The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 40

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ulna;, at the horn of Mrs. A. B. W'alte
Hds. umler tha aoaplora of th W. G
T. U. MlM Gill, of Hood JUver. and
Mra, I F. Addlton furnished a musical
prosramma and lira. Sllbaugh ad
dressed tha ruesta on the purity work
klB accomplished In flattie, and
Xn. Slary Mallet and Mm. Addlton
poke of the work hero.
Visa Marlon Lowell, of the East,
who ! In the city. addreaslna; many
club, which are studying literature,
entertained the Bhakeapearo Club and
Inrited runii Tuelmy evening at the
borne of Mr. and Mra. Richard Dab
ney. The modulations of Ml Lowell's
excellent volca irave all the range of
voice from Juliet a pleadtnga with Ro
meo to the ringing mockery of Mark
A "Shamck" ball wa given by the
Vnited Artlsann, number one. In their
ball In the Felllng-Htrech bull din laat
rriday evening. Thia affair waa the
fourth of their Winter aeries and
proved most successful. The committee
of arrangements waa made tip of Mlaa
Carrie Hunt. Miss Florence E. Free
man. O. A. Hatton. C. tV. Boost, and
Charles W. Scott, who was chalrm
Th. ifcth annual bannuet of
Gamma 8lgrna Society, of Pacific V
verslty. waa neid in uja jniKina "
ii.a ttati tii. .v.nln rt March la.
nr aleretaaa was toaxtmaater and oth
k.. . ..W Wll rMMIIM WCTC
Frank Fletcher. Willis Jensen. Robert
Imlay. Harry Humphreys. Horace McCoy.
Clifford Robera. Professor G. A. Dunei
aad Hugh W. Sparks.
Members of the Hilarity Hall Club hold
rtf-M-I nD nartv In the apartment of
Mlaa Anna Omens and Mlsa Helen
demons Tuesday evening. February 2a,
Those partaking in the entertainment
were: The Mtea Clrtnnna. Mies Ethel
Waits. Ml France rVrbrache, Mlaa
Florence Barrett. MlM Lomlno unrein.
M'a Cecilia Oinnlngnam. Mlaa tveiyn
putting, and Mlsa Mary Tnompeon.
Mrs. J. J. Mu
rrhv entertained the
Tnlbltartan club
last Tuesday evening
at her home in
at dinner, when
Mra C. U. Doty.
C. A. Sundelemf.
W. W. Lumsden.
Mra M. Westfall.
East Eleventh vtreeu
covers were laid for
Mrs. D. Nelson. Mra
Mrs. H. U Pay. Mra.
Mra C. W. Crowder,
Mrs. J. P. Bays. Mrs.
yv. If. Hudson, an
d Miss Harris.
On hundred and forty-five young
persons of the F?rt Presbyterian
Church enjoyed an "Indoor picnic" In
the church aewlng-room laat .Monday
venlng. The adult Bible clasaes store
their class colors and entered heartily
Into tha -cUe yalla- prepared for the
Twenty-eight guests enjoyed surr
and cards at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
P. Jefferson a week ago Batarday even
Ing. when prises wars won by N. C
Mrs. fi. C Oakea entertained the La
dies' Aid Society of the Central Methe-
cilat Episcopal Church laat Wednesday
when eight new members were added
to the list of women belonging. Mlaa
Henrietta Honey read several selec
tions from "The Sky mot ana
dainty luncheon closed the afternoon,
Mra Allen Todd entertained the
members of the Portland Shakespeare
t'lub Wednesday afternoon at her new
Jrrtngton home. Mra A. W. Anthony.
president of the club, waa tha honor
guest, as she expects to leave this olty
March la for her future noma in r-aat
ern Oregon.
Tha last meeting of the Woman-!
press Club of Portland was brimful of
Interesting matter. After tha business
of tbe meeting was completed Mrs.
Klla Crlmra Lynch gave a comprenen
slva talk cd copyrighting and publish
ing, practical In Its import.
