12 gti.r WAyrrn ' R. HAVSES CO.. X. 5D ST. 2 -N. 2d hi . Portland. I WANT CP. eratcta bow I. 2 bridge carpentera. 13 -. . Maa and wife. trler Orn, far-l T:. in4 found, fere $-'- ea-h. man end ife. fun Kaatern Octon. .-- m l found fare (11 each; man and wife, farm It. and found. (armbunU and snlik.re, 1- .V $. vi tVoodchopper. land clearer. Uu t put up tcota and aanlocs. ta- 111 VMS. Cook, kitchen help e'r. KURT KI.AMATH. UHK'WIV. rr fare, shipment f.r railroad en- true (ion aanda. ua new 8. P. K. K- "V - VFTW ORDERS of nrloM kind dally. BiuiuM U I'xnI considering the time or year, and comparison with other locali ties. I ail and see ua. Correspondent.) "ll'-ited. Registration free of charge, nark secured or ao charge. Special hotel and re.taurant detriment. -ontrarl Ukra to aupole laoor for public work, of anr chapter. Azents for mane of live leading- ami local contractors and other employers. C. R. HANEV ".. Fjrtabllshed 17- Kmp.oynicnt Agencies. SI V. 3d ft Portland. Or. 2- 2 Wa.hln.Tton St.. N. Kp-aane. Wash. Y-.iT Howard SI San r-ranrlsco. t ai, tiecood rt. Sacramento, Cat M'iTlON Pir-TCRK S.-H'H'U We Usee the only up-to-date, modem. yrertKal PR ATOKS KCHi"l. on trie mm. ntva you nractlcal "show exper- I----.- uur terms are no higher tbsn others, at tho seme time ae.ciaie . with tho cely bona fido Ixioalng aeency In Portland. We qualify J"U to operst a I tho latest machines. Hot locations, and suppy you with all mskea of ms rhlne ar.d everything In connection sits th motloa plrtore theater. PL'l-SiFER'i THKATK1CAL EXCHANGE. 32T Mar urn bid., open sunder aftertyvne. lUM.Kt CMPI.nrIKXT CO, .;-, North te..ond St. Phones UI A --"V. WANT T'Jlt. 3 rtiedrlveT men, $.l-iO I r'g-r. a hours, . and bard. 1 li. K. Inborers. S bouee, -i. . CTotr,t, iabrere tKait. t meaiui .vRTKHd -o:: rtaes snd Kousra, I'orter llros. Wlnttoa rtros. AV at -tiia:i. J. v. Ieeney ConptrucUon t'o. All orders prompt personal at-t-? vnft ..- hkl t.-lUN ANTtl-Wo hao em yioved mspy Inesperienced men snd de veloped them IntJ bih rade real eststo tiieo. soma tusks a burn as ll-'-K) dollsrs month; sotne are still with us e.rn nc bia Inomes. others aro la business f.,r tnemeeUee. We tearh you free. Work It your spore time to start. In tnur own rttr. or territory: maka from lioo to fio f , , t month. Our co-oeratle melho-b l-ee It. We have an lnterestlr protel tlon to make yoo: write for pertl.-ulers. :.Vt RTH:UT TERRACE REALTY CO, Ht. T.ouis. M'K t ." WA NT sai'eineo over 1 years of ae P.... ..Ins a little of tho "I CAN" and "I VI 111" .pint. If yo i aro maklnc less tnsn ii per wek and wish to become a hlh-clas. trsin,l. successful salesman sod a money maker, write us at onto. No prs-rlo-ia experience reuulred. as wo atvo a eorre.p-Midence course of ln- s-.rnrtlon la practical .alesnskrisrilo to all whom wo ar.-ept. tttse. Hurroucbs ro, imanufscturerV representative. '. 1H VlchUan ave. offi-a flil.-aso. S-i. VrTSXMET I'OStTIOXri Railway mail clerks. poetoffl.-o clerks snd carriers, cus toms, internal revenue service, etc. Tnou Mn.lt of appointments to be mode. r.c amlnatlona soon in sverr state. Full par ticulars ss to dateo acd places, salaries yjiid. sample questions previously uset. et.-.. e-nt free. "Positions susranteed snd free tuition esplalned. tend for orcalar 11. National Cor. Institute. Wssh tncton. 1 C. W AXTEIl Tottns msrrled rr.n to aslrt aceat In fcandllns freight and renoml of-fi-s work- must be reliable snd erner-:-nced. Mount Hood Kailroad, Hood Klver. Or. ' - help w.Tri nruAi.E. Ovv.D Urr.Mnakln la ecisns for chiro practic treatments. i u.-onlan bld. Km in:. f.IRL. frr doctors offUe; ono who Uses tjpewrttcr preferred; answsr In wrltlns. At Kj. Oresonlan. W tNTEtibirl for aeneral boutwora. 3-a Ke.t STth St. N" Tsko Roso City l-ark car. Fhons Tabor IJUH. FI RSTCUtSd lrl for aenornl housework: .io.l cook. is! i ftltu N'. Koso cny I'ark. , WANTEt Intelllisnt ladv to cars for sick pereou and learn practical nurslns under a rhrsi'-lsn. AH oresonlan. ttAM a lady to work In boardlne-houso f..r ber husbsnd a room nnd board. I'bono WIS Russell st. AN l Kl ilrl for i'U.rsl housework; ood ('. rstsreacea. 9d Norturut Morrl.oo car. AS attractive lady not Incumbered to tour America, asalstlns a lecture. Han Fran clco Brst stop. A.lrtress K N'-l. Oregon lan. V ANTF:iilre.maker for alteration de partment at New York Outfttllnc Co.. 1T r'lrst St. . Good housekeeper to work In private fam ily mornluss. 3a to 12.3. Phono 3..vl. uiHI.S for carnival shows, emperlenco un iiec.arv: a.o girl to bandla snakes. O 1. Oreffonisn. 1 tt'Ni l'ir t answer tele.h.ne and uo other lla-ht work In a small olflco down ti,wn; AC Oresonlan. v ANTKi ktlperienced aatetniakers at ones. Ind. I'oiumhla bluvt. coat. skirt and Tracoy A Cope- bllll. ant. I for general housework. I nil It. bdO Flanders St, flat i. mornings. STTNOilRAI'llKR and ass..tant sookkeci r wants position, will lesvs city. AL. -u. CncaonlaA. C1RI. wanted for very light work, li per week. American lla.lse IV SIM Wash. St. H MoNTIlLr mailing formula.: easy home w-vrk. "all Monday l'o si. jkJ I'RENTTIt to lesrn dressmaking; small wses while l-arnipg, ir Flledner bids. GIRL, wants girl roommate; references e- V-hanged. A !. Uregonlsn. Cini.e waated. Westers Mantel Co., Front St. riNISilERk so pan's, emperlcn.ert. steauy S'.rk. good pa; .iJRussel bid. 1IRI. for general housework. Call foro- n-ons l?l fimt l'ri Xortn. Nri AT college girl to assist with housework toe room snd board. -1 N . h St. tTlRI tar light housework In fsmlly st three. Son, Uroadwey. Kest ej.t. llEI.PERS snd"" spprsntivo g.ria. Teesdaio. oo Ma.quem blOg, AXTEt C.lrl for risker.Or: housework; good wsges. rh-vrte Main 3 JJ. T .VNTETv A rtitiub.rni.il o. Phone kVast oI. 1 s Craud yjAHV wente.1 by lady of much experience, for price and parti, ulars. Tabor I T ti. '! sewer no ilrevet. must bo a 111 worfc.r. o e-'.I. tre.onlsn. Vv,N1EI A hou.cke-per. i'd horn- for -'i-i- one; no childrrn. K iJ: OregoBlan. V.Srr'l Firet-class trsy waltraas. 1 at The Hilt. -JHA Fourteenth St. V lNTI.li irt tor general houeawork. J . Sjulmby St. Msin 171 A . " A NTEO ;irl or woman to a.aist wliU r i.-utk snd children. oJ3 R. 1MB st. N. W A T K I Ian Irs tailor, -coatmaker. C. W. Teung. 11 IX lltli. !