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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1911)
REALTY DEALERS PREDICT BIG YEAR Movement of Property in 191 1 Throughout Oregon Will Eclipse Record. EASTERN BUYERS COMING Ifort of Invasion of Foreign Capital Alread j Apparent In Trnfcr of l arge Acreage Tract Res ilience Site Sell FuL Real estate dnlfri are preparing for the greatest business year In ths bls try cf Oregon. There is every Indica tion that trading In realty will reach an unprecedented volume thl itMtra. and that vlus of property will be e tabihe4 on a firmer foundation than ever. Persons returning from ths East re port that Portland if ths moat talked uf city and Oregon tha most talked-o' cat In tha country. All orer tha United dates men ara preparing to all out and moil to thla particular auction of tha Pacific Coast. Tha advertising raspalgse conducted by tha rallroada ara fcavlna- their etfc. and tha Port land Commercial Club's exploitation wnrk la 'lowlnit Increasing returns. Tha wide circulation given tha an nual number of Tha Ore:onlan ha had a pot.nt effect In tnrnlna the eyca of tha Enetarn people to Orrgon. battle Dealer Look to Portland. Even Seattle real aetata dealers ara preparing to operate la Portland and Oregon. Ijst week tha heads of four of the most Important realty firm In Seattle visited thla city to look over the situation preparatory to establishing local ronn-ctlon or opening branrhee here. While there haa been little movement In buatneea property In tha laat few week, fading In residence i era haa ahown great activity. Interest now centers In the placing of a number of high-class residence sub divisions on the market. Ilealy H'ights. smtheaet of Council tret. which waa platted laat Winter, haa now oven put on the market, and Howard E. Ktner. tre owner, le confident that the entire tract will be void by Summer. Tha Clark-Cook Company, which la devel oping Weetover Terrace, on tha north east heights of the city, reports an In sistent demand for sltea before tha property la ready for marketing. A little parcel of atx lota waa offered for sale last week, and tha lots were dis puted of In three days. 1'lat No. 1 of Kaetmoreland was dis posed of In ha'.f tha time allotted for sale, and Plat No. 3 goea on the market thla week. Kinga Heights. Laurelhurst. "Hurllngame. Altamead. Carson Height. Irvlngton, piedmont and numerous other addttlona ara all separata centera of activity. Still other subdivisions will be offered to home builders and Investors within tha next week or two. Inside Oaarler Sold for $31.S00. Tha most Important transfer of In side property made laat week waa that if tha quarter block at the southeast rorner of Fourteenth and Flanders atreata which was eold for tha Corbett Company by tha H. P. Palmer-Jones Company for 133.500. Tha purchaser la reported to be Dr. J. A. pettlt. Thla property waa offered for aale for only a week before It was disposed of. and on tie day when tha deal waa made three different purchasers were scraro tltrg to buy. Dr. Pettlt waa offered a substantial bonus Immediately after the transfer wae completed. Tha new owner prob ably will build, but has reached no de termination regarding tha character of structure to be erected. Several pros pective tenants ara negotiating for liiasstructloa of various kinds of build ings. Tha ground la now covered with old frame buildings. Larie Acreage Sale Reported. Tha effect of the Invasion of Eastern 'capital la already apparent In the large ealea of acreage reported In various Iparts of tha atate. The townalte of Hand, with Its affiliated properties. In cluding power plants, water-rights and timber and agricultural lands, la about to bo sold for 1500.000. contracts of sale 'having been signed In Portland last week. Tha buying syndicate Is com posed largely of Eastern men. Fruit lands aggregating nearly 6000 arrea were aold last week In the Do fur Valley. 