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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1911)
I 78 Pages MJ MSBW- www iwttt! ixn! onntiOX. SUNDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 19. 1911. - PRICE FIVE CENTS. Kill. "a. --wawawawawaw. I WEST WIELDS ROD AND HOUSE OBEYS State Printer Flat-Salary Bill Passed. RUSK HIDES; EEDLAM RULES Parliamentary Law Downtrod den to Win for Measure. GOVERNOR'S THREAT TELLS Executive Message CondeuinUiX Spendthrift Legislation and Fre-dk-ting Slashing of Funds Is Victor Foes Aid First. OREGOX IJT,lUnRE PltAC TICALMT CLnr.ES tsTH tvMON. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. IV. (Special.! Tba Senate at 1:0 'clock thie morning took reisea for 10 minutes. Tbl t practically a adjournment aine die, the recess being takes to allow the "Preeldent end Speaker te return tomorrow and Until, signing Wile. Al IS 2" ecloik Ih'a (Sunday) m.nlr. fpeaker Rusk escased tb Rep-eeentellvee from further attend ance. The Nieaker and chief clerk remained to sign Houe btlla passing the Senate. Adjournment of the House sine dia will not be affected before some time lata Sunday la all probability. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or, Feb. IS. tsipectal.) Heeding- the demands of Governor West, fearing that otherwise the Chief Executive would veto Its ap propriation bills, the House this after noon reconsidered and passed Senator Miller's bill placing the State Printer n a Tat salary. The proceedings of the House, inci dent to the consideration of this bill today, ware .Jthe mest turbulent wit ceased In the House chamber since the days wben United States Senators were elected at the eleventh hour of legis lative sessions. With parliamentary rules and proced ure thrown aside, a dosen Ttepresenta tir an the floor simultaneously and shouting for recognition, the House presented a scene of wildest disorder and confusion that the combined ef forts of the Speaker and officers of ' the House were unable ta quelL It waa under such chaotic conditions that the vote was taken. The will passed by 21 te II- There were four ebaent. WeM'a Pressure Telling. Enactment or the bill closed an all day struggle, marked by filibustering os both sides. Its result was not ef fected alone bythe special message sent te the Hou.fc last night by Gover nor West, who demanded that meritor ious legislation be passed. Including the State Printer bill, or he would ue bis veto to protect the taxpayers from undue extravagance by disapproving appropriation bills. This threat was followed today by personal Interviews between the Governor and Individual members of the House and the em ployment of other pressure by the Gov ernor and bis friends. Hack's Retreat Is Surprise. t,veral efforts were made during the morning session for reconsideration of h Mil hut every attempt was frus trated though technical objections urged by the opponents or toe bin wno thought they tad kilted It yesterday. It was In the afternoon, however, that the surprise csme. Quietly rslllnc Clemens of Mult nomah to the chair. Speaker Kusk left the ambly hall and retired to hts own rooms In the Capitol, where he was found bohlnd a looked door after the bill had been resurrected and passed. FWe Taught Vnprepared. Toe elevation of Clemens temporar ily to the ehalr caught the enemlea of tonc Iu4d on pace 2 InnRHTUY ARNDI D I UUUW I II I ii...-- MAY BE IN IDAHO GIRL SEEKS WORK; CONFESSES IDENTITY; ARRESTED. Young Woman at Sand Tolnt, Ilcld for Reward, Dears Strong Like ness to Missing Girl. SPOKANE. Wash.. Feb. IS. (Spe cial.) A young woman, from every In dication none other than Dorothy Arnold, of New York, was arrested to day at Sand Point. Idaho, by Chief of Police Traue. and she Is now In the City Hospital, suffering from nenrous prostration. The youos; woman admitted tnai ner . ,. . .. iiorothr Arnold, toilet arti cles in ber poisesilon bear the Initials -D. 1L A and ner Baggage marke ta bear out her statements that she has been In Chicago. Los Angeles. San Francisco and other Coast cities since leaving New Tors. In December. Th tnunr woman appeared at the Wisconsin House.