' ' TOE SUyPAY OREGOyiAN, TOTlTLAyP, MARCH 12, 1911. - ' " I I i 1 1 114 and Lutwo. aa well aa much of tha aurronndicc country and tudll tha piacva carefully. Bha ha conultd M lortcaj matarhU thorouahlr. and baa aeen macjr rprentttv picture of tho war acna of Adolphu Bti will tell of them wara In a popular manner, not attempt tn a atrlotlv Matork-al or aclentlflo por trajraL Mlaa Francea Sheehy will lllua trate the addreaa with appropriate rauMc Including tho battle hymn of Guatavua Adolphua. the word of which were writ ten by him. the Marrb of the Swedlah Talry at the time of the war. LMther' hymn. "Bn Fe Burj." Handera Pas toral Brmohony from the Meaalah. BeethOTen'a Funeral March In A C and the Hallelujah chorua. e e Mra. Tarrte Loul Dur.nlnc who ha paaaed the last four montha In New York. 1 now la Heattle. on her way home to Portland. She la reretrtnc many aortal ranpllmenta In the Northern city, and waa recently formally Introduced to 9-t tl aortal world by Mra. John U Wll aon. wife of es-Senator Wllaon. who rave a larg tea and muslcul la her honor. Mra. Dunning expect to return to Port' land within the next two weeka. Mlaa Dorothy Elchenlaub. of Van rourer. entertained a number of her Portland and Vancouver frlanda laat week with a Urn danclnjr party itlven In the Columbia Hotel. Irae American fTasa draped from wall and celling. while Oregon crane, maaaed with fern and aolden Jonquil, formed the deco ration of tbe ballroom. Following the dance fuipper waa aerred In th dining-room of the hotel. Receiving with Mlaa Kichenlaub were her parent. Mr. and Mra. Frank Elchenlaub. and others who aa.Uted were Mra. Leo M- Gulre and Mrs. J. M. Keevea. The guesta were Mia Helen Snyder. Ml Fay Booton. Mlra Henrietta Rothctilld, Mtaa Leonine Fleury. Mlaa Vera lat teraon. Mlaa Edna Patteraon. Mina lura Korreil. Miaa Mr Otten. Ml Kthel Gordon. Mlsa France Lack ft, Mlaa Carrie Neal Hlaiion. Mtaa Kile Moore. Mlaa Pearl Poyne. Mlaa Hernlre Fddinga. Miaa Ktte Stuart. Miaa Loulae Chalmera. Mtaa Alice Fooler. Miaa Bun ny Brier. Mlaa Beatrice Hidden. Mtaa Mary O'Connor. Mix Blanche Schott. (Suntlier. Mm Rather Cohen. Miaa Alice Dougherty. Miaa Helen Kavanaujrh, Miaa O-jertn. Miaa Blanche Kchotl. Mra. Hoy F. Waring. Mra. Harold Forbea. W allace Kastham. Frank O. Elchenlaub. Lieutenant Albert Blahnp. Frank lCon nor. Koy Get. Peglnald Rankin. LleU' tenant Build. Benajrain Chamber. Max Cohen. Harry Van Iyke. Jamea Clan cer. Lieutenant Roberta. Dr. C. S. Tre vin. Marahall Jordan. V. R. Koner. It. C. iiugg. Lieutenant Roy F. Marina, Claude Crawford. Ned Brlgg. 1yd Collins. Harry tarka. Gustar Filers. J. M. Wither!. lr. J. itederlrh. Walter Ten an. William Peaae. William Mar ahall. Lieutenant Perkina. Lieutenant tioodale. Julius Cohen. Harold Forbes. Leo Mrulr and J. M. Reeves. mm An Interesting gathering of Astoria folk took pl.tce at the home of Mr. K. A. Noyau Wednesday evening, when he waa assisted In rnceivlng by Mtaa Sadie Nuyea. Miaa Mabel Weed. Mlaa Haxel Robb and Allen No-t. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. r. f. Oeer, Mr, and Mrs. Walter L. Kohii. Mr. and Mr. KenrtaL Mr. and M-. iJo'herlan t. Mr. and Mra. F. K. Sioke. Mr. and Mr. Ityrie. Mr. and M.-a. Trover and Mr. and Mrs. Howell. Mrs. F. J. Raley. of Irvlngton. Is ex pecting her slater. Mrs. D. K. Fields, from her home In Cottage Grove tomor row. Mrs. Oliver King Jeffery will leave Portland next Thursday for Cincinnati, where sbo will visit her sister, Mrs. C. C. Carventer. On the way she will make short stops with friends at San Francisco, Lo Ansele. St. Loula and New Orleans. Yesterday afternoon Miss Alice Dougherty entertained 'or her at military whlat and among the affair to take place this week will be a bridge Tuesday, given by Mr. W. B. Sett, and a brtdice luncheon Wed nesday, when Mt!w Haael Tlchner will ee a Hostess. m m m Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehrman re. cently arrived home from California. e Mrs. George Cherry spent a fear days wltn friends