12 i 7 " j RE4.L EST TE I KF.ALESTTE. 1 I .ti T4TK. I MAI. ESTATE. I BEAI. ESTATE. ,,'. For Me I ... WAV 1 HL.L UlAlb I T T 1T - i- I : - I t- ci- r.n I JT Uf Oia.-o . I - - 1 ... - . I r Male arm. I r I . aMA -- W OK b.vlO !- .-. axaoaat GtftvuBMt I ad a I iaMUi4 ! rouikiy la id stat f o4ft d W aahiaftoa. atd dcrt- IM t Mm; ri bumMiM4. art. t.as-r. Moa, eoal aad mucrM taw. ir siAp f Qrcoa iora. limit. aarta K. R. ta prilo. cm aaowinc ail r I sas d H R aa-4. actr. ltaa taeisdiaf Laira and C at raj urcom 10 Mcfe. if ta tr . Mm f U aaix la ta ta r. Halt. 1 uaao uMf Cn. Fc a! fralt Utd. APPLE VAM.KT ii kd tka' r. rvnTy a f mil rmm I'ort.aad APT-I-'. yr. walnut a, cbcrrtra co b grow to Jtantasc. F.enrj of ninninr vatrr. fin tI of Cf mt: and WliEam" Hirers. AO HKTTKR Hh'aTION IN OI.F-OOV frt ruu'KKNA Y oa a row clover, s'falfa fn..r.i-i acot4 to none; tr-M ef it, p K-e arf wry tw t-oasMsrin I rmnvporta'tlon br nwr aad rail; al. -ll .n nr ' traria to sui-L. from 2 a-re to aers. a ii t $lo per irrt; caH rvmnl of ID pT ent. b&laoc ay tv-rms. ..so .m fln fruit land. l-r a--r. Tin out tn ad and call at NLW OFFICE tay t'mr after Marb 1. k M-FAltU.T RKU.TT CO.. Yean m!g- rortlaad. fOt are I-wktrc for a-ra-- Tho Oregon -n uhir::on Orchard Co. will u a i-a.-t ori to i a-r f r tti2 pT a-r. W witt piant tht In tho d-lrri frui. -ar for it and bring It to full maturitv. on pr per ar-re rii o-l tX.i- pr month. When uu r contract w ma fired w will rtv jruu I -WO pr acr c'tt for Mf bargain. If o think we cannot do tht. a" th Prtlad Truat 'o. or tho LUd a Tlliwn Hand a ta our r"npM"tT. Our Und Is In lh iodnoe Ititl. W lctd It bocaii w hliv It to b th hei Ira th Northmrit. Aftor w ob w gi you da to Inpport your purhir. If thn vou dn t nl It. w refund cry dollar tnToatcd on d ininj. all and it, or aend tr lttrture. Tie reon- U afitngin Orchard t "o.. third floor Kafwar bichanff bldg. Orfic 3m porttan-1. QrrinP. OWTVER NKKPSI MOXKT AM U'lf.L. t.VRIVh K pruTinx noon rivkk fropertt. .-3 i.-tm. alt A-l apple land. I.I are un.Ier ru!tatton. 10 acr In airirtli om mvii orchard 1 Itl ; old; good h oua. lary eprtn and rroek; 1 nit I t'-m depot on Kt Fid; rod buy at 111 "0; but If vou can do hue'neaa rhl wee. fiono will bar tt and S4mm caan will handl It Do not answer thla ad- ertteement onley TU ha th Ch and waat a bargala. AUdrcaa nr, A& Or'goaiaa. Ul'RCLWOOO ORCHARDS. Orcharding la a fariratlng and profit. ah o-cuptton: th maraeta of in m !( a re clamoring fr Or-con fru.t. A f' t prperly planted and cared fr in rcfura larg ipcom on th Inrrtt ment. ur !) la cMent. drainag pr fret and unu raoo. Rrrr. KT.rix"Rtjc nxMca. 41 Hoard t Tr I- fa b you dnn't n for wr. rn to loit at : nrr hot. N W t t he ttm t fri in .a rhe Metfn land !ntr enio wtil rata- Ita value Itf lime. W bav the cream of it RBII PMTtV. :i f.umoormen )dg ith andFtark. U f.lKNlAf.r: StM'K rRfIT LAND?. SI Gik r'K THKJC'KLVKi. hencw w do not ba ! tala thtv. ualnv thla 1 nlr i tntuc pmpe.tl bura to and aea fr thernselv. HMl RIVKK and WHITE SALMON Join ua. and our pri- ar t ry low. lg-arr ira-t. I ii to S l per r. on term. II v larcw listing of larg farma that art r t-mptm iJKo. p CAi-fcUT CU, lobby irom'rritl fltiO bldr. J"tN Oi R KX'"I KiiON TO rRTNA PA R K iK''MAN!HI !n tPN NT !! TIItKN Wll.I.AMKTTC: VALI.KT; i" cttmat. atltude. soil. dr)n, maraeta and shipping fact ii ilea, our or rhar tract fc ealr of them alt Our pries arv rhapt and trma ar aa. w tab car of yttr tract for fiv yar and fuartnte to glv you th bst la th star at th ptrtt. of that tirao. a for nartfcolar, 274 Hiark st. nIrs c r Tgfoc k: roH SAir. Trsea for cmmrcial tracts f urnlshsd. a'so a thorough. eaprince horticulturist f uraihd to ore planting f rT from ct of trees: w supplr your want with, all leading vartett for commercial or rrtarUs. rr t re guarantee! to be tru to aam and replaced In raw of faUur t sisrt a row In . ora ?t7 Abmgton bldg. I hone Min !:. H M. JTodd t o a TV Ol'tNI.NO. Ft OKNT AND fAUM FHI'IT I.AM A1X riJCARKD. KtCADT FOR PLANT IN -J. vry rho.-t of Wlllamatt Valler. f t ery ar term, la tract of 1 r-s; also m few large farm that mer't Investor loo am up. all or addre uKi. . S KDT 10.. tohbr ommen-al i lub bldg. FOR flAl.F- hep. 2 " acrrs of fruit lands located In th Little Whtt Hatmon fttvr Valler; 4 to & mile from 4iok. Wash., sold la 1A ar tract or more: oK on liberal term, f to Hon p-r ft. For Information rail on P. F. Fouta, ft 1 Lumber mens bldg. . . . IIOOD RIVFR B A RO 4 IN. For sal. 4 acre beet appi land. 4 mile out. wood na plac will nv for oearing; good soli; f;n view: ruut h soM. no rranabl offrr rfud- K Mi. reeonlan. FOR 8 4LE lO acre c holre nppl land. Klickitat County. Washington, on 'nrth Hank Uood; beautiful view of Ml. Hood and Adams, cabin and wril; trout fishing and bunting; 4Z minute to railroad; term. Tabor 47; ao agvot. FOR TWA PARK ORniAnn I.V PtNVT holTKL'RV Wl LI. A Mtf TE V I. LEV. ptartt! to auit buver. our price ar r'cHi and t-rm raay; rrulr excursion W :-:tNF.ttAT and Tri:DA'S. For parneulaia call ZTd ytark strrt. 1HD RIVVR MTLR liAND. Ao ocrra. of wbU h AO acr I practlcalTy lei and and lnpnsiv to clr; fwH aoii, ao roc s 2 mile from 11. H. Tr taba at one w til au at f l-S pr acr. 7t Lwt bWa IN" b L'T1IKRN ORK;X. Part dirtng to ret ire will soil half lnrert la m arret, aa aorws fuii-boaring ket com merctal orchard. In f ino rondl t:nn; part ner congenial; will ell or t ra1 e. For full particular e Zimnirrroaa, alO Hoard of Trad li-Ug. ACKRAUR. Tf ya waal a tu-acr arrhard. v win eii you an pLntd to appi Xor fldwu; U gi yo ry sa-rr trm. W6oD sV rACHRR.-T. Kali way i: a c hangs. MOCXT HOOD DITRTCT. 44 arrea. a. mtt of aw Mount Hood Kioctrto. pxlcw $o per aero; ao H acre 1 mil f m Mount flood Llctrlc. 4 p-r a -r. F fit, oregonian. " f HFHAir.M MAI NTAIN OROHARtfl. it Or- h.i rd lropjit to In Urtfaa ageing A H"evins; 0l fuM Information 4tA t'orbett bldg. THE CHUbLST CUM PANT. e ART: of th flnast frvtlt land la th Wi'araett Vaiisy. all cultivated and rea-tr for planting. A. blva. 61T Board of Trade. Portland. Or. o A'UKM Llttlo Whit Salmon . 4 acr brrln orclard: ran be had at bargain, f r. r us. il Lumbermen bMar jr-lF u want to purchas rarwh or t.u't mn4 w'!hmi cash, write me J av44. Oregon) an. I Pal ORCHARD AND FARM.4, In famoua L" ra Pi u k Valley. Doug'as I'ountT Writ or ca.l Orrroa Farma I'o.. 4 14 and 4l7Jto'hchtllt bldg. FOR ALF BT OWNKR. 1t vTs flri- .as vt ow gr s1 sprue tmr on i Hwrv at ion. clos to rntr and tid water: will dal with bura only. Addr Boa -"I ollti.Or. l"rxroLN""rt"TVTT fr mild rtlmat. purw mmtmr orchard aad dair farma. partly lmproVt farma. at raoaablo prlc. U. taD . F.Ik Cltjrw aV 4&Law w arrra best ca'tlvated valley !' tPPl orchard of A-y-ar-otd and 3 fvi'.l-4earlrg tro; houo and bara. Ad dra box 4t. tTathianwu Wash. aTwxKR S KALE Tao very drslrai.1 farm, aneiv cati. ahundan.- wood and water, "onenint 10 achol and railroad, at a ,rT.t.v pr-a HootwKk. yiadg-tt. Or. rTaKel-roVNTT farms sad acisaga. Ci.AKa yMiW.. m lJi'k.TO.S. RldKf''d. Wash. k.-nva Bier eo1 snlai. sa;l ciii p.,m-nl. kl. Uiml O. IlUdlkut. 