RECEIVER IS PROBABLE VAxeoirvEit aK appointive 3IAY BE MADE Br CO CRT. financial Condition of Savins; In titatkui Shown by Report Just Hade by Cashier. ATfTOtrrrTt. TVash.. March 11- (Special.) A statement to ahosr the financial condlUon of the Commercial Bank of Vancouver, which closed Ita doors December 1. 110. owlnf mora than $400,000. has been Issued by O. W. Ianlels. caahler. The statement: Resources ,.- 1-o.n. and discounts " ,?rij oi.rrtrsft. Hnndr warrants and other a- -antt. ,,,, Bnklr. taouM. furnllore and ftx- ajj.00 rx'i'iJ" rial " iit'.ia "ow'n"'i ." ." . .' ." ." .' ." . J f J Ina. from b.nk. - . Check od other basks and other rut iii-i Cua on aaad ........... Total ' .labilities . capital ..M p.!4 la ; Purplu fund.. i l-et rndmde.1 troOt V-V.V.i"" ?-? I t banks outaaadlna drafts.. ;j ?rJ bill. paal: llncluOms crrlinctes el cl.iolt fur nwu.r borrowed) l..t.M T.tal - The committee representing- the Peposltora" Association, met yesterday and today, and adjourned until Tues day afternoon, at which time It will be decided what shall be done about hav Inr a rwlrer appointed. The time limit. days from the time the batik was closed by J. I. Jlohundro. State llank Examiner, will expire Sunder. March 1. so Monday following will be the last day he will have charge. Mr. Mohundro la still negotiating with several persons. wh, ha says, would be willing to take over the hank. H Is likely that the court will appoint a receiver. ( rntrsl Ort-gon Sell 1 In; Rapidly. SALEM. Or.. March 1 1. Special I That rapid advancement Is belntr made In the settlement of the Peschutes country by the Ceneral Oregon Irriga tion Company, which took over the 1 ...chutes lrrla-atlon at Tower Com pany's holdings. Is indicated by re ceipt of $10,000 worth of settlers notes by the Insert Land Board from that company. Under' an agreement with the board the company turns over to the state a certain percentage of the settlor notes to hold until such time a. rMUmtlloa Is assured MEKTINO JiOTtftJC STOl-KnOI-DrR?- MF.ET1NO Th. annual 'm..ttr. or atockholdra or tUa Jtabr Home axil ta h.H om Mondajr. Mtrrt, 1J. lll. at f 1 e'clnck P. it., la th. Corom.rrl.l Clue iwk this eitr. At this maw:in reports ct an. or of the past jraar will Dr-a.r.t-4 and a board of li dlracturs will be e.aciad ta Men Uae easulnc ',-. W. a. aee. (EIXTTOOO LODOR. NO. 1JU A- T. AND ji a apertai communtcatmn will b. ttm't at 1 I. 3d. today itundar at Et S'Mti and Spokaaa ar. ..r th. purpnoe of cond actio C tba fwn-aj of llroth.r t I. I and. A.A mJhs arw ' tend. Py order W. M. C W. aTEiXB. roRTl.AND Af-TVPI.T. Nil s. I-I"-r..N ASM ITT l MOX. wUI !o a nll t "r wht aorial W.lnday "OiJiS. Jlarra JV at the lliln-air.i Ha'l. l"th strwtta, lTtsaa. rafreshmeata. A'lmlsaltfa 13c. a r i x s I a f ri.fB st. ratrirk's dr ei-bration. A itn-lrtsn co-rt and dam will be siTn la th Aortltomoi Hall. 'J S Third St.. Saturday anlne. March 14, at o'rinck. Spiandld proiiama acotcb and lrlaii m aad laaoai. t.rit.a or tiTb it'ipcRM macoa JF.K. T-..n a first bi. vl. will hold a whtat part j on Von Jar cream-. March II ion. at ItiH tiinii st. Adnisslua 1 eoata; prises, tlm. tV MACCABEES. PORTI.AND TEXT. NO. 1. will hat a bia class UUMation at K. P. Mall. Klxiatl an.i Aider. Thursday, th Itiiu. Pm t mlse It. C.OLrEX RI LE HIVB. NO. 1" Ladlw of tSa ll.--ah. wiil Ito a -S'lO" parljr Thnrsdar .nln. nrcb 1. 8llln-lllrch llalL Prlssa. Buhmepta Uc wrarOOTnT whist party and danca by W -t.f.K.1 . . No. 4.V W. O. W, yrirtav. March IT. Woodman Hall. IS llt! t- 1'nma auiu, rsfreaamaats: cards e.30k daaciag lo. CATHEDRAL COVRT. NO. ST. C. O. T. Rcular mttnr are h:d the 1st and 34 W4nJr nmsa of the month at clock ea the Ita door of Marqua.-n bM. r. J. KILErta. Sac ' mxxk. n"MVrXO In tbks rtty. Ma'rch 10. at 34 Svracuse st.. Minerva R. ummtnri, af.1 V4 rrara. month and 4 daja. kMnaral notu-c m a ltr Issue. 