-a. n -,-- a --- - TiAnfTT ft VT T7T?XTTT T Of? 1911. mi . ivtfh u ti r uELr vi .rv I r.t rniu- " i .. -, . I I Hlmllumu. WANT LIVE IAUSJIEN TO SELL LOT AT ONE Or THE OLDEST AND BEST RESORTS. ABOUT M MILES FROM PORTLANIA FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. SEE MR PHELPS. AFTER TO DA T. ROOM 1 PERKINS MOTET. 9.V-- SALESMAN WANTED-We hv c.-n. hirtrr.) unsay inexperienced men wd de v.io..... than into hlgri-frade real cstat m-n. nw maka a r. Kt a H- ln " month some ar etui IH ue earning h income, others ar In bua!nea for i oe-iee. we tr.-h ou free; work in vour spar ttm to start, in vour own clt .-r territoev. maka from I'W to '"' f.ra month, our co-operative mcthode rt-ee II, we have lnt-retin propositi-n ir ska )gu; write lor particular, oliv ?--. Terrace Reaity romtny. ft- Lui. MoTloN PI 'TURK !"'H(iL W bav lha only up-.l--'lu". modern. -artlci il'EKA ruR.-' S'ilouL on th !. Give "U practical "ahow e I -penenra." linr term ar no higher han nher. At the earn lira" eoct you with lb oniy bona nde booking agency In Portland. W qualify you to !' I lb iilMl ma'MM Hava o.ation and uppiy you wth all make of ma rMn and v ithtnk In conniption wun ne ipo'i-m r..-t.;re t'l-afra. IT I .. I r Kit THEATRICAL. KXi'MAMIH 3-1 M-rquat-b!,i j. i -pe- Sund) esiindaya'terti.o-. HANT.ET EMPLOYMENT CO.. 2 1 Nrth s-cond !. Pho-e Mln 727. A --'". Warn to-iy i'ianiirma. f I. Mill mn. IJ-J-"-Yrl mn. $J"t Ml vrc. l '-i- HxHijuirifn lor J. W. hwvny Con struction I'Ol A!l orilors rl prompt poraona! nt tontlon. LKJ.N T ADD FIGl RE-READ THEM aa aoaiijr na ranina: prim. par rnt moia rapid 11 pr rnl more ar.-urnt vn pr cent Ira mental effort than tho old lireame method. and -n'n laaaea uaranteo raaulta la Mar4uam bldlt- we "wast i r.w- n rorxn mi-n WITH i'LKNTV ITSH AND r.NEKi.t Rn AKK Wlt.l.lMi T I)EtiTh THF.1R t'.VTIRB TIME TO t.fR INTKK-K.-T.-l. EXPEKIKNri NOT NKfK.-1Al. HI T HAKH WOKH. IS WHAT ;LNTS IS OWE STEADY AND l.Altl-K 11 Yof IAN KILL TUB 111LU CALL 10 THE riPANTON ty.. OAK ST. R E D r f. i SS E MI'I.'I V M E N T CO. ? NOKTH hEl'oND fT. Open Sunday 1 A. M to P. M. i'ITV WOliK. rarpenlera. r"Uh work, tl SO. 3 lino mn. J ltrnun-1 men. $i7-V I farm hand. I-.V n and board. I'lenly of jobs vomln In every uay. rafiatar your nante free. WVNTED A ood aaleaman with an eatab I h.ed trail In aither of tha a-atea or Montana. liaho. Wyomlna;. Waahlna'.oa or Orevi b a well-known and lon oatahllahed wholaala ll'iuor firm with a ajood tra.le In thoao atalea; hIKheat aalary and axpeneea paid to rlichi p-rtiea: others aaea stamps. Address I: O. .Bos Cin cinnati. 1. WANTED! brtdse carpenters. Hi 1 planer feadera. :.:S. .... I.u-nftee sradera. J II and M il fireman. Pria-ic EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main ofllew. 11 North Jiecond HI. HELP WANTED. Ilsva an e'-ilent proposition for man fkermia-hly on'leralanrtlns k! bualneaa; nnna tMjt axteriened men need apply. Addi-eaa. atatlDS a. whether married or atnale. and emptrlence. AO Ore soman. Or!i"TXjl IEN to sell senaral real ea tl and work lip i-Iiium; atperlenco not neceaaao bt enersv raaentlai; we f'lmtah tha Itatlns. alao the priwiKl : wa will treat you e.Uarel. I'all at H. A. i handier, olu Lumbermen bids' , ilh and stark aia c i KNiV. RAPII ER Want youns man for permanent p.itlon In eltv. t'.ro. errman. ihor.wiithly experienced man for Itrf atora In rountry. v'o.WMtu'lAL AH.TK.T t'O. 4s fommeri-ul flub lluilllna: SALESMAN aa manacer to hand'e l.ne h pwal auPP'ea. formal?"hile f;imlntr. unilarl tl'i.l Uer. Il.ild aop. Il-itlld it, dllilnfeianta and enllry auppilea. Tha Korrr acorve c'cniali. 5 Cburh St.. New T"Tk. . AA.NTKI IJva wlde-awaka real aa:ta aaleaman to sell fwnalte In appla Ian. I en commlaIon. at The Dallee. or; alnr'e tian preferred. fall on Mr. Haynea. lil It haC FIRVT-tAf' TAIIAIK ON LADIES AND ilKVS MIT STONE HKU.-.. .trtl WA-HIIN'-.TON ST. S A I. KS M EN rl'd. at.ie IIP" U-ea. n tr..i.terlra; on I v men etea.i'le traveltna. havina; earaaliahe.l general atore tradn in am all towns Mrk A Co.. '. Uroad- . a . New York r l.T-CI-A.'t c minilaaun sa-an.au ui4 t-tr fitate of recn. to aell well-known lire of rneer-anl- al rur o.la: aiata ft pneTr and referencea. l Tl. Ota Bntaf .. UIl.L alart earnlna S4 datly. horn--, pars time, eilver-ns m.rrra. no capital, free Irttructtve b.-'kl-t ll.ini p'una of nrra'!'" - E- liedmund. lepl. f Uoa t.tn. laea. W A NTET- Y-un man of a;.--l a!p--arance. uner X to learn tha real eataia buinea- This S aa unuau I opportunity to one midl ine t work on a rommlaal-ti baaia. lisls laniber oj rpinmerre. A ANTED Ambltloiia men. meehanUally tnMnad. to qualify f-c positions palna; from lo to fl pec month. cll oc w,t A-ito rolleaa of I'ortland. -la M.rrhanti Trual l"d.. aahmston. tfALES JEN Brtlht. snernetle. to e'l hlsh rltaa articles raed In eery office and t..re thr-inshout tha rontr Kullon R. T. t o. K.;s.otu N J.. ANTED steady man to take Intecwt n manutarturtna' sood article, will pay you I weekly. 1 - requlrad. Particulars S4 St:b St.. room AIC b I.I M KN. maklc l'-u monthly selling Kotkport lota. I loo earn; deep-water bar tor. -arta-n i Maotc-'mery. dan An Ionia. Tea. MANAGrlil In eeery city and county Orcsn and w ashtngton lesitunala, new. good proposition to hustlers. as Grand avs.. Fort. and. WE want temperate bustler of good hahlts. dtspaitton. brains aud capital; cstendtug sur buatoess. need you. Writ hw 1 -Ora-Ionian. 11' lis Ht 'KIT -pen a lvlna and cteamtig eatarsllanmant ; very little capital needed ; e.i tell eon how; bookl-'t fte. Van Vende l-atem. Iepl. 4Tt lHaunlon. Va. WWTED eapenence.1 ail-aroni ire maker, a ik a moulder who can do floor snd berch work, open shop out of loan. I . treonian. lA.i'ki Tiui f man who Uvea at horn to a-t aa collector and aaleaman: good aalary to rtahl party: muat be over IK. Apply onlav. l-ncln'a. 4"l Mrnwn ai. WANTKD An elderly coup.e for light Jani tor work, living rooina Inclu.led. Call at 5th at., room 1. or call Main 3u. D. K. Aerter. BANTtU fclarerlenced draftaman for de tailing reinforved concrete atructural work: state eperlen.-e and salary as pect -d. K -y. t-Tiontan. St l-lt'ITOR.i Steady fn.pc'mnt. ea :.. srd of Trad after 3 P. M- Sunday or Monday. W NTED Man and air for small farm on carllne. seven miles from center of rtia A n-4 Oregon i an. BARBER want atrady Job. 21 K' HEI-P n lNTUt-IXH -LK. lilRF."" wanted general housework. d0 F'anders. fist - Call mornings. riTEr Apprentices snd girls over 10 to learn business. Apple Lowengart A Co. u ,.TEO Al'J'"'"'" to learn millinery trade. Apply B O. aae A Co.. -. tvk st. rPIVATK Ieaams given in shorthand, best metr-vl. 4T- Aider st. Mm 4.;.li. - nVI'l TtlNT seamatr aa. aa apprentice girl fjrdressmlng. lM4 Hamilton Jmlg iNTEI -Partner In maasacs parlor. Call after 1 o'clock. Zit Uta st. . I .... ,-,rx-wa,L tnrtTinv VANTEn-MALK. I MTTATIoy WiMM)-tr.HA. I WAJfTED Toong ladles for tslephon -ralHi. with or wltbout orperloncs. Ap ply Pa.