The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Toll Qilbfos, Hoc
Toll Sc Gibbs, Inc.
eExposition gf Spring Fashions
in Women's and Misses9 Appairel
Portland's Premier Showing of the '
Season's Authoritative Styles and Materials
Will be the event special in the CIoaK and Suit Salons for the next
few days. Yesterday's opening of this event was attended by hun
dreds, wno were unanimous in their approval of this wonderful assem
blage of beautiful styles and materials Fashion's decree splendidly
adhered to fn the new modes in Gowns, Tailored Suits, Dresses, Coats,
Waists and accessories. The window displays, unquestionably the most
attractive ever seen in Portland, are worth a trip from a distance to view
dMeU' Tailored Spits at $20,00 to
$30.00 Tlhafc Bear the
Mark si Distinctiveness
More, so than ever has Fashion favored the plain
Tailor-made Suits this season. And the styles that are
finding favor "with most women are those with the
24, 25 and 26-inch Jackets, cut on the straight lines,
althoh there are some good models more closely fit
ting. Many are shown with hand-made revers, show
ing no stitching.
The Skirts are cut to give the narrow effect and
many are perfectly plain, yet the introduction of plaits
is noted in some of the smartest models. Those who de
sire the wider skirt effects are assured of satisfaction.
The plain materials are mostly in the men's weave or
Garfield serge, while the mixtures are shown in great
variety, assuring distinctiveness to the woman who
seeks distinctiveness in her dress.
At $20 are shown several good styles in plain and
fancy mixtures, equal to many shown elsewhere at 25
or even more.
At ?25, 37.50, $29.50 and $30 is a wide range
of styles, some of which are direct copies of imported
models. The men's wear materials and fancy mixtures
in pleasing assortment. Our Suits at these prices are
strictly man-tailored and lined with guaranteed linings
possessing an individuality and value that women
will not find duplicated elsewhere.
I'M ii !:Cl
in mi! .'I' r
iildl- ill- '
Spring Readiness in the Carpet and Rag Store
Good taste in the covering of floors and interior decoration of the home goes farther towards its furnishing and harmony than perhaps
all other items. It is with this always in view that our selections in Carpets and Rugs are made, be for the most modest or
finest homes. This season finds the stocks of the Carpet Store more complete in variety in extensiveness, than at any previous season.
From the inexpensive Body Brussels Carpet at 90 to $1.25 yard; the Velvet Carpets at $1.25 to $1.50 yard; the Axminsters at
$1.50 to $2 yard, and the finer Velvet Carpets at $2 yard and up, homefurnishers will find their needs exactly met here. And that
matter of workmanship in the sewing and laying of carpetings is worthy of consideration it's, done here according to the best methods.
BUGS When it comes to rugs, the range of possibilities is so wide that 9x12 ft., priced at $65.00.. In the 10 ft. 6 in. by 14-ft. size at $105.
something good can be found here at most every price. Ask to see it.
The Bundhar Wiltons and French Wiltons have come to us this season
in the most beautiful designs and combinations and no better variety was
ever seen in Portland.
The Bundhar, aa deserving as ever of the slogan, "Durable as Iron,"
are finding favor with Portland's many new homefurnishers.
The 9xl2-foot size in these Bags specially priced this week at $42.50.
Their regular price is $50.00. .
Just as practical but still finer and more artistic are French Wil
tons. These beautiful rugs satisfy the taste that yearns for the Kerman
shahs, Sennas and other rare Orientals, at one-tenth the cost. Permit us
to call attention to one in particular a most beautiful reproduction, in size
- Other room-size rugs as low as $12. The Kysmak, a rug with wool fac
ing, in attractive designs and colorings, offered at this price.
St&ine's Sola id. ILinoIeoms
the best that the world produces a fact attested to by the service
they are giving in millions of homes.
The Carpet Store announces the recent arrival of a shipment of
"Staine V -with patterns and colorings "better than ever."
$1.60 .to $2 square yard, according to thiokness.
Individuality in
Home Decoration
Harmony and character correctly
expressed something different than
you have seen elsewhere. .
Are you satisfied with the interior
decoration of your homef If not,
come in and see our new cut-out
borders and panel effects the dain
ty, pretty things for chambers, with
fabrics to match, and the richer
leather and tapestry effects and.
self tones for the dining-room,
library, parlor, living-room or hall.
Our stock is the latest and best
expression of the decorator's art.
