The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 30

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lorro man. Tirvo wom x. wot"t.t
If so, prepare yourself for the beet
paving p-:tloa la the world today.
. TO (14 I EH WEEK? .....
When y can In a verr short
prepare yourself In a prnfe ion wiucn
places Tour service In demand at. a
salary from tt.-l per month PT.Ai"jriT
Tn. demand for advert lernnl writers
far exree-is the supple. cit4 I"'J
f.rt advert' msnt wi-lters ir;, 5
Kr fi!I particulars, addre-
TI-1XU. Alquam bid.. Portland. Or.
We nave an opening for xood ,.
men. mm ot neat appearance and '"'"
personality; our property sell lte . "
nasi men t' lnrduce It.
Railway Cutute.
(Al.boMcN The Columbia Ufa Tr-eet
Co. has aa opening fr on " two .nr,t"
class solicitors. If you have no bad ex
perience In aelllnc Ufa Insurance you will
be schooled and rendered esslstan-e la
finding prospects and dosing business;
riceDUooil opportunities for sprlence
m.n. Ask for S. p. Lockwood. vice-president
an d general manager.; or Harry
Hichey. city manager. tu floor Spaidm
ABLE-BODIED men want-d for tha U. 8.
Marine Corpa. liwcro tha asea of 19 ana
i: must be natrve born or have first pa
pere: monthly pay tli to $U: additional
compensation possible: food, clothln. quar
ters and medical attention free: arter JO
years' service can retire with 75 par cent
of pay and allowances: service on oot
snip and ashore In all parta at tha world.
Apply at IT. S. Minna Corps Recruiting
crrice. Breed.- bldg, 3d and Y aahlagtoa
ets, Portland.Or.
tXTERIEXrCD fire Insurance mn wanted
to ukr charics of Insurance department lo
established business. Must havs good hab
it, and strictly reliable. We can otter an
attractive proposition. This Is sn opportu
ne f"r man. In reply state axe. ex
perience and H-e references. V li uro
Tha Grants 's and Koee River KSM
rsd baa aa openins for two strictly htri
ararfe salesmen In their townsue depart
ment, l-ermansnt pi.sltlon and liberal
fntract to tnosa qoa-lfied t fill tna po-
lirs WASTED Ace JH-S4. firemen. H0
monthly, and hrakemen. txo on nearby
rsliroaus: experience nnoeceasary; n poaltlona jaranteed competent
men; promotion: raiiroad employlns; nead
ouarters: orer oo men sent to poeltloaa
monthly, state a-: send stamp. Railway
A oc I tt Ion, care Oregonian.
WANTKD for V. S. Aray. ble-odled
a-.arr.ed men between acea of 18 and J.
cltUens of United Mates, of (ood charac
ter and umiwate hsblta. who ca apeaa.
read aad write tha Enilish lanuae. For
Lnfjnnatloa apply to Kecruitlna Offlcec.
Alnsworttt blo:a. Id and Oaal sia totl
land. Or.
txj.VT ' minute lonier. we will start
.o In pistln business, new method.
mske aeealv; tremendous deroana.
anyone ran do work, spare time at home;
no capital ; your name on postal brines
our unquahn.-d pr.xta. National I-lauc
t o. 1 ei Omaha, Neb. -
WANTKD Ambitious workman: your work
on actual Jobs ras for tearhln trades of
electricity, automobile, plumbing, brick
l)lnr: only few months required; .04
s-ider.ts last four jeara. Write for In
formation. United Trade School ContxacU
t-r o.. I-oe Arslea.
SUM of s'Tonl eronatlty. capable of Inter
estlr.c and Influencln pro-pectlve buyers;
r-rtr.anent p.jeltlon. with larxe Income to
the nht man; Ito aire and previous oe
c.ipat.on and ad lreaa for full partlculara.
AH '41 Oreconlsn.
fjAI esmaN to act sales manairer In Loa
Anceiee or Bpokane: must understand
rrocera specialty: a small Inrestrornt and
ability to et tha business will secure A
permease position. AoUreea A al. Ora
contan. W vNTtU Elderly man to do chorea and
work on small ranch: only a temperate
Mesa sl apply: ond home and aal-i-T
Write or call evenlncs or tundey.
H. Mllee. I -ems. or.. K. 2. Olibert station.
n O. W. P... carl me. i
HEN? and bove to leva plumblnr. bricklay
Inr. electrical trade, automooi.lnf. survey
lr. pais J. to s per dAy; position se
mre4; satisfaction aTiaranteed; free rata
ls sue. National Sch.Hi of Trades. 2110 .
7HlLo Am'l't, CaL
KA1L.WAT Mil clerks, poetofflee clerka.
letter carriers, euetom-bouee aad lateraaj
revenue employes, to prepare lor exam
inations: free book, Pacina Statsa caea.
McKay bM.. city.
I want to klre a ood blacksmith and
hnor Immedute.T for a steady Job
at too.! waa-ea. J. M. Blnkley. Scotia
Mills, vr.
WILL. START TOL' earnln 14 dally home
spars time sllverlna mirrors; no capital:
free Inatructive b.-)Ulet. lrln plans op
eration, ti. F. Ksdmonu. Dept. 60. Hue
top, Masa.
W ANTED A rood, sober. Industrious man
aa bucfy and bameea waber at Lw's
Capital Vablea. tal'm. or.; waes. .J
jer month; la to 25 rlxs and barncss
.er n : si-t
riKST -CtkSS coremakera and molders for
rl.or and ben.h work: stejdv work, open
shop, out of town; five telephone cumber
an state where formerly employed. T
VT . Orecontan.
fc ALK.-ilUN wanted to sell mechanical and
moulled rubber ods. vehicle tires, auto
mobile casinas and tub--s. on rood com
mission bs. Ktply TiJ Caswell block.
Milwaukee. Wis.
WVNTEtK7.r drivers, l-day drlva on
trie Taklma River: waces II per day and
board for brektnc ten. Unas. and
b..r.t for drlvins- Apply at tie Eluia.
J ash. .
WANTED! or 1 mtddle-ad men to !o
city sollcitlnc with a financial concern
( j 20 years successful experience. Room
l- Concord b:j. Call between 111 A.
M-and js i'-M-
WANTED Tir wholeeale haiMware. boy
that can qualify for bill clerk: must be
q'nck. accurate: anewer In own hand
writing, rivm experience, referencea and
phone. 11 t4. treonlan.
li W eT: K LT and expenses, truscwortiiy
teop.e travel and distribute samples for
wholesale bouse. C 11. Emery. V
jik'll x
WANTED XOOd specl.llty salesmen.
For sal A ste.wn laundry; also pew
and sec-nd-haed laundry machinery. Call
et IT1 E t Washington: open Sunday.
MAKRIED man, go..d milker and farm
hsnd: I w jr month; house, garden, wood
ard milk TirnLshed. Take United Kail-
way o imrl'.ngton. Inquire f. r- watter.
i-j . - - ki.h . . , month
XT. I 7- 4 1, 1 ' . w - - ...... -
moet Int-restinc profession on eertli; for
Tartlrulars. Western lietectlve Pchooi. HI
lu; i a ay Exchange. Ienver. f'olo
V ANTE I" An expe-tenced. wide-awake
business chance and real estate man: g -d
opening for right party. Call lite Oer
l.cger bldg
EXPERIENCED starcber and polisher. .
week to start. Permanent poeltlon.
