TnE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, rORTLAXD. FEBRUARY 12, 1911. TARIFF NO FACTOR Local Oats Market Unaffected by Reciprocity Agreement. ACCORDING TO DEALERS Majority of Seller Are A'klng rll Prior for the ltrinalnuVr of tl Crop rndrrloiMj of VWwat MmrVrt I Weak. of the holder of ate In IM MCCon are a little nervous over the possible affect of the) pasae of the reciprocity blU. Thy ara afraid that with tha duty removed Canadian oat may be dorr.p.4 on tMs mark!- r-horw r a-so looking forward, or rather Hoping for a decline and some of them ara talking very low prices. T"emm jortty of ma dealer, however, that the changing of tt. law will have no effect whatever on the market. i l,ui this I'uon. The freight rata from the Canadian oat-rowlnr sc tloos to thla stale la prohibitive, but on Pugt Sound. wher tha markets ara r.lsrer. free Canadian oats might h an Influence. Tea crop In Canaia thla rar. however, la not large, ao th.r. la no danger of f " competing with tha Willamette Yal male. Tha local market quoted steaiy yesterday at :;u:T-S per ton. Tbero t no donbt that the Lantern wheat markets have already discount"! any po.elble effect of the reciprocity agreement. Tha local wncai "' tt.terday waa dull with only a Hit" demand from California and no In quiry frm-' -a-rter I lub . quoted at 7V" -'. " " at 12 renta. Tha Pound market was falr:y firn. at cent, t-r 11 centa for bluestem. Thera were hardly any country offerings at tha current bids. . Weekly wheat shipments from Rlacx Fe porta were aa follow: Wueh. Iliiih. Tlieh. aaf w U tr. To ! nasals. Sii iil.:.o. 8.-vvo tonne a-.. Local recelpta. In car, wera reported T tha Merchants Kichange aa fol lows: Rarley Fi"ur Oats Iter 4 1 81 M tT T'lMtf e. -,ln..-ier .. Thnrt7 '.! atiariir V.r .... Tli. w ... T-r P -. t. date. lr IT 1 1 a t it I T I a t 3 11 y t :t ; It 41 W I till lor tTACT HtMtT H TwO. tmf Vm'X 'ra ! "" RI4 tt lib Ma Taken. Tie ni-ln tntcreat in the hop market cent-r In futarca. Tlia dealer ara In dM'.rtouy at work In tha country, but re not yet found many rower In a mo.! to contra.-t. tffer a MUh aa 1 renta haa ba-n made for Ut and -Browth. but IS renta peema to b tha Lmit oSferrd on aniaU crop. No trannacttoiv In twn P"t lop ho been reported for earl daya. Uroa. yeaterday bou.1t baUa f old Takimaa. Ra.-rilc tha UKfeaa In New Tork bop acreaca tha Watenrlila Tlmaa quote tka foUowme; from iwlou hop producing locaUltie: -la .:hohrla tha acreaa wUJ ba about U aunt aa Uat year. .VtleaklU rapart a ai'.ht tncraaaa rather than a Mrtu in acreac aa farmer ara learw te that thara l govt money In runnlna; A arnaU bopyard welt cared for In con nection wlto dairytn. la Ote;o tha wlcwtsiT BP and aalttr out proce am about balance. At Canandataua the aoreaa-e wtll ba al!hty tacraaawd.- Trad circulars of the London bop fx ore any: WUd. Neama n Ox-There la no altera tion In tha atat of our market: a healthy demand continue and raluee ara ery firm. Hngmr A Ilealey The demand eon tlnueei for all Uieful coppwr hop, which rw ararc and dlffUuil to Knd. Th too of th market la ery firm, with a decided karden!n Irnilracy. W. U. II- La May To general bual aaa noted ta our last eontinuaa. and prtcea have a hardening- tendency aU round. Trade In Worceater hop keep brlak. but th auppliea on offer ara abort. Very few grower har any left, and merchant era compelled to buy from one another to obtain their requlremenua Old hop ara more Inquired for and ahar the advance In value. 0109 ikS A QVAR-rrm BltittUI. jiirlaili AdTearn Ula rrlr to tlM Far Handred. Th eUln prlc of on lone waa ad vanre.1 yeaterday to tie at f. o. b. point Th trover found they could (.( tbta pr!.-e a eaeity a C-S and ac cordlraly L.'ted tha market X real. la te paM week li car were sold for shipment. Thla waa talca a many cars aa the association espertrd to dla pne f. and th f- r.r at lhe aeaorta tlon meettna; waa therrforo optimistic. There was some fear that th hn rc (jra marael mlxht beuni congested, as Oilnes (rowers and other outwde tn aawiiatloa had ahipped thera rather heaT-.iy. but eo tar aa the movement of association onion t concerned, tt will be well controlled. Order ha com In freely for Pucet tvound and other norUiern marketax rOTATO TU k.4 ARK Bt INU RKDVCXIX Calau an Iam Mrert of the OwaHty Uw ArrttaU. Th potato market 1 olda very steady. California bnyrr are still paytne; up to II le for th best stock and find th farmer are not free sellers. Thera la much roonpialnt on Front treet of th quality of h Orenon po tatoes that ara belns; brousht In. Tl farmers are sel'.lns the bvst stock to tti Callf-irrla shippers and are send tr. th cull and trash to th fortland market. Thera la Just as s:ood a de mand here aa anywher else for fancy lihlt stock, bnt It Is almost Impossible late In the season to et a decent ar tir e on tha street. There were no frenh receipt of ire table yesterday, which enabled th dealers ta clean up n part of th sur plus. Ob car of oransrs arrived. Cess Ml Be lew Thirty Can. rcs wsat below 5 cent yesterday. M t als were mad at this price, but S0O-. lets wr disposed of at 21 rent, (upplle ar tend In to accumu late under the liberal arrival. The poultry market waa firm and Vverythlr; cleaned up