1TMJUL- NOTICES. POWERS At th family residenr. TM tln noota a t . Mrs, Marr E. Posera C -"t TH rrar. blovd m-t har of Thomas H. Powers. Bampiond, W'la.; John R. Powara. hlcaea. Ill : Mrs. Kate Earley and Mrs. Klanor Pardon. Nw Richmond. Yla.; Nicholas F. Povtra, Robart U. Powars. f Mr. A. C. IVonahu. Mrs. J. R Mtfloakr, Mrs. J C. Thomas, and srandmo'bar of Mise Minnie Pardon, of this city. Kun-ral will lar th aaov residence MonUar. March li at S A. M.. thehro to MU Mary Church. Williams am and Htantoa t . whar earvtrae will bo hald at A. M. Interm-nt alt. Calvary Camelary. Frunds tfully lavUad to attend. I'Uaso emit ttowera GAN'TENBEtX At the home of her son. H-rmaa tantrnbln. 41 East Klarhtll street North. Mar h Id. Anna PorothT Oanteabeia. ad 4 years lO months daia. Kunaral wl:l take place from tho Vntral BaptlM Chare h, Eaat Tntlth and Kast AnkanT streets. t.lar iMndari. Marrh li. at 2 M P. M. reapct fuilr tallied. Intaraaut Koaw City Came try. XIESLAND la thla city. March 10. at the f.rul.) real.Unca. lid" Eaat Momson at.. Ansa RtaalamL wlf of In-. F. J. Kles:snd. aa-d 31 year. & months and 2 days. VunoreJ aryre will b hold at rinley's parlor at 1 3D P. V. Monday. March IX tnvitad. lotrnaat Crnwoed Ctutry. XI'ttON At Salem. Or.. March 1ft. Joha Ea aa. asad yaara 3 month Id nays Farteral will tnk place from the parlors of the East Pirte Funeral tlrctor. East A Mar and Eaat Slu'h trva Monda. Vjrvh 1.1. at r P. M. rrlon.l rpot fullv laltd. latwrmaat Rlvervlew Cae trry. IIKW-TS At reatt-nce, J T. Orth street. March l'th. E.lear T. H -. ad tVd years. Funeral wlU take place from abot realdenee. Monday. March 14 at HI A. M . thence to the eromatorlum. llwood. where ertoaa will be held at 1 So A. M and arqualataacea reepeet fulty InTltad to atlaad. CRRf la thla eitr. March in. at : vat 2d st. North, aarib A. Croeby. aaad 74 yeara, T months and L" tfira Funeral . a-rvu -a will no hall at Flnlry parlors at P. M. today IJtondayl. FTtands In vited. Intsrsaaat la the family plot at Pa lam. Or. HKOI.fH In this city, at her late rad oenc. C Wllllma afaaua. Mrs. Anna kn'UOl. aa.l i aeon. Funernl r l.s will be hald from Erlcsoa's ehapel. Aid' etreot. Sunday. March IX at 2 p. m. lade respectfully Invited to at tend. Interment tlreenwood Cemetery. TOxrTff rieOH-L col. a-a a ILVnbi V a -e.' raeweat Mala ieti A Ilex. n-aaalaa- m AtrLJatae. raaernl Dlrertaar. easTTSeTli--. P- - mm. el.ta.u trfflce ef twats torowee. AftWABU HOI-MA" fax. raaerai DtaerU .. Se td at. La-y aeeaaeaat. ne M. tel. . nvl are- 4tfaON. M atatd Madtaaaa. jJij .ltal. Pa - Ma A ixes. a tar alllK rauaereJ IHieeteia. an r aaairs ta I", a. Uaal. tmtm. EkirVIV ro, l eaiertahera. Idy aaetaU aaat. eS Aldae. M. SIM. A tlXA. FIJ.TaVRNEl -. Faaaaras nirerteea. lea A illlenaaw.i b-th paeaaee; lavaly asst. LEKCH. lad-rtahee. e-e. Kt AMee aad tiaiAv Aaai ML las. Lady aainlaali CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dal.y er ad.y. Owe time Han ad two eaertlve tUaaes I" Kaawe ad three laaaicllaa ,!r"".r-iii"iae be ma ad ls er eea eeaaeewtlve ReaalUauaee mmmt aacconipany aut-ef-lawa 'jTweede rearat as ene line ea eaah ad ertlaeaaaeote aad Be ad eeuated for lees than tw Usee. V, hrm mm adTertlaemewt I sal run eeara tlv Orae the aee-1 line ret aoollea. . claarae of book adaertiMweal. Jh rham will be baaed .a the a""' ef Unas apirearloa la toe paper, rearardles of tb anoibee of word la each Hoe. laa New Tsy all ndyertlaemeat. are rh.ed by aeare aaly. 14 Uaea t the '"lhe above rale apply te advartlmeeta aaler -New Today- end all otter claaalfloa- ttena exreptlas the followlast MtuatkMaa Wanted. Male. Mtusttoo Wenleai. emale tor Haaa. Koome. Pri'ala ram ft Rooma aed Uoard. 