19 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA PORTLAXD, MARCH 12, 1911. FEW-WEEKS" SUPPLY Onion Stocks Reduced to 49! Cars. SALES HEAVY IN PST WEEK hrrriMtvn Cr Sold to Outside Mar ket Since LaHt Saturday. Price Cam Go No Lower This Se.on. Only about three weeks' supply of onion I left unsold In Oregon, figuring on tho rat t which salea wsre mad In lb put wk- The mortmint was tha moat tcun In any week alnea tha eeasoa opened. IT cara being disposed of. Tha aalaa of tha ink war dutrtbmtd among tha different sections as follows: Beaverton. two ears: Sh.rwood. eight ears; cedar mllla, thraa cara; Sheila, ona ear. aad Tualatin, thraa cars. Tho total aupplr lft unaold la tha atata waa ffgurad at 4i ears by tha Confederat d Onion Growers Association at tha regu lar weekly meeting yesterday. Tha holdings ara divided aa followa: t ara. Kberwood J Heaeertnn - dar Mills - Mtlwaukie ......... gholla - Tualatin , I 'omeilua ar -llllleboro j Total "Ine total quantity remaining provee to do lesa than was thought, aa tha aarllar figures .howd tho stocke In the Sherwood section to t larger, but tha atatlatlra wars care fully revised yesterday and accurate reaulta obtained- Tho supply will not ba sufficient f.r tho trada'a imli during tha remainder of tho aeaeoa and threw tlmaa aa many anions could b easily used. Orders hare coma In tha rt week front ar .-amenta. San "Fran claeo. tha Paget Bound ritiea and Spokane. The buying has not keen f.r speculative purposes, but to supply actual trade wants There will ba no change In selling prices durlnc the coming week- HU.Hr.R rBH 1-H OITtBED TOR WHEAT Bayers foe Soood ftrllTeer KaW Their Bids la tho I oantry. Country reporta received yesterday showed there wss no cessation In the demand for wheat. In some aectlons buyers wars aald to have raised their bids on grain for de livery on the Sound. Phono massagea from Seattle elated that blueetera waa worth M cents on that market and club $2 cents, an advance of a cent over tha previous quo tation. The local market waa quiet but Brm In sympathy with Interior reporta and ko.d.rs generally were Inclined to ash a cent more than a few daya ago. I:wiulry la again coming from Mexico, but In view of the disturbed conditions there dealers at thle end ara reluctant to con sider the business. Osts and barley were held firmly at tha old prices There were no new develop meets In tha Hour market. Mill feed prlcee were steadily maintained by local sellers. Weekly wheat ahlpmenta from Black Sea porta ware aa follows: Thla Wk, Tt Wk. Last Tr. Kumit .ii4.o Uenuue 44t. 2it. Loral recelpta In cars ware reported by tha Merchants Exchange aa followa: Wheat Barley flour Oata Bit Monday ....... 4 Tuesday Wedneedey .. -' Thursday ...... ' - u a 11 7 1 13 II a It Fn.lav " 4 1 I Paturdar J 1 J I I Y-er in ...... 1 .... - - - Total thla week 111 1 - JJ Tear ago 4S ' -aon to date. . tt 1M 477 2S4J Tear ago III HOr M tiRKlTT ON A LOVr:it IJETKU luteal tfeeataeea Made re Ihle by IecBae ha Hrlllog 1-rtees. Tha recent activity In tha hop market has been at tha expense of values and waa no dntrbt brought about by tha fact that hops eouid bo bought cheaper than a month ago. The Ije-arla lot of all balee. the sale of which waa announced In Tha Oregonlaa yes terday, changed handa at IT", cents Aa thla lot was aa good as any similar also 1-fl In the atate. the priro Involved shows the market to have receded ful'y a rent einre four weeka ago. Thla la earprtslng' In view of tho extrema llghtnrea of stock, and can only bo aceoonted for by the dullness of the late demand. A J-bale lot waa ae eared by a Helena dealer yesterday, hut tha details were not available. Tha latest circulars of the London hop factrs say: Wild. Nesme Co. Our market contlcoea quiet and aluee ara unchanged. Mengrr Henlev Although the demand la quieter, the buetneea doing la of aufflclent etrvpeta to keep pneea firm. Tha acarclty of stoika becooiea mora apparent week by eku w. II. aal II. l.e May There has been oole a atrady demand for hope of varioua detea during the past week, and prices ara Sul'9 maintained Worcester report. Tha market continues very quiet and few hop. ot any sort are on offer. Prices are maintained owing to war rite, and buyera would And it difficult to filling orders of any also. fcGOf A RE OOING INTO TOR.CC. rrtrea ot Ukelr to Iteellao rarther Thla ICcga are being taken off tha market In targo quantities by atoracs speculators and It la very likely that pries will go so lower thla season. Tha general etoraga price Is IS cents, but It la anderatood a few Iota have been secured a fraction under thla figure. Because of tha active movement tha roarxet yeeterdsy took on a firmer tone. J.thBtng salea of single cases war at 19 a cents aad 19 cents. Poultry c i' e J arm with a demand auf fclent to take ap all tho olfertnga Hena aold at la to r rente, and fryers which are now beginning to appear, were quoted at i U U cental The batter market at the end of lha week waa firm en freeh creamery. Home of tha local creamery mea were In favor of aa advance, but othera did not consider a rise tMa lima aa warranted. Fresh cheese wss ateady. with 1 goocl d. mand and supplies rather light. Storage cheese was under