earl. Chicken old at II cnt. There was a ajood demand for fresh creamery butter all th week and at th close thr was no surplus. Th formr prlc was therefor maintained, ftoras butter, en the other bnnd. 4raed heavily even with sellers of-fsrlna- tock at :i t Zi cent. Th etiees market closed steady and acbanced. OBTLA5D XARAXTa. Grssa. rtewr. Teed. Ft. KUXJlT Tratk prlc: sllaeetsav SI 9 Tr: clnh TOc; red RuseUn. TTVTSc; Vsiiey. "BMr: eo-foid. ow"lo- . HAKIXt-ftes. 1 per ion; brswlng. nlfTl'FT Brsa. 3M per torn: middiiBs. I.)JI: snorts. I5: reletn FLc'fH Patents. fS.IS Pr barr"' sirstM. UWa4M: esport $3. To; V al ter. 1: irtutm. whole wheat, quart. rs. $t. aKN Whole. t: erarked. ISP per ten. OAT-N 1 whit. J7?70 per ton. HAt Track prtcea: Timothy. Willamette V!l. f?o pr ton: Eaetera Ottf. sUsJfa. lOtl30; raln hay. 1 11 So; cior. tllMll. Tre table nad rralta. APPLE raacr. IL.001-SO: ahaic. fl t :i; rommoa. J-icSIl per bos. mc-K ilIABi.E--arrota tl be dred. psrsnipa. LI; turalpa. ft; "Tj'KriiN FRrrra Psara. l.50l.TS per bos; Ximu. tI.N per ebexrel; craaber- n UK per tarreL .,, . VEUKTAHLES Csbbaa. llHtW lw. raulitluwer. 1111) per arate: eel.ry. (.-sllfornla. HOlM per crate; Ctteumbera. ll p.r bos; egspUnt. lie per pouad: arilo. loOMSe per pound: reea anloaa too per don. h-.d lettw-e. per bos; peppere. per lb.; pompkioa 1 per lb.; radiehe. l..tiio per aosea: spreuta eci tomatoea. 11 71 Jo pvr bos. i .ta roE oren. bln price. I.J per hundred; weel potaloea. II II pr hundred TROPICA I. FRIIH Oranea navela. IIV2.A0 per has: Florida rsfrult. A0. l-ailleraia refrulu Ul. baaaaaa. Se p.r pound, pln.spples. r per pound; lemon lu Ljo. tansertn.s. l.7 per bos. ONIuNS Huylas self a II M par hun dred. Dairy aad team try riedwta. I-Ol-LTRT tle: Hens, 17c; "Prtn's. 17. lurkeya -: dacss. 5e: eeeae, II US'! drad lurkera c hole. 2c. K.--.! OTsoa ranch, caadled. JOUJOO pr dis.n. . BfTTKR City cresm.ry eitrs. 1 and s pouad printa la bos.a Me Per pound; las than boi-a. cartons and delivery estra. nil;E.4E rull cream, twin lHjls par pound: Jrounf America, ltwwl'. POHK Kaacy. Utilise per pound. VklAL raacy. to i pounda K1S p-r pound. rvvbilsas. HAM.4 IA to 11 pousda J7H: 11 t U pounds. ITSe; 1 o Pauada .ktnned. 17Sc; plcnlca Hit; collate roll ljMOKED klE ATS Baef toBSU. ale: druf beef et -ic: eulsldra nom.; Inside. iOc. ksB-kle. Sic. HACON Fancy. Stc; tandsrd. 14S. ch-l.. i'2Sc: tlnillia, ISSC ' UKT HALT CI ltKl Keulsr short clear, dry salt. lic: smoked, lose: bacha liht. salt. Ie; iiMtKl. lSe: backs, heavy, salt. Use: smoked. Wne; porta salt. lr: smoked. Use- I-ARD Kettl rsndared. tierce. mi. tub. !4Sc: stsndsrd pure, tleree. llso: lube, use: choice. tlarrM. Use; tuba 12 S: shorf.Blos. tierces, tOS; tuba 10SC Hops. Mad. Hide, lie. IIOPR llo crop, lie; ISO-' crop, !! US': contract UUlc CKI, kiastern union. J!IC per IBL. according to snrlnha.. Valley. 17Jlo per pound. I MoltAtR Choice, HOC per pound. II I DE Salted hid.. 7S Pr pon; salted calf, lac; salted kip, TSe; ailed taa c; ima hldn. le leas: dry htde. lie; dry calf. 17Ue; dry atas. 11 It. PEI.TS lry. loss; salted. butchers take-orf. lft. Ct'ARA HARK OO per pound. OHA1N HACKS Car Iota Sac OUa. MNSF.rrj Oil. rura raw. In barrel. I1.07; kettl boiled. In barrel l.0; raw. In tim 11.11: kettl boiled. In case LI4. Lota ot tit (allon I per cent lea per gal lon. CO At. OIL Water White, Jr. bbla o: wood bbl lie: Peart alL raaaa lHo: llwdlisht. Iron bbl lie; case lie; oo4 bM. lie; alocene. raaee, lo; .pec Lai White. Iron bbl 11SC wood bbl lSo: Klaln.. cat, 17c; extra Utsr. ease. Its'! V si. A F. asotaa. Iron bbl lie: case Sic OASOL1NE Red Crown and motor aaa lia la lra bbla 1S. ease Mw: a (asKline. Iron bbl "c. case line: eaglne etstlllat iron bbla TSc rase 14 S. Orseaetea. Dried Frwit. Kte. rRtEO FRrtTW Apple 1H"H per IK ; rurrsnt IIHe: sprlcot 14S1: date .- lSe per lb.; ft bulk, white er black, by sack. Tc: -. IL0 I 71; 11-13 sJc; 14-1 A2; -a. lc; Smrrna lc MUION Columbia Rlvac. l-pnd tali lil per dos.a: 1-pound tall li-Oo: I pouod fiat 11.40; Alasaa plan. 1-poaad tail. 11 -V t'OITaMi Roaeted. In dram Hp Sea per PSiT Walnuts 1TH1C per pound: Prssll at I4(flr; filbert le; lmd 10 lie: pean ae; eweoanut el1 pee osea: ciwiu.. IIS. per poand; bichery But lOc per pound. SALT iraauited. l pe tea: hlf (round, loo I. so per Ion: an I pee tew. KtA.NH-emall whit S: lara whit 4Sc; 14m s."c; plaa. ttc; red M.slcan 'c: bar-u. Se- Kl.-t N I Japan, 4 Ve: cheaper (rade 141: South.ra head. I S 7o. Hu.NKY t hoice, UI par oase; strained. ISe per pousda PfOAR Iey (ranalatad. fruit and berry. IVSO; beet. IJ-lO. estra C. 4-0; (Olden, f. 4.7o; J.llow IK Itao; cubes barrels. ItsO; powdwe.1. Term remll taac within II de deduct S per pound. If later than IS day and within 0 day deduct Sc per pound. Maple sacar. ! It per pouad. Rank Clenrtntr. Tlask clearlns-s of the NorthVaatera clUa yieruy wer a vi:ews: Clearlns-s Balance Portland Lf.ltl 17.W4 S.altle L-0d ll.h0 Tfonu ...... 2.2ti ld&4 p..kaae I6J.010 17.471 Clearlnfs of Portland. Seattle and T acorn foe th past waak and correspoadlas weak In former y.r war: rortland Battt Titmt. 111 t.l7l.lwt 4.4-.T;i W1 lu411.- B.7H2.7S') 4-t()4 tUStl'l T S71.7JT (741.747 M ..!... a.oi.H. JJ.7:4 174 1S..T (JM 019 HIT IM l :.4 I 4 l.Ii T.PI4 7f iw,i: 4 0T9 .1 TS1 04tIS 1 I P"!."