TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. arAKCII 12, 1911. in V waaaaaaaal KKAL EAT ATX. ' I REAL ESTATE, f REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL .ESTATE. B.L4X ETATX. .I-Mo F.7U.-HouseA. For Hale-House-. Fo, Bale-Houses. sSale-Hous NOTICB. S DATS MORS. PRICES ADVANCED. ALL $T3 LOT IN BKACVONT will ..W.n.. I A - 1 1 1 1AKIH 1-. !r dim era actually BKUlW ANT- THIN O the IW-mii. etrcle. . ' .- C T V II U J Guarentaml t-. h!n-et class) IMPROV:- to .Max. 1.t-l KO.-t: llLlltJ. Call. kAos r writ. HEaCMo.nT UNO COMPANY. lUAKi or TKAL'K Ul.'U-ALNv. 4tft St. FMH Mala BW. A Una. $VO A LlV AC E $ S DATS MORE. a:i $T2 lots la lJTinr4 to ! M.rB IS HIGKEST- C LAd lUl'H' VK VENTS 1 rXRTLA.ND. Bast buy ib the city. KAsy larma Bet- tmr inrvt: cif. Call, phon. or write. BOAit: .'" THAt'E 1LI.. M UH T. Ill'M. On R I2d at . two biorka north of Rooa rit uk rar Ilea B-ta atraaia armoro. r.mant walka on both atrata: awar. tar and a In: tha prlt-a Inrludra arary- tkina. It a a baraain: can maaa J. J. ufc-l'KK. Cor. Grand Aim. and K.Ankany trr-oT airntrin? AT fr3. aalty In ba'anca r on aaay lumi, thia Inrlud'a radd atraata. c-m'at a:dcwa:ka w.irr. ln:rrat and ..... t.,. i. ...r in- Koaa City carllna and will a to tha hlga.at bidder thla work. B Ki. f rr jonian. mK riTT I A RFC a? aa ijl on K. h at. Eay tarma. ir.'i uQ E .-d at. Illf caatu $:." i.ijr. on E. anitt at. Otud lot. A ot'xlOO on t. ATth. Mtit local io A. H. HIRRtUL. Ct.. tot McKay l.ij. id aad Mark ata. lli.o. ai-o lot oa lUn 8lda In bat rat- Snca diatnct la hortund. tacoa south, oa blk from rr Will 'I on -ay t.rrra f.r IIWA. or tl!) for caah. Phona F. E. I'lMXrnti. A 1.1..: JAam BAHRAIN! AtnXH KOSK CITT I'AHa Roaamra ioi. eaai imm. " -. lot aoora bHl. r.r a:ora. $. lot n-ar A)m.Ji. oa 66lh Sil. Lumbar- mrna bl1. li.lWix a tha Or-an Eirtr1c Rail way Thia la choic. aiaoiiy pr.'pnT. niy I' ratnutaa from tha ctil or r-oniano. I.t aa low aa IlTi: aaay payrr.rnta r II- Ir.r faat. Call on owaara. 41 A ripaldlnc kid rislf IlITtR. itoa win uv lot on fclat Slda that 1 . that ahould aall In ahort tlma for tlhxx, or .-"J In ona Jr. ' and phona. ma about thla. ilr. Clem.-o.a. A llli. ila.n !.-. I.OjK AT THIS. Irrlngton l"t. between Knott and (Stan ton eta oa 13th. eaet farina. $IJ-: '.00 -S rM n .if Irr-nrnvementa DaltL A rreat anar A- LAC KIS. 61 Board of Trade Building. RiHie CITT PARK. Lot Soxl on E. 41th at., ona block south of car line; price ery reasonable. tea J. J. RIDF.R. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. !o nn"V 1 A MONTH. At lets near Xt. Hood H'atloa and Mnntaruia car Una; worth fou: at only S". M. D. HORBS FEALTT CO.. 274 Mark fl. tjl'ARTER nl.K .V E. TH ST Vicinity F. Ankeny. 113 ivki J. J. OEDER. Grand Ae. and E. Ankeny. Cor FOR "ALE Two lota at Myrtle park Ftattoa. ML arott rar line: email houae on this place; rrlre sm for the two. E. Z. terma 1'hor.e Elliott. Main e07d, or Sunday. Ta- ber ait. or B 1. A FINE home alta. S lota 1 Vht 2'K feet, fac ing three atreeta. bautlful LAKE WOOD. Mllwaukla Helahta. btoi-k from car; aacrl- flre f-r caai. Joseph II. Johnston, room J. I1S miMrtl-in. APARTMENT HITES Soma choice lota and quarter blocka eloao la: central Kaat Portland, at lo prlrea W. O. Waddell, iu Lamber Ex- changa APARTMENT PITE. lOOytOr) corner: fine for fiats or storeoi u bide, rloaa; HALL A C.CSTIV. SI 1 Lumbermen Hids "UIOK THIS fP." P-t quarter-block buy In Holladajrs Aaa.. w:th eouh and "aat facing. R'lWE-TH TCHER CO. SJJ Ch. of Commerce. will buy the finest building sits oa Port:an-l H.-lffi:e. NORTHERN TRCST COM PANT. 170 Stark t. tN eHaarant flat or apartment alts. East Baimoa and Eaat lvth ata. Mill. Cheap, ftee It tMajr-O-BRIEN REALTY COw Teoo Bldg. FLAT OR APARTMENT BAROAIN. Savler atreet. eaat of 2.Vh atr.-et; har4- surtace improvementa paid: pnes s:i7oo. c- -a LomMtiDtu oiug. Marshall M4A sTam leaving town, will aacrtflce mv lot higb-c'aaa reetrtrted dlatrlcu eloao In on tha weat aide, all Improvementa Include, la the price. 31."hi: terma Addreaa owner. a-, o. p.. aj rart St.. city FOR SALE. Lot la Parkhursu value will take g.rvo for my equity, bal. of ft-O on E Z. terma Phone r.Uiott. Mn!n eo70. or rua- qay. Tabor -jam, or a l.v. LOOK AT THIS. Fractional lot on King street. ISO feet north of W sh Irtgton : fine for fists; price enry invw; ij.i'mj run win handle. Tins. M-Ctlker. Lumbermers bldg. NO. MS ' E. 4Bth St. V . R.ae City Park, la for sale; -room modern bungalow: lot fares east: close, to car: the tst buy la ths park. t-none aiarsna:; tO feet front on Kllllngsworth, opposite W li- our st a i.-. THE bllAW-FEAR COjaJ PANT, 102 Fourth St. Mala A SSOa BE AFTIFVL home sites on Barnes Hetgh's. three blocks to carllne; any else from AOs I'aj to one acre, at the rate of I? 00 g. loL r- sttcketsnn, b.'l Market. 3Ialn &70. .W oixl30 AN'D good -room house. Wil liams sve. and Tillamook st.: fine sits for apartments w. o. waddell. 309 Lura- per rJX-:hangs. ROSSMERE Lot 50x100; all Improvements paid: de- straoie location for a horns; rsah bar- gain, r-ione r.ast 1171. jialn si.'ty VIEW LOT. dry and Valley view: water tn; 1a.to; 100 eash. balance 4 years V per cent. i ne spanton t o.. .'s t'at st- M AWFACTfRINrt site of I scree with 2HO foot frontsge on Columbia Plough, near Kenton, price very low for quick aale. W. o. v aoaei. jiej j,umMf tixchacge. BEAFTIFVL lota Vxl0V Ross City Park. sear car. Owner, ool Thurmaa st. Mala J4-1. OWNER forced to sell lot. 27th and Rrond- wsy: email cash payment; easy tarma vtrtri;: pas. Jii'B HILL apartment stte. well located; hard aurfice streets, walking distance. owner. Address I V ot-gontsn. BOOXloO NEAR Eaat 3J snd StnJy Road; sewer, wster. gaa cement walk, hard surface streets, all la. 274 Stark, desk 2. SiV 3x1 -ot on Glenn avenue, near Kll llngsworth: terms. Howard Land Co.. 4J0 o.fiiAna s OS. LOT lOoxluo. :iit and (-landers sta; Id -el par.m'qi-gouH eite; a DSrgSin. .-o1 W'SAhtngtoo at-, room 302. Marshall 21M. EAST TH ST.. lot Jrtvlo.1. for I7.VT Thia Is snsp: do you want It for cash? Own- er eie rpaioms Pl.lg. La'T la Hswthoras dtetrtct below Ita Talus tf taaen at once: prwe aad terms from owner, stsia a:j. ELEOANT lots in Roe city park: muat be u.sooeeo oe. account owner lesvlng lost. r'""S "'QS- 2S LOTS la Bandon. Or., to traoe for what you have. Mitchell A Co &S Rothchlld a- sAO otriiter i-s vvoonmsre: oeauttrul nat ural ahrubh-ery; IINaral discount for rasa. v. J aoqe; jt x.umor t-XCSange. A MM SNAP." RflSB riTT PARK. 7 lots at IfRJ each. . . Ae mam. tJ. r namoer or t ommerca A PIEDMONT BAROAIN. ltn-ili.H comer rloae to I'nlon, t?AOO. f. De Toung. 432 Chamber of fommtrfa BAT 0EAN Equity ot (J0U la two fine lots: .a for quick sale. AL ML Ore- gonlea. 