- Sand Point. Wednes day nlrht. Her uecullar actions led the proprietor. C. A. Olsnn. to U' her. and the police were Informed. e..e raia she had no money, but was willing to work, giving her nam as Dorothy Wil cox. She said she had never worked before, having had a maid at her home In New Tork. Placed In the kitchen, she proved utterly Incapable, and she then applied to the Lskeslda Laundry for work. W. J. Davis, the proprietor, at once saw a striking resemblance to ninitr nictures of Miss Ainoid ana. mhen she was asked, she admitted her Identity. He turned her over to trie police, who are now holding ner for the reward. Olson will also put In a claim for de 110.000 reward. Last night she stayed in the Juvenile cell at the Jail, but today ihe broke down and waa sent to the hospital. NEW YORK. Feb. IS. Francis K. Arnold, father of Dorothy Arnold, con ferred for more than an hour today with District Attorney Whitman. He said he was convinced his daughter was desa. and that a crime had been committed. GATES' SON RUSHED NORTH Special Train Slop But Minute) in Kansas City. Chicago Bound. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 18. The spe cial t.jln bearing Charles G. Gates, son of John W. Gates, the steel mag nate, from Texas arrived here 'at 4:60 this afternoon. was Immediately hooked onto a fresh locomotive, and at 4:41 started for Chicago. Mr. Gates' condition here was said not to be crit ical. During the special train's brief stop here the negro porter on the Gates car was the only person aboard who could bo a en. He said Mr. Gates' condition was not regarded as critical. A spe rial crew from Trenton. Mo- waa wait ing when the Gates party arrived here. The engineer who took charge said he expected to make a mile a minute from her to Chicago. SEVERE SHOCK RECORDED Seismographs In Scleral Cities Tell of Earthquakes. t . WASHINGTON". Feb. IS. An earth quake shock unusually severe and. last ing over a ' considerable period was reported today on the seismographs at Georgetown University. Professor Tondorl estimated the dis tance at about 1000 miles from Wash ington. Apparently the same shock was re corded at St. Louis University from 1:21 to 1:10 P. M.; at Fordbam Uni versity. London, at !:; at the Ottawa. Ont-. University, st P. M.: at Seattle at 11 A. M.. being apparently W00 miles distant: at New Orleans at 1:45 P. M-. vibrations being still pronounced there at i P. M. , INTERMARRIAGE NOT TABOO Bill I Killed In House at Salem, Amid Protecting Slorm. STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Feb. IS. i Special Intermarriage between white's with Jspanese. Hindu. Indian or Kanaka Is not taboo In. Oregon, de spite efforts that were made In the Senate today to force through Peter son's House bill having this for .Its object. The bill was Indefinitely postponed amid a storm of protest. B0U1E IS HAILED 'BEAST IN SENATE Bowerman and Kella " her in Clash. WESTDUBBED SALEM H06 MAN Ex-Acting Governor Fiery, in Denunciation. TEXT OF RECORD IS CAUSE Multnomah Lawmaker's rraise ot V. S. Senator in Journal of l'ro ceedings Precipitates How. Lie Is Hurled Often. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. 18 (Special.) With the lie hurled back and forth on the Senate floor so many times and so rapidly that it became al most monotonous; with Senator ,Kel laher bailed by Eowerrnan as the 'Plckle-Peddllng Minion of the Beast. Jonathan Bourne," and with Bowerman casting the taunt at the administra tion that It vetoed his Secretary of Slate bill to leave two men on the State Board who would adopt a "You tickle me and Til tickle you and the public be damned" policy, the ugper body took a recess this afternoon. It was the most spectacular produc tion on the Senatorial boards and as a finale expunged from the record Kel laher's so-called explanation of his Tote slipped into the Senate Journal surreptitiously more than three weeks ago. Abraham opened the show when he moved to expunge the explanation which Includes a 1000-word laudation of Jonathan Bourne and condemnation of certain Senators by innuendo and reference. He declared that such an explanation Is unconstitutional because It was not submitted as a protest, but was affirmative in its construction. Kellaher Fights Derision. Kellaher attempted to have