v V UAL E5TAT r sue-- $3.1 PER ' R,lT,y TAMH ILL'' "MY. - " T A r" U fc" WILL 11VILK TO Pt IT. Cw a. U the v-ry fin! of bottom land, nearly a.l o.r j'; atx-e la gently ro::tns land and all Tery nS-e7aaa Fen of ti.s is J""" p.tura ftcJ tha balance iTmb-r. Very l"Ua ?"f- !ln1Ki-"Ji whole tract. In v tie-d o this farm iera la ttir..tn- of pnre '-p from springs -r cre-a. I -and la aH ..rdne- R- . I. i phn and -"d rhnoi This pndi.l farm lie In a Iwau ttful vaiiy surrounded highly da- v:opM frmlr.f ti-n. T rtl. frm en of tha fcu railroad towns la Tam hi:i County. This ts a flm-nia propo sition and oar low price tuakes M a big Bargain. Coma and t at. the do tall a. HILL A NY EH. 4.J Henry bid. -, rrR ACBF. KK.I HTTnM LAM. STOCK.. IMP LEV K.NTi A.ND MA ft! IN EICV. The ownar la marine i his a Mc sarrlMee In rdr to gel q in k rulti He t fnrrd to se'- at oner. i a-ree Is hishly .rnpr.red. Hwian is uny In timber. r-.;-b is eeiimat.-d at abut 7w0 for.i. Tm w-kd 4''no f1l ni r than pay fr fh w hn; farm. PrarlT-ai!y o Ian 1. T u an l find iwter .- All th- water ntwMry t im.ia'e tbe e-n-.le farm If desired. Lr -t ream r r-e--s l ha p. ace. rniiAwlRg I some .f the prfonl prf-. My: A tiMd of mi! h t ow. S horaea. rhlrkMns and du k. Bjni, hr n and lon list of I., a nnd man. Mnrrv. Moat of lb houh d furniture la ln-etuda-4. tiM. Near hnuM. e. built. good lersje barn; th farm minim of 1 a ra and l l----at'd on mli- trm ralrod atatioa. tiiia plndul property and oi atll want it. Illl.l. MVF.R. 41 H-nry bLItf. I vrrj. ri-T it JUV FARM TO M IT Mi: F.R J4 arm, 4 mi fro -n ptatlon. on tna ha :ro rlc I In; l'W arrrs rloarvt. ivi tirtr; roun'T rad runs throun th tra t. rut:n tnc l" -ra r rd. and 14 a"ra. rt-rd; coon' roiXa 6!h d a a wt; Iit air-m ntir" Irnctn f frni. I ami rut tnia MP In . Irart d-ird th ptr f t-" p-r vr If al can ' ma-1- t on-; ij:.d a!) around ni 1 -itn f-r lo - p-r a- r. t-tt-T Joois th.s up tf you jnt a "nap. Trmi. on--third down, ba.tn'i to ur. rtty stf'nis. HALL AT"IM..S. 13 lrUr.-r Hi-!r.. jd and A Ur si THE HFaT HOP RAN' ll IN" OREtJOV a.-r-a. 4 T bop. - mUa to r K't!i $.'. h'M'n. A a'r- tMobar. no lrasd f"" l- cati; prtca f o pr acra. haif raahv 4 a-r. m!la puth .HiUbf. !n rulruai i-m. h-n.M-. br:i and thr build Inaa. pru Ji haif ra'i. a a-ltmninv frt. Paul. Marion Cojofy. all in uittt. lou. tarn ar.d c)-kniiiM. furiiilui. cow and cnikna; prica 14. Ill caan. baianca tlma. tt acroa, !Voart-r. 03 Ortfon tnc. a. I In cultivation. Ill' par acra. part rii. baianca tim. R. A. KIRK A r. 3! Iwts PM IJVi't.N ! NT V F ARILS. K arra flair y farm, thra milas from T'-ld: rm boiu. ic'd Urn; pla-a cut ton of h-iv ; tram. too I a. coaa. ahoap and avarythin go lth piaca; iJ P r r r V-acro "M-k and rtalry farm fn UtMa Klk. nill frm Kddyrtlla: nfarlv- a.) .vd. land, aNut Po arr frnrd and partly rlari"i. balanca easily rlrarl ; ..i fm:ly or hard and old houJ: tha rat outni'1 ran In IUn-on bounty; younc ratti and "ata net no fd bra; ii par I-Tt; t"na if d:rd. A. W. MHhiiAS. OWNER, T"ld. Oron. ""rat: talk AivjiT tolr snaps: IK'K AT THIS ONE. H arv. 30 ir'M all nowly arubbad and In cultivation; kod 6-rom houao. barn, rhlrk-n and ttnrohuw ; all foncl. rr-k on piaca. land li?a prfrt: at ferry land Inic on WUiamatt. 3 mtloa to Nwbr, K, p. R. R.. lino roads. alctrio Una aooa to Saw bar: aiso w can prora to yoa that this ta tha cheapest buy In ntlra country, aftor our option aipirva. f pr arr can't buy it: our prira. 1J-V if you ara In tha markot for land, baad our appeal and tMa op. R. A. KIRK A i" 3ltJ Lowts liliim. WILLAMETTE KKRW FOR PALE BY O N K IL C m t lea fro ru J" ff ra n. 114 ac-r. fn a ra In crop, balance In cord ol and little brush: 70 aerea feiantlam bottom. ln riudm few a'-res beav rrdam. Not a f.oe of vit lan.f. 1 00 per a- re. 4 HX cash. baL on easy tcrtns at n-r cnt. 1 mu.-t rais 4mK) In shrt tlma and am required to sell. Ton a HI acreo thu Is the cheapest land on ttV market if von will look at it. E. C. BEAU An!a Hotel. ?th and Wash. 12 to 4 P. M. thts wek. A'RES; t2 nd-r migration, 11 mlls from city, rw Jtyrd; creeic on pla-e. housa and bm. flrt-clas soil ; or ft rhterc for city property; taka or pay dif feranca. a .-rea. naar Albany. R. R. station on place, all In cultivation: creek throuKh p!-; nona better In tha Valley; pries fllo per acre, or pnrt of same; miht ex rhnr for other property and aaaums ln cumbfinc. 0"LDSCWMTTvr5 AOEXCT, 2 -VI WaiMr t on. Cor. 3d. DAIRT FARM 2 40 aerea. bvst land In 'll!ametta V.l Te , 40 miles from pirt!and: I' arres now In crop, balanca paMuro and timber; nira bousa and barn, runnln water at hot a; 3 miles frv:a Hanks, htfh s.hool, churches and .milk, condenser; IL F. IV snd telephone; prica '0 p r acre, half cash, baianca Ion time. A per cent. W )I A HEAf fl REST, Room 3J Railway Exchange BM. POTATO L ANT, an acres of the be: otAto and a I around eneral farmtnc tnnd tn tha West. Thl on the rtvrr. b"-t landina oo place. ,ee to railroad r!t!a. uil fenced. o.d huiftlnaa. plentv of L utts You can t do be'tar. worth $ p-r a.-re. for a short whlla at fllo; Urnn. Inqu ra at THE roI'MST I.AM fO., 4.i- Chamber of f nmmerce. (R tM-K--4 aree bt k'n-l of gra-.lrn sH. 1 '- acres in rarea. b.lsnc in sn-s I fiii ari'l vet. -he . new y -r-'om pUtcrrd hiM rhlrken h'ue. g.Hd well: Hniew of port Ian 1 and ir o mountains; 2'i tr!t to city limit. ea!ly dl lied lnt tra.-ta. sii. c-t s--e o n-r ifientwm at mall iK fstrlld road. mil" eat of i2ourtiiy station, on O. W. F- Oreson rity route. BEAfTIFT'L VLI-ET FARM. 10 a.--ra, rich. de-p )iL neax.y all in crop, has a 'K1 housa. brn. orchar.1. and "T.Iy IS m; t- a j4 town nt far fro-n Portland ; owner needs rrner and aid make a lower pr!.-a than o:her farns tn fiis d:trct: befora you buy a farm !: us show .u this plsv-e; terms to s i'L Western Laad f ttk"t: NIf R LITTLE HOME PLACE. mtls frTii P-rt!and. acree of nod land. r'.ht or the new Mi. Hood Electric Rallwa. f rt sprlnsr and tr-.ut stream on pla- e. .. d and burned, for a quick sale. $"; IT." down, terms oa balance ArSy ' THE roi.O.MST LA NT "X, 4 i a zr. Vr o f fo m rue roe. in i.KfS. f olumbta County l-vsel-(f. aasity c;earel. near rat. road ; mtl- frorn Port i .inl; irMent stl. n rw h: ro'Ln ro'in'rr. feet atnite folumhia R-Ter. sultaMa for apples, terma 47 North 'i.1 et. Phone ' 27'4. JO A. M. to P. M r ao l.r. nKHE-f 1-.-re firm In Wl' a-r-eVe V. lv. m:"'i r.C fr.m cit limits. r--p? for itikn'i this cotirdn't b- boucht at aiy price, t-t.'dlics n--.r:y new. sprln;. irmi. niust sc. I 1 t i.d !? v. A superior p sea st a l-w prfr-e. Address owner, c lo ACRES w heat Und. all tillable and fenced, has p'oi-icvt 4 banheis to an acre, hou a-l irn. s-me h. ba n a to suit. 14 Iekum bide. Sunday phns East 4'iT-A- SoO-A'-RE dairy rarwh nfr coumy seat: .V rrt -t-h h.tum 'and, r p ow land: .-Kd our ran se. : o- a and tn-.pm"nts K wta p'acs. snap. pr S'-r-. trma Ca.l r.r:;niT b.ds . - 1 and AMrr s:. H A VS EX T HK P A R 1 J .Vl N 2 ci T? land. li.a acres ci.ard. large part In cu'.