The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 19, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 10, Image 56

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Daily Average of Building Per
mits Is Trifle Less.
PUns for Sereral Large Strnrtnres
In Hands of Bulldiny Inspector
and Permits Probably
Be I-jnicd Tbls 3fontb.
Buildlnc permlta Ml off tlhtly
last vk do to th fact lhat no Urft
tHiildlncs wer authorized, la number
tha permits were about up to the mark,
but the areraa ralue of new bulldcs
authorised was considerably less. The
dally a r erase, which has been hold
Inc steady at about S&O.SO0. declined
to This I entirely a tem
porary condition and permits this week
are nor than likely to make up the
difference. t
Plans for a larva number of Import
ant bulldlnrs are tn the hands of the
bulldlns inspector, and seTeral of them
will be Issued this month. The total
for March probably will exceed th
f isjures for the corresponding month
last year. The new Lincoln lilsjh
Kchool. which will cost i 00.0 00, will
probably be Issued before th end of
the month, and the 10-story bulldlns;
to be erected on Fifth street for the
drpartment store of Lupman. Welfe 4t
Co.. may be authorized.
i'srroits were Issued last week, by
days, as follows: Monday. II permits.
value. S33.19S; Tuesday, 25 permits,
value 17.443; Wednesday. 34 permits,
value S.34S: Thursday. 2t permits,
vslue $41,740; Friday. 11 permits.
Talus I3S.44S; Haturday 20 permit.
value II7.01&. Total 113 permits, value
::7.1i3. Folio wlnr is the detailed
. statement:
Mead ay.
Tot at somber permits, 91: total valua
si vC. Hubb Rnrt 1 i -etorv frame dwll-
In jr. KoMn tfrnot. betveD Sixth and
Jaha T. Krrla ttapalr twe-etorv brick
girf. I'ntun tma between ttavls and
i-vrit; builder. W. C. Arthur a Sons,
Joeph CmmU Repair two-story brick
r.nrm and rooma. irat street, wwmo ram
Mil and Tayior; build-. W. C Arthur 4
Moni: I0O
U-rt lu-iaiand Ri-plr IS -story frame
t we (line. V-4-4 Proada ay Strt. between
TMrtkth an-1 Tblrtv-Arst; builder. F.
t:ua M'Uio Repair two-rtory fram
rfwailina. .NirthwM corner Third and Mar
ket atrts: builder. I Jnnln: S1M.
rkthcrtn iL Miunn Ktir 1 S -story
fram dw-llinc. 7wi Drw street, between
11avb and flake: builder, same; IIUUO.
J. W. Morrte Rrpair ooe-atory frame
dwelling. Hlaiy-lKhth iirt. btwa
lAmhlll and lUlmont . builder, aame: $ltoo.
Caiata of H. W. L" orb it Wrvck buildlnc.
' Itn- trt. betarrn Sixth and Seventh; ImvI a ftAftran: fi-'O.
l'nfeaor Hrjn'r Repair two-etory frame
dw'Mtns. lo2 Thurmin street. oetwrea
Thtrtr-aacond aad Rabr; builder. John
Tumbull. l.niO.
Aatoa Hcbota Crect eoe -etory frama shop,
savant r-thtrd mtrm, biwwa jfortieth
Bod Porcv-drat: bulidT. same: $.
lra a Ras Erect ooe-etory frame
; ins. t-xrt Vortjr-nrst nrt btwa
2raaa o4 Knott; build., earn; $22fi.
lL W. Hm1t Erect two-etory frame
darvlttnc. East Twvniktb straet. between Al
der an J Alurrtaon; builder, aame; $3uu-X
t J M Tr Hrct ona-etory frama dwell.
In. Kllaworth streat. betan-ea Thlrty-
s-venta and Thlrty-eishth; bulldar, K. A
J.iha Pi-tric street on-story freak
eweiiinc. fct rwty-enin street. diwcm
liaaaaUe and W -: builder, aame; $:.
. .. lcke Kpir o-etory frame
dweitlns, ft tty-etatk nr-t. bftwn Fifty
nrtn and Virtir-eevaath vaaae. builder. H.
AJkiaa. I.w.
J. H. Rrd:T Rpatr 1 S -story frame
dwelttnc lo4 East Twelfth atrewt. btwoi
llmont aad lamhlll; builder, aame ;
fciiaabwttk I Wood Rrp ir tnraa-etnry
brlcb More and rooms. 15 Pecond etrt.
betweaa lrnhtll aad Taylor; butlUcr. J. W.
wana: $uo.