expunged from the record all explanations. In eluding statements made by "various Senators, In which Jonathan Bourne was attacked and in which they made publlo what they termed an attempt on the part of Kellaher to place them oa record. Kellaher asked Abraham and the other Senators If they could find refer ence to themselves In the explanation which he bad attempted to have forced Into the Journal. Abraham replied that he could find no reference. to him In the explanation. ' Bowerman, who was absent In Kella rer's talk, happened Into the Senate Chamber Just as Kellaher was conclud. lng. Bowerman receiving word In the lobby of what was going on. and as Kellaher finished the ex-Acting Gov ernor took the floor. Bourne Dubbed "Beast." Holding high a copy of the Optimist of Portland. Senator Bowerman said he bad read Kellaher's explanation, re printed lu that magazine, "and In the following week's Issue we find a pic ture of the real owner of that paper, and In that picture, emblaxoned on the front cover, we find the footprint of the beast, Jonathan Bourne. "Jonathan Bourne Is the chief of s.uch pickle-peddling minions as the gentle man from Multnomah who has Just spoken. The explanation of that vote Is entirely applicable to you, Senator Kellaher, because It Is a mass of lies from start to finish. It is applicable to you and your kind and to the kind of man you serve and for whom you are doing these things." Lie Tossed Back. "When you say Jonathan Bourne owns me It Is in line with everything jou have said, and it is a He," shouted Kellaher, Jumping to his feet. "I want to ge further," Senator Bow. erraan continued, after the Interrup tion, "and speak of that other repre sentative of Jonathan Bourne and the , representative of the Salem hog the 1 t Concluded oa rage 11.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS TH. Weather. TESTERDAY'8 Maximum temperature, .50 decrees; minimum. 42 degrees. , TODAY'S Fair: northeasterly winds. Legislature. Senator Bowerman In clash with Kellaher calls Bourne "beast." Section 1. psge I. Home, under Governor West's threat, passes ... i . -1 V I 1 I KeMllnlt J - maif) frinicr ian.-sa.4 j page l. tslltur by ehanKlnc time of aJ0" mem ovm chanc to fight veto or Dill. cetiion i. p.o - 5.100.00 u total of appropriation-! approved v. ' ...n iari.iavtura. Section 1. pas if. West, vetolne bills, promisee he will per mit, no aexicienciFB. ockhwm a. jaidteen Senators slcn secret pact to bar Multnomah In reapportionment and Jo aeph's bill la killed. Section 1. pe lu. Eecate defeats bill passed by House to oust LWIiy muiiuiw avuB. j Most Important good roada bills pass both hnH... - ntiir ciovernor's sianaiure now a ( l..n 1 n,n 11. lll.t!ve committee pralsea as well as n, mr m m&naaement of . . i c '. I , . . .A Washlnston approprlatlona Increase 81.200,- . . .nn l.'0 vears 1KO. WV u.wi "' .. " . bectioa i. pace a. Olyrnpla hop, for new Capitol buildings. Section 4. page 1L Olyrnpla considering direct legislation bllu Wasnlnston lK'slature to take up roost Irn- .... win. .hi. .Mir Ration 1. naze a. Speaker Rusk's second-choice bill Is last measure to paw ii,'..-.". . pass 11. "relen. Russia relies on Chinese treaty with United Bia-ic. e-uu i . . .v. .. pace 3. Scurry breaks out In Mexican rebel army at aiaxiraii. p.nw I u section I . iiaf, Vote of British CTommona for Irish home . . . j -. . D.nllnn nlfl rule ia inira . v j u . . ... . - - Domestic. Sidney c. Love goes to Chicago prepared for long divorce contest. Section 1. Mrs. Turnbull denies testimony of executor of Baldwin estate. eSettion 1. prge California Legislature to Investigate Supreme Court's acts thla week. Section . i-ase a Eondursn rebel chief ts Indicted by Federal grand Jury. Section 1. page 1L Orldlron Club gives travesty on Insurgency. Section 1. page 8. Oocorxa denies payment of 8100.000 to wife lor ireeaom iu v -. . i Thiee robbers reported killed; six of posse wounuea in Dame. . National. Extra session of Congress to pass reciprocity bill looms larger. Section 1. page 2. Mann wins fight against spoliation claims after two days' flUbuatsr. Section 1. . page 1. Government faree further deficiency In oper ation of Panama rallroal. Section 1. pace 6. Lorimer