-lfi Talepbon I.sraDk C- th and ACaat Anaany sts. WANTED, by president of manufscturing corporation, a buslnaas woman for Pai tion of truet and responsibility: ons witn atenographlc esparlonc preferred. sal ary ;j per week Applicants must poa seas tart. Judgment, decision, etc- ana titra l.-n0 to . cash security. Ad dress with eapsrlencs and refsrsnces. Act ft 19. Oregonian. . WANTED A high-grade woman to ca.l up on school teachers snd others. A f0" bualn.-a proposition, not s boob. Must hats bt of address snd appearanrs; can earn between l.iaai and 4'Ka) a year. Pua cesaful soliclllng ettporlenc and large ac qu.intanc desirsbls. but not rsquursd. Alt -4 Oregonian. , A MANAGER of a large and developing bualneaa house would I ks to Interview a lady who 1 desirous of engaging In in active career af ue-fulnees snd pront and to whom a modified form of saleemanahlp would appeal: muat b reflnsd. educated, resaonably amb'llous snd of mature ago. A ;. oregonlsn. WANTED Toung woman aa cashier In cafeteria: muat b eipertenred. quick and accurate; references Hfiufi frm II A. M. to s ! M. Apply Monday bet. 8 A. M and 9 A. M. 57- S'arkt A rlRMT-CLAS." stenographer. ons of prrlland's Isrgest bualneaa houeee; t a age I5 per week: stesdy poaltlon If entie factorv. Apply In own handwriting. O i-t. Oreg..nlsti. bTEN'MJRAPHER for e-armanent poaltlon: muat b accurst and csrefut Oliver tipewrlter preferred: ressonable aalary to stsrt. Adireas In own hand, stating sal arv. K Tve Oregonian. MI'NI."IPAL rertt- -t of Publl Safety for Toang Women. Adelr or aaslstanc g's-.f riven to all roung w-wne-n. Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin. Supt. room (7. T. W. C A. b.da -- a Tavtoe eta srkNt.".UAPIIERj and bookkeepers, taking our special drills, will be quickly In posi tions t B. U.. 10 Worcester block; two places row open. WANTED Young lady chocolate dipper wlib wants to lesrn csndy business; fin op portunity for girl of refinement. W Oregonlsn. lADIE.t mske supportara 91- hundred: no ranvsealng: material furnished: aiamped envelop particulars. Wabash Supply Co.. Iept. 0 Chicago LADIF'.rl. earn II weekly decorating post csrds: dim brings packag beautiful sam ples and particulars. American postcard Co.. East orange. N. J. YOl'N'f lady for laundry office, one who can operate typewriter and has hsd -pvrlenc preferred. Address AM SIS. Ore gonlsn. stating experience TOIN lady singer for East Side motion picture show. If you hats a good voice, addrers 12 East Mh st.. giving phone number. W A N T F It Young girl to saaiat In liouae keepinr: only two In family: no wash ing. Apply at 2J4 Lincoln St.. cor. Id. M ra. B. Aaher. WANTED Young ladv atenograplier under r: experience not esaentlsl. Applv Sun dae 2 to 4. Monday 10 to 12. loll (or- Sett bldSN WANTED An experienced salcalndy for tallies' cloak and suit department. Applv between 1 and 11 A. M. Monday. I. ilevurts A Hons. d and Yamhill. NEAT appearing young lady In doctor's office, experience not reoulred. Anly Sunday 2 to 4. inil Corbett MdT WANTED Experienced coat hands, ladles' alteration department. R. M. Oray. -73-Morrleon. at 4th. WANTEIV Ppmnk apprentice at dressmak ing Apply Mrs. A. Tarry. 425 Marquam M.lg WANTED Experienced marker. Apply Star l.aundry. Union sve, and East Ank ') MRS. HOWr79 I.AP1E.T A1BSCT. eV Wsshlngton St.. Room tl Main fv. or A S2, WANTEIt 5lrl for general houaework: ft perlerca not necessary. 2!7 N. 2d. corner N'orthrun. CAPABLE lady wlahlng to engage In public stenographic work can have office and some work. Addreaa D 7f4. Oregonian. TAANTEI r.etined. capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlsvi io.. DOS Rstb chlld bldg.. I'.h and Washlncton. PTENcxiRArHIt school, night onlv: satls-fa.-tmn guaranteed, month. -47 1 1st at. M. 9112. WANTED Several Isdy solicitors of god appearance. Apply at rtnj tloodnough hi.lg From 10 to 13 Monday. WANTED Woman grams on shirts. Mh at. to embroider mono Jacobs Shirt Co.. :! Yol'Nt. lady for office work; one who can operate typewriter profnrred. Call bi3 lwls bldg. WaNTICI JwApertenced operators to wore on tuna Apply Stsn.lsrd Pactorf. i Grand avs. and East Taylor. W'ANTRD An experienced Infant's mire, preferably a middle-aged person; re rer oute required. Main 7l- 2-i7 Nartllta. BY wholesale houae. a practical woman who la ambitious. prlence not required. O 112. Oregonian. LADY to aaeiat with housework, family of .1 no washing: good home. M 1.1th or phone A 4i.3-. cTTkL going to echool to aaaial In houae work. for room 'and board. call w2 Nnnhrnp St., mornlnga Marshall .Ha. HANSEN'S LADl-.f . A'iENCT. 143 wasmngton St.. cor. 7ia, upatajra. Phon Main 2dd2. OPERATOR., flnlahers en custom pants, buttonhole-maker en vests. Ki 6th. room ul. WANTED Respectable young Isdy to share room and expense of aame. K 915. Ore gonian. r-X I 1-" K 1 E Ni " K r sklrtmskera on tsllor-ma.le swirls. V. Kasper, 4ol Merchants Trust bldg. WANTED Klrat-clae aklrtmakers snd fln lahera to work on ladies suits, s. Weiss. 147 loth st. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pav: free booklet tells how. I nited Prees Svndicste. Ssn Francisco. THOIt0l'''HIY experienced milllnerv maker at 4u5 Morrtaon at- J'one other need apply. Also apprentice. GOOD"glrifor general housework. small 'amlly. 5- 6th street. WANTED Experienced telephone operator. Apply 3 to 4 Alexandra Court. 3- Ella M IHrCljllKI. to work for room and board, r.ui Weat park. A 4HX GiKL to aaafat with houaework and care of on child. C 175. tvil Clackamas at GIRLl cook and housework: family of . Apply a4 East Aldsr St.. corner 20th. WANTED Olrl for housework. S In family. Wood sw M4 H71 Capital ars. GIHL wanted for trimming lc cream cones; ple-swurk. ?32 Johnson st. HOI'S kk EE PER. womsn with child pre ferred. M Oregonlsn. TOCNtl Isdy of ability to sell real aslats. WT1. Ciregonlan. WANTED Chocolate dipper at Coffman's; li Washington st. GIRL to ssalst with housework. a.VJ 11th at, A lt W ANT-1) At Slalere Hospital In cmce CaU. pupils to snter schlof nurslng: I1O0 MONTHLY distributing formulas by msll: muat call Immediately. 4iA Couch at. HELPERS and apprentice girls. Tcesdai. sad Marquatn bldg. GIRL for g-neral houaework: email family; gOOd WSgee. iiii-ioo'- ey ANTED Girl for bookkeeping. B hours a day. 2 . ed North. COMPETENT-girl, good rook. S In family; ., children, good wages. 