much eeltlng pressure. LVoe WHEAT MU AT MiDR.ll Itrty Tks aad Baoaela UUawors Of to Bal- foar. Ualhrlo at Co. MAPKAS. Or, March 1 1. t itpeelaL The Madras I nloa A a re Rouse Company haa sold tne iuntM bn.hela of wheat stored In l's warehouse to He i four, fimbria A Vs. of Portland. T?ie average price waa ad cente a buehela It is the Intention ef K. w. Ilsstlngs. the firm's representative to load out the wheat aa eooa as cars can bo so eared to ship aver the oregoa Trunk Line, and to bo in a pueitton to aettls for tha grain aa fast ss It la ad.d an the ears, this proposition meeting with the hearty approval of the termers of thia section. Several rests bsa been made of tha dif ferent lots. aol it la seldom so uniform a grade ran be foaad la any county. several millers from different parts of tha country have boea In thla locality tha past season aad have made tests of tho quality of grain raised here, and report that It Is fsr above the average, especially la gluten, aad Is of a flae milling quality. Oraagea Higher la raUfecxHa. Wtrea from California yeataMaa 'jbaud another advance vt Jl cents a box la tha orange market. Ioealiy lbs market waa very firm and lightly supplied. Among the mixed vegetablee. There was tha usual J Saturday demand for produce. Baak Cleartncs. , Bank dealing, of the Northwestern cities yesterday wars as folios s: lartnga, Bslsnces. Portland l.:il.3 ,ltw.loO feattla l.IMH.turt S-'l.l'U Tacoma rT.l:H 14.37a Spokane wl.JS SI.J.'l Uank clearings of Portland. Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and correspond ing week In former years wers: Portland. esttle. Tscoms. J9I1 ll.A02.iel 1.77.I2 f 4.."H.1 IB ll.lt )U.24.4."3 I2.rt:l.ers ivua a'.7l II.S71 .lt)l.JM lw .... .v.".21 k.l".7oi .i;-J.7!5 IwT ..... nT-J.04J l'.7Ii." a.rti'.i.osu lOd 5.:.0.;ITT i.OS7.1Ml .r.i.S:.3 l-joi 4.lrSI.3."3 i.7.344 3.uj3.2.'.2 Jim 3.4u..-,o 3. ... .11.1 S.IOS.01I lin.j 4-l.t'l 3.79.1 l.hl.3a lv Z.-j:.4.'i X.Bl.uuO 1.U40.2US rOKTLAXD MAB&XTS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Eta. Wheat Track prices: Bluestem, 829 KHc: club, hoc; red Russian, 7c; Valley, bt': 40-fold, hlc. HAHI.KT Feed. 123.00 ft 24 par ton; brew ing, nominal. aill.LtiTI.FF9 Bran. 120021 per tea; middlings. 202S: shorts. i!lt?22; rolled harley. 2i-Ju t) JH. ja FLOl'R Pstents. t 75 per barrel; strmighta. 3.RS; exports. M 6U; Valley. f.0; graham. 4.d: whole wheat, $4.70. CORN VS'hoia. cracked. '- par ton. OATS No. 1 white. f2Ty27.M per ton. HaT Track prices: Timothy. Eaatara Oregoa. No. 1. $;0t21; mUed. Tl0; al iens. II.3O011; grain bay, eUl-60; ciovat. (11 9 IX Tesrrtablea aad Fralta. SACK V EQ ET AB LES Carrots. POcfJU hundred: parsnips. 1: turnips, 0ctl; beets 1 ii. APPLES Fancy. I202.7S: choice. 1Z: common. SOctjtl per box. OKEEX FKLMTS Peare, fl.SOOLTS per box; Malagas. t7.50 per barrel; cranber ries. 1 1AJO per bsrrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. l:.0t.7f per box; Florida grapefruit. I4.S; cslirornia grspefrult. 1W3.i0: bananas. So per pound: plnespples. ttc per pound; lemona. ja0: tangeiinea. I.7S par box. VEGETABLES Asparagus, fio par lb.; csbbage tlio per 1; cauliflower. $2.25 per crate: celery. California. I3.2.3.7i per crato- cucumbers. $ per box; eggplant. Uc per lb.; garlic lotrlJc per lb.; green onlona ;c per dox.: head lettuce. 40 Vo per dox.; hothouse lettuce. SOtyt.'io per box; peppers, lie per lb.: pumpkins. Ic per Ih. ; radishes, jou.lc per dos.; rhubsrb. lc per lo.: sprouts. c: tomstoea. 1752 per box ItiTAlOES Oregon, buying price. tl.SS al J) per hundred; aweet potatoes. $4 par hundrsd. ONIONS Buying price. $2 per hundred. Dairy aad Country Prod oca. POCLTRT Uve: Hens. Itr20c: frrs. 202"ic: turkeys. 2o: ducks 2'c: geese. 12 tjl.lc: dressed turkeys, choice. 23f?23c. f.;i;r;!4 Oregon ranch. lS!c per doxen. CHEESE Full cream, twins, 14o per pounl: young America, lt UrTTEH City creamery extra. 1 and X pound prints, in boxes, lie per pound: loss thsn boxes, csrtons aad delivery extra. PORK Fancy, lie per pound. VEAL Fancy. U to lti pounds, HsOi" per pound. wemTIhTglose LIVESTOCK BCYEKS' WANTS MOKE TIIAX riLXED. MENACE TO CROP Wheat Traders Alarmed by Hessian Fly Reports. EXPERTS SENT TO FIELD Yaril Receipts Are Two Car of Montana Cattle and Iay'a Hirlcs Are Small. Aside from tha sale of a load of cattle. BO businesa waa transacted at tha yarda yesterday-. At tha close tha market was In a rather weakened condition throughout, as a result of tha free offerings during tha week, which hsva given buyers all tha sup ply they needed and more. The forenoon traneaollonn yesterday con sisted of nine poor steers at 1110 and 17 fair cows at The arrivals were two carloads of cat tle shipped in by Henry vUabbler from Mor ris M.nt. Reviewing condltlona at the yarda tha Livestock Reporter ssvs: The bears had everything coming their way at the opening ot thla week'a livestock market. Hevanty-one rare of stuff arrived over Sunday and every line developed a weak feeling before the day a business wss ended The beet steers In the pens got cold wsltlng for somebody lo buy them. Some real good-looking beeves were In the run. but packers' needs being pretty well sup plied all last week, the drop of a quarter In the market