdays and r-rioays. xaoor mu X iMAKB a specialty of laundering fine lace curtains: reterences. j-none jiarnnmi in.n WA NTED Day work by woman. Phone East 42110. room 10. , CURTAINS hand-laundered, contract lodrr-Ing-houscs; work guaranteed. Tabor 2443, C 2227. FIRST-CLASS cook desires position; refer ence Catholic Women's League. Main 2451. Monday. SMALL girl want to work mornings and nights lor noaru aim go to i.oou. i u. t land MClgnia pretericu. p.-e ir Clan .. WANTED By a.i educated woman, children to care tor ny xne aay. nuur or viciiiuk, references. T 19. Or-sonian. WANTED By an educated woman, situa tion as companion or mother's helper; home more than wages. X Is. Oregonian. STRONG-experienced woman wants work in grocery, delicatessen or bakery. AL 18, Oregonian. Ttv two experienced colored Women, place as hath attendants; sanitarium or bath house: will leave city. E 14. Oregonlaii. YOUNG lady wants position with reliable real estate firm to learn the busines A 17. Oregonian. TOUNG woman, stranger In town, would like housecleaning; I? per day. Phone A 3722. or 314 M 1 11 st. LADT would like position as cashier. W It, ureguniaa. GOOD woman wants day work. Phone Main 4394. WOMAN wishes work by the day or half day. Phone sellwood-imu. WANTED Position as office attendant for dentist or physician. r-none a puis. WANTED Washing and houaecleaninff. Phone East ti0o. room .10. LADY wishes day work. Ironing, general housecleaning: no nan-aays. a tun LACE urtains. neatly done, fancy starch work, c 147 a- MARRIED lady wants to take care of rooming-nous-. - ..... , ...- B LACE curtains, nicely laundered! 198 St, flair st. Main 3"lft. GOOD laundress, few more places, day work, no half days. Phone C 211S. LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40 cents a pair. A 4'.01. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Main 70S1. A 4550. COLORED woman wants washing to take home; lace curtains done. Phone A 4StiL LACE curtains hand-launilered; work ruar anteed. I'hone Main 14M1. NORWEGIAN woman wants day work. Phone Main 23 1. A COMPETENT laundress wishes work by day, no half days wanted. A 1447. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Woodlswn 4"2. T.inT yoi- jva-Jf. hx tb alaJCa Mais, , YOUNO lsdy. best references, wishes place in small i-nrisiiwu ,.., , - , , . light services for room and board. V. est Side preferred: permanent If suited: gue address In first letter. AD 11, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier would like position. .. . . . ,A In restaur nave naa years ui wpeiiuio ant and wholesole house. Can operate a typewriter and do general olflce wora. AC 18. Oregonian. . TWO competent, reliable women want sit uations in notei. ooaroing-nouse i capable of entire management. AL n Oregonian. , A GRADUATE from a Eastern conservatory of music gives lessons on tne piano .-. l.no. Either beginners or advanced pu nils. AC 10. Oregonian. GIRL with good references and experience i ...-.-ir t..iiiinv buklng and cooking, wishes place to work at home baking; good baker. East 1718. Monday. ' TWO competent Scandinavian girls want po sition In private family logeiiier, as co" and second girl. Call Midland Hotel. 6th and Stark sts., or telephone Main 1S41- A NEAT colored girl wishes position as maid in apartment-house or as nurse during the day for children. Phone Wood lawn 92. Reference city. LADY" compositor, long experience, steadily employed, wisnes posmoa, pieiwmwij o country weekly; straight matter only. Address D 20. Oregonian. REFINED, middle-aged lady wants position aa companion or nurse, willing to assist with housework. Catholic Oman s League. Main 2451. Monday. EXPERIENCED pianist wishes pos'tlon; , preferably in music store. AJ 10, Ore gonian. WOMAN wishes work by the day wash'ng. ironing, cleaning. Phone morning or evening, Marshuil 3319. WANTEDAGENTS. HAVlS you heard the great noise? Our "Lucky 'Lev-en" combination (41.20 value! you sell for 1. will put you on easy street; Juiciest Spring proposition out: if ou don't have dailv profits of 16 to $10 jou are due at morgue; Newcome averages o0 boxes day. profit 18- Look good? sure thing. Great crew managers proposition, good for $100 weekly profit. Thia Is only one pippin in our "27 varieties. ' From factory to you no middleman s proflu Get aboard. Davis Soap Works. 66 Davis . . . . . .. . c--w.ll - . ' .- !' .!.-: O. Plus;.. ."