1RVINOTON Ideal building lot between Thompson snd Brexee;- a bargain. AJ aaa, oregonian. LOTs) ta .Laurel buret and Alameda Park to mil very cheap.. .Mitchell Cx. dS Koth- NAP S Iota im-tlj twuseiv nvsmr Kenton; Ow&er. X 6- umaimn. J siAKX. tarma. WESTMORELAND WE HAVE T n v: l A eornor lot in Westmoreland 64. Tax I) J street rdd. cement sMewalk In an.1 paid ir. auirr In (rnnt tt . Me .!. flno slew. block of Sellwood cmr new car In . surveyed within Z wocaa. iTlf-O AllMMt As Insula lot on 10 th street. West moreland. Cm high lt. good vlaw. street frmnod. cemant stuewa-lt in. an paia block of fell wood car: water In front of lot. which la ooxluu. Price k. terma An Inalda lot on Slat at.. Westmore land: lta ell. good vlw. street graded. nmal sidewalk In. all MM: water 1 front of lot; lot ooxlou. J'rtce only $700. terma Ad Inalda lot. high, lira well, flna vtitr In front of lot: atr-rt graded. - ruerjt aJdewalk In. 2 block, from Fall- Wood car. ftoxiou; fuuO buys thla oeautl- IOJ lot: terma HIAI'I.V A HERLOW R. 83--3Ji Chamber of t'omm.rci innxinn North wrat cornrr. handy to rar Ilna: Ilea Alca and la a buraa.n at a-AoOtl. I". H. LENT. 41 Corba:t HIH. othar Good Buya Hlchlarvl Alhina i'lwlmont a LIfT TOLK LOTS with ma for quick raturna. CHfLA VISTA ADDITION LOTii Taka rlawthorn.-avanua car to Ita end at rfa- aryolr aoutbwrat of Mt. Tabor, walk ona block aaat. thenca a!x ahort blorka aouth. whrra you wlil then b met on tha norlh woat corner of Chula Vlata by tha oawr all day Sunday to itvov you thao wll- ratricted. D4rrct.yina lota witn nun Hun watrr. on aaay tarma. at prlcea lowar than they ahould ba. Coma today; do not diay. C A 7. Or-onlan. " " "CHEAP BI'ILDIXO LOTS. ljnil.ii. with alley, a corner graded lot; water In, near car; 99on. aaay t-rmi. atnil'.'.V cornor. o; tarma: smim, only a.t: a anan for raah: liN'vlll. wa- yeriy Add., near Srtth at.; only IJoo; room for S bnueea; aaay tarma. W. J. Day. -10 ttanry nida- I'OKTLAXD HEIOHTi Baautlfui tract of about 4 arrea, on tha lower Helahta Flna. unobet ructe.1 view; wall ahrlierad; many fir and doawood traea: MAr car. HenthtH Club aad arhool; muat ba aold at once: thla la a Daraaiu. R. F. HKTAN. Main 191. SOS Cham, of Com. A 1-H fn caH Will handle SOxloo lot In tha moat select district of the Eaat ride. Thla lot facee tne beautiful Lad 1 park and la two blocka to car. Irlce KOO. Lota two blotka distant selling for 11400 and up wards. I'hore me after :3u P. M.. Wood- lawn 27. Mr. Dolahuntv. GOI.VfJAT O.VEHALF VALl'L Larae corner lot. located In the moat eelrcl diet rut of Eaet bide, faclnc a city park, two blocks to car. Oppoelte corner aoid for lNtm. Eaar terma f l'a.rea. 1'hone me after U P. M-. Wood'awo 5w7. Mr. Deiahuntr. POHTI.AND HKIGHTrl. Reautlful bulldlna altn. louxllX. With fine unol-atructed view. This is ona of the moat deeirabie home etea to be had oa the Heights; l-0"O on good terras. It V. HRYAN. Main lixtt. fxS Cham, of Com. A 1VT. .'A -It TALKS HERE. If bousht before March :'Ub. ran de liver exceutlonallr fine lot In high-close. cloae-ln ridenAe section, for f l:loO ciu.i ivnrih tjiHMli. Directly across tbs street from thla-lot is a 1-o.wO horns. Address lit-. Oreaw.lan. " oirnrvirR for cash. Will aeil choice Iurelhurst lot 100x150 111. Intal for ll&OO caah. nia loi In choice past of Laurelhurst. one block from car. Price of .'-K 1 oO lota acroa the atreet t-t-' to t:-'i0. Addraas CB. tiragonlan. A atrlctly speculative buy la future bualnees property fronting on ins principal Birw on the nest side, easy waiving uniuo-, IMS feet frontage: LOCwk Terms. A big money-msker for someone who will buy and forget shout It lor a xew years. owner. Q 1. oregonian. WHT LOOK FTRTHERT rtoori lot i Alston) in choice cloee-ln residence section, ons block from car for 1 mm) Thla la fer below Value. Inuat D.VI1 st lesst one-half caah. phone Mala Jvu3 or A ISIS; aak for Mr. Allison. DOCTOR S LOCATION. One of the cbolceet corners oa Saady Boulevsrd. large enourh for 3 bouses, an Meal place for a doctors residence ana oi nee; go-id terms. J. J. McCarthy. Ablng- ton b.dg. . W EST8 IDE APARTMENT AND FLAT DISTRICT. A full lot east of 24th St.; a bargain et sAooo Ka thla and our other good buya o"3 Lumberman bldg. A ttii. Mar shall 1 via. BT OWNER Lot xloO lo beautiful re- stmied district, block from ear. aoout jo minutes out: fine csr servics; one-tnira of price cash, balance monthly payments to suit buyer. Call up Tabor ano una out ill about it. IN beautiful locality, within the mile circle. oa the Weet Side, else wOx-OO. one diock to car. beautiful trees snd folisge: aa Ideal place for those that lov nature like surroundings. e.loj, terms. n i Oregonian. LOTS FOR SALE. I2.vyi t5no down, balance 133 per mo. Inc. Interest, a lot la lrvlnglon. S blocks from II road way car. W. If. WITT. X20-S:t Toon Bldg. 61 X lots. ooxlOO each, on Sumner and Del aware, at a barrain price if taken this week. lo not deity. , THE 6H AW-FEAR COM PANT, 101 Fourth St. Mala 33. A SoOO, 170 CASH SOUTH PORTLAND. Lot 4ZloO on Virginia at., between Net ada and Miles, on csrllne: cement wslks: fTi0. balsnce tl4 per month. The Spanton Co.. 2'jg o.Tk st. T&xino on Atlantic st.. Just north of Kill- Ingsworth. at J1000. THE bH A W- FEAR CO MP ANT, 102 Fourth SL Mala 33. A 8300. PORTLAND HEIOHTS Rsautlful homt site, large grounds about 2 3-6 lots, next to bevutlful home described In Houf Beautiful for March. Will sell now for l-l.T'O. xTerma H r51. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Two lota ona for si.imi. the other for S17.. the latter on rarllne: surroundings beautiful; land lies fine, with good view. Laay terms. H aoO, Oregonian. ACRE tracts sdjolnlng Kings Hslghta ex clusively for beautirul homes, land Ilea practically level snd Is on snd adjoining ins csrtine: e.iow anf gouv per acre. rv n .1 . .rreaonian. LOTS on the Willamette River, alx miles south from center of city. 2 blocks from Cn-egoa Electric: $300 and up; 10 per cent esti. balance $10 per month. The Cross- ley 1 ompany. 41s and 41s Corbett bldg. FOR BALE Two view lota on corner long ion. vt eat stoa. eaat or council Creet : f '0. t caah. balance terma. AG S43. t'regonlan. NEVER AGAIN Will you have a anap like thla 100x100 rir iimi. improvements on. Havo got to sll tnat s sil It y,4. IF YOU wsnt a lot below Its actual value. gat an equity xrom CAKI.O K MLELLHAVPT. 10 1J Charabsr of Comsserce. NI.E located lot on Grand Shlvcs. 617 Board of Trsde For Sale -Hoaa WEST SIDE BARGAINS. 14130 30x100 Nice d-room modem bouse: all conveniences, near Mill St. es3o 2ixlo 2 modern flats, nearly new. near lota at.; would take good lot, lrvlnctnn .district, as rart payment. lti."HM smloii 4 g-room modern flats. 