The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 34

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Steamer Suveric In Trip to As
toria Shows Little Dredg
ing Is Needed.
H Freighter IX-talned at Only One
Point in ItlTcr Projected Im
proTrmrnts to Clear Way to
Ocean Hetter Vet.
Irirlnir mot than X feet of water,
the British steamer Suveric. of the Bank
Line, reached Astoria yesterday. It Is
said that the vessel drew I. feet on
leaving Portland. The Suveric now takes
rank aa having had the greatest draft
of any vessel leaving Portland. Inci
dentally, despite the low stage of water
and the fart there Is not .urtlclent depth
In the Lewis. Coallta and other streams,
that light draft csrrlers may reach the
head of navlratlon. the trip of the
Htiveric demonstrates that little dredging
will be required this year to gain a
channel S) fct deep.
At one point, near Mount Coffin, the
essel was detained until floodtlde. On
that account she reached Astoria about
half an hour late yeeterdsy and was un
able to cross out. anchoring off Sand
Island. While she returns to Seattle to
coaU the hulk of her cargo was loaded
here, the local portion consisting of 111.
141 busliels of wheat. llJ barrels of flour
and . feet of lumber. Had It not
teen for the lark of rain In the last few
weeks the big carrier would have made
the Jnurncy without a stop, but consider
ing the sr.snn and that tne channel has
r.ot been cleared of sediment since the
last heavy freshet, the performance of
the Suveric Is decidedly encouraging.
It la not doubted but that with perma
nent Improvements to be effected In tha
way of dikes, revetments and other proj
ects the y-foot channel recommended by
Major Mrlndoe. Corps of Engineers. V.
S. A- and which has been authorised,
can be maintained with material de
crease In the amount of annual dredging.
The British steamer Northumbrla. which
bumped on the bar a week ago after her
skipper disregarded the warning of Pilot
Staples not to attempt to go to sea. waa
drawing feet, according to the basis
on which the Tort of PortlanJ collected
for pilotage service, but owing to her
ll.t she waa really down about feet.
The British tramp Knight of the Gar
ter, which cleared October it for Shang
hai, with V.' -feet of lumber, the
world's record, drew but 5.S feet and
made the river Journey with ease.
Tobry Walt for Title to Uracil
Supple' Cement Pork.
Another season has brought Joseph
Supple face to face with the dilemma
he encountered la.t year In shallow
water In the channel leading to his
dock at the foot of Belmont street,
even though he expended In pro
viding a permanent basin In front of
the premises. The barge Ocrard C. To
bey. cement laden from San Francisco,
was to have been towed there yesterday,
but soundings were made In advance
and It was reported that she could not
be shifted Into the berth until high
water In the evening.
-It seems to me that after a property
owner dredges to the harbor line and
there Is plenty of water Inside, the Port
of Portland might keep the channel
clear leading to the boundary." said Mr.
Supple. -Besides work accomplished
last season the dredge Titan has been
operated In mid-channel and haa re
moved a quantity of material during
the past few weeks, yet the main road
leading from the Morrison bridge chan
nel to the East Side seems to be choked
with sediment. It might be overlooked
If there were but spasmodic shipments
consigned here, but cement will be
moving regularly from California un
til Fall and the dork Is the distributing
tatlon for the East Side."
Officer Will Meet at Son Francisco
This Year.
Thrimrh an order signed by Major
General Leonard Wood. Chief of Staff of
the Cntted States Army. Major Jay J.
Morrow. Corps of Engineers. I". S. A..
In charge of the first Oregon district,
has been detailed as a member of
another fcoard of officers to meet two
or three times this year at San Fran
cisco. The members are IJeutt-nant-Col-onel
John Itlddle. of the Engineers.
IJeutenant Colonel F.ucll.l B. Frlck.
Medtcal Corps; Major Morrow. Captain
fterwood A. Cheney. Engineers, and
Captain Edwin A. Rich, of the Medical
The board Is to pass on the qualifica
tions of officers of the Corps of Engi
neer In the district to determine their
fitness for promotion. So far as la
known there are two lieutenants and
one captain to take the examination
this year, but others may be ordered
feeiore the Board. Last year Major Mor
row waa on a special board of engi
neers to pass on new projects and last
month he was summoned to Washing
ton for a conference with the Chief of
Engineers regarding a seagoing dredge
to be constructed for work on the Coos
Bay bar and to discuss other features
tf this years work In the district.
Steam I Tp on Spencer.