1-Hrute raonllle. liausekeeplea Hooma. Prleate mlllea. Ut rate on the above rlaaatflcalloa Is 1 cent a llae eaaeh Inaartloa. Jla eaa bos office address I reqalrsd. eoaot thl. a. part ef the -' .Aoa-er, to sdaertlaementa will be forwarded te Palrena. prvalded alf-adoreaed eaveaopea are Ua- OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFF1CS CITT HALL Main , A T5I. uiMiMi orric.. atT4r:e NEW TODAY. -..DaVvwr.tXUa' ON TUESDAY NEXT Vprta-bt Plaaaoa, Brass Beds, Maheajaay 4 Oak Kwraltwre, Rasa, Ktc. IVe have received Instructions from the owner to sell the followInK class furniture, etc.. removed from pri vate residence to our Jialearooma. 13-I-.rk ft4 for convenience of sale, com prising uprlnht piano- In nh8;"jr case, rich tone; quartered oak and roa lioznnr parlor furnlshlnKS. mantle clock, hand-painted window curtains. fol.llnaT ecreens. very massive mission llbrarv table and rockers, corner lctn er chair, hall mirror, several new fluff runs Axmlneter runs. Brussels carpets, rlalr carpets, bras and other beds, dressers and chlf f-mlers, mnhoKuny and oarr dressina: tables, large mirrors, very elaborate rilninar-room furniture in onr.rler-fawed oak. foldlns: csrd tables, larite quantity of sheets and spreads, sled ranse and many other lots. y m hrve als a conslanment .of Hijtelow Sxll Wilton rune which sell rcatularly f..r $i. one doxen Jx B,s-"-low Axtnlnster runs, art squares 12x1a. etc. TtiU consignment of rtiars lei new and must be sll. as the owner has to rslse cash. lateadlaa purrhaaers skoald lauipeet these araaoda tomorrow. hale ea Tuesday at 10 o'clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT tv shall sell In addition to other eonsltmmente the furnishing of cot tage from Ka.t Thirtieth streeL hale at ! 'clack. . MONDAY. MARCH 20, NEXT We aball sell the furnlstilnars of k seven-room flat, located In the Nob lllll district. Full particulars In next Sunday's paper. V. C. BAKKR ex C. A. CROWEtL, faaraltauw Uealers aad Awctloaeera. AUCTION SALES MONDAY 2 P. M. At 211 Firtt St. Forced This I Forced . and TKRT nioiCB f urnlshlnrs. Dearly all like aew. such as about 60 room sue ruraa. carpets and rurs. direct from the cleaners, sold tor pay for the work. From private houses we will sell six metal be.lei. Vernls Martin and other finish, and pillows, sheet a. blankets, ewaaaferta and spreads for 25 beds, all at lew aaad rleaaa. three sanitary couches, two foldlns; beds, chairs aad rockers like aew, two pretty parlor aults, lady's l.'i desk, arlsss door bookcase, li dress ers, three steel ran see. one kitchen cabinet, two kitchen treasures, one safe, three sola china toiletware, ftranlte ware. three new upholstered easy $20 rockers, new K-foOt oak extension table and others, two new silk floss mattresses and threo hair ms ureases: elio mnny other Items of greater or less value, tiale prompt at 2 P. M. to morrow, and we commence with the rood roods, leavlna; the amall or cheap er roods to be sold last. If your time la wank aaeeey you can make It pay you well at this sale. - pokd Accnox co. There will be two more auction sale) this week. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 2 P.M. Each Day to ret a lltle monev for the owner of furniture which will be sent here dur ing; this week. If vou haven't much money come to us any time, any day. we'll stretch It for you at 211 First sL POHD Al CTION CO. Main $5", A $lli. Barger s Auction RESIDENCE SALE MONDAY 13th, at 10 A. M. Instruction were received to sell at auction the furniture of five rooms, the owner wishing- us to conduct sale. There aro ruars, lace curtains, bookcase, couch, rocker, picture, center stands, dlnlnc-table, round, with chairs to milch, leather seat: brass bed. springs, mattresses, ateel ranges, dishes, rood kitchen ware. These are good goods and clean. S. II. BARGER Auetleaeer. We have