The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 12, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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See Stirring Details of the Second Week of Oar Great February Homefurnishing Sales on Page 5, Society Sec. Be Here Tomorrow!
Entries in Girls' Aviation Story Contest Extended to Feb. 15th All Girls 17 Years and Under Eligible $ 1 00 in Prizes, 1st Prize $30
Specials on Watch Repairing
first floor, new bulding.
WK A RE equipped to do first-class Watch Repairing
at money-saving prices. AJI work thoroughly
guaranteed. Those special prices for the coming week:
Watch Crystals, special 12
Main Springs, special at CDC
Watch Cleaning, special 9S?
Above Prices apply on all grades of Watches.
a Maa "i?ilFjmmmmimiiumii mim 'aT rtVi ' aaaaMafciaa I ' ' 11 I w a III mi ' I
Elizabeth Koett"-Ne w-$ 120
UlLIZABETH KOETT" is a new novel translated
from the German by the well-known writer, R. II.
Bartsch. On sale in our Book Department g - on
tomorrow at tins very low price, per copy J. tiJ
"The Magnet,' by Henry C. Rowland, published serially
in Saturday Evening Post as "The Pilot Fish," $1.25
"The Trail of '98," by Robert W. Service, here $1.30
of the Great -6th Annual Fere F
Grand Concert at 2 P. M. by
The Heilig Theater Orchestra
II KG INNING at 2 oYIook tomorrow after
noon. Rosebrook's well-know.n Heilig
Theater Orchestra will render a grand concert.
Na. I. 'W.rra. T tlaaa'l.-aa"
i Walt. 'Ittmr
Nay. a t rmmt "tkt M.rraa
at kin, fa H-t .lt la. Girl.
at Ta. I'kMspkm.
Nav. 4 rt trmwm -Mttr Mlar"
X llrvaaa Data (
l litl. l-ilf af !iawkr
'laia" llawrtafe NlfMl
aw T lrtk Kraa -l,r mt Jmrnr"
- -a,al faraa"
... liall
. . . Ilrailar.
. Do alt.
.N. D. M.aa
.... Mrairr
WE'VE planned extra attractions for the last six days of this great 6th Annual Pure Food Fair,
which should bring even bigger crowds than before!
Every afternoon this week at 2 o'clock, the well-known Rosebrook's Heitig Theater Orchestra will
render a concert at the Food Fair. Be sure to come, whether here before or not. Below is a list of the
exhibitors. It includes famous'Pure Food Products from every part of the United States.
No. 1 Mt. Hv4 Poap Co.
o. ? "Wear Kvr" Alumnlum Co.
.Ni J M. f. Hart!. Photocraphar.
Nx 4 ftlir Htump Oranftt.
N i S-andard Oil Co.
No. M. J. Brandrnpt.ln Co.
.No. T Armour Co.. Baaf Extract
No. W fr .-nt M4Plin.
No. R. lortr-Northup aY titura;a.
No. I a-l-hman Co.. Teaat.
No. 11 rrjatal Hie.
N'.v 13 Haaa Hlno. Japaneaa Art.
No. 13'.y Iwn Co0.
No. 14 HollT Milk.
No. II tVaatlnahouaa Elactrlc Co.
No. It a Baby Food.
No. 7 Royal Banquet CoTT.
No. is Kaola cocoanut Product Cm.
No. 1 I.laa Pancake Flour.
No. St Wah c)an Powd.r.
No. r; i;ft Punut on.
No. ?J Hood River Appla Cldar.
No. 4 l'acrt- Coaat Hlscult Co.
No. Ii L'ntversat llouaahold Spaclal
tla. No. ? Shlnon Po!lah.
No. i7 Mr. Portr a alad Drraaln.
No. I Yrlohan Milk.
No. ;a CofTman's Candida.
No. 1 R-il Klbbon Brand Product.
No. 21 Mn. C. a Flir Puddln.
No. 32 Uurnhain'a Jeliyeuu.
No. IS Victor Plckla.
No. 14 Hickory Bark.
No. iS Oordon & Pllworth Cair
Foot JIly.
.No. 36 lurtla Broa.' Blue Label Cat-
No. J7 Horal BinQu.t Butter.
No. 1ft Monopole Canned Gooda.
No. 19 Oault'a Blue Klbbon Tea.
