The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 32

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    Ave eo .
'. . . I I .rSIWS, nPPORTT1T.IS. r BT7SM58 OrrOBTOmK, . f . Jgggra. OPTOBTUMT.I3..
re or 1S E. Brf
a IMmi 445 R. lth North. U
T rooms, a K. lain North, -
iMira, rront. 'M1 a-1
room, auamgaworth and 1ncovr
.. ('.
room, SM Cut Bin. $
a room. Ii l"lr. $X.
room. 44 Hall .treat. tA
room. T74H - -'.
A room Bolt, lielaaont ' -
room, 34 Wasco t . i: ill
imikil 1114 K- Taylor. $41
room. lu:i r Yamhill. $..
room 444 Houverd .
B-room fat. 190W 17th at.. $VA
OtTI'TJ VtR ft "NT.
Hof'SF.H IOR rf.nt.
rootn, 17 otho at
room. r.aat Clay
rooa-a. K. Ih at. north....
T room. 441 Kat Mtn north
II room 2.-7 Whutkw at
a room, fc.t 1'HH, Knott..
room 4 Eal Jd at.
room 3-i.t 1 ;in at
rooma. ea Kat at........
.117 an
. I" O"
. 4" "
. soon
. 30.00
. s vno
. xoo
. . 4oo
.. 3V.Ov
.. 32.
.. "
. . 3 OO
.. SI.OO
room 7.' Kearney at
room ft-' Yamhill at
e room. 4TJW Eaat irttn sc.
room Kj 1lh N
a mrMTi r.w K-.t Mim...
A room Cornell Road....
.' w Aloer nu
Heme-hunter. ta!t our up-di rB
tal and Irformatlo department. 4lh Boor,
nam building, and mo acni
ka' llat.4 of .lr: bouse and Cat
Tn'll aTo tlm. la g.ttmg properly and
com fort D.r loeatwa. W k..p IB loue.
with ail vacant houses. Bata anC Bprt
tn.nts la th. my. We aiao keep a Ust of
car buildings la oouraa of construct iob.
Tho combined llata of ail roai mum
Caiora. Tbl lafuraatloa la oooluia.
Srnrf r rn ,Nf:iL
MTIH& Buy It tudlcloaaly tno Eaat
l:J.l ad tba aalssa vul axcaoal auf
asovtno ir.iM4 .
Oor 1X1 r-KJCES. whlca la yaara
Btado na oao of Portlaod a largaat furat
tara kouaaa. war. mada poaaibla bocauaa
ra kullt aa tha Eaat bido. tsaraka
rs.too B yaar r.nt. .
4-Ia Qrand A. Cor. Eaat 8lar 8U
TOR RENT Nw T-room bouar. full r
lnnt baTn.nt. 1 block, to Woodatork
rar an Id.aJ bom aita. orrrlooktna n.
Rod In.titut. rampo.. alao a maaalflcrnt
of I'ortLami. Appir aflor 1".
lai r and all day Salurdaya on
xlUKk . block aoutb. Kusarll
J"tH JtKNT 1-room rottaa. 2t pr month.
a:l mMra ronnln. walking dta
tanra f-om roat-ff alarahall at.. b
t. n iTth and lth. Inuiro :U litk at.
N . cor. l.p-J-r
rWlhM H
iH RrTNT or laa. baottful room mod -ra
ompl.tlr fur-l.r.d hotaa. Includ
lr plaa; baa buuul lw orlooklp
Tn. tl tho nr and tha ttlr. wlh
.-frt law a and ahrubbrT: 5 bloc, from
nd rarlin For partlr.ilara call C
F. rftu- aulta . Mulkay bldg .
11 and Morrt'on.
VVEI.I. farnwnad fiornBa. rtT and
R.OV. a r.ofn cottaa. $2o tnonth; 4
flat. 1T auit 3 rmlhd bouaa.
b-pln-room. I. II H rnoath: for
alS. Appir Nurtk. W car
from Ip..t. alb. waal oa ktorrwoa lo ZOtn.
t loc h north. .
A SKVj-R"Oil a bouaa oa Wlllamolto
ll.itnt with bardwood floor, firrpla--.
..r.pina porch and 1I. yard. Na and
compl.toly furnir.d. una block from u
rar. in. au!ia or phuaa mornlDsi
M nhH t: :
JA'FI.L furalah4 HOfSta. FLATS and
KimM?i: A room eottaac. $' month: 4
raom Bat. $17 S. aul'a. 2 furolahl houaa
k'tplnc room AS. lO. 113 month: A. ill.
App y 3o4 i'ith. W car from depot. Sen,
t co iMorriaoaJoStbionortb.
R'JOM. porfctl modem hooaa. alraantly
ftrai.lml mroiiilixL i.rlniai r old
r'Abo.aay furmiora. ate.: arand piano.
7M ii,-aa at. Pbona Mala AVI a. Call dally
tiliHi and a o'clock.
t:OH " RF.XT A baautlful modern a room. furalancd homa. oa Hawthorn.
a. nlrr- Uoa. bearing fruit lr.. ro.
fc.i.ha and Bowcra. also HSiara of cholca
fruit for al. rr.ona B --d7. w
rl HVIilHln ilt-rmm booao la Irrlnaton.
furna.o. aiactrlcltr. aa ranxa
and hratar. Uundry tra piano, plcaa
aut ard and por. h. Call at " tidier
t. Phona Ea.t 4-4.
(OK rent, modem 4 -room furnlahod houmo.
or will all furnltur, llavo lot no Mi.
.-ott rarltno. acreaaa on I'llwi al.ctrle
lin.. Knoulro HZ Vancoarrr ara.. liua
daor. renin c .
IFSIRAflI.K furnl.hej alrht-room modern
ho'iao. l'h lepir porch. modernia
prw-a. Ml Faat ad at.. Nortk. comer atuit
nomh ytro.-loay car.
"OR or rent, furnl.ned modern a
tnen hoiue. lota of fruit. Ilnwiera. larxa
..r.len apot. trwoer. 07" UborllB au.
l-TltXM bonae. new and completely fur
nished, piano, flr.pi,.,. porch, yard and
ail m'lrn ronanlence Thono cllatood
Phi. Refarence
JIVE-ROOM furnlaaed cutlaxe. 4U-J Slark
at.; rent Inqulro Weatara ttalvaca
.. A47 Waahtngioa at. Kafaroacoa re-
q til rod.
ITRNIf UEI' bocaa la Irrlnrtoo for rent for
term of als month.: T room 3 alecplng
pofrhra. take Broadway car. 4J- fcal
1 3 : l-.Vr(
MNB furnished or unfurnished room.
' bouaa. modern Improvement.: tho
r;ood Kaniarltan Hoanltal; cheap rent; 3
atreetc-ar line Tall .10'. Northrup t.
t-RCM"M fumlhed honao with barn In Irr.
laaton. Phono itn 60S or Inqulro 792
Waaco et.
I ll.iOM furnlahad bout Call WooJUa
:I mominc or ataains a-aat aadl dur
tnr tho day tlma.
foil HENT S-room furniahad bouaa. Ml.
rVott carllne. 4 Iota, fruit, flowera and
placo for garden, r'hone Tbor nd.
TRNloHEI B.e-room cottage at I.aiir I
har.t .Lalloa. UL Scott cox. Call Mala
4-RotM eottage. fumi.hed rnmplete: pl-
ii. central: reference Call 4o Jeffer
aon at.. ilondaj
MiR 7 -room bouae. furnished. Holladnv
Addition: Ivrce garage. C laod. Eaat e7X
W. H. Herdman.
I riiOK house In Irvlngton. lAlh and
Tyiamook. W. C. Reed. ei Vorrtaon St.