Apply Cherrya New Laundry. La Grande,
r. -
T. goo I solicitors; good- proposition to
rlrht men- tall at once. Auditorium
t ln'ng A P'rlnt Worlie. yt ad et.
MAKE money wrltlne short stories, or for
rerre; r t pee; ir 1 1 -. . . - www.
I rited Prs
osn Eranclsco.
CrllNt'r! or Jenee for general house
work la country town. Call aftornoona.
5.1 4tb at.
JA p A V F. E boy to help with housework
in small family; btgti wagoa for good boy.
Sl'CEJisrt'L, solicitor wanted with book or
dvertistng evp,.rinca Monday. Ill to 3.
;ta trreguolan bldg.
-T wanted to learn trade; one with some
experience la printing office preferred.
Klelrt A Co.. UJ-i first St.
, F.r. IENCELk advertising solicitors, com
mission, iieaodlctlne Press. oo Good
eo'tyh bMg.
c;a OFFICE International Correapoad
ence Schools. Ill Alder sc. spaa till
y bend for free catalogue.
JVK wltdtore wanted for the Huccesa
Vacuum Carret tIeaner. city and country.
V:': Investment a., lienry oiag.
WANTED Oood, all-round reporter. Apply
at orce. Mormn Aslorian, Avtor.a. Or.
W ANTED oUci tor. thoronghtr reliable and
trustworthy, m Hoard of Trade bldg.
WEAR a Kenenew 1 1 bat; all Styles. 4
Washington and l-i h ata
VanJtEd Man to clear brush on lou
ha. oregoniao-
ISE ' ranch for living oa lu K Ore
giinua li 't t-TEKS wsnted. Cell 12 Commercial
Club bldg.. 4th and "ak.
WANTEI' Ma lesrn antomoboilr.g actual
a. Al eg leseou. iluxiy. .1
J ' - 1
In every ety throughout tha world: now
Id TOLR OPPOR1 L'NITT to learn a
RECOONIZED la the East as the
PTANDAUD: we are the fectory J"1;?'-
thousand heautirul picture Dime for rent.
f A8Y T is 1-
TODAT. . ,
New Tork rilm Co, for srjuara deal.
vlu xt aah . near 17th,
Ope itorr Hand-book Given Aasy Free
ACE NTS make big money eaey. many s.ei.
some $ 101 weekly, showing article that
housekeepers buy on s.giit: no talk nec
essary. Just demonstrate; S Duplex so
lium Cleaner, that child can operate; not
mere carpet cleaner, but has attachments
for wood floors, walls, draperies, mat
tresses, etc.. working aa perfectly aa the
flou electric machines: It Is a mechanical
wonder: Ita new principle of double suc
tion beau everything ever Invented; any
one can make more money handling thlg
wonder then by selling anything else.
Write at once for particulars to secure
territory. Duplexo Vacuum Co T So. bin
st.. Iirooklyn. N. T. -
We are desirous of encaging ona or two
clean-cut stock salesmen. If you are a
producer capable of meeting the better
class of people, we can use you Pr"
nently. We have for eale a security wltn
a specified earning, attached to which I
added an attractlva bonus.
Call Monday, room evi Spalding bldg.
Those who are going to work or pros
pect either district this season can tratei
comfortably and save money by Jolains;
our horse outfit i tha Valdem trail. va
furnish steamer fare. meals, sleeping
tents, and carry i pounds of baggage
for each man from Seattle to Fairbanks
for lisi. We are well equipped, had years
ft experience. Leave Seattle March l.
Early reservations must be made to se
cure passage. C K. Hammond. 1-45 Rail
road ave. South, Seattle. Wash.
clerks, poatofflre clerka and carriers, cus
toms. Internal revenue service, etc. Thou
sands tf appointments to be made. Ex
aminations soon In every state, hull par
ticulars aa to dates and places, salaries
paid, sample questions previously used,
etc.. sent free. "Positions guaranteed
and -free tuition" explained. s".?. for
circular 1L National Cor. Institute, waaa
Inrton. D. C.
WANTED One good man In each town to
take orders for made-to-measure clothes:
tip-to-date styles. ery low prices, orders
come easy; high-class, permanent busi
ness: Sne profile. 15 a day and up; no
money or experience needed. wa snip
on approval, express prepaid, and guar
antee perfect fit. Write for free sample
outfit and Inside price on suit for your
self. Banner Tailoring Co.. Dept, ..
TR AVE UNO salesmen; no experience re
qulred; earn $l"0 to .".00 month while
l. srnlng practical salesmsnship ; write to
dsy for list of good positions open paying
1000 to i0u0 year, particulars about how
to get one. Address nearest office. Dept.
4.17. National Salesmen Training Asso
ciation, Chl.aro. New York. Kansas city.
Seattle. New urieaps.
aANf wanted with rl to take charge of sale
of our medicines, extracts: spices, soaps,
perfumes, toilet articles, stooa aad poul
try preparations, etc.. In your county;
steady work guaranteed: work healthful,
pleaant. very profitable; references re
quired; write us; S mean business.
Shores-Miller Company, Dept. 03. Tripoli.
JCEAT appearing young men with reference
as salesmsn; practical Instruction In sales
manship, together with an experienced
man to go with you to teach yon the busl-n-sa.
free. Will pay well from the start.
Country or city. Call at Monarch Invest
ment Company. N. E. Crow, manager.
40I.2-3 Uehnke-Walker bldg.. 107 Fourth
WANTED A good salesman with an estab
llhed trade In either of the states of
Montane, Idaho. Wyoming. Washington
er Oreeon bv a well-known and long
established wholesale liquor firm with a
good trade In those states; highest salary
and expenaea paid to right parties: others
save stamps. Address) P. O. Box -04. Cin
cinnati, tl.
WANTED Salesmen to handle .orchard
lands In and 10-acre tracts; biggest and
oldest plantsrs In the Northwest: good
commissions; big future for the man who
makes good with us; every assistance
given to our sslesmen. Ask for sales nian-
Sirer. 6 IP Spalding bnlg.
SALESMAN, experienced any Una to sell
general trade, pacific Coast, unexcelled
specialty proposition, with 11 RAND NEW
FEATURE- commission with 33 weekly
for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co
Cleveland, O
In right with a strong, successful house,
where permanence and fair dealing are
assured Our men are happy and con
tented and are making money. Write
for -artleuUra. AH 4l. Oregonlan.
THE way to euccesa In life, business, health,
new thought and occultism Is pointed out
In O. E. C weekly bulletin: months'
trial subscription, le cents, coin or stampa
- Send today. Oriental Esoterlo Society. US
Washington. D. C.
TEV salesmen wanted Monday morning.
4.-0 Washington street. Ask for Herbert
Smith. Experience not necessary, Just to
make food, that's all. White "sewing
Machine Ol lice, cor. Washington and 11th
CAPAULE salesmsn to cover Oregon, staple
line: high commissions; f 100 monthly ad
vance: permanent position to right man,
Jess H. Smith Company, Detroit, Michi
gan SALESMEN wanted for special line Winter
dry goods and blankets oa commission;
factory to retailer; excellent side line for
travelers. Bryn Mawr Mills. Philadelphia.