Following an Idleness dating LarTr.
to the Summer season of ll the
steamer Chas. K- Spencer made her ap
pearance yesterday In the harbor,
steaming from the Victoria dolphins,
where she was moored during the Win
ter, to the foot of Main street to load
a towing donkey engine. The Monarch
Transportation Company, which recent
ly purchased the vessel from Captain
K. W. Spencer, will use her to tow log
raft far the Monarch Lumber Company
and she will be equipped with all need
ed gear.
Charm Walt for Water.
Horace Campbell haa delayed start
ing the new gasoline passenger craft
Charm oa the Portland-Woodland run
until there 1 an Increased depth In
Iwls River of one foot, as the gauge
shows the stream standing at xero. Mr.
Campbell says he would not have In
vested In the Charm had It net been as
sured that the Lewis River channel
would be Improved this season and he
evpects that a depth will be provided
that will permit the craft being oper
ated at all stages.
Vessels Load at Raymond.
RAYMOND. Wash.. March 11. (Spe
cial! An Interesting feature In connec
tion with the shipping at Raymond Is
the presence of three vessels belonging
t-j tha J. Homer Frltch Co, of San
'ranclscee one port at tlie same time
for the first time in their history. These
vessels are the steam schooners. Car
los. Captain Roberts; Capastrano. Cap
tain lorrls. and the Carmel. Captain
liardwlch. The first l a passenger and
freight steamer, while the other two
are freight vessels entirely. The Cap
astrano and Carmel were both built oa
Grays Harbor. The Capastrano was
towed to Portland where the Wllllam
ette Iron Works put In her machin
ery, and she made a trial trip on the
Columbia River. The Carmel was tow
ed to San Francisco where the Fulton
Iron Works put In her machinery. The
Carlos was built at the Fulton Iron
Works. San Francisco.
They are all loading; for Southern
California porta.
Marine Note.
Lumber for San Francisco is to be
loaded by the steamer Nome City at
I.innton. She will finish In time to sail
Having replaced the Baltimore Rock
ell buoy and the Coos Bay whistling
buoy, the lighthouse tender Manxanita
reported at Empire yesterday.
Longshoremen will start the British
ship Naiad at Irving dock tomorrow
morning, loading; wheat for the United
In general cargo from San Francisco
the steamer Nome City yesterday en
tered at the Custom-House and the
steamer St. Helens cleared In ballist
for Seattle.
To have repairs made to her guard
the steamer Arago. of tUe Corps of
Dae te Arrive,
Name. From Date.
Nome City Pan Kran-laco In P'
Sue H. Klmur. Tlliamoo. . ... In port
lO.Ja ....H'raon....ln port
Beaver rsn I'.'ro.... In P"
Oolden Oats... Tillamook. ...In Pr
Anvil .pandon Mar. V.
Breakwater Coos Hay Mar. II
tJea. W. Elder. .San P.lro.... Mar.
Bear fan Pedro.... Mar. 14
Alliance Eureka Mar. 1
noeeClly Fan Ivaro....lar is
ftoanoae San Pedro Mar. 2'
F.Iron San Francisco Mar aw
Klteralde Falboa Apr. 1
acneduled te Depart.
Name. 'er ""e
rjolden Hate. .. Tillamook.... Mar. 12
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.. Is
Beaver Sio f.dro.... Mar. 13
Anvil -Fendoo Mar. 14
Breakwater. ...Coos f.ay Mar. 14
Onv W. K.uer. .San I'cdre Mar. 15
N-,me l"ltT Pan Francisco Mar. 17 ..Sen Pedro Var. 1
Alliance Eureka Mar. -
lts)a Hor.aknng Mar l'
Hcaooke an Pedro Mar. 52
Rm City Ban Pedro Mar. JJ
. iron Pan Franclaco Mar. S3
Riverside. .....Balboa.. u...A(r.
Engineers. V. S. A., la moored at Sup
plea yards. Bids for the work are to
be asked by Major Mclndoe.
Lack of business yesterday caused
the steamer Weown. of the O. W. Hos
ford fleet, to be towed to Fulton, where
she will remain until there Is an In
creased demand In log-towjng.
It Is announced that the steamer Ol
son Mahony will resume operations
between Portland and California ports
and will aall on tier first cf
the year In this direction March ta.
En route from Prince Rupert. B. C,
to load lumber at Inman-Poulsen'a for
South Africa, the Norwegian steamer
Skogstad waa reported passing Tatoosh
yesterday, and will start working- here
early this week.