waa easily foreseen early In the .day. of course, cow stuff hsd to fol low suit snd qusllty wss hsrd to sell St JiS. Other butcher cattle hsd a good In ning and did not lose a nickel on the slump. The hog market broke badly early In the game. Demand was slow because tha supply on hand waa big enough to go around, and buyera knew It. Ten cars of .Nebraska stuff came forward, but there were fully as many from Northwestern points and they kept coming In small lota Tuesday and Wednesdsy. Stockers sold again at . and there seeme to ba no let-up In tha demand for thle class. The asms old story wss told In tha sheep house. There ss mutton till you couldn't rest mutton snd Ismbs of all kinds Strange to sav. tha market rebounded on Wednes day and buyera aeaJn paid 4.7 for extra good yearling wethers. Tha aknesa In the lamb market had no redeeming feature. Cvery .hlpper seemed to have his share of lamba In the run. and buyera wers swamped with the deluge. The condition caused a bad break and demoralisation waa tha result. Prices current on tha various clsssos of stock at the Portland Union Stockyards werw aa follows: Prima steers !.0.15 Choice steers - Good to choice steers........... -- a. Common steers 4.0i S.0 Prime cows 8.;sS J-iJ Choice beef cows . Common beef cows 20 f Choirs heifers . : ll'D . Choice bulls -.5ty 2J ralr to good fat bulla " 00 Common bulla J"' J-J i hutco light calvea I'j.'i 2?2 Fair to good light calves T.OOry T.&O Choir heavy calves -3it I.M Fair to medium heavy' calves. . . 4 7&y B.OU Cholc stags & - Fsir to good stags -SOt 5-00 choJc.light Good lo cholc .w le Choice heavy 7.JS -eu Sheep Cholc yearling wsthers. grain fed 4 50 9 4.73 Old wethera 4 wOo 4 ii Choice owea. grain fed S-.v-c) 4 oo Fair to medium ewaa. grata fed.. 2 TJir S.M Cholc lamba. grain fed l.:str 1.5') Good to choice, grain fed i.OOw f.:; Farr la good 4 7ic 3.S0 Culls 2.ft4 a.Ml Current price ta tha bore market roiluw: Extra heavy drafters. IJOV0 27A: 14to to ! pounds. tl.Vjl': l.' to 14 or) pounds, ttOOO 2: chunks. ISO; drivers. el00 up; saddlers, too ap: plugs. ! 40. trblraa- Uveal erk Marked. 'mitloo , t I . - - - ' estimated at 2"0 brad: market steady. Heevea. fa. 20) art: Texaa strera. f4.4O0 ' .... . . 1 -OJb . K.k - a-W.H and' feeders, f 4. oO j Y a.1 ; rows snd heifers, U UsVP: calvea, 7.00tfuo. Hoas Receipts eetimsta it l. neat; market .V- higher. lAtht. f7.lU7.3A: mised. fH.ai 7.J6: heavy. f s.aOW 7. !.": rouch. f0a.oo: good to choice heavy, f-tnonTI: Pigs, f.7007.:: bulk Of sales, f 7 iltr 7.20. ftnp .Receipts estlmsted St TnOO hesd; market steady. Nstlve. 104; West ern. f.t.li(4.": yesrllnse. Iilvl; l.mba. aative. fJ00.eO; Western, fo-Sotf . si. Coffee aal Sugar. NEW YORK, March II. Coffee futures rloeed ateady. net three points lower to three higher. Sale. SI. 7 bags March. April and May. 1 .He: Juna and July, lo lie: Vuguat 1 34c: September. IO.I4e; October. ; November. .c; December. January "trZX?;?-"?. so. T. .M.UV. No. Han toe. 11e. Mild coffee dulL Cor dova. UN Uo aominaL M-isar Haw firm. Muacovado. test. I-c- rentrifucal. test. 17c: molassea sugar. 1 test. 1 Ole. Refined sugar ateady. ( r i.ned, f.ac; granulated. .7c; powdered. ll"c. Irrled rrwlt a New York. NEW TORK. March 11. Evaporated ap ple, eery Brm on tha small supplies. On the snot, fancy ara quoted at 114c; choice. 13c: prima. IIe. Prunes, strong, higher on ems'! storks. Quotation, from TwtfllSe for Callfomlaa an to ao-tne and HVtsl-Ssc for Oregona from Ss to AOs Peaches, ateady. fairly active; choice. TS Si:sr; extra choice. ItaVtHc; fancy. fawKC Shorts Are tneay and Cver Freely, Sending- Prices Upward In the Chicago Pit Iist Sales Show Three-Eighths Gain. CHICAGO. March 11. Nervousness re garding possible alarming dlscovsrlea by crop experts, who had been hurried out from here to Investigate rumors of Hessian fly Infection In Illinois snd Indiana wheat fields, turned prices suddenly upward to day. Although Hessian fly developments wers no worse thsn tha 'day prerloue. and titer was a general dlaposltlon to boiler that damage reporta wera ao early In the season as to be unreliable, aborts war un easy and finally ran to cover rather than atand out over 8unday. Definite atateraents from tha Chicago crop experta ara expected to have considerable effect In the trading Monday morning. Early today the market had been weak because of expected large world ahlpmenta. especially on account of heavy forwarding from Ruaala. In addi tion, rain fell throughout Routhern Minne sota and more waa predicted tonight for tho I'pper Mississippi Valley. The close was at almost the top point of the session. Msy ranged from t0e to-tH.l!c. with last aalea .c up at VI tec Local hull houaea bought with consider able vigor In the corn pit. May fluctuated between 4c and ftOtic, closing firm at .WO.MK4C a net gain of HOHe. Cash corn waa ateady. No. 2 yellow finished at 47ttt 4c. The commlaalon houses were good sellers .of small lota of oata. May touched aa high and low point limits 81 He snd 80131c. snd low point limits 31 He snd 30H6 81C with tha close c off at SIH- There was no apoclsl demand for hog prod acts Accordingly the market dragged lower and In the end was 15c to 20tj,o under laat night for pork, 2 06O down for lard and otJVc for liba. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May f .08 S .H4 .1V. July ., .SO . .0 Sept ria ."Va CORN. May .4 .0 July .SOS -50 5. .sot, .so" Sept il 14 .61? -"V OATS. Mar 511 .1s " .ft July Jl .! .a' -31 Sept JOt. .11 1 .ao-4 MESS PORK. May 17.C-4 17.7 17.S0 17.50 July 14.7 14.7J U.ii6 l-i:Vi LARD. May t.: .22V t.l!H f.l! July...... f.UH .lft l.7t .07 Sept f.llV. .12ta .07Vx 0T SHORT RIBS. May f.SlVk 57H .47, H.07', July 10 15 t.01 .7H bept IHK t.lzn .S .Ue Cash quotationa ware as follows: Flour Ntesdy. Winter pstents. tl.fOQ 410: strslghts. J (0i 4.40: Spring straights. fl.sOqit.lv; bak-rs. ftf4.10. Kye No. I. S'Vc Harley Feed or mixing, i0t75c; fair to cholc malting. fstc. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, f!. SS; No. I Northwestern. :.. Timothy seed $11.23. Clover 114.75. I-ork Mess, per bsrrel. IHISSUil . Ird Per 100 pounds. f.02Si. Short ribs Hides (loose). fa.7ftjt.S0. drain statistics: Total clearances of whest and flour wers equal to lol.OvO bushels Primary receipts were 400.000 bushels, compsred with 04. 000 bushels the corresponding dsy a year sgo. Estimated recelpta for Monday: Wheat, II cars: corn. 17 cars; oats, 0 cars; hogs, l.0u head. Receipts. hlpmenta Flour, barrels 11.000 13.000 Wheat, buehela 10.Z00 17.8"0 Corn, bushels 140.10 14. 0O0 Osts. bushels K1.0O4 it 4.400 Kye. bushels ........... 4.000 Barley, bushels 10.600 14.700 Grain Markets sf tha Northwest. TACOMA. March 1L Wheat, bluestem. Ir; forty-fold. iltjSic; club, tic; Red Rus sian. MOc Receipts Wheat. 17 care: barley, t cara; corn. 1 cars; oats. 4 cars; hay. 1 cars. SEATTLE. March 11. Milling quotationa: Bluestem. KSc; fortyfold. tic; club. S2c; Fife. Sic; Red Russlsn. lc Export Wheat Blueatem, t2c; fortyfold, foe: club. "c; Rgd Russian. 71c. Yesur day'a car recelpta: Wheat. 1 cars; oata. f cars; bsrley, 4 cars; hay. 13 cars. Grain at Saa Franrlae. SAN FRANCISCO, March 11. Wheat and barley Firm. Spot quotations Wheat shipping. fl.SOr1.40 percental. Barley Feed. ll.lStyl.lS per cental; brew In r. fl.X04t.:t per cental. Oata Red. tt.io 9 1.12 S percental: whits, tl.40ttl.60 par cental; black. fl.07Stfl.IO.. Call board aalea Wheat No trading. Barley December. 11.16 per cental; May. full to per cental. Karapeaa Grain Markets. LONDON". March 11. Cargoes quiet but ateady: Walla Walla for ahlpment at B3e Sd fl t4s. English country markets steady; French country marketa quiet. LIVERPOOL. March It. Wheat March, a Sd; May. 6s T.d; July. a vd. Weather cloudy. ' MINOR ISSUES ACTIVE FEATrRE OP TT-,niN'G IV THE WALL-STREET MARKET. Federal Sugar Drops Five Points and Central Leather Also Surfers. Canadian Pacific's Record. NEW TORK. March It. Movements of a number of aerurttlee, which ara ordi narily Inactive, wera the chief characterle tlca of today'a stock market. Webaeh 4a and Wabesh-Plltaburs Terminal certificate were dealt In to aa unusually large extent and at ona tlma th Terminal Issue aold at an advance of f point a. Canadian Pa cific made another high record. Federal Bugar loet 5 polnta and Central Leather loat more than a point. Businesa. as la the Isst tew dsys. waa light, almoat to tha verge of stsgnatlon. Official ngure of February experta ahowed a striking Increase from tha corre sponding month laat year, being f4a.S45.00O In 110 and ft7.e5a.000 thla year. The total for eight montha ending with February Is f718.I42.000. contracted with f54.f21.O0O IB the preceding period. The weekly bank atatement revealed tha expected caah loaa of about f4.OOo.ooo. tha Brat shrlnksge reported In several montha. Tha bond market was stesdy. Total sale, par value. f2.2M.0OO. fulled Statea 2a ad vanced H and 3a and 4a lost VI on call for tha week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. AIMS Chat pf .. . Amal Copper .. Am Aerlcult .. Am Beet Sugar. American Can . Am Car Fdy Am Cotton Oil. Am Hd a Lt pt Am Ice Seeurt.. Am Llnaeed Oil Am locomotive. Am Smel A Raf do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy.. Am Sugar Ref. Am T.I Tel.. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen .... Anaeooda M Co Atchison do preferred.. All Coast Um. Closing Salea High. Low. Hid. ..... . 33 "noo "n2 "oji, A2H t0 A.M M Mi. ftOO 44 44 W ..... ..... fx sm r. to X 23 22 22 44 , 21 . , e e e aa 10 37 1.3O0 76 j 7444 744 103 7 ,O0 IIS IK 117 400 144H H4 144 ') R7a 7 87 200 33 33 33(k f l.aOO-llMH loena IMVtj 3O0 13 103 IMS ef .. Condensed Report of the Condition of the Banking Department of Hartman & Thompson BANKERS At the close of business March 7. 1911. RESOURCES. Tynans and discounts. Cash on hand and due from banks. Furniture and fixtures Stocks and bonds Real Estate .$188,906.10 . 120,393.19 . 18,448.64 . 116,282.00 , 21,775.25 Total resources $465,805.18 a . - LIABILITIES. Capital stock Surplus and undivided profits Deposits $100,000.00 25,571.53 340,233.65 Total liabilities .. .'. $465,805 J.8 HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, OREGON Statement, March 7, 1911 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Real estate, banking-house furniture and fixtures.. Stocks and securities Bonds and warrants ... U. S. Government bonds (at par)..... Due from banks Cash on hand 60,000.00 284.898.72 220,787.49- .11,358.304.88 . . 