1 iqutn. Or. rXKMf "w-hr4 lr-t. (! MKrlmL I vu CO, 41! Batlwhlld bide CLARK COC.NTT. WASHINGTON. TATtU. 1m acre, in Lowta RJvr Vlly. J acre perfectly c I oared. 4U acre timtM-r. bawncw of land pastor. ftO a. re of which is vry siiy cird; of thia farm is rlvr bottom land: ftna a a ter supply ; f a I r bouso. a b rna ana oti.r outhuHdlncs: land undor fen. . Also heed of cltl. good hvy team. hoc, pouitrv. hay and potato. lr vomI euiimnt of TVVltZ mem. i.vrste1 1 ks mite f mm W oodiand and art mil from Portland. Boat ln on the plac. f'ric SoJ. per acra; good, urai oa balanc. $9 PKR ACHE. A splendid lnvatmnt la offrd In " a-re of logg4-ofr-land, wall looated and goo.1 soli, only 3 mls Irem good towa bavin 4 railroods; nonr clr now on tn land to pay for aaut. I'ru e Pr act; favorabi torma. $13 PER ACRE. Heat InvMimsnt yal: 11 acr. all I. soil anl nearly all tillable; mora man 1m trn of rich bottom land. Lo cated on railroad and within -mil of S railway stations. ITIc $11 irsr act; faorabi term. GRAIN AND fTOCK FARM. 4d acres in Wlllamtt Valley. 90 mil south of Portland ; aju acr In tlllab land, most of which I In growing crop, balance fin gras land -irpt 40 acrw. whii-h Is In limber; abundanc of wator. wed. fenced and crosa-fwicol; sood or chard: mall delivery and telephone; on mil to school. 5S mil to railroad point, hiirh school, store, etc; good T-riwm house. J good hama and othor outbuthl Incs. very coinpeta water stm. I'rf $ u per acr: "00 cash: trm on bal anc at w pr cent. NEAR PORTLAND. an acr. all In rultlvatlon. anrr 8 mil from th city: boat of soil and rhnlc 1c rstton; good d room house, fine bam and ot her necessary outbulldlnics; fin or chard of assorted fruit a and plonty of small fruit: nr. block to achool. -mll to small town; jr'wd rd. mall delivery and talephon. Included with the plac Is th aroalng crop: beside quantity of hy and ots. potato. tc.. yet on hand from last year'a crop; 3 horse. 2 sot of harness. 2 cows. J hogs, 50 chhkons, 2 wsaons. 1 ha-k. hinder, mow er. hoaiter. tt'. 'J cultivator. Mrniw, plow, and nu merous other art !. Price g I. '1.001; $mhj cash: tlma oa balance at por cau 1M-NTPR REAI.TT CO.. 2"J3-5 Hoard of Tmd. Telephone; Marshall 1777, A S30T. DO TOIT WANT UND that yon can IRRIGATE. durln. th. dry Summer. Bo tmi ran flou M. or trbt rour If vt. v( ln n lh. ground floor of ear Wltlam.ft Va't.r ImialiiJ land In Marion Co.. 8. of s.l.m. rim com. frat Hn .4. Apply at farm lant flrarlmrr.t of HARTViN THOMPWIX, l'.nkera, Cbambar of ommre Hlig Jortlan4. or at our Branch Office on th. ground at TVEJT FT A T TOM OR. Tali. 4. IS P. M.. 8. P. train at fnlon I)pot tor at P. M. from B Mornaon L) to Wen lay ton la Woodbura. OREGOW FARM AND fT.UIT LANDS. ta th. Doarhnt. Valtrr. Cmtral Orr.on. ar. momm of th. moot f.rtt'. land. In lh. tat. Many thouaanol cri of th. land. ar. now vndtr irriaatlon and producing tarv. crra. othnr thousand, of acr. ar. rapid Jr htng vul ondtr Irrigation. Tour -CAP. FY ACT" IUUHT on tltla. you to Ino ITM of thla tao4 frt. If yoa I1U lthln Ihm y-ara, Improv. p rt of It, llv. on It IhrM innntha. aad pair tin ? Inatatl m.Bl. I your ahar. of th. ce.t of th. Irriaatlon sratrra. t'.ntrai orrgon Ir nrailoa Co.. 4 IS Rallvaj Ea. illdc Portland. Ur.gon. Ol'ARANTEED A ADVEr.TlEll Z acrta. 4 a.'r. unrir ptow. dr of mota 14 acr. hay land, with HO oorda of ood In larg. troa. 4. roung aopl. tra. ono acr. .trabrr1.a. Il. wal.r; land .Jops to aouth. mlla from town: 2 larg. mar. 4 and t yara old. t wfh foal. on. two-yaar.old on It. w.tgha 1164 pound.: 1 plowa. 1 1 wagon aad himtu. All for 1I4. S4 arr.a. 4 acr. nnd.r plow. fmlt tr. s. aoarlng. arr. In atrawoarrlea. ra.ph.rrlo. .tc. : 100 rorda wood on plac. aprlng and rr k: good 7-room houw, mail barn: g.iod tcliooi adjoining plac: two mil, from town on couocy road. Prlc. onlv t2". 1100. caan. ' 4. irr. 1& arroa urid.r cultivation. 144 frutt tr.w. 4 acr. timber. 14 a err. aiaahod and ell : ?-room houao. larg. bam. all kinda outbolldlnaa: god wall. S good rrlnga: od achl; R. F. I Prlc. ::. SIo raah. balanr. . May torma. or will m hang, for I'ortland or Vanoouv.r prop .riy. TATI.OR 1MC3. Kalama Waah. SAT: TALK ABOfT TOfR pnaps: I.Oi.K AT THIS ONt 4n Arrr. no arroa all n.wly grubbed and In rultlia'loa : good S-room hour, barn, rhlrkon and .lorohoua-a: all fen-d. rrok on plac: land U-a prf rt : at f.rry land ing on WIKam.tte. 2 mllra to Nomborg. N. H. P. R. K.. Una roada. ' alMtrlc Una ota to N.wberg: alo w. can prova to ou that thia la tha rhaapest buy antira country; art.r our option oxplrea. 9iHt p r acr. rairt buy It: our prtc, 4127 If you ar. In th. market for land, bed to our appeal and lok thla op. K. A. KIKK a ra. 3I Lwls Rldg.. Cor. 4th and Stark PI. lO0 A"E!t Rir"H ItOII, IN VMPUl'A VAI.I.ET. Irliwi ai-r Improved farm Joining a blKh-claaa romraerrlal orchard, nearly all tlllabi.: about I0U0 arrea rlearenl: .-.r.t. lent graaa. farm or trull land: 10 acre, orchard: at proaent need for atnek ranch by ownora. who Mr. abroad: ran b. aub divided and Mally aold at lino an acr. for fruit land, or It would mak. a f Ira -rlaaa farm for tnliod farming, dairy and Block: ft mllea from railroad town In I'mpqua Valley; a great anap at S2S an a-ra H cats, balanc. May lrma at par rent. a A RA'-Kt'S. Kit Hoard of Trad. Bldg. 4v A"RES good bottom land. boo, and other .uthulMlnga, 14" 0 corda of wood In otardlng timber, located on good county rad. 1 mllea Kagle Croek atatlnn on ele-tri- line; siouo down, balanc at a) per cot Interest. Thia la a, fln. propo. altion: com t. Portland. 100 ACHK. half mlla of town In Marlon fa. only 403 ara aero; easy t.rma aad per cent Int.roat. THE LAWRENC1 CO.. Bucceaaora to lunn.Lawrano Co . Stl Alder Wt. SO PER CENT KAVEP. PTRCHASE TOIH LAND TRtM OWNER lne llicro tract. S acrea cleared, volt will grow anything you nlant: on -untr gravel road, one ml), from Junction of t.o R. R. : erhnol, churche. and work for all: other 3 and 40-acre tract., aame lo cation. Sara commission and purcna. mora la ad. TERM. TO SflT. Pnr 7 2. Sea p pooae. Or. A TINE BUT. nT acrea right at tha function of th. outbern Tarinc and the forvallia at East er. l:atlroada. and adtotna a good town; L? acrra apple, prune and eherrie. bal ance all In mltlratlon : running stream, good well, good dwelling and barn: a bargain at HKi per acre. tMV:.V-llB TIII'PT CO. PI 5th yt- Lumbermen" Bldg. 2.CW t your chnc 2lon for th best 40 acre In Lincoln County; tl creek not -to-n Und ce-t abut ir. acre. acrea all cleared and ready for cultivation: ly. In along the conni . road. 2 mile from Tolealo. half mile from ho.l. 7 mile rrom ocean on a good road, f loon down and bal anc. to anlt btirer CHRISTOfHER CROSNO. Tolwle Or. ,sap IK TAKES at once t acrea. fins black soil, with new bulldlnc. 3 S mile from orecon city: 1 a-year-old mac with harness and bulge. 