The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 26, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 25

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tsow orBNt now open; xow openi
IkoH tbraej beautifully furnialnxl hotels.
214 4th t. Mtt 4tb t. Sols 4th
On Fourth running from lavlor to
Salmon . Brand new brlc. elegantly
furnished; .team bent, private baths, hot
end edd ut In all room. strictly
up-to-date In all respect, ana at popular
prlrea. If you want something out of the
o-d:nary In tho heart or tbo city at
reasonable prlc-a. give n a call a w
know oa will like It. Room by tbo day,
week or month. Tourist trad eoUctled.
uoif.l, arm , .
Residential, uo Tarlor. Transient.
Bel, Ttb and lark Pta
Opposite now Hellg Theater, ona bio
from Portland Hotel, brick building. Just
completed: handsomely furnlslied; every
mim convenience, elevator eaTvle.
efam brat. telephone and hot Ml cold
water la every rom; unit room aad
uit-e with or without private baths, eta.:
cenlrallv locatod. Boar poatofflce: liurl 1 o
all carline.; very qiiet; low rate, fcr day.
waek or montri. Phono Marahall T.'JO
tVAHOEST-HOTEL, roroor Grand ave. and
Hawthorne, recently renovated and Bow
under tho management of Martin
Mr ho son. former y of tbo Portland Hotol. furnished ro ms. single or en
sulle. with private hatha, hot and eol'l
water, .team heat and prlvato phone In
every rro: firoi-clao grill and bar In
connection. fr-e.el ratea by wook or
IB'T.'II. eollc It x
Hotel. alder.
Permanent and Traa.lent.
Wo aro devoting aeeral of our choice
room to permanent guest for tbo Win
ter will make ar -ll low ratea tor tho
week or monin. transient gueete given tho
beet of eervl.-e and ahowa every courtesy;
located In center of shopping d.strlcl, con
venient foe oul-of-town people, rata tor
ta. ---4TH ANO AI.PER.
rtmirtil and transient, Jnst openeai
Ml. k bulling, beautifully furnished;
thing new eieem h-at. hot and cold run
time water and telephone In all rooms:
line lobby and la.llee- parlor: ultee and
ainxle roma with an.I wlthouB private
hatha- Tory reaonaMo ratea by day. woea
r month. Phone Marerail '
ail W,t!iHIMlTt'X "T.
J" R A N K I TV HOTEt. 13th and Washing! on.
Beautifully furnished tiximl at reeeon
aMe rat. phnc hot and eM water la
very r--n. c:een and nM'tn.
cur WEAVE!:. ;i Waaalngloa al Bear
King; a perfect modern home; privet
bath alea.-n beat, hot and coid water, aad
telethon. In every room; fmeet part aC
tho city lha maximum of eoaeoolaaca.
the minimum of expense; a maae ywa
Sael at borne; dlnlna-room In coasKliaa,
teat la th cltr ?"r t money.
lia Eloeantb et.
Krw mlera brick bulldtna-. ateam
heated', prteata hatha, hot and cold water
la rooma. beautifully farnlehe-1. rot, and
comfortable. Bento y.ry reanabla. ta.l
and .ee ua. Ke.ular and tracatent trade
w-ek or m
liTFI lU'lUlilYN!'- aoutbweat corner
Twc'ifth and .-.lark atreeta brlk build
in a- new and hnd"mely furniahed.
a .am heat, hot and did runnlna water
an.I tel.pnon
every room. --""
c In. reaaouabla ratea by tha
week or month. Phono Main S.j.t.
tha Gay.
;kani iM'iN iiotkl.
t Kat ilurnaldo at.
Modern throughout, hot and cold rnn
nlnk water, ateam heat, riwiml atnele or
eeieulle r.n'. with private both: Iranelent
rate to J por day; weekly. UM to
tl. t:m -". B UTA.
Kt-'il.-". i:ix)K. ROOMS.
Moderate prlcea: weekly ratea J. $1.50
up. In.-ludtuB public phona and bath;
team beat.
Jrm Morrteon St.. Cor. Hth St.
'i liST-'IASS mnd.-rn hotel, newly det-oral-((l
rat-a a duy and up: apectal
ratea by we-k and month. Hotel Ulen
wo.m1. - fjlmoa, bet. 2d and 3d. ona
auite'wult private bath.
EAKi.i A I N day In furniahed riwiina; modern
ut-to-date. 3 blocka of poatufflre. hot and
cold water, telephone In room, ateam
beau Pr week and up. S46, vam.
hill et
liUiirMAHK HOTKU l"'h and Maahlnatoa
liewly furniahed rooma. alnsla or oa
aoite private batha. ateam heat, hot and
cold water and phona In all rooma; ratea
reasonable: tranaienla aollclted.
TPITORIl'M HOTKU : S Third atreat.
-..waen Taylor and Salmon eta Hot and
cold watir. ateam heat, elevator; rata
U M) and up. Ouc day and up. alala Si,.
VJf!he best rooma cloaa In try tha ilaxlm
phone and bath In each room; ateam
heated: $ per week. I 7th. bat. Alder
and Morrieon.
jrRR7RFB IIOTKU I-rratH- at.
New ana nimlrrn. BK-clv furnuhed. free
hatha and phonea. douhla rooma.
and up.
u.iTl-I. ANAtMA.
1?4 14tb St.. cor. Waahlnrton.
Furniahed and unfurnlahed rooma; pri
vate batha. free phonea In all rooma
V tNTfcl1 t'lean-cut vouna man for room
mate. Weet rude. 10 month; reference
KJl. t.ireliniaii.
lei u. FIR!T Furniahed rooma. steam aeat.
eerythin( new. eL7S and up; sine la;
eut HoLLI HOTEL. H'J lltb New and
Diodera In every way; eleaantly furnished,
u - . I . treiiaieitta eollclte.
HE riEAVEK. ana taxnaii ata wall
turnlened aleepmc rooma. par weak;
electric l:ha. hot tatha free.
MrK larae nnl room. aultaMe for a or 3
n?leriien; steam heal, hot and cold
water. i-Ci 5th at., opp. City Halt
I'l'KNIsHKLl room with private bath, ilan
ac.r Koe Krlend Apt.. W. cor. ttb and
3ioLKI;N rooma with dlmne-room In ron-ti-ction.
Juat rw-ned; strictly flrst-claaa
in every d-tall. Ae la Vahinton st.
KKW pi. ely furm..e,l front rooms, steam
heat, hot and cold water; ratea reasonable.
3:. iih al.. opp. t'lty Hall.
il:KFil'"X HOTEL, furnished rooms,
steam heat. t.ath and phone.. I IT S Knott
at., or. ave. Take t. car.
al vlKKNoutlde rooms. J to $3 per week,
Includ nc batr.s: aleo housekaepias; rooms.
Ma Washington St.
a V KiJ E. airy rom. niolem conve.ilencea.
Hreelln Hotel. Waahlnaton -at. iioth
JIEATKI' revni. transient, oje up: weak 93
up :l Yamhir.
l It.N 1.- it Kl room. ":l Jefferson, cor. Ud.
"l araiahetl Keunw la ITIvate ami I lea.
V Two husltieaa wom.-n to shre
aleant.r furnlsne.l apartment of four
r -n.a with another hueincus woman; four
Moka from Poetofflcei Marshall lso.
I'lci.- ci! ttunday mornlnr.
Jv'li'EI.T furniahed rooma for lad lee em
ployed, with privilege of licit houeekrv-p-
Inc. e- and 9a a w
eek. 1171 E. Jaaln. B
lOVN'fS. attorney wlshea roommate: pleas.
ant room, riirtririij, . iumi.. j ci-i...
bath. lth si.. N.. - blix-ka from Wash.
X;iOM.S for Duainesa men only. In private
home. Kord au drive, fine location.
l-hone A .
