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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1911)
, 4 . TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND. FTTp'RtTA'RY 26. 1911. , ,.i If NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN YOUR SPRING PLANTING -" DIAMOND QUALITY" Group of Children Wko Were Present at "Washington's Birthday Party and Guests of Honor V&$ JMV 1 H vTi) Little Mis Catherine France Kelly and Master Pavld Foulkes were the guests of honor Wednesday afternoon, ho Mr. J. F. Kelly and Silas Dag mar Inea Kelly fare a Washington's birthday party for them. Marching i erclses were enjoyed by the children, who were dressed for the occasion with ; favora of trt-cornered hats and sashes I of red, while and blue, appropriate for ! the day. Assisting with the entertain ment .of the children were: Mra Jo seph, Prurfhomme. Mra. David Foulkes. Mrs. S. J. Mooney and Mra. A. V. Coch ran. Mrs. E- C- Ooddard sane: a num ' ber of folk songs and other music was ' furnished by Miss Marie Mooney Chep- man. Miss Vincent and Miss Laura Celeste Foulkea also assisted In the t general pleasure of the occasion. Deco rations of te patriotic colors predomi nated about the house, while the cen terpiece of the dining table was a large Martha Washington dolL Thoee pres ent In the plctur above are: David Foulkea. Catherine Kelly. Vera Prud homrae. Elotse Prudhomme. Millwaln Frtidhomme. Dorothy OUbert. Eleta Society N ews and Notes. Con tinned From Pag Her. Mrs. W. A. Gordon. Mrs. William Koehler. Mrs. J. D. Leonard. Mra. IL 8. Tnttle. Mra. J. I. Mann. Mra. F. A. Relsacher. Mrs. C. tiodley. Mrs. D. Mahar. Mrs. K. Power. Mrs. T. Hodges, klra. M. Anderson. Mrs. E. H. C'ahalln. Mrs. ir. K. Hlrwhey. Mrs. IL Campbell. Mr, c. Brown. Mrs. C. Shea, Mrs. N. X. Peufgen. Mrs. W. O. Wright. Mra. fc'ew Innd. Mrs. T. D. Cunningham and Miss G. Barber. e e e The "A five hundred club met last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mra. It. Ehl'rs. 0 Montana avenue. e A pleasant evening was passed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. t. O'Brien, on Kugcne street. Friday evening. Cards and music were enjoyed until a late hour, when supper was served. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pavidsnn. Mies El ma Smith. Mlsa Pearl V'anhebber. Mies Evelyn O'Brien. George 1. Fischer and Ray Shepard. e e The Eureka Council, SH. Knighta and Indira of Security, gave a BOO and party Monday evening, at which Frank Qulru'.e and Miss Pullam won the 600 prlies and P. P. "Fisher and Mlsa Ethel fclcColrllle won whist irises. e e e Mrs. Cal Zimmerman, who expects to leave the city soon for the South, was a luncheon guesv of honor when Mra Max Ithode recently entertained the follow ing guests: Mra Zimmerman. Mra. Henry Harris. Mra Eugene Ferguson. Mrs. N-1 Elder, Mrs. Charles Wlntermute, Mra. William Bolander. Mrs. F. S. Beach, of New Tork: Mrs. Ernest Kellogg and Mrs. A- King. e e e Last Thursday evening the women of the Altar Society of the Church of St. PROMmTNT Y0UNO COUPLE OF THE DALLES PASS HONEYMOON IN PORTLAND. is: . . ) li li " v if 1 my) I mi m THE DALLES. Or, Feb. SS. (Special.) Charles Johnston and Miss Dollls Davis. ro popular young persons of The Dalles, were married at the home of the bridegroom'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnston, laat week by Rev. I. V. Poling, of the Congregational Cnurch. The bride, attended by Mlsa Nova Dawson, was gowned In apple green wool batiste with heavy cream all over lace and band trimmings and wor n over green taffeta. She carried pink and white carnatlona. The bridegroom was attended by Simon Cohen. Little Roderick Crosby acted as ring-bearer. A wedding dinner waa served