?. 4 S..4TOT 1 JJO lv I. si I. All .Stt.44 1.10o.2O ritOOt f K AT MM niAJf CISCO. Qvartatrsw Cwreewt "uTlka Bay City Mas krt HAS FRANCISCO. Feb. 11. Tha follow In produce price were current today: Vesttabl.e Cucumber iScfell: sarllc. 4 c- Tn pea ftcfloc: strln bean Doml nai.' tumaloa 7tcLH; e( p.anl. lu ,JVa. Hut tar Fancy creamery. 11 Sc K(fs (tore. 17e: fsnry ranch. 17 So. toun America; US ITS . Millstaffs Braa JX7; audduns faiM rrull Apple ebole 11: common. 71a; rxtraa lunw. I J;"". Csllfernla lemoa cholco, 1; eommen tl.SO. oraasa uttl ll.60lfl.lA: pineapple liSlOO. Potatu.e -sallnaa. llurbank IX 10 1. 14; sweet. Id 9 1.1:3: Oresaa Bsrbaak ll.POOJ S.I". i laluns Ii35 9 1 . Hay la tt IS M par ton; wkaal nd est l111o. alfalfa. Ill. Receipts Flour. 3v0 quarter sacks: wheat. Ilml centals; barley. 41.13 rentals; oat 3 TO centals; potate. 1170 sacks; hay, ail ton Dried Frails a New Tees. NEW TORK. Feb. 11. Bvmporated ap Blea. oulet. firm, oa the spot fancy ar quetad at llSVlSc: choice. llSllSc: prima. loVulosc cold eiorasa. SSI lio. l-runea. firm en liht stock Qaetsttons ran, from sll'tc for l allfomias up to lo-4oe and IS at lis for Oreons from aacbia?" dull. firm. Oiolo TSbJTSs; extra cholc istt'sc: fancy. Metal Market NEW TORK. Feb. 11. The metal mr ware dull and aocnlnal In the abaenc ef es.han. Lake copp-r. 12JS i;, alertrolyllr, I IX JT aj IMlS'i ca.tiac. 11 1113c. Tin. 3 '-. lad. 4 e"0 4 JO. filter, iioiavc. iroa anhnL Ctdea Fladaoe Xaeket. CHICAilO. F.b. II. Butter. steady. Creamer:. T0 lc; dairies, lta-llc Ess Uesk. H. lpt. tMI cases; at msra. casea tnclsded. ISSHUHn; first lie. prim first lsc. Cbe ftaady. DalatM. line: Twin ISSHl'c: Tom America 14V4le: Loss Horn 14SS1&C Mlaaewpwtl Wbeal Market. M:NNBAPtl.l, Minn.. Feb. 11. Wheal May. Vc July, viise: rssh. No. I hard. llttiV; Ko. I N'ortherw. '1''S: N". I Northern. MVk: .No. 1 wheat, sd. STRONG AT CLOSE Last Prices in Stock Market Are the Best. TRADING ON SMALL SCAliE Cnnndlnn Pnclflo 61U At tho nigh est Point In IU Hlstorr steel Does Not Respond to Oootl Quarterly Report. NEW TORK. Feb. 11. Considerable trensth was displayed by th stock market at th close of today's other wise dull seemlon. which In the main was su((estlve of the approachlns boilday. TradlDK declined to a point where It eaased to bav much significance. Th Canadian (roup made pronounced (alns. Canadian Fertile touching the hl(hest point In It history, but otherwise price showed (enersl recessions from the high level of the week. In tba Induntrlal cleaa. United States bteel made no reaponse to yesterday's tonnsre figures, but International Harves ter retained ths greater part of Its ad v an tag 4? tha week. Tha closing was at tba best prtcea of (ha day. Government flcures of January exports of th principal articles of trade placed tha total at tias.00u.000, which compare with fc&00.000 In January. 1P10. This In creswe, however, was accounted for si most in Its entltety by the grain exports. Almost th only fturs of the weekly bank statement was the small cash Ksin of ll.s4u.0uO aa shown In the actual table, which was largely below estimates and Indicates that the contraction of receipts from th Interior was even more marked than had been looked for. liondai wer steady. Total sale par value tl.Cot.0u0. United 9tates 3a and 4a registered advanced hi and fours coupon ta on call on ths week. CLOS1XO STOCK QUOTATION". Closing ate. High. Law. Rid. Allls Chsl pf 82 5 61 44 V 69 OO 24 21 11 41 HO KSS 0O 118 14A 5 saw 41) 107 102 i:a 105 71 212 si 104 3o S3 14 23 T 14H 1JM K2 83 68 144 14 170 IS 71 Bd Sl 60 sa 1A3 1V 2 184 20 63 11 14 11 IS S4 44 111 144 211 140 83 .17 1-1 67 84 111 41 104 7lC 124 J 127 104 8 21 13 140 ST 100 S3 01 i! 61 42 14 7 64 11 28 38 2 24 61 170 l 48 40 1 119 48 43 14 7 61 s Amal Loppor .. Am Agrlcult .. Am Rect Hufar AmertcaB Can . Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton Oil. Am Hd a Lt pi . Am Ic tiecurL. Am Llnaeed . . . Am Locomotlv Ara 8m. I Ref do prsferrad. . Am Etel Fdy.. Am Hugar R.f.. . Am Tal A Tel Am Tobacco Pf . Am Woolen ... Ansconda M C Atchison do preferred.. At! Coast Llna Rait A Ohio .. H'thl.bcm Hteel . ItrooH R Traa Casadtaa Pae . Central Leather . da preferred.. Ceatral of N J . Che A Ohio .. Ch lease A Alton . Cbl Ut Wet.. d preferred. . Chicago A N W C M A dt P.. C C, C 1 81 1 i Cel Fuel A trea Col A Uouthsra. . Coneol Use .... Cora Products . Dal A Hudson . A A R Grande.. . do praferred. . PletUler- Sacur Sri. d 1st pf .... 4 Zd pf Oea Clectrto .. Ot North pf ... Gt North ore.. Illinois Central, lalerber Met do preferred.. Inter Hirtirr Inter Maria pf , lnt Psper lot Pump . . m law Central .. K C Southeta do peef erred.. Laclede Oa .. Leuia A Nssbw Minn A St t. . . M. P A M M Mo. Kan A Tes do preferred. . . Me FaolOc .... Nat Rlecull ... . Nat Lead Mas N Rr Pf K T Central . .. N T, Ont A "- Norfolk A We North Amer1ca North Partite .. FaclAe Mall ... . Psanaylvanla ... People' Oa ... P. C C A Kt I- . plttaburs CoaL. pnad Car Pull Pal Car .. . s.soo l.iuo Lloo ao to 100 "ioo loo rxo VO0 SOO 4 61 S 41 H Mtk 40 11 4t4i 80S 1"5 S 61 MS 61 S 68 S 20 12 41 S TB 10AV 60S 00 13 13S 100 loo I. SOO loo 100 4O0 rioo 4.40O 40 1044. 