6S.062.5S . . 652.09 . 120,814.53 555,686.21 $2,110,520.27 Caltal stock ..A...""1":...: $ 200,000.00 Surplus "and undlVided "pro Him, less' expenses and taxes 096.1 'r3avn;V and time" "deposits'" " .' ,1'J?2-,iI ?. Demand deposits iie.zoo.ii Total deposit i 1,846.424.08 $2,110,520.27 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Andrew C. Smith. President C. B. Sewall Asst. Cashier Frank E. Dooly, Vice-President John Dr'scoll Lansing Stout, Cashier E. C Goddard THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE INCORPORATED 1867. Head Office Toronto, Canada. v New York 1 Exchangre Place. , London I Lombard Street. And over 200 other branches In Canada and the United States. ForeiaV exchange bought and sold and a general banking business traniv oreign """"l,l(!d " interest allowed on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS. - F. C. Malpae, Manager. Bait Ohio ... 200 Kethlehem Steel 1" Brook R Tran.. 3"H1 Canadian Pac .. l.H Central Leather 2.200 do preferred.. M Central of N J Chea A Ohio . . 8UO Chicago Alton Chi Ot Weat rln Dreferred. . ...... Chlraso A N W . 10314 lO.IVi 3! 'i 31 H 7 7tm 21.-.S 215'a 29 S 2IS IOO W4 270 270 2 81 30 Jli 21.1 H 27 vi !) 270 81 S 32 214 44 144 4 cf'll??! Pail-Ldod ii6i UOK Ijji C c. t; ot Col Fuel A Iron. S00 83 PaI a. Rnut hrn . Conaol Gaa .... l."0 141 Corn Products . Del A Hudson.. . D A R Grande.. do preferred. . . Dlstlllere Secur . Urla do let pr 200 300 200 13 2S4 47 V K3 24 B4 140'4 140S. 32 183 "3iii 284 471 13i 1115 -i 31 a 3.1 1 2S4 47Vi 30 Oenera? Ifec"":." ""'iort iijji iij" 147 lt North Pf ... "0 124 124 l-'4 t North Ore . . Illinois Central. . Interbor Met . . do preferred. . Inter Harvester 100 OOV fiWVs ts 69ii 134 .:: i8 'ioo sm sm ki 100 118 115 115H 1S4 30 41) 40 17 1 83 3li 611 'ioo 110. 1104 110H 25 40 17 ss :i24 Inter alsrlne pf .. Int Psper -j- lnt Pump 2" Iowa Central .. 2 K C Southern.. ' 4O0 do preferred.. . Laclede Oaa Louts A Nash.. . , 1 . . e, 1 M 8PA88M 1.200 147 145 14 Mo. Kan A Tex. v W"' . ... . . ' 11. pacific S.pno on' Nt sTicuit 200 123 122 123 Mei n'kI' i'v't. "i6 i '5 ,3S N? Central".. 4W 106W 10 looj. NoTfoSr1: s;s $ pv.y.:::y.ino ii People a Oaa .. 1O0 106 106 10S P. C C A St L. "J at Pittsburg Coal Pressed 8 Car.. ij;" ge'..'.-.ioO iV iM l Republic Steel... JJjJi Bo'ck vsss co -sbb- -29 g; BiWrpf-i66 "ii" '5 fit Is Soutbweat ?J do preferred. ...... . ..... IT? Sloaa-Bhetrield ...... ill-- Houthern Pac .. BOO 116 115 11S Southern Ry 1XX "il"' 'Hil inv do preferred.. 20 B4 03 B3JI Tenn Copper .. 200 87 87 87 ?:i?S.w;i-2. "22H jj 22 do oreferred.. 4'MI MH 61 ."0 Union PP."nc:: 4.400 172. 172S. 172 do preferred.. 100 01 01 U 8 Realty Vi IT 8 Rubber ... 500 41 41 41 11 8 Steal .... 10.2O0 76 7tl 76 "do preferred.. 3.W 118 118W 11 Vtah Copper . . . . .. . - '.1- Vaaro Chem . 8.2O0 J7J. llflS Wabash 1" 17 17 II-. do preferred.. ? " i Western Md ... 2"0 M SO 40 Westlnir Elec .. IOO 87 87 Western Union 2eh.;'h v.n.f'.:' V.R66 iii iii ii 17'nt Total aalas for tha day, 85.40O, shares. . BONDS. NEW TORK. Msrch 11. Closing quota tiona: U. 8. ref. 2s ref.lfllHlN. T. C tn 8s. SS do ooupon ...lollNo. Pselflc 8s... 70V, V 8. Ss res 102ValNo. Pacific 4a... IOO do ""upon ...loaSil nlon Pacific 4a.l"0H U. K. use 4a reg.lltWla. Cent- 4a.. 2B do coupon ...115 'Japanese 4s .... t8 D. A R. O. 4S... 83 Wl Mosey. Eichange, Etc. NEW YORK. March 11. Prims mercan tile psper. 4r4H per cent. Sterling eachsnse essy. with actual busi nesa In bankera' bills at 8t.4 for CO-day bills and at $.k"50 4 10 for demand. Commercial bills. tt.l4.3. Bar silver. t.2c Mexican dollara. 45c. Bonds, government and railway, steady. Money on cell nominal. Time loana steady; days, 2V per rent: daya 1J Pr cent; six montha. Ii per cent. I.ONPOff. March 11. Bar sllrer. steady at 24 8-10d per ounce. Money. 24 per cent. The rate of dlacount In the open -market for abort bllla la 24f2H per cent: for three months' bills. 2at2 9-l per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Msrch 11. Sterling on London, no days. $4.84: eight. e4 6i4. Drafts 8tght. 2c; telegraph. 5c CHICAGO. March 11. Exchange on New Tork. 10c discount. Condition sf the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Msrch 11. At ths begin ning of business today the condition of the 1'nlted States Treasury wss: Working balance In Treasury of- ....... Ocaa 628.214.111 In banka and Philippine Treasury 11.7J0.1S1 Total balance In general fund.... 82.8a.b4 Ordinary receipts yesterday 1.205. 021 Ordinary disbursements V- 2.2iJ,7R The deficit to dste thla flscnl year Is .0I7.r aa against $2I,7t3.3s at this tlma laat year. ,. These figures exclude Panama, Canal and lmubUa W4 triilil Irlisa INTERIOR GETS GASH FLOW OP FCXDS IS AGAIX FROM SEW l'ORK. Banks Loss In the AVeefc Is Four Millions Loans Still Show an Increase. NEW YORK. March 11. The statement of clearing-house banks for the week shows that the bsnks hold $34,62,375 more than the requirements of the 25 rer cent rule. This Is a decrease of 83,835,823 In the pro portionate cash reserve aa compared with last week. Dally average. Decrease. Loan 81.334. 440. ROO 'SO. 440, 9O0 Specie 300.521. 