Mrs. Hash M. Glen was hostess on
March 4 at her home. 1113 Haasalo
street. She entertained In honor of
Mrs. Robert Glen at luncheon, with cov
ers laid for Bine guests.
The New York Ftate Society will hold
Its regular monthly meeting next Tuea
1v evening. March 14. at Chrtatenaen's
Hall. Yamhill and renin atresia .
. .. wilt .4 H n i1r.A on
-New Tork as) a Precedent of the Past
and For the Future," and Madam
Anna has arrangea tne musirai pro
tended to all New Torkers. either visi
tors or residents or tnis city or siaie.
e e
The Shakespeare Study Club will
meet with Mrs. R. K. Jones, 4 Kaat
Twenty-fourth street North, to review
Henry tha Eighth" tomorrow after
noon. a
Oeorg Wright Relief Corps will give
a soda! at the homs or Mrs. M. J.
Mors. East Twenty-eighth and Tag
gart streets. Wednesday evening. March
Uth. Strangers are welcome.
e a
Tha Rosa City Order of the Eastern
Flar social club will entertain at rards
and dancing Monday evening. March
11th. at tha Masonic Temple. All East
ern Star members are cordially in
vited. VEDIIXGS.
An attractive wedding was that of
Vlss Mildred Sutton and Frank Nlon.
which took placa at tha Arleta Baptist
church. Sixty-fourth and Forty-eighth
venue southeast. Wednesday avenlng.
March A canopy of white and green
with doves, was supported over th
keads of th bridal party. The wedding
service waa pronounced by Rev. D. M.
McPhail and Mlaa Gertrude Nelson sang,
accompanied by Miss Ma Lovgron. The
bridal party aa farther composed of
th mald-of-honor and best man. Miss
Oill Sutton and Joseph. Wolfendea and
tha brldesmalde and ushers. Mies Pen
ateten. Hot Gertrude Ost. Antony Con
Tad and Robert Wolfenden respectively.
Whit crepe-! chine waa worn by th
krtde while her attendants war dressed
In pink. Ml Louis Townaand. a young
cousin of th brVde. was ring bearer
carrying It In the heart of a calla lllty.
Following th ceremony at the church a
reception waa held at th bride's home
on Harrison street. Later In the even
ing Mr. and Mra Nixon departed for
ffeattle where they will pass their
Llndbrrs-Backstrom. -
Miss Minnie Irene Backstrom and Dr.
C. E. Llndberg were married at th
bride's home. 121 East Fifteenth street.
Tuesday night. February 21. In th
presence of 7i guests. Th house waa
decorated with Spring flower and Ore
gon grape, and a Jarg arch of greens
formed th bridal alcove, where th
ceremony was performed. The service
WBa read by Rev. Russell S. Showers,
after which th guests partook of a
wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Llnd
berg left th city on th lata train trJ
night for British Columbia, wher th
wlll pass their honeymoon.
Mlsa Marl EUera, of this city, and
Alfred TrendalL of 6an Francisco,
war married Quietly at th Port
land home of th bride's brother.
IC J. Ellera. Monday evening. Th
romance, which had Ita beginning la
California last July. Is most Interest-
lc ALr. ZxaaiUJ. w&aa ea . b -mila
In honor of th Oth birthday of Mrs. M. Weatfall. Mrs. H. L. Day
surprised her with a delightfully original birthday party March 2. All
the gueata had been former girlhood aasoclates of Mrs. Westfall In
Albany, and th Ideas of their glrlieh pleasures were carried out In
the entertainment. Th guests present were Mrs. J. DuBrille. Mrs. E.
J. Beam. Mrs. Sarah Ilenten. Mrs. O. W. Hochstedler. Mrs. C. C. Parker,
Mrs. K. Wendell. Mra. V. Patterson. Mrs. Ida J. Carter. Mrs. C. P. Kader,
Mrs. J. H. Upham. Mra. Westfall. Mrs. Lucy Hays, Mra. C W. Crowder.
Mrs. I. H. Curl and Miss Edna May Will.
trip and clad In appropriate costume,
emerged from the wood to suddenly
com fee to face with tne attractive
Mlaa Ellers, who was one of a camp-
Ins; party. A friendship sprang up
which led to tha wedding last week.
