tl TIIE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, ZirARCTI 5, 1911. K X PARK BLOCKS NOW WORTH 4.000,000 Strip Needed in Bennett Plan Could Have Been Had for $lCO,COOin 70s. VALUE STILL ADVANCING .w(l Valuation Willi luiproTe- mrnt I $ Tom nich- rttwn's Plan for Buying and Holding A ron Interest. The usrimj valuation of real estate In the irttn "park blocks" between Mmon and Ankeny streets, la 11.575. OOO. Improvements'' ara asaassed at S 1104. makln; the total valuation for purpo of taxation. Il.8.j0. These are the Morks tt is proposed In tl plan of ArrMV-n 11 IC. Bennett for development of i'ortlsnd. that the city shall bur and open. The recent proposal tr Tom Kichardaon that tha city condemn and purchase tha prop erly now and hold It Intact for a num ber of years until tha Income shall pay the Inltlil cost, has aroused a great ncal of discussion. il r. Richardson has figured out that tl la li years wltli Intorest at S per cent compounded yearly, mill tmnunt to 1-1. and that tl In 13 years wttli Interest at pr cent compounded yearly, will amount to $2.03 He declares tae plan entirely feasible, and ays If the Imonie Is carefully handled the bloiks wl.l pay for themselves la a surprising' jr short period. Special Act Kequired. t'nder existing laws the city could not con.Irmn property for public use and thn hold It indefinitely after pur chasing. It would be necessary to pass a special act permitting; the city to hold the blocks after acquiring them by con lcmnailon and exempting them from taxation during- the period while they were being held. It Is generally conceded tral it would be entirely frasii!e to (."s such an act. WM;e the assessed valuation Is fii.-hl'r less than I2.000.0i". It ts tlitu;iit by trputy Assessor North that It would rust at least ll.BOv.000 to .niie;i!n and purchase the trround. ' 1 a such, cases. Juries are Inclined to tfit uwne.-s lioerally.'" said air. North. A: present there are only four Im portant buildings on the park blocks. The Arlington Hub bj dine, at .iu aa. S.U:iwr. which was completed last ' year, is assented at tlS.OOO; the Cor-I nciius at .ark and Alder. val-' ud at f ).uo; the K-iton Hotel. Weat J'ark and Vorrlsn. I ..". and the Columl'la buildlnc. A'est f'ark and . aslrlnirton. I."j.U"0. Most of the other Improvements on the blrks are frame structures of nominal valua Some of t.iese blocks are regarded a.. urna t:.e choicest locations Id this city for retail business, and tha value l as a ivanced rapldiy In late )rar. The hlsrics: price yet paid for any lot was mo. "Cj. for the norta-i west comer of Hark and Morrison streets, which was bought by Rev. Herbert Spencer Johnson, of Boston, last December. Tnis tot Is held In tha name of Amy C". Adams, and Is as- sesej at li.0 . The three blocks ' between Stark and Morrison, numbered' -. 3 and I. probably could be sold for something more than l-.0O0.O10. Block ' t. letween Morrison and Yamhill. Is next in Importance, and the remaining Mocks are far less valuable. Krora : the rreent tendency of business growth it Is evident that the ground win continue to Increase In value. 1'rUf In '70s ! Than $100,000. II. li. Northup. ex-County Judge, was father of a movement for purchase of .the park blocks by the city In the late seventies, when the entire prop erty could have been bought for 1100. vvt or less. "It was my Idea." said Judge N'orti up yesterday, "to tear down the few frame structures standing on the irround and open a wide avenue to run fie full length of the city, with a strip of parking on either side. There was consldcrab. - agitation of the mat ter at the time, and The Oregonlaa published a number of articles on tha subject. Sme opposition developed, and the plan was finally dropped. What do you want of more streets' 1 was often asked by property own era. 