and relatlvea In Aatorl. laat week. e e e Among the many people returning from California la Ion Lewis, alter an absence of three weeks. For Mrs. C. Allen Reed Mia Gladys Ionohoe). whose wedding took place last Friday evening, and for Miss Nellie Flake, who will alao be married In the near future. Miss Nona Lawler enter talned at dancing Tuesday evening at her home in Imnglon. Decoratlona of yellow and green festooned the stair waya and rooms. Ivy and Oregon grape ere twined about the railings and chan deliers, while daffodils made dainty clus ter of brightness In vases and bow la about the tiouae. The entertainment waa divided, about atalrs cards engrossed the Intrreat of those not caring to dance downstairs. Gueats who enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Lawler were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston. Mr. and Mr. Irv ing Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Luts. Ml.t FUke. Mr. and Mr. C Allen Reed. Mia Ruby Crlchton. Mlas Mame Helen Flynn. Mlaa Irene Flynn, Miss Blanche Schott. Miss Nelle Stewart. Miss Elisa beth Hammond. Miss Lillian Roulke, Mlsa Iwbelle Beck with. Mlas Zola Hitch, rock. Miss Effle Johnstone. Mlsa Maude Belcher. Mix Mary Cronan. Mlaa Flor ence Murphy. Mlaa Loretta Hogan. Mlsa Kmelle Ionohoe. George F. 8chott. Ed ward Anderson. Elmer Young. Adrian Miles. Edward Morris. Albert McIIolland Barge Leonard. Robert Hitch. Bert Beck- wtth. R. Russell Johnstone and R. M. oonan. e Passing a few days last week at the Portland Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Peterson were entertained on several occasions by their friends In thl city. Prior to their man-tage a fortnight ago in San Diego. Mr. Peterson was Miaa Helen Sumner, who formerly lived In - Portland and attended school here. Tbe young persons are on their way to To ledo. Ohio. Among the dinners given for them was one at the Commercial Club, when Frank Butler was host, and other guests were Mlsa Margaret Weber. Mlaa Ines Stockton and Elmer Young. Back from the South came Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Ehrman the first part of the week, after passing a month In th Southern towns and cities of Interest, as Miss Ines Stockton wtll leave tonight for Seattle with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mans, whose guest she will be, for the coming month. Dividing their time between San Diego and Coronado Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoyt and Mtaa Katharine and Mlas IouUe Hoyt are In the South. They left Portland Wednesday evening and expect to remain until the latter part of April. Mr. and Mrs. Guatav Simon, of this city, are passing a few days in 8an Fran rlao prior t a trip through Southern California. They will also stop there on their return trip. e Mr. Ba'dus Glldner entertained last Saturday afternoon with five tables of "S00. complimenting Miss Agnes Cor coran. The rooms were attractively dec orated with carnations, daffodils and Spring-time greens. Mr. Gtldnera guests were: Mlas Agnea Corcoran. Miss Mary Corcoran. Mra. Comeford. Mrs. Branln. Mlsa Nancy Beals. Mrs. H. Behrrndaen. Miss Ruth Hansen, Miss Flora Jeasop. Miss Mary Jeasop. Miss Pearl Jennings. Mlas Grace Jennings. Miss Margaret Monks. Miss Mary Monks. Miss Grace ora, Miaa Lillian Post. Mlsa Loral la Qulnn and Miss Grace Whitney. First and aecond prizes were won bv Miss Pearl Jennings and Mlas Flora Jeseop. a Mrs, Royal K. Warren entertained a few friends Tuesday evening when the feature of the evening's programme was music by the Warren Mandolin Club, under the leadership of Miss Ethel O'Brlst. a e Charles Grltzmacher returned from the South Wednesday evening after a 10 daya" trip through the southern part of California. m m m Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. 