AVIATORS No limit to salary, have our
own factory; exhibition dept.. aviation
field: special course to out-of-town stu
dents; positions for competent aviators;
write today. Dept. 10$, Chicago School of
Aviation. Chicago.
WANTED A-l high-class stock and bond
salesmen who can handls ten-year, eeven
per cent guaranteed bonds and take sub
scriptions for stock. Hood Klver Mineral
Springs Co., flood River. Or.
SALESMEN wanted; side line, lares.- em-l-rold.ries:
only msn steadily traveling,
having eetabllshed general store trade
In email towns. Msrk A Co., 41d Broad-
way. Nw Tork.
TOl'NO men for rallrnad firemen, brake
men, baggagemen: $7o-ll0u to etart; early
promotion: experience unnecessary; stste
age. weight, height- Addreaa Railway
ltureao, 730 Panama bldg.. St. Louis. Mo,
PRICES on Unseed oil and turpentine ex
orbitant; salesman wanted for our line
of Unseed oil and turpentine substitute:
liberal commission. caro pins Refining
Company. 4-s4 Wade bldgH Cleveland, o.
WANTED Cblnaman for country home to
work In garden, take care of house, pre
pare one meal a day: family of two: sal
ary f'-'O per month. Apply 145 Second. AJ
Ml. Oregonlan.
LEARN sales conducting for merchants: I
have made l-l-Voou In Ova years: you ran
too; how to get contracts, handle sales,
advertising, all 13 down, Macomber. Se
curity Hank. Minneapolis.
UIiill OKADE advertising solicitor for new
magaxine; unieas you ran deliver tha
goods, don't apply: references wanted.
Address room S. 33 Pine St.. S-
eoouo REWARD WOO shares of stock In rich
mine, worth $1 share, are offered free,
particular, address Los Allea Mining Co.,
Mitchell. S. I.
WANTED Touor man that will go In with
me on a money-making proposition: pre
fer man that can leave city; referencea
required. AF b4U. Oregonlan,
SA LES M ENf.iT OreronT met si household
advertising novelties; expenaea and com
mission: give reference and experience.
Patent Novelty Company. Fulton. III.
BE a detective, earn from Slat to fist
per month; travel over the world. Write
T. I.udwlg. 47J Scarrltt bldg.. Kansas
City. Mo.
litMfl MONTHLY and expenses, travel, dis
tribute samples for big msnufsrturer:
steade work. 8. Schsffer. Treasurer, P
St7. chtcsgo.
GOOD advertising msn: must have good
appearance: good money t the right man,
AF Hi. Oregonlan.
ARE yon live and np to dateT Can yon
eelt a good clean article. Mr. Fimple,
yarouam bldg.
THREE shoe salesmen; state where you
have worked In Portland. AH MJ, Ore
gonlan BOOKKEEPING Private tuition by a pub.
lie accountant. 411 Merchants' Trust
M.lg. Main Tuition by post also.
WANTED Msn experienced In fitting end
driving turned chairs. Oregon Chair Co
1 11M Macadaist.
EOT wanted to learn hardware business;
state age and referencea. K 84 u. Oregonlan-
ANTED Party with teams to contract
ys'rdlng and hauling telegraph poles. Ap
ply C. Lofgren. Columbia City. Oregon.
WANTED At once. men to learn te
drive and repair automobiles. Call at
Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave.
PHOTOCRAPH eoupoa and portrait agents,
as S3 sr. Cu Iberia gtudio. lc un b,4.
"8 N 20 ST.. PORTLAND, OR.
Experienced cafeu-rla chef. $J5 a week.
Fry cook. 113 week; country hotel cook,
M-M camp cook. V: camp baker $40.
Pantryman, country hotel. 40 Bd
fJpanese -attendant. country billiard
parlor. li a week: Jap for chamber work,
lin week; Jsp for housework. 17 week.
Kitchen help of all kinds.
1 men and wives. farms. "'!
found: farmhands, teamsters, milkers, -J
to 4A and found.
Mlllhsnds and yard laborers.
Woods Isnorers and lozxera. whistle boy.
Rough carpenters. 13.40; ar repairers,
contractor's outfit.
City laborers and teamsters.
R R. Railroad construction. Laboring
men wanted. FREE FAKE.
Free reglstmtlnn. No charge If work
pot secured. Licensed; bonded; help sup
plied free to employers; patronage and
correspondence solicited. Detailed atten
tion to all business entrusted. Long ex
perience and many offices enables us to
give reasonably prompt and satisfactory
r. R. HANSEN & CO.
S N. id st Portland. Or.
;j x, Wsshlngton st, N.. Spokane. Wash.
S.iS-KOT Howard st San Francisco, t si.
VI Second st Sacramento, CaL
AM ERIf.AV or Japanese gandener: most be
experienced man; for small country home
near Portland. Phona A 773 L or Main
NOTICE to real estate agents and solicitors:
You can turn your efforts to double ac
count: we can show you a method by
which yon can add to your commissions
with little or no additional effort: only live
vrlresnced apply. W 640. Oregonlan.
TRAVELING men calling on the trade want
ed to handle side line: newly patented
article; sample can bs carried In pockit;
send SSo In'stumps for sample and ask for
territory. Pocket Door Lock Co.. 81 East
gsth pouth.
YOURS for four years If you can raise ber
ries, etc.. on my 13-acre Hood River fnrm:
all I want Is 1-8: all you need Is about
Iiono for expenses, half to be returned.
Address L S-'-'. Oregonlan.
HIOH-CLAS8 real estate salesmsn; to one
who can qualify will give an unusual op
portunity; must have first-class referencea
See M. D. Hobba, 274 Stark t.. between
2 and Sunday.
WANTED Experienced chauffeur for light
delivery truck; must be thoroughly sober
anil know city; rood salary to first-class
msn. Apply at Brunn & Co- 1st and Al
dcr. t ;
WANTED Practical orchard man; must
thoroughly understand pruning, sprnylng,
etc.: write full particulars of experience,
- family and rages expected. P. O. Box
413- .
AT once, man understanding farming- and
fruit: smsll ranch, near Portland: 2 -room
house, fuel, vegetables, fruit: mention pay
expected; reply today If possible. - AD 84.
WANTED A good fire Insurance solicitor;
a good opportunity for the right kind of
a young man. Address, stating age and
experience. AC S.'L Oregonlan.
WANTED Tailor to cut and do busheling;
must be A-l and of good habits: none
others need apply. Blesecker er V eatuoff.
.0l Msln St.. Vanoouver. W ash.
TOt'SO man, accurate In figures, to take
dictation, run a typewriter and do col
lecting; per month. X 60S. Orego
nlan. W A NT V-1 Steady man take interest In
manufacturing business) will psy .!0
weeklv; experience not needed. Partlcu
lars 84 6th St.. room 613.
2 LIVE-WIRE solicitors. T23 Selling bldg.
Wants Monday:
2 men and wives for farms.
Cook, city hotel. I4i
Farm cook, (40; ranch cook. 12 men.
2 chambermaids, t". a week.
fi chambermaids, day work, rooming
house. II day.
2 restaurant waitresses. IS a week.
.Pantry girl. city. :0; kitchen girl, 25.
Nurse and second girls, -..