- ttvatlor.. nar city . ry c heap. H101I 3. -4 H'niMnt!'n it. HAVS li-a-ra farm. - S mil f n m re on Cut. on m. t l m rotd. rd h tiso. nw tarn and nUi'B-lu-. price Jo"; t e m . by owfr. E '. ire p..n 1 sn. VANTF.I T buy a rnch or homestead re linqujhmnt sear Lyla. Wash, Address) hox . J osfph. Of. i.M LI. farms. nt. terms, soma es chant. sand daacrtptloa. O. Mldd ekauff, Tau.ca. Or ioAC R Ef rm" for sale, 1 ' m!la from elec tric car'.:ne; worth ll-ii pr acre: will take TA if sold at once 4v Washington. jft A Vl5 -.K' R E F ARM d O w ne r. East 1 is. Al it.! city hme : terms. raJUl for svala bargain. A lOia, A OoOD farm f r sals or can f r plat- ttn. A J'n ., jsv, .HKS; house snd other buildings. A lo. RJEAX aTATTL sr toaia tsrms. FARMH. ALL. SIZF AND PRir:Ka- , r- ars. 15 In cu:nniion. h-ue. barn, srrhard. c;c to school and church, m ur.cys;de. cioea to Portland; J4"0 own 40 arrs. c.oae to Ki Creea n'" ttir sttu.o. house, barn, and outbuun In; some flna bottom land, and soma TavJabN- ttmbf-r: 4i'. 141 acrea l"v tn cuitiratlon. runnln wa-.er; miles R. R- aLAtloa anfl 4 miics fca.en; an a era. lo. acras. a. I in evitlvatlon. house ate.. J rr?;.- s'.at.on. P. O-. school, church. $4"-. $1 down. . 40 acre.. 1 in cultivation, halsr.ca tlm br and rsturr. S-roop. house. Urn. out-b-i;i.t.i.K.. all klni:s fruit. rl-rlrj-com. 1. road; ? acres orchard; 1 mlla . H. station : . J awrea. h:f mil of tha town f Ma-ion. 1- mtl J'ai'm. practicailv all in cu;-lM!ln; iu acre. eav terms. arras nn-st dairy ranch, cwsa ij I'ortlnnd. up the Co.urnhifc: all stocK. implements and dairy utrnsiU. R. 1L ana bot iu. r.iti-. tvo acres, all hot 41 In cultivation. nu. and oulttuiidinss. a atar ptpal: 1 ,s mile st s f i'in. i.-rrn. 1 In cultivation. 3 seres orrnard. 7ui acres in Fall wheat; $3 an "r THE LAWRENCE CO i'4" A!ar Street, Cih.L INVESTMENTS. One of the jarcsi land deals in tha nl torv of limon founiy bts Just bean elose-V wh-rety Frark Lnts s-ld his flna farm ? acres, located 4 miles south of Philnmaih. orecn. to I M. Kursrles; c.rjioratinn. PJJ. lha ucal was nift throuKh the Rainwater Bowman Land vo of Philomath. treon. Mr. Hue las. w tiO boush l t tie place, es pects to cut It up Into small tracts to stilt purchasers, and has ali-ra-ly soM J acres to A. loll, of l4Uon. (rf)D. This I ona or trie finest tra-is In lh county, and will make exllent fruit farms. A tract of .."' acrfS, sultabl t up lrto ftnall tracts for fruit and poul t r., 3 miles from Philomath. ,r2-i 2i H a--res under cultivation; price. $.0 j r acre. Als a tract of 34s acres, one-half mils from philomath. Oregon, which could be rut np into mall tracts for fruits or dl irersifed firminc; J0 acrea undr culti vation, pn. a. $ pr acre. Ais. ito-hJ farm propositions, large and smell, for hon:l or investment. Fr folder or map of regtn. call on or write KilnmtPp A Itowman Ind o.. ' P. 'h'?ooia'ht l:ent'n founty. tr. BARGAIN. 73 s.-r-s deep. Mark lom soil. H" nl.a and levi with natural .IralrnC. ! a- rcs in high stale of ruttaUon. 1 re of r.n. tm l'i and rt';r'. lulr hou-e. new b! barn, t a o sp en ltd well, w Ind nilll wuh stel tower an-1 tan; all te-ea-s.rr outbid. otnrs. chicken runs and prk. 1 binder, mower, rake, two ph.w, harrow. acn. buevr. harness and considers! other stirt. in fatt. evtry thing n'ces-ury run the place. Th:s p!.ice Ifs U3 mlicS from Portland. ntlie from Oregon Elc. trie station: county road on two sides. m.Ic from boat tamMnz. -iIt'o o.hS s-h-'.s. churches. tor-s ar.d loan Jut thlr.k. prl'-e i;--, i.ne-hu f ru.i. bal ance t'" suit. Ih's p.ace is Jum as d irlM nnt one of tea best farms in ths Wlllam?t:c Va.ley. CO-OPFRATTVB REALTY COVPANY, ill Itallwsv Ex .hang a. 4t h and toiark bis. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. la ths Peach u tea Valley. Central Oregon, ara soma of the most fertile lands in the state. Many thousand acres of thesa lands are now under Irrigation and producing large crops, other thousands of acres are rapid ly being put under irrigation. Tour "CAREY ACT" HIGHT en titles you to 140 acrrs of this land free. If you wlil. within three years, lmprora part of It, live on It threw men tha and pay On easy Install ments your share of the cost of tha Irrigation system. Central Oregon Ir rigation Co.. 413 Railway Ll Aildgw Port'and. Oregon. S Af RES that can be divided Into 2 and 4n-arrs tracts, suitable for either dairy or truck farming or chicken ranches; thts tract of lnd is one-half mtlo from limits of a prosperous town on the Colum bia, River xnd IS miles from station on North ftmk road. It hn.i a beautiful slops toward the south, overlooking the Colum bia Kivt. W'll watered by several springs: prlca f ! per acre. 1 cash. bnl. at fl per cent interest. Address thv owner, box 7. Ca :n as. W as h. HOMESKKK ERS. ATTENTION. In looking Lr a home don't forget Ash land, situated at south end of Rogue River Vailey; population ; schools tha beat In the Stat-, the most healthful locality, pure mountain wat-r. hot and cold mineral springs: holds world pru for pvarhea and second to none tn all k'nrt of fruit; cll mat vary desirable. The American Italy. Come and se for yourself or write to Ashland Commercial Club. Ashland, Or. FARMS FOR SALE. Forty-five atrrs :I3 acres In cultiva tion; - houses; - spring-j; larse orchard; "11O Vards to county r'ud ; s-"ti N'o. J . not a rock on It. Price l-0o'i tlm on f 12J. 1m) acres Id In cultUation; poor buildings; No. I n. no rck; ." miles from town. IS to store and Postof fice, i mile to school; no town land shark. C. O. K-URiiKSS. f herijJa n. Kaut e L Ore gon. FOR SALE A snap: town of Wlnlock, 2'"0 popu.itino, fiva bhMks from high school, ore blot from Postofflr. nlns acrog and eight lots, all fenced and In cultivation : Tunning water, threo spring. ,K) bearing fruit trees, S acre strawberries. oth r small fruit; sfg-r".m house. barn, oiitbutldtnTK. chickens. 1 cow; HWX For particulara. rail or writs owner. S. L. P.alrd. Wlnlock. Wash. AN EXCEPTIONAL farm bargain 0 acres near Portland, close to eli-ctrlc carllne. S mile from school, rh'irch, siore. good county road. R F. l. route, spring water, practlcaliy Iecl ; 40 atns in cultivation. In acr-s timber, deep, hiack soil; an ele gant i-irm; prtca 11'. p-r acre, some t-rms: ad jot mn g farms asking 2tx to $iNt per acre. Call i)'or!HMt big. AIR ACTICAL farm." Well kept, ??0 a. res all In cultivation. In heart of Willamette alley, fine improvements, swell large boue and bam. ona mile to river boat landing, near two good K. R towns, S rri.c to station, oa surey of Oregon Electric; 9y Pf re; i'I sell all ir part; term. b owner. IL J. liecker, A . bar. y M-Al'K. FARM. A mile from Etacada. 1 miles from Fandy on Mount Hooit Electric. acres In cultivation, red shot soil, fine fruit or farm land. gol family orchard, house, barn and ehi h-n-ouM; $4-n: - caau, THOWHHIIHiE ac STE I'll ENS, m"7 Itoird of Tra It.'