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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1911)
THE STTJTOAY OKEGOyiAN, rORTLASP. MARCH 5. 1911. - : " ' . "I PEOPLE COMM E YOUNG "AMERICAN, WHO HAS DISAPPEARED AND MEXI CANJAIL IN WHICH HE WAS CONFINED. BRIDGE PENALTY SYND Mayor Replies to Consulting Engineers, Insisting on Full Payments. CONTRACT IS SPECIFIC IiK-onlitrnrlc In riwumiucndalloo. That Allow net B Made Are Pointed Oat Bill for K tra Not Approved. Mayor Simon's announcement that h win demand the full penalties for de lay In completion of the Hawthorne bride has resulted In wide comment throughout the cltr. He baa been con-a-ratulated by people from all sections, especially In Southeastern Portland, where !! thousands who were lone; Inconvenienced by the delinquencies of the contractors on this worlt- Every one who ha commented upon the Miror'i attitude supports him In It. The Mayor will demand the inflic tion of the full penalty against Kobert Wakeneld Co.. builders of the sub structure, and tho t'nlted Engineering; at Construction Company, contractors for te superstructure. These ar rate JI.0. This he Is doln despite the recommendations of the city's con sulting snctceers. Waddell Hatrlns; ton. of Kansas City, whose, flnal re ports arced leniency and allowed the contractors for the superstructure S:t for "extras.- which the Msyor will refuse to pay. Major Voice Displeasure. After readies- the flnal report of the consulting- engineers. Mayor Simon wrote them the following letter. Indi cating his displeasure regarding their recommendations: I am In receipt of the report mad by your Mr. John Lyle Harrington, un der date of March t. addressed to the Msyor and members of the txecutive or4. eoocrrnlns; the work done by the t'nlted Knglneerlns; at Construction Company on the Hawthorne Bridge, and reportln the amount recommend ed for payment to the said contractor. This report Indicates that Mr. Har rington advises payment or allowance to th contractor, the t'nlted engi neering t Construction Company, of !:! eitras. and auggeets that the liquidated damages or penalties to wnlch the contractor haa subjected It self by the long delay In the comple tion of th bridge, should be at $Jo. 1 days, at $li per day. By the term of the contract the super structure should have been completea by April IS." 11. but the bridge was not completed and put In opratlon until December 1. 111. Ill days after the sp-lfted time. Mr. Harrington recommends because of hlgii water during a period of th time aald contract was In existence. l das should be added to the time limit prescribed by the contract, and holds Kobert Wakefield, contractor for the substructure, responsible for l.J days of the delay and relieves th I nited Engineering Construction Company from the penalties prescribed by tue contract for J)J day. Delay Tleld rnnecessarjr. I regret to say that I cannot concur In the conclusions reached by Mr. Har rington. In the first place. If Robert Wakefield was responsible for th 17 daya delay, th L'ntted Engineering tc Construction Company remedy would be against Robert Wakefield, and cot gainst th City of Portland. I can not concelv how the default or neg lect of Robert Wakefield or any other contractor or subcontractor or even outside parties would cast an obliga tion upon the City of Portland In favot of the rolled Engineering 4t Construc tion Company. As shove Intimated, trie remedy of the I'nited Engineering A Construction Company. If it has any. Is against the party or parties caus ing tn delay or Injury. Then again, the days extension of the contract recommended by Mr. Harrington Is based upon th fact that tne contractor for the substructure I said to have been delayed by high water. The same objection applies to this allowance as applied to tne form er. Mr. Wakefield may have been de layed by hisn water, but I am advised that th delay was unnecessary, and brought about by reason of th tact that he was slow In commencing his work, and that the substructure could have been commenced and work pro ceeded to a point where th high water would not have Interfere) with It. If he