) SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 VOL. XXX. Patronize Home Industry Use Oregon BlanKets, Robes, Mattresses, Beds, Tinware, Brooms, BasKets, Tire Screens, TrunRs Men's Shirts, Overalls, Etc. -Use Oregon Pure Foods, Meats, Canned Goods, Crackers, Cereals, Flour, Spices, Extracts, Etc. Tike Greater Oldls-Wortaniaini reat Sale ExhifoitioniQf t-SpA household needs It ?$--J$fyi' brin to the public! "Made in 0 ;f cm COOKIXa SCHOOL TOMORROW 3 P. M. Mcnn VvilV Fotnl Cake, Cara mel Fronting:, Macaroon. Tea. "MADE IN OREGON" Pendleton Mills BlanKet Robes At S8 5Q and Sll.OO Each S'tMorrin-strft winJow today. A line of Kobe, suitable for many purposes, couch rov ers, topthrow for beUs, Meamer rups auto rtb4. ttr. Ksrlusive patterns, made only by the Pendleton Woolen Mill. On sale in our b'li!irs department, on third floor section. r.K wiiow "MADE IN OREGON' Closset &, Devers Golden West Coffee Spices Nuraya Tea EaUravcta NURAYA TEA A brand of Ceylon, and India teas, hhipped direct from the plantation in Kandr. t'ovlon. blended and packed in Port land. Oregon. It is equal to any 7.V CQ gruie parked in Iondm. Sale price, lb. -'-' GOLDEN WEST COFFEE A special blend of Sumatra and ltota, aged in the green, hipped direct to Chxiet Si Dever, Portland, Oregon, where it i prepared for the market. i "MADE IN OREGON" I Esbencott Chemical Co. i i Sactiseptie Let ion for the skin, rarbolized. rcetitnnicnded for complexion, after shaving, sunburn., chafing, hives, etc. OurOQ reoilar 5e size placed on sale for'' XX XX Hair Tonic Co. 1910 X X X X Dandrnff Cure, a sure cure for falling hair, recommended for all scalp dis-i-4es, action prompt, powerful and t 1 flfl pica-ant; placed,, on sale, bottle V vlll Tulcy'a Electric Liniment The bet for aching joints, muscular rheuma tism, piles bruises and sprains, lo9Cr j plaied on sale at only, the bottle JC ! SEE WIXDOW "MADE IN OREGON" Gilford's Views Of Oregon Scenery Hand Colored Photos The late productions of hand-colored photos hy Mr. ti if ford are marvelouslj beautiful The mo-t trturcsiie spot in Oregon, and Ilt-aven known there is nothing more pleasing. The scenery is "Made in Oregon"; the photos are "Made in Oregon"; the coloring is "Done in Oregon." Come and view these pictures. SF.K WINDOW PORTLAND, and miii 5 3? Sale Extraordinary amcl Exhibition, 'Made inn Or erf 1 w We invite all Oregon to join us in exploiting our own iState It has been the attention the Oregon" And to more forcibly remind you of the great importance of j the occasion we will offer special trolled by the manufacturer Following is a partial list of firms whose goods will be featured this week See our window displays on Morrison, Alder," Tenth and We st Park streets Watch the papers for further announcements Profit by the s a vi n g op portunities offered Come to the store every day Boost Oregon by using "Made in Oregon' goods A worthy ambition that should Know no rest NEW SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING EVERY DAY "MADE IN OREGON Pacific Stoneware 'C. Umbrella Stands Jardinieres, Vases, Flower Pots, Pans, CrocKs, Jugs, Etc Many nsefnl and beautiful articles too numer ous to mention are on display in our window today, and every article shown is MADE IN OREGON Many new features will be added to this sale and display as it progresses. Watch papers. SEB WK'DOW "MADE IN OREGON' Portland Woolen Mills Co. Wool BlanKets Blankets of superior quality. Made in Ore gon, of Oregon wool. We show an extensive line in the department, 3d floor. See window. EXTRA! A very rpecial purchase of two lines of Portland Mills Blankets, which were slight ly soiled enables us to offer White Wool Blan kets, double size, pink and blue ff! QC border, $8.50 values, $5.95; $10. PO.IJ SKK WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON" Coffman (SL Bloch "Lino" Ointment A combination of oils compounded into an ointment used heretofore in a liquid form, un eualed to relieve irritatiuu, colds in the head and catarrh. Blumauer-FranK Drug Co. R0BERTINE A kin food and tissue builder, tends to remove wrinkles, crowfeet and dry ing of the skin. A regular Mc bottle, OP special during this sale for only, each. J3C COLD CREAM Wistaria, an excellent face cream, suggests the fragrance of Wi- Cfj. staria, large size jar, special at only'' "MADE IN OREGON" Portland Flouring Mills Olympic Flovir Pancake Flour Wheat Hearts Fresh and sweet all the time is the true story of Bread. Cake, Pies, etc., baked with Olympia Flour. Thone us an order and see what good luck vou'll have. Is not excelled anywhere. ITS MADE IN OREGON OF OREGON GRAIN - SEE WIXDOW illtr: SUNDAY MOltXIXG, FEBRUARY 12, 1011. Especially wearing apparel, regular custom of this store , many articles of superior prices on all merchandise "MADE IN OREGON" Acme Mills Mushes ' Cereals Good cooks and pood flour make a good combina tion. The results are satisfactory. The Acme Mills Flours are good ; any good cook will testify to this. They are MADE IN OREGON Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. CRACKERS You've tried them and you liked them, they are made under the most sanitary conditions. 