- car. t I CM.ift' E n. no cotlur.a. rosy home, de.ireg nett housekeeper. R S"i. tiregonlsr sAN tT; U Oood clean womso cook, r- a pa.trv. Apply ur.dsy. 17 llth st. Tors) woman desires Instructress In bigd studirs AJ Orogoniaa. l A INTKH 1lr! f'vr general housework. A p iy Tirj Marsha'l. between 21st and -CJ. piy WANTED Al Sisters- Hospital la Ckleo. LiL. pupils to sster school of anrstng. wRtVATEbooL SiloP.THAXD and TTPK- WRITINi: tS n-.o. t .u Ma. a Jvii. TKN'lrKA PH Kit. -also experienced SO hoicks, pre'erred A J uregontsa. WAXTF.I Esperlenced dining-room girt K.tarnda Hotel. Estarada. or. WANTED Ulrl between II and n for waitress Id restaurant. ?us Russell st. UlliMX.KArmC school, night only; H r-ienth. A;v 1st St. If. 12- KXPERIENi'ED "Ai1 Sirsnr. lit 4th .1. Thompson s Res IHIVATt leeson. given la .horthand; best rx i ethod. .TJ Alder st. l a 1 M.1J UIH1. for general housework and cooking. phone C lot W v.XTEt Girl for physician's cuTlcs. D SOT. . tregon lan, V a.vTCO-a girl for general housework; small family. North 17th. Vt"NtJ girl to ...1st In-Jars of yesr-oM child. Apply Tit Everett, nesr r.ld. KX rMirrXi;EI girl for general, houae wera. good w. c - phone East 127. W.VNTEl good, honest aoUrltorg; refer ences. L S'cj, Oregomsn. UiriRtil'r.HLT esperlenced set oni msid; ages fA Apply :ii Ford t. at a in int. Tin r WATT P FfcM AIJ5. HANSEN" t.ArTEW AGENCT Wants Monday Hotel rook. 10; 3 boardlng-housa CO-'ke. It". IW Reetsurart rook. $15 a week. Kamllr cook. ln Id girl, no: up.tslra girl. !-: S ec ond glrla. .ln end t'.V chambermaids. 3J and $23. 3 hotel waitresses, f -'- Waitress, country. . ... Vamllr rooks, houseglrls and girls to aea.st. f'ime very nice places snd homes. New orders dally. I.ady managers In on stant attendance. Freo registration. Help free to emil"ers. HA.VSKNH LADIES' AC.ENCT. 3 40 in. We.hlngton St. Corner 7tb. Upstairs. WANTED MONDAT. Cooks, f 4A to IM. Wsltresses. l-i. Housekeepers. l" to 1-0-Chanibermald. $-l. 'amp helpers, -'i. . Ranch cook. $j aro and fee advanced, and ranch cook, l-'-o. t'ompanion for lady, f 13. lleueral housework. IJU to t-n. Otbsr (ood positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO, ladles- Dept. y Morrison, WANTED-A fev hustling salesladies to sell Madras town lots; most widely adver tised towa In Centrnl Oregon. HI; monev. Applv In person betwosn I and 3 o cock Monday or by letter. M Chamber of fommerco bldg. WAXTEH An experienced stenographer, ono who la familiar with bookkeeping; permanent position and chance for ad vancement to tho right party; food salary, fail Si.', Morrison. SALE people anted In all departments at bhanahan'a. THE OP.EATKR '-,,,-WO'LTv?Ar(x KiVO STORE REul'IREH THE i-K Of first-class drspery sewors Appir with reference, superintendent's orncc. o to IP A. M. . WAJrT a lady who understands hslrdrcss ln work snd could Invest loO as part ner of hair wholesale bu.lnree. Hlg money. making pro posit ion. e- - -gnnlan. WANTED fompetent girl with ray : rcrr - encea to do cooking win geucr.. work: no washing: Fundaya off after breakfast. Apple morning. "2 ,'"rr.,.,:n. r..rc.r l.tS. Telephone A or Msln WANTED Girl between 14 and IS years to aeelst with housework; Bo washing; g.wd home and good wages, t all at Fliedner bldg.. ifllh and Washington, bo tseen a and 4 P. M. Monday. . HARRIET) lady without children or dogs can navs tnree lurmenc, 1 ' ' - rooms for caring for smell rooming nouse. M. rent Apply 3 North :th. A car w.at on Morrison to Jth. block north. S0 WOMEN, to know- about tho great al teration Se IS sample suns - -- :h st, cor. Aldsr. opposlts Orsgoniaa building. Worrells Sample Store. WANTED Young Isdles for telephone op- srallcg. wnn or e ' ply I'actfio Tslophouo at lslsgrapk t-O, sth sad East Anksny sts. MH.r.iNERT sal.swonisn, thoroughly expe- rieilC-'O Wltn nign-Ciaee , i.r - "- rapibii of msnaglng sxtenslro aalcsnwm. A r-M. t.iregonian. W ANTEI Experienced girt to do second work in private ismiiy. " . fi tired. 231 Ith at. Phono Wain 47 or A "vr WaVtKD 2 bokkxtp4r tail t-norphr. ment Agency. Hi Henry bldg, Marsha.1 r . j. WANTED Lady prlnler; fsmlly cook and second girl; cooks. cnamoerTosius. rraaes. 214-i:i Washington St. Hows. Ijidle.- Agency , THE uHKATEH OIl SL"T K I VI) MI'KK Itr.ui met n c-.... -li-KS OF WAITRESSES for short hours. Apply at tearoom, stn tiooc WANTED A girl about 14 thst speaks French to hsip cam tor a nine gin v ysara old. slier school and Saturdays. 2 N. 14th St. GOOD, rel.sble girl or woman tor general homework In small ismiiy; l"""-" home to right psrty. Good wags. Call Mon.l.y. 44 1 Ks.t l;h St. N. aviDDI.E-AGED woman or girl to do plain cooking and general housework In family of two and baby. Apply Jacobs Shirt Co.. s.i ith st. ktUAllLi: Christian woman to keep house for younr couple and Inks some cars of young infant; references. Call Main 2U7 hetween 1 ' A. Jt. ano e r. e. WANTED Young lady of neat appearance . . . i I ..li-nln. fnr COrnnrB t lOD 1 VO UU FV., - - ' expeiien.-o unnecessary. Apply after A. M, "1 to ?:JJ5" ola- . WANTED Good-woman or girl for general housework and car of 1 smsll children; good home, fslr wsgra. Apply Monday. Mo Brooklyn St. V ANTEX) An evperlenred wssher to work In small Isundry: will pay per day till buslnss tncraaaes. Pearl Laundry. 3o3 Russell St. WANTED Girl for light housework, plain rooking, with no washing or baking. Must bo nest: wages tli per month snd ui. according to ability. Call at TSO Wasco su WANTED Refln-d girl for smsll fsmlly to do general household work: must be good plain cook, lois E. 0th N. Pnooo Uood- lawn s.oa. e WANTED Woman to assist with house work and care of child In exchange for room and board and .mall wages. Apply tii r.sst i' - - WAN 1 ED A girl for general housework to go to Central Oregon: two In fsmlly. iood wsges. Apply to Mrs, Thomss Sharp. Trinity Place, near lth andfcrerett. THE OREATER OIs; WORTMAN KISil STOKB Ktgi m" inc. c.. w. ms.ilrun.ts and bslrdresssra. Apply at hsir gooos oeyv., LADIES, earn 1 weekly decorating post cards: dims brings packsgs beautiful sam rles particulars. American postcard Co, r.. l orange. bv'llooL G1KU 11 to 1 years: good home. In smsll fsmlly; Ju.l companion. I'bons fast 2Z9 from lt to 2. COMPETENT girl, good cook: 3 In family: no children; ales room. US East litb si. North. . WANTED Good girl for general housework fsmllv 3 adults, i-tu 2th st, Portland Heights. phons Msln HT4. Glrtl. wanted, some experience: reference. Sunday. to P. M- Corlo Postal Shop. :J Alder. Hi a ik K ElPKR stenogrspher. out-of-town po.itloo. The Business Bureau. 514 Lum r.rni.t.t bj lg- lit l.tH-AI. business Htm. a practlcxl wo man, willing to learn the business; ex. ,rlencsunneccs.ary AE SlI.Oregon!sn. UM VOXEM to know about the groat re moval sals of ths A. B. I.ltt stock, cloaks and suits. SM Washington st- TOtXO Isdv stenogrspher with mercantile experience: stste sslsrr expected snd mention references. AD lregonlsn. M va. i)V.rs CADIkJi' AljaXv. 