3r-3 E. 12th .N". WANTED A girl to assist In general housework. Apply 62 Gllsan st. WANTED Wsltress. ths Royal. So4 Main et. Vanconver. Wash. .' w ANTEt Olrl for general housework." Tw I o i - ... xj. -.n r.?a In fs m I ly. rnon- SH1RTMAKEK8 want-. Jacob Shirt Co.. 5th t- WANTEI Toung girl to aailsl in cats uf baby. l Kearney st. fKI V ATE School. SHORTHAND snd TlHi WRITING: $5 mo. -1 14th St. Main 3- woiaV for general housework at Flower Mlaalon D7TT- - Nort( "" .', JTlLLINSRY roskers and apprsntlces. 403 M or-laon St.. rear cor, icith. WANTED Mlldle-eged woman for houae work. small wage, good home. East S-70. HANSEN'S LADIES- AGENCY. A place for respectable employment of various kinds. Advlcs glren to stranger relatlv to work, stopping places, locali ties, etc Lady manaarar In ronatant at tendance dally c.ceptmg Sundays. '' trallon free. Correspondence ollclted. Prompt service. WANTED MONDAY, t s country hotel rooks. 40 each. Pantrywoman. el'L- 2 chambermaids. I2S and $20. 3 waitresses, hotel, city 125, country 25. Second and upstairs girls, 925. Nurseglrls. 125 to IIS. Family cooks and girls for general housework and to assist, at wage of from till to 15 a month. Oood homes secured and good wages for competent help. HANSEN'S l-ADIES- AOESCY, 43 V- Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED MONDAY. Cook for country hotel, $45. Cook (in cltyi. I5. . Restaurant waitress. IS per week. Hotel waitress. 125. I'sntry girl. 125. . chsmbermald and laundress for Insti tution. 925 esch. Kitchen helper. 121. 4-olcitor. Oenersl housework. 920 to -15. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 2o-.-.H Morrison. REFINED healthy gTrl or woman to assist with llgnt housework snd as companion: one who prefers gnwd home rather than high wages: references required. Call - Ixiunadale at. I'hone Main 352H. FIRST-CLASS SEWERS OV LADIES TAI IOIttNl. STONE BROS., .04 WASH INGTON ST. EXPERT Isdy accountant, permnni sltlon: give etiperlence and refere rmsnent po nces. -V hl. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Apply Indav, 171 East 34th. corner 1 sm htll. or phone between 11 and 12 Tabor 17'-'4 or U 2177. WANTED A flrst-elsss shirt finisher; must he qulcg; also urst-ciaae ioiiu'i- . E. nth and E. Oak sts. International Laundry. . GIRL for housework and hlp with cook ing, family of adults. S21 th st,, oor. Clay. COMPETENT girl for general housework, i, ---.!. -.. I r.ul Thimpaon. cornerofEJ50Iyjng-t i,,"'9' GIRL for general houaework: good homo, good wages. Call 915 Gsntenbeln ave.. cor. Skldtnore. A IKJIJll proposition for a live, experienced lady: solicitor. Phon privat exchange 4. room 14. A GOOD woman for general houaework; good wage. Apply Monday morning. 4o5 East 2"th North. WIDOWER alone. In good standing, wlihea a houaekeeper. Age IS to 4-. .AO --. Oregonian, WANTED Oood. eperlenced seamstress f'jr dressmaking estatvitahmenL Apply 244 Kll- llngaworth. E X I' f. R I K N ' E D finishers on ladlea' coals. only experlcnredneed apply. J. M. Ehr- 11,-h ro.. K.'t Fifth at. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework 1 1.1 . -ill 1..n. at A 1 1 K'" . 11 ' I iipiniim. .,,,ie -- Main fl'-.'l.t WANTED An experienced wsltress at The .1 !.... VI. In TS- IUII, .-u anu ii iiuiBi'iii. ........ ... .. WANTED Gtrl for general housework, 2 In family. Call 3S 11th St.. IpPt'aL HELP WAN rKl MALE OR FKM ALF.. AMATKl'RS wanted In all lines. We teach Vaudeville and Dramatic: write sketches ami rehears n under the direction of com - potent Instructors. Have Coast rights for some of the latest eastern prouuctiooe. Want dramatic people In all lines for stock. Two companies Just organising. We have "Coast time" for vaudeville acts; houses that pay lloo for teams and $40 for singles. only bona flde booking office In Portland. PI LSIFEK S THEAT RICAL EXCHANGE. 27 Marquam bldg. Open Sunday afternoon. t UVF. man or woman wanted for work at home paying 13 to 33 per day. with op portunity to advance; spare time can be used: work not difficult and requires no experience. Universal House, iit Wabash ave., chieago. lo.ooo POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position: gradu ates earn from 9I to 925 weekly; expert Instructor: tools free; writ for cata logues. Mohlsr ftyatem of Colleges. 39 Norrh 4th t.. Portland. Or. EX PEK1ENCED man and wife to take charge of cattle and aheap ranch on th roast. In Curry County: wife to do cook ing. Apply Keasey. Htimason Jsfferjr, 2a2 Chamber of Commerce. BOY and girl agenta to sell 24 packages of postcards for ua at 1ic package, snd receive a first -class camera complete. Write todav. The Corhln Novelty Co.. Dept. S. Station r. Txia Angeles. Cel. W"ANTED Office assistant snd familiar with bookke-plng and stenography; state age. experience and salary expected. T ' 7:2. Oregoniallu . MAKE money writing stories tor newspa pers: blc pay: send for free book:t; talis how. t olled Preaa Snd-. San F.snclai-o. IIOYS and girls. In years snd over. Apply Multnomah Mohair Mills. East end Lma- tllla aee.. scllwwq. school, children; cam-ras. nr., free. Sell 14 packagoe Eaater cards, earn rcwarde. Write unlay. Maglron. Jollet. 111. -IRK TKACUEKs' ASSOCiATlO-4. (UA Swel land bldg. ttlTCATlOX WANTED MA I, it. Bookkeepers and Clerk m1dII.E-AGKI tnarrled man. holding po altlon of truat with one of the largeat corporations in the Middle Weat. desires to locate In Waahln ton or Oregon, and will consider proposition from any re liable concern needing the aervlces of a man whoae ability and Integrity are un queatloned: nearly IS year;' experience 'with the aame company. AF II., Ore gonian. WANTED Position as bookkseper. Hsve been employed bookkeeper and caahler with large local mnnufacturtrg concern for paal years: am desirous of making change: ran furnlsu good city references. AH 7a oregonian. ' -T1'NGmsnT-ome business experience, can keep books, willing to do roost anything at small wsges If chance for promotion; ran furnish 910OO cajh bond If necessary; no soliciting. J TSJ. Oregonian. W ANTED--Posltlon as bookkseper; hava had ten years' experience aa bookkeeper and cashier In large mercantile estab lishment; can furnish A-l referenc. J S12.I, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS salcsnuin. typewrller. book keeper, all-round oiYlce man. atesdy, re llsble. want chanc to demonatrat abil ity: moderate aalary to begin. B 7.4, Ore gonian. YOU NO man. married, who has had 10 y,rs" experience In general merchandise business, also groceries, wants position out of town: can make good: references. D 7w0. oregonian. BY capable, energstlo young man t24. po sition as bookkeeper or assistant: under stands stenography also; best of refer e n co. B Tw. oregonln. BY MAN with family. Have hsd our years' experience as retsll hardware salesman, but willing to work at anything. A.H 794, Oregonsn. -- IlorMv KEEPER, young man IS years old. over 1 years' experience, with best of ref erences, wishes position. X 7S. Ore gonlsn WILL audit, open, close or write up books, prepare balances and statrments. Install systems. Consult me. Gllllngham. au duor. 411 I-cwla bldg. Marshall2L A FIRST-CLASS practical bookkeeper and general office manager with best city ex perience and reference, desires position. M 795. Oregonlsn. W ANTED--Offlcs poaltlon by young mu of 27; seven yesrs" experience; good at flg uree; references. W 791. Oregonlsn. WANTED Position as hotel clerk: several yesrs' experience; excellent reference. B 01, viomiii.ii. EXPERT wants small acts of book a to keep "during spsre hours. Will expert your book large or small. AJ 820. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. Yoi NO man would like position of some -i.'j at-. 790. Oregonlsn. CVRPEXTER. thorough mechsnlc. wants Job. dsy cr contract. K 7i-. Oregonlsn. j'". J pitxTER paperhsnger wsnts work, ex-"-. It uaves. Phone Woodlawn 477 k1 ,D'" OOOD Japanese boy want position cooking or housework. L 7t. Oregonlsn. j.. 1 "plumber, non-union. imu steady work, t'none -omnim- . vTTn and wife want permanent position in CO-ntry; rei-re,,. . . --,-... x-x i.d wife cooks dair poaltlon in caxnp. Q 77H. Oregonian, M. wants post'lon; understands house and . in...... h us;. Tim ..i.. . - GOOD advertising brings results let me show you v f-a. ""'"-" WORK wanted on lswn or In garden. 4-U Florence ik In need of superintendent: nave nan, i.. years' experience In taking care of the poor and running a large farm. .f8 you pay good wages, don't answer this x'.. ..n i nl.au elate all about your situation, wages, etc. Addres let tets tp Box 139. Mllford. Mass. POSITION wsnted by an experienced box . maker to take charge of a box factory; understands box making- In all Its branch es, also running planer, band saws or cir cular saws and also setting. Wing and straightening of saw a. Address P. O. box S04 New Britain. Conn. t TO PP B LIS H ERS If any of you want a competent, reliable, all-around printer, ex perienced In every department of country newspaper work, please let me hear from you; over 25 years' experlenc: can furnish the best of references. Address Y 614. Oregonian. - ENERGETIC married man. 20 years" ex perlsre In street paving, sewer construc tion, etc.; also general merchandise, aeeks permanent position; first-class rsferences. Call Columbia 21S. or address AM 788. ' Oregonlsttu , SALESMAN wsnts hlgh-rlsss proposition to handle, either on commission or salary and commission; must be clean, legitimate and capable of returning 925O0 to 95WO per year to good hustler. W 793. Ore gonlauu -- MAS' of 41. active and does not use liquor or tobacco, will accept any honest posi tion; salary Is no consequence; what A want is to be busy; can llll most any position. K 77. Oregonian. WANTED Poaltlon as sales manager or office man. four years' experience as state manager for building and loan company. Can furnish office If necessary. 7bo Ore gon lan. YOCNO man. age JO. wants position In of fice; have had commercial course, but no practical experience: can give ref erfh"" Address C. II. Johnson, 434 Yamhill St., Portland. Or. YOUNO "mart led man. experienced In gent's furnishings and collecting, wlahe steady poaltlon: honest snd sober: csn furnish reference and bond: must hav work ol some kind. Phone Osbom. Maln C9.9. EXPERIENCED chsuffeur (gasoline) de sires position: thorough know-lodge of au tomobllo troubles and their remcd es; ref erences. A. H. Burt, 174 E. blxth L Phone East 2J73. HIOROl.'GHLY rellabl colored man want poaltlon with private family: holding re sponsible position inside at present; out side work preferred. Address Y bin, Oie- t.. in. p. WANTED By physician, ssslstsntshlp or position where six years' practice In medi cine and surgery would bo of use. AL H Oregonian. ---- YOING man. 37. Just sold out grocery business ln California, which 1 have, suc cessfully run for 10 years, would like a poaltlon In that line. K 7s3. Oregonian. OOOD cutter and Utter wishes steady posi tion; 20 years experience ln tailoring; when necessary will help In shop. S 778, Or-gonian. t ADVERTISING solicitor. . steady. reliable man. succesaful In other location, wishes poaltlon In Portland,; free about March L B 791, Oregonian, MACHINERY salesman, experienced In va rious lines, wants position March 1; pre fer proposition where technical education will prove of value. E 7t-H. Orerronlan. POSITION wanted on ranch or mixed 'arm preferred, by experience,! and sober sln? le man; please state hours and wage. AG Till. Oregonlsn. DUCGUIST. experienced and graduate of pharmacy, absolutely reliable, wants posi tion in good country drug-store. AK i97, Oregonian. COOK'S position wanted by a thoroughly rompeunt middle-aged man: ready to take up any eixe of lodge or camp. X , Oregonian. WANT situation on ranch, blacksmith and repair work; hnd experience with gas and steam englno, also automobiles: single, 3o years old: steady. AF 7", Oregonian. EXI"Er7enCEI man wants position In tai lor shop; pressing and repairing. Geo. Botissey. Gordon Hotel, West Park and Yamhill. ' WANTED Position aa foreman on wheat or stock ranch by man with small family: understand Campbell system. Address lock box ISO, lone. Or. YOrNO man. 24. dealres work evenings and Sundays, shadowing. Investigating, serving papers, etc.; reliable, H 810. Ore gonian. NEAT, sober man wishes position as hotel clerk; several years' experience- or col lector for a good firm. H. It. E. 181 12th t. rhonv A 73l', WANTED By a lirst-class building fore men, a position with some contractor or construction company: can handle any thing. D 24. Oregonian. WANTED Position aa mauler mechanic- ex perienced In R. R. and woods camp work. Can furnlah all necessary credentials from responsible firms. F MS. Oregonian. YOI'NO man 34. of good business experience and ability, desires position a wholesale or retail salesman. Salary or commission. P. 12. Oregonian. YOI'NO man. 23. wishes work by day. sweeping, duatlng or garden work: best of references. Phone, evening or mornings, E. 4M11. add. 7S6 E. Yjtmlilll. BY man and wife, position on small farm, or take charge of on near Portland, at once or In Spring: experienced and re sponsible; references. AC M8. Oregonian, COOK7-first -class, sober. American, wishes poaltlon. city or country; 14 years expe nence. F M4, Oregonian. A I SALESMAN, good references, woll ac quainted in city and country; good spo ils itjritj?ll"; sTfltATlON wanted by good, all-around baker city and country experience: strict ly sober and reliable. H wis. Oregonian. YOI'NO practicing attorney wants office ar rangements with old practitioner or firm. AH 824. Oregonian. INTELLIGENT man. 30. strong. honeal worker in any position, wishes situation at one. Thamaen. th st. North. MATH INF draftsman, six years' experience In shoj. three yesrs" experience In office, look for Job. O. T.. 16' Grover -. city. WANTEIElectrlc elevator operator, col ored, teferenc and experience. Phone Main 24R4. EXPERIENCED aleman can furnish references. wants position; W 792, Ort- gonisn. Nt'RSE attendant poaltlon by a gentleman. 