The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 26, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 22

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    FEBRUARY 26,
I 111. 1 ) .1 1 .A 1 J It 1UU1 JLl -KS M., M. .--- - '
O . . . :
ftr fT T .. I - - I . -
.y.Lz y-y. - 1- k.-. .rm.. K.r .,-
V :re all In f:n alal of mltlM
tl" ar.d h-tt I r- good
n-rl new. locate Salem ',''0J
Ite-V. and right at elation; fully juli.rerl
..-ek. to"'.a cd mfl"nt. ".
1M goe. $1-'. I'm " f.ri. i
la on. of tn moat f.rm. IB
Tirarra 15" of aama be trig In 1rt
... if rui.iV.ti-. .r.u 'm;;
of all kind 1 f'na cowe and .11
t tooie nd ImplemeBts: ".'
moe-T alter: orif ! V" acr. i
v.rrthlna lucl'ided. . -
14 acres: flna building Storked B"d
oul.r-.t In e-r way nd right el
7? i,,,l.,d; I inl.nt accept : .
4 houa. .4 lot la "1",,-e.r
11 S -1 building d orrhera
IM be",..: (h !e la ."H'l
ia-id and barsalB. P""
'"" "acre.: flna reentry hem Ibb ta
po, .land, nle. or-hard. windmill o. ple.
Irti-rti; .ma o. part. .
I.-.. e.r.: .11 In roPlvllnti. nd J
flu. trfx: price only $123 Pr
I. I. fuli (-aipr-l. r.ty lo go ah.d
" I.rr-.: Blmo-t In PortLnd. rl to
carllne. Und I tn. beat .nd In fin. I
.f cultivation Thl. la alup'r n Ideal
torn. Ion rnl find a better or P"-t-t..r th buiMimi '
J-r o a-amlse.. pnc. loo. tlm.
""ifTou trm of nr . ' '
c.tlon. I. wilt b- worth Jtour lima In rail
or wrll- m. I n.v. avpertrnced J
rompe.ent man In tha country .11 !
tin.. l".-l."t I". be
S!J rtvamhar rommrrfr. rort'anl. or
4 .rr-a of nm-rlan Und. .hoot so
.-r un.l.r rul-n.-lon. rr. m orrh-
7unnln, .nroucl l.nd .nd lh. "-;""
par bt. -on r."nah;a I'rma.
lO crr. of cl-ar-d Und. partlT lm-pr-"
.-I on ML H-od crlln rlo-a In.
lr,- -o jr arrr. on, larnu. Fin. !
"irirM of -r,,-rUM Und. -r, h.Jf
, ,tr Th.a can oa bad for p
It .cr.a of d Und for pl.ttln. 1
r.iad . f-w mmulm' .:. fora '
Wr.. I'ortl.nd. Kull Inform.tlon at -r'-
12 artaa o( ood bottom Und. runnlnc
w.tar d n-.proamnta and aoout lia r
rlarl. loc.ta.l on l aia-lrro rl-rtrlc Una.
al jrr.nln.a .tath.n. Thia la . awall littl.
rmnrh .nd r.B ba had for P TT.
on raaaonaMa trrnifc ABT of tbaaw l
rar Inv-ria.ion.
4 E. AlJ-r tt.
its rr.n are.
i;." arrr. n.r llraah.m. north .Ida of
randr. nf hotua, ood oam. two prln.
rt-.llrnt w.lrr. ) rr. clr.rr.1. .11 Bn
land, lira on .ood road, aaar Mini and
iarnail farm U&ca In ixrhul.
CJ .rrr. nrar .Irrah.m. and Mt. II".
rai'ro.d pafin P'.rr; lij-rtyim houaa. a...
aiplo frra. ! T'.r. olrl. 7. mom pl.ntad
laat ra.r itrawlxrll tlmnthr hnT mr.d
ow. 14 .rra. cleared. 11 acrr. .tump pa
turc; lirml
W. rhotra llat of farm, naar Port
land; com. In and look tbem over.
HO ar-.r. In tha beautiful Tu.l.tln V.l-1-5
rar th n'W town f North Pl.lna:
.i rulla from Portland b eiarlrlr ilna.
with ran runnlnc avarr I w hour.: nw
liiinr. houae. barn, and all .tor. and
.Tipronient; 13 arrra un.lar ruitlvatlon.
.c-e. m"r alaahad and In paatura;
balar g-ryl tlmn.. wltb .bondanc. of market f-r .nd
tr rohonr plra. .nd .lao bop poata; .11
.l M' k muli. pla.-o la all re.djr to re
onto .nd to rinln. m"ner. Will p.y
for l:aa.f. Krrtbln Ucludin.
.-am. wa.on. and all farm Impie rwfc 3 helfrr.. bo.a. rhtcken..
at,-. Runnlnc water, imlr Pr .-re.
o l-rnia. To are It mean, tnat you will
b iT It-
HixrWX. &J9 Chambor of Commrrra.
W mcT'w Improved farmlnt Und. SI1.
o a'-rea. Improved, r w4 build. n. a. ."K
ao arret. Imyiementa. aoma atcH-k. $lftai.
arrea. at depot. lot. of wood. $laai.
a.-re. 1 mile, from Hcd Klult. l-U.
Iu ..-rea. Id n.lle. from town. tit,
too arrr a. 2 nillo from H. 1L .tatlon.
t acre, hoc raneh. partly fenced,
4. arrea. Irrlratad. fre. water. fSiXW.
.rr-a. rhh-kea r.nrh. bulldinr. $t-d.
II ..-rea. Irrla.ted. fruit, build ln.
a-i ar-rea. .rain land, cloaa In. $TaiK
It. arrea. free water. 11IOU.
lo arras. lrrlled. bulltlln.a. el-S
J" .'-r'-a, lrri.wte.1. bulldlnc. $JIld.
. arrea. Irric tle1. betnjf atibdlvklal.
;et our Hat. K. Herbert IV Col. K4
PlufT. Tenam. Co.. fallfornlfc
rtlverb.ttom land.
T 4 or ht .--re not overflow Und. H
ritta from ralin.d. and H ml W from
tin of Marlon. 1 ml lea from Fai.-m. Thia
I. potato, pcarru alfalfa and onion land.
1ra rreek year round; partly c 1 eared.
lAl.nro easy. H raai.
an .rre. all rleard and plowed, food
bittN inn. windmill. .t K-k. m.rntnrr :
riEM on railrikad. 4 mil. from klara-n.
ll. per irr.. Atl level bottom, sandy
I m aoit. I bona lo4 Farmers, 1L lira
fa. m. lartun. lrrtnn. Owner
- re firm lon of the rery beat In
Lynn Co.. near Aib.oy; will at.nd cloaa
liO-ACia: FARM
IN T AM HI 1.1. .
near Newbers: One fruit and bop land.
K. .ere. of timber and graxlnc laad la
K amath. Or. All or any of th. abovs
t-t-tus ran be purchased at price,
and co. i irrni lntulre .1 2vJ bt.rk
at. l-hon. A M. SHI.
" coTNTRT linjIK.
I arret, within 4 mile, of V.nroavar
f..rrv. and 11 mltea from Portland, on
ca-line. within lrtrt feet of th. atatlon, fair
bou.e and email bam. rood well, on
county road. A acre. In cultivation, fenced.
a-o.d .711. no ro.: k or vravel. land all
around thia seltln. for mor. money; must
be atld .hi. month: prlca foUOO.
caah. balanr. aaay terma.
4o Washlncttm otreal.
Vnnna. l .nd 11. V.nrouver. W..h.
iiOMK .; Hl W VS.
a. a r-t, .t.d house and bam. fenced,
n-ar rli.Hl; prlw -.o. term.
;..t arrea tine land. 14 mile, from Port -Unit,
near electric car; gimtl bulldln... all
at.taked: price. $173 per aTe. terma.
l4 at:re. rtne aoil. .11 l.v.l. c.n bo
Irrisated br ditch; 4 mile, to creamery
.nd sawmill: pnee. $ : per acre, terma.