Jvli'KI.Y fumt?hel room with good closet.
walking c!:atance. Phone A eouti. 4-J
Market St.
fill PEK montN. pleaaant front room, mod
ern private home; aentlcmca only. Phona
Ke.t lit-'.
'vll l;EN'T m Portland Helehta. nice
i4rn furniahed room with porch. Mala
ill-: A I'Tl Kl I. newly furnished rooms, sult
atile for - people. rte reasonable. zi
orth lth st.. one block fromVaah.
I , K I . Y firn!hed room In an attractive
home 9lo. rhonefli IS.
II.KAS.WT front room; bath. heat, walklns
rli't in. e. Mh.
2lt'K I.V furnished room :f urna. e heat, bath
.tvl phone; in. 473 Alder.
2vr.v I.Y f jrntscl fnvnt room for rent. 3a
;rand ave. North.
1i7k"asa.nT rooma from II. Ti to I - per
week. ; I 1th at.
J-I.EASANT furnlshe.1 room, suitable for one
a - n ! e m a n. Ith feferen rea. Itot 14 th St.
KXMS for rent. "li Tlh st. Ileferences x
chanced. Tavo newir furnished rooma. 3S-3 Sa Will at.
Phono Main ."'.'l.
l.AR''.K room. sulrMa for ?. modern con-
i enten'-er. rear vA'anh Inkf on. t N'. 17th.
J. li'Kl.T furnished parlor snlte of two
rooms; r.o children. Ana Main
1.A rT. clo
AH'f-eee I
In, wishe lady
room male.
.1 . Oreeonmn.
1.KII.HT front room, heated, lie month
f.vr :: short walk. l"th.
vlli; room, clicap. id 12th,
ilOTKI. HI 1WHNK. a.. uthweat corner
T.a.tth and .-lark atreet. brick huM
Ine new and handaomely furnlalie.1 heat, hot and cold
ard In eyery rootn. eleator.
In. rea.onahle rate, by tha day.
nth. fr-none .wain u-
fuml.hed Hoo ma la Private FamUlee.
TINE, larae. sunny, front room, with al
cove, for 3 or 3: furnished or unfur
nished; veranda suitable for sleeping
porch; fine location, walklna distance,
stearu heat. Ilkht. phone, bath. .W r
Maln. aecond atury east: rent reaaonable.
CAM. at titout l.lithl bet. Jefferson
and Madison, and see one1 larae. weii
furnlshed front room; also one email
room, with or without board; 15 mlnutea
walk toP. O.
FOR "RENT Rooms, suitable for married
oauple or S aentlemen. with or without
board: aood table, fine location, pleasant
surroundlnss. within 10 mlnutea walk
of postoffice. Phone A
GENTLEMAN who can appreciate the com
forts of pleasant and Blcely furnlyhed.
well-kept modern rooms, with gaa. elec
tricity, furnace heat and bath, call al
North ISlh et.. 3 blocks from v aeh.
TWO larae. nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, pantrv. closet, private entrance,
nice neighborhood, walking distance, rent
reasonable: Including Hht. water, bath
phone. 18 N. list at.. Just off AVaah.
ELEGANTLY furnished large, clean room,
with large closet, near tha bath In pri
vate family; modern home: walking dis
tance: 110 to right party. H -" 1
North. B SeOl.
FOR RENT la a modern home, only two
adulta In family, two well-furnished front
rooms: eirellent neighborhood; good board
within two blocks: use of phone and bain,
use laundry If dealred. K. -'A4.
rr.ONT room, rrlvate entranee. electric
llghta. bath: 13 mlnutea" walk from O.
W. A K. ; suitable for two gentlemen. 310
p. nrt.I ahare my apartment or. board 3
people, prefer 2 busineaa women. Apt.
HAS King at.. Hanover bldg, cor Wash
ington. tm .
l7iMFl'lKE rooms, beat location. house
keeping If desired, several newly fur
nished small rooma four blocks from
W ashington st. O-1 rlandera.
KAT walking distance. Jefferson ear at
door: well furnished room, modern con
veniences; heat Included. 93 per week.
!? t'hapman. A o
NEWLY furnished rooms, heat and hot
water, only 12 and I ISO Pr.w':h,'t
block from West lark. 301 Jackson.
Phone Marahall PL
LARiIE. well-furnished front room, brass
bed. all convenience, ernieo-ie "----family,
low rent; cloaa earUna. 1J3 E.
l-uh et.. cor. Airier.
you he-NT one or two furnished or un
furnished rooms In new private home.
Walnut lark, referencea. Phone Wood-
lawn 7
KKI.IAHL.B young man. rooming In private
house, cioeet in, e. " . -----
very reaaonabU; can give beat of refer-
eneee. T U. lWeonlan.
NEWLY furnished large, sunny front r.vom
in mociern nome. ..oo " . , , ,
boarding house, gentlemen preferred. I '
N. 13.1 st-
Mi'ELY furniahed room, with board for
2 -gentlemen, wnn pn.n. i........
reaeonable. Thone Main A4 Jef
ferson. lTTTnodern. aisam-heated flat. 2 newly fur
Blshed rooms. .0 and S 13 P" month;
walking distance. Weat Side. 713 Wayne
at . ant. a.
IlEAl-TIFIL rooma In quiet bachelor
quartera. modern, wnn every v......... .
sure.1. breakfast and dinner If dealreo?.
2tl llth St. Phone Main 0104.
CoMFOKTAIlLs: room, modern home, fur
nace b-il. eultaole for gentlemen. '-:
walking dtatanre. Pheina Marshall l-;
1.A 17th at.. Weat gtde.
Ki.NE rurnlshed rooms, nearby. West ""le;
clean and well kept, for 1 or 2 nice quiet
peraona. breakfaat If desired; i to J
wek with rf.nvenlencea 3-3 th St.
NEWLY furnished large, light 'oom for 1
or 3 persons. In modern flat, whlte-llle
bath. Phone, electric light. East tilde,
walking distance.' Phono East K-'A".
LARilK. pleaaant front room for 2 'o"n
men. . moderate convenlencea. walking
distance, home privileges. C 1022.
Kvik HES'T Furnished rooms on first floor
In private family. 415 K. Alder, corner
nth. r.aat im.-.
3 VERY ileslrsble connecting rooms with
porch: breakfast If desired. U t-aat
TWO or three nicely furnished front rooms,
gss. sink, pantry, ground floor, cloaa in.
1 1 ti. o i w t nion ave.. .v
LA HOE front room suitable for couple,
ladlea or genu: close In. SllVi tillsan. cor.
l.ttn. I II "lie emeu - '
WHKRK ran I And a light, clean, warm
room with large closet? Why. at 404 Park
street. .
LAKilfcL well-furnished front slceplng-room.
very nice for 3 working girls or men.
4,-"-1v 2d st. .
NICELY furuUhed single room, niwlern
conveniences; centrally located. 213 Thir
teen n st
IXiH RENT Koon In private home, one or
two gentlemesi; refeience required. At
Oje Baimon.
WEST PARK. Nice furnished room
with alcove and sleeping porch, suitable
. . - n-.. rilManr
lor . rnvaie lamuy . ..o.p.r. o...-
blNULK aleeplng rooma for gentlemen or
one largo room suttable for three or four:
o to 9IH per month. 375 Couch. A 5-n
LAROE. sunny front room, modern; rea
sonable, ni East th st.. beu Oak and
ytark. Phone East 2S1'-.
HlKlM. modern convenlencea. walking dis
tance, gentlemen preferred: breakfast ir
desired. Is'tv lrlth St.. near Yamhill.
NICELY furnished room, private family, nil
conveniences, walking distance. Phone.
Marshall 44'fl.
Kl RNISHEO j-oom. aultable J"r-n'l.?,-men.
on East Hide. Phone bellwood lflo-.
I0 Eaat lilth st. South. .
M.I DAVIS Newly furnished "'J'
modern fist: privilege of cooking break
fasts: 9.5 week
FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, wun win
and yes. Phona Marshall 2J1. 3 i-
1nh North.