A. t'Areatl Repair tare-story frame dwell
ing. 24A t'lar a:rt. btwa Third aad
Vourtb. buil4r. J K. rtnnta; sjimJL
Mr a. t'hartea Hvnactk Repair ona-story
ffama dei;tn. HO henna a etreet. -b-tweea
l:t Tenth and Ueeath. builder.
.. W. Frastr;
W. I. Kp ton Repair two-atnry frame
Iweiitns. 11 Eet SUstaaath etrwel. blwaa
A 'tr aad Whintwa. builder. lsrdaar a
aCVteaaoa: ''
Fureet Fa raiey Crect ooe-etory frame
rfweiitn. IWJS taet Kelly atrwvt. betwaea
Thlrtr-lblrd and Tblrty-Sftb. builder. J.
Nl' h-leron . kw.
rV. O pitter airct enetory framevbulld
tna. 1123 Kat "rJkna atreet. Iecweaj
Twatr-tBtb and Tweaty-atcblb. builder.
W A. Mifltni. flOUO.
Mt. Hood Railway A Tower Co. Erect
eae-aiorr fram dwetiia. M'Kh street. b
tw ea Mont let h aad Jlcarsa, builder,
aame; $tH,dL
Hoy la A Wei lee Bwt ene-atory frame
dweiims. FTfiT-third street bte ftber
man and Sectlea Um road; builder, earner
nine H'Bf Our Frert two-etory frame
4t:ilnc. ftAa Ea-t Market etre-et betwe-ao
riTi-b and Twaiftha builder. M. J. aleia
er iOo
Mra. arnh fllwetl Repair twoatory
frame de;iln Kt Thlrteasfh atreal
b-eteeen Rrttae aad, Aari. buiiaer. ti. nooa
noaa. 1 12K
n hap par d Erect twe-atory frame
dwelJtnf. rftevnlA atrewc petwaan Thumy
iob ae4 Hrtiea, puiiuvr. aasae. swi.
Jeaai Ler Hepmir ana-atory frame well
Inc. 34 Htaaton at reef batwaaa A'llliams
and Kvdaey avaauea; bulldar. 0. A. Tvcker
O F. Naen Erect IS-"try frame dwell-
?n. Kaat Kai-nrih atreej Mwen svanty-
faurtb an.t Saveaty-DCtb aranuea: builder,
t. F. M h Cract 1 H -story frame dwell-
In a. tfcaat Elfty-Sf'S at re l Ma eenty
fourth and Seventy-nfia avenues; bulldar.
. J mTea Mora I h -etory frame dwell
In. Ml Kaat aiatr-aovaatb screwt betwae-a
fiftieth and a Aitau avvnoea. builder,
aame. uu.
Total avmber permlta 33; total vamatlea.
S37 X
KoeenbUtt Estate Repair three-story
brkk store, north seat corner Fourth aad
ii-TTiaaa. bulMer. J. W. Frosu
C a. Vaa tIet Kret one -story frame
dwalltn. -ofleid atreat. btweaa RranHoa
and iw:air: bulidr. w. h. Kuoert;
I'm td at e Repair oae-atory frame
tmt!1iaar. Morrison strvat. between EtTtb and
lth. butiUer. M. i tali; I'M!.
Ruseell A R:yth Repair two-etory brick
at ore ard roema. 40 Nortk Ptxth atreat. be
taea Coach aad Pavia; builder, kmorr;
k Oedamihl Erect two-etory frame Data
E&at Uurnaia atreat. bat wean Tweaty
furth an.t Twaaty-etxth; bulider. J. A.
Z-tr: $;.
R.brt R Beat Erect two-etory frama
d wein nc. East Thirteenth street. btwaen
Knott and Stanton, builder, aame: J1m0.
W. Brawn Kret one -etory frame aback.
KiK-kltal atreat. between hevanty-Hftk and
tKvency-sl&:h; bulldr. same;
Morsaa-AtchU-y Repair tbree-atory
ronemm stvrra. ar h weat coruer Orand
avenu and i:ark atreeta; bulldar. Foster A
Rteiaer; l.w
li. T. i:ark Repair two-etory frame
dweltlnc 214 Nineteenth atre-t. between
Kearney and Lovcjoy; bulidr. U. E. Wood
A t'o,. $Jxv
Nora X Mai 1-y K rect ene-etory frame
dwelUoff. Siroadway, btwaea Wlll-
Uai and Vatouver . builder. Velsuth A
J oar ph H. Johnaten Repair ene-atory
frame dweillns. b&l I'nloq anue. betwea
Knott and Oraham; buiidvr. C Carmichaal;
Joka C. Campbell Eret ooe-etory frame
shed. I4C7 Commercial atr-at. corner Dak am
av-nu: builder, same: S17&.