had acted promptly. The extras re ferred to In the report of Mr. Har rington seem to me such as ought not to be charged op to th City of Port land. Contract I Specific. Th report farther Indicates an un willingness on th part of th engi neers to Insist upon th enforcement of th penalties provided by the con tract. The language of the contract la clear and specific, that "for each day, Sundays Included, of th delay In com pleting the entire work the City shall rermanently withhold from the coo ractor total compensation, the sum of 1100. the amount thus withheld not to be considered as a penalty, but as liquidated damages fixed and agreed to In advaas by th contracting- par ties." I beg to add that while Mr. Har rington report contemplates relieving th L'nI'.ed Engineering Construction Company from the payment of th ma jor part of the penalties to which It should be subjected by reason of It delay In th completion of Its work, upon the around that this delay was caused by Robert Wakefield, contractor for th substructure, th prior report made by Mr. Harrington upon th claim of Robert Wakefield, and the work don by him. does not embrace penalties aa-aint Mr. Wakefield on ac count of this dnlay. The result Is that if payment la made t the contractor upon the basis of Mr. Harringtons two reports, th City of Portland stands to lose In both Instances. One w?ul 1 naturally suppose that If th I'nited Engineering Construction Company should be credited with do lay occasioned by Wakefield, the lat ter should be charged a corresponding mount for such delays, and the Lily receive penalties provided for In th contract. I should he very much pleased to have yot re-eiamlne th reports made on the Wakefield and United Engineer ing A Construction Company contracts, anj advise me of the conclusion yoo reach upon such r-examlaat!on. Kast Side Club Approve. Th Mayor's Insistence In requiring th full penalties for th delinquent contractors on th Hawthorn Bridge t generally approved on the East Sid. Resolutions Indorsing his stand hav been adopted by th Sell wood Commer rial Club, th Seventh Ward Improve ment League. Sunnysld Push Club, South Mount Tabor Push Club. Mount Tabor Improvement Association. Brook lyn Improvement Club. Waverly-Rlch-tnond Improvement Association and th South Mount Tabor Push Clab. Many oromlnent East Fid residents hav also expressed their approval of Mayor Simon' action la protecting th tax payer of th city. Fire Kills Six la Texas. CENTER. Tex- March 4. Six per. son were killed In a fire ber shortly I after midnight. Many other war 1 JAim. at least two of lb am fetalis. IARRT DAVIS THOIGHT TO HAVE CrARTEl. AT TIA JTA'A. FOR PHOTOGRAPHING WHICH. PORT FATE IS UNCERTAIN American Youth Believed to Be Victim of Treachery. SLAIN, THINKS MR. KERR Offer of Keacue Refused by Harry Davis, In Fear Tbat Me Would Be Sbol in Back People Take War Seriously. That Uawy Davis. young Ameri can, waa murdered whll making hi way back to tha California lde of th International boundary after be ing released from th cuart! Juana. Mexico. whr be was held several day, together with Harry C. Dell, on suspicion of being a spy. la th belief of Alexander Kerr, whol sal grocer, who returned to Portland yesterday from San Diego. Mr. Kerr said that on th day on which h waa himself arrested and taken before Commandant Mendoxa at Tla Juana. h met young; Davl on th trt. Davl told him that h had Juat ben rleaed, but refused to accompany Mr. Kerr back to th American ld In Mr. Kerra automo bile, declaring that he had promised not to leava until after nightfall and expressing tha fear that he would b shot In th back th moment h x hlblted Intention of breaking hla pledge. -X was Interested In tha young man. aid Mr. Kerr, -and asked th chauf feurs and United States officer at th boundary to watch for Davl. H did not return that night or th next. I bllev h was killed by tha treach erous Mexlcana." t . . Mr. Kerr alao said that Davis told htm that Dell would ba removed to th prtaoa at Enenad th night of th day that Mr. Kerr wa In Tla Juana an Intimated that that would he th last of Dell. Mr. Krr took many picture In Tla