The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1911, SECTION THREE, Image 37

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Pages 1 to 12
NO. 11.
See Ads, on Pages 6 and 9 Section 5 and Page 1Q, This Section
Principal Portland Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades All Sizes
Early Easter Exihdfoilt of
New Spring Wash G
25c Yd. to $13.50 Pattern
The Easter parade will bring out many new dresses of wash materials..
High-class Imported "Voile Efleure" in lovely rainbow stripes r r
and shadow effects and delicate plain ahades, yard 50e and OVC
BORDERED BATISTE "White or colored ground, 43 inches wide,
embroidered in neat designs and bordered. The richest fabric shown
thia season. Iut up in exclusive dress patterns. Make t o J f
your selections while this fine line is complete. Each, u5 XOaOvl
IRBXDESCENT SILK CREPES One of the choicest Wash Fabrics
introduced this season. Particularly adapted for every-day ff
wear. Very exceptional value, priced special at the 3'ardOLrC
SCOTCH DIMITY A sheer, crisp corded fabric, printed VQC
rich, delicate colorings. 100 pieces just in. Special, the yard, OC
Rare Conceptions
Complete lines of Dress Hats for the Eastern promenade, and richly tailored
ef feet by Gage, Hyland, Fisk, Gearhardt, Rendel, Lichen? tein, Joseph
and others of prominence. The great designers of Paris contribute to this
style display. All the newest and most exclusive creations - have been
brought on by the bi "Style Store" for early Easter shoppers. See them.
'4- A
Delightful Luncheon Served in Tea Room, 4th Floor
Ctistom'Tailoring Women's Suits and Coats to Order
Portland's Finest Display
New Easter Apparel
New Coats at $15 to $45
One Lot Special $25.QO
All Portland shows due appreciation of the remarkable values and
truly beautiful Coats for women which we are now showing. They
are planned after the best models brought over from Paris, many can
not be distinguished from the real foreigners. They come in silk or
wool materials in every weave and color; styles novel tff J (f
and attractive, embracing every new idea. Prices $15 to pr3vlv
SPECIAL "Women's new Spring Coats in the newest styles are shown
in navy blue serge with pongee collars and cuffs, long roll and sailor
collars of black satin, covert cloth coats, plain tailored
novelty cloths; all true fitting and well made. Priced at
Fashion Exhibit of
Women's Waists
High-class, handsome Waists, of silk, lace and washable materials. "We
firmly believe that the showing is superior to any in the Northwest. Chif
fons, marquisettes, taffeta silks, foulards, nets, Jap Silks, and dainty lin
gerie materials are employed in their make-up. They are trimmed in Irish
crochet, Val. and Cluny laces, or ruffled, or embroidered in colors or
beaded. Beautiful creations, on sale at prices from $3.50 up to $28.50
Great Sale Easter Hats
$15 Tailormades for $9.95
$12 Hats $7.95
$9 fiats $5
The most seasonable as well as the most
practical Tailored Hats of the day.. Hand
made of the richest imported novelty braids.
The nonbreaKable Kind, beautifully lined.
1 fifeiji
simple, bat smartly trimmed: with I fancy
feathers, wings, quills, braid, velvet, silK or
ribbon bows and standing effects. The most
popular hats for traveling, antoing, shop
ping, etc Regular values to $9.00, special
values to $12.00 special
$7.95, values to $15.00, special" at
HOLLAND HATS in the little black turbans and toques, for
middle-aged women who do not-care-for extreme-styles.
These are placed on sale at prices from $5.00 to $10.00
Easter NecRw'r
A Special Lot
Priced at 25c
Pretty Easter Silks on Sale
$1.25 Messalines 98c
Women of exquisite taste and economical turn of mind will thoroughly
appreciate this unusual offering of Messaline Silks. The dainty Easter
girl will look charming in a gown or this fabric, for tomorrow only we
offer a splendid color assortment of 1'ointelle dots, which sold QQ
right up to laVt nirbt at $1.2.3 a yard; special for tomorrow, yd. SJOC
Foulards - Marquisettes
And Other Dainty Silks
The big silk store will show tomorrow fresh lines of Fonlards for all
purposes, irom tue neat stripes to tne most gorgeous t rench creations in
bordered effects. Marquisettes in plain and fancy patterns. Crepe Me
teors, Satin Crepes, Crystal Crepes, Accordion Crepes, etc; low-priced.
Dainty, neat designs in women's fancy
Neckwear. Tomorrow we will feature
thousands of new ideas in cascades,
stocks with cascades attached, Dutch
collar styles, with or without tabs, wash
laces, stocky collars, jabots, etc., in an
endless variety. Yon may be your own
judge. We think. they ace won-OE'
derful values at this price,-each "V
g.25 Venise Collars 98c
$3.25 Auto Veils $2.27
Many .new styles and shapes in women !s
imported,' -Teniae Collars, square, and
round styles, white and cream; worth
to' $2.25 each? your choice frQCf
tomorrow's sale at this price, ea. Ol
AUTO VEILS Fifty -dozen extra size,
satin-finished chiffon cloth in all the
latest shades for Spring. " Indispensable
for motoring. Worth $3.25, flJO O T
offered at special price of
Easter Ribbons
35c Values for 15c
Tomorrow, in the ribbon store,' on main
floor, a great sale .of odds' and ends, se
lected from our regular stock; 5-inch all-
silk- satin taffetas and plain taf- " C,,
fetas, actual values' to 35c,'the yd. "V
Exclusive Easter Apparel
Tailored Suits
Dame Fashion's own choice of Spring Suits just re
ceived. The materials are cheviots in gray and tan
mixtures, striped novelties, navy serges, etc The
coats are the regulation 24 and 26-inch length, well
lined with SilK; sKirts are narrow gored and plaited.