Private family help of all kinds, cooks,
general housework girls, nurses, upstairs
girls, second girls and girls to asslsL
Some nice p 1 acea. good homes and rea
sonable wages.
Lady manager In constant attendance.
Courteous treatment and strict attention
to business. Suggestions snd advice given
women strangers seeking employment,
Registration free of charge. Help sjp
plled free to employers. Licensed. Bonded.
gtSH Washington st cor. 7th. upstnlm.
Cooks. 40 to i0.
t ook and waitress, eoO.
Ilanch cook. 33.
"Waitress and chambermaid, 20 each.
Chambermaid. 5 per meek
Office girl, f I per day.
Seamstress, IS per week
Second girl. 12...
iieneral housework. 1120 to S3n.
Ladles' Dept. .Df.H Morrison.
WANTED A competent girl for second
work; references required. Only those
with experience neea appiy. 000
cock st. Take Broadway car. East ."4oI.
MIDDLE-AGED woman or girl to do general
housework, family of two and baby. Ap
ply Jacobs Shirt Co, tl 6th su. Phoenix
bldg. .
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework In family of 2. Apply Monday,
between 2 and 3 P. M. at 6JU Tailor SL,
bet, gist and King sis.
SALESWOMAN for exclusive millinery es
tablishment; large experience and refer
encea Pay big salary and long season.
N M4. Ortgonlan.
WANTEDA-Flrstclaa s sklrtmakera, only ex
perienced need apply: also finishers
wanted. S. Weiss. 147 10th st, ;
WAXTED A competent girl for second
work la small family. Apply 76 Northrup
st. bet. 3-td and 24th.
WANTED Competent woman for house
work and cooking: good wagea Apply
T42 Lovejoy. near 23d.
GIRL or woman to assist general house
work: small apartment; good home. ke
N. 1.5th st.. Apt. i-
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework. 101 E 17th St. Phone East
472; B 1S4.
MAKERS and second trimmers for exclus
ive millinery store: wsnt the best and
will paythe highest- N S43. Oregonlan.
WANTED A model to pose nude for an
artist. Call Monday, lull Ford st,. or
phone Mam o.i4.
OPERATORS and finishers on pants. Call
Sunday from 10 to 2. b3 Gib, room 401.
GOOD swift sewer on dresses; also an ap
prentice. Apply from 10 to 1 today SOS
Clinton st,
WANTED Competent girl for general house
wotk. Apt, D., Par-hurst. Apia. Phone
Mnln 4U3H.
GIRL to assist with general housework, one
who can go home at night; wages i a
week. B4 Flanders St.. Apt. 4.
w VNTED Young lady to attend to phone
In wholesale liquor house. Reply salary
wanted. Hoi D MS. Oregonlan.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced waist
make r. Mrs. K. V.'. Patt. 73 N. ldth at.
YOCNG girl for housework, help with cook
ing, call mominpa o-i 0111
APPRENTICES wanted to learn millinery.
t a 1 is na n eti 1 1 ng ci'"'1 - . -
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
311 K. 1-tn SI. .v. ceey oo... v, i-...
GIRL to assist with housework. T7T Irv
ing st
A DRESSMAKER'S helper. Call between 10
and 1 aionoay. 001 e
FINISHERS on pants, experienced, stesdy
I K n.ul hlrl
wora. w k -. . .
WOMAN lo help In kitchen. Apply today
The Bumble lies tuic- uncn. 111 uavis.
EXPERIENCED walst-flnlshers and helpers
. 1 it. A114 Dekum bide.
WA TEn A capable tray waitress at the
Hill. -0o Hth st.
DRESSMAKER wsnta helper and apprentice,
is 7 e 1-th North. Take Broadway car.
WANTED Delivery boys at Buahong
Co.. 01 Park st-
WANT bright girl, who needs work. In small
restaurant. Main 07t.
WANTED Toung girls for shooting gal
lery. Apply toaij First St.. bet. 1 and 3.
WR1TIXO: mo. 219 14th st- Mala WSA
WANTED Girl for housework. T02 North-
GIRL for housework, adults In family.
Apply 6!5 E. Couch, corner 20th.
WANTED Girl for general nouseaork. S7
Northnp St.
WANTED At Sisters' Hospital la Chic.
4L, pupil to eater aoheol oX nursing
competent waitresses. Good pay, per
manent position. Apply Susu, 6th floor,
I to 10 A. M.
WANTED Housekeeper for 2 men on ranch.
Work not hard; hot and cold water in
house; must be good cook and know how
to mend; from SO to 4n years old; ranch
located within H4 miles of town of 2JOO
on railroad; give age and reference. AM
e-5. Oregonlan.
HUSBAND, wife and older brother nrtving to
Council Crest 1st: healthy woman wanted
for plain cooking, washing and Ironing
and baking bread; house only partly fur
nished; besides the two days used In
laundry, very little housework; only sen-
' slble. reliable women answer. A 73S8.
WANTED Experienced aaleswomsn famil
iar with and capable of doing outside
work: permanent position and good chance
for advancement; salary and commission;
references required. Addreaa AN bll,
Oregonlan. a
MUNICIPAL Department of Public Ba fery for
Young Women. Advlca or assistance xladly
given to all young women. Mrs. Lola (A
. Baldwin, Pupt-. room T. V. W. C A. bldg.
'i end Taylor eta
In real estate office.
One who lives with parents.
Wages $15 month.
N S43. Oregonlnn.
TH H Remlnirton Typewriter Employment Pe
. partment Is the standard medium for the
placing of stenographlo help. When ou
' want a good stenographer Just call up
Main 3 or A 3113. 245 Stark street.
LADIES, make supporters. $12 per 100; no
canvassing: material furnished; stamped
envelope particulars. Wa bash Supply Co.,
dept. Q 247. Chicago.
LADIES Earn $10 weekly decorating post
cards; dime brings package beautiful
'samples and particulars. American Poat-
card Co.. East Orange. N. J.
LAD I Eel. make shields. 1.44 doxen. material
furnished to responsible women; stamped
envelope for particulars. Empire bupply
co, dent, p. Milwaukee, wis.
WANTED Young ladles for telephone op
erating, with or without experience. Ap
ply Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co,
6th and East Ankeny sts.
YOUNG girl for second work and assist in
taking care baby; only Scandinavian or
German need apply. 7S7 West Madison.
MarshalI 1601, A 112.
ENGLISHWOMAN, experienced teacher, de
sires pupils for afternoons at own homes;
delicate or backward children cared for;
references given. O 84... oregonlan.
WANTED Capable young women to enter
training school for nurses. For particu
lars Inquire Hoqutam General Hospital.
Hoqulam. Wash.
WANTED Three live house-to-house mana.
sine solicitors: salary and commission: ref
erences required. Call between 11 and 12
louay. Oil neea diuk.
GENERAL servant, must be good cook, no
washing., first-class wages to flmt-clas
person. Apply mornings to 1 P. M, oo
K. 20th N. Phone East 63S3. .
GIRL for general housework in family of
three; new house; new gas range and all
conveniences. . Call 832 Hnncock st,
(Broadway car) or telephone East 4344.
LOST White and orange English setter
dog: leather collar, with worn-out license.
Reward for return to 441 T'nlon' ave.
North. Dog; answers to name Pete.