No. 40 Olympla Brand Producta.
No. 41 8. W. Brand Canned Gooda.
No. 4J and 43 Denendabla Brand
Tea and Coffee.
No. 44 Franco-American goupa.
No. 4Z German-American Coffee Co.
No. 44 Anker' a Bouillon Capaulea.
No. 47 and S Golden Weat Tea and
No. 50 Lownefs Chocolate. t
No. il Supreme Brand Smoked Meata
No. t: Rex Shoe Oil.
No. &3 Monarch Flour.
No. 54 Kellog-a;' Corn Flakes.
No. S5 Del Monte Canned Goods.
No. t Swift A Co.. Coco buet.
No. S7 Crcacent Baking Powder.
No. 6 Union Meat Co., Columbia
No. 5 Quaker Oata Co.
No. 60 Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co.
No. (2 20th Century Cook Book.
New Spring TaiFred Suits
NEARLY every express brings additions to
ftr women and misses.
I'lam. iaultlessly tailored models with smart,
'$ty mannish Coats of the 26 and 28-mch lengths.
iin-K. u.u iuiuc uuu iiuiiucu ciiecis.
And handsome Xoveltv Suits with l.irce re vers
i - - - - . 1-
and collars, smartly trimmed in satin bands and
strappings, braids and fancy buttons. Mate
rials include Homespuns, Tweeds, Serges, Chif
fon Broadcloths and fancy "Worsteds. Beautiful
new light grays, tans, (TO C f tf
lrowns, greens. Prices. P LJ y J
And New Spring Dresses exclusive styles are reflected in this advance
showing of the new Spring Dresses. Charming, new
mfxlels in satins, silk foulards, chiffons and pongees.
Waists show the kimono and regulation sleeves, finished
with lace yokes and nnder-sleeves. Dozens of beautiful
patterns and colorings stripes, polka dots, checks aud
solid colors. Good values at A., fl O C
the following range of prices 3)aiJ LO )0a
Wondrous Beauty and Scope
in New Spring Wash Goods
; l i ;
WHAT wonderful possibilities for charming new
costumes there are in those thousands upon thou
sands of yards of Spring Cottons! Never was the selec
tion more unrestrained, never the colors more beauti
ful, or patterns prettier!
Shimmering, silky fabrics to interest the debutante ; crisp Linens
for the Athletic Girls, charming zephyrs for the school miss
but you must see to gain the merest idea of the wonder of the
assortments. Come tomorrow!
Voiles, soft filmy materials,
in a marvelous range of colors.
Beautiful floral patterns,
shadow effects, and QA
dots. 27 inches wide. JjC
Crepes, with embroidered de
sign, enhanced by the daintiest
possible pebble background.
Every wanted shade, f p
27 inches wide. Yard ODC
Silk and Cotton Poplin (new
this season) in handsome woven
effects dots, floral patterns,
etc. Great assortment of pat
terns. 27 inches wide. Tfj
Priced only, the yard DC
New Irish Dimities, in an
amazingly pretty variety of
new patterns. Tinted or white
background, in beautifully
blended colorings. 31 ng
inches wide. Price, yd, OC
Wm. Anderson Zephyrs, 500
patterns, including every con
ceivable color comb i n a t i o n.
Fine woven fabric, 32 ry r
inches wide. Priced at awOC
Jaconettes, in new eyelet and
embroidered patterns a mate
rial which promises to be the
most popular of all. 32 inches
wide. Priced at only $1.50
Exau;site. New Sarins Dress
Trim'ings, Just From France
OMA out of the Custom House Satur
day, exquisite new Dress Trimmings
which reflect all the beauty and distinctive
ness for which France is famous.
Handsome new Headed Hands looks like every
thing is finished in beads this season in beautiful
panel effects of coral, poppy and the new flame
red. tAlso new black and white In- (J 1 f ff
dian Headed Hands. Prices $6.') to D X T"vlU
New Chiffon Voiles at, the Yard, $1.00
Our Dress Goh1s Store is brinuninir with new
weaves and patterns for Spring. Kor tomorrow a
special showiuff of 43-inch Chiffon Voiles in hand
some Jacttiarded stripe design. Latest shades of
apricot, gray, tau, navy,. Atlnnti
blue, rvscda, p.Min. rus maiz. Yard u) XvlLI
25 New Styles in Women's
Spring Waists $ 1 .50 Each
XLY. $1.50, how can they
be made to sell so low?
we can hear women exclaiming now
when they, see these beautiful, new
Waists we're showing at the price to
morrow !