no store sales this week "We are short of goods. Hut will sell at auction prices at all times. GILMAN GILMAX AVCTIOf A'D CO.MMMSIOX f'OMPAXY. Special auction sale of millinery stock, includlna- ladles' hats, flowers, feather, etc., with no reserve. AT 13d K(OM) STHEET. near Washington, commencea tomorrow t Monday k. S. L. .. UIUIA.V, Aaaefloeee. I HAVK SO MB CASH and some White Salmon Valley acreage for Portlind property. Equity in t new modern Portland bouses for vacant lots; 40 acres fruit land for Mlhneapolla property. And am selling 10-acre tracts of flneat fruit laud ou easy terms. OWlEB, E. G. NEL.SOX, Varakall 2T. WIS-30-21 I res Bldg. IH9IUE1 nVESTHKlT. 11 0.000 Choice Income apart ment property. First class. New building. Uuaranted lease. Prop erty that baa a big future. LK XOIR at CO, Cka aaaaVe- af Caaaaaerea. Crasai Floes-. APARTHEVT MTK. If von can ahow us a better site for the money than the S. W. oornar of lth and Montgomery, at the prlo we are asking, we wlU reduce the prloe atiU furtker. We need the money. utrovo a ro. OS taaaar. Hidar. KASIOE COTTAOS for ssle, grand ocean view: modem and furnished complete. J. A. MOBGA'i, cor. E. 1 ita and dchuyler ata. Phone Eaat tlii. ' W ANT arr Experienced sltaratinw hslV . . rarrsU Co. iLk and A.dac THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLANp, m. A M mJ J M-rm. m. ' .a mm- arw Tnn.V. I mrvr TODAY. 1 EW TODAY. ? NEW TODAY. . I ' . I I I AuctionSales AT WILSON'i5 AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill REGl'LAR SALES DAYS. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. For all kinds of honsefurnlshlng. In cluding dressers, chiffoniers.- Iron tea'. . .. - heddlng. Bpriliaia. MlBllirMra, .... .-. -- pictures, mirrors, dining tables, bufrets. cnairs. rocaers, caiyris, " ; ronkalorita, ranitat, gas raiiayes, etc. WM HELL AT Pit IV ATE SALB AT ALL TIMt. a If you are furnishing you cannot ar ford to overlook the elegant line ol . i . ,...itnF. etc., we gUUH IVCV1IU.UBUU u w. . are showing, comprising good axprtgat plaaoa. ajaweae araoaaaeie. " ' - r genuine mahogany and golden ork frnmee, large Turkish chairs la geauloe leather, costly rockers of various fin ishes, library tables, bookcase, writing desks, largo collection of good books, geauloe naahogaay parlor plecea. cen ter tables, pedestals. Roman chairs, etc. We aleo have an elegant line pi buffets, exteaalo-a tables ana tiwira 10 - i w.r..l A.k! a Ian clilzaa clowetaa, side table en suite. Por. tae Draraem we a " anahoaraar. C lreasalaa vralaut. blrdseye j ar aaat a-HHKItil and ekltfoalers. solid braaa beds In almost any style you may wish; also eoamrled I roa beaa 01 ait acsiK"o v c- suit your pocket-book; good mattresses . i . I t .ut. ei . . -tA fAlr down pllloww. wool blankets, etc.; large line or room-aixe rugs in jiiiiiuiair , sels and Ingrains; lace curtains and nortteres. steel rangea. gas ranges, gas beaters, etc SPECIAL AT OUR STORE 171 Second Street (Adjoining Auction Hoona) in addition to our stock of groceries, seat' tarnishing, hardware, etc, we have Juet received a etock of I-ApfiT K I H M S II I ' fi S. Including SHIKT VISTS. VSOKRWEAR. CORSETS, PLl'MF.S, KLOWKHS, SWELATKR JACK ETS, SHOES, etc. Good up-to-date goods which we are selling LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. Also SHOWCASES and FIREPROOF SAFES, coasters, store fixtures etc. J. T. WILSOX, Aoctloaeer. Cash paid for furniture, etocks of merchandise, etc. Main 12. A 4243. COUNTRY HOMES Adjoining City ACRES (XOT LOTS) West Side Scenic Acreage on Skyline Roalevard. near elte of St. Helen s tSchnol. Cornell road; tracts from 2 to 4 acres, from $250 to $no per acre. View of Columbia and Willamette, the mountains and Tualatin Valley. ALSO Tea-Acre Far-ma ear Beavertosu This land Is adapted to fruit, vegetables or walnuts; best of soil; 7 miles from city limits, $134 to $225 per acre, easy terms. THE AYES MERCANTILE AGENCY Mala BOV. did Ablagtoa Bldg. FIRST HAND UP GETS IT! That 100x100 8. E. corner list and Gllsan goes to the first one who solves the possibilities of this prop erty. (Must be sold thla week.) Cariock & Muellhaupt 1832 Chamber ef Commerce. 