10 educated In Europe, experienced In L. 8. Thamaen, 29 V llh st. North. YOUNG rnsn. good worker, with some ex perience In cake bakery, want position a helper. A J 824. oregonian. YOI'NO man wishes employment as night cook; best of references. Tel. Private Ex. 22. room 111. . WINDOW-TRIMMER and ahowcard writer, experienced and competent. Writ H. C. Xetelson, to Hawthorn ave. COOK wnt Job; prlvste Institution, club, boarding-house, hotel or restaurant; A No. 1 reference. I'hone. East 2i5. POSITION as csshler by lady, ft year' ex perience. Government work. N 794. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED offlc boy want position; can run addressograph, alao mulugraph. N 793, Oregonian. YOl'NG chauffeur wanta position ln pri vate family; drive any car and keep ln repair; good references. N 79-. Oregonian. YOL'NO man desires placa to work before and after school, good references given, "all or address k. a. R-. 148 Fifth t- JANITOR and engineer understanding steam heat would like to get position of an apartment-house. AG 7:0. Oregonian. CHIEF engineer and machinist with flrst class references wants position. 600 Sal mon St. Phone Main .991. COLLECTOR will save you money on cur rent collections: referents and bond. Phone ClT93ddressAjrj792,Oregonlan. TO UNO man desires to work for room and board after school. Call or address H, D. B . 141 -th st. ; GOING to Chicago March 13. wish to per form services for part expenses; reference furnished. AE SIS. Oregonian. WANTED Position as floorman In gar age' responsible man of 30; good refer ence. AF 7S7. Oregonian. SITIATION" wanted by first-class chef, cook, all-around man or French pastry cook : references.. AC gS9, Oregonian. POSITION by man and wife and 2 boys on ranch, farm or camp; experienced; best references. PerryHltL Udall. Kan, TIMEKEEPER and checker In building op eration want position." K 7S4, Orego-nia-l. YOl'NO man wants work In private family aa chauffeur; had good experience. AK 817, Oregonian r x RPFNTER. cabinet-maker, competent to run Job. want steady Job. AM 818. Ore gonian. . YOL'NO man of good practical experience would like to hear suggestions regarding permanent position. K 819. Oregonian. Good butcher wishes position ln country town' an all-round steady, aaf man. Ad dress AB 732, Oregonian. YOCNO man want work of any kind. Call Main 6l'fl Sunday. VOL" NO Japanese boy wants short hour work from -: P M. AO 81. Oregonian. JAPANESE want steady-Job of any kind; speak English. J 824, Oregonian. SITUATION- WANTED FEMALE. keener and Stenographer. LADY bookkeeper and stenographer. ev eral years' experience, best references, wants employment, all day or afternoons. Address Bookkeeper, 491 Davl u Phone Main 5018. WANTED Position by competent youf lady stenographer. thoroughly familiar with detailed office work. Miss Sherman, Main issx STENOGRAPHER and private secretary. 15 years' experience, desires position; "!" leave city. Phone A 7227. AM 817, Ore gonian POSITION by young lady as Invoice or hilling clerk. understand stenography; 1 um ber preferred. A N 795. Oregonian. YOUNG lady would like position as cashier, assistant bookkeeper or office vvork. Ad dress E. B., 1178 Omaha ave. YOI'NO ladv. experienced stenographer, de sires position: salary not less than 10: can furnlah references. Phone Main 401-. COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper desires position, any line of business. J 7S7. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer desires work, substitute or permanenL - v 7SS, Ore gonian. . BRIGHT, energetic young lady wishes office work In doctor's or dentist's office pre ferred. AK 798, Oregonian. YOUNO woman of experience wishes posi tion ss bookkeeper or assistant. p 794, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desire position; references. A 5446, Main 276 CAPABLE young woman desires position as bookkeeper; 7 vears' experience in office work. Phone Main 1137. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer would like work to do evenings. G 813, Ore gonian. , A-l YOL'NO lady stenographer desires posi tion, with or without privilege of doing public work. A 7S. Oregonian. POSITION as bookkeeper or assistant in office by lady of experience who Is quick and accurate. T 790. Oregonian AN experienced young lady stenographer de sires permanent position: real estate office preferred. Phone Marshall 2S:!. , WANTED Public stenographer needs deak room: modern office, telephone. H 798. Oregonian. IS Y EDUCATED lady, clerical work at home: good penman. C 818. Oregonian. LADY wants position as stenographer; mod- erate salary. M a In 3 0 17, A 3017. Dreaamwkera. WANTED Charge of an alteration room . by woman wiih years of experience as forelady. Mrs. W. D., 250 12th t,. apart -ment 4'1S. VIENNA ladies' tsllor and dressmaking, suits strictly man-tailored, reasonable; work guaranteed. Corner 6th and Madi son. Main 3.V-2. A FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, living in Irv Ington. woula like engagements by the day, best of references. AB 816, Oregon ian. DRESSMAKING. 1717 Dwight St.; a thor oughly experienced dressmaker: satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone, Woodlawn. 52. DRESSM A KING, ladies' tailoring, auto bon nets and opera capes. Home A 1705. 475 Main st., Madame D. May. ON March-1st-w 'moveto 301-302 Selling bldg.. Sixth and Alder. I. Boubln. Elite Ladies' Tailor. DRESSMAKER wants engagements; A-l titter: tailor suit specialty. Main 2S87, A 3094. STYLISH dresses. 95 up; waists. 91.50 up; tine work. 520 East Mill. East 5258. DRESSMAKING, tailored suits and altera tion, done by day or week. Tabor 149H. DKESSMAKING Children's clothes a spe cialty. Phone East H.179. MENDING, darning, mothers' help, lew hours' work. A 79.1, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, fancy drosses and waists a specialty. 258 Ltth St. MENDING?