. MAI.I. FARM. t scr-s. 4 . mlics from Port 'and ; house and barn, f-w fruit tre a. fltieat kind of soil about half cleared, balance oak timber: price "0 pr sere; n cash, bal ance very eay payment a YV OOI A i E A C H R EST, Room 3-" Railway Exchange BlJc iiCHH'B RIVER LANDA isc a.-ea on Diica fro -k. 14 miles from Medfor-1 mil's from station; &S acres un.ier cultiaMon: all fenced. houe. barn. 1 ..! c'M water-r:git: S mile from t-e s- hool; gvod roa.ls. -0 per acr. Write oarer for particulara A. C Stock, lirownsb'ro. tr. so At "RES the bt land In state, only 15 " mli out n .i'em Ecirle; also on ftouthern Pacific, ;i acres cleared, -'u acrs t. o.nUm and fully 4- acres of garden lanl hous. Hne b rn. fcncd. orchard. , il drained lu acres In onions this year; a bareuri. 'tvr.cr. -1 w et nd hide. 1.0 i.TFlS tn Or'n El"?rtr. 7 miles from p ,-tianU TO acres cultivate. 10 acre bcanr.g orchard; fme btitlilmg-; $r.2. p-t a. re. t'-rms or trade for I'ortiarul property, ; f l Waahtrgton St.. office M.'.. i4kAORr" " under cultivation, fruit, all wire ftnc new T-mom hou-. wstt-r tower and a.aoltn- er.K'n-. new larjt barn. n ar For Tst tirovc . Pr a era. terms. Address w li;:orttSrove. Z. . . 1 . t- j 1 Ann iVuntr. w ciltlate. gd- o.n:ng orchard tra : se! lir l IJ per P'ace worti 9 cU lor og. I IVi'OLS Cl"NTY offors the beu Con.e ind se It before you invest, O. G- Daiat. V. . k ci ty. t'r. v ..,or-j hul tiings. 15 mk inira ron , : ioo per acre. Liberal discount for ail cash. n -r. 1J Morrison st. n.iRK COI XTY farms anfl screens. TUOS. H. PUOkSTOM R 1 G C ci J" .a. " t) Ai-Riy Tamhlll County, fine fruit and atoca land, siscw, wu . wood :4. Owner. VALLEY FARM L a-res, hlghlv Improve.! and In rrwp, Sjos. Samud Aeldon, McKay bio. an ACRES on water, roovenlent. small cash pamr.t. oai. sarma. w. - Yaavlna. Or. BT owner. W srrrs. t mile from electric llns. railroad mi'ea a.rea cisarsa. ox routs 1 Hubbard USj rTwNFR S PALE Two very cesi raids farms, ilne'v located; abundance wood and water. nantent to school and railroad, at at t2um prices. Poatwuk. Plodg-tt. Or. TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLA-SP, IMPROVED FARMS. 150 screa. all tha very best soil snd wall Improved, excellent buiiitimrs or nil kinds, risht close to railroad station, oa fine road, only 1U par acre. 144 acres, good buildlnas. early all in cultivation, very best of soft, fully equipped, with stock and other personal property; al goaa at slvo per acre. 143 acres, 100 of same In cultivation, on flna road, absolutely no waste land and po rock, very clo to the city limits of hialera; In flna district; 1 will sell this for per aura and sli easy terma an Instalment or to live 00 It can t be beat in the stale. & acres, all In high state of cultiva tion, excellent buildm. fully equipped with good stock and machinery; this is located within 1 minutes' walk of station on the satera Electric Line, not far from Portlaud: price io.XH; time on part; this is strictly hih-ciass. 13 acres, good buildings and nice or chard, tm Iluo road, close to Portland, IJUOtf. SO acres. 27 acres In high stats of cul tivation, mors nearly cleared, balance nice timber, good well and spring, crop now In and growing. horses, i cows, savers! hogs, lots of chickens, plenty of gooO farming tools, vehicles and Implements, nice family orchard, good buildings; this is close to Portland; price $tfu0i; time on part. 174 acres. 30 cleared. 26 slashed, ood fences, good orchard, nne well and spnn. well stocked in every way and a I " Ir tools and vehicles: everything; Included at i per acre; this place is not far Trom Portland; It Is a positive anap the buiiu tngs are good; might accept Portland property up to $:;,i4; $:oi)0 in cash and lima on the balance, 40 acrea stump land, excellent soil, clos to Portland; it is a big snap at L per a era. If you want to buy a farm of anr sis or for any purpose. I fel that I can in trcaf u. Call or write, J. K smith. &13 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, or. THE BEST BUT IN OREGON. 1andy 4k acres In Iwuglas County; an chared and part under cultivation: no r.ck or gravel, sulUble for grain or fruit. To be given away at Kk tr acre, halt cash. Look over our list for J;, sains. Eureka Realty Co.. 67-DJb Cham ber of Commerce. - Mlscella Oi to Multnomah Station on the Oregon Electric ar.d ae Wlldwood. the new aln- tlon just placed on tn maraei . v titrs from the center of Portland- T"0 Western Sec. Co.. 414 bpaldln bldg., owners and agents. W A NTF.I Hf.A L F.T ATE. PRANP NEW I'"" CASH. OAK Fl-M RS SLEEPIN'1-P,RCH. Ilcatitlful n-room colonial home, htcatefl on ;-altH east-face lot, S blk to car. among flue homos; front porch full wldta of house, with massive columns, fins large reception hall and large living-room, paneled dlnln-room with massive buffet; saell Outrh kitchen In white enamel; z beautiful whit enamel bedrooms, witn large" closets and large sleeping-porch; linen clos.-t and elaborate bathroom: dou ble constructed throughout; sewer. 8-inch water mains, sa. cement walks and pared street are all In. This is high and sightly, overlookln tha whole East Fide, price $.1400; a chance to gt a swell home n easiest "ind of terms. H- A. Askwlth. lt07 Clinton st. Taka Richmond W-R car to Marguerite ava. 1 block east or 8lh. Phone Tabor 2SZ2. i- . v.fLi cni'VTBY Pl-AtTK. Not over ID acres, with 0-room mod ern house, within 10 miles of Portland, must ba convenient to K. R. station and In good locality; must afford -od of surrounding country; price not oyer s :noo spot cash; would consider unim proved place not over $160 per acre If answers above description; chicken ranch es and similar proposition not wanted, it S9, Orfgonian, WANT tn buy house within waiain oia- tance ji Morrison lm ij ,t - sued lot; no further oui'than Roth and porta of Hawthorne; state price, terms and lull particulars in latter. r Orasjonlan. 5 ACRES , . . Wanted, within Hc fare IIS mlnutes' nlk station, Improvea or ummi-i"".., ireful give full particulars w ith terms, Htish. W. WANTED Northwestern real estate tn sx change for t aLf ornia property. For sale, on terms, city, town or country propsrty. ;et our list. Cllne-Hull Company, H- W. Heilman ptog.. uoa Amnti. iim-w'p ad irnEKlR WANTED. I want a house' and lot or small piece of land that 1 can buy with small pay ment down and monthly payments; no aKcnts. A 8S0. Oreonian. WANTED To rent modern residence for 6 months, privilege of buying and PPlynf rent as prt payment; Rive rtP10"' location, price, etc.; no as en is. AJ Oreenian. vtco tUMVhlA TF.l.T. 'pAr nr Inaido. 