SIMILE room for young man. ail modern
convenUncea. walking distance. 427 clay,
between llth and 1-th.
-lKNlSHKD rooma. modern convenlencea.
walking distance, board optional. -
14th near Jeirereon.
17 MONTHLY, amall neat front room for; central, gas and bath. 443 6th su
Main 4 4 .
TWO newlv furnished front rooms, modern,
bath, stove, heat and light, 93 Pr week.
004 t Yamhill.
LArT.K front bav-wlndow room, mahogany
furniture, bright and clean; gaa. bath.
phone. 27 Llth.
LARGE, pleasant room, rent reasonable, all
convenlencea 711 Washington at, Phona
Marshall 2:.
LAItili-:. newly furnished front room, all
mixlern: also other rooms, vary reasonable.
Jsfferaon. near llth. a
HAVE a nice large room, close In. very rea
sonable, deelre roommate of good habits.
41 71M. Oregonlan.
1 . , large front rooma. walking distance:
gaa. phone, bath; ld. Call ilonday. 2V
W illiams ave.
NEWLY furnished suite rooms for couple
or four gentlemen: also two single rooms.
335 Madison St.. cor. 7th St.
NICELY furnished front room for one or
two: also attic room for one; reasonable.
Ml Morrison at. ;
LA ROE front room with gaa and batb,
110 per month. Sja Taylor.
MODERN furnished room, reasonable. 41
Mill. Main 4.73.
LARGE front room, suitable for two genta.
2IHI 13th. near Jefferson. A 4135.
FOR RENT Furnished room, private home;
furnace Beat, w poo in, w n oyj
ROOM MATE with gentleman of refine
ment. 1S4 North lth. Main 77JS.
WORKINO man will find good warm base
ment room: gss slove. fall 5'JH Morrleon.
XfCE clean room for gentleman: bath.
phone, tvel jonnson st
17th N.
NICELY furnished modern room, aultable for
gentlemen. 547 Yamhill at.
TV UN .SHED rooms; would like gentlemen
roo'mers. In private family. 73 Ollsan at.
FIRNlsTlED rooma. 4iS Mill; with or
without board.
4a7 JEFERSOV. pleasant, sunny rooms.
Price, reasonable.
aultable for
;s9 th.
gentlemen, furnace
LltHT. aunny rooma. heat, phone and bain.
47:. Morrison st.
PLEASANT front room In modern house.
near , car. at UEasl 16th st.
IS 12TH. Pleasant furnished room for gen
tle m aiijverycitraJ;jmodj"
LA RUE. well-lighted room, flrrplace. fur
nace heat, shower bath, -at 6.12 Flanders.
NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2. Weat
Hide. Phone Ma'n 3743.
CLEAN rcma tl.54 to 9 per week; gent lo
rn rltrererTe30S1Mis'.
KI.EtiANTLY furnished rooms for I or I
gentlemen. 4.4 Taylor St.
o NICELY furnished rooms for rent, rea
sonable. 474 AMer St.. cor. 14th.
KTRVISHED fist. 3 rooms, bath; no chil
dren. NICE front bedroom. o per week. heat,
phone, electric light. 370 7th. Gentlemen.
FR RENT To lady, fine room. r5 Lova
1oe St.. apt. S.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis
tance. 91.00 per weak. 42 6th st-
Fnrnlsbed Moome In Prtvalalamlly.
NICELY furnished room for 2 gentlemen,
aeparate beds. 4 per week: bath, P'nC;
furnace heat, very desirable place. Main
A.'. 971 tutsan st.
I uiuraifcliccl Bwim.
4 t'N FURNISHED rooms, 14ih at., corner
t:ll. g
Booms With Board.
DOIBLE rooms; hot and cold running
water, gleam neaieu, aieo
with board: excellent meals; reasonable
. - - Tli tfenltoil fi 1 loth St.
BOARD and room for-2 gentlemen In small
.... ...... eeoulreu.
Cluo. per m.niuii -.-- -
. . . w I .... I
PORTLAND Women Union. 334 TV:
room, with board, us of ?'rl"--r?on.- ''Z
brary. 910 Flanders. F. N. Heath. supL
ELEOANT furnished room for 1 or 2; flr.t
claaa board, reasonable. 374 Park.
FfRNlSHED rooms. 17S Ella or Wash.;
board u qcsl rca. i-nonc .wm o ...
THE CAI.VARD. 4.12 Morrison St., J"'
single or en sullo. modern convenlencts.
Rooma With" Board In Private Family.
WANTED By private family. 3 gentlemen
to board and room; have no br.ariltrsi
roomers nor children: home privileges,
flrst-rlas. home for those without ni.
Wa'klng distance to business center.
Phone E. 5.'. 12. Call 352 Rosa sL
LARiiE front room on West Side, nicely
furnished, suitable for two. In private
fawilly; no other boarders; rood homo
cooking: gaa and elc-trlc light, furnace
heat, use of bath and phone. Telephone
Main S780. .
A SPITE of 2 room) with alcove and lurxe
pleasant porch, upper modern flat, rur
nace heat, few minutes' walk from town,
suitable for 4 gentlemen, friends or fam
ily of three or four adults: no other
boaroera. asv im ev
NU'ELY furnished room for two. In private
family; new. modern home, furnace "at.
hot water, use of piano, home cooking,
fine car service, close In on East hide;
price reasonaoie. in'i' '
Vol'Nii couple with baby 1 year old would
like young lady to board, comfortable
home. 10 minutes' ride from Postoff ice;
companionship more than profit desired;
ti.-, per month. Telephone Sollwood l.i-'l.
For RENT Rooms, suitable for married
couple or 2 gentlemen, with or without
board: good table; fine location: pleasant
surroundings, within 10 minutes walk or
Postofflee. Phone A a.W. .'
ItooM and board for I or i In private home.
7 blocks from postofflce; every modern
convenience; use of piano, sleeping porch.
Main 4.'.4.
IF Vol: are looking for rooms and h. me
rooking In a real home, here It Is: every
thing new and clean. 24 Northrup cor
ner 2itb .t- Take W car. Main 411j.
110031.4 with board In small private boar. I -Ing-hnuse.
desirably located, woll fur
nished front alcove room, suitable for two.
phone Main 2tftl.
I'LE AH ANT rotim. first floor, modern bun
galow, suitable for two gentlemen, board
If desired. Richmond line. r42 Clinton,
near 27th. ;
TWO most desirable, large, well-f urnlshed
sanitary rooms, bath h.-tween. modern
home, good board, sleeping porch, l'hono
Seiiwood 1: not in hcuwocki
PARLOR bedroom In modern home, suitable
for man and wife and small child. Phono
s-ilwood 1 inot In Seiiwood) or call oST
t.. -otn o
NICK furnished suite of room, with hot
and cold water, breakfast and dinner
for two or three young gentlemen. o'0
E. Madison, cor. 13th. JhoneEast tiOil.
TWO nice, olean rooms for gentlemen,
breakfast and dinner If desired; running
hot and cold water. 6S4 Gllsan t. Phoiio
Marshall 1010
IN private family, elegantly furnished front
room; open fireplace; suitable for 1 or 2 :
with board. West bkle, close In, Marshall
ONE nice room for two men of good hab
its In small bachelor club; best board In
town; heat, piano, use of whole house;
I no each. 4 0411 Pnrk St.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen; good
home cooking, home privileges; all mod
ern convenlencea Phone Main 7793, A
till. 154 North lth st.
NICELY furnished front room with board.
2 or 3 gentlemen. 1U2 l.lth at., near Mor
rison. ROOMS with board; modem conveniences:
reasonable rates. 57.1 East Halmon st.,
. cor 14th st. I'hone East 2t01.
lioA RL and room, private family, best
home cooking: bath, gus and phone. East
r.i;:.s. 12 E. 7th n.
