g i . TIIE SUNDAY OREOOXIAy, rORTLAXD, MAKC1T 12, 1911. . , " . SBff TOPAT. V "" TODAY. ZL. rnn.r. 1 JfTW TODAT. 1 . NEW TOPAT. 1 JTEW TODAY. .. NEW TODAY. . -J ; Acreage 1 ACSTS. on Killincfsworth avenue; faces to streets; all in cultiva tion; price $1500 per acre; terms. 31-3 ACRES, on Kimnjrsworth ave, all in cultivation; pood soil, good Tiew, beautiful building spot. Price $1200 per acre.- 3 ACRES, 5-room house, outbuildings, good soil ; lies fine, located on 42d and Portland sts. Priee $6500, 2 cash. 6 ACRES, S-roora house, pood barn, 1 acre orchard. The best of soil; all in high state of cultivation; ' mile from Beaverton; sidewalk to place. A fine home. Price $5)00. One-third cash, balance to suit. 5 ACRES Joins above place; 12 acres nice orchard, balance in crop. Don't pass this. Price $24."0; one-third cash, balance to suit. Jordan & Garbade 2321, 3 "Washington. You Know Beautiful Tiew property on the West Side, and with quick car service, is limited and will advance rapidly in value. Yet for a short time you can buy big lots, including street improve ments, at $450 and on your own terms, in beautiful Armona. Let ns show you this property. GOWAN-MORE CO. 315 Chamber of Commerce Bid?. Furnished Bungalow Portland Heights $3500 Strictly modem. B rwm. completely furnlshe.!. cas range and heater, beau tiful combination nasi and electric fix tures. A horn for the- person of good taste and moderate means. ISM rasa. Photo at office. Fred W. German Wrlde. Mala T A THn. Millions in Walnuts -TSey grow to perfection only In cer tain location. Mr plantation com pare rery farorably with any on the Pacific Coast: one 4-acre orchard sold for over $3000 per acre. I eell -year-old grovea for $i0 per acre. I also have cherry land that la absolutely free from gumosls at the same price; all In a very beautiful country near Portland and near station. THOW 'WITIIYCOMBE. OWXER, 421 llaaslltea Baddies. Pksat Mala 2373. East Stark Street iootioo os tiik northeast CORNER EAST 12TH A1 EAST STARK STREETS. THIS IS WELL ADAPTED FOR STORES OR APARTMENTS. EDW. P. MALL. 104 2d Street, Lumber Exchange Bids:. Platting Tract 103 ACRES on Plrilnn street, only a short distance from cltv limits. Tht- would be a win ner in half-acre tracts. Price i0 per acre. Terms. ALSO CO ACRE on East G!lan street, short distance from r'ty Urn!' and five block from new Mount Hood Kertrlc Carlina. Price $). terms. V Hi. Orcgonian. A IIOMK IX erXXTSIDK 7 rooms. modern, new; lot 4xl-S; one hun dred feet of stores and postofflc. Terms or trade for acreage. Yaoi hlil or Washington County. a BI.WK Thirtieth and Tillamook to build on. Lot for a bouse. All im provements in. AC UK E. St-a near Puraslde. Jint Im proving strrei. Kcalr to cut up. and to builder a ..hand to soil bouses. oi:r. im r- ats. FOR SALE sit acres wheat land nine mil ruf'4r. r. sis miles from rallr illes from rtad sta tlon: Ziv acres id cultivation, uu acres In growing crop. acres more good tl'.Uole Isn.l. Pla.e well watered. i-1 . f 1 r r m . r m If Ukfa before id acres ilarcb 11. lilt. J. A- STEVEe, Dwrwr. Or. The piece where land Is eelltng. A REtL SXtP, lOOslOO CORNER RODNEY AVE. AND GOING CODDARD Jt vt lEDRICK. 213 Stars: St. ETORKLAD HOME, f-even room, new and beautifully finished. bmaiJ payment do n. .bal ance Uk rent. -. U. LtM IS S Lewis) BIdg. I esaamsssBssamsamsssBsammmaBsammssssaamssssss I Sandy Road. Place INSIDE PROPERTY Now Is the time to buy a lot In Sandv Road Place. In order to reap benefits of Increased values which are bound to follow. Tou can walk from Sandy Road Place to the business center of the city within IS minutes. Car Service Take Rose City Park car from Second and Washington, and get off at East t4th. right In front of Sandy Koad Place. Prices and Terms !ttoo and upward: JO per cent cash and 10 per cent each three month, with t per cent Interest. Ten per cent off for cash. Just think. 