5th to 13th. Sal mnn lo MotUKomery, east front. bS loth st., near btark. WE need choap lots and houses on easy torn is. you produce the property, we have the customers. H. K. JAMES. SS 10th st, near Stark. WANTED An Inside lot in Cpper Albina, not over 91lf00. or modern 5-room house; have about $1000 cash. Write X fesl. orrgonian. . WANTED to 13-roora house between 4th and 12th and Madison and Sheridan sts.; muft be reasonable in pries and terma t J 9 i 0, Ore gonlan. m WANTED 5-room cottase or bungalow In Albina. from l-'OOv to $'iw0; $:"" cash. West of Union ave., south of Killing"- a-orth. Y bsi. Oregonlan. WAMEU A small larm iiwo iw ,in. Improved; within 40 miles of Portland. I am no agent and expect to pay only rea sonable prices. AJ b.. urtKonian. HAVE a buyer for a fruit tract; must have ftK acres ready lor plow, preieraoiy wim ln 50 miles of Portland. Write or call 1U22 Board of Trade Hldg. I AM In the market for 5 to 10i acres on either the Oregon Electric. I'nlted Knll- wavs or O.-w . 1 . rty.. suitaoie iur bum division . Write 775 Mu Itnoma h St.. cl t y WANTED Acresge near Portland; party take part pavmcnt; nice borne in anror nia town, valued $ltUu; balance cash. Full ' particulars first letter. AB Oregonlan. WANTEDEiulty In Laurclhurst loL Slate orlclnal price, location. cui w iTm.rovements and other particulars. C Nhu. tjregor.iam WANT 10 to 50 acres bottom land near Hay City. Will trade choke residence lot In Portland, price iuvv, io Trantow. fc. smn ' WANTED Responsible contractor who will thIj beautiful quarter block corner In Fulton Park as pan psjmiiu wu wuiUio. Owner, iv orn t nirt from owner, mod ern residence; state location, prlra and terms; price must ue nauu o gonlan WANTED Vacant lot as first payment on new 5-room house, close In. Owner, 8lT K Hurnside. I WANT a lot. even exchange, for my equity. jmrt'j. in Pi -room bungalow; streets Im proved. I'wncr. ".-.a- ACREAGE for platting. In or near c.t wanted; terms must be easy and price right. W a. ttepinian. WANTED Close In property with good in come, $10.W0. half cash. A b3. Orego- WE have customer for 0-room bungalow I -v tn it ton. east frontsge. McAllister L u e idem ann. - Electrl cblri g i .- nouae n uu uu tw IIvmi; can psy $.'0 cash. Call today; no fun. a a yve r.rnnm house and full lot. West Side, close In. not oer O.Ooi); can pav $jikm csh. Call today; no atrents. Main &.is. VNTED Quarter or half block, located on or lolnlng riverfront with short haul from steamer landing. A 73. Oregonlan. t uMJii to oitrcl.ajie a lot on Board Watk. facing ocean. &c aside. Or. J 8, Ore gonlan. WANT some cheap Clackamas County acre age, give price, terms and location. E 6S9, Oregonlan. v"e biiy equltv In building lots. Eurekl Realty Co.. 527-5- Chamber of Com- erce. WANTED To lease for term of years va cant lwt near lth and Columbia sts. C W NTKD Business property on Hawthorne ave. KirnppA Kopf. 3C3 Ry. Exch. Bldg. -ODKRN bungalow, near car. abont JS06, raavjcrmsOwners. B S7. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK lot or equity; give De scription, p a4. Oregonlan. W A NTET TIMRER LAXDS. TI3LBER In township 37 to 41 C range 2 to 4 east. Zimmerman. -310 Board of TIMBER lands wsnted, C J. McCrscken. &04 McKay bin. l GOOD timber tract in exchange for In come city property. AJ Oregonlan, LARGE body of loged-over timber; most of logs down and cut Into ls-ft. lengths; with privilege of use of flume direct from timber to water, from there can b bargea direct to Portland; will sell the timber as It stands with use of flume for i Ter cord thousand. C. C. Shay. S10 Abington bids;. SNAP for cash, 20.360.000 feet absolutely first-class yellow fir. on railroad. ooa ? round for logging. cruise uarn;l." his Is a logging proposition at less man speculators' price; cash only will b con sidered. M 0. Oregonlan. TIMBER CLAIMS FOR PALE. Sectiou jr. Tp. -7. range 3. Section 15, Tp. 14, range ir. Section li. Tp. 30. range 9. For particulars address ti S3 , Orego- ril an. . FOR SALE SO seres good timber land. IS miles from Portland. IS miles from elec- Iric oarllti. wnnA Ivlnir land. good SOU, will sell timber and land or Umber alone, will take part Portland property. AD hf S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Three and one-quarter million feol nr tltnDer, on tucKiamuie iu. be logged for any mill on Willamette. Price tk cents per M, Address Boa 315, Philomath, Or. 60.000.000 TIMBER. 1080 acres deeded land. fty.woo Cany capacity nuii uam goo. 000. 3 milfs flume to R. R. : every thing new; $ loo, Quo. C C Shay. $10 Ahlngton bldg. 100.noO,0iO FIR. well located, can be han dled on trms ana ior less man M. Guaranteed cruise furnished bona nde Investors P o9Q. oregonian Lit."0 TIMBER with corapleta shingle. reliant market; bargain price, $-750. 1030 Crand ave. North. 160 ACRES with 4 million feet of yellow i . 1 . . k .. n-iiun TJ I irf ftowa through the land; $4000. Call 414 bpaid- ing uiuk- loo ACRES of timber near the Wilson Biver; SliMMi caan. 1 am thwu ci- vw. - Spalding bldff. BOUGHT AND SULT C, J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. OIt SA LE Pine logging proposition with . . . ..11 im-aiaH At. K T 1 mill, uu -- Oieconlan INVEST In timber claim now at low figure and aounie your xnuucj iu uwncr, aiam FOR SALE 40 acres fin timber land in ritevens County, wasn. uwnur, jvcim. Iii9 3d st.. Portland. Or. I4!i.0o0.0ort FEET fir and cedar, near Port - land; y.X)W cusn. Aouresa a nlnn. WANTED Yellow fir logging proposition; roi ifu man -..wv.v.'v, ' M 6). Oregonian. loo ACRES timber land. Grant c.ountr. .hn,.i o -iiiniMHl feet- 116:0: tlOOO cash. 1.hh).ooo FEET for $7h-0. Particulars, X;S Washington St., onice uio. FO R RKXT-FARMS, 430-ACRE dyked dairy ranch, three mus from OardlneT creamery, v ow a i"r or rent, new Laval separator, small gaso line launch. 3-year-old orchard, small fruits, furnished house; can pay th rent by clearing off five acres a year. Call at 117S Commercial for particulara Will be her until 28th. FARM FOR RENT. 80 acrea on Fisher Hill road. miles from Lyle. Wash. Good hous. barn. well. ;,i seres fanccd. some clear-d; fine chick en ranch. Address M., a6 E. th st. North, Portland. Or. IP-ACRE place, house, bam. coops, fenced. flue spring water on piaca anu o m river, elegant county road, 2 blocks from station and 17 miles to Portland; rent $ per month. X 8S3. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 0-acre place near Courtney and Oregon city canine, an ciear, pmw? u-i-ries 4 -room hous and barn, 13 P. M. Call at room B, Mulkey bldg.. 2d ancl Mor rison sts. a irnira of fin land, close In. suitable for anything. Call 1:5 Russell sL or phone East &3tf2. FARMS WANTED. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A "SNAP. But do want to buy a good dairy farm 01 from H to li acres and will pay the price; MUST BE within CO miles of Port land, close to some good town; good Im provement and In cultivation. AH Saa, oregonian I WANT to rent 3 to 10 acres; must have . some improvements, nouae, electric line; will buy later If suited. Write at once. A 897, OreKonian. WANTED From owner good Improved homestead relinquishment, near Portland. Cash. Prairie la.nd preferred. AJ 811, Oregonlan. HAVE customer for 80 to 40-acre Improved farm of not over $20)0 to ;;oO0 valua tion. J. Frank Porter, 904 Chamber of Commerce. JUST came from East and want to buy good farm worth from $10,000 to $20,000. O 9 u I. Oregonlan IF YOU want a good farm, S3 acres, at $55 .11 mi Uab.. Unntv Tenet bilil c acre, can o"o mm um -. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT to rent farm with stock. EiEen moun, 33 N. Cth. TO K X CHANGE. FOR SALE or trade, a nic grocery In good location; good trade; $1200 cash, or will trade for small ranch; no agents. Phone A 4tVJ 9- VIOLINIST will give one year's course of Violin instruction, two lessoiia wtt:at, in lieu of first payment on house and loL H 8S0, Oregonlan. SELLWOOD bungalow with 100x100 fine fruit and shrubbery for 10 acres close in. Ooldschmidt's Agency, 253 Washington, Cor. 3d. COLORADO and Nebraska farm lands. Im proved and unimproved, to exchange for Rogue Hlver properties. The Best-Fuller Realty Co., Grants Pass, Or. rw tub HTLL railroad. In the Deschutes Valley 240 acres of irrigated land for sale or trace ior merrniuiujw. auuh,, E. Dayton, Laidlsw. Or. HAVE residences at Sllverton, Or., and Gar field. Wash., and orchard land near Ash land to trade. Chaa. K. Hicks, Independ ence, Or. FOR SALE or trade, nearly new Weber pianola player at a barpafo; some cash, balance easy terma Apply, Apt. 43, 32& Hth sL SALE or trade. Seaside, Or., . completely furnished bouse and lot, 50x100 feet; wilt consider small farm exchange even or pay difference. Address au a. uregonisn. u i VP. so acres rood fruit land near Spring- water. Clackamas County. Price $ltl00 to exchange ior city property, u o?. orego nian. MODERN 5-room cottase on fine lot near . -iul- will rrH fnr acreage near Portland. Call at 414 Spald lng b'.dg. n WILL TRADE A business that is paying $100 monthly; will bear closest investigation; worth $000; no agenta AH P04, Oregonlan. rivTRiRS ahoes. etc do $150 day busi ness; invoice $7000; will exchange for farm. Call 24S KtarK at. TO trade for Portland property, lftO acres of good Minnesota farm land; clear: w hat have you to offer? AN HUH. Oregonlan EXCHANGE 1 "Tot lo Newport and 1 lot in cnrrs, ror gouu uwuumm mi h w. Marshall 60 a vii'TT 7-nassencer Studehaker car. 80' h. p. late model, to trade equity for city pro petty. $JoOQ. Q4l namnton oiug. EXCHANGE $420 equity In $650 raw acre age near Orchards. Wash. What have ou- I'none ecu" wi j-tw. f vi'RMTL'RE of 8 -room house, all house keeping. Nob Hill, for lot or house and lot in suouroa. w ' ' ' WILL trade 5 mllllo n fir tmber for small residence in Portland; cruise guaranteed. AL b7Q. Oregonian. . itn v.lit-itv in 5 lots on corner. 15 min utes out. to exchange for anything of value. AC S8. uregonian. 110 E- M. F. 20, for sale or will trade for lot near E. 8th and Thompson. Phone East 6501. WE have two good farms to trade for city property; close to rortianu. r. va.v terlln A Co., room 3 Board of Trade. t-tt r .Yhinr h or 10 acres In Marlon County to" horses or city lota 801 East ;sth st- fnone eeuwoon WE exchange your property tor whs t yoa desire, rortiena r,ici.uR". TraiTe bid g. Sea M r. Wlest. WEST SIDE suburban lots, $200 each, on car Una. will take cheap logged-off land. G 1 v e location and pnee. tr. pa -0 BUSINESS house with 05x135 lot for partly cleared land or acreage wtk land. B 800. Oregonlan, APOLLO olayer. same ss new. to exchange for realty. B 833. Oregonlan. APPLE land exchanged for city lots or good S-pa-senger auto. i vrrgun'u. WILL exchange full Jersey bull calf for Dies or chicKens. jv $i'o0 EQUITY in $450 lot. trade for diamond. camcia vi awuwu . MARCH 2G. 1911. n xTT , : TO EXCHANGE. .1 TO EXCHANGE. -I . TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND hKurr.ni x. 5 acres, all under cultivation, small, new bouse, barn and out-bulldlnga. young orchard, good well, spring and creek: miles from Forest Grove, on good, grav eled county road. within 2 lltfl 4! Lnlted Ry. electric; price $1500; will take vacant lota, house and lot -uid as sume difference. -r .r acres, 2 H miles irom '"-u'1":" Wash., on good county road; all under cultivation and fenced; cood 4-room plas tered and tinted house, barn and out buildings; orchard and berries; srod mare, tine 9-month.cld colt. 2 brood sows, about OO fine BuT Wvandotto chickens. new hack and all oth-r implements go with the place; price $4500; will take house and lot In good district Up to So0O, bal ance mortgage.. ... 10 acre. 4 miles from O. W, P. electric line, at Caxadero. at Dodite P.- O.. on gvod county road: land lies well and easily cleared; price $125 per acre; will xchang.e for Portland property; might assume small difference. 10 acres. 2t- miles from Forest Grove; 6 acres under cultivation, orchard aid berries; good 0-room house with fireplace barn and other outbuilding, H na spring; price $0000; will exchange for houM! and lot near carllne and school. 12 acres, t mile from Greenburg and Tlgard. on Oregon Electric; gcod soil, & acres under cultivation; several springs, also creek; 4-room bouse, barn and chicken-bouse; price $4:175; will exchange for unincumbered Portland property. 24 acres. miles from Forest Grove, on good countv road; 6 acres under cul tivation, nil fenced; good, black soil, liv ing water. 2 acres In apples and other fruit, some good timber; will exchange for some good East Side property, KAPFFMANN & MOOiiiL 325 Lumber Exchange. 40i ACRES of extra good Willamette Val- lev laud; one and hair miles to " ac tion, nice high bank creek, bordered v.ith oak and ash timber, balance in cultiva tion. This will cut up in 40-acre tracts with good building spots on each. I will give a dollar's worth of this land for the same amount of clear resident property, and cut It up to suit, or will trade the whole in bodv. No incumbered property need bo offered and only owners need roply. W. IX MTXTEIL Albany, Oregon. EQUITY GOES FOR "UNINCUMBERED HOUSE. 4.1 acres, 2 miles of carllne, near Oregon City. 25 cleared: $1200 offered for wood alone, loam soil, no rocks, well, cash value $4:no, mortgage $14(i. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Suite 505. Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Phones Marshall 1H1-S and A 2332. EXCHANGE. 70 acrtrs of lines t land obtainable for good city property up to $mmjo or $wu as first payment, nearly half in high state of cultivation balance has guaranteed $7000 worth of first-growth wooJ. clo&e to market ; electric line going througtt property; close to Portland; a money maker. SHAW A LOCKE. 420 Lumbermen. Bldg.. 5th and Stark. FOR SALE or exchange for city property, t4 acres, ."U in cultivation, su mites irom Portland, young orchard, house, good bum, 1 mile from small town, farming Im plements. 