-darning and plain sewing, by hour or day. Eaat 5059. DRESSMAKER from the East will go out. Phone evenings. Marshall 1795. PHONT? Rellwood 1278 for dressmaking at reasonable prlces. Cityreferences- GOOD dressmaker open for engagements; reasonable. Main HOP. Call No. 71. Nurses. A GOOD. kind, practical nurae wishes po sition as companion to Invalid or elderly couple: no objection to light house duties; city reference, $115 per month. Y 816, Oregonian. NURSING By lady with 25 years' experi ence; maternity preferred. Phone Tabor 145i). NURSE wishes engagement, maternity pre ferred; 18 years' experience dortor' office; reasonable. Main fiMls. FOR a kind, experienced nurae, call up Tabor '-'-30. ' LADY of experience wants baby to care for. Phone Tabor 1872. Housekeepers HONEST, respectable woman of 41 unen cumbered, neat and refined, wants light work as housekeeper In widower or bach elor's home, where I can have time to sew for myself; good home, small wages; no trlllers. O 799, Oregonian. NEAT, refined American woman, aged 41. unencumbered, wants position as house keeper for widower; small family; pleas ant home in preference to big waj.es ; city: give particulars. O 797. Oregonian. WIDOW, good houaekeeper and cook, wishes a position aa housekeeper for bachelor or widower, or take charge of a rooming house In city; best reference. T 793, Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants keep houae for widower, care of children, light wash ing: small pay; give best of references. Address Housekeeper, 411 4th Et. llione M.iln 72117. WIDOW, with child. 11 years of age. wishes position as housekeeper. In or near city; best references. Main 2227, A 3002. room 84. YOUNG widow wants situation widower's family In Portland or out: A-l cook and housekeeper; no objection to children. L 8o7, Oregonian. WANTEI) ln modern home, small family -Position a housekeeper, by refined woman, competent In every way; no small children. AL 817. Oregonian. REFINED, capable housekeeper, age 50. no family, highly respectable. Southern Ore gon preferred. Mrs. H. S. Sattlo, Ho qutam. WMh. GOOD housekeeper wishes position Hi small family where her son. 21. could room and board; reference exchanged. R 794. Ore gonian. A POSITION as houaekeeper for bachelor or widower by refined, middle-aged lady. AB 797. Oregonian. GOOD cook wishes situation: have had ex perience In small restaurant and sana torium. Phone East nnsi. room 1. CAPABLE woman with boy 4 desire house keeping, widower's family. St, Iouls Agency, om Wash, st. Main 20.19. RELIABLE Middle-aged woman wants w-ork as housekeeper; best reference East 5840. LADY with boy 1 year old. wishes a posi tion as housekeeper nr housework, not particular in ..-. ,t ........... LADY would Ilk position as housekeeper or take charge of apartment-house; best of reference. AK 7S0, Oregonlan. CAPABL15German woman to do housework ln family that understands German. Tot East Ah St. Phons E. 4S4. POSITION wanted aa housekeeper by widow with boy 9 year old. AM 815. Oregonian. GIRL from country wants place ln city to do general housework: small family. Address box 0. Portland. Or.. K. F. D. No. 2. YOUNO girl from the East wishes position In private family as chambermaid or wait ress Address A. N.. 2rt North 6th st. WANTED By an experienced cook, mun and wife, would prefer a camp. Address AL 81d, Oregonian. Miarellaneou. FIRST-GLASS hand laundry; starch work a specialty; lac curtain neatly done. Phone A4801 ; re. 750 Front. YOUNG woman wants day work; no wash ing: references. B 2538. xVjcTED Situation as second girL Ad- r'ess X 815, Oregonian. EDUCATED. energetic, bright girl. A-l saleswoman, wants work. Y 821. Oregonian I,acE curtain laundered: 30c a pair; called for and delivered. Marshall 1300. WOMAN want fine waist and lace curtain to launder. Phone M -816. QERMTN'lady wishes washing or sweeping; call East 3025 between 10 and 2. j)AY WORK, care of children afternoons. East 4596. WANTED Washing and house cleaning. Phone East 6039. room 10, WANTED Lace curtain to launder at home. Phone Main 4533. wo experienced women as first and second cooks, railroad camp preferred. East 275. yni'xo woman want day work. Main 36'-3. I inv from London and Pari, piano and French. (Class, t2.50. Main C47I. LADY' wishes day or Janltreas work. Phone A 7179. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants chamber work; experienced. Phon Eat 4o03. MISS EI.ISE ROLAND, formerly at the Waldorf-Astoria. New York, specialist in manicuring, facial and scalp treatment, halrdresslr.g and shampooing, will do work for ladies mornings and evenings at their homes: latest electrical appliances. Office. room 42. Y. W. C. A. Main 12Q. A 61H- WANTED Position as companion "r nur sery governess, by refined girl; will teach piano, etc. A pleasant home more de sired than high wages. AB 61 1. Ore gonlan. YOUNG married woman would like the management of apartments for small compensation and unfurnished apartment; best of references. T 818. Oregonian. NEAT, reliable girl will do light housework for room and board and small wages in Christian home; reference exchanged. A 94. Orepronian. WANTED Situation by lady to manage an apartment-house- References as to ability and other requirements desired can be i . jj i ir i oi nmnninn ljiwu. jxuurega pua i i i eo. w.a - YOUNG lady wsnts position from 8 to . Phone. Sellwood 954. Monday morning, from 9 to 12. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, crew of men. camp or ranch. Call Hansen s Ladles' Agency. 345 S Wash, st.. room 7. WANTED Position bv experienced ji tress. Call Mrs. Williams, phone A 2ssa. References. LADY with best references would assist with housework part day In exchange for board and room. T 791, Oregonian A GERMAN girl wishes position in general housework or second work in private fam ily. D 799. Oregonian. . NEAT-appearing young lady wishes position ln photograph studio. Address Miss Sa lami, general delivery, Arleta, Or. EXPERIENCED woman wants sweeping. cleaning and Ironing. Phone, East 4813, room 4 ll I MAKE a specialty of laundering fine lace. curtains. Work done at home; references. Marshall 1051. , EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of dav work, rhone Marshall 60. Mrs. Kerschner. K 821. Oregonian. GERMAN lady wishes washing and cleaning by day for Monday and Thursday, 2oc an hou r. Phone Bast 4749 mornl n se. LACE curtains laundered, called for. de livered. Work guaranteed; 40o pair. Phono Marshall 2137. CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c and up; called for and delivered. AJ 818, Ore gonian. COLORED lady wants work, first-class cook or chambermaid. Main 5908. WANTED Work by the day. Main 6195. 87 N. 7th at. WANTED Day' work. 35 N. Oth at Call Main 2434. EXPERIENCED woman, washing. Ironing, cleaning; full days. Phone A 4UH0, room 3. WASHING and Ironing here or there. Main 89"8- W ANTED AGENTS. SELL concentrated liquor extractB At once In every locality to sell "Zanol" concen trated extracts for making "liquor at home;" quick sales, large profits, enor mous demand; makes genuine article; saves consumer over 50 per cent; strictly legitimate, no Government or state li cense required; greatest agents' proposi tion offered; can carry goods in pocket, deliver as you sell; absolutely new to consumer; used by liquor dealers for years: write at once for free booklet on "Secrets of Making Liquor at Home." and our successful selling plans. Uni versal Import Co., 12 Pearl t., Cincinnati. Ohio. LADY' with or without experience can easily make a good, steady, growing In come selling the famous made-to-order Wright Formette and C. Y. C Corset. Customers are sure to repeat their orders. Exclusive territory. 