Two boys turned over to Harbormas
ter Speier's force yesterday a canoe,
painted green, which they found be
neath the dock of the Portland Lum
ber Company and managed to paddle
to the foot of Stark street with two
looking none the worse for having
been 'on the beach at tne I'mpqua River
for 22 days, the gasoline schooner Wll
helmina arrived In port yesterday and
was berthed at Washington street,
bringing cargo from Southern Oregon
harbors. She will sail Wednesday.
After the barge Gerard C. Tobey waa
dropped In the lower harbor Thursday
by the steamer St. Helens, she dragged
her anchor owing to the small amount
of chain played out. but was checked
before drifting Into a dangerous posi
tion, as she was carried on a strong
ebb tide.
Orders have been Issued for the Brit
ish bark Oweenee to start from As
toria this morning In tow of the steam
er Ocklahama. which left down yester
day morning with the German ship
Kilo. The French bark Bougainville
Is to start up tomorrow morning and
the British ship Vincent Tuesday.
Reservations for cargo consigned to
Portland dealers have been made with
Bates at Chesebrough for May and busi
ness Is such that It Is thought the serv
ice will be Increased soon. The next
carrier due with New York and Phila
delphia freight Is the Riverside, which
Is expected April i.
In honor of her tblrty-thlrd anni
versary tha launch Ray, of the Kellogg
boathouse fleet, has been overhau.ed
and was speeded on the river yesterday
for the first time since Summer. The
Rav has been owned by Captain Kel
logg for IS years and waa In service
here for a long period before he pur
chased the craft. She was built at
New Tork and brought around the
Horn when operated by nap tha.
Movements of V esse la.
POKTLAXIN March 11. Arrived Oeeo
ttn, erhoon.r Wllhelmlna. from Newport;
steamer Sue H. Klmor. from Tillamook.
Hailed Steamer St. Helena, for Meatus;
Uermaa ehip Kilo, for vtueeostowa or Fal
mouth. Aatorla March 11. Palled at 7 A. at .
Steamer llm for San Kranrleco. Sailed at
a A. M. lilenmer Alliance, for Cooe Bay and
Eureka: ateamer W 8. Porter, for Monterey.
Arrived down at t.SO A. M. Urltlah steamer
Suvarte. Sailed at :-" A. it. Steamer
J oh en Poolaen. for San Francisco. Arrived
ASt n'.bt tleeollae aloop Condor. from
Newport. Sailed last night Steamer Ne
balem. for San Pedro. Sailed at 10 A. M
Krltiah bark Invermar, for United Kingdom
for orders. Arrived at 3 I". M. and left up
Steamer Elmore, from Tillamook.
Ben Franclaco. March II. Arrived at 6
A M. Steamers Kee City and Roanoke,
from Portland. Arrived at nooa Steamer
Hear, from San Pedro. Sailed Schooner
vl.i.Ii. for Columbia River. Sailed at T
last alsht Steamer T. 8. Loop, for Port
land. Cooe Bay. March 11. Sailed Steamer
Breakwater, for Portland.
Tatooah March II. Passed out at noon
Norwea-ian steamer Skocatad, from Victoria,
fur Portland.
Point Loboe. March It. Paased at 1 P. at.
Steamer Shasta, from San Pedro, for Co
lumbia Klver.
Kan. ion. March 11. Balled yesterday
Gaaoilne schooner Anell. for Portland.
San Franclaco, March 11. Arrived
Steamers pmeld and Kllaabeth. from Ban
don. Mathilda, from Taconia: Mlnerlc. from
Sydney; Falrhaven. from Port Ludlow;
schooner A. H. Johnson, from Orays Har
bor. Sailed Steamers Jeanette, for whal
ing crutee: Governor and Buck man. for Se
attle; bark Jeaa Bart, for New Caledonia:
bark Uraybead. for whaling cruise; tug
Oollab, for Port Townaend. towing bars
r-mBo. schooner Commerce. for Port
H1vikoVama. March 11. Arrived Oanfa.
from Tacoma via Seattle for Liverpool.
'.ondon. March 11. Arrived Protealaus.
from Tacoma via Seattle. Yokohama, etc.
Tacoma. Wash, March 11. Arrived
Schooner Philippine. from San Pedro:
erbooner C. S. Holmee. from Baa Franclaco:
steamer Water-a. from Saa Franclaco.
Sail.,) British steamer Dtmart. for Aua-
'Tli," Angeles. March 11. Arrived Sagi
naw from Aterdeen: Luion. from Eacle
Harbor. Sailed Chehalle. for Gravs liar,
tr riarmont. for Gray. Harbor: Grace
poller, for Coos Bay; Tamalpais. for Bel
llngham. Tides at Astoria Saadar.