4 good cows, 30 gouts, $1000 casn. ouiance 0 years at Q per cent; act quick: this place will make you money. See E. K. White. Kern Park Station. Ta bor 247. Office open all day weekdays. Sundays Z till a. FOR SALE, or will traue for city property, inv 240-scre ranch: 35 acres 2-year-old Comic and d'Anjou pears; 35 acres rear-old spitz and 1 eilow ivewtowns; Rogue River, close to Medford. on county road, one mile from railroad station; house, barn. well, springs, large creek running through place; improved and up to date. 7-1 uoara 01 xraae oiag., Port land. HOTEL building and furniture, close to business center of citv: price $10.000 : want land near Portland or residence property to about $5uoo. Aiso, 40-acre fruit farm. 27 acres In bearing prunes, fair buildings, good dryer. Price $12,000: want grain or stock farm, Eastern Oregon or Washington. Ellis Jk w uou. mil m, oaiKin, kji . TO EXCHANGE For home in Irvmgton, good fruit land in Polk County. 3 miles irom station, lab acres, nign ana signtiy, on county road. 10 acres bottom land ana 40 acres ready for fruit. 100 acres tine oak timber, will cut I'soo cords or wood, can be subdivided. Value $7ou0. W. C. Sea chrest, 109 3d sL INCOME property to exchange for a 27-acre fruit farm within 3 miles of Med ford, all planted to apples, pears and peaches; Im proved with a good house and barn, etc Price, $13,000; will accept $10,000 Portland Income property and balance cash. Ches ter 1. Starr, 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Good view lot on the lower Heights, close In: three blocks from car; 20 min utes' walk to Postoffice; will exchange for five-seated automobile; will not consider anything but a good machine. Main lOtKt. A 1227. EQUITY $1400 of two lots. 50x140 each, good location, water in, street graded, ce ment curb and sidewalk. 4-room house, un finished. Valued at $21,000. Sell or trade for farm and stock. J. Buxtahie, own er, Portland, Or. KOflTY. S 1 500. valuable SO. mostly unim proved, considerable timber, wood, close to stream and mill; just beyond present terminus new Vancouver electric; ex change for Portland property. Telephone, TaDor :ij-. WILL trade beautiful 10-acre tract, cleared land Is on county road, four miles from railroad; is in best fruit district of South ern Washington. WALTER Mc GOVERN, 1038 Chamber of Commerce. TWO homes, equities, $2500 each, and Portland Heights lot, $4500; will trade separately or together for farm close to Portland; must be 30 acres cleared. AH S'.w, Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL East Side home for ex nhaneo for nrreace or farm, il-room house, modern, 75x100 grounds with fruit. What have you? Send full description with your answer. Owners only. P. Q. Box fio. I HAVE an 8-room bungalow, with 8 lots. In Couuille, Or., to exchange for home in - Portland, or win consmer an aquuj. R. R. POWNDER. 42S Mohawk bldg. 16 VIEW LOTS, Columbia Heights Addi tion. Vancouver. Wash.; value $400; will exchange for Portland lots or acreage. C e 1 1 ara - -1 unon ouo omuniB ui"ft. TO exchange; stock in a first-class timber and milling company ior a xnouern resi dence; give particulara AK 001, Ore- gonlan. SO ACRES, on Southern Pacific. West Side, close depot; sell or trade for equity city business property; suouivine; vaiue ouu, Address A 1j uregoman. rn.iPfiRXIA raisin ranch. 40 acres in bear- it for sale, or would take Improved Portland property. F. H. Lewis, 3 Lewis bldg, TEN beautirui acres all In cultivation, close to carllne- ano o stores. 10 iraue ior Porthind residence. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens Plug., atn aru aiar. WILL trade 10 acres Irrigated, rich valley land in Colorado for choice residence lot Ariel a, j r. WILL trade excellent acreage for improved or nnimDroved Portland business property. unincumbered. $10,000 to $15,000. AO H0O, Oregonian KF.VEV-ROOM. up-to-date, modern house, Kose-City Park; equity I40o, to exchange for small grocery si ore. J. HAAS, 408 Yeon Bldg. $3000 WORTH of diamonds to trade In on a residence not over $5000 valuation; give full particulars. Ah. ryy. uregonian. SELL OR TRADE 5-aCre fruit tract In Washington, 3 miles from R. R. main line. Owner, AM uregonian. FIREPROOF picture show, clearing $30 to j vo a weeK, lo iraue ior real estate. Jiitiu 4W2U. HAVE some acreage In Clackamas County at 1 pr acre, to exchange for city property, ti B&s, oregonian. FOR SALE or trade for groceries, fuel or diamond. uoiumDis puunograpu vumt costing $125. M Su, oregonian. vac NT lots wanted for equity Portland six-room modern hnuwe and Lane County property. Value $5 1 oO. B 1302. WILL exchange 76 acres apple land with stream, for auto or vacant 101s. au Oregonian. "WANTED To trade lot as part payment on house; state price and location, A &34, Oregonlan. $1250 EQUITY In beautiful 5-acre apple tract I'T i'ortianu proper.- r-, vic gonian. COI'NTRT store doing thriving business, trade for city property. $5250. Howard & Co.. 402 Commercial diock. 12 ACRES, trade for city property, $2500. 402 Commercial diock. WE can matrh up your trade. H. A, Chandler, eiu jLuinoei-mens omg. FORTY acres unimproved land for good auto. AM ays, uregonian. TIMBER lands for good equities or close-in property. ah p?, yicwui. LAURELH V RST lot to exchange for build- in gjnatexiaj;uu WILL trade my -acre at Lents for horse -.-as r. o r ma rl 1 .)'.. Xi "HA XOE one of best lots In Bay Ocean for lot In Portland. ac o.", uregonian xxj v i hma vouT .X $93. Oregonian. 1 I I EXCHAJCGES. $19.600 Farm for a general store, $13,350 Fruit land, $0 per a axe. for city property. $10,000 General store to exchange for a farm. $60,000 Close-in acreape to exchange for an apartment-house. $ 4,000 Home as part payment on $6000 farm. $ 7.&00 City home for close-in unim proved acreage. $ 7,000 Farm to exchange for a hotel. $ 8.000 Apartments; will take business to $4000. ALBERT WELCH A SON. $11 Lewis Bids-. th and Oak Sts. 10 ACRES 9 miles out on Section Line road; partly cleared; $3000, for house and loL 10 ACRE8. ear Multnomah Station, on Salem Elec tric; $6000; exchange for house and loL WHEAT RANCH 120 acres; best district Eastern Wash ington wheat belt; all planted: for city property, acreage, timber or znilL 320 ACRES. All under cultivation; sell or exchange all or part of same; S. P. station on place; $100 per acre. WEST SIDE FLATS. Value $7000: take Irvington or Hollaaay lot in part pavmrnt. OOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 253 Washington, Cor. 3d. ( FOR EXCHANGE. 320 acres. 1 miles Button. Adam 'o.. Wash., all fenced, good wheat land, roll ing; price $800; equity $6200 to exchange lor rooming-nouse. 