will close debate on bribery ebargee in Senate. . Section 1. page 6. Dias Government waits for return of Min ister of Finance to make concessions to lnsurrectos. Section 1. pace. 4. Heyburn'e threatened filibuster may extend to plan of Governor West. Section 1. page 2- Justice Hughes says Supreme Court a func tion Is to safecuard people's rights. Sec tion 1. page 6. . Private capital to reclaim arid landa. Sec tion 'i. page 10. Psoitis' North wee. Racial trouble on Corvallla Eastern ends In shooting ol lres iaorr w n A.rllnn 1. DU. U. Washington Legislators declare building At ttate School for Blind is disgrace to state, bectlon 1. page 7. Goldendale High School barketball team ar rested ax foievenson wr .iwiui .. Sent tie doubts Burns evidence of graft. ejection x. pace n. The Dalles starts publicity campaign. 6ee fli.n I , M T Mongollen marmot blamed for spread of 1 . K.nllnn 1 nee. 7. Olyrnpla buitfi with talk of 830.000.000 lube through Cascades. Section 2. page IS. Woman found at 8and Point. Idaho, thought uorotny atdwiu. oiwm . - tirts. Oregon tennis datea announced. Section 2. page 3. McAlpIn chairman of Multnomah tennis committee. section -. page Wa'hlncWn tTnlverslty defeata Oregon I'nt- veraliy basketball team. 22 to IS. Sec tion 2, page 3. English society goes mad over boxing. See- Hnn " n.fe Bums has boxer to fight Johnson. Sec tion It. page 2. ' . . Wolgaat falls to show to advantage In fight with Brown. Section 2. page 2. Beaver team has good run getters. Section 2. pa go X Washington High eJchoo! defeats Jefferson at soccer. Section X page 3. Umpire Evans victim of "eye test" Joke, taction 4. page 4. Gotch and Hackenschmldt compared. Sec tion 4. page 6. fea'.s begin training today. Section 4, page X. Portland and Vlrinlty Chlcaao bond firm evidently declining to ac cept Brosdway-brldce Issue. City Auditor Barbur believes Attorney Dunlway naa blocked sale. Section 1. page 12. Wife chargea husband led double life, and tricked her of property. Section 1. page Mount Hood company to be subject to M per cent charge on power .old to rival corporation. Section 1, pass 12. Harrlman lines to spend 1.2i0.000 advertis ing jiortnwost. Section 1. page 1.1. Alleged undesirable woman found not guilty of ce-flOuctlng disreputable place. Sec tion 1. page 13. Soulhweat Washington Development League aiks Taft to send fleet to pacific Section 3. page 8. Chcballs delegates assure California of friendship. 8ettlon 2. page i. Jewelers subscribe to Elks' convention fund. Section 2. psge IS. Mount Hood Itailway to usa Broadway trucks. Section 4. page 12. Methodist secretary rays Increase is alight. aecllon H.page10. MANN IS WINNER BY.FILIBUSTERING House Forced to Kill Spoliation Claims. TWO DAYS' BATTLE SUCCEEDS Lone Republican Defeats Lead ers and Democrats. BUSINESS IS BURLESQUED Using Every Device to Obstruct, H- llnolsan . Repeatedly Has Mem bers Dragged Back to House and They Fall Asleep. WASHINGTON. Feb. 19- What prom ises to go down in Congressional his tory as the famous filibuster against the omnibus claims bill began at 10 o'clock Friday morning In the House, ended in vlctofy for the lone filibuster, Mann of Illinois, at 3:20 tnis morning. At 8:20 A. M. the House practically killed the Senate bill by adopting a mo tion of Mann to strike out all after the enacting clause in that bill, which had provided for the French spoliation claims. Arinnilnn of this motion .had the effect of eliminating the measure as a Senate bill. It as a House bill without any provision for the spoliation claims, which was the direct targefof the fill buster. The Republicans were Jubilant over what they regarded as a shrewd' trick by. Mann. The reading oi aa nun was then proceeded with. All day and through the evening the parliamentary proceedings ranged from acrimonious debate, with sharp collo quies, to what amounted to comic opera. There were Incessant motions. r..mian rniiralin. a, search for absent members to produce a quorum, fiery speeches in which a warning "Ttnarer .... wiininil to the next National elec tion. Jibes, burlesque and queries to the chair. At midnight the general debate on ii, hill was still in progress. Speaker Cannon was absent during the evening