U litlajn MoCwkryErert one-etory frame
shack. Watts atreof. batwaaa HUty -third
and S my -fourth avaauea; bulldar. J. G.
Umvab . tioo.
tpau.dlnc Eatate Repair three-story
frama store and reaffla 1AO Alder etre:. b
aad ftark: bunder. W. H
I. F. It' is two-etory frame
ffwelttnc. Ml East Eleventh street, between
ljrrtae aad Stephana: builder. aam; JlTX
E. W. BucliDta Repair ene-atory frame
f we Ulna. East F'aadrrs Streat. batweas
rify-thUd aad Hfiy-fourth. builder, same;
t'lark Ceeh Co, Erect one-story frame
ba: Kl inc. Cornell atrewt. between Twenty-
:ftta an-t Twaatj-aiatk; builder. Fred
l'awell: SOO. I
John Al brack t eoe-otary frame
bara. SXS OarOeld sxraau batwaaa faiiiasT I
and Fhsver; builder. Philip RIchtholt; tl.V).
teno sk ttaiiio ttanair two-etory xram
staras-a Twenir-atxth atreet. batwen L'p.
shur ana auon; ouiiaer. aame; avw.
E. Veftef .. Eract ana-atarv frama build'
Inc. U2 Ivan atreat. between Union and
Orand avenues; builder. Brooks A Down
ins; fwi -
Ed B 1 asler Erect one -at ore frame ra r
as. East PUt ranch strewt. butwaen Ankany
aad Aah: builder, aame: Slno.
H Miller -Erect nne-atorv frame dwell
ins. T5 Church atreet. between Concord and
Campotil; Dullder. aame; Iou.
W. Donner K rect one-atorr frame dwell
Ins. Lmatllla atret 4ltwen East Twenty-
third and Twenty-Ufth; bulider. aame; $lu0.
William Hay nee Erect two-etory frame
awellln. Waaco atraat. oetween iweoiy
fourth and Tweatr-eUtk; bulldar. . B T.
Mra, H. A. rfBlr Erect two-story
frame dweillns. East Elshth street between
Bismarck and Rhone: builder, same: iw.
C. H. AKr Repair oca-etory frame
dweltlnc. li.3 Hawthorne avenue between
Feventy-atmth aad avanty-eisniu; muw.
aama: loO.
Frank Hen ear h Erect one-story frama
hack. Harold atreat between Twcnty-nrst
and Twcnty-aecond: builder, aame; siaw.
W. J. Olda Renair ona-atory rrame a wen
Inr. Hassalo atreat betwean Third aad X'nloa
enu: Guilder. SfcHoiiano riroa. ; -"W-
v,r iturot-Erect one-itory frama a
rave K'Mmev atreat btwB 1 wept T -Brat
nd '1 VrniV-SKOM; Duuurra. jicnutwut
Falls laaerwooo r-reci one-atory lnrni
nrmr T en tr-alvht h Street between Qulm
by and Co mall road; builders. AlcHoiland
ttroa. S44KJL
v. c savaee Erect one-story xrame sa-
raa. 374 Tavlor atreet between park and
West Vark: builder. J- C. tiayar: a.u.
Georaa E rroat tree z-eory rrame
dwallms. at Fiftieth street between
Knott aad Brasee; builder. R. tu nice
t " j. Larano Erect one-atry rram mm,
SIS Blwty-ninth avenue retaaen Ore son City
road and tlinu'tn; ouuaer. aame: fiuu.
: n ire'i Krect ene-storv f ram a fi
rajr. 12 taat i nirteentn atreet Daiwaeu
HAiaey ana veiair; ouiiuers. otoaea ax
lr - A.-.OO.
U. Li. ftsniey r.rart two-aiory xraxne
dwalllns. Kaat Fnrty-aecond atraet between
KancxH k and Tillamook; builder, l M. bt
nar; ISiWMX
Total number permits. M; total yaJuatlon.
itMrit w. Daren trert one-atory rrame
Office, norm east corner rat i weniy-aacunu
and Flandere; builder, ran Hanaro; m.x
J. H. uirsina nepair one-rr i ram
dwelltnc, Revanty-nrth atraet bet ween tor-
ty-nint n ana r uiuia Tiaun. piuiatr,
R wllv SlOO.
