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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1911)
DRAMATIC REAL ESTATE AND SPORTS SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT IN FURNITURE NO. 8. VOL. XXX. rORTLAXD. OREGON. SUNDAY 3IOKXIXG. FEBRUARY 19, 1911. -r You may have attended some big sales in your exoerience-vou may have bought goods at figures which seemed to vou were ridiculously low, but never before in all your born days , have you seen goods of such splendid character sacrificed at such prices as we are making on this stock of Home. Furnishings We have never had a sale hefnre that wodmeasure up to this in point of values-it stands head and shoulders above everything we have ever before attempted. There hasn't been such a sale held before in Portland in years no, not in many years! VI ... a. A LEADER STEEL RANGE $40 RANGE FOR $27.50 Eqnal to any $40 Kange in the mar ket, oven 20x16 inches, asbestos lined throughout. You cannot break the lids. Special at 327.50 $10 MISSION ROCKER $5.50 Solid Comfort Mattress $8.95 ThW plndld White Cotton rlted Mattr.M wHh 49 pound. Consist of continuous liTtn of aponcy felt.4 rotton. romprnHd by m-hlnrr down to lx Inches In thlrknms. nd l nurlnr to th mmttrw. o oiten dverttd t $1S 00. Absoluti-ly nltry. dura ble. comIorl'. iai!;by' prll .f 8.05 otkrn l.w mm 93.60. Great Sale Iron Beds rt rr WHM( CAS TOC BUT ROCKKRJ LIKE THIS FOR tUOt Eolld Oak Rocker, eiactly Hk cut. made of fin (elected oak with large upholstered Boiiton leather seat on steel sprint's. hlRh back finished either weathered or srolflen oak. Regular price $10. Oadsbys" Clearance Price for fS.BO $10.00 DRESSER FOR $7.50 13.5" Iron Beds now.......i 51?a H.51 Iron Beds now $2"$!? $i.0i) Iron now , 525 17.00 Iron Beds now i Jji $:o0 Brass Bels now SiS'JwI :S.0 Brass Beds now f 18.00 t?ei- ifSasafj - .3 ODD CHIFFONIERES CHEAP THIS ONE $11.75 This Chiffonier is solid oak, not fir, and has a French plate niirror. Gadsbys' price, 11.75 D This Dresser Is finished In a rich colden oak color, with French beveled plate mirror. Rrtall value Is 110.10. UaMbyi' price $7. SO SIDEBOARD ONLY $15.00 c.swmw41' ' II1" This handsome Sideboard, solid osk. well worth tii.OO; Gadsbys' price. . . $15.00 GET OUR PRICES ON DINlNG-ROOlta FURNI TURE BEFORE YOU BUY IT WILLPAY THIS ELEGANT DUTDTO TABLE 110.00 You. will be asked a third more t other stores. It i made of wWted wood, goldm or weath ered finish; the 6-ft. site is narked at SIO.OO Pon't do yourself the injus tice of buying- without getting our prices. We offer you the advantage of better values and an assortment that U not ex celled on the Coast. We mention-two of the many tempting bargains you will find on . our floors. $2.50 FORTH IS GOLDEN OAK DINING CHAIR You will find it elsewhere marked at $3.50 or higher. It is made of selected oak, golden finish, with boxed cane seat. There are scores of dining chair bargains in all- grades and fin ishes as low as 75c. NO SALE IN PORTLAND OFFERS SO MUCH Considering both quality and price we don't know of a sale of a bank- rupt furniture stock ever held in Portland that of fered so much to the people. This sale stands head and shoulders above any sale being held in Portland today. All will appear of no i m porta nee whatever when 500 DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF ROOM-SIZE RUGS compared with the unusual and srtra ordinary price slaughter ing of this sale. Tomorrow begins the third week, and it will be full of excitement as well as profit to those who attend. LOOK FOR THE YELLOW TAGS Four racks, like picture, each carrying 125 patterns. Rugs from lxlo to 6x9 feet on display. Anglo-Persians, Indians, Arabians, Royal Worcester, Bagdads and Tepracs, all are here at bottom prices. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS 829.50 815.00 S23.00 $25.00 $18.50 817.50 S18.00 S 12.50 0.5O 5 Bagdad Wiltons, 9x12 feet, each 6 Mottled Moquette, Pxl2 feet, each..". 50 Sanford's Axminsters, 0x12 feet, each 10 Extra Axminsters, 9x12 feet, each 40 Saxony Axminsters, 9x12 feet, each 16 Sussex Velvets, 9x12 feet, each 25 Metropolitan Brussels, 9x12 feet, each.. 50 Eureka Brussels, 9x12 feet, each 40 Madras Brussels, 9x12 feet, each KITCHEN TREASURE ;v , "! BED DAVENPORT $25.00 CARPET DEP'T 500 1000 140 1150 1200 2000 600 50 yards yards yards yards yards yard.s yards yards Wool Velvet at Tapestry Brussels at. Savoniere at Extra Tapestry at... Ajcminster at Body Brussels at Extra Wilton at Bifcrelow Axminster at. ...81.00 75 S1.25 $1.10 81.25 S1.40 81.80 81-40 REMNANTS We have quite a lot of remnants for small rooms at ridieuonsly low prices. Bring correct measure of any small room you want to carpet and we'll find you a bargain. MATTING Chinese and Japanese, per roll of 40 yards, $6.50 to 812.00 LINOLEUMS Best English Imported Inlaid, yard ii5ft Finest American Inlaid, yard i o" Inlaid, dropped patterns, yard wn2 Kitchen Liuoleum, 4 yards wide, per square yard... "V Kitchen Linoleum, 2 yards wide, good quality, rer square yard &9? Floor Oilcloth, per square yard.; oJ ' ' $15.00 SOFA BED $9.50 ' ' 2r Handsome Sofa Bed or Bed Lounge, upholstered in damask sprmp seat and back; Oadsby 's special Has receptacle for bedding. Makes a comfortable bed. Irame is of onk. Ssat and back upholstered over oil-tempered steel springs. Covered in chase leather. Others ask $38. Gadsby's special jrico this week 82a.00 $12.50 COUGH $7.85 vplonr over first-olass bpnn?s- Has roll edge. Regular values $12.50. Gadsby's clearance price $.Zo roll edge $35.00 PARLOR SUIT $25 -T if -' P '(' ate" 8-r?Jv. Parlor Suite, this stvle. three different patterns, in birch' frames, finished a dark rich rosewood, upholstered in velour; regular $?500 values, cut to !Tt"U1 Othes as low as '1,,ow The prices quoted remain in effect while stock lasts. Blame no one but yourself if youVe not here early. Pian to attendthis great clearancesale Goods Sold on Easy Terms