Juana. It waa whll ba waa photo graphing th euarteL wher th Mexi can eoldlr wer quartered, that n waa Mixed u flurried befor th command ante. -American ar Inclined to rldlcul tha war In Mxlco." ld Kerr, "but th Mexican, certainly taka It serious ly Th school bouses In Tla Juana bav been closed and th women and children hav been sent acros th American lln. Ther I a camp or Insurgents bout 1 mUe from Tla Juana and the oldler and civilian remaining In that city ar constantly under arm. Th nUr town U closed to traffic, with th xcptlon of two or three curio tore and few sa loon. Americans are not allowed to remain over night, Th town I undr martial law and order hav been Issued to hoot any on prowling around th street lat at night. Practically th only people who remain In Tla Juana ar tha mounted rurale and th soldier nnder Commandant Mendoxa. Tha clerk tn tha few store which remain open cros the American lln avry night. It la said." i PORTLAND PLAN ADOPTED V St. Paul to Follow Example in Its PubUclty Work. Portland' publicity method wer commended warmly and adopted by St. Paul business men at a recent meeting- at which an aggressive campaign was decided upon. -Following th plan of Chic afro. Cleveland and Portland." ay th St. Paul DUpatch in an account of th meeting, "th St. Paul Association of Commerce will tak Ita placa at th head of the city civic, commercial and business life." Ell Warner. In an address before th meeting, which resulted In forming th new association, said that tha Chicago plan waa originally borrowed from Portland and mad over to meet tha requirements of a Urged city. Lout W. Hill, who also wa present, spoke of the recent decline of th growth of OeatUe, a compared vlUl BEES SLAIX TREACHEROl 8I.T j Oil. r I .-. .J Li i"" ' that of Portland, and attributed It to the -great central organisation In Port lan d." Tb new association In St Paul will assume the duties of th Commercial Club. Consolidated Publicity Bureau. Real Eatat Exchange. Builders League. Associated Merchants. Jobbers. A Manufacturers' Association and kin dred organisations. WOMAN HEIRESS LOCATED Mrs. Greanleaf Iarn9 of Wealth In Australia Through The OregonUn. On his way to Australia to lay claim to a larg estat. left by his wife's father. William 1 Greenleaf, Instructor In manual training In th school at Aberdeen. Wash., and formerly em ployed In a similar capacity In Port land, stopped over here yesterday to make Inquiry at detectlv headquarters concerning th information relating- to th matter In possession of Captain Moor. Mr. Greenleaf is accompanied by hla wife and daug-hter. Mrs. Greenleaf learned from a report In The Oregonlan that her father. Louis Sharer, had died at Sydney.' Australia, leaving a comfortable fortune In Jewel ry. Th facts In th case were com municated to Captain of Detectives Moor by th Sydney authorities sev eral daya ago. with th Information that Sharer left two daughters, one in Portland and on In New Tork. He had been In business as a pawnbroker and all his wealth waa In Jewelry. Mr. Greenleaf Is a nephew of Robert S. Greenleaf. a civil engineer of this city. Mrs. Oreenleafs sister Is Mrs. Earl Taylor, whoso husband, a song writer, appeared recently at a local theater as a member of th "whit City Trio." Mr. Greenleaf ha a power of attorney from Mrs. Taylor and will proceed directly to Australia to close up th estate. CLEW IS NOT CREDITED Detectives Think Dominic BonelU Was Killed In Drunken Row. yw turn was given the search for tha murderer of Domlnlo Bonelll. who was killed last Sunday In a Hood street boarding-house, when a card waa delivered by th postman to on of the officers detailed on tho case, declaring a certain man to b grullty of the crime. Th card wa signed "A. C." and little weight 1 given it by th officers, who believe that it la either baaed upon nothing or 1 "ent to mislead th chase. Effort to find at Caxadero th man t,. the Coronera Jury. Jo La Rose, was unavailing. Tb detective are satisfied, however, mai m annua of Bonelll wa th outcom of a drunk en row. and scout theorie of a -black band" plot which hav been advanced. Party of East to See Rose Festival. CANBT. Or- March 4. Speclal.