7l0 1,088.700 Legal tender 71.842.700 1.P41.70O Deposite 1.374.140.1O0 S3.22S.UO0 Circulation 46.805.400 Reserve .178.164.400 3.028.400 Reserve required... 34J.S35.024 -800.224 Surilua .i 34,62a,375 S.&35.625 U'c.ud.dd'P??'.U..!?: 1.602.500 SS.700 loan.1. .""f IV.0.":. .1.343.278.800 .10.720,800 Specie SO4.045.4O0 3.342.SOO Legal tendera . 72.474.300 650,4110 Deposits 1,382.708.700 s8,O19.80O Circulation 411.047,500 IOO 100 Reserve t7ti.51U.700 3..200 Reserve required... 345.677,175 2.OO4.930 Surplus 30,842,025 6,004.150 U. S. deposits in cluded 1.501.800 88.900 Nummary of state banks and trust com panies in Greater New York not reporting to the New York Clearing-House: Decrease. Loans , ,5,182.500 Specie 11S.0R3.00O 1.1:10.900 Legal tenders 21.029.800 2fl,0O Total depoalts 1.2O5.SO6.3O0 293.400 The Financier will aay: The flow of currency for the past week haa been toward the Interior, rather than from It, and the statement of the clearlng houae banks. Issued March 11. showed a de crease of 83,999,200 In cash, which did not varv greatly from the general estimates. The banks are still Increasing their loans, the gain In that Item for the last week having been 810.729.300. The expansion in the loan item elnce the beginning of the year has been eomethlng like tlOO.000.000. The deposite of the banks Increased fay reason of the expansion in loans, 8. 00 1.800. The reserve on all deposits fell $6,004,150, the surplua standing at the close of the week at $30,842,525. The figures given above are baaed on the report of actual conditions. The weekly report, according to the sys tem of averages, showed a gain of a little less than 0,5O0.O0o in loans, a decrease of something over 13. 028,400 In cash and an Increase of $3,250,000 In deposits. The re serve figured on the average basis stood Saturday at $34,629,378. The summary of trust companies and other outside Institutions Indicated a loss of $5. 182.600 In losns, a decrease of a little less than $1,000,000 In cash and a lose of $6, Boo.ooo In net deposits. The statement of the banks, while It shows prevailing condltlona. does not Indicate al together ihe potential strength of the sit uation, since very large amounts of American funda are being carried abroad in the loan market and otherwise. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, March 11. The metal mar keta were dull and practically nomlna, in tha absence of exchanges today. Lake copper. 1 2-fi-"4 1 2.S7 H-: electrolytic 12.2512.5vc; casting. 120i2.2sc. Tin weak. 40ffi42c. Lead dull. 4.400-4 50c Spelter. 6 5lt6 6c. Irnn nnrhanrrt. What Our Neighbors Say !!!!!! "The bituUthio pave ment thus far laid goe to show that this Is the first and most Important factor In the process of city beautifying;.'' Pacific Outlook. . 3TNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL STATS' 1 MENT OF THIS Frankfort Marios Accident & Plate t Class Insurance Co. of Frankfort-on-the-Maln. In the Empire of Germany, on tne 31st aay ot uecemuti, 1910. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid statutory aepOSIX ti. X.J ... -ev.vw.w Income. Premiums received during te ... tt.18B.R38.7T Interest received during the year 48,844.87 Income from other sources re- celved during the year 10,038.66 Total income $1,195,717.10 Disbursements. Losses psld during the year, including adjustment ex- penses. etc 8 708o,Ji!; Policy fees 10.033.C8 Commissions and salaries paid during year ..f 3 1 0,410.63 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 21,499.63 Amount of all other expend!- turea 60.596.88 Remittance to home of lice.... 10,613.64 Total expenditures $1,186,926.16 Assets. Value of real estate owned none Value of bonds owned $1,222,805.00 Loans on mortgagee and collat eral, ate. none Cash in banka and on hand and In handa of trustees 34,925.66 Premiums In course of collection and In transmission 201.463.92 Interest and rente due and ac crued 13.827J8S Total assets .11,473,042.21 Total aasets admitted In Ore- ' gon .-$1,473,042.21 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. 527.361.05 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks.... 409.479.80 Due for commission and bro kerage 52.604.95 All other liabilities 13.800.00 Total liabilities' ..$1. 002,745. 80 Total premiums in force, De cember 31. 1910 1 807.475.50 Business in Oregon for the Tear. Total risks written during the year T $2,296,849.99 Qrosa premiums received during the year 44,586.57 Premiums returned during the year 4,270.68 Losses paid during the year. . . . 24.451.98 Losses incurred during the year 24,451.93 Total amount of premiums out atandlng In Oregon Decem ber 31. 1910... 6.696.40 THE FRANKFORT MARINE, ACCIDENT P. O. INSURANCE CO. By C. H. FRANKLIN. U. S. Manager and Atty. FHatutory resident general agent and at torney for service. JAS. D. HART. Atty for Service. RODGERS-HABT-OIBHOX CO., . 910-81$ Chamber of Commerce, . -Phone Marshall 1385. Portland. Or. MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY Of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, on the 81st day of December, 1010, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the 6tate of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up..... ,..