NICE room, suitable far 2 men with fine
bonrd. very reasonable. ,131 23d St., Not
BOARD and room for two tuBcth.T. 3-1. .""
per week each, for one 95-50. 1025 E. 25th
t, J
FINE ulte. suitable for three or four pr
sons; modern; line location; home cook
Ing. 017 Kearney St.
TWO ladle. In private family: no children,
modem conveniences, i minutes' walk to
3d and Washington. ts. qiq. .... .-.roo.
BOARO and room In private family for 2
young men; reference, required. Phone Jl
NICE front room for two young men; mod
ern convenience, and home cooking. 371
I nion ave. N.
NEWLY furnished rooms with board, price
reasonable. 5U3 E. Oak at. B 2010.
ROOM and board for one or two refined
gentlemen. 010 itn
ROOM and board, home cooking. 553 Gll
san st.
ROOM and board In private family. 52m
20th t.. Portland Heights car to 1-nurel.
ROOM MATE wanted by young man, single
beds. 254 12tn. near jiani.
NH'EI.Y furniahed rooms, with or without
breakfast. ! t.rann ave. r.oi.o.
FURNISHED room with board. 355 lllh
at. Phone a iimo.
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen In 'pri
vate family. 679 Ladd ave.
TWO large connecting rooms, suitable for 4;
breakfast and dinners. Main 2071. ,
LARGE front room with board for two. 90
each; nam. vi m" ..imeoen
WEI.L-KI'RNliHED rooms, excellent board
near. 734 Hoyt. ainrsnan .--y-.
x-tt-E front room, board for two; homo
privileges; 9-5 each. 640 Taylor.
LARUE room with alcove, good meals,
splendid residence. 513 Morrison st.
ROOM with or without board. 503 E. Tay
lor, corner of 15th.
lOSt, TENTH Pleasant rooms. with or
w I thout board. suita ble for you n g men.
Apartments- "
HARRISON' COI'RT. 5th and Harrison; two-
room ayanmeni, uuiohhbocu. b..i:i !...,
private bath, both phonea. Main ills. A
a and a -room suites, unfurnlsued : outslu
atr In every loom. 20lh aL, Just off
W ashlnglon.
THE ALTAMON I" 5th and College, nicely
furnished modern apartments; speclul
ratee to those occupying apis, for II mo.
or more. Main 6i"0.
THE LA N DO R E. 2 HHh, near Jefftrson
Sew t hree-room suite. completely fur
nished for housekeeping: sleeping porch;
Central location.
vi rniNT four-room apartment and bath;
no dark rooms; rent reasonable. The Ma
jestic, 302 Clay, near v est t-ara.
JL' ANITA APARTMENTS' llth and Clay:
nicely furnished 2 -room apartment, with
private bath; all large, light outside rooms.
STRICTLY modern furnished 3-room apart
ment. The Davenport, 305 Jefferson.
Main 34.13.
19T 17th. near YamhllL
fgmlshed apartmenta tteam-hateV
ElK'lANTLY furnished 4 -room apartment,
complete. Nob Hill. Marahall 2SM.
M AH R APARTMENTS Elegantly furnished
apartments, private phono and bath. 228
No. 2oth. Phone Marshall -U-7.
Fi'RNISHED. 3 large rooms, lower floor:
furnace heat and all convenlencea. 200
14th at.
S-ROOM aijartn'ent for rent.- furniture for
sale. Call today. Apt. No. 2. Rose Kllend
Apis. 7th and Jefferson.
irklNLEY APARTMENTS. New and beau
tifully furnished apartments: private bath.
ateam neat-
429 E. Morrison.
CECELIA Apartmenla. 22d and Glleen. a--00m
apartment with all modern coats.
Blenccw: rent reaeonable.
HOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished.
.trlctly modern, reasonable rent. lSJii, N".
21d. Marsh a 1 15 !L
irl.4 APARTMENTS. 3d nnd Mill sta. 3-
room. unfurnished apartment. 945; mod
em Improvementa; a guns oni .
a" ROOMS, unfurnlahed. steam-heated flat.
Inquire of Janitor. 325 llth St.
K E ELE R APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay sta.
vacant, one of our choice 3-room suites.
NORDICA Apartmenta. Grand ave. and Hel
mont; modern, very reasonable. East 341A
ejl'fj ijAURKTTEVOne furnished 3-room
a partnient. modern. 220 llth t.
FOV R-ROt M steam-heated flat, modern
and convenient. Cottel Drug Co.
TWO-ROOM modern furnished partrueut,
1162 '.4 N. fnlon ave.
2oth and Nonnrup St,
Telephone Main 1I7S.
54 tcmpletclv furnished apartments, pri
vate balhs and phones, automatic noise
less elevator; a luxurious home for peopi
who like privacy and convenience.: steam
heat and Janitor eervlce. A feature in
dividual sleeping porches In every apart
ment. Fur a home and homelike sur
roundings nnequnled.
Now open. Apply to Janitor; reference.
20th and Northurp.
Till.- 1.- v.- K- U PTT
let 4 Everett St.,
Between 2th and Ella Eta,
Vacant Feb. 21. one of the choice 3
room suites with 1 private bath, reception
hall and sleeping porch. Th Everett Is
equipped apartment house In the city: free
Independent phone with each apartment;
automatic elevator and first-class service.
Our motto: Plenty of heat and hot water
all the time. If you want the best, come
to the Everett and you will look no farther.
HADDON HALT, APT3., 414 llth St.. cor.
of Hall; a new 4-story modem brlcK ""
newly furnished 1 and 4-room apts.. with
private bath. Individual telephone and pri
vate balcony porches: everything 1. new
, and Turnlshed completely; wo have only
a few left. See manager, apt, 205. Phone
Marshall 1170.
' Will be ready for occupancy March 1,
mil; unfurnished; four and tlve-room.
ultea. recuptlon hall, automatic elevator,
telephone and all modern convenlencea
Call al the Curmelita apartmenta. aouth
eaat corner of 13th and JelTereon atrceta
and have Miss Allen, the manager. how
vou something extra fine, or phono Muln
I17H4. tho Roed Institute. 420 Ablngton
THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving si".
This now 4-story brick opened Jan. i.
lull; furnished and unfurnished In two.
three and four-room suites with recep
tion hall. Pacific phone in each apartment,
electrlo elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds,
bullt-ln buffet and writing desk. ga.
ranges. Ice box. plenty of closet room. If
you want something extra nice, come to
the Barer. PJjoneIaxshariiitjl.
ARCADIA APT.. 706 Everelt St., bet, 21st
and 22d at., opened Feb. 1; new and nicely
furnished 2 and 3-room suites with pri
vate phone and buth In each: Holmes dis
appearing bed. ateam heat and hot water.
Janitor eervlce. mull and all package
delivered at door: all outside rooms; tho
brlKhteet apartment-house in tho city: no
dark rooma here; cleanliness and good
service our motto.
Uast Side. 1135 Alblna ave.; take Mla
slsslppl. L or Et. Johns car. 13 mlnutoe
ride from 3d and Washington sts. 2. 3 and
fi rooms cimpletely furnished: 317"i to 4v
per month; all modern conveniences; un
furnished apartmenta. Phone Woodlawn
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison St.; nsw
brick bulldmg, completely first-class; rur
nlshed in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
rfienia; private bath, reception hall. atea-T.
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor ervlce: rent very reasonable.
invuv rni'RT.
670 Couch. 1 block frcm W'ashinEton -
on lftth t.; tel. aiain in--, o
modem apartments, steam heat, electrlo
elevator, hot and cold water, telephone
and Janitor service. Apply of manager;
reference requirea.
On Lucretia street, near W ajhlngton.
only one of the large, outside. J-room
apartments left In this new elegant and
modern apartment-house. Apply to su
perintendent, apt. 1. or phone Marshall
1 o 1 ; references required.