-. AGENTS WANTED For Klosflt P""00?"' These petticoats are m- "....CrC 'i.. do awav with the drawstring; fit the bod like a slove and give the figure the Pipe lines required by cur-ent fashions bend M for agent's outfit, which comprises Taf fena Klosflt petticoat (regular agent, sell ing price $1.95) and a complete agent s equipment, for control of territory. Don t forget waist and length measure. Money refunded If not satisfied All goods sent express prepaid. James A. Mears, 31 War ren st.. New York. SALESMEN for new Columbian air rifle: side line; sell hardware, sporting goods and department store trade; preference to men covering limited territory closely; lib eral commission exclusive territory, light sample; high-class article: fine talk ing points: state towns covered, goods now handled, and reference-, 142a N. 21st.. Philadelphia. Pa- GENERAL AGENTS Exceptional money making opportunity Is offered one who possesses ability to collect and Hevjlnj a strong roay oi b" o-b . new device that potlve,, make. 1 gas 0nper cent Re alls fo'r 2. Large p?of?t! h..fv T territory. P. O. Spongier. 117 K. ilgin i.. BIG BOOK FREE. "Dollar and Sense will help you out of rut: thousands suc cessful through selling my household spe cialties: great opportunity; men. women make big money; iurnisn "!', . and experience. Swartzbaugh, Box 384, lo- ledo. o. INVENTIONS of merit should be manufac tured properly: our equipment Is modern and complete, backed up by "d good service: estimates and full Informa tion cheerfully furnished. The Metal Spe- ciaity t-o.. Qcpu o. -o,. . - AGENTS to handle biggest exeltuive territory-; 175 to S00 per month. Balgtr Chernical Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. NEWE-i-TCESSIs-Y r2F.JT"l;orvU,CActau.ckw: Particular, free Samples 10c California Compound " , A?eEr?:Ta7erguarateed lo wearer; imi" . r stores: free Information. Lenox Work o w :tiat st r. x OUR lock stitch sewing awl sells to farm ers, harnessmakers. cuoora. . .. . sews like sewing machine; can be carried ? . M u""'!; ;;o., itai riii"a -""" ' . . , - ii.vArc novel pack- Tge Write today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati O. AGENTS Brandt automatic rozor stropper sharpens any oia siyie """j retail. 12. Write for wholesale .price : and terms, a. i. rramu RrnadwiV. IN. . BOYS-OIRLS. order quick. $1 20 P',; cards; when paid will send FREE bail globe. earn aiaam w, ; Central Manufacturing Company, Lincoln. Neb. y iv cleared $1182. lady $720 last six Mmonth. s "ling Holl.da,-. Marvel Shoe vnu ' vvriio ur . uita,iav' IS W. 31st. New Xork RELIABLE salesman n make big money selling our w..-...o-.. '-' ------ ou. IrriffntPd tr?es. alii uu-, a . - flt burnished; cash weekly. Addre.. Ore- gon Nursery vompaj. tTrn 'cforTlr r hatoi derrick. A elf -seller. Phone E 6GU . a .-.n i nfnit.pa fnr nre- BOYSand etrt. .o -.-,'.- Chicago Some Supply Co.. dept. 8. 16 W. Erie, Chicago. pppp sample No-Splosh waterstralners are pro.o .v. ..... -- - Filter io.. c" LARGE profits selling our gold and silver etfers; novelty changeable signs, burglar alarms: Illustrated catalogue, v. eltV CO.. Pt. J,omg. raiFia-pls. "Union" hand cleaner, exc u- ?dyaEd Xcl.r RS; su. New York as- ' - - a -a. l-.aa-it mi 1 TI tT A U- AGEN.i.eVecialty- laVg. T demand" for tomyblle specialty . Draper gOOd.; .UCC-SS "aT - k- 'Q.a D3 V' ""- 1 SFteKgyEiss: ! . . t .loe. in PTttrr-nCP gelling Otner Boov.- Kvrne. west roo-o . CTTk-f ulck money handling our patented Melerlc " sPecTaltleV. Presto Electric Mfg. electric v Francisco. Co.. -o ur" ' -opvTS Tou can know about the profits B'"VT..;..i .rfno to fam lie Ad- maae ., i ois. Mo. orrfB AJ- a.--. . KT4.RT a mall order business and prosper. ETAKl a xa.eHeiilara free. Box ltolo. q re-ns Lri,i'"-r - . IloOKl-t, mu New xora. . fx-GITTM 1TB substitute for slot machines; L patented : Klls on sight for $1. Ptlcu la rs. Gisha Company. Anderson. Ind. A DAY, selling our household necessity; iwcbVlngi sample. Northwestern Commis sion Co., Wausau. Wis- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent for the season, or will iViiv If citable terms are given, house SSif. must be In good condition; state ?oatlon.Uprlc. 'in 0& letter. O 930. Ore- gonlau. oase WANTED To rent 8 or 9-rcom mod ern TJartrood neighborhood on West He; lease for terms years. AK la. Oregonian. WANTED -By man and wife, about May 1. care of house for rent; references. Ad dress W 22. Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 5 or 6-room house, walking distance: reasonable; have no children. F 15.gogn- A FOUR or 5-room modern cottage with barn- must be In daily driving distance of PostolTlce. Phone East 27 19. WANTED On Portland, Heights, a fur nished house or board and room for man and wife. 220 3d st- want to rent furnished cottage by re sponsible party; two In family. C. C. Uuaning. Marshall 340. WANTED To rent modern 3 or 4-room flat or bungalow; please state price, 1213 Halght are. 4 or 5-room cottage In good condition on East Side, rent about $15 per month, two children. A. Alenlus. 110 East 49th st. 3Y traveling man. away most of time, well furnished room, close in, best of refer ences. AR 26, Oregonian. WANTED 5-room bouse at Long Beach for season. Phone Main 6061. , 9-ROOM modern house, completely fur nished: piano, fruit flowers. East 357:1. FOR RENT New 8-room home in Irving ton. A 25, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished house, to 10 FURNISHED house wsnted for six months by responsible business man; muni, on 7 rooms, neatly furnished and In attrac tive location; two children In family, but will guarantee perfect care of premises, very best reference. Address F 10, Ore gonian. WANTED Furnished residence. West Side only, from June 1 to Uclorjer id; 30 rooms; prefer corner: will pay up to $1ov) per month; best of care; give full particulars first letter. li'So Waldorf Astoria. New York. WANTED Furnished house. 6 or 8 rooms. west side. lor gentleman ann w.te ono. duuerhter 8 years old; can furnish refer ences and guarantee good care. Phone Main 52411 or 238. WANTED At Ewawa or some point be tween Ewawa and Oswego, to lease nouse for six months or year; must bo nrst class; may consider purchase later. N 1. O r eg on la n FURNISHED house for May 1. six or seven rooms, good location. West side preioirea. small family: references furnished; some yard room, for three or six months. R 10. Oregonian, WANTED To rent, by April 111. a five six-room house, near good nignt servic streetcar line; steady tenant; no chil dren: rent must bo cheap. Address Room I. 27 Grand avc. WANTED May 3. by man. wife and baby 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, iiat or sinaii house, on West Side; permanent if suitable. AB 19. Oregonian. . . WANTED To rent steam-heated, unfur nished flat. West Side, not moro than 12 blocks from 3d and Washintou sts. 11 24, Oregonian. REFINED married couple Just located In Portland would like to rent niceiy m nlshed cottage for a few months; best of references given. AK 12. Oregonian. Apartments. TWO refined business Rills desire two or three-room apartment completely rur nished. lor the Summer. F 22. Oregonian. Kooms- W ANTED by j-oung office man of studious habits, wen lurnisnea room in suou lo cality, with or without board. W. 19. Oregonian. WANTED Two furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, must be neat and modem; walking distance; state price. X 17.Oregonlan. WANTED before April 27. two modern housekeeping rooms, walklnrr distance. East or West Side; reasonable rent; can give references. AJ9,Jrcgt2nlan. YOUNG man wants comfortable room In Prl vate family: $10 month. AM 39, Or-gonlan. BY YOUNG men in renned private home; walking distance. AB 10. trresonian. Booms With Board, WANTED Board and room by couple; one meal a dav for man and two for lady. Must be reasonable. Answer at once. O IS, Oregonian. WANTED -On Portland Heights, a furnished house, or board and room for man and wife. 220 3d St. WANTED Board and lodging, by lady graduate masseuse, in exchange for serv ices. M 14. Oregonian. BOARD and room wanted by young man. with private family, Montavllla or Mt. Ta bor preferred. Apply AB 14. Oregonlan. BOARD and room wanted in private fam ily by civil engineer; prefer the East Side. State price. F 24. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room, if pos sible with board, in residental quarter ( Hclghtspreferred). H 24. Oregonian. YOUNG man who has tuberculosis would like to board on some farm; would pay $20 month. AM 21, Oregonian. WANTED Place for two children to board: boy 7, girl 10; must be reasonable. AM 2:1. Oregonian. . WANTED Board by gentleman, near E. lrith and Couch sts. A 22, Oregonian. BY elderly man. room and board, convenient- 13th and living. X 12. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Booms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of tho city; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 280',. Washington St., B. 862. Marshall 21S9, A 5213. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAT. "M1LNER BLDli." -.0 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms; very suitable for gentlemen, iiamra bldg., 1st and Pine. , sTumlabed Roost NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those three beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND 213V4 4th st. 21114 4th st. 207. 4lh st. On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly up-to-date in all respects, and at popular price If you want something out of tho ordinary In the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES, Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient Bet. 7th and Park st Opposite new Hellig Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every fmodern convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, etc.: centrally located, near postoffice; Just off all carlines; very quiet; low rates by day, week or mouth. I'hone Marshall 2200. AAU-LA nuic Permanent and transient. Just opened: b'lck building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run nlng water and telephone in ail rooms; fine lobby and ladies' parlor; suites and. single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day, week; or month. Phone Marshall 1950. B25 WASHINGTON Ml. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3872 East Durnside. Why not live on the East Sloe? w can furnish vnu pleasant room all thor oughly modern and save you money ori vour room rent. Just 15 minutes walk to the business center of the city with three-minute car service, rates $2 to ii per week: transient 75 cents to ll.oO per day. East 5!i4u.B 1275. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st, near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone in every room; finest part or the city; the maximum of convenience, the mlimum of expense; we make you feel at home; dining-room In connection; best In the city for the money. HOTEL SAVON, 129 Eleventh St. New, modern, brick building, steam heatod'. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy and comfortable. Kc-nts very reasonable. Call and see u Regular and transient trade solicited. t EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. FURNISHED ROOMS. Six-story modern fireproof building, hot and cold water and phones in all rooms; all-nrght elevator service and only $4 per week and up; transient rooms $1 to $2 per day. Drexel Hotel, 246 'x Yamhill st- SAROENl1 HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne; beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold running water, private phone and steam heat In every room; special Summer rate to permanent people; drat-class grill and bSr in connection; transient solicited. CALUMET HOTEL. Park st . between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free bus or W car at depot; rates II single. $1.50 double: also family rooms with private bath. etc. Rates per week. , BUSHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington jsewly furnished rooms, single or en suite- private baihs. steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 2084 Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates $3.50 and up, 50c day and up. Main 237. A jits'!- . : T IOHT airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle $" and $3 a week: Ave minutes- walk to theaters and stores, free phone, Lir.dell Hote!26Irkett. THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished rooms, hot and cold water, bath and phone. $12 to $15. 50 Jefferson St. Main 5435. FOR RENT Nice rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; rates reasonable. The Baker. 205 Fifth St.. opposite City Hal:. NEW Osborn Hotel. Grand and Ash: nicely furnished rooms. I'hone East Crilu. gAX, light room. $2.25 per week, 335 3d s't- I-hone Marshall 125 NORR1S HOTEL, P.ooms modern, newly furnished. $3.50 and up. 132 V. 17th at. Furnished Rooms In Private Famille NICELY" furnished front room for $10; wafking distance. -Ml urani st. VERY desirable rooms. close in, reasonable rent. 349 .icrforson. FOR RENT Nice clean furnished rooms with bath. 42Stj Washington st. , Nl CELT furnished trout room, prlvats fam ila, Si acUdex t , i