DRAMATIC AND SPORTS SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to lO VOL. XXX. PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, 3IARCII 26, 1911. NO. 13. SONS WILLIAM GAD Corner Washington and First Streets The HoUSef urnisherS Corner Washington and First Streets WE PAY NO RENT THAT'S WHY WE SELL FOR LESS A S12.50 MORRIS S12.00 ROCKER A S15.00 MORRIS A $25.00 MORRIS A $20.00 MORRIS A $16.00 MORRIS CHAIR AT S7.50 AT ONLY $7 ROCKER $9.90 CHAIR $17.50 CHAIR AT $i5.oo CHAIR $11.50 Solid oak, spring seat and back, up- . ii i onu oat, pnn;r seal ami uwi, u- hnUtered in preen plu.h or ehase Solid oak Koeker, upholstered m leather. Sold elsewhere at tl2..". ehase leather, worth $12.00. Special Gadsbvs' price $7.50 this week at $7.00 Morris Chair on rockers, adjustable back; a bargain. Upholstered in chase leather, worth $ 13.00.- Special this week, $9.90 Fumed oak, Spanish leather bag cush ions, extra heavy frame. Regular $25.00. Special this week $17.50 Lartre. massive eolden oak, verona re versible cushions, spring seat, curved front, claw feet; 5 adjustments of back. Special $15.00 Here's a beauty. Solid oak frame, spring seat and back, chase leather, worth $16.00. Gadsbys' special price $11.50 $15.00 SOFA BED $9.50 USE OUR EXCHANGE DTARTMENT soo different patterns of If you have furniture that doesn't suit want something more up to date and ROOM-SIZE RUGS better, phone us and we'll send a competent man out to see it ana arrange to xae it as part payment on the kind you want the Gadsby kind. Well make you a liberal allowance for your goods, and we'll sell you new furniture at low prices. The new furniture will be promptly delivered apd your pieces will go as a first pay ment. Then easy .terms on the balance. -HAVE FURNITURE YOU'LL BE PROUD OF Handsome Sofa Bed or Bed I,ounfre, upholstered in velour. sprine wat ami hack. Uadsbys special $9.50 BED DAVENPORT $25 I I" T' Has reeeptade ftr nodding. Makes a comfortable bed. Frame is of oak. Seat and back upholstered over oil-tempered steel springs. Covered in chase leather. Others ask $38. Gadsbys' special price this week $25.00 FELT MATTRESS ONLY This splendid White Cotton Felted Mattress weijrhs 40 pounds. Consists of continuous layers of sponpy felted cotton, compressed by machinery down to six inches in thickness, and is superior to the mattresses so extensively advertised at $15. Absolutely sani- tarv, durable, comfortable. Gadsbys' special $S.95 Others as Low as $3.60. NO RANGE EVER MADE IS "AS GOOD" as the MAJESTIC A Majestic may cost you $5 more on the start than other malleable ranges, but it soon saves many times the extra cost in economical opera tion and efficiency. WE HAVE NEVER HAD A DISAPPOINTED CUSTOMER ON A MA JESTIC RANGE. We admit that we can't sell the Majestic Range at "bargain7' prices. It isn't built for bargain sales. Tis the range for the homefitters who want THE BEST. Long after "bargain" ranges bought at the same time would have been worn out and sent to the scrap heap, the Majestic is as good as the day it left our store. It's so good that we give it the strongest pniarantee anv ranire was ever sold under. Tis to 3-our advantage to learn more about it. Call - and Aye will explain. GET OUR PRICES ON DINING-ROOM FUR NITURE BEFORE YOU BUY IT WILL PAY Don't do yourself the injustice of buying without getting our prices. We offer.you the advan tage of better values and an as sortment that is not excelled on the Coast. We mention two of the many tempting bargains you will find on our floors. S1.50 FOR THIS GOLD- THIS ELEGANT DINING TABLE. $10.00. You will be asked a third more at other stores. It is made of selected oak, polden or weath ered finish; the 6-foot size is marked at 10.00 EN OAK DINING CHAIR You will find it elsewhere marked at $2.50. or higher. It is made of selected oak, golden finish. There are scores of dining chair bargains in all grades and finishes as low as 75c. $1.50 ENGLISH PERAMBULATORS COMPLETE HOME OUTFITS for LESS A GREAT SALE OF TTVO Ql Q 00 With sales on every hand and alleged low prices galore, 'tis a remarkable fact that TDON RFDS Innl-s at nnr furniture and p-ets our nrices on a complete outfit iliVil lyljJ-kJ The swellest and most comfortable riding car on the market. Gadsbys' special ........ ... 19.00 Four racks, like picture, each carry 125 patterns. Rugs from 12x15 to 6x9 feet on display. Anglo-Persians, Indians; Arabians, Royal Worcesters, Bagdads and Tepracs, all are here at bottom prices. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS 5 Bagdad Wiltons, 9x12 feet, each $29.50 50 Sanford's Axminsters, 9x12 feet, each $23.00 10 Extra Axminsters, 9x12 feet, each $25.00 40 Saxony Axminsters, 9x12 feet, each. .. $18.50 16 Sussex Velvets, 9x12 feet, each.. .-$17.50 25 Metropolitan Brussels, 9x12 feet, each $18.00 50 Eureka Brussels, 9x12 feet, each. .,.,.:., $12.50 CARPET DEPARTMENT 500 yards Wool Yelvet at .,...,.....$1-00 1000 yards Tapestry Brussels at .75 140 yards Savoniere at 1150 yards Extra Tapestry at.......... $1.10 1200 yards Axminster at $1-25 2000 yards Body Brussels at , . .$1.40 600 yards Extra Wilton at 5J52 50 yards Bigelow Axminster at. . ... .... ... . . .$1.40 REMNANTS We have quite a lot of remnants for small rooms at ridiculously low prices. Bring correct measure of any small room you want to carpet and we'll find you a bargain. MATTING Chinese and Japanese, per roll of 40 yds. $6.50 to $12 LINOLEUMS Best English Imported Inlaid, yard. . ... . ... . . . . .$1.60 Finest American Inlaid, yard . . $1.40 Inlaid, dropped patterns, yard . . .$1.25 Kitchen Linoleum, 4 yards wide, per square yard. .80 Kitchen Linoleum, 2 yards wide, good quality, per square yard 59 Floor Oilcloth, per square yard. . . . ... . . . ... ... .39 ith sales on every hand and alleged low prices galore, 'tis a remarkable fact that every one who looks at our furniture and gets our prices on a complete outfit ALWAYS buys it here. SINGLE ITEMS may sometimes be priced lower in other stores, but not often. But when entire housekeeping outfits are sought, Gadsbys' uniform low prices invariably make the cost of furnishing a home complete much less here than elsewhere. YOU ARE WELCOME TO EASY AND PLEASANT TERMS $3.50 Iron Beds $4.50 Iron Beds $5.00 Iron Beds $7.00 Iron Beds $20 Brass Beds $25 Brass Beds $1.95 $3.50 $3.75 $5.75 now $14.50 now $18.00 now. now. now. now 4