!1 Hoard of Trad. Hldr.
1 ;o arrea. all cleared but 10 .rrea tim
ber, only S m 1 Ira from vockI town; stock
roe. firat-claa.. for a quick aale. u3 per
tar. re in a.nta.
-1J Oecllncer bio.
12 acres rtrat-rlaaa land, all undir cul
tivation, well improved, on electric cr
ime .nd coun.v ro..l: .11 stock .nd Impie
menta .o. This t. only 4 minute out on
r' .rtc line and a bic snap at 4Mo. on
To .-t. o4 E. A'.drr l.
f.i 44-104 ACRES.
fin be dt.Ued into 4 f.rma: $;(.44f
p-rflt by so dome: coat f:J. ;1. $9404 cMh.
balarra 4 per cent: fully e4 cash Items
w :.i farm: in livestock t;4: Implementa.
fee!. tt;n. lve. Phon. East 1 7 I
1A1IHII.L i'iH'.NTY If ou want an up-
t--tte dalrv farm, close to town and
t-an:ortat:n an.1 Portland, addreea Ihla
oarer. Lnioo ait. North, room. S and
4. I'.rtland. -r.
o ranch. -l'. bouae. frame bant,
family or.-har.l. atrvam. aprinca. half tun--T.
e.:eilent .oil. near rttation. school,
ri'.irrh. store; rural delivery: acrept lot
T.rt rarmenr. .wner. .M t;r.nd. North.
4 A" III'' Tll amook dairy or stock farm:
w.M sell all or part from $12 to S-i an
arre. aortItnK to Im ;rt.vements. Address
..ener. IK t'a.klns. 0-S Market St.. Port-
Un.I. r
2 l want food humealaad? I .tn lo
cating . crowd; h.vo room for faw more;
I'wM fruit countrv. .a well .s renaral
t-.-rntr.. also avma drv farmer 1:4 .ere.
for bomrateada. AJ li. tirrrnnltn.
lr" vol are n..tir tor one of the beat farms
In the i.lmetta Valley. Inuulre of
CT;l.i"K Ml KI.LHAl PT.
r.'.2 l.'litmler of I'nmm.rrt,
f A RI'J of Und. 2 mile, from Mt. Hood
eiectrlc line. 2i mi. from I'ortl.nd.
, Improvements; prlc. IA.K. .-.H OUT
-1-at .t. a
fi A''KE.-I cood prairie land In Altvrrla.
mile, from l.lodminater: reasondbl.
.arms For prtl. u, i ra, owner. C. V. tA.l
laaaa, iai laaTU ak. Vaawivar, At. C
) . K 4 rlt IS V a bave farm. In every
rountv In this at:fta .nd W.ahln.lon. from
1 10 lota. acre. V a srend a .real deal of
mone. time and evperienro to aret theaa
frnia listed at th. prlco. Le( u.
show y.01 we have some real barffalna.
417 Hoard of Tra-le
Join .rrea In V.lley. 1?".
.rrea In cul.lyatlnn. ei acre. In paaturo.
.tee acre, in arood milllnc tlmlr; cmh!
btilldlnss. planty of w.ier. kmI soil Tor
apple, and w.lnut fenced on all aide
4 mile, from- town .nd railroad; prii.
4-o per aero, sood terms.
STKI .crew 1 mil. from rl.y of Toon
population. oOO acre. In eul.lva.lon. .ood
walnut or apple land: you ran milt In a
few years fliXl.ruM) from this place; It Is
a splendid Investment, prlc. -- par aero;
T"l0 acre. In V.lley In 00a
of 1 ha rleheat valley. In th. at. la. 2m0
.era. flna alfalfa land, all fenced, un
limited out.ida ran.e. tha beat of .oil:
thl. is one of tha beat stork propositions
th.t we have; prlc Ill per acrti th.
beat of t erma.
Anon arrea. IftoO .rrea alfalfa Und. rood
buildings, latft sprlnr that will water
Mimi sheep 4h. year round. creek
through pi.'- 40 head of h or era. cow
farming Implements, prlc. ;J per aero;
flo.ouo will handle.
SM acrta, thl. I. on. of th. beat stork
ranches In Central Oragon. t sets of
house, and barna. all farm machinery,
thl. la a good place for colony: prlc. $13.
ona-tblrd caah. balance long tlm
TV. many .m.ll farms In different
part, of the stole, m.ny tract, la th.
famous flood Klver country wnoro io-j
grow apple, that art known th. world
KAM. READ aV -0..
114 Hoard of Trad
la the rtwevhutee V.lley. Central
Oregon, are soma of th. moat far. He
Unda In th. elate. Many thouaand
arret of thaa. lands ar. now vnurr
Irrigation and producing Urge crop
other thousands of acres are rapid
ly being put und.r Irrlg.ti'in.
title, to. to 10 acre, of thl. Und
free. If yoo will, within threw year
Improv. part of It. llv. on It three
month and pay (In e.ey In.tail
mentel your .h.r. of the c St of th.
Irrigation eyetem. Centra Oregon Ir
rlg.UoB Co.. 41$ Railway Ex. Hldg
Portland. Oregon.
40 .ere baalda .i-re. lenaed for
three eara; tine house, two bam good
Improvements: about $'.1000 worth of alne
lo.-k; river runs through place. Irlc. for
quirk gal. I -".'.. on counl road.
4H mile. bordering on North I'mpcju.
River; l.'a. arrro fine alfalfa Ian. I, coyote
proof f. nee. slmoat unlimited outside
r.nre: tine climate, excellent soil for anv
purp.e: tbl. I. one of tha beet buye In
Oregon at prlc. of per acre; lo year,
to p.ty for It; blueprint, .nd deecrlptton
.t offlc..
H40O .ere ?r acre, alfalfa land, on
John Pay River: good outside ranire; ."
bead of cattl 30 horse govd Vul.dlna
Implements lo run place: In fact, every
thing Included teacpt aheap, which will
be .old at mark.t price! at prlc. of per
acre. 1-S rash, ba'snce lo Trar
ZIMMERMAN. 810 Hoard of Trade bltlg.
that you ran
during tb. dry ramrr. ao you ran dou
blo or treble your yields" If so. get In
on th. ground floor of our Willamette
, Valley Irrigated Und in Marlon Co.. . K.
of Salem. . . . .
Flrat come first .ery.d. Apply at farm
Und department of
Chamber of Commerce illdg..
at our Tiranrh Office
on tbe Ground,
Tha greatest opportunity 10 the home
aeeker untpir at y. offer th.
C.ra). Harbor dlatrtrt. where land tan
be bought from 113 to l'i per acre on
very ea.y term within to mile,
from Aberdeen .nd HoquUm. two of
the moat promlalng rllle. In th. world.
Th. wll Is rlrh and free from gravel,
never overflow abundance of atcr
durUig Summer month Over So fnml
llee are now located on the t.nd still
-H .ere. to Mlect from. Po not wait
till Pprlnc. when th. demand for land
will b. at It. height; .elect your u.ct
before tb. rueh. Ituy now while the
price I. low .nd eeleitton good. Local
condition, .re very f.vor.hle to tha
humeeeeker In every reaped .nd eactly
as represented. I not be under the Im
preaelon that t"e land V Kr because It
Is cheap; convince yourself. For further
Information apply to Waahlngloo, Stat.
Col'.r.lratl'.n C-.ttipanv. Aberdeen. -Wash.