after the ceremony, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston left for Portland, where they will pass tielr honeymoon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke, of Pendleton: Mra H. P. Kelser. of Welser. Idaho, an aunt of the bride: Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilier ton. Mies Maude Koontx. Elmer White. Simon Cohen. Guy Douthlt. I'pon thel r return to this city they will occupy apartments which haie been fitted up for the young couple by the bride grooms father. TOT i i SAJ77TA? Abrame. Lucy Llllla Bernlce ON'ell. Mix Alta Kelly. Onward Cochran. Ger- Mary, on Williams avenue, entertained wt:h a benefit social for the orphans. The affair took place In the Co'umbla Club Hall, on Morris street. Cards and dancing lUled the hours and candles were sold at booths. see A large affair of the past week was the mask ball given by the Women of Woodcraft Astra Circle last Thurs day evening. Their hall was attrac tive with Ita aettlng of colored lights for the costumes of the dancers, e e e A pleasant surprise was given by School for Mlsa Delta Chambreau laat week. Carnatlona and asaieas were used to decorate the parlors where games and music furnished the evening entertainment. Those present were: Mlsa Clara Mann. MIks Hasel Hoopen gamer. Miss Marie Roberts. Mies Hasel itiaknev. Miss Anna Kimo. Misses Kml- iine Knd ltuth Zanellcan. Miss Anna Brasler. Miss Eva Graves. Miss Verna Smith. Mlsa Rose Wlckman, Mlsa Edith Carr. Miss Cal la Chambreau, Mls Paul ine McCann. Mra Zanellcan. - Mr. and Mra C II. Chambreau. D. F. Miller. Van Cleve. II. B. Moore. It. C. Moore. Albert Mount. H. M. Cover. W. J. Spencer. S. H. Marotte. T. Uaamussen. Bernl Mc Cann. J. Kewhfrger. H. D. Jones.. C A. Messing and Iflrd B. Clarke. e e e In honor of Miss Myrtle Payne, a bride of the month, a ahower was given at the home of Miss Lulle B. Merts. I L'sK-,arw 9A Thmlt nuaaii ..hihh, w. . .... attending and taking part In the shower ... . . . ri ill.. were siiss aqi ncwui". .ui.. May Blsley. Miss Hazel Washburn, Miss Harriet Vilas, Miss Lillian Wright. Mlsa TaKh.ah til-, MtrarmlR. Miss Foanna Parker. Miss Mayme Ward, . .. . , r III.. V. A11SS lia rtecauer, airs. nuvn ard. Mrs. Earl Perkins. Miss Helen nsnsii. -i w u i. 4c 'wfc'i" - -" line Payne, Mlsa Irene Epton. Miss Elba Poe, and Mrs. F. Kyler. e Mrs. Francis D. Arrlngton celebrated her birthday laat Saturday evening by entertaining It guests at cards at the Oregon Hotel, having as her guest of . . - . , . . - - zr : trude Lanery. Margaret Jacobberger and Kllsabcth Ooddard. honor Miss Mabel Ferris, of Los An geles. Those present were Miss Ferris, Mra CI. M. Larlmore, Mrs. C. S. Love land. Mra William M. Colvlg. Mrs. C. H. Monroe, Mrs. C. Lane. Mrs. K. C. Ward, Mrs. C. E. Ireland. Mrs. F. J. Baldwin, Mrs. Pickering. Mrs. James Morrell, Mrs. J. MrKlnnon. Mra O. R. Hubner, Mlas Brugger. and Mlsa Donnell. Ths friends of the Arleta Lodge No. 1744. of the Modern Brotherhood of America, were entertained Wednesday evening with a George Washington so cial. - see Mlsa Henrietta Bettlnger entertained 15 of her friends Tuesday afternoon at Rer home, SIS Lovejxy street on the occasion of her eleventh birthday. e Miss Marls Cavallne and Miss Hazel Koonts. who are traveling through Southern California, were entertained last Tuesday at dinner In Palo Alto by the members of the Sigma Chi fra ternity at the fraternity residence. The Swastika S00" Club met at ths home of Mra T. Kindred last week. The house was decorated In honor of George Waahlngton's birthday. Mra Kindred waa assisted In entertaining by her daughters. Mlsaes Sadie and Edna Kindred. Mra J. A. Herschler won the prUe. Mrs. Frank Schmltt will enter tain the club next Tuesday at her home. Hi East Alder street. e The second of the series of dances given this season by the employes of Woodard-Clarke Company took place In Murlark Hall Thursday evening and waa thoroughly successful. Decorations of "Woodlark" pennants made the hall attractive. e Dr. and Mrs. II. R. Blersdorf enter tained . the following guests Saturday evening. February 1: Mr. and Mra H. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Han son. Mr. and Mra H- C. Blaeslng, Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Hayek. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Thell. Mr. and Mra. J. Klln ker. Mr. and Mrs. John Bracher. Mr. and Mrs. Wll'.lam Blaeslng. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Doyle. Mr. and Mra H. C. Dlttock. Mr. and Mra K. C. Paulsen. Mr. and Mrs. A. Alhrecht. Mr. and Mra H. Frederick, Mlsa Mattle Schroe der, Misa Reglna Schroeder and Mlsa Genevieve Galling. s Mrs. B. T. McBaln entertained at bridge In her artistic bungalow home on the Clackamaa Blver bank last Wednes day, when the prevailing color scheme carried out the red. white and blue symbolic of patriotism and the birthday of George Washington. Mra McBaln's guests were Miss Fannie Porter, Mrs. I. . L. Pickens, Miss Grace Tlllard, Mrs. W. S. Wren. Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Laselle. Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsner, Miss Baakley Pratt. Miss Alice Shannon, Mrs. John Lewthsralt and Mlsa Alice Lewthwalt. The Thursday Afternoon Club met last week with Mrs. Sanborn and began the study of Kipling. Mrs. Harry L. Vorse sang "Mandalay." Mrs. G. M. GUnes spoke on "Kipling's Chsracteristlcs." Mrs. O. A. Johnson discussed "Kipling as the Revealer of the East" and Mrs. Henry Berger. Jr., gave a synopsis of "Kim." Mrs. Q. A. Johnson, Forty-second and Harold avenue, will entertain the club this week. The men . of St. James Lutheran Church met In the parlors of the church Wednesday evening when a banquet was provided for them by the women of the church. A number of addresses were given after which a brotherhood was organized with the following officers: A. P. Gram, presi dent: F. J. Gerth. vice-president: F. H. Pageler. secretary: C. F. Hendrlckson, treasurer, and C. A. Werner, A. Blank holm and H. J. Blaeslng, members of the executive committee. e Mrs. Harry P. Campbell ' entertained with a large dancing party Saturday evening at her attractive home "Over look." Following the dance supper waa served to the guest a To celebrate their eighth wedding asniversarr. Mr. and Mrs. wiuiam, a. Munroo entertained Wednesday even ing with five tables of cards. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kobbins. Mr. -and Mrs. H. O. Curtis. Mr. and Mra G. W. Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Camahan. Mr. and Mrs J. C Hen derson. Mr. and Mra W. A. Munroe. Mr. and Mra A. A. Grisell. Mr. and Mra Eliot Brett. Miss Gertrude Olesy, Miss Norma Yergen. and W. J. Shaver. Prises were awarded to Jack Hender son. The Willamette Tennis Club held Its first meeting this year on Friday even ing at the home of Mra. S- L Gulss. 10 East Seventeenth street. Many new members were added to the club and plans for the coming season were dis cussed. Officers chosen were: Presi dent. Ethel Oulss; vice-president. Roy Hatfield, and aecretary and treasurer. Eleanor Carter. A social time followed the meeting. The membera are: Harry Trneblood. Miss Hazel Russell. Miss Dorothy Cleaveland. Earl flwanson. William D. Fenton. Jr.. Raymond Atck Ison. Mlsa Hally Dalzell. Miss Marian Reed. Irving Oulss, Raymond Lucas, Miss Vivian Pallett. Miss Anna Grace Pellett. Dan Qutmby. Misa Irene Jones, Merle Moore, Miss Roberta Klllan. By ron Mathewa