Th ceremony was conducted by Rev.
Henry Marco tie. The bride wore a
tailored gown of white cloth aad car
ried bride's roses and her attendant
waa her cousin, Mlsa Hedwlg Ellera,
and her brother. Gustav Ellers. was
Mr. Trendall's best man. Mr. and Mra
Trends.:! have left th city to take up
their residence on the large apple
ranch owned by Mr. Trendall about 20
mllea northeaat of San Bernardino.
A pretty home wedding was that of
Mis Josephine Koehler. . daughter of
Mr. and Mra Charles Koehler and Her
bert Odeen. who were married Tuesday
afternoon, February 28. at tha horn
ef th bride's parents. Miss Msrtha Bar
tell attended the bride, and Henry
Odeen waa best man and Miss Kt Vore
played th wedding march. Following
th wedding service at which only th
members of th family were present, a
reception was held continuing through
the evening. The entire wedding was
arranged aa a pink and green one. th
Idea being carried out la decoration
and In th gown of th bridesmaid
Mrs. Odeen wore an mplr gown of
whit crepe with pearl adornments and
her mald'a attlr waa a delicate chif
fon of Nile green over pink satin. The
house decorations were of hyacinths
and carnations combined with maiden'
hair fern and sin I lax. Mr. and Mra
Odeen will reside at Forty-first atreet
and Forty-seventh avenue after March
Curry-Heal j.
Merton L Curry and Leola Healy
were married by Judge R. O. Morrow on
Tuesday afternoon. March 7. Owing te
a change in business plans Mr. curry
was called suddenly from Portland or
the wedding would have taken place
hree weeks hence. Miss Healy Is the
daughter of Mra Belle Healy of Den
ver, but has made ner nom in ron
land for a number of yeara Mr. Curry
Is tbe son of Mr. and Mra N. I Curry
and a grandson of ex-Governor Curry
of Oregon. Only a few relatlvea of the
young persona were present at tbe cere
mony. Including an uncle or tne briae-
groom, who Is Judge Morrows clerk.
Mr. and Mra Curry went Immediately to
Marshflcld. Coos Bay country, wher
Mr. Curry will Install and have charge
of an automobile garage.
Khca rer-s te wart.
James Shearer and Miss Louise Stewart
war married Tuesday evening. February
IS. .t the home of the bride's brother. H.
A. Stewart. HO Graham avenue. The ring
ceremony waa uaed aad He. Frank IX
Flndley officiated. Th decorations) were
of ferns and Oregon grape. Mvsea Anna
and Frances Stewart and Gilbert and
William Shearer wer flower-bearers.
Following the ceremony tbe young per
sons went to their newly furnished bom
n Sunnysld.
Taj lor-DeXorton.
Edmund Mills Taylor, of Fairbanks,
Alaaka, and Mrs. Bust DeNorton. of this
ity. were married February 27. at 8t.
David's Episcopal Church, by Rev. Henry
Ruasell Talbot. After th ceremony the
bridal party repaired to the home of
Mrs. X E. Harvey. eter of the bride,
where luncheon was served. Mr. end Mra,
Taylor will reside at Fairbanks.
Thomaa IX Cllne and Mlaa Eather Col
lins, both of this city, were married. Rev.
A- Walters omclatlng. March . Mr.
Cllne la th youngest son of Dr. and Mrs,
C E. Clin. The bride Is a popular young
musician and has many friends her.
They will reside her after - a short
wedding tnp.
James Irving and Miss Frances C
Osborne wer married Sunday last at
he residence or Mra Anna Thomas.
iU Mississippi avenue. Following th
ceremony, performed by Rev. J. Bower
sox, supper was served.
John Seltxlnger and Mary Welgand
were married at the Centenary Meth
odist parsonage. Ml East Ankeny
street. March I by Plmer H.