$40 to T3 PEK ACRB
Tb. .tate of Victor!.. Australia. Invites
you and offer, bona fide settler, ready
mad. Irrlcaled farm, la the fertile lioi.e
bura V.lley. FiDPSt 0f cllui.te Hike tliat
of C.IIfornl.). tiwned by the alnte and
gold direct to eettler. $41 lo $73 per acre In 31 S ye.r W.ter cheap and
abundant. Slate own. the rallw. Fin.
ni.rkct Fu.leat of Information cua b.
obt.lneed by .ddreaaTng
THE PE'li-jriAR CO..
lol Oak St.. Portland. Or
Agent, for the lind Dept.. btata of
40 acre, splendid anil. ! mile, east of
the city limit unimproved but on . good
road and not far from Ml Hood Electric
$luv par acre, part cash.
14 4.V i'-res. $.173 per acre, on fine road,
running w.ter .nd 12 acre. In cultivation,
part caah and term
40 acre, on tb. river at Newberg ferry.
IS mile, from Newberg. bonie. barn,
running creek, 30 acre. In cultivation.
$3uo0. half cash.
Room 817 l.ea la Hldr
ao acrr :.0 bottom. I.IOIM).
.0 acre &OO0 cord, of wood. $ Ham.
Call In and see us tor a firsl-claaa farm
for little money.
213 Gerltnger bide.
2d and Alder si a.
S12.non: 5 do .ere 1-3 : 11 mile,
from Red Hluff: nopul.ilon 4x-: c.ll
fornla; .ere. river bottom
land, cleared; lt0 acre, upland, cleared;
13 .ere. bottom Und In slfelfa. 20H .ere.
5ood pasture Und: 2-atory frame houa
bams, gran.rv .nd outhulldlnga.
merto Valley Real Estat. Co.. IJoa 1-2,
Red Rluff. CaL
14T acrra In ljnroln County, sandy loam
eoll. family orchard: good 7 -room house
and furn'ture: a barn and some hay. out
house; . mil to school: II cow regis
tered bull. 2 "ae mare hog hen etc..
wagon plow, mower and toils. $:nxi0
cash. baUnce A per cent. Ttlaledell. Shnup
4Y p'alv. 313 Railway Exchange.
A. I am forced to raise money In the
rtlt 34 dava will aell my 164 acres In
Clark County al much less than ftctti.l
value: 5 acre cleared: S-room houtv,
fair orchard, runnins; w.ter; 4 mile, to
railroad: price, $34 per acre: term C.tll
Fellwood 14.
1 OO acre. In all. 42 acres In hop 10
acr. of be.verdam: line building dry
kiln and all Implementa. all go for $113
par acr.
82elS Washington si., room 31.1.
10O SHALL FARM. In T.mhlll County; fair
terms: we h.v. mm. apect.l b.riralna. Call
at our office and we will give ou full
Information In regard to farm, suitable for
frultralslng. nut culture, dairying and di
versified fa.rmlng: price from $12 per am
up. 3O0 Spalding bldr.
A-SNAP eld .are. Tor $; far bouse
ml 1 good b.rn; 8o acres level Und. a
nice stream of water running through
place, best stock .nd d.lry ranch on tho
Coast; 3 miles from rail and water trans
portation. Christopher aV Toledo,
Or. .
ACRES, beat fruit .r.d dairy ranch In
Columbl. County, erdendld buiidlnr live
etock .nd fruit dryer- 42 mllea from Port
hnd. on ml from depot; lint view, goot
county road: bargain: $3ie per acr terms.
Li. X. Gerda iioaitoB. tva. y
vor WANT
17 acres In 7-yc.r-old commercial ap
ple ort hard. 1 acre 7-year-ohl pcache 12
acre. 3 .nd 7-yenr-old English walnuts.
2 acre. In old apple orchard mostly top
grafted 10 Newton l:t acre. 1-ye.r-old
llartlett and Comic. er 10 acres 1 -year-old
commercial apple orchard. J
acr. Loganboriie 2 acre, strawberries. SO
acre, la pasture and small oak tlmtier.
bill a nee In oats and vetch planted last
Fall. Orchard and place In best possible
Good 11-room houa w.ler system, all
necessary building
Thia farm Is a good Income property,
located on th. Southern IMclflc. on good
county roads, best of soil, m.gnlflcont
view, surrounded by bearing orcrmrds. de
pot and school a few rods from houso.
If thia place Is too Urge we can help
you au several tract, at advanced flgur
price of this choice property $173 per
acre. $7eo caah. easv term, on the bal
ance. Will consider $"e0 In good Port
land property along with a raali payment.
332-3:im Chamber 0 Commcrc
lio acres of No. 1 soil. p.rt hill .nd
part bottom land: aomo good timber, ntc.
creek, best of fruit .nd farm Und; good
house. Urg. fr.m. bau-n: .djoln. a llv.
railroad town of about 40 people; thl. Is
an extr. good buy nrirt . money-ma ker.
Fin. location near Portland. Prlc. only
$ per acre; terms; will double In value
wlthla 2 year
40l acres, only 1 miles from Hllla
boro. 20 miles from Portland, well Im
proved, best of soli, no waste, lays fine,
pew houae, barn, fenced: prlc. $'J3u0;
I J NM cash, balance long time.
44 4 acres, 40 acre, cleared, id acre. In
crop. 1 .ere orch.rd. plenty of berrle
beat of .oil: lays smooth l beat of condl
dition; good house, bam: only 13 miles
from Portland. 2 miles from Oregon
Electric. 2 miles from United Railroad;
price $n."oo; term
Room 3. Washington bltlg.
CLACKAMAS County farm: acres: SO
acres clear: new barn and house; flrsi
class condition: spring water, no rock. 3
miles from Oregon City; II0.0HO; part
caah. terms on bulnnce.
Also ll-room house .nd SOilnO lot In
Albtna to etchango for land or vacant
Iota: prlc. $3tM).
Also vacant lot. adjoining .It. of Reed
Instituto: average ..iHt; terms.
Also Clackamas County timber claim
on Clackamas River; ::c"0.
Also timber claim. Trinity County, taL.
t 100.
Also timber claim In Josephine County.
Or.; Ilixai.
Both phone Oregon City. Or.
About 17 miles southwest of Portland In
the famous Tualatin Valley on gcholl.
Ferry Road. About o' acres In high state
of cultivation, crop all In. place Is well
fenced and croea-fenccd and Und Me.
moil. Excellent aoll. no rock or gravel. spring water and well with wind
mill. Good S-room. celled .nd well pa
pered house, lame barn and other out
buildings: 2 acres In bearing orchard: new
apray outfit. Price $'.HH. Including all
farming machinery. Rulldlnga alone worth
over $.'.ihhj. Will take $4imH( cash, or less.
If necessarr. baloncr. years at it per
cent. A verr fine farm and . burg.ln.
323 Lumlier Exchange.
Can be divided.
113 acre 17 miles from Portland, near
R. It., mil. to g.M town, loo acre,
all cleared in cultivation, good ro.ds.
-room nlsstere.l Jiouso. big b.rn. silo, good
orchard 3 good horses. II dairy cows. U
lalve soo chirk 7 hogs, all Implements,
all houeahold furniture.
Will sell fvo acres with all personal
property for 10.yo": or will sell whole
farm for $1T.00K. Term "Sc. us for
Hoard of Trade bide.
1113 an acr. for 110 acres. Including
Improvement stock .nd Implements, only
2 miles from I'ortl.nd In Willamette
Vsllev. 3 arre. under cultivation, finest
of soil. H acres slashed, bal. fine. Urge
fir and cedar timber. 80 acres fenced.
Has good H-room house, Urg new barn.
family orch.rd. granary ano omer ou....-
Inga Price ItO.i'.oO. worth su.otm
caah handles, bal. long time at
6 per
C'nt" C. F. PFLIGER ft CO.
Suite 6, JIulkev bblg.. 2d and Morrison.
Established lbw.
. Ready to move onto; 40 acres, about IT
mile, from Portland, adjoins good town;
30 acre, cleared, fine o-room house, large
barn nnd other buildings: family orchard;
price Includes horses, cow. iks. chickens,
wagon. buy nd hurne. nd nl I too I
Price l-Hl!). terms $.".kmi biiUnco to
suit st 11 per cent lniere.t.