-The Southern Paclflo Company has a force of carpenters at wora ouiiuina larg extension to the present depot, both mw,A fwtvht denote belns: In adequate to handle th Increasing bust- nesa. It is expects to w r There otilit to be no masiclesa hoire now. Pianos, Organs, Talking Machines, in fact, everything in our old store (353 Washington St.) is to be closed out. Sale com mences tomorrow. , . Our new building, 7th and Alder streets, is nearing com- plC We start with an entirely new stock on April 3. See also announcement of Eilers Music House, page 11, sec tion 1, of this issue. TAXr, tK E IM.-- OVEYiENTS bRS The people of Portland are already familiar with the -wonderful ability of this company to pick out locations in the path of progress. In spite of the fact that we have made more money for more people than any other firm in the Northwest, and have offered more real investment opportunities than any other concern, it is with par donable pride that we announce that we have never platted and opened for ale a more desirable, more conven iently located piece of ground than Syndicate Addition A yon will observe by reading the above description, it is all ready for building. The lots are nearly all cleared of brush, while upon some of them are bearing fruit trees. " This land has been in cultivation for years, nd is, therefore, especially fine for immediate use. FIRST CHOICE OF - LOTS SUNDAY MORNING 400 AND UP NO INTEREST NO TAXES TREE IMPROVEMENTS EAST TERMS SALE THE FRED A. JACOBS CO, PORTLAND, OREGON: Please mail me an official map of Portland, without charge, as well as prices and terms of lots in Syndicate Addition. Nam Address ........- r. MAIL COUPON TODAY Mar L This lncreas In business la largelr due to tha Influx of ljaemers who purchased homes her during 19MX Thle) year promises well for Canby. Ar rangement are now beln mad by J. A. Oraham. of Council Bluffs. Ia., who rpent a portion of the Winter here, to Mhanmn . twrtv nf 9i frnm the "Hawk- eye" state, who have been negotiating J for home in tn "tanDy uaraens. iuu party Is due here June 1 and will also attend toe Rose Carnival In Portland. June . Granitoid FhtIds; Favored. Property owners on East Morrison street, between East Water street and ADD I ANOTHER ONE OF THE GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITIES c O FREQUENTLY OFFERED BY THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. Only a few minutes' ride; only a block from one car line and a couple of minutes from the Mount Hood line. In the midst of a settled and well-built-up neighborhood. Four stores one block away.- Public school on the property. Less than five minutes' walk to Country Club grounds. Church close by. -Streets graded in price of property, as well as installation of water in front of every lot, concrete walks and curbs. Taxes paid by us and no interest charged on deferred payments. tiZZ02 BELLE U 1 1X101! L tboiQQQ--A iiDuX lTrnnT K l I m li T II II HOOP RIVE JEICCTRIC LINt TAKE STARTS BiFred A. Jacobs Co. SUCCESSOR TO The Jacobs -S tine Company Largwt Really Operators -I QQ1 4g FIFTH ST. on the Pacific Coast 100-14U X J.J. X XX U i . Union avenue, have been Investigating Granitoid pavement and are Inclined to favor its use on' that street. Sev eral of the property owners ar de cidedly In favor of tho new pavement. ana believe it an rxuqugin. v n . mm -iy 4 at the corner or urano iit aad Prosnlsea Big TUbbw for TUa T I O. N 1 V-f I 1 I sK -e - J gw- l ROSE CITY PARK CAR TO THE ALAMEDA for East Morrison street, where the wear Is very heavy, connecting, as It does, with Morrison bridge. Also the property owners of Sellwood and else where, who have heard of this new Mnmnt. are asklnir about it. inaneo .J.....mwsssssssssssawesssweWsjsjsawawaMsaa o. t. New F-etorr of t,e ..n 11111 .11. rr,.i Sectlom of the United Statea. O TaX S FRfcB iMfKOV MLtoTt NO INTE E i VxLLEalitii SUNDAY MARCH 5 AT 10 AM. Smith, member of the Executive Board of the city, has been investigating Granitoid and has a specimen. He says that it looks good to him. It is a con crete and granite pavement seven Inches thick. n"-.