Miss Grace Reed. Ernest Reemls, Miss Edna Ellsworth. Miss Green. Miss Estell Armltage. James Hnrow. Mies Eleanor Carter. Mlsa Vlla McCarver. Charles Reynolds, Miss Ag nes Basler, Miss Cora Shaver, Clarence Miller and Junior Pallett. For Miss Louise Kent, the former in teresting young actrcsa at the Baker Theater, who Is In town with the "Sil ver Threads- Company at the Bunga low Theater, a box party waa given at the Baker Tuesday evening by a num ber of her friends here. Among those who thus complimented her were Mra 8. B. Herman, Mrs. J. Povey. Mrs. F. H. Egbert. Mrs. F. E. Ingles. Mrs. E. W. Paget, Mrs. S. Morgan, Mrs. Stembler, Miss Achsah Paget. Mrs. Flora Herman, Misa Bernlce Lucas. Miss May Thomp son, Miss Dorothy Povey and Miss Mar guerite Egbert. Miss Egbert also en tertained for Miss Kent the next af ternoon with a chafing-dish luncheon when the following girls were present. Miss Genevieve Coffey. Miss Ruth Mur phy, Miss Bernlce Lucas, Miss Dorothy Povey, Miss Flora Herman. Miss Violet Johnson, Miss Edith Shaplrer, Miss Ach ash Paget and Miss Sarah Lewis, of the "Silver Threads" Company. a e- Last Saturday evening Mrs. Emmett A. Redman, of Irvlngton, gave a card party when seven tables of 800 were played. Her honor guest waa Mrs. Benjamin Manflcld, of Wisconsin. The rooms were decorated with red hearts and carnations and the prizes were won by Mrs. Louis Hough and A. B. Cox. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hough. Mr. and Mrs. O. Plumtner. Sir. and Mrs. A. II. Draper, Mr. and Mra. J. B. Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dlgler. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Klippel, Mr. and Mra C. B. Brlgham, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Force, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. John stone, Mrs. B. Manfleld, Mrs. Ernest Bailey, Mr. Nelson. Miss Redman, Miss Ellse Cramer and Miss Norma Red msn. e Mrs. C. B. Murhard entertained with four tables of 500 for Mrs. Benjamin Manfleld, Tuesday afternoon, February 21. The National colors were distrib uted sbout the rooms as decorations and were enjoyed by the following guests of whom Mrs. E. A. Redman and. Mra. J. Greig were the highest score holders; Mrs. Manfleld, Mrs. J. B. Leroy, Mrs. A. R. Draper, Mra. Er nest Bailey, Mrs. K. A. Redman. Mra Edgar A. Klippel, Mrs. F. H. Pageler, Mrs. O. J. Williams, Mrs. A. B. Cox. Mra J. Greig. Mrs. M. L. Kline. Mra J. M. RiihsoU, Mra A. B. Johnstone, Mrs. George Armstrong, Mrs. A. L. George, Mrs. II. Harold, Mrs. E. A. Moulton and Mrs. C. B. Murhard. COMIXG KVEXTS. "An evening with Shakespeare" to be given by Marlon Lowell to the Shakespeare Study Club and Its guests will take place at the home of Mrs. R. L. Dabney.-133 East Twenty-third street. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Both classes of the Shakespeare club will meet with Mra L. o. Barre to morrow afternoon at 1119 Taggart street. The lesson will be on Act 6 of Henry the Eighth. Mrs. Frank W. Swanton will give an entertainment on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 28, In the Grace Memorial Parish house. East Seventeenth and Weldler streeta Elocution and readings will provide the programme. A pre-Lentendanclng party will be given by the members of the Order of the EaTrn Star Club tomorrow even ing at the Masonic Temple. The pat ronesses will be Mrs. W. McGulre. Mrs. J. W. Cook, Mrs. NvW. Hartman, Mra Herbert Duthle, Mra Paul Chamber lain and Mra. Charles Meniles. The club members are: Miss Margaret Howatson, Miss Louise Phllpott, Frank Guerln, John MacGregor, Miss Eleanor Menefee. Thomas Colyer. Mable Beck ett. Howard Phllpott. Radford Shaw cross. Edith Schmera Josephine Staple- ton and Alexander