Also other good bargains In Sherwood
421-422 Chamber of 'ommercbldg.
21-acre farm, on 1'nlt'd Railway.
$oo. ,
Fine level land. W mile from Orovelnnd
station. 13 acres In cultivation, balance in
timber: lair 4-room houae. gootl barn,
clos. to ihurch and echoola; beautiful sec
tion of country; platted acreage selling
around this place for I13U per acre, t-ome
quick If you want a bargain.
Se. us for farnis. " Powell.
Hoard of Trade 1 Idg.
$2300 CASH
Th. best equipped chicken rsnch la
Multnomah County. Just outsld. city lim
it., on c.rllne, with cheap lare and cheap
'"That" means everything In tb. chicken
bualnea . . . .
Fine dwelling-house and slock of chlck-
""" J. O. ItOVVTREK.
Railway Excliang Bldg.
1" acres lo mile, out on Forest Orors
Electric, all In cultivation, family orchard,
good houae. barn, fine chlcketi-house: 1
horse, wagon, and liarnee 2 cows. 1
pig 100 chickens; all farming Implements:
this place 1. .11 ready for Spring crop.
nd on of the nicest places In Oregon;
prlc. $4l per .ere: term
.....r. 1 1 L' 1 ! 1 .
11 AN P. READ CO.,
31t Board of Trade.
$7t per .ere.
e-v acres lo In cultivation, close to
good V.lley town .nd R. H.. 3 good
'reek lo-.cre orchard. 10-room good
houte, good big barn. 12 head of dairy
stock 4 horses, 34 hogs, all Implements
necessary: all household goods; aomo
terms . "See us for farms."
Board of Trad.
3"0 .cres. V. acre, under ditch, 33 acres
In alfalfa. 20" acres wheat Und. In culti
vation fine orchard. 7-room house, barn
and other buildings: fenced and cross
fenced' price onlv $IiH: owner unable
10 work; must sell; half cash required; a
great snap.
A Backus. M Board of Trad bldg.
100 acres: .11 In crop, good buiidlnr
en good gravel road, i'j miles from good
town, on railroad: near milk condenser,
onlv 45 miles from Portland The) lnd
Is rich deep soil, produces heavily. TM
nrtc. Is l"i per sere. Let tis show you.
price Kt-ACHREST.
32(1 Railway Exchange Bldg:
412 acres two miles from Vina. California.
.11 under Irrigation; black loam soil;
23 Oiio peach and almond trees, all bearing-
H'J acres alfalfa, rt cuttings a yer-T Is
not' uncommon. year crop sold for
over ilu.msi. Will dltpos of half or all
on long' time: price $i:.i acre. POST OK
yiCE HQX 732.Rcd Bluff. Cal.
40-acre faini. 13 acre. In cultlv.tlon. bal
ance pasture and some line timber; only ?i
mile from railroad town and o0 miles from
Portland- ba 7-room house barn, orchard
nd price only $23tu: will arrange terms.
Will also sell the stock and farm Imple
ments cheap If wanted. Western Land Co.,
24S Stark el. .
IO acre near Bcaverton: all under cul
tivation: family orchard. good house,
barn, ple.ity water; Portland residence as
part exchange.
BIS Lumbermen'bldg. '
80 ACRES of splendid farm .nd fruit Und.
14 miles frum Portland. mile from
electric line, I am owner of this farm
and will sell at . bargain. 002 Buchanan
bldg. Phone Main tii'vl.
2i ACRES, fenced, level and highly culti
vated on. mile from electric Una .nd ne.r
Portland. Soil I especially adapted to
fruit cultivation. Price $130 per acr
half cash. Owner. 403 Rnthchlld bldg.
49 ACRES of splendid land, 10 acre, cleared,
about 10 more In stumps, balance In oak.
.t Paytnn. Or., for $." an acr. to the
man Who will go down .nd sell It to
himself. Owner. C SilOOregonUn.
A RvROAIN acres. IJnn County. oO
under cultivation: a good 7-room house
and b.rn. For further particular, phone
Martha II 134.
FfMl RENT Firm near Beaverton. Cal at
fltl park, corner of Aaktn". on Saturday
and gundry only.
FAR "VS. orch.rd tracts, gf d assortment,
a, viraaon l armi Co.. 411 iiolhchUd bldg.
20 seres of fin land, 14 acres under
cultivation, good 6-room house, painted
Inalde and out: good barn, chicken-house
and otliep outbuildings; ramliy orcnara
of assorted fruit CHERRIES, APPLES.
PEAKS nnd all sorts of berrle; land
all lies fine; on good road, close to
school and electrlo line: some personal
property. This place Is only I'J miles
from Portland. 3 miles from Vancouver,
In a good locality. sickness reason for
selling. If you want tnis place, sea ua,
for It Is cheap and must ba sold. Prlco
only $2u0; term
All under cultlv.tlon. 0 acres of fine
orchsrd of assorted rrults In run bearing,
plenty of good wood to last for 2 yearn;
.11 fenced and cross-fenced: good 7-room
house, good barn 2lx:). all other build
ings: good well: 1 mile to railroad, store,
church, etc. This place Is on a good
road. 2 miles from electric line. In a very
pretty valley. 13 mllee from Portland. Ab
solutely on. or tne rinest lime larina on
th. m.rket. Price $0000; term
2V1 Rnthchlld bldg.. Portland, Or., bet.
4th and Ath on Washington St.: 6th and
Main st, Vancouver, Wash.
m:i acres only miles from good llv.
town and r.tlw.y. only 21 miles irom
Portland In th. very richest section of
the Willamette Valley: 33 acre. In high
t.te of cultlv.tlon; lo more acre, ready
to plow, balance In .landing timber .nd
paature. easily cleared; running water: no
waste land, no rock no gravel. Good
family orchard, fair house and barn, .not
very old; 12 acre. In hops, good double
drver hoo kiln and storeroom. This Is
a wonderfully good buy and cannot be
beat at in. prlc i nina or 11: vmj
7.-.d0 with term Better let us toll you
more about 11.
332-S.lH Chamber of Commerc
Elegant nursery and hothouse proposi
tion. In good live town on N. P. R. R-. 22
miles from Portland. t mile from ta..
and 2 mllea from boat landing; 3 acres,
mostly beaverdam. 2 acres cleared, has
good house, hothouse, slxe 37x110: 50 hot
bed frames, running water, 2 ft. deep all
year round. moo ft. of piping; private
waterworks. Iihmi 2-year-old rose bushes.
200 holly trees and 50 cords of wood all
cut. Price only J2.'.no. worth $3300; 13u0
cash, balance mortgage at 0 per cent.
For further particulars regarding tha
above snap call on.
C. V. PFI.l'GER CO..
Suite 3. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison,
40 acres In Willamette Valley, close lo
Portland. mile 10 IL H. station, 7 acres
In bearing prunca. 4 acres In bearing ap
ples, raspberries und strawberries. Good
garden. Running water all year round. H-
i-oom hnus barn, two nen-notises. ah
stock hoi-a,.a cow. 150 chickens, feed.
utenall This goes cheap to the first who
61S Lumbermen, bldg
400-scre farm In Lincoln County. Ore
gon; joins good town .nd railroad; living
wa'er on every 40 acres; 3U acres of rich
bottom land in cultivation; 100 acre, can
he plowed with little expense; some good
piling; .11 grass land; two good or
chard fair building, together with I1K00
worth of fine slock nd farm Implements.
Ibis place Is cheap at 12.0i); term
Owner. 4Q2 Lumber Exchange.
