THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12. 1911. V K h TAGDMA INVOLVED IN RECALL FIGHT Petitions Out for Election Fecal! Whole City Commission. to FAWCETT STARTS TROUBLE Row Rclrr-n Mayor and Ko Over rrni IIIII tar Jipread I'nlil Churrhe and Sports Unite in Iter 11 -Movement. TtCOMA. Feb. 11. (Special. Petl tlon are out for the recall of ever elective offirer In th city of Tarom . ictDt tb Cttjr Controller. Th petl tlon for the recall of Mayor A. V. Faw rett. with approximately 500 signs turts attained. probaMj wtll be file with tho fltv Clerk Monday and an election called at an early date to de el, it- his f:e. Preliminary to the circulation of pe tltlons for their recall, charge or in nmru.i.v failure to enforce the law . . .eneral neirirct of duty were filed v rmint Commissioner V. I. r.o Owen Wood. Nlcholx I.awaon . n.i r?v Vreeland br a committee ,.. . element. These men. with Mayor A. V. F-twcett. form the munici pal rommlaaloa that governs Taconia. The four cominlnsloners named are charged with consenting to a dlstribu- t i nf nower amona- iriemaeives i,-h en. vi itfnarlmf nt of the Clt ...rnmeni m miJ, Indrpendent of .ih.n and at the fame time re ' - fn the supervision of the commission a whole. Bad Faith I C harged. Ttiev also are charged with bad faith In the enforcement of the-clvll service regulations and mlth seeking to build tip a machine through patronage. An other charg la that the commissioner - .in' in nf a law. adoptee, a mi'je- ivoiu-T ailowlna: a restricted dis trict to exist. permitting puhllc ...k'in. and the holding of brutal ntlnflrhll" Further, they are accused of gross mismanagement and Inefficiency In the jurhuii of their duties. T.u sreneral charges are mad acalnst all the four commissioners, an i- .t.ittinn there are more detal.ed ac- rusatlona against each one Individually. Vreeland. who I commissioner of finance, la charged with be In- vacclt latins;. The Mayor an.1 Commissioner now under fire were elected In April. 110. and took office May 3. They had been en the Job scarcely alt month before rumor of recall petition were being circulated. Faweett and Commissioner L. W. Roys, of the department of pub lic safety, clashed svon after they took fflre. while the Kern Hill streetcar war waa la progress. The Mayor was elected ea his promts to "make It warm" for the Umi Railway -owr Company and when Kern IIIU t threatened to cause another block ade In their effort to ie.ur a S-crnt fare, the Mayor. It waa stated at the time, encouraged them. Hoy Call Down Kawertt. Roy, la char; of the pollc de partment, notified the Mayor by tele, phone on night that If any riot oc curred, he woulj arrest every one of the participants. The Mayor not only resented the remark by bitter personal repttea. but succeeded In establishing a crowing sentiment against Koy. The Mayor then began to talk about what the voter would do to Hoys as soon as they could set a recall peti tion In circulation. Koy aut quiet and said llttie. Pome months after that the Mayor Introduced and suc ceeded In getting passed hi near famous ordinance prohibitive: treating la saloons. The rumor that the saloon Interest Intended to start a rerall movement stalest t.i Mayor because of the anti-treattng measure. mas spread. Htrxons otposed to radical legislation also Joined In the move ment and on January M. 11. a peti tion for the Mayor recall wa for mally put In circulation by M. Li. Mambaugh. an es-Clty t'oun.-liman. who a that he haa no Interest other than that of a cliUen. the last day. Inasmuch a similar bout had been unmolested for month before and tickets to them accepted by the Commissioner even to Kay Freeland himself, also signed. While the far. were still warm under Ihe collar, the committee appointed at tne church mass mcetlnit to draft peti tion for the recall of the other com missioner got down to business ami be -an Its work. Faweett Strikes Hack. The Mayor came to the front again mlih more surprises. He said be would cause a sensation the past week that mould make the "far fly." The day be fore th commission's legislative session on Wednesday, the Mayor secret leaked out. It developed that he Intended to Introduce an ordinance closing saloon at t o'clock. He followed the programme and admitted, after the ordinance had been introduced, that he did It to 'strike Wk at the Royal Arch." which, he be lieves. Is backing the movement to oust him. The ordinance will not be voted on finally until next wee or possibly later. The Mayor says he will take advantage EUGENE'S RECALL CONTEST BITTER Mass Meeting of Citizens De mands Elimination of Personalities. APPLAUSE GREETS KEENEY riu.Mirit ok toot corsTT IM.sKa A WAV AT HOME I UAADO.V. a;''1i n . i Wllllaa Calller. RAXrON". Or., Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) William Galller. a pioneer of Coos County, died at hi home In this city Tuesday. Mr. Galller wa born In England. February 11. 