STENOGRAPHERS, any system, desiring
positions should take our special speed
drills. 630 Worcester block. Phone Mar
shall 27S1.
S.OO PER HUNDRED writing letters. Cash
weekly. Dime for particulars. Money re,
funded If trial unsatisfactory. Moore, S29
W. estb, St., New York city.
128 w Washington St, Room 11
Main 8830 or A 82UO.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; have had four years' experience;
s t a te salary. Address Atv 44. Oregonlan.
WOMAN for general housework; family of
- .three; modern home. 602 East 93d st, N.
Phone East 6130.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 800 Balk-
child bldg.. 4'h and Washington.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, family of four; wages t-a-Phone
East 1.11Q. B 2904. a.
WANTED Girl for general housework; ref
erences; good wages. 293 East 11th St.
North, cor. Clackamss.
THOROUGHLY competent girl for general
housework; must be good cook. 7tf4
Irving st- A 1IS2. Main 823.1.
WANTED Typewriter, rapid and accurate,
to copy records for" two months. State
salsry. Curtis Kelley. ;oldcndaIc. Wash.
BOOKKEEPING Prlvsto tuition by a pub
lic accountant. 413 Merchants' Trust bldg.
Main 3.1K4. Tuition by. post also.
WANTED Woman. S In family, no chil
dren: work llcht: middle-aged preferred.
K. Hillsdale. R. F. D. No. L box 68.
WANTED Experienced operators to work
on shirt a Apply 8tsndard Factory, i
Grand ave. and East lay lor.
6UCCESSFTTLeollcltor wanted with book or
advertising experience, Monday, 12 to 2.
215 Oregonlan bldg.
843Vs Washington St-, cor. 7th. upstair
Phone Main 2682.
WANTED SUNDAY Waitresses, country,
lJ.-. ;10. Office open 10 to 12. Howe's
1 dies' Agency. R. 814. 82BH Wash.
EXPERIENCED pantry woman for family
hotel: good wages to right party. AK
S81. Oregonlan e.
MJDDLE-AGED woman housekeeper, family
of three, no children. 414 Commercial
Club bldg.
WIDOWER with 3 girls wants a house
keeper under 40 unincumbered. Apply at
313 Weldler St. J. B. Curtis.
WANTED Young colored girl to answer
phone and do errands. Apply Mrs. M.
Bagley. 302 Flledner bldg.
MILLINERY maker, one who understands
selling preferred: 110 to start, advance
If competent. 248 3d.
GIRL for general housework, small fam
ily. Call 820 East 17th or phone East
4872 mornings.
loo MONTHLY guaranteed Monday dlr
trlhullnn religious books by mail. 408
Couch st
GERMAN or Swede girl to do light house
work. Small family. Good waifes. Phone
East 13rJ
WANTED German ol' Swedish girl pre
ferred, for general housekeeping work.
Good salary. Call Monday. 790 Lovejoy st.
STENOGRAPHER and assistant "bookkeoper.
fitate experience, references and salary
wanted. A.E 841.Orcgonlan.
WANTED Stenographer, competent. ex
perienced; accuracy essential. K 844,
BY WHOLESALE house, a reliable woman
who Is smbltlous. Experience not re
qulred. F b:i9. Oregonlan.
WOMAN to care for 2 children and do some
housework In exchange for good home and
a ges. Phone Main 84.
YOUNG girl who would appreciate good
home lnmall family, to assist In house
work. Apply 510 Kearney st.
HELPERS and apprentice girlo. Teesdale,
606 Marquam bldg-.
COMPETENT stenogrspher wanted: Rem
ington machine used. AF Soft. Orogonlnn.
WANTED Bookkeeper, stenographer, 514
Lumhermens bldg.
WANTED Girl to help In tailor shop at
in N. 4th st.
WANTED Housekeeper, man and two small
children. Phone Woodlawn 2805.
GIRL wonted
Johnson st,
for general housework. 818
WANTED Experienced pants finisher. 204
Stark st- Room 1.
WANTED A good, competent srlrl to ae
slst with housework.Tabor107.
ALTERATION hands wanted for women's
coate and suits at Fhanahnn'a.
WNTED Young lady for office; state qual
ifications snd salary. E 840. Oregonlan.
GIRL for general housework.
E. :d. cor. Market.
Apply 3:2
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
small family. M2 Overlon St.
WANTED Girl for housework, plain cook
ing. WOMAN or rlrl to work In hotel. White
House. St, Johns. Columbia 21. S.
WANTED Girl at 31 8th st. North. Royal
Tea A Coffee Co.
GIRL Cook and housework, family of two.
Inquire 64 E. Alder St.
DRESSMAKER'S apprentice and helpers
wanted at 83 20th st. North.
GIKL to Tnelp with housework-"all at S08
GIRL for general housework. 210 Grand
ave, near cor. Multnomah; no children.
AN and" wife to work on stock ranch In
Fastcrn Oregon; no children; wife to cook,
must be hustlers- Phone B 2311.
PI'PIIJ" by flrst-elass teacher of French and
' references given. A 4.M3.
land bid.
-n n x c c . . -' . Ed iwu f " -
OF DRAMATIC ART Positively the only
legitimate school of acting; In the city.
Elocution, voice culture, stag dancing,
dramatic, and vaudeville Instruction and
practical stage training. We prepare you
for musical comedy and the stage in all
Its branches. All pupils prepared tinder
the personal supervision of Mr. Clifford
Robertson, late of London and New Yorlt.
We place our pupils when competent.
Vaudeville acts written, rehearsed and
booked. Private and class Instruction
given day or evening. Our teachers have
all had practical stage experience. 830
Marquam bulldlmr. POSITIVELY NO
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women learn barber trade la
8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu
ates earn from 314 to (23 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools frse; write for cata
logues. Mohlsr System ot Colleges. M
North 4th st-. Portlsnd. Or.
LIVE man or woman wanted for work at
home paying $2 to S3 Pr day. with op
portunity to advance; spare time can be
used; .work not difficult and requires no
exporlence. Universal House, 852 Wabash
ave.. Chicago.
WANTED In wholesale house, experienced
man or lady stenographer. Reply In own
handwriting. State experience and salary
expected. Furnish references. Addreaa
P. O. box 131. '
CLEVER lady costumer of stage experience
has 8250 to Join lady or gentleman with
equal amount for traveling musical com
edy company, time already booked. V
840. Oregonlan. . .
MAKE money writing stories for newspa
pers; big pay; send for free booklet; tells
how. United Press Synd, Ban Francisco.
MUSICIANS for carnival company; also
ong and dance soubrette; long ongage
. menL AK 847. Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
Job for me 7 College grad. In engineering
chemistry, age 23, two years' varied ex
perience In manufacturing and laboratory.
Mr. Manufacturer, give me a chance to
improve your product, simplify your pro
cess or work up the by-products of your
factory. The leading successful manufac
turers in every branch spend thousands
per year 'or scientific research, and find
that IT PAYS. Will you pay one for right
man T F. L. Koethen, 60 Ella at. Bloom
field. N. J.
WANTED Position with mercantile con
cern or country bank, by young Norwegian
highly educated. 2 years' commercial
course; long experience with Norwegian
and German wholesale houses and North
Dakota bank references. T 835. Oregonlan.