'London are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. born February 15. a a a Lieutenant Anton H. Shroeter, of the Flrat Cavalry. United States Army, sta tioned at Boise. Idaho, Is at present visiting at Vancouver Barrack a a One of the first fraternity dances of the season to be' given at the Lniver- Stlles: "The Early Schools of Amer ica," by Mrs. Henry Berger, Jr.. and the "Writings of Anne Bradstreet," by Mrs. A. A. Bailey. Selections from Anno Bradstreet's poetry were read by Mrs. W. F. Amos. During the social hour the hostess, assisted by her daughter, served refreshments. This week. Mrs. A. J. Stiles, 817 Gantenbeln avenue, will entertain the club at II o'clock; lunch eon, after which the usual programme will be given. see A Jolly group of young people passed a delightful evening recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gelinsky. ISO East Fifteenth ptreet. the occasion being a surprise to the Gelinakys. Among those present were: Miss Clara Bracher, Miss Celeste I. Albln. Mitsj Vera Albin, Mlsa Julia Brandes, Miss Lottie C Scharpf, Mia Alma Hayseth, Mlaa Mary Alice Koch. Miss Jennie Boehmer. Miss Anna Zlnger. Miss Nellie Nesvold. Miss Uretchen Scharpf, Miss Margaret Nes vold. Miss Fern Church, Miss Teesie Ber-s-eraon. Miss Corinne Bergerson. Mass CRANE'S LINEN LAWN THE CORRECT WRITING PAPER FOR MONOGRAM STATIONERY FOR SALE BY W. G. SMITH & CO. Washington Bldg., 4th and Washington. ONLY EXCLUSIVE A. . . . i .w- i . - c-i n fiaiineav. narry Drwiui: fraternity gave Ita Initial "hop." The party waa held in the college gymna sium, which was gay In Its dress of college pennants and Spring flowers. iWii saa invitations had been Issued and a large number of guests were hostess on Thursday of last week when assembled. Among the patrons of the ahe entertained at her home on Broad- evenlhg were Mra. P. L. Campbell. Mrs. way. Thoee who enjoyed her hospitality W. C. Barbour. Professor and Mrs. E. were: Mrs. Hoffman. Miss Hilda Ech- a.ty of Oregon took place a w.ek ago , Bea Hsy-eth. Mr. B. O.Hn.ky Blankholm. Paul Boehmer. Roy C. Earth. Charles Ostensen. Franklin C. Koch and , George W. Holmes. ... Mis Lillian Holsten was a delightful iSTORIA MAN WEDS DAUGHTER OF SOLDIER STATIONED AT PRSIDIO. ...tarS -I Jvg2 ( lr V Frederick Joseph Brews, Elisabeth H. Leoaarc. Frederick Joseph Brown, a cigar dealer of Astoria, formerly circulation manager for the Telegram at the "City by the Sea." ' was married by Arch bishop Christie at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon to Elizabeth If. Leonard, of San Francisco. Attorney John C. McCue and Mrs. A. T. Sleverts. Brown's sister, acted as witnesses. Mr. Brown Is XS years old and his bride St. A few years ago he gained some distinction as a runner. His bride is wrll known In San Francisco, Sergeant Hermann Hofmeister, stationed at the Presidio, being her father. mm AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS IN NORTHWEST K. DeCou. Professor and Mrs. J. M. Glen and Judge Helmus W. Thompson, all of Eugene, and Mrs. J. B. Leber and Mrs. T. J. Gelsler, of Portland. ... Miss Ruth Lewis, whose engagement to Walter Hucbener waa recently an nounced, entertained at dinner and cards Wednesday evening for Miss Varlna Davis, of Boise. Miss Davis has come to Portland to be Mlsa Lewis bridesmaid. Decorations of hearts and ; crimson colored carnations were used about the rooms and covers were laid at the dining table for 14 guests. ... Mr. and Mrs. If. M. Haller expect to leave the city next Saturday for Cali fornia, where they will pass three or four weeks In and about San Francisco, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Los Angelea and Coronado. see Mr. and Mrs. Newton Bleslnger will leave Portland Thursday for the East, expecting to go on to Europe for a six months' tour. ... Dr. Emil Enna was host Thursday evening at the Portland Grill at supper, following the performance at the Grand Theater, where his honor guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray, are playing, others who enjoyed the doctor's hospi tality were Mr. and Mrs. John Claire Monteith. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey B. Smith, Miss Lucille Dunne and H. J. Etlers. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDER WEAR , Combination suits, 11.60 val ues. 9XC each. Combination suits, embroidery trimmed l.a7. Ladles' muslin night gowns, 7e each and up. Ladles' drawers, OOe? each and up. A special line of white tailored and lingerie waists, OJie each. LADIES HOSIERY Ladles' black lace hose. 7Se pair. Ladles' black lace hose, T5e pair. " . MEN'S UNDERWEAR In blue, pink and gray; regular 7Bft values, now only 43e each garment. ME.X'i SOCKS Regular 20c grades, only, pair too Mfc.VS SHIRTS 11.60 and $1.75 values, only, each l-OO Bargains in handkerchiefs, veiling, gloves and ribbons. THOMSON'S WtRSER'S COR SETS. Becker, MclougMin & Sweeney 441 Washington St. EVENTS OP THE WEEK. Decorated with college pennants and red carnations, the Portland Heights Club was the scene of a dancing party given by the George H. Williams chap ter of the Phi Alpha Delta law fra ternity Wednesday evening. In honor of the honorary and graduate members. The grand march waa led by Judge and Mrs. Robert O. Morrow and the pat rons were Judge and Mrs. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Koonce, Mr. and Mrs. 1L Q. Strayer. Miss Strahan. Miss Allen. Mlsa Kternan. Miss Lavelle Florence, Miss Grace 'Florence. Miss Tooley, of Vancouver. Wash.. Miss Norma Turner, Miss Florence, Mlas Gelsler. Miss Agnes Beach. Miss Johnson, Miss Harrlette Jelllson. Miss Hart. Miss Beckwith. Miss Wood. Miss Hagemann. Miss Brandley. Miss Hlrsch. IL R. Saltmarsh, F. R. Miller. John G. Schroeder. C W. Piatt. K. A. Johnson. F. M. Deneffe. F. C. Hunt. It. F. Peters. H. C. Meiryman, A. B. Uldgway. J. H. Turner. J F. Alex ander. Robert Hitch. Koscoe Hunt, E. L. McDougal. V. R. Crura. E. J. Chap man. F. L. Brown. F. 8. Sever and J. C MIcheleL ... Among the pleasant affairs of the week waa a birthday surprise party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hugglns. Mil Fifty-eighth street. Mrs. Hugglns. for whom the occasion took place, was the recipient of many gifts. and the entertainment consisted of game, charades, music and old-fashioned spelling matchea. Those taking part In the evening's festivities were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harrow. Mr. and Mrs. E. U Do ran. Mrs. J. W. Wines. Mrs. Mary Patterson. Miss Ida Patterson. Miss Ber tha Freiberg. Mr. and fan. T. M. Doran, Dr. and Mr. E. A. Myera. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. Seward E. Allen. Miss Cora Allen. Miss Fern Allen. Mr. and Mra J. E. Shears, Mr. and Mr J. J. Johnson. Mlaa Alice Johnson. Miss Ruth Harrow. Mr. and Mrs. John Carson. Mr. and Mra. George Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crofts. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dunbar, Mra. J. B. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Acklln. Mr. and Mra. J. Mc Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooper. ... A pleasant surprise party was given for Mlas Ruth and Miss Emmallta Zanello at their' residence in Ladd'a Addition. Saturday evening. March 4. Decorations of pink and white carna tions had been placed In the parlors and the entertainment of the evening consisted of games and music The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCann. Mr. and Mrs. fc.. y.aneiio, Alias Delta Chambreau. Miss Calla Chara breau. Miss Anna Baealer. Mlsa Hazel Blakney. Miss Eva Graves, Miss Agnes Fries. Miss Carol Hand. Miss Itosa Wlckham. Miss Edith Carr. Miss Rosa Lens. Miss Ida Lens. Edward Noyes. Julius Newberger. Arch Van Cleve, H. C Moore. C Larsen. C. Messing Clark. A. Mount. IL M. Bouvy. W. J. Spencer, O. A. Marrotte. J. Martin and Bird B. Clark. . a The Tuesday' Afternoon Club was In- I ted to meet last week with Mrs. Whltmer. a former member . of the club. The study of American litera ture was begun and the following paper were read: "Characteristics of Colonial Literature." by Mr. L. M. Davis; "The Great Theologians." by iLrs. A. J. man. Miss Roena Wilson. Mlsa Olga Wolf. Miss Josephine Wolf, Miss Cath erine Wolf. 