17. and was 83 years. 11 month and it day old at the time of hi death. He came to America In 1150. He went to Illinois In 1S3 and was married In l"i to Matilda llcu-tls. with whom he lived over 60 j-rars. until her death. January ST. 107. Mr. nalller leaves one daughter, who Uvea in Iowa, and two son. Stephen and Edmund. both of whom live In Randon and are the proprietor of the Calller Hotel. Stephen ma formerly Sheriff of Coos County and waa the first Mayor of llandon. William Galller J came to Oregon In 1871. first settling at 1'hoenlx. Jackson County, but came to Coos County In IS73 and ha resided here ever since. He wa one of the most widely knom n men in this section of Oregon. up ('harctira Attack A liolp Hoard. Tli campaign for sltrners began and enly a few mere obtained at the out set. Mayor Fawiett was pleased, hav ing every rra-on to believe that his recall wa a "flxxle." Two week ag-o. however, a mass meeting was held In the lint Methodist Church, which wa ttended by about 7v0 people, prom inent among whom were ex-offlce-ho'der and reformer. The meeting tail been called by tlie various cliurrti brotherhoods of the cltr to protest against the continuance of a restricted district and other evils bettered to tie anrtlonad by the municipal commis sion. Th meeting voted to upprt a re call petition ror m enure Aiumripai Commission, eompoeed of I- W. Hoys. Ttar Kreeland. Nl holns l.awion and Owen besldee the Mayor, who, bv th terms of the charter. Is also a Commissioner. T-irtng the discussion) ene of the peakera mentioned that Freeland had promised only a week be fore to Introduce a resolution demand ing that th Commissioner of public safety enforc the lawa pertinent to clvl- decency. When Freeland heard of this crttt ctra th next day. he introduced a res olution at the aeaaton of the Commis sion to close the restricted district, s t op gambling and prohibit prize fight. The resolution mat adopted bnarlmonsly. 'nminllon Angrre Sport. It so happened that the b!g bout be tween "ln"r F.d" Martin and Jack 1-e.te- wa scheduled to take Mace In Tacoma that night. News that th Commission had adopted a resolution placing t'ie ban on all auch exhibi tions quickly spread downtown and ail the fght fans In the city rusr.ed to t e City Hail to make laq'ilrle and star the effect of the Council action. If pos-ible. Their effort met with no success id th too or TO fan who bad come from various cities of Washington. Or egon, lilaho and California were ottomed to disappointment. Th big fight was not h-M. although Tommy linros. ex-c'.amplon heavymelsht of th world, did everything experience had taguht him to do In an effort to pull off th mill That night there was a great demon stration. I-ocal sport and other who had com to town marched th street to the fun of -Hecall the whole Con. mission." Th Kawcett movement was given a great impetus. None of th other pet tlon were out end th ! tiatnres of ail Ike disappointed lovers of th boxing gam went down on his recall petition that night and for aev. rl dy following. Many other, thinking It unfair to atop th fight en of no technical tie to star the recall lection. In fact, ho ey tie wunt th otrrs to decider If they do not want tm. he doe not want the otflce. he a rt. He I confident of re-election and ay he "can sit right here In this oftlc nd akin any mnn In town." The spe inc charges filed against th Mayor are aa follow: Cliargr-s Made Asalnit Major. "That during the time said A. V. Fsw tt hss been Mayor of the City of Ta coma he ha shown himself to be m hollv nco;tipetent and unlit to discharge the uties of Mayor of said city. 'That In violation of the provision of th charter relative to civil service he m-nia for the purpose of bulldin per-onnl nolttical machine. "That his eVravagance and unbusiDe llke methods, if allomed to pro.