50x1 00 -foot lot on East Flanders, between Hth and 2th. for JjtlUSO cash. This in cludes sewer cement walk and Bull Run water. Streets are to be hard-surfaced as soon aa possible. W.H. GRINDSTAFF AND GEO. D. SCHALK SI Commercial Block 2pi Stark St. Tel. Mala SOOO. Tel. Mala S93. A S3S2. APARTMENT SITE rt? nnn 100x150 feet on Glan dOJtUUU street. In the best resi dence district. Nothing" better for high-class apart ments or prlrate hotel. Residence on the property cost over $20.000.. ACREAGE m ?f Over three acres in western f OU urt of city. Fine for rntinlrv home or chicken ranch. nnt Over four acres In South 10 A A Portland. DWELLINGS &A Cnn New 8-room house In Rose Cltr Park, one block from electric cars; worth $4750. $10,000 100x100 and nearly new eight-room bouse. Port land Heights. HOMESITES GCnn Any one of ten fine lots In 07UU the best part of Rose CUy Park. nnn Corner lot. Rose City Park. dlUUU one block from cars. d1 Cnn SOxlOO on East 2th street. dlOUU Irvine-ton. 2500 BOxI"a cloas lDloa ar C?nfin Corner. 75x100. In the best OuUUU part of Irvington. tonnn 100x107. Portland Heights; 90UUU city, mountain and river view. drk stnn Over IS.OOO square feet, MUfUUU Portland Ilelshta. WALKER & REED 4i Railway Exchange Rids;. 12 ACEE3 FOR $3700 11 miles from City, Hall and 2'2 miles from Oswepo suburban line. About half in fruit and berries of Etxd varieties. Good house and barn, best of soil. Well drained. Near school, on R. F. D. 10 ACRES FOR $400 PES ACRE 6 miles from City Hall, 2 miles from rarline; all in good cultivation, rich black soil. Good macadam road. See this bargain at our expense. B. S. COOK & CO,' 503 Corbett Building. $30,000 Taylor Street Corner, 50x100, east of 13th st., an nnexcelled hotel or apartment site. The only available corner in this neighborhood. Some income. H. L. GALLAGHER, 19-20-21 Teon Building. Union Avenue Corner of Fine, 50x100, for sale by owner. SULLIVAN & CATHER, 422 Henry Building. 100x250 Comer of Vaughn and North Twenty elxth. iro.OOO. Terms. MERCHANT SAVINGS TRCST compas r. AX ELCOAST FIAT OR APARTMENT SITE E. Salmon and T- Itta sts.: (Oxllf. cheap, bee It today. OURieV REALTY CO, o Vewa UalldJas;. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 7 jonv r ntovAv, bo Ssaldlas Blda Cook 8 Taylor s Specials 147.000 Modern brick apartment house, nearly new, TVest S'de. walk Ins; distance. Owner's equity $20,000. Will consider trade for city property. Warehouse Site 125.000 100x100. East Side, with trackage, f or a few days only. Thi la a bargain. Eleven per Cent Net $1J. BOO New store bulldingr. corner lot. close-in suburb. Small additional Improvement will make Income of 11 per cent net on Investment. $4000 cash will handle. Investigate at once. Irvington 4500 100x100, In best papt of Irving-ton. 1 block from Irvington car. Part cash, balance to suit. Waverly Heights $1100 Two of the best lots in Wav erly. These lots are $400 under valua tion. COOK & TAYLOR 403 4 5 Lewla BIdK, 4th and Oakata. Union Ave. HALF BLOCK on Union ave., Couch and Third sts., with 7 houses. Income $1800. Price $50,000 Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark Street. Sandy Boulevard TO BE Portland's Finest Driveway I4 FF.F.T FRONTAGE on this splen did 80-foot boulevard, which It is planned to make Portland- longest and most beautiful driveway, leading from the center of the c'ty out Into the famous Mount Hood district. This property is located at a six-corner business center, the only buxiness street parallel and east of Grand ave nue. We offer this at present, with .U.'for.:.'.'.:."'..." $13,000 $8000 100 feet from the above we have an other fine block, facing; 230 feet on business street. Including sewer, lat erals, water, gas. cement sldewslks. curbing and streets graded. Just right for STORES. FLATS OR APARTMENTS, and we can place some lonsr-tlme leases for you. Call B 1414. or see agent. CITE BOS CERLISGER BUILDING, Soataeaat reran Seeoad aad Alder Sts. CAREY ACT" IRRIGATED .. PUBLIC LAND OPENING. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO FILE ON 160 ACRES Or IRRIGATED LAND, j MAKE APPLICATION NOW k CtNTRAl OREGON IRRIGATION CO. . 411 ST IICMMI BIOS. PORTLAND ORE. TO PLAT 25 Acres $1300Acre Adjoins city limits: all In cultiva tion; perfectly level: macadam street. This is $300 an acre under market value, will bring $2000 an acre this Summer. Can be bandied on easy terms. SHAW LOCKE. 430 Lumbermen Bide. Apartment Site . 19th Street THAT 100x200 ON THE "WEST 6IDE OF 19TH ST., BETWEEN KEARNEY AND LOVEJOY, OR WILL SELL EITOER QUARTER. WILL MAKE EASY TERMS. EDW. P. MALL, 104 2d St, Lumber Exchange Eldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS I0th and Laurel sts.. all Improved lOOillS. corner, S10,:&0. lOOzCB. corner. li00. 