3 fresh cows. 4 hog. -)0 chicken and some farm tools, all for f'.'STS: easy term; bae. other business In. I.rest e. owner himself anJ sav. agenta commission Call Buuday atNrlft IZtti au. Oregon Clty l3.A"TtE bar and truck farm, rich allwrial oil. inn acre best alfalfa or timothy Und. all cleared. JO ace In timothy; S-room house, larg. barn; main county road 2 mtlea town: tioOu. ease term. R. E. War. l. k. caerad Ivk. Or. 8TOCK rRM. JTS sere In Lincoln Co.. Oregon: all atock nd farming Implementa Included; IS mllea to railroad: deep rich aoil; a bargain at .V. .la(MKMA.V. 4.0 Board f Trad. Bide. ttlE 5U-DAT OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAXD, 3rABCIT BARGAIN LIST OF FARMS. 80 ACREK. Must 1I o.acr. tract for SoOOO; SO a. res bottom land, clear: balanca lim ber: 4 boat, dally; a fine plac and a flrst-t-lasa home or Invesiincnt; le"0 can will awing deaL an acres. v clear. S acre oliriiARP. 15 acre of geuuln. beaver dam. good buildings, aprlng and we:l: all goe for "". l.HN casn will selng this nd blanc S year at per csnl. Just think It over. 2-J ACRES. Can be made Intu m- KcelIent farm, only Id mile fr.im 1-ortiand: we will sell J thla for $ par acr. rash; acre cleared and balanc easy. Just think how cheap tills la being sold. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. HALL a ATCHISON. 213 Gerllngir Vldg.. 21 and Alder. LISTEN. HEAD. I4000 rash haniMea Ihls: 1T acre fln bottom land, level, aandy loam aoll. at acrea cleared and Just starting to plant; raited .'iJ wort :i of wheat and oata .at year iimH: 26 acre Joining baa old rotten slumps, can b. put In this year, balanca easily cleared: nu waste land; fine trout stream that can bo used for Irrigation: 2 S acrea planted to spud Feb. ; thl l fine peach, potato and alfalfa land; good house, big barn, now windmill. wter piped to barn, amalt orchard, graniry. g-ntle milch cons. 3 calves, registered driving mar and colt. DrLaval separator, buggy, wagon and all farm Implements; rhirkene. etc.; t0 rer acre. IISimi can stand tf yeara; will take trade for S3.t': 6o mllea from Portland on main line H. IV. 14 miles from Salem: can see every passenger on trains from tha house; 'i ml!e from Marlon; good tore. P. O. and big achool. Take train from i'ortland fur Marlon. " 30 A. M. tlraham (owner), Marlon, Or. rhone I.4 farmara. CLARK COCNTV FARMS. S I TOO in acrea. 3 acre und.r plow, all oasily cleared and level : no waste; fair house and barn: near good town. SoK acre, all swale unimproved land, mil make good truck farm. 4.104) in acres. 23 under plow. 1 1 alashed and seeded: no waste, all fenced, good orchard, big barn, fair house, farm Implements and stock go with tha place. $4."p.mai 151 acre. 12 acre under plow, fine house, good barn. 40 acre fence.!, all bottom land easily cleared, rich garden Und. 4J000 80 acrea unimproved. A cheap place. And manv othnr good farm. ruKTLA N r AIISTRAi 'T TRUST CO. noS Lumbermen Bldg. CLARK ror.MT, WASH.. FRI"IT. DAIRY AND CHICKEN RANCHES. Fix acr all cleared and In crop, on th. electric carllne: Ilea fine. Just the place trr m hon.A' rm.li.l nH.'. fnr . f . dava only fl20; term can be had iH desired. Ten acrea. on. mil. of city limit, all cleared and In crops. S u acre In fruit; fine new house, plastered, good aell and aarer tank, windmill, barn. :o rod of high chooi: a snap at $4000; terma can be had on part. - W hv. a big list of farma for aal and exchange: write ua your wants and w. will All them for vou. I. S. CAMERON REALTT CO.. 410 Washington t.. Vancouver. Wash. .120 ArREiT iTTr ROVED ALFALFA. WIISAT AND FRl'IT FARM. .To aero, a.", acre under ditch. 3.1 acreg In alfalfa, 2M acrea wheat land In cul tivation: fenced, good orchard. 7-room house, barn. 1 chicken-house. 5 horses. 7 rows. 2 heifers. S yearling, fln chick en, wagon, buggy, hack, work harness, buggy harness, plow. Iron harrow, nprlng tooth cultivator. 2 garden cultlvatora. mower. rake. tacklng outfit and no, merou tools. Prlc. 411. ntx); ft.KHMr cash. Owner alck. must sacrifice. Thl la a great bargain. A PACKIS, 61Board of Trade Bldg. A rl K A t'TIFI" LI. Y-LOCATED B-acre tract, with amall new house and barn and soma bearing fruit t ree. for sale. Thla place Is an Ideal poultry ranch, aa It haa a large creek back of It and U located near a mall town, where there ar several afore, nine month achool and church. Thl place ran b. had tf bought at once for $loo and would be the delight of sportsmen, a tha creek I full of fish at all time of the year. It I right at tha foothills, where all kind of game are plentiful. F AI2. Oregonlana. lJftS acrea adjoining tha town of Tacolt. 7 mllea from Vancouver, on N. P. R. R. ; ". acre under cultivation; all th very best soil, some heaverdam. lota of cord wood on balance, good orchard, well and fine Improvement: all fenced and cross fenced. Thl I one of the beat and cheapest farm In Clark Countv. A dandy to rut tn 1o and U-acre tracts. Prlc. t.1.ur). Froeh A Forbes, Vancouver. Wash., or Portland Land Co.. Commercial hi'!.. Portland. Or. FINE DAIRY FARM. N'EAR PORTLAND: about 280 acre: well atnrked: RO acre, alfalfa land. 30 head cows. 12 head young stock. 4 home, a'l Implemen. and utenvlla for running Prat-class place tnctud'-d In prlc of $li)o PT arc: (10.O.VO ctsh. balance S to 10 yra at per cent; setter Invctlgat. thla oon. ZIMMERMAN'. 310 Ponrtl of Trade Bldg. FOR PALE Sin acre, no In cultivation. 9 horse. 3 barna. orchard, good stock ranch when cleared. 14.000.u00 feet of old-rrowtb fir. running water; bargain at $23 per acre ; county road run through th ranch, telephone ami mall route. mile from railroad: pnrtlrulara and list of other bar galna write Henry Ambler, Philomath, Or, Tlenton coocitv. BT OWNER One of the best farm In Wil lamette Vallev. 8 mile from county ear. In Polk County. 31! miles to town and ral'road. ru-a! mnll, telephone, etc.: farm haa 0O acrea of A-l Und. very little waste, flret. class ImproveTjient. hot an.l mid wter In house; n fct, one of nicest home In th Valley; good school Joining farm; wllf sell on easy terms and will divide If neeee-iry. K 13. Oregontan. 193-A CRTS farm. FaTl grain sown.. Spring plowing done; 2 orrharde, 8 living springs, creek. 9-room house, big barn, plenty wood. 16 tona hay. 3 horaea, 23 cow. 8 "hog. 2 et harness, wagon, buckboard. buggv. mower, reaper, plow, all fvol. achool on place. 2 4 miles from railroad and county scat. Price $12,000. $tooo cash. . terma on balance. P. o. Box 82. stevensun. Wash. CHEAP FAI.M. Thl f:rm la one of the best n Wil lamette Valley, nor f;te from Portland: 120 acrea. all tn crvp: f-ood bulldtnga. plenty wtr: must o em to be appreciated. Let ua ahow you: 8I0O per acre, easy terms. Owner. 320 ivallway Exchange bid. , 40 ACRES 3 mile from Beverton. 22 acre In cultivation, balanc paatuc and timber, all good land; good house and barn. 2 acrea bearing orchard. team. wagona. farming Imptementa. 2 cow. P nogs, chickens and crop go with farm. 81S0 per im. II. llatfleld. 105 4 4th at., rm. 3a. THRTC hundred aixtv-ona acre on navU gahl. water. Taqulna Bay, on. hnnded thirty acre tldeland. one hindred fifty benchland. aome timber, orchard, achool and railroad station one-half nlle; a aplendld stock ranch. Prlc. $11,300, terms. Address L. c. Smith, Newport. Or. iFlfT Tacrine my 80-ecre farm:" 20 acre cleared. 