4 su Clay st.. near 14th. modern, com
pletely furnished 2-room npartments.
steam beat, electric light, hot and cold
water, telephone and bath; rent very rea
sonable, aiarsnau -i.
E 7th and Taylor; new, elaborately
furnished 2 and 3-room npurlments;
tram heat, private phone in each apartment-
Junltor eervlco and reasonable
PARK-HARRIS, corner park and Harrison
sta. has beautiful equipped apartments;
ftroplaees. polished oak floors. Holme, die
appearing beds, private telephones, bath,
etcT; Invite Inspection. I'hone Marshall
HOT U. A 4-t-o. .n ,
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
fnrnlsbed. Two and three-room apart
ments: private hnth. hot and cold water,
team heat. Phona East 300-
Cor. Sth and Montgomery Sta.
v-,w modern, elegantly furnished. 3
room apartments; all outside rooms; pri
vate baths and telephoned Ptlone Mar
shall 1J7S.
""THE CEDAR HILL." 1S7 Green ave..
near City Park, will have one nicely
- furnished 8-room and bath outside
apartment vacant March 1. Beautiful
view of city and mountains. A 73U4.
EVELYN Apartment. 207 N. 21st St.. cor.
Northrup. For apartmenta inquire at
building or phone A 40(10. 3-room and
bath furnished or unfurnished with all
modern conveniences; rent irneniur.
BEST equipped, centrally located. West Side
3-room apartment, one u. ... -one
wall bed. completely furnished. In
cluding Havlland china set - and brlc-a-
hrac. K . oregoniau
ANGELA APARTMENTS. 37 Trinity Place,
fcclween llth and 20th. off Washington.
One 4-room apartment; also one 3-room
apartment. Dotn ueaunimij
electric elevalor, private phones.
SHEFFIELD APTS.. 7th and Jefferson sts.:
3 rooms, uniurnisncu, wim om. o.
.id. rooms: modern: every convenience
5-mtnute walk from Postofflce; very rea
sonable rent. Main 2. tun, 4m
MARCH 1 will have flue, light 0-rooin
..n-.m.-or- atenm heat, hardwood Moors.
Bruce Apts.. 4-'5ih and Northrup t. Phone
Marshall 14--J.
Completely furnished 1-room apartment.
ready reb. -t. , ,
Five blocks south Hotel Portland.
CAMAR APTS.. new, modern brick, near
"1st and Lovejoy; free phones, reasonable
rent, floe location. We can accommodate
MRKI'.nlTH APTS.. 712 Washington st.
S-room apts. newly furnished. strictly
modern, all conveniences, tree phones.
lurinll APTS.. 706 Everett St.. between
..... , .1.1. -r Bn,4 3 eooma. neatlv fur
nishecl, private bath, phone and Janitor
1 1 a viTi At'ARTMENTS llth and Clay
..i.iv furniahed 2-room apartment, with
private bath: all larg-. light outside rooms
n p-rlr at . 4 Auts and 10-room house;
a corner: alway., rented; near new high
school: 4u,ww.
Near King t.. 4 flats: rent 3212.50; a
One location; price a-ii.icvo.
On Park st.. -2 flats: rent 970; facing
the park; price 91".0O.
On Mill .t.. 2 flat., 6 room.: flat, near
Sixth t: 9i:t.O"H). .
fill Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
T-ROOM MODERN FLAT: 7:lu Irving st.
i . in - tin. hiillfiina and choice neigh
borhood; rent 945 per month. Inquire
Dayton. 421-423 Cham, of l orn, nicig.
ELEGANTLY furu:ahcd apartment Out. u
modern conveniences. Give phone nuru
ber. I'hone A 702"
rooma exclusive o " ' ......
ti.ivu-U. modern. IH-rOUltl flttt. elortO in
East Sixteenth and Couch en. Pllon East
FQ"ft RENT Four rtKms In modern flat
(furnished); best location, corner W. Park;
no children, references. Phone A 72-7.
vi-w miuUrn flat, five rooms, bath, fur
nace, walking distance. 500b Market,
Marshall 1225.
SWELL S-room flat for rent, fireplace.
bookcase, fine fixtures: all first-clues.
Call B 2184.
NEW flat, light and airy: plenty steam heat
and hot water. 1051 E. Morrison. Phone
Tabor 131.
fltt MODERN 4-room lower flat, porch,
basement. yard. aunny and pleasant;
adults. 780 William, ave. Woodlawn 421.
MY new 3-room flat will be vacant March 1.
Between Rose City and E. Ankeny ear-
llne. E. 0347.
7 ROOMS, strictly modern; fireplace, steam
heat. bullt-ln conveniences: beat residence
district; new and first class. Eaat ll:t7.
MODERN 5- room corner flat, nice attic.
473 u 7th.. March. 1. Call 347 Clifton.
N'-'ELY furnished flat, five room, and bath,
water free. 3l Holladay ave.
VACANT March 1, 5-room modern flat;
rent 92Q. Tabor 520. B l-K-V
MODERN 6-room lower flat. 24 North JOlh.
near FurnsUie; adults only.
VACANT March 1. 6-room upper flat. 30;
East Morrison and loth. Phone Kast ItllO.
MODERN upper .1-room flat on Marshall
St.. near 2::d. Phone owner. Kast 4707.
UNFURNISHED flat. 4 rooms, modern, 5th
and Montgomery. Apply :1S5 fit ri st.
S-ROOM fial- with ga. range and linoleum
on floor. E. 24th. Burnslde.
NEW B-room flat. S10H Belmont .t.
Adult only. .Tabor 414.
FOR RENT A lino modern 6-room flat on
. X -v n e, .4 tV Of PT fJl I H. .
t.ioos .1.. oeiween cioo. "" -" ...T, -
1X2 4 Glbb. .t.; rent unfurnished, 9
per month; rent furnished. 9.- Per
month; a .trlctly modern, up-to-date up
per Bat. Key at drug store, corner t ront
and Gibbs.
NEW 5-room flat.. 730-JS2 Gllsan si.. beL
23d and 24th sis.; every niuueiu vo".
nlence; hardwood Door., fireplace in eacn
flat: reasonable rent; will be ready March
1. Morgan. FUcdner Sc. Boyce, 503-oO ad-
ington picig.
Hcnsekeeplng Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th aud Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gaa rang, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry all
free; 919 per month up; a clean place,
beet In the city for money; .hort distance
from Union Depot, Take "S" car. or 18th
t. car. north, get off at Mar.UoU uU Ne
WELL-FURNISHED 3-room cottage. 'i''
month: lower lurnisnen -4-rooio. ',-"
month: well-fumlshed housekeepins;
suites. 2 rooms. 910 and 912 month: .1 for
915. Apply 304 North 20th. W car from
depot, Sth or ilorri.on to 20th, diock
FIRST floor, 3 light, well-furnished rooms.
suitable tor tnree auuiu: oio. "-""'
good yard, central location: references.
Phone A 1990. Marshall 10. 26 lllh St.
N 21, blocks north of Washington.
TWO-ROOM cottage, nicely furnished for
V.....t.. lf.etelO
housekeepiug. gaa biuvc. i.j....
lights, walking distance. Sjo Sth st. Main
2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
llgni anu clean, can ou
able. Stephenson Court. 61o Mill at. Main
a a.. . 1 .... ...1 ......... . phpnii: heat.
2 un a uiiiuiiiioi. ....... . --. . - -
bath. gas. Janitor service; uoou view.
quire apartment 7. No. 501 1st St.. bet.
Lincoln ana uriini TO 1 2-do WISBK; clean. turniaaw
hcusekeeplng rooms, free laundry, batn.
phone, clean Iln.n. heat. 409 Vanooasar
ave- and 20S A Stanton: take V car.
