ORTLAXD. FEBKUATIT 12. 1911. POWERS GIGANTIC REMOVAL SALE Positively the Most Wonderful Example of Merchandising- on a Giant Scale That This City Has Ever Known. Entire $150,000.00 Stock of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves, Etc.. Being Sold at a TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE THE PUBLIC BENEFITS AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC The tremendous crowds that have thronged the store since the opening of this ale lave rlaced ns in a position where we have been unable to serve all who came. We have enpaucd the services of all the experienced salesmen we have been able to employ, yet many have left the store without receiving attention. The afternoon brinp the lartrest crowds, at which time it is impossible to wait on all who come. "We reapertfolly request that those who can do their shopping in the morning. More time and better service can be given on then. You can shop in a mora pleasant and comfortable way. SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS They will be filled in as pleasant and careful a tvay as if you were here trading in person. (Jut out the items you wish to pur chase, inclose them with your order with explicit instructions how and when to ship. You will save many times the freight on rour pur chase and secure merchandise exactly as advertised. There is money to be saved during this sale; why pay other stores a much bigger pi-ice? No One Can Afford to Miss This Sale. Ye Sacrifice Our Entire Profits Direct to the Public. Act Quickly $25 Quartered Oak Dresser $13.75 ii r 1 W 7 ; mm I r . Top 4: inch es wide, with French plate beveled mir ror 22 1 23, swell front top drawer only, good contraction. Great Offering f DressingTables and Princess Dressers -pjgrUnmatchable If yon would pay the lowest possible price for a good Dresser or Dressing Table, come here tomorrow and inspect the goods luted below. 11 60 Mahoa-any Dressing- Table, width 31 Inches, straight fr 14i24 French plat. 31 InchM. alralght front, haa Q ftg mirror. W tit SO Golden Oak Dresslnr Tab la. 1 lnchaa Id, modern EnaiUh rieslm. iias isald Franca plala mirror. Mw ...... .".$10.75 117.00 Golden Oak Dres.lnr Table. 21 Inches wide, aweil front. (1 ffrj 14x24 rr.nch plat, mirror, wl 13U lit. 00 Blr.!eye Dresslnr Tabla. French plat, mirror, or- (in 7tZ Dentin front. Now OlatilO oval mirror, 14 Ins. w Cut to $15.75 tit to Mahorany Treeslns; Tab!.. aer p.ntln. front. French lays. 1C TC it lnchaa wlda. Now . ...OlO.tlJ 110 00 Walnut Dressing- Tabla. 14x34 French plat, mirror, dainty (on ff dsalg-n. Now IPX"'S tlE.OO Pacific Oak Princess Dresner, 18x32 oval mirror. Now $9.95 3S 00 Quartered Oak Princess Presser, 2-lnch top, serpentina 4(17 "7C front, large mirror. Now. wl J $31.60 Mahotrany Princess Dresser, rase IS Inches wide, 18x24 oval (I 7 Q(" mirror. Now wl 4 iOj I3.vu vzuarxerea uik rnncess ureispr, 18x38 French plat, mirror, t 1 Q TC aerpentlna front. Now. . .. O 1 17 I O $40.00 Mahogany Princess Dresser. 40 Inches wide, swell front. 4JJ0 1 jr( French legs, large mirror. 1 iUU $40.00 Princess Dresser, In blrdseye maple, mahogany or quartered oak. 14x40 mirror, 3 lnchaa 4t?01 Cft wlda Now 160.09 Quartered Oak Princess Dresser, highly polished, full swell front. 22x40 French plate mirror, 40 CfcOC ff inches wide. Now OOO.UU This $31.00 China Closet 3Q Fine Chiffoniers The Best in the Stock FOR 7.95 E 'Bl IE Si1 MIRROR TOP Early English, very .similar to cut, bent aide glasses, straight front drawers, small mirror on top, good quality and design, at the exceptional price of $17.95 Goods Purchased DuringThis Sale Will Be Held for Later Delivery, if Desired Those who desiro to make their purchases now and are not ready to have goods de-. livrrvtl mar leave them hero for future delivery. They will be stored in our warehouse and le kept for you until such time as they are needed. Those who contemplate buy ing furniture or carpets in the next six months can in this way take advantage of the wonderful removal sale bargains and have their purchases laid aside until later. Lace Curtains Portieres Bear in mind that the are the greatest Lae Curtain and Portiere value tom have eren been offered. The quantities run from one to seven pairs of each. lie sure and come early. A$Jt Lace Curtains In Not cincham and flat ef-a J J fects. reduced to ..01.4 1 I aad Swiss, reduced $2.98 $ 04 Tapestry Portieres In t. rlu-.je colors and deelane. fr.mred enus. A duced to ft $7 60 Portieres In kr". a-reen I an. I nlivf. la