10l 1Z3S 104 'fl" 211 40 'a 107 102H 121S 1U4 -7Si S12V 2.600 83 iis'uj 18 'isii 144 170 iisS 12K "isia' i4 170 "saii sa si iioti izs'a 42 ll iOi 61 lla 8"0 1.600 100 i.ioo too too loO 1.0V0 "poo so 4o0 loo l.ruio S.2O0 xioo "too Ml Sl 60 ini' J3 2 184 20 64 II 12 11 1 14 V iii 147 so ln Id ! 4 too "6o 10 loo l.aoo luO iii 147 10 an s 00 67 64 TOO SOO too 6"0 2O0 1.400 ' i.soo SOO "ioo lOO '"ioo 24.400 1.100 1O0 1.400 '"ioo s 111 43 H4 71 124 117 107 "21 3d "it" 10 15 av S2 S 111 41 )oe 71 124 127 10T 'ii 14 "st"'a IS i 2 Ry Pteel bprlng It.adinc Republic Steel do peaf.rred. Rock Islsnd C 4 pref.rred. St L A F 1 pf Si L. Swuthwast do preferred.. Sloe bhelTl.ld . Southern Pae .. Ry .. 4 preferred. . Ten Copper . Tesa A Fa .. Tol. St L A We 100 T 47 POO vv 00 401) BOO 400 2"0 110 21 A 24 61 17k 11S 21 46 l 20 24", M 127 So prererr.. V'alo Pscifie 10.100 do prefarrt U S Rraity 100 M 4S U R Rubber TJ S Steel xe.eno do praferred.. y0 t'tah Capper .. SnO Va-Caro Cham. Ll'o Wsbash ... 100 do preferred.. . .. - WMtern Md ... 400 tVaettnc Else w raters Union. Wheal A L IB., -ill' Lehich Vsiiey.. 1.000 41 11 44 45 14 n 119 44 45 14 61 61 174 17 178 Toial sales lor the day. lei.400 sbaraa BOXDA. wrw yriRK. Fab. tl. Clolng cunlation: V. 8. ref Sa rag. 100 No. Pacirio SS... Tl es. Pacific 4s...l00 I'nlon Paclflo 4a 100 Wia Caniral 4a. l Japanee 4a .. 88 U GO coupon . . . V. 8. Is re 102V do coupon ...102 V. S. nsw 4s reg.114 do coupon .. .114 D A R. O. as. MB Money. sUcbsmg. Ela. NEW TORK. Feb. 11. Money on call nominal. Tim loan dull with demsnd slMher. Slaty daya S per earn and SO days SW per cent; sis months. 8S per cent. Clot Prim srcaoUle paper. to 4 '"StsrlVng asckange firm with actus! busl nese In T bsnhera- bills st I4.8840C 4.K.19S tar ao-day bills and at 14 eS0 for demand. Commercial bills. 14.81 4.81. Mar ailver. HHo. M.slcaa dollar. 46. .... Roads Oosarnmsnt and railroad atesdyt lvrON. Feb. 11. Bar silver quiet at n 16-14 per aunce. Money. 1 Per oent. Tha rate of discount In the open market for .hurt bill I 1 per cent: for three most US' bllla S 1-14 tf per cast. SAM FRANCISCO. Feb. 1L Starling n London. SO day. 14.14: lht. 4.. Iraff Aight. Tc; telegraphic. 10c. (4ack st Pnstsw. TtOHTON. Fsb, 11. Closing auotstloas: Alloaes 4 AlMohswk 48 Amslg capper.. 4 jNevsda Con. ... 1 7 . U A 8m.. 4I.NIplMlng MUM.. 11 Artsona Com. .. 13,'worth Butta.... 29 Atiinuc lNorth Laks 4 h a O C A a M. lS,oid Dominion. . . 40 Rut is Cl'n. s-d 1 Osceola 100 C.l A Arlsoaa. M Psrrott (8. A C) 12 CaL A Hecla-.-Bil A'uulBCy T Centennial 12 ,Fhannon 11 Cop Ran. C. Co. 7,duprlor ........ IT r nutt Cs. M. 11 Sup A Bos Mln.. frarklln lsup A ptt Cop. 14 Oirous Cow. a. ;Tefnarack 44 Ornby Cob. 9i it- s a D a W 86 48 lt 44 tt Oransy tw- ... - Creeaa Canenea. ( do preferred .. f. Rorete Cop- lljt.;tah Con. Karr Lak T '' Cappr Co. - IT Ivt'lnona 1. Hall t opper 4 H Wolverine 120 Miami Copper... 2Q1 Caadttlasi mt the Treasury. WA&UINOTOX. rb. llv At th begl- .1 Kt.-tneea tOrl.V th Condition Of the Cnltd State Treasury wss: Working balanc In Treasury offices ........ ' . In banks and Phllippln treasury 31 .!'3 3.-11 Balance In general fund , ,A?'ou Receipt yesterday wer o'SSaS! Dlshurssments , Ao.-"a Th deficit to date this fiscal year is 1.1 4V3.44S. as ssslnst 124.7B8.OHO st this time last ysar. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Coffee sad Sugar. NEW TORK. Feb. 11. Coffee closed weak at a great decline of 2 to 17 points. Pales. S9.O00 bsga February. lO-OJc: March. 10 02c: April. lOOoc: May. 10.12c; June. 1011 July. 10.11c: August. 10.04c; Sen lember 94c:: October. 8.84c; November. .: December. .78c; January. 9BTc. Spot "off.; nominal; No. 1. Rio. 12912o: No 4 Sanoa, 12wtTl3c: mild coffee nominal. Raw'.ujart nominal: muovado. '89 test. 2." centrifugal. '96 test. S.48c; mo faM lunr. '. test. X73c. Refined, noml na7 Crushed. 6.80c; granulated. 4.00c; pow dered. 4.70c Wool at St. I-otile. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 11. Wool unchsnred. Territory and Western mediums liitj .ic. f.D m.diuma ldtflnc: fine. 12t13c Dulutb Flax Market. TJCLUT1I. Feb. 11. Flax on track and to r"ve. 12 69: May. tdB-v- TRADE AT YARDS SLOW OFFEKIXGS OGnT AXD DEMAND SMALL AT CLOSE. Business In the Cattle t-lne Was Ac tive Throughout the Week. Hogs Dragged. There was but little business doing In th livestock market yesterday, as Is usually the case on Saturday. Tho receipts consisted of ISO head of Bood quality cattle shipped In by J. a. Guderaln. of Pendleton, and C. S. Walker, of Echo. Tho market In the past week has been a fairly active one. particularly as concerns the cattle trade, and firm prices prevailed on steer, cow and bulls. Hogs, on the other hand, tended downward with moderate arrivals and a backward demand. There was a good lnquirv throughout the week for sheep, but offering were o plentiful that there was no chance for a rise in price. Prices current on tna vsrlous clnsses of stock st the Portland Union Stockyards were as follows: Prime steer. 18. IB 9 ASS Good to cholc steers Fsir to good steers 6f J Common steers 4.001 5 0O Choice to prima cows VTJ-'.!f 5 -!i Fair to good beef cow 6.00u 0.