32-l.ovO :itxlt0 Modern apartment- house, near the Courthouse; will pay asar ly per cent. FRED C. KINO. 314 Spalding bUlg.. 3d and Washington st. EAST SIDE HOMEsI IjaoA AAxl09 ft -room cottar, Powell at., only $."od caah: balance eaev terma 32.oo Nice o-room house. Sunnyslds. close to car. FRED C. KINO. 314 Spalding bl.lg.. 3d snd Wsshlrgtoa st. WHY PAT RENT whea you rsn get a home of your own with steam heat, fruit trees and roses, for laoo; k-n down 7 BENSON st CM A I'M A N. 3-0 Wshingtoa St. Room 31.1. COl'CH ST. o-room house, with 4SxlV) of around- xnie is in a line neighborhood and a barga'a for 33100. It must bs sold this wsea. so ceil at once, sis icpaidlng tide- , NIFTY bungalow house, near school: S csrllnes; only l'l mlnutee ride from Post- office: price I-J.'iO. t,to cash. Phons rllaood I. IRVINOTON bargain: furnace, fixtures and shsdes; ses ta inis wera. Aeiepnone owner, auiat yestortsrma HA VI several modern bungalow for sal I - - or trade, snsp. Csil lit rjiont- GREAT borne bars a in, new. near nih and v ; I l.r sta. sns p. jsarsnaJi iia. S LOTS. J-room house, chsap. cor. tih and alarie sta rly t. lara.Ani.yr MALL house and lot. eash or terms. 1344 AJsnvvr ave. bt, Joans csr. IF ru would ride In style at bargain, pbone TaRor soj. foil sal. br ownsr, n.w B-ronm bungalow sa corner. Fa ons Avast bauz tooa. 1 LOTS IN BEWT BITT IN PORTLAND. Elegant 4-rorA homa. complata ID avery detail and ready to mova Intu; aolld hard wood Hvora. maaalva buffet, ona Xutch kitchen with coler. full a-foot baaament with cement floor and traya. 1 beautiful while anamal bedrooma. larca alaeplnc porch. Jinan cloaet and elaborate balh rKm. Thla home la complata eren to anatlea and fliturea. which you may selec lMubla nunitmcilun throuahuut and beau- tlfutly flnunnL Kemernber. aewer. B-lnch water maina aaa. etc. are now in. etvua nlaca for IJS04 : ISoo caah, balanc rent. Aek Aakwith at I07 Clinton au. cor. Marauerlte ave. 12 block aaat Of lth lake Hicbraond ( w. R car to Mtruor- lte. Fhuna Tabor Jae.. BEACTlFt'L NEW HOME. Snnnaide. 4 larae room a and alaaptn porch, larae reception hall with built-in aaat and mirror door: flna balh and tory; elegant fireplace and mantel; brtu tlful built-in China cloaet; full cemeni boeement and cement floor; furnace dou ble conatrutted throughout: large lot; im orovamrnta all In and paid: without ax- aaaaratlna thia home la worth IIw) more ttian wa are aakina for It. bee It today. B'rir iai;.o- Iliad raah. balance lerme. Hawthorne Really Co.. cor. E. th and liawthorne ave. B 7; Tabor 014. ai'vvvBtnr !tt S-roorn house, on E. Salmon and SSth; modern In every respect, block forca columns, firaplaca, psnaled dlnlng oom. built-in book case, linen and china cloaet. handy Dutch kitchen, clothes and duat chutes, full cement baaement with wood ntt and beat of plumblc piped for furnace and aaa and wired Kay next door: price 14"K. phona Mala U or even- ir.g a a aoor 1 1 o. r.nin to v.t-t I.n T wr mrauiv artistic HOCpES AND MAX' NO CHAKGES FlR PLANS la" WK liUILU. IT WILL FA A TO St.; us. THERE Id A REASON. IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FINANCE THE Kh.31 DEXCS OK APARTMENT FOK TOU Ol R REr-fTATION IS TOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILET CO.. IU ABINGTON BUM. BEST constructed bungalow In Portland; all wore aone br owner, an oia tnicaao con tractor and mechsnlo who came Weat for his health; t rooms, large aula, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, beamed celling. Llutca kitchen. tiled patnroom. flower atanus on window allla; also 13 large pieces hand-made mission furniture lo match; must see to appreciate. tl&OO wlU handle. 121) Wilbur, bL Johns oar to Jessup. IRVIxr.TON HOME. ISOO down and J0 monthly will buy a dandy homa on K. SAth at., hardwood f:oora; two fireplaces; furnace; built-in huSet: electric light fixtures and all mod ern coaveniencea . H. P. PALMER-JCNE8 CO., 12-2L3 Oommeli lal Club BlUg. Phones Main Si;i. A S6r3. . TOU KNOW L.VEEDA-HOME. so come In and see us. BEST BARGAINS la houses and lots, on monthly nayment?. PIXEiiI MOSIER APPLE tracts, tor sale or exchange. ' TWO flna PRUNE ORCHARDS. closO to PORTLAND, on ELECTRIC LINE. IS CHAMBER COMMERCE. SMALL PAYMENT BUYS THIS. Nsw sod modern tt-room house In West moreland. first-class ln-svery appointment double constructed, beat of work and ma terial: It'a aa elegant home; owner la leaving city; will not rent, but will sell very chesp and give sny kind of terms. eal rtroan, 7u owetland Diug BE3T Sunnyslds bargala; six-room all mod ern bouse, N. E. Cor. S7tn and bast i ay lor; fruit trees, nlcs lawn,- convenient to Sunntsids and Hawthorne cars, store. churcn. public and Catbollo schools; price sSviu, Bert tonus, baa this beiors ouying eis nera. A'nons s 2ius. HOLLA DA Y HOME. On Clackamas St.. does In; T-room strictly modern house; furnsce. flreptaca. gaa and electricity; lot BOxluv; price fouoo, terms. OODDARD WIEDRICK. 3 Stark SL WEST BIDE RESIDENCE CHEAP. Muat sell at once, llotM) down, modern. 4 bedrooms fireplace, furnace, beautiful lot, block from car. fine view of river, beat residence district. Illness eompels ownsr to aa.cn I ice. Phone Jtast or, a Ie4. LOOK INTO THia I bay a IdooO equity In two modern houses, ons .9 rooms, ons six rooms, five lota ons blook to csr: Incumbrance s-MM, zv years; will sell my equity for tsooo ior a few days only. Phone a. 113. tJl-i. REAL HOME FOR SALE Lot 7JI2, with alley: aneiy nnisnea, o-room eottsge. bam. chicken yard. lawn, rose bushes. IT fruit trees, S kinds berries; owners leaving city; I ;. or lesa for cash. 644 Harold ave.. ee.lwood lkl. NEW 4-room house, 4.'xl0U lot, Hull Run a-atsr. fins soi good car service; $600, half cash, balsac lo suit. Bee Mr. Crea tor d. RABB A PATTON, 8J3 Lumbermen Bldg.. fith and Stark. WHT PAT RENT T Nss furnished house, lot 50x123. price. only imu; fv casn. oaiance to suit; tsks Mount ocott car; get off at Gray's crossing, meet owner with blue ribbon on umbrella. fit CASH, fis per month buys alee 4-room plsslersd house, lot' 40x140 on paved street. Tence. cnicksn nouse. good outbulloln nc I sit fruit. Price I11S0. worth 41600. HIOLET A BISHOP, 13 Third BL FOR SALE BY OWNER New. mt dern. o-room bungalow, newly Xumtsnsd. beautl ful lawn, roses, garden, stc, located In r-unnyslde. 2 blocks rrom Sunnytilde car: don't fall to see It. Phone B 214K. A BIO BARGAIN. Strictly modern 6 -room bungalow, doa- Me construction, fireplace, beautiful loca tion oa carllne: only 3300: on terma J as. A. Clock. SS2 Alder. Phons Wain 1274. ML'ST sell S-roora cottags, 8 fine lots. 13 fruit trees, good fence, a 20-foot alley In the rear; cash or psymsnts. Comer 8. E. u3d at. and erth ave. near Mount Scott carllna. Tremont. TOlR own tsrms. thrso S-roora housaa Just completed, nesr nawtnorns ava ; every modem convenience, hardwood floors, fire place: no agsats. Owner, Ross. 2d3 Lla coln. A 7497. I HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMEsT- Swellest la Irvlngton. finished In fir. oak. mahogany and white enamel; good terma Ksst S; evenings C liui. ask for Mr. loien. lP.VINGTON THE BEAUTIFUL. One of the most modern large 7-room residences, lot boxlOii, native trees, fine nsighborhdod. Price 17:50. a verltabls' bargain. Phone Tsbor lBlL FOR SALE Bungslow, 5 rooms, bath and basement, lot ooxl23 feeL 13 minutes by car from First and Alder sts. price 250o. 91100 down, balance on mortgage. 