ACCOUNTANT Auditor, office manager,
seeks opportunity for the placement of
his services at advantage to prospective
employers, and to himself In seeking a
change' from present position. Commun
icate with O 852, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. 28 years old, desires a posi
tion with some reliable firm, with chance
of advancement. Has a - knowlsdge of
bookkeeping and general office work. Can
furnish first-class references. P 841. Ore
gonlan. WANTED By capable, energetic young man,
position as office clerk, bookkeeper, or
assistant bookkeeper: eight years' office
experience; understands stenography also;
best of referencea AL 849, Oregonlan.
GENERAL manager, experienced, capable,
svstematlzer and economist: successful In
choosing and handling men. AS 845,
YOUNG man, 23 years of age, with knowl
edge of typewriting and two years' ex
perience as bookkeeper, wants position.
, AB 84a. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition In reliable office; reasonable slary;
legal work preferred. AB 844, Orego
nlan. ACTIVE, reliable man desires an opening In
legitimate business, on moderate salary,
where there is a future to a worker as
salesman or solicitor. V 842. Oregonlan.
WILL audit, open, close or write up books,
prepare balances and atatements. Install
systems. Consult me. GUUngbam. au
dltor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 42L
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper - Stenographer
wants position at once, any line; best of
references and recommendations. AO 820,
DRUGGIST wants position in city; best ex
perience and referencea J 851, Orego
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man
desires temporary position; good refer
ences. F 838. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER wants wnrk mornings or
afternoons, moderate salary, experienced
legal and other work. AC 846, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small
et books to keep afternoon or evening. O
848, Ore-onlan;
TOUNG man with timekeeping and book
keeping experience deslrea a position. Tei
East 1113.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, 14 years with
one bouse; good habits. B 832, Orego
nlan. YOUNO man stenographer and asst. bkpr.
wants position; AN 8.9. Oregonlan.
M tscellaneons.
JANITOR, experienced. sober, reliable,
married man, wants day work. B 838,
MARRIED man wishes work In grocery
store: has bad experience. Call A 49t
or address 41 Ella su
EXPERIENCED general house cleaner,
window washer, by hour or contract.
Martin. Main 885.1.
RELIABLE Janitor would like steady posi
tion; last position 0 years. Address A-N
858. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man, 30, desires position with
reliable Dim; city references. V 848. Ore
WANTED Night work of any kind by re
sponsible young man; best referenoea. AB
848. Oregonlan.
KEL1BLE chauffeur wants position- de
livery; references; repairs car. K 840,
FRENCH, Italian and American cook vfant
situation, city or country. AH 787, Orego-
ENGINEER, an experienced and reliable en
gineer, la open for a Job. AG 838, Ore
gonlan WANTED Work on farm, by two experi
enced men, Alexander MIclous, 940 Up-
snur st.
A JAPANESE boy wants room and board In
exchange for work after school hours.
R 8:3. Oregonlan.
TOUNG man would like position as driver
on delivery wagon or something else, a
843. Oregonlan.
MALE nurse. Battle Creek San. training,
masseur, whole or part time, highly rec
ommended. East lSaO.
FOREMAN Experienced In dirt moving,
grade work, ditch work, surface work, any
kind, wants work. AM 858. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted as camp steward, large
experience; good references. M 845, Ore
gonlan. or call up Main 6477.
COMPETENT, efficient chauffeur, careful
driver, experienced, private family; refer
ence, AJ 843. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT house carpenter wants posl
tlon: capable of constructing from blue-
Drints. Main oiaa.
YOUNO man. 18. wishes to get position la
clothing or shoe store. M S48. Oregonlan.
CARPENTER wants work by hour or day;
reasonable cnarsv- " o-. . .-p.-... ...
BY man and wife as cooks, camp or place
outof town preferred. AK 840. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED painter, paperhanger will
work for owners, phone Woodlwn 477.
HOTEL clerk, experienced, best of refer
ances.wlshes position. 8 837. Oregonlan.
aTmAN wants bouse and window cleaning.
Phone a io-i.
HUSKY boy of 18. studying, wanta work of
anv kind. D 840. Oregonlan
EXPERIENCED sausage maker wishes poal-
tlon In country AE 636. Oregonlan;
MAN experienced In housecleanlng, wants
work. Call phone Woodlawn 310.
WAITER wants work, country hotel, 1-5
month; referencea H 805. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by registered assistant
pharmacist- Address K 834. Oregonlan.
EXPERT creamery man wants position as
manager or assistant- AL 830. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE want position as a second work
at general noueewoia, -"-v. q-.. . -...-..
MOVING-PICTURE operator wanta position,
city: rcierencea. -.xv. oo ."-'
WANTED Work on ranch by man and wifs.
CHAUFFEUR wanta position In private
family; had good experience. 368 N. 19th.
JAPANESE school boy wants work in city.
Speaks English. H S43.Oregonlan.
YOUNG, married man, honest, ambltlcus,
wants work, any kind. AK 836. Oregoiilan,
JAN1TOR and engineer, experienced apart -ment-faouse,
coal or ell. AK 834. Oregonlan.
MAN "will do house-cleaning, odd Jobs, ref
erence. 2D3K Weldler st, room 8. C HM.
YOUNG lady would like office work or place
In ooksjoreMJ0ojUaiL.
EXPERIENCED lady cashier wants position;
"can operate typewriter. N 840. Oregonlan.
WINDOW and house cleaning. Jobbing a
anoclaltr. Main 6573 evenings. Thos. Green.
EXPERIENCED Janitor wants several hours'
work in morning. AT. boy. ureao-ian.
errpATioy wanted male.
A young American. 24. strictly sober, capa
ble of executing excellent - mechanical
drawings, Ink washes and colored
sketches, . Al letterer, all styles, sign
painting, familiar with designing stained
glass windows and lamp shades, the paint
ing and etching of the ornamentation and
lettering of same, is desirous of meeting
party or firm having need for one with
these qualifications, making, a liberal but
permanent proposition. R. H, Moore, 40
v. both st, .".ew iom cur.
TRAVELING salesman to retail trade, real
estate or Insurance; 80 years of age, hon
est, reliable, hustler; have had retail ex
perience, some road experience: can fur
nish best of reference and can make good.
Only high-grade proposition of established
merit considered. Wish to make perma
nent change. Address C- L Parlett. Dll
lonvale, Ohio. ' .
TRAVELING electrical salesman, thoroughly
acquainted with apparatus manufactured
by G. E. and Westlnghouse companies, de
sires poslti'in on Pacific Coast: now em
ployed In New England. F 835. Orego-nlap-
AGRICULTURAL college graduate want
position as manager of ranch or tract.
Eastern and Western experience: can han
dle anything In the agricultural line, 14
851, Oregonlan
SPECIALTY salesman, eight years' experi
ence. SO years old and of god address,
desires opportunity to qualify for city or
road position. Straight commission not con
sidered. AK 830. Oregonlan.
DINNER or tea, parties or banquet served
at your home or halls; dishes, punch
bowls, glasses, silverware, etc, for rent,
F. D. Thomas. 802 Morris it. Phone East
4476. ;
THOROUGHLY competent man wants po
sition as foreman or superintendent of
stable; has had years of experience as
manager of large stables and can give
best or references, j sou. miiul"a"-
TOUNG Eastern university graduate wants
Oregon opportunity as teacher or secre
tary for commercial organization; trained
in publicity and correspondence. A. J.