New Lingerie and Tailored "Waists in
white and colors. Pin dots, stripes,
crossbars and checks. One particularly
pretty, new style similar to illustration.
Made of fine blue chambray with round
Dutch neck and tic of self material.
And 24 other new models tf Cf
at the one price of only u) A0
St. Valentine's Only 2 Days Away
OpflK liig Store's Main Aisle teems with the spirit of St. Valen-
tine's, only 4 hours distant. The prettiest loving remem
orances. widest assortments and lowest prices are here. Kasj and
convenient choosing, ionic tomorrow?
Hearts, small designs, embossed on
prettily tinted plaques. Also large
affairs with parchment paper trim
mines and lace edges. Priced at 10c
to $2.
Hand-Tinted Plaques with appropriate
inscriptions aud pretty designs.
Irieed 60c.
Valentina Booklets of rough or parch
ment paper with pretty cover designs
and appropriate verses within.
Priced at 10c to $2.
in every possible conception,
larsre, alone or with other fig
ure. Priced at 10c to $2.
Sacheted Hind-Tinted Valentines with
extjuisitely colored floral desiens.
also popular studies in girls. Priced
at 12c. 15c, 20c and 25c
Tusne Paper Novelties in every kiud.
Iriced at 10c, 60c and $1.
Comic Valentines, embracing every
well-known character. Suitable
vers- on each. Priced at lc to 10c.
Spring Models in Warner Corsets
A LL r rench women recognize that a
woman's dress success is not a matter of
chance. They put much thought into the sub
ject and the first thing insisted upon is a good
Corset. It is the secret of perfect-fitting gowns
The famous Warner Rustproof Corsets are sold
principally in Portland at Meier & Frank's. All the
new Spring models ready tomorrow.
Warner Model No. 264 as illustrated. New; me
dium high-bust and long-hip style, made J A ff
of fine imported eoutil. Priced at only IDt'ULI'
Warner Model No. 614 Medium long model with
gore of elastic in the extension below bon- J tr f
inf. giriug absolute comfort to wearer. uJaWaiD vl
Warner Model No. 613 A style designed for the
short, stout figure. Made of fine coutil. T rf
Splendid lines. Price on this model tfoamiaOLJ
New Rcdfern -Corset Model No. 7070, made of fine
imported batiste with high brawier top d'
and long hips. Supporters front and sides 30vli
4 ,T .
Announcement of the Prize
Winning Booths at Food Fair
THE committee of well-known local archi
tects, acting as judges of the booths at
our Great Pure Food Fair, made these selec
tions :
First Prize, Booth 42 Dwight-Edwards Company, De
pendable Brand.
Second Prize, Booth 46 Royal Specialty Company,
Anker s Bouillon Capsules.
Third Prize, Booth 50 Lowney's Chocolates.
Fonrth Prize, Booth 54 Kellogg's Corn Flakes
First Showing Millinery
TVJEVER before have our early showings of
Millinery contained such large assortments,
such beautiful authoritative .styles, such dash
and chic as those ready in the Salons tomorrow.
Smart tailored styles for immediate wear.
Small Hats seem to predominate lovely all
flower trimmings. Tyroleans, Napoleon Shapes,
Broad Sailors and the new Pierrot Shape with
high peaked crown and rolling brim.
Celebrated Fisk, Gage, Hyland,
Castle, Burgesser, Phipps and
other makes which stand for the
utmost of style and of quality.
The materials include fine Milans, hemps, fancy braids,
jumbo straws, iridescent straws and delightful monotones.
The favorite effect seems to be the White Milan with
black velvet trimming.
At $10 we have a splendid selection and the others range
in easy price-steps from $10.50 to $35. ' An excellent line
of Tailored Turbans at $4.50 to $10.
800 Pairs of Women's Best
$3.00 Shoes, Only $1.89
WOMEN with Shoe-needs to fill
can't afford to miss this big
money saving opportunity tomorrow.