231 7TH ET. One large light furnished
housekeeping-room, suitable for one or two
persons; also light, well-heated sleeping
rooms. I.A I V to share housekeeping rooms. st. ?m
heated apt. close In; reasonable. A 4.oT
THE Alcove, one suite of housekeeping
rooms and one of three. 163 Park si.,
cor. Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for common people.
Try them a month. 410 Hall St. Phone
Maln 2222. m
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also
single room. 532 William, ave. Phone
C 1523.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. West Side, close
In. reasonable, bath and gas. 64Ss Mor
rison, i'hone A 5125.
NICE, clean, newly furnished room for light
housekeeping, reasonable. 320 Montgom
ery st. , ,
HOUSEKEEPING room. In new eoncr.t
Hdg. Phone Woodlawn 2907 or 2379.
TWO furnished rooms, with piano, close to
Steel bridge. F'none r,ast 40-
2 CLEAN, convenient housi keeping rooms;
walking distance. .11111 si.
HOUSEKEEPING room, for rent at 375
ONE housekeeping room, furnace heat. 104
N. ISth st
CAMBRIDGE BLDG.. furnished housekeep-
1 . ,n,,l InnlV Room nil.
inic ro'-iiia. v,-i. .t-ol,,. .
7 HOUSEKEEPING room, for ent. 108!i
FI'RNISHED housekeeping suite, 204 Jef-
ferson st., cor. 3d.
Housekeeping Rooms In private Family.
TWO nice, clean, neatly furnished connect
ing housekeeping rooms: water, phono and
bath, close in. walking distance, near
Steel bridge. 201) Wheeler St.
915 Three furnished housekeeping rooms
and 913. two partly furnishea nouseKe.-p-ng
rooms. 71V E. 22d t. Apply 12i L.
10th at., near Morrison.
THREE rurnlshed or unfurnished house
kecnlnr rooms, very comfort able, easy
walking distance, reasonable. 415 Clifton,
corner loth.
tc"i- fitmi.hpil op unf urnisiied housekeep
lnz rooms, walking distance; reasonable.
Telephone. C 2S03
ave. North.
Address 200 Grand
007 EVERETT 2 clean cheerful front
rooms, furnished, groutui ipior. gas. elec
tricity, plenty hot water, walking dis
tance; vacant March .1.
thppp n.vlv nunered and nalnled unfur
nlshed kitchen, living-room and betlroum
of corner house, private entrance. Phone
Enst 4s;il.
TWO very cozy, newly furnished housekeeping-rooms,
front and hack parlors of cor
ner house: sink and gas, close In on East
Side, phone East 4S.;i.
ONE large room, nicely furnished, for
k...,.c.1-..olni7 cna electric liirht. also
smaller room, housekeeping, 910. 334
Park. .
ecu-,.,h..l ti'nnt room- a'AM rnnre
piano, electric light and phone; Piedmont
Addition, one block west 01 viniiuuis ave.
1212 Mooro st. Phone Woodlawn 1033.
rcuit.-c ...tlu, hniisf-llPeDlnir rOOIUS
to relined couple without children; rent
reasonable; near ism ana ,asi jiurnsuu.
Phone East 3110.
NEWLY furnished, single or en suite, walk
Ing distance to city proper; modern con
veniences. A 02SO or 575 Couch. N. E.
cor, ihth.
Tiv-n comiiletelv furnished connecting
rooms, ground floor, yard. sink, large
pantry, light and phone free. 918. 115
N. 2:id.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. two and three,
nicely furnished, very convenient, rent rea
sonable. olD 211th St., r-omanu nciK'n".
".pnnvt housekeeping suite, nicely furnisned.
phone and bath. 104 N. Gralld ave.. East
2 NICELY papered and painted furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas, aina, no cuii
dren. 4SS .Everett.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, close
In, rates reasonable. Call at 171 West
Park st-
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms and small sleep
ing room, one floor; also large single
housekeeping room. 407 4th t.
2 NICELY furnished front housekeeping
rooms; rent very .reasonable. 306 12th.
Phone Main 802U.
TWO single rooma and one suite of two,
downstairs; water in kitchen; clean, rea
sonalile. 412 Tenth St.
2 OR 3 housekeeping-rooms, private home,
modern, walking distance. Call 306 Han
cock or phone East 025
FOR RENT Housekeeping suite and fur
nished rooms. 515 Yamhill. Phone, M
LARGE. newly furnished housekeeping
room; every convenience; walking dis
tance. 47 Holladay ave.
A SUITE of housekeeping rooms, nicely
furnished, furnace heat, close In. 193 .West
Park. .
NICELY-f urnlshed rooms for light house
keeping; ail modern conveniences. 228
Larraheo st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; good
air light; walking distance. West Side.
347 12tli, near Market. Main 7118.
THREE connecting, well-furnished huuse-kooplng-room.:
gas, bath,- phone,, near
Steel bridge. 26'J Hasaalo.
HOUSEKEEPING suites, all conveniences,
light and clean, rent reasonable. 711
W ashington st. Phone Marshall 2678.
2 NICEIY furnished housekeeping rooms,
easy walking distance to West Side. gas.
free phone. Call East 1427.
TWO or three furnished rooms, bath, elec
tricity, phone, basement and yard. Phone
B 2715.
NICE coxy, light housekeeping or sleeping
room In good neighborhood; rent reason
able. 175 N. 17th st.
FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping-rooms,
delightful location, everything desirable
and terms reasonable. 352 College st.
TWO nicely furnished connecting rooms,
strictly modern. 114 N. 17lh .1., corner
FURNISHED houhekeeping-rooms for man
and wife or two girls; 910 per month. 28
Salmon st
3" NORTH 20TII, newly furnished rooms,
complete for housekeeping; .Irictly llrst
class. THREE nicely furnished hollsekeeplng-
rooms; gas. bath and phone. oi'S Wil
liams ave.
FURNISHED hotisekeeplng-room. modern,
clean: reasonable; lady employed pre
ferred. East 20.-". 21 East 15th st.
70XGL1SAN Two or three lower rooms,
furnished, unfurnished; laundry, yard, gaa
and phone.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
sink and pantry in kitchen- heat free;
easy walking distance. 500 Mill tt.
TWO completely furnished rooms for house
keeping: reasonable to neat couple. 381
Sth at. Main 6041'.
NICELY-furnished housekeeping-rooms, gas
range, lights, bath, laundry; reasonable.
731 Union ave. North. Phone C 11 IS.
HIREE-well furnished housekeeping rooms:
reasonable: no children, wanted. 2U1 North
20th st.
NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
bath, ga. and phone. 470 Taylor t-, near
llth it.
Housekeeping Room. In Private Family.
FOR RENT 4 nicely furnished rooms, with
bath, pantrv, electric light and ga.
range, on lower floor of cottage, close In.
925 per month. Phono C 2540. after oyo
P. M.. or call Sunday 134 E. 2d St.
near GMsan.
MODERN, elegantly furnished 4-room lower
flat, completely equipped for housekeep
ing. East Side; rent 9:10, Including phone,
'water, light and fuel; corner location,
beautiful yard; real bargain. Phone W ood
lawn 1 100 or -Woodlawn lGt'.g.
LARGE-nicelv furnished front rooms, con
necting, large, light kitchen furniahed
complete housekeeping, bath, gas run
ning water, cheap rent. 512 Williams
avenue, near Russell.
ON THE first- floor! 2-room housekeeping
, ... , furnished.
suite, iinciy any o.,i... ......
running water, licht. heat. bath, phone
fi.nldi.H VinnaA.
tree; aiso one itiuiinrinj -keeping
room on second floor. .147 Hall st.