The wedding of Miss Alice Perret
and George H. Bickford took place at
th home of the bride' parents, near
Boring. Or., last vt edneaday evening
.ha .. v m rn v waa nerformed bv
ilT. .ItlUlan B, Bishop, The, fcrlda as
attired In a dainty white gown
adorned with baby Irish lace. Decora
tlons of fern and Oregon grape uade
the rooms attractive and the bridal
party stood under a bower of green.
Following the ceremony, supper was
served. Th young couple will reside
near Boring, where Mr. Bivkford" bas
built a new home.
A quiet wedding waa that of James
Stalcup snd Miss Bernlce Rowe. solemn
Ised Thursday afternoon at S o'olock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horaoe N.
Aldrioh, of Bridal Veil, Or., by Rev.
"hrlea Coop. After a short wedding
trip Mr. and Mra Stalcup will reside at
Bridal Veil.
Adolph Alfred Denxel and Crystal M
Thompson were married by Rev. W. B.
Hlnson at the White Temple. Monday,
March (.
Frederick J. Brown and Llxxle Leon
ard wer married at the White Temple,
Wednesday evening, by Rev. W. B. Hin
Will S. Thurlow and Was Minnie Pet
ri ne, both of this city, were married at
the home of Dr. and Mra 8. Kester, 183
Poplar street. Wednesday, In the pres
a nee of relatives and friends. Immedl
ately after the wedding the young per
sons left for a brief tour of th North
west. The ceremony was performed by
Dr. Benjamin Toung. of tbe Taylor
street Methodist Church.
John L. Zehner and Miss Bertha E.
Toung. of thia city, were married at the
Taylor-street parsonage, 221 Eleventh
street. Wednesday afternoon. March 8.
Dr. Benjamin Young, of the Taylor-street
Methodist Church, performing the cere
mony. Knlght-Braley.
William J. Knight and Miss Sarah F.
Bralcy. of Portland, were married at the
home of Rev. Benjamin Young on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Allen Weir.
William Cawston Allen and Miss Helen
Augusta Weir, both of this city, were
married Thursday avenlng at 221 Elev
enth street. Dr. Benjamin Toung. of th
First Methodist Episcopal Church, per
forming th ceremony.-
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Greg, formerly
of Detroit, announce the engagement
ef their daughter, Dorothy Rene, to
Lewis Eugene Whitney. Mr. Whitney
Is recently from Ann Arbor and is a
graduate of the University of Mich-
',n- . . .
Mrs. Harry Murphy (Miss Octavla
Downing) announces that she will re
serve Thursday as her "day at heme.1
Mra M. Goldstein, of Pan Francisco,
To Keep Your Hair
Fine and Glossy
(Amy Moore In. Current Styles).
"The reason women have toritUe,
stringy, strsggly hair is because It is
washed too often. This robs the scalp
Of the oily secretion necessary to pro
mote a healthy condition and dandruff
and falling hair result.
-Women troubled with dry. Itchy
scalps, or those having too much oil
should use a dry shampoo frequently,
as It Invigorates the scalp tissues and
stimulates the hair follicles, making
the hair bright and fluffy.
"A reliable shampoo powder can be
make by mixing t ounces of orris root
with 4 ounces of therox and a table
spoonful dusted on tbe head, then
brushed out carefully Is more benefi
cial than a massage. It cleanses the
scalo and keeps tbe hair glossy. Then.
too. a dry shampoo eliminates tha ex
posure to catching cold that follows
washing the head." Ad yt.
Hotel Moore
Open All Tear. Hot Salt Baths In Hotel.
BPKIU xiva UJ nuBiiii
Jlsf X - 'Traill 4AMi.i I'-'ii iT hi - xVfl" " V W -flf
tellSi Mil flF tli ?M ;'L WfiU! r-L PA
feff - IIP Jill 'mPCX r - ffiwgi f A b2
We make the prices'stand out, because these
Lingerie Waists
Special $1.25
Th kind of Waist you have
been 'paying- $2.00 or. We
have a dainty collection of the
season's snappiest (tf OC
models. Our price. . .
Is vlaltlnsT her son at SSI Northrup
Hiss Mattle Wolfstein Is expected to
return today from an extended, visit
In Idaho.