'We have more streets now than we ran use. or want to pay for "That was the general attitude, foe those who foresaw that I'ortland would on- time attain Its present importance, were few. The plan was generally thought extravagant, just as there are many who believe It would be extravagant to buy the blocks now. "a wo thousand dollars a lot was then a big price for any property la that neighborhood, and the whole strip could have been bought for less than 1140. 0o. In the r-prtng of 1171 the quarter block at the southwest corner of rlftri and Wasnlngton streets, now one of the best retail sites In the city, was bought by fhtl C Schuyler for Kooo." This quarter block changed hands two years ajro at 1350. COO. and Is be lieved to be worth more than liOO.OOO now. H loci. Arc Small. The park blocks axe 100 by 100 feet and contain four lots esch. with the exception of the long block between Stark and Ankeny. (block SO. which con'alns II lots. The opening of Oak street will cut this block In two. Taking over of the park blocks by the city might Involve also the utlltxlcg of bio k . Couch Addition, which Is a continuation of block . Its value ts not iarfe Ts make a clear strip from the hilTs at the head of the park blcks to4he terminal yards, block 11 1. Couch Addition, between Hoyt and ('llsan. the last of the row. would ba ( neeueo. ims is ownea oy tr.e .orm em Pm-'itlc Terminal Company, and Is assessed for HJ.00J. A-eoxtm-nt figure Given. The assessed valuation of the seven Mocks between Ankeny and Salmon streets, wl'h Improvements, follows: Iil.vk Keal estate f.', Improve m.n.s t..jw K.ock I ileal estate I ;.. Improve ments l ) h. k z- Keal estate t:f.0. Improve ment. :. . . lock J K-al estate lll.t0. Impreva- IB'n'. !- . li k -ttal estate 124s.. Improva- Bl'Tl'S til. -. H : k estate ttet.oee, Impreve-m-f I . :-. HI k i Keal estate MS. CO, tmprove- arn'l I'.l . The as.cssment. by lots, follows: HI rk Kll.a r:zbeth Hood, lot 1. $Ti4. lmr-roTmnts fliS: ICltsatetb Clark. t 3 an. I J 9 . Impro, meats tto0; Ail JlpK llur. Estate, lot 4. :l.0. lrrprot.m--n: Ili4d; Uvwls Russell and It fcsrrt Wll.ler. north half of lot l. tl.- m. iaipfottmtnti torve H Kelly. soutM ki t of lot a, John Cirdano. en1 h f of lo a. 'xrtrt esst SO f.el. irw improvements -io: ;eree H. Kelly. rat t'-t ot lot e. !. Improvemests Mu'.rhead ilirh.rd. sonth half m( lot t, except east feet, aad aU of nrpoETAKT BunjjiNa wPEfcATioifs show progress et albika.- 1" -r-"'. 5 - -e 1 . - -- ; ei : t s . - . ir. - lot 7. .:0. ImprovemenU III0O; John Cordaao. lot . Ii. Improvements fist; Ilibernla ttavinas Bank, lot . 111.000. im provements tl'se: Jamee A. M"tt. lot 10. Ill.soo. Improvements fltOS; Kllen Kllsa beth itond. lot II. i XX Improvements I Uo. 1 Honors Farrell. lot I. X50.00S. Improvements IlljS: Ausust Berg, lot 3. IvS.OOO. Improvements S13.IWS; Healty As seiate. lot 3, $.".oos. improvements $7&. OOO; Keerdlnc FarrelL lot i. Hi.tOO. Im provements S1S00. Block I 1 Frieda and Te!la F. Purk belmer. lot 1. .loi.000. Improvements liioo; Mi, at park klaeka that kaa Wra the rlty bay aaa apea ta tha pablle. i if ll a'! "" " HmT' m?-. Z' i J I Je tSiS-a ! VIA- Tf : " linQDii C3EDI !n imi ir J.I lULJL pnsa HZIEO I C Zi VliW . CSV . I i n in r I IT ! ir 1 1 1 r-t -T3 mm mm. 1 1 ;-: ... i r. ' . 3fl Mrs. J. E. Walker, lot , $70,000. Improve ments tCO.000; R. W. Spencer, lot t. fliS.OOO. luiprovements fiOOO: Ann W. and Lewis Jtittr, lot 4. 1 1 DO. 000. Improvements 17000. Block L. Therkelsen. lot 1. 170.000, Im provements f 11.(00; Amy C. Adams. Jr.. lot 5. tM.OOO. Improvements $S300; A. B. Steln bacli. lot 1. IS0.90. Improvements tiS.OOO: I'BCino Telephone A Telegraph Co. tassessed by State Board) lot 4. 100.000. Improvements Block 4 Louis Heater and Lehmon Ptrause. lot 1, IS5.V00. improvements $i00O; Mrs. Preston W. Ulllette. lot 1. $0.000. im provements t300: Herbert Oordon, lot 1, ilJ.OOo. improvements Thomss H. Ben nett, lot 4. SftO.OOO, improvements 113.100. Block t D. W. Waketleld. lot 1. $17,000, Improvements 19000; C A. Allskey, lot 2. $21,000. Improvements $S900; Herman H. Jones, lot J. fit. 000. Improvements $4000: Harrison R. KJncald, lot 4. $13,000. Improve ments $4100. Block Knights of Columbus, lot t. $13. 