-eeU. mill bnr.krupt the city, and In this charge me vail particular attention to the atti tude of the Mayor In purchasing the vertical lift bridge when all the best authorities In the country and th large users of bridges severely condemn the erection of such a structure aa Imprac tical and a waste of monev. "That said Mayor haa Interfered with the other commla loner of the city and Vttetnpted to and has usurped their func tions without warrant or authority la law. "That continuance In office of aald A. V.a Kawcett as Mayor of the City of Tacoma 1 a menace to the business en-trrprl-es of the city and mill load a burden of taxes upon the people under which they wtll surfer for many year to ome. "That said Mayor haa appointed his relatives and political henchmen to city office without regard to their fitness or quallllcatlon for the positions to which they mere appointed. "That he used his Influence to release the Northern I'srlrlc from building a via duct f roin Pacific avenu to the dock, which viaduct would be of great prac tical use and benefit to th city, which aid viaduct th Northern Pacific was under obllgatlona to the city to build." Preliminary light to lie Made. Th Fawcett antl-treatlng ordinance mill come before the people at a special election March 7L The Mayor la bend ing every energy Just now to win votes for this measure, believing that. If th people adopt th mrasuf. half of his recall fight will be won. Monday he ia to deliver an addreee be Tore th Minis terial Alliance on the antl-treatlng ordi nance, and be Is making an energetic personal campaign among voters, par ticularly a they come to the City Hall to register. About U.' voter have thus far registered. Including women, who are taking considerable Interest la th recall fight. Rrpratrd Call for Aftfcssor Made Showing Temper of I-aM Xlsht'a Conference Is Changing. Taxpayers Get Busy. EUGENE. Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) In meeting, at times uproarious with Bp plauw. and at others Interrupting speak er with shouts and stamping of feet until they could not be heard, a second taxpayers meeting referred back to th committee Its resolution calling for th Immediate recall of County Aiwessor F. Keeney, County Judge Helmus V Thompson, and Commissioners Price and Hemphill, with directions to redraft and eliminate personalities. The secretary wa directed to end written invitations to the members of the County Court to attend another mass meeting next Saturday, when they will be given an opportunity to explain how they arrived at the tux levy they made. i no temper or tne meeting today wa entirely different from that of the meet Ing of a week ago. Then the prot Idea prevailed entirely, and Assessor Keeney mas howled down. Today there ere repeated calls for the Assessor and th County Court, and Intent soemed to be to get at the facts of the mutter and to take rational deliberate action Taxpayers cited Instances of taxes doubled and trebled In the year, brlngln applause from the audience, and the when Assessor Keeney, having been granted the floor, declared he Intended to make asnesmneins according to la and as Impartially as he could, there vi likewise applause. Petitions to recall Keeney and Price had been printed but were not presented. Re call or Thompson and Hemphill would have to be deferred until July 1. as they ciu, not taxe orrice until January 1. EUGENE POLITICS BOILING New Turn Taken by Issuance of Cal for Mass Meeting. ELGKNR Or.. Fb. ITU (Special.) A new turn mas given the local political situation mhon It mas announced today tnai members or the charier commit) ion wnose work mas rejected bv the. I ity Council, and others. Issued a call for a him meeting for Monday rilsht for the purpose of taking step toward in selection of candidate for Mavor and Counclltnen. mho shall pledge themselves to can an election on a rommlwlnn charter Immediately upon their election. Asvgciiri or tne new form of city government profess to believe that the commission proposed by the City Council is inienaea etmpiy to deluy as long possible the putting Into effect of the reform plana. They point out that of the nine memocr on the Council's com mission, lour are In favor of commi.. ion aurrrnment tor cities, rour are out spoken against the plan, and one la in a uounirui position. They fear, therefore. inai in cnmrntnion may delay Its re port undueiy, or else submit a form of rnaner xnat would not meet the annr.iv.i vi in, Toiern. 1911 Spring Styles Now on Sale PIONEER DIES IN HOQUIAM Willi . Itavls Traveled Across the Plain Three Times. Howl" I A M. Wash.. Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) Willis G. Davis, who rros.ed the lains coming to the Northwest from New York In 1859, died at the home of hi daughter, Mrs. W. I,. Adams, here today, aged 7 years. Mr. IJavl was taken suddenly ill with pneumonia sev- rai days ago. Mrs. and Mr. W. L. Adam, who are In California, were no tified and are en route home. Mr. l'avls made three trips across the continent In prairie schooners and one trip around the Horn In the early days. He was at one time the only resident of Huntington. Or., and conducted the station for the pony express during thd trouble with the Indians. He was one of the pioneer who viewed the Moun tain Meadow massacre, arriving on the cene the day following, and helped bury th victims. II was born March at Oswego. N. T.. and mas married to Adella Anderson in 1856. Mra. Adams Is the only child. CENTRALIA MAN ARRESTED ;irl Sarin Out Complaint Acalnst Stepfather, Who Struck Her. fTXTRALIA, Wash- Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) With her fac covered with blood and on eyelid gashed by a bro ken plec of glass. Miss Sophie Han son, a pretty 17-year-old girl of Cen tralis, rushed Into th oRir of Chief of Pollc Kobert yesterday, asking protection from her step-father. John Hanson. The girl complained that Hanson had returned horns drunk and atruck her over the'eye while are waa wearing eyeglasses. Th glas broke and the piece narrowly missed blinding her. Hanson w arrested and taken before Justice or th Pear Hosa. II admit ted hi guilt- By an arrangement be tween the attorney for the defens and Prosecuting Attorney Buxton, the ac cused man was allowed to go on hi promise to come up for sentence In the afternoon. H has not been seen sine. Edlefsea Fuel Company sells th fa nous washed Cal Creek Bteam Coal MEDICAL AIDJJENIED BOY Ilescuo From Apostolic Falthists Hc quirca Court Order. BOLTH BEND. Wash.. Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) Because medical aid mas denle.l him when he Injured his leg several weeks sgo, Darrlngton Reed, of Port land. 14 years old, may lose that mem ber. It is even posslblo that the In- Jury will result fatally, physicians say. im ooy went to uystervllle to visit family named Andrews. When he is hurt, the family refused to pro cure a doctor, saying that the I-ord would heal him. Neighbors scut word to Fred Keed. an elder brother, who wa compelled to obtain a vrr'.t of habeas corpus to secure custody of Dar rinston. The younger boy -as taken to Portland today for treatment. Court Commissioner Kgbert declared at the conclusion of the hearing that if anyon would make the chaige he would commit both Andrew and his wife to the asylum at Stcllacoom. Ynox The Hats with a splendid past, a splendid present and a splendid future. . Knox Soft Hats ........ $5 Knox Stiff Hats ?5 Knox Silk Hats ?3 Knox Opera Hats ?8-$10 New Arrivals New Spring Shirts Gluett Star E. & W. Soft Bosom Very Neat and Exclusive Patterns $1.50 to $3.00 enjarnin Qe'ar aVamafXsVvV esBea Clothes Part of our Sprin g shipment has ar rived some very snappy patterns BMBjSBWasswsmBWmmsmmmmBWBsWBBWswaWBWBWBBmmaswaw t 311 Morrison Street Opposite Postoffice CLAMPED 1 Undesirables Decamp When Seattle Chief Comes In. and during the past week several hun dred acres of land have exchanged hands. ALL GAMBLING STOPPED Baiinlek, Ixinr In Service, Declares Jle Has Xo Friends to Protect and AVIiat Goes for One Goes for All. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 11. (Special.) .The atiDolntment of Captain Claude G. Rannlck as Chief of Police today started an exodus of undesirables from the so-called hotels In the lower part of the city. Uepot ticket agents say most of them bought tickets for Van couver. H. t .. and Man t rancisco. Chief Hannlck Iscued two general orders tonight. One Instructed tne policemen to see that the cafes and saloons stopped selling liquor at mid night Saturduy nights snd to arrest every cafe proprietor or saloonkeeper who sold liquor on Sunday. Gambling Must Slop. The second ordur instructed the men to look diligently for public gamblln nd to muke arrests wherever gamming found. According to Chief Bannlck the Sun day closing law will hereafter apply to he fashionable caies as well as to tne saloons in the lower part of the city. Within a few days Chief Bannick will begin a campaign to rid the city of 11 undesirables. It Is likely that purity squad will be organized. "My Instructions have oeen to en force the laws and that is what I am going to do." said Chief Bannlck. "The antl-Kambling order will inciuae nana- ooks aa well as other forms or cam- ling. I know from my own experl- nce as a patrolman ami aa a sergeant that It Is posslblo for men In uniform keep their heats free of dissolute men and women. l ne uptown noieis must clean up and stay clean. This will also apply to the so-called lodg- ng-houses. I have no mends to pro ect. and what goes f one go'es for 11. Some Shifting Due From Within. "As to the changes within the de partment, there will be some shifting around. I have no doubt that my plans for cleaning up the town will displease many who have had free hand, but I do not care. I shall carry out my Instructions to the letter." Heveral officers whom. Wappensteln had exiled to the suburbs are again In favor at headquarters, among these Frank Kennedy, whom he reduced from, a detective and gave a beat which In volved a three-mile walk to his home. 6ergeant A. N. Ryan Is another. REFUND GIVEN SHIPPERS Southern Pacific to Give Back Dif ference