High 'Water. Lo W'tT- .
11:01 A. M...S:4 feetl :S A. M... s.2 feet
) s .ie V. M.. 0.4 foot
Weal at 84. Leak.
ST LOflS. March 11. Wool onehanired.
Territory and Weetern medluma. l'J-c;
fine medluma, ISO 1&, flae, UiUe,
If You're in Need of Medical Aid Be Sure
That You Consult the Best
I cure because my methods are accurate. I do not need to experiment. I p J
bevond the experimental stage "over 20 years ago In the treatment of men s allm enta.
I know that my treatment CCRES any ailment peculiar to men I also know why
It cures. Still, I am learning something from each caee I treat. I am learning
for instance, how to make my treatment cure different case, a little q uicker. how.
to completely overcome certain temperamental conditions In w Men no two men are
alike and adapt with still greater precision my treatment to each man a case.
When I tMnk of the great number of suffering men who come to me after they
have been pronounced incurable by other doctors. I wonder how many there must be
who hit" givS Spirt uttef despair, thinking that there Is no treatment that can
restore them to health. . . . . .. M , , . mnm
conT.r ,0' before glvingp hope. To other, you, : case would doubUes. be u
in. "i""'
cure. I have cured thousand, who were
medical aid" I cured most of these In a
tlveiv incuraoie. out 10
UNaTuV. accomplishes nothing by force. Her work Is wrought through gentle ln
fl.w.nVL We ee ! avldencei"!f this truth everywhere. Nature haa a way of over
coming every at.nien . Sometime she faUs. The physician-, duty I. to help when
na7urfauery. and to help by reinforcing the natural P""o2
la often a delicate task. The treating must be accurate, mild and gentle. Other
wise It work, hirm Exciting tonlce. fiery caustic and cruel cutting have no part in
mV "practice. I have mild and harmles. method, that cure by nature's plan, and
atP"re thoroughly and permanently In the brlefe.t Pv'Vrrn.n.t 1
J.h.e.r..' I offer vou that which you are .eeklng. a quick and permanent cure
through painless and harmles. treatment,
Pay When Cured
What heller proof or more sincere assurance can
I offer than that I am willing to wait lor ray fee
until I effect a cure? Could I afford to make .uch
an offer If I were not absolutely certain of curing
every case I take?
Mv practice has demonstrated that no ailment
peculiar to men 1. Incurable. Failure to cure I.
usually due to lack of knowledge and Improper
treatment. You mav consult me free of charge and
lesrn your exact condition. I will not urge my
services, nor will I accept your caee unless I am
positive of my ability to cure you.
Contracted Ailments
In no other ailment peculiar to men
I. a prompt and thorough cure o essen
tial. Contracted allmonto tend to work
backward until the most vital nerve
renters become Involved In the inflam
mation. Then follow, a chronic stage
that stubbornly resists all ordinary
treatment. Safety demand, that every
vestige of infection be eradicated at
the earliest possible moment. My
treatment I. thorough. The remedies
employed have a more positive action
than ha. ever before been attained, and
so perfect Is my method of application
that etin chronic cases yield com
pletely. Obstructions
My treatment Is absolutely palnlesa.
and perfect results can be depended
upon. I do no cutting or dilating what-
Specific Blood
7L the avatem with mineral
hope to do by this treatment Ve to keep the 1 en VhS t ta?l n t of vl ri i destroyedT Kvery symptom vanishes
Under my treatment tho entire system Me .f, .nn g,1 They are remedies heretofore unknown In the
te.fmen'.of VhuVlm'V-V destroying the poison in the system. Such
cure, cannot bo other than complete and permanent.
It Will Cost You Nothing for Consultation and Advice
19 to 1. .
Top Price Obtained on Apples
Shipped by Exchange.
Car of Ashland Xewtovrcia Moved at
40 Cents More Than Grower
Asked Demand Is In Excess
of the Supply.
The latent market bulletin of the North
western Fruit Exchanse follows:
k 'H-Ttf ourdr.? v;pori
have mad. a aale which, represent.