J. H. Settlemairr crrct iwo-arory rrame
dweillns. East Burnakla atreet bet warn
Thlrty-drst nod Thirty-second; bulldar, ku
1- ramn m o. : m.uw.
j M. Hattjemsirr arw i w u-iurj irama
dweillns. Eaat Rurnaide street between
Thirty-first and Thirty-second; builder. U.
I A .'O. ; lUOO.
W. li- jaraeon cracx iwp.norr rrame
flats. Eaat Els h leen th atraet between bal
ffloa and Taylor: builder. H. X Camp A
J. H- wuemriiT crrci vnwicrry xram a
sarsff. East Tutrty-eecond street bet wean
Rurnaide and Ankany; builder. H. L. Camp
a. -a. S4.-u.
C. w. v nsni itepair ona-atorr irame
dwatUnf. 940 Thompaon street between biz
teentn ana pvruiwum , uiumvi, xi. tu
Cimo A Co.: $a
Philip csrosamayer Repair one-story
frama dweillns. fcai xwenty-nrai atraat be
tween Hroauway ana ocnujar; ouiiaer, tu
L, Camp o. ; aw.
a M luit uo-iiii j name inra,
Forty -n rat avenue between PUiy-eeventb
mr,A Revantleth: builder, aame: SI2H.
Ittnt ernnnifi wwj one-atory i ram a
dweillns. KDoit atreet oeiwacn r.aat. seven-
nith and beventy-aixtn; duiiuot. same
Rafael street between Vntnn and Grand
avenues; puiiaer. wmt, aw-
s t Powell Erect one-story rrame
dweillns. East rlt y-elht h street between
Fifty-first and Fitty-aecund avenues; puna
mr m m - I tOO
r . I'oweii r.reci iwo-wtt iramw
dweillns. Lincoln street between Kaat Tntr
ty-fourlh and uienn avenue; ouuaer, same
T. H. Powell Erect two-story irama
dweillns. Lincoln street between Glenn ave
nue and Eaat Thirty-fourth; builder, same;
Ueorse F. w liaon erect one-story irame
esrase. Nineteenth street between Moyi anu
Johnson; builder. J. A. Melton; 2o0-
H. P. Kornhort Erect one-story frsme
dweillns. Tenth atreet between Kellosc and
Troy; builder, Butterworth-Siephenson Co.;
H. P. Pomhort Erect one-story frame
dwelllnc. Seventh atreet. north of Carson;
builder. nutterwortn-:iepnenson o. . -'v.
M f hnmhort Crert ona-atorv frame
dweillns. Tenth atreet between Kelloss end
Troy; builder. Butlerworth-Stephenaon CO. ;
Mare Wline r-rerr iwo-norj iramv wwt-n-lns.
Kaat Forty-ninth atreat between Han-
eovk aad Broadway; bulldar. c B. wuae;
Mra. Xale Kelaoo Erect one-story irame
dweillns. Xd Alberto atreet between Wil
liams and Vancouver avenues; builder, Nala
Nelson; $400.
C. J. Allen Ereyf one-story rrame aweu-
l"s. H4 Kaat Nineteenth atreet between
Kraersoa and KUlinsaworta; ouuaex, mmuim.
L Fried Erect one-story frame dweillns.
Vlrcmia street bwata Nevada and MUea;
builder, same; JlfrUO.
F. H. Mockea Erect one-story frame
dweillns. E"t Fortieth atreet between Hn-ro-k
and Tillamook; builder. A. Taj I man;
jnMnt r xt' wrert one-store frua
hel. Multnomah atreet. between Fast Twen-
tv-f.rat and T wen iy. third; buuuer. same;
. . ..
Kavaee Erect two-story rrsTie cweu-
Ing. 17 Hawthorne avenue, between Eaat
T-ortT -fourth and Forty-ftfth; bulldar. same;
Adam Jt-Mlnlna fcrect one-story irame
Kara. sJd Thirteenth street, ltween haii
1ns and Reech; builder, peter Gerlock: $4J0.
W. H Iallv Erect one-atory frame an at.
tlHO Xrta thirteenth atreet. between Ktlt-
Insawortb aad J arret t: builder, same 4"-0-
J. T- tJray r-ect I"o-K-tt irame
Ins. Eaat Thirty-ninth street. between
Thompaoa end Hraaee; bolld-r. same; Sou.