'Miss Hester Fisher, Miss Aylean Harold, Miss Kate Harold, Miss Myrtle Holsten, Miss Violet Holsten. Louise Swsnson. Miss Bessie Virary, j Miss Delia Bruchler. Miss Lillian Ander- I son. Miss Emma Cleve. J. A. Brucher, Frederick Harold. James J. Lemlon, J. Butz. H. E. James, George Harris, Omar Rsy, Harry Rsy. Melvln Replogle, How ard Smith. Harvey Holsten. G. A. Hare. A. Hoffman, J. I. Schrubbs and E. C. Urugger. see The Oregon Dinghy Club held a dance at the Oregon Yacht 'Club Wednesday evening, when flags, bunting and an chors were arranged In artistic array. The officer In charge of the affair was Captain L. V. Woodward, of the club. Eighty couples took part In the grand march and for those not caring to dance cards were played above stairs. George Shepherd, commander of the Oregon Naval Mllltla, waa present in uniform, aa was also Vice-Commodore Bennett, of the Vancouver Yacht Club. A large number of guests were pres ent from Vancouver. Two dinghys ordered hy the club are promised by the first of April and then some excellent racing in that class of boat is expected. ... The kindergarten department of Pied mont Presbyterian Sunday School gave a very successful concert on Friday evening. The church was filled by an admiring company of parents, relatives and neighborhood friends. Over SO children took part and their solos, choruses and recitations reflected great credit to their teacher. Miss Isa bella C. Bourhlll. who. assisted by other women of the congregation, haa spent much time and effort In the preparation of the children for their appearance in public e e a Miss Anna Hachull entertained at her home, 274 Hall street, last Wednesday evening for Mies Kathryn Stein, who will be married to Bernard Buck on March 9. Decorations of yellow and white predominated with large baskets of daffodils, ml a number of tall can dles adding to the effect. The guests were: Miss Hazel Henrys. Miss Nettle Habekost. Miss T-ena Amacheri Miss Lena Wllhelm. Miss Anna Relscb. MUs Rose Fansrhinann. Miss Clara Habekost. Mis Hilda S.-chtem. Mlas Katheryn Bteln. Miss Hanna Buix. Miss Agnes Hesse, ilea Jessie Tob ne and Mies Gertrude Elfer. a a a A group of Portland people assisted Miss Claire G. Oake celebrate her birthday. February 28. In her apart ment at 40 Inman street, Cambridge. Among those present were Miss Alleen Brong. Miss Isabel Clark, Miss Leon ard. Miss Tessa Dent. Miss Margaret White and Miss Dorothy White, of Baker, all students at the New England Conservatory and Carl and Emmanuel Landerholm. Harvard students. A bunch of Oregon grape and holly re ceived that morning from Portland was greatly welcomed and a true Western spirit prevailed In the entertainment. ... At the annual meeting of the Women Missionary Society of the First Baptist Churuh at the home of Mra. C. A. Dolph. Friday afternoon, the following officers were chosen: JPTesI- uoni. airs. n. u. ixaces; vice-presiaents, Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison and Mrs. A. L. Veazle: secretary, Mrs. W. R. Litzen berg: corresponding secretary. Mrs. H. A. Townsend; treasurer. Mrs. L. C. Tobias; auditor, Mrs. Grant Phegley. Following the election Mrs. James F. Falling gave an address on missionary work among the negroee of the South. . The dramatic expression department of the Portland Woman's Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Anton Glebisch next Thursday, March ICth, at 2 o'clock, by Miss Marion Lowell, of Boston and Wsshlngton. D. C. Miss Lowell, who has the distinction of be ing a pupil of Steele McKaye, is a woman who has won for herself suc cess as a dramatic reader. Her lecture will be upon "Expression as an Art and a Science," and will be Illustrated with selections from Browning, Shakespeare, and other prominent classic writers, a Miss Nellie Shesard entertained for her sister. Miss Wtlla Shepard. recent ly at her home In East Portland, ' 500" was played and Miss Gladys Qage and Theodore Palltzsch won the prises. The guests were Miss Kate