-0 Si'. flr beef cow. 2.0.1 f 4.00 Choice speyed heifer 8 .uJJ 8.O0 Oood to choice 5;.0g 6..S Fair to good helfera ?-2 ?-2 cSmmon'to fntr h.lfers 4.00W 4.25 Cholcs to good fst bulls ..niQ 4.T.. rl, XO good fat bulls 4.00 g 4.25 grdm0oBcnuo.c'. h-sht-eiiv-:::: t&j ViTr to good light calve J.twW 7. .5 Oood to choice heavy calve 5 Fair to good heavy calve i LfZ 5 ?5 Common calve S.75 4.75 Good to choice stags 6.00 65 Fsir to good stags 4.00l 4.50 ChouVTor. J-JJ R.r.:::::::::::: l.llt ?:S Cho?ce'?earllng wethers, grsln f-d 6 00 6.25 (iood to clioloe wetbera, grain fed 4 . 6.00 Old wethers J-JSjJ J." Choice ewea grain fed -7, i 'fS trood to cholc .we, grsln fed.. S Ihn 4.00 Feeders So52 2 o Cholc. I.mb. grain fed 6.250 6.60 ood to choice, grsln fed .0.1 p a s riV-mu.004.. iK Hay -f-d sheep and lamb 60 lower then 'Current prices In the horse market fol low"Tr.rtePrs. estrs. 1300 to J7O0 lha g,5 OSK0; drafters, fair to good. 1J4'I0, Xunka good. I10oai75; 'huaks. medium. .-,Olo0; drlvera good U3 "Pj,,? A"1 m.ulura to good. Hot 110: plugs. 1040. Chicago Livestock. CHICAGO. Fsb. 1L Csttle Receipts, es timated. 3oO; market, stesdy. Heaves. 150 4.SO; Tesas steers. 14.134,5.60; Western steers. 4.40e6.70; Blockers and feeders.; cows and belters. 2.O405.bO: calva. 14.769.23. Uog Recelpta estimated. IS.000; marknt, slow to 13o off. Light. I7.40d7.43: mixed. 7.20wT.SO: heavy. I7O7.60: rough. 17tyT 20: good to cholcs bssvy. 17.2007.M); piss. 7.0 4I7.TS: bulk Of sale. 7.S5e7.63. Bh.ep Receipts, estlmsted. 2"i0: market. steady.Hiatlva. 260t4.4l: Weetera, 1.160 44 4o: yearllnga 4.5oe,3.i; lamba native, 14.260426; Western. I4.6006.2S. GASH INCREASE SMALL XEW YORK BANKS' OAIX IS FAR BELOW ESTIMATES. Deposits in the) Past Month Have In creased $148,000,000 and Loans $8T,000,000. NEW TORK. Feb. 1L The atatement of cUaranoe-houae bank for the week bows that the bsnk bold C6.2600 more than th requirement of the per cent reserve rule. Thla la an increase of 1721. 7o0 in the proportionate canh reserve, sa compared with last week. Tha statement follows: Ini,,..,.?.r.!rr.l.81o.!.17.eoo , UtTO LfTT,, loo.224.700 a.84.00 liss.1 tender 73.Bhl.4iH tfOO.loO cTiSulatlan T 4.b.m.ih.o e4.v.soo HeT"rve reaulrid . .. 7.f4..V)ll 2,r.R3.'..R0 Helirvl ...... 874.2m.l00 3.813.700 Burphl? li". l,Si.000 731,750 tUnlted Btte depoait Included. 00; decrees 1 12.0OO. rt.....u 11,669,- Artusl conditio 1,821,543, SOO 3OO.700.t00 7 4.IUI.1.tN10 l.So. 0i S.SOO 4 tl. 51 S..V10 S75.2rtl.l0 aaii.5oO.H22 35.76S.07S !.aoo.r.oo M0. 000 .82U.O0O i.(.H1.2O0 HJ2.2O0 1,640, N00 1.470.2W7 ,620.500 Lmiii Hpscl Lesl tender IteDoeltst Clroulatloa Reserye Reserve required . Surplus st. tes drnosita Included. 11.661,- 400; decrease, 129.500. Bummary' of atata banks and trust com panleai In Greater New York not report ing to the New York clearing-house: 1,07.1M.T00 S.241.500 L'?!1. 112.T.1T.900 l.h21.00O li.1 tender S1.0n2.4OO 1.277.500 d" i,ibo.8i.5oo .o7.ioo eixcieas. Th Flnnclr will say: While all the preliminary estimates Indicated a gain of about r.000.000. the statement of the New York clearing houaa banks, baaed on actual condition at the close of bualneas Saturday, showed an increaae ot only I1.84WW0 In caah. Loans for the week ending Saturday Increased $12.3eOv500 and depoaita ll3.8Sl.20o. The Increase In the latter Item necessi tated something like t3.6O0.0oO Increased reserve, which wss nearly twice th gain In cash, ao that the aurplu above the 25 per cent minimum fell standing t KS.769.07. These figures are from the report Of actual condition but the atatement of averages, whlla differing materially In tba increases and decreases, Mill figured out a cash reserve of 17.73 per cent aa against 27.66 per cent actual. It Is interesting to note that since the close of tbe first week In January the deposit of th clearlng-houtsB banks of N-eW york have expanded I148.000.0oo. cash, about t6e.T60.000 and loana tS7.000.OijO. Sur plua reserve ha In the same time in creased to t26.600.00O. The summary of trust companies and other outstdo Institutions for the week ending February U, showed an !ncree of IS&OOO in loans, an increase of about the am amount in net deposit and a dcraa of about tl.SOu.000 in caah. WHEAT I 5 UNLOADED Heavy Selling Carries Down Prices at Chicago. MARKET WEAK FROM START Bearish Factors' Are the Tariff Situ ation, Rains in the Southwest .1 ml Large World's Ship ments for Week. CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Wheat was un loaded heavily during the early part of the day but alter a price reaction set In, the eelllng was leas free. The bear ish feelln- at the outset had several reasons snide from tho tariff situation. Ualns in the Southwest extended from Kansas and Missouri to the Golf and ma terially helped relieve the drouth. Large worlds shipments worked also against the bulls. Lightness of primary receipts afforded a little comfort to owners, but there was no picking up in cnnh demand. May ranged from turc " eow Vc to o off at 9ITic. Official forecast of unsettled weather made corn firm after a period of weak ness. May varied between 4SH,g-lSc and StfiiHSc with the close steady and a shade up at 467c. Cash corn was in moderate demand. No. 2 yellow finished at 474j-t7'c. Oats broke sharply at the opening but rallied because of a great volume of covering on the part of short. May had as high and low points 31ic and 3114c. closing Htflic up jit 31c. Projects of a good supply of hogs during tho coming week brought out liberal offerings of products. The outcome was a ret decline all around, pork 6c. lard 60 to 7Vj!510c and ribs 2V4c to 714c down, Th lead In 1 future ranged as follows: WHEAT. nne Wli-h. I.otr. Close. I .81. .I0a May July Kept . 