R. F. May net to r.rrt iwo-nury -"-
dweillns. Rodney avenue "between Ainswortn
and J arret t; builder. A- E- Carr; -'"hX
Polaoo Implement CO. ttepair orxtmaxy
warehouse. East Clay street, between bec
ond and Third; builder. J. M. Wallace;
U lcers wdTura om
etory frama dwetllnc ti an cor a street, be
tween Tweoty-rat and Twenty-aecood;
builder. Mury-Maao Co.; ITiOO.
William iHincan Erect one-story rrame
dweillns- KlipatrVk street, between lela
ware and Brandon; builder, same: SUoo.
M'lers Md'rakea Maaoo Co. Erect one
story frame garase. Hancock street, between
Twenty -nrst and Twenty-second; builder.
Hurley -Masoa Co.: 9Ou.
Total a umber permits. 57; total valuation.
Ora I Adklns Move two-story frsme
dweillns. East Forty-sixth street between
Lvtaton aad Sherman: builder, aame; fiouu.
Uncola Shaver Repair ona-story frame
ajarase. Larrabee atreet between Cherry and
Broadway; builder. K. 8. Harlow; 170.
E. C. Jorgensen Erect one-atory frame
dweillns. Halaey etreet between Eleventh
builder. George A-v Eastman;
and Twelfth
Tlllle XJusan Repair one-story ' frame
dwellms. Bui Commercial street between
Skid more and Mason; builder. C N. Mc
Donald: $00.
Georg-e Holmas Erect one-atory frame
warehouse. Columbia boulevard between
Derby and Arsyle; builder. C. Spier; $1800.
Clubenatock A Larson Co. Erect one
atory frame dweillns. East Seventy-second
street between Rarr road and Broadway;
builder. J. B. Ed car; $1500.
M tea M. Hurley Erect one-story frame
buildtns. 495 Pippin street between East
Sixth and lie vent h. builder, same; $140.
John A. Lof quiet Erect one-story frame
dweillns. East Ninth street North between
i k I d more and Presco U ; b uildar. . same ;
f 1600.
Henry Rolf Erect two-story frame dweil
lns. East beventh street between Russell
snd Brasee; builder. Mr. Wilson; $M00.
Q. 8. Summers Erect one-story frama
dweillns East Seventeenth street between
Maeon and tikldmore; bulldar. same; SliOO.
Henry D-eborourh Erect one-story frama
dweillns. HIS Vernon avenue between Sum
ner and Emerson; builder, same; e'i500.
A W. -Xawrenca Erect two-etory frame
dweillns. Burrase atreet between Kllllnga
worth and jessup; builder, N. A. Lawrence;
Ftorence Walker Erect two-story frame
dweillns. Eaat Eishteenth street between i
Coins and Preecolt; builder, J. L. Ansell;
IL Carlson Repair one-story frame dweil
lns. S10 WuImby atreet between Nineteenth
and Twentieth; bulldar, William Clark;
M. Wolfe Repair ene-etory frame dweil
lns. 1131 East Twenty-first street between
Kmtreon ana Kiumseworia; uuiiuw, r .
Wen kelson: IOO.
Levi Malloy- Erect one-story frame dweil
lns. Francis avenue between Twenty-sixth
and 1 weiity-aeventh; builder, same;
A. Mitchell Rnair one-atory irameaweii-
Ins. Ml Alersuerite avenue between Clinton
an.t v:ilaworth: hullder. same: SlOO.
Charles Johnson Erect one-story irame
ti nr. Tin Eaat Ankany street net ween
Twenty-flrst and Twenty-third; builder, U.
L. Camp A CO.; 4.
Ren Sellins ttepair is-atory unci
bulldlns. corner FIxth and Alder st.eets;
builder, Lutke Manufacturing Company;
Ernest el uarntnan w.rwri ona-siory
frame dweMIns. Eaat Twenty-slztb atraet
between Hnlman and Highland; bulkier.
aame; fir.OO.
Mrs. Alice Lauer Erect one-atory frame
duelling. Whitman atreet between Seven
tieth and Seventy-second; builder, Joe Alll-
aon : $ i&oo.
c.rtfa McNamaaa Erect one-story frsme
dwelling. Whitman street between Seven
tieth and beventy -second. ; oujiuer, j. aiii
aon: llftoO.
Msuts Bufldlns A Investment co. isrec
one-atory rrame garage. Kant Fiitentn
atreet between Knott and Elanton; builder,
same: S300.
Mauta Bul d rc A Investment co. Erect
two-story frame dwelling, Eaat Fifteenth
street between Knott and Stanton; builder,
aame; tn0.
Kina ttate Wreck one-story frame
dwelling. 64 Washington street, between
Ella and Twenty-nrst; nuuuer, jenory ax
Bufton; $70.