0. improvements $1300; Arlington Club, lots 1 and t. $34,000, Improvements $46,000; lira. John R. Foster, lot 4. $17.CK0, Improve menU $1700. Hit. 6TOITE BU1XDIXG IIOrSE w Tt evidence Voder Way at Mount Tabor Will Coat $11,000. Construction of Dr. Charles Edward Stolte's $12,000 house at Mount Tabor Is under way, and It will be completed some time before Fall. The house was designed by Edward T. Root, archi tect, and Is on West avenue. It Is of English etyle, the exterior being brick veneer on the first story and shingles on tire second. The first floor con tains the living-room, dining-room, library and kitchen. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms and the sleeping-porch occupy the second floor, and the attic contains two maids' rooms. The main entrance. 14 feet wide, le done In Ivory white with mahogany trimmings, and the Uvtng-room Is also In Ivory white. The library and dining room are finished In fir stained a chocolate brown, paneled to the height of the door. The living-room has a barrel-vaulted panel celling. - The library has built-in bookcases. Up stairs the finish Is In native fir. and the owner's room has a cove ceiling. Ilnge Ice Plant Near Completion. A large steel Ice tank, which will contain 1S00 100-pound ice cans, ar rived last week, .consigned to the Na tional Cold Storage & Ice Company, Eaat Water and Eaat Washington streets, and the riveters are busy put ting it together. When the annex at the corner of East Water and East Stark streets la completed the plant will have a yearly capacity of 18.000 tons of Ice and about 800.000 cubic feet of refrigeration. The new machine Is now In place and the pipe work nearly completed, and when It Is finished an Invitation will be extended to the pub lie ta Inspect the plant, when tha man ager will give Information relative to the manufacture of Ice and the hand ling uX cold alorajia product. . . r.::r, -w2 -:J- III ALB1NA DISTRICT MAKING PROGRESS Substantial Business Buildings Going Up and Residences Projected. ; STREETS WILL BE PAVED Knssell Street and Mississippi and Williams Avenues Are in JLlno for Improvements--Hotel Balld . ings Tender Way. Substantial progress ki being made In the Albitia district. In a good class of buildings for business, residences and apartments. A comprehensive street programme has been adopted. Involving an expenditure of nearly $500,000. The most Important modern build ing erected In AlbLna recently Is the Lewis building, at the southeast cor- I tier of Williams avenue ana nusseii street. It is a three-story modern structure of pressed brick and covers ! a quarter-block. The lower floor Is 1 divided Into business apartments and Is now partly occupied, while the up per floors are for offices and apart ments. This building stands on the corner of the old Wflliams-avenue schoolhouse Mock, for which the school district received 165,000. and which la now considered worth more than $100,000. On the south elde of Russell street near Rodney avenue the Water Board will erect a two-story brick water office. It will be modeled after the East Portland water office building, the cost will be about 125,000 and It will be the headquarters for the col lector and repair men .for the North East Side. The city has secured an additional lot on Russell street to add to the 25-foot lot the city already . owned.