1 sSla Washlertoe 8t. Room 314, Main MU or A Ite. tTavtE D Trimmers, makers and appren tires, also girls to learn liie business. Ap p'y Lowcngart A Co, 11 North 7th st. WORKING girl or lady can have good home for helping with housework night and momlng. -J In family. Phono East 43S. WANTED Experienced chorus girls for mu sical comedy, ponies, st once. Phone Os born. Electric Hol-I. Oregon CUy. W 4. .N'T I'D A good general housework girl in' small family: Mil be a good plain cook. Appl y si! Marshall St. BT March 13. neat girl as nbrse and as si.t with second work; wsges 1-3. K 1U. i iregonlsn. WANTElv Girl for housework; pis in cook ing; smsll fsmlly Inquire at 34 Ea.t llth North, cor. Wtldlsr st. BOOKKEEPING Priests tuition be a puhMe accountant. 411 Merchants' Trust bldg. Main as-4. Also Instruction by post; GIRL for general housework, plain cook ing: adults, call mornings. 321 nth. cornsr of Clsy. SCHOOLOIRI, to rare for baby after 2 P. M . In return for board. Phone 8.11 wood :4 w, ANTED llenned, capable woman for re sponsible positive, VUvl Co, d) Ret, child blJe, 4th and Washlngtoa. STrrso-TRAPHER, one having Insurance of fice experience preferred. AJ Sol, Ore gonlans WANTEI Kaperlenced operators to sat. en snlrtn. Apply Stsndaro Faetan. Grand ays. and East laylor. HANSEN'S LADDIES- AGSNCT. gilt. Washington hi.. Cor. 7th. upstairs. phono Main 22. STENOGRAPHERS desiring positions should talis our special drills, any system, 631 Worcester block. Day or eight drills. W A NTE D Girl for general housework. 1 In family: ons willing to go to beach tm summerCall 641 Montgomery st. A WOMAN for coffee and lunh counter and help In confectionery store. liSli Esst Burnslds St. GOD cook, worklrg min t holei, German or Swedish prsferred. f2 Ssvler St. AN expert. eced girl for general hou.ewr.rk. Call at S74 North, -4th sc, corner ovcrroo. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MARCH 5. 1911. KELT WANTKn rEMAI.t WANTED FOREWOMAN TO HANI)I;B WOMEN CAK'M.KANERS. GOOD f--ART TO A WOMAN OP CH RA "JR WHO IIA3 KXPERIF.NOE Art JAM TRKSS Oil IN HIM1L.AJI -WORK. AP PLY ArTEU TEN A, At, ROOM -. VNIONDKPpT. , WANTED A young lady who is qtilck and accurals In figures, able to write a good hand and do billing on mart Inc . answer In own nsndwrltlnr. giving XP?' lenco. rsfsrencos and phone. P ot7. urs gonlsn. HOI fE-TO-HOrsE csnvssser. must b oughlv competent, nblo nnd psinstsKlng. to Introduce a fine Imported food product, good seller, high-dsn. trade only, bnisry I5 per week and carfars. Address B bun. Oregonlsn. WANTED Capable woman as hou.ckecper for ranch: must bs good cook and wining to do washing. Good wages, call lowe East 8th North. Woodlasn car to coi- fsx st. , - MUNICIPAL. Department of Public Satoty fo Young Woman. Advice or assistant gladly given to al! young women. Mrs. tola Ci. Baldwin, Bupt.. room M. X. W. A. blag, T'h end Taylor Bts. denersl housework girl who can do plain rooking; small family. Phons Ease 3iS or csll 51H) K. titb St. N-. Hroadwar car to Thompson and Zltn st. THE m-SINES." Bt'REA HIGH-GRADK OFFICE Hr LP. , 114 LLMBISRMENS BLDG. WANTED Hhorthand students; a wesllh of expert Individual Instruction: shortest time: best results; small expeose: my stu dents win success thiough sacsilsnce. Ail bt4. Oregonlan. HLl.p WANTfctv MALE OR FEMALE. PiTlViFERS THEATRICAL EXCHAXGE. Only bona fide booking office In 1 ort land; has openings for vaudeville acts, drsmatlc people, artists In all lines. ps clsl attention given to clubs and cafe en tertainments. Want chorus women for the road, two companies Just orgsnlmlng. Drsmatlc people all llnca stork. Sketches written and rehcarseu. manuscripts for royalty plays furnished, have Coast rights for some of tne istesi Eastern productions. See me for every thing In ths line of amusements- book ail Independent houses on the Coast. PI L-cTFKK-H THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. Si7 Marouam bl.lg. open Sunday aliernooiia. DON'T ADD F,OURE8READ THEM as easily aa reading print Son per cent more rapid "on par cent more accurate IS per cent less msiital effort than the old tiresome method. Day and evening classes. We guarantee results ql3 Martjusm bldg. ItTuO POSITIONS for graduates last year: men sad women learn barber traas la a wests, help to secure position: graoo Jt..arn from 1 to 25 weekly; sxpsrt lostructors: tools free; write or ..l1" loguea. klohlsr System of Colleges. North 4th st, Portlsnd. Or. W NTKD House-lo-houss canvatsrrs. to handle dirferent houwhold articles, at a very large prollt. Apply Mondsy morn ng between 10 and l'J or Monday ev 'en ill between and 7. Banner Apt.. 4S9 clay SCHOOLTCAl Mr.K - "-'".,. Lady or gentleman can make giuu weekly during ths Hprtng and Summer selling orchard tract. In premier appls dl.trlct of world. Write us for complete . . . pv"rrAvt Informsllon. B ". Oregonlan. WANTED ltn people, men and women, to appear In the big theater scene In The Midnight Sons." Apply 11 A. M. stage door Helllg Theater tomorrow i uakc money writing 1 imn big piy: ssnd for free booklyt; Jslls rTow.' y'ltsd Press Synd.. Snn F. anelsco. IK UOOL children, camerss. elc, 24 parkst-es Luster cards, earn rewards, wrtte today.Maillcon. Jollet III. MAN anii'wlfs for ranch, boulhera Oregon. AK 812. Oregonlan. TOBACCO-STRIPPER wanted. 202 V Wash ington st riaK TEACHBaS- AaSOCiATlON. 11 lead bldg. Bookkrepem anuiex VOL'NO man. highest New York business credentials. Is d-.lrous of obtaining good portion In Portl.nvL Ha. 'borough Uowledg. ot railroad, corporation and m.nufscti.rlng accounts, slip with banking business Minimum salary. 4o0. Ani.tr, Progessive. cars room Too. Trlbuns bldg. New York. TOfNOmsn. 87. steady and ober. "'' like position with good firm: hsv. had ten years' experience overseeing men. fair education and good accountant. Would must stand every tesL AN bus. Ore, ronlan. rvp'pplrM'ED dress goods man. Ss yesrs Eof ge. 11 y.sr? expe'r.euc. in dry goo.U. furn'shlngs. fancy goods. "dr'"- Z sierv neckwesr. Iscps. embrolderlss. no tlZV etcr experienced In buying, compe tetM. to manage dept. or store. Ab 0i, Oregonlan. 8TKNOGKAPHER and bookkeerver desire, a position In manufacturing office, three years In lumber office; one your In bank. Jtood references. John Hogg. Vancouver National Bank. Vancouver. van. RTF-NOORAPH ER and all-round clerk. thmSughVy experienced, desires position; hlhef references. Barbrsy. Phones. rst 113- B 2.M3. WILL, audit, open, closs or write up books, prepare balsuces and statements Install fyr:rLl consult m GUIlnghanv au dltor. 