The Bureau of Interior Decoration
Sixth Floor.
Fine Waists Unpacked
The Prettiest Effects and Materials
That 'We've Ever Shown
Winsome now stylos that have come to
the Shirtwaist Shop during the last week
or two. And women who have seen them
are telling other women of their charm and
beauty in styles and materials. '
One beautiful model is of fine white marquisette,
the yoke and sleeves elaborately finished with Hun
garian embroidery and insertion of Irish crochet
lace, at S23.
Another very artistic model of extra fine quality white voile, with
combination of fine tucks, embroidered French knots and scalloped
edge of heliotrope silk. Small crochet buttons; collar and turnover
cuffs of small tucks and lace, at $11.50.
A dainty model of marquisette has deep yoke effect of fine tucks
and Irish crochet insertion, the collar and aleeves of fine tucks and
shirring combined. Front of waist heavily embroidered, at 22.50.
Of fine French mull, with yoke of val. and cluny lace, is a model with
the kimono sleeve, made of fine tucks, with drop sleeve of fine vaL in
sertion. Front embroidered in very dainty design, at $10.95.
A crepe Waist has small tucks over shoulder and small pointed yoke
of Irish crochet and val. lace combined. Kimono sleeves, finished with
lace and insertion. A charming, practical model, at $18.95.
Another beautiful model is one made with open back. Has short
sleeves, combination trimming of narrow Irish crochet insertion, small
crochet buttons and hand-embroidered French knots in light coral shade,
at SG.95.
New Colored Waists of pongee silks, of striped marquisette over col
ored silk, and plain chiffon over dotted silk. Beaded and embroidered
marquisette over plain and fancy silks. Colored net waists combined
with cluny laces and fancy silks. Waists of braided chiffon overfancy
silks, and black net over gold, with Hungarian embroidery. Striped and
checked chiffon with 6piderweb embroidery; at $5.95, $7.50,
$S.50, $10, $12.50, $14.50, $18.50, $22.50 to $35.
. Satin Coats That Have Josti: Come
For dressy street wear, for the afternoon or evening function, they're
charmingly adapted. .
Of black satin is a practical type that has large sailor collar and is
trimmed in black silk braid, with three fastenings in front of black silk orna
ments and crochet buttons.
. Another pleasing model in black satin is full length, with large moire
revers, the collar a combination of moire and plain black satin. Deep moire
cuffs with the front overlapping to the side and fastened with three beau
tiful hand-made buttons. This models shows a slight cutaway in front a
very smart style feature.
3Lily of France Corsets
New Models That Are Fitting Founda
tions for New Spring Garments
They show a change from the straight,
hipless effect, to a suggestion of the waist
line, imparting a graceful taper to the hips
and waist. Women who seek the most styl
ish effects in their new Spring Suits or
Dresses will obtain them by wearing a Lily
.of France Corset. .
At $5 is a medium model in lightweight
coutil, with embroidery finished top and
three pairs Jiose supporters.
At $7.50 is a splendidly boned new model
of French countil, with medium high bust and long skirt.
An extremely handsome model, in fancy silk batiste, at $10,
is long over hips and back. Daintily finished at top. Three
pairs of hose supporters attached. Expert attention in fitting
and altering.
New Princess Slips
In fine mulls, India linons,
japonica, China silks and mes
calines and in pleasing color
variety light blue, pink, lav
ender, Copenhagen and yellow.
Finished with fine val. laces
and narrow silk ribbons. The
woman who desires smooth-fitting
effects in her dress will
obtain theih by wearing one of
these perfect-fitting slips.
$1.95, $2.75, $3.50, $6.50,
$7.50, $12 and to $16.50.
Tull & Gibbs, Inc.
A Supreme Sewing Machine
On Buying- Terms of In
terest to Every Home
Without a Dependable
Sewing- Machine.
$1 Down, 50c Week
A remarkable offer to those who are
endeavoring to get along with an anti-.
mated machine or "who have not yet
enjoyed the convenience, and pleasure of sewing with a modern machine
remarkable for many reasons these two particularly:
First You choose from the best line of Sewing Machines made the
"Supreme," embracing six models, priced from $16 to $38. They're
up-to-the-minute in every respect in construction in range of work,
and dependable, too.
Second The terms of payments are so liberal that no home can afford
to be without one. The payment of $1 places one in your home you pay
the balance at the rate of 50c weekly.