7 acre alaehed; S-room houae. Urge barn and other outbulldlnra: Ann trout stream through plac; one mile from R. R. tstlon. near county sent and post office: timber will almost pay for place. Call and a, owner at 847 College t. 140 ACREsThalf plow land: 22 acre cleared. 7 acrea In applea. balanc timbered: S.ooo. Ooo feet; good hulldlngs; prlc $iHwl; $4iimo down; 3 mllea from Portland; two mile from Mount Hood Electric. M. rtenx. East Oliaan and both eta. Tabor .nsT. 100 ACRES. CLOSE TO PORTLAND ', M"-E PROM RAILROAD AND TOWN; FINE TIMBER; lo PER ACrtE: TIMHEK WILL MOIlh. THAN PAY FUR LAND. PACIFIC X W. DEVETX-PMENT CO.. 40". COCCll HI.DO. bO ACRES In crop, t.cir tood town, not fnr from Portland: ftoino orchard: fine hous. and barn: water piped to both: R. F. D. ; near milk factory', banka. stor--, fln vhool: price $12t per sere, cssy terms. WOOD H1IACH REST. 320 Rallwry Kxciiange Bldg. 1SS ACRES In Columbia "County, -" cleared, uo acres easllv cleared. 12 milej from C'atekant. good dairy or stock ranch: .criool on Plac. near store; dally mall, cream ro'jte. old house and barn, aotne new fence- $.!" per acre. H cash. Caner. AM r.44. Qregonian. 30 ARES of first -class land, slashed and burned: fine trout eiream and good big spring on property; 2 miles to Columbia R'.vrr. V blocki to new electric railway to he In operation July of thl vear; prlc. litno; terms. j"0 down. Address A. A. ' Loeb. CorbJtt. Or. HOME GOOD BARGAINS IN FARMS. W. hav. a Valley farm from S- acre, to 4tmo acrea. ranging In price from $23 -r acre up: If yti are In th. market for farm coma and aea u. .IcKentile Realty Co.. "rQ8 Ahlngtoa bldg. FOR SALE. 1.rr. farm, between Palem and Al bany, near the aurvey of the O. E. ; best 1 of soil, good Improvements, fine fruit, hop or oirv tann. rvt ..,. u., -. rojij stark st. Phones A 21.il. M. 2131. FO' tS XiE acres In Southern Oregon. -all In rultlvatlon. IS mllea from railroad: tillable for gardening and chickens' hous. and bara; cheap; ay t.rma B M. Orte cool I chwu WORTH LOOKING UP. 150-acre farm In Cowllta Couuty. Wah Ington. ls mile from Stella and Colum bia later dally boat landing, t-r mile to achool; phone and dally K. P. D. 25 acrea In cultivation, balanc. pasture and tltnocr. tine loam soil, good 'spring: family or chard, good U-room houae, 2 Urge Darn and outbuildings; team horaea, back, wa gon, barneaa. threshing machine, gaa en gine, drill, mower, rake, plowa ana other machinery; -0 bead of cowa and young atock. Thia la a well equipped farm ana Is very cheep at price. $SO per acre, terms. loo-arre farm. Willamette Valley, fair bulldtnga. 40 acrea good timber. om cleared, good county road. 2 mile to town and It. It.; snap at $12 per acre. 70 acrea, Clark County, a mile from Vancouver. 2 mile to K. R. atatlon. 1 ' tulle, achool and church; 10 acre, produc ing commercial orchard of pear and ap pro: 12 acr more In cultivation. 20 acres eiaahed, 4 acrea beaverdam; fair house, good barn and outbuilding; pring. well ud running water; a monevy-maker. $tioO. half caah. 1 have a large list of other. JOS. C. UlBoON. 303 Cierltnger Blug. Portland. Or. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. 19-gcre farm, all rich bottom land and v levol. located ZH mllea from Stafford, on the bal m Electric Ry. and only 1J mllea from Portland; Hsu acrea under cultl v.nlon. S acre. In fruit trees and amall fruita of all kind. 2S acres In fine tim ber, nice 4-room house, good barn and outbuilding, all fenced and croaa-fenced ; cioee to achool and cliurciies; 1 team of good horses, I farm wagon, 1 market wag on, hamcssea. farmlug implementa, 3 cowa. good mllkera. ISO bene and 70 young chickens. 2 Incubatora. 2 large brooders, plenty feed for atock and a nna supply of s-cd potatoes, also all household goods; price $7uoO. $2500 caah. bal. term, lor particular regarding tlii place and a great many other bargain in farm nd acreage, call on C F. Ptluaer & Co., suite 8 Mulkcy bldg.. 2d and Morrison. Estab lished IsSO. " FOR SALE Must and will be sold within the next 10 days. One of the greatest bargain in the whole western country. 2.13-arr. ranch In Willamette Valley, Or.-, 2mi acre In crope. One-third of the crop; goes to purchaser: a acrea In timber. acrea In orchard, balance In pasture: two bouse, on. new and one old: fair barn; nice, living stream of water; this la a fine laying ranch of the beat of aoll; and la well located: can be bought at once for $;j per acre: one-third down, balance 2 to ft ycara; aa to auit. So. If you ar. looking for something good at a bargain, call or writ, at once. C. L. 6antee. Che halls. Wash. 144 ACItES. best of soli, all clear. H mile from s. P. R. R. town, 1 miles from Sa lem Electric, 4-room houae. painted. Tn good repair, one now barn 86x18, painted. another barn 66x13:. granary, machine shed, two chicken-house, windmill. 1$ acres In clover. 7i acre In oat, wheat and cheat, other land being now farmed, 1 pair of blooded Percheron. mares, both with foal. oO registered heep. 2 cowa, 10 ho, binder, inoaer. rake. ploa. wagona and all farm tool; thl can be cut If purchaser so desires. Including stock only $135 per acre; will give terms. Western I.and Co., 24s i Stark t- 40 ACRES. 12 cultivated, orchard, fir and cedar "timber, running water, eaat of city. $:ioOO; recommended aa bargain. . 40 acrea. Carlaburg, good Innd. 41OO0. bit acrea, 20 cultivated, large orchard, butldlnga. running water, ome timber, near mountain. 16iu: worth $4000. b0 acre, partly cleared, near Vancouver, 2uoO; trade or term. W. have large llt of amall farma artJ acreage near city. Main 1040. RATMORB REALTY COMPANY. 4::0 Worcester Bldg. BEAUTIFUL FARM. 270 acre of ftne redshot eoll In Tamhlil Countv, 117 mile from Portland: lt acre In cultivation, watered by springs, la acrea good timber, old building. Till I th very best fruit, walnut or garden land and will subdivide at big profit. Th price Is only $53 per acre, hair cash: property la only 1 mllea from It. R. now under construction and survey of Orepron Electric cros-e property. THUS. M'Ct'SKER, 329 Lumbermen Dldrr I-HAVE the best platting proposition In farming and fruit land to be found. BOO to 10O0 acre. 47 mile outh of Portland. 1 u mile from R. R. and survey of Ore gon Electric ton through property. Fine stream will develop 2'M-horepower: can plat and put electric light and water on each tract and plant to tree and sell for $.Vi0 per acre; price I only $t0 per acre, and will sell or Join In developing. There Is $100,000 profit In thla. THOU. M'CUSKER. 328 Lumbermen bldg. 50 ACRES, best otl ili'th. Stat of Oregon and all In cultivation, located within lo minutes' walk of uitlon on the Salem Llectrlc line; I! e rc-i"J-nce, barn and other bullJInga a. tr.ctly fltst-claaa: the place U etocked and thoroughly equipped In every way: P. I a Loltive bargain at IlO.nOO. It Is the oat place for the money on tn etitlr3 line. Come In and lt me prove It. J. E. bm'tb. 613 Chamber of Commerce. A BIO SNAP. 16 MILES TO PORTLAND. A fin. So-acr farm, moat all planted, good house, barn, chicken houses, 3 mile from Canby. 