5-. ere fnrm. one of the best In W II
Umette Valley, not far from Portland,
near bank, schools .nd churches, has
new 8-room house .nd bam and small or
chsrd; fine water. This farm Is all In
crop, on fine county road; only $110 per
acre; verv easy term
320 Railway Exchange.
Choice farm of 1(M acres, nearly all In
crop, soli Is very rich, no waste land,
Ilea fine, on good county road, only 1 s
miles from good town; has house, b.rn, or
chard and water plied to the house and
barn; owner needs some money and will
sell this farm for less than It is worth;
will make good term Western Land Co.,
24H'x Stark st. , .
oo-ACRE farm. S W miles west of Monmouth
and 4 miles from Dallas; 33 acres under
cultivation; 25 acres more about ready for
plow; balance In pasture and timber; 3
god springs; family orchard; 5-room
house, barn: 2 goat houses and other
buildings. This la a fine farm and we
will aell It for $ loO per acre: half rash.
Phone Marshall lo4H.027 Corbett bldg.
12Vj .ere. In Tualatin Valley, H mil.
from electric station, 14 miles from Port
land. 4-room house, good barn, water,
family orchard, all cleared and fenced and
under cultivation. ..'heap.
61H Lumbermen's bldg.
$135 per acr. for . 320-.cre farm, a
great revenue producer, location aecond
to n mn. Good terms can be arranged. If
von investigate this firm you will find out
that It pays better to pay the price than
to buy cheap land.
FT Kt't'HS, 221 V Morrison St.
13 miles from portlsnd, most all In cul
tivation, good house and barn. 2 wells. a4
miles to electric station. 1 mile to Wil
lamette River; price I40OO: 2O00 cash,
balance In 4 years H per cent.
432 Chamber of Commerc.
li) ACRES good wheat Und. all set and
tillable: ha raised 40 bushels per acre;
good 2 -room house; terms or exchang
phone Eart 4il.'.2. ,
If you are looking for a nice home,
take Mount Scott c.r to Cl.rk's Station
and let m. show you some bargain O.
H. Taylor.
FIR vnoil In lo-cord or more lot, delivered
to rlose-tn parties at bargain price. Main
n t.
60x IOO IOT. Eugene. Or., value $2.".o; war
ranty deed; will exchange even for good
diamond value at tt.VO. O 811). Oregonlan.
1HO00 acres sugar and yellow pine and
fir: a railroad going In: guaranteed to
cruise 25.000 feet green timber per .ere;
price - to., ''-
ZIMMERMAN. 31Q Bo.rd of Trade Bldg.
TIMBER land for sale. I have 1 Sec
In Klickitat County at a bargain. ln
nulre W. J. Schmauch. 417 Board or
Trad ew
OWNER will sell two quarter sections of
about It. 000,000 feet of excellent timber
naar Grant. Pass. Or., for II per M. P.
O. box 44S. Vancouver. Wash.
TIMBER for sal. in Tp. 22. R. 12 west. .'.
ooo.Ooo ; thl. 1. .. One a tract as there
Is In the state of Oregon. Inquire W. J.
Schmauch. 417 Board of Trade.
14 0.10 000 FEET of fine yellow fir. Coos Co.
Price only JKOO0. Zimmerman, 310 Board
of Trade bldg.
C. J. 'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg.
FOR-8Xi.E Complete sawmill pl.nt, 40.
QoQ. AB 75. Oregonlan.
TTmBER CLAIM8, homestead rallngulsa
mente. 21- WorcMt.r bldg.
TIMBER not over 120 miles of Portland and
not more than 3 miles from transporta
tion In exchange for business property
earning $210O annually. W SIS. Orego
nlan. WE will huv tie timber suitably located on
North Bank R. R. Call or write McOrath
V Neuhausen Co.. 7i4 Lewla bldg.. Port
land. T
I WANT 40 to fiO acres, good timber and
land either flrat or good second growth,
well' located as to Portland; no agents.
p W15. Oregonlan.
WE want cheap logged-off lands. Call or
write McGrath 4 Neuhausen Co., 704
Lew Is bldg.. Portland.
WANTED 10.000.000 to 2'0"O.ouO. access
ible to railroad. Y 790, Oregonlan.
TIMBEK lands wanted.
204 MaKay bldg.
C. J. aicCraek.n.
Wheat farm of ;;2i acres In Walla
Walla countv. Wash. Al.o pai-acre wheat
farm In Franklin County. Wash. Apply
at one
803 Gerllngej- bldg.. Portland. Or.
o acre. In cultlv.tlon close to Tlgard
on Salem Electric; orch.rd. running wa
ter, etc. V.ndyun A. Walton. -13 Cham-
her Lommeoc.
ii. ACRES. 8 mile from Portland, county
read house, barn. well, abcut 1 acr
cleared' will rent on reasonable terms.
Add ress" R 71.1. Ore go niajv
ACREAGE within 2o miles of Portland for
chicken ranch; good building X 7S.. Oro
gonian. . .
WVNTEP To rent. 20 or 30 acre tools
for potato growing. AK SIS, Oregonlan.
nrrt clients want
A 7-room house; 3.".iK: $500 down,
bal. $35 a month; new: walking distance
of E. 40th and Broadway.
Some good Income business property
under tl.'i.oOo; can pay 110.000 cash and
balance easy; must net at least S per cent
on Investment. Sec H. A. Chandler Real
Estate Co., 010 Lumbermen bids., oth
and Stark st Main h.m,.
We have party having $500 rash and
can pav $i) monthly on a nice 6-room
buniralow if located right: not to exceed
$40(Ni: must be on East Side and sightly;
no agents.
(iround floor Lewis bldg
WANT, acreage property on electric line.
In exchange for P.miO equity in pleasing
$4000 Rose City Park home; 5 room K
817. Oregoniaxi.
SOME owner of a largo tract In the Mosier
or Lyle district, who answers tht is go
ing to get in touch with a buyer. If you
want my Interest, give Intelligent descrip
tion. Price and terma you name will In
dicate whether vou intend to sell or ex
port tn ho NLAH s-'l-t- 'rf-Kon; an.
WANTED I want a modem bungalow or
house. 5 to 7 room on or near good car
lino, price $2000 to $::5iki. cash or terms;
no lnllated values considered; give loca
tion, description, price, etc. I have the
money, if you have tha house. K .91,
IK you own apple land that you want to
sell In subllvi.lon, tell me about 1t. Pro
vided It appeal I will give It undivided
effort: the kind that is hardest to enlist,
because the real estate man has his own
to sell first. Dealers don't answer. T
HIP. Oregonlan.
Want 1 2-room flat Investment, $5000 to
I7.VMI with Income of $o or better. Give
cash price or term Either owner or
agent. Give location, full particulars. AM
S2.'l. Oregonlan. .
Grand or Union ave. quarter or aingle
lot up to about $40,000 for which must
take close In unincumbered acreage on
carllne aa part payment. Will pay cash
for balance. M 817. Oregonlan.
WANTED Northwestern real estate In ex
change for California property. For sale,
on terms, city, town or country property.
Oet our list. Cline-Hull Company. H. W.
Hellman bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal.
WANT to buy on small payment down, 5 or
6-room modern bungalow, furnished pre
ferred; $2500 to $4000; will take unfur
nished If price and terms are reasonable.
E 7112. Oregonlan.
ONE of our clients wants nice close-In East
Side 7 or 8-room house in vicinity of Ladd
Addition. Price within $50(i.
Chamber of Commerce.
List your Piedmont, Walnut Park, High
land and Albtna property with
P. B. u:.vt.
417 Corbett Bldg.
WE want as good a piece of business prop
erty as can be purchased for $7000 cash.
Have a waiting purchaser.
Cham ber of Commerce.
WANT to buy on small payment down. 3
or 6-room modern buniralow. furnished
preferred; $2500 to $4000; will lake un
furnished If price and terms are reason
able. E 792, Oregonlan.
WAXTEDParly to furnish money to build
fino residence on fine quarter block in
Irvlnmon. Will guarantee 7 per cent In
terest and $51)0 bonus when house Is sold.
Can furnish reference. F SIB. Oregonlan.
WE have several Inquiries for now and
modern residences in Irvlngton, on good
terms. If you have such property for
sale, see McAllister & Luedilemann. 721
Electric bldg. Phone Marshal 22M.
WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow.
Cash payment, $50. and a choice 111-acro
tract of Hood River orchard land. $1iOO;
two acres Improved, balance raw. (Tele
phone A 5374. P. O. Box O. R. B. 131.
WANTED 5 to 13 acres, with or without
Improvements, partly cleared, within Vi
mil. station on electric or S. P.. not far
ther than 18 miles south or west of Port
land. 027 Corbett bldg. .
I WANT direct from owner a 5 or 6-room
modern bungalow In good neighborhood,
will pav $300 or $400 cash and trade In
lot on 47th. near Hawthorne avenue: tho
balance on terms. AN 818, Oregonlan.
I WANT to buy a house from the owner as
an Investment. I am not particular
where It Is located so long as It Is on
easy terms; give particular AN 1S1I.
from 6 to 00 acres, within about 1000 feet
of 6 to 8-cent carfare, suitable, for acre
homea; some trees preferable. Give loca
tion, price, terms. T 71)3. Oregonlan.
farms, both lar and small;' have cus
timers at right prices; send them from
anywhere. I can sell them. Zimmerman,
310 Board of Trade bldg. -
WANTED 1 or 2 acres, close In, convenient
to car service, for my equity In excellent
new modern 7-room bungalow, corner 50x
100. Y 7b'l. Orei-'onlan.
w ANT a flrat-clasa lot, not exceeding
$1000, for building home: will give best
make player piano for one, or equity In
same. G 7S4. Oregonlan.
HAVE a buyor for from 25.000 to 50.000
acre tract in Oregon. Slust be good and
direct from owner Mitchell tc -o., 03
Rothchlld bltlg.
VS ANTED About 8 to 15 acres of good land
with Improvements, bulldlne. and some
fuit. within 12 miles of courthouse; own
ers only. AH 7,.)1. tjregonlan.
WANTED Homestead or timber claim re
linquishment in tne noxuo ni.e.
Give full partlculara In first letter. M 815,
HAVE a cash purchaser for modern 7 or 8
room house In vicinity of Hawthorn ave..
bet. 12th and 25th sts.. price from $4000
... .-roi.A an lrllnirer bldg.
WANTED Lot or equity in lot in Rose City
l ark. Beaumont or Laurelhurst; on terms:
state full particulars In first letter. A J
Nit, i Fresooio".
I WANT listings of acreage In large and
small tracts In Oregon snd Washington,
direct from owners; have large demand
. . - . . , 1 .. . v TnA OreironlAn.
irorii r.nBim o
WANTED Well located corner lot or quar
chase, vacant or Improved; state descrip
tion and price. AJ "3. Oregonlan.
APPLE and ainui ttrenso 01 lou.c.
Ity wanted by two experienced salesmen.
We resell In small tracts. AC 7U1. Ore
WILLAMETTE VALLEY farms from 3 to
bo acres wanted quick. Have buyers.
618 Lumbermen's bldg.
W4.NTED Lot in Rose City Park, neir
carllne. cash only. Price must be right
Phone B 3042 or write M. H. Calef, 108
East Salmon.
WANTFD 5 or 6-room bungalow; give
lowest terms and location. G 810. Ore
WANTED Five or six room modern cot-
. t4tAa w , 11 . t Ka ca innn Ant1!1
tag. in gooa iovo. ...o ........ .
....... v. TUT Oregonlan.
40 ACRES of Rogue River Valley land. Will
trade for one or two lots. Call 24 cham
ber or commerce.
LOT between Fargo and Holladay. Alblna
and sth. T. J. Byrnes, 423 Lumber ti-
IF you have a lot In council LrMi.rara
that you wish to sell, see W. J. Baker.
hlU Board, OI irnoe
vXn"T really cheap land, interior or South
Oregon: preferably big proposition. A-
MM, oregontan.
CASH pahl hv builder for lots. Rose City
Park. Rossmere or other good districts.
K I-'. Xrro...o...
WANTED Acreage overlooking river or
close to Tortland; state lowest price and
part icu lars flrat letter. J 797. Oregonlan.
WANTED One or two good lots in Irv
Inuton. Dr. McDavltt. 201 Lurnbcrmens
bldg. ...
WE want some land near Portland. The
Colonist Land and Realty Co. 438 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg.
WANTED & or 10 acres Tualatin Valley.
Improved, and within 8 mile N tlS.
WANTED House and lot. or comer lot;
must be cheap, from owner. W 815. Ore
gonlan. r
WANT 4 or" B-room: can pay $1O0 cash, bal-
. ance monthly: give price and terms and
location, j pn. viT-Bwoa...
IF you have lots for sale In Westmoreland
tell m about them by letter or call. Geo.
A. Carter. 1208 E. 17th st. S.
WANTED A lot In Laurelhurst: advise lo
cation and terms. AH 819. Oregonlan.
CASH "paid for equities and contract real
estate. 31!) Board of Trade.
HAVE cash customer for a partly Improved
40 to so-acre place within 25 or :;o miles
of Portland. Must be a bargain In com
parison to other value If you will send
complete description we can make Im
mediate sal. Will deal with owners
onlv. Wynn-Johnson Co.. 503 Gerlinger
FINEST 320-scre Government homesteads In
r, n 1 1 i 1 1 anH U'l Ti'll'! , !1 located . 1 -
veys- reasonable and reliable locator
Jennings Meyer, Valley Falls, Or. 1
J22-324 Falling King.
Third and Washington Sts.
1'hunes Main (..".00, A 347..
Modern 8-room house, lot HhixIW: a
fine home; 2 blocks from Sellwood car
line: rents for $l'a per month; price $iouO;
lake good vacant Iota close in.
-'." acres, good house and barn, chicken
house. 4 acres cleared, balance stump
land. 2 blocks from station, on N. P. R'-:
lino soli: all good land; $3500; will trade
for vacant lots close In.
Apartment-house, covers entire block.
5 storrt rooms underneath; tills is In a
fine district; price $25,000; will trade
for anv good property that Is clear of
Incumbrance near Portland; will give time
on difference. What have you to offer?
100-ACRE well-Improved farm with stock
and Implements, very good soil, to ox
chnnge for Portland property; will pay
difference: mlKht consider good acreage to Portland. Value of farm, com
plete. $13.5iit).
General merchandise store In Portland,
making jjood money and stock value
Ooo. for good valley farm or Portland
Elcirant largo corner with strictly mod
ern K-room house in fine neighborhood in
Portland, value $S500, to exchange Ir
good valley farm.'
On anv of above trades will take or
give difference.
F. FIVHS. 221 4 Morrison St.
TWO cottages and pxixlOO apartment site
for 20 to 40 acres partly improved at $100
to $130 jer acre.
Alberta. Canada, improved 10 acres.
$4000. Want few acres with buildings.
K acres overlooking falls. Oregon City:
all cultivated. 150 line fruit trees, spring
piped all over and supplying 17 fami!is.
good buildings; $7500. Want Portland
home to $3000, $2000 cash, balance 6 per
IO or 10 acres. Polk County, small auto
and looo cash for good $4iiUO home on Mt.
Scott line.
414 Couch Bldg.
DENCE. 734 acres only one rolle from a pood
town and about IO11 miles from Portland,
loo acres excellent bottom land. 275 acres
more cleared and the balance easy clear
ing: red shot soil and land lays well:
running stream and springs: good houso
and barn; good orchard; this is extra
good fruit land. Will take Portland resi
dence up to $5000 In part purchase price.
425-0-7 Lumbermen, bldg.
HOUSE and lot In Alberta: value $4000, for
land, Lincoln or Tillamook County pre
ferred. 1200 acres, cno half under cultivation.
Eastern Oregon, exchange: assume or pay
Cozy bungalow and over one-half acre.
In variety of bearing fruit, near 53d and
Stark; exchange for larger bouse, closer In.
Goldschmidt'a Agency, 253'. Washington,
corner Third.