We'll gladly demonstrate the "Supreme" features of the Supreme
Sewing Machines. Basement Store.
A Little Talk About
Window Shades
There is noth
ing less satis
factory in the
home than a
chfap window
shade, and
nothing more
than a good one.
Tull & Gibbs' "Window Shades
are best in service and quality.
The best shade cloth enters into
their making, and the Hartshorn
roller, the world's standard, car
ries them. Even the slat and
brackets are selected for qual
ity. Added to this is that matter
of skilled workmanship in mak
ing and hanging it's most im
portant. Prices, too, will inter
est those who demand good
The Fornitmre Displays Are
Being Increased Every Day
i i i . i . . - . ... i m
The claim of this store as "Portland's Best Furniture Serv
ice" "was never more strongly borne out than right now, when
the stocks are being greatly increased by the arrival of pro
ductions from the leading Grand Rapids and other factories.
And that guaranteed dependableness that is the distinguish
ing mark of Tull & Gibbs' Furniture, commands, as it always
has done, the consideration of most careful homefurnishers.
Living" Room Forniture
Furnishers of new homes
or those who contemplate
renewing or adding to the
furnishings of living-room
or library, could not wish'
to choose from a better se
lection of the finer furni
ture pieces than what
makes up our fifth floor showing.
The most comfortable Chairs Easy Chairs and Rockers
and Davenports some of them the over-stuffed pieces; others
with exposed frames of mahogany they're here in the best
designs, workmanship and finish many of -them copies of
old Colonial and other period pieces. Library Tables those
with massive Colonial scrolls supporting the tops they, con
tribute a dignified usefulness to the living rooms. ; .
New Arrivals in Willow Fornitore
The demand for the practical and artistic in living-room
furniture, at moderate cost, has brought forth nothing better
than the new designs in reed and willow furniture. Many of
the new pieces in both have come to the furniture store in the
past week or two. In willow furniture some very attractive de
signs in Rockers, Chairs and Tables came in during the week.
These are in that quiet walnut finish that harmonizes so well
with the prevailing treatments of living-room or bedroom.
They're well worth seeing.
CEDAR. CHESTS They've come just in time for the
woman who is preparing to put away her furs until next sea
son. They're richly finished, too, and very ornamental. Some
have copper trimmings. Each chest furnished with a sack of
cedar dust. Priced very low, when the fact that they're en
tirely of select stock cedar, and so well finished, is taken into
consideration. ..!....!
trv HP H H . A Number of Samples
OHOHOlg Jl SI O JI S Lowered in Price
$9 Dining Table for $5.25 Extends to 6 feet.
smRrt niniTiir Table for JRR.2S Extends to 8 feet.
$1200 Dining Table for $7.50 Extends to 10 feet.
These three in the golden oak finish, with 5-leg bases and square tops.
$16 Dining Table for $9.50 In golden oak, with 5-leg base and
claw feet. Extends to 6 feet.
$18 Dining Table for $9.75 In the fumed oak, with square top and
5-leg base. Extends to 8 feet.
$20 Dining Table for $11.75 Kound top table in golden oak, with
pedestal base. Extends, to 8 feet.
$22 Dining Table for $12.75 In quarter-sawed golden oak; a 5-leg
table that extends to 8 feet.
$52 Dining Table for $28.50 A square-top table in fumed oak,
quarter-sawed stock; extends to 8 feet.
Hoosecleaning Helps ThriHokeepera
74 for 10c Sink Brushes. 48 for 80c Wool Furniture Dust
ily for 15c Scrub Brushes. ers.
1G for 20c Scrub Brushes. 48 for 75c Feather Dusters.
18 for 25c Scrub Brushes.' 78 for Furniture Upholstery
13 for 18c Silver Cleaning Cloths. . iS-oT i o t jj a t
rD'; . ,, rr, 7uc for $1 Step Ladders, 4 feet.
18 for 2oc Dustless Cleaning 98? for $L25 Step Ladder. 5 ft
2,1 , .r ' $1.28 for $1.50 Step Ladders, 6
18 for 25c Dustless Mop Cloths. fegt.
18 for 25c Cotton Mop Cloths. $1.38 for $1.75 Step Ladders, 7
23 4 for 30c Stove Brushes. feet.
28 for 40o Dustless Hops.- $1.58 for $2 Step Ladders, 8 ft.