7 lots In Oregon City and two lots at Lents to exchange for furniture In small rooming-house about $1000. and Kicelv furnished apartment-house on Went Side, price $350t; will take lot or small rooming-house up to $S00; about $10u0 cash, balance easy terms. Call 322 Failing bldg. or Phone Main S5!0. A 3175, Ask for Justin. WESTMORELAND L ATJ R E LHTTR S T 4 beautiful lots; will exchange equity of $2700 for .house or single lot; prefer unincumbered property. Will exchange Laurclhurst lot for acre age. C. L. Bamberger, Marshall 712. Room 2 LiUinuermens uiutf. ,, . .,1.!'C. -V' C A T PITT All highly cultivated and improved with fine buildings; commands beautiful view and only 300 feet to electric car line; excellent for chickens, berries, etc. Owner will exchange for Portland property. C. W. BAMBERGER. Marshall 712. Room 2 Lu m bermens Bldg. WANTED IN TRADE. Improved city property for 9 lots m Glenhaven Park. About 6 blocks from new Mount Hood carline. Owners only. WILLIS MAGUIRE, 240 Washington st. Sunday phone C 1946. Tabor 2543. EXCHANGE or eale. - 80 acres good land; few acres cleared; good timber; 10-room house. 30 -miles from Portland. hat have you not over 10 miles from port land, close to depot? Apply Gordon. 2 North Front sL Telephones: Main loGo; A 7426. . WANTED Portland home, modern, not over $6000. Have farm H irom oeavenoii, 7 miles from Portland postoffice, with six acres now in onions. 8 acres bearing com mercial orchard, balance In potatoes. Run ning water; also acreage toward Gresham. Some cash. F 892, Oregonian. WHEAT FARM. MORROW CO. l.V0 acres, ail under cultivation, near Heppner, one-half mile from railroad: $17 per acre; will consider exchange for Port land property. COOK & TAYLOR. 402-3-4-5 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. EXCELLENT BARGAIN. A 98-acre farm, the very best of soil to be found in the Willamette Valley, with stock and Implement, at $150 per acre; will take $7000 worth of city property, balance 6 per cent on mortgage. F. FUCHS, 2214a Morrison Street. EXCHANGE. We have desirable property, improved and unimproved to exohange; city property for farms and farms for city property, ir you want to exchange on a cash basis see us. Glenart Realty Co. CLnc), 421-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE All or any part; auto, 20 H. p. Ford runabout, $500; launch, 18 feet, $400; 30 acres, Vancouver. $3000; $400 contract on acreage; pianola, $lo0; $ol'5 equity in 2 Iota For lots, house and lots or good acreage, or 5-passenger auto. 4z tnamoer oi v,uiihiioi-d H WE a fine heavy dray team, almost new heaw dray wagon and harness to trade for small acreage on 5c or 10c car line, close to Portland; would put in some cash. Inquire Western Investment Co., 417 Board 01 1 rnuo om 10 ACRES, unimproved fruit land. H mile from Freewater, Or.; 12 miles from W alia WTalla, to trade for residence or apaxt-ment-house with good lease. Will not as sume. Address Jack Moore, 13 E. fith sL N., Portland, or. WILL exchange a new 6-roomed bungalow, furnished with all new furniture of the very nest 111 rui nauu, " , - 7 ranch not over lo miles from city; give . ,. . .... 1 n ct " ' ijL V. 14th at. IUll paruuuittio. -" - " . 1 : kiir In v.IIdv tnwn along the line of most development; pays " . tor. ,too. wont onartmcnt t per ceni o" , ,V o(o site or coming business property. AL o"d, oregonian. $1500 EQUITY in 10 acres on Oregon Elec tric close to station to trade for equity in irood house, automobile or cheap raw land Inquire ERNEST WELLS. 326-27 Abington bldg, CHEP FOR CASH Or exchange for Port land property. 20 50x100 lots In Lays' sub- division. Vancouver. Wash. Close to car line. Apply 316 Macleay bldg. Main 61 12. EXCHANGE Beautiful, new, modern, 10- room residence, hb a oun.. $13,000; my equity. J1O.000; for farm lt,MSJ vaiue, ui"-j -v er. ftppennian. IR VINO TUA nvuDD a v 1 v,- ... -. w-c. Grand ave. corner ror Sherman or Gil- Ham County iana; cuiuvmsu, w 'V ' v e A 9-ROOM house, modern In every respect, large grounds, would take good 7-passen-ger auto and cash. I also have a 6-roo?n modern house with one lot which I will . tv, tt. 1 1 ( n in t raae ior auiu. a - ----- ertv in exchange for a $900 equity in a a lot worth $1100, Write to me. M 834 (jregonia.il. FOR SALE or exchange 160 acres of corn or wneat ianu iu ouum or for Portland property; must sell on . .. in 1 1 . u a COS Hmirnn an aCCOUnt Or ill ncanu. 00. v-rt' " FOR SALE. Horaea. Vehicles and Hsms TE A.M geldings, sorrel and gray: weignt ,c . e i o ttH t-sn -"jy t,".- .zyzz- w.i-h. 1200 lb. each: are 9 and 10; worlc .ingle or double. Price lu. Pair baV chunks, horse and mare; weiKht 2700 lbs; age 8 and 10. Price $203. . .: . .- ,r.ma a it A 1 '? Trte 11 Tl i vnnti Eintrle driver; weight 1050 lbs; 5 yers old; thorouKhly gentle for lady to ride or drive. Price U-40. These horses will all be sold under guar- antee. nesi ui ic.ccv. SEETON'S BARN. R46 Front St. FOR PAIE A hotel omnibus In fair con dition. a 879. Oregonlan. A DARK horse. 6 years old. drives single or double, gentle and weight Is 13S0 lbs he is perfect in every way; can be had at a bargain. jtaoren la ii c-mi wlu ak., Vancouver. Wash. Phone 66C. GOOD surrey and harness almost new. cheap. Owner has no use for it. Phone today East 465i MUST sell handsome 1100-lh, 8-year old mare, sound, gentle, true to work single or double, airs, .tsurns. oiz itusseii. BARGAIN' if taken by Monday, pair mares. good workers, 1W id.., ana imruc. tuiu' plete. 145. Montgomerj-. SPAN good horses. 2600 lbs., 300. This is the cneapesi kuuu vcuu . u Horn Trans. 10. FARM wagon with double box and spring Rpat also buggy and horse. Call at once. 40'. E. Salmon. . LUiHT wagon for sale or trade for tent. 64rt Gantenbein ave. FOR SALE Driving mare. Bailey buggy and harness, cheap. Pop Macadam st. FOR SALE Horse, delivery wagon and har ness, reasonable. 1050 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Good rubber-tire top buggy. Ad dress cugfc"". " 2 GOOSENECK furniture wagons for sale, cneap. van nvru . , ..... SfEW Studebaker stanhope and harness, cost .250: sell for 100. Phone Tabor 842. FOR SALE Young horse and good buggy; reasonable. 6S3 Inaley ave. RUBBER-TIRED buggy and harness for sale, call -i-i jqh'. RUBBER-TIRED top buggy and harness, Studebaker spring wagon, new. East 1985. FOR SALE 1 300-pound horse. Price J66. Phone Woodlawn 714. RUBBER-TIRED Baily buggy for sale, rea sonable. A lot j 15 HORSES FOR a A Lri. 2 span gray geldings. 3000 lbs., age 0 to 8. 1 span brown M. and G.. 3200 lbs, 8 and 7. 1 span bay geldings, 2500 Ui-. 10 years. 1 span brown geldings. 2i00 lts 4 years. 1 span black, M. and G.. 2800 lbs.. and 11. 1 span sorrel geldings. 2b 00 lbs., 10 years. 1 span roans. 2000 lbs., 7 and 11. 1 span sorrels. 1000 lbs.. 9 and 1L And several others, from J0O0 to 14O0; also several furniture wagons and delivery wag ons. All horses sold from our stables are subject to our guarantee. If not sat isfactory to be returned less $1 per day w n'ie gun. oawumn": - PORTLAND STABLES. 26 N. ISTH ST. l span muifn. -o., iup. , 1 span mares. 2700 lbs. ;.$2O0. 1 span horses. :i"O0 lbs.: :100. 1 span, mare and hore, 3OO0 lbs.: S27S. 1 span mares, 260 lbs.; 2.'.o. COMPLETE OirTFlT, 200. 1 mare and 1 horse, 2500 lbs., new farm wagon and breeching harness, all com plete, the best bargain in Portland. Also 15 other hors.