- At the intersection of Russell I street and Union avenue a consider able huolness center has been built ! up. Buildings costing xi&u.uuu nave been built near this Intersection the past year. First Modern Apartment Built. At the northwest corner of Missis sippi avenue and Skldmore street, in Multnomah Addition, K. W. Latham has built the first modern apartment building In the district- It is pressed brick in construction, two-story and covers a lot 60x100 feet. Its cost was $:0.000. The lower" floor Is for gen eral business purposes -and the upper floor Is for apartments, all well ar ranged according to -modern plans. F. H. Edward Is erecting a three story business and hotel building at the southeast corner of Fremont street and Montana avenue. It covers a lot 60x100 and is of frame con struction. On the lower floor there are five storerooms, and the upper floors are for hotel purposes. With j the furniture the building will cost (20.000. In Lower Alblna at the northeast corner of Knott street and Mississippi avenue. Thomas Fowler has erected a three-story brick building, which Is for a hotel and general business purposes. It covers a quarter-block and cost $30,000. The Important streets - in Alblna Which are being paved and are to be paved this year are Russell street, Mississippi avenue and Williams ave nue. Mississippi avenue Is now be ing Improved between Goldsmith and Prescott streets, a distance of a mile. The streetcar company is relaying its tracks with heavy steel rails. Rus sell street has been partly paved and will be Improved to Guntenbein (ve nue. Both are the main business streets in Lower Alblna, Kavlnes to lie FJIIed. It is reported that the present own ers of the Montgomery Tract will have' the land graded and the ravines filled, which will make it possible to use the tract- It Is the largest un improved tract in that part of the city. Much of this territory is fitted for manufacturing establishments. In Upper Alblna, Williams avenue is the main business channel aside from Union avenue. Williams avenue is to be paved this year between Mor ris and Alberta streets at a cost of $70,635, which is the bid of the Pa cific Bridge Company. BIG - INFLUX EXPECTED WAlXuY WALLA PREPARES FOR IMMIGRANTS. J. C Scott, Commercial Club Presi dent, Says AdTcrtlsinc; Is Telling. $17,000 Gleaned, With $17,000 already subscribed for publicity for the coming year, J. C. Scott, of Walla, Walla.. Wash., presi dent of the Commercial Club in the Palouse metropolis, declared yesterday, that 1911 would witness more immi gration than the aectlon ever before recorded. "We are getting hundreds of Inqui ries. said Mr. Scott, who Is in the city on business for a few days. "Never was there so much curiosity about the Palouse country ever manifested be fore. Walla Walla Is forging ahead at a rapid rate. We have a rustling Commercial Club, and an active pub licity bureau. We are sending out great Quantities of literature, and we are making the name of Walla Walla known in the East. "We have adopted a novel plan for encouraging the development of our section. Our Commercial Club sets aside certain days for use of neigh boring towns. Then an able talker from that town tells us the taking po'nts of the community he represents. One day we had a Milton day. Milton was discussed at the weekly luncheon after the speech was made by the Mil ton representative. The same treat ment was accorded Freewater. We shall take Pasco and all other towns in our district and thus our own mem bers become acquainted with the re sources of the neighboring places. It Is an education in itself. "Last year we spent 1 18,000 for pub licity and this year we will spend more. We already have $17,000 and the subscriptions may reach even a greater sum." Citlzen-TwiTF Pay Council's Fine. CLAY CENTER. Kan., March 4. The coats of the contempt case of Mayor Hanna and the City Aldermen of Clay Center, which the United States Su preme Court recently ordered the men to pay. will be raised by popular sub scriptions among citizens here. No one Now Rekdy- 1911 Planters' r (p-3' V, i , CV 1 l i' 'f II Hot Beds How E L to make them. Dahlia Roots H o w to get big and strong beautiful flowers. Fruit Trees Their plant ing, pruning aud care. Garden Gnlde Shows what vege table and flower seeds and bulbs should be planted each month. Grape Cultnre How to