2 mile from Aurora and Wllsonvllle, 1 mile from the Willamette River and mile to electric atatlon; ttfJOO; term. v.. ire l v. .. 482 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE 100 acre 19 mile 8. V. . of Boaeburg. 12 mile from R. R. tntlon (Dlllardl. on Rood road. 2 mile to atore, P O. and achool: 12 acrea cleared, aome good timber on balance: running aprlng wtrr running through yard at all tlmea; fair houae and barn, good fmlt and poul try land: beat climate In Oregon. Caah price only $1230. A. L Hampton, 87 W.JkldnreaU.nt-nand;Or. NICE country home. 4i-mlle from Hllleboro. J train dally each direction; good T room house, 6 acre of fertile, level land, all In cultivation, on corner of two main county roada: fine old oak tree around house: variety of bearing fruit treea. ber ries, grapes, bearing walnut treea; J-'Soo, $,viO caah. balanc. $10 per month; 10 per cent for all caah. So. owner, 415 Cor nell DUliaing. 1K0 acre fine shot soil, all In cultiva tion, watered by springs, old building, only 88 mile from Portland In "Jamhlll Countv. 6 mile from S. P. Co.. 1', mile from R. R- under construction and ur vev of Oregon Electric run through prop erty Thl will ubdlvlde and ell for $1.'0 readllv; price Is $!0 per acre, half cash. THOS'. M'CUSKER. 320 Lumbermen bldg. " UMPQUA VALLEY. 7300 acrea about 4 V, miles, bordering on Umpqua River; l.VK) acre alfalfa land. 30 million feet timber, fine fruit land: beet of oll: coyote-proof fence: price $13 per acre: blueprint and deacrlptlon at of fice: liberal term given. Z I M M E H M A N. 810 Board of Trade bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. Now I the time to buy and cut up Into mall tracla that beautiful t'.o0-arre farm we have to offer In Yamhill County, 37 mllea from Portland, on the 8. P. R. K. and Jefferson-at. line. For particulars ae. ItO WE-THATCHER CO- 834 Cn. OX commerce. WE WILL PAY YOtm EXPENSES If you csre to Investigate a fln. dairy farm of 1J$ acres of tlie flnet oll In the Willamette Valley, all eeded. fln. new buildings, only $5 mile from Port land on s. P. Ry. BLOCII REALTY CO., . j 1 - Lumbermen mag. THE bet 835-acre farm In Willamette Val ley suitable for orchard aubdlvialon or diversified farming. $12& per acre, includ ing crop. Implement and tock; excel lent Improvement. Phone owner. Wood lawn 2 or take "Kenton car to 75 Rua- ett st SO LEVEL acrea. 20 cleared. 20 slashed; aprlng creek, well. S-room house, hop house barn nd other neceary build ings, all In good condition: near two town. rurl delivery, telephone. 14 mile to erhool; price $r.l00. terms. Address own er R. K. Dalrvmple. Wlnlock. Wah. . -,:.nn iTei P r-.TOU li.e.. u i. . . . ........ . IS acrea rich land In cultivation, ha S-room house, barn, chicken-houje. etc.. young orchard, also cow. hore chicken, tools etc clo-e to electric carllne; JJ-'OO U-'i-rt-'girtD CO.. :4V Stark St. FARMS WELL IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED In th Willamette Valley ON" EASY TKRMS. Small and large tracta. Before buying can on 1 ' ". ACRES. 100 In cnltlvatlon. CO bottom land." S3 in hops, all tillable when cleared 4 acre In bearing fruit, fair houae. rtood barn, new hophouse. not far from railway or Portland; $45 per acr. easy term. W S4 . oregoni.ui A TRACT of 100 acrea or more, adapted to rowing of walnuta or apples, wanted Im niediatelv Give exact location (Yamhill Countv preferred), terma. nuinoer ut acres cleared etc. P. O- oo"- '1'- GO down and ell thl land to yourself nd h. prlc. I $.V" per acre: 40 acrea In all 10 to 12 cleared. 3 In atiimp. balance In 'oak and fir. Owner. O 8.10. Oregonlan. CHICKEN ranch. South Portland. 2 acrea, )M.e. sell Improvements. house, barn, row. 30 chicken; $430. terma Edward. 221 Vj MorTllto TiOO $3 ACRES, dairy ranch, elose to good town, 74 acres In cultivation. S-room new houae. barn, pair horae. wagon and . ' . 1 1 ... ro..a nt t.' n a rncs; i-rn. -.--' " SMALL farm. SnOO no. term. ome ex -'change. end' description. O. Mlddlekauft, Vao'llna. or. . . FINK Oregon farm: will trade for Portland property and assume. AN Oregonlan. Troll Cheap tanos, errninj tiacie anu '-- 1 alty of all kind, call at 01 Couch bldg. 12. 1911. ARB TOU LOOKING FOR A HOME! . These place ire on electric lines and clo. to Portland. 8 aero. 4 mile, from courthouse or cen ter of Portland: all cleared. 2V acre of orchard, bearing: well, houae and barn. Price $:i500; terma ft acre, under cultivation, orchard, fine oil. 8-room modern house. Price $4oOO; terma 04 acre, with trem through land: good aoll. 7 acres under cultivation, all level. Price $4000: terma R acres. t acre under cultivation: trout stream border piece: email house, family orchard. Price $3000; easy terms. 18 acre. ' nearly all under cultivation; good orchard, small house and barn. Prlc. $56O0. ft acres, all under cultivation: 3-roora house, barn, full bearing orchard, all klnda of berries: fenced, well: two block from electric line and 8 miles from Port land. 18 acre, all under cultivation: house, - barn and other buildings; IHjOO; terms. 2 acre, all under cultivation, all level, fine oll; $3000; half cash. . Have fine improved, level, rich garden land: will sell in 8, 10. 1ft or 20-acre tract on easy terms. Ask about "Thompson Garden Tracts. 400 acrea fine stock ranch: never-falling stream: 20 mile from Portland. Price $20 per acre. fin-acre full bearing merchantable or chard, with over S40O0 of ImprovemenT: revenue one year ."VOoo. Price only $12,730; $I7S0 cash, balance 6 per cent. 100 acre. S3 under cultivation: good buildings: fine spring and trout stream; all atock. machinery, crops, etc., etc.; so acres fine creek bottom, which does not overflow. Price only $8300; $3300 cash balance terma 79 acrea 80 under cultivation: 2.100 cord of wood: building worth $2000: fine lot of personal property: elegant home. In fine neighborhood, and a good buy at $6000; $3500 cash, balance to auit. - THOMPSON SWAN, 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or., bet. 4th and 3th. on Washington St.. and 6th and Main sta, Vancouver, Was). ONE OF THE NICEST HOMES NEAR PORTLAND. In acre, all In a high state of culti vation. 2 acre fine orchard, all kinds of small fruit, .neat 7-room house, good, large barn, and all kind of outbuildings, all In first-class condition, compressed air water system, bath In house, on main hard-surface road. 4 mile from city of Portland: personal property consisting of horse, wagon, surrey. In fact all imple ment for farm purposes, cow. chicken, and everything goec with place; prlc. $7&00 terms. HARGROVE & SONS. 12! 4th St. North. Main 4381. phone A "2".. THIS PLACB IS DIRT CHEAP. BUT. BY GOSH. IT IS A CRACKER-JACK OF A BUY AND FINE SOIL; $73 ner acre; 40 acre. 24 mllea eaat from Eagle Creek; about IS acres in cultivation: fine stream, all fenced: best of soil: good road to place. Can you beat It? Now you fellow that want a good-size farm at a good cheap price, look this over, study It and then come In for de tails. What we aay here Is SO. 407 acrea 410 In cultivation. 