043 Har o!d st. Phone Sellwood 202. BY OWNER Modem 6-room two-story house, bath, laundry trays, cement base ment, concrete walks, paved street, all paid; furniture If desired. 893 East Pine, nesr Laurelhurst. At bargain. Terms. NOB H IleL-DISTRICT! 7-room modern house, beautiful lot 80 xlOO. ooo SAMUEL WELDON. 604 McKay Bldg. 3300 CASH, balance easy; new 4-room bun- galow near fieamont. lot svxioo. full basement, everything first class; snap. H1QLEY A BISHOP. 113 Third L SEB THIS. Modern 5. room bungalow. Take W-R ear to 89th iL, one block south to 34L An Ides! home. See ownsr. filoo CASH, time on balance 31000; worth s.ou; new oungsiow. corner lot, mx100: fruit 'trees; near Alberta car, on Uith'sL, exceptional view. Phone owner, C 2301. $2fi0 -5-room cottage, on E. rMh, nesr Ma son, close to scnooi ana car; bath and gas: small payment ana X2 per month. 4 eiiars-AAurton t o., au spaiatng hik. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 3 rooms, fur nace, flrsplscc, modem bathroom; 1 block from car. sightly location. tZllO. Phons owner. Msln 4u3. A 3413: $3100 BLT9 4-room modem home, lot SO 100. plenty or rruu. x blocks tnlon avs.. close tn. terma Worth !3!ov. HIUIY A BISHOP. Ill Third St. DESIR Aril.r.. moaern. ft-room house, reins for 335: ooxl'Ml lot: apartment-house dis trict. Nob Hit:: price 3ii. t2;uo down. By owner. F H3o. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE Resl estnte. one 6-room mod ern house, comer lot, street all Improved, cement walks. SjasemenL lnqulrs ownsr. ill noonejr. $S0 CASH and 110 per month, 3-room, lot SOXAd. in r-oum roiituuu. r-rico s.iv. HIGLKY A BISHOP. 131 Third St. HOLLADAT HOME 8 rooms, 80x100 lot. Hth. near veiaier, Hi.w: buy this snap. " Cellsrs-Murton Co.. 8X Spsldtng bldg. BUNOALOW'S Bungslows. ll'OOO to JAcioo. good locatione sou (eruia. pnoios st Ornca Fred W. Qermsn. 3-'l Hurnsvle. M. 27TH. MONTAVIIJ-A csr take, you In ona block of this oeauiuui i.-roum cotiags; easy payments, lau ii aui win st. North. FOR SALE 100x100. 2-story house. One gsr- clcn ana run 1 -. " -miat aeit quick. 7 ; 2 E. 13th N. No a g em s. 25 MONTHLY burs 5-room bungalow: plate ran. paiwi.u U.M..1.-. uam. pantrr. bes.ro. nu Pbone ownsr, Ksst 2741. TOn SALE New. modern 8-room cottars. flreplacs. eircinc iik".; rra.-unaoie terma Hjr owner, rn'me iwr iwi. 750 WESTMORELAND HOME Balanrs Ilka rant; nw, ssv.n rooms. T. H Lewis. S Lewis blag. FOR SALE br ownsr. tbs bAOdwm.it S- room to'.'M in Arvinston. etf a aw 2oia at. fv. Call and see IV. i-ra-XTBf HOME IN THE CITY. Flna A-room houae. good barn, chscken honaa urn vard. S full city lota. 43 bearing fruit trees, plenty of small fruit. This nrooertv is locsted where values ars creasing very rapidly, being only 2 blocka from good canine. trice sauw; sawv cash. PIlnilOVT HOME. 94 RAO A very attractive home, new and modern hardwood floors, luraace, etc. t blocks from 8 csrllnes; alley; this beauti ful home is located at livv uacieia ave. very easy terms. inuAi. m-xniLOW. A very .beautiful bungslow, T large rooms, douhle constructed, electric and gas fixtures. This Is a rine mouera noma, only one block from Union ave. Price tM00; 1 800 cash. Nll'E IJTT1.P. HOME fi-room bunaalow. full lot. 4 blocks from carllne; only flbOO; 9100 cash, balance to suit. DUBOIS CROCKETT. Room 8, Wsshlngton bldr. TAOWn.AVr. 1A RtfiHTS. Splendid new Height residence, well nrotected from Winter wlnda: 4 large bed rooms, also 3 sleeping porches with dress ing rooms; living room 20x34, with fire place; dining room xuxzu. sua nrepiece, bllilard room and den. 20x34; cathedral beamed celling and rustle fireplace; 2 com plete bathrooms. 9 lavatories, 2 toilets: hardwood floors, flno large porches and al ii Mt. 4 .. to a fine homer X lots: garSSS bssutiful native trees. Price only 913,000, half cash. HENRY C. FRUDHOMME CO, Owner. 0 Ppaldlng Bulldlnri BUNGALOW SNAP. o&ko tuiA risH. K.iwMn rTtroi-nlA hiinaalow With Swell ulTet. cove ceilings, wall switches, finished floors, dandy Dutch kitchen. 2 white en amel bedrooms and white tiled balh. full attic cement basement and cement walks. Thi. 1 ,u-hiillt and finely flnlahed. Kewar. water mains and gas are In the street- You cannot duplicate this place for the money. See It and bs convinced. Askwith. 107 Clinton St.. cor. Marguerite . - ii mors east ot mini. 1 eee " " car to Marguerite. Phone Tabor 2853. FOUR flats. S rooms each. Income 1120 P month: comer East 14th and MsdlsonS price 913,000, 97SUO cash. n . m-AtAenea TATIIlsmettS Heights: bouse new, moderni price 9GS00. e-t500 cash. ' . KEASEY, HU MASON JEFFREY. $2 Chamber of Commerce. I IN BUYING a homt, consider FIRST Location. - SECOND Car service. THIRD Street Improvements, sew Last but not least. Is tho house worth ths money, e Our nsw nouses. Hawthorns ave., Rlktl, a n.l Rill etS. Will stand the tesL Look them over and see us for prices and terma BRU BAKER A BENEDICT. 802 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. 4-ROOM V'aw mooern un-tO-datS bUhgalOW, double constructed throughout; good loca tion; fine view lot. Including all street Improvements. For a quick sale will make ths total price 91360, 1135 cash, balance easy terma Call at Gregory Heignia oi flee, end of Rose City Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. ROSE CITT PARK T rooms, view lot, noxlOO. Improvements In and paid; built-in buffet and book cases. Dutch kitchen, flreplacs, furnace, laundry tray. solid oak floors, mirror doors, stc. 223 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 326 to Washington st-. room 51tL ' 93750 322SO CASH. 93700 32-50 LAfcil. Flve-toom cottage, 101 pmio-i, .n v ment basement, thoroughly up to date; frulta flowers, shrubbery of all kinds; an Improvement Included. The prettiest smsll house and grounds In Portland, lo cated on hrugtue. near Union aventio and offering below cost. Call suite 608 Gcr- llnger bldg.. Second and Alder sts. 100100 Nsw S full story 6-foom house. wired for electric lignt, B ciotnes cioaeia, oath and toilet, hallways, hot and cold water, pantry, sink, woodlift, full base ment and cement floor; 312'H) caah, bal ancs 9S0O, on time; taka the Mt. Scott car and gat off at Clark station, and walk 2 blocks north and 1 block east. Bee this snsp beXoroyou buy. Tabor2204; BEAUTIFUL T-room house In best Irvlng ton district; new ana moueru in particular and very attractlvs Inside and out; all rooms large and splendid floor plan; Isrge living-room, with fireplace and solid oak floors; price 3oJ50, on any reasonabls terma McAllister at Luedde mann, 722 Electrlcjjldg. FOR SALE Casn or easy paymenta Four attractive moaern nousea in irvinmuu district. Six rooms, large porch, sleep ing porch, built-in bookcases, fireplace, furnace, laundry, cement basement, gits and electricity. lnqulrs ot owner. 