plant. prune and care lor grape vines, And Manv Onr Planters' Guide and Catalogue, 1S1 Illustrations, is FREE. A Few Bargains Taken From Cur Catalogue Ihese Are the Biggest Lnd Best Ofiers Ever ROSES 12 Strong Plants for $1.00 Will Bloom Profusely This Season CLIMBING OE BUSH ROSES Beady for Immediate Delivery The most marvelous rose bush offer ever made by any one. You can have all bush varlctu-s. all climbing or both. Our snlpctlon. which includes some of the most expensive of this season's novelties. If you don't say you have S3 for $1 we will be surprised. All are netd frown. ALL DIFFERENT, large, it rone, well-roo!-d plants that will grow and bloom profusely this season. Bent by express, you pay tha charges, 12 for $1.00. A Complete " Vegetable Garden 35 20 Large Tackages of Early and Late arietira. 25 Varieties of bneet Tea Seeds Ready for Immediate Delivery. To Introduce our seeds to thousands of new people we make the folowlng gi gantic and unparalleled offer: - 20 extra larire packages of Choice Veg etable Seeds of Karly and X.ate Varieties of 2 Beets. 2 Cabbages, 2 Lettuce, 2 Onions. 2 Kadlshes. 1 Celery. 2 Turnips. 2 Carrots. I Cauliflower. 1 Winter Spin ach 1 Tall Kale. 1 Dwarf Kala. 1 Pars ley no two packages alike. 25 varieties of Sweet pea aeeds FREE with all the abova. No matter where you live or what you buy. thrs MAMMOTH collection would cost you not less than $l:f2 from any other seed house, but will send ALL of the above by mall. POSTPAID, for 35 i,nti li-'. 1 .. .1... lwn.Aat nlnnl molltnir and euaranteed to arrive in perfect in San Jose, and they will tell you Send silver, stamps or money oraer ana aaaress an orueia m CHAS. C NAVLET CO., Inc. CAM 30-32 SAN FERNANDO ST. hJjt.L H J Vk- Jt-Je Nurserymen, Seedsmen and FlorUr J will be permitted to give more than a dime. The costs are J27.60. The mu nicipal officers last December cut down the poles of the "Williamson Electric Light Company here before a decision of the 8-tpreme Court apalnst the com pany had stood the necessary 30 days to become effective. This act consti tuted contempt of court. No penalty besides the payment of the costs was exacted. Elk9 Temple in Vancouver. The elaborate lighting fixtures in the Elks' Temple at Vancouver, Wash., were Installed by the M. J. Walsh Co. The huge brackets. In the bronze statu ary finish, and the ladies' reception room with the cut-glass prism light ing fixtures are the topic of discussion In Vancouver. Tp3 bv ff CN-s, gJLs ti NATIONAL ADDITION Packing plants, large factories and payrolls, make cities. Population is dense where employment is plenty. The secret of success in making real estate investments lies in one's ability, to decide where the greatest number of people will congregate. KENTON is the center of the factory district where the packing plants, Union stockyards, and other large institutions have located, and also the retail section to serve this important district. NATIONAL ADDITION is in the heart of KENTON. Under the above con ditions lots purchased in NATIONAL ADDITION are sure to advance rapidly and NOW is the time to buy. , - ' ., Co-Operative 519-20-21 Railway PORTLAND, Ghais. C. Navlet Cd.'s ' Guide and Catalogue Bulbs, Flowering Plants, Flower Seed. VegetaDie seea A Few Extras From L'eiretnhle Seeds When thev be Dlauted to get the best results. Luw&n How to have beautiful and properly care for them. Carnation Plants When to plant and how to care for them and have choicest flowers. Strawberry Plants Their propaga tion and care. Valnnble Tables showing quantity of seed required to plant per acre. Vegetable Seeds, Plants A useful table showing quantity of seed rer quired, distance apart for the rows, distances apart in rows, depth of plant ing, when to plant, how long before ready for use and how long it takes the seed to terminate Other Hints That Everyone Should Know. CARNATIONS 12 Choice Plants for 75c Unlabeled. Ready for immediate delivery. Twelve large, healthy, strong, hardy carnation plants ALL DIFFERENT our selection. Included are some of our choicest novelties. These plants will GROW and produce abundantly of the largest, handsomest, most exquisitely shaded and sweetest smelling carnations In the world. Don't full to order this collection. 