Leo Fried has returned to this city
sfter several weeks passed in Southern
Miss Caroline Copple, who Is study-
Ins; In Berlin, Is making; good progress
with her music course.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Catlin returned
tq their homo Wednesday from a two
months' stay In Los Angeles.
Mrs. J. C. Welch and Miss Mary Welch
have returned from Los Angeles, where
they passed the Winter months.
Henry Mann, who has been in Port
land a few weeks recently, left the
city for New York Friday evening-.
Mlsa Viola Mynatt, who has passed
the Winter In Balem with her sister,
Mra U. M. Eley. returned to this city
Monday. .
Mr. and Mrs. I. Neuberger have re
turned from their California trip and
will be at home to their friends at 682
Everett street.
Miss Anna Flnley is the guest of her
cousin, Mrs. Perley F. Qosbey, in San
Jose, where sha is receiving extensive
social attentions.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Heilhronner and
son. Keith, of Butte, are in the city.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lavenson at
664 Flanders street.
After passing the Winter in New Tork,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Oberdorfer and two
daughters returned Monday evening.
While there they particularly enjoyed
tha opera.
Oeorze M. Cornwall, of the Lumber
man, aeeomnanled by Mrs. Cornwall,
have been on a three weeks' trip to San
Francisco. Los Angeles and the Soutn-
ern California points, and, barring heavy
rains, report an enjoyable visit. They
are expected home ' tomorrow.
Word was received this week from
Mrs. A. Gilbert, of 265 Fourteenth street,
who. with Mr. Gilbert, has been making
a tour of several months of the East,
Cuba and the South. The Gilberts wrote
from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and ex-
pected to arrive In Loa Angeles on v ei-
When a woman buys a Suit, Coat, Dress, Waist, etc., she wants the best for J- 7, ca
'come Tritrht here and we guarantee that you will find our prices for high-grade merchandise i at
HE? o"e"uarter to one-thWl less than any other store in the city You can Vefr to
Ba&Tclusewebuyand sell for cash only and have no bad accounts which some one has to pay for
An Inspection Will Convince You of These Facts
J Alder
No Drugs
No Eyeglasses
No Clothing or
Men's Furnishing
Fifth and Alder
SUITS at $19.50
that you can't fail to select your
the season's accepted models at
COATS at $13.95
price of this sort of coat is $20.00.
DRESSES at $19.50
necks. Long and kimono sleeves. Dainty, stylish
our price -
neaday last. They reported themselves
glad to have left Mexico In safety. After
a visit to Redlands, Cal., where they will
be the guests of Mra 1 A. Patton, for
merly of Salem, they will return home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleshman will re
celva this afternoon, between 3 and 6
o'clock, and this evening, between 8
and JO o'clock, at their home, 260 North
Twenty-fifth street, corner Northrup.
in honor of the engagement of their
daughter, Clara, to M. Moseasohn.
Mrs. William H. Marshall, of S43
Holladay avenue, returned Saturday
after five weeks' absence, passed In
Southern California. Mrs. E. J. White,
formerly of Chicago, but at present a
resident of Pasadena, accompanied her
home and will visit In this city for a
short time.
Grace culture, dancing and society
etiquette taught at home. Prof. Wheal,
an, m Park st. Main J42S.
Mra Fenton, of the Crescent Milli
nery Company at S61 Alder street, has
Just received her Spring consignment,
revealing the latest modes and exploit
ing the newest shapes, oolors and ma
terials In harmonious and, charming
Ladles will be Interested In the latest
novelty, the Sultana two-piece suit,
shown and made by the J. M. Ehrllch
Co., 83 Fifth street. Phoenix building.
Dr. Earl Smith, physician and sur
geon, has opened offices in Oregonlan
bldg., rooms 608 and 609. Phones Main
8515 and A 5252.
Webber's Btrlng Orchestra for wed
dings and receptions. Main 2088. 489 Vs
Portland Firm Charges Forgery.