and Olinstcad, of Pennsylvania, occupied the chair. light Is on Spoliation Claims. The fight, for its opponents resented Its being called a riususier, was con ducted single-handed by Mann of Illi nois, one of the Speaker's chief lleuten ... .hiie Prtni.. of Illinois, chairman of the claims committee, who represent ed the bill, and Sims of Tennessee. Clavton of Alabama, Carlln of Mr e;lnla and other Democrats, solidly backed by their party, voted for the measure. The bill, as It passed the Senate, carried 82.52.1. including $642,639 for iii. French anflllatlon claims. But the claims committee reported "the bill to the House without the t'rencn spolia tion feature. It was the specter of these French ..niLtin. Kiiima which the ReDublican leaders feared would be tacked on the bill in the final conference between the TTnueoa ot in late a date In the session that the House might act on file conference report without an opportu nity to vote againsorthe French claims separately,- that caused the clasn. Democrats Fear Extra Session. Democratic leaders'conjured up other motives and saw efforts to iorce an ....inn n aa to embarrass the Democratic party by plunging It into the throes of tariff revision oeiore it. had time to prepare for that work, while Republicans contended that the cutting off of the spoliation feature waa the purpose of the filibuster. Mann denied that his tactics were dilatory and reprimanded "Democrats who absented themselves at the pre vious night session. In the general debate Alexander of Missouri suggested: "Let's quit talking and get to a vote," and Campbell of Texas attacked the (Concluded on Pag 4.) GOGORZA PEEVED OVER COIN YARN SO CASH PAID WIFE FOR FREE DOM TO WED MJIE. E.VMES. Baritone Is Enraged at State ment and Denies It Vigorously. Real tove Not Like Stage. CHICAGO. Feb. IS. "One . hundred thousand dollars, bah! Mme. Emma Eames, bah!" it- TTmiiiA ja rifiBfiriu the Span ish baritone singer, worked himself Into a fine rase, "bah" In about nine languages, all the way from the train to his hotel, where no nasmy . v. nn tvA ith floor, discon nected the telephone and gave positive . . ...... p. orders no one waa to oo umi.i."u. was furious over .h story that Emma Eames had paid 8100.000 to his wife in order that he might be free to marry Miss Eames. T.,t in the. Hav he cooled down ana submitted to an interview. He admitted that he was to marry Miss Eames, pre sumably in July the date was optional with Miss Eames but of the 8100,000 bah. He knew nothing of sucn tnings. Asked If he made love In real life as he does on the stage. De Gogorza grew uproarious with mirtn. "Imagine a man really making love to a lady the way love is made to a lady In grand opera. Is it not entirely absurd? Ha. ha, ha! Imagine it. such lovemaking. Really, senor, you are amusing and must excuse if I laugh." KRUTTSCHMTT IS FAVORED JIarriman Official May Be Head of Missouri Pacific Road. NEW TORK. Feb. 18. (Special.) There were reports today In the finan cial district that the probable head of the Missouri Pacific to succeed George J. Gould would be Julius Kruttschnitt, present vice-president of the Harrlman lines, in charge of maintenance and operation. Mr. Kruttschnitt is a Lig man In every way and has made a big record on the Union Pacific and Southern Pa cific He is at present with Judge Lovett, president of those roads, on a trip of Inspection. The idea of those who thought Mr. Kruttschnitt's elec tion to be a possible one was that he was the choice of the banking inter ests, who have recently come into con trol of the Missouri Pacific and who would .like to see him duplicate on the Gould roads what he has done on the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific in ffiVw'ay of physical betterments. JACK LONDON PRISONER? Author Believed to Be Rebel Ar rested for Violating Neutrality. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 18. In response to a message from Captain Babcock, commanding United States troops at Calexico, United ' States Marshal Leo Youngworth and United States District Attorney A. I. McCormlck left Los An geles tonight .for the Imperial Valley for the purpose of advising the Army officer as to the disposition of two men believed to be Americans, taken into custody for alleged violation of neutrality. One of the prisoners Is said to be Jack London, the novelist, but there is uncertainty as to his identity. It is also reported that one is wounded. 