Ih. hlshest prlc-ae of Ihe entire season lor he
Ksrthassi In the arletle. concerned, belns
5S rrVwvB 3
o" judgment the market U about
at the highest level for the seaaon. with the
..Ar.,io nerhaoa of Newtowns. which will
probably" ISm .till higher neat
ironth. for such fruit as holds up In llrst-
'YneT.Xns. the. to rail attention to
the following incident which aerve. to In
dlcat. tn. nel for '7'" '!CS
" 7. i. rendering. Under date of March a
ft h.s a lter from Ih. Ashland Fruit
"roduce Jkeaoclatlon. Ashland. Or., as fol-
-There Is a car of second Newtowns here
which ere sound and In good condition. They
ill ."eras, about 13 to the boa. some
larser and some .mailer. Party wanta tl
f. o. b A. bland. Or." .
This latter waa received yesterday
todav we are wiring an order to the Arhland
Aoclltlon for this car at Jl.eO per box
fob. wltlch la 4Q cents per bog more than
the .rower aaked. or a digerance of $.40
on . minimum c.r. Value, are baaed-on
the law of supply and demand, the opera
uona of which are not alwaya underalood by
local .flippers whose ylew-polnt Is neceaaar-
"3Th"thl'a Is true Is further Illustrated In
the attached letter from Earl J Stackiand
Cove Or., who la a grower and shipper of
1 veers' experience In the bualneaa'
.., !. ,n piea.ure that I herewith ex
tend to you my thank, for the work done
for me In selling nine car. of apples at price,
th.t no other agency could have obtained
thia seaaon, without a better equipment In
every way than they have commanded up
t0- liTooklna- over the 18 years that I hare
been a ahipper of fruit from thia aartlnn.
vour concern loom, up as the greatest boon
to the fruit Industry of the Northwe.tern
Pacific 6lope of anything- yet established.
No .rowers' union or exchange can ever
hope to market fruit to a. good an advantage
a. yourselves unlee. headed by some suc
cessful shippers who have had a wide and
Ion. experience In the bu.lneaa. I am.
therefore, atrongly of the opinion that the
beat thins the growere of this region- can
do la to line up and let you handle the whole
output through local unions or otherwise.
Co-opcretlon I. all right If thoae ,n org.n
laen are willing to pay for the beat bu.l
nrsa t.ient obtainable for that purpose;
otherwiaet of little or ao While or
told ty otner aoctors inai.
very short time and they are strong,
. Why My Ceres Are Lasting
"Because the methods I employ meet even the
most minute detail, of these aliments to which they
apply, and are readily modified to meet the re
quirements of the Individual caaes. Because my
treatment is ample, scientific and thorough, my
cure, are complete and lasting,, and my patient,
have no relapses. For the same reason I am usual
ly able to cure In much less time fiian la commonly
required In obtaining but partial results.
Tains in the back, dull,
si eepy feeling, sleepless
ness and all reflex ail
ments are but symptoms.
There is always a deeper
cause, which must be
found and eradicated.
Poison Positively Eradicated
, . ...,..i. nnroui thm the ailment Itself. The best they
poisons scarcely less dangerous than
ganised for uniform . grading and co-operation
under a real marketing concern .Ike
youra. wherein the membera are all mutu
ally Interested with tha reat of the patrona
aa grower. nd Investors In this Indu.try,
i v. - nnw ihin. that nrsmliei a sure and
early euccee. In thia line. .... .
I expect to let you handle all I nave to
ahlp In the line of apples, etc, for the next
Quotations Current In the Bay City Mar
ket.. BAN FRANCISCO. March 1L The follow
ing produce price, were current today:
Vegetable. Cucumber.. 11.60 I: garlic
4tc; green peas, litivlic; string beana,
5c: tomatoe.. nominal; egg plant. lOfiUHc
Butter Fancy creamery, 28c.
Egg. Store, 17c: fancy ranch. IT Via.
l necae Young America. 12V'15Hc.
MUlstuffs Bran. 134030: mldoilngs. S32
Frult Apples, choice. $1.25; common, T5c;
Mexican llmra. 19-50 ty 7; California lemona.
choice. $3; common.. (I SO; oranges, naval.
11.504 2. ii: pineapple.. l'-'?.t.
Potatoes Early Ross, 1.8oOkS5: Salinas
Burbanka. U-10 3; Oregon Burbanka,
Oniona Nominal.
Hiv Wheat. sWI3.r per ton; wheat
and oata. fStoll: alfalfa. !13.
Receipt. Klour. 23a quarter eacke;
wheat. 2170 centals; barley. 16,233 centals;
oata, 2340 centals: potatoes. 45S sacka;
bran, 1S sacks; middlings, 87 sacks; hay,
so tons. -
Barley Is Advanced and Oats Are
Lowered Shipments of Pro
duce to Alaska.
SEATTLE. Wash.. March 11. (Special.)