411 Lewis b4lgJjarshall4-l.. voCSQ man. 23. desires position as asles msn In gents' furnl.hlng or genersl rati' Ssndlss stors: four yesrs- experience; good references. AD So. Oregonlsn. IsYtION by young mau with clerical, newspaper and salesmanship experience. AcqusTnTed locally. uper.i. tvpewrll.r. - Kefsrsnces.AJ: Oregonlan. xo A Dss lesm an wants Job. any capacity-. ood work for aslsry and commission, no Jetrih quick sytera wanted, Kexworthy. .oo 4th st. . . jTiTrlST-CLASS bookkeeper and clerk. one capable of running an office force, will coi fsider any reasonable offer; best of ref erences. T W4. Oregonlan. g-IRST-CLASS bookkeeper - rilenograplier wants poaltlon st once, sny In.. references and recommcndatlona. . AG B-o. Orvgonlan. THOROI'tlHLY reliable man holding an ln T s.de rs.pon.lbl. position, w.nts work In prrvata family; best of rsferencea. N 8-1. Oregonlan. . POSITION wanted by voung man with veers- genersl office experience knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography; best of references. q9Ui. "ft""""' BET of books to keep evenings by two ex nertenced bookke-pers; can Bivs first-class rvferenres. B E3i. Oreconlsn. STEXCKiRAPHER, experienced, young- msn, desires position; references. B 811. Ore gonlan. ritPERIENfED bsnker. s yssrs. Mlnnesols. w.nts position s. csshl.r and as.i.tant In Oregon. Address L 7t. Oregonlsn. ," v-TTe" graduate de.lres tutoring work C In I hi EngU.n branches 7VJ. Or. gonlan. v'vkEKIEXCED bookkeeper and office man want, work; good references. M 813, Or. gontsn. ri KKICAI. position by young msn of 27; C gtod at flikres; refsrences Y 8d. Ore- gonisn. KXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man desires temporary position. K 8.1. Or egonlan. YCCNG man. good education, scrurste st f.gures. experienced In shipping, desires ....Itlon. O Oregonlsn. foVVo man with experience de.lres office 00.1 lion, quick st figures, good penman. references. O HI l.Oregonlun. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and general of fice msn desires position. X 401. Ore gonlan. w x VTED Po.li Ion by experienced groiery V clerk city references. - R.83U. Oregonlsn. Mlecellsneous. t v student desires position ss .tenogrs p"er mlih rellshre Isw firm; salary not object- Phon. Sellwood 1S3.V wXnTET Position ss ranch foreman by man with family; experienced grain term ing. AG 811. Oronlsn. CH VI-FFEI'R and mechanic wsnls steady Vosltlon; live ysars-; references. K 810. Ore gonlan. Pos'TIO.N ss asslstsnt helper In exchange for music lessons acd small wages. Wood- lawn 143S. CHAITKEI'R wants posltn In private family: had good experience. 30S N. 19th street. HARNESSMAKER wants Job custom work. V 814. Oregonlsn. EXPERIENCED gardener wants lawns to seed. Phine Tsbor 1173. CAMP steward or cook.ejtperlenced, refer ences. Phons Msln C4n. SHORT-ORDER cook wants work. W :0, Oreg on lan POftlTION wanted hv planing mill fore man; good references. X V.M. Oregonlnn. JAPANESE boy v. Ish-s a situation as a school boy. 1 Oregonlsn. FI usT-r'I.AF.S baker wsnts' position, city or country. N 811. Oregonlan, SITUATION WAXTKD MAJJt. Mlsceltanesae. WANTED LOT AT. POSITION- BT SALES- M i WHO r I ' fi. I r. . ir.Ano g.t . R KSENTEl) REPUTABLE CONCERNS IV CITIES AND TRAVELING. IS AT PRESENT EMI-LOYED. B1,T WANTS IOCAL POSITION; EFFICIENT AS SALES MANAGER OR CREDIT MAN; AGE 30 YEARS: MARRIED AND RESI DENT OF PORTLAND; REFERENCES FI KXISHED COVERING PAST 12 YEAIvi ADDRESS BOX M 804. OREQO NIAN. A LIVE wire man wants a live wire Job. I have written the advertisements and handled those responding that has sold II ouo.noo worth of corporation stock. 1 have sold tl.000.04XI worth of advertising space. I have sold fire and hall Insur ance. 1 can sell any leKitlmate thing mortal msn sver made for oilier mortal men to bur. I handle no 'fakes." I will be at liberty In a week. Do you want a man who llkea to do "big" things? w 811. oregonlan. CAN do anything, want work as Janitor In apartment-hou.s or business house or ol flce. restaurant can run elevator. I am no globe-trotter and I K"1' J; ployment. Have family, am 7 years old and will work for $00 a month or more. Want work at wince; can give references. J Oregonlan SITUATION WANTED Respectable and In dustrious msn. Swedish nationality, gar denor for private family, for sra' work. used to care 01 -- ..... , In istaction. xir.i ii i. . . .. 1 - - Inst place. K 803. oregoniari. M AH Rl ED COUPLE wl.hes situation taking charge o; private home: wife experienced waitress, good plain cook: man practical gardener, experienced In the care of fine horses and driving. Local relerencee. fc. Btm, oregoniau. lth Y01'0 marnea man reliance rest esiave or ooo., .--pany; able to make plans, specifications, estimate contracts and secure 'o"!; hustler; will work on commission. All aii. Oregonlan. AGRICULTURAL expert wsnts position as ranch manager or In development worg. Agricultural College graduate: several years- experience: what have you to offer a nuinrr : iv c,y, WANTED To take charge of apartment or rooming house for the Summer by ex perienced msn. might buy. very best of references. Phone Marsnall 1WI. Q I0. Orrfom'n. BAKER Experienced bread and cakes; so ber and stesdy: wl.hes country or city po.ltlon. Can furnish reference. H to oregonian. XOl'NO man. 14 yesrs old. would Ilk. poil tlon for afternoons as salesman or col lecting: have had years' experience as ralesmsn F 80S oregoman COOK wsnts tltuatlon in or out city, all round man. best of references; ny place, private or public. 1 hone Main 072. or X BUl, orciuiiiau. WANTED Position as foreman on wheat or stork ranch by man with small ""''; understand Campbell system. Address loik bog I go. lone, or. EXPERIENCED launderer. all around, ag working manager, small plant, washer, stsreher or polisher by Msrch 20; best r.i.r,nm AD 811. Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending" Holmes Business , , j . 1 o m-orlr for all or l.oucge o .1 - 1. m " - T c-,11 u.ln part of his room and board. Call Main SIS. A 2534. WATCH MAKER. JEWELER AND EN GRAVER, age 30 years. German. 12 years practical experience; best references. a.nj, rteaiy uiug COMPETENT chauffeur wants a position; understand all makes cars; can 'urnl.ii references; work reasonable. T 80. Orego nlsn. . .. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants emploj-ment by day. contract, repairing or new build ing 481 East Morrison. C. Hansen. Jiast ;io4. CAPABLE salesmsn and office man eeks employment; business-getter and buUder. mod -.t compensation where there Is chance to grOW. A.vt Pll. ureijiiiu.it ADAPTABLE young man wants any kind litiht employment from shoving a pen down to driving delivery wagon. Earl C Arm- strong. 