'Wasco County, to Portland capitalists for close to 1350.000. The buyers will plat the properties and aell In email tracts to homeseekers. WOJIAX BROKER CLOSES DEAL Sail I le la Mrr Sell Twelfth and Co lumbia Corner for $20,000. Fad! de la Mrr. who Is known aa an active realty broker, last week closed . a deal for tha aale of the northeast corner of Twelfth and Columbia streets, from John A. Beil to Henry Hoberta, for Sie.we. The lot la S by 100 feet. Mr. Roberta intenda to build an apart ment houi. coating $70,009. and work of construction will be start. d soon. I think my success proves that wo men can compete with men In business. , said Mies De la Mar. "Some of the best realty brokers In Portland were after this deal, and I beat them out. Tropcrty south of Morrison street is aa much In demand aa that In any part of the city, and of late there haa been a considerable stir In that section. Mrs. Josephine C. Child last week sold the northwest corner of Eleventh and Main streets to Carrie and William Hahn, for $11.00. The lot Is SO by 100 feet. It Is regarded aa a good apartment site, and Is now occupied by a large frame dwelling. The new owners have taken possession, and Intend to hold the ground as aa Inveatment. M. E. Lee Is the purchaser of the K. Qviackenhush homestead on the west side of Thirteenth street, between Main and Jefferson, sold last weak by E. J. 1-aly for $:i.JiX. The ground la 7 J S by 100 feet, and la good apartment house property. Mr. Lea haa not de termined whether to build or hold for a rise. GRAND-AVKXUE CORNER SELLS Hart man Stela Will Erect Business Italldlng at Oregon Street. E. P. Mall haa aold to Hartman Stein, of tha Klein Bakery Company, the northwest corner of Orand avenue and Oregon street, to by 100 fert. for $:0.09. The ground was bought from the Ore gon Realty Company. Mr. Stein Intenda to Improve the property with a sub stantial business building. The corner la Just one block distant from the new North Pacific Ivntal Col lege, cow under construction. Oregon street la the East tilde approach to tha new railroad bridge being built by the Harrlman system, and will show Im mediate business development soon as the bridge Is completed. Property la this nelghborbool Is showing rapid appreciation. REIDT WILL. BUILD GARAGE Three-Story Concrete Structure to Co Up on Kearney Street. William Keldt haa bought from tha King estate a piece of ground. 100 by 100 feet, on the south side of Kearney street, 100 feet west of Twenty-first. and will erect a three-story concrete garage to cost $20,000 The property 302, Couch Addition, and fractional lot ( and lot T. block 1. King's Second Addition. The consideration waa given as S10.000 In the deeds recorded. There are 2S automobllea In thla Im mediate neighborhood." said Mr. Raldt. and I believe a garage on this ground will be a paying Investment. I Intend to erect a three-story structure which will hare all modern facilities for the care of automobiles. Property In this section of Portland la going to show a large advance In price. In fact, no body can make a mistake by buying real estate anywhere in the city. D. PARKER BR YON CO. MOVE Realty Firm Takes w Quarters on Firth Floor of Yeon Building. D. Parker Bryon 4k Co. moved last week from the rooms they have occu pied In the Commercial Club building to a suite In the Teon building. The rooms are located In the southwest cor ner of the building on the fifth floor. The Teon building la gradually being ocupled and tenanta ara moving In every day. It wlil be aeveral weeks before the Interior of the big structure la completed on every floor. "Unquestionably Portland is destined to sea this year the greatest movement of real estate In Its history." said Mr. hvrfln rfllrfll "Tha nutlfiAlr I I ceedlngly good. The city Is growing more rapidly man ever berore. and a large amount of outalda money Is com ing In." UK. V. A. WISE WILL BCILD Site Bought In Laurelhurst for Home to Be Erected This Year. Dr. W. A. Wise, dentist, haa bought a site In Laurelhurwt for a new home, which will be built thla year. Construc tion will be commenced In Msy. and the louse will be finished late In the Sum mer. The ground Is V.O by 100 feel, and la situated at Floral avenue and East Davis street. Dr. Wine haa been very successful In resllzlng large profit from his realty operations. He bought the southwest ern corner of Fifteenth and Johnson streets several years ago, and built a home. Ha sold out a year ago for about six times aa much as he paid. He also bought a large ranch on the Oregon Elec tric In Marlon County, which be plotted aa Wins Acres. The property haa mora than doubled since he purchased. SEATTLE CAPITALIST BUYS E. W. Spencer Sells Irvlngton Lots to Laef Holt for $4 5,000. Captain E. W. Spencer yesterday sold his Irvlngton property to Laef Holt, a Seattle capitalist. The deal was nego tiated by Jaraea J. Flynn. and -tha con sideration waa Hi, 000. Tha property consists of 41 lota In blocks loo. 108 and 117. Irvington. and Is part of tha old Irvlngton racetrack. The blocks are between Knott and Brasea streets and front also on East Seventh, East Eighth. East Ninth and East Tenth. Mr. Holt owns considerable Seattle property, and after a few daya spent here last week, decided that Portland waa a good place to buy. Mr. Holt la much taken with Portland, and may move here with hi a famllyto reside. 