13 flTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MAItCII 12. 1911. V K V WATTED REAL TSTATB. ANN Jt?CEMi:KT. TUB CO-OPERATXVB REA-LTT OOM FAXT BAB CREATED A NSW XKPART. MS-NT FOR THB PCKP06B OF LISTING AND &X-LINQ JU-X- PROPERTIES IN AND ABOUT THE CITT. IP TOO WANT CCICK RESULTS SEE OUR MR. OUTER W. BERCHTOLD. MANAGER OP TUIS DEPARTMENT. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT CO. ll-Zyi RAIL WAT EXCHANGE. TKANTEtX WANTED. WANTED. If you fcvr property or jTittle, city or fmrnu acd acr-.., wbtch you wish to in a or trade ar.i you ara looktnj tor quirk action, writ down and .wnd xx ft compicii Hit of what you hara, what you iot. together with your loweat prlca and bt tfrmi; bu prlca for all rajh. our phooa number and addra and. If your prica and property ara rich. wi;I su.rpri.ni you. We hav r.o aert intho.i f.r quick aaiva w Juet hutie! W'e do not char re you for aivertulnir: and you ara In no way obliged to us if we do not ei or trarte your property. CaJ or addrrse EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. &- Grilncr bit-.. Second and A Mar. Ll-ST TOUR PROi'ERTT. Wa have lnqulrte on property In all parts ef the city; central buslneae property, warvhot'se. river frontacv. apartment Tiouaea and apartment site, also food res idence at right prtr MERCHANTS 6AVJNWE TRUST . COMPANY. . WE coijlx:t KENTALS. OWNERS. Hare been In the East looking np uy ere tow the past three months. Want aome good frro. S0 ares and np. at a price not to exceed I5 pr acre; also aome good ln!f?e rroprty with Incroma, RUFP. K I-t I N.v HGE A FUUfEH. 4 IS Board of Trade. WANTED Clo-ln vacant or Improved East tId property Jn exchange for a new modem bungalow, 3 rooms and bath. 3 ox !'- lot. near Mth and Clinton; few stepa from car; prtc fJZuo; will assume differ net or .v time. 41A Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 27Vt I WANT aa a part mnt -house, apsrttuant site, or business property; nava good city acreage, value f.UuO. Irrigated apple orchard. Tatue t"?.000 and suburban iota to value of S13.00) ta exchacgv far Mat, Dr. (A . Wstts. Ore gonlan bid g. W A NTED To buy farm tract from 400 to - ara, jtrt trabiy within 6 mUs of Portland. WlKametie Valley; mast have at least so per cent la cultivation, well watered dtep toll; sen1 complete descrip tion and prices to C rv!2. Qregoolwn. WANTED from owner, vacant quarter or half block on Oregon or East Irving sts.. between Union ave. and SuUlvan a Oui h; give location and price for cash. 82V, CM-egn.an. WANTEL Northwestern real estate In ex rhanse for Ca.ifornta property. For sale en terms, city, town or country prooarty. Get our list. Cllne-Hull Company, ii. W. HMman bMr. Los Angelas, t'al W E have customers for several god m! ern homes In Irvlugton. at fmm $.'r0-0 to f T.VHi. good terr.ia. McAllister A Lued'iemann. 121 K.ectrle Lldg. Phonea Marsha:i ml. A HAVE customer for a 40-arra farm near good trwn In the valley, near high sctroot: soil must be adapted to fruit, but very little ned be cleared. See or write & J. f or h ru n.4 2 2 Cham. o f Com, bit! g. WANTED Fve or i!t-room bungalow r)oe In. about $-.-'0: lot AvluO; first pavment two vt-w lota. West bide wortH SlOuO. AO &.. Ore on lan WANT parte to erect apartment bnlldtng: have client who will rev 8 pr rnt rt on guaranteel lasa. Thoa, McOtsker, ti-d Lnmberroere bldg. WILL, lake vacant Jrvlngfan lot ) part trade on Wt bide fists, income f U per month. oMhmldt'a Agency. .&. WasMn gton. cor. 3d- Do you want to el your 30-acre tract within 1 mt:ea of ortland. one-third cleared? If so. c?va exact location, terms etc p. Q. box 7l7. REALTY BARGAINS WANTED la A-l pr's of the city. W. Q. lUTFINGTON. 411 Chamber of Commerce. W R HAVE clients re!y to pay cah for one or more KoMmrrt la's at urr iln pneea. Karnopp A Kopf. Ji Ry. Eich. bldg. WANTED 5-utn Port end property; I aavo a buyrr for improved property between WT .t taker and Harrlsoo sts.; full p art le ft iare tn first letter. H t&K Orcontan. TO EXCTI IXCE, 10 A"RE; mile from Vancouver. Wash., to trade fr Portland property er anvthlng yu have. Mitchell A Co.. 8 Rothchlld btdg. GRAND AVE. comer. cIom In with T-rtwn house to trade for Central or Eastern Ore gon land under cultivation, close to R. R. vatue l'J). 924 Chamter of Tommercae S FT RjT-CLAsi lota to trade) for acreage, fee owner. M D. TTOPB . 274 Stark st. W1L1 e&chsnre for city property 44 acres) of the finest fruit land in the valley; value pr acre. Owner. S. J. Cochrun, 4J J Chamber of Commerx l!dg. WANTED TO TRADB Oood apple land for nous and lot in Portland, having' noma fruit tree and near car Una. K b4 Oregon lan. lloflO EQUITY In ft-room bungalow: tlf" equity in 5 -room bungalow; to trade for lo'e or r'iraoout. M. W4l. WILL trad Eastern Oregon acreage f mercantile stock In or near Portend. M'fht assume. AM '2 Oreconlan. A A FINE T-paseenver tudebaker car. good aa new. to trade for real estate; will asauxaa. 'all C4l Iimi:ton bids?. " W 1 LL tra d a pa y 1 r. g p let ur how for house and lot. tots or acreage, near Port land. Main 4j. W LOTS tn CI Iff a. Wash., to trade for autos or what bave you? Mitchell A Ox. RothchtM bIJg. WILL build yoq If you own lot. home and furolih plana No cash required. Easy terma P"4J Chamber df Cnmnurcf. COtXiKACO uil N-trk (arm Unda t. .mrharit. for Rnu. Klvr prortl. Th B.t-ru:r R.Bity Co . Grant. p. Or. tl .scbaac. roar troprtr tor what ywa dwlr. ForCaad ExcU.nc 11 llovd l TnJ !! ?m Mr. W Ink TVF hart ffood Ip.id. proprt to traia for Ind cl' to FnrtUad. Vttchell A Co.. Wothrhlld Mi!. INTEREST In two b.utifjl Int. Olm.t.d V-xr to urbirti for rulMlnf m.l.rl&l 'lumlwrt. A J -.1. Or.gntn. li AT. cioin-.rctal rrchard a.ar I.. Orand.: aiM ai-ri tlmbar. for city or .uurban prtp.rty M A0. Or.irril.n. EyllTT tn "li Jot In rtiictl 41 ir ct. to traU. for aato. 274 etaxk aL. d-.H i CvXD natmaract; vl.l tra1. aa Drat par mor.t en bruM at for lot. or will Mil ctii. A Uli. 6 A N'T A BARBAK.V rMc !ht IcrM, f r ami for cat or I'orttan4 property. F. K. U'a 1 b;J. WAXTin H" will nciiuii atock ta oo4 maBufrturlns buatn-..; wtU aaaiim. murta. 1 OT.goatan. Cl.sR IN fmrra. TS arra, am a II at or. M aT-a orrhAf-l. 4 ttmr-r. n.m- buLiainva. Win M -hm. H:i. o Front at. JL HEAlTin I. lO rmk Irnprovlr Tfmr tn. Win flcbuta. Mall. .60 'ront " at. fen too X.7 n.ar IVira0nt, woqlt) trad, for a tcflfrw: or rrortaw F. H. IwlA. 1 La via feidc. Notphon.lnformat!oa. EQt'ITT tit .o. of th. tlnwt lota In Laart huxat fr a rr--lrn rott.a and lot. cum. tn. A ! Ir-M !!) Fa; T.ylor at. (KKp :ota tn .x--hnr. for bvy vork Imnn C H Or.onln. TRATK fnr p'r. or rhl-.na. a fnll-bloodad Jmn-y calf bull E M.lOronlii. ArFt.Tlndto trad, for lota and AX auto. K 94?, Orvvonlan. W if.rr-hain a:rt lora or acroaca for r-.-a ir.t. AV S" t. Or.rog'an. iAV rati . r.taurant t trl. for Port-l.r-1 r"o and A M Orconlaa. tuL. .xrhanr m.rrhandu. atora for farm. 