W, box 1017, Mlnot. N. P.
CHAUFFEUR wants position as chaffcur
or mechanic Four years' experience as
mechanic Will leave city. AE 843, Orego
nlan. COMPETENT and reliaole salesman, cloth
ing, furnishing goods, hats or shoes; i
years' experience, city or country. H
842. oregonlan.
BY middle-aged married man. steady posi
tion on farm; thoroughly experienced in
both general and orchard farming; good
reference. A 825, Oregonlan. .
CHAUFFEUR and repairman wishes posi
tion where a sober and industrious man
Is wanted, private or truok. F. A, Bor
land, 1038 E. 11th N. ,
GOINO EAST Good proposition would be
'considered to take, by good business man;
large Eastern acquaintance, P. O. Box
ow, city.
POSITION by experienced man as foreman
on stock or dairy ranch, best of refer
ences; only permanent accepted. AO
841. Oregonlan.
WANTED by a boy of 16 years, place to
work on ranch; always lived on ranch;
write, slating wages. Address Harrison
crandau, Kaiama, wasn.
CHAUFFEUR An expert driver, having
bad several years' experience on railways,
desires steady position with family. X 840,
Oregonlan. "
WANTED Position by experienced land
scape gardener: also srood mechanic and
chauffeur; private family, i S 835, Ore
gonlara, CHAUFFEUR want position with private
family or truck In or out ot city. Young,
aober, steady, careful driver. A. J. Peter
son. 509 Everett st. Main 2853.
TOUNG man. good education, wants a
chance to make a living; sober and indus
trious and not afraid ot work. AB 839,
Oregonlan, ,
TOUNO man of good habits wants position
In grocery or provision store; experienced.
O 842, Oregonlan.
ALL-ROUND baker, middle age. wants posl
. tlon; country preferred. AE 834, Oregon
lan ALL-AROUND mechanic wants position:
J. refer, taking care of auto with private
amlly. A-L 840. Oregonian.
RANQHER, man. sober and reliable:
experienced in general farm and orchard
work. H 84Q. Oregonlan.
TOUNG man. with business course, would
like to work for room and board and
small wages. AJ 834. Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese couple wants place; man as
cock, wife wait on table and housework.
AE 833, Oregonlan.
MAN and wife, no children, want work on
ranch near Portland. No milking. AM 840.
Oregon! an. t
POSITION wanted by good all-around baker.
Coast experience. Temperate, reliable,
country preferred. AB 841. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants permanent
work, any kind: steady, reliable man: can
give A-l references. AH 844, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
TOUNG lady expert stenographer wishes po
sition; have had five years' experience in
bealth and accident Insurance office and
home; had good business training; good
penman; will accept position m any line
of business; state salary. Address 246
Salmon st-
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer,
thorough business woman, wants perma
nent position. 20 week. References. X
852. oregonian.
6TENOGRAPHER. 15 years experience, de
sires position In or out of city Can alia
do bookkeeping. Phone Main SO00, AL 842,
LADY owning typewriter desires sten
ographic or typewriting work evenings:
thoroughly competent; will call for and
deliver wora. a-- c-..
TOUNG lady wishes office work, under
stands typewriting and shorthand. Wood
lawn 1086.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper, five years' experience; A-l reler-
ences. 1 pj. cicbq".-".
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, thoroughly
experienced; first-class reference- AM 808,
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires Posi
tion; good speller; willing worker. Main
845. . .
EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper, knowl
edge of stenography, wishes permanent
position, urrimi
SITUATION WANTED by neat and accurate
stenographer. Experienced. E 830, Orcgo-
BRIGHT young lady desires position as sten
ographer; object advancement; reference.
Phone wooaiawn oai
LADY bookkeeper and stenographer, sev
eral years' experience, wants employment;
best reierencea. niuuq "
COMPETENT stenographer deslrea perma
nent POBUll'll. i r
TOUNG lady wishes office work or place
In book store. B 845. Oregonlan.
EASTERN dressmakers. Just starting, will
make s. limited number of waists at 1
to 13.50; skirts 13.50 to 5; tailored suits
15 up. Phone Main 5432. Apt, 3. 18th and
WANTED A place to sew as partner by
middle-aged woman; good seamstress;
plain sewing or assist with dressmaking.
C 841. Oregonlan,
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage
ments by day; first-class work. Phone
Tabor 1496. .
THR MODEL dressmaking parlors: suits,
gowns, shirtwaist, etc 877 Vancouver
ave. E. zopa.
PHONE Sellwood 1278 for dressmaking; all
K lntia; reasuiiaoiw ,.---.
URq xr" DAVIS, dressmaking, reasonable
M"ricea 189 West Park. Main 32B7.
MAN tailored suits and skirts. Prices rea-
sonable. 266 Blandena st. C 128j.
DRESSMAKING Ladles' or children's work
py tne iiaj. oo.., j
DRESSMAKING., tailoring and alterations;
flrst-class work. M. 2229. 51a Yamhill.
WANTED Position as nurse or caretaker
for invalid by lady who ha. Q many
years of practical experience, O S47.
INVALID lady can have a private room
thome comforts); new method medical
treatment. Eastern nurse; city references,
reasonable. Phone Tabor 2213.
NURSE wants position In physician's or
dentist's office: city references. Call Main
m or addreas Nurie 302, Goodnough bldg.
vxr vears experience, maternity. Invalid;
TEf.J,ar!-J . i,io Main 21)39. A 4775.
emeriv. o"j
n.p.iiTi; girl. references, desires care
CArF-'J.!.s U.ln !! A 4775.
enna. T-o- '
vfrG wants confinement case at home or
infant to board. Call today. C 2573.
NURSING by lady of 25 years' experience;
maternity .
PRACTICAL nurse with best of reference.
C 2772. ;
PHONE Marshall 2457 for an experienced
A WIDOW desires position as housekeeper
for widower or care for bachelor apart
ments. A 883, Oregonlan.
NURSE wants care of invalid or position as
housekeeper. Phone A 7103.
House keepers.
NEAT. refined, capable woman of 41. ut In
cumbered, wants light work managing;
rooming-house or housekeeper in widower
or bachelor's home; amall wage. A boo,
Oregonlan. .
ARESPECTABLB lone widow wishes a
position as housekeeper In widow-
family, or for bachelor. Spiritualists pre
ferred. AL 845, Oregonlan. ,
COMPETENT housekeeper and cook want
position as cook on ranch: best """d
wages 830. M. E. Jenson. RIdgeneld.
RESPECXABLB elderly W"; .d,,5?
neat, no family, situation a. house
keeper. Address Housekeeper, 201 6. Iron
st, vjentrana, vvasn.
A LONE respectable widow - -
tlon as housekeeper for 'ePc,,ab,ehn,,a,n
widower or bachelor, or rooming House.
AN 846. Oregonlan. .
WANTED Position as housekeeper in rooming-house
or apartments; would tako room
as part of the wages; references. ac
847, Oregonian. .
RESPONSIBLE woman, first-class cook and
housekeeper, wants position on ranon or
small camp, $40 per month. Phon a
5024. Main 3555. .
SWEDISH girl who cannot speak EoK'j'J
would like to work in private family.