1 2 1 -ACRE TRACT IS SOLD Sirs. P J. Mann Disposes of Prop erty on St. Helens Road. A tract of 121 acres on the 9t. Helena road owned by Mrs. P. J. Mann was sold by Chapla 4k Herlow and V. Vincent Jonea to a local syndicate composed of local Investors for 2,5, who will Im prove the property In a first-class manner and place It on tha market In a very short time. Every tract will have a view that will not be aurpassed by any other property In the city. Chapln 4k Herlow are receiving a large number of Inquiries for properties of all descriptions, and report the demand for all property very active. WHOLESALE CONCERN" LESSEE BuUdtng to Be Erected at East Sixth and East Darts Street. Henry F. CoTer 4k Bon yesterday closed the sale of the quarter block at the southwest corner of East Sixth and East Davla streets from Charles Arata to F. F. Haradoa, for 1 15.000. Mr. Haradon Is making arrangements to construct a three-story brick build ing on the site, and construction will go ahead Immediately. The building has been leased to a large wholesale concern whoso name la withheld for the present. EAST SIDE BLOCK IS SOLD Property Between Vnlon Avenue and East Third Street Brines $00,000. Chapln 4b Herlow and Leonard Brothers have sold the half block on the south side of East Yamhill street, between Union avenue and East Third street to a leal Investor, whose name Is withheld, for 143.000. The aame partlea have sold tha south half of tha same block, fronting on EVtst Taylor street, to an Eastern In vestor, also for 145.000. The buyers will hold aa a permanent investment. San Francisco Improving. Robert Brooke, of the Clark-Cook Company, returned last week from a business trip to San Francisco. "I was present at the formal oelebratlon of the securing of the Panama Expo sition." said Mr. Brooke. They have acquired tha celebration habit In San Francisco, and can get up a Jubilee on the shortest kind of notice any time. Tha city shows much business Im provement, and assurance that the fair will be held there has caused a return of confidence. Portland appeara bet ter off in a business way." Heights Property Changes Hands. A piece of ground 100 by 100 feet on Laurel street, near Twenty-first. Port land Heights, waa sold last week for Linda A. Dekum by the Charles K. Henry Company, to F. P. Kendall. The consideration waa StSOO. Mr. Ken dall will build a home. Big- Sanitarium May Be Built. A big sanitarium, coating 1100.000. may be built on the Kadderly property on King atreet. off Washington. Two physicians and surgeons who came hero recently from New Tork. whoae names ara withheld for the present, are negotiating for the property, and TITE SUXDAY OKJCliU?HA, 1-OKXLA.iU, EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR VIEWS OF H. P. PALMER RESIDENCE, IN IRVINGTON. - - If .y"W J U LA"-' '" : X. if . . v i- ;r. . ,,V r ' ' ' h7"; r-i i i . ' irm m V&-'h? ,j3r I i , imrs v-r Uil I xTT-Trsa.aT tW. .'I , 1. FRONT VIEW OF IIOI SB S. DIMU-RDOM. SIIOWI CRACEFIX LIGHTING FIXTURE 3. LIVIXG-ROOM, $IIO-VIa IMiLRXOOK AD Sl. BAT 1, STAIHWAY AXD KECEPTIOX HALL FROM LIV ING - ROOM. construction of the sanitarium will follow If the deal Is consummated. BUILDING CODE INTERPRETED Board of Appeal Decides Mooted Point in Favor of Builders. An Important decision was given by the board of appeal of the City Build ing Inspection Department at the meet ing on Thursday relating to the appli cation of the second paragraph of sec tion 173 of the building ordinance. This paragraph reads: "If more than one frame building Is built In the direction of the depth of any one lot. there shall be left a courtyard of not less than 10 feet between them at the nearest points of any cornice, bay, porch.-or any other projection." The board's Interpretation was that thla paragraph should not be taken to AiV- : ..iters' riMJ lilt i i -i . T- h-t1 -" rtaaaie ftfVfth tF '1 - iv r i . x . w m x i; i llffl Uil S- ,-" - ;:ww-r apply to a corner lot, but only to an Interior lot. Inasmuch as a number of applica tions for permits have been refused for the construction of frame buildings on corner lots because a space of 10 feet was not left between them, this de rision will be of great Interest to own ers and builders, as they wlil now be allowed to build within three feet of adjoining frame buildings. This dis tance Is the minimum and must be In creased when a building Is over 25 feet in height or over 40 feet la length, according to the provisions of the building code. Site for Home Bought In Irvlngton. Ruby I Archambeau yesterday bought from the Ellis G. Hughes es tate lots 11. 