A complete line of sizes up to 43. For a leader we
have grouped a good assortment of tfor fr
new Tailored Snits for the low price of pJ)U
Spring' Suits $25 to $75
For tomorrow's fashion exhibit we will show the
newest creations in Easter Suits. All the late popular
materials are employed in their maKeup, foreign and
domestic fabrics, mannish worsteds, English whip
cords, neat little checKed patterns, etc Rich plain
tailored and trimmed suits just received direct from
the authoritative style center of Amer
ica, on sale now from $25.00 up to
' ill-1 h I
' ! : !
Early Easter Fashion Display Tomorrow
.Elaborate preparations have been made, throughout this store for the Easter
season. Modish merchandise at lowest prices consistent with quality is. tempt
ingly displayed and shopping interest will be further augmented by innumer-
able special sales of seasonable goods. The Big Store now LEADS ALL PORTLAND.
For Daimty Spring Apparel,
Sale Val. Laces
$3.5QPoz.$1.37 VS?
g2.25 Doz. 98c
$1.25 Doz. 48c
Thousands of dozens of the much-wanted
Valenciennes Lares insertions ete in a
great variety of dainty designs, all
widths, suitable for trimming dresses
waists, fine underwear, for fancy work,
etc. Worth to $1.23 a dozen, special at
4Sc; worth" to $2.2.: a dozen, )Sc, and
values np to $3.50 a dozen, on $1 07
special sale at only, dozen "P
gl.25 Vals. 79c
Several hundred yards of dainty 42-inch
Pres. Nets, in white, cream and ecru, in
all the latest small pattern ef- 7Q
fects worth to $L2o ycL, special
$1.75 Vals. 69c
$l.QO Vals. 37c
35c Values 17c
Embroideries for the new Spring Under
wear and for trimming Summer dresses.'
Three sensational values are offered.
Beautiful patterns in allovers, galloons,
corset . covers, edges, insertions', etc.,' at
prices which will attract great crowds of
thrifty women. . Regular values .to 35c,
special, 17c; regular values to $1.00, spe
cial at 37c, and values to $1.75,
on special sale tomorrow at only.""
$2.25 Allovers
Only 98c
Tomorrow we feature many special val
ues in Allover Nets, 18 inches wide, in
white, cream and ecru; worth toQQ
$2.23 a yard, special at only, yd. fOC
50c Hose
To complete the Spring Dress we offer
women's imported Lisle Hose in medium
weights aud gauze, with high spliced
heels and soles and extra double welt;
Ilermsdorf dye; regular 50c fltjl f"JO
grade, special, 3 pairs only
WOMEN'S HOSE, in black or tan cot
ton," seamless foot, extra spliced heels
apd toes; good medium weight; 1 A
regular values to 25c, special, pr.
Hair Goods V2
g2Q Transformations at $1Q
95 Transformation! at $2.49
Come to us for your Easter Hair Dress.
In the hair goods store, second floor, we
offer all-around outside Xransformations,
natural wavy; good variety of shades;
regular $20 values, special 01 f ff
for Mondav onlv at, each V v.VJU
TRANSFORMATIONS to go half round,
dark and medium, brown, natural wavy;
fine quality of hair; regular tO A Q
$5.00 value, special, 2d floor
Easter Calls for New Gloves
Tomorrow we will place on sale 2000 pairs 'of women's Kid Gloves in
a complete line of sizes, and all' wanted shades. Some with Paris points,
others self or fancy stitclied. .'Thrifty women will be here when the
doors open tomorrow morning to take advantage of early choosing. The
regular prices for these gloves range from $1.00 to $1.50 andCQ
$2.00 the pair. On special sale for Monday only at, the pairC
New Easter Gloves
Our glove stock is now complete in every detail. The showing comprises
every wanted, quality and shade. It will be easy to match your Spring
dress or Easter Hat. Our expert fitters will double the life of your gloves.
ale Fine French Lingerie
Corset Sale
$6 Val. $3.79
1.75 Val. 94c
In the corset salon, 2d floor, a sale of the
famous Bon Ton Corsets, in sizes 25 to
36, made of fine coutil and batiste, with
4 and 6 hose supporters attached, trim'd
tops; best regular $5 and $6 dJO 7Q
values, on special sale, only
model No. 200, made of fine coutil, fin
ished at top with dainty lace; four hose
supporters attached; sizes 23 to Qt f,
30; regular $1.75 values for only
BON TON CORSETS in broken lines of
sizes, made of finest materials, durable
new models; regular $4.50 JO CkA
values, on special sale, each PA.S74i
lengths, made of heavy coutil, reinforced
abdomen, double boning throughout; in
sizes from 24 to 36; regular d1
$2.00 values, special at only P
$8.QO Vals. $5.75
$12.00 Vals. $7.98
Sale extraordinary of women's beautiful
French Lingerie. Finest materials, made
by hand, beautifully embroidered and
trimmed. Offered in two. special lots :
LOT 1 Women's hand-made French
Underwear, combinations of corset cov
ers and drawers and corset covers and
skirts of French "linen and batiste, em
broidered in floral, conventional and eye
let patterns ; finished in beading and rib
bon; regular values up to $8, ffC 7
on special sale at, garment P'
LOT 2 Women's Combinations of cor
set covers and drawers or corset covers
and skirts, made of linen and batiste ma
terials, handsomely embroidered in every
pleasing design, inlaid with double-thread
lace; drawers made butterfly CJ7 Q.R
style; values to $12, garment P
$5 to $6 Gowns $2.95
French Linen Gowns, high and square
neck, slipover styles, long or short sleeves
beautifully trimmed; $5.00 IJO QC"
and $6.00 values, special at PI''