1 nrrq er. . A ..l.n.r and A t OM f b 1 r-v 1 mv. 1 , " ornament writer. would like to locate with good house; married roan. Address T 80S. iregoiliaii. POSITION WANTED by good, young, all around baker: Coast experience; temper, ate. reliable; city or country. Jf 808. Ore- K jnlan. YOUNG man. 32. of good character, having naa wvririi . xrtfn, would like poaition &t anything. S h27, Orenonlan. J UL iU ITleavO. iw-. ' ' tCAVtiea.. education, good offlcts experience and . .. .uv. ...1.4, ,.n.ll.nt Kiti risen a rood experience in me mauuivuiw v rumejpQ8'tion. O 808, Oregonlan, SITUATION in or out of city by married man. experienced In general store and . -a v.H A iiiCA as. gtii il rfeiJl R P.. narawant, .n J " 43& Main it., yortiano. ur. YOITNO German farmer wants poBltlon on eial farming; also driving or hauling in i. g-i. I I-. nregnnlan C 1 1 . AV C-t. SJ. v.p vsa.w... A GENERAL superintendent with IS years practical exprit-iivw vu ... Z nel. sewer and paving work. Is open for a a r a.fi nrovnnlan an en ga Br hit; in. t-.c-, - - WANTED A position by a licensed chaut- tfur oriving 1UI aw. - ' Main 70.".. foCS G man attending school desires to hourVtallr addrers H. UB..14S 6th st. VOCNO man. 18 yesrs of age. would like to .....-.-i.n. Kii.lttA-a In soma rndd JAPtXKSK COI'PLE wants place, man as good cook, wife wait on table ana nouse WOtk. A . eio. ore. oo"o 6TRONO Japanese couple want place; man to take rare garden and liorse. wife as cook: both speak English. Home. A -'SCC EXl'EBIENfED partner. papernanger, 'wsnts work. Mevea. Phone Woodlawn 77. SITI'ATION awanten on rancn. uictmu bed: S years" experience. J work pref 8o7. Oregonlan. MEAT cutter wants position: can work any place m snop, in or ouv v vo. - Oregonlan, EXPERIENCED stenographer wlsltes po.l- tln: experienceu in iw viov. Oregonlsn. WANTED A position by a first-class au tomobile painter. Address V 830, Ore gonlan. TOINVj couple. Isdy will do light work In exchange for two housekeeping rooms. t". V. Csrson. :03 ftaiiton st. wivihiW and house cleaning; Jobbing a specialty; dwellings and nets. Main .31., Green. TOL'NO msrrled man. honest and ambitious, wants work of any kind. AO 8o3. Orego nlsn. rnvi:t.'.l Al. man teaches cultured French, tierman. etc.; desires f.rm work. bteln. Ml Ninth St.. Oskland. Cal. DRAFTSMAN wishes po.ltlon as architec tural tracer; several years expen-nce. e. S. Malhlas. 114i r.aet layior si. BOT attending West Side High desire, work after school and Saturday; good references U required. Y o;. oregoman. HIOH-CI.ASS salesman. bu.lni-ss-Retter and builder, seeks position with good - local concern. O 07. oreconian. Toi vn man would like to hear of per manent position, something for you If any- thlng tn H. rt QUO, urrguiiiin. COOK wants position In camp or lodging by competent miuuie-agcu m. . o itftf, Oregonlan. CHAl'FFEUR wants a position; can drive sny kind ot a car anu Keep in repair; good reference, jvu o"i'. on-iunma. A JAPANKSK. flrst-clsss cook, wants a po altlon in hotel or pnvsio laiiniv. r. i am a u ra. 1 07 N on hPark St. . Portland. Or. CHAUFFEUR A-1 mechanlean. would like drive car tor private lamiiy in exenan for room and board. R ton. Oregonlan. c,tii.-ii industrious msn desires position driving team, accustomed to handling horses, van want osiro. ui ami st. KuKliN bov wants Job as dishwasher age ll. Call 73 :!d t. North. ' WAITER wants work, country hotel. (2i month; relerencee. n ooo, oregonisn. TOL'NO foreigner wants to work. on farm. APliy v... -"-s va 1 PLUMBER, nonunion, wants st.ady .... l-nlomhl. 181 wora. . u .. w - kfAN wants position; understands house and vard work. Phone B 11S5. TWO young men want poalttona as farm '."Z ...lv Worth 3d St. nanus, akk'j " - 80PER chauffeur and repairman. Phone East eojtf, . CARPENTER wants Job. finisher, rough and rcDSlrs. -a. t-urij -- SOBER, Industrious young man would like work of any kind. H 2f. Oregonlan. BITTJATION "ANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepere and rvtenograpuers. sires permanent position. Phone Main '5S. BOOKKEEPER and stenogrspher. thorough ly canable and experienced. N 814, Ore. gonlan. . I ..n,n. I.Hv ilMmpranh., Mm A Hiwii-iio" v. .... . ... . . .i sires permanent position. Phone Main 6010. 6ITCATIOV WANTED FEMALJS. Bookkeepers and 8lenograpners PERMANENT position with good aalary . - . .. ..,.. i.hv who has had o vears- experience; can take dictation rap ldlv. transcribe, spell and punctuate cor rectly; has had some experience In book keeping and cashier work: uses any ma chine; will take position In or out of city- in roe, vjregoiiie.il, A-1 STENOGRAPHERS are what every . . -i .inns o ir,t ffOOQ employer wauis; mc i"-' " " t. stenographers Is at the Remington Type writer employment department; no Ie" for Uie service: Just call up Main 3, a 511 a o-R G,nrW at. TRAVELING position wanted by yu"S experienceu in nuuntiB .. --- . any line or territory; also famlllas mall order and advertising work. Miss VI U .man ..noral f 1 1 V . T" V. PUBLIC stenographer will make monthly ficlency. reliability,' promptness. 3 801, PUBLIC stenographer will make monthly uoiiiravis u " . ' 1 - tl o,n ficlency. reliability, promptness. S 801. oregoman. LADV bookkeeper and stenographer, several years eiiKnruu., uwi . employment. P 801, Oregonlan. COMPETJ3NT stenographer. S years' experi ence, newspaper, law alio errrires. AN 81. Oregonlan. POSITION aa bookkeeper and ca,ner; f?S accountant; civy iaou, . - gonlan- STENOGRAPHER, some experience, desires ... . i ... a i A a"a 11 I: nt 1 S. pUIKIDD, liiHsl a. l as l v -- sunnay LADY stonosrrapher wants position; ot- OUBUJT C Ji ptrriellljv , . va a 7 US. urejonian. EXPERIENCED commercial stenographer, understanos pnonograpn. uuim Dining:. Main two. SMALL, sets of books to keep evenings by aipenenca iri-i.t i - f (.7 OrAirnnian. WANTED Tare of an elderly lady. Kef- STENOGRAPHER Some experience, .de sires office worn. en. ure.uiiii.ii. lsTeasmaiaers. WANTED Mendinic. plain sewing, at my r n-r . . .1.1 r" Til fi P 1 Or rooms, .si iuui.au, vi - Z . : Q would ro as mother's help. Mrs. fcmma Richards. 6sT Thurman st. WANTED By a young colored woman, to " i , . . . . ZTZ... . i, i n . trad, with first-class dressmaker, with seme wages. AK 820. Oregonlan, VIENNA Isdies' tailor ana """"""J'";: suits strictly mo-iui"". , 7H. work guaranteed. Corner dth and Madi son, nam so. PLAIN sewing, mending, darning, ten cents an flour ana carmio. ' Exeter STrect, LADY wishes housekeeper's position; neat, a . . v, i hla m till rfMIDOnal- OI. 1 nirtJiiuiiD w - ALL kinds of dressmaking reasonable. Mar FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, best reference. 774 lvOvejoy l- rnmio -. DRESSMAKIXO. tailoring and utrRtI,nn; . ., i Main oc. f, i i n m hill. WOrK I I Ill-l I tlr-- rx 1 1 DRESSMAKING In your homes; ladles' or ennnren a wor-.. ,vxv . DRESSMAKING: children's blouses a spe cialty. East 6379. MENDiNa7daralng and plain sewing. East OVK. PRACTICAL young. strong. ,xPerieIe,1 nurse for hour or as long as desired; will do any kind of nursing except dlses.es. Mrs. Anna D. Hall. E. lbt6. NURSERY governess. North German, de sires position. r-nBiian. u. . ........ sewing; good references. B 806, Oregon- 1LD EXPERIENCED practical colored aoctors reierencc-h ....