12 and IS, block S, Irvlng ton. for 16600. The property Is sit uated at the northeast corner of East Twenty-third and Braxee streets. Tha - ) I ilUl 'YH - '.HI - ": .. . ... i.s.-: L '"m' faS Jaw 5 w -tfcw "a - - - - - ' if JUAKCH 5. 1911. i tfi kf i ; i r 7 - KU jp- e "--V V -WssAal purchaser, who Is Mrs. W. L. Archam beau. will erect a fine home on the ground this year. The transaction was negotiated by the H. P. Palmer-Jones Company. LIGHTING CONTRACT LET The lighting fixture contract for the beautiful residence of James Costello at Twenty-first and Tillamook streets was awarded to the M. J. Walsh Com pany. The fixtures for the reception room are to be of the French style. The fixtures for the hall and living room are of the Old English design, etched and to match with the English interior. The library will have two-three-light electrics, dropping over a huge library table. The dining-room fixture Is a 15-llght candelabra de sign, with brackets to match, in the old dull silver finish, to harmonize with the mahogany woodwork and dec orative scheme. 3f - u I FIB FINISH IS RICH Native Wood With Beautiful Grain in Irvington House. PALMER HOME OCCUPIED Residence on East Twenty-First Street, Opposite Irvington Club, Is Model of Convenience Em bodying Modern Ideas. One of the beautiful houses in the Irvlngton "district is that recently com pleted by H. P. Palmer on East Twenty first street between Thompson and Bra xee. The house faces east and Is di rectly across thee street from the courts of the Irvington Tennis Club, thus fac ing on an open space 400 feet long, which never will be built up with houses. The site Is 40 feet wide and 100 feet deep, and there Is an additional piece 23 by 100 feet at the rear running through to East Twentieth street. This will be used for a formal garden and a pergola, which has already been built. There are a number of native fir trees on the ground, and in building no tree was destroyed, except where necessary to provide room for the house. The house Is two stories high with full basement and attic, and Is B0 by 44 feet 'n dimensions. There is a wide porch extending around the east and south sides Slash-Grained Fir Csed. The entrance is through a tiled and paneled vestibule, which opens Into the reception hall. One of the most at tractive features of the house Is the living-room, which, with the reception hall and stairway to the second floor, is paneled and trimmed in slash-grained fir wood. The natural grain of the wood Is made more effective by the stain used. Every stick of the trim ming waa especially selected and the boards were matched according to the grain, the result being beautiful. Another attractive feature of the living-room Is the ingienook, a cosy corner built around the fireplace and provided with comfortable ledge seats. The fire place is of ample proportions, be'ng constructed of tapestry brick with quarry tile floor In front. The andirons are an arts and crafts product of novel design. A sun bay at the south s'de of the living-room provides a comfor table lolling place. Large plate glass windows admit ample light. The dining-room affords a contrast, being finished in Ivory paneling with mahogany trimming and having a vault ed celling. The furniture in the dining- room Is of solid mahogany, and the pieces are all very beautiful. Other rooms on the first floor are the break fast room, kitchen, built-in porch and pantry. Besides the boiler-room, fuel bins and laundry the basement contains a large billiard-room, which can be utilized for entertaining when the company is nu merous on occasions like holiday dinners and Christmas observances. Sleeping Porch Is Inclosed. On the second floor are the owner's bedroom, two bedrooms for guests, nttie Ul.. DnlnnAM finm a A An HllrlOflAd JUIOO A (i. . 