2T ACRES -1 mllea from Courthouse. , tine springs, running water, cleared and In cultivation, $8000. QUARTER BLOCK Corner of Cook and Missouri avenueet, lots 8 and 10, block 10. Cook's addition. $3000. lOOslOO Corner of Corbett and Pen oyer streets, 8 flats and 1 cottage on property, paying a large Income. $9000. Have other good buslneas property and home sites, suitable for permanent Investment or speculation. L. E. THOMPSON at CO, 22a Third St. Speculative Buy 100x100 Near Tenth and Burnelde. This la the cheapest quarter block between Burnslde and the depot and Is about the only property that can be had at any price in this locality. A atrong advance is certain. Price $50,000 Very easy terms. M. W. OTT. ga Fourth Street, tirouad Floor Boaxrtl f Trade. For Sale and Trade Fine hotel (completely furnished), with 25 seres or more, at the foot of Mount Hood; fine automobile road from Portland to hotel. An Ideal Sum mer pleasure and health resort. Fine spring of water of curative qualities on land. Mountain scenery grand. Fine trout streams. (Truly an elixir of life for one to live there.) The hotel la a sure money maker. For particulars aee , J. L. WELLS CO. 341 chaasker of ComBirrre. ABOUT VANCOUVER 17 acres adjoining the city limits, only 1 H miles from the ferrv. Just right for platting purposes; lots nesr selling for $S00. Price $15,000. terms; $5000 hs been spent on water works and spring which has dally capacity of (00,000 gallons every day In the year. QUARTER BLOCK. 100x100. 11th it, one blook from Main. Improved with three modern houses: Inoome $0 per month; only three blocks from new postofftce site. Vnlmproved block opposite this prop erty refused $0,000 cash offer. Price $17.0. terms. If you believe In the future of an oouver. Investigate these. M. I.. OAI.LAfilTFR. tlS-Sw-at Yew Bldg. New Residence for sale on northwest corner of EAST 25TH STREET AND Hawthorne Avenue Lot 80 by 91 feet; house has 9 rooms, vapor heating system, with Rudd heater for hot water, hard wood floors arid paneling, hard wood stairs, 2 toilets, baths and shower bath, 6tone foundation, steel columns and beams support house ; porch is spacious and made of tiling; cost was ignored in con structing this residence, quality and elegance being alone consid ered, and must be seen to be ap preciated. "We are authorized to sell it for quick sale at less than cost and upon very easy terms, worth consitiered. Parrish, Wins & Co. 250 Alder St. HOUSES $2SOO 6-ROOM BUNGALOW at 11 08 E. Har rison; gs and electrlo light, cement walks, full cement basement; $a00 cash. $4000 6-ltOOM Bt'NGALOW at 439 B. 4th. North. Rose City Park; all modern. In cluding furnace and hardwood floors. $5000 O-ROOM HOl'SE at 8S0 East Yamhill, gas and electric light, furnace, fire place, hard-surface Lot valued at $3000; house cost $3500. Owner willing to sacrifice for $5000. Cash $1000, bal ance terms. $6500 S-nooH HOUSE at 1639 E. Taylor; lot 85x135. Price $500. $500 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. Owner values lot at $3500. House cost $4000. MERCHANTS SAVINGS at TRUST COM TAN V, We Collect Rentals. GLENMORRIE aaassaaiMsaaaasaaSBai . GLENMORR.IE is tho most picturesque suburban res idence section of any city in the world. This section is not destined to be but is Portland's choicest suburban residence district. Here unrivaled views can be had of the surrounding country, the snow covered peaks and the beautiful