Schafer. Miss Olga Splnd. Miss Margue rite Palltzsch, Miss Gladys Gage, Miss Clara Welst. Miss Reta Snook, Miss Emily Woods, Miss Esper Hanson, Walter Shepard. Alfred Hanson, Clif ford Harrison, Oscar Spllid, Theodore ralltxsch. George Schafer and Walda mar Spllld. ... Chester Potter invited Miss Essie Gray, Mise Ila Barbur, Mies Elizabeth Grif fith, M'o Edna Johnson, Miss Lou Meyer, Miss Elizabeth Allen, Arthur Landis. William Montgomery'. - Samuel Song. Robert Huffsmlth. Edward Gaynor. Jack Farnum and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howat mn to a "hard times" party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Howatson, EaM Sixteenth street and Hawthorne avenue, Wednesday evening. March 1. "Five Hundred-' was played and the prizes were won by Mlsa Lela Barbur and William Montgomery'. ... The Portland Shakespeare Club en Joyed one of the best meetings of the season at the home of Mrs. J . Hare last Monday afternoon. Miss Marion Lowell, of Boston, who was guest of honor, entertained the guests with sev eral readings from Shakespeare. She has particular charm and skill, most 1 Grand Spring Fashion Exposition Monday and Week A Showing; of Beautiful Millinery and Gowns for the Coming Season MORRISON AND FOURTH SilverfielcTs MORRISON AND FOURTH pleasing. Following her readings e,he gave a short talk on "expression that was highly interesting. A dainty luncheon completed the programme. ... The Laurelwood Rebekah lodge held a "600" social in the Odd Fellow's hall Thursday evening, for the benefit of sick members. The hall was decorated with greens and light colored flowers and a large number attended. Mrs. H. S. Hewitt, Mrs. Pascal Hill, and Mrs. S. Gray had charge of the even ing. . . . A pleasant evenlnp was passed at the home of Miss Carrie and Miss Ruby Johnson last Saturday, when games and music were enjoyed by the following guests: Miss Charlotte Trince, Miss Ellen Steel, Miss Olga Ahlson, Miss Alma Abelson, Miss Hazel Shields, George MacDonald. Alfred Brooke, Emil Slovary. Henry Abelson. Mike Lapaw, Martin Abelson. Charles Ahl son, Thor Scherqulst and M. Miller. ... A reception was given for Mrs. Jack- son Sllbaugh. of Seattle. Thursday eve- ( r'tyitlnur-tl on jagc 4.) Madame Herbert Announces to Her Waiting Friends That' Her Dainty Millinery Store Is Ready and Will Open Monday, March 13 Specializing on Chic Millinery at Modest Prices. The new exclusive hats will have the first informal showing of the season. Tailored Hats Dress Hats Shapes . . Flowers Feathers Novelties Direct importations, copies and adaptations of the best European models and the best from the American pro ducers. Also clever conceits from her own workrooms. Ready to serve you. Inspect the newest and daintiest millinery store the choicest millinery styles in Portland.. MADAME BARKER HERBERT, HEDLIQ THEATER BLG., SEVENTH AND TAYLOR ZXIDE, IRONCLAD OR EDISON BATTERIES MOTZ CUSHION OR PNEUMATIC TIRFS WOMAN'S EXCLUSIVE CAR The Kauch & Lang Electric is the car that any woman a in drive with comfort and pleasure. No dirt. No grease. No cranking. No punctures. Just push the lever and go. Pull back the lever land story. The control is simplicity itself. A child can drive it. The carriage work is the result of 57 years' painstaking care pro ducing the best. Mechanically the same result has been achieved. ,J. Victoria Stanhope Roadster Coupe FRANK C. RIGGS Packard Service Building, Cornell Road, Twenty-third and "Washington Streets. HIGH ART LADIES' TAILORING Superior Materials Individuality in Style Artistic Workmanship Perfect Fit All of which are embodied in a Lady's Suit as fashioned by I. REUB1N, Elite Ladies' Tailor New Location, 301-2 Selling Bldg., Sixth and Alder Streets. GOWNS I beg to announce the arrival of the latest novelties and styles in Spring Fabrics. A. De Blanche, LADIES' TAILOR 345 Washington St. at Seventh. TWO COMPLETE Rffllnnn airy Store MAIN STORE 212-214 THIRD ST. Cor. Salmon THE CROWN 392 MORRISON ST. Opp. Olds, Wortman & Klngf. 4