1 H mllea to Ballston. 1 -i mile to Broadmead, on S. P. R. R. : the aoll I the very richest, blackest, loamy soil to be found any where:' all woven wire fenced, all neces sary building on place: thl farm well known: about 00 mile south of Portland. Now then: The price is only $7.1 per acre. The cheapeat buy In the country: 14 cah. bal. ft to year: will accept up to $13,000 to Portland property. R. A. KIRK CO., 816 Lewis Bldg. EXTRA GOOD EXTRA GOOD. SEE THESE BARGAINS AT ONCE. 150 acrea of No. 1 soil, part hill and pa-t bottom land; some good timber, nice creek, best of fruit and farm Und; good house, large frame barn: adjoin a llv railroad town of about 400 people: thl I an extra good buy and a money-maker: fine location near Portland; price only l.-.O per acre; terms; will double in value within 2 year. GOOD ONE. CLOSE IN. 4.ii cre. only 1 K mile from Hlll boro. SO mile from Portland; well Im proved, beet of soli, no waste. Ilea fine; new house, barn, fenced; price $8500: $2000 cash, balance long time. NICE COUNTRY "HOME. 44 acres. 40 acses cleared. 20 acre In crop 1 acre orchard, plenty of berries, best 'of soil: lies smooth In best of con dition: good house, barn: only 15 miles from Portland. 24 miles from Oregon Electric. 2 miles from United Railroad; Price id.'OO terms. m-DAiq a. rnnrKRTT. Room 3. Washington bldg. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY, greatest opportunity to homeseeker m Huestlonahly offers Grays Harbor district where land can be bought from $3 to acre on very easv terms, within H to " mile from Aberdeen and Hoqulam. two of most promising cities In world. Soil Is rich, free from gravel, never overflows, abundance of water during Summer month: over SO famlllea now located on 'and; still S000 acre to elect from. Do not wnit until Spring when demand for land will be at Its helrrht. Select your tract before rush. Buy NOW, while price la low. . eelect Ion' good. Local condition are very favorahle to homeseeker In every respect and exactly as represented. Do not be un der Imoresslon land is poor because cheap. Convince yourself. For further Information epnly or write at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO.. Aberdeen. Wash. ALL OREGON: 8400 acre., stock farm. $6 per acre. 7S00 acrea excellent buy. $IS per acre. 2700 acre near good town. $25 per acre. SO acre, part crop. $30 per acre. 7f. acrea well atocked, StSOO. PO acre, well lmpioved. $..000. acres, well liuovovca. --wo. .ere, fine land, $2300 . 6.1 53 acre 12 mile from Portland; nn land, well atocked; $:60 per acre. For thee and trany other aplendld y"uy""vf AN310 Beard of Trade Bldg. ..-.- I v. t-, - T TltQnlTV A C.- U C. I r i i. ...... ....... 86 acres. 2R deep rich bottom oiI. bal ance lightly loplng. .ultable for fruit; no waste and nearly all under cultivation; good 6-room houe. 2 barns, chicken house. mllkhou... well and lnJm"L.S,h ,h7.e 1A mile from town of ftOOO with three ?ofnpting railroad.: 24 tln7.l3rlhivnl? county road ; R. F. D., school and phone. Tf vim want a place that I a money--maker from th. Start, look tht. up; $200 pee acre, terma Geo. G. Malr. 2 Lumber men bldp;. rt r.n ft P017. 120 acre logged-off land. Would make good .Tock. fr-Ilt or dairy farm. 2 miles from railroad atatlon. Farm of 80 acrea, P In cultivation, hal ance easily cleared. No rock. New house and barn On good county road. 3 mile J, li town Price $220; $1200 cash. nalSnc 6 pcntf Godd.rd.'253tt Wah- Ington t.. room 9. 1 'NTCK LITTLE FARM. 1- acre. 10 mile out on Forest Grove Electric, all In cultivation, family orchard, good house, barns an. chicken-house. 1 horse, wagon and harness. 2 cowa. 1 pig 100 chickens; all farming Implements: this place is all ready for Spring crop, and one of the nicest place, in Oregon; prlc. ,tOOKPeN-n.cre-rm. 314 Board -of Trade. 170 ACRES. At end of electric carllne. 12 n-'les from ci.v Hall wl'h a view of Willamette River unsurpassed: beet of fl'hing and boating. A fine modern home, with the best J? Improvement, Fine site for .anaiorlum. clubhouse or suhurban hotel. A money maker to aubdlvide In acreage; price $100 per ice. Prtlcular 103 4th t. 156 ACRFS. three mile outheast of Cor nelius. 30 acrwe In cultivation. 40 acre, .la.hed: housa barn, family orchard. (Jt,. llvlng apring piped: $.-0 per acre. Will conelder om. Portland property In ex change. -WRENN, 813 Lewi Building. FI.OR1DA farm. 160 acres. 14 miles from Jacksonville, on automobile road to St. Augustine: can he reached by R. R. or launch: Taxe. $3 per year; title Perfect: price $17o. Hlllyer. Blum bldg., Jack sonvHle, Florida. CALL on us for farms. We have all lzej and price. Th ColonlaV Co.. 438 Chamber of Commerce, 60 ACRES choice Willamette River bottom land, nearly an tn cumvacioit, or win in small tracts with easy payments. long time. 17'- acrea 2H mile from town on main countv road, up the valley 25 miles; house and barn. 2 acrrs in cultivation, running water; price $1000. 20 acres near good town, up the valley: 10 acrea In cultivation: new house and barn, running water, some young orchard, on main county road ; team of horses. 8 cowa 60 chickens, new wagon, harness, and all farming Implements: aplendld aoll; 23 milea from Portland; price $3K(0; terma loo acrea of the best Willamette River bottom land, 60 acrea In cultivation, a good 7-room house, large barn, 4 acres of orchard; is one of the most productive tracts of land In the valley; at present iO acres In alfalfa. 4 acres in winter wheat; price $5ihi. 945 acres logged-off land, down the Columbia River, all good land. CO per cent level land; price $13 per acre: terms. 41 acre of choice river bottom land, mostly In brush and some timber. 3V mile from town and R. K. : Is all the very best or land and He good, fronts on the Willamette River; price $1000. 640 acrea H mile from town. 400 acres In cultivation, la well watered and in a fine location to subdivide; la up the val ley from Portland 30 mile: Is ail the bt kind of soil for fruit, grain or gar den truck. Price $60 per acre; terms. 180 acre on the Tamhill River, the very best of soil and lies good; price $55 per acre. 1UO acres a short distance from Oret-on City; Is all good soil and lies good: 30 acres In cultivation. mall house and a good barn: plenty ef good spring water; this will make an Ideal farm; prlce$43 per acre; terma W. H. LANG. . 414 Ablngton Bldg. LIVE OAK AND SUNSET COLONIES. Located at Live Oak. Sutter County. In the heart of the great Sacramento Val ley, California. Rapidly becoming the alfalfa and dairy, ing center of the state. Our lands returned 6 "and T crops of alfalfa the past season, averaging from 8 lo 13 tons per acre. Vegetables, berries, oranges, walnut and alt deciduous fruits grow to perfection. . Irrigated by the famous Butte County tranal system, the most satisfactory system In the United States; po measure on amount of water used and NEVER ANT SHORTAGE. Free Government report, on the SOIL, IRRIGATION. CLIMATE and MARKETS of our colonlea Write for the whole atory to Sacramento Valley Farms Company, 603 Crocker bldg., San Francisco. . HIGHLY IMPROVED FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM AT A BARGAIN. CLOSE TO GOOD TOWN. Here Is a snlen'dld little farm for some one. It consists of 75 acres, 45 under cultivation. 