$ 500.000 Income. Premiums received during the year $ 605,813.43 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year 33,222.83 Income from other sources re ceived 882.87 Total Income $ 639,918.68 Disbursements. Losses paid during the year $ 50,801.31 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 80,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 2S0.316.20 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 15,199.21 Amount of all other expendi tures . 71.065.70 SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company Of Philadelphia In the State of Pennsyl vania, on the 81st day of December, 1S10, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the tate of Oregon, pursuant to law. Capital. Amount of capital paid up.. none Income. Premiums received during the year $ U.529.895.90 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year.... 5,469.805.5$ Income from other aources re ceived during the year..... 431.658.04 Total Income $ Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender val ues $ Dividends paid to policy hold era during the year Dividends paid on capital atock during the year Commlaaiona and salaries paid during the year Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year Amount of all other expendi tures In addition to the above abatements the company al lotted to deferred distribution policies the sum of $1,124, 07694 (which la carried in liabilities), making the total apportion ment of surplua during 1910, $3.206,0fil.4. 34.431.257.50 9.S72.17S.10 2.079,984.55 none 2.552,001.10 668,089.41 1,106,410.71 Total expenditures $ 1S.17S.651.89 Assets. u..t..i .-., nt ma I entfltA owned 1 Market value of stocks and bonds owned 41 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 49 Premium note and policy loans 18 Caah In banks and on hand. . 2 Net uncollected ana ueierreu premiums Interest and rents due and accrued Other assets (net) Total assets Less special deposits in state 929,455.33 11.390.148.33 19,076,500.33 .8.455.877.34 2.607,394.81 1.936,264.40 1.S97.233.63 11.147.43 $116,803,021.49 any 8.700.00 T0Or-egon"S" . . ."I"""4. . !"UC 794.321.49 8 Liabilities. Net reserve 8 9, lt! !? S? Total policy claims io.u.iii All other liabilities. Includ ing dividend accumulations.. 12.627,865.65 Sudplus 4.602.681.13 Total liabilities $116,794,821.49 Total insurance in force De- cember $1. 1910 . 499,663062.00 Business In Oregon for tho Jfear. Tvaar f.T". 3.T40.00 Gross premiums received dur-. Ing the year .............. Premiums returned during the year Losses paid during the year. . Losses incurred during the year 199.(07.12 10,785.35 68.227.00 66.227.00 Total amount of risks out standing in Oregon De- cember 31. 1910 $ 4.SSR.8R4.00 THE PENN MCTl'AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. By JOHN HUMPHREYS. Sec. Statutory resident general agent and at torn.y for service: HARMOn. 730 Marqutm Bldg.. Portland. TRAVKkERrV GFTDK. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Winter Schedule Effective October 30, 1910. STEAMSHIPS! "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connecting at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert' for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. Daylight Ride to Victoria LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH, every Sunday at 2:00 P. M., northbound. LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C. everv Monday at 11:00 P. M, north bound; every' Saturday at 2:00 P. M. southbound. MEALS AND BERTH ISCLFDED NORTH OF VANCOUVER. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or J. H. Bnrarla, firn'l Agent, ITlrst Ave. and Yealer Way, Seattle, Wash. O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Ronte. frrEAMKIt HARVEST QUEEN Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8 OO P. M. Makes all way landings. Arrives st Astoria at 0:00 A. JM. Leaves Astoria dallv. except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrlvei Portland at 6:00 P. M. Makes direct con nection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler, llwaco. Long Beach and all points on the llwaco Division. rsto EUROPE Moderate Cost. Best Management Mediterranean North Cape Coronation Many Othera. BOOKLETS BEADT. The Pilgrim Tours, Boston, Mass. RAYMOND WHJTCO.MB CO.. Agents. New York. Los Angeles. Boston. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE 6TEAMEB BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock, Portland. 8 P. M. every Tues day. Freight received at Alaska Dock until t P. M. dally. Fasaengar far first -class, $10; second-class, $7. including meals and berth. Tlcketa on aala at Alnawortn dock. Fbones Main 203, A 1234. Total expenditures $ 447,582.51 Assets. Value or bonds owned $ 848.232.00 Loans on mortgages 6,000.00 Cash in banka and on hand 187,313.27 Premiums In course of collec tion 117.670.01 Interest accrued 10,107.37 Total assets $1,208,383.25 Less special depoata In Georgia in excesa ot liabilities there in , 13.670.08 Total asseta admitted in Oregon $1,254,713.17 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid.. $ 120.08L8.0 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 336,008.22 AH other liabilities 83.606.49 Total liabilities Cash capital Hiirplu.i over all liabilities.... Surplus to policyholders ,. 