Continued demand for wheat, both for ex
port and for mllllna- purposes, today re
sulted In an advance of one cent per bushel
all around. Price, touahed the hlghe.t level
ouoted on the local Merehanta" Exchange
In six week.. Dealara bid M cents for blue
stem and IIS cente for club. Millers had
to pay two centa more. More liberal orrer
lngs of oats forced the price to 27. Bar
ley wss quoted 0 cents higher at 121.
Fresh egga were firm at 12 centa. The
coun'r? prices next will be 1!0 centa.
Country shlppera are known to be hold
ing eggs for an advance. Poultry cleaned
up. In fact not enough arrived to meet
thThe"cn."e market was weak. Butter
rsled Arm at Jl cents.
Owing to the half holiday, there was no
life to the fruit and vegetable market. The
hipping demand waa large. Conrmla.lon
men are making large shipments to Bouth
eaatern Ala.ka. Another advance In the
price of apples would not surprise the trade.
Fancy apple, moved brl.kly during the
Chirago Produce Market.
CHICAGO. March 11. Butter steady.
Cream.rles. lS2oc; dalrlea 1S&21C Eggs
eee?. Recelpta. 10.S19 cases. At mark,
caaea Included, ltmrloc: firsts. 19c; prime 19 ic Chee?. steady. D.lsles. 13
lflWcr twins. 114 lc: Toting Americas.
ia&CMc: Long Home. 13C14c.
Mlnneapolla Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 11. Wheat: May.
7ic- Julv liSHriOxVc: September. 92H 0
j5o'ca.n: No. t hard. Hc: No. 1 North
"iC itc: No. s .e1VM;
tio. I wheat. HCc
The Leading Specialist.
vlgor -
My ability to cure all
ailments of men both
quickly and thoroughly
. Is merely a matter of
superior skill; which la
nothing more than nat
ural aptitude and accu
rate knowledge, gained
through unusual advan
tages for attaining the
utmost proficiency.
Varicose Veins
This most prevalent of all ailments
of men Is also the most neglected,
either through dread of the harsh
method, of treatment commonly em-
floyed. or else through Ignorance of
he grave dangers that accompany the
ailment.- As 'aricose Veins Interfere
directly with the circulation and
process of waste and repair, the necea
slty of a prompt and thorough cure
cannot bo too forcibly emphasized. I
cure Varicose Veins in one week by an
absolutely painless process. My cures
are permanent.
l or Rheumatism and Nervousness
Better Than
Rheumatism, Nervousness, Neu
ralgia. Backache, Liver and Kid
ney complaints are caused by ex
cess uric acid. Medicine can only
temporarily counteract the effect,
while Elec'tropodes remove the
excess uric acid, and all other
poleons and Impurities, from the
system. The result is prompt re
lief and a permanent cure.
One man' from Pasadena, Cal..
writes: "Electropodes cured me.
In two weeks' time, after all other
remedies had failed." Another
from Madison, Neb., says: "Elec
tropodes have done me more good
than -all the medicine I have
No Cure, No Pay
Druggist Signs This Contract
The purrhaaer of Electro pod r Is granta
ed the privilece of returnina thera within
Se daya. and the perchaae price ( t LOO ) Is
te be refunded upon the following condi
tions! They are to be wera according ta
direction, for at least 25 consecutive days,
sad thm if a at satisfactory, te be returned
in original box. I
Druggist's Blxaatnr...- .!
At dcuKBists; or by mail,'
postpaid. If your druggist can
not furnish Electropodes, send
us $1.00, and we will see that
you are supplied Immediately.
State whether for man or woman.
Western Electropode Co.
247 Los Angeles St., Los Angeles,
Toothache Gum 1
Btops any toothache. Prevent, fur
ther decay. Does not melt in the
mouth. Itswhole.trengthtsretalned
snd goes right to the spot.
Torre are tmitanona Bee that yon get
Deat'e Tewtkaehe alesa.
Sat an oruggisM, i . .1
Dent's Cora Gnm1;.:,.
C. S. OENT a CO.. Detroll. Mica.
Etidneys, Bladder
Not Sample, Not a Test, Not Trial
or Proof Treatment, but a Regular
Full Complete Course of Remedies.
' twin ml charee. raid. TO TRY FREE, a Full.