'mil 1HS start at. wvi FQt lTT. lot Btvr Fan rrnclro. for r-rt;a a 1 p nr.rty. X it. Or.cn lin. lTn' Evi'TTT b.otifal B-acr. appl. tr. t"r r-"nd TTQp-tT. X r.onln. tsn 0'VD ba.cn lota for aultr ta city. T tJ 13. . EQtlTlFS In ftr.t--laa lot. to .ic&anc for a am:i b-n:nWL T!4 ftark at. CITT lot. or tlmor. for (ood ranaoout or aito. t. ?T. OrttwtiiaB. S LOTS cort.r Wford. What hiw y tn or tr Fort:aa ir A B Or.-ynian. TTtf.L nrhann rt'.monda for drtvloc rig. ) F.t 2tn- W-W ear. JIN r. hooi uj two .ta fr ood crc.k k.ttam Uad. A M7, Or.f onUa. TO EXCHANGE. PORTLAXD PROPERTT OWNERS wakb vf. H nr. th. bnt farm landa la Or.cn for trad, for P-wtlAnd prcp.rty; all ault abi. for aubdlTldiuc Th. prlcea ar. rlsbt. too. iim aer. In Gilliam County, at Mlcklo atatlon; poatotflr.. atorM. war.houaea on placa; all In cultivation: now houK. axtra larr. barn and outbulldinfa: all n.w wlr. f.ncd; bnt plac. aat of Fortlaad In Or.foa. Prlca only $44.S10. 322 H acr.a S3 mllM aouth ef Portland, near ur.(oa Electric line: 240 acr.a In cultlTmtlon. rich black loamy eoll: a hoiiKt. barna, 2 bophouaea, all frnc.d and croa.-f.ncMl. 2 county road, achool and church near: llln water; fine for aub dJvlaloa; land liu perfect; price e43.1oO. R acres M mllra aouth of Portland. nal near electrto line; all cl.ar and un flrr cul ligation: all new woven wire f-nr.d: fine roe da. fin. aubdlvialon; rice Will trad, either one of the aboT. or II toirether; would b. $118.05: will alao a.11 alon. for caah; we have the bret land In Orexon for aale and trade. Be euro and -e ua before buyinc or tradlnv. Do you want to apply your ecrr.ge on nice home? VU1 take S or acrea clou to Portland on perfectly modern 7 -room houae clue. In. ntxr Hawthorne ave.; price of bouae e.louO. terma. HETI FOREST 'OROVB ACREAGE WANTED. Want acreage, near achool or likht cloaa to town; will trade beautiful home In Portland ..bout SOOOO or 4300; theae place, all clear from Incumbrance, If you wlea to trade for Portland property, we rav. ollent ready for bueinee.; caak Taluea. Mot lean vhan 6 acre, wanud. B. A. KIRK CO. Sl Lew la Bids. ;o cows FINE DAIRT FARM TO TRADE 100 acrea of th. Terr beat bea T.rdara and bottom land, all tn cultivation, beat of level land, le.a than J5 minute." walk from th. rail road depot and city of 1COO. 20 milk cowa. team, wagona. har tm mower, hay hark, and full dairy equipment; food lot of hay left over. Place will anally nt 40 cowa. Gran, la creen all th. year roend. Cowa will produce over .1W Pr head per year. place la well fenced, ha. good room houae. barn for GO cows, other bulidlns. We want to exrhanr this fine plac. for either Portland city property or rloee-ln acreae. If you have aome. thing to trade call at once. KALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. SOS Corb.lt bide. AM the owner of one of the awelleit Sum mer and Winter rewrite in the Paclflo Northweat. Have recently Inveated very heavily In a mercantile bualneaa In Port land, and wleb to concentrate roy hold ing, to thla locality. In fact. I cannot slv. my tlm. to both placee. - 1 am not In need of caah and would like to trade thla money-making propoaltlcn for Portland realty. The raaort la fully equipped and no further expenditure la seeded. Would make excellent aanltaiium for phyalrlan. la within aeveral noura- radius of aeveral large towns, and a money maker. Re.ort Include, hotel, cottagea. motor boata. 2 VI acrea Improved farm, chicken ranch of thousand chickens, live atock, hor.es. etc. In ract everything needed hss been pur chased. Hotel excellently furnlehei and equipped with hot water swimming pool. 2 box ball bowling alleys. Each room la equipped with hot and cold water, toilet, and electric lighta. Anyone taking charge doesn't need to pnrchaae anything. Motel full at hlirn rate, throughout era eon. Can be kept running throughout the year. What have you to trader The above ara exact facts and I want no tnU.rs to reply. Address AH 841 Ore gontan. . FOR BALE, or will trade for city property, my 2o-acr. ranch; S3 a.-res S-year-o!d Cornice and d AnJoa pears: 35 acrea -year-old fplts end Tell.w Newtowns; Kou River cloe. to Medford. on county road one mile from railroad atatlon; taouM. barn, wall, .prlaga. large creek running through place; improved and up to data. 721 Jioaxd of Trade bldg, Port land. 40 ACRES, all level, lot of good wood, a fine new barn tx0k line new boute. rcoma, gool well. cMcken-houe. aoine voting fruu Improvements worth oer $100" other laada her. In the raw selling for T end up per acre; the plac. la worth 4.-.'M for a few days at 4iKW; will tak. part to trade. wh: have youT T. 8. CAMERON REALTT CO. B10Washlr.gton t. Vancouver. Warn. 640 ACREB of fin. wheat land In th. Rig Rend dletrlrt of Faatern Washington. 3H) tn crop; all stock and implement, go with place; a cheap buy at SJ3.0U0; will tak. J14.UO0 Iri gooj city property. 40 acres, tear Portland; fin. soli; will tak. city property If good. OOt-PNOCOH PE1TZ, 410 SpsUl'.ng bldg. I WANT to exebang. my equity In an almrat new bungalow one block from alt. ficott car. four from Hawthorne, for a paid up lot: balane. due on hou. SldO. f ayabl. l-'l 23 per month, payment, and nteret. Interest only per cent; rented f"r tT month: no commissions; owners only. AJ MS. Oreconlan. gE ATT1.E property owned by widow who wtehea to exchange for Portland property: ft -room modern cottage: lot 10xl2n. s room modern cottage, with basement; lot Oxl20; thla Is eloee-ln property. S nice , lots at Fheldon, each 0il43. Addraas P. O. Box Seattle. Wash. lots roa TrtAPE. Bandon. Dr.. Fergus Falla. Minn. K.at lit. Tabor or Mablevllle. Will tak. piano, typewriter. Acreage, lota or anything of Talus. II ALL A GCSTIN. gll Lumbcrmens bldg. EXCHANGE Hood River orchard. 10 acrea. 1 mile of town: t acr.a tree., aome bear ing and 2 acrea pasture. Will exohans. for Portland. Will as.ume. Mean bu.l r.ea. De.cribe. Box 1U Hood River. Or. FOR acreage or vacant citv property I wtU exchange my 140 equity In bungalow, SmM. lot 2HxliT. Ave room, and bath, baaeroent. nreplac; 13 minutes' ear ride. AL 647. Oregonlsn. WANTED To trade 10OO worth of watches, tewelry. chains, rlnga, etc. for small piece of land; wee going In buslneu for myself, but must give it up. Address AN KM. Oregonlan. .wvo PTOK of dry goods; $dOQ stock snoes; $3Mx stock clothing and furnish. Ings. at wholesale coat for acres, good farm or Portland property. B MS. Orego. n lsn. I OWN valuable lots and seres In new Heel City. Irondel.. Washington; very little money handles: need cash bad; opportunity never offered again. T B4d, t'txgonian. VACANT lota within city llmtta to exchange for 13 or 20 acre, bearing orchard on carlln. In a rsdlus of 40 miles from Portland: writ, tor particulars. X Oregonlan. fOH eALE or trade for aheep or cattle, 130-acre Irrigated fruit and alfalfa farm near Kennewlck, Washington, Coffin H r os.. North Yak Ima. Wash. WANTED To exchange equity of IS300 In A.l resldenc property fr acreage from to 20 acrea. Address full particulars, AE Ml. Oregonlan. Id VIEW LOTS, Columbia Heights Addi tion. Vancouver. Wash.; value 14U00: will exchange tor Portland lote or acreage. t ellers-Mnrt"n Co.. SM Spalding bldg. EXCHANGE Flo. apartment site, walking distance, want suburbsn property, some cash, mortgages or Milan equulea. Kat- feld. 4th st- WE HAVE OVER'lOiO TRADES. We can match yours np no matter what you are looking for. Try ua H. A. CHANDLER. 