100 per cent profit. Booklets and sales helps supplied. Write for terms. Wright Formette Co.. 151 West 3lith St., New York. BOYS and girls, do you want an elegant camera free? We will send you 24 pack ages of postal cards, sell them at 10c a package, return us the money. 92.40, and we will send you the camera complete. Write today. Sound Novelty Co.. Dept. A, Box 1244, Seattle. Wash. LIVE agentsThustlers. handle our attractive 1911 combination packages soap, toilet articles, valuable premiums; Michigan agent -made 905 in 47 hours, another 921 In 8 hours, another 922.50 in 10 hours. Write today. Davis Soap Works, Davis bldg.. 1425 Carroll ave.. Chicago. SOMETHING brand new; used by every wholesale hou.te; can't be without after trial; Dexter Fountain Marker; fountain pen for marking packages, cases; guar anteed forever; no competition: want hustler for Portland exclusive territory. M. Eckstone. 334 Dearborn. Chicago. III. AGENTS Sunlight at night; our incandes cent kerosene mantle burners fit all lamps; burn with or without mantle; ap peal to all using lamps. Prices defy com petition. Particulars free. Simplex Gos licht Co.. New Y'ork. LADIES take orders for "KLOSF1T" pet ticoats that fit like a glove; no draw strings: flexible hip gusset does the trick; moat popular artcle: goods return able. Write for Illustrated bulletins. James A. Mears. p,3 Warren jcL. New Y ork. YOU can make 910 day selling our new high grade Original Air Brush Design Show Cards to storekeepers. 350 varlotles, cata logue free, samples 10c. People's Show Card Concern, 776 W. Madison, Chicago, III. SIDELINE men find our line advertising Cans, memorandum books, pencils match safes, winners, novelties in fans; liberal commissions. Cinti. Cnl. & Nov. Co.. Cin cinnati. SELLS like hot cakes, big profits; new laundry blueing; perfumes clothes lasting violet perfume; nothing like It on mar ket; easv handled. M. B. R. Mfg. Co.. 121 Beard St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. YOU can make 9f9 as our general or locul airent; household necessity; saves 80 per cent; permanent business: ex.'luilve terri tory: salary or commission; freo sample, credit. Pitkin. Newark. N. J AGENTS WANTED Jloy and girl agents, sell 24 packages of cards for us ut lnc each and receive a complete camera free. Write today. Uncle Tom Supply Co., dept. 7. Pleasant Hill, III. SEND for free booklet. Inside information on agency business. Filled with money making plans; pointers and experience thousands successful agents. Address J. M. Finch. 1654 State street. Dayton. Ohio. BEND for free catalogue of Thomas Guar anteed hosiery lor men. women and chil dren: agents make 95 to 915 dally; free sample. Thomas Co.. 202S Finch bldg., Dayton, Ohio. MAN cleared 911S2. lady 9720. last six months, selling Holladay's Marvel Shoo Polish, self-shining, waterproof. Why not you - Write demonstrated sample. L. D. Hoiladay, 12-1 W. 31st. New York. OUR Lock Stitch Sowing Awl sells to farm ers, hsrnossmakers. cobblers and In home; sews like sewing machine. Can be car ried in pocket; get our sample. N. Soll mano. 1 428 Finch. Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS to handle biggest' money-making fire extinguishers. Special starting offer; exclusive territory. 975 to 9300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee. W Is. 1000.000 AGENTS wanted, fast seller, cost ing 5c. selling 50c; every firm needs; or ders to 950. Fostal brings samples Em bossed CO.. -nu---c- . ..--I, ELECTRIC cigar lighters, vending machines, all kinds: cigar box lid holder, price tags and holders. Send for circulars. Geo. Tennant. 1619 Westlake. Seattle. FREE to agents, "Hints." best agent's paper out- cannot afford to be without It. Send your name, address now. B. Y. Bowman, editor. 1427 Carroll ave.. Chicago. mILD up profitable chewing-gum busi ness sell bur brands to dealers, your town- four flavors, novel packages; write today. Helmet Co.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED Salesmen to sell the most com plete line of nursery stock In the North west: cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem, Or. ACIiVE canvassers can make 930 weeaiy elllng trees for th Oregon Nursery Com psny. Liberal propos.tlon; good territory. Address Orenco. Or. mrvTS for portraits, frames and art nov- elties; samples and catalogue free Ad- j dress N. M. rrieamau --"- tKju, Martlnsburg, Mo- AOFVTS'wanted for a staple article always Ir T use; quick sales, big profit. Send 10c for sample and terms. Sound Novelty Co., Dept. 4. Box 1244. Seattle. Wash. WANTED Agents. 7 cents profit each 10 ce'nt sale; best little article ever offered; sample for 3 cents In stamps. Rawllngs, box 945. St. Louis. GENERAL, special, by large old-line health, accident company: new, liberal, easy-selling policies; choice territory, big pay. Royal Casualty Co.. St. Louis. WF Day 936 a week ana expense to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year" contract. Imperial Mfg. Co..' Dept. 78, Parsons, Kan. nisTRICT managers. 9-l per week, ex penses, to appoint agents: steady work; pSrticulars free. Kaiser Mfg. Co., Chicago. VOT" can-know about the profits made sup plying perfumes to families. Address T-effler & Co.. St. Louis, Mo. AGEVTS wanted everywhere: commission from 50 cents up: men and women; terms to agents. 59, 288 8d st. LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for 91. Par ticulars. Gisha Company, Anderson, Ind. REVELATION, entirely new method of business. We carry stock: get Into profit able business with ever increasing Income. Large sules in every home; steady dupli cate orders: pleased customers recommend you to their friends; should net you In come of J75 week; one good man or wo man in each territory: Just send postal saying. "Send me terms and free sample Milton Mathews. 1027 Finch bldg.. Day ton. Ohio." WANTED TO RENT.- DESIRE to share office expenses and desk room with suitable party in business dis trict. Establishing manufacturers ?eii".. Will give and require references. Oregonian; n . . ATTORNEY, with small library. would share office with another attorney or business man: or desk room in law of fice; references. R 795. Jregonlan. WANTED - Desk room. W 822 Oregonian. House. WANTED To rent, on or before May 1. by tenant with no children, or 7-room modern house for at least 2 years: rent not to exceed $-10 per month: north ot East Ankenv. west of 21st and south of Hancock. Address H SI.'