Wil lamette River. The time to buy is now,' of CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. FLATS PARK ST near Harrison A snap; 8 flats: Income $70 a month. Price $10,000. NEAR KING ST. 4 flats, rent $313.50 a, month. A fine location. Price $21, S00. NEAR SIXTH ST. 2 flats, rent $77.50 a month; lot 40x100. Price $12,500. Albert Welch & Son 011 Levels Bldg 4th aad Oak Sts. 2d Mortgages Accepted FROM HOME BUILDERS ON THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY". Four contleuous view lots on Mount Tabor. These lots are extra long; and face two streets. Room for six houses. Terms for all four lots are $310 down, balance Ions; time at 6 per cent. Cement sidewalks, curb, graded streets and Bull Run water Included. See me at 10 o'clock Monday morning:. MILTON BABCOCK. IIARTMAN at THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bide COME SEE US about that proposed bulldin.r of yours. We can supply all your needs, even to financing. We also have a nice 6-rootn modern house. Walnut Park, $4850. and are bulldlnar a 7-room -up-to-date mod ern bungalow. Rose City Park. Can sell for $4000, both on easy terms. Pho-e Marshall S60, BIO Gerllnerbld;. HOME SITES. " Acre tracts, adjoining- Kind's Heltrhts. exclusively for beautiful residences. land lies practically level. On and near carline $3000 and $3500 per acre Ternrs. LB NOIIl at CO. Chanaher of Commeree. Ground Floor. PLATTING PROPOSITION 100 acres, E-cent carfare. $265 per acre, easy terms. Address OWNER, I I2&, OrsKonlan, MARCH ' 12, 1911. Vacant Lots rOED-STEEET DRIVE Corner of Canyon road, abont 50x '100 feet $110O CORNELL ROAD 100 feet front at the corner of Sum mit Court .7.S5S500 Cottages and Houses PRESCOTT STREET Near Minnesota st., modern 6-room house, new; lot 50x64 feet. Easy terms S52300 IVY STREET Near Union ave., North. Modern, well-built house, 6 rooms. Lot 50x 100 feef $4000 WESTMORELAND Modern, -well-built 9-room house $4400 PETTYGROVE STREET Near North 23d st., good 9-room house; lot 45x100 feet $6000 EAST THIRD STREET NORTH Near Holladay ave.. modern 7-room house, cor. lot, 50x50 ft-. .$7000 Wakefield, Fries 6 Co. 85 Fourth St. Bargains IN Orchards 28 ACRES, 10 arree of which are planted to commercial variety of apple trees 2 and 3 years old; nearly all of the balance is fine orchard land. Im proved with (rood 7-room house, sup plied tvlth abundance of water from large spring. Situated on main county road; commands a beautiful view overlooking the valley. It is the hig hest bargain ever offered In Hood River. Price $10,000. 16 ACRES, all planted to standard variety of apple trees. In prime condi tion, a portion of which Is in full bear ing. Very rich deep soil, and an Ideal location for a home. Running stream of water. Price only $13,000. Can be handled on $5000. Devlin &Tirebaugli SI0-M1-MS Shetland Bldtr. $60,000 Corner Lot 50x100 Feet on Stark, Burnside and Thirteenth Streets GO AND SEE IT Y00 WILL LIKE IT Easy Terms" GOLDSMITH & CO. 103 Sherlock Bulldlnar. A Dandy Farm at a Bargain 15 acres, 13 cleared, 2 acres partly cleared; good house, barn, chicken houses and woodshed: 30 young fruit trees, berries of all kinds: fine team, wagon and hick; Jersey cow registered: lots of chickens; hay and oats in barn to feed stock a year; only 2 miles from town on S. PR. R and mile from electric station. Price $4500, cash $2a00. Oregon Farms Co. did and 417 Rothchlld Bids;. BUSINESS PROPERTY tt0 f"lfifa 2-story brick, psys aJa-0VUU 8; $15,000 cash, balance 6. Ann tSfifi East Morrison st Z POa5OUU 5 o x l o o. $10,000 e cash, balance 6. APARTMENT SITE. f 1 fa Afin I10 and E- Morrl- I iyUUU son. Will lease for a term of years. FIATS. CIO flfl ft New flats, oholoe i 1JUUV location. Income $120 per month; half cash. j CHAS. RINGLER & CO. 211 Lewis Bids. "PHl'XES' 7 TO 8 CENTS PER I.B. HOPS 15 TO 20 CENTS PER LB. What's the matter with a combina tion hop and prune farm? Here's one of the verv best In the Willamette Vallev. 