1 .. I .3"4 -a-H -tl', .91', .91H .o; .o' .o. C0R.V. May Si ; ept....:: , .80, .50 5. .60 is .60s, OATS. May S1H -" July 81 .Sit, -Jlje -81s 6ept t .111 .lVs .His -Jllis MESS PORK. May 17.75 17.H2 17.S7V4 HIS,, July .11.10 17.30 17.171, 17.1Ji4 UHD. May ' 130 1.50 .t5 I I.47V4 July I.47V4 1.47 S-S7 SHORT R1B3. May 1.60 .50 1.4214 145 July S.IS 9.40 t'ash quotst Ions , were a follows: Flour Kasy. Rye No. 2. lOe. Barley Fejd or mixine, SO 72c; fair to choice maltlDK. Sl'ftSOc. Flsxserd No. 1 Southwestern, 12.19; No. 1 No rlli w fStu rn . 12.72. Timothy seed 111. Clover 114.75. 1'ork Me,s. per barrel, J1 21.25. Lard Per 100 pounds, .J7 h, ' 9.40. Short ribs Hides (loose). .60wl0. Kidns Short, clear boxedX, 110(10.25. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wer equal to 258.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 13:1.000 bushels Rstlmated receipts for Monday: Wheat. -2 cars; corn, 40B cars; oats, 103 cars; ho, 42.0OU. lieceipts. enipmems. Flour, barrels I.i.(l0 13.700 Wheat, bushels zi.oun Corn, bushels 491. 200 Oats, bushels 98.0OO Rye, bushels 6.000 Barley, bushels 67.000 21.100 2ti4.0O0 S03.3O0 2,00 26.000 Grsln Markets of tbe Northwest. SEATTLE. Feb. 11. Milling quotntiona Bluestem, c; fortyfolil. b3c; club. 82c; file. 2c; red Russian. aOr. Export wheat liluestem. S3c; fortyPold, 81c: club. Oc; fife. SOc: red Russian. 7c Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, nine cars; hay, 23 cars; oats, 2 cars; corn, 1 car. TACOMA. Feb- II. Wheat Kxport. blue stem. 82c: fortyfold. blc; club, SOc; red Russian. 70c. Milling Uluestem. 82c; club. 79c; rsd Roaslun, 78c. Receipts Wheat, three cars; corn, two cars; hay. one car Grain at San Francisco. PAN' FRANCISCO. Feb. 11. Wheat Easy. Rarlev Slescly. hpnt quotations: Wheat hipplne;. 1.43 ?1..'L'S ier cental. Barley Kee, 11.12146 1.16 per cental; brewing. 11.2041 1.2". Oats Red, 81.1011 127 V, per cental; wnite, Sl.ou; black. I.13"1.17H. fall bosrd sales: Wheat NV tradlns;. Parley Lcember. 1.12t4 per cental bid, 81.13 It askvd; May, 81.16H bid, 81.17 asked. E uro pean Grain Markets. LONDON, Feb. 10. Cargoes, quiet. Walla Walla for shipment, aa lower, at 3.s 4u; nominnl. feliisllsh and French country rnarketa. quiet. LIVKTRPOOL. Feb. IL Wheat Marco, T id; May. os )lla. Hops. Etc. at New York. NKW YORK. Feb. 11. Hops, firm: ststo common to clfc.lce, 1010. 25'2lc: 1009, 18 j21o: Pacific Coast, 1110. 20 22c; 1900. 3HldJs, steady; Central America, 20&C; Itoota, 22c retroleum. teady; refined. New York, barrels, 17 40; refined, New York. bulk, I8.H0: Philadelphia, barrels, 17.40; Phila delphia, bulk. 13.00. Wool, quiet; domestic fleece, Ohio, 81 6 82c. BILL WOULD H MI PARCELS POST DECLARED MEN ACE TO MERCIIAXTS. I. X. Fleischner Obtains Telegrams of Protest Against Measure. Passage Is reared. In response to a telegram from Sec retary Dalian, of the National Whole sale Drygoods Association, in New York. I. N. Fleischner, of Fleischner, Mayer & Co., has been busy since Thursday interesting the Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, Manufac turers' Association, Retail Grocers' As sociation and kindred organizations, wholesale houses. Jobbers, department stores and reta'lers in general, in send ing telegrams to Oregon's representa tives in Congress, protesting against the passage of the Burnham bill, which provides for the establishment of a parcels poBt system in the United States. Secretary Dalian said there was danger of the bill being attached to the postoffice appropriation bill and passed as a "rider." "A parcels post system would mean ruin to small merchants," said Mr. Fleischner last night, "and particularly to the general stores in the country. Their passing would soon be felt by the Jobbers and wholesalers, and they in turn would have to go. A parcels post would enable the big mall order house I like those in St. Louis, Chicago and New York, who do business with their large catalogues, to send articles to all parts of tho United States, in cluding their voluminous catalogues, for a mere plttanoe. The system, as every business man knows, would soon destroy all our local mercantile bual- ne"W are not in this fight in behalf of tha expres companies, as some ap pear to understand. We are fighting for our own interests, our very exlst- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE INCORPORATED 1867. Head Of flee Toronto, Canada. New York 16 Exchange Placa. London 2 Lombard Street. And over 200 other branches in Canada and the United Rates. Foreign exchange bought and sold and a general banking business trans acted. Interest allowed on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS. K. C. Slalpas, Manager. I n .,-,, V. an.l hav, fill Vfl Can dO to take care of our own affairs. The express companies can maKo men v.. HK.'l xuenc 19 u.i'iuivij between our affair and those of the express companies. Any mercnani cau tell wily we are ushuius yM'" ' FRUIT EXCHANGE TARGET Yakima Growers Say Northwestern Concern Is Dummy. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 11. In speeches on Northwestern fruit at tho annual meeting of the Yakima County Horticultural Union today, an attack was made on the Northwestern Fruit Exchange. It was charged with being a NeW Jersey corporation, not having complied with the incorporation laws of this stat and not entitled ta do business here. It will alleged to be a dummy for Eastern commission houses. After high feeling and divi sion of sentiment the final result re elected the old board of trustees. One hundred and five stockholders were present representing 1963 shares out of a total of 2728. Teachers' Examinations Close. ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) The examinations for county and state, teach ers' certificates, which have been In prog ress during the past four days before tho board consisting of Miss Emma Warren, Miss Mary Garner and Professor Imel, were concluded today. THose to whom county certificates were granted were as follows: Misses Mabel Rao Snow, Lena G. Fastabend. Lola G. Smith and Nell Dawson; third grade, Miss Hazel Louden, Frances Glanz and Edith Ross. Those wlio took the examinations for state certifi cates and whose papers will have to be sent to Salem to be "graded are Misses Ruth E. Larson. Veronica Cotter, Mertio Fisher and Emma Knutzen. Klamath Timber to Be Sold. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Feb. 1L (Spe cial.) Preparations are being made for the sale of 26.000,000 feet of Umber from the Crater National forest reserve In the vicinity of tho Upper Klamath Lake. Morris Loosley, a sawmill man of the Wood River Valley, has made applica tion to purchase 15,000,000 feet lying west of where Seven Mile Creek empties into tha north end of this lake, and the Klamath Lumber Company, a local firm, has applied for the right to purchase 10,000.000 feet in the. same vicinity. Two Government cruisers are now out in this timber belt cruising it preparatory to making the sale. South Bend Marine Notes. SOUTH BEND, Wash., Feb. 11. (Spe cial ) The barkentine Amaranth, car rying nearly 1,500.000 feet of lumber, is anchored In the bay awaiting a crew. Sho will probably sail tomorrow for Sydney, N. S. W. The schooner Kona sailed this morn ing with about a million feet of lum ber for Brisbane, Australia. The steamer Daisy sailed at noon to day with 750,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco. Liquor License Test Is Made. VALE Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) The ordinance made by the City Council al lowing Henry Thomas the exclusive right to sell liquors through the issu ing of only two licenses, was tested to day in the Recorder's Court, when T. A. Barton was tried for selling whisky without a license. Hays & Anderson, attorneys for the defendant, hold tho ordinance to be invalid. However the motion "to quash" was overruled and the ordinance declared valid. The de fendant was fined 100. An appeal will be taken. Woman Pioneer Dead. LYLE, Wash.. Feb. 11 (Special.) The recent death of Mrs. A. M. Wylle at Goldendale removes tho first woman pioneer to make a home in Pleasant Valley, which since that time has de veloped to be one of the great wheat producing sections of Klickitat. Eliza Ann Brack was born in Kentucky 69 years ago. She came of the well-known Brack family of Breckinridge County of that state. She married Mr. Wylle, who survives. In 1868, and came to K.ickitat in 1879. Eight children sur vive her. Chehalls to Pave Streets. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) The Chehalls City Council has directed specifications prepared for the construction of a hard-surface roal way from the new high school build ing east on Market street to the city limits; also on Main street to tho Che halls River bridge. The work on the new $51,000 sewer system in the south ern and eastern part of tha city, con tract for which has already been let, will begin in April Astoria Damage Case Transferred. ASTORIA, Or.. Feb. 1L (Special.) An order was made by Judge Eakin. of tho Circuit Court, today transferring the case of Olof Anderson, administrator or the estate of Axel Johnson, deceased, vs. the Hammond Lumber Company from tho local court to the United Statea Dis trict Court. The action was brought to recover 17500 damages for the death of the decedent who was killed while at work In the defendants mill. The reason for the transfer is that the con tending parties reside in different states. Franklin to Get County Hospital. PASCO. Wash.. Feb. 11. (Special.) The County Commissioners of Franklin County who have been in session dur ing the past week, have decided to erect a county hospital and establish a poor farm which will involve an expenditure of over $20,000. The present county hospital will be moved into the out skirts of the city and used for a pest house. A tract of land is now being negotiated for. which will consist of about five acres. Centralla Sees Carnegie Library. CENTRALIA, Wash., Feb. 11. (Spe cial ) The first decisive step toward acquiring the promised $15,000 Carne gie Library for Centralla took place last night, when a board of trustees was appointed to carry out the execu tive details. The officers are C D. Cunningham. Dr. E. L. Kniskern. Mrs. Edward Bowers, Mrs. Susan Crutten den and William Bar. Mr. Bar was elected president, Mr. Cunningham treasurer and Mrs. Bowers secretary. Company Will Quit Astoria. ASTORIA, Or., Feb. ll.