12 u acres In rood oak and fir timber which is alone worth half the price asked for the whole farm. Balance open pasture. "o waste lana on in- pic-. Best of deen rich soil: 15 acres is in com mercial orchard; 7 acres bearing; 10 acres in oats and vetch; 160 rods of woven wire fence? good 8-room house. 3 Darns, cnica- en and hoghouses: good water: sidewalk Into town. Small tracts adjoining are aold for $200 per acre and up. This farm Is only H mile from a lively Willamette Val lev railroad town, not far from Portlnnd. Remember, the price for- this whole farm is only $lli0; owner would take some -rood Portland residence property up to $:iiXK); 2u00 cash required and will give terms on the balance. inis is jour op portunity to get something good. HILL & MYER. 410 Henry bid e. 80 ACRES. NINE MILES FROM VANCOUVER. Wash., 14 miles from Portland. Or. Th best location in the Northwest; Bprlngs and running water, fences, orchard, well, windmill, water system complete; large beautiful mission bungalow. 8 rooms, porch, bath, etc.; furnished: barn and OTher hulldlne-a. all Imnrovements new and modern: wagon, tools, cow, etc; land as good as the best, ideal for fruits, nuts and vegetables; 8 acres clear, most of balance logged orr and easy ciearea; on state roa. Soma valuable timber remaining; thriving community good school helf mile, church; must see to appreciate; photos upon ap plication; SUM per acre. nair. ca-u, irm.. Owner. R. F. D. No. 3, Box 10S, Rldge- fleld. Wash. SEASIDE FARM. fl9 acres. ?o acres cleared. 2 acres fresh water-lake, balance about 4000 of fine alder timber: 10 acres rich sandy loam, balance beaverdam, no waste; good house, outbuild ings and fences; half way between Seaside and Gearhart. on railroad; land siicntiy sloping 2 live streams; extra fine proposi tion for small fruits, berries, vegetables, chickens, etc., for supplying large summer resort trade. Owing to present shortage of cordwood at the coast, buyer could pay for place by cutting cordwood uiis fepring. jaeai bummer anu r inter nouie. rin.o , terms easy. GEO. O. MAIR. 2 Lumbermens Bldg. RO-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. Close to Portland, boat landing and R. R. station, the best soil, no gravel or stone, new six-room house, new big brn, fine family orchard. This place is com- pletely stocked with 16 cows, which brine $116 Der month, a fine span of 8200-lb. horse and till necessary lmple menta and machinery which are prac tlrallv new. This place is for sale on ac ranni of sickness. Price $8O0. terms. Western Investment Co.. 417 Board of Trade bldg TO CLOSE an estate we offer at the excep tionallv low nric of $17 per acre a 3500 ... in .nd .tocir farm, close to rail road and river, the best of soil, good build ings and plenty of una spring water. 25 acres, close to the city, a modern and up-to-date home, complete wnn an ecoce. imnlements and fine new bungalow; splen did outbuildings, will divide. Good terma SULLIVAN 4t CATHi.it. 422 Henry Bldg. "" FARM BY OWNER 123 acres in 40 or 00 acre tracts, six miles west of Portland on Cornell road. one mile from Oregon electric, quarter mile from school; to acres nmoer, - acres pasture, balance all cleared; all nlco rnllirrg land, no hills, rocks or gravel; two good 8-room houses, two good large barns, two orchards, plenty water, all In hifih tate of cultivation, at only $223 per acre, terma Charle King. Beaverton. Or.. R. 4. n-ACRE FARM. 2'4 mile south of Cornelius: IS acres In cultivation. 1 Vi acres In fruit, apples, pears, prunes, berries of all kinds; 6 room house, barn, chicken-house; all e.n.d riinnlnrr water on main county road, with mail and two milk routes: this Is a gem or a time piuce, iuu ..., $,1000 wilt handle this. BAND. READ A CO., 316 Board of Trade p.nnn TtTTYH FOR CASH. 40 acre fruit land $ 400 80 acres fruit land $ 800 340 acres improved land $3500 250 acres red-shot land $3000 27 i acres, close to good town, part plowed and part in orchard: buildings and outhouses; good farm; $1750. Full information at 414 Spalding bldg. si. a to TP's house, bam. good well. 5 clear, JJ) slashed, balance good fir timber, on good road, 4 miles from Forest Groce, SS0 per acre, $500 cash, balance $100 per year per cent. Party providing for mall Income In old age. First come first served. This means a good home for vou- Write or come at once. J. Is. Hoff man. Forest Grove, Or. 25 ACRES All In highest state of cultiva tion; 8 acres bearing orchard." 6 acre best heaverdam, planted to onions; balance of land In potatoes. Creek runs through place. On electrin car. 7 miles to Port land. For sale by owner. S 839. Ore gonlan FOR SALE 133-acre dairy farm. 130 In cultivation. SO miles to Portland. 2 trains; 4 mile to town and P. O.; graveled roads, 0 acres growing crop, some machinery, 1 horse. 2 barns. large silo, mllkhouso. etc all new; $3u00 will handle; no trades. See' owner, rooms 8-4, 482 Union ave.. N.. Portland. Or. " GLAD U KUYI TO see our list of close-in acreage, truck farms poultry and dairy farms, wheat and timber lands, large platting proper ties and developed orchards; also houses and lots all part of the city. We are gents for FORTUNA PARK ORCHARDS. For particulars call 276 Stark st." $5 AN ACRE 100-acie farms, rich Irrigated delta garden; orange, lime, wheat, corn, cotton, bean. Winter vegetable land, su oerb climate, matchless opportunity In 6o nora. Writ. C M. Wooster Co., San Fran cisco, Cal. HOMES EE KERS If you are looking for some real good bargains In timber, stock. grain, dairy, fruit and poultry ranches, write for my Ht or come and ee me. Henry Ambler, philomath, Benton County. Oregon. ( oioACRES Wheat, stock and fruit ranch. $11 per acre; terma 400 acres Alfalfa and fruit; irrlgat.d. Prlc. $35 " acre; terma M. FITZMAURICE, Condon. Or. .$4500 BUYS 15 ACRES. $500 down and $25 per month and Inter est. All In cultivation, 9 miles out, near 'p. station. 100 ABINGTON BI.DG, Main 8933. FOR SALE or trade. 320 acres of wheat land, all fenced and plowed. Cheap. Wm. Neep. 020 67th St., Akieta, Or. - . . . , --r-1. trilTT'T FARM. Beautiful farm 'of 100 acres rich deep soil nearly all In crop, has good house, bara. orchard and only good town; owner must have some money and to sell at once will price than other farms In this district sell for: will arrange e"s,;.,r,""-..1I K. . WESTERN LANDt3ISJsbtark fat. VALLEY HOP FARM. 100 acres In all, 42 In hops beaverdam. fine buildings, drykilll and all implements for $113 per acre. BENSON & CHAPMAN. 32ti'i Wash. St.. Room "I '- Miscellaneous- THE SUN REALTY CO. 9-room house. South Side, close in. Tin. location, splendid sriew. $32a0; part.y terms. , , House and full lot. chicken house ana yard. East Side, $1H0 ciish. Council Creat; full lot, elegant viow, $1500. terms. . .. South Portland: 1 lot 4x100. small amount of cash, balance monthly. Woodlawn; 2 lota $300 down, balance 2 years. . Kenton: choice of different comers ana inside lots on Lombard streeL Bargains if taken quick. 