FOR RENT It-room flat, formatted 431 Tar
ror at.
tl'MI'LETELT furnished flat: bath and
phone. Owner, aul Holllday are.
FCRNISHFD 4 -room flat: comfortable. Utb
ami Sandy road I hone HJMJ.
A couple to ehare baaatlfut
borne. All 4Q. Oregonlan.
tL-I furnlabail A-room bungalow. Kent
Side. $?0 per month. Phono Main SiHJ'J.
t -ROOM furnished flat. 3tg Park.
for Heat Farwltaro for Halo.
FOR SALE Furniture of completely fur
nished 4-room flat. Ilial caati. 221 Ast
1st .N.irth: fijt tor rent.
Fl'RN'ITt'RE of lir-rooro house; rent I4:
S rooms rented. Sco owner. Jai Davis
and Urand are.
PORTLAND HEIOHTS B-roora bouaa for
rent, furniture for sale ty March
Phone M. or V. 73s.
FINE 4 -room flat and furnishings cheap:
rent. S4o. unfurnished: furnishings. aiM.
Marshall 110-4 or AK A17. oregonian.
FL P.NlTVrtE. gaa range, dishes, chin, all
eerwaro and everything complete, modern
-room flat. 3'Ju Mill t-
Fl'RN'ITL'RE of a 7-rom bouaa for aale;
mcme all full; real 4U Klrat au
' fall aeenlng
Fl'F.NlTl'RE of ft-room flat for sale. 4!H
Mill at.: modern la every respect; snap
rf bought Bt one.
CO"D farnltura five room cottage, reason
aoie; loo bloeka Portland HateU Call
? 7i sr.
4-ROOM apartment, eteam beat, furniture
new. e'4 cash wi:l hand!: furnltura must
ho aoid. 4vH Fast Burn.lde.
Fl RN'ITl'RK of A room a and bath for sale,
reasonable: cottage for rent. 109 Weet
ALL or part of furniture of five-room cor
ner flat, ats klocka from Poatorfica. A
ri RMTt RE of -ro.m collage, cheap:
house for rant. 4n 1ar at.
FI RMTIRK of & -room cottage, cheap; rent
'.'it: walking d'stanc 8hermn.
Fl KNITt'RB 6-room house for aale. IIUO:
rent. til. Adrea. X. Kill at. .
FVPNTTl'Rli of B -room flat; rent. 1.
ntH nth at.
FI'R.VITCRS of A-room cottage for alia
. W . n . Khn V. a
Cit.ap. ara nwo ... m
Ti.ROiM flat, furniture for aale- sleeping
p-veh: two tnllete; term 3.11 11th.
JTl RN'ITVRR for aai of three houaekoeplng
I nwiu La ptirmf family. POA HtvU Ak
v bvb.-u o.a dab tt- m erw hi m - r.on in .--... i
nm r. r r dviw.i. v, .......---- - - -
Howora far Rent ra rait are for Balo.
JfRN'I.tilllN'OS of 4-room modern flat for
sale, new two montha ago; coat 1375; take
j-oo. No reasonable offer refuaed; will
trade for cl lamonda : flat for rent. IA;
walking dlsta nca. A KM2tJrra,on lart;
$;." PUT.1 furniture of completely fur
nished, neat a-room cottage, walking die
lance, take Waahlngton-t. car to Llla at..
1 block nurtk. ,v. 67 Ella; open bun day
from I to A
FIVE room of furniture for aale cheap;
food oak furniture and Iroa beda; rent
17. ; Immediate poseeoslon. fall 10 A.
M. lo 4 I. M. Sunday only, li tJ. Bin ax-.
near Morrison.
S"V rT (I r .J good, fine -room bouaa. rent
t2io Aamlnster rugs, oak rumnure. ;"
ABminsier run. -o i- -
. plenty of linen and dlsliee; a nar
at 4W; cash. Call 417 Board
or Trade.
FVRNITl'RK of a flve-room modern houee.
good, clean and nearly near furniture
$-'io. terms: walking dlatanre. near h'eel
bridge. 34TJIjljj4rri'''ti .t
l-l'RN"ITT'l!E of new modem five-room flat,
leaking cliy. If mu are. looking for a
No. I flat cheap. se this. Fin location.
S91I't I corner Huh.
FOR RENT To reliable people, a hand
somely furnished house of .even room neighborhood. Phona Mala Si
or A 41.
FXIt BALE at lea than half price, tha com
plete furnlshlnge of a 4-fJ"m apartment,
all new and In eirellent condition. I'bon
A 4'i. Mam kl-C. Mr Hoi
OH EAT bargain rteautlful 5-room f la I.
elneo In. Weat hide: fin furniture and
clean. Price all complete .ii; 3 room a
rented for -'. Call H'l 41 h.
MI'ST aell furnltura of -room house, used
lex than a year, half vtcr: new hn.u
wiih big yard and chicken-house. Weat
Hide, rent 1S. A 7:S0V
FOR f ALE At half price., complete fur
nishings of a 5-room eteem-heat-d apart
ment: ererythlne n and In A-l condi
tion. Phone K.nst u'-'1!.
MoHEKN T-room house, lawn and fruit
treea new leather upholstered furniture
for aa'ie at a batgata; leaving city. 4tl.
K. T:h st. North.
TEN room beautifully furnished, swell
neighborhood, fine location, orerlooklnc
Prk: rent. I4i fh. terme or trade.
I'none. . orjriiii r.
14-R'XlM house for rent, furniture for sale,
price 400. Ill cash, balanre Z0 Pf
month. 5l Jackson, near West Park.
Phone Marshall L
n UMTI RE 5-room flat. West Side: -;
IJtiO caah. balance term. Rent. I ."O. In
cluding water and phona aervlc. Call
M Mill, corner IBlb.
7' CASH buva complete famishlnga fl
room nearly new. actual value over f .
house atrlctly modem; rent
Sid, walking distance. Apply 4'13 12th at.
OOINO-Eaat: "furniture al half Prlc U
taken at once. Close In. Telephone Mar-
hal ZUZ
FOR 8 A I. E Furniture of 4 -room furnished
Hat: tluu caah; Bat for rrnu C MO. Ore
gonlan. .
MC."T SEf.l
New furniture of a -room flat: bargain;
flatmodern; low rent. 4JJ Second a'..
w. .n mi a Verv reaannanie. a won-iur-
nlshed flat, centrally located.
4o4. after It A. M.
Call Mala
ROOMS, nice furniture. West nine. run.
deeirabl tenanta: mlnutea' walk rost-
offlce. Will aacrlflce. Main Son.
nmmfr Resort
UK VI TIFl l. Lockalev Hall with annex at
Seaside. Or., for sale or leaso to respon
sible partlre: will aell furnltura and lease
. ..1, Tha most oonular re-
oo tha North Taclflc Coast
Monday at AJ4 fliamber of fommerce.
FOR SAI.E. nice, orw Seaside cottage. IS
block, from th. beerh. Owner tired,
mon. r. Apply to H. Jacobean. 84 1 Waac.
at . Portland. Or.
FOR SALE Furnished 5-room collage.
tJcarhart Park. A F v.M. Oregonlan.
Fl N E brick corner, also Ingtd store. B.
Iltb and nawtborna are.; advantageoualy
situated for a hign-grad grocer, butcher,
druggist to build up a large burtnes In
Hawthorne and I J'ld Addition Apply
U R. Firchlld. jr.; Sherlock bldg.
Bi!Tfir tTtory brick. Sml00; plate
glaae front: loth and Marshall; aulleble
for light lobbing, manufacturing or retail;
will lease one-half: dlrlde apace to suit
tenant or tenants, long lease. A. O Long.