Kins Litait vreca iwo-txory irin
dweWiig. o64 Washington street; bulider,
JeftVry A Bufton; $7.
King Estate wrecs two-story irame
renins. 60 Washington street; builder.
Jeflery A Bufton; $T0.
Ko-Tt I'ol Iler IK. pair 1 1 -atory srame
dwelling. Elisabeth atreet. between tflx-
eenth ana bvenieento; ouiiaer, r natw
Cnnell; 400.
TVtartha A. Fleams Kepair iwo-siory
frame dwelling. Belmont street, between
Seventeenth and Nineteenth; builder, O. Mc
Ciaren; 7.V
E. T. Long Repair two-story xrame awmi-
ns. 2-"3 East t orty-trura street, oerweeo
M-lisoa and Main; builder, C. L Parson;
John jactrasen itepair iwo-smry un. a
Wirrhnuic. Johnson street, between Ninth
and Tenth: builder. C. H. B-ard; $40.
lieorsa B. Kate Kt-pair one-atory xraxne
factory, Ilvlalon street, between Last
Eighth and Mnlb; builder. K. J. Holmes;
x ruiay.
Total number of permits, SI; total valua
tion. $30,443.
I.fIom A LeToux Erect one-atory frame
dweillns. East Sherman atreet. between For
tieth and Forty-flrat; bullde aame; SL'OO.
Sarah A- ilorgan ttepair two-airy xram
-Tiwelllus- b7s East Seventeen tn street, oe-
a Knott ana. etanton, auiiuar, r.
K.lwrf t KM)
Iia raiCS ttepair one mu one-uin-iwij
rrame a welling. ii junior airee. iwi"
East Seventeenth and isineteentn; ouiiaer.
A Vldlrk! 14tUJ
Mary J. Turalilgs Repair one-story frame
r line? Hll Kortv-tliira avenue. p'um-
Enat. between East Sixty-seventh and KLxty-
ighth; builder, jonn i artaon;
ti. a. Knrlnaer Erect one-storv frame
shed, t actus urivaana oreen avenue; ouuu
P. j. Murry Kepair one-atory irame
welling. East Eleventh street, be-
weeu Alberta and Bum bolt; builder, same,
w . Wrisht Erect one-story frame shed.
ittv. third street, between Hancock and
lirnnrlwkv: builder, same: S4H0.
Mm. A. J. Mann Repair two-story brick
building. Kaat Tnirty-tnira street, pet ween
Sandy Road and Oregon; nuuuer. k. jacien
nnn 14.VM1.
t. A- Mucaer E.reT oni.iiwrr irame
welllna. Kaat Tenth sTaei. between Ris-
mirk and Rhone: builder, R. Hoard: -W'.
Alfrel Burchardt Repair two-story frame
at ore and rooms, northeast corner iweniy-
hird and ailsan; bulider. Fred M. . Aioycr;
Mrs. Carrie M. White Kepair one-atory
frame deeding. 1101 East Twenty-eighth
between Emersnn and ouraner; ouiiu-
er. S. P. White; 4u.
E. H- Glngerlch Repair ont-story frame
store, t nlou avenue, between Aioeria ana
Wrsant: builder, same; $4u.
William J. Morriaon Repair two-story
frame dwelling. 4.13 Jioi:aday street, between
Sixth snd Seventh; builder. William Rich
ani son; $4H.
M. W. Howard Erect two-story frame
dwelling. ot'4 Lombard street. betaeen
Stockton and Odin; builder, David Lam ora;
tv. Way Erect one-story frame dweillns.
East Forty-fifth street, between frty-thlrd
and Forty-fourth avenues; builder, aame;
J. A. Clark Erect one-story frame store.
Fiftieth avenue southeast between Seventy
second and Seventy-fourth- builder. Miller
a Huiiocb. s:wo.
Moore Reatsurant Repair three-story
brick store and room a Fifth street between
Alder and Morrison; bulldar, Leonard A Co.;
H. Enke Erect one-atory concrete garage,
Hatser street between East Fifth and Sixth;
bulkier F. C. Htrlegt: StOO.
A. F. Elerath Erect one-story frame of
fice. SU7 Fourth street between Columbia and
Clay: builder, same; $?0.
Portland Trust Co. Erect one-atory frama
bulldlns. Eleventh street between Flanders
snd Glisan; builder, Bingham A McClelland;
D. W. Slddons Repair two-story frame
dwelling. Lombard street, between Wabash
and Washburn ; builder, aame;
S, T. Dove Repair two-atory frame dwell
ing. 2s East Fourteenth street between
Taylor and Salmon; builder. O. P. Bllas;
A. J. Winters Erect one-story frame
garage, 472 Weidler atreet between East
Nineteenth and Twenty-first : bulider. Sin-
clsir A Thompstn: $:'30.