frlnr1 an-1 I border designs, re. (7 I duced to 4iU I I $11 00 Pnrtlerea In all the new. el and Intr.t rt( it. In nor- I J dr or plain designs, d"T 1 f IneJ a w reduced to 75 Buys a Sanitary Layer Felt Mattress Covered With Hery Twill Tick zmh 1 Here la a Mattress Special that will Interest every houskeeper with a Mat tresa to bar- The cotton used In these mattresses la cleaned and purified by a special process of steam and dry heat that makea It absolutely sanitary. The purified cotton Is worked and beaten Into soft, flaky aheets. every particle of foreign matter that mlxht Interfere with the elasticity of the mattress has been removed. Fifteen of these sheets are piled one on top of the other, then they are carefully compressed anil covered wltb a hlfh grade of blue and white striped tlcklnc. This mattress will never lose Its elasticity or become lumpy. It la as good a mattress aa you would care to sleep on. We Are Selling Bed Davenports Covered in Chase Leather or Velour Worth $32, $35, $38.50 23 $48.50 GENUINE LEATH'R CHAIR $28.75 Fireside chair in genuine leather, solid mahogany frame, soft spring seat an J back, made up with finest quality upholstering, comfor table, durable and high grade. Other Values You Will Do Well to Investigate $30 Golden Oak Sofa Bed ith Telonr cover- 1 1 Q 7 ing tufted seat and back, wardrobe below, at X O O $42.50 Mahogany Sofa Bed, upholstered in OO f?A green relour diamond tufted, doep wardrobe J)auO OU $55 Golden Oak Sofa Bed, with claw feet and J Q Q C panel ends, green velour covering, reduced to 4) 3 O O J (SO Golden Oak Sofa Bed, like cut, with quartered oak ends, and tufted seat and back, covered in verona ft l H pyrj velour, reduced to J)lO, O $S7.50 Golden Oak Sofa Bed, with separate (tjCQ HA spring for bed, finely upholstered, at 4)Oae0J $92 Mahogany Sofa Bed, De Luxe upholster- d? C? 7 C ing, separate bed spring, reduced to tlOO O THIS $24.50 FINE QUARTER D OAK DRESSER CUT TO $14.75 Dresser is built of best select ed quartered oak, finished gold en; has three swell-front draw ers, trimmed with wood knobs and French plate mirror, of good size. Heavy panel ends, excellent design. This $7.5Q Child's Iron Crib With Drop Sides and Link Springs for H.85 Size 2-6x4x6, continuous posts, drop sides, close filler rods, fitted with best link spring, enameled white or blue. 1 Jj PRICE I A lot of thirty fine Chiffoniers, in oak, ma hogany and walnut from which the matched dressers have been sold will be closed out tomorrow at one-half price. These chiffon iers are all of the better grades and come in various widths and sizes. If an odd chiffon ier is needed surely now is the time to buy it. $28.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, 22 Inches wide, serpentine front. 12x20 French plate mirror. At $32.51 Mahogany Chiffonier, swell top drawer, 16x30 French plate mirror, 31 1ns. wide. Cut to $35.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, full swell front, 24 Ins. wide, 12x18 oval plate mirror. Cut to.. $37.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, with serpentine top drawer, 16x20 French plate mirror, 21 ins wide. $40.00 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, full swell frontv 16x20 French plate mirror, 31 Ins. wide. Cut to $55.00 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, 32 Ins. wfde, serpentine front, large pattern plate mirror. $60 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, 20-in. French plate mirror, 33 Ins. wide, straight front. Cut to $13.00 $16.25 $17.50 $18.50 $20.00 $27.50 $30.00 75c flif $3fl Carved top panel, finished golden. $3.95 $2.45 mt Was $6.00 $19.50 GOLD BRONZE TWO INCH POSTS FOR $10 ' . r V 'A. icasive iron hA with l.inre two-inch rwt, e!e filler rods with A ornameatal chills finished gold 1 1 bronze. $15.00 COLO BRONZE DECORATED JTEL PANLU FOR .JR7.95 An unusual and pleasing design, with paneled bead and food end, lance posts, full-sire only, finished gold bronze. $8.00 IRON BED A J nr- LIKE THIS, RE, kl DUCED TO ,pftT(J Continuous post pattern, without rod across top as shown, head 60 inches, fire filler rods. $5.50 IRON BED LIKE THIS, RE DUCED TO $3; 15 BSlrfm Scroll top rod, ornamental chills, angle iron rail in head and foot end, finished cream only. Wanted, Six Salesmen Must have had experience in selling both furniture and car pets. Apply at once. Walnut j If Was $3.75 m m a nil 1 1 Pisl Saddle wood seat. VLxneTif iriTsm nfllr frV - BaiTi r n f- ir ii-r f 11 iMsVifeiViTHi-aV f J-'-T r urirrnr f frt4)riii 11m - 3