-Skldmore. . .
WIDOW. J6 years, will act as housekeeper
In home of renned widower. N SnO, ore
REFINED woman, 30. girl 8. desires house
keeping, widower's home. city. St, Louis
Agency. 303 & Wash. Main 2039. .
ELDERLY lady desire, position as house
keeper for widower or bachelor. 64
1st St., room 7. M. 931'
LADY would like place os housekeeper
for widower without children. H b4,
MISS ELSIE ROLAND, formerly at th
Waldorf-Astoria, New York, specialist In
manicuring, facial and scalp treatment,
halrdresslng and shampooing, will do v. ork
for ladles mornings and evenings at their
homes; latest electrical appliances. Off Ice
room 42 i. w. . -o- .
MIDDLE-AGED woman, of education and
ability deBlres position in family, or any
place where the services of a refined and
trustworthy person would be required, no
objection to leaving city; reference, W
849, Oregonlan. .
NEAT, refined, worthy woman of n?lddJ"
age wants good warm room and board,
where she can eew for self; in exchange
will look after children afternoons or
evenings while mother 1 ouL C 840,
WANTED Position as companion or nurs
ery goveTness by refined girl; will teach
piano and assist In the home; -w"K'
but pleasant home desired. AB 843, Ore
gonian. TOUNO girl violinist wants position to play
nigjif in a moving-picture show; can
read at sight. Call after 2 P. M, Wood
lawn 8269.
WOULDN'T you like to leave your children
In the care of a refined reliable girl when
you go out of an evening? Phone Main
TOUNO Norwegian woman desires employ
ment doing second work or a. nurse In
first-class family: good recommendations.
AF 837. Oregonlan
NURSERY governess. North German, de
sires position; experienced: English. Ger
man, music, sewing; good referencea T
831. Oregonlan.
WANTED A position as housekeeper In an
apartment of rooming house, or cashier
potion " references. Y 845. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady teacher gives two
piano lessons for 75 cents. AC S4S, ore
a -VOTING Japanese lady wanta
to work In
a small family In the city.
Y 850, Ore-
EXPERIENCED cashier would like position
lii T moving picture show or restaurant.
Phone A 5693.
llnKE a specialty of laundering fine lace
"rtainsT work done at home; references.
Marshall 1651.
LACE curtains laundered, called for. d c
ltvered. 40c pr.; all work guaranteed.
Phone Marshall 213.. .
WANTED by a colored woman, day's work
or ranch work or hotel work In or out of
town. 265 E. S2d street.
iGUNO-com!e. lady will do light service , In
exchange for two housekeeping rooms.
Add cT Carson. .203-4 Stanton st,
LADY wishes day work, general hou?e
cleaningT no half days; references. A
6450. .
WANTED Lace curtains and woolen wasM
iaundrled. T56 Alblna ave. Woodlawn
141. "
rrR, nr la without parents, would like to
take "are o baby or do light housework
for room and board. K 851. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by experienced
tacafe. ot restajirantEast 6200. room 35.
LADY wishes to care for baby or child at
her home.Phnne Woodlawn 1433.
EXPERIENCED woman want, day work.
Phone Marshall 172 i.
CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40o pr.
Call Sellwood 801. .
A GOOD woman wants work by the day.
Phona Tabor 3122.
WANTED Washing and House cleaning.
Phone East 6039. room 10.
LADY wishes work by the day. Call Main
CARE children; day work. Mala 1995. Mrs.
Brown. . -
GIRL would like to do housework In family.
Call 540 savier st.
WOMAN wants housecleanlng by day. Phone
Main 6000. .
CHAMBERMAID desires Pon; West
Side preferred. Call Main 7322.
NORWEGIAN girl, fond of children .wishes
position as nurse. R 848. Oregonlan.
AN experienced colored woman wishe cham-
bermald work. Main 890 8.
GERMAN woman wants work for 1"Y
a?d Saturday; Sb cents hour. Main 403
A capable woman want day work. Phone
Main 4394. .
A WOMAN, good worker and experienced.
wtehes chamber work. T 848. Oregonlan.
TOUVG woman wants work by the clay or
hour. Address 1069 E. 7th st. North.
VERY competent laundress wants work first
of wk; references. M 840. Oregonian.
WOMAJi wants housecleanlng. etc.; rcfer-
v,i - r-., S13. room 40.
encca. ruuuo ..... .
LACE cuuain. hand-laundered; work uar
-nictu. a uii -i
FIRST-CLASS hand laundry bundle, called
for. Main 8908.
GIRL would, like employment Sundays or
v.nlngs. XL 851. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wishes work by the day or hour.
anteeu. rim""
A 111.
T JAPANESE, girl wishes position, good
lv s 841. Oregonlana. .
EXPERIENCED girl desire, chambwwork
good plain hotel. Main 20,9. A 4n...
DONE at home, Vace curtains. Phone Ta
nor z44o. . -Jjvi
GIRL wishes "day work. A 831. Oregonlan.
-v-ott ran make 10 day selling new, high
grade original air brush design show cards
to storekeepers; 850 varieties catalogue
f?ee- samples 10c. Peoples' Show Card
roncerS T776 W. Madlso. st, Chicago.
Zr Vnts wanted; Cartercar friction drive
Automobi?es in 'Oregon and Washington;
9 to 10 A. M. Cartercar Sales Co.. 7th
ind Oak.
1000.000 AGENTS wanted, fast seller, cost
ing 5c. selling 50c; every firm needs; or
ders to 150. Postal brings samples Em
bossed Co.. 2542 Milwaukee ave, Chicago.
WANTED Salesmen to sell the most com--nlete
line of nursery stock In the North
west: "sah weekly. Capital City Nursery
Company. Salem. Or.
AGENTS looking for a good proposi'.ion send
for particulars: fast sellers, big protlts.
Address Horton Supply Co, 352 Hawthorne
ave, Portland. Or.
WE pay 636 a week ana expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound.
Yea" s contract. Imperial Mfg. Co, Dep
78. Parsons. Kan.
AGENTS for portraits, frames and art nov
elties; samples and catalogue free Ad
dress N. M. Friedman Co, Mfra. box
930. Martlnsburg, Mo.
833 30 WEEK $3.60 worth of tools for the
price of one finest steel; drop-forged;
nickel-plated all over. F. B. Jennings.
272g fincnpiais, .... v... -
WRITE for our outfit No. 216: contains IS
fine Spring seller.: useful and low-priced
big profits for agents. N. Solimano, Jb28
r incn pmg.. aj"' v
FREE sample. No Splash waterstralners are
winners' dally profit $5 upward: let u
prove St. Send 2c (mailing card). Seed
Filter Co, New York.
nTvrs and girls, sell 24 packages of postal
cards at 10c package and receive camera
free sound Novelty Co, Dept. A, box 1244.
Seattle. Wash.
AGENTS You can know about the profit
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress Leffler Co, St. Louis. Mo. .
POCKET sewing machine, $18 to $30 week.
Quick sales, big profits; get our sample.
t otto XT' i v v. Viid ir nnvlnn On
Thcmas v.-r n-- . -
LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines,
. . , aleeht Vir 11- PftrtlRlH
Lars. Gisha- Company, Anderson, Ino.