Thomss ttatterwnite r.rect one-story
frame dwelling. East Seventy-eighth street.
f -
The ONLY REAL CITY between the Columbia River
and Crooked River, a distance of 150 miles.
The City , of Madras is now installing a water system
ample for the needs of 15,000 people.
Work is being; pushed on a new $50,000 brick hotel.
Madras is already the greatest grain selling point in
Central Oregon, the product of 300,000 acres is delivered to
Madras and sold there. On one day last week $66,000 was
distributed among the Madras graingrowers. This means
real business for the Madras merchants.
Madras is the stock shipping point of Central Oregon.
Immense stockyards and loading pens arebeing erected at
Madras by the railroads.
Madras grew to be a substantial city without railroads.
WHAT will she do now that two big railroad lines traverse
her limits? NOW is the time to get in. Lots from $75 up
wards. Easy terms. Call, phone
or write.
Oregon Realty Syndicate
928 Chamber of Commerce Building
Phone Main 2484
Portland, Oregon Selling Agents
928 Chamber of Commerce.
Send information regarding Iols and business
chances in Madras, Oregon.
between and Bvttrett; builder. J. E.
Blackburn; tl800. A BaMI. Repair two-atorr fram.
apartment.. Twenty-sixth street, between
Upshur and Vaughn: builder, aame; .'hk0.
p. Freed Erect one-story fram. shed. Tl
band street, between Fifteenth and Seven
teenth; bulldet. same; 155.
Mrs. John Gearln Kepair three-story
brick stora and rooms, southwest corner
Thirteenth and Washington : builder. &. B.
Reddlck: (100.
Arnett A Bchlldon Erect one-story frame
dwelling. Ivy street, between :ast Twemy
elahth and Twenty-ninth; builder. Sam.
William A. Gets Erect one-story frame
dw.lllng, Burrag. street, between Portland
boulevard and Deaum avenue; Duuaor,
same; llOO.
A. p. Smith Erect two-tory fram. dwel
lln. atreet. between Bast Thirty
third and Thirty-fifth; builder, same; 13300.
Maud Ethel Nedges Erect one-story frame
shack. Eaat Twenty-filth street, between
Powell and Franklin; builder. Jack v ooa
man; I ISO.
Fidelity Trust Company Erect two-story
rrame dwelling, weidler street. Between
Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first; bulider, H.
B. Htout: 1730.
W. R. Armstrong Repair one-story frame
show. 8S1 Washington street, between Park
and West Park ; builder. A. j. tierg; isuu.
Omar C. Spemer Repair one-story frame
dweillnr. 7SS East Main street, between
Twenty-third and Twentieth; builder, same
T a. Anderson Erect one-story frame
dwelling, tteventy-flrst street, between But
Lin. road ana jsaxtoson avnu; vuiiuot,
same; 1-OO0.
Fidelity Trust Company Erect two-story
fram. dwelling. Weidler street. between
Eaat- Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first; builder,
H. B. Stout; ;7o.
Fidelity Trust Company Erect two-story
frame dwelling. Weidler ' street, between
East Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first; builder,
H n Stout; IL'T.Vt.
Fidelity Trust company Erect two-story
mm dweillnr. veiaier street. oetween
Eaat Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first; builder,
H. B. Stout: 270. -
E. A. Kosman Erect one-story reams
rara.e. East Forty-slath street, between
Clay and Harrison: builder, same: 915O0.
w h. Rtarr Erect one-torr frame gar
age. 177 East Seventeenth street, between
Belmont and ramhlll; ouuaer, vv. itummm-
field: 100.
Gowan Id. Trust Company Greet one-
itnrr frame dwelllnc. East Twentieth
street, between Clinton and Taggart; builder,
j. s. uesorow; u;u.
Contracts hav been let and construction started on the second wins; of the apartment house of T. M.
Warren at Tenth and Salmon streets. The first wing: was recently completed and Is 'being operated by
Mrs. A. B. Wheeldon Horn as the Wheeldun Annex. The new wing; will be a five-story brick designed to
match the present structure and Is so planned that it can be operated either separately or in conjunction
with the present building;. It will cover the .0x100 foot inside lot on the east. The annex will contain 37
two-room apartments, which will be furnished with the latest devices for comfort. The first floor will
have a large lobby or reception hall 20 by 34 feet, with information desk and telephone exchange. The
entire house Is to be floored with quarter-sawed oak except the private baths, which will have cork floors.