100x50, Inside. $4500. 17th and Pprlng 100x120. corner, 7n00. Chapman and Mill STHxlOO. lnelde. $3500. See Owaer, 4h ColnmMa, Mala) S2. Best business property In south Port land; 4 lots, with buildings, $19L300 Address M MS, Oregaalam. Williams Ave. Snap lOOxlOu. corner, with good (-room house, ready for stores on corner; cheapest quarter on Williams avenue. The Broadway bridge going up makes this a very attractive Investment. Must be sold this week. CRrssi Jt I A DOW, IT Beard ef Trade BUt, 4th aad Oak. IRVINGWOOD Adjoining Irvlnrton; restricted dis trict. Corners, $1000: Inxlde. $750 to $S0. Lots 60x105: alley 30 feet wide. 10 per cent below value; 10 per cent down. 1 per cent monthly. See owner, 10$ 4ltu Main 14 SII Eeal Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldf. A SECRET The tremendous volume of business done by our Healty Department Is due to the fact that we willingly spend large amounts of money In securing; for sale the best places that any given amount of money will buy. Our buy ers must get their money's worth. The most and best for YOUR money la our desire. SAMPLES $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. Northeast corner of Park and Co lumbia sts. The First Christian Church building and lot 66x100; never offered for sale before. Look It over; it Is an unusual opportunity. See the apartment-houses near it; try to get a room; you couldn't; more apartment-houses are needed. Please your wife. Buy a church. (1366) $31,000 $31,000 $31,000 ANOTHER APARTMENT SITE. A prominent corner; extra large: 60x 125: right in the line of apartment house development, on West Side. $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 A BEALTIFCL HOME. In Irvington (to the stranger: Irv ington stands for all that Is beautiful); 10 rooms, which could not be more beautiful; lot, a corner, 100x100. (128s) $50,000 $50,000 1 $50,000 ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL HOME. Belongs to a prominent ,rallroad of ficial: 6 lots; -house 15 rooms and modern in every way. Several pag of typewritten description at office. Per mit to inspect given upon application. ' $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 IXISCALLT PRETTT HOME. A very beautiful home; we have a good picture at the office: In a beau tiful block: close In; on East Side: 9 rooms (5 bedrooms), hardwood floors, plate-glass windows; lid floor plas tered, but otherwise unfinished. Many houses costing much more are not a beautiful. Surroundings ideal also. (1263) LE5S EXPENSIVE HOMES $3400 $3400 $3400 FURNITURE INCLUDED A large 2-story house in Rose City Park: 6 rooms and bath; 8 bedrooms; lot 60x100; owner leaving city, and will give buyer a part of his furniture. Key today near the house, at 640 East 62d st. near Stanton st. (1329) $3150 $3150 $3150 A modest bungalow home In Rose City Park: modern In every detail; easy terms. For the convenience of buyers the keys will be at 640 E. 62d near Stanton St. today near the house. $3700 $3700 $3700 A splendid (-room home in Rose City Park, , now nearing completion: the owner will sell on terms and finish the house to suit any buyer who will ex press him desires In time. (1369) $4800 $4800 $4800 10S BROAD WAT Near E. SEth st. a besutlful home. Sea it today. Owner will show you through. $7500 $7500 $7500 A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE at 60 E. Main at. near E. 15th st. Sea it today. Owner there. EAST TERMS EA1' TERMS EASY TERMS may be arrange on nearly every sale made through our Realty Department. WE HAVE Maps ef Portias d for Free Dlatrlbatlom. II Eeal Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce . i xpertlaad's Most Sceale Acreage Additions." WILLALATIN PARK H AND C MARINE VIEW THE PLACE TO LIVE Nowhere around Portland will you find conditions so Ideal for a home on the West Side, above smoke and fog. away from noise and din of the city. All the moun tains in plain view, also the Co lumbia and Willamette Rivers. If you have not seen theee beautiful additions, there Is a treat in store for you. $400 Per Acre and Up 10 down and 2 per month. $2500 building restrictions. Values here will Increase rapidly. Wllla latln Park