1 Lombermens Bldg. WILL exchange Interest In good business f imposition for land, acreage or good ots. e V 4T. buelne.a opportunities. Writ. V 4. oregonlsn. . FOR Sale or Trsde 4-acre tract- good soil, new honM, mile, east of Lents 1 mile off carlln a. Phono owner. Tabor 4&. Price II SOU. 80 ACRES ontmprored fruit land mar Eu gene. I40 per a.-re; no Incnmbranc: trade for horns In Portland, might pay aom. dif ference. Owner. N 47. oregonlan HAVETeiTdencee at Ullv.rtoo, lr. and tier, field. Waah.. and orchard land near Ash land to trade, (."has. E. Hlcka, Indspead ence. Or. $1hX) EQrlTT In T-room house to exchange for good butMlng lot or srreaga. JOSEPH H. JOHNST.'N. 32 LafayetleBldg.iWaahlngtonand6th. 1 HAVE tll0 worth Of Cnlted States Ch l,r Co. stock; will trade for 4 or Sfu aeng.r auto. W Mo. Oregonlan. HAVE high-wheel, solld-tlr. auto to ex change for young delivery hors. and wa gon. X e39. Qiegonlsn. WTLL exebsng. Encyclopedia Brltannlca and Century Atlas, for diamond or what hav. yon. X 83t. Oregonlsn WILL trsde nnlncnmbereel real eststs for S'lto. sultabls to convert light delivery. Owners onb". X ?T. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE as pert pavment on bun galow or lot. beautiful mahogany Cht--k ring piano. Practically Bow. Phono A 4314. ' TO EXCHANGE 43 ACRES. 17 ml lea southwest of Portland, In the Tualatin Valloy. 30 acres under cul tivation, excellent soil: Tory good build ings, alone worth 45000. Price I10.00. Will tak. Portland property np to 13000; 9 yearatt o per cent on balance. fil acres, 1 mile, from Portland. 3 mile, to It. K. and boat landing. J sightly place, good soil and good Bulio Ings, 4 scies under cultivation; S horses. II cows and all Implements. Price HLJ Will take Portland property for part, "al so re per cent. ., 15 acre, of good oofl. 10 miles from Kelso, on county road. 28 acres clear. acres in good. 8-year-old orchard: -r" house and 2 barna: good spring, well sna creek; splendid plsc. for fruit and stocs.. price IJO per sere: will tak. Portland property and pay difference. (.00 acre, of wheat land, all under cuttl Tatlon. 24 miles from railroad In Mor row County, bouse, barn and wall; prica 20la'crea?'" miles from Lyle. In the f -moos Klickitat County fruit belt; 5 In orchard. 4 yeara old. Newtowns and tipltxenoergs. house, barn and outbuild ings: :ooi; will exchange either plac. for Portland property. KALFFMANN A MOORS, 8J3 Lumber Exchange. EXCHANGES. ei-inn Cafeteria to exchange) for a f"p- 87500 city homo to oxchango for un improved acreage. . 4,,)0 City property for a general mer chandise store. . 8!tl.BO0 General merchandise stora lor r75ft-Ft-olt ranch for city property. $4550 Tillamook ranch for general 000 Valley farm for general atora. 87000 City home for a mortgage. ALBERT WELCH fit (U Lewis Bldg. t 0ak st 8TONH store building, good own'..,i 14 per cent net Income, no mortgage, wan Portland property. i..r new 13 acres fine onion land. SO hou.e. 8 minutes to electric t"",n.'00C0larlt County; want Portland nom. to 8.000. IGOO cords wood, near car, -"hou' and some nice lots, no mortgage, want city home to 4J0O0. - . v-nlted Good property to exchange for TJnltoa States Cashier Co. atock. CLO DFKLTER BROS.. 41 4nchBldg1 ETACKES of good soil, free of rock and gravel, on Mount BcolU about 1 K0" VUni: splendid propoaitloo f or uba'; Idlng. Price only ItOO per acre. W ill e- change for Portland ProPOrt!..wlne town income-bearing property t Utrt'tof ne Portland, valued at OoOO, will jx chaise for improved ranch ""V,.10?, from Portland; price not to exceed 83O0O. KACKFMANN A MOORE. TO EXCHANGE 13 ACRES. J miles from Portland on county road. 4 block, from station, lies level nd "tee. price I'JOO per sere; will take thi T value of l00 as psrt payment: must have riom. cash; will ; glv. easy term, on Ealanc. A. W. SMITH, room 190, AO Inrton bldg. Main 6i33. ACRES of saw timber In Washington JitiTooo" will exchange for lncomej-liearlng! property In Portland or other , town' on Coeau Kauffmann at Moore. o23 LumDar fcicnantc. B room bungalow, two lots. -30W. 7-room house. Grand ave.. 89000- 14 lots. Llnnton. 8.Vx0. 112v) 1 !i acres, Une country home, el"" C?m" In and make me a proposition. res Chamber of Commerce. Wm.nnd-b.fh.rg.7f3 Railway Echanga.larshall Z'jJ- THffr!: wsom.'.. 'hou-.nd't' if HuS 8S-J00 Call Elliott. Main 63i0, or Sunday, Tsbor 2S4!l or B 1251; . HAVE you good equity In lots or house and lots wSlty not over $700. If so we hao i. to-acre tracts. Vsncouver vicinity, So which w7 win give and exchange. No ?nflMedJ,Tr.u.r codered. 423 Chamber of Commerce. Vnt.q rYTHANflE Lartte fruit and Btock. LhmK C.L. valu. Jjaoo fully stocked and equipped for rinJh near Portland for part, balance cash and mortgage. Addreas Owner. Mrs. J. E. Light. Fowlur. Cal. St. ACIIK4 7-room bungslow. modern; Iruli trirt, bsrn. poultry houses on elec tric line and Johnson Creek. 714c fare. 14300 eQuliy. exchange for house or lo or equity In city property. Owner. N Md, Oregonlsn. .ROrn modern hous. overlooking river, h.rdwood onlshed corner lot. Price 8 will take raw land not too far from transportation, or farm sam. value. 4 Chamber of Commerce 8ft ACRES. 4 miles from Portland, adjoin ing growing town of 800 : red "hot olU ITice IJ0O0. W 111 trade for house and lot In Portland. W. Ev Hlbbard, 440 T. W. C. A. flVB acrea. very rte.lrable, near Montana and Rase Line: 85O0 per acre; good terms or exchange for bungslow or 8500 down 2nd 85. monthly. Phou. Sunday, or .ven- Inga. Main ai.o. 82 ACRES unimproved fruit lend nesr Eu gene, trad, for equity In city Property or automobll.; valu. 81800. Call 88 10th near htara. WILL TRA1TB 10-acr. fruit tract In good dhtrlcty l.o 40 acres In Eastern 'Oregon Whst have you? V.alter McGovern, 1038 Champer oi omnm.. WE will exchange your property for what yon want: quick servlco and straight dealing Western Sec. Co., exchange dept.. 414 Spalding bldg. . MODERN 3-room cottag. on fine sightly lot value l.'