W. Hartman. The male chorus of the Grace Metho dist Church will give a concert at Cen tral Methodist Episcopal Church, cor ner Vancouver and Fargo streets, Fri day evening, March 10, under the aus pices of the Women's Aid Society of the Central Church. The Erlndell Girls have cards out for a dance Tuesday evening at Murlark Hall under the direction of Miss Anna Ford, Miss Katheryn Madlgan. Miss Anna Moore. Miss Clara Gallagher. Miss Beta Bates and Miss Gertrude Springer. "Portland Circle No. S5 of the Wood men of the World will give a dance HARRISBURO PHYSICIAN AND DR. AND MBS. O. B. LONG. HAFtrciSBL"RQ. Or.. Feb. 25. (Special.) Dr. O. B. Long, of this place, and Miss Beulah Martin were married here Monday evening. A few Intimate friends were present ss witnesses to the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. J. E. Walbeck. Lr. Long has been a Linn County resident since boyhood. He ha held positions as principal of schools In several towns in this and ad Joining counties. He has practiced medicine the past three years. The brido la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F Martin, of Creswell She has been a teacher for some time, and last year had charge of one of the departments of the Harris burg school. Thai will be at boma In, this city, altar March 1, Jala vf" Orejron. jf:i i; ; -. Helea Scrtr, Finest White Sweet Pea. Two-Third Average Slse, have prepared this most praetical and valuable of all articles on this subject, and will give a copy free to all who would grow roses. Our 1911 Seed Annual 132 pages giving valuable cultural directions and listing the finest assortment of sterling novelties and standard varieties of Seeds, Plants and Nursery Stocks possible to procure should be in the hands of every home-owner. Call or send your name and copy will be sent you. Jf you want best results, do not delay order now. Every preparation has been made to give you prompt and satisfactory service. PORTLAND Front and Yamhill Portland, Oregon. Tuesday evening, February 28th, In their temple, 128 11th street. The regular monthly meeting of the Portland Froebel Association will be held at the Elizabeth K. Mathews School In Lucretia Court Friday. March 3, at S o'clock, nr. Emma J. Welty will give an address on "Birds of Oregon." discussing their habits and character istics. The Alblna Women's Christian Tem perance 1,'nlon will hold Its annual Frances E. Wills rd memorial service In the Highland Baptist Church Tues day afternoon at 2 o cloeK. The Council of Jewish Women will hold Its regular meeting in the Selllng Hlrsch building on Wednesday at 2 P. M. WEDDIXGS. Ford-Xewell. Olin Ford and Miss Esma Newell were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Newell, 1005 East Washing ton street, Thursday, Feb. 16, in the af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Only a few imme diate relatives of the young people wit nessed the ceremony after which Mr. and Mrs. Ford promptly doparted by steamer for California. from ban Francisco they will go South and later return to Portland by way of the Northern Middle West. Though hav lng a number of friends in this city, the young persons are from Eugene. Kellor-Ifaworth. The wedding of Miss Grace Haworth and Charles Keller took place at the TEACHER ARE MARRIED. are famous for their vigor, wealth of bloom and parity and bril liancy of color. We offer the 1911 novelties of merit from the Eng lish, and American growers, to gether with our own incomparable White "Helen Scott," a variety you cannot purchase elsewhere. Earliest plantings give finest flowers and most luxuriant vines. "Diamond Quality" two-year field-grown Novelties from fa mous Irish and Hol land growers and our best American productions. All will bloom this Spring if planted now. We have especially fine stock of the Ever blooming C r i m son Rambler, "Flower of Fairfield ' : the "Blue Rose" and some extra choice Tree Roses in select varieties. Also a splendid lot of the popular favorites Caroline Test out, Fran Karl Druschki and Richmond. "HOW TO GROW ROSES" By the Rev. Spencer S. Sulliger. By courtesy of the author and permission of The Oregonian we Streets Thone : M. 4040, A 6013. home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Haworth. 