Around 800 pairs of our best $3
grades, including stylish, new button
and lace styles in patent, gunmetal,
vici kid and a few Russia and Ox
blood calf leathers. New7 short
vamp effects high slant tops welt
and turn soles. Not all sizes in
any one style, but'ffjfl f
all sizes in the lot as Tfo laTj z&
a whole. Tomorrow,
The February "Baby Week"
News of Splendid Savings
A Showing of New Spring Laces
piIE opportunity which all Portland
mothers have learned to wait for
"Baby "Week" when every article the
wee ones needs may be had at worth-while
reductions. Just a suggestion of the
savings which will be in force all week:
Infants' Dresses $1.49
Soft, dainty little Dresses of fine
nainsook with round or square yokes
trimmed in pretty lace, embroideries,
tucks and insertions.
Infants' $2.00 Dresses, special $1.49
Infants' $1.35 Dresses, special 93
Infants' 75c Dresses, special at 59
Mlnfants' Skirts $1.49
Made of soft white cambric and
nainsook with cambric waists. Daintily
trimmed in lace, embroidery and
tucks. Our best $2 to
Infants' $2.50 White Flannel
Skirts with strong cambric yoke.
Finished with a silk embroidered,
scalloped or . f aney f QQ
hemstitched edge at d)li0
Infants' 65c to 75c Wrappers
of fine white outing flannel,
trimmed in cambric embroidery or
with fancy silk crocheted A Q
edges. Special price each "TcC
grades, special at
Infants' 15c Quilted Bibs, amp
ly large, neatly finished. Made of
fine, soft muslin. Special for f
February Baby "Week, eachiC
Infants' $3.50 to $4 Tufted
Comforters, made of pretty fig
ured mulls in popular patterns.
Warm and comfort- O QQ
able. Special, each aWatO
NOTHING prettier shown in display. of new Spring merchandise
than the wondrously intricate and beautifully-worked designs
of the American-made Elyria Laces.
Duble-thread Lace Edges, to 24 inches wide, with insertions to match in
scores of new patterns. Because it was not necessary to pay the heavy import
duties laid on all imported grades, it is possible to sell Elyria Laces at these
wonderfully low prices.
Elyria Laces, equal to 8c and 10c Foreijn Laces, on sale here at only, yard 5
Elyria Laces, equal to 15c and 18c Foreigin Laces, on. sale here at only, yd 10
To'$3.00 Flouncing at 98c Yard
Fine, sheer Swiss Flouncings, ever
present on the pictured lingerie gowns
Spring fashion magazines are showing.
Exquisite patterns in eyelet and imita
tion hand -made effect. 27QQ
inches wide. $1.50 to $3 grades Z70C
Rain-Proof Chiffon at $1.25 Yard
The latest arrival, "Storm Queen"
Rainproof Chiffon a beautiful, filmy
fabric, which will retain its freshness
and beauty when wet by rain. Comes
42 inches wide, in all rf OC
wanted shades. Price, yd. 2) X aaaCO
The Lovely Nsw Spring Neckwear
WHAT a subtle charm dainty .Neck
wear has for all womankind! And
delightfully new ajid different are these
first arrivals just out of their tissue
naner wraDDinsrs.
Included are the new embroidered!
Trouville Collars, which all styledom is!
talking about. Priced' 25c to 75c. Also
the famous Millar's imported Neckwear
and Hair Ornaments of gold braid, silk
and velvet in the real Parisian 7C
styles. Prices range $3 down to
New Spring Gloves
Just received, the first Spring shipments of new Perrin's Kid Gloves. Short
and lone stvles in every demanded shade. $1.50 to $5.50. New Kavser Silk
Gloves in long and short styles, 50c to $4 a pair.
The Whole Style-World Says
"Silk Foulards for Spring"
ONE of America's most authoritative
style journals says, "Foulards are des
tined for the greatest popularity in their history
this coming Spring and Summer." And Ave be
lieve our Silk Store's showing of Foulards is as
large as all others in Portland combined.
They are the Famous -Cheney Bros.,
Showerproof Foulards, in over 25 love
ly new patterns and an array of new
shades to challenge the rainbow hues.
Xew coin spots, rings, dots, florals, exquisite
shadow and veiled effects in new blues, greens, tans,
reds, purple, lavender, helio, etc. Priced at, yard,
$1 and $1.25.