.viO. carries 11000 mortgage; will exchange for good acreage not too from Portland. Call 414 Spalding bldg. ON THE HILL railroad. In the De.chutea Vnll.y-24 acre, of Irrigawd land for sale or trade for merchandise. Address E. D a y ton, im-.. g ROOMS, all furnlehed In housekeeping suites, in Nob Hill district; clo.. In; good less.: to trsde for smsll house. and lot tn suourps. r v..." WILL sell or trade motorcycle for property, good as new. cost 20O. AM 832. Orego nlan. FOR HALE. Horse., "vehicle, and Harness IF you ar. Intereated In good harness at Try low prices, see our large stock of names, and gall-cur. collars. Keller Har- Co.. 40 N tn. I"30 GOOD, sound, young team of small msres. new Weber wagon and harness, will eirhang. the team for good UOO-lb hors. bol East 28th st- W-W car. 81 W TtDTS team. mars and horse. w'ht 2500 pounda; true pullcra; com. and try them. East 12th and Madison, hous. In vtark. WANTED Hors. and light rig. Horse not under 1150 lbs One used to farm work preferred. Muat be tn good condition. O MM. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy horse, weighing 1100 or l-.'(K) pbunds for delivery; must b. sound and not over 4 or 6 years old; give phon. n umber. A M 849,0 re gooj s n. FOR SALE On. 8-year-old horse, weighing 1400 sound and without blemlshea; one -yesr-old delivery horse, weighing 1130. 2 20 ItUWlll i- A ONE-HORSE Studebaker delivery wagon, brand new harness, .v.rythlnf In good condition: will sell reasonable. Call 1060 Hawthorn ave. ONE good low express wsgon suitable for 'furniture "nd on. good gentle pony ror ladv or children. 1S2 Hooker sU FINE sound blsck team of farm mares, one In foal, with or without wagon and harness. SOD East 2ath st- W.W car. GOOD sr-an work horaea. age 13. weight mio. Work singl. or double. Call Monday. 3:5 uroaaway. FOR SALE Delivery horse, between T and g y.ars old: also good serviceable buggy. . - . FOR SALE Wagon with dump bed for haul In. ahort wood. 8 '4-Inch etudebaker. Apply tat liiiuh - T- Cheap. E 3J. Oregonlan 83M RUTS nice, sound pslr of bay mares, in foal by Percheron atslllon. Oil at Todd s sale barn. 334 Front st. IKJHE. buggy. cowa. a milk bualneaa and farm Implements on place for rent, large crch.rd. close In. Main 7274. HORPFR. thoroughly gentle. Call at Oida, Wortmaa A King stables 88 East 7th st. North. BIG bargain; team mares 2100 lbs., true pullers, harness and wagon. All for 1174. 142 Grand ass. GOOD oT to exchange for heavy work horses. C 814. Oregonlan. FOR SAIJ3 Five head of horses; on. b.igrv. 451 E. Ysmhllt St. - 873 HUTS work horee, mare, weight be tween 1100 to 12'K. 803 Montana ave. FOR S ALE 1 team weighing 8100. 228 Ruaaell St. FOR SALE 2 teams, harness and warons, completes outfit. E 3717; leaving city. HORS-. harness and buggy for sal cheap. 48 East fealmoo. FOB SAL H .-r.es. Vehicle, and FOR SALE By private family, buslnesa or pleasure outfit, consisting of handsome golden chestnut horss, age 6. weight lliiO lbs., absolutely safe and kind, without trick or vice In harness or stable: can be cared for or driven by a lady to steam, electric cars or automobiles snrt is a per fect family or business horse, as he wll, work In any kind of a rig sod Is a grand roadster; most 1. seen and loiked over to b. appreciated: has but lew superiors In either conformation or goo l behavior; also rubber-tired buggy as good as new and custom-mad harnsss In good con dition and stsble clothing, whip, halter, etc.; altogether, price for Immediate sale 82HO; warranted and trial allowed. Can be seen st New York Club staht , corner 13th and Alder. Inquire for Mr. Kaplan's outnt." 81S0 boys 3700-lb. team horse, that will work anywhere, single or double; only they are a little thin In flesh; worth 8300 to anyons who wants to get the benefit of Improving them; trial allowed. 603 Alder street. 25 gets of double and single harness, heavy and light; prices from (10 upwards. 806 Alder su 860 buys 1200-lb. sorrel mare, age 8. true and reliable to work anywhere: been used on grocery wsgon th past year and la a little tender In front feet; trial al lowed. 605 Alder st. 800 buys 1350-lb. brown horse, age 7; rood worker single or double; a good, serviceable, all-purpose horse. 605 Alder. $55 buys 1200-lb. bsy horse, a little thin In flesh; a good ranch horse. 605 Alder at. 82S5 Complete ranch outfit 8285. Consisting of team of mares, aged 5 and 6, block buiTT and closely mated; true to pull any place and extra free walkera; also set of heavy breeching harness in good condition and 8-lnch farm wagon as good as nsw; warranted and trial allowed. 605 Alder at. J300 Team and harness 8300; 2700-Ib. team, kind and true, well mated and true and reliable under any and all circum stances: this team will do ss much work ss a team that cost 8000. Call and b. con- vlnced: trial allowed. 605 Alder st. HARRT KUEHNE, Tlgard Livery barn, has for sale two black marea .about 1050 each, 6 years old, broken to drive and ride, ::0u; team big drafts, 4 and 5 years old, weight about 1400 lbs. each, well broke, guaran teed, 8400; pair bay chunks, 4 years old, weight 1200 each, well broke, 81100; team colts. 2 years old, about 1000 each; farm raised, a bargain; one good pony, broke to drive and ride. 5 yoars old. 830. Tlgard, 10 miles from Portland, O. E. R. R. PORTLAND STABLES, 26 N. 13TH ST. 23 horses, from 1000 pounds to 1300 pounds, prices from 863 to 8230 per horse: several well-matched teams of horses and msres, all sold with a written guarantee to b. as represented or your money re -funded; farm and delivery wagons, bug- Sles, and all kinds of hsrness also for sals; ank and business references furnishsd. R. L. EVANS. PAIR 6-year-old geldings. 2230 lbs; sound snd true; fine drivers; price 8-75; 5 and 8-year-old dark gray mare and horse, 2050 lbs; sound and true every way, 8375; nice pair sorrel geldings, will weigh .550 lbs. and will do any kind of work. Everything sold under guarantee. Call st 834 Front St.. cor. Market. GOOD, gentle farm horse, 1200 lb 883; matched black team, 1100. each drives single and double, sound and gentle earn separately; 12U0-1O. team young horses; 13O0-lb. pair 6-year-olds; good pony; wa gons, harness. 381 Water su, corner Montgomery. STANDARD-BRED mare for sale or trade for work horses; can pull a buggy better ' than S minutes on the road; 8 years old, weighs lOOO lbs.: stylish driver and lady can drive any spot or place; baa never been tracked or hurt In any way, 80 Front. 40 HEAD mares and geldings, 4 to 10 years old, 1000 to 1500 lbs., price 800 to .11-5. Mares, 15 head, several In foal. If you are wanting to buy any kind of a horse, mar. or team you c-n surely find It In our stable. Fifth and Montgomery. 20 HEAD Eastern Oregon horses snd marcs, lust oft R. R work, weight 1000 to 1600 lbs.; some very good farm mares; prices reasonable: trial given. Inquire Travis Bros.' - woodyard. E. 8th and Hawthorne ave. 8425 TAKES good 2750-lb. team. 7 and .9 year. old. true pullers with new 2 wagon and new heavy harness, or will sell separata; trial given. 