150 ACHES In Yamhill Coun ty. We want to sell and will make right price and terms. VVKLET MITCHELL, 302 Stark St. Phones A 2131, M 2181. Apartment Sites Corner, Sixth and Montgomery, 70x 100. The price Is right. LE NOIR CO.. Chamber of Commerce, Ground Floor $55,000 CORNER 100100 Income $247 per month. . Ninth street, near Couch. KARNOPP at KOPT, 825 Ky. Each. Bldg. Hood River 12 ACRE E. IRVING ST. PRICE $700 $200 CASH The balance in monthly payments of $10 per month. Nothing like this has ever been offered before; the land lies beautifully, all cleared In garden; fine ....... 1 1 vna. I..HInir trk it' the vicinity highly Improved, only a hort I distance from the carline. Single lots i adjoining thiB acre selling for $600 each. Come at once and look at this garden spot. Title perfect, abstract to date furnished. CLOHESSY & McGUIRE ' S 516 Ahlaagrton Bids. Phones Malm 106S, A 114(1. CORNER Seventh and Salmon Streets A splendid site for hotel, apartment or business; can be handled for $25,000 Balance long time, 6 per cent. A. J. GANTNER, 406 Henry Bldg. H. 3375. Half Acre WEST SIDE, ON THE HEIGHTS, Price $700; $100 Down Full ,4 acre, nil under cultivation, deep rich soil, only 14 minutes' ride on car 5c fare: three blocks from carline, with beautiful view. This Is a good Investment; 60x100 lota in this district are selling from $600 to $1000. You can build anv price home you wish, keep a cow and raise ydur own vege tables. You can cut down your living expenses 76 per cent. The price Is only $700 only $100 down and $10 per mo. until paid. Graded streets and side walks from the car up to this property. CLOHESSY & M'GUIRE M. 10S. B16 Ablngton Bids;. A 1146. INSTITUTE PLACE corner E. 28th and Holgate streets. Streets noy being graded and mado ready for action. Only a few lots left at $660.. A few minutes' walk from the college grounds. Terms to suit. WESTERN SEC. CO., 414 Spalding Building, Agents and Owners. $400 Puts you In possession of Five Acres of the richest fruit, berry and garden land In Oregon, only FOUR MILES FROM FIFTH AXD WASHIXGTOJf. Investigate this. Trowbridge & Stephens 827 Board of Trade Bids. Irvington S530O THOMPSON ST.. near 2fjth st. We have 7 quarter blocks on Thompson street. Improvements paid for on this street; $7000 building restrictions. Tht will insure you a choice home site. Slake us a proposition on one or all of these choice locations. Chas. Ringler & Co. 211 Lewis Bldg. Tualatin Valley ACREAGE 7 acres, 3 acres in commercial applo orchard, balance in garden, extra good house (plastered), brick fireplace, good barn and chicken-houses. This Is a fine country home, 14 miles from Port land, on the West Side, S. P. R. R. and one mile to the Oregon electric line. Several other fine small home places highlv improved in the Tualatin Val ley within 16 miles of Portland. W. H. LANG CO.. . 414 AblnKlon Bldg. APARTMENT SITE Choice corner, 1 block from Park st., $12,500 Income carries it. THE SP ANTON CO., 269 Oak Street. WATER FRONT 650 PEET, DEEP WATER AND TRACKAGE A fortune in this in two years. For prices and terms, call on THE SP ANTON CO., 269 Oak Street. "WASHINGTON STREET Must sell immediately half lot on this street. PRICE $52,500 Owner, 213 Commonwealth Bldg. MARSHALL STREET lot 50x100 for residential purpose only, between 25th and 26th streets. North facing. Price $6000. Inquire OWNER, 613 McKay Bldg. IRVINGTON Eight-room house, all modern, well built: faces east on East 19th, North, between Thompson and Brazee, at a sacrifice price of $6500. MERCHANTS BAVI-1GS TRUST COMPANY. Grussi&Zadow Bargain List COCOA Nice 6-room cottage, full lot, Albina; $500 cash. Cinnn Fine new 6-room bungalow iHJUUU 90x100 lot. Arbor Lodge; big snap. Nice 6 rooms, full lot, E. to i en tfaJltlU 6th near Skldmore. GAffCl 5d WfUUU bide, Modern, new, 6 rooms. West walking distance. Afff Good 6-room house, 6th st. tf4UUU near Caruthers; $1300 cash. $20 month. tf?nrk Swell 7-room house, hot 943UU water heat; E. 30tii near Ash; $1000 cash. erf Finest 6-room bungalow on JGUU Mt. Talior; E. Yamhill st. fP A -rrr Swell Swiss bungalow, 1 J't 4 UU rooms, E. 9th near Karl. CfCnnn Swell 5-room bungalow. 