TWO nice large front rooms, furnished com
plete Tor housekeeping aim "mi
the beautiful park block for 11 per
month to people without children at 4SJ
w est r-arit
MAP.CH 1, 9i5. Beautifully furnishea
ho.wekeeping suite In modern iiai. mtioo
Ing heat, light, fine porcelain bath, Iree
pnone: no ciiiioren. ..01 q.q
FOR RENT On Portland Heights. 2 or 3
rurnisnea or uniuriueoo ..o
rooms: gas.- water, telephone and large
yaxa. rnuim niitni "
ON the first-floor. 2-room housekeeping
.... ;. . i.i...,h with flrenlHce.
suite, ntceiy iui oiaov., ...... r -
electric light, gas. bath, telephone. 37-1
TWO clean housekeeping-rooms, electric
lights, phone, bath; 310. lDo :m si., tuuui
Ol vv asiiingion.
TWO newlv furnished housekeeping rooms.
. ..,11 lrt,.tton all
way aoove avernBi-. ae,.
conveniences. 920 per month. let lttn.
FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, also
rooma and hoard. 412 layior u -.
moderate. I'hone jiain ...
TWO front rooms, housekeeping, gas. bath,
. . .I., i,,n -f Aim.
onone. wuimiiK ois.inott..
SUITE of good furnished housekeeping
rooms. 411 Liictt j p.-
$3.50 WEEK, 2-room suTte, walking; dis
tance. 409. Columbia st.
2 OR S furnished rooms for light house-
Keeping, -ii .v. .'"i p1'
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent.
fo t.oiumDin. at., comet jo.n.
TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping.
private entrance, basement, -'iv nin.
2 NICE housekeeping rooms with bay win
dow; also single room. 421 7th st.
VERY reasonable, housekeeping room.. 2S
North 20th. Main 2040.
2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent, rea
sonable. I'hone East 6370.
THREE furnished housekeeping room. In
private family. 5)5 Taylor st.
LIGHT front housekeeping room.. 848
Montgomery st. .Mai n tM.i.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In, with
yard; no chiiaren. .u'u ou m.
HOUSEKEEPING room, clean, homelike
furnace neat; reasonaoie. oqi oo.
SUITE of 3 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, at 204 14th st. walking distance
SUNNY housekeeping-rooms; light, bath
laundry, heat. 473 Morrison st.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas range, 920
. i- ..... . -j mi. ,
fltOllllt. rcinn ,.r.. 1..,,
LARGE, pleasant, single housekeoping room.
711 Washington, r-none atarsnmi ,o.-.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping-rooms;
-walking distance. :, utn st.
2 COMFORTABLE furnished housekeeping
.. . i,..a in fir. .tr,4 7th.
THREE pleasant housekeeping room, for
auuns. iwj iuiiuiiii
FRONT room, with sink, bath, gas and
... ,t-ltAn QJO Cnll.i.a
pnone; no tiLLliiini, . ..... - .
ti l.AKflK Onelv furnished front rooms, firs
floor; all conveniences. Main bti43. 353 12th.
FURNISHED housekeeping roora- 1000 E.
Washington, between E. 33d and 34th.
FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleeping-
rooms: reasonable. in j-iui sr.
4 FI'RNISHED housekeeping rooms, light,
water, phone: rent 920; adults. Main 773.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, with
bath. 271 Clny.
2-ROOM housekeeping
1st., cor. Hooker.
suite cheap.
S ROOMS furnished to quiet couple, walk
lng instance. 24ft Grand ave. North.
2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping-rooms,
gas. bath, reasonable. 0H2 Front st.
CENTRALLY hjcated. bath, gns, phone,
H2.50 up. 4?: Mnin St.
TWO nice sunny housekeeping-rooms. $20
per month. 3i0 7th st.
lln SINGLE, clean, well-furnished house
keeping room for employed lady. 294 14th.
near Jefferson, close In.
7th St.,
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 204
Clay, oth st.
HOUSEKEEPING room lor lady or married
couple. oOO Johnson St., near inn n.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 914 per
month. 30 East Sth st. North.
THREE large rooms and bath, furnished or
unfurnished. HW4. cor. aim nnq layior.
8-ROOM modern colonial house, overlook
ing the river; want desirable party more
than amount of rent. 422 Chamber Com
FOR RENT No. 005 Flanders si., near
21st. 6-room house and bath; 940 per
month. Apply on premises.
S ROOMS, exclusive West Side district; 905.
7 rooms, west mae, x.i.v.
Main 1022. 024 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR KENT 5-room bungalow; gas. elec
tric: basement, yard. 2u0 Gibb st. Rent
$20. Inquire 228 Gibbs st.
MODERN "-room house In Sunnyslde, fire
place and furnace. Inquire of Clemenson
JJrug Co.. r rout anu .iiornson ,is.
T-TiOOM house, li block. E. Ctlt st. N, cor
ner Prescott. Choice fruit and garden
- Main 2S0, Monday.
FOR RENT or .ale; 6-room bungalow, ele
gantly furnl3hed. 34th and East Morri
son Bts. fnone r.ast rim or - loco.
6-ROOM house, furnished. Ladd's Addition,
walking distance. Inquire 220 Failing
TO RENT 915; 5-room cottage on carline,
near Walnut Park; newly painted, hath.
Phone Monday and Tuesday. n,ast -43
virvv modern 6-room house, walking ;dis-
tance. near car, 920. 587 E. 8th BL
GOOD 6-room cottage, corner East llth and
Washington: walking distance; rem. e-o.
Phone Woodlawn 1012J
S-ROOM house with bath. 786 E. Madison
st., cor. 24th, can touay iroru - 10 1.
Rent 9110;
FOR RENT Seven-room house. 515 Main
st.. near Stout Bt.. Kings mu: moaern
945 per month. Phone Main 4744.
1 BLOCK from St. Johns car, new-, corner
house, 0 rooms. Dam, urepiace, lion.",
basement, 917. Tabor 2345.
FIVE-ROOM cottage in Irvlngton, loth st.
between weldler and Broadway. Call 003
Weldler st.
FOR RENT Half of an 8-room house, large
yard, phone, nam, not anu com water,
915 a month. Thone East 4402.
FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, at hS
Jessup st.: also 5-room cottage at 1180
Michigan ave.
FOR RENT 1 cottage. 920 a month; walk
ing distance, convenient. 120 23d, N. E.
cor. Gllsan
CLEAN cottage, electric light, shades, large
yard, chicken-yard, carpenter shop. Apply
335 43d. Hawthorne ave; 912.
4ROOM "house with large yard. 26S Benton
St.. near Steel bridge.
TROOM modern house, located in Holla
days Addition, cor. 7th imd Wasco ats.
J1S 6-ROOM house. 915 Tibbels SL J. J.
Oeder. Grand and E. Ankeny,
FIVE-ROOM cottage, cor. Larrahee and
Holladay ave. Call phone C 2057.
FOR RENT 3-room modem house, 920, 412
San Rafael. I'hone C 2:tlS-
i6 6-ROOM house. bath and electric
lights. Inquire at 1290 E. 12th st. North.
jEOOsT house for rent. 570 E. Madison St.
Apply Main 1357.
8-ROOM modem house, A-l furniture, cor
ner, near car. 9.13. 1336 E. Taylor.
23 7-ROOM house, near E. 20th and Haw-
"thornc. Apply 440 3d St.
35 E. ALDER, cor. 14th. 6-room modern
house. Phone owner. Main 2i00.
HOUSE of 8 rooms and batu. 734 Lovejoy,
cor. 22d. Inquire 132 Sixth St. Main 0278.
MODERN, desirable 8-room house, close in.
$33. 306 San Rafael St. East 16-5.
FOR RENT 8-room house In Irvlngton:
408 15th St. North. 333 Labhe bldg.
MODERN 6-room house. 755 Missouri eve.
L car.
5-ROOM modern house, cor. East 24th atid
Oregon. Phone Woodlawn 1300.
3-ROOM cottage on St. Johns carline, rent
reasonable. Phone East 5840.
FOR REN T Modern 6-room house. 240
McMillan. Main O'iTS
NICE new 6-room house, cor. lot; 925. G,
310 Board of Trade bldg.
SIX room, new. modern, large lawn, roses.