834 Front st open Sunday. F TAKEN at once. 8200 cash buys 2300- ?ound team; horse and mare, age 6 and , sound wind and limb. Call room 73 Heller bldg.. cor. Grand ave. and Haw thorne. JCPT arrived, a carload of first-class horses snd marea, weight from 120O to lOOO lbs., from 4 to years old; everything aold with a guarantee as represented. U. S . Stables. 248 Front- WE hav. on hand 12 head of Eastern Ore- ?on horses ranging In weight from 830 to 2i0 lbs; prices from 8 no to 8150: these horses will all be aold with a guarantee. 808 Front. - TEAM On. mare and on. gelding: weight 1500 lbs. true and good wind; mar. little sore forward; good shape and for quick sale. 8125. There's work harness for sale. Parker team. 270 E 7tb st. FOR ths best qualities of work or driving horses at the most ressonabls prices, go to the Ross City Park stables, at E. 5-d st. and Sandy road. Taks Ross City Park car. Adams A Campbell, proprietors. EAST STDE Exchange Stable, 270 East 7th, near Hawthorne ave.; 25 head East Oregjn mares snd horses, weight 2400 and up; pries 8125 to 8250. A BARGAIN Tesm of horses. 2400 lbs., harness and wagon, all for 8150; 835 buys looO-lb. horse. Take Woodstock car. S.tb. st. and 63d are. Phone Sellwood 1788. HEAVY team horses wanted In exchange for 20 acres land; contract under th. Deschutes Land-Co. ditch. AO 840. Ore gonlan. Automobiles. FOR SALE or trade, on. flve-pasaengor touting car 8360. - One 1000-lb. delivery car, $400. These are both exceptionally good bar gains, COLUMBIA ATJTO CO., . TJnlon ave. and Wsldler st. SALE 2-cyllnder, 5-passenger tourist. A-l condition; run only 4000 miles; glass front, speedometer, top generator, etc.; for quick sale 83O0 cash. . M. MAIDEN, 603 Swethtnd blag. AUTO WANTED. Will give a good exchange of city or country property for a good second-hand auto. 4 or 8-psasenger. Phone Msln 34S1 or A 2828. WILL tske small runabout In good condi tion, that will stsnd Inspection, at reason able price, and 8-00 as first payment, on my new bungalow, on E. 87th. 2 blocks from Hswthorne ave. WILL exchange -oylinder, 34 horse, 5-passenger auto In good shape for first pay ment on house or good lot or contracts. S. W. Co.. 811-812 Lewis bldg. DELIVERY CAR. Franklin car. In flrst-claas condition, suitable for light delivering; price right. sny rcaonapie terms. tr e-wf WILL trade 6-paasenger touring car for city real estate with no Incumbrances, or flrst rlass runabout with balance cash. Phone today. East 4715. WANTED Automobile, Ave or seven pas sengers, stat. full particulars and price; only bargains consldeied; no agents. AN 847. Oregonlan. WANTED 6-sea ted auto and some money as first payment on 7-room modern house. East Side, hi block of car. H 844, Orego nlan. WHAT hav. you to trade for good auto, S-passenger, 40 H. P. bee owner. M. D. Hobbs, 274Stark sjL 7o0 A 18-H. P. Maxwell In A-l condition, fully equipped, wind shield, top, eta., a full set non-skid tires. Tabor 111. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or writs for bargain llat. Cuatom-Hous. Auto Co.. 881 Everett St. Msln 1649. IF you want to sell or trad, your automo bile see Mitchell Co- 608 Rothchlld bldg. RUNABOUT 4-cyllnder. In good repair; will trsde for real eitate. Room 10 Ws.h- Ington bMg. MUST sell, real bargain for catih. Parry roadster, only, run 600 miles. Owner, 213 Commonwealth bldg. a JACKSON, 8-passeoger, good condition, will trade for email stock merchandise, any kind. Phone C 1533. AUTOMOBILE to trad, for house snd lot; will pay difference. Mitchell A Co., 60S Rothchlld bldg. FOR SALE A 1010 Hudson In first-class condition for less than one-half Its orlgl nal price. P 858, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A two-passenger electrlo Vic toria; ressonable. P h37. Oregonlan. 8300 RUNABOUT, with top, wind shield. etc. Geo. K. Flora. 470 E. Burnsld. st. 110 WINTON SIX at sacrlflco; cash. Call Marshall 1408 or A 1198. SPACE foss two mora automobiles. 85 per month. 270 12th St., cor. Jefferson. WANTED To buy for cash an automobile. Apply to Hall. 8B1 Water St. FOR SALE 1 Pope-Hertford automobile, 1 Wlnton Fix. 403 Corbett bldg TRADE land for 2d-hand auto: Chaltnere. Cadillac preferred. R 849. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, one first-class electric automobile. 3'J Spalding ciag. WANTED Automobile; hsve real eststs and some cash. Call 68 10th, near Stark. FOR BALis. AutomoDUea PORTLAND ATJTOMOBILB CLEARING HOUSE. Arthur H. Herts, Manager. We are exclusive dealers in used auto mobiles. Our weekly bargain list ap pears below; ' " Brush (new) ..-. ..--... .$ 350 Maxwell Runabout .....-... o-0 Holsman Bugty 850 Franklin G. 'OS 70 Hudson Roadster e.0 Buick Model 10, 1310 650 White Summer, model 0 1050 Bulck Model 17, 1S10 1-50 Chalmers. 1010 1350 Stevens Duryea 6 1-toO Studebaker Garford 40 ........... 1750 Wlnton 6-cyl. Touring. "09 i 2W0 Stearns 7-passenger !t0 Loxler Briarcllfto - 3.iO Thomas 6-cyl, 7-passenger 8400 Stearns 6-cyl. Roadster ............ 6uo0 Cars marked fully equipped. All cars sold by us fully guaranteed. A 234. Phones Main 692. Sixth and Madison Streets. Portland, Or. BOM& GOOD BARGAINS. All of tug following are In fin. run ning order and at the prices very CHEAP: 1910 Everett 5-pass 81200. 1008 Jackson. 8-paaa., $5o0. liartkraft delivery wagon, r.o. 150O, 1300. 1H10 Maxwell. S-pass., 1500. 1010 Brush runabout, 1450. Rapid 2-ton truck. $1650. " ' Everett light dellv. wagon, $1200. 1 These prices are for CASH. Call and Jet us show you any or all of the above.. H ALL A GCSTIN, 611 Lumbermen, bldg. IOOK! IXOK! LOOK! AT THE BARGAINS. One 6-passenger car; 2 1500 lb. uto waeons, new; 1 2-ton -auto truck; also 1 1000 lb auto wagon, second-hand. If you want a car, this Is the place to buy, at ltast see them before you do buy. oo 11th st. Phones Main 8113, A. 453L 1910 HUDSON roadster, with double rumble seats, 1 fully equipped; this car cannot be told from new and has been used very Utile; cost $1230; price $S0O. BrUBh runabout, fully equipped, 83So. 1910 Maxwell Jr like new, 8-'S3. 190s 1-cyllnder Cadillac touring car, 3"0 iiuick touring-car. 40 H. P.. 8120O. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. 881 Everett. . Main 1649. STANLEY steamer, 6-passenger touring car, 20-H. P steam equal to 75-H. P. gasoline car; top. speedometer, clock, bumper, searchlights, oil light, car good as new; guaranteed l.t every respect; I am going bask t Minneapolis, will take $1000 rather than ship car back; car cost me 2100. Phone owner. Main 7162. Car at Studebaker garage, Chapman and Alder sts. No trade. W. F. Pagel. 712 Wash. HANDSOME large ' 6-passenger 38 H.