- - . . n.'vrl 1 - yv Ka! prcierrea. rnuuc " vm -" PRIVATE room, treatment new metJioi oC medlcal skin aosorpuon, iwr . . i t- fa.i- rirairnn i f n n 1 en. rfaaonauip. t- o---. w WANTED Engagements, by experienced, practlcalnuriHLhoneSejWood683. WANTE D -By kind, practical nurse, mater nity cases. A-none a i-m. PRACTICAL nurse would like engagement; city reterence. o w'.v, mri""'-" EXPERIENCED nurse wants case, any kind except corii-Kiuua, iitih...... FOR an experienced nurse Phone Marshall V-l. Mooseaeepers- ELDERLY lady wishes position as nouse keepuer for bachelor or widower; refer ences exchanged. For particulars, call or write 647 1st St.. Portland. Or., or phone Main 7312. HOUSEKEEPING wanted In widower's or bachelor's home by lady 43 years -old. can give references; no objections to lcav. Inc city; no trlflers need answer. D 814. Oregonlan. yOL'NO colored woman wants plain cook lug In small family In apartments; no washing; go home at night. AK 8-0, Ore- gonlan . . LAbY7good housekeeper and cook, wishes position, at once; country preferred ; best references. ' M. E. Jensou, Rldgefleld, nun. POSITION as housekeeper by widow with hoy 14 years; conscientious and trust worthy; good cook and housekeeper; . - 1 wl O trnnlftti. rancn prnrrrru. - mm v-c HOME COOKING, man wants -board with private family; must be within 10 blocks of postofflce. A 8-3. Oregoiilan. ; POSITION wanted as managing housekeep er or Interview party of means to go in . . . , 1.. t-.C nnvAnlflR. noiei ousnirw f o-., -- . BY respectable widow, a position at light housework, housekeeper or care of chll- . . . x? Bna Oreennian.a uren ; rmcrcin.c. HOrSEKEEPER would like position In widower's family: would take charge of rooming-house. 154 18th sU North. POSITION as housekeeper by a widow with son aged 6 years; good cook and com- psny. E 800. Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper, nurse or com panlon. Call Nurse. A 7103. Domestics. COMPETENT young German woman would like general housework In small family. ArJ O-O. vregfuinu. FIRST-CLASS cook desires position. Cath ollc Women's League. M. 24BI, Monday. MiscelUtneons. LADY of experience would take charge of apartment-house or rooming-house for rooms and small salary, phone mornings or evenings. M. 70-18. MA HR 1 ED lady will give services for home keeping accommodation, and some wages or will manage rooming-house, strictly trustworthy. AK 80. Oregonlan. TWO experienced women as first and sec ond cooks In hotel or camp; country pre ferred; will go together or separate. Phone East S73. LADY desires light housework, mornings and evenings for room and board: give address and particulars In first letter. P S13 Ore gonlsn. fllAKE specialty of laundering fine lace curtains; work done at home; references. Marshall 165L . POSITION as manager or working house keeper In apartment-house; experienced; references. -sA 7tf. Oregonlan. POSITION In florist's, by young lady from Seattle: very best of references. Address AP 806. Oregonlan. DANISH woman wants day work by the day. washing, ironing, cleaning. Mrs. Youngron. 208 Psrk. VOL'NG lady pianist desires work with or chestra or ss an accompanist for vocalist. AM 81.0regonlan. POPITION as cashier, manager of restau rant; experienced; strictly honest. AN 814. Oregonlan. ; BY "experienced real estate lady, position to handle business chances for reliable firm. H 813. Oregonlan. LACE curtains laundered, called for and delivered. 40c pair; work guaranteed. Phone Marshall 2137. WOMAN wants day work house cleaning; lace curtains laundered, called for and returned. Phone Sellwood 5S1. WORK to take home by experienced laun dress, curtains reasonable. Phone Main 379. Mlrs Halpln. EXPERIENCED milliner will take home work; prices reaBuuamc. v .viimig. worth ave. Phone C 2432. WOMAN wants cooking, boarding-house, mill, mine or ranch. Mrs. M. . Blakley, 30D Second st. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry at home; also work by day or hour. Phone Main 4533. between 10 and 13 A. M. EXPERIENCED lady wishes the care of In fanta In her own home. AD 80S, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED house. windows, carpet floor cleaner by day or contract. Martin. Main 8SI.8. FINE laundry and lace curtains done at home. Phone Main ti 1 J. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Main 6831. FEW hours' work, mending, darning, care of children. E 8:6. Oregonlan. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Marshall ; COMPETENT woman wants steady day work. Tabor 701. STTtTATlOX WATTTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. GERMAN girl would like place In Germ ramny: IB gooa cuoa, . out jonnson si- COMPETENT woman wants day work by -the day, wasning. irouni, y-i-ainus- '"" mornlnc or evenlnga Marshall 1319 A CAPABLE woman want, a position In a rooming-xi ou bo or - 4r7 7. WANTED Competent slrl for feo"8 housework; good wages, amai at 771 Everett street. GOOD laundre.s w-l.hes work Monday and J ueaaay, wnoio oaya. a. m. LADY wishes work by the day. Call Main 11W. F1RST-CLAS9 laundress washes here inert. Alain snuo. WOMAN wishes work by the day. Phone . Sellwood 1840. WAN1-ED Position by experienced lady ...hi., r ana rlmnnian. GOOD woman wants day work. Phone a&ain i.ifi. WANTED Washing and housecleaning. Phone East 60.19. room 10 MIDDLE-AGED German woman wishes po- sltlon as housekeeper. Phone C i-lvo-WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Main OO'.VO. "JAPANESE GIRL wants, position, good lam ely. j sow, oregonian. WANTED Situation, female cook In camp, mill boarding. Phone Main 4oJJ. GERMAN lady wishes washing or house cleanlng. East 3115 between S and WOMAN wants housecleanlng. etc.. full day only. Phone teaat room 7 LADY wants work washlns. housecleanlng or Janltre.s. fnone a LADY from London and Paris, piano and French. (Class. I2.50. Mam 64i4. EXPERIENCED cashier .would like position In cafe or hotel, itoom -no. nnu LAUNDRY lace curtains. 103 fit. Clair. Main 3S16. LADY wishes to get washlns; and Ironing. Phone E 338S. Call 3 o'clock Sunday. LADY wants day work cleaning of any kind or cooking: no wanning- LACNDRY work and lace curtains to carry home. Phone A 4&tu. WORK wanted by an experienced woman for Tuesdays. Main bji-j. CURTAINS laundered 30c pair. Marshall 131KI. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Washing ano ironing, mm AY work. Main 193. Call Mrs Smith. WANTED .tfi ENTS. l E,.v. 1 l.v.iir.u mi -. ---., er that weighs only five pounds, sells for 6. yet does the work of the more expensive machines; big profits, liveliest proposition ever offered to an agent; agents- maaing iiw - . . - ,.t... J Inn maam S&le to .on weeaiy, uciiiuu," .... - you can sell 10 of our machines to one . . . 1 . I , ., . nnr X A 01 any oiner muite. nn ... , -. . W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., &ia West vUtn at-. New xoric WE WANT good canvassers In every city . --, a a .1 1 1 frflTTI inu iuwu 1 11 u 11 1 - -- - . factory direct to user; only guaranteea . . 