9tl Bosrd of Trade Building, or telephone Msrshall 17S7. MODERN six-room house, hslf-acre fine soli; Soutn Ml. 'lioor; 11ns view 01 moun tains; young bearing fruit trees, xoses, lilscs, lawn; 10 minutes to Hawthorne ave. car; extension probsble. Inquire 7003 30th avs., S. E. Phone Tsbor 1313. Price right. Psrt cash, balance rsasonable terms. Fine home. CHEAP TODAY. CHEAP TODAY. 926 buys a fine lot In Rose City Park: psy 1-3 raah (snd then easy tersns) snd get a 3730 lot for 9126 off; not another bargain like this In beautiful Rose City Psrk. AH 807, Oregonlsn. I2SO0. Bargain for home; six-room modern shingled bungalow, basement, wood lift. 2 full lots. East Side Heights; will sccept part cash, balance on terms. Brown house, 4ith ave.-, S. E. Woodstock carllna. Dlrsct from owner. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Peven-room house and reception hall, 1 block from car; cement basement, tubs, furnace, fireplace, pantries, large attic and porchoa; unobstructed view; fu5; 1J(.0 caah secures balance terma to auit. Phone Main 4428. Owner. rso CASH and $20 per month, balance per cent; beautiful -room bungalow, right on carllne. Hawthorne ave. or Mt. Scott car service, lot 60x100. full cement base ment, stationary waah tubs, everything first-class. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 132 Third st. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New 6-room cottage, one-half block from Hawthorne ave. This Is modern in every respect and the best buy in that locality. Price $2750. For particulars see POWNDER INV. CO., 428 Mohawk Bldg. BEVEN-ROOM modern home In Irvlngton Park, full cement orb; menu, ivi oujww. 14-ft alley, graded streets, cement walka and curb, one block from carllne. Phone Woodlawn M0. BE INDEPENDENT, pretty acre tract, three-room house, furniture; 80-mlnute ride on Oregon Elec tric Ry.. at your own terms. Owner, 421 Board of Trade bldg. $o00--8 ROOMS modern home, faces down V a. mm 11 si... at . v under value and good terma See this CeTiars-Murton Co.. 80 Fpaldlng bldg. nrnn SPECULATION. New modern two-flat building on Love loy at. Also flat and cottage on full lot on 11th st. vanduya anon. Chamber commerce. 515 $100 CASH. BAU $i0 MONTHLY. New 3-room bungalow cheep; close In; see me at once and have your rent money. Phono Main 441 or call at 514 McKay VMS- 730 7-ROOM new house. 900 E. 14th North, near Skldmore; Alberta car; a good cheap home; uatn. jm. eiBcuir u,. Cellars-Murton Co.. 3Q6 Spalding bldg. 00 WILL handle a new 6-room modern bungalow, fell cement basement, half block Haw thorne, balance $?6 per month. HIGLEY BISHOP. 132 Third St. ft-ROOM new bungalow, near I- iriand. 1 blocks from car, price $2b00. part cash, rest easy terms; with fine new furniture, $S1.60; a snap. AJ 835, Oregonian. IIDENCES and FLATS FINANCED. 6 per cent; where I build will furnish East em monev at above rate. PLANS FREE. Z. K Locke. 5.tf Henry bldg. for SALE Three amall houses on lot southwsst corner of Esst Sixth and Davis street; must be removed at once. Apply at 47 Union ave. irx sarriflcs my modern, artistio o-room home; every convenience; fine nslghbor hood; lot MxlOO; res.onable terma Home phone C or write W 796. oregonisn. OR SALE Modern 6-room house; walking distance, near Kussell st west of Will Hams ave.; forced to sell. Phons C 241'9. wiqr AL New. modern, 6-room bunga low on East 11th and Hancock sts. Ownsr. Phons Est4749. FOR PALE Modern flve-room bungalow In Wal'a Walla, or will-trade for chean on 1 m proved land. Phone Msrshall 60. HOMESKEKERS should see owner about beautiful six-room modern home. East Blda.F 0. Oregonian. BARGAIN 100-ft. quare on Alberta at. six-room houss. Woodlawn 119. MODERN houaes snd (In lots; 14 cash, terms. Tabor tea. - HOME BUTS. EAST SIDE. 93790 Sacramento, near 7th street, 8 room house, lot 85x73, close In And a good buy; ons-haix cash. 93860 East Ankeny St., T-room house. close in, easy terms. 84600 East Flanders st., adjoining Laurelhurst. 7-room modem house, choice location aad a good buy; 4000 casn. WEST SIDE HOMES. 850.000 One of the most modem and up-to-date homes on Portland neignis beautiful grounds, unobstructed view 01 the city. ' 930.000 If yon are looking for some thing choice In a select district we have one of the best homes on 34th sL, In terior finish Is of ths finest Imported woods; beautiful grounds. 918,800 8-room modem home, near 24th St., hardwood tnrougnout, oiuiaro. nail. beautiful Interior nnish. 913.000 26th st. 8-room modern ho me I a choice location. 6000 Willamette Heights, 3-room mod em home. CHARLES RTNGLER A CO. 211 Lewis Bids. 33600 ni.VHTEn PAR1T- 6 -room house. Just being completed. This house Is offered 9760 below value. 24 TH AND EAST ANKENY. 94000 9SO0 DOWN. BALANCE EASY. 6-room strictly modern house. 3 aloe bedrooms snd bath upstairs. This Is In a nice neighborhood, close to schooL 33250. OLMSTED PARK. ON SROASWAT CARLINT3. Brand new A-room cottage, bungalow style; lot 60x105. This Is the coming dis trict. See 'it today. ' ' ' . ' IRVING-TON" HOME. T-room houae, 3 large bedrooma, large sleeping: porch. 2 toilets, full basement with fruit-room. Danelea aimng-room, large living-room and hall, finest of car pets, fixtures ana snaaes, mi inciuaea. This house la located at 20th and Thomp son sts. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. NO FIRST PAYMENT REQUIRED. TV ST PAY 990 A MONTH, AXD tot; own the house. A strictly modern 5 -room bungalow with every convenience; big log fireplace, beam ceiling, set-in dook cases, run basement, wash trays. This style of bungalow is rec ognized by bungalow builders as the most complete house in the city ror tne money. In a restricted district; first -class neigh bors. Full-Blsed lot. Price $?S00. tj&t 30 a month (which In cludes interest); my client is more after paa-ty able to pay regularly every month tnan ne is ror big nrst-payment man. A. N. Searle. Take M-V car, 'get off E. 73th su Office on the corner. (Open Hun days) - HONEST VALUE. New house. 6 large rooms, full ce ment basement, bath and toilet, also toilet In basement. hardwood floors, hot water heat, artistic fireplace, beautifully finished throughout; this house has never been occupied. Is honestly built and Is one of the very best homes or its size in Portland; the lot is well improved, nas sewerage, gas and electricity; this prop erty can be reached conveniently by three streetcar lines; price for Immediate sale, faSOO, favorable terma &. R, Norton, 7 Chamber or commerce. NEVER Will you find a better bargain for cash than owner offers on modern six-room new bungalow, carllne half a block. Improve ments all In and paid. Call Tabor 809. Must be sold. NEW id-room" modern residence, close In, Union ave, and Morris; latest improved good furnace, sleeping-porch, billiard room, 2 toilets, built-in cooling box and many other improvements. 