12 for 75c DELIVERED FREE. Big Value Berry Garden Ready for Immediate Delivery. "We want you to buy one of these Berry Collections because the plants themselves will prove to you better than words that we sell the best for the least money. We charge nothing; extra for packing or cartage. Read the items listed below; 4 Loganberry tips, our price .$0.30 4 Raspberry tuutnoerw, our price 24 Strawberry (Brandywlne), our price 4 Mammoth Blackberry, our price 4 Currants (Cherry), our price Gooseberry (Downing), our price 2 Seedless Blackberry, our price 4 Dewberry, our price .30 .50 .30 .00 .50 .BO .43 Total. 48. Total, our price, singly Others would charge $4.00 for this, but we will send the complete asortment for only $2.O0 by express, charges collect; or we will send one-half of each of the above items for only $1.25 by express, V. .. . .... 1 1 .... business of its kind in the world. All .1 O ,V1IJ 1. I. , condition, or money refunded. Ask your that we are an old established house and Gas and Electric Fixtures CAN BE The H. T. Drennen Lighting Co. 406-408 E. BTURNSIDE ST. Cheaper Than Any Place in the City Phon -East 116, B 2151. Realty Co. -Exchange, Name. Address.... OREGON Fruit Trees, Hemes, Your Garden Now! Our 1911 Planters' Guide and Catalogue of Vegetable Seeds, Flow er Seeds, Bulbs, Fruit Trees, Berries, Flowering and Or namental Plants and Trees, Out Flowers and Floral Designs. TELLS What to Plant When to Plant How to Plant Our Planters' Guide and Encyclo pedia of Useful Information Is larger and more complete than ever before. It tells how to have a beautiful gar den, all the gear around. No need for you to ask a gardener's advice. This book tells you the facts In plain lan guage so simple that even a child can understand it. The Garden Guide tells you what to plant. EACH MONTH IX THE YEAR. If vou follow the simple directions contained in our Planters' Guide, your garden will be a success and no dis appointments. Among many others It tells you the very things you have long wanted to Know. Our Planters' Guide should . Eucalyptus Trees How to I plant and make money lawns I growing them. Rose Bnshe a How to plant, prune and grow the choicest varieties. Bulbs The proper seasons to plant them. Flower Seeds When and how they should be planted to get the best and choicest flowers. Vegetable Garden Peats The causes and cure. Sprays Hints on spray ing and the most effective formulas to use. ' Send for it. A postal will do. Made by Any House Anywhere at Any Time Easter Flowering urn A Spring Garden $1 of 100 Gorgeous Flowering .Bulbs 50 Bulbs for 60c. SS Bulbs for 35c. All DellTered Free. Our Peerless 1 Bulb collection consists of 100 of the choicest bulbs of assorted colors and varieties of: Hyacinths, Daffodils, Lily of the Valley, Tulips, Iris and 1 Oct's Narcissus. The choicest In the world; imported this season from Holland. If you plant them now you can have a gorgeous ar-. ray of blooms for Easter Sunday, which falls late this year, April 16th. Every bulb guaranteed to grow and bloom. Every collection guaranteed or money refunded. This wonderful offer is made to introduce our aeeds, plants, bulbs, etc., to new customers and make new friends. Remember 100 choice bulbs for $1. 50 for 60c, 25 for 350. All Delivered Free. Others charge four times the prices we ask. , . g-oods packed by experienced pacKers neighbor, any bank or business house do as we agree. PAT C VXLl V 'We have no branch stores or agents. BOUGHT OF Open Evenings by Appointment. ON CO-OPERATIVE EEALTY CO. Gentlemen: Please fsend me yonr latest folder of National Addition. . ... . m-p . ... .:. 3 .1