Complete. Three-Fold Combined Leiold Courae of
Treatment to anrauffering man or woman who need,
the right kind of help. I do not ak for a pennr In -ad
vanoe. not even a portage stamp. I will stand the
entire expanse mjeelr and .end the Treatment charge,
paid. There are no promise, to make, no paper, to
aign. no reference, to give, no C. O. Ira. to par. and
Tou are not obliged to spend a penny. 1 am making
this offer because I wish to prove to. every sufferer
that roleif can be had. that the nlahta of pain and
aleeple-mesa nd day. of misery and despair can be
turned Into one. of bnpplnea. and comfort.
For my wonderful Treatment i. now helping thous
and, to regain theirhealth. Thow offering for year,
with the mort ohronlo, .ever, obstinate, longstanding
ease, find relelf after all other remediea hayy failed
to cure them. Among all claims, Mongthersei
among rich and poor, are those who can testify to the
wonderful curingPower of my Treatment, and now
I offer it toyoa TO TBX FKEE-take M. use It,
K'dnry. Bladder Trouble or
Rheumatism. Dlriineaa, Puffy Bjelling. tnder the
Eve or In the Feet ani Ankles. Nerrousnesa. T ired.
Worn-out Feeling. It your urine is light and pale,
dark color or cloudy. If you make water often, getting
Sp during the night. If ft .mart, and burn, while you if these la sediment or brick dust when it
stands, write for thia Treatment without out a mia.
l now saving thousand, from that Back
BrengTlflcelng. TwUtlng. Terrlh e Tertur
InrAro'lTEaM. Stiff JoTnta, Quiet, thoae
llS.rtS! rinatnVJRbeiiniatlo ?aln. Soothe.
theT unbeSraYle gladder Trouble, and
"idrlc' take It withla
the human system without causing results. IS
drives Tawsy the poisonous impurities that clog the
kidney, and cause the trouble. Cleanses Purifletk
Strengthen Invigorate!!, and luicouragestheKidneya
to IWcrly FllteV thelood Btop. the pain. give,
itrength to the nerves, life and ambition to the mind
and body, and doe. It Quickly, quietly, without loa. of
""want every sufferer to know, to come, and try thl.
Treatment, and see for themselves I will send a full
complote course, charge. Pa'd. redy to use TO TBY
FREE. Take It when it oome USE HALF OF IT. and
eee iust what It does. Then when you know It i. help
ing you. when you know you are getting better, just
eeud me a small amount, an amount within your easy
reech anammint you caneasllyaffordtospare. J hat s
all I'llask. If you are not satisfied when younave
taken half of It. return what's left and par
"I'a'm'fhe only one today wdlng a full Treatment
TO TRY FREE. I couldn't afford to do It If I wasn t
euro It would help you. If I didn't know what the Treat
ment would do. But yon are to be the judge. It
must aatisfy you. It must help you, and you are the
one to say. I don't want a penny If It fails. I would
not take a cent I am not entitled to I will leave
It right with you yourself. I know what my Treat
ment will do. that', why I am making you the broad
est. most rtralghtforward. fair, most liberal, one-sided
offer ever made. When I have confidence enough In
my Treatment to .end it to yem thia way, I know you
w 1 1 1 be will I ng to try It F KEE at my expense and that
all I ask. Don't .end a penny In your letter, not even
a onstage Mam p. just your name and where to send the
Treatment. Address your letter to mg personally, like
thia : Vi. H. MicieUiteWartll.SO.Xexoui Building.
Cleveland. Ohio.
Send No Money;
lust This Coupon
9.rxoir Bi.ia., OLrrEUHi Ohio
Please . -id me your regular, full, complete
three-fold Leioid Course of Treatment as i Jmi
promi above, all charge, paid. TO TRY FREE.
Also your FREE BOOK about t rio Acid, Kidney,
Bladder Trouble and Uheumatlam.
My name ls
Post OSoa
St. or R. P. P
Ploaae write name and addreee plainly
Lowest Charjte. of Quickest Cure.
Any Specialist. That Stay Cured.
AFTER I CURE YOU. I want a chance
to prove I ran cure afflicted, skeptical
men who may healtate to come to me
because they have been disappointed
by unskilled doctor..
Remember, my treatment Is different
and better and COSTS YOU NOTHING
unlea. you are willing;, Kind and satis
fied to pay me.
Nervousness, Weakness
Nervous ne ... Weakness, Lack of
Vitality, Poor Memory, Los. of Energy
and Ambition, Wornout Feeling, Timid,
H e a d a e b e, Backache, Melancholy,
Easily Excited. Restless at Micht, are
some of the symptoms that destroy
A safe, rapid and permanent euro
for weakness Is found by men from the
animal extracts treatment we give
them. All svmptoma are soon gone,
strength, vim. vigor, vitality and a
robust feeling: are quickly restored.
Come In and see me. Have a confi
dential talk and be examined without
cost or obligation. I will cure you,
The Old Reliable Specialist,
Corner Alder and Second Streets. En
trance 128is Second street, Portland.
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundavs. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
A Hankow telegram states that the police
authorities In Huoeh provfnee have decided
to employ female detective, on their force
In Imitation of the Western example. A
special achool for tha training of female
detectivee la shortly to be established, and
40 educated women of over 40 years of
age are to be chosen from the applicants.
Pekin News.
It matters not what your alment
Is or who has treated It, If it Is
Mirable we will srive you Immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting cure.
Do not allow money matters to
keep you from getting well. Ve
charge nothing to prove our meth
ods will cure you. Our guarantee
SATISFIED is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, examination
and diagnosis free.
We claim for our treatment
nothing "wonderful" or "secret it
Is simply our successful way of do
ing things.
-.1 . 1. u.. nll.n Cnirirlnir. Knotted
Wormy -like Veins, Clotted Mas;
nant Pool, of Impure Blood, Weak,
Nervoua, Low Vitality, Mental Ue
presalon. .,
We dailv demonstrate that VARI
COSE VEINS can be cured without
severe surgical operation. Benefi
cial effects are Immediate. Pain
quickly ceases, enlarged veins rap
Idly reduce, healthy circulation
speedily returns, and strength,
soundness and robust health are
soon restored.
The complicated ailments of these
organs are rapidly overcome. There
is no guesswork about It. Vt e re
move every obstruction, stop every
waste, allay all Irritation and In
flammation, revitalize the weakened
organs and soon accomplish a sale,
thorough and permanent cure.
Rash Copper-colored Spot., Erup
tions, Ulcers, sore Month or throat,
Mucous Patches, Swollen Gland.,
Our NEUCLEU-AT O X T L treat
SON leaves no injurious after ef
fect. It does not "lock in" the poi
son, but drives It out of the sys
tem, so there can be no comeback.
Being a Blood - Purifying, Blood
Making. Blood Cell Remedy, it gives
the patient a pure, fresh Blood
Stream, and restores him to normal
The cause of Nervo-Vltal Debil
ity, na welt a. Its evil effect, upon
the physical, mentnl and other-power-
Is familiar to all sjfiUcted
men. The symptom, need not be
We want all ailing men to know
treatment is the ideal remedy for
not stimulate temporarily, but re
stores permanently. All disagree
able symptoms disappear,
nerve energy is regained, self-re-jpect,
self-confidence and self-control
return, and the patient is pre
pared for a new period of life.
Rupture or Hernia, Pile., blind,
bleeding;. Itchtnc or protruding!
Fistula, Ulcere, und etc.
Our proven methods make hos
pital operations unnecessary. In
most cases no pain or detention
from business. We guarantee quick
relief and positive, permanent cures.
What you want is a cure. Come
to us and get It. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realize
how simple a thing it is to get well
in the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life to
years. Office hours, daily 9 to 6.
Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays. 10 to 1
362 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy apt
pllance for TREATING YOU. Our ex
perience I. so great and varied that nj
ec. of the ailment, of Men 1. new to us,
General Ceblllty, - Weak Nerves, In
somnia Keauila of exposure, overwork
and other Violation, of Nature', lawc.
Diseases o. . .adder and Kidneys, Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
cured at small expense and no detea
tlon from business.
special. AiLAiiNVs Newly con
tracted aui caromc cases cured. ' Ail
burning, itching and lotiamuiatioa
stopped in 24 hour.. Cures effected la
seven day.. Consultation fee. If un
able to call, write for list of question..
Office Hour. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sua
ss. 10 A. M. to 1 P M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
224 Waali. St. Portland, Oregon.
C. Gee Wo
The Ch:n:sj Djc1.):
This great Chines
doctor Is rail
Known through
out, the Northwest
because of bis
wonder f ul and
mar velous curea
aud Is today her
aided by all bit
oatlenta as tha
t,i.esl oi ms kind. He treat, any
and all dl.ea.e. with powerful Chi
"m Toots, heros and barks that a M
entirely unanown to the medical
jelence of this country. With thes
harmless remedies ne guarantees te
cure catarrh, asthma, Tung trouble
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver and kidney troubles, also prl
vate ailments of men and women.
patients outsldo of city write for
blanks and circulars. Inciose -ta
Ml-Vfc First St., Near Morrljoa,
Portland, Or,