A STORE In new brick hotel, rent 1.10:
aultable for a ladv barber ehop. or any
other bualoea. Martla Hotel. 2d and
Ila at.
1-4) k month- store in brick building: rci
3d st.. corner Flander Inquire ill Mor
nson it , .
FOR KENT I atore. 7Mh and Thurman
st. In bnsr bualnoaa location. Mala
Inquire i'-th and Thurman.
ppn RENT Part of atore bldg.. 10.12.
good for real aetata or araall bnalnca
InQHirO 7"' I Jfll'""" e.
klI'b;HN atom room lor rent at -"i ein
at. Apply Kalttmor Lunch Co 8 Third
s tree I.
12$ Store. In fl'st-clas. .catloB; grocerlea.
notions, dry good 1293 Belmont- Phone
Tab-'t I7V .
FOR P.F.NT Half store on
beat bue'nes center. b;
. oregonlan.
STORE oe rent, phone Eat 133.
BTORE.i:iM. good location. 692 First at.
IJOHT. pleasant office, with Joint use of
entrance room; top floor of large build
ing: completely furnlahed. Including deeka.
tvnearttrr. Die both telephone, etc.; t.!'
per month: referencea exchangrd. Call
Main -"VtU or A 4913.
Slorrg for rent. I'-'n to 2S.
FOIl RENT Hall. beautifully furnished;
good for dramatic school or musio studio:
can have two connecting living rooms If
desired. rtiont Main U44. t
Rmm. a Or TA. peennd floor, good llrht. long
leaae. suitable for light manufacturing; rent
re..n able. A ppl) 1 .10 Front St.
ill S WET LA NO rll.IMj..
MOST centrally located office all-night ele
vator service 141 tlnd bldg, or Jaa
ttor. ftth and Waahlngton.
DESK ROOM For rent In high-class ground
floor office to responsible party only. E
Kil. Oregonlan
WII.tTVent desk or private office, furnished;
reasonable, ale Marquam bldg.
1 Corbetl Bldg.
NICK private office or ri'-ek rooni ycry rc
onnhlc. .124 Henry. 4th and Oak.
t.'KKI'r: space In new bldg.: commercial
bii.ipea AK th. Oregonlan.
DKSKROQM at 722 Selling Idg.
Boalneoa Place.
LAfilES auita made to your measure In tha
neweat etylee from $-1o.HI tip. We posl
ttvely make the beet man-tailored aulta
that money ran produce. Come and aeo
our workmanahlp. T. it. Ehrllch Ca, t3
Fifth atrect
PRIVATE garage. 3 N. 2h. a month.
TWO buslneaa block leases In heart of
downtown dlstrirt. . h CeJxlOO; long
term. 302 Spalding bldg.
WE WANT lease and hare lease for aale;
beet part of city.
10:12 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR term of years, large warehou- and
wharf: deep water. Are protection; rall
war switch. AK 4r(. Oregonltn.
TO lease, quarter block, near Grand av;
term years: reasonable. 8 Mf, Oregonlan.
Wanted 2 good men of moral and finan
cial atandlng In their community to Join
na aa officers and dlrectora In a cor
poration Just etarted for th purpose of
building a flrst-ciass health and bummer
resort, flnest location In the Parlfle. North
west. A-l commercial orchard, flna gar
den tract, ramping ground and In fact
everything neveeaary to make It the best
paying proposition on the entire Coaat.
No more Ideal location or facllitlea can
be found anywhere. T 4I. Oregonisn.
TOlrRf for four yeera If you ran rale ber
rlc etc.. oo my 13-acre Hood River farm;
all f want la 1-3: all you need la about
$1000 for expense half to bo returned.
Address L A22. Oregonlan.
Bakery, confectionery, in good location;
will trade In a good Por-land reeldrnce
at bargain price 1 mn business and
will give a No. 1 deal If suited. Phona
It '.'.: 7.
Must sacrifice my hotel this week: B
year lease, rent only -: new furniture,
on West Side. If Interested In buslnes
make m an offer. M. I. Ilobb L'74
hurk st.
STIT-IO for sale; good business and loca
tlon. Call :tit Morrison, room It.
FOR BALE Two-chair barber ahnp; sick
ness: real $20. E Hi. Oregomaa.
AM the owner of one of tha gwelleat Sum
mer and winter reaorta in rsoni
heavily In a mercantile buslneaa la Port
land, and wish to concentrate my hold
ings to this locality. In fact. I can
not give my tlm to both place. I
am net In need of cash and would Ilk to
trade this money-making proposition for
Portland realty. The reaort la fully
equipped and no further espendllura la
neVded. Would mak excellent sanator
ium for physician. la within severs 1
hours radius of several large towns, and a
money-maker. Reaort Include hotel, cot
tages, motor-boats, 240 acrea Improved
farm, chicken ranch of thouaand chickens,
livestock, horses, etc. In fact, everything
needed haa been pnrchaaed. Hotel excel
lently furnlahed and equipped with hot
water galmmlng pool. 2 box ball bowling
alley Each room la equipped with hot
and cold water, toilet, and electric light
Anyone taking charge doesn't need to
purchase anything: hotel full at high
rate throughout season. Can be kept
running throughout tha year. What have
you to trade? The above are exact facta
and I want no tnflers to reply. Addrasa
AH S47. Oregonlan.
FARTT wg-ltcd with few thousand to aa
alst me In buying fruit land. Yamhill
Count v, lion per acre. I have market for
seme at 4"0 In 6-acre tracts. H Jut
sold lOv acrea at a profit of H'l.wa. "
e4!. Oregonlan.
will conalder flrat-clasa proposition; ex-pertem-
with R. R. power, lumber, land,
lown.lte. mining and manufacturing; de
crlh project for attention. X 84i, Ore
gonlan. .
FOR SALE: Musto store. Edison, Motor
agencies, doing good buslnaa no competi
tion, reason of sl owner' poor health.
Will sell at Invoic .i00 cash. Addreag
box Hi. Hoqulam. Wash.
1.ROOM houa. furnlahed In eultea for light
bouae-keeplng: 3 rooms occupied by owner;
Income Jjrt. rent $20: thla Is a chance to
get free rent and Income. II li "
snap price: lease. See It. 305 Gafllnger
M'g.. comer 2d and Alder.
ktlAL eetats man handling city and hla
own fruit land wants reliable man aa
partner to ahow customer property; good
salary besides profit Particular room
5-3 Lumber Exchange.
DRl'O STORES throughout West: paying
propoaltlon Live man can make money
Write todav. atntlng requirement West
ern Businesa Agency. 821- 10th ave., 8a
sttle. Wash.
HAVE fin cIoae-ln apartnicnt-houae alle;
will build to eult Call at the office
and see th plana; will give a Ions leaa
it. '. BRYAN,
M tin Itwa. rn.'i Chum, of Com. A 1 22T.
KKSTAl'HAST, beet location on West Side;
good busln-ss: will tako one-half actual
value, aa muat aell at once; furniture c
one living room Included; .10O. Too Thur
mao at.
CIOAR STORE, 'well atocked and making
money. 7 furnished room one nearly pae
all rent; will trade for small farm and
pay some difference, or sell for el-VO.
Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morrison St.
WANTED Partner In manufacturers' agency
business to manage Portland office: ropre
aent several high-grade Eastern companies;
Investment of few hundred dollars re-
' quired. AL 51. Oregonlan.
HAVING established a mercantile agency
upon nw lines, have mora business than I
ran attend to: prefer partner to ad
ditional hired help. Calls for MH and
proven rustling ability., O 863. Oregonlan.
MANUFACTURING plant, suitable for tha
printing trade; Including Colt'a emboss
ing pre, rotary cutler, platen pre
etc Cheap If taken ,at once; terms. M
o.2. Oregonlan
FOR SALE Dandy Utile lunch room: best
propoaltlon In the city tor the money.
Come and aee for yourself. 431 Waahlng
ton it.
Center of city; flna trade; lone lease;
hurry; f 1500.
1 1 ALL A UU3TIN, 411 Lumbermen. Bldg.
SMALL foundry In live town: plenty of work,
but want to sell oa account of other busi
ness: will lea to responsible parties. P
eM. OregonlaiJu
AUTOMOBILE and repair shop want! part
ner: owner will guarantee business para
f:li0 monthly net: oo required. Room
a.'t Lumber Exchange.
SOLID business: sales average S3.0 day:
opening for reliable man; will pay good
salary, also large profits: I2O00 required.
Particulars. 24 1 'i Stark at.
PARTNER wanted to put In a machine ehop
with foundry established In a thriving
Western Oregon city. Address J 653. Ore
gonlan. ,
BAI.OON with Independent license: good lo
cation: cheap lent: price 2ihm for quick
aale. SOS Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder
FOR SALE Grocery and feed store: good
location. In Ooldcndale. Wash.: atock and
fixture about $2.V: other business ress-
onAailreMBoi Jli Ooldendale.Wash.
FOR SAXfc An excellent clothing. dry
good and shoe business: stork about 113.
ouO; will consider part real ett If
bought at once. Address Box 376. city.
4 modern llUng-rooma. rent 115. clean
stock. 4i. .
HALL A GUST IN. til Lumbermen. Bldg.
FOR BALK A flrst-clasa groceiy. close In.
doing about 12ooo per month: stock and
fixture about 2.".i0 lo $lix0. For further
Information address AG S01. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE bv owner, general merchandise
store. In a logging district; good location
for right party. For particular, addrasa
II. C Master St. Johns. Or.
WANTtolnvet XT oil la some business
which will not occupy much time; con
sider good rooming-house; no agents.
AD ST., Oregonlan.
CASH If you want rnsh for your business,
corporation stork, patent or other property,
ar drena Northwestern Business Agency.
Mlnnespolls. Mlnu.
FOR SALE Picture theater In Walla Walla.
Waah.; best location, best equipped. Jeaae
and rem O. K. Address A. Chance, cara
DRUG STORE somewhere In Weat: good-
Faylng proposition. 1.1000' to Slu.nod.
harmaclst. B21-Z loth av., Seattle.
1 tablea. good large room, flna location,
II.CLL A OL'STTN. Wit I.orobermeng Bldg.
MAKE me an offer on 10O shares of United
Wlielcs. Tel. stock, tran. or will sell any
part. Sow la your opportunity. Hurry.
PLUMBING buslneaa. well eatahllshed ;
muat sell; will take Invoice. 82a Williams
AVERT failure. Hav money to finance
our buslnesa upon reasonable term All
letters confidential. AM S.M Oregonlan.
$17.j 4?HJA R store.. National cash register,
showcase, shelving, etc; free rent, phono
and light. Inquire 7r.a Alberta st. -
GROCERY doing good business; Xo0 atock:
'would exchange for lot: reason, owner
leaving cltjr E 847. Oregonisn.
OLD-ESTABLISHED business direct (rom
owner; $.tHo will handle It; no agents. P
S50. Oregontstl
MAX of capital to take Interest In con
tracting buaincss; good return on Invest
ment assured. T MA. Oregonisn.
WANTED Real .'Ststo for rooming-house,
good locstlon. lease.
COLBE R. East 0.1. -
$7"0 Confectionery, home baking; splendid
location, long lease.
rnone coi.tif.Kti. r:nst b;.
Good location: snap at $300.
HALL A OUSTING. 4I1 Lumbermen! Bldg.
PARTNER with capital, commercial photo
studio: good business proposition. R 842,
Oregon ian.
FOR SALE Butcher shop at Invoice, good
location: must sell on account of leaving
clty. Phone Monday. B HfO.
BEST tailoring eetitbllahment In city: does
big buslneaa: will aland Investigation. G
b44. pregonlnn. ;
3."n CIGAR stand, very central: West Side.
This pl.tce netting I1CO month. Call 018
Board of Trade
GROUND FLOOR. unequaled opening, at
light coat, awaits man who can sell real
estate. Write P. O. box 17. clly.
ORCHARDS: no better returna to ba had.
Far particular call 27, stark at.
PARTNER-wanted used to farm produce:
guarantee good salary: also share of
profit Particular. 24S. Stark st.
FOR HALE Harness and shoe store; also
repair shop, doing good buslneaa. Write
for particulars. A MO. Oregonisn.
Telephone and other bonds bought A
sold. Flet.-ber Inv. Co.. 233 Ablngtoa.
MEivT-market, good location. 170 a day
cash business, no rredlt. no delivery, cheap
rent. AN 931. Oregonlan.
I5.-.0 CIGAR and confectionery: Weat Side;
doing good buslneaa. Call 018 Board of
ONE-CHAIR barber shop, 150: a chance
for big money for some one; rent 0. Ad
dress RoyWalter,Toledo,pr.
CAN clear M to IB day In caah buaineas;
require 27r: experience not necessary.
Particular 24HH Slark at.
HOTEL proposition, only seaside resort trib
utary to Portland; sacrifice. T 847. Orego
rJ an.
MEAT market for rent, furnished; 13 per
month: choice location. Phone Enet 5126.
GROCERIES, butter, ecca, etc.; strictly
cask trade, bargain. Call 2lSi Stark at.
Flna location, vaiuabl property and Im
provement. Jld.000.
Close to Portlsnd; no competition; price
(I. all making money. XSSO.
Doing ISO a day. ."00.
Eastern Oregon; will sell Bt less than
Inventory. , ,
HALL A GUSTIV, ail Lumbermen! Bldg.
NESS. Wholesale and retail, with good mall
order trade, all over the U. 8. and Can
ada. We want td retire; about .15.fM0. All
clean stock and no Indebtedness; will sell
with 15004) to 10,000 caah and stay with
the buyer till tho bualnesa pays tha rest.
Addresa B lit, Oregonian.
FOR SALE The Emporium store at Ho
qulam. Wash.: dry goods. . ladles' furnish
ings; corner, good location: lowest rent In
city; afhek all new and well selected; In
voice about f.VHHl; will consider sale of
fixture and leaae without atock If aold be
fore April 1. A aplendld opportunity to
carry ready-to-wear gsrments. millinery or
piece goods; this will last but a few day
Write or wire F. G. Asaelstlne. manager.
For sal, for cssh. In best growing city
In Southwest Washington; population S000;
new fixture, new stock, good location,
cheap rent, strictly up-to-date; sawmill,
coal, farming and railroad center; will
aell on account of helth of family; no
agents; Investigate, or write to 321 N.
Tower ave.. Centralis. Wash.
A It, 10, 13 AND 25-cent store 1 the best
business on earth. Investment considered.
You can start with less money then re
quired in other lines, returns are larger
and you could soon be Independent. Write
for list of locations and 200-page book.
Address Mr. George A. Hhaw, SIS Stetson
bidg.. Seattle, Wash.
W'hy not turn a burden Into Income
firoperty or residence f You have the lot,
et us finance It for you and show how
It will pay to build flat or apartment or
S24 Abington Bldg.
THE best business opening In Portland. We
desire to enlarge our profitable burinee.
but need mora capital (from 91000 to
AlO.fKiU) to do so; will guarantee good re
turna on capital Invested; can give and
shall require best bank references. AL
h 0. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Lumber yard, planing mill and
one acre 'of ground In one of the beat
auburba of Portland, on steam railway
and car line; atock of lumber, team,
wagon, machinery and ground for aale at
a bargain; mtll running every day; good
bualnea E 88 Oregonian
FOR SALE Stock of general mechndiae In
food valley town. Will Invoice about
lJ.OOO. Brick building; low rent;
Jlahed trade. Will give reasonable discount
' for caah. Or will take 17400 cash and real
estate for balance; no agent. E -823,
N K V HOTEL. 34 rooms, billiard hall and
restaurant, unfurnished.
Drug store, sriace 80xS6.
Store, aj-ac side street, 20x40.
Store or Turkish bathroom. 22x51.
LIVE. DRY TOWNS. '.- miles out.
Marshall 11) .14 or AK SS.-!. Oregonlan.
Bueinees man want prtner; will glva
and require references; will sell at In
voice: money fully secured; will Invoice
ahoAit $o5u0; X2.vo rash, balance to suit.
Particulars, room 313 Lumber Exchanga
FOR SALE General repair shop with motor
latbe. tools, etc.. with stock of keys,
bicycle repairs, safe locks, etc.; with well
established trade of 20 years; $400 re
quired. D. A. Tyler, 1519 Pac ave.,
1 acomit. Waah.
REAL ESTATE dealer with fine eatabllshrd
bualness. making big money, wants relia
hie man as partner to show customer
property, etc. ; thla business will stand a
thorough investigation. Call 417 Board of
NIs clean place, 8 tables, 40 seats, fin
trade, take In from (25 to 135 dally;
want to aell out thla week; aacrlflce.
Owner. 373 North ITth st.
f buying debt 1 Inveatlgate and report.
Gllllngham, auditor. 411 Law la bldg, Mar
shsll 421,
$1000 will buy Intereat In buaineas. with
guaranteed salary of $200 per month;
highest reference given and required. Call
room gl.'t. Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE Board lug-house, furniture and
everytning in good anape tor Duainesa: Dig
sawmill; cigar and notion store In from;
will sell with or without the atock. John
Hanson. 8467 Alder st., Astoria. Or. '
Respectable, fine location, $25 to $.10 per
Bay income. - Prlc $7uO; money-maker,
muat b sold Monday. Weetern Inveat
ment Co., 417 Board of Trade bldg.
6TART new business Th American raxor
hrmlug and safety blade sharpening ma
chine; mak 85 to $10 per day: no ex
perience required. R. S. Green, 171 null
ington St.. Chicago.
MUST sacrifice good business at delicates
sen, home bakery and confectionery, on
account sickness: fine trade for home
cooking: cheap rent; no competition, yds
Union ave. N. ;
l PROFITABLE feed, fuel and builders'
material business; monthly sales average
about $50(10: located In growing town
near Portland. W. O. WaddeL 309 Lum
ber Exchange.
WANTED Partner tn light manufacturing
buslneaa that will pay you no leaa than
tiao monthly; $400 required. Room 023.
Lumber Exchange.
REAL eatate man wants steady partner to
show customers property. Man willing to
work can make good money. Particulars,
618 Board of Trade.
Flna corner, new atock and fixtures;
must sell; invoice; about $1160.
HALL A GL.ST1N. 611 Lumbermen Bldg.
Independent license, good lease, well
furnished: fine location. Particulars 425
Mohawk bldg.
HALF Interest In amall manufacturing
bualnesa: now paying $5 to $10 a day and
can be doubled It pushed; $400 required.
All 845. Oregonlan.
few amall blocks of this stock for sale
at a bargain. See me If you are In the
market. W. E. Davidson. 2Q Lewis b'.dg.
SALOON" and family liquor atore; 6 living
room well furnished. This is a money
maker and a bargain, with Independent
license. 508 Gerllnger bldg.
CORNER rash grocery doing business $50
daily, $1500. I have smallor one with
living room. Cll room 623 Lumber Ex
changa. $(O0 CIGAR, confectionery and light gro
ceries, doing good buaincss, 6 living
rooms: rent $25. Particulars, 417 Board
of Trade.
FURNITURE- store at Invoice; $24100; long
lease; administrator's sale; easy pay
ments; fine opportunity. Call 006 Cham
ber of Commerce.
Good location, leas and business; 5
machines; $6500.
HALL A GUSTIN. $11 Lumbermen! Bldg.
WANT someone to erect apartment build
ing; have client who will pay 8 per cent
net on guaranteed lease. Thos. McCusker.
a- Lumbermens bldg.
6TOCK3. bonds sold; commissions mod.
erate; references exchanged. Gtve full de
- tail Established house.. P. O. Box 1923.
New York.
LIGHT manufacturing business In city for
sale or exchange: fine proposition; doing
good business: other business needs my
attention. C 8S1. Oregonlan.
RESTAURANT and grill. Partner wanted
to be cashier, etc. $500 required; extra
nice place. Call 248 tj Stark at.
ENGLISH and French capital furnished for
sound enterprises and corporation securi
ties, all sorts. Dent A Byrne. England.
H INTEREST In real catate buaineas estab
lished 12 years; will aacrlflce on account
of poor health. 402 Commercial block.
RESTAURANT, on Morrison St.. doing busi
ness $40 dally;' VM0. Room 623 Lumber
4 INTEREST paying meat market, thriv
ing town: net Income $100 to $200 month-
ly. 402 Commercial bloclc.
PARTY having foxterrler bearing license
No. 1253 had better release him to avoid
trouble. j
WHOLE or part intereat In merry-go-round,
good condition; 100 per cent profit; have
2. W. E. Kelly. Little Falls, Wash.
FOR 8ALE Half Interest In ground floor
real estate office; can make $5000 thla
year. Call 278 Stark St. for particulars.
WANTED By woman, partner In chicken
and pheasant ranch. K 8.: 7. Oregonlan.
CONFECTIONERY for sale cheap; have to
leave town. Call 307 First st.
WANT grocery stock; will trade farm or
city house and lot. AN 82. Oregonlan.
MOV I NO-PICTC RE business: ran depend on
$2O0 month. Call 24W stark at.
HOTEL bar, $1000 required. AJ 849, Or-goaian.
TO YOUNG man of character, able to In
vest $2.VK, and willing to learn, large,
conservative corporation oftors unusual
opportunity. Investor to be made assist
ant to the president, who Is well known
buslnesa man. and will be given a business
training and experience few young men are
able to secure. In addition to this. Invest
ment is gilt edge- This offer will stand
closest scrutiny and Investigation but ap
plicants musf prove that they mean bujil
ne AM 843. Oregonitin.
I HAVE machine built that will make
1500 8x12x24. waterproof cement blocKS
per day. 300.000 pounds pressure, coat or
material and labor 2oc each. "Bller
sixes proportional, machine Is automatic,
vertical and horizontal air-shaft and va
riety of faces, or 20,000 waterproof ce
ment brick per day. aame Prc"."ure,TI'fr
mold, cost of material and labor "o
per 1000; will dispose ot i or
to party who can satUfactorlly handle.
V R47. Oregonlan.
PARTNER WANTED Have two beautiful
lota In restricted district on two good car
lines, worth $1200 and. clear.
Have plans and specifications out for
two modern houses: have good tjfurra
from reliable contractor for constructing
thWa'nt party with 1200 to Join m in
enterprise. Shows 40 per cent profit In
four month
Take M-V car. get off East 7th St.. of
fice on the corner (open Sundays).
Complete rawmill with logs, planing
mill, dry kiln, sheds, etc., and B tract
of tlmbet. Best mill site on Tillamook
Bav. Water and fall facilities. Monopoly
on local market and unable to supply de
mand. Address N 836, Oregonlan.
WE are fortunate In being able to offal
for sale, prosperous and growing general
merchandise business, located In P"K"
Sound district: monthly sales. $i5 H).
stock. $25,000: net gln Inst year. $fcuoo,
low rent, tributary country developing
.rapidly; reasonable terms to VVe
party: rare opportunity. John Mills ft
Son. Puyallup. Wash.
A J0-M capacity Russell portable saw
' mill, complete with cut-off saw. sawdust
conveyor, etc.; lo a No. 1 Northwsst
planer, with attachment good bow:
has been used only a short tlm
particulars call at my offloa, -25l rlwl
si. Portland, Or.
iN HOOD RIVER. -Established
grocery store doing a big
business: best location in town; stock will
invoice $7iX0.
. Good corner room for drug Btore. new,
modern building Just completed; splendid
opening for live drug man.
Hood River. Or.
Who can handle and appoint agents.
Must Invest $50 to carry sufficient atocjt
to fill Immediate order An opportunity
Is offered to establish yourself In a per
manent big paying business in your own
community that will show lmm,l"le
profit. "E. Z." Bed Spring Co., 40 Dear-
horn St.. Chicago.
FOR SALE Bv widow of late owner, half
Interest In only exclusive ladies' tarnish
ing business in growing city of 20.O0O.
fine location; well established: a mon"
maker: excellent opportunity. (.jean
stock. $t!5.500. Takes $5000 cash to han
dle. No trade. Address Owner. Post
offlce Box lOT.'i. North Yakima, wash.
FOK BAliri. .
Well selected stock of furniture and
stoves, best location, right In tn,Iar"'"
ture district, reasonable rent, real gooa
business men can soon Judge to appre
ciate the good opportunity. We nre com
pelled to -sell within 80 days; bids taken
bv John Dellar. 201 Morrlson st.
-IOOII A lbAIl X Uiv ' '
and strictly modorn home. If You .nXn
$.-.000 rash to Invest. Will forf"', '52
If I fall to prove thl Don't bother me
unleat you have required cash. I have
no time to waste on curiosity seekers. No
agent T 811. Oregonlan.
tables. 1 billiard, modern soda fountain,
big stock cigars, candy, tobaccos: best lo
cation, best town Oregon; no competition!
actually clearing $150 month: $1500 .down
will handle thl Wm. Asay, 1007 Main st.,
Oregon City. .
FTTRNISHTNGS of a 113-room apartment
house. East Side, close In: everything new
and modern: netting $600 month; ex
change for modern bungalow.
802 Spalding bldg.
WANTED Safe and lock expert to tk
over well-established trade of 20 ears.
no competition; with stock of keys, locks,
blcvcle repairs, motor lathe, top, etc.,
$400 required. I. A Tyler, Ji19 Pac,
ave.. Taco ma. Wash.
BRANCH office manager, rortland, capable
ot handling force of agent, on well ad
vertised canvassing proposition $-000 to
$3000 yearly. About $300 'capital to cover
necessary stock. Davla Co.. 1481 Carroll
ave.. Chicago.
WORKING H Interest In good little lumber
mil ner Portland. Uig thing for part
who can give all or part of time to It.
$0O0: $500 ca-h. balance easy .all be
tween S and 7 P. M.. or write Mll(. 4S8
Murnsiae at.
MILLINER store, good stock, good loca
tion, cheap rent.
Blacksmith shop and machine snop.
Short-order restaurant, $250. terms.
j.lverv stoc.
TV A l.T E R ROSWIRM. Forest Grove. Or.
I HAVE $750 to $1000 and my time to Invest
or partnership in some business prpposi
tlon that will give substantial returns,
have business qualifications, can furnish
best of references. Principals only. Ad
dress C 844 Oregonlan.
SMALL meat market on cast side, doing
good business, for sale cheap. Owner has
other business that requires his time
Would take heavy team of horses as lirst
payment. Neal Brown. 709 Swetland bldg.
PATENT YOUR IDEAS, make money, send
for my new book. "How to Get Them :
.est service. Joshua R. H. Potts lawyer,
Washington. D. C. Chicago and Phila
delphla. WANTED Flrst-clasa harnessmaker fr
country town as a partner, to make har
ness arid shoes: good chance for Practical
man with, little money. Address O 3iJ,
Am propated to undertake financing
of- high-grade stork or bond offering,
terms moderate. Underwriter, suite 41.,
Tontine building. New York.
Grocery store doing cash bualnesa: new
lock. Invoice price $2800: I12&0 ash re
quired: good location. ,.
A. BACKUS. ol noaru in
WANTED Partner, salary $7o and com
minion, which will amount to , 200 to $.-00
per mo., little money, big profit. C. o4
Oregonlan ,
FOrsALB or rent. Steam laundry doing
1175 weekly. Owner leaving city. Will
make price and terms right for quick
sale. At o. v-" .ro'""""-
IF you ara a live man and are looking for
an agreeable association for entering the
real estate field, let me hear from you.
AM 842. Oregonlan.
TWELVE per cent Investment proposition,
east side, partially improved site tor four
Sat building: $4000 will handle. AN 842,
(H-rO risH will put you in position to dou--bl?
U many time, with no risk wh.tBjr.
Information to principals only. X 84J.
HALF-lnterest In good paying hotel, cen
trally located: $7000 cash required.
Owner's health demands change of clim
ate. Addresa .1 . ""t"'"'
FOR SALE Grocery store In a growing
neighborhood. For full Information ad
dres G L. Lacy, care Wadham. & Kerr
Bros.. 4th ana norv ate.
GROCERY and confectionery store for gale;
doing a good business: u' "?
low rent: for particular addresa S 842,
Oregonlan. .
GOOD opportunity $500 cash buys leBiti
mate business and stock of goods: clears
$2500 yearly: no opposition; investigate.
O K44. orejonian
CONFECTIONERT and cigar store: dandy
location and good business. Lock box
8S4:Tinamook. Ore.
FOR SALE The old. reliable Steel Bridge
Bakerv for sale: everything complete:
long l elHolladay ave.. Portland.
POOI ROOM: owner want cashier as part
ner, will guarantee you $200 monthly.
Particulars room .-.2.1 Lumber Exchange.
$150 WILL buy 1750 shares of Alaska Pe
troleum A Coal stock. See us. W. E. David
son, X.ev 'a piua-
HAVE acreage In Minnesota to exchange
for city property or farm lands In West
' o... en oto StarV st.
pm.i'i'pi - - --
FOR SALF. New stock groceries: must ba
sold t once, cause sickness: no reaaon
able offer refused. AL 840. Oregonian.
WANT a good place to start new store or
will buv out good gen. merchansjlse busi-
n C li' nM.nnl.n.
nePS. pvt.. ' ' o
FOR SALE Small lunch counter, cheap
for cash. 409 Couch st.
ALL around cook, as partner In lunch-
counter, new location. B 842. Oregonlan.
Drug STORE, good location on the eaat
side, for rent. Eaat 5028. ;
FOR' SALE Pool room, confectionery, cl-
gars: price 8450 In fash. .104 First street,
FOR SALE Cigar store with pool room.
1 05 North 6th at.
CONFECTIONERT. lunch. modern rooms,
leas for sale. Owner. 830 Russell St.
A fine general merchandise atore in fl.
feat growing town in Oregon: stock Is all
clean and first-class; will Invoice about
$25,000: includes $0000 shoes, $4000 cloth
ing. $5000 furnishings and $10,000 dry
good Sales last year were $40,000; cheap
rent, with long lease: In fine brick build
ing, centrally located: will sell at Invoice,
one-half cash, br will trade for acreage
or Portland property.
81 T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
HOTEL NELSON, In Seattle; lease on furni
ture for sale. This Is' a new 100-room
house. with large ground floor lobby,
ladles' reception room, bar and billiard
room: running 90 per cent full and mak
ing 40 per cent on Investment. On Second
ave.. near Moore Theater and the Nero
Hotel; center of the city; other important
business compels me to sell. R. V. Jones,
Hotel Nelson. Seattle. Wash.
31 ACRES, house, barn, good well. 8 clear.
10 slashed, balance good fir timber, on
good road 4 miles from Forest Grove,
$60 per acre, $500 cash, balance $100 per
year, 8 per cent. Party providing for
small Income In old age. First come first
served. This means a good home for
you. Write or come at once. J. N. Hoff
man. Forest Grove. Or. ,
WANTED A good, honest young man of
ability and energy to take half Interest In
established real estate ofTtce downtown;
expenses small. This Is legitimate. Refer
ences exchanged. Call for Embry. room
515 Merchants' Trust bldg.. Sixth and
Washington ats. ,
Meat market, doing good business: close
to Portland, on railroad : complete In
very respect: with 4-room residence,
nearly new. and two other lots; extra
cheap. $500 down, balance small monthly
payments. 3Q Railway Exchange bldg.
anything vou may want In the business
line In ALL lines, large or small, city or
country; don't fail to see our list before
buying. KAHLE REALTY CO.. 278 Stark
GROCERY A paying business in best loca
tion: other stores going In fast; will stand
Investigation, or will trade for Sellwood
residence. 2001 E. Glisaa st. Phone Ta
bor 1863.
SKATING RINK, best southern Oregon
town: property and business: money
maker; price $2500: cash $1500 terms
$1000. Address H. Deeths. Grants Pass.
Or. -
INVESTORS Safest, surest Investment on
earth; quick profit Queensboro. New
York City property. Let us tell about It.
Pearsall. Box 135. Jamaica, New York
City. ,
PARTNER with $10,000 to buy interest in
up-to-data dry goods and clothing store,
live growing town; everything new ami
modern: must have experience and iJr
nlsh A-l references. AE 831. Oregonltn.
HALF Interest in an old-established busi
ness, doing a good business. For full par
ticulars call Kinney AS Stamper. Lum
ber Exchange bldg- rooms 53t-a-
WILL sell an Interest In a well-established
business for $5000; active partner pre
ferred: can guarantee $100 salary a month.
AG 806. Oregonlan. .
YOUNG married man, successful raiser of
poultry for show and utility, desires n-
. nanclal backer In poultry Industry; refer
ences exchanged. O 8W. Oregonlan.
Make careful Investigation at expense
of seller before you Invest money In any
proposition. Advisory Department, T. At.
C. A. '
WANTED A partner In a llv real estate
and buslnesa chance office: no experi
ence beyond ability: little cash required.
Call at 610 Swetland bldg.
500. '.
10-room. housekeeping rooms, or win
trade. What have you? Bredemeier. Main
$125 Birrs stock and fixtures small 8, 10
and 13-oent business; no competition.
stock .new. This is a bargain. Phone a
FIRST-CLASS livery stable at Donald, the
best driving point on the Oregon electric
line: good teams always ready to meet at
any time and car. J. P. Wllquet.
I HAVE $2500 looking for Investment with
the icrvlces of an experienced business
man. What have you for me? AG MS.
SALOON In business center of city, all In
dependent, doing good business. In an up-to-date
place. Don't miss this If you are
in the market. AM 847. Oregonian.
FOR SALE 60 shares brewery stock at a
sacrifice; need the money: $2400. paying
7ty per cent dividends, paid monthly. J
843. Oregonlan.
. Half Interest in good horseshoeing
shop; old. established business; low rent;
good location. AK gu. unmn
MANUFACTURING: partner wanted: re
quires $425: growing boiainess; profits
large, call '.'lafc tar av
SALOON; good location, good lease, good
atock. good business. Independent license.
Cheap tor casn. -v" o,o.
FOR SALE Half interest In good mail order
business, little money required. $26
Washington St.. room tin.
REAL estate business: opening for ener
.. .iii- .o ahou lann. etc.:
profit large. Particulars. y'48H Stark St.
WILL put In equal amount, start real estate
business chance office with party able to
list. H S3t. OrBtonmu
FOR SALE Edison motion picture machine
and outfit at a reasonable price. Address
D. M. KJItor. LiaTayene. w-
STRICTLY cash store: owner want cneri
getlc partner: will pay $'-"0 month: $7u0
required, can -tai e, at.
CIGAR store and restaurant, llvnK-rooms.
at vour own price; must be sold. 842
Williams ave.
POOLROOM for rent or sell on easy terms.;
6 tables, rent $75: owner has other busi
ness. Call after 5 o'clock10Fon;th,t.
DAILY newspaper In live town: good chance
for experienced man with some cash cap
Ital. Address AL 841. Oregonian.
WANTED Partner Mfg. business. $4000;
money secured by real estate. Call 4'-a
E. 45th. Ask for Stuwe. '
MOVING-PICTURE show for sale. In a live
town of 3000; a money-maker. N 842.
1200 AND services will secure ",i Interest
in extra good business. Call and lnvestl
cate. AN 851. Oregonian.
$850 GROCERY and confectionery, with 3
living rooms; rent $25: good P'ae:
money-maker, can ni" coitru ui h.qc.
FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store:
one living roam. Call and see owner, cor.
7th and Burnslde.
FOR SALE Paying restaurant. This can
not be beat. Must dissolve partnership.
107 Grand ave.
CEMENT business. Have splendid openins
for active man able to Invest $000: duties
easily learned, call --ta tar i.
1800 MEAT market: $1500 monthly cash
sales: $150 monthly net profits. K. Brown,
001 Swetland bldg- Marshall 2i20.
HOME bakery and delicatessen, good loca
tion, living rooms; terms. Owner, 228
N. 15tn.
CIGAR store for sale, with leaso: good
location, cheap rent: owner going to old
country. Apply 201 Burnslde Bt.
WELL-ESTABLISHED money-making re
tall grocery. Telephone the owner, East
570. .
sllOE REPAIR SHOP, doing good busi
ness; good location for shoe store. 821
Williams ave.
FOR SALE Best little storo in city; nets $i5
dally. Sickness forces sale. Price $7i0.
AB 80, Oregonian.
BRICKYARD, capacity of 30.000. at Forest
Grove. Address E. B. Catching. Forest
Grove. Or.
FOR SALE Wel-establlshed dressmaking
parlors: party going abroad. AB 830,
MACHINE shop and foundry for sale at a
bargain: write for particulars. Address
AN 849. Oregonlan.
DFLICAXESSEN and home bakery, fine lo
cation, good trade, sell at Invoice if sold
oulck. aiz inn, a.
PARTNER wanted with $5000 or $10,000 to
handle a line of automobiles; a good
T)roposltlon. J 840. Oregonlan.
GROCERY for sale cheap; trade good; nice
living rooms: rent only $25 month, with
lease. Call 24is ctarn at
FOR SAI.E A good machine shop: also an
auto garageJLJS41,Oregonlan.
CONFECTIONERY and light groceries; new
store; gooti location; Woodlawn 85.
eOOBUSINES8 cards. $1.00: you must briBB
this ad. Rose City pnntery. ltm' Third.
Hardware store, good location: $4000 stock;
cash or city property. Hall. 880 Front at.
NEWSPAPER for sale. Bailey's Printers'
Kxcnange. i.ewjro-",
MACHINE shop for lease or sale, best lo
cation. C. Mykol. Raymond. Wash.
GROCERY store and fixtures for sale cheap
in good location. Address AN 840. Ore
gonlan CIGAR atore for lease; new; best location.
T bolt, ores oiiiq....
FOR SALE Ice cream and confectionery
PHOTOGRA PH business for sale, cheap.
. -. tihin. nve.
WANTED To buy. good barber shop; cash.
G. M- 13 West Park St.. City.
FOR SALE Hotel and steam laundry. In
quire at Crest Hotel. Montesano, Wash.
BARBER "hop for sale. 127 N. SUx st.
DRUGSTORE A fine opening for
wide-awake druggist; a large corner store,
occupied as a drugstore- for past Ave
years, will be vacated within ten days
proprietor moving to a high-clasi stand
down In heart of city; haa made a for
tune in this vicinity. There will ba no
. competition near. A good drug trade can
he held. A snap for a young man with a
little money. Store is 45x150. feet with
full cement basement. Located at corner
of Front and Gibbs sts." Two elcctrie car
lines pass the door. Apply to A. GevurtA,
corner Second and Yamhill.
Room 2 Board of Trade Building.
5.000 Alraeda Con. lOre.) ...... Bid
1.000 Alaska Pet. & Coal $ .00
100 Coin Mach. Mfg. Co Bid
2,000 Comstock Golden Gate 22
500 Camphor. Auto S. Gaa Br Bid
1.000 Cal. Coo. Oil (Evans) Bid
2,000 East Ore. Oil & Gas 12 V,
8,000 Metallne Con ( Metaltne) . . . .10
500 Necarney Cltv Hydro Bid
1.200 Port. Home Tel. bonds 5.1
150 Port. Con. Pile & Eq 7.00
30.000 poulsen Wireless Bargain
10.000 Swastika M. & Dev........ .Oni.-
500 United Wireless Bid
1.0O0 Ventura Oil & Dev 08 Vs
150 V. S. Cashier Co Bid
10,000 Black Kagle Bid
6.000 Pacific Coal & Oil Bid
Alaska Pet. A CoaL.
Aimed Con. (Ore.)
American Life & Accident.
600 Call Auto. Switch.
. American Canadian Oil. any amount.
Favnry Tire & Cushion.
10.000 Metallne Consolidated.
250 Port. Con. Pile & Eq.
U. S. Cashier Co.
See us about any stocks in which you
are interested.
We havo a live one on a busy street,
doing a good business; haa tables for S5
people and a fine lunch counter; good
lease, cheap rent and a dandy good busi
ness; the owner la leaving the city and
will sell cheap. Call 818 Oregonlan bldg.
LADY Just taken nice offices In business
center and having very nice furniture In
storage, wishes lady or gentleman with
aome money as partner In beauty parlors:
answer at once; no gen. del. lettera
answered. N 858. Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted In real estate office; no
money required. Inquire 88 10th.
201-202 Merchants Trust Bldg.,
826V: Washington, bet. 6th and 7th st
ANY desirable ROOMING-HOUSE on th.
HAVE YOU $5500?
Then we can show you a SPECIAL BAR
than 75 ROOMS; up to date in every par
ticular; doing a gross business of $20oo a
month and $000 to $800 net profit; mod
ern house and - location; one of the most
desirable ; $5500 handles it. Some clear
real estate would be considered.
nothing on the market to equal It in lo
cation, furnishings and homelike features;
PRIVATE BATHS and every modern con
venience: pays NET PROFIT $400
month: filled with BEST CLASS patrons,
permanent and transient: lease 5 years,
reasonable- rent. You will want it If you
sec it. and $7500 cash buys it, balance
of $4300 monthly.
19 ROOMS. 5 minutes' walk from P. O..
choice .district; all housekeeping; extra
well furnished; lease 3 years, rent $70;
clears $100 a month OVER ALL EX
PENSES. Don't wait, come NOW. Prlc
10 ROOMS, short walk south of Morri
son St.. corner dwelling: HOT and COLD
RUNNING water in rooms. STEAM HEAT.
This Is EXTRA well furnished; iron. beds,
floss and hair mattresses. Axin. and Brus
sels carpets; rent $50. with lease; clears
$50 over ail expenses: price cut to $850
for quick sale on account of sickness In
family. A BARGAIN.
9 ROOMS, Nob Hill district, near 17th
and Johnson: beautiful modorn house in
fine condition: rent $.'17.60; B. B. carpets,
quartered oak furniture; price $950 if
taken at once.
9 ROOMS, in same location, nearly as
good as the above; very good modern
house; rent $40, for $675.
10 room Jefferson, near 12th; well fur
nished: rent $50; furnace, gas and elec
tric light; a nice, modern home and all
your expenses. Price $1050; $050 cash
bandies it.
We have a COMPLETE LIST of all tho
DESIRABLE HOUSES on the market,
from small places of 6 to 18 ROOMS up
to hotels, 80 and 120 rooms: prices $500
to $16,000.- From years of experience In
this special line of business we can save
you TIME and MONEY.
All California Oil Stocks.
1.500 Alaska pet. & Coal treas.. . market
13.750 Almeda Con. trans bid
1.000 Almeda Con. trans o.l
1.500 Automatic Call A clock.... bid
SOU Calif. Con. Oil (Bob Evans) snap
20 Call Auto. Switch bargain
$1,000 Columbia III v. Orchard
bond - cheap
110 Globe Grain Separato? bid
200 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel. ... special
1,000 Necarney Oil
28 Oregon Dry Dock .......... bid
1.000 Oregon Gold Hill anap
20 Portland Concrete Pile special Poulsen wireless .22
175 Rose City cheap
1.000 Standard Fender special
1,000 St. Helena Mln A Tr. bid
21 Telepost A. conv. 9.00
21 U. S. Cashier 8.00
100 United Wireless (trans) bid
All other stocks and bonds; see me be
fore buying may be able to do better.
Call Auk Switch Port. Tel. bonds
Campb's A. S. O. B. Port. Concrete Pile
Gov't Stan. Powder Rose City Mining
Pac. Sta. Fire Ins. Skamania G. & C
Rich Placer mine. So. Ore. Fully
equipped with giant pipe, ditches and am
ple supply of water, or will make partner
a fortune.
Globe Grain Sep., Gibson Mfg.. and
other stocks for acreage, lands and lots.
225 Abington bldg.
6 ROOMS, rent $25. price $300.
9 rooms, furnace heat, price $i00, half
C31&' rooms, rent $30. price $1000.
22 rooms, Morrison street, price $1.00.
22 rooms, near Market, price $1300.
40 rooms. Vancouver, Wash., 3-year
lease. $1000 cash, balance $1500 easy terms
or trade.
These are a few of our many bargains
in rooming and apartment-houses; be sure
and see us tirst and save money.
52 7-528 Chamber of Commerce.
Would you buy a business that would
assure you of 70 per cent per annum on
your Investment? If so. come and let me
show you one of the best paying hotels
in the clly. ISO-room modern house, best
of everything; always full.- clearing over
$800 per month: long lease, and if you have
the cash Jo do business I will give you a
bargain that will make you smile. I
have the Alaska fever and will sell for
cash or terms. 24mi Yamhill at-, ask for
Corser. Main 8726
FOR SALE BY OWNER Finely furnlsned
14-roem house; good money-maker, best of
furniture, fine yard; 4 blocks to Postofflce.
Phone A 7436. A real snap. Hurry.
LADY who Is a thorough manager wishes
to hear from party In need of such In
rooming-house or apartments; references.
W 852. Oregonlan.
15 ROOMS, fine location, on Washington St.;
always full, lease cheap rent. .Phon
Owner, aiaranau .-Dia.
10 ROOMS, corner bldg.; clear $65; cheay
rent; owner occupies 3 pleasant rooms.
Opposite City Hall. 263 Filth at.