. Oregonian. WANTED A furnished house for two or three months of five or six rooms in Holladav. irvlnglon. Portland or TAillaiu ette Heights: family of three with refci -ences. Address Frank Nase. Portland Hotel. WANTED Completely furnished cottape. bungalow or flat. 4 to fl rooms; must be reasonable, ln walking distance; no chil dren: state ail in first letter. X 810. Oregonian. - - WANTED Modern 4. 5 or 6-room bun galow, flat, or cottage, furnished. Last Side preferred; no children; can give best of references; stato price, etc. W iS. Oregonian. ' WANTED Bv March 15. a 4 or 6-rooin furnished bungalow, all conveniences; location and description. AN S1J. Ore gonian. WANTED To rent 5-room furnished flat or bungalow: good location. East or West Side, 3 adults: state location and price. O 817. Oregonian. WANTED To r"nt by Mrch 15. 7 or 8 room unfurnished house in Sunnyslde: state rent and location in first letter. A.N 7:14. Oregjnian. YOL'NO couple wants, by March 5. 3 or 4 room furnished flat or apartment with sleeping porch. Reasonable rent. state location and prlce..j71JjrOrf .ontati. WANTED To rent, 7-room clean modern house: no flats, south West Side pre ferred. .Main 0750. forenoons. wXNTED To rent, modern furnished it room house. West Side. W 7SS. Orego nian. SIX-ROOM bungalow by April 1: on East Side; In answering give full description, location and terms. Y 789, Oregonian. WANTED -Like to rent small modern fur nished house or flat; no children. Mar shall 1J0. FURNISHED house or suite of rooms' wanted by couple. Nob Hill. Main 4-4H. between 9 and 11 A. M. WANTED To rent modern furnished or uii; furnished flat; adulis. West Side. . 79, Oregonian. -- EXPERIENCED couple desire care of nue home during absence of owner; references. Y 815. OreKoniiin. WANTED To renl small furnished house with place for garden and chickens. c carfare. AE 810, Oregonian. WILL rent five or six-room cottage or liou-e East Side. Hoiladay. Irvtngton or PiihI niont. Address AH 71'!'. tiregonlnn. WANTED soon, for year or more. 5-room modern bungalow. Marshall 2040- COUPLE want 5-room modern cottage, not over 915. T 70S, Oregonian. WANT to rent a small cottage, cloa In. C 819, Oregonian. Apart menta. WANT ground floor apartment, private en trance with good sixed room, suitable for real estate office: West Side, south of Washington, preferred. Y S17. Oregonian. WANT to rent a large apartment-house or rooming-house, furnished or unfurnished; will give best references. AU 787, ore gonian. Boom. YOUNG Scotch gentleman wants comfort able, cheeriul loom, suuth-rn exposure; breakfust. with strictly privnte fiimii). West Side. Closet, electric light, steam heat. Others need not waste their time an swerlng. AE 817, Oregonian. WANTED t roonjs and kitchen, with gas range in prlval family, lower floor; must be nice; East Side preferred. S 811, Orc 'gonian. . WANTED Two or three, vacant rooms with in six blocks of 11th and Montgomery. AE 796, Oregonian. TWO furnished front rooms lu Sunnysido. prefer young couple employed. E 796, Ore gonian. ' WANTED to rent, 1 or 2 furnished house keeping rooms. Close In. B 816. Ore gonian . LADY and gent wish 2 housekeeping rooms, walking distance P. O.; state price. G 789. Oregon tan. , Rooms With Board. YOUNG man accustomed to the best wanta room and hoard In private, home with all modern convenience and Pacific phone, within walking distance of United Hall ways, on West Side; no boarding-houses. AD 819. Oregonian. ' YOUNG-lady, employed, wants mom and hoard, in private Catholic family In St. Mary's Cathedral parish: must be within walking distanco of Portuffiee. AG '. Oregonian. LADY' in city for medical treatment would like room and board and soml-piofessioniil nuiso attention with respec.tnble private family in reasonable distance. Art i.w. tMgonlan . . YOUNG business man of good character wants room and two mouls in private family In Irvlngton: homo life wanted with refined surroundings. AN 79i, ore-gonlan.-. . REFINED young couple desire room and ".board in private family Ma.-h 1: lutely no hoarding-house: reasonable, west Side or Irvlngton. F 821. Otegur.ian. YOUNG traveling man wauls desirable room, breakfast and dinner, private fam ily or first-class boarding-house; VAesl Side; references. G BIT, Oregonian YOI'NO man wants room and board 1 2 meals) in private family on West side; state price and phone number. L Oregonian. ROOMS and board In private fnmlly: dou ble room with running water; single room; or connecting rooms for 3 or 4 young men. Good home cooking. 551 Taylor st. WANTED Refined young man desires room end board ln private home with bom. privileges, near Multnomah Club. AF 814, Oregonian. WANTED Two nicely furnished rooms with board, in good locality, by mother and son. Will pay well for good accom modatlons. AK 815. Oregonian. WANT room and board, man and 7-year-old girl where there are no small children. Terms. F 8!2. Oregonia WANTED Home for refined girl of 4. dur ing day; vicinity of Washington and Grand ave. Call 428 E. Yamhill St. WANTED By couple employed, room and board In private family, close in. modern, reasonable. F 820. Oregonian. YOUNG lady employed desires room and board- must be central and modern; ref erences. AE 791. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board by two young ladles employed during day; must be rea sonable. Phone Main 71 Monday. YOUNG lady, employed, wishes room and board. All o-i. b"- " YOUNG man wants board within walking distance Union Station. N 799. Oregonian. WANTED-Board and room for widow; must be rea-onabic. Phone E. 4831. Business Places. WANTED By reliable carpenter and jobber, a small building for shop with room tn . store lumber etc.. close in on elt htr .W. of river Call or write O. P. Bliss. 322 n stark St.. room 30. Phone Main 9017. WANTED Window space for demonstra tion purposes, household and kitchen ar tlcles. D 789. Oregonian. OFFICE wanted, want office spate in good building. N 795, Oregonian. FOB KKM. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts i of th city; save you money, time, trouble. Lit ill lo cate you, 2o8V Wasnlngton at- R. 30i Marshall 2189. A 5243. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MiL-NER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL REASONABLS. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very 6uitabls for gentlemen. Kamm bl'Jg. 1st and Pine. . Furnished Booms. TBE HAZEL Nlcels furaiahed, steam heat, running water. 3d and Montgomery. FOR RENT Swell front suite. 715 John son. THE DORMER. 283 13th. corner Jefferson. Steam heated room, very homelike. NICELY" furnished rooms; heat, phone. 92 and up per week- 328 4th st.