1 ,..Al-n va1lll m nana-power, cumiuuuu"g-uv.t... 7" cleaner on marvet; gexs ui quarts or ain in ii uhai.-- rug; quick seller, easy money. Write for territory at once. ieni-j -..to ---. 250 Maoison St.. Lnicino. . kaira A laoriVArAil TIP.W WRV tO ... ' 1 . - hva n Dlinr lllfl ma-Ke kudu jj.i.m -- - . v n I an .tola mnn- tLKeil (.JS. tU CI w uiauasiTiB, agers; our new proposition Is a big money .- -man auiltell t f COITl IjletB OU ny-fi n It t inn. M odel Portral f Co.. 2510 van r5uren sc.. v,n hjm.k1' LIVE-WIRE agents to place our new chain keyring. Only ring made holding special . kevs separate from others. Great for nicnt uicn. uuiw , 1 . . . i t-v I - nsa ma ri 111. nnf square oeai. --iiu particulars for agents. Dept. J. Clapler jjaoveity -o., -- pnia, fa, WE want two good salesmen to sell one of . the best fruit acreage propositions near Portland. Wo don"t want any 'dead ones." We have a live proposition, ant men that can make good; to such will pay good commission. Address for in terview f OIU, vjittswmau. BOTH sexes, make money easily, refined oc cupation, selling laces, embroideries, necK wear, waist patterns; good chance estab lishlng your own business; particulars free exclusive wrruwrj , y" " "ir " tion. Wm. Friedman Lace Co., 27 Canal St.. .ew lorn. X V tU BetllSi UUDllCI O ..aa. .- - tractive 1911' combination, packages of - . -, 1 - tsa hanHIa finr At Soap, tone aruuie. -nm raiums; Michigan agent made Jbo .47 ' nra., -i s a snnlhcr t99. fiO 111 nrS. Write today. Davis Soap Works, 66 Davis ping.. 1 4 L'o tarrou ave., v'-( AGENTS Send for free booklet, inside in formation on the agency business; filled with money-making plans, pointers and - - .L...,.na n. s II r'nRfif f I experience ui luu-uu" agents. Address J. M. Flrcn. editor, 6uJ8 Wayne ave.. uayton. unio. AUii-TH Buniigni Hi -- descent kerosene mantle burners fit all lamps: burn wltn or wnnoui murine, n petition; particulars free. Simplex Gas iiirht io.. New York. LADIES take -orders for "KlTosFI pet- licoais uivi 1 ' 1 ' " - - ' - ' strings: flexible hip gusset does tho . . . i . ...i. - vnnH. r.tnm- trinK; most pupuwi . . , , . able. Write for illustrated bulletins. James A. Mears. 33 warren st., .mw imi BOT and girl agents, sell 24 packages of our household necessity at 10c each, and receive an aeroplane that files or a ' y,r-.l. Init.v t.-lli!n SllTV camera, iicc. 1 J -, . , , , T ply Co.. Dept. 16. 210 Security bldg., Los Angeies. t-i. MAN cleared 11S2. lady $720. last six months, selling Holladay-s Marvel Shoe Polish, selfshlnlng, waterproof. Why not you 7 write, ueiimii" -. ' . Hoiiaoay, i-o oi.v.. -.c- 1000!, PROFIT; new combination tool; 15 in one: for household, farmers, electricians. macnimais. jiiumuci,. .u.- ..... . -. free to workers. B. Thomas Co., ln-S Klncn Dm,., uayimi. v-rm FREE Boys and slrls, sell 24 packages of post cards feu- us at 10c each and receive a Deautiiui waicn an y . . . . . . - - free Send no money. Rose City Novelty -n . 1 1 . 1 D.rtl.nit I'lr-HITltl t-ompany, xvojv - iv. v ..... TOU can mako 10 day selllnB our new iilKh-grade ortglnal air brush design show card to storekeepers; 360 varieties; cata logue free: sampe 10c. People s Show rard Concern. 7T W. Madison, Chicago. TOU can make $ as our general or local agent; household necessity; saves 80 per . L.tn.... .y.-ttiHlve terrl- eent; periuiiiirni . - tory: salary or commission; free sample. CrOOH. r-nnin. " BEND for. free catalosue of Thomas' guai'- d?eS1enmaTr,Vi sample. i nomas v."-. -v-a .. o- Dayton, onio AGENTS :l.to $10 daily Introducing brand new aluminum 4-piece cooker at naif price: new propoaiuun, iumi" exDerlence needed; outfit free to workers. M Jones. 1828 Finch bldg., Dayton, Ohio. WANTED Agents to sell stock in splendid enterprise; experienced men only: liberal commission, wall juunuajr, a tu x .. -.a rirxnd ava. Afi-NTB "to handle biggest money-making ' .. i . Cn.nl. 1 iinrtln. nffer: lire exi.iiioui.iini i''-'-' " . ;;,h exclusive territory, iiu i v-' Badger ChenalcalMfgCOL. Milwaukee. Wis. CHEWING gum; sell dealers, your town: clean, profitable business built up quickly, our brands; four flavors; novel packages, write today. Helmet Co.. Cincinnati, O. matlon of latest and best sellers on the market. Adoress nun ni"J Hawthorne ave.. rm l.oi.h. . 1,000.000 AGENTS wanted, fast seller, cost ing DC. seiuuis . " J , , ders to 0O. Postal brings samples f-.m- at l 11 1 1 n' . ii k; UV4. ill 1CIA IO. bossea i " ' NOTHING In these columns can compare TO articles We inu.it.il ....o ..v..-. ---n--- ful agents will answer. Lnlon -Houae, Peoria, in. WANTED Salesmen to sell the most com plete line of nursery stock In the North west: cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Company, gaiem. WE Day $36 a week ana expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co Dept. IB, l-arsoua. LOCAL representative, to handle line of art gooas ana ii.mo-ji.hhui Ki.j, and lu-cent aepm tuicn- "" -..n Co.. 336 Jackson St., St. Paul. Minn. LAUlr.s maae buiiuvilci.. , -. , ' , canvassing; material furnished: stamped - ...Hflniar, Wahajih.Siinn v Co . envelope . - - , w.nt P3. Chicago. AGENTS. 7c profit each 10c sale; best little nrrieia ever unci." . - m. . tamna. Rawllngs, box 945. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Real estate salesman, good of- nce prupwii"" n - pertence. Address A 8S2, Oregonlan. M LB or female: steady, profitable, house to house business in own locality; perma nn, i.rrltorv. Herbl Co.. Milwaukie. Or. POCKET sewing machine $1S to $30 a week; ...i.i. ..in.- na nroMts: est our mmnl,. Thnimu Co.. 13L'9 Finch bldg.. Dayton, o. QUICK profits, work listed, no canvassing, write t'p-To-Date Mfg. Co., 143 California su, San Fraxi cir'" WAN"TBT AOJ5XT9. AGENTS, we have the goods that sell; big profits. i urana ave. W ANTED TO BJENT. WANTED To lease, two or five acres, with comlortaDie uvveiuns. garden, ynone wu.wu WANTED To rent, close-In acreage, hou.e and fruit. 1 none duiiwww- Oregonlan. ' llousce. BT middle-aged couple. April or Msy l. small house to lane care m , or year. West Side, best rcf erence ss to . honesty, will pay small rent If necessary. W 814. Oregonlan. " WANTED To rent for a period of 4 mouths. a furnished nouse or iiui m " east of 16th St.. by family of two. no chil dren. Address 254 East Third st. Ivorth. or call on phone C 1 . 12 to 14-room house; must do 111 locality; strictly modern, with good yarn, by responsible party; will lease for term of years if necessary; near carline. - ooo. ' . , Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT Strictly modern unfur nished B-roora nouse or lower uu, "'"--" fireplace, etc. West Side, close in. A 7 Jo, Oregonlan. I WANT to rent a nice 5 or .