The heating plant will burn oIL The architects ara MacXaughton & Raymond. The cost will be 160,000.
Realty and Building Active at
The Dalles.
Deal for Platting Property Involves
$250,000--Many Business Blocks
Projected in Down-Town Sec
tion of Oregon Town.
THE DALLES, Or., March 18. (Spe
cial.) Spring activity in real estate is
opening prominently In this section.
Town property Is changing hands and
residences are being built rapidly in all
parts of the city. There have been some
big deals put through lately outside or
One of the largest in the history of
the county was the transfer of about
6000 acres in and near the vicinity of
Dufur, Involving nearly 3230,000 the
Johnston Land & Stock Company hold
ings bought by the Churchill-Matthews
Company of Portland in conjunction
with the Branlgar "company of Burling
ton,' la.,, and, it was said, recently by a
representative of the Portland firm, had
nearly all been resold. The Dufur
Balch property. Including the Balch Ho
tel and a livery stable in Dufur, was
disposed of to the Hart Land Company,
of Portland. The new owners will plat
the land.
Near The Dalles a ranch of 980 acres
was purchased by O. L. Ferris, repre
senting the Columbia Trust Company
of Portland, for a consideration of $25,
000. This land was owned Jointly by
Levi Chrisman. Fred W. Wilson and W.
H. Wilson. The land is seven miles
south of The Dalles, and is wheat land,
but will be platted.
Charles M. Bean, of Anamosa, la.,
has bought 44 acres of land within a
mile of the city limits of L. K. Moore,
of Portland. The land was a parfof
the Fleck ranch, bought by Mr. Moore
two years ago, and sold now to Mr.
Bean for $275 an acre. There are 30
acres of bearing cherry and peach or
chards on it and the new owner is plan
ning to set out more orchards. He will
revome to The dalles with his family
this Spring and will put up a substan
tial dwelling-house, barn and other
In The Dalles the building activities
take IJret rank. Many beautiful new
homes are being erected and the busi
ness blocks and public buildings pro
jected either are commenced or soon
will be.
The old part of the Masonic building,
left for the tenants to occupy until I
quarters were fitted up in the new part,
is torn down and work on the basement
commenced. The Elks' Temple is com
pleted and Will be dedicated in April.
At Washington and Fifth streets will
be built the new Courthouse, costing
not less than $80,000. This will be com
menced in June. It will be of pressed
brick, with stone trimmings, two stories
and basement of concrete for Jail. The
new National Bank building of Ave
stories will be built at Washington and
Third streets. Work has commenced.
Second and Union streets is the site
selected by the Treasury Department for
the Federal building, which is to cost
$80,000, and an appropriation has been
made this Winter by Congress of $16.
000 for buying the site and commenc
ing the work. The O.-W. R. & N. Com
pany has tilled in ground for the new
$30,000 depot, and It is the expectation
that the railway company will com
mence work some time in April.
It has been reported that the T. M. C.
A. will put up a $50,000 building here
this year, but it is not improbable that
this organization will take steps to buy
the old Courthouse. The old Court-
house Is now on the market, and It is
also reported that one of the secret or
ders of. the city is negotiating to
buy it.
Dam Supplies Go Through Woodland
WOODLAND, Wash., March 18.
(Special.) It is practically decided
that the material and supplies that
will be used in the construction of the
big power dam in the canyon about 30
miles above Woodland will be handled
through Woodland, and the steamer
Etna, Captain Gray, will in all prob
ability handle a large share of the
shipment. The river now stands al
3.8 feet, and the steamer Etna has n
trouble in reaching Ariel, the termi
nus up the river. It la expected that
the steamer Mascot, of the Lewis Rivet
Transportation Company, will be abl
to reach Woodland tonight, for the
first time since December.
Trinidad expects to have 1,000,000 rubber
trees in a few years.
There is no subdivision on the local market whose future is so abso
lutely assured. Opportunities are now at hand which will pass in a
season. We can't give you any better advice than to visit KENTOX
NATIONAL ADDITION and see its advantages face to face.
Just yesterday the streets were lined with teams, plows, scrapers
and wagons to rush the big street-grading contract now under way in
NATIONAL ADDITION, which has caused much comment of late.
Fortunes have been made in a few years. Fortunes can be made in
a few months if you buy what everybody is sure to want.
Call at our office and get our latest folder, descriptive of KENTON.
Co-Operative Realty Company