34 East Third street, last Thursday evening, A. O. Henricks officiating. The rooms were decorated with ferns and Oregon grape. Mr. and Mrs. Keller left for the Upper Columbia River where they will visit Mrs. James Selleck at Boyd. On their return here they will reside for a while with Mr. and Mrs. Haworth. Fear lng-Pomeroy. A wedding of interest was that of Clark Fearing and Miss Shirley May Pomeroy. which- took place at the home of the father and mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. EL W. Pomeroy, last Wed nesday. The attendants of the young persons wero Ralph Rohlnctte and Mlsa How To Develop The Bust Free Mm. de La Revere, Expert On Feminine Beauty, Tells American Women, Free, How to Per fectly Develop the Bust. "The number of undeveloped women In America Is astonishing," says Mme. de La Revere. "1 am ready to tell free to any woman who will write me. how the bust may positively be developed to luxuriant fullness and how'to fill out the hol lows of the neck, by what is admitted to be the only scientific, certain meth od known. "I am willing to tell you free of any .charge whatever, full particulars of this remarkable method. You will be surprised how simply It can be done, regardless of the cause of the lack of development. "I know of scores of women who after following mv suggestions, have enjoyed what they never before be lieved possible, a bust development of 6 to 7 Inches inside of four to six "Whether you have never had devel opment, or the development you ones had Is lost from any cause, or the bust lacks firmness and proper beauty, you may in a re w weexs time oe com nletely transformed, and be a sunrise even to yourself much more so to your I-ienas. - "If you will Just send your name and address, I will at once send you full Illustrated Information comDlete. tell ing how to go about It." mis is a rare opportunity ror lady readers. Address your Inauirv to Mme. de La Revere. Suite 1825, 1021 Byron .c. unicago, in. ROSES SEED co. m Reducing; Corset Olds-Wortman-King Principal Portland Agenli D emonstration All THis Week By an Expert Corsetiere of Broad Experience. LASTIKOPSa JASTIKOPS "What clors that broad band of nemi-elastic Lasti kops Webbing do? It re-shapes aJid reduces the upper limbs to natural size, and prevents the flesh from bulging out below. Long corsets drive the flesh down where 3rou don't want it, making an unsightly ridge under a tight dress. Lastikops Limshaping Ex tensions completely cure this evil; give you slender limbs with the fashionable "in slope" your gowns will fit like the skin of an apple. They let you sit down with comfort ; and the elastic bands will outlast the corset. Long and short models : No. 330 No. 320 Both have Nemo self -reducing front, the only per fect abdominal support. Other Nemos No. 3Q5 No. 314 No. 318 No. 321 3.50 No. 352 No. 356 No. 357 No. 4Q3 No. 4Q5 $4.00 No. 502-No. 522 No. 523 No. 525 $5.QO No. 8Q1, Pair $8 No. 990 $10.00 Hidimi About that early house cleaning. Get the machines that have the power to do It thoroughly, it Is cheaper. Phone your order before the Spring rash. The big "Blue Wagron- Service. SANITARY CARPET CLKANLXG. A GO70 Mala 5534. 0m SS.50 .1