1 f They are packed in neat cartons at, each "C MADE IN OREGON Neustadter Bros. Men's Furnishings TNION MADE Manufacturers of the famous BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS. Men's Work Shirts, Dress Shirts, etc. $1.50 AND $2.00 SHIRTS FOR ONLY $1.39 A very special sale of fine soisette Shirts, made in Oregon of the best materials. Button-down collars, pockets nicely finished, cut full and well made. Best pearl buttons, white or cream colors. All sizes, and sure to fit. $1.50 and C" ?2.00 values now on sale for only P SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON" Hickory BarK Cough Remedy Every bottle is guaranteed to be pure; every bot tle is guaranteed to contain no' alcohol; every bot tle is guaranteed to contain no narcotics. Not even a flavor to disguise the taste of the New Orleans Molasses, which is but a body to sweeten mid carry the strength of the Hickory Bark. Never use any but a pure cough remedy; that is the first principle, in case of a cough or a cold. Cnittem BarK Tablets A tonic laxative for the treatment of constipa tion, bowel and liver complaint, colds and )ZLg headache an Oregon product price, box SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON Dwight Edwards Co. Dependable Coffee "Triunfo," a strictly, pure coffee, free' from adulteration. Listed in the last Government re port as one of the best coffees grown. Every can is warranted to contain all Pure, Absolutely Unadulterated Coffee. It is grown on Dwight Edwards' own plantation of 36,000 acres, in the Tnmbala Range of the Sierra Madre Mountains shipped to Portland and prepared for market. SEB WIKDOW of the pro pure foods and once a year to merit which are which is not con "MADE IN OREGON" Multnomah Trunk and Bag Co. Trunks Trunks that will stand the racket. Baggage smashers take notice. You can't jam up these trunks' because they are MADE IN 0EEG0N. We show a complete stock of the Multnomah Trunks so justly popular. The body is built strong, the covering, straping aud mountaing are done as well as in any fac tory in the land. AH the latest improved de vices are employed in their construction. SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON" Zan Brothers Wooden and Willow Ware See display of the best brooms on the market, made right, made to stay in shape, made of selected new stock broom straw, and made right here in Oregon. 35 to 75J each. Made in Portland by various concerns. Heavy galvanized ash cans, price only, each $3.25 Fire screens and spark guards, $2.75 to $7.50 Step Ladders, extra well made, 20 foot Willow wood carriers, closed .ends, $1.75 Folding clothes racks, 90, $1.00, $1.25 Wire coat and garment hangers, 3 to 15 SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON Union Meat Company Columbia Brand Hams and Bacon Columbia Sausage Lard, Lard Substitutes Union Meat Company's Government inspected meats, pure foods of known quality. In the 'great new plant recently built this firm will be better equipped than ever before to handle their extensive business. We carry complete lines of Union Meat Co.'s products, all of which are sold with an absolute guarantee. SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON" Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Pure Syrup Tea Garden Drips Put up in quarts, one-half gallon and gallon tins, especially for fine trade. Try them. Made in Oregon Pure Cidar Vinegar, the bottle, only 10 Blueing and Ammonia, the bottle only 10 O. W. K. Laundry Soap, 7 bars only 25 Tillamook Cheese, the pound, now only 20 ducts of I M .v. twitoffl . EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY NO. 7. on Page 9 This Section " MADE IN OREGON " Albers Brothers Mills Violet Oats Violet Wheat, Buck Wheat, Cream Rolled Oats, Pastry Flour, 10-lb. sacks, Whole Wheat Flour, Pearls of Wheat, Self-rising Buck Wheat Flour, Family Favorite Rolled Oats, Graham Flour, 10-lb. sacks. AH the most reliable cereals and flours. Made in Oregon. SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON' Carman Manf Co. Yum Yum Springs $2.75 Values Only $1.95 Good, springy, strong, well-made, sleep sound springs for wood or iron bed. Rudgear Merle Co. Iron Beds A sale of all Iron Enameled Beds with con tinuous posts, sizes 3 feet, 3V2 and 4y2 feet. Regular $17.50 Brass Bed, now for 512.75 Regular $15.00 Brass Bed, now for $11.00 "MADE IN OREGON Portland Furniture Co. Mattresses $12 Values for $7.95 $Q.50 Valtxes, $425 In the third floor bedding store we offer a very special of home-made mattresses, cov ered with art ticking, filled with silk floss, a full 30 pounds; our regular TQ tLf $14.00 values, placed on sale at F Cotton Felt Mattresses, covered t7 QC with fancy ticking; $12.00 values V Fine Soft Mattresses, made with rolled edge and covered with fancy CA OC ticking; regular $6.50 values for "P. SEE WINDOW "MADE IN OREGON " Mt. Hood Soap Co. Soaps Pure soaps, which possess all the cleansing qualities. Mt. Hood Tar Soap, Jumbo Soap, Naptha Soap. Laundry Soap, Pure "Whitfe Soap, for the bath, toilet and laundry. Made in Oregon The O. W. K. special brands of soaps are also made of the purest chemicals. On sale in our Grocery Department, on the 4th floor. o n v fi si n yjr v v i u u u u :f kjS