362 Morr it. Wilt consider trade of smaller house or vacant lot close In, Phone Eaat 44T0. Owner on place. $4800. TERMS. ' Modern and attractive six-room dwelU In? on Clackamas st., near East 26th; lot 50x123, flna location, house practically new and very attractively arranged; price, with street Improvementa all paid, $4800; good terms. ilcCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Falling blJlg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Fine, nearly new 7-room house; every thing modern; sleeping porch, fireplace, large attic, cement basement, etc.; lo cated near E. 15th and Thompson, one block from car; not built by a contractor for sale; $or0. and worth It Addreaa owner, A 39, Oregonian. ROSE CITYPARKRrN"QALOW. FURNISHED. 3;i00. Two blocks from car, 5 rooms, built-in seats, book cases and dresser, Dutch kitchen, full basement; reasonable cash payment and balance $-S month and ln- teresl C'all any time. 47ft East &4th MODERN" house on East Ankeny carllne. eignt rooms, bath and reception hall; value $7000. will be sold for $5500, $2000 cash, balance at per cent Interest, reasonable time or monthly payments. A bargain for anyone wanting a good Home. W. L. PAGE, 107 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE Owner to buyer; no agents; 100x100, lawn, rose garden, barn, trees; In easy reach of 4 car lines; modern 0-room house. Queen Anne style; full basement, large rooms, best residence neighborhood. Phone Woodlawn 2374. NEW 6-room bungalow, modern, close In, convenient to carllne, nice neighborhood; stop paying rent; you can buy thia for $2500, $300 down, balance same as rent. Call at 484 Marguerite ave., and I will show you this swell home. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modem home in Nob Hill district, on Kearney street, near 23th. This is a rare opportunity to secure one of the most at tractive and finest homes in this choice district. Price $12.?VO0. Y fr07, Oregonian. WEST SIDE home near King st., nine rooms and bath, strictly modern and In best of locutlops. large yard, fine view, first class condition.. 802 Spalding bldg. TWO modern 7-room houses on East Side $750 cash, balance terms. One lot 50x100 on Division street; ; one iox ooxiuu nn Rmailwav. $250 cash, balance terms. 44S 7th st.. or call Main 1913 and ask for Mr. McKinlev. VCtn SALE BY OWNER. $5500, modern 7-room house on E- Main St., near 20th; will take unimproved city property in pari payment, a oio, man. , NOB HILL DISTRICT. $6750 -8 -room modern house, fractional lot; an excellent opportunity. SAMUEL WELDON, 606 McKay Bldg. IS000 7-ROOM HOUSE. Rtrietly modern. In swellest Irvlngton district, one block from car. If you -want something nice, see this. MoCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bldg. 4 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elerantly finished In oak and mahog any, choice locations, Irvlngton. Ssveral great bargains In lots. No agents. C lod; East 273. w. H. Herdman. A FINE1 bargain at 1075 Schiller st.; good 6-room house, with lhi acres of graund; can sell all or house with 1 or 2 lota Call and see owner, on w-W carllne. A GOOD BARGAIN 6 rooms and close In; best of car service; bearing fruit trees and well Improved. Phone owner, C 1377. LEAVING city, will sell to highest bidder. 4-room home and furniture on easy terms, two lots with large fruit trees. Owner. phone Sellwood 1872. BLOCK In irvlngton. eight-room house. all Improvements paid; good home. W. Z. Reed. 845 Morrison sr. MODEPN. 6-room house, Broadway, near 6th: I22.no. James A Bigglin. 141 i,. First. Main 7842. $2500 BUYS a modern 7-room house. Im proved 50x100 lot. 1V ft. from RS car; terms to suit. 863 Montana ave. WILL selj 11-room Al Irvlngton home, 60x 100 comer, E. loth and Brazee. below cost. Phone Esst 6385; FOR FAI.E 4-room house at Montavllla, lot SOxlOO; will take good team in part payment. Tabor 871. s LITTLE home near car. fruit trees, roses, workshop; $1800. 803 is Washington St., room S. FOR SALE by owner, modern 5-room house, hslf block from carllne; terms. 7117 Mil lard avs. Tabor p-4. NEW, modern six-room house, ons block from Alberta car. on 8')th; on good tarma, 1024 Chamber of Commerce. HOMRS TO SITIT EVERYBODY. $6000 10-rom residence in the beautiful Hawthorne district, close In, on E. Madison St.; everything modern and complete; furnace, fireplace. lm Droved streets, cemeni siue walka. $4000 6-room residence, Just completed, furnace, hard-surfaced streets, ce ment sidewalks, right on Belmont street; Just ready to move in. $3350 7-room home, paneled dining-room. beamed celling. uuxca iiciieu, walls beautifully tinted, combtna- itnn flvrurt-B. steel range, new, mission dining set, shades, and a few other articles. This Is only 1 block from Clinton carllne. $3500 7-room new and modern home, built-in closet, paneled dining-room, fixtures and shaaes; in : diocks cox Close in; $400 cash, $30 a monm. $3450 4-room home, all modern, combina tion fixtures, snaaes in, iuruatc, only two 'blocks to car, on E. 30th su; $300 down $25 a month. $3200 A beautiful home with river view, only four biocKs rrom station, o. rooms and alcove, everything mod rn. bearing fruit, flowers, large building for garage and 2 lota on corner. $2300 6-room plastered cottage, porce lain bath, patent toilet, lavatory, newly tinted, washroom and wood snea; a biocits car. in ocuwouu. $l0O 4-room house, also small house on rear of lot right on the canton car- line; $400 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., Successors to Dunn-Lawrence Co., 243 Alder Street- SEE THESE TODAY. $2000 to $2800. ON EASY TERMS. Bungalows and homes that are strictly up-to-date, walls tinted, bedrooms in white, large attics, full basements, large living-rooms, bookcases, buffets, paneled rooms, plate rails. Dutch kitchens, cooi lng closets, bath and wash trays; large, lots, all street improvements in and paid lor; only 10 minutes walk to Mount Ta bor park: 15 minutes' ride from city, Take Mount Scott car to Powell Valley road, walk east 3 blocks to 55th street. Clock s Addition. Owner on ground. Of fice -oz Alder. Phone Tabor 842. IRVINOTON HOME. T-room story-and-a-half, bungalow style. new ana modern in every respect. Hardwood floors downstairs, fireplace, furnace, built-in buffet and bookcases. large den, 3 bedrooms, large closets and no. x plumbing throughout. Not a better-built house In Irvlngton. Lot 50x100, three nice shade treea in front. One block from Broadway car. Houae will be open Sunday. J. W. FERGUSON. JR 608 Board of Trade. Phone E 2153. HOUSE BARGAINS. Five-room modern house, on B. Salmon st. Price $3250. Terms. . Six-room modern house, on E. Taylor st. Price $4300. Terms. Five-room modern house in Central AI- bina Add. A man at $3 ,.00. Eight-room strictly modern house, on E. lGtn st.. walklntr distance. Will rent for $45 per month. Price $0000, reasonable terms. LAMBERT- WHITMER CO.. ' 404 E- Alder at. East 640. B 1910. FOR SALE One block to car, restricted district. Richmond : strictly modern 7 room ljungralow: beamed ceilings, paneled walla, Dutch kitchen, bath, full base ment, fireplace, reception hall. elegant combination fixtures, walls tinted, built-in buffet, shades, cement walks, lawn, rose bushes, you n it shade trees: price $3650, tiKM) cash, .balance $15 Der month: will let go with house (same price) flve-plece solid oak dining-room aet, new atx-hoie range. Bee owner at 1147 lvon. A BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow with den fine lot in lawn, fruit trees, on wide street. cement walks; house has Dutch kitcnen one bedroom downstairs with bath and toilet, fine dining room, large living room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms and den up stairs: fixtures and shades In; full cement basement; must sell. Look at this today. 