-room, hou.e or flat in good location at un. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce, Port- land. Or. WANTED By family of adults; a six-room furnished nouse; must ue in -i,-v- -condition and reasonable rent. i none Main 7410. . WANTED To rent 5 or C-room house ner car; muaern, i cuiioui,. only. E li. vjreKunian. $ TO (-room house or flat, unfurnished. West Side, within walking uisiauce. ni. Main 4698. FURNISHED or unfurnished 4 or S-room cottage or iiat, iv or 10 unn-vei, lOBtof tlce, at once, d ctv". vjiem...... HOUSE of 20 rooms, suitable for boarding. v - . -J w-. iv nn tr rv.v I Ti close in, must oe mo-em " rtltlon. AU Bio, uresuuiiiii MODERN house or bungalow of 8 rooms, in gooa resiaence kl-iiuu " . ...... over $300 Der year. V 805, Oregonlan. MEDIUM-SIZE furnished house or apart- in e 11 L ; xamiiy oi tnree .-. , - A I. 808. Oregonian. - WANTED to rent by April 1. on West Side, close in; large tint or buuw. - - - Box 573. cny. WANTED to rent 3 or 4 room house; not over $12. Art f-J. oregmu.- WANTED To rent sma.ll modern furnished bungalow or fiat; references. Marshall 1. Ml. WANTED A 5-room house, furnished, mod- . v. i a TV. T a AprnTiltin. ern, near acnom. '" v. Apartment-.. WANTED By couple without chlldrun. Anril 1 to septemoer j, mo .-. .-. ----Apartment to be had In Portland. Would prefer home of some one leaving city for Summer. Best banking and social refer ences. Answer, with lull particulars, J 810, Oregonlan WANTED to rent a furnished or unfur nished nat or apartment; ii-v "' elevator; 4 to 6 rooms; modern, pnone A 5685, between 10 and 12 and 2 and 4. Knnriov. B21 Board of Trade. WANTED April 1; --room furnished apan- ment; steam neai; eievinn. Side; $23 limit; give phone. AF 824, Ore gonlan. WANTED 2 furnished housekeeping rooms for about ii;. a n. oro, i Rooms, UNFURNISHED, or light housekeeping rooms in nouse wintt . ',"" . T, V 8 can be cared for In daytime; must b'e In 1 mile of Union and Russell st. East 48SW. AL ol-i urvBuiu... BT young lady, cheerful east room on West Side isortn. iwi'i . " - price: private family; references. K 810. oregonian. TWO ladfes employed want room and board wltn select ianiuy, "i'"' 'J ' , Ierrea; reiereni-e YOUNG man of moderate Income desires quiet room with bath connections and hot and cold water. X 825, Oregonlan. lFTOU have 2 or 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms, with plenty of heat, let me know, and state price. AL 813. Oregonlan. WANTED By husband and wife, 2 unfur nished housekeeping rooms, walking dis tance; references. D 805. Oregonlan. WANTED Small unfurnished flat or couplo of rooms, heated, walking distance to Posl- cftlce. O 800. Oregonlan. BY young man: must be modern, homelike, walklnf distance. N 829, Oregonlan. Rooms With Hoard. TOITNG engineer. General Electric pm panyT would Uke living accommodations, private family or good boarding-house residential part of city; only place will be considered. C. M. Gassawas. General ElectrlcCo. THE" Meier & Frank Company ha fc-equcnt inquiries from new employes for btard lng and rooming accommodations, and in vites private families, boarding-houses and roSmlng-houses to list their accom modatlons with the superintendent. VOI'NG man desires room or room and board In desirable private ?m6o,-. young people; state torms. B 81 J, Oie gonlan. YOUNG woman employed wants room and Yoard. private family, walking "ance. Grand ave. and Morrison st. V S29, Oret ' gonlan . YOUNG man wishes board and room with German family so he can learn to talk German; give phone number. B 8-7, ore gonian. GENTLEMAN desires large, well-furnished room and board with private family: must be first-class; West Side; state full par tlculars and price. N 828. Oregonlan. YOUNO attorney wants home for S-year-old T daughter in private family where he can have furnished room also. Address BIS Gerlinger bldg. . WANT good homo for girl 10 years old m reach of school; reasonable pay. N 828. Oregonlan. WANTED Board for baby boy for six months; $10 per month; begin April 1. O 810. Oregonlan. . BY young man with sister of 13. In prlvste or widow's family, girl to work after rnWrggher board. K 807, Oregonlan. WANTED Board and room In private fam- llv. bylvll engineer. AF 822, Oregonlan, Business Places. v-iir-cu- Mnm wanted by young man, stenog Drfpher?in some large office building suit able for public stenographic work. T 80 1, Oregonlan. WANTED Deskroom, good location; give particulars. H 812. Oregonian. rOU. RENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUP-EAU. Rooms flats, apartments, furnished, un rorniShed. board, all parts ot the city: you money, lime, 'trouble. Let . us lo cate you. 2S6 Wa.nlngton SU . 30A Marshall 2189. A 824. fi'rvisheD also unfurnished rooms: very amiable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg. 1st and Pine- DON'T OVEItLOOK THIS TO"! MILKER BLDG.." 3S0V4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, .AWAn-a Furnished Booms. FIRN1SHED room, hot and cold waif. ateim heated. $1 a day and up. Special ?teby week or month. 212 V, Third, st. Phone A 20ol. : : " HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14lh St.. cor. Washington. Furnished and unfurnished rooms: prt- Tate baths, free phones In all rooms. vine front room, new furniture, designed ' for soUd comfort; only $3.00 per week. 445 Columbia st. s-irst Furnished rooms, steam heat, evrvthlng new, $1.70 and up; sln.le; housekeeping - CHOICE large front room with alcove, newlj furnished; suitable for two young men. Central location. 288 10th st. FOR RENT 1 front room for housekeeping or sleeping, for 1 party; price $2.50 pet week. 48i, North 9th. " ! THE DORMER, Cor. 13th and Jefferson. Pleasant, steam-heated rooms, reasonable LARGE nicely furnished, solid comforl front 'room, suitable for two: only $24. The GeiievleyeJJolumbla, near 12th. vicElTy furnished single room, desirable location, walking distance. 300 2d St. Mai. shall 1207. tmf HOLLY HOTEL. 105 12th New and Modern in every way; elegantly furnished. rates reasonable; transients solicited. MODERN outside rooms. 13 to $5 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 648 ft Washington St. HEATED rooms, transient, 50c; week, $3 up. 381 Yamhill. n tih N1SHED rooms for gentlemen or mar- ried couplellN120th- TfiTRNISHED housekeeping and sleeping room: walking distance. IB E. 6th st. N. THE SEAL, 190 W. Park, has 1 suite ol rooms, and 1 separate furnished. , THE HAZEL Nlcelv furul.hcd. nteo-u heat, running water. 3d and Montgomery. LIGHT,-desirable furnished sleeping rooms Kt Aster House. 251 7th St. THE PALMER, 350V4 Alder; rooms $$ pel week and up. ; NICELY furnished rooms: heat, phone; 'i and up per week. 328 4th a