-s and mares. Some well mated teams in the lot. Theso horsos Just in from Eastern Oregon and all guaranteed as sold or money refunded. V. . S. Lindsay. r MULES, MISSOURI MULES. We are again at the Union stock Yards where we will carry a good stock of H"t class heavy draft mules during tne Spring and Summer seasons. On Mon day. March 27, we will receive our first consignment of two cars. 44 head. These mules run in age from 4 to 7 rears and weigh from 1200 to 140 Ins.. and are extra quality. For reference, our last year's customers. MURPHY MOtiJjJ s muijc .-v.. Phone Woodlawn 2400; C 6111. HORSES OF ALL KINDS. Farm chunks, city delivery nnd drivers; every horsu sold under our own guarantee; money refunded if not as represented. We have 45 head and some splendid bar gains for immediate sale. Call and ae for yourself. Trial given. TODD'S SALE BARN, 3S4 Front. Phone Main 6227. A 1369. Prices from t40 up. BAY mare, coming 7 years old. thorough bred, registered in Ajimrini lii6 . ? ister; vtry speedy and stylish, perfectly gentlo and fearless; my whole outilt goes with the mare, consisting of harness, top buggy, open buggy, robes, blankets and all slablo accessories, for 600. Dr. Holllster, 1D01 E. Salmon St. WANTED Matched bay team about 2400 . . . nAiii.fi unH in food IDS. mu. Do . . " condition. Koberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. $190 BUYS nice pair geldings, t-v true ana tiuic, a8 ---- -- i farm harness. This team will weigh 2-0 His. and are in good condition for work. Call at 334 Front st. POSITIVELY closing out and must sell at sacrifice, 11 head of mares and geldings. 1000 to 14)0 lbs., all good workers, thre. buggies. 2 Studebaker farm wagon, ait all tools; siaoie ior rem- n j.v,,,,e,", . . r. i . n. r-,wnitr It., fl o 11 SA for her and will take any reasonable offer. Inquire at Front and Market. Todd a barn. FOR the best qualities of work or driving . . u - F.nnhlA nrlcea. EO to the Rose City Park stables, at E. 62d it. and Sandy road. Take Rose City Park n.r Adams & Campbell, proprietors. FOR SALE High class driving teams; light . . 1 innlA hnran. nnd Ollg- gha- aiso second-hand double and single harnesses, at Anderson Bros, stables, J41 jerierson sr., cunii $16T BUYS best :i00-lb. pair In Portland. v . . i flna fnr mnr.h : been witn new nui ucoo , " used on street and a little sore tru a. oxen. Ask lor Green's team. 33 Front street. FOR SALE! Matched black team, weight ... j e wall hrnbn nnrl senile: BOUU IDS., HSfu w, . " also a lirst-class saddle horse. Address W. F. Srhnliz. rorest urovc. i. IF you are interested i",,L?a7!S'k of hlraess and gali-cur. collars. Keller Har- no.a rn 49 N 6th. JUST oft grading work '"i Travfs' Bros.' Wood Yard. E. 8th and Haw t hnrn p ave. FOR SALE By Captain Upton Vaueouve. BarracKs. iwu hub ou. " Sde. drive as team. At Frazler & Mc- Lean's. 5th and Taylor. 6 FRESNO teams, either by day - or month all bUXnnier a w ji iv- aa.. off at KUllngaworth ave., walk east to 42d St. MUST sell, very cheap, as I have other busi ness 3 good horses, two sets of harness Snd two good wagons. Call 251 N. 14th nr 548 Pettygrove. , FOR SLE 1 fine horse. 6 years old, Veighing 1600; 1 team. 5 and 6 years old. wen matched, weighing 2600; 1 team weighing 3100. 226 Russell st. .- CATC Some well-mated mares, pair of small ' mules and general delivery horses. FOR SALE cheap, well-matched black team, young, clean, true and gentle. Weight 3000. Call Haas Bros.' stables. 285 1st St. 284 Mi Front, pnone aiain moo. PORTLAND Stablas. 26 N. 15th st. Horses, harness, all kinds of wagons; guaranteed. Bank and business references. R. L. Evans. 6M ILL, good, true pulling team, cheap. S boars one 6 months Berkshire, one 6 months Poland China, one IV, years. Box 19, ReuDen, ur. FOR SALE at a bargain, one bay mare, 7 years old. weight 1200 lbs.; gentle and well broke anywhere. W. C. Green. 88 6th st. isortn. t-iiuiie MUST sell at or.ee: leaving city; one 2500 lb team, one 2000-lb. team, one pony. 2 farm wagons. Call today. 830 East 26th st. WW car to Gladstone ave. j5 YOUR pick of 3 mares, weight about 1000 pounds each; also a new double har ness and spring wagon cheap. 247 East 12th st. FOR SALE 1 team, harness, wagon. Call for !w. Gruel, 1029 Yamhill St.. or Sell- wooa iav. MARE, weight 1200, true, gentle worker, medium age; because mate Is disabled will take $S0. 303 East 7th. WILL trade $226 . diamond ring for horse and buggy of equal value. Call 200 Alder street ONE horse, weighing 1:150. trial and guar antee given; reason for selling, lost mate. 4;g E. Mill. . GOOD all purpose team, weight 2200 lbs : no reasonable offer refused. Call at o4T E. 9th. . FOR SALE Team, harness and farm "gon; team weifc-lu. 24U0 lbs. 469 E. Sal mon. , WANTED To buy good team about 2400. with or without harness and wagon, for farm. X 8i5. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy light horse and delivery wagonTPhone Marshall 1231 or call 48T Hoyt st. PORTLAND RtableB. 26 N. 15th st. Phon. Marshall 16S6. Horses, wagons and busi ness rigs for hire by day or month. BIX head of young, sound horses; on. 270O pounds, matched bay team. 6 and 7; trial. 898 E. Yamhill. WANTED To buy 1 mare or team weigh ing between 1100 and 1300 pounds. Phone ast4S04; COLT, two years this Spring. Gilbert cross ing first house south after crossing Fos ter' road. V. D. Grave, Lents. Or. WANTED Pony and cart; pony must be well broken and used to children. C. C. Shay. 309 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE 2 bay horses ,5 and 8 years old. weight K00 and 960, drive single or double. Inquire only on Sunday. 906 E. 7th at. X. MARE and colt, also one mare with foal. Call at Olds, Wortman & King stable, 88 East 7th St. North. WILL sell or trade 5-year-old gray mare heavy with foal, weight 1580 pounds. 1008 Division. Sellwood 843. GOOD farm team, weighing 2750 lbs.; true In every way and gentle: !100 buys the pair. Todd's sale barn, 334 Front St. WOOD SW, team and harness for cash, lot lumber or trade. E. J. H art. Sol 7th s t. N. Automobiles. UPRIGHT Knabe piano. $225. Owner leav ing city. Phone A 2445 or A 3284 Mon- day. , A MAHOGANY upright piano, standard make. 317 TUford bldg., mornings, 9 to 11. FOR SALE A first-class upright Fischer piano; mission design. C. Sommer A Co., piano factory. 247 Fifth st W4.LNUT cabinet Vlctrola phonograph. Cost $250 new. Sell, cheap. Phone arte. 12 P. M. Main 921L ; FOR SALE A 11S piano check for $10. A 900. Oregonian. ' 1350 UPRIGHT piano, vary cheap, terms. T . ro. a liclrs Wain R SS. migni rent. -'"-j - - WANTED A Newfoundland puppy, reason able. L 845. Oregonian. TfOHLER & CHASE piano, excellent condi KSon. sacrifice prlceP Lubllner. 109 7th st OLD violin 25; between 75 and 100 yean ULiJ violin, .... Rllrn,,j. OIQ. i-vyuci .t.......r 3 GOOD old violins for sale or trade; a bar- galn. ju-n r.at. mm KIMBALL organ for sale cheap. Inquire 7. IjrHiia ..p.. ... STEINWAY square piano. chap. good con tUtion. B 1781 or H S91. Oxegoalan. .