In Rates. SALEM, Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) Ad vices were received by the State Rail road Commission today from the Southern Pacific that that road will voluntarily re fund to all shippers the difference be tween class rates since the commission made Us order In respect to those kind of rates, up to the present time. The order of the commission was made October 13, l!10t and immediately the Southern Pacific enjoined the commis sion from enforcing tt. It Is estimated that the refund mill aggregate practical ly for the shippers. DR. GOE FILES ANSIVER COMPLAINT SAYS IT'RXISH PROFITED BY DEAL. Road Work Bids Called. CIIEJHALia, Wash.. Feb. 1L (Special.) State Highway Commissioner Bowlby has Issued a call for bids to be opened March 15, 1111, for the construction of three and one-half miles of state aid road east of Chehalls. Bids for as plialttim macadam road, are asked In, pursuance with the specifications on file with the Lewis County engineer. It Is expected to build a hard-surface, road. Attorney Rsley Bald to Have Acted as Legal Representative of Both Men Involved In Suit. PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) While his Portland attorneys, Harri son Allen and A. E. Clark, were argu ing against W. J. Furnlsh's petition that a receiver be appointed for all the properties Involved In the Furnlsh-Coe suits. Dr. II. W. doe today filed an answer to the complaint made by tho Furnish Interests several weeks ago. Coe's attorneys contended the ap pointment of a receiver was not neces sary, for the reason that he Is anxious to turn over to the Inland Irrigation Company all options, contracts and un completed business In his possession. In the answer It Is charged that Attor ney J. H. Haley, of this city, acted as attorney for both Coe and Furnish, and that he took advantage of his position of trust and confidence with Coe to the benefit of Furnish, with whom he conspired. As proof of this they declare that Coe has pad Haley more than $1200 since filing of this suit, in settlement of attorney fees. Many of the countercharges made In the answer were practically the same aa thoso made In the famous million dollar damage suit filed by Coe against Furnish, Raley et al., the substance of which is that W. J. Furnish, Attorney J. H. Raley and H. L. Moody conspired against Coe In order to rob him of his lawful rights and profits in the Irri gation project at Stanflcld. Specifically, the answer alleges that Raley was attorney for both Coe and Furnish at tile same time, but at all times was secretly working for the advancement of the Furnish Interests. It alleges that Furnish, when ho saw the success which was attending the efforts of Coe In selling the lands under the project at Stanfield, manipulated, the ' contract which ne held with Coe to the damage and injury of Coe, and that he employed sundry devices to Injure his financial reputation and to defame him, that he (Furnish) might secure the profits on the salo of the lands for himself. ' Amsterdam, Hollund, Is having an apartment-house building boom. The now edifices are of four or rtv atones, with a basement room two to four stories below the street level. SPANKING CAUSES INJURY Indelible Pencil Penetrates Father's. Wrist as He Puulshe Lad. A vVHTTK SALMON. Wash., Feb. 11 (Speclal.r "It was ail because I tried to spank my boy." said Albert DarOng. as ho placed his arm under the X-ray and then submitted to an operation which laid open his wrist to the bone. As he swung on the. lad the boy in stinctively threw hi hand behind for protection, and th Indellbl pencil he held penetrated th father's wrist and th point broke off. starting blood poison In a few days, mhlch may necessitate amputation. , Big Orchard Deal Xets $23,000. PASCO. Wash.. Feb. II. (Special.) The Hover Schlffner Company, sales agents for the Pasco Reclamation Company Irrigated lands, report a !-.-000 deal in close-in acreage to an F.astern syndicate, mhlch will Improve the land and establish an apple orchard. It Is one of the largest deals that has been made since the opening up of the orchard tracts. Buyers are coming In Hay's MULLANES TAFFIES. With the old-fashioned flavor 'and delicacy, the sweetness and genuine goodness.- Th y are fine for th girl you love best on St. Valentine's day. Pig. Slchel Co. il Third or Third and Washington. n n Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dan d ruff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. SI .00 sad SOe st Dm Stores or direct upon receipt of pries snd dealers asm. Send 10c foe sample bonis. Philo Hsy Specialties Co Nr-.rk. N. J-.U.S-A. HBFUSB ALL SUBSTITUTES j 1 I used:inA931ines'otbusiness 1 1 1 S I Especially refficieritiinlon 11 1