A SNAP if taken at once; best bargain in
Portland; confectionery, cafeteria, bakery
and restaurant all combined: cost $,i.oo,
good business. Man and wife can clear
over $.100 per month. Central location.
Low rent Owner leaving the city at
once. Price $.".000; will take good real es
tate and aFSume mortgage. Address room
a7. No. ltWVi 4th St.. Russel bldg.. or
phone East 3I4. m
280 ACRES of saw timber In Washington
County, cruising 15.000.000 feet; about
10 miles from steam and electric road;
nice logging stream through land. Price
$20 000: will exchange for Income-bearing
property In Portland or other town
on Coast, kaul'fman & Moore, 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
INCOME bearing property in good thriving
160-acre farm with good improvements,
8 miles from McMlnnvllle, Or., for S or
7-room house and lot in Portland, value
$3200. Call Elliott, Tabor 234S, or Main
195 ACRES of fine soil, partly improved, on
county road 10 miles from Kelso. Wash.
6-room house. 2 barn 4 acres in good
bearing orchard. Price $30 per acre. Will
take Portland property and assume dif
ference. Kauffman & Moore. 32o Lum
ber Exchange.
We have desirable property. Improved
and unimproved, to exchange; city prop
erty for farnis, and farms for Portland
property. If you want lo trade on a cash
basis, see us. Glenart Really Co., 421-422
Chamber of Commerce.
HAVE three line building lots In exclusive
residence district (my equity $1800). will
exchange all or part for medium-priced
building lots suitable for building, r small
piece acreage close to electric line. Main
1503 or A 1515, ask for Mr. Burllngame.
I have some fine wheat lands In Al
berta to exchange for Portland or Willam
ette Valley property.
' 425 Lumbermen bldg.
8-ROOM modern house, overlooking th riv
er, hardwood finished complete, French
glass windows, improved streets. Price
$!looo. Will take farm or good acreage
to $1000. Glenart Realty Co., (Inc.), 421
422 Chamber of Commerce
WILL exchange my new 6-room house on
corner, value $3750. mortgage $1500. 3
vears. for good vacant lot suitable for
building purposes or for small piece acre
age close to electric line. Main 1503 or
A 1513. ask fur Mr. Burlingame.
TO EXCHANGE 7-room modern house in
Sellwood. lot OOXIOO, line view OI ruer
and mountains, for 10 to 15 acres Im
proved, not over 15c carfare: will assume
.... ' .... .i. , a.t,
a Qltierence. .11 cim oi..
WHAT have you to exchange for 3.Nx75 lot
and l'j-story frame building, located In
good Valley town; price i.uo. win
cept equity In house, lot or good contract.
811-312 Lewis bldg.
25 ACRES of excellent soil on Mount Scott,
near Lents. Land lies well nnd Is a bar
gain at $400 per acre. Will exchange
lor Portland property. Kauffmann
Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange.
4 Mi-ACRE farm. 0 miles from R. R. station,
near good schoolhouse; about 400 acres
will be In grain this year; In Gilliam
Crunay. Oregon; orice $20 per acre. What
have you to offer? 93 East 01st St.. city.
WILL exchange my new 5-room bungalow,
price $3000. morlgago $1:150. 3 years, for
good building lots, suitable for building
purpose Phone Main 1503, A 1515, ask
for Mr. Burllngame.
Near Glavls" place. $5ooo; will take
bunitalow 92500: small amount cash. bal.
mortgage, per cent. Fred W. German,
32!) Burnside. M 2770.
I have I60 acres of first-class wheat
land In Alberta to exchange. Every foot
Is plow land, all cleared and only 4 miles
from town and railway. L S0i. Oregonlan.
town near Portland to exchange for Im
proved ranch near Portland; close to
transportation; price not to exceed $500 0.
KaulTinann &. Moore, 325 Lumber Ex-
y ; T , T , exchange new Edison and Victor
talking machines for your old band in
struments. Selberllng-Lucos Music Co.,
134 2d st
WILL exchange 7-room modern house In
Irvlngton for good property in Jefferson
vllle. Indiana or Louisville, Ky. M 824,
t iregonlan.
GOOD farm at Gresltam. stock and Imple
ments, sell or trade for Portland business
Income property. O. .W. P. Land Co., 1st
and Aloer.
TO" EXCHANGE, excellent small orchard,
for A-l rooming-house or apartment
house; would nssume some difference. See
M. D. Hobhs. 274 Stark sL
INCOME property in Ellenshurg bringing
$1000 per vear. Price $0000; will ex
change for Portland property. Kauffmann
& Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange.
HEIGHTS lots, level and overlooking city
and valley; will sell singly or all: $400
down for each, or will exchange Tor
acreage or city home. AJ 707. Oregonlan.
TO EXCHANGE 0-room house. 2 lots, loox
loo. cor.. In Woodlawn. $45oO, for 40 to
50 acre partly cleared. 274 Stark St.,
desk 2.
WILL trade new player-piano and cash for
equity n 5-room house: atate price and
location. AM 824 Oregonlan.
TO-EXCHANGE, equities in excellent lots,
for any good small business. M. D. Hobhs,
274 Stark St.
EQUITY In Alameda Park and Laurelhurst
lots to trade for cheap lots. Mitchell &
Co.. 508 Rolhchild bldg.
WANT restaurant, grocery or pool hall;
have city property to trade for same. J
820, Orcgonian.
160 ACRES In best part of Idaho, for Port
land property, vacant preferred. E 795.
TO EXCHANGE Excellent modern home in
Portland, for apartment-house, with good
leas See Ala D. Hobbs. 274 Slark St.
EXCHANGE $3500 equity two sightly lots,
corner. East Ankeny district, for residence
In good district. E 81!). Oregonlan.
TWO acres close in to exchange for lot or
residence. Phone Tabor 1872.
P VYING country grocery to trade for city
'property. $5500. 4Q2 Commercial block.
CLEAR lots for office furniture or equipped
office. 815, Oregonlan.
5 ACRES. Linn County, fruit land; trade
for vacant. F 71'3. Oregonlan.
8POKANK business or residence lots to sell
or exchange. Mr. Johnson, 350 Clay.
REMINGTON typewriter. No. $, first-class
condition. Q 77i. Oregonlan.
7-PASSEXGER touring car for Portland real
estate. C 796. Orygonlan.
WILL exchange equity In new house and lot
fur rooming-house. B bill, Oregonlan.
Will sell or trade for a city lot. my
equity In lt'.0 acres of the best unimproved
wheat land In Southern Alberta, t-ltuated
only four miles from a rapidly growing
town and the main line of the fattadlan
Pacific li. R. This land Is worth more
than I ask for it I personally selected
it one year ago before the rush. I'rlcr,
$20 per acre, on easy payments. Equi:.
$tion. Address owner's residence. 501 East
Stark st. Phone East ."0:t7 or It 17"v
3 1-5 acres within city limits, beauti
ful tract for home site: 20 minutes from
centei of city: on county road and car
line, lion feet of creek running all year.
Land readv for cultivation and landscap
ing. Best soil. 2") minutes' walk to Reed
Institute. For quick sale. $5000; terms.
Address. E 811. (iregonlan.
lS-room house and lot 60x125. electric,
light and fixtures, plenty of fruit trees
on the place. In Woodburn. Or., value
JlOOu: will trade for 6 or 7-room house
in Portland. Call Elliott. Tabor 2S1S, or
Main 6570.
EQUITY of $3300 in 2O0 acres 3S miles
from Sprlngwatcr: ha'f excellent apple
land: good 5-room house; full value
$.;oiHI, balance mortgage due 5 year in
terest 4 per cent. Want Portland resi
lience property or vacant lots. X 700, Ore
gonlan. EQUITY of J.iolio in 20 acres, i. mile from
Witch Hazel station, on S. P. 4th-strcet
line; all clear and fenced; excellent soli;
full price $0000, balance $3000 duo 4
years. 8 per cent Interest. Want Portland
property, vacant or Improved. D 791,
I have bought a new player piano and
will sell on time or exchange for lots,
auto or a launch, my nearly new upright
piano. Address or call apartment 5.