-Opecial.) Cap tain Abercromble received instructions last night from Adjutant-General Finser to pack the balance of tho equipment belonging to First Company, Coast Ar tillery Corps, and ship it to the Oregon National Guard headquarters at once. No notice has been received as to when an officer will arrive to muster the com pany out of service. Zeppelin to Build New Airship. BERLIN, Feb. 11. The German War Office ho shown its continued confi dence in Count Zeppel'n's inventive and constructive ability by ordering from him another dirigible balloon for use in the army. The projected airship w ill be smaller than the Deutschland, which came to grief In Teutoberg Forest last June, but the motors and tho power will be the same. Four of Zeppelin's airships liave met with d'saster. Fire Threatens Mill. BELLINGHAM. Wash., Feb. II. A special to the Herald from AnacorH-s. Wash.. 15 miles south of this city, says that for two hours last night the im mense milling plant of the Anacortes Box & Lumber Company, a subsidiary concern of the Swift Packing Company, Chicago, was in danger of destruction by tire. The names were confined to the re-saw mill and the loss to $35,(uu, well covered by insurance. Captain Sails for Manila. ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) Cup tain Frederick Vollstadt, who was mus ter of the steamer North- King on her trip to Alaska last season, will leavp on the steamer Beaver tonight for San Fran cisco and will sail from that port Wed nesday morning on the steamer Siberia for Manila, where he has accepted a po sition with the Government in the toast guard service. Chehalls Church Wipes Out Deht. CHEHALIS, Wash., Feb. 11. (Special.) Last evening at the home of W. M. Urquhart the ladles of Westminster Presbyterian Church of this city ten dered a banquet to the men of the con gregation. Later at a business meeting held the Indebtedness of the church was wiped out by subscriptions aggregating $2300. Convicts Taken to Rock Crusher. CHEHALIS, Wash., Feb. 1L (Special. Fifteen more convicts arrived here yes terday en route to the state rock quarry at Meskill. It is stated that there ara now 52 men at Meskill. This state quarry is the most successful of any that Wash ington has undertaken to operate. Robber Sent to Walla Walla. 1 CHEHALIS. Wash., Feb. li (Special. Defeated in the Supreme Court bolls, on his appeal and at a rehearing. C. A Laws, who was convicted in the Lewis County Buperlor Court of robbery, was last night taken to Walla Walla ponl tentiary to serve from two to 15 year.' for robbery. ' ' . One of the best of com mentaries on the quali ties of bitulithic streets has just arrived from New York, as follows: "The fire departments usually exercise their horses on bitulithic pavements." XKAVKl.KKT CHD8. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC- Winter Scbednle Effective October 80, 1U10. STEAMSHIPS: 'Prince Rupert' and 'Prince Georos' FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connecting at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. Daylight Ride to Victoria LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH., every Sunday at 2:00 P. M., northbound. LEAVE VANCOUVER. B. C. every Monday ot 11:00 P. M-. north bound; every Saturday at 2:00 P. M. southbouud. MEALS AXD BERTH INCT.rDED JVOHTH OK VANCOUVER. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Loral Railway Ticket Agents, or J. II. llurglx, Grn'l Agent, Flint Ave. and Yesler Way, Seattle, Wah. rsto EUROPE Moderate Cost. Bt Management MediterranMm north cap Coronation Many Other. BOOKLETS READY. . The Pilgrim Tours, Boa ton. Muss. RAYMOND WUITCOMB CO.. Agents. New York. Lo AngelM. Boston. San Francisco. O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Konte. STEAMER MAKYKST QCEKV. Leaves Portland dully oent Saturday at 2 00 P M Makes all way landings. Arrives it Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Laavss Astoria dallv except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrive Portland at 6:00 P. M. Make, direct con nection with steamer Nahcptta for Meler. Ilwaco. Long- Beach and all points on the liwaco rlvlslon- L Str. "ANVIL" For Tillamook, Newport, Florence and5 Bandon, with passenger and freight, sails from Albers Dock. No. 3, teb. 14, 5 p. M. Freight received up to noon, for Bandon and Florence, and up to 2 p. id. for Tillamook and Newport. Phones Main 151, A 190-'. Ticket Office 128 3d St. Phone Main flL'4 COOS BAY LINE FTEAMtK BKEAK WATER satis fronl Alaska dock. Portland, 8 P. M. Dee. 18, 30. ; Jan. 8. 10, 17. 81. o- 1. 1- 2L 2S " every Tuesday nlgbt thereafter during tarn Winter. Freight received at Alaska Dock ntll 8 P. M. daily. Passencer fare first class, S10; second-alasa. 87. Including meal and berth. Tickets on snle at Ainswerta) VfCk. i'uonss Mala 268. 1284: