V WAXTCI) AC.fc.NT. I v A.- 1 r.n i ..-a. I .ENERAL AGENTS Tho who can posi tively, qiaallf-. to handle a big proposition In a Dig way. get In louc with u o this proportion. T th man l througn . re-i-nllele. snows b has auccessfu. I J" managed rrews working from ,0 house, we offer a eomratl second to ooo. Ue ere mnfitlurr of a rooking by saving ! ice. retailing for 4S. that poeaeeaea raro merit. -t It ' pr ceal la truthful etatementt of fuel gee. Agency offsr selling control in pro tected termor- of a money -easing rpc:al tv strong. y appealing to every economical kwwilt and holds a proiu for your sub n.nu and yourself that nui" worth while to tako l.ol.L Preference given to a going organisation now ac'tv in sHlng good f-om ?' trees, giving full particular. I-. o-kor. sale manager. JT Eat Xsln su -'w York. ; ..E.sTS WANTED fr a aeuim Oan r that weighs only nv pounds: sell for 44 yet o tho work of tha mora r-eolv mchinee: big proms, liveliest proposition ever offered to an agent; many Ktnti mkinl ! weekly: othora 4.6 i . tie weeaiy. demonstration m-ans sale; you ran sell to of pur machines to on cf tat other make: writ at once. P. V. Vacuum cleaner Co- 4:1 Wet 4.l at . Now T or k. fc-TVELATION An entirely now method of bufiiH: wo Tarry In took. get Into a profitable buaineae with no ever increasing Income; laree ealeo In every home, steady duplicate order: p.eaeed cuaiomera re commend yoti to their frient. should nJ ret an tncom of 47 a week: one man or woman In ea.-l territory; J end postal saving: Pena mo terms ana fr-e ne-iMle. Mllt-'O Mathsws, IvafT Kincn bldg-. D ton. Ohio , the rnrtlon ( Un-hter? Too can sell five o eurs to one of any other klnn. hy . Hrcaose thy are the best and sell for 3.V. I.hral dlsrounts to the men or woman who dew the work, f'tid 2So for sampie metled to 101 K-eptlonlly Siren e atlole for women canasra w.uini Unt and ruture Co.. Loa An- . BRAND new whirlwind seller for hustler, men or women, everywhere. low-priced maeeae ma. hlne: eerboJy buys oper-a-es h rusnlnc wa'r: Buarar.teed ; wo men rrsry for l. fasteat seller f f " Mm H.rtoo sold IU Bret day: luO ler rent r" ' Information, terri tory fre don t rt-lay. Snd nanio on t ta rard tortaj. Hlackstona Co.. :4 Colton Mj . T"l"lo. Ohio. ORTIT acnta. send for u prtea and samples. hae disooiered new wy to meke good ptrturee. "-heap, want 1"W ei'nrs. 1 crew niapsgers. ais'' state man agers our new proposition Is bis mnee maker ood men wanted to romplets our riai.'iaiion. ilodl rortralt Co, " V s n Pnren st t'hlcaa o. VJVE agents, hustlers, to handle our ot- trartl 1911 comMnBllon parkBges of sop sod toilet artl-ie. 'valuable premiums; Mhlgen agent made J honre. another .! hours, anotner ! hours, w rue loose ra.is oap Worm, ad Dull blng.. 14':.. rarroil are, rrilrsso. ha artlr which every one or tne twn.M rp'e In the V- P oeery rl- l dilterent styles, proof fumlhed o $ a dey eieal pront; a few more hon-et. energo'le sale agent wanleil: write now. K. Wl.eon. sloch rM .. Ija yton. Ohio. tr.vn for free ropy of Tho Thomas Aront." ;ralest agents' peic eer puhhehed: n ! with moneT-maklr.g plans, no-lloense decision of Supreme Lonrt; pointers to as-ents. enorr agent In IT. S. shoul'l have ropv al once Address today. Thomas A gr.t. 3J r I n-h bm f . Pavton. Ohio. AOtXTS to handle an entirely new proposition- wo are giving awajr a $10 Atlas eoatalnlng Ism rens'is: only neat appear ing energetle men. capable of earning 25 ror week Bad p. nerd apply. Monday. M to II A. M.. to P. U. 41 Orego n'an bl'lg- ADKVTil to soil "Bullr Veta! Polish.- good hustler rsn tna1e a steady income of tj to tl a day Mrs clan work. Sll to geragee, railroads, saloons, hotels, st.-am-ers. etc. Hull eales Co.. mfga. Ij-'I :d ave. Beatile.Wson. SOLICITORS and agents. I have the great eet seller out. newly patented art'O car. rll In pocket; send - renis stamps for sample, or rail al ftl East I'Sth South, on f-.ai-t Ankeny car. etN rleared S 1 1.", laily fT70 last s months, selling liollsdey's Mervrl 5hoo rmish elf-etiimn. waterproof. Whj not you TVrlr for 4'monsltat-d sample. L. t. HoIlsUy. l'Jw W. 31st. New Yjrk. rilRIVI.XO OfM Sell dealers your town: rirsa. prohtable buslneea built quickly wtrh onr brands: four flavors, novel pack er's. Wrlta today. Helmet Co.. Cincin nati. O. JftC ran make lt as our genersl or local f.Dt. houaehoid aeceealty: save per rent, permanent buelnoes; es-luel lerrl torv; salsrv or rommlmon, free sample, rradtt. rttkl". Newark. N. J. AOE.VTil to hand's htcs-st money, making Are eatmgulsh. re. ScUI starting "o!Tr; cscluslv terrltorv. gT5 to t"! Tr mopth. f'erlgrr Chemical Utt Co.. Milwaukee. Wla WINNER of winners, new queen broom, se'ls av. proven Quickest, cleanest, ex clusive territory repeater on market. Golrt. en opportunity. Warren Bruen Co.. eta- clnratl. Ohio. JkCCNTd. make your own goods: At monev makitig formula and scheme. tl. writs todsy. P. o. Poi 14M. Pener. Colo. EXPF.mC.M ED lady wishes the rare of In fs's in bsr own boms. Al 6-l. Or ego- WANTETb TO BXT. Bon 2 WAVT to rent a modern to A-room house; must hara gsa plenty of ground for kitchen garden and h within three blocks rf ac rarllns; prefer pia.- with some roees and treee; give full description and location, rental, stc. E 8-S, Orego man. FXRNIHED BI'NUAI.OW WANT FTP. I'oupl doelre to rent for an Indefinite period a furnlehed bungalow, either on the East or Weet fide, must havs gss for cooking. Answer, stating pries, to box. AJ J4. Oreronlsn. A I.At'T would like the care of West Si .s home, either furnished or unf nrnlshed. during the absence uf owners; exceptional eociai and financial references. A 5. t t9 nlan. A 13 to 14-room house: must bo !n good loesllly: etrl.-tly m dcrn. with good ysrd. bv reeponslbl party; will lease for term f veers If neeesear) ; near carllne. C wa. Oregonlan. YVsN'T 4 or 6-room cottage or bungalow, pertly furnished wtth gee range, heaters and dining room furniture. o objection to going out some distancw. V M3. Ore gonlen. "RFsJPONs'lFtl.E couple, no children, deslrs to rent A-room mel'ti cottage or bunse low. dunn.tsldc. Hawthorne. Wavcrly Hetghts d-erricts. Phoot mornings and evenings. Msrshall 1114 eVANTKO by responsible people, a nestly furnlehed ft. room bungalow, on West ld walking distance, or Hose City Park, peon Vain 4i'e. W ANTED To lease for term of years, by responsible party, house or flats. !. rooms er more without furniture; centrally lo cated. O Oeegonlan. TENANTd malt!ng""f'T houses, furnished and unfurnished: what hsvs youT Rooming Bureau. ""US Washington st. Marshall WANTED To leas for two or mors years, email modern bungalow or cottage, with ard to raise few chickens; no children, rpene feast lt. WA NTETv By reliable people (sdultsi. a S or t-room house on Weet fiid; walking rltstanc to Oregon Electric sxtenslon. T A43. Oregonlan. WANTED to rent by April 1. on West Side, cioee in; targe flat or houas; reference. P. r Hoy M.t. city. Mi'l-'KRN e-room bungalow or cottace; must be ressonable; state pries: no ob- Jeot ton to suburbs. AP MH. oregonian. W ANTEDFumlshed cottage. or 4 rooms. ta est fitd preferred; rent tO or l-'O. W 1. Orrgontsn WANTED To rent 4 or 5-reora rottsg or he-use south of East Ankeny: stats rant. K Ml. Oregonian. WANTED To rent by April 1. on West Side. r:ooe In. largo net or bouse. ft-f. P. O. box Ml. city. O O'" F ' I FI delres neatly furnished house n'ir rarllne. Kent reasonable. Et bH.' or un nvsMe preferred. Thone Thor ii'X WANTED 4 or room house, close In. it h firepinca; ststs pries, etc J lregonlan. WANTEB TO RENT Modern cottage and barn. Woodlawn 7i. WANTED By man and wife with two lit tle girls. 9 nnfumlsbed rooms In esehange for work: lady can take charge of room -log-house; wanted by April 1. Call B WASTED By young lady, bright aire room in private family, walking distance, fist or apartment prsf erred, stats price. AE k.V Oregonian. WANTED by eldertv lady. unfurnished rooms in N. part of city. AC t-10. Or. jfon t WANTED By young coopl. two pleasant housekeeping rooms with heat and light: close In; stats prtco. X . Oresowlan. TKN NT w ailing f -r all kinds of rooms, wbet have you Itoomlna Bureau. ,s t ashlngton st. Marhail'.'l-. A --4.T. WANTED Housekeeping rooms by brother snd sister, la prtvaia faxuli. AG -to. Ortg-o-a" 1 . I FTYM Ff.-T I " " I : I WANTED to rent, modern room In private family, with kitchen prlvllesea. morning snd evening, to reAned lady employed. East Mtk st. near Hawthorn ava. Phoo B --. . WANTED To rent 2 or . 3 unfurnished roomo upstairs, water snd sink- Pries 410 or 415. fbons t 4131. Booms With Board. BY MOTHER and son. two well-furnished rooms with board. In prlvat family, ref erebly Portland or Wlllamett Halghta section Hest of references and will pay well for good accommodations. AG 04-. Oregonian. BY young roan, good character, modern home-like place, prefer private family, walking dlstsnce: glva parllculara. h, B4. oregonian. BT man and wlfs. room and board, prlvat family, "hsrs thera ar other boarders: Weet aid. K l. Oregonian. TOI'Nil ladv wants room and board la rr Hate family or will sh.tre with room mate: referencee, AM 44. Oregonian. WAVTKD By teacher, room with board ln"prtate family In Nob Hill district; rmt erence required. X 1. oregonian. FA MII.T with good homo to tak girl of 12 year for company: will pay soma board. P k5 tregon1an- v WANTED, by young man employed In of. rice, room and board In pilvate family. O Ml. oregonian. FOR P NT. rORTUND ROOMINO BURKAtJ. Boom. Ba:a. a par i men is. furnished. - farnisned. board, all parts of tha c Ity. save yo money, tlms. -rouble. ."' cats -you. 2i4aj WasnlngloB at- B. - Msrshall -18s. A --4s. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAT. "MILN-R BLDil," 1.0-k MORRISON ST. HO..K.V, CENTBAL, PEANA.B--Js- fTrNISIIED. also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen- Kamm bldg. let and -Pine. FINE, clean front room for business man or man and wife. 1st th. Blabcd NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI NOW OP 1 noee thrss beautifully furnished hot I.OTE- HOTEL HOT5'r I NOOK. PAK-ON9, ROWLAND 2141. 4th St. ll 4tb St. SOIW 4lh St. On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to salmon at. Brand nsw brick, elegantly furnished, steam beat, prlvsts baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date in all respocus. and at popular price. If you want something out of in MOTEL. CArLia. ReV-ntlaL 4.0 Tylon T--unl. Bet, Tth snd Park la. Opposite nw Helllg Theater, on block from Port land Hotel: brick building. Jost cooipletad; hsndsomsly furnished; every modern convenlenca. elevator service, ateata heat, teiepbon snd hot Bad cold aster In svary room; slngls rooms Bag guiles with or without private baths, sto.; centrally located, near Postofflca; Just oS all eaxlina; vry quiet; low rate by day. week or month, phone Marehall artuo. lino ENTHOTEU eornr Grand trt. and Hawthorn, recently renovated and now under to managmnt of MarUn Nlrhplson. formerly of the Portland Hotsl. Beautifully furnished ro ma slngi or n utte. sjlth private bathe, hot and cold water, steam beat and prtvaia phon in very room; first-class grill and bar in connection. Bpcial rate by wee a ar moo'.h. Transients sollcltsd. HOTEL ALDER. Pwrtnsnent and Transient. Wa ara dvvot.ng evral of our choices rooms to permanent guest for the Win ter: will moss special low rates by ths week or month; transient guests given ths beet of rvic and aaowo every courtesy; located In center of shopping district, con-venlsnt- fog out-of-town peupiei l4 by tb week. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL Permanent and transient, lust openedi brl.-k bunding, leautlfully furnished; overy th'ng row; sieem heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone In all rooms; Ans lobby and ladles' parlor; suites and single rooms with snd without prlvats baths: very reasonable rates by day. wee r uwatb. Phone Marshall 1'jjO. ail WASHINGTON sr. " HOTEL ISA VON. 124 Eleventh 8t Ksw. modern brick, building, stsera heated. private hatha, hot and cold water In rooms, beautirully furnUhed. cosy and eomfortaul. Keats very reasonable. Call and see us. Ibcguiar and traostaat trad oollclled. FINE douhl parlor bedroom on first floor. 3 windows opening toward' Morrison St.. for 3 or S people. 1J0 per month; also large room facing Morrison on oocond floor for 4 or 4 people: steam heat, bath and telephone sorvlcs. T per wak. 14 loth st.- URAN'D UNION HOTEL. 3a i H East Bumsid at. Vodern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam beat, rooms singls or ensulle. rooms wlih private bath: trjnslsnt rat TSc to Yi per day; weekly. tHt to 17. Eat 6I4Q. B 12T3. LADV desire to let large front hay-window room, elegantly furnished, steam heat. ' electric and gaa light, telephone and bath- sullatsl for two gentlemen. No other roomers. Apply lSol aJd su North, apartment I MODERN BOOM FOR RENT. Threw block from postofflce: hot and cold water, steam hat. telephone In all ijomi. all-night elevator service, rent $4 a week up: transient. $1. IX psr day. rrexel Hotel. 4 V Yamhill. BUfllMARK HOrEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, slngls or sa suits; prlvats baths, steam beat, hot and co(d water and phons In sll rooms; rates reaeonaols; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 2S' Third street, baleieen Taylor and baliuoa sta Hot and cold watur. steam heat, elevator; rates 4 J SU and up. (Vuu day and up. Alain . A Mt. HOTEL GI.V.NWOOD. Modern, large airy rooms by day or week, special rates by month. 2 IS Ssl mon St. l'hono A 4i;.'i. Marshall 2JS. Rsres by eeek. It to li. ' NKVVLY and splendlilly furnished large front room, first floor, suitable for two; would accommodate three gentlemen nicely. Tha Oenevieve. Columbia St., near l-.'th. EfiERTON HOTEL Furnished rooms: steam heat, bath and phon-: rent $7 and upward per month. Hits Knott St. Tak 1. car. HOTEL ANSON I A. 1S4 14th su. cor. Washington. Furnished and vnfurnisned rooms: prl vats bsths. fre phone In all rooma. TWO nTcolv furnished room, hot and coid wa;cr. f urxiAce beat and electric lights; suitable for two: walking distance, on Viith and Wash. Main tW4. THE AridEMHl-Y. lj !lh St. Finely fur nished rooms; bath, phone, fine ysrd. 4 blocks to postolflcs; 4J 50 to 48 week. WANT young man to share small apart ment; rent very reasonable. AF b40, Oregonian. FOR RENT Cnfurnlehed single or double rooms, steam, bath, phone, light; no dogs or children. -'.3 18th. north. 01 LOVEJOV Nice newly furnished rooms, ressonahle; electric lights, gas. bath, phons and heat. Msln 4 IS NI' ELY furnished single room, desirable lo. ration, walking distance. 3u0 1-th si. Mar shall llS'i. Fl'RNlSHED rooms, furnace hest. close In: rent rsasonabls. -V 17th N.. near Wash ington. 775 GI.ISAN. nesr 23d ; Just opsned. beet of furnlshlcgs. all convenl-nces: also siugls housekeeping roonts. reesonsble. MOUEHN outside rooms. 3 to 43 per wee a. Including baths: also housekeeping rooms 549 Wssblnglon st. LARRABEE. 2-TS Irrabe t.. modern, nicely furnished rooma. transient: &oc and op; low rates bv week or month. THE HAZE1. Nicely furnished, eteern heat, running water. 3d and Montgomery. ROOMa for 1. 3 or 3 gentlemen. 13 up; transient g"c tip. gl Yamhill. MORTON. :" Washington su. nicely fur nished single room, steam hest. FURNISHED rooma 17H Ella or Wash. Board If qesireo.-r-none .viain p.j NICELY furnished rooms: heau phone; 43 and up per week. 324 4th SI. I o ml shed Rosbh Ii PrtTatel'arolH NK'KLY furnlahed rooms, modern, sultabls for two. 741 Gllsan st. NICELY furnished front ro ..m. suitable for 2. walking rllstsnce. 829 West Park. COMFORTABLE attic room: phon and bath; 46 per month. 511 Morrison au BE lTIFt"LLY furnished parlor room, first floor, cl-o In. t week. H2 Tenth. 7 ROOM for gentlemen; gss. bath; walk- lr.gchsr.tnce. .'.41 Clav. NIt'R front room for 2 gentlemen. 153 18th, cer. Morrison. FRONT room, private residence, for renU 4:7 Main st.. bet. Ilih snd 11th sta FURNISHED front room In privat family. 641 Oak. cornsr 14th. B lvK t HE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. TORTLAyP, 3IARCII 12. 1911.' r" l ZZZZZ7 t --x-r. for runt. ro kbit. r .i.iu-i Un.mi In Private Family. KKATLT furnished room with board for two. men preferred; 43 Pr week: home comforts and all modern conveniences. Apply lo Mrs. Deerlng. bJ.t and Mil Tk Montavlila car to both St., walk to 3a- , ROOMS, single or en suite, olther J';..0' gentlemen, modern house. "J In family, furnscs hest. gas and ictriclty. afn; bl rent; 10 minutes of Postofflc. cornr 1 1th sr.d Harrison. Phons A b-1M. 4t4 E. UTARK. NEAR E 8TH. Nicely furnishsd front bedroom, sult ahi for two. with bth. No other rnom ers. 2.1H psr wek. Call or phon B sau. . OENT1.EMKN who can appreciate ths com forts of well-kept nicely furnished rvjoms. electricity, gss. furnscs heat. bath. aii at be) North 14th su. Iwo blocks from Wsshlngton. . ONE ele.-sntly furnUhed room lor on or to parues. every convenience), oatn, not and co'd watr. In private family. i gant view and surroundings. Phons la bor :li. NEWiIy-furnished front room in prj" family, thr large windows, furnace heat, gas. light, bath; can bav us of piano. liiVob Hill district. ! leth at. North. I To ns. atarsnau joe.. ONE larga front room. 14 week. ,nc'ud; Ing heat snd lights; 15 minutes walk to P O. JJ Slout UOth). bat. Jsfferson and Msdlson. . A LARGE nleely furnuhd front room with all modern convenience, aultabl for two gentlemen or couple employed; board op nonl. A 3q. fcj" -'h at. TOCNi law atuJent wishes roommats; nleaaant room, electrtcliy. gas. hath fur nace heat. 64 North l&th su, two blocks fafrom Washington. LARGE furnished room for rent with or without board. Wst Sid, select neigh borhood: walking distant. Phon Mam 2319. . FI'RNIPHED rooms. stngl and nsutts; sleeping porch: smsll room; housekeeping pen lieges; bath and phone; clo In. Main 7 in. LARGE nicely furnished rooms so suit or single, hot and cold wratsr; also thro rooms suitable for young men: most cen tral place Jn city. S00 10th atrewt. VERT "desirable furnlahed room In private family. goo4 walking distance, to bu,Jn cent.r. r.nt reeeonable. 82 East leth au aouth. ' . 410 PER MONTH Plesssnt front room, private family; modern conveniences; breakfast if desired. Call, bafors 12 or al ter i. 1 - . - j iui -1 TWO nswly furnished eonnsctlng 'rent rooms; slectrtc light, bath: suitable for two; six minutes' walk from pcwtofries. Call Sunday" or venlngs.62Tamhni. iRGi5. handsom front alcov room, with hot sand cold water; prlvat family, no other roomers; best resldsnc district. gentljinnjy.87jrvlng1 PLEASANT front room. In modern. houe; genVlemeo or l.dl. smplo, prerred Apply Sundays or after 1 P. M-. -4 East lAth. . COMMi;NIi-ATINO front oomm mxilJJ tor two or four gentlemen; board If dealtwo. SS2 Col leg st. Phon A 3598. VERT plesssnt nswly furnished room ; electric lights, bath. Phone, three win dows: home privileges. J74LoveJoysu NEWI.T furnished" rooms, do In. for gen tlemen 'or married persona 48 North aim ej LARGE room. In a modern home. P"0" bath: pleasant. homellk: near car. walking distance. 403 Hajseyst. , Kl ELY furnished modern . front roonv gult shl for on or two gntlmn. 1.84 Lowcs- aa: su BCSINE.S9 woman to shar apt.. vry con venlenc. 41S. vrylhln Included. A FURNISHED" room, walking dlstanc. all conveniences, for gsntlemsn. 4.4 Flan ders cor. :otb. Thons Marshall is.u TWO Furnished rooma for r.nt; fre. bath and phon. 264 East lt; aoh 112. ur nac heat. FIRST-CLASH room for two gentlemen, hot and cold water. lplng porch, an lo csTton Weet Park. Msln 00. KK'ELY furnished room, modern conven ience central; $3 week. 4i4 Clay. nar intn LEsriNO room, sultabls for 2 gentlemen walking distance, phon and bath. 117 -orin ism pi. FOR RENT Lrg. clean furnished room, steam h.au running water, aultabl for TWO o a w ATTRACTIVE, nrwly PP.r""",h,-B'T8 able location, between lth and 20th. 6.8 Flanders TWO single rooms, large, clean, comfort shle: down stairs; very reasonable 412 loth su IHAV1 a fsw nice clean rooms. raonable. aentlemen preferred. 1 street south S3 . . . i e.k. arm Rlmont at. canine, pbl i m NICE roo"rn, modern corner house, walking distanc. Wet Bid. genilmn. Main ;;iw. . TWO vary cholc connecting furnlehed front rooma. with or without housekeeping prlv. llea. t4 12th su Phone. Marshall JUT. rrHVIHHED, unfurnished rooms; besutlful home; larg ground; fruit, shad. rioweraTabor IPS". . NICELY "furnished sleeping room for on or two gentlemen or Isdy employed dur ing qsy; close in. .m SINGLE room or large front room, sultabl for 2 gentlemen: walking dlstanc. 40 East Pclmoni su VICEI.T furnished room for young man. In private family, all conveniences. Phons Marshall 4", TWO-furnished rooms with or wllhotlt us of kitchen, steam heau bath. Phon 1SV. 449 Washington St. NK FJ.T- furnished sleeping '0n- ,em hest. phone, electric llghtg. 601 E. Morrl- eon et.. cor, lfith. , COMFORTABLE room. P'lvat. wy rea- aonablo: Dreaaiesi it uwh ou. ... Kearney, cor. 3d. ; NICELY furnished room, eegrythlng mod ern, clos In. 347 13th su Phon Main 4&l5. NK.'E. neat furnished bedroom, suitsbls for two. J; slngl prson, 12. . 401 West far a. 404 CLAY street: large front room, eulttabl for tun and wife or two young men; with boara -v a oionvo FRONT room, nicely furnished: modern con venlencea; suitable for two gentlemen. SI N. 17th-t.. otoca irom ... ROOMS with or without board; horn cook ing: strictly modern: prlvats family; rea sonable, i-nono jiain ii FRONT parlor with alcove, sleeping porch. leather furniture, velvet carpeu bath and phone, JlS-?3Hl?,aL FCRNISHED rooms for gentlemen, con- venlent to nlre boardlng-hous. 681 Oll- san. corner ist NK'E sunny front room, all conveniences. 1J.OIJ ween. i.i"e WARM well-furn'shed parlor bedroom with '. , ibiK. latance 47S Main. use ot i' . a" l . w'e..ne " NEWLT-rl'RNISHED front steeping room. ' 1 ey '"V v- WELL-Fl'RNISHED rooms; good location. .vi am J-i.. 144 HALL street; front suit: wH furnished. con . i . ii i . ...... 410 MONTH Pleassnt front room, walking ...... mnA location. 452 5th. FURNISHED suite, pantry, running water; ... .... r-ltv Hall. ?3 Fifth. PLEASANT front room. T tnlnuler walk f r'om P. O. 8mH Park at. LADY In fins location, pleasant room, wishes ladv roommate. N 850. Oregonian. LARGE furnished front room In privat family. 84 Ffndor. beu 16th and 17th. ELEGANT sleeping-room. 118 per month; small room. t per month. 201 13th. FOR RENT Rooms, close In. 1 block ts fin rr service. Phone B 1178. A NICELY furnished front room for 44 a nuynth. 286 13th St. A 4035. CLEAN, well-furnished front rooms. 28 14th st. ROOM, wslklng distance, with or without breaxfast. for gentleman. East 3972. i TWO fine front rooms sultabl for two In tich room; walking distance. 331 Front. NH'KLY furnished front rooms 42 and 43 per week. 1 SO 17th su. corner Yamhill. SMALL furnished room 42 a week; clos in. 473 Alder. FRONT room, second floor, German family. t.M Market su; walking distance. ATTRACTIVE newly p.Prrl rooms. 62S Flanders, between Iftth and 20th sta PRIVATEsmlly, 326 Clay, furnished rooma fo let. kitchen privileges; alao slngls room. glVNY front rooma wsll furnished, stsam heated- 714 Johnson su. apt. 2. FURNISHED rooms for rent, meals clos by. 2XS E. 12th. comer Ash st. NICELY-furnlshed room washstand. all modern conveniences; t week. 681 Davis. NICE sleeping rooms for rent at 460 Taylor. 1' nfnmUhed ftooma. IK9IKABLE UNFURNISHTZD ROOM 1IILSEK BLDG.. 430 MORRISON IT. MODERN. CENTRAL. RUASON ABIX CVFUR.VIPrTED Isrg front room with flr plsce. fit. Ollsan. Rooms With Board. E LEO ANT front room, facing park, for two. with board. 474 Park. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d rooms with board, uss of sewing-room. 11 hrary. 510 Flsndsra. F. N. Hesth. sapU WIT.L bosrd and room or 4 gentlemen. $22 a month, easy wslklng distance. El leen Court. 16th and Morrison. CHOICE rooms with board, sultabls for 1 or 2. 33 North J7tn. A NICE larg room for two popl. 404 Madison su, cor. 14th. Pbon Msln 0- TITK CALVARD. 452 Morrison, corner 13th; modern conveniences, wslklng distance. Rooms With Board In Prttat Family. LARGE. light, airy room with board for two young men; 12 minutes" walk to P. O. : home cooking, furnace heat, pleasant home. Phon Main 2380 or 003 5th, cor. Lincoln. VERY desirable, larg. wll-f urnlshed room, both adjoining, modern home, good board, suitable for man and wife with smail child. Phon nellwood L tNol In bl wood.) . PLEASANT sunny front room, also, smaller room, hot and cold water, gaa bath, with or without hrst-class board, strictly pri vate; home prlvilsges; central; deslrable. 521 Couch. ROOM and board for two gentlemen who can appreciate th comfort of a clean room and wholesome food. West Slds. walking istancelarshallS12 THIS ts s. real home, with home cookl.ig, evsrylhing new, clean and modern, 2 large, . sunny rooms with 2 closets, for two gen tlemen, prlvats family. Phun Main 4115. 1 HAVE room and board for two young men or ladles, home cooking, private family. everything new and clean. 546 Kearney sU. nesr 10th u ONE slngls room, one large one, suitable for two young business men; home cooking; hot water, gas and leclrlcuy. A 7U47. 651 Taylor su : ELDERLY couple wlshea to board and room a man and wife; working coupl preferred. Inquire airs. Read. olO Larra- bee su LARGE, pleasant front room, adjoining bath, eholcs bosrd. for two young men; ressonabla. 714 Davis au, cor. 22d. Main 7670. . ROOM and board for two or three youni men in new. modem flat; walking dis tance. Phona East 6249. 664 Last Aldsr su. Flat B WANTED To board ons or two children, good country horn, with no other chil dren; best of car given. Mrs. A. J. Bishop. Nem-berg. Or. Rcyit No. 2. SUITE of furnished rooms, sultabl for two or thre gentlemen. 18 per month; ex cellent board near; also room. I ft. i4 Hurt. Marshall 2s20. VERY deslrsbls well-furnished room, bath, phone; good board, suitable for on or two genilemen. In prlvat family; Clack amas. A tv osv, v' i.ew.11.... PLEASANT rooms with board, phone, bath and all horn comfort: walking distance. 422 a month. Gentleman preferred. 5-3 Oak. FURNISHED room with board in Pf'yat family. 107 North lth au Phon Main 5318. , TWO or thre furnished housekeeping rooms, private family. B51 East 21st South. LARGE front room, modern, reasonable; essy walking d.stano. 65 East th, near oaK. mast ou LADY living alon wants young lady to room and Tyoard; horn privileges; reason able. Phon vvooQiawn o-m DESIRABLE. wII-furnished room In steam heafed apirtment. Nob Hill, near- car; references. Phon. momlnge. A 4JB3. BOARD and room, t20 per mnth: tw" cupy on room. 44.50 each. 815 Tllla- mooK St.. tan u cnr. ne....a rwr . ... a . . .I..I. n H douhl to car. 695 Flanders sU FURNISHED rooms with or without hoard Horns cooking. Walking dlstanc. 28 Grant au BOARD nd room for young men In private family; horn cooking; no hired help. 3- pekum ave. LA RGB front downstair room, with board for two, 0 ach. 291 11th st- Marshall C083. NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board, in small family; no ch ldren. For particulars, pnuiiv - ROOM and board for two gentlemen, prl vats family, nlc pleasant home, second house west How Station, Woodstock car. PRIVATE apsrtmenU with bosrd; every thing modern; for on or two gentlemen. 306 7th su . EXCELLENT room and board, cjc.se in. gn- uemen oniy. i..-.. - - ROOM, sultablo tor two gentlemen, with board. mom, wi . FURNISHED room with board. In prlvat - .... ..)(. vn.lhnm St . . n . . oa It. nrtvstS famllV. 404 rlt"nrrurton st. Phon. East H36. BPLENDID room for two. choice board. trlcity.pjang. etc. 781 Marshall. A 4.o. ROOM snd bosrd In privat family; strictly modern, woodlawn 644. . NICELY furnished room" wit. h board in prl- vate rtmiij. i " 108' lOTII. Pleaaant alngle front with or w I tnout poaru NEWLY -furnished room and board; price reasonable, pya c. j SMALL oomfortable room w I th h . rea k f ast ana ninner. s- LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two. breakfast and dinner. Main .071. LARGE outside room with board. 45 week. IWl . . PLEASANT front room for young man; lor two a" ' walking aiiissv. - NICE rooms and board foV on or two. . . ... . i.Htel locerton. A49 Tflvlor. DESIRABLE room and ard sultabio for two; nome cw."e - - ROOM and board for lady, walking; distance. Main 1909. 848 Lincoln. pTTeaSANT rooms, cholc board; buslnsss people. 712 Hoyu NICE room with board In modern home. 292 East 22d SU East 2891. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gsntlemen. 591 v Davis. PLEASANT room, cholc toard. homellk. ressonaot. eoj ou ROOMS with board In privat boarding house. Call 8S9 Taylor at. Apartment. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Tth and Jef ferson sts.; 4-room unfurnished, with bath; all outslds rooms, modern, every conven ience; 6 minutes- walk from P. p.; very reasonable rcnu Msln 2506, A 3149. THE CAMAR An elegant 8 and 4-room apartment, strictly modern, plenty of fresh air. nice light halls, reasonable rates, .... ,. n 91.22 Loveloy. Marshall 2017. FOR RENT Modern 6-room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished. Bralntreo Apart ments. 200 12th SU Phones A 7431. Main T741. NEWLY-FURNISHED 2 or S-room suit, of kitchen, living-room and bedroom, of cor ner house; very cosy, reasonable. 182 E. 2Sd st. MEREDITH APTS.. T12 Washington su, 3 room apts.. newly furnished, strictly mod ern, all conveniences. Free phones. LARGE 6-room apartment, completely fur nished, hot and cold water. Janitor aerv lce. fre phones. Apply Janitor, 586 Evsr- stt st. . u ST CROIX APARTMENTS For rent, two three-room apartments with side porch, newly furnished, modern. 170 St. Clair su Main 6247. " MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, private phone and bath, -ll"c 'v.f'or. North 20th. Phon Marshall 2028. THE Chesterfield. 407 Columbia, beautiful furnished housekeeping room; heau hot and cold water In room: t-- per month. WANT young man to share small apart ment; rent very reasonable. AF 040. Oregonian. 133 MONTH Well furnished flat. three rooms, bath, newly rsnovated. 424 Jet- ferson. MORTON. 697 Wash, su, vsry nicely-furnished 8 rooms; piano, bath. . private phone. HARRISON COURT. 394 6th St.. S rooms, private bath, steam heat, both phones, only 422 per month. Main 6148, A 73o3. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, strictly modern, ressonabla renu lt N. i.d. Marshall 811. BACHELOR apartment, e' venlence. AC 841, Qreg every modern con- onian. room modern furnished apartments, new concrete bldg. 112 H Union ave. N. THE KING-DAVIS corner of King and Davis; one I -room unfurnished; reference. "he MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment. reasonable. 21st and Flanders. Main 7516. -ROOM "steam-heated aparunenu No. 519 Washington su. "C." Phone Marshall 4J2. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay ets.. vacant cholc 4 and 4-room suites. ONE 2-room apartment. The Jef fersonlan. Jefferson snd 16th SUL NEWLY furnished three-room apartments, close in. 71 Grand ave. N. STRICTLY moerern furnished apartmenu rant 430, 661 Everett su, cornsr 17th. PORTLAND'S NEWEST APARTMENT HOUSE. THE JULIANA." ' Trinity Place, near Washington SU Most beautifully furnished two. three and four room apartments, supplied with the very latest sppllance and conveni ence: large, airy rooms, finest carpets and furniture, yet rales are remarkably low; best and most reasonable home place in th city. Apply "The Juliana," Trinity Place, between Washington and Evorott al. - HADDON HALL APARTMENTS. corner 11th sod Hall sta. new modern brick building, with 3 and 4-room apartment, with private bath, newly furnished, strict ly modern in every respect; "an Individual telephone in every apartment, very large snd airy rooms wltn privste balcony porches. We have only 2 apartments va cant now and one will be vacant the 15th. If you want one of the choice apart ments lou will have to call soon, phons Marshall 1170. ARCADIA APARTMENT8. 706 Everett su. bet. 21st and 22d sta Opened Feb. 1; new and nicely fur nished 2 and S-room suites, private, phone, bath in each; Holmes disap pearing bed. steam heat, hot water, janitor service, mall and all pack- . ages delivered at door; all outside rooms: brightest apartment.house In th city; no dark rooms here; clean lmess and good service our motto. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett su. Between 20th and Ella. New. modern brick building, x8-room apsrtmenta; private baths. slsepiug porches: fre. Independent phones; auto matic elevator and first-class Janitor ser vice. The Everett is ths very best fur nished and equipped house in the city. One oh o 1 c apartment for rent March 12. CARMELITA APARTMENTS Are now ready for occupancy, unfurnished, four and five-room suites, reception hall, automatic elevator, telephone and all modern conveniences; Call at ths Carme llta apartments, southeast corner of 13th and Jefferson sta. and have Miss Allen, the manager, show you something extra fine, or phon Main 8968. THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sts. This new 4-stoiy brick opened Jan. 1, 1911; furnished and unfurnished In two. three and four-room suites with recep tion hall; Paciflc phone In each apart ment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappear-' Ing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room, if you want something extra nice, com to the Barker. Phone Marshall 2UrJL THE PARKHUKST. 20th and Northrup. Phone Main 1178. A few choice 8-room logantly furnished apanmenla left; Individual sleeping porch, brass bed, velvet carpets, hardwood fur niture, complete to step Into and com mence housekeeping; electric elevator. Jan itor service, steam heat. Apply to Janitor. THE PARKHURST. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished in 2, t and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception ball, steam heau hot water, elevator, free phone. Jani tor service; rent per month 6-s. 43- 440, 415. .Also one unfurnisKed 3-ruom, 40. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 231 Hth St.. near Main Furnished or unfurnished apartments; all rnodern conveniences, in cluding Janitor service, fre phones, elec tric elevator, etc.; In fact, everything fur nished excepting your own private elec tric light and gas. Marshall 2340 or A 4588. PENINSULA Apartments On of Portland's finest apartment-houses, 4-mlnut car service, beautiful part city to live, 1185 H Alblna ave., cor. Killlngsworth. Take Mis sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2, 3 and 6 rooms, completely furnished, 417.50 to a" mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STS. Two four-room. t newly furnished apart ments, ready for1 Immediate occupancy; one four-room furnished apartment va cant March 31; another vacant April 8. May be aeen and engaged at any time. w.ij-.v: v-vaw 670 Couch. 1 block from Washington su, on 18th su; tel. Main' 1192. S ar.d 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor services. Apply of managsr; reierence require ...... , T f T. rL fc CCVTTD Fifteenth and Everett sts. Phone Main l'J4.". Two and four-room suites, nicely furnished; hoi and cold water; gas range and private bath In each; rates very reasouauiv. "MEREDITH" Strictly modern. 2 and 3 room apartments at most reasonable rates; all modern, up-to-date conveni ences; can accommodate several more tenants. Apply "Th ileredith," 22d and Washington sta PARK-HARRIS, corner Park and Harrison sts.. has beautifully equipped apartments; fireplaces, polished oak floors. Holmes dis appearing beds, private telephones, - balh, etc.; Invite inspection. Phons Marshall 3O70. A 4425. ORDERLEIUH APARTMENT. Cor. Grand ava. and E. Stark it Nsw fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart unia; prlvat bath, hot and cold water. steam heau Phona East 800. THE Stanley Apartments, 701 Washington St.. new and beautifully furnished apart ments of a and 4 rooms, very desirable location, modern and up to date In vry respecL Call personally or phons Mala 7463. THE CODY. E. Seventh and Taylor; new, elaborately furnished two and three-room apartments; steam heat, privat phona in each apart ment; Janitor services and reasonable prices. 'tub; l-KniR HILL." 187 Green av., H block south of Wash ington and 23d sts., near City Park, has 1 handsomely furnished 3-room and bath, outside apartment vacant; beautiful view of mountains. See janitor or phone A 7534. LITCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla street, near Wash, su oaly a fsw apartments left In this nsw, elegant and modern apartment-house. Apply to superlntendenu Apt. 1. or phons Marshall 1001; references required. ANGELA APARTMENTS. 87 Trinity Place, between loth and 20th, off Washington; one 4-room apartment; also one 4-room apartment, both beauti fully furnished; slectrio elevator, prlvat phonesL RE-UKAN, Marshall bet. 19th and 20th.; modern, elaborately furnished apartmenu 3 rooms and private bath; something real nic and homelike at a reasonable price. Main tK32. A3191. Wcar THE ALBEMARLE APTS. New brick, modern every way. . 2 and 8-room apts., completely furnished. Rates for Summer months. 383 Williams ave, neaf Braadway. Call East 4112. HAVE line close-in apartment-houss site: will build to suit tenant. Call at the office and see tha plans; will give a long lease. ' R. K. BRYAN, Main 1003. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227. THE CECILIA, 22d arid GUsan. On new and elegantly furnished apart ment; one unfurnished; private porches sna pnones. COZY 2-room steem-heated apartment; lights and hath Included; 4 blocks Post office; furniture, 2.'0 cash; rent, 418. Apartment 606, Tourney bldg. 2d and Taylor. FURNISHED S outside rooms, steam heat. hot and cold water, free phones, private . bath, 12 minutes' walk to Postotllce. 44S Clay. Marshall 1461 FOR RENT 4 and 5-room apartments, good location. East and West Sides, rent rea sonable. A. II . Blrrell Co., 202, McKay bldg- 3d and Stark sts. BANNER APARTMENT. 489 Clay St., near 14th; all modern, completely furnished 2 rooiri apartment, rate from 420 up. In cluding electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold water.batn ana pnone. 3-ROOM. modern apartmente In the new apartment-house, 1S3 Caruthers St. Rents 422.30 to :io.(. Unfurnished. PARR1SH. WATK1NS & CO.. 250 Alder st. GRACE Apartments, 24th and Northrup ats.: 1 furnished 2-room and private bath and telephone and 1 4-room unfurnished apart menu EW and beautifully furnished two-room apartment with phone, bath.. hot and cold water and electric lights free. 320 Mont gomery st. Marshall 370. THE MORDAUNT. 18th snd Everett sts. Furnished 5-room apartment, everything complete. Apply to Janitor, or A 2109. IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts.. 5 rooni. unfurnished apartment, $45; mod ern improvements; adults only. NORDICA Apartments, Grand v. and Bel mont: modern, reasonable. East 3418. BASEMENT apartment for rent March 12 at the Everett. 644 Everett st. IlaI- SROOM flaU 12h and Belmont. Phone Main 1061. A 7v. B. H. Bowman. MODERN 4-room flat. Call Sunday 11 to 2. 444 32th. FIVE-ROOM flat. 73 Marshall street, $33. D. O. Woodward, agent. 104 2d St. MODERN 4-room flaU porch, fireplace, close In. pon Marshall 5 Flat. EAST 24TH and Stark sta Modern 4 and 6-room flats; new and with every con venience. Including furnace, gas rang and linoleum on kitchen and bathroom. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 112-214 Commercial Club bldg. Phones: Main 8099, A 2653. NEW flaU plenty of steam heat and hot water large, airy, llghu outside rooms, corner of 35th and East Morrison. Phon Tabor 131. NEW 6-room flats on Gllsan su. between 23d and 24th. Just finished; hardwood floors, fireplace, all conveniences.. Morgan, Fliedner, ijoyce. 503-0 Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT 1-room fiau all furnished, block from carllne, west oiae. a iwuv. vu Couch bldg. NEW 8-room flats, modern, disappearing beds, range; reasonable. 708 Vancouver ave. COIeONIAL 6-room upper flat; furnace and fireplace, close in. 603 E. Morrison su pnone feast 1019. CLEAN, light and modern 6-room flat four l.h. nf -ill sell fur- ruiiius nicely iuhuhilu. w. .. .-- --- nituro. ast ouso. y-u x.". . SEVEN-ROOM modern flat. West Side. Key at 170 jonn son su . oev. " - NICE 6-room flaU shad tree, roses, lawn. gaa. bath; 421. 495 E. Pine. comer10th. 6VROOM flat and attic bedroom to adult; no doxs. 6B4 E. Main su. near 18th. FOR RENT March 15. modern 6-room flaU close in. fpnne jqain 140 Modern unfurnished 6-room upper flaU Phone Main 8898. NEW 6-room" flats, Bslmont near 25th; 427. xaDor sis. NEW, steam-heated 6-room Hat 810 Kelly su.- sai.ou. rnom ow. FIVE rooms, with bath and water heater; aii. bu v u a ....ii. l"OU R-KOi )M steam-heated flat for rent 4Ui renin su . 5-ROOM modern flat for rent. 774 V E. Anwieny. uan eveiiinK"- FLAT 3 romos, close In, East Side, 414 per month. Phone r-asi ui-g. LADY would share fine homo with travel ing man's wire. uau tiww. LARGE front rooms, furnished, with board. ftl. Morrison et.. a 00. j. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hof water, bath, laundry, free 115 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for money; short distance from Union Depou Tako "S" or IBth-at. cars north, get off at Marshall au No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED" 8-room cottage, 417.50 month: lower furnished 4-room flat. 41150 month; well-furnished housekeeping euites, 2 rooms, 8. 410 and 12 month; 3 for $15. Apply 304 North 2Bth. W car from depot, 5th or Morrison to 26th. block north. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, down stairs, one furnished and on unfurnished, three cozy "rooms 'upstairs, suitable lor light housekeeping or sleeping rooms; pri vate entrance, do ivm m - - NICE, newly furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable,; electric lights, gas. balh. phone and heau 691 Lovejoy, neap 21st. Mam 4 1 S . TWO nicely furnished front rooms for house keeping; gas. electric lights: also two room cottage: gas. heat, etc; walking distance. 555 5th St. Main 5S0- ONE 2-room and 8-room suite, unfurnished, housekeeping, clean and light; can be had very reasonable. Stephenson Court. 513 Mill aU Main ouv. llo0 lO 42.50 WEEKS clean. fJ"ID.4 housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath. Snon" cfe" linen. heU 406 TyaneoT ava. and 203t Stanton; tak U car. MAXIM'S HOTEL has a few -wtclM rooms left at $3.B0 per week; Phon and bath In each room. 14 7th SU. bet. Al der and Morrison. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnl,-hed h?"?" keeping rooms; very central. Boom 30, 3d and Morrison u. TWO furnished steam-heated 2-room apart, ments. also 1 slngl room. The Oneonta, 1ST inn su FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also single room. 532 Williams av. Phon C 1323. HOUSEKEEPING uite, warm.- light and clean. iJLl wasningio- v. - 207 . LARGE front housekeeping room, alcove, kitchen, large closet; gas free. $16. 2bT 13tn NEWLY furnished room for light house keeping; walking distance; $12 iw month. 320 Montgomery al. Marshall 3i0. " FINE DOWNTOWN UOMk JJI L.N Kit BLDG.. 50 MORRISON VODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $1.50 to J2 per ir.Wuor en suite. 291 Second at. 1 2 8 FURBISHED housekeeping rooms. ' ...A.. wi.n..n elosn In. 4 Otf BBtUllftWU .... - HOUSEKEEPING rooms lo haw Conor! bldg. Phon Woodlawn 2997 or 2879. .94 CLAY, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason able. zdi ai cu TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms; $3 per week. 408 1st St. Phone Main 19:16. TWO housekeeping rooms on West Side, rent reasonaoie. n rsorm Housekeeping Rooms lo Private Family. FOR RENT One or two furnished house keeping rooms; reasonable; ladies oniy. 21 East 15th St. East 2050. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms $16. unfurnished, 612: so range, fuel, bath, light. Peterson. 4n0 11th su HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, private houaeT 2 nlc. light housekeeping rooms. gas, btn; 44 wee. j. ...... TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep lug; central and modern. Phone East 168. 82 East -lum. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: Phone, light and water; $14 per month; no chil dren. 3i n.asi 010 iuiihvu. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room Tor refined voung couple, with housekeeping rrivlleire's. M. 4854. 294 14th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms fur nace neat, bath, phone; $4.60 week; no children. 170 N. 18th su FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. West fcide. 347 12th, noar Jiiaraei. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, reasonable renU 4i5 Morri son st FIVE unfurnished rooms, first floor, modern conveniences. $18; references. 849 East Stark, near am. HOUSE at Bertha station with some out buildings, larga grounds, fruit trees. 1U Phone moo. 294 JEFFERSON Furnished for housekeep ing, small basement room, only $10 per montn TWO modern wfront rooms, also 2 single rooms downstairs, for housekeeping. Mam 2O0 iota si. 63 N. 20TH Newly-furnished 2 and 3- room suites, complete ioi nuuBpaOTtimb. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 429 E. Asn. rnono a j.ji. CLEAN single housekeeping room, phone, 1 'J XT lAlh NICELY furnished housekeeping suite. 547 Yamhill st. TWO furnished front rooms for housekeep ing at 227 Montgomery st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished, clean, reasonable. 367 3d st. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms In modern cottage 271 Market. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rms., ground floor. 215 10th, cor. Salmon. 313 14TH. corner Clay; 1 room with kitchen ette, south facing. ONE. 2 or 3 nice housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 421 7th st. HOUSEKEEPING room furnished, walking distance. 37Q 12th st. Main 4364. FRONT housekeeping-room, furnace heat, running water. 400 Taylor. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, with bath 428 Washington st. SUITE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 91 V4 First su, near Stark. S FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $3 per month. 34Hs 10th st. X. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 N. 14th su. between uavig ana cveren. ONE large furnished housekeeping room; rent S. Apply 64 E. 16th. North. SINGLE light housekeeping room, very de- sirable. central. 406 Main st. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms for rent, pilvate family. 340Vs Front st. FRONT ROOMS Oas, bath and phone; n nhlMron 3.4.0 Colleee. FURNISHED houseekeplng rooms. 163 13th, 2 NICE housekeeping rooms for rent at 655 Savier. $9 PER MONTH, 3 large furnished house keeplng rooms. 618 7th St. Main 4.129. THREE rooms furnished to quiet couple, walking distance. 249 Grand ave. North. TWO large front housekeeping-rooms, un furnished. 1nij Grand ave. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $10 month. 58 pettygrove. Main 3123. HOUSEKEEPING room, also kitchen, $22 per month. 201 13tt SOMETHING different, look these up If you want two or three rine sunny rvj.-.... complete, everything nice. In new flat: light, water, hot and cold, phone, bath Included. $17.50 and $21; walking dis tance. 587 East Main, near 14th. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping; running water ana furnished; $2L50. Two nicely furnished sleeping rooms, furnace heau 194 15th, corner Taylor. 2 NICELY furnished rooms for ladles em- Jiloved, heat, balh and phon. wun privi ege of light housekeeping and laundry. $1.60 and $2 a week. 1173 E. Main. B 1019. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; privat bath, stationary washstand, kitchen with nice sink, model range and gas plate; pri vate entrance; $4.5U week; no children. 6X2 Clay st. FOUR nicely furnished rooms on first floor of cottage; electric ugms, gas r-us, phone and bath; S23. Call Sunday or phone C2.V49. K 134 E. Second St., north, near Gllsan. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite for house keeping, or first floor tor two or moi. This is a beauty; also two-room suite, newly tinted, upstairs, with lovely view. Phone A 3598 or Main 9500. FOUR beautifully furnished housekeeping rooms, lower flat on corner, mreo $3I per month. Including gas, electricity, water and phone; real-snap; East Side, close in. Phone Woodlawn 1160 or leoi. NEWLY-FURNISHED 2 or 3-room suite, of kitchen, living-room and bedroom, of cor ner house; very cozy, reasonable. 18'J E 23d st. EXCEPTIONALLY fine suit for refinsd couple; every convenience, . front porch; no other roomers. 9i N. 10th, between Stark and Burnslde. TWO well-furnished connecting rooms, ground floor, range, sink, pantry, laun dry, vard, large porches, reasonable, 115 23d su ; TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms In Piedmont Addition: one block west of Williams ave. 1212 Moore su Woodlawn 1035; , THE lower floor of my home, 6 rooms, fur nished, can sub-let part, large gardon spot, electric Jlghts, 3 blocks to Hawthorne avo. Phone, water free. $32. 4o8 E .Mill. 2 FURNISHED housokeeplng rooms; beat, light, phone; 44.25 per week. 1 East 14th. 14 blocks off East Morrison. Call after Sunday. A LADY, alone In an up-to-date apartment, will rent one room, with use of dining room and kitchen, to young lady or man and wife. Phone. A 4546. NICELY furnished single room for light housekeeping, llghu convenient; reason able to working -woman. 579 Union av. North. 4445 6th FRONT rooms, flrat floor: neat ly arranged for housekeeping; carllne; central; clean; gas, bath; reasonable. Main 4469. . WELL furnished front housekeeping suite, first floor, $18; also single housekeeping rooms. 10 and 412 month. 44 S Columbia, near 12th, 2 to 5 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, gaa, bath, direct en trance, nice location, central, reasonable, adults. 621 Couch T MONTHLY Small, neat front room: home privileges; gas. bath. 445 6th. Main 4409 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, prlvat family. reasonable; walking dlslanoe, 13 East 7th st. Phone East 1920. HOUSEKEEPING suite. Nob Hill. $14; bed room. $6; gas, bath, phone, range. 625 Marshall. Private family. CENTRALLY located, furnished, bath, gas. phone, children taken. $1S.60 up. 424 Slain sU FOUR large rooms, flrst-clasa bath, gas, piano, yard, good neighborhood, adults. 753 E. Burnslde. Phone East 1786. TWO newly papered and painted furnished housekeeping rooms; free phone, sink, gas. 488 Everett st. TWO clean housekeeping rooms, conk stove and gas, free light; $15 a month. 161 X. 14th su ; . TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, phone and bath. 266 14th St., near Jef ferson. . 8 TO 5 furnished housekeeping-rooms, heat, light, very desirable. 493 Mont Eomcry. 1 2 OR 4-room suites for light housekeep ing, walking distance, furnace heat, elec tric llgnts. teiepnoiie. 7i VERY desirable, comfortable suite for light housekeeping; modern, close in; reason able to couple only. 228 Larrabee su WELL-FURNISHED steam heated house keeping rooms; private porch, bath, phone and laundry- 056 Gllsan. NICE furnished housekeeping rooms en suite, bath. 566 Johnson au, beu ntn and 18th. . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms reasonable to couple wllling to do small amount or work. Main nana. ONE pleasant suite furnished rooms. West SldeT 10 minutes' walk from postofflc. 612 Market. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 261 Morris St.: two only. Inquire 638 Van couver ave. 411 TWO new unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 71 E. 22d St.. near Stark. Apply . nt c 1C.I. at nesr MnrrllOll. CONVENIENT housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple or employed lady, close In, very reasonable. Phon A 535Q. 426 BROOKLYN, near 6th. 2 or 3 unfur- . n., .nnn, hath alectrloltv. nisneu or v . i -1 j , i" "i - A SUITE of housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished; walking distance. 193 West Park. NEW remodeled housekeeping rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; bath, gas, phone. CPBtairS, IU1 C. IHflUli v-omq. . ... NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 634 Yamhill St. Houses. WE CAN FURNISH YOUR HOMl at a great saving. Get our prloea, rs shown every courtesy t. OSTROW CO., 64-66 North Sd U Reasonable prices. Easy terras. SIX ROOMS, partially furnished; new mod ern eight-room house, large poroh and lawn: half block south Hawthorn av. . at 293 E. 3"d; rent $25. SOUTHEAST corner of 20th and Preseott. 6 rooms, modern, 8 blocks south of Alber ta car; full basement and larg lot; rent $18. MODERN, 6-room. clean house, one sid of double house, easy walking distance, on East Side: furnace, lawn. Inquire at oso asi layior si. FOR KMA'T. Beautiful 6-room cottage, nic shady lot good neighborhood, lnqulr 434 Mar- guerne av-. STRICTLY modern and newly tinted aeven room house with sleeping porch, near 9th and Broadway. Phone Tabor 2242. RENT; house. North Irvlngton, six rooms and alcove, fireplace, and all modern conveniences. Phone -ast FOR RENT 6-room house. West Side, walk ing distance; 15. 430 11th su Inquire 4t Hall su 5-ROOM, modern cottage, gas. electric bath, i . . ..vi 'i.'trl and S cars. 862 Vs Vaughn st. Phone Main 6891. Only $16. FOR RENT Two modern. 6-room houses. 834 Grand ave. S.. 425 E. Ellsworth at. tnnnlre at 628 Grand ave. 8 FOR RENT Modern 7-room house on 19th. between Lovejoy and Marshall. Inquire 03 Everett. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7-room house for rent. 604 Davenport at head of lflth. Appiy next door east. EI DERI.T lady wants to rent her 4-room cottage to parties without children for her keeping. Call 764 Gantebeln ave. FOR RENT One block from St. Johns car; new, corner 5-room house, hath, flre- place. basement, porcn, FOR RENT One acre and new 6-room house. 10 minutes' walk Montavlila Var: part In strawberries. Phone Tabor 25.13. FOr'bENT 5 rooms, modern cottage, at tic, newly iinieo . ir....s .....w. . Corbett. near Porter. Phone Last 3103. six-room modern house. lnqulr at 1290 E. 12th N. FOR RENT or sale, a modern 0-room house Nob Hill district. AE 844. Oregonian. 7-ROOM good house. 718 E. Morrison, $22.50. F. w. Torgler. IPS Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT Vroom house. 6.18 Market; $14: inquire I'O Mill. Phone M. 6122. 8-ROOM modern house, overlooking river. East side. mamuer w u"""cl 5-ROOM modern house. Eaet Side. $14 per montn. i-- v-namii v,...... SIX rooms, modern, large lawn. W.-W. eae TQO KSt 32d St. Main O.JO. HOUSE of 8 rooms and bath. 714 Lovejoy. cor. 22d. Inoulre 182 Sixth sU Main 6278. MODERN 7-room house. Inquire room 80S. Commonweaun uius. 5-ROOM modern house. Sunnysld car. 133 E. 88thst. . 8-ROOM house, Irvinglon, 408 North 15th. Paul Labbe.233Labbe bldg. iTlioOM cottage. 738 Montana ava. $7 per montn. 9-ROOM house for rent. 440; modern, beau. tiful lawn, am r.. "- 8-ROOM double flat, suitable for roomers, central, fiione aiaranmi o-. FOR RENT 6 unfurnished rooms. 854 Tth