4S9.7S6.01 600,000.00 284.957.10 .$ 764,957.16 Total .- $1,254,713.17 Total oremluma In force De cember 31. 1910 $ 681.64S.W Business in Oregon for the Tear. Gross premiums received during the year $7,047.52! Premiums returned during the . year 269.25 Losses paid during the year 2.149.03 Losses Incurred during the year.... 2.149.03 MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSUR ANCE I'OAlfANV. (Signed) T. J. FALVEY, President. Statutory resident general agent and at torney for aervlce: George S. Rodgera. Rod gera. Hart, Gibson Co.. 810-B12 Chamber ot Commerce, Portland, Or. Phone Marahall 15S5. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATE MENT OF THE STANDARD ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. Of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Inaurance Commiaaloner ot the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: . Capital. Amount of capital paid up $ 600,000.00 Income. Premiums received during the year $2,616,154.95 Interest, dividends, and rents received during the year 148,868.35 Income from other sources re ceived during the year...... 5.468.42 Total income $2,770,491.7:1 Disbursements. - Losses paid during the year, including adjustment ex penses, etc $1,184,744.62 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 60.000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,027,715.50 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year 69,445.03 Amount of all other expendi tures 116.610.15 Total expenditures $2, Aasets. Value of real estate owned.... $ Valuee of atocka and bonda owned - 2. Loana on mortgagee and col lateral, etc Cash In banks and on hand.... Premiums In course of collec tion and In transmission Interest and renta due and accrued 443,516.28 f 1.050.00 948,373.05 287,000.00 181,836.6!? 873,864.40 28,810.58 Total asseta $3, Less special deposits In State of Virginia $ Total assets admitted in Ore gon 3, Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. $ Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 1, Due for commission and broker- 821,634.72 2,500.00 age All other liabilities Less liabilities secured by spe cial deposits 786,634.72 696.815.02 013.122.03 102.840.21 181.418.93 17.639.63 Total liabilities $1,876,656.56 Total premiums in force De cember 31. 1910 2.016,569.61 Business in Oregon for the Year. Total risks written during the year None Gross premiums received dur- ,... Ing the year $ 14.46B.5W Premiums returned during the year 2,95. i n Losses paid during the year S'S'H'JS Lossea incurred during the year 6,830.59 Total amount of premiums out standing In Oregon Decern- ber 31. 1S10 None THE STANDARD ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, , By E. A. LEONARD. Pres. and Secy. Statutory resident general agent and at torney for service: George S. Rodgors. Port land. Or. Kodgers. Hart. Gibson Co.. 810 012 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Phone Marshall 1385. United States Branch. , STNOF8I3 OF THE ANNUAL, STATEMENT OF THE LOIUON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANV Of Liverpool. England, on the Slst day of December. 1810. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pur suant to law: Capital. A,St0aUt". .f..d.e.'!!,.1.t..'".V.ni!!a$ 200.000.00 Income. Premiums received during the year in cash 2,476,054.81 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 147.ITS.J6 Income from other sources re- celved during the year 308.233.37 Total Income e Disbursements. Losses paid during the year. .$ Divlder-ds paid during the year on capital stock . . . . Commissions and salaries paid during the year. Taxes, lloensea and feea paid during the year Amount of all other expendi tures Total expendlturea $ Aasets. Value of real estate owned. .. .$ Value of stocks and bonds owned . .""; Loans on mortgages and col laterals, etc. .... - Cash in banka and on hand.. Premiums In course of collec. lection s"d In transmission.. Interest and rents due and ac crued Other assets 2,032,883.34 1.069,428.89 none 605.582.43 - 78,198.93 853,712.54 2.666.922.79 350,000.00 2.54S.695.0O nona 683.439.91 404.354.14 80. 34 S. 4 2 14.21P.10 Total assets ..... 4,102.030.57 Less special deposits in other states ' .iO.4Jo.o Total asseta admitted in Ore- g-on $ 4.0Sl,o38.5o Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. $ 198.882.51 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 2,365,206.47 Due for commission and bro kerage None All other liabilities 89,827.39 Total liabilities 2.6C3.916S7 Total Insurance In force De- M cemter 81, 1910 $472,125,013.00 Business in Oregon for the Year. Total risks written during tne w vear e Gross premiums received dur ing the year . . .. . .. ... Premiums returned during tne year Losses paid during the year. . Losses Incurred during the year Total amount of risks out standing in "Oregon Decem . 01 -im n a LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSUR- ANCB tirar.u x. (Signed) J- A. WYPER. Manager. Statutory resident general agent and at. tomey for service. Sam B. Stoy. Portland, Or. Everett 4b Co., agents, 224 Chamber of. Commerce, Portland, Or, 8. 771.870. 00 60.T32.03 9,654.64 27.616.88 27.S16.S 2.875,426.00