1 1 v. . a ,w.u sleeping porch. The sleeping porch has large winaows umi tiui ijiuhcu out of the way. on all sides. It s light ... Vm . . an ha rlnflAd In cold weather and Is provided with a radiator lor comrort. ine amc cuniwua no maid's room and two other large rooms. t. r. ii bo i- nr-nvlded with every mod ern convenience in the way of cooling closet, built-in rireiess cooler, uiimu pearing doors, trunk elevator from base- .. . ,A Bii rtT-- ahswA rtortfLhle ba.ths. ample closets for every purpose and a heating system mat nuoruo no , . ..o nnr nlnnf ifl U!Md. DrO- Ul . - -. .va f . vlding easily regulated heat day and night. The electric fixtures were es pecially designed for the house, and in every room the style of the fixtures ...w V. t i - rim nri p In the (11 n - auvi ua nm ...v i lng-room particularly the electrolier la of beautiful and graceful design. There is a cement driveway from the street passing under the porte cochere to the garage at the rear of the house, which is large enough for two automo v. i Tha. frnnt vjtrd has been olanted to lawn grass and a choice collection of roses set out. ine nouso com . Tobey & Lewthwalto prepared the plans. IflY SALES RECORDED HALF BLOCK ON EAST YAMHILL SELLS FOR $35,000. Tract Is Unimproved Half Block on Prcttynian Avenue, In Belwoo'd Addition, Brings $16,000. a i 'n-ir nn Rut Yamhill street. between East Third street and Union avenue, was sold the past week by the Oregon Realty Company to the Chinook Investment Company, for $36,000. The property Is not Improved, ana xne price is considered remarkably low, consider ing the surroundings. A two-storr six-room residence locat ed at the southeast corner of. East Forty-first and East Madison streets. was purchased by J. ti. Holllster irom Theodore Anderson for 13000. Mr. Hol lister was formerly located at The Dalles but has moved his family to Portland. Clark-Cook Company has negotiated the sale of a half block on Prettyman avenue. In Belwood Addition, to A. A. Lindaley for $16,000. This property is considered high-class residence property. In Menefee's Addition sales or lots were made to Harold Smith, H. J. Hocken berry and Robert Brooks, the latter tak ing two lots for $1700. y th. uinnt annit riistHrt- Charles Ruttlngh sold to Ole Bohman lots In Arleta Park and Laurelwood to the amount of $10,000. On the Foster Road A. W. Lambert & Company sold tne Cunningham building, and ground, 40 by 60 feet, to J. Underwood, for $4000. rr. .n.Mnni.a nnH rrnund on East i-i....nth ami HfllsKV streets. Holladav's Aiinn n-3 onM hv CpIIh r - Mil r t on Company to Mrs. Belding, of Ontario, Or., for $6200. Also the firm sold a lot on East Fifteenth and Knott streets for $1600. A quarter block and residence in Go ing Street Addition was sold by Henry Wehriing to J. E. Dugan for $8000. Seth Catlin has purchased a half block in Braxee-street Addition from Elliot McAllister for $3000. Also Mr. Catlin purchased of Thomas Muir two lots in the same block for $1500. Mr. Catlin will erect a $6000 residence on one of the blocks secured. N. U. Carpenter, of Oregon City, has purchased a lot In Laurelhurst for $1800. Two lots In Mornlngside were eold to Mauda E. Brand for $3000. Miss Brand Will erect a 'ww J. A. Erlckson, recently from Great Falls. Mont., has purchased a home and, lot at the northeast corner of East Forty-fourth and Thompson streets, for $4250. R. C. Reese, of Prairie City. Or., has purchased a house and lot at East Twenty-fifth and Fremont streets, for $1750. LUMBERMEN LOSE OX FREIGHT Weight of Cars Found to Be More Than Figures Marked. "No one knows how much money is being lost by lumber shippers on tho coast by reason of the difference be tween the actual and the marked faro of cars, as very few mills have fa cilities for ascertaining just what the actual weight is at the time the car is loaded." says Edward Ostrander. Secretary of the Oregon and Washington- Lumber Manufacturers' Associa tion, In a recent bulletin. "It is cus tomary for transportation companies to reweigh and reatencil their cars in the Summer time when cars are abso lutely dry and come to the minimum weight. Some of these cars will weigh as much as 2000 pounds more during the rainy season than when stenciled, and every shipper who uses that car must pay freight on this extra weight every time the car moves under load, it is a great 'graft.' This can only be defeated by weighing the car light each time it Is loaded." Mr. Ostrander quotes the following from a circular of an Eastern lumber men's association on the subject: We note In Circular 80, letter from party having trouble with the dlfterences .between marked weights and actual weights on bark and other shipments. We were having a great deal of trouble of this kind and In stalled a track scale and weight in all empty ears and all loaded out and believe that since we have had the scales, we haver more than paid for them. We give you herewith the results of welching our cars the last weelc: Marked Actual Marked Actual Weight. . Weight. 29.400 29.120 29.300 31,680 81.100 34.620 24,000 215,760 26.800 28.460 21.300 22,400 22,000 24.80O 26.600 27,760 20.400 31.460 28.000 35.00O 20,200 20,960 620.400 659,720 Weluht. 2,600 26.400 30.600 20,700 80.600 29.700 30.100 84.800 S 1.500 S4.200 31,200 Weight. 