1425 CHILDREN GET CASH Every Child in Mlddlesboro, Ky., Is iven Bank Account. MIDDLESBORO. Ky., Feb. 18. 3ank accounts for every school child In Mid dlesboro were started today by J. II. Bartlett of this city, who deposited a small sum In the postal savings bank to the credit of each of the children enrolled in the schools here. Not one of the 1425 children, white or black, was forgotten. PARTY TO CONQUER SNOWS First Winter Trip In Deep Winter to Crater Lake Is On. MEDFORD. Or.. Feb. 18. (Special.) The first expedition ever to start for Crater Lake in the heart of Winter, I will leave Medford tomorrow. One hundred and seventy miles will be made by the party on snowshoes. They will carry with them cameras. Pages lfo 14 LOVES WILL FIGHT FOR BABY MURIEL Each Makes Charges of. Evil Living. WIFE WIS CO-RESPONDENTS Husband Says Wife Drinks and. Smokes Cigarettes. HE HAS BEEN SHADOWED Divorce Suits Filed by Sidney C. Love, and Wife In New York and Oregon May Bo Carried to , Federal Supreme Court. CHICAGO,' Feb. IS. (Speci. l.) Love af fairs of Sidney C. Love, former Chicago and New York broker, clubman and so-, clety favorite, have assumed a tangle which may end In the Supreme Court of the United States, following the flling of two suits for divorce, one by Love in Oregon, and the other by Mrs. Marjorie Love in New York, each asking for the custody of Muriel Love, their 2-year-old daughter. Mr. Love arrived in Chicago today and Immediately went into seclusion. At none of the clubs where he formerly was a member and at none of the hotels could he be found. Through Clarenca 9. Darrow, his attorney. It was learned that neither Love nor his wife was' averse to the other's getting a divorce. Each, would be glad, ft was said, to be , free. The marital battle, however, will center about the child, Muriel, now with, her mother fh New York. Wife Accused or Drinking. Mr. Love will make his fight on the ground that his wife Is not a fit person, to have the custody-of a r-yesfr-old child. According to Mr. Darrow, tho broker charges that his wife 1 addicted to cigarettes and the use of liquor. Mrs. Love, on the other hand, asserts that her husband 13 rot a proper person to care for her daughter'. "Love will remain in Chicago scverar days," said Mr. farrow. "He is not going East to fight the suit filed there by his wife. I shall go and: represent him there. Mr." Love says that his wife Is a cigarette-smoker and uses alcoholia drinks. He is going to get tho child, if there Is any legal way. With the two suits filed In two different states. It la hard to say how tho case will come out. In the event the -wife wins in New York through having filed her suit first, an appeal may bo taken, as Love Is not a resident of that state, but of Oregon. We will push the thing to tho end, may be to the Supreme Court." Love's Second Romance Ends. , With tho. filing of the two divorcs suits the second romance in the brief but sensational career of Love Is brought to an end. Mrs. Love was Miss Marjorie Burnes, daughter of Mrs. C. C. Burnes. 1418 Lake Shore drive, and was married to Love In 1907, a short time after he had been divorced from his first wife. The Loves moved to New York shortly after the marriage, and were there ac cepted by the inner social circles. Then,' after a year, came the loss of Love's money and the closing out of the WaVTy street firm with which he was connected. Love went West, where he is said to have made another fortune In the past year. Mrs. Love remained in New York. Five Co-Respondents Named. Mrs. Love charges the statutory of fense and names five co-respondents, all women of the underworld, the alleged offenses declared to have been com mitted in Seattle, Wash., and BakerClty.. Or., since Sidney Love - went West to rehabilitate his fortunes. The nature of Mrs. Love's action confirms the belief that almost ever since Love went West he has been shadowed by detectives, one of whom is declared to. have followed him back to Chicago.