304 Railway Exchange Building 83 ACRES $S0. Famous Spring ater-Estacada fruit dis trict; 73 acres crop, bearing orchard, good buildings, richest soil; every rural con venience: undervalued: BARGAIN. C "V. Lamar, 018 Swetland bldg. VALUABLE waterfront on Lower Columola. including new wnarr. notei ana j ki . . unit n-n n1 ij:i. or lanu. t-rice- w.u'w. cuno- Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD wanted; would like one or two homesteads, not over 10 miles from railroad; will buy relinquishments or pay for being located. J. B. Wilson, 303 Montgomery st. Marshall 0. 110 MILLIONS FIR: well located; 8jc par M for quick sale. iruise guarantee-.. Terms and detailed Information furnished responsible parties. AK 8-13. Orcgonian. 160 ACRES, section 30. 11 south. 19 east; cruise 2.225. U00. Owner needs cash: price very low for q.ulck sale. W. O. Waddel, SOO Lumber Exchmi-re. 640 ACRES yellow flr timber. Lane County, cruises. 44.OO0. 000 feet, on McKensle River, price $30,000 less than 70 cents stumpage. Call 61S Board of Tradu. "8 MILLION or good timber, choice tie mill proposition, on Deschutes, easy to drly. ties to K. R. Price and term at 103 4th Rtreet : . 18.000.000 excellent timber on R. H. Fine mill proposition. Price 20,00. Owner, S-3 Board of TraOe . TIMBER claim, yellow pine, certified cruise. A 1 Investment- Bargain. AJ 8.i2. Oregonlan; . HAVE fine timber claims adjoining. Can be purchased together or separate. o Chamber Commerce. . LOGGING mill or holding proposition on rallwKv near Columbia River; local de mand;' bargain. AK 852. Oregonlan. OVER 1,000.000.000 ft. of pine and fir. tl per M. Well located. X 846. Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg - . FOR RF.NT FARMS. FOR SALE or rent, three farms of 60 to 960 acres each, near lone. Morrow County, Oregon. Will sell right or rent for serba of years on favorable terms. Address Port land Investment & Realty Co., 717 leon bldg. ISO ACRES. -0 miles from Portland. In the Tualatin Valley. 30 acres in cultivation. 3-room house, large new barn, a tine dalrv proposition: rent $150 per year. t. J. Hufford. St. Johns, Or. , FOR RENT CHEAP. 20 acres cleared land with 40 pasture, running water, close to city on carllne; will take rent mostly In work. Vanduyn & Wnlton, 51a Chamber of Commerce. 160-ACRE farm, rent freo for a term of years. E 844, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FARMS, TWO ACRES of beaverdam land. Must be well cleared, drained, irrigated, culti vated and In good condition for the plow. Must be well adupted for the cultivation of good onions. Also near a village and accessible to water and railroad. Soil must be the best and situated within 10 miles of Portlnnd. Will pay good rent. Address AF 8.19. Oregunlan. WANTED-On shares, dairy ranch, with cows furnished, for term of years. Refer ences furnished. J. T. Carter, 403 South 10th t Walla Walla. Wash. I-WISH to rent a small farm with buildings with th. privilege of buying. See my agent. Weston, 908 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR BALK- TIMBER LAND. FOR SALE By owner. E. - N. E. 4. S- W. Vi N. E. U N. E. . E. K. Sec 12. T. S 8. R. 3, W. W. M., Douglas County, Or., Inc. 4.000,000 ft. red fir for $3000. F. X. Parent, Priest River. Idaho. 160 ACRES near the Wilson River and close to line of United Railways. A good claim. $1000 cash. Call 414 Spalding bldg. TIVKBR LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. MCKACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. GOOD farms wanted for quick sale. V. have the buyers. Give full description in first letter and lowest price, F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. WANTSD BKAL ESTATE. WANT house I riinti-lt lots, lrviiiKton or other in exchange for uninrum- bered RoRue River land. 924 Chamber of Commerce. . SMALL or fractional lot for. business pur poses, as close down town as possible, for Inside $11000; state exact location and low est price. R 837. Oregonlan. WANTED Six-room house and lot on East Side, Irvlngton preferred; must be a bar gain; give particulars; no agents. E 8..-, Oregonlan WAN T E I From owner, three to five acre within ten-mile district, on electric lines; fruit land and 2 acres for chicken; term must ba easy. C 848. Oregonlan. WE HAVE customers for several modern houses In Irvlngton at from $5000 to $l,atMl. on good terms. McAllister & Lurddemann, 722 Electric bldg. Phone Marshall 22SI. F WANT one or two acrej. Improved, .with fair house; must be clos.s to carline and reasonable; sla-.a p,:ce. terms and give fiilidescriptin. .. 85o. Oregonlan. WANTED Close-in lot. vacant or Improved, w... side, ud to $10,000; describe and state lowest price and terms. 844, Oregonlan. I HAVE $3000 and wish to invest in est Side property: will assume up to $10,000; gi ve location and price. F 845. Oregoni n. WANTED Acreage near Portland: Clack ama River land considered. Owner. AL 851. Oregonlan. wiNTED Lot and small house near car line condition of building Immaterial If price corresponds. F 841. Oregonlan. WANTED Small acreage, close to i Port land. Have call every day. Mitchell Sc Co.. BOS Rothchlld bias- DON'T OVERLOOK Our Exchange Add. In Acreage. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. WANTED Furnished house of 8 to 13 rooms: will buy furniture if adapted for room i n g house. C 845. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy 5-room house. Alberta or Vernon preferred; $25 to $35 per month. Including Interest. Woodlawn 3138. WANTED Lease on store suitable for mov ing picture theater; close-In location. A 845. Oregonlan. FROM owner: 5 or 6-room house, between Ankeny and Hawthorne. $2500 to $3500. No agents. K 853 Oregonlan. WANTED Acre or half-acre tract on West Side within 30 minutes of city. N 841, Orcgonian. WE have buyers walttng for bargains tn Byd East Side lots. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg. WANTED Four or five-room house in or near University Park; will trade lot at first payment. V 841, Oregonlan. WII.L buy-from owner Irvlngton lot: south of Siskiyou: east of 14th st. Must be a bargain. AJ 847. Oregonlan. WAN TED Corner lot. West Market. Flan ders. 7th to 21st streets, size, location, for cash. AF 841. Oregonlan. WASTED from owner only, for cash, vacant lot. $600 or less, must be bargain. L 836. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot onTasy terms. Give location. A 840C Oregonlan. BUNGALOW wanted, not too far out: about $3000; easy terms. AK 851, Oregonlan. WANTED 5-room bungalow; give pric and location. AB 8.--0. Oregonlan. j WANT to boy a house and lot or lot at Seaside. AC 838. Oregonlan. -oANT to buy at once 5-room house, Wesl Side, not over $5000. Phone 8084. WANTED From owner. bungalow undei F 850. Oregonlan. $3900 on easy terms. 3 OR (l-ROOM house, close In: give location price, etc. G 827. Oregonlan. WILL psy cash for corner lot near Jcffcrsoi High HcnOOI. AL. 3aa, urcsuuuui. 4 4;