1076 Grant st. "Door is unlocked. You pay no commission on thla Take Hawthorne car. get off at Marguerite ave. and go soutn. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Vw- K.room bunralow. Hawthorne dis trict. muMt front, norch full width of house. reception hall, arch between hall and par lor, fireplace m parlor, arcn Between par lor and dining room, beam ceiling and panel wainscoting. Dutch kitchen, back nan, oatn, two nic- ueu.wiu-i tinto nln-d and wired for lights, full basement, cement floor, $400 below adjoin ing property. uniy szavv, uausi. terms. No agents. Call Tabor ZZS5. WYPTTPTTOWAT, VALUE. KffW HOUSE. 7 LARGE ROOMS, THOROUGHLY MODERN. FINELY IM PROVED CORNER LOT, SoxlOO. Thli property can be reached by five streetcar lines and is very desirable. THE LOT ALONE IS WELL WORTH $3500, as the wera&d and improvements are all in; nrlce for IMMEDIATE sale, $6000, very favorable terms. 8. R. Norton, room 7, Chamber of Commerce. $5500. nnvT READ THIS AD. You will find this the best buy In the city, on West Side. 10 minutes ride to business center; a fine 7-room house, 100 xlOO lot. improved ground, view the best in the city: lawn and roses, fruit trees. $3000 handles this. W. A. HANSEN, 1565 Macadam st. SIX rooms, modern, new bungalow, fire place, full basement, launary trays, lot ROxIOO. near Ocklev Green and Jefferson High. Excellent buy and a dandy home for aomebodv. $3500 and upon good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35 : A 3500. NEW 5-room bungalow, select locality. frontage Bio feet, i7 feet noep, ricn oiacK soil, no gravel ; private water system to irrigate garden: poultry yard, nice young orchard, first bearing year; grapes, all kinds of berries; 30 minutes out on best carl In ee. Address owner for tnrms and lowest cash price. AE 84.1, Oregonian. BEATTIFUL HOUSE ON THE EAST SIDE. We b,ave some attractive rargalns in homes It the Irvlngton. HolJadny Sunny side. Mt. Tabor and other choice dis tricts. If you are looking for a home, you better see us. M'CARGA K. BATES A LIVELY. 315 Falling Bldg. WEST SIDE NOB HILL HOME. Modern 8-room home, good condition, two baths, fine furnace. 50x100 lot. close tr 23d st. ; rented $50 per month ; prla $3750; $3750 cash, balance 6 ner cpnt. THIS IS ALSO AN IDEAL APARTMENT t?ITE. S. R. Norton, 7 Chamber of Com merce. $750 down, balance $35 per month. Includ ing Interest, 8-room modem home, located on tho Alameda in Rose City Park; beau tiful view of the city and mountains; equipped with all modern conveniences; double lot. $4!,oo. W. H. WITT. 820-321 Yeon Bldg. FOR RALE By owner, who leaves for East ern Oregon. April 1. 4-room bunoralow and garage on oOxlOO lot, on asphalt street, bath, electric light, gaa. water, sewer. Price 23O0. Lot worth $1800. Any rea sonable terms to responsible party. 903 E. Everett st. between 29th and 30th. TWO modern houses of five and six rooms each at 1321-1325 Rodney ave.. Piedmont Addition, east facing, lots 50x100: houses have all of the conveniences: easv .terma F. G. Warren, owner. 1275 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1339. . 7-ROOM modem house snd lot. East Side. Punnvslde district. 15 minutes out. 4 blocks of school. 3 blocks from 2 carllne: hou-a 2 years old. faces north: price $4500, f25O0 down, terms to suit. Pee owner. 950 B. fnlmon. Phone Tabor 245G. FOR SALE Gladstone residence property and 94 acres unimproved Clackamns River frontape. on good county road, 31. miles from Gladstone, together or sepa rate: on Oregon City carllne. Address C. A. Lee. Gladstone. Or., box 3R3. BUY this house and make $50O. Will rent It from you for two years. Takes about $1500 cash. Lot will be worth price of house In two years for business property. AC M5. Oregonian $15 MONTHLY buys modern five-room bungalow, restricted district, paneled dining-room, cement basement, good plumb ing, electric lights, block from car. Phone owner. Tabor 10 18. FOR SALE By owner, new 0-room bunga low; panel wainscoting, beamed celling, built-in buffet and dressers, fireplace, piped fo rfurnace. All up to date. 896 Halght ave. 12 PER CENT on your Investment: flat on 11th St.. near College: walking distance; a snap for $4500. S. Peterson. 912 Board of Trade. - WE have vacant Iota and bungalows In Rose City Park: let us snow you wnat we have before buying. POWNDE R INV. CO.. 428 Mohawk Bldg. DESIRABLE, beautiful, modern bungalow on Corner ivixiuw. ii.v.ij m irwtra, inill, flowers. Owner. Tabor 986. No agents. 8-ROOM bouse, tinted walls, basement, mod- cm plumDing. DHru. Detinue; uecs, snruoa, $1700. Terms. 159 82 d st.Montavlllo. NEW 8-room house close In on sightly cor ner Weat siae, view oi mountains. ri. M. Tomllnson. owner, 816 City Hall. $47o0 6-ROOM. modern house. In finejt part OI 1 r v l :i k i ' m i. .uuuir-i a lo r dui dl. N. Phone A 2091. MODEKN 6-room bungalow. Sellwood 90. stone ana ooni - h,'-k.;. fme view ot trees, fine garden, eh Ickena, rn mountains; beaumui j." city for home. wln handle. Ity for home. Price only $3000, V, V CLOKB-IX. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE 60x10.. fine 7-room huse- "t aiua street lng alone cost 1W0; cement w alks stree ,?omTnr KTS oSOOora hand.e'.'baL 3 years at 7 per cent. CAN YOU BEAT THESE 1 Now wo have places In lrT'V?;JS Broadway, etc. Call and lot us expl am these buys. Must be seen to be appro 'leed- B. A. KIRK & CO, 816 Lewis Bldg. LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVERprce. Location. . a nnn House. 24th snd Brazee. co ..v S'inn House. 24th and Brazee Houae. 25th and Brazee. Bung.. 25th, bet. Brazee 6.500 12.500 Thompson House, 27th and Thompson Bung., Grand ave. and Skldmore House. 2r!th and Brazee 8.50O 6.000 7.000 House, 2flth and Brazee. corner House, 241 h and Brazee, corner... W' Bung.. 27th and Wledler Bung., 27th and Wledler .ou Bung.. 26th. bet. Thompson and Brazee -nSnn House, 25th and Stephens, corner, in jorl House. 