7W East 32d st- W'-W car; 92Q.
FOR RENT 3-room house. Inquire 97 Ne
vada sU
room.. 1.-.39 E. Taylor Jo US
rooms. 442 E. 19th North o ' J"
rooms. 1024 Alblna ave.... .O.wi
9 rooms, Klllingsworth and aucou-
7 room.,' both and Stark 15.00
5 rooms. 404 Hail street
4 rooms, 301 Larrabee street
6 rooms, 515 Beacon
5 rooms, 240 E. 10th
6 rooms. 70SVx Johnson
. . 30.00
.. 20. OO
. . 20.nO
. . 35.00
. . 40.00
9 rooms. 1330 E. Taylor . . jjj-jvo
6 rooms. 1071 E. Yamhill .... 40.00
4 rooms, 17th and Weldler tlower
flat) """
Small Stores, 25th and Thurman.
Offices for Rent,
We Collect Rentals.
WANTED TO RENT An unfurnished home,
8 to 10 rooms, on west m, ate"
will make leae for one year; liberal rent
paid if place suits. Address by loiter to
O. It. Menefce, Nortonia, Hotel.
Home-hunter., visit our up-to-date ren
tal and Information department. 4th floor,
main building, and see the vacancle. we
have listed of desirable house, and flats.
You'll save time In getting properly and
comfortably locatod. We keep In touch
with all vacant houses, flats and apart
ments In the city. We also keep a list or
new buildings in course of construction.
The combined list, of all real "tat"
dealers. This Information la absolutely
7 rooms, 441 East 13th North. 530w
8 rooms. 307 22d st. North, 9;lo.
6 rooms. East 10th and Knott, 9J0
11 rooms. 227 Whltaker St., 930.
8 rooms, UD! East loth St., 9-0.
4 rooms, 5r.2H Yamhill st.. 92.30.
3 rooms. 475 '-a East 20th. 915.
5 rooms. 00 Beech St., $20.
0 rooms, .VHJ Weldler St., 940.
5 rooms, 7S2 Kearney at-, 935.
5 rooms, 200 Grand ave. N., $-'
li rooms. 20 East 10th st. N-. 90.
250 Alder Street,
5-ROOM modern cottage. 1010 East Grant,
near Marguerite. 917.50.
4-room modern flat. 412 2d St., cor.
Hall, West Side, walking distance. 9--
6-room house with garden and Irult,
on Powell Valley road. $15.
6- room modern house, electricity, wash
travs, etc.. on East 20th, 920.
7- room modern house, ".replace, furnace,
gas range, shades. 937.50.
248 Aider Street.
WHEN you move you'll need NEW FUR
NITURE. Buy It Judiciously (on the Last
Side) aud the saving will exceed your
moving expense.
Our LOW PRICES, which In 9 year,
made us one of Portlands largest furni
ture houses, were made possible because
we built on the East Side, thereby saving
$J5,UU0 a year rent.
69-75 Grand Ave- Cor. East Stark St.
NEATLY furnished house of seven rooms,
cheerful rooms, furnace heat, piano, all
modern convealences: good neighborhood:
145 per month. Including phone anil wa
ter. 28!) E. 47th St., South Hawthorne
ave. Phone Tabor 31.
at a great .aving. Get our prices. Look
er. hown every courteay
al. OSTROW 4k CO., 04-00 North 8a 8b
. , , I.. . . u teema.
iteasonauio piii-e. ---- - -
FOR RENT to adults. March 1- 6 '"
and 12x20 sleeping porc-n; beautiful view,
hot-water heat, hut and cold water serv
ice, walking distance. West Side. Phono
A 4580 after 0 P. M.
A 12 to 14-room house: must be in good
locality: strictly modern, with good yard,
bv responsible parly: will lease, for term
of years If neceseary; near carline. C
HOUSE, six rooms, newly painted and pa
pered throughout; large yard; very desir
able. 1283 E. 12th t. N., near Alnsworlh.
Key next door.
7-KOO.M modern house, beautifully located
2 blocks from carline. J. H. Tipton, 1108
1110 Spalding bldg.
Furulslietl Houses.
FURNISHED house in Holladay Park; at
trlctlve location on Clackamas; 7 rooms,
nicelv furnished: both gaa and wood
range, and all conveniences- will rent for
year or longer. McCargar. Bate. & Live
ly, 315 Falling bldg.
COMPANIONS wanted, business man and
wife will share country home with suit
able couple, rent Includes carfare on
Cazaredo line; give phone number when
answering. X 813. Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS residence, with all modern
improvements, conservatory, nicely fur
nished, large lawn and garden for rent
either for the Summer month, or by tno
year. phoneSeirwood 407.
ELEGANTLY furnished new. modern resi
dence, six rooms; all conveniences; walk
ing distance!; Nob Hill district; must rent
todav; cheap to party with reference.. Call
A 7404. 010 Northrup St.
SEVEN-ROOM completely furnished houso
on Portland Heights. 910. For particulars
250 Aider Slreet.
FI'RNISHED new, modem. A-l residence, 9
rooms nnd attic. Piano. Near car. Refer
ence; reasonable terms. 881 Overlook blvd.,
foot Shaverst: ; ,
FURNISHED home. Nob Hill: attractive lo
cation on Kearney St.; 7 rooms, complete
ly furnished; will rent for four months or
longer. Phone M. 0740.
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house;
brother and .ister would like to room and
board will party: referencea required.
Phone E. :I44, Monday.
FLAT of 3 rooms, completely furnished.
Dutch kitchen, fine range, good basement.
95.. per month. 141ta llth st., cor. of
-WILL rent my 8-room modern home oa
Nob Hill district, completely furnished, to
right party, at a reasonable rent: no dogs
or children. Phone Mnin 4223 or A 176...
WILL rent my 7-room modern home, with
,1 -i, in Trvlneton. com
pletely furnished, for six months. -Call
at residence. 350 Tillamook st-
cob RENT Handsomely furnished 6-rooiu
house in Irvlngton. 1 block from car.
Hardwood floors and strictly modern.
Phone. C 1008.
FURNISHED cottage near Broadway rar.
Phone Main 1033 or address D 821, Ore
gonian. .
FURNISHED 6-room modern bungalow, fir"
nlace piano: wood or coal range. 4J8
Alnsworth ave. Take Woodlawn car.
T.-I-R vrctH ED r-room bungalow. 3 blocks
Rose City Park rar. 1477 Ilillcrest Drive,
cor. 55th St. $35.
modeIiS u-room nicely furnished, in
cluding piano and sewing -machine. Call
Wood lawn 220- ,
7-POOM modern, furnished house for rent.
04 E limh st. Apply of Ben A. Bellamy,
today or Monday. Phone East 867. C IS 1 j .
NEW modern, B-room house, comfortably
" turnlshed: Brooklyn Heights. I'hone Sell
wood 3'H. ,.
FOR RENT 3-room modern cottage; new
ly furnished. Call J131 Klllingsworth st.
Take "Alberta car. Phone C 2:24.
0-ROO.M modern home, completely furnished,
piano, lawn, flower, and fruit, clone in;
bedroom reserved for owner. East .'1573.
FOR KENT A nicely furnished 0-roo.n
house, close In. near two carllncs; rent
$40. East 1473.
LARGE T-rooni. completely furnished house
in Rose City Park; 4 bedroom.; 950.
Phones Main 8427. A 2823.
$T." PER month, 5-room cottage, 621 East
11th st. South.
FI'RNISHED upper flat, near City Park.
Inquire 30 N. 23d St.. comer 'Wash.
NICELY' furnished. 5-room lowertlat. 331
Market St.
FURNISHED 5-rnom cottage and modern
furnished 4-room flat. 514 E. 21st st.
FURNITURE of B-room cottage for sale,
bouse for rent. 41.0 Clay Bt.
FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage for rent. 925.
1006 E. Yamhill st.
8-ROOM furnished house for rent. Call 420