-P. touring car, equipped with top, side cur tains, glass wind shield, speedometer, clock, prest-o-llte, double Ignition mag neto and battery, tire irons, extra outer case, 2 extra Inner tubes, tire chains, Q D rims, etc Car modern, first-class con dition. Cost $2700; will take $1350 cash. AB 847, Oregonianj WILL exchange 6-cyllnder Wlnton touslng car, fully equipped and as good as new, for first-class unincumbered city prop erty, value $2300. P. O. box 72, Portland, Or., or phone Tabor 28o3. Pianos. Organs and Mnslcal Instrument. PARTY who formerly owned Pease piano. No 74090, mahogany case; will repurchase same at advanced figure for sentimental reasons, present owner please address J. E. Page, box 430. Portland. Or. CLOUGH St WARREN square piano. In good order, for sale or trade for horses or a lot. Call or address2S6 E. 7th st. 8648 BUYS 89o6practically new Hardman Autotone. 88 and 60-note player plao. Phon Main 677 for appointment- NEARLY new $400 Marshall & Wf0ell Piano, walnut case. Wiil sell for 81S.' 4-3 E. Burnilde st. FOR SALE Piano, almost new; will sell less than half cost. Phone Sellwood -149 mornings. LET GEORGE Tune and repair your piano. Anderson,-226 Allsky bldg. Main 8753. A 7042. WHAT have you as first payment on new 8400 piano? BaL 87 per mo. K 843, Ore gonlan. WILL sell at a sacrifice a beautiful player piano, terms it desired. H 85. Oregonlan. CHECK for 8103 on any piano house you want, for 810. A 832. Oregonlan. WANTED Second-hand piano; must be a bargain. AL S52. Oregonlan. Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. JUST RECEIVED A fine lot of Andreas berg Roller Canaries, males and females. Imported direct; full song; also two males; imported Japanese Spaniels, one S years, one 4 montbs old. Portland Bird Company, 91 Union ave. YOUR eggs and poultry you can have: money made besides, on your back lot. By our svstom, ground space 80x30, am ple for 100 laying hens or a dozen on 10x10. Writ Crosbys Profltabl System, Dundee. Or. - RHODE ISLAND REDS. There Is no better all-purpose breed tn existence. They are the money-makers. Eggs from my extra select stock, 8L50 per setting; special by the hundred. C. E. Carlton .Main 8900. or A 1103. FOR SALE 30 laying hens, 10 White Wy andottea. Party leaving city. Price rea sonable. Call Sunday. Take Mount Scott car. got olf at Tremont, walk 8 blocks west on Avery ave. and Inquire for F. L. Schroder. ; WHITE Wyandottes and S. C. R. L Red eggs 8L30 per setting of 15. Mrs. A. E. Cooper, Tabor 2S00. Tremont, lit Scott line. Eggs from thoroughbreds, 82.50 set ting. Apply 418 Manhattan St.. Woodlawn Car. PORTABLE poultry houses, various sixes; neat snd -practical; prices reasonable Williams Bro... Grays Crossing. Mt- Scott line. Tabor 629. THOROUGH-BRED White Lojrhorns; hens, $1 earn; roosters, $2.60; eggs for set ting, 15 for $L Telephone B 2951 or call 810 East 50th St. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte eggs 81.60 setting; less In quantities of loo. Box 23. Cleone. Or., or phone East 670. SHEPHERD dog for sale; trained for ranch; 85. Apply 242 East 63th St., Montavllla, bet. Salmon and Main. AT stud, Portland Vim, best red cocker spaniel in Northwest. 791 Kerby sL Phon. Woodlawn 1097 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock eggs 81.25 Rer setting; also one cockerel. 7.1 Nehalem St., Sellwood. BLACK MINORCA and White Leghorn eggs for setting $1,211. phone Woodlawn 12.4. 844 Dekum ave. COCKER spaniel puppies for sale; good stock. 791 Kerby st. Phone Woodlawn 1007. ONE dozen thoroughbred White Wyandotte hens, two young roosters. 654 Giraxd St., cor. of Olln su. University Park. THE PORTLAND Bird Co., 91 Union ave. Just received. Imported fantail fish, large variety of fancy birds, monkeys, eta EGGS from pure-bred White Wyandotte chickens and Queen ducks, 81 per dozen, phone Woodlawn 837. EGGS Black Minorca. 8100 for 15; Buff Orpington, 81 for 15. Phon. Woodlawn 8077. FOR SALE One pen P.hod Island Reds, 9 pullets, 1 cock. 588 Ainsworth ave. Take W oodlawn car. THOROUGHBRED barred Plymouth Rock eggs, 81 setting. Sellwood, 607 Yukon ave. CANARIES, fine singers from Imported stock, few left, 647 Montgomery. Main 6209. WHITE Wyandottes. high-class eggs for sotting, 8L J. Vldler, 90th and llassalo. Montavllla. 1BOROUGKBRED Barred Rock eggs, 81 setting. Phone Sellwood 1495. CHOICE family cow. fresh, very rich milk. 95 E. 30th. Sunnyslde car. SINGLE comb. Rhode Island Red cockerels, dandles, cheap. 119 Liberty st.. West. WANTED Guinea pigs. John M. Mann. 08 Fourth St. Phones Main and A 40S3. BUFF Orpington eggs for settings. Call at 640 Roselawn ave. . 825 AN exceptionally fine Airedale terrier male puppy; worth double. Sellwood 1015. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, 81.50 setting; rates lor hundred. ellwood 13.6. J FOR SALE. Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. IF you keep chickens, why not get the beat? 1 ...... . n . la .-a .arAnrr l TllUm- age Partridge Wyandottes and Golden Lace Wyandottes; 1st prize Minnesota state show, also Portland snow, 1910; stock and eggs for sale. S. E. Jackson, 41st and 60th sts. Woodstock car. Phone Sellwood 1S51. . AT Stud Collie Champion Wellesbourne Con quest, winner of 41 firsts, 7 seconds and 5 specials at the leading Eastern shows. Including New York Boston. Philadelphia, etc Further Information address W. L. Fulmer, 418 Board of Trade bldg. Main 906. A 7352. CONTCEY"S Poultry Book In used as a text book in colleges; one authority says it con tains more information than three ordinary books: this book is offered free if you bring this ad to Routledge Seed A Floral Co., 169 2d st. FOR SALE Few settings S. C. White and Buff Leghorn eggs, 83 to $5 per setting; from Eastern stock and prize winners, Portland show. 90S Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn 2452. Order early, supply lim ited. Miscellaneous. OAK sanitary roll-top desk, 64 Inches, 82d; flat-top desk, weathered finish, 64 Inches, 812; 840 Wabash filing cabinet (sectional), 8-0: malleable steel range with water coil, 825; cook stove. $8.50: four-burner gas range, 810: gas water heater, $6.50; kitchen safe, 83.30; kitchen cupboard, oak, with glass doors, 8S: solid oak ex tension table. $6; dining chairs, .c to 82.50 each; rocking chairs, $lto 5..50; buffets, 89 to $20; chlSonlers, $6.50 to 816.50; full-size dressers, 86.60 to 82n; Brussels rugs, 9x12, 810; art squares, $H to 85: center tables, 81 to 85: black wal nut settee, 87.50; black walnut llDrary table. 815; black walnut bedroom suite, three pieces, $20; black walnut hallrack, 83; iron and brass beds. 81.50 to 827.50; oak settee, Bultable for hall or office, 85: large oak armchairs.1 82.50 each; we have five-room furnished cottage at 409 Stark St., $35 per month. Western Salvage -Company, 543-547 Washington, between 16th and 17th sta. Both phones. Main 1108. A 3793. FOR SALE at a bargain, contractor's equlp rr ent for grading, including 13 head young horses, Fresnos wagons, 24 sets car trucKS. tools and camp equipment- Call or write J. Henry. The Dalles, Or. Hotel Albert. FOR SALE Double store room, modern flats above, 6-roora hous In rear, lot 0 by 120. street improved, cement walks, corner lot. Union avenue. Inquire owner, 717 Rodney. ; 1910 30-HORSEPOWER roadster, single rumble seat, top, wind shield, speedometer, inner tubes and chains. In first-class shape; will sell at a bargain. 