ROSEBTURG, Or., March 11. Spe
cial.) L. E. Yockey, a printer who was
formerly editor of the Myrtle Creek
11 ... .....tarl Vr- FrMaV S& a
Bugch & Lone Piano Company, of Port- I
r rnrvprv nreiRrrea v ldo
- A) SiSJfS&uS
PortlaniTs Largest and Exclusive Cloak and Soil
New Spring Tailored Suits
From $17.50 to $40100
That other stores charge $7.60 to $15.00 more for and not as good, from New
York's best makers Swartz, Cramer, Vogel and others.
New Spring Coats from $12.50 to $25.00 that will save you at least $5.00
to $10.00.
Chiffon Marquisette, Silk Foulard and
Lingerie Dresses
from $10 to $45 that you will find are better than others ask $5 to $15 more for.
Our stock is the largest, cleanest and best assorted in this city. We sell more
Waists than any two stores in the City of Portland. Priced from $1 up to $15, and
once you are one of our thousands of waist customers you will always remain one.
P. S. Courteous treatment extended to all, whether purchasing or not. You will
always find here exclusive and the very latest models in Coats, Suits and Dresses,
only one of a kind.
are the kind of values that
Tailored in the same man
ner as many $30.00 suits.
Ail the newest fabrics and
colorinjrs, and in a variety
ideal. A truly remarkable collection of
Of excellent grade serge,
with the nobby sailor col
lar, with wide satin folds,
finely tailored. The usual
Our price $13.95
A clever variety of
pretty striped foul
ards and pongees.
High and Dutch
Dainty, stylish dresses, $25.00 value.
land. It Is alleged that the accused re
cently purchased a piano of the com
pany, and at the time represented him
self as J. I. Chapman, a former Myrtle
Creek minister. It is also contended
that he signed Mr. Chapman's name to
the contract. Yockey has employed at
torneys and will go to Portland pre
pared to fight the charge.
Interest In Christian Church Conven
tion in Portland Growing.
Great Interest is being manifested In
the National Christian Church conven
tion, which Is to be held in Portland,
July 4 to 12, by the members of this
denomination all over the East. As
the convention Is to be held at a time
when most people wish to take their
vacations, and Immediately after the
National Sunday school convention In
San Francisco, a large attendance i
expected. The Eastern religious press
of the Christian Church Is eager to get
all the information possible about
Portland and the Paciflo Coast, thus
indicating the demand of its readers.
"A gathering of this kind is a great
help to Portland, when fully 8000 per
sons, who will represent every state in
i - it.u. vl.U miy hna.iltjflll citv." said
Will F. Powell, of the local committee.
"It la an obligation due from every
,( n ,.d0t i. wialrlnsr the conven-
UlllACU . "J -. '-
tion a success, and from the generous
co-operation of Portland people on
similar occasions there Is no need for
apprehension in this respect.
'Governor West will deliver the ad
dress of welcome on behalf of the
..mmlttim la hard at work
and nothing will be left undone to make
every attendant at this convention feel
that Portland people Know now iu uu
Edlefsen's Rock Springs, best for I
and Alder
No Groceries
No Phonographs
No Brass Beds or
Cheap Furniture
ftt i ill
immn - juiw
make garment history
New Silk Waists
Special $3.35
Ma'de of fine, soft taffeta silk,
pretty stripes of gray and blue.
Bought to sell at
$5.00. Our price,
Ready for
To Order
Ten Days
Our Spring1 styles
are snappy. Our
tailoring Is unsur
passable. Every
piece of work is
done according; to
the dictates of skill
and experience;
every garment
created here rep
resenting the high
est type of artistic
New stock, aealgns and patterns
received daily.
x Ladies' Tailor and
Habit Maker
f 11 :uiiii inuu a-a. .-- sw
Eleventh, Near Baker Theater. I
Ladies Tailors
Nobby up-to-date suits
204-5 Macleay Building
286 Washington St.
House Cleaning Time
Madam: About that early house
cleaning;. Get the machines that havs
the power to do it thoroughly, it is
cheaper. Phone your order before the
Sprins rush.
The at "Blue Was;on Service."
Sanitary Carpet Cleaning
A SOTO, Main 5534.