is to be the future home of St. Helen's Hall. Tils means something. Don't delay your investigation. See us at once. Shepard, Mills & Rogers 214-15 Board of Trade Bolldins;. Mala 6669. A 4710 RICHEST LANDS IN OREGON Pays for Itself Chehalem Orchard District, 20 miles from Portland; "red shot" soil. Partly timbered; timber worth more than price of land, which purchasers may cut and ship us in payment for land; we pay difference In cash. These lands are of fabulous richness, equaling in value the Irrigated lands of North Yakima, which bring $1500 to $2500 per acre 250 miles from Portland. Our red shot lands re quire no irrigation, are within eight of Portland city limits and are sold at a small fraction of the prices of Yakima, Hood River or Rogue River fruit lands. FIRLANDS TRUST CO. 80S-S08 Spalding Bids;.. Portland, -Or. West Side Lot Nob Hill District I am moving from the West4 Side and want to sell my large lot in midst of a rapidly developing apartment and flat district. Will sell for S7000 if taken now. About $2500 cash and the balance to j suit purchaser. This is a nice little home if the pur chaser desires to occupy it meantime or rent it temporarily. AM 841, Oregonian. EIGHT ACRE FARM All cleared, fenced and ready for cul tivation; on the electric line, one houra ride to this city; adjoining city limits of a live town; all for $2900, only one fifth cash and the balance yearly, pay ments. Don't buy stumps, headache and hard work, when you can get this kind of a deal. Wallace Investment Co. Orearonlaa Building. OREGON STREET 75x100 ON THE S. W. CORNER GRAND AVENUE AND OREGON STREET. PRICE $21,000. INCOME $50 PER MONTH. TERMS $6000 CASH, BALANCE FIVE YEARS AT 6 PER CENT. THIS IS THE STEEL BRIDGE STREET. NOTHDJG BET TER ON THE STREET. E. P7Mall 104 Second St., Lumber Ex. Eldg. REAL 0M0N LAND We can sell you choice beaverdam land for $200 an acre, on terms of one fourth caeh and the balance can easily be paid from crops taken from this soil; no clearing, but ready to culti vate, and close to railroad and this town. A market at the door. Wallace Investment Co. Orea-onlaat Building. BUSINESS CORNERS S6SOO J lots, S atores, 1 bungalow, r?nt0. At Archer Place; $3500 cash; pays over 11. ggT5o 100x100, corner, on Williams ave.; good house; a snap. Jill SOO 80x100, corner, 2 houses, I flits, rent $60. North 19th St. 812 50O Corner on 14th St., south of Morrison; fine apartment site. S13 OOO 100x106, 9-room house, on 3d et. south; bargain. GRUSSI A IADOW, 1T Board of Trade Bldg 4t and Oafc. COOK & TAYLOR'S SPZCIAL 26 ACRES One mile from Forest Grove, 5-mln-nte walk to Oregon Electric Line. All fenced; about 15 acres cleared; excel lent soil for berries, fruit,-vegetable and onions. Price only $5000, one-half cash. . COOK & TAYLOR 40Z-3-4-& Lewis BIdg. flOl Portland Heights 81200 40x116 in Greenway. S1SOO 100x100 on Terrace Drive. 83000 100x130 In Greenway 83200110x118. Council Crest. 8350050x100 on Elisabeth street. S40O0 Corner on LaureL 850OO 74x 75 corner on Montgomery Drive. 85500 100x72, Myrtje st. 87250100x100 on Spring. 87500100x115 on Elm. 10,000 100x85 corner on Jackson. Nob HOI 8425035x100 on Lovejoy. 84 0 00 50x100 on Savier. 84700 60x100 on Overton. 84 7 50 50x100 on Petty-- grove. S50 00 50x100 on Northrup. 85300 50x100 on Quimby. 85400 50x100 on Northrup. S5500 45x100 on Northrup. 85 7 00 50x100 on Marshall. 86000 50x100 on 24th. 86 2 00 60x100 on Marshall. 86400 50x100 on Lovejoy. 87400 60x100 on Marshall. 8S500 50x100 on Hoyt. Irvington 81250 50x100 on East 23d. S1550 50x100 on East 24th. 81600 50x100 on East 14th. 81700 50x100 on East 20th. Improvements paid. 8 1650 50x100 on East 18th. 82 4 50 50x100 on Broadway. 82 5 00 50x100 on East 16th. 83000 75x100 on Clackamas $3650 100x100 on Knott. 83500100x100 on' Knott. 85250 100x100 on Hancock. 86000 100x100 on Tillamook S6000 100x100 on Thompson , KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD INVESTMENT We have a new modern flat building located on a prominent street one block from carline and within easy walking distance to business center of this city. Streets are all hard - surface pavement, in and paid for. This is a fine building, divided into four 5 room apartments, strictly up to date, all rented at a rental that pays a clear profit of 10 per cent to the own er, and we can sell it at a very low price and some terms. This will pay itself out, and is a safe investment for a farmer or a non-resident that would like income-bearing property in this growing city. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Rooms 518-517 Oregonian Bldg. ROSSMERE A first-class restricted residence dis trict, with all the improvements, con veniences and requirements of the particular homebuilder, with prices that are right. Take Rose City car to 39th street. Our representative, Mr. Cater, on ground afternoons. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 6407. A S25. ' DO YOU KNOW that the most beautiful lota in East Portland are in Groveland Park and that there are only a few left? Do you know that you can build your home In the trees, and enjoy the fine car service "on Hawthorne avenue, and have all this for a moderate price? Come and see these lots you wUl be sur prised. A. COWPERTHWAIT, Forty-ninth St. and Hawthorne Ave. Portland Heights ONE OF THE BEST QUARTERS ON THE HEIGHTS, WITH UNOB STRUCTED VIEW, FACING THE CITY. WILL MAKE EASY TERMS. EDW. P. MALL, 104 2d St.. Lumber Exchange BIdg. UNION AVENUE 100x100, business corner 18,KOO 45x100, near Broadway 7,ooo 60x100, with g-ood house 4,730 60x100, with good house....... 6,000 These houses are thrown in; lots alone worth prices. J. D Kennedy, 830 Union ave. north. BEAVERTON- REEDVILLE ACREAGE More than 4000 acres in one plat ting and close to Portland, with both steam and electric cars. Wonderful development promised in this locality during coming season. Let us show you. W have 40 buyers that have bought from two to four times each. Ask them why. We are the oldest and largest acreage firm in Portland. You are safe in dealing' with us. We are responsible for our represen tations. A few acres bought here on our easy-payment plan will increase in value very rapidly and will yield a revenue each year in ad dition. Buy a few acres now on our easy payment plan and lay the found ation for your fortune. Tracts from one-half acre up at $125 to S5300 per acre and upon monthly payments. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. PARK We have a number of lots at prices offered a year ago. This is the com ing district. Has restrictions and building terms, and is now improved. You should see this addition before it is too late. Take the Broadway car to the top of the hill. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. '8 The one BEST place in Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER g-o and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the im provements going on. The Oregon Real Fslate Company GRAND AVE. AXD MCLTJfOMAH ST. R0VVF.THATf.HER M A I J II dU aw. AAA m M VaVAMIft -w W V Harrr Howe . W. Thatch el REAL ESTATE RENTALS INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 833 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Splendid new Heights residence, well pro tected from Winter winds; 6 large bedrooms, also 3 sleeping porches with dressing rooms; living-room 20x34. with fireplace; dining-room 20x20, with fireplace: billiard room and den. 20x34, cathedral beamed cell ing and rustlo fireplace; 2 complete bath rooms, 5 lavatories. 8 toilets; hardwood floors; fine large porches, and all auxiliaries to a fine home; 2 lots; garage, beautiful na tive trees. Price only $13,000; halt cash. HENRY C. rBCBHOMME CO., Owner, 808 Spalding Bldg. 50x100 on East Oak, Nos. 364 and 366. Go look at this property, then come in and get prices and terms. No phone information. G00DN0UGH & SZITZ 310 Spalding Bldg. 31 LOTS One Block East of Richmond 8-room house, with one or two lots, J. F. McMAHOlf 41st and Ivon streets. 1264 Division St. Phone Tabor 1453 INVEST your money where your opportun ity for making money is greatest. NO TOWN In Oregon of Its size offers better Induce ments than BAKER. Or. . The records in assessed Tallies for the past five years show a raise of 300 per cent and better on business and prospective business properties. PROPERTIES paying a good rate of in terest on the Investment, with every pros pect of an annual increase in values of 2" per eent to 50 per cent are to be had by writing to Ira B. Sturges, Baker, Or. m Holladay Addition Bargain