Peninsula Apt, cor. Klllingsworth and
$1300 TWO lof small house. St. Johns,
$10o0 equity, modern 7-room house.
East 37th. 2 blocks from car. Will trade
all for acreage. Owner, 11 818, Ote-
5 ACRES, near Mosier. f.'.oo; will take lot
of equal value: 100 acres, south of Mt.
Hood. $180o: will take small house and
lot; 160 acres, east of city, some improve
ments. $40 per acre; will take some trade.
Atlas Laud Co.. 420 Lumber Exchange.
THREE large size well located unimproved
lots, Omaha. Neb., value $MH)0. will trad
for desirable income-bearing Portland
property or timber land; might consider
equity. Address Box 307, Independence.
WANT building lot, Ladd s AddHion, Haw
thorne district: will trade 11.03 acres
red-shot soil apple land in Spltzenberg
orchards. Eagle Creek; district all plant
ed. AG 780. Oregonlan. .
FOR SALE or trade for sheep or cattle,
130-aure Irrigated fruit and alfalfa farm
near Kenneivlck. Washington. Coffin
Bros.. North Yakima. Wash.
WILL GIVE-$2250 5-passenger touring car,
1910 modtl. first-class order, for which I
have no further use now, for sightly
building lot In desirable neighborhood.
Address G 785, Orcgonian.
WOULD like to exchange 32 view lots In
Southern Portland, value $14,000. subject
to mortgage of $5000. due 5 years. 4 per
' cent Interest, for home. Irvlngton . pre
ferred. AD 795, Oregonlan.
ALL or anv oart of SO acres of Irrigated
orchard, free of debt, to trade for city
property: give location, price and amount
of indebtedness In first letter. . B 7S9,
EIGHT acres. 1'4 miles east of Mllwuukle
oil county road, for residence; must be In
good location or would trade v.. of same
and pay some caah. Fred Cooper, 411
Lumbermen bldg.
WILL exchange equity in two lots on the
West Side for horse and buggy or any
thing of equal value: balance due on lot.
$10o. payments $4 per month. 10 per cenl
Interest. Phone Woodlawn 22 4
WILL TRADE my equity of $1300 In new
up-to-date bungalow, perfectly equipped,
close In, for good close-In city lot, bal
ance Is payable $20 monthly. P. O. Box
529. city.
320 ACRES wild land. Molalla count rj ;
price $3200. subject to mortgage of $1200
due 1915, 5 per cent Interest; for I-orlland
property, preferably vacant. AG 7D4. Ore
gonlan t
WILL trade linesl player piano and music
roUs and If neawssary pay part cash, for
unencumbered building lot. not exceeding
$1000; good location. Address N 18". ore-
160 ACRES" improved Hood Klver
land to trade for house and lot In Port
land, value $3500. W. Ormsby. 41st and
Holgate. Phone Sellwood 822. -
10 VIEW LOTS, Columbia Heights Addi
tion Vancouver. Wash.; value $.000; will
exchange for Portland Jots or acreage.
Cellars-31 urton Co., 3 0 Spalding bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange, a seven-room house
and lot at Seaside, Oregon, as part pay
meirt on small ranch. Address V .87. Or
egonlan. FOR SALE or trade. 2000 shares Good
.Hope mining stock dirt cheap, or will
trade for real estate. Address J., 202 Vj
Stark St., city.
RESIDENCE (lot 50x100) In Santa Clara
Countv. California, near Stanford Univer
sity, for Portland property; valu. (lull.
AC 7S3, Oregonlan.
FOR SAL?: 05 acres of good bottom laud.
Improved; will traue ior i m 0.0..
town: terms. Address W. H. Daugherty,
Sweet Home. Oregon.
0-ROOM house and 4 lots with orchard,
$'11110; 8-room residence and two lots,
$33110. both In Forest Grove; either or
both for farm. Box 222. Forest Grove.
EQUITY of $2000 in small farm, partly or
chard. 10 miles from city limits for Port
land lots or timber claim. AK. 810. ore
gonlan. ,
SAVE commUsion if you want 10 or II
acres very choice land, with new build
ings 12 miles from Portland; will sell or
trade. Phone owner. Tabor 1766.
HOOD-rTvER orchard; will bear this year:
price $0000; city or suburban to $40.10.
eaay terms on balance. E. J. Maple. MJ
llno. Or.
EXCHANGE fine apartment site, walking
"distance, will accept part suburban prop
erty; terms, some cash. Hatfield, lo .1
4th st.
WHAT have you to trade for good clear
lots In Coast city of 350o; want anything
good. Hall & Gustln. 321 Lumbermen s
$0(1.000 WORTH of city and suburban re
alty at Carthage. Mo.: will exchange all
or part for good Portland or Oregon prop
erty. L. E. -.-itelnmetx. 40q Gerlinger hldg.
FOR SALE, or will exchange for u bunga
low my equity in loO by 200 corner. Irv
lngton Park. If interested, see owner at
drugstore. 5th and Burmside.
TWO houses, corner lot. $12,500; $4000 cash
or trade, balance 7 per cent; can be made
into fiats paying 10 per cent. $21,000.
Owner, East 2741.
FOR SALE or trade. HOiHI equity in strictly
modern new 7-room house, only 15 min-
" utes out in an A-l district; no commis
sion paid. Ow ner, A I. 794. Oregonlan.
WAVTED Party to saw SO acres timber in
ties on shares or exchange for real es
tate live slock, business, automobiles, or
telephone bonds. R 790. Oregonlan.
MY $700 equity In modern bungalow, only
20 minutes out, to sell or will trade for
equity In 4 or 5-room cottage. R 819,
WANTED To exchange gold dredge min
ing stock on proven ground for five-passenger
auto. Address P. O. Box 078.
Grants Pass. Or.
HAVB vou Salem. Portland or farm prop
erty to trade for Minnesota farm lands,
unimproved. Address Lock Box 225), -Sa-
lem. Or. ;
HAVE property outside city, value $3500.
to trade for auto and city property. P.
E. Newell. Main 6772. Monday.
LOT taken first payment $2750 bungalow;
bath pantry, attic, woodlift, basement,
balance $25 monthly. Owner. East 3741.
WH L trade acreage for stock of goods or
city property and pay difference, if any.
Hull. 380 Front st.
u-ditr for our exchange booklet; list with
ua for exchange. Colorado Land In
vestment Company. Palisade, Colo.
LOS ANGELES Highly restricted resi
dence cor. 60x140, improvements In and
paid. R. R. Owen. Oregon City.
wk- exchange your property for what yovl
desire! Po'tiand Exchange. 1T Board of.
Trade bldg. See M r. WJ est-
I WANT a good cow: will trade splendid
lot for same and give or take difference
in cash or installments. M 816. Oregonlan.
Wll L trade Oregon Gold Hill stock for good
lot: state location and price. AN 798.
Qregoni an . .
WE exchange your property regardless ot
location for that which suits you better.
Northwest Exchange.228-9 Henrybldg.
xi'MlO EQUITY in 5-room bungalow to tra
for lot. good district. Mr. Burt, room 1,
250 Third.
ctv million feet timber, trade Portland In
come property. D. U. Butler. Carrolltou. .
Wash. L .
$600 EQUITY In $2000 new 4-room house
and corner lot; will exchange for run-,
about. M 7!4. Oregonlan.
101) VORKS good timber on Tillamonk Bay
for unincumbered city property or small
farm. R 7'.hi. Oregonlan.
4 MILLION sugar and yellow pine for house
and lot; no agents. A 770. Orcgonian.
BELLE CREST lot and some cash for six
room house. O 79". Oregonlan.
TIMBER or city lot for good auto. B (14,