0JUUU lit tfjfjofjrt 6-room house, full lot, . DOa3U Taylor near 24th. tltltnn Modern 7-room house, B WUUUU Taylor near loth. atCCnn Very swell 6-roora new wjOUU house, in Rossmere. CCRHfi Alodern, 7 rooms, Weidler OOOLU near th. ajeorko. New, swell, modern, seven tDUOUU rooms; in Ladd's; $1000 cash a COnn Swell, 6 rooms, E. 17th near tDOVKJU Thompson; $1500 cash. (COnn Swell, modern. 7 rooms. aPJSUU cor. E. Yamhill and 2StU. $1500 cash, atfinnn Fine, 9 rooms. Glenn ave., OOUUU near Hawthorne; half cash tfiCnrk Swell, 7 rooms, E. 33d near wOOUU Hawthorne; $2000 cash. SafJCftft Swell, 7 rooms, auto gar CDOUU age, corner lot. Hawthorn. (COnn Swell modern 7-room house ODa7UU on E. Madison near 17th; $3000 cash. STftflfl Swell 8-room house, new, OUUU in Irvington; $1500 cash. tfJTfa-An 8 rooms, finest home in UlUUU Ladd Addition; $3000 cash, yenn The finest concrete block P OUU bungalow in Irvington. fre ff rooms and corner 76x100, 3 OUU on Belmont, west of 31st. tCnnn Finest 7-room bungalow in OOUUU Irvington, corner, 60x100. 1aQer Swell 10-room home; E. OODUU Salmon near 30th. 0Q7Cf Fine 8-room house, corner ipO I OU lot 70x100; E. Taylor and 23d; good terms. $1 1,000 & Modern. 11-room house, ,-erton st. near 25th. Lot Bargains AnnA Fine Conner, 60x80, Alberta OyUU and Patton aves.; $200 cash. laQf-r 50x100, on Schuyler near 33d; WiOU half cash. $1 nOA Fine corner. 60x100, lStli PlUUU and Sumner. fa m yff E. Morrison St., lot, near allafiaUU 30th; $200 cash; snap. OlOCn Fine corner, 50x119. East JlOU Yamhill, Mount Tabor. 1 eon. Union avo. business lot, 60x OlOUU 90: half cash; worth $2000. a 1 r Af 100x100, corner for busl 9l04U ness; 27tli and Knott sts. jgQQ Finest corner lot on Mount (fi rvftn 100x100 in Greenway, Port- JiyUU land Heights. Snap. AnAnn Fine lot, E. Yamhill near OaiUUU 23d; half cash. fOQCn 2 f'ne lots ia Laurelhurst, dZa)jU 60x100 each. GATff 100x112. Willamette Hghts., Ot-OUU fine view; $2000 cash. tRftfin 60x100. corner, N. 25th St., Wfuvw west L'lae. CCflflA 98x100. on cor. Gantenbeln OOUUU and Stanton; $1000 cash. anAAA 100x100, Guild St., near 100x100, G Thurman, Grussi & Zadow 31? Board of Trade Bldg., -4th and Oak. One of the most beautiful additions in the southeastern portion of the city, containing 61 lots, 50x100 each, all platted, staked and cleared ready to build on. This addition has never before bcert offered for sale. A most sightly tract, high and level, on the plateau a few blocks northeast of the Reed Institute. Streets graded and everything ready for sale of individual lots. This is certainly a good speculation. Kemember, the last of the close-iu additions is now at your disposal. Only two blocks from carline, ex cellent service. Will give good terms. Owner is non-resident.' B 844, OREGON! AN. . HOTEL OR APARTMENT SITE 75x100, Third strpct, near Clay, $35,000 Jos. C. Gibson 305 Gerlinger Building. BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT On old Portland Heights, whero nothing can obstruct; faces city. Will sell less than anything of its class and make easy terms. Wynn Johnson Co. Suite 505, Gerlinger Building, Second and Alder. 10,000 Irving Street 50x100, south-facing, between 22dand23d Terms y2 cash. Elegant apartment site. Owner, 513 McKay Building. , For Sale