29.04O 28.141V 31.860 28.200 30.820 29.840 30.300 34.780 32.400 34.70O 38,000 - ! n a walrhtL A9.S20. Before Installing our stales we made claim after claim for overcharges en ac count of excessive weight of car, but were unable to secure any redres. MANY HOMES ERECTED WINTER NO BAR TO BUILDING OPERATIONS IN PIEDMONT. Score of Houses Erected Since Oc tober, and Work Started on Four Last Week. Building operations in Piedmont have been uninterrupted throughout the Winter months. Between 15 and 20 homes have been completed since Octo ber, 1910, and In the past week work has been commenced on four additional dwellings. Contract haa been awarded for Im provement of Portland boulevard from Union avenue to Vancouver avenue, and this extension will give direct ac cess for vehicles to Willamette boule vard from the district east of Union avenue, which has heretofore been ac cessible only via Kllllngsworth avenue. Dr. S. M. Hamby will build on Gar- ' field avenue near Jessup. Ground was broken Tuesday. This lot was pur chased from Floyd James, who held title one year and realized a profit of about $500 on an investment of $1000. M. C. White's bungalow at Jessup and Cleveland Is original in design, with ground plan 38x62 feet, occupying a quarter of a block. It Is planned to have it completed by May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Parkhurst have purchased the cement block house at the oorner of Union avenue and Jar rett street, with lot 75x100 feet, and are occupying It as their home. A. D. Harnois attractive house in Queen Anne style is nearing completion on Williams avenue, near Ainsworth. The dwelling occupies two lots and Is of seven rooms, the living room being the chief feature of the plan and ex tending across the entire front of the building. Broad porches are provided on the west and south sides. M. Diel Is building a bungalow on Williams, near Jessup, which will be completed In the present month. W. E. Love has Just finished two houses on one of the large Vancouver avenue lots at Jessup, which he divided into three sites. This lot was approxi mately 100 by 185, and Mr. Love In tends to build a third dwelling on the corner. J. R. Snyder expects to have ready by April 1 his fine 11-room house on Commercial street, which represents an investment of about $7000. Interior fin ish has been given special attention In this work, all Joining being of the very best class of workmanship, with hand rubbed piano finish on all woo3work. Exterior Is In ivory white. A. Vester began In the past week the construction of the first fiat or apart ment house In Piedmont district, having purchased from J. H. Shields the west 90 feet of lot 1, block 8. This site is 100 feet west of Vancouver avenue, on the north side of Kllllngsworth avenue. It has been considered inexpedient heretofore to build fiats In an exclusive , residence district such as Piedmont, but the rapid rise in value of lots along' the last-named avenue, with the steady Increase of population in mat locality, have made a demand for that class of building for dwellings. Piedmont, although among the oldest of the platted residence districts of Portland's East Side, has maintained Its popularity, and Is considered one of the choicest locations In the city. BUILDING HOLDS TO AVERAGE Permits Issued at Rate of $53,000 for First Four March Days. March opened with building permits holding well up above $50,000, an average of almost $53,000 being- main tained from the 1st to the 4th, inclu sive. The total number of permits for the first four days of the month was 84, representing construction amount ing to $214,240. The total for the week was 177 permits for $339,655 worth of construction. Again dwelling houses represent the bulk of the construction, although tho permit was taken out for tho new North Pacific Dental College at East. Sixth and Oregon streets, yesterday. The dental college is being built and will be completed by September. The permit for the foundations and base ment was taken out In February. The cost of the structure will be $60,000. The building permit record by days for last week follows: Monday, 50 permit;-, value $76,845: Tuesday. 28 per mits, value $48,570; Wednesday, 30 per mits, value $26,015; Thursday, 29 per mits, value $49,665: Friday, "24 per mits, value $66,525; Saturday, 11 per mits, value $72,035. Total, 177 permits, value $339,655. The Enelleh Inventors of a new alloy claim It is but little heavier than aluminumi but as strong aa steel, and that It can b rolled, drawn, stamped, expanded or forged.