403 Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Main 4076 or B 1925. FOR SALE Complete architectural course In International correspondence schooL Ten large volumes, latest revised edition Regular price of course 8133. Will take 835. AC 842, Oregonlan. OLD Jewelry exchanged for watchea and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for half original prices. Uncle Myers, 71 6th st, between Oak and Pine. PAIR steamboat engines, 10-inch cylinder, 8-foot stroke; 1 Doctor pump. 1-lnch dis charge, for hot and cold water. Inquire Star Sand Co., 210 Board of Trade bldg. SAFES New and'2d-hand; low prices: easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO., 85 6th at. Main 6309, A 4118. LAUNCH, 22 feet, 5-foot beam 10-H. P., -ea,a -lriV fnllv eouiDoed. in first-class con dition. A snap. Jameson, Portland Motor Boat Club, toot or iiiiswortx FOR SALE Reasonable, marquis for moving-picture theater. completely wired, ready to put up. Inquire 513 Rothchlld bldg. FOR SALE A high-class. man-tailored lady's suit for sale at a bargain. Please give phone number in letter. Address N 84S. Oregonlan. FOR 6AIJ3 Upright 7H-H. P. steam en gine and 10-H. P. boiler dlreot from ma chine shop $130 f. o. b. car, Beavertou. W. 853, Oregonlan. , ONE Standard brick machine, crusher, sander, trucks, wheelbarrows, 30,000 pal lets. McMabon Bros., 1264 Division st. Phone Tabor 872. - QUICK sale sacrifice; complete shingle, Dlanlna-. sawmill, with 1.500.000 timber. 15 miles Portland, $2750. terms. 1030 Grand north. EASTMAN 5X7 camera, cost $35. "820 takes It; lirst-class condition; does peneel won K 843. Oregonlan. CABINET for disc Phonograph records: oak: cost $15. Have no use for It. Will sell for $9. V .844. Oregonlan. MANDTC- LEE Incubator for sale. Barred Rock eggs for setting. Phone 6ellwood 602. 818 Falling bldg. McCargar, Bates & iiveiy. 65 disc phonograph, with 815 oak wood Horn; never Deen useu; tor eu casu. J 844, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Heavy oak roll top desk and leather-seated office chairs. Cost 8117, -. used there months. Phone Woodlawn 2730. ion SALE No. 6 Remington Typewriter; snap $20 cash. M. Maiden. 603 Swetland bldg. '$45 COLUMBIA graphophone, large nickel nom, tot recorus. duiico oe w., o jjllo hawk bldg. Sunday morning. SINGER machine, drophead, nearly new; also one Wedgewood range and two 9x12 all-wool art squares. Call 894 E. Clay. FOR RALE Showcases, wallcases, counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. za Grand ave. s FOR SALE Building Bultable for garage Inquire 852 Kirby St. Telephone Wood lawn 89L HOUSEBOAT at a bargain: lcnvlng city two rooms, neat and cosy. Phone Main 152L Sunday beuwood sou. 23-FOOT 10-horsepower glass cabin launch, fully equipped. Including electria lights. E. H. MIA., out bpaiaing oiag. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters. $10 to 865, NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 90 Fifth St. M. 5528, A 1476. NO. 11 Remington typewriter. Wahl adding attachment, nearly new. snap. Ail o-t-k, Oregonlan FOR BALE Small safe, rol-top desk, 2 tall upright oval and octagon showcases. Call alter 1 P. At. at j.4- otnst. FOR SALE Well rotted manure, fertilizer. r'none a.. 4uu . an aucr u tr. To-. FOR SALH! 16-foot Morris canoe In first, class condition, $40. J 842. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Showcases, in stock and made to order at tne lowest prices. 4-0 -aw-thorne ave. COMPLETE furniture of 4-room apartment for sale at a bargain. Apply T. O. Hague, 817 Worcester PlQg.. ortiana. BENNETT typewriter, new, 810; light, com pact, neat, standard keyboard. K 842, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Charter Oak range, fin con dition; also bed and springs; leas than y, cost- aat -oou. WTLL exchange good sewing machine for dressmaking; part casn. AC t4tt, urego nlan. WANTED Agent to sell half interest In valuable patent. R, Bustlkofer, 263 Salmon. VACUUM carpet cleaning outfit, new, pow- eriui macm e; 1 uer at a snap. 211 Clay St., near 1st. FOR SALE Full dress suit complete with tuxedo; size ou-ou; win sen reasonable, AD 853, Oregonlan. DANDY green bone-cutter (poultry), nearly new, good repair, cost sio: takes it. Phone Tabor BO12. AU boa, oregonlan. 80 YARDS Brussels carpet, three rugs, two beds complete, two center tables. Call today, 403 Larrabee st. FOR SALE 6-horse power gasoline engine, reasonable. 423 Hawthorne. FOR SALE National cash register. 103 6th St.. near Stark. - RATTAN baby carriage, rolling top. Nearly new. Pljone East 63138. 20 H. P. horizontal boiler, 1800 feet as sorted pipe. Room 10 Washington bldg. TRANSIT and LEVEL, for sale. Address J. Harris. S31 Capitol V-e. ROOMS papered or tinted. Including rra terial. $2.50 up. AJ 85L Oregonian. OLIVER typewriter. No. 3, good as new, 835. 1546 E. 9th St., Sellwood. FOR SALE! Remington typewriter No. 6, In perfect condition: snap. $30. A 4795. FOR SALE or trade, two complete wireless telegranh sets. Phone Main 6438. 3 LADIES' dresses for sale reasonable. Call Marshall 28S5. IRON picket fence for sale; 125 feet for $30. Call at room 8. Board of Trade bldg. OLD-FASHIONED, high mahogany bureau with octagon mirror. M 846, Oregonlan. PARTY dresses, tailored suits. Russian pony coats. $20. 658 Flanders. Main 825L FOR - SALE! Brussels carpet cheap. 628 Flanders. NO. 6 Remington typewriter, 825. AM 840, Oregonlan. DIAMOND princess ring for half its original cost. AG 847. Oregonlan. DANDY little sideboard In good condition. Can have for $10. 425 E. Burnslde st. FOR SALE Second-hand office furniture; must be modern. AK 853. Oregonlan. FUI.NITURE for three rooms 8200 If taken at once. 606 Tourney bldg. INDIAN motorcycle, cost 8240, will sacrlflca at $125 If aold at once, 393 Harrison, "FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. . Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubular boilers, complete with Inclosed type feed water heater. 6ttx3tf Smith valve feed pump. Dodge injectors. safety valves, crown valves, 6-inch header and all angl valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with safety water columns, in good con dition. . Also on 12-H. P. -vertical submerged head tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings. Including Buffalo In jector; almost new; only used a short time. For further particulars lnquiro at room -ox vnuwu wma. SEWING MACHINES 50 slightly used ma chines, st very low prices; oingera, . u er A Wilson, New Home, White, Domes tic ancr others; making room for new Singer 66 and Singer Rotary. New ma chines sold on easy payment and old machines taken In exchange. Machine, rented by week or month. Export repair. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE, S.' S. Sigel. Proprietor. 833 Morrison St. Phone Main 2183, A 4599 MEN'S SPRING STJTT3. Would you like to save money on yonr Spring, suit? You can do so by taking the elevator ride to 8d floor. Oregonian bldg. Hand-tailored new Spring models that would cost you $30 at a high-rent store on the street, you can buy for $18. u, $20 to $22.60 values for $14.75. Jlmml. Dunn, room 815. Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP Wall shelving and counter and electrical fixtures in building occupied by Morgan dept. store; must be sold at once. Ap ply 83 Grand ave. MONDAY SPECIAL SALE. Second-hand drop-head sewing ma chines, a&i makes, complete attachments. Come early. They are fin. ones. Whit. Sewing Machine Office, cor. 11th and Washington sta Main 6102. LAUNCH FOR SALE. Magnificent 40-ft. launch, finished la mahogany, completely equipped; also boat house; cost (5000; for sale very cheap or exchange for hrst-class automobile. Phono Main 34S1 or A 2023. 4-ROOM house-boat, double construction, partly furnished. 4 rooms and toilet- A snap at $)0; can be seen 800 feet north of the SMIwood Ferry, on West Side, until 2 o'clock Sunday.. Owner Mala 8700. or 610 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Fine Axmlnster rugs, hall seat, chairs, gas range, etc. j835Thurmanst, FOR SALE-Seeond-hand medical book cheap. 145 Grand ave, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, WE BUY CLOTHING. EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes; we also buy ladies' cloth ing. Call up the Globe. Main 2080. 290 First, near Columbia. WANTED The following, second-hand. In good condition: One farm wagon, one set double harness, one stump-puller, one 10 by 14 wall tent. Address with loweBt cash. price. T. Rlchart. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Goose-neck wagon, about 3-ton, capacity; must be In good shape and reasonable price. D. Konig. Phone East 470, C 100S. WANTED To buy good second-hand shingle machinery; would consider a complete out lit; give full particulars and price in first letter. AN 815, Oregonian. NOTICE Am going to ship to Madras, Or., and want someon to take part of car. Address Kingbury, Hoosler Hotel, Front and Jefferson. . BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE wants household goods, furniture for easa or commission. East 1022. 868-8.70 a. Morrison st. That's all. WANTED Six old-fashioned cone-shaped straw bee hives. Old ones satisfactory If In -good condition. Address Cutter A iMalmgren. Spokane, Wash. MONEY LOST Enless you call the Ford Auction Co. and get their price on what you hav. to sell. Main 8951. A 2445. OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch 5c curls and puffs 750. Sanl-" fary Parlors. 400 pekum oiag. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin, Phon. East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. CHILDREN to care for; good home ; mother's car-, Mrs. Geo. Watson, 500 Sur man st. WANTED An Oriole go-baskot in good condition; must be reasonable; state price and adress AG 844, Oregonlan. WANTED Your tinting at 82 to 88 per room; also interior finish; satisfaction guaranteed- W. C. Loomls, Tabor 214. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, call up George Baker A Co., 16a Park su Both phonea WILL PAY 43c per lb. for mushrooms. Arm strong, 432 Chamber of Commerce, Mar shall 273; A 4317. . WANTED Heavy low-bed second-hand wagon. 316 Board of Trade. Phone Mala lo03. LIGHT transit with vertical circle, stadia wires and extension tripod. AB 842, Ore- gonian. WANTED Second-hand mortlser. foot power: must be In Hrst-class condition. M j4. uregonian. DIAMOND wanted from K to IK; must be bargain, x t"-t. WANTED Bid for painting two houses. t all 9Uo inamoer oi oiixiuch-o. WANTED Diamond, must be bargain for cash; state particulars. W 848, Oregonlan. WANTED A motorcrdo. Address Will- lams. 70 E. 9th st- WANTED Second-hand cash register; must be In good condition. Phone Main 45-6. WATCHMAKER'S work bench and foot wheel. P 840, Oregonlan. WANTED Home for S-year-old child; will pay for keeping. 805 Majestic Hotel. . WE BUY MOST ANYTHING AND PAr THE PRICE. PHONE MARSHALL 1003. TYPEWRITER desk wanted; must bo bar- galn. Phone Marshall 273. WANTED Logging donkey. 10-12, complete wlth rigging. AN 839. Oregonlan. WANTED Will trade for one good hors. and light wagon. Call 4i8 Board ofJCrada. WANTED To buy a lunch counter outfit. B 841, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Capable assistant stationary en gineer for sawmill near Portland, state experience and age, wages, $S0 a month; references. AE 831. Oregonlan. MAN or woman to take restaurant In hotel, board one for rent, sleeping-room In cluded; snap. Apply 864 North 26th, S car north to 26th, block aouth. . WANTED Couple handy and quick men that can do rough carpenter work. Kirk, second story, 6. E cor. 6th and Wash lngton. 1 , WANT live man to handle financial end and promote small proposition. F 853, uregoman. WANTED Solicitor, will pay high salary to right man. Spring Valley Wine Co., 2d and Yamhill. WANTED A model to pose nude for an artist- Call Monday, 193 Ford st-, or phone Main 0534. WANTED Competent trlmmerman, also ex perienced as tallyman. Apply West Oregon Lum ber Co.. Llnnton. Or. LEARN automobile driving and repairing; actual practical experience; day or even ings. 826 Washington at., room 415. WANTED First-class tailors to work on ladles' suits; good wages paid. S. Weiss. 147 10th st. WANTED Musicians for band; Summer season: traveling. State lowest salary first letter. O 850. Oregonlan. WANTED Two energetic hustlers, 825 to 830 per week assured; not real estate. Call 831 Lumber Exchange. SOLICITOR for commercial photographer; good business proposition. R 84X, Ore gonian. m , WANTED Young man to solicit insurance; salary and commission. AB 845, Orego- num. WANTED Experienced window shad hanger. Apply Paclflo Window Shade Co., 265 Sd St. , WANTED Two young men for the wrap ping department at Jones' Market, 151 ourth st. can this morning. RELIABLE man with energy to take half interest In email manufacturing concern; small Investment- M 849, Oregonian. PRINTER wanted at once for S weeks, per haps longer; $15 to start. Enterprise, Whit Salmon, Wash. CABINET maker wanted; must bo first class. No other need apply. 22 Grand ave. GOOD shoemaker wanted to do repairing and help in store. M. Christensen, 7S1 Mississippi ave. TAILOR wanted . at once. The Ramsay Cleaning Works. 553 Washington. BRIGHT boy for errands In wholesale gro cery. Apply Sandfly, 11 A. M. 134 Front. WANTED Coatmakers to work team work. Apply 263 Yamhill St., room 9. OPERATOR on custom pants. 83 6th, room 40L Welnstien. WANTED Cabinet-maker. Oregon Planing Mill Co.. 19th and Vaughn. HOTEL clerk with good references; glv. telephone number,. E 839, Oregonlan, : J J.