25th and Market, corner... S0 These houaes are built, owned and for for "ale-AbJTM ANN 4 M'KENZIB, BOS Ablngton Bldg. . FINE IRVINGTON HOME. $2500 CASH. 10 rooms, splendid and spacious. In best location In Irvlngton; lot 76x100, beautl fullv laid out on commanding cornert private garage; every desirable feature In a modern home has been Included In the construction of this residence, and It has been furnished In the be-t possible man ner regardless of cost. Widow must sell and Is asking only 12,000 for this place with all Its furnishings; $2500 cash, bal ance easv yearly payments. Investigate and make an offer. We have positive Instructions to accept any reasonable or fer we can get this week. Remember It must be sold. I-THFKA REALTY CO.. 527-52S Ohnmber of Commerce. 4-ROOM modern cottage, the most com plete and convenient that money oasj make: well built, elegant finish, wired with complete system of olectrlcity. com plete modorn gas plant which would co.t $75 to Install, now In good working order and goes with house; bath, hot and cold water, toilet, full concrete basement. This home must be seen to be appreciated. The owner hns left nothing undone to make It complete in every detail; ntce high lot, lawn well graded, 4 blocks from "500 cash, balance easy terms. Buy now of CHAPIN ft HERLOW fR. 832-833 Chamber ot Commerce. JTJST FINISHED. Two well-built nouses, and the arrange ment Is extraordinary. One two-story of 6 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, and 1-story bungalow of 7 rooms and sun room. Both have hardwood floors, cement floor In basement, and furnaces. A very prominent architect who saw these said: ''The arrangement is the best I have seen In the city." See them today at 4rtth and 47th, between Tillamook and Han cock, In Rose City Park, half block of ' car line. Prices and terms right for oulck action. , Xj. R. BAILEY CO.. IMC, ' 324 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Marshall 646, SEB THIS HOME AND SAVE $500. $2S00 6 rooms and sleeping porch; tho neatest and cheapest prtced cottage on the East Side: In an Ideal residence dis trict; 4 blocks to car: cement walks all the way. This home Is modern in every respect, full cement basement, wash trays, etc , all In. Terms can be arranged, as the owner has told us to sell It this week. WTNN JOHNSON CO.. Suite 505. Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. 40 A.CRES 82 under cultivation; 11 miles from city, near Tlgard; creek on place: house and barn, first-class soil: or ex change for city property, take or pay dlf- if S0Cacres near Albany: R. R. station on place, all In cultivation, creek throueh place; none better In the Valley. Price $110 per acre or part of same: might ex change for .other property and assume Incumbrance. OOLDPr-tT-UTDTS AGENCY. 253 H Washington. Cor. Third. BEATTTFUL IRVINGTON HOME WILL BE SACRIFICED. $500 CASH REQUIRED. If you have $500 cash to pay down ana $50 per month on one of the most com plete modern little 7-room homes In Irv lngton and are prepared to act quickly, answer this advertisement. Address own or, AE 849, Oregonian. MOUNT TABOR BARGAIN. T-room house. 2 blocks f rom Sunnysld esr No. 118 East 47th streot: lot 60xlS0. This is a fine home, hns 9 auple. 3 near snd 9 cherry trees, all In full bearing and other small fruit; 25 rose bushes. Price $3300; terms. . Calf us up Monday and we will tell you about It. CHAPIN & HERLOW CP). 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM house, plastered, well finished and well built, more room can d auu.au . a lot 80x125; benutlful lawn, bed of choice roses extending across the entire front of lawn: abundance of fine shade trees: good garden spot on rear of lot: no rock: nn Ideal home, 5 blocks from car: onlv $1"00; terms. CHAPIN HERLOW CR). S32-33H Chamber of Commerce. B-ROOMED modem bungalow. Iooatea at Woodstock. blocK or car, an mooern, mn nicest little kitchen, living-room and dining-room, with fireplace, fine bath and two bedrooms: cement basement: the house Is small but Just rlcht for two peo ple; price $2500, $100 cash, balance $25 per month. Vy-oT.pTnE HOME, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS MCVen rooms, mmiijrn hiiu win beautiful view: laree living-room with fireplace, four sleeping rooms, one with fireplace: cement basement and good fur nace: on carllne; price $7500, good terms. McAllister & Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. HANDSOME Willamette Heights home, with mnenlncent view; eiani n., muu.i ... every particular: large living-room with fireplace- all rooms laree and attractively arrangfd: on carllne. For particulars see McAllister Lueddemann, lit iiectnc bldg . . .goon Fine comfortable home property near West ave. and E. Taylor St.: grounds 100 xlOO with abunnance ot neHrum irun. shrubs and flowers: good barn; reason able terms. A. H. BIRR ELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. A BATtGAIN. T-room house on East 10th St., and close to Alberta carllne: piped for furnace; 250 cash, balance tin to 25 per month. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., 01 Fifth St.. Lumbermens Bldg. MODERN 9-room house on Morris St., close to Union sve.. eWantlv finished; will sell at a bargain ana iie n ki.jij.hj or small home as part pavment. This Is or smn a borsrain. Western Sec. Co., 414 Spald- lng bldg. tinn DOWN. S20 MONTHLY. (t-room bungalow. Hawthorne district: full basement, mooern. Don't miss this pnrgaln. Lot 40r!l0. Price $2500. Call 924 Chamber of Commerce. g-,oo 12-room house, large lot. rme local ity walking distance; nouse new ana modern. Act quick. It won't last at this PS.C"s. PRENTISS, 908 Spalding Bldg. IRVINGTON. By owner: Delahunt designer snd builder, beautiful home. You don't have to buy. Come and see It. 493 E. 15th St. N., near Thompson. HOLLA DAY BARGAIN Fleht-room housa on Wasco street, near 22d: modern; four sleeping rooms and sleeping porch: price $0000. on verv easy terms. McAllister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. A SNAP. $3000 8-room house. 50x100 lot. must be sold at once. Other good values. Come In and look over my list. P. P. PKENTIFP. n paining tjiag. WE have a number of attractive bargains In residences on both East and West sides: If you are looking for a home, we can Interest you. McAllister & Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. SWELL HOME IN IRVINGTON. Positively nothine m's!ng. beautiful, artistic interior. East 394 If Interested; no information to agents. CLOSE TO UNION AVE. Modern 7-room house. $3000. a bftrrsln. Modern 5-room bungalow. $2500: terma C DcYoung. 432 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. 6-room modern house. East 7th street North, half block of Broadway. Price $4,yio. terms. Phone